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Sat, 09-08-2007, 12:03 AM
My phone is ok!!!

I waited 2 days to let my phone dry off, keeping it under a lamp to let the water evaporate. I also was lucky enough to have a packet of silica gels (because I just bought a new bass amp, and hadn't thrown the box away yet), so I put them with the phone inside a ziplock bag. I'm recharging the battery now.

Basically what I'm saying is, if any of you do a dumbass thing like leaving a phone in the washing machine like I did, that site I found has some pretty good tips. In general, just remember to act quickly and remove the battery before anything else.
That's great to hear. I remember when we had a terrible rainstorm a few years ago and water leaked into the basement and on top of our television. I immediately unplugged it, cleaned up the water on the top and put a small container for whatever else made it through. I left the television unplugged for 1 or 2 weeks then plugged it back in and turned it on and it worked! Strangely enough we have never had another leak. :confused:

Sat, 09-08-2007, 04:33 AM
My new roommate locked me out of the apartment. It's 4:00 am and his ass is asleep while I'm in the main office's computer lab.

At least he gets up early. That means I only have to wait 4 hours.

Edit/Update: It's 7:50 now. I'm in my room. Goodnight.

Mon, 09-10-2007, 06:58 AM
I hate the 9 to 5 scene.

Mon, 09-10-2007, 08:16 PM
I'm back in school and I HATE how full it is...50 student capacity and there are 49 people in it. There is no goddamned room in any of the classes. And since we had to pick a section which is consisent in all the core courses, I have to see the same people EVERY SINGLE DAY. Also, I see there is a group of asshats in my classes who were in my classes last term and every one of them are back again. On top of which, one of them, probably the one I hate the most, is in my randomly-picked group for Marketing. Hoo-fucking-ray.

EDIT: rant rant rant...

Mon, 09-10-2007, 09:24 PM
I sympathize. There's a big over enrollment problem at my school. People just whine to the right people about how they desperately need a class to graduate (this is why I'm in my 9th semester of college. If I can do it, they can do it). Eventually, someone caves, and then you've got 55 people in a class that was meant for 40.

Thankfully, it wouldn't have mattered if there had only been 16 in the class. We've been more or less told outright we'll have to teach ourselves. Business as usual in engineering.

If you want to see other people, take classes in other majors as electives. That's why I take Literature classes. A broader education is not only a pleasant break from the tedium, it also looks nice on resumes.

I'm tired of not getting any breaks at work. By law, every 4 hours, you're supposed to get a 15 minute paid break. Only I can never fucking take it because no one is capable of covering for me. There's either (a) no one around, (b) people who legally can't work my counter, or (c) I've got too many things to do where only I know the procedures and have the training for. I just add the missed time to my timesheets, but it wears down on you after several days in a row.

Then when I get home, I'm too worn out to start on any of my homework for college.

Tue, 09-11-2007, 12:53 PM
current bitch...

The reason I interviewed for the job Im working at now is because the posting was for a "PC Technician" simple enough. What did I do today at work? well, I tried hard not to fall asleep. I made/edited a pretty cool looking menu bar for the comanies web site which needs to be completely redone... omfg it just seems like such an impossible task when i barely know html and there are so many other factors that go into the web site that include VP's wanting the web site to mimic one of their compeditors. So even if i could put endless hours into creating a brand new web site for them... one of the VPs might see it and think it is trash and then I'd have to start all over.

also, Nubs negative repping my posts with comments such as "no shit? DUH" it just reminds me that it is an all ages thread and that i could very well be dealing with angsty 13 year olds.

Tue, 09-11-2007, 09:48 PM
Ryllharu, I have no room or time for any more electives right now as my schedule is filled with 4 core courses (Finance 1, Operations 1, Human Resources, and Marketing) and my 1 elective is Intermediate Accounting 1. This is going to be a FUN term, hahahaha.

And you don't have to tell me about engineering, I was in Chem Eng for 2 years (well, 4 when you include having to repeat the first term after fucking off and not quite making it to the second and the bullshit co-op terms).

Board of Command
Tue, 09-11-2007, 11:25 PM
Since last Friday, I had to benchmark some ATI mobile engineering samples on a Santa Rosa platform. The card they gave me (mobile version of HD2600) was a piece of unstable shit and crashes 3DMark06 4 times out of 5. It always crashed on either the Complex Vertex Shader test or the Particle test. So basically, if it crashes, then I just wasted 12 minutes since those are the last couple tests. That doesn't sound like much, but it adds up really fast when you need to run it so many times just to get one set of data, and then need to run it again for different configurations.

I emailed the person who asked me to run these benchmarks today and explained the situation. Turned out she didn't really need the feature tests. I only ran them because the guy who had my job previously did those tests.

So I basically wasted nearly 2 days watching the computer crash over and over. I understand that it's an engineering sample I'm playing with, but they, too, go through QA. I don't know how this piece of garbage ever ended up in my hands.

Wed, 09-12-2007, 01:31 AM
Family in general. 'Nuff said.

Wed, 09-12-2007, 12:32 PM
Currently, I have very little to bitch about... then again, I don't bitch about much.

But mainly, this past week, I slept in and missed a day of school. Allright, now five hours after I find this out, my father comes home and pretty much says, "Give me your PSP, your Computer, and your Playstation."

I'm wondering: how the fuck are you going to be that irrational over ONE DAY OF SCHOOL?! And one more thing, I don't have a single clue as to WHEN I'm getting these things back.

Wed, 09-12-2007, 12:52 PM
And one more thing, I don't have a single clue as to WHEN I'm getting these things back.

When he's played through all your games? Depending on how much he sucks at games, don't hold your breath.

Fri, 09-14-2007, 02:30 PM
When he's played through all your games? Depending on how much he sucks at games, don't hold your breath.
I dont know if this belongs here or the relationship thread but FUCK....this chick ive been hanging out with, who says she's attracted to me, and talks about me to her friends and so on and so forth, out of the blue says she has a mystery boyfriend in mexico city of all places (BUT WE BOTH LIVE IN KOREA< WTFFFFF), who is coming here soon, that she never mentioned before...ever. Now, i have nothing against the mexicans (dont be mad ryougazell, Bud, Wingeddancer...) But come on...that came out of nowhere. And the whole reason she got an apartment, and has been so busy is because of this...person. I swear, im through with these duplicitous minxes screw korean women!!1

Fri, 09-14-2007, 03:00 PM
Bud is Mexican?

Edit: And why did you quote Kraco? Your post had nothing to do with what he said.

Fri, 09-14-2007, 07:53 PM
Umm...I was drunk too...:confused:

Fri, 09-14-2007, 08:08 PM
Hate debugging shitty outsourced code written in a shitty opensource language.

Board of Command
Fri, 09-14-2007, 10:23 PM
Bud is Mexican?
There's another piece to the puzzle that is "Budweineken"...

Sat, 09-15-2007, 12:49 AM
/me stirs up mystery OHOHOHOHOHOHO!!!

Sun, 09-16-2007, 09:47 AM
todays bitching...

i'm taking this class that is all day on sunday, 9-4. There are only 2 other people in this class one of which is not here today. This other guy in my class... he will not stfu.

he keeps asking questions about anything and everything not even related to our class... its mostly a self paced class, and if i knew i was going to hear him waste 45 minutes of the class asking bullshit questions over and over with the understanding of a 12 year old... i would just stay home.

fast forward... hmmmm 8 hours! i am still here! stuck working now.

Current bitch? adobe is on my shit list. While installing CS3 web premiere on 15 computers in this lab i am responsible for, acrobat failed to install on 10 of them. so today i was going to re install it but the mapped network drive w\ the installation isn't there and i dont have access to that. Next best thing, a friend of mine burns me 8 dvd copies of cs3 of which none work... why?

in order to install anything you have to use the original install source.... which i dont have. even worse? i'm trying to uninstall so that i can just re start but the uninstall has been going for over an hour now and the progress bar is like... half an inch... OMFG!

Thu, 09-20-2007, 03:24 PM
Apparently a death in the family is not a good enough excuse to reschedule a test. No you have to be there to take it or your shit out of luck. Also if you miss a special assembly because you are not dressed properly is a better excuse than a death in the family and they can get credit for being there while i get points taken away for a legit excuse. Well I guess this is a welcome to college, they don't give a shit.

Thu, 09-20-2007, 08:57 PM
That's unreasonable. My university, excepting a few choice professors [read: assholes], accepts funerals as one of the very few excuses for missing an exam. For illness, you need signed doctor's note that you were gravely ill or otherwise in the hospital. I've taken a couple exams with a ~100°F fever.

There's no excuses accepted for Finals Week though. You reschedule them only if you have like 4 in one day.

Then again, this is a school that builds 100 million dollar training facilities for a football team that still doesn't do that well, and refuses to build more dorms for the regular student body. I guess our exam policy is pretty lenient in comparison to that.

Fri, 09-21-2007, 01:42 AM
I pulled the funeral angle on a professor once, who was going to penalize me for missing an assignment. He gave in and let me slide.

From that point onward, however, I noticed a significant decrease in my performance on all his subjective exams.

So basically, you need to evaluate your leverage before playing that card.

Sun, 09-23-2007, 07:00 PM
A wasp decided to play ninja on me today... and stung me in the neck on my work break. I had no idea it was there and made no movements :P

Mon, 09-24-2007, 02:20 AM
I hate wasps with passion. Probably because years and years ago one of those ninja wasps had crawled into my bed to lay there in order to ambush me in the evening. And its foul plan succeeded perfectly for it stung me when I went to sleep, unsuspecting.

Tue, 09-25-2007, 12:46 AM
I have a smallish nest of european hornets in the wall void of my house.

So far they've been territorial but not aggressive per se (they'll buzz around and let you know they're there if you're hanging around within 10 feet or so of the entrance, but they haven't stung anyone yet). So I guess I'm not really going to bitch about it. But I am going to pump the crevice they're coming and going from full of foaming wasp killer around the first freeze, and then fill in the gap with something or another. Probably expanding foam and some caulk.

Tue, 09-25-2007, 03:07 AM
I hate wasps with passion. Probably because years and years ago one of those ninja wasps had crawled into my bed to lay there in order to ambush me in the evening. And its foul plan succeeded perfectly for it stung me when I went to sleep, unsuspecting.

Well it could have been worse... (http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/news/article-23412275-details/Unsuspecting+couple+slept+entire+night+with+wasp+n est+under+pillow/article.do)

Tue, 09-25-2007, 03:23 AM
That would have been madness!

The wasp nest was between the roof and the inner ceiling of the building. A wooden outbuilding at our family's summer cottage. There are wasps there nesting every summer and inevitably some get in every year through some crevice.

Tue, 09-25-2007, 12:07 PM
Well it could have been worse... (http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/news/article-23412275-details/Unsuspecting+couple+slept+entire+night+with+wasp+n est+under+pillow/article.do)

Ouch, that looks like a nasty snuggle buddy. Worst I have done is playing hide and seek I walked right into a bed of those and hit a bees nest at the same time.... it wasn't fun.

Tue, 09-25-2007, 03:19 PM
jeez, quit yer bitchin!

Board of Command
Tue, 09-25-2007, 07:57 PM
I just started doing the laundry and wow...I can't even begin to imagine what my roommate washed in there yesterday. I opened the lid and holy shit...it smelled like dead bodies in there.

Wed, 09-26-2007, 07:17 AM
A wasp decided to play ninja on me today... and stung me in the neck on my work break. I had no idea it was there and made no movements :P
I just hate those White anglo saxons :(
Anyway, my current gripe is that my lub life is getting in the way of my studies. I still haven't found the proper balance of seeing my gf and skipping classes. I hope I get it under control before I fuck up this semester like so many previous ones.

Wed, 09-26-2007, 05:32 PM
god damnit.....
so irritated....

I get jira tickets, emails, skype messages, and voicemail messages every day about various bugs and issues. Can't they just stick to ONE MEDIUM?? Of course, it figures that the one they feel like contacting me with at any given point in time is the one that I'm not looking at, so I don't catch them until half the day has gone by.

The only thing more annoying is that every single bug/issue they send me are the same damns one they've sent me 3 other times previously.....the ones I've already resolved over a week ago. How inefficient is that??

Wed, 09-26-2007, 09:25 PM
"And here's something else, Bob: I have eight different bosses right now."
"I beg your pardon?"
"Eight bosses."
"Eight, Bob. So that means that when I make a mistake, I have eight different people coming by to tell me about it."

What always made this quote great was that in almost any workplace, this is true. It happens to everyone with at least one job they've had. If you haven't experienced the joy of redundancy, you will.

My car is having serious electrical issues. The headlights keep burning out (so far thankfully one at a time), my high-beams dashboard light is on whenever I turn the lights on at all, including parking lights, and sometimes I can get the high-beams stuck on (flipping the switch a few more times takes care of that). I'm sure the problem at least starts with the switch in my driving column, but there's no way I can get to a garage by the time I have to work tomorrow night. I'm gonna be in really deep shit if my other headlight burns out while I'm driving home.

Wed, 09-26-2007, 10:00 PM
My old workplace apparently moved the server rack again, and so now there's no gotwoot irc because they didn't get everything plugged back in and turned back on.

Also, my new workplace's email is Lotus Notes, and the people who manage it aren't willing to enable IMAP under any circumstances, and also aren't willing to give us the information to download a linux native client. As a unix/linux sysadmin, being stuck with an old version of Notes running in a hacked-up version of wine just to read my damned email.

Thu, 09-27-2007, 11:24 PM
todays bitching... first off, i'm sick and have had a headache going on 4+ days now that wont go away.

anyhow, the real bitching. I'm having a good night out with my girlfriend, dinner, good movie. and we're leaving the movie good vibes going. When i hear 'there he is' and kinda see a couple people above ( in a mall ) and this guy is all like ' you got a problem? ' i ignored and kept walking although this event would bug me for the next hour or so. Did i have a problem with the guy? no... i may have glanced at him... you know, but so did every single person who walks past him since he is a 300 pound hispanic guy with a green mohawk and alot of tattoos wearing some ratty clothes.

so, no... i did not have a problem with him but it just makes me wonder how ignorant somebody could be to know that they look like that and expect people to not look at them.... he may as well have been walking around like an african bushman with a 12'' dinner plate in his lip.... jesus christ. Ignorant people like this just make me angry.

Board of Command
Mon, 10-01-2007, 09:58 PM
I just got banned from Pantless Clan's CS:S server. I have no idea why. One minute I was playing, next minute I'm banned. I wasn't even doing ridiculously well or anything. I think I was around 25-6 when I got banned.

Tue, 10-02-2007, 05:59 AM
Odex (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Odex), a company that licenses and releases anime is accused of copying (http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2007-09-28/singapore's-odex-subs-haruhi-with-similar-text-to-fansub) from a.f.k's subs for The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya.

Damnit those people sue downloaders for downloading licensed anime, and then take subs from a fan group and sell it to people?! This is pissing off lots of Singaporeans. :mad:

Tue, 10-02-2007, 06:35 AM
Currently: Easy Web Design work.

I'm tired of the redundancy brought down upon me by a Web I teacher who knows less than I and teaches OUT OF A BOOK. The projects are so ridiculously easy, and the codes are simple enough a two-year-old with enough sense could use them. I've said this before in the "Today I Learned..." thread, but yes, I'll say it again. I know more HTML than over 99% of the population of this retard-ridden haven for insane and stupid people. I hate it. I NEED a challenge. Give me something that I don't know, and have to look up.

Instead, I gave myself a challenge. That I still haven't figured out. Which is good, 'cause this teacher isn't going to help me. You know how he checks our work? Dreamweaver MX. You know, the program that, instead of telling you how to fix your code, just yells at you "YOU'RE WRONG!". Anyway, the challenge I gave myself is to create or find a simple login/password field that would link into a members-only portion of a site. Similar to that of a forum, but different (yeah yeah, I know).

So, in closing, please, someone, kill this teacher and take over. I'd gladly take Complich over this guy (and yes, that is a compliment, Complich).

Tue, 10-02-2007, 08:35 AM
Odex (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Odex), a company that licenses and releases anime is accused of copying (http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2007-09-28/singapore's-odex-subs-haruhi-with-similar-text-to-fansub) from a.f.k's subs for The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya.

Hmm... There didn't seem to be too much evidence (yet). Those two shots somebody posted in the thread might have been coincidental. Although of course if almost every line in the episode matched that well, then it would leave little doubt. However, with only two screenshots I wouldn't make hasty judgements.

Tue, 10-02-2007, 09:21 AM
Hmm... There didn't seem to be too much evidence (yet). Those two shots somebody posted in the thread might have been coincidental. Although of course if almost every line in the episode matched that well, then it would leave little doubt. However, with only two screenshots I wouldn't make hasty judgements.

Well, they've yet to comment on this issue yet, but they don't exactly have a clean record. The CEO admitted that some of their part-time translators took fan-subs and passed them off as their own work back in 2004.

Some more shots (http://digigatou.wordpress.com/2007/09/29/more-shots-of-odexs-haruhi/)

And I quote a user from another forum (http://www.odex.com.sg/forums/viewtopic.php?t=214&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=60&sid=967bb3e7680d39b57ee4123111d4e04b):

If you REALLY want to confirm 99% certain that Odex is copying AFK, look for this ONE particular line in episode two, highlighted for convenience:

Haruhi: A lolita face with big breasts. This is an important element of turning people on!
Kyon: News to me.

What Kyon actually said was "Shiran", short for "shiranai" meaning he doesn't know that, but AFK translated the line as "News to me", americanised alright.

So if Odex uses this line, it's pretty much guaranteed that they're using AFK's subs. Why not 100%? Because you have to look for at least one or two more unique lines to hammer the final nail in the coffin.

Tue, 10-02-2007, 09:49 AM
Given the unique way that translators and their editing teams produce translational differences (even with much simpler Japanese), I find the evidence even from those two shots to be fairly overwhelming. Not only that, Odex has done this before with Nanoha using Triad's subs, and been forced to publicly apologize for it.

Tue, 10-02-2007, 10:33 AM
Yeah. A while back I read that they indeed do have a record of stealing from fansubbers. And they already had back then a lame excuse as well in their hip pockets, just in case they get caught.

It would be funny situation, though, if they really used fansubs. Illegal TV transmissions and possibly DVDs by a legit (on paper) company. Well, on the other hand they have no reputation they could lose so in that sense it makes little difference.

Tue, 10-02-2007, 10:43 AM
In a few hours time, Odex and representatives of four Japanese studios, including TV Tokyo and Toei Animation, will be in court to tesitfy for their appeal for one of the ISPs to reveal illegal downloaders' information.

As bad as Odex's reputation is, if they win, ultimately new laws will be implemented with regards to intellectual property rights of online anime. You can bet that all anime fans here will be crossing our fingers and hope that Odex loses the case....

Wed, 10-03-2007, 11:48 PM
I'm really getting sick of getting up at 7:00AM every day to make it for 8:30 classes...and driving through all the god-damned traffic. I also can't stand how this is no longer a small town and every fucking asshole on the road can't drive worth shit.

Sat, 10-06-2007, 03:38 PM
I'm really getting sick of getting up at 7:00AM every day to make it for 8:30 classes...and driving through all the god-damned traffic. I also can't stand how this is no longer a small town and every fucking asshole on the road can't drive worth shit.

i feel ya on that. on thursday when i went to exit the tollway, the 2 cars behind me passed the double white line while i was waiting to let this truck get over in front of me... and they got me stuck out.... omfg, wtf! i was severely road raging, i'm late for work too asshole!!!!! i cant believe they did that.

anyhow, todays bitching:

i'm enrolled in all flex-term classes. we didn't have our first of 8 classes because the teacher had to be out of town. so now it is week 7(tomorrow) i have taken 3 out of 7 tests, done horribly on 2 of them and i dont even think i have read a complete chapter. Further, im trying to catch up and i fell asleep this morning and took a 2 hour nap. I dont know what im going to do in 2 weeks when i have 2 classes instead of just the one. *sigh* i suck at studying. plus, i need to study for my ccna certification that i'm taking on the 24th which every day becomes a day closer with me having not even started to actually study for it.

Sun, 10-07-2007, 03:18 AM
Haha I know it's been a long time since I've been here but I'm really suprised at how much cursing is allowed now.

Other then that I don't really have anything to bitch about I got kicked out of my dads house about 6 months ago... but that worked out awesomely. I'm now living with my mom in Hawaii. I don't have class, I don't have a car my town is about 5 miles long and I can ride my bike everywhere in it. The next big town over is only 7 miles away. So life is good. ^_^

Board of Command
Mon, 10-08-2007, 12:59 PM
I tried to voltmod my 7900GS using wires instead of conductive ink for two reasons.

1. It is virtually impossible to find conductive pens (e.g. Circuitwriter) in Canada.
2. All stores are closed today for Thanksgiving.

I spent about an hour preparing two tiny wires. The idea is to tape these wires onto the board, joining specific "points." The wires are very small, and the points are even smaller. It was difficult. In the end, I was able to get those wires on there.

And it doesn't work. Maybe the contact is bad. Maybe the wires have too much resistance. Whatever it is, I just wasted over an hour of my long weekend fiddling with tiny wires only to fail the voltmod.

Damn it...

Mon, 10-08-2007, 03:33 PM
I am sick... It fucking sucks. My head feels like it is about to split open and reveal the gates to hell while my constipation makes it impossible to well... use the restroom. I had to take a math test today which was an easy 100 that turned into an 88 because I felt like shit and made stupid mistakes because of my lack of concentration. I almost threw up in my 8 am class and had to quickly rush out of the room.

Anyway... general statement, I think I am dehydrated and have the flu now and it sucks ass.

Mon, 10-08-2007, 03:48 PM
make sure to attend all your classes and get as many of your classmates as sick as possible.

Mon, 10-08-2007, 04:58 PM
make sure to attend all your classes and get as many of your classmates as sick as possible.

Will do my friend. I am sure I can get maybe twenty before I feel better.

Board of Command
Mon, 10-08-2007, 07:39 PM
"raging diarrhea"

I'm glad my friend canceled the "going out" this morning.

Thu, 10-11-2007, 01:21 PM
I'm trying to make some money buying and reselling WoW gold and accounts, but my friend is being such an idiot. He confused $ with £ when buying stuff yesterday.. he thought he was getting a great deal.

On a side note, BoC still hasn't refunded me for my banned accounts.

Board of Command
Thu, 10-11-2007, 01:23 PM
Like they say...

"Take it and run."

Thu, 10-11-2007, 01:31 PM
I will keep reminding you until I get a refund, just so you know.

Thu, 10-11-2007, 01:45 PM
Ah to be 16 and mow lawns and farm gold again.....

Thu, 10-11-2007, 03:49 PM
I still don't understand who would pay real money for such things. I mean, isn't the whole point of a game to develop your own character? Where's the challenge if you buy an already badass character with a million gold pieces in the pockets?

I guess I'm just too old and out-of-date.

Thu, 10-11-2007, 03:54 PM
Sold my WoW account for 400€ when i finally quit. And the characters i had werent too impressive, seen accounts getting sold for over 2k. You can make a neat amount of money by trading and selling wow accounts. Im glad there's rich and lazy people out there ;)

Thu, 10-11-2007, 05:12 PM
My friend is in the number 1 alliance guild in the game and he has all the best gear for every spec and he got $3,000 for it. It takes months and months to do so its not worth it imo. Its easy to farm for gold but im too afraid of selling it and getting caught.

Thu, 10-11-2007, 05:29 PM
My friend is in the number 1 alliance guild in the game and he has all the best gear for every spec and he got $3,000 for it. It takes months and months to do so its not worth it imo. Its easy to farm for gold but im too afraid of selling it and getting caught.

On US servers you only have one chance, if they find out, you get a permanent ban immediately in most cases(doesn't mean that they easily find out, you can still get away with it for a long time if you're careful). On EU however, you get a 72 hour ban first, which is great. The GMs on EU really suck in comparison to the ones on the US servers, they can use up to 3 months on an investigation, while US can finish it up in as little as 3 days.

The gold prices are too low to be able to make a decent profit playing legit now though. It was awesome earlier, 100$/1000g.

Thu, 10-11-2007, 07:02 PM
On US servers you only have one chance, if they find out, you get a permanent ban immediately in most cases(doesn't mean that they easily find out, you can still get away with it for a long time if you're careful). On EU however, you get a 72 hour ban first, which is great. The GMs on EU really suck in comparison to the ones on the US servers, they can use up to 3 months on an investigation, while US can finish it up in as little as 3 days.

The gold prices are too low to be able to make a decent profit playing legit now though. It was awesome earlier, 100$/1000g.

My friend power leveled from 45-60 and got banned for 2 days but he told me that a GM told him its a 3 strike your out rule depending on what you do. Wouldnt powerlvling be just as bad as gold selling?

Thu, 10-11-2007, 07:59 PM
The gold prices are too low to be able to make a decent profit playing legit now though. It was awesome earlier, 100$/1000g.

how long does it take to accumulate 1000g?

Thu, 10-11-2007, 08:51 PM
QUITE a long time

around 15 days AFTER you reach lvl 70 if you suck
at lvl 60 if you are teh 1337s
lvl 15 if you're ub3r 1337s

Thu, 10-11-2007, 09:06 PM
This actually goes in the "things that annoy you" thread, but I don't want to dig it up...

Anyway, I've started drinking beers at japanese restaurants/bars lately...specifically Sapporo.

Now, when I look at the brand, I pronounce it SAH - POH - ROH. Having watched anime long enough, I think I have a pretty good sense of japanese linguistics with their own words.

However, I'm always corrected by waitors/bartenders that it's pronounced SAH - PORROH. It irritates me however, because I know all too well the way english speaking folk bastardize syllable emphasis on japanese words that are written in our alphabet. It doesn't even sound japanese when you say it that way...it sounds more like spanish or something.

At the same time, however, it's kind of intriging, because even though americans mispronounce it, they all seem to follow the same style of mispronounciation. Kind of like how pretty much all of us I'm sure first looked at the words Naruto, Kakashi, and Sakura and mispronounced them NAH - ROOTO, KA - KASHI, and SAH - KURRA (something I think the dubbed voice actors still do to an extent).

It's like we are all trained to expect the emphasis of a word we've never heard before the same way.

Thu, 10-11-2007, 09:33 PM
This actually goes in the "things that annoy you" thread, but I don't want to dig it up...

Anyway, I've started drinking beers at japanese restaurants/bars lately...specifically Sapporo.

Now, when I look at the brand, I pronounce it SAH - POH - ROH. Having watched anime long enough, I think I have a pretty good sense of japanese linguistics with their own words.

However, I'm always corrected by waitors/bartenders that it's pronounced SAH - PORROH. It irritates me however, because I know all too well the way english speaking folk bastardize syllable emphasis on japanese words that are written in our alphabet. It doesn't even sound japanese when you say it that way...it sounds more like spanish or something.

Me and my dad go to japanese restaurants and we pronounce it SAH-POH-ROH... Im no expert tho... I cant watch the american version of naruto because their pronunciation of words pisses me off.

Thu, 10-11-2007, 10:24 PM
Me and my dad go to japanese restaurants and we pronounce it SAH-POH-ROH... Im no expert tho... I cant watch the american version of naruto because their pronunciation of words pisses me off.
Clearly you aren't an expert, because if you had any idea of how emphasis on Japanese words worked, you'd have realized that the Naruto dub actually pronounces 90% of the Japanese names and terms correctly (the missing 10% coming from the odd, walk-on-character VA who might place the emphasis 2 syllables back instead of the correct 3, and the fact that Japanese and American phonology are actually quite different - hence getting a regular American "oo" instead of a more centralized and compressed "oo" in words like "jutsu"). I've watched almost every episode of the dub looking for errors like that and have seen only the occasional few. Seriously. Bash the dub because you think the acting is stilted and corny, not because of "their pronunciation of words".

It's also really annoying that Naruto has had just about spot-on pronunciation (despite retarded otaku's bitchings) but has had it's share of pretty poor voice-acting, while on the other hand Bleach has an amazing cast of actors able to deliver their lines smoothly and with nuance, and yet half of them botch up words with the mistake Assertn talked about. And they have a Japanese voice coach on staff!! Madness! It's so rare in a Shounen anime (which always have larges casts) to get a good balance of the 2 extremes.

Also @Assertn, that's something I've (obviously) noticed before as well. I have no idea what causes it either, since General American English has no real rules for placement of pronunciation. Why the hell do people automatically make that mistake?

Edit: Jesus. Wall of text. Sorry, I'm just passionate about dubs.

Fri, 10-12-2007, 12:42 AM
how long does it take to accumulate 1000g?
A bot can do it in 24 hours. And 15 days is not true, I could do it myself in 2-3 days of nolife gaming. 100$/1000g was still great because if I had leftover gold I didn't use for anything I could get a decent amount of money for it. Now it's only like 30$.

Fri, 10-12-2007, 01:05 AM
well, hey..you know....

that's like....

$4.17 per hour.......


(for the $100/1000g rate, that is)

Fri, 10-12-2007, 09:05 AM
Dude, use your brain. If every person thought they had a right to make a thread about 'Things I want to Bitch about' 'Game I'm playing' 'Times I was dropped as a child', this place would be a collection of blogs.

You don't get your own Bitching Thread.

Well, folks, it's time again for me to make a fool of myself. Oftentimes, I find myself shouting at the T.V. and the news, stating "YOU'RE WRONG!". Now, I figure I'll do something a bit more worthwhile (though not much). Post a topic on an anime-based forum!

So, without further ado, here goes.

Table of contents: (decided by you!)

Violence in Videogames
Pinellas county school board fails again!
Retards, Dumbasses, and Idiots oh my!
More topics to come... these are the ones I could think of ATM...

I choose first, and I'm going with the VGs...

Violence in Videogames - Or how to find a perfect scapegoat.

Turn on the television and tune to the news. What's the first thing that you're going to hear? "Violence in videogames is poisoning the youth of America". Yeah. Right. Keep thinking that, you might believe it one day. America's youth is poisoned not by violence in a virtual simulation. Instead, look to the true cause of the problem. If parents can't maintain at least a small amount of control on their kids, they don't deserve to be parents. It's not the videogames' fault that the parents got divorced.
It's not the videogames' fault that the parents don't love their kids
It's not the videogames' fault that even some poor kids get beat because they aren't being good little slaves.

Point being: Videogames alone aren't going to cause poor little Timmy Tom to go shoot up his school, yet they're being blamed constantly anyway.

It doesn't even matter, the storylines, the wit of characters, the things that make great games the way they are. A game could be so good, and yet can be tarnished in a snap by having been convicted of mass murder, as it were. I'm surprised that they haven't hit up Halo 3 just yet, and I hope they never will.

Anyway, give me responses, challenges, votes for the next rant, things like that...

Have fun!

Death BOO Z
Fri, 10-12-2007, 09:28 AM
TV and Videogames violence gives kids tools and ideas about forms of agressive behavior that the kids wouldn't have known otherwise.

if you watch enough fighting games and 'combat' centered tv, it'll give a better understanding of fighting dinamics, so if you ever get into a situation where they fight, the entire fight is now more dangerous for both sides, since instead of clumsy punching each other, they'll hit key points of the body and go for the weak points of the enemy (as seen on TV wresting and mixed fighting shows). the kids are now armed with knowledge that should comes with experience (also with: self control, cool head, ability to differnce right from wrong).
The kids would have fought between them anyways, now you've just armed them better to hurt each other and cause severe damage.

Next Rant: How Al Gor shouldn't have won the peace Nouvlle (how do you spell it?), but rather, a prize more releavent to his school of influence (enivorment Nouvlle prize, or something, don't know it it even exists). And, how protecting the enviorment shouldn't be out of fear of existintion, but rather out of a moral view that acting like a jerk isn't a good thing to do, no matter whether there are victims or not.

Fri, 10-12-2007, 12:03 PM
You of all people should realize, Death BOO, that playing Call of Duty does not make you a good soldier, just like watching Hokuto no Ken does not make you a good fighter. I can't imagine why you would even think of believing that.

The only way kids are influenced by violent video games is if they already have sociopathic tendencies to begin with.

Fri, 10-12-2007, 12:25 PM
Lol @ above since my bitch is about people bitching about AL Gore winning the Nobel Peace Prize.

Original Bitch.
I can't believe how many people are bitching about Al Gore wining the Nobel peace prize as if it's 'wrong' somehow. It's solely up to the Nobel Foundation to give out the prize to whoever the deem fit.

"[The peace prize should be awarded] to the person who shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between the nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses"

That sentence is all that restricts the foundation on who they are supposed to award the prize to and even if they fail in that they wouldnt' be failing the public they would be failing the estate of Alfred Nobel. People need to get it through their heads that the Nobel Foundation doesn't owe the general public anything in terms of choosing a recipient that the public likes, or respects, or agrees with.

Over the years people have hyped up the Nobel Peace Prize as the end all be all of honors and subsequently they have placed external expectations on its recipients to posses traits that don't necessarily have anything to do with the original intent but fit more into the 'end all be all' hype. If a recipient doesn't meet with the hyped up expectations people generate they are welcome to complain that the recipient doesn't deserve the amount of hype the Nobel Prize tends to afford but they have no right to say the recipient doesn't deserve the prize itself because the prize should be held independent of its hype.

Fri, 10-12-2007, 03:47 PM

Turn on the television and tune to the news. What's the first thing that you're going to hear? "Violence in videogames is poisoning the youth of America". Yeah. Right. Keep thinking that, you might believe it one day. America's youth is poisoned not by violence in a virtual simulation. Instead, look to the true cause of the problem. If parents can't maintain at least a small amount of control on their kids, they don't deserve to be parents. It's not the videogames' fault that the parents got divorced.
It's not the videogames' fault that the parents don't love their kids
It's not the videogames' fault that even some poor kids get beat because they aren't being good little slaves.

Point being: Videogames alone aren't going to cause poor little Timmy Tom to go shoot up his school, yet they're being blamed constantly anyway.

It doesn't even matter, the storylines, the wit of characters, the things that make great games the way they are. A game could be so good, and yet can be tarnished in a snap by having been convicted of mass murder, as it were. I'm surprised that they haven't hit up Halo 3 just yet, and I hope they never will.

Anyway, give me responses, challenges, votes for the next rant, things like that...

Have fun!

I got my tooth knocked out by a PS2 once... Game inside you may ask? Destroy all humans... Videogames are dangerous! HA! :-D

Fri, 10-12-2007, 06:53 PM
Well, folks, it's time again for me to make a fool of myself.

I win...

Told ya I would, and wouldn't ya know it, I did a better job than usual

Death BOO Z
Fri, 10-12-2007, 08:33 PM
You of all people should realize, Death BOO, that playing Call of Duty does not make you a good soldier, just like watching Hokuto no Ken does not make you a good fighter. I can't imagine why you would even think of believing that.

The only way kids are influenced by violent video games is if they already have sociopathic tendencies to begin with.

actually, call of duty, can help in trainning a better soldier. it's a matter of quickly regiestering nearby (suddenly appearing) objects as enemies and acting at a certain way. which is just conditioning, 'see Y, Do X'. that's why model targets are in the form of human soldier and not in the form of butterflies or pinetrees.
it's not perfect, or even anywhere near useful, but it's the same principal.

HnK might not be a good example, but what about more realstic animes (Ippo, for example) or even not-so-animated violence such as Mixed Matrial arts? Again, not perfect, but if you're clever enough, you might pick up some hints.

I'm not saying that it makes kids violence, but it makes them more dangerous to themselves and eachother. since when they fight, they'll be armed better to hurt each other.
another example: Show a kid that's it's possible to hurt someone with a knife, and give all kids knives. next time they fight, one of them will bring out a knife, becuase he knows that knives can be used to hurt someone.

Fri, 10-12-2007, 09:00 PM
that's like saying doing anything that might make your reflexes better makes you a more dangerous person.

sorry, but that's just poor logic.

Board of Command
Fri, 10-12-2007, 10:58 PM
Show a kid that's it's possible to hurt someone with a knife, and give all kids knives. next time they fight, one of them will bring out a knife, becuase he knows that knives can be used to hurt someone.
I'd have to disagree with that. They'll use the knives not because it can hurt people, but because it will hurt more than fists. What would you rather prefer as a weapon: your fist or a knife? Choosing the knife is just rational thinking. You'd have to be insane (literally) to use your fists when the knife is available to you.

Sat, 10-13-2007, 12:20 AM
This is all very interesting, but i think we already have a thread for video game violence. Lets just bitch about how stupid Death Boo Z's remarks are in this thread and not try to counter them with logic, ok?

Sat, 10-13-2007, 01:26 AM
As a person with military training, leadership training included, I have to say for my own part I haven't particularly felt playing FPS games would have made my soldiering skills better, though not the contrary either. One of the FPS games I played most is, though, Operation Flashpoint, which was probably the most realistic modern combat simulator out there. It's hard to say what kind of effect it might have had, but one thing is sure: I enjoyed it a lot more probably because I had military training already when I began to play it, and those skills helped a little in the beginning.

Sat, 10-13-2007, 05:49 AM
My friend power leveled from 45-60 and got banned for 2 days but he told me that a GM told him its a 3 strike your out rule depending on what you do. Wouldnt powerlvling be just as bad as gold selling?
Yeah it would, but I'd say he was lucky. I know that when I sold gold in an unsecured way(on other accounts) I got the final warning at once on one account, and permanent ban on three others. I had no warnings from before of. Then again I haven't been on US servers for 2 months or so now so they might have softened up or something. And, it depends on which GM. I know people who have got a whisper from GM during botting, and have managed to talk their way out of it by blaming lagg. Thankfully I've never gotten a GM whisper when botting myself.

Sat, 10-13-2007, 07:48 AM
If you get banned due to such reasons do they refund any unused days you might have? Or do they have such an EULA that it allows them to do whatever they want?

Sat, 10-13-2007, 08:22 AM
If you get banned due to such reasons do they refund any unused days you might have? Or do they have such an EULA that it allows them to do whatever they want?
They don't refund anything. They can do whatever they want(with the account) if you're found to be breaking the EULA in any way. So if you have a half year subscription active, you're screwed if you're banned.

Sat, 10-13-2007, 09:22 AM
As a person with military training, leadership training included, I have to say for my own part I haven't particularly felt playing FPS games would have made my soldiering skills better, though not the contrary either. One of the FPS games I played most is, though, Operation Flashpoint, which was probably the most realistic modern combat simulator out there. It's hard to say what kind of effect it might have had, but one thing is sure: I enjoyed it a lot more probably because I had military training already when I began to play it, and those skills helped a little in the beginning.

Simulation is playing an increasingly important role in military training. We even have labs built to play games. I mean train soldiers. :p

Board of Command
Sun, 10-14-2007, 07:40 PM
America's Army is the most realistic game I've played. It's so realistic that it's not even fun.

Mon, 10-15-2007, 11:25 AM
Damn internet-related problems. I need to check my email to see where and when this test review is taking place, and for the first time in about 3 years, the site is "under maintenance".

Fuck that. I didn't sleep last night, and I really need to check my email now so I can take a nap and be ready to study without falling asleep later on. Murphy's Law...

Also what's the deal with people walking backwards in crowded streets to shout one last little thing to the person they're talking to?? If one more faggot bumps into me this way I'm gonna push him in front of a moving bus.

Tue, 10-16-2007, 10:56 PM
Why do people feel the need to complain to me about the prices of some items at my work? I don't set the prices, people...so telling me it's cheaper somewhere else will yield ZERO results. I'm not going to give you a discount and I'm not going to ask the owners to change the prices, even if they're my parents. If you don't like the price, just say, "No thanks" and go to that "cheaper place." And if you think I'm going to be dragged into an argument with you, think again. It's a place of business, not a public discussion forum. Either buy your shit and leave or just FUCK OFF.

Wed, 10-17-2007, 12:31 PM
Why do people feel the need to complain to me about the prices of some items at my work? I don't set the prices, people...so telling me it's cheaper somewhere else will yield ZERO results. I'm not going to give you a discount and I'm not going to ask the owners to change the prices, even if they're my parents. If you don't like the price, just say, "No thanks" and go to that "cheaper place." And if you think I'm going to be dragged into an argument with you, think again. It's a place of business, not a public discussion forum. Either buy your shit and leave or just FUCK OFF.

I know what you mean. I used to work at a gas station about two years ago during the summer and it sucked a lot, mainly due to people complaining about the gas prices (it would reach around $1.15 per Litre, this is Canada). People put in gas, come inside to pay, then bitch about the prices at me, as if I'm the one who sets them. Some even yelled, which really pissed me off. I just do what I'm told to do, yet I'm suddenly the big boss? I never thought I would run into so many damn idiots in one summer.

Wed, 10-17-2007, 10:44 PM
Wow, that's pathetic. As far as I know, gas prices at the stations are set by the corporate head offices so they're even out of the hands of the operator of any station. My cousin's dad has a gas station and Shell calls in to tell them the price.

Thu, 10-18-2007, 11:32 AM
It IS pathetic. That's pretty much how the gas stations work, yet the majority of people think that the manager or even me set the prices.

Fri, 10-19-2007, 05:47 PM
I don't have enough monies for an XBOX 360, PS3, or/and a Wii.

Sat, 10-20-2007, 12:03 AM
I just downloaded what I thought was Halo 2 for the XBOX.... It was Halo 1.... I am kinda sad, kinda mad but hey, now I have Halo 1. Now I just have to find Halo 2, should not be too hard.. I hope.

Jaitne, Neither do I, that is why I was overjoyed when I got it for free! Please reference this thread (http://forums.gotwoot.net/showthread.php?t=15118) for more information.

Edit: Oh yes, and the university shut off the dorm air conditioning.... it is hot in here now. A overheated Spiegel is not a happy Spiegel...

Sat, 10-20-2007, 11:34 AM
Jaitne, Neither do I, that is why I was overjoyed when I got it for free! Please reference this thread (http://forums.gotwoot.net/showthread.php?t=15118) for more information.

I love you. Let me come to your house and play with your Wii ;;>.>

Sat, 10-20-2007, 04:15 PM
I love you. Let me come to your house and play with your Wii ;;>.>

Lol, I live in a dorm, but come on over, it is fine with me...

Todays bitching, I still don't have air conditioner and I have no food.

Sat, 10-20-2007, 04:20 PM
Lol, I live in a dorm, but come on over, it is fine with me...

Todays bitching, I still don't have air conditioner and I have no food.

I have cream soda I could give, especially since you're being so loverly.

But.. if we're continuing on our anger rants, I have this to say: I hate PE.. online. Takes too much time to do, and I'm lazy. I also want enough room in my house for a metal DDR pad. Heck, I want enough money for one. I also can't believe Britney is on the new game.

Sat, 10-20-2007, 04:22 PM
I have cream soda I could give, especially since you're being so loverly.

Hey someone else that uses Loverly.... thats loverly..

I just realized I do have drinks, cream soda and beer, but still no food. I think I might go grocery shopping.

Sat, 10-20-2007, 04:37 PM
I love you. Let me come to your house and play with your Wii ;;>.>

<<Insert obvious sexual reference here>>

Sat, 10-20-2007, 04:37 PM
Hey someone else that uses Loverly.... thats loverly..

I just realized I do have drinks, cream soda and beer, but still no food. I think I might go grocery shopping.

Hehe, awesome!!

And! I can make sweets with ease, which apparently isn't classified as real food in my house.

Also, I will post for a friend of mine whose Xbox live card is angry at him. So he can't use his credit card to go play on it, instead, he has to go out to the store and buy a prepaid card.

<<Insert obvious sexual reference here>>

*coughs* You love eet!

Sat, 10-20-2007, 04:41 PM
Oh, come on.

Who am I if not the somewhat annoying voice that's constantly in the back of your head..

and on a separate note, everyone wish me a happy 100th post, besides the flaming pit

Sat, 10-20-2007, 04:44 PM
and on a separate note, everyone wish me a happy 100th post, besides the flaming pit

Whoa-ness, there's a place we can just flame people and act like total jerks because we know we can't get beat up offline unless they find out where we live?

Sat, 10-20-2007, 05:32 PM
http://forums.gotwoot.net/gallery/files/3/1/2/gm20071012_original.jpg (http://www.godmodeonline.com/d/20071012.html)

Also, yes, the flaming pit is precisely that.

Sat, 10-20-2007, 05:34 PM
http://forums.gotwoot.net/gallery/files/3/1/2/gm20071012_original.jpg (http://www.godmodeonline.com/d/20071012.html)

that is all

.....hahaha. Yay, I get to correct Complich! WRONG THREAD!

O and....rofl....xD

Sat, 10-20-2007, 06:06 PM
lol, funny peoples.

Board of Command
Sat, 10-20-2007, 07:25 PM


Sat, 10-20-2007, 08:50 PM
.....hahaha. Yay, I get to correct Complich! WRONG THREAD!

O and....rofl....xD

Nope, it's the right thread. Read the wii-innuendo from like 6 posts ago.

Sat, 10-20-2007, 11:15 PM
Death Note was painful enough by making me loathe the main character and kill off characters I liked, but in episode 25 they crossed the line by stepping on my favorite character and replacing him with some knockoff, not to mention bringing in that idiot Mello.

It's an awesome anime, really, but if you're going to kill off my favorite character and backstab me like only my most trusted friend could, wait until the fucking end, even the Hobbit had enough dignity to wait until the final battle to kill off Thorin, and that's why despite Death Note being awesome I will always think of it as also sucking ass.

L > Watari > The Other Main Characters, including Ray Penbar and his wife >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kira > Mello. And Misa isn't even worthy of being compared to the others.

Well, at least Kira got rightfully pwned in the end and it was admitted that N and M individually never could hope to match the awesomeness that was L.

P.S. Now to watch the movie and read the manga.

Sun, 10-21-2007, 02:05 AM
I loaned my Business Law textbook last term to someone who now seems to not want to give it back. They're ignoring my MSN messages and my emails. It's quite frustrating. I still haven't seen the douchbag around campus and he better pray I don't. What a fucking asshole.

Oh, and I bombed my Finance midterm.....fuck. Now I don't know whether or not to just drop it and take it next term and take Finance 2 in the summer. Goddammit, things would be so much easier if I didn't have to fucking work at my parents' store.

Sun, 10-21-2007, 06:05 AM
Complich8, as someone who indirectly introduced me to xkcd, I don't what to think of you posting a GodMode strip. The two are on totally opposite ends of the "webcomic quality spectrum".

4chan being down for the past few days
Seriously, what the hell is up??

Sun, 10-21-2007, 05:19 PM
Nope, it's the right thread. Read the wii-innuendo from like 6 posts ago.
Even if theres an innuendo doesn't mean this is where you should post random pictures.... Still the wrong thread.... And the only reason me telling it's not the right thread is because this falls under bitching. ^_^

Sun, 10-21-2007, 06:43 PM
Even if theres an innuendo doesn't mean this is where you should post random pictures.... Still the wrong thread.... And the only reason me telling it's not the right thread is because this falls under bitching. ^_^

omg, kudos..

Oh, and I have this horrid cough that won't leave me alone!

Mon, 10-22-2007, 06:34 AM
Whoa-ness, there's a place we can just flame people and act like total jerks because we know we can't get beat up offline unless they find out where we live?

I said absolutely nothing like that. LIES!!!!!

And besides, me and John can still beat ya up ;)

Mon, 10-22-2007, 02:00 PM
I said absolutely nothing like that. LIES!!!!!

And besides, me and John can still beat ya up ;)

In your dreams.. in an alternate universe... when I don't reign supreme.

Mon, 10-22-2007, 04:07 PM
it pisses me off when people bitch about on-topic replies being off-topic.

If this weren't the bitching thread, I'd bitchslap you.

Complich8, as someone who indirectly introduced me to xkcd, I don't what to think of you posting a GodMode strip. The two are on totally opposite ends of the "webcomic quality spectrum".
yeah ... another thing to bitch about. GodMode was way the heck better (as far as humor and art quality both) before that whole author-switch thing.

Mon, 10-22-2007, 05:24 PM
In your dreams.. in an alternate universe... when I don't reign supreme.

Yeah, yeah, yah. If it were in my dreams, it wouldn't be an alternate universe, it would be my dreams. Also, when did you take over the world?

Bitch for today: Being grounded - Still.

It's been almost 2 months since I've had everything taken away, and the only reason I've been on over the past month is from the good graces of my mother. This PISSES ME OFF. I WANT MY SHIT BACK. I WANT MY WOW. I WANT IT ALL@!#@# o@hh#i@ ip#uvg !i(g(#gUGH 3IP1GH 291GV9 G29-31`G8-31G823G1V3

Mon, 10-22-2007, 06:45 PM
Gimme gimme never get!

I got bloody effing banned from my favorite Counterstrike Source server for 'hacking' after owning the admins and clan for a few hours........

Effing noobs......

Board of Command
Mon, 10-22-2007, 07:04 PM
I spent an hour and half trying to get a BIOS for my Radeon HD3940 working. This new BIOS sets higher default clock speeds so I don't have to manually set the clocks every time I start up the computer. It worked on the card from work, so I figured it would work at home too. But no... it doesn't. I just end up with a corrupt display when I install the driver. I have no idea if it's an issue with the driver (same driver from work though), my motherboard, my specific video card or Vista. It might even be a combination of all of them.


Mon, 10-22-2007, 07:35 PM
I sit next to this one kid on the bus, he is soo horrible. I jsut want to punch him, bunches of times sometimes. And he has this friend whose mother made him look like a girl, he's so jealous.. he wishes he had flowing.. <.< hair like mine. But, he's too mean to let me actually put it up into something pretty!!

Mon, 10-22-2007, 09:06 PM
I sit next to this one kid on the bus, he is soo horrible. I jsut want to punch him, bunches of times sometimes. And he has this friend whose mother made him look like a girl, he's so jealous.. he wishes he had flowing.. <.< hair like mine. But, he's too mean to let me actually put it up into something pretty!!

Gee, I wonder who this mysterious person is...

Mon, 10-22-2007, 11:00 PM
Holy Shyt. Need to know basis here N & R.

It was only for one night............

Another bitch, I cant seem to find a decent CSS server.....

Board of Command
Mon, 10-22-2007, 11:10 PM
Another bitch, I cant seem to find a decent CSS server.....
I used to play on Pantless Clan 24/7 Dust2 a lot before they voteban'd me for some unknown reason.

I suggest you avoid Burger Unit Dust2 because they're notorious for team stacking. 99% the time, CT's are raping T's. It's not even fun.

I haven't played CSS in a while now since I got Battlefield 2 a couple weeks ago.

Tue, 10-23-2007, 12:05 PM
Last thursday I bought a basket of pears but they were so unripe they were disgusting. Now, finally, after sitting on my table in room temperature for bloody five days they are starting to actually taste like pears. What the hell is that? I bet next year they will be selling baskets of pollinated pear flowers...

Tue, 10-23-2007, 12:33 PM
Didn't you check the pears before you purchased them?

Tue, 10-23-2007, 12:46 PM
No. Because they were cheap (I wonder why...).


Tue, 10-23-2007, 01:00 PM
LOL, fair enough.

I've been getting these intense headaches again lately and they're irritating beyond belief. They sometimes last for a few hours or a few minutes but it feels like my entire brain is swelling with the worst of the pain situated behind my eyes. I also feel nauseated when I get these headaches. I get them at least 2 or 3 times a day, sometimes more, and this will last for weeks. These sessions happen every few months and this has been going on for 3 or 4 years. I guess I should go see my doctor. Anyway, they're fucking ANNOYING.

Tue, 10-23-2007, 02:21 PM
LOL, fair enough.

I've been getting these intense headaches again lately and they're irritating beyond belief. They sometimes last for a few hours or a few minutes but it feels like my entire brain is swelling with the worst of the pain situated behind my eyes. I also feel nauseated when I get these headaches. I get them at least 2 or 3 times a day, sometimes more, and this will last for weeks. These sessions happen every few months and this has been going on for 3 or 4 years. I guess I should go see my doctor. Anyway, they're fucking ANNOYING.

I have similar headaches together with random excruciating and unceasing body and joint pains, unpredictable muscle aches and spasms, double vision, seizures, random paralysis, numbness, loss of sensation, blackouts, temporary amnesia, random fluctuations in blood pressure and a host of other symptoms most of which have been plaguing me all my life particularly within the last six years.

So yeah you should see a doctor.

Tue, 10-23-2007, 03:33 PM
Something to bitch about? People who bitch at you for posting bitch comments on the thread! lololol! Have at it, at least leave your names instead of being little cowards. Yea, I'm bitching about cowards. I hope they do respond, then I'll have someone to bitch at :D

Oh, by the way, I don't feel like leaving. You know who you are.

Tue, 10-23-2007, 06:13 PM
My bitching: got myself a sprained ankle from a soccer game. Basically, I had a small breakaway and the goalie came out sliding. He slid right to my leg with his feet (cleats included), forcing my foot to take a wrong step. Hence, sprained ankle.
On top of that, I got a lot of schoolwork to do this week (3 midterms, 2 assignments), yuck. The life of a university student, w00t, plus a sprained ankle.

Tue, 10-23-2007, 09:37 PM
The trick is, if you know he's going to make you fall, make sure to land on him. Then you can at least share in the pain, and maybe cushion your fall a little bit in the process :p.

Also, the latest version of pidgin (formerly gaim) has a slow memory leak, and I was about to watch the final episode of an anime series on the commute home from work, only to discover that the reencoded version of that ep (and only that ep) was badly cropped, losing the subtitles. Now I've gotta reencode it again and watch the ep on the way to work tomorrow instead.

Tue, 10-23-2007, 10:55 PM
I have similar headaches together with random excruciating and unceasing body and joint pains, unpredictable muscle aches and spasms, double vision, seizures, random paralysis, numbness, loss of sensation, blackouts, temporary amnesia, random fluctuations in blood pressure and a host of other symptoms most of which have been plaguing me all my life particularly within the last six years.

So yeah you should see a doctor.
Yowza...maybe you should be the one to see a doctor. :eek:

Wed, 10-24-2007, 06:12 AM
I got BioShock for the PC back when it came out, in fact I pre-ordered it. But still haven't been able to play past the second level because the damn thing crashes. I have more then what I need in a computer. It's just the damn game, but they still haven't put out a patch to fix it.... GAH I WANT TO PLAY MY DAMN GAME. >_<

Wed, 10-24-2007, 06:37 AM
Bitch: Websense

I don't know whose idea it is, but someone put this little thing called 'Websense' on the interwebs at Lakewood, and it's really frickin retarded. Now, this 'Websense' wasn't around till some retards had to go check out their rape site (myspace for those of you simple fucks) in the middle of class. Now, the rest of us can't see certain sites banned by Websense.

Infact - The whole school went on internet lockdown when some unfortunate sap (I say unfortunate because of the punishment he probably recieved) found a circumventor that ACTUALLY WORKED against Websense, and went (where else) to check his myspace.

Next time: Myspace

Wed, 10-24-2007, 12:28 PM
Yowza...maybe you should be the one to see a doctor. :eek:

I have multiple teams of doctors.

Wed, 10-24-2007, 02:56 PM
Bitch: Websense

I don't know whose idea it is, but someone put this little thing called 'Websense' on the interwebs at Lakewood, and it's really frickin retarded. Now, this 'Websense' wasn't around till some retards had to go check out their rape site (myspace for those of you simple fucks) in the middle of class. Now, the rest of us can't see certain sites banned by Websense.

Infact - The whole school went on internet lockdown when some unfortunate sap (I say unfortunate because of the punishment he probably recieved) found a circumventor that ACTUALLY WORKED against Websense, and went (where else) to check his myspace.

Next time: Myspace

Thank god for mstsc... and admin powers, those work, too.

Wed, 10-24-2007, 03:49 PM
Thank god for mstsc... and admin powers, those work, too.

vpn or rdesktop out = win

Death BOO Z
Fri, 10-26-2007, 01:10 AM
well, my parents are out for the weekend.
Usually its a good thing, but...
the girl i wanted to meet is also out.
most of my friends aren't coming home this weekend.
I haven't seen my parents since two weeks ago, and it'll be two more weeks before next time.
I'm stuck doing all the house chores and cooking.

This weekend is going to be a lousy one, it'll end with my stuffing food, manga and anime down my throat for two complete days, and then i'll go back to the army feeling like shit becuase I didn't do anything.

diffrent weekend, same story.

Sun, 10-28-2007, 02:45 AM
Death Note on Cartoon Network Thats what I have to bitch about.

Sun, 10-28-2007, 11:54 AM
Death Note on Cartoon Network Thats what I have to bitch about.

I'm actually really glad it's on Adult Swim. Means I can finally watch it without having to download it. It's pretty ok so far, aside from being realllllly goth. I can see why it's so popular among anime fans.

Mon, 10-29-2007, 10:39 AM
I too have bitches about the Death Note dub, most notably VA Brad Swaile...he sucks as Light. Watari's voice also gives away something about him that I don't remember being able to hear from the original VA. Basically I'm pissed that the English cast is changing the attitude of the show by making characters sound either more or less mature then they did in the original. Next thing you know Misa will sound like a 40 year old smoker and Aizawa will sound like an black guy from the inner city.

Mon, 10-29-2007, 02:34 PM
I too have bitches about the Death Note dub, most notably VA Brad Swaile...he sucks as Light. Watari's voice also gives away something about him that I don't remember being able to hear from the original VA. Basically I'm pissed that the English cast is changing the attitude of the show by making characters sound either more or less mature then they did in the original. Next thing you know Misa will sound like a 40 year old smoker and Aizawa will sound like an black guy from the inner city.

I don't get why you're pissed because that is exactly what they always do and I know you don't require examples it used to piss me off back in 90's maybe, but now it is to be expected and accepted because it is inevitable.

Mon, 10-29-2007, 03:09 PM
I haven't watched Death Note in Japanese, but when I watched it on Adult Swim, I didn't hear any glaring problems. I'm not lying, I really don't understand what you guys are complaining about.

I missed the second episode, so maybe there's something I didn't hear, but I don't think Light's "maturity" sounded inappropriate at all. Everything sounded completely natural to me. I guess that's just because I have nothing to compare it to?

Mon, 10-29-2007, 03:48 PM
I haven't watched Death Note in Japanese, but when I watched it on Adult Swim, I didn't hear any glaring problems. I'm not lying, I really don't understand what you guys are complaining about.

I missed the second episode, so maybe there's something I didn't hear, but I don't think Light's "maturity" sounded inappropriate at all. Everything sounded completely natural to me. I guess that's just because I have nothing to compare it to?

For you I recommend Death Note Direct Downloads (http://shinigami-only-eat-apples.net). (If downloads are slow, I apologize, the host has been bitchy lately...)

And now my bitch, it is this damn school network. It is the most finicky, moody, and odd piece of crap i have dealt with.. almost as bad as a pregnant woman craving pickles ( No offense ). This whole fucking weekend a whole range of high end ports were just closed, no matter what. the basic ports seemed the only thing to be open, and now everything seems back the way it was before.... I just don't know.... but whatever.... screw University Internet.

Mon, 10-29-2007, 03:53 PM
That's the kind of thinking that keeps things the way they are when they could be improved. I'm no revolutionary or anything, but I will stand up and voice my opinion when I feel things are being done poorly. I would hope that somewhere out there a person who is also unhappy but cares much more than me might see my anger as a sign that they are not alone and actually try and do something about it. Even if I say something it probably won't change, but if no one ever says anything it certainly will not change.

@ XanBcoo: The problem I have is that the tone of the series is different because of the VA's. How a person sounds can strongly affect how you percieve their intelligence and maturity, at least for me. The English Light does not sound as mature and composed as the Japanese one, which hurts both his character and the show as a whole because Light is supposed to sound competent and capable not petulent and bratty.

And another thing that ticks me off about it is the fact that the DN subbers got C&D orders and I had to watch a really crappy sub for the final episode. Of course, the licenser had every right to do what they did, but it's still sucks that those who own the rights to the show aren't willing/able to put out their product as quickly as the free fansubbing community. Viz did something fairly innovative in providing subbed episodes for download starting nearly right after the series finished in Japan but as of today they are only providing eps 1-24. Animanda was generally behind by 2-4 weeks with their subs but the Viz subs are about 17 weeks behind now. I would assume they didn't even start translating until after the original airing ended, which seems stupid, but still 17 weeks for 24 episodes implies 28 hours per episode per person involved, assuming a 40 hour work week.

The Viz people need 28 hours per person to get out an episode but kuro-hana could do it in a little bit more time with 6-8 people who also had some form of life/obligation outside of subbing. If a large cooperation can't get out subs faster than a group of part timers who all have lives of their own I think something is wrong.

Mon, 10-29-2007, 04:10 PM
@ Yukimura:
I agree with you, I just think that a badly dubbed anime is par for the course and won't change until the masses refuse to accept mediocrity which cannot happen unless they are aware that quality exists. It's really not worth the fuss

Thu, 11-08-2007, 01:31 AM
This band was looking for a bass player about a month ago on Facebook, and I replied to the ad but never got a response. Earlier this evening I randomly stopped by and listened to a performance of this same band without even knowing it. After 10 minutes I recognized the drummer (the sender of the ad) and smacked myself on the forehead.

Don't know whether I should be annoyed by this or not, since on the one hand they obviously found another bass player that wasn't me and they're music was really good, but on the other hand the guy they found was realllllly talented - much better and more experienced than I would have been. I ended up talking to their guitar player afterwards. Nice dude.

Also today this girl caught me drawing her. I'll probably never see her again on campus, but still...I don't like looking creepy. I was just doodling :(.

Thu, 11-08-2007, 02:59 AM
My discount broker accidentally transferred $10,000 more in mutual fund shares than I was supposed to receive, but then took it back the next day.

What a bunch of indian givers :(

Death BOO Z
Thu, 11-08-2007, 07:53 AM
XanBcoo, just send her the drawing, and write her message saying you want to meet her.
it can't make things worse.

Thu, 11-08-2007, 10:55 AM
as crazy as DBZ's suggestion is, it might just be crazy enough to work.

be like "listen, i know that must have felt weird, and I should have asked your permission first, but I really love drawing and saw you and..." embarrassed pause "i'm sorry if it freaked you out, I understand if it did. So, i am sorry, and I figure the least i can do is give this to you" and give it to her.

but make sure the drawing actually looks half decent (pics plz?)

my bitch: some fuck revived my birthday thread to troll in it. also, my sleep cycle is so fucked up right now... i get to sleep around 4am and wake up around noon at best. ugh.

Thu, 11-08-2007, 05:34 PM
but make sure the drawing actually looks half decent (pics plz?)

I was actually in a building I don't usually hang around, so the chances of me seeing her are next to nil. If I ever do, I'm thinking I should definitely scrawl "I see you whenever I close my eyes" in big letters across any drawing I give her. Why not have fun with it?

Thu, 11-08-2007, 05:59 PM
Well, since you have the picture, your chances of finding her are a lot higher than without!

Take a copy and walk around showing the pic to people, asking if they know her (remember to add you are not a cop)... >_>

Death BOO Z
Fri, 11-09-2007, 07:37 PM
I've got my normal drivers license this week (normal= I can drive alone without anyone watching over me), and since i'm on vacation and my father went to UK for the week, I got to do some driving around.
I managed to get lost in highway, pass through a red light, and got used to driving without being scared shitless while doing so (which in turn, scares me shitless even more, as I feel that I'm not doing my best to drive safely).
also, I hate driving people around all day, I feel like my parents, I think I might start drinking earlier in the evenning to avoid driving too much.

on the other normal subject; girls. the usual deal.

Fri, 11-09-2007, 08:15 PM
I did not finish PE online this week :( Because I continue to procrastinate and not take the final exam.

Sat, 11-10-2007, 09:05 PM
At work today, there were these 2 African American chicks. They ordered chinese food from the nearby Chinese food place. They then came into our restaurant and just sat down to eat their chinese food. Not to mention they also left a little mess and we were also busy. Those daughters of beeches. :mad:

Sun, 11-11-2007, 02:52 AM
I never understood why people do those things.

Mon, 11-12-2007, 12:15 AM
Nothing really new to bitch about, just that I can't fucking stand having to work in groups for school shit. I can't wait until I'm finished with this goddamned bullshit.

Mon, 11-12-2007, 01:37 PM
I'm about |__________| close to quitting the whole full-time thing and becoming an independent contractor.

Board of Command
Tue, 11-13-2007, 12:53 AM
My housemate and his friends are nocturnal. Right now as I'm typing this at 12:50 AM, the phone is ringing. I am certain it's one of his friends calling, which is why I'm just letting it ring. Seriously...don't people know about cut offs? You don't call people past midnight unless they're living alone. What if not everyone is nocturnal? What if his housemate (i.e. me) is sleeping?

Fucking retards.

Tue, 11-13-2007, 04:44 PM
My housemate and his friends are nocturnal. Right now as I'm typing this at 12:50 AM, the phone is ringing. I am certain it's one of his friends calling, which is why I'm just letting it ring. Seriously...don't people know about cut offs? You don't call people past midnight unless they're living alone. What if not everyone is nocturnal? What if his housemate (i.e. me) is sleeping?

Fucking retards.

That's when you pick up the phone and tell them off.

Tue, 11-13-2007, 05:52 PM
I'm about |__________| close to quitting the whole full-time thing and becoming an independent contractor.

Do it man. More pay, no 'identifying with corporate values' bullshit and best of all, no one to actually respect as your boss.

Board of Command
Tue, 11-13-2007, 06:24 PM
That's when you pick up the phone and tell them off.
No can do.

Thu, 11-15-2007, 04:51 PM
I used to be able to do 300 sit ups a day, stopped working out a few months ago and now I can only manage to get up to 150.

Fri, 11-16-2007, 02:04 PM
this week is my week from hell. too much work and school and socializing and not enough relaxing and sleeping. i'm having tons of fun with my coworkers and friends, but i'm also stressed and exhausted.

Sat, 11-17-2007, 12:45 AM
i've taken a long absense from my favorite thread....

this bitching is a day late.... got a (*#U%(@*& speeding ticket yesterday...

i've been working really hard and have been running a small computer business on the side thinking i was doing good making extra money just to have some bitch ass cop give me a $240 ticket when i wasn't even at the peak of my accelleration. i didn't even ask to see the radar or anything cause i was in a rush and didn't want to further delay it.

Mon, 11-19-2007, 03:05 PM
Well, it generally takes a lot to really truly annoy me, and Rogers is the company that consistently does it on a regular basis. I'm regretting my three year phone contract, because I still have a year and a half left of their terrible customer service.

Prime example: Their website.
Sure, it looks all high-tech, but it never works properly. I use online billing, so I have to log in to be able to see my bill. I WANT to pay my bill, but half the time I can't log in. So then I have to phone them, and go through their equally terrible speech recognition software until I finally get to a real person, all so that I can ask for my simple dollar amount that I need to pay.

Last night, I was getting a different error than usual when I attempted to log in, so I used the 'forgot your password' function, thinking it might be a password issue (I sometimes forget which passwords I use for what) and I get this email in my inbox:

From: password.reminder@shoprogers.com
Sent: November 19, 2007 1:21:15 AM
To: KitKat

Thank you for using the online password reminder service on www.rogers.com. Below you will find your temporary password and the steps required to reset your password in order to be able access rogers.com online self service.

Your temporary password is:

And that was all. There was no temporary password. The email just ended. This morning I tried to log in again, and now my account has been suspended for 24 hours for my security protection, after 3 failed login attempts. Seriously Rogers, what the heck? I'm not the one failing here.

Mon, 11-19-2007, 04:39 PM
Maybe you should switch to the traditional paper bills. Who knows, they might manage to print them in an orderly fashion.

Mon, 11-19-2007, 05:57 PM
Why would someone commit suicide because of what someone else said on myspace. If you ask me that girl didn't deserve her life, sure I've contemplated committing suicide but that was only because life as a quadriplegic was something I looked forward to but damn. This story is incredibly mess up not to mention the fact that it was the parents of another girl who drove her to it and now there are questioning whether what they did was legal or not. If you ask me they or their daughter should be killed just to show them what it feels like but then again I don't value human life much. I was going to post this in the news thread but it just felt like it belongs here.

Mon, 11-19-2007, 11:20 PM
Why would someone commit suicide because of what someone else said on myspace. If you ask me that girl didn't deserve her life, sure I've contemplated committing suicide but that was only because life as a quadriplegic was something I looked forward to but damn. This story is incredibly mess up not to mention the fact that it was the parents of another girl who drove her to it and now there are questioning whether what they did was legal or not. If you ask me they or their daughter should be killed just to show them what it feels like but then again I don't value human life much. I was going to post this in the news thread but it just felt like it belongs here.
Even though I know what you're talking about, a source would be helpful.

Poorly written article about aforementioned suicide (http://stcharlesjournal.stltoday.com/news/sj2tn20071110-1111stc_pokin_1.ii1.txt)

It's pretty messed up that the parents of the other girl aggravated the situation, but I really think it would have happened sooner or later. The girl obviously had problems, as well as previous suicide attempts.

Mon, 11-19-2007, 11:33 PM
Yeah I know I should have had a source but I was in a hurry, as is evidenced by the mistakes I made, but I assumed everyone has at least heard of the story. I always wanted to know how someone could fail a suicide attempt, I mean mine was well planned out with absolutely no chance for failure, other than a completely unforeseeable interruption.

I don't see how someone could fail at committing suicide. Although most suicide attempts are just a cry for help and most people never intend to actually go through with it, I would imagine that if one becomes disheartened enough to attempt suicide and they fail at that, it would be the ultimate kick in the face.

Off topic but something I just always wanted to ask.

Tue, 11-20-2007, 12:27 PM
The girl probably did make the right choice for herself if she didn't have the fortitude to just ignore people on myspace. However she was young and might have grown out of it given time so I would also blame the parents some for letting her be alone when she was that vulnerable, but who would have expect their daughter to kill herself over myspace?

I have to give the girl props for hanging her self instead of doing something dumb like taking lots of over the counter pain killers though, if you're going to do something, do it right.

Tue, 11-20-2007, 03:01 PM
Pain killers work well, you just have to take them one at a time instead of trying to down the entire bottle at once.

If she always had such low self-esteem, struggled with her weight and didn't have any social skills you would think the parents would have kept a closer eye on her and her activities especially if she had talked about or attempted suicide in the past but most parents are completely oblivious anyways. She was a deeply troubled thirteen year old girl someone should have been looking out for her.

Tue, 11-20-2007, 06:10 PM
If she always had such low self-esteem, struggled with her weight and didn't have any social skills you would think the parents would have kept a closer eye on her and her activities especially if she had talked about or attempted suicide in the past but most parents are completely oblivious anyways. She was a deeply troubled thirteen year old girl someone should have been looking out for her.
Did you read the article? The parents were completely controlling her ability to access her myspace profile.

Tue, 11-20-2007, 06:48 PM
Earlier today it seemed like my 1TB external harddrive had died. Wouldn't respond when I connected it to a computer, tried all three of my computers without luck. I figured it was dead as I was sure I heard a clicking noise. Upon trying to connect it to a computer it would just hang the whole system, and it wouldn't even show up. Tried doing a chkdsk, took 10 min without anything happening so I thought it had hanged that too. So I started looking for ways of recovering the data. After being mad about this for 5 hours, + trying several different disk recovery programs(all shitty), I randomly try a chkdsk again. After 40 minutes it found out the file type on the drive, and 10 minutes later it fixed the whole drive. Said it had a lot of errors with the fat table etc etc. I guess I'm too impatient -.-

Of course I'm happy that it works again, but what I don't like is that I don't know what caused it, that I wasted so much time because I was impatient and that I don't know whether or not it's stable now. Half filled up so it would suck losing it. Took a backup of important files now though. I have a test tomorrow, but I ended up doing this instead. Oh well.

Tue, 11-20-2007, 07:03 PM
Did you read the article? The parents were completely controlling her ability to access her myspace profile.

Yes they were, but she neglected to check the account before allowing her to sign on. Next thing that was wrong was that she saw she was upset yet she left her online, didn't make her immediately sign out, not only that she left the house without informing her husband of what was going on. Once that all happened they left her alone and went downstairs to have dinner although they thought that the problem was resolved.

Anyway this could have all been avoided if she had just checked the messages before allowing her to go online. I understand that she was in a hurry, and everybody is human and makes mistakes. I guess she just never thought she would take it that far but whatever.

Suicide watch is a 24/7 thing trust me I know. I get that she wasn't under a "suicide watch" but they were obvious signs and I can tell you one thing for sure when you have a child that is that troubled, when they seem the slightest bit upset you never ever leave them alone.

Tue, 11-20-2007, 11:38 PM
Said it had a lot of errors with the fat table etc etc. I guess I'm too impatient -.-
fat32 is bad. 4 gig filesize limit. Lots of random issues. NTFS is a safer bet. Just for your future reference... next time, first thing you do when you get a new disk is format it ntfs, and you'll have better results.

I don't know what caused it, that I wasted so much time because I was impatient and that I don't know whether or not it's stable now. Half filled up so it would suck losing it. Took a backup of important files now though. I have a test tomorrow, but I ended up doing this instead. Oh well.

If the disk has failed once, it's very likely to fail again. Check your event log to see if it's generating some sort of failure event ("disk has a bad block" would be a common one). If the disk has bad blocks, don't rely on it anymore ... replace it asap.

1tb disks are fairly new ... so that should probably still have a mfr's warranty. But you'll have to find someplace to store the data unless they'll cross-ship.

For my own bitching pleasure... because I'm a contractor, I don't get friday off even though there's going to be like two other people at my site. My desktop's too slow to play 720p movies even with coreavc, and my fileserver's too old to recognize my new 1tb sata disk. Also, AMD's lackluster product launch and Intel's ultra-high-end product announcements didn't bump down the midrange hardware prices at all on anything. Which is lame.

Tue, 11-20-2007, 11:49 PM
Also, AMD's lackluster product launch and Intel's ultra-high-end product announcements didn't bump down the midrange hardware prices at all on anything. Which is lame.

You like.....totally just jacked my bitch.

In other bitching news, I think my boss is more than just a little bit queer. Its kinda weird....and creepy.

Wed, 11-21-2007, 12:59 AM

I was actually in a building I don't usually hang around, so the chances of me seeing her are next to nil. If I ever do, I'm thinking I should definitely scrawl "I see you whenever I close my eyes" in big letters across any drawing I give her. Why not have fun with it?

Whats will all the death references in spanish?

Todays bitch:

Its sucks when you prefer working late and at ungodly hours of the night instead of doing reports...

My current job requieres me to make reports and attend meetings once in a while... and Im seriously missing the previous job... even with all the extra work...

Thu, 11-22-2007, 02:38 PM
People who call/email in to Tech Support are dumb. That is all.

Thu, 11-22-2007, 04:38 PM
Nokia is teh suck. My dad's phone has been sent in 4th time today because the repair centre hasn't been fixing the goddamned side camera button. I originally sent it in JULY 30.

Thu, 11-22-2007, 10:38 PM
I got out and buy some nail polish with my own money, and then it gets used by someone else.

I'm sitting at the computer, and smell.. nail polish. I then turn around, and lo and behold, my brother did his nails.. with MY nailpolish, the one I actually went out to buy because I'm broke and can barely buy anything without my mom >.> Finally! Something of my own, and he uses it.. I mean, it was an unexpected use, but man.. grr.

Thu, 11-22-2007, 10:40 PM
My bitch. I can't believe she is bitching about nail polish.

Your Brother???? What???

Thu, 11-22-2007, 10:58 PM
aaah seventeen. such a carefree age.

my bitch is also kinda girly, actually. my dad bought me new nose studs from his latest trip to pakistan. they're 22k gold, and they're very pretty. the nicest one is a little one shaped like a flower with white and red gems in it. so of course i start trying to put it in as soon as i get it, and lo and behold, the backing of it falls out of my hands and onto the carpet. it's now been three days, and i still can't find the backing, so the stud is pretty much useless now. very disappointing.

Fri, 11-23-2007, 04:20 PM
It's not girly.. it's just the principal of things.

Fri, 11-23-2007, 07:19 PM
i didnt even know a thread aside from one piece and naruo manga existed.
My bitch is that it took me soo long to find a slightly positive outlet for my anger instead of bottling it! Awesome im going to be here everyday!

Sat, 11-24-2007, 01:52 AM
Whats will all the death references in spanish?
I did the drawing on the back of some notes from my Spanish Literature class. They were on some poem I didn't really understand it that well, but I ended up getting a 93 on the test so...

RE: Jaitne's brother - what the hell??

Sat, 11-24-2007, 10:59 AM
RE: Jaitne's brother - what the hell??

I know right, it perplexed me too. The only excuses would be if he is under 12, he is comedian or it was black nail polish and he is a goth but I never liked that anyway.

Death BOO Z
Sat, 11-24-2007, 04:18 PM
well, one of the guys from the army screws me over, again.

last week, he went home a day before everyone else, and left me with another watchpost duty (yep, I really like sleeping 4 hours a-night (01:30-03:00 & and 06:00-08:30)), now, he was asked by one of the NCOs to show up early to escort a shipping container.
now, he says he's not feeling well, and this hot potato falls onto me.
we are having a cultural\entertainment day tommorow, and now i'm going to miss it becuase of him. and he has done a similiar thing before.

Sat, 11-24-2007, 06:09 PM
he says he's not feeling well, and this hot potato falls onto me.
we are having a cultural\entertainment day tommorow, and now i'm going to miss it becuase of him. and he has done a similiar thing before.

In this situation you take a long sock, drop a piece of hard soap inside it, and demonstrate to him what being sick really means.

Death BOO Z
Sat, 11-24-2007, 06:58 PM
I know I'll regert asking:

What the hell do you mean?

Sun, 11-25-2007, 02:19 AM
It's a reference from the movie Full Metal Jacket. IT"S about a bunch of U.S. Marines in training together. One of them is very sub-standard and keeps getting the rest of the unit in trouble. So one night they give him a blanket party, which consists of everyone in the unit putting a bar of soap into a sock then taking turns hitting him with it as he's pinned to his bed by a blanket held across his chest. After they did this to the guy he became a model soldier...until he snapped, shot their DI in the face and then ate his rifle.

Mon, 11-26-2007, 08:05 PM
Sean Taylor got shot that is just wrong.

Tue, 11-27-2007, 06:37 AM
I tried to show off my handy man skills in front of this hot chick at work today and ended up looking like an idiot when I blew a circuit breaker and delayed her from finishing her project. Now she's waiting around for the electrician to come fix the problem and I ran from the scene because I'll probably get in trouble for messing with the electrical wiring when I'm not properly trained. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

Tue, 11-27-2007, 02:39 PM
Lol, animeniax.

Sean Taylor

Wed, 11-28-2007, 12:48 AM
Some fuckstick broke one of the windows of my parents' store last night, most likely to steal. Thankfully nothing was taken but now my mom and I are incredibly paranoid and very suspicious....as if we weren't under enough stress.

Wed, 11-28-2007, 03:55 AM
They need to install that metal mesh thing that can be rolled down in the evening to protect the windows and prevent anyone from going in. Such are the times that you can't be too careful.

Wed, 11-28-2007, 01:33 PM
Well shit

I overslept for both my classes today. Instead of being up in time for my 8:00 am and 10:00 am classes, I woke up at 12:00. I don't know how or why that happened.

Wed, 11-28-2007, 02:59 PM
They need to install that metal mesh thing that can be rolled down in the evening to protect the windows and prevent anyone from going in. Such are the times that you can't be too careful.
The thing is the store is listed for sale and we just counter-offered a potential buyer so it wouldn't make much sense to invest more money into it.

Thu, 11-29-2007, 06:10 PM
My Phone was run over by a bus last night!!!!!!

Thu, 11-29-2007, 07:46 PM
My Phone was run over by a bus last night!!!!!!
Good Heavens!!! :eek: :eek: :eek:

I'm sorry for your loss. What kind of phone was it?

Thu, 11-29-2007, 10:20 PM
Got a lot on my mind right now which doesn't leave much room for anything else... was late for work, an 8.5 hour shift. My SP battery also died while I was on break at work... along with other things. Sounds lame I guess but meh.

Thu, 11-29-2007, 10:50 PM
bitching because i'm behind in school work and i can't read while i'm at work because too many people come and bother me for me to hold any small amount of concentration. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr......

Tue, 12-04-2007, 09:03 AM
I've been ebaying alot lately selling computers and have been using fixed price buy it now / best offer style which has been working great.

This guy sends me an offer for $300 for a computer and i just accepted but then he only paypals me $300 and doesn't include shipping so i'm like.. wtf

go back and look at it and in the comments section he has written that he wants wifi (nbd, i have few extra wifi cards) and then i see $300 shipped....

Well this douche bag should have made his offer the highest amount he was wanting to pay while taking into consideration the price i had set for shipping..

I ebay to make money... not to just trade stuff and what not, and selling something at $300 + means ebay / paypal fees totalling around $30 and then almost $30 to ship something that weighs 30-35 pounds. And this douche bag has not responded to any emails yet so i have his money in my paypal but i dont intend to come out of pocket $50 on something i'm trying to make money off of.

Tue, 12-04-2007, 10:23 AM
Several months ago I paid for a FFT game for gba. Item never arrived, and since I was out of date for a dispute with paypal I opened one on ebay.

Seller refused to refund, so I used the option "report to ebay".
Its been over 4 months already and fucking ebay hasn't done shit. I email daily and they keep saying they are 'throughly investigating' Yeah sure. Assholes.

Tue, 12-04-2007, 10:51 AM
My Phone was run over by a bus last night!!!!!!
Ahahaha....sorry...but after all your complaints about the difficulty in receiving a phone plan in the first place, I can't help but compare this to the bucket walrus.

I has a phone plan.....Noooooooo they be takin my phone plan!

Tue, 12-04-2007, 08:28 PM
I'm in so much pain right now that I can barely move or see for that matter and there is nothing I can do about it short of taking enough Oxy to get higher than a kite or taking something else that has zombifying side effects.

I guess I'll just listen to Linkin Park until it passes and pray that nothing worse happens. I really don't want to have to deal with this shit again. Damn.

Tue, 12-04-2007, 10:45 PM
I'm in so much pain right now that I can barely move or see for that matter and there is nothing I can do about it short of taking enough Oxy to get higher than a kite or taking something else that has zombifying side effects.

I guess I'll just listen to Linkin Park until it passes and pray that nothing worse happens. I really don't want to have to deal with this shit again. Damn.

i like how you don't specify why you're in pain, just that you're in pain.

Tue, 12-04-2007, 11:22 PM
Several months ago I paid for a FFT game for gba. Item never arrived, and since I was out of date for a dispute with paypal I opened one on ebay.

I got this girl i work with to buy a book off of ebay... and she got ripped off like that too, no return emails or anything.. over $17. I've done $2500 on ebay in the past month and only problem is this douche i posted about this morning who doesn't want to bid correctly.

The Heretic Azazel
Wed, 12-05-2007, 01:21 AM
I'm in so much pain right now that I can barely move or see for that matter and there is nothing I can do about it short of taking enough Oxy to get higher than a kite or taking something else that has zombifying side effects.

I guess I'll just listen to Linkin Park until it passes and pray that nothing worse happens. I really don't want to have to deal with this shit again. Damn.

Snort those Oxys. I used to love doing that shit.

Wed, 12-05-2007, 09:57 AM
i like how you don't specify why you're in pain, just that you're in pain.

I have similar headaches together with random excruciating and unceasing body and joint pains, unpredictable muscle aches and spasms, double vision, seizures, random paralysis, numbness, loss of sensation, blackouts, temporary amnesia, random fluctuations in blood pressure and a host of other symptoms most of which have been plaguing me all my life particularly within the last six years.

Snort those Oxys. I used to love doing that shit.

You seem to have enjoyed it a bit too much. Why were you taking Oxy.

Wed, 12-05-2007, 10:28 AM
drugs are bad mmk? a while ago i went to bed ( 7pm) because my headache was so bad... slept for 10-11 hours. I woke up and felt really hot and still had an intense headache and felt like I had a hang over or had only slept for an hour or so despite my long sleep. IDK what was wrong, i gave it 5-6 days before going to the doctor and she only gave me some kind of headach meds and an inhaler cause i was also having a little trouble breathing.

I dont know if this is a bitch or not... i mean i am at work being paid. but here it goes...

This mornings technical support?!?! thats right! shaking the vending machine to free the claims ladies much awanted danish that was just dangling.

everything is working so there is very little to do, and i get bored and/or sleepy very fast.

Wed, 12-05-2007, 10:44 AM
I gave up on doctors awhile ago and stopped taking any and all medications because they rarely treat any of my symptoms without having to take large doses and so I used to end up taking large doses of a bunch of different medications for every one of my symptoms. The medications rarely worked and the side effects were so bad that I just decided to stop taking all of them.

Yeah its not really a bitch, Having a job where you get paid and actually do very little is not something one can complain about. Someone I know used to work like that, if everything was working he had nothing to do, but he didn't complain, one because he was lazy any and two because the place was rather easy going, they had a big screen tv and plenty of other stuuf to do and once there wasn't anything to do no one would give up any heck about just wasting time.

He didn't even used to spend much time at work, if there was nothing to do he was just leave and they would call him if something came up but like I said the people there were rather lax. The funny thing is he left the job even though he wasn't really doing anything besides collecting a pay check or I suppose that was the reason.

Wed, 12-05-2007, 12:38 PM
This mornings technical support?!?! thats right! shaking the vending machine to free the claims ladies much awanted danish that was just dangling.
Somewhere else in the world, someone is posting in a similar thread about vending machines:

This morning my fucking Danish got caught in the vending machine and the guy who was supposed to get it out took 15 minutes to do it! I had a horrible morning, spilled my coffee, was late to work, and I couldn't even have my morning Danish! ARRGGGH!!

Wed, 12-12-2007, 12:23 PM
I'm here to bitch... god damnit.

Login 'security' .... what the fuck? i got an email that i have an envoice ready for my insurance so i goto log in to the site and after entering my password it asks me 3 security questions.... of which it says i'm getting 1 / 3 of them wrong and then the only thing to do is click the forgot password... but i know my fucking password and typed it in correctly.

This is fucking bullshit... i want to access my account online but they have locked me out of it. This is almost as bad as one of my credit cards where each time i log in i have to have them either call me or email me w\ a one time login code.... its fucking rediculous.

I can login to my bank with one password but i can't log in to less crucial web sites because they're fucking idiots... and on top of that, statefarm has no support emails. you can email an agent... which i dont need... or you can have them send you the password you already fucking know but still have to answer 3 security questions .. dont know how i'm getting it wrong either its total bullshit

Wed, 12-12-2007, 05:04 PM
Man, why the fuck is it so difficult for so many people to actually LIFT their feet when they walk instead of dragging them? It's especially irritating when I'm studying in the library and some troglodyte walks by dragging their damned feet, making as much noise as possible.

Wed, 12-12-2007, 07:52 PM
What's with people that can't make up their mind, mean either you want something or you don't and being so damn indecisive about everything is just pissing me off. If she was going to be so damn distant from me what the hell is the point of contacting me at all, it just aggravates me even more. Need to stop caring about this crap

Thu, 12-13-2007, 10:13 PM

Anyways err where to start.. my bitch for today is that my friend ran up a 652 phone bill in my name that we share. Overall in this fucked up month ive had a friend whose been shot(philly is so fucked up now), this fucking girl wont stay outta my head, im moving out of my house due to complications at home and have completely taken it out on all my freinds unwillingly. thank god for work at the airport. I'll be finishin up my training to be a bomb appraisal officer soon. Anyways WOOSAAHH. thanks bitchin thread.

Fri, 12-14-2007, 11:42 AM
So.. the lady I work with was just on the phone w\ some guy they use as a consultant for server related issues. so she is on the phone for over 10 minutes w\ him while i am bored to death surfing the interweb...

I just finished my first 2003 server class and very well could have answered all of her questions she asked... grrrrrrr

another bitch.... I am getting married ! No that isn't theb itch... her parents dont want us to move in until we're married even though our lease starts in a couple days and we've had access to the condo we rented for over a week now. Driving her home and what not takes away a large portion of my free time that i have after work and what not... rawwwwwwwwwr

Fri, 12-14-2007, 12:12 PM
another bitch.... I am getting married ! No that isn't theb itch... her parents dont want us to move in until we're married even though our lease starts in a couple days and we've had access to the condo we rented for over a week now. Driving her home and what not takes away a large portion of my free time that i have after work and what not... rawwwwwwwwwr

Congrats, man!

Too bad about the stiff parents, though. Sounds like a waste with the apartment.

Fri, 12-14-2007, 12:17 PM
another bitch.... I am getting married ! No that isn't theb itch... her parents dont want us to move in until we're married even though our lease starts in a couple days and we've had access to the condo we rented for over a week now. Driving her home and what not takes away a large portion of my free time that i have after work and what not... rawwwwwwwwwr
This is kinda like the story my roommate's friend told him a week ago....
Except their excuse for getting married was so she could get treatment for her broken ankle under his health insurance.

Ah romance is in the air~~

Sun, 12-16-2007, 02:18 PM
Man, last night I was at this small concert, and I was standing just in front of the stage watching my favorite band of that evening, and this chubby bitch with too much makeup comes and stands in front of me to start talking to a friend. Then her meathead boyfriend pushes through and stands in front of me and they start talking. Bitch isn't even watching the show. Just wiggles her hips ever few minutes pretending to enjoy the music.

I know they had as much right to be there as I did, but I really wanted to injure them.

Sun, 12-16-2007, 04:35 PM
Heh, I have a rather embarassing yet funny one.

Tuesday afternoon, me and a couple of friends had been joking around in our usual school-day haunt, the school's media center, while waiting for the buses. Anyway, one of my friends knew about my plans to ask one of the girls out, so when we leave the media center for the bus 'circle' (even though it's more like a horseshoe), he pulls the two of us aside and tells her "(python) has something to ask you," and then walks away. So, naturally, that put me in a rather... shall we say, awkward position, while the girl is standing in front of me, and I'm babbling like a fool. Needless to say, I flucked up and didn't ask her. My bitch about the whole thing? Damned friends.

And, as a sidenote, I finally asked the girl out the next day, and so here we are. I just wanna give my friend a great 'ol "Jee, thanks much."

Mon, 12-17-2007, 07:44 PM
ok... currrent bitch...

Washington Mutual..

I spent alot of money last week and knew i was cutting it close in my checking account. so this weekend i was online checking my bank and realised i was a couple hundred in the hole and had a $27 overdraft fee. I know it was my fuck up so i just moved money from my sauvaings into the checking..

Today though, among my 8 bullshit pieces of junk mail is a letter from my bank listing 3 transactions that were put on my account with no balance... 2 of which were $4.xx this fucking pisses me off. $81 in overdraft fees and then it says "at the time of this mailing, you have "1600.XX in this checking account, please deposit money in the account to bring it into the posative...'' jesus christ... thats just fucking insane to me.

For one, when you buy something with a card it does the whole authorization process... why the fuck would it authorize if there is not enough or no money in the account? wtf.

secondly... i have 2 accounts with them, when i log into their web page it shows me both accounts at the same time... . so, if i have $4000 + in my savings account and none in my checking why the fuck would they not move the money so that it does not overdraft?

lastly, their website is currently down for maintanence and it is after hours so i have nobody to spam or bitch to aside from whoever is reading this.

Wed, 12-19-2007, 10:50 PM
no its not spam.. i just have alot of bitching to do !

i got ticket for speeding and no insurance in november... hired a lawyer and mailed in an insurance card w\ a copy of my license to the city....

today, i get 3 things in theh mil from the city... they returned the stuff i sent them saying that i needed to have sent them $103 with it.... to prove that i was insured when i got the ticket... why the fuck do they send the stuff back? are they trying to pretend they did not get it?

and also.. they sent me a notice that i've had a warrant for my arrest since the 13th... im like... wtf, what is this lawyer i paid doing? i am beyond pissed about this and really would like to do something realkly dirty to the city of dallas... like pay them with money that i've whiped a very dirty ass with.... maybe i'll do just that.

Wed, 12-19-2007, 10:54 PM
You certainly have posted in this thread alot lately. You should take that as a sign that your life is going to hell in a hand basket.:)

Wed, 12-19-2007, 11:56 PM
srsly, with all the bitching, you should start a blog :p

*begins contemplating implementation details of a hypothetical user-blog hosting architecture*

I want to bitch about my job, but I think my employer may be able to find out an association between my real name and my handle, so it may not be the best of ideas...

Wed, 12-26-2007, 01:33 PM
srsly, with all the bitching, you should start a blog :p

hmmmm..... He should have a blog (http://bbaucom.asshattery.info).....

Death BOO Z
Sat, 12-29-2007, 07:03 PM
two weeks ago: I hung out with a friend, and we have a real good time.
last week: I call a her again (I used to date her a few months back) and she whispers that she's in a lecture and can't speak.

today: she sends me a msg from her ICQ account and says that her phone is down, and gives me her home number in case I want to call her. I wasn't planning on meeting her today, at first, but if she sends something like this, it's obvious that she wants to. so i try calling her, and all I get is the internet dialer tune. all the time. I didn't know those things still exsisted.

Sat, 12-29-2007, 09:48 PM
That dialer tune might be due to a fax machine, I think.

Thu, 01-03-2008, 09:26 PM
Hate nightclubs. I really do. If I wanted to listen to loud music I'd stay at home with headphones or go to a concert. Now I've got a sore through because I was shouting trying to talk to the people I was with. I honestly, genuinely don't see what people find so entertaining about it.

Fri, 01-04-2008, 12:40 AM
Hate nightclubs. I really do. If I wanted to listen to loud music I'd stay at home with headphones or go to a concert. Now I've got a sore through because I was shouting trying to talk to the people I was with. I honestly, genuinely don't see what people find so entertaining about it.
The nightclub scene is boring for me too....I guess it's more fun if you like to dance. Personally, I hate dancing.

Sat, 01-05-2008, 09:29 AM
The nightclub scene is boring for me too....I guess it's more fun if you like to dance. Personally, I hate dancing.
So do I, and that is why I hated the club. I was especially annoyed that we actually payed to get in there, having just left a much better, quieter place which had free admission.

Sat, 01-05-2008, 12:17 PM
It's all about finding the right venue for your mood, preferences and group...

personally, I'm all about brewpubs. Usually low-key, quiet, relaxed, and the home of a variety of unusual and good beers...

Sat, 01-12-2008, 04:35 AM
My bitch for a long time. Here we go. I'm warning people in advance so that this doesn't get anyone offended or something.

Now on to my bitch.


Why is is that they get all the praise for starting something that is a fucking bar on a screen?!! And then get to become billionaires off the most asinine technology that serves no real purpose for building wealth whatsoever in any category. Online Advertising has the worst purpose for the common tool as wealth building. It doesn't serve any at all to anyone. Even the people looking for a particular product from a company. On top of that, they bombard the right side of the searches with useless online (hideous) texts ads. Then choke the ones that actually need to get their name out there to begin with. ie local businesses. Even more so, their business model is a hierarchy of "class" In other words they use a pointless bid model based on only getting the highest bidder and cutting off possible chances for other businesses to show who they are.

The most I hate about it however. They get the spotlight over companies that do provide something that don't have to worry about crashing, database work over night, or not loading at certain times. In other words, dot-com's.

Sat, 01-12-2008, 05:39 AM
Extreme envy is not very becoming, dude.

It's business. The first priority is to provide a means of living for the people involved. The second, subordinate, priority would be to fulfill any ideals.

Death BOO Z
Sat, 01-12-2008, 06:21 AM
heck, i'd rather see googles text ads rather than the flash pop-up noise included ads that my local poral uses...

but i can understand where your hate is coming from, I feel the same about Apple. Unexplainable hate towards the company, the die-hard fanticas and the genral asskissing mass media. stupid Ipod, which made it socially acceptable to walk in the street without paying attention to where your'e going, and stupid Iphone, which is plane stupid. and expensive.

Sat, 01-12-2008, 03:48 PM
It's business. The first priority is to provide a means of living for the people involved. The second, subordinate, priority would be to fulfill any ideals.

Oh I know. I'm about to get my business administration degree, so I know all about the business world. Plus, I'm my first corporation was started in contrast to Google. My company does online advertising for local (brick&mortar) and small businesses. But Google is getting into our game. It makes me feel like Apple back in the software days against Mr. Softy Gates. A week before my co-founder and I went live with our system,....we found out Google is using our exact technology for the local ads. Thats where some of the hate is coming from.

On top of that, I just don't like how everything has shifted from physical assets to non physical assets in gaining wealth. It's hard for me to accept someone being worth over $30+ billion in a dot-com. In a retail chain, ok. Software company (with actual physical software) ok. A manufacturing chain that makes steel, fine. But not a dot-com, sorry.

Another thing is, they aren't really businessmen, they're scientists who fell into a profitable business model. To business people, that isn't right. It's like they wanted to make the search engine first and almost only just to "help" the public and organize the worlds information in some way. I hate that. If you're going to make company, don't dual wield. Make one thing for extreme amounts of revenue and profit. Or something that helps the world. And on top of that, their system wouldn't even work without the engine to find and post those stupid ads.

Sat, 01-12-2008, 04:01 PM
A week before my co-founder and I went live with our system,....we found out Google is using our exact technology for the local ads. Thats where some of the hate is coming from.

Oh. If you had said that in the beginning, I wouldn't have said anything. That certainly explains why you could be majorly pissed off.

Another thing is, they aren't really businessmen, they're scientists who fell into a profitable business model. To business people, that isn't right. It's like they wanted to make the search engine first and almost only just to "help" the public and organize the worlds information in some way. I hate that. If you're going to make company, don't dual wield. Make one thing for extreme amounts of revenue and profit. Or something that helps the world. And on top of that, their system wouldn't even work without the engine to find and post those stupid ads.

However, with this I totally disagree. For two things: Scientists need to eat as well, and nobody knows just how many scientists there have been that have worked their asses (or brains rather) off and then cheaply sold their inventions to some businessmen whose only effort was to see potential. And which one of these two ended up as the rich men? Thus, those researchers who happened to end up rich just following their passion get my utmost respect.

Sat, 01-12-2008, 04:27 PM
Oh. If you had said that in the beginning, I wouldn't have said anything. That certainly explains why you could be majorly pissed off.

Yeah I should have said that to begin with. Plus if Google does in fact take our business (which I won't let happen) They'll butcher the profits and balance sheet of the local people by charging them ridiculous amounts of fees with hardly any gain.

Google has a bid model for each keyword. On top of that, the starting rate bid is 25 cents. From there it only goes up and up. And I have friends using Google's system. They aren't happy with the results they're getting, and they would love a new business model. We have a flat, fixed rate fee of only 25 cents per click. Never higher, no matter what. That's why I didn't like that they were going into our turf using our technology. It's going to be like making an operating system for the computer trying to compete with Windows. Thats why I'm mad. I hate how veteran businessmen make it hard for newcomers with better ideas, and more potential for making money.

Sat, 01-12-2008, 06:41 PM
I hate how veteran businessmen make it hard for newcomers with better ideas, and more potential for making money.Unfortunately, that capitalism. Though I hate how fucked up patent squatting has gotten a whole lot more than big companies squeezing out the little guy. It's one thing to throw your weight around and be an asshole about it, but another to only leech off someone else's hard work while you waited for someone to "violate" your patent.

The little tin-foil hat person within me thinks that Google is up to something huge, and has been developing it for several years. The downside is that whatever it is is not beneficial for consumers, perhaps even a huge invasion of privacy. Why else would they be hoarding so much capital?

Sat, 01-12-2008, 09:35 PM
Unfortunately, that capitalism. Though I hate how fucked up patent squatting has gotten a whole lot more than big companies squeezing out the little guy. It's one thing to throw your weight around and be an asshole about it, but another to only leech off someone else's hard work while you waited for someone to "violate" your patent.

The little tin-foil hat person within me thinks that Google is up to something huge, and has been developing it for several years. The downside is that whatever it is is not beneficial for consumers, perhaps even a huge invasion of privacy. Why else would they be hoarding so much capital?

Well all I can do is keep growing my company up and up. That's all.

Board of Command
Sun, 01-13-2008, 01:41 AM
The little tin-foil hat person within me thinks that Google is up to something huge, and has been developing it for several years. The downside is that whatever it is is not beneficial for consumers, perhaps even a huge invasion of privacy. Why else would they be hoarding so much capital?
Google's world domination might not be as farfetched as it sounds in the near future.

Mon, 01-14-2008, 12:56 AM
Didn't people say the same thing about Enron and Microsoft. I agree with Dan though you have more than enough right to hate google whether they were messing with your business or not.

i can understand where your hate is coming from, I feel the same about Apple. Unexplainable hate towards the company, the die-hard fanticas and the genral asskissing mass media. stupid Ipod, which made it socially acceptable to walk in the street without paying attention to where your'e going, and stupid Iphone, which is plane stupid. and expensive.

I agree with you too. I used to be a big Mac guy back in the day but that doesn't really mean much since everyone was but I've hated apple ever since they decided to start putting i's in front of everything and whats worse its now a popular trend.

Mon, 01-14-2008, 02:00 AM
Didn't people say the same thing about Enron and Microsoft. I agree with Dan though you have more than enough right to hate google whether they were messing with your business or not.

I agree with you too. I used to be a big Mac guy back in the day but that doesn't really mean much since everyone was but I've hated apple ever since they decided to start putting i's in front of everything and whats worse its now a popular trend.

Yes, almost all of society was saying that about those two for their positions in the market place. Thank you very much for the support and agreeing with me. I very much appreciate it.

I was never a mac guy because I always considered it a cult following thing. And to add to your "I" point about mac, Google isn't exactly not following them. Trust me, Gmail, probably won't be the last product that has a "G" in front of it.

Mon, 01-14-2008, 02:06 AM
No need for the thanks you're welcome.

Yeah I know google is going to start using it too, one of the reasons why I said its becoming a trend. There is the rumored G phone for example but I highly doubt thats going to happen, certainly not anytime soon.

Well Mac has become somewhat of a cult following but in the early 90's it wasn't.

Mon, 01-14-2008, 05:07 AM
There is the rumored G phone for example but I highly doubt thats going to happen, certainly not anytime soon.Maybe not. Google and Verizon have both reportedly started to bid for the UHF band that opens up when all of television switches to digital.

My complaint for the day:
Snow, and how it makes people drive.

Fri, 01-25-2008, 03:05 AM
Random complaint of the day... my cellphone's battery's almost shot. I'll charge it all night and when it comes time to use it, halfway through a 3 minute long call the phone dies on me.

Fri, 01-25-2008, 04:04 AM
For you, the cause is actually the quality of your phone calls. Since you can't see your man, DF, live, you must do everything on the phone, and no device can handle such intensity for very long!

Fri, 01-25-2008, 04:28 AM
Actually, I had been talking to my mom fast to let her know I managed to pick up what I was supposed to and that I was going to be quite late for work because of it. To talk to DF I use the home phone... free long distance!

Tue, 01-29-2008, 01:45 AM
One of my closest friends got into an accident on Friday, halfway through a 6 hour drive to come and chill with me over the weekend. A witness said his car flipped over 8 times, but my friend can't remember for sure. Not so much a bitch from me, but more of a "when shit happens" post. Dude could have died.

Picture of him and the car a day later, also me. (http://img169.imageshack.us/img169/7353/mattaccidentsj1.jpg)

Tue, 01-29-2008, 03:20 AM
The car certainly got totaled. Good thing he only got a broken left arm. Could have been worse, for sure.

Tue, 01-29-2008, 11:02 AM
seatbelt ftw?

Tue, 01-29-2008, 12:17 PM
Brings back memories of when my sister totaled her car by flipping about five or so times. The officer that arrived first said it was the first time in twenty years on the force that he had seen a wreck so bad and the driver just walk away. My sister was lucky she didn't have a scratch.

Tue, 01-29-2008, 01:12 PM
seatbelt ftw?
The seatbelt did save his life, but it also gave him the only broken bone (collar bone) he got out of the whole thing. His arm isn't broken, just scratched to shit. Apparently his left thumb was severed to the muscle, but I didn't get to see it, fortunately.

Fri, 02-01-2008, 09:32 PM
Fucking damn it man! Fuck! I just got home from seeing Cloverfield, got on my comp and saw a cool picture. Rendered it and started making a sig. It had to have been the best Horo one i've made so far and I got a RANDOM Blue effing screen o Death without saving a copy! I didn't even save the render, I have to do it all over again. FUCK!:mad:

Fri, 02-01-2008, 11:08 PM
So, on Wednesday I backed into a truck with about 4 witnesses, then (despite being told by them to leave a note) drove off. After that I hit a curb and screwed up my already crappy car. Then, the next morning, my car ran out of gas thanks to a broken gas light and my battery died, while all these fluids leaked from the bottom of my car. So we had to push my car to a gas station and I barely made it back home.

Now I'm without a car and, despite the fact that I've driven all my friends in similar situations (or when they didn't have licenses), nobody wants to go through the trouble of driving me around. Gee, awesome.