View Full Version : The Bitching Thread
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Fri, 08-26-2011, 05:18 PM
Well, things are a bit more hectic in Chicago, but law enforcement officers are not supposed to restrain you unless you are deemed a threat to them or yourself. As I was attempting to be cooperative and answer questions, there was really no reason to handcuff me in the middle of the street in front of all those people walking about. I already scare white and Asian women by...well, existing. I am sure that only exacerbated things.
Fri, 08-26-2011, 06:47 PM
As much as the cuffing seemed unnecessary and demeaning, I think it's a safety precaution as well as a method of intimidation. If they have you cuffed, they can be more at ease and it might keep you safer as well (from overzealous trigger-happy types).
@Kraco: offering to call someone to confirm your story is like trusting personal references on a job application. Of course you will only list people sympathetic and friendly to you so they will back you up, even if they have to lie.
Fri, 08-26-2011, 07:13 PM
Like Ani said, they're really more afraid of you bolting, or pulling a weapon out of your pocket. It happens. Cops get shot/stabbed/attacked all the time.
It's the same reason you're better off keeping your hands on the wheel once you roll the window down for a traffic stop. Reaching toward your glovebox to grab your registration while they're still in their cruiser will actually put the cop on edge, thinking you grabbed something else. Trust me, they'll come up to the window with their hand on their service arm. You often end up better if the cop stays at ease the entire duration of the traffic stop. You tell them when you're going to do something, "It's in the glovebox, let me get it," and do it slowly. Then they don't have to worry about getting shot.
It's a dangerous job. Treat them with respect and you'll get it back.
Not saying you didn't treat them with respect Rockmanj, but if they thought you were who they were looking for, they weren't about to take any chances. Embarrassing for you, but none of them want to take the risk.
Fri, 08-26-2011, 08:07 PM
Black with dreadlocks (if im not mistaken this a hair style) isnt much of a description to handcuff someone that you already have with his hands on the car, so under control. Anyway things in your country are different so my point of view is quite biassed.
What I cant understand is why they stoped you a second time if they where informed about your first encounter. And if I were you I wouldnt make any file complain. Usually those things take forever to come to an end and in the end if things get serious you will have to face some angry cop that lives in your city that could know anything he wants about you, and even if most of them are very nice and hard working people a lot tend to like grudges, especially against some racial sectors.
Fri, 08-26-2011, 09:12 PM
Dude, hands on the car is not "under control". His back would be to them with the car obstructing the view of any officer facing him from the other side. Think how easy it would be for him to pull a gun from his waistband and turn it into a bad situation for the police.
The second time, while bs, is also understandable, since they were still looking for the guy. The 2nd stop might have been to double-check, or to be sure it wasn't a different guy the 2nd time. This kind of policing for the most part isn't what we're used to in the U.S., so it's shocking when we hear about it. But imagine if you were in Mexico or some other country with real corrupt police. Some locals would have found your body in a ditch.
Fri, 08-26-2011, 10:28 PM
The thing is that: A: I was totally cooperative and passive B: it was clear by what I was wearing that I was not armed and C: restraining someone without probable cause is in violation of the 4th amendment. The 2nd stop made no felt like some ridiculous show of force. I contacted the district commander (who I have been communicating with about some community issues). Like I said, there was probable cause, but they kind of went about it unprofessionally. And I believe in the case of hands on the car...the officer is usually standing to the side of you, with their hands on their weapons (which both did even when i was cuffed).
Fri, 08-26-2011, 10:37 PM
"Clear by what you were wearing" and "coming from my office" aren't jiving for me. Were you in a tank top, skin-tight shirt, or was your waist somehow exposed? Otherwise it wouldn't be hard to conceal a weapon.
Detaining (arrest or other longer term) someone without probable cause is unconstitutional, but restraining them is allowed.
Sorry if I'm not helping you to feel better about your shitty experience, but that really is what I'm trying to do. If you step back and realize it was nothing personal, just business, you'll feel better about it. Like Ryllharu said, if you match a description black/white/otherwise, you're going to get the 3rd degree. It's all in the name of crime control and public safety.
Sat, 08-27-2011, 02:24 AM
Dude, hands on the car is not "under control". His back would be to them with the car obstructing the view of any officer facing him from the other side. Think how easy it would be for him to pull a gun from his waistband and turn it into a bad situation for the police.
No, it's not. And the other cop wouldn't be on the other side of the car. One cop to the side, one behind, so that if they needed to shoot, they wouldn't ever be in each other's line of fire. Especially if his palms were facing outward, the pose is such that you wouldn't make any drastically fast movements that could surprise the cops unless you were Chuck Norris or suffered a seizure.
Well, I admit that having received this sort of training in the army and being faced with possibly lethal threats in everyday work are two entirely different things. If I was a police officer in a crime infested city, I'd probably rather do too much than too little. It's much easier to talk about public relations and the public image from a high position behind a desk than face scumbags every day. Unfortunately it will still degrade the level of cooperation and trust gradually, no matter if people understand the reasoning.
Sat, 08-27-2011, 03:16 AM
I think if the cops had just sincerely apologized after realizing they made a mistake (it would take less than 5 seconds, literally) then rockmanj would not feel nearly as bad.
Sat, 08-27-2011, 08:01 AM
Nah, no apology, just the order to "look out for other blacks". I think it would be pretty hard to conceal anything in a short sleeved polo shirt and slacks (ironically, the polo shirt said "Public Allies"). And yea, it probably is better to do too much than too little, but it just seemed a bit excessive when I clearly asked them what I could do to help and what the situation was. This has happened to me before a couple times, and the 1st time (I think i was like 16), they just grabbed me, drug me into some building, frisked me, and literally threw me out the door with no explanation. I suppose this was a little better...
Sat, 08-27-2011, 04:34 PM
Sorry to hear is going to be a rough time, but I am sure you will pull through feeling better. Good job making a firm decision.
Thank you. I broke up with her today. I'm calm now but I feel a crash coming on later. That's how it goes I guess.
Sat, 08-27-2011, 05:26 PM
Good riddance! Now go get you a bird who can appreciate you nah sein?
Sat, 08-27-2011, 05:45 PM
Probably intuitive/obvious, but stay busy the next few days and it will help the pain. Works with all kinds of emotional trauma.
Sat, 08-27-2011, 09:52 PM
My work has again decided to switch one of my clients to another trainer WITHOUT NOTIFYING ME, making this a total of 14 hours they have SUDDENLY docked from my work week. I cannot comprehend why they didn't even bother to shoot me a warning/alert email either time, and am totally pissed off now that I realize that this work isn't a steady source of income at all.
Not to mention they totally flipped out when I asked for vacation time to go to London in advance, though I frequently worked extra hours (like 8 hours a week worth) for them at a moments notice.
I am 3 seconds away from quitting.
Sat, 08-27-2011, 10:28 PM
If you don't like your job, you don't quit. You just go in everyday and do it really half-assed. That's the American way - Homer J. [edited]
My bitch: school has started and I'm still in summer vacation mode. Hope I don't fall too far behind before I can snap out of it. I've already dropped 5th semester Japanese Advanced Conversation because I didn't want to devote the time to it.
Sat, 08-27-2011, 10:33 PM
If you don't like your job, you don't quit. You just go in everyday and do it really half-assed. That's the American way - Homer J. [edited]
Fortunately I have enough youthful vigor in me to quit and start anew. Unless the schedule change is a SURPRISE PROMOTION - I'm bouncing.
Sat, 08-27-2011, 10:40 PM
Maybe your clients demanded to see another trainer and were simply too impatient to await your return.
But if you feel you were victimized, I'd bring it up to your managers and talk to them about it. If you think it won't have an effect, though, I'd just quit altogether and find a new job.
Sat, 08-27-2011, 11:28 PM
I'd say do a half-assed job while looking for another job, then quit once you've secured the new job. In this economy and job market, it's the only sane thing to do.
My bitch: reading Marx... what a bloated windbag. What's really dumb is that his principles have been debunked, so why bother reading and studying it? Might as well study an Earth-centric solar system.
Sun, 08-28-2011, 12:20 AM
Flash lights check
Water check
Food reserve check
battery power backup check
Liquor check
Come on Irene.
Sun, 08-28-2011, 08:21 AM
I'd say do a half-assed job while looking for another job, then quit once you've secured the new job. In this economy and job market, it's the only sane thing to do.
My bitch: reading Marx... what a bloated windbag. What's really dumb is that his principles have been debunked, so why bother reading and studying it? Might as well study an Earth-centric solar system.
Thats the reason he is being teached in almost every university in the whole planet. And since 2007 is the most referenced economist that surfaced all those debunked myths to be "not so true". You can always read smith, friedman, locke and their beloved astral entity "invisible hand".
Sun, 08-28-2011, 10:03 AM
Probably intuitive/obvious, but stay busy the next few days and it will help the pain. Works with all kinds of emotional trauma.
Thank you. I'm trying my best. It's just odd now that it's actually over, all I can do is obsess over how much I want her back, despite the fact that I wasn't happy. I suppose that's perfectly normal. My friends have been amazingly helpful.
I'm consoled by the fact that in a year or so this will seem so trivial.
Flash lights check
Water check
Food reserve check
battery power backup check
Liquor check
Come on Irene.
Fri, 09-02-2011, 02:12 PM
Flash lights check
Water check
Food reserve check
battery power backup check
Liquor check
Come on Irene.
Reason I am on vacation several states away: Haven't had electricity in 5 days. Trapped by trees for two days. Electricity not expected to be restored in an additional 2-5 days. Have to drive 20 miles to get gasoline...if they're not sold out. Can't get ice...period. Still expected to come into work. Can't run the generator while at work. Have to keep an eye on it or lock it up, otherwise it will be stolen. About $100 of food thrown out. The only bright side was that I had access to a water source (via my small generator).
Decided the best idea was to go on vacation early, 600 miles away from my region that is quickly becoming a hellhole.
All other bitching in this thread written in the last two weeks has been rendered moot. :D
Fri, 09-02-2011, 05:17 PM
That sucks Ryllharu, enjoy the vacation. I was without power a total of 48 hours give or take an hour or two. Generators were sold out tri-state wide but it wasn't that bad, was out of the house most of the time anyways. Had to throw out food of course because the refrigerator passed on. A few other things broke about $1,000.00 expense not really that bad considering what other people have incurred.
Hope you rest up and enjoy because the clean up after wards isn't going to be pretty.
The Heretic Azazel
Fri, 09-02-2011, 05:38 PM
It's Labor Day weekend, I broke my car key and the only place in town that can cut a new one won't be open until Tuesday.
Seriously, life can go fuck itself.
Fri, 09-02-2011, 05:44 PM
It's Labor Day weekend, I broke my car key and the only place in town that can cut a new one won't be open until Tuesday.
Seriously, life can go fuck itself.
Not to be a dick but that doesn't sound that bad. You can walk, use public transportation, catch a ride from a bro... so see it as a chance to mess with your routine a bit and keep things fresh
Fri, 09-02-2011, 05:45 PM
Learn to hot wire it. Good time to practice.
Hmmmm something to bitch about. Left my wallet at home; no work pass, no cash, no credit, no ID, no nothing, meaning no after work celebration today. It's the first time I did that in a few years.
Fri, 09-02-2011, 05:54 PM
How do you break a car key? They're pretty solid.
My bitch: watching Iron Chef on Food Network, and knowing I will never get to eat some of the amazing looking/tasting dishes that they make on that show.
Fri, 09-02-2011, 07:27 PM
Why wouldn't you? Just go to a major city.
The Heretic Azazel
Fri, 09-02-2011, 08:07 PM
Not to be a dick but that doesn't sound that bad. You can walk, use public transportation, catch a ride from a bro... so see it as a chance to mess with your routine a bit and keep things fresh
I'm not in walking distance from anything, there is no public transportation here and all my friends are away for the holiday weekend. You pretty well have to have a car here.
Mon, 09-05-2011, 12:28 PM
You don't have a spare key? How's the keysmith supposed to make you a new one with a spare anyway?
Mon, 09-05-2011, 12:37 PM
I spent half of my time last year personally grading papers for my students. It was a complete waste of my time and energy because they would just glance at the corrections and throw them away later.
This year I have tried getting the students to grade each others papers honestly, and even that seems to be too difficult for them. Putting aside the fact that we've spent 2 weeks learning numbers and how to say "Hello" (something that should have taken 2 days), the little assholes can't even correct papers well.
I provided them a word bank, stressed that I would count spelling errors as an incorrect answer, and actually went over the correct answers on an overheard directly after the quiz saying "IF IT'S NOT EXACTLY LIKE THIS, IT IS WRONG"!
I still received answers that said "BUNOZ DIAZ" instead of "Buenos días" that were marked correct by other students. I'm spinning my wheels in the mud here.
Mon, 09-05-2011, 01:12 PM
I blame social media and too much time spent online, so kids are used to saying OMGWTFBBQ instead of "this is as good as bbq". Sorry to make light of your situation, but really these kids should be learning English, not Spanglish.
Mon, 09-05-2011, 03:08 PM
I spent half of my time last year personally grading papers for my students. It was a complete waste of my time and energy because they would just glance at the corrections and throw them away later.
This year I have tried getting the students to grade each others papers honestly, and even that seems to be too difficult for them. Putting aside the fact that we've spent 2 weeks learning numbers and how to say "Hello" (something that should have taken 2 days), the little assholes can't even correct papers well.
I provided them a word bank, stressed that I would count spelling errors as an incorrect answer, and actually went over the correct answers on an overheard directly after the quiz saying "IF IT'S NOT EXACTLY LIKE THIS, IT IS WRONG"!
I still received answers that said "BUNOZ DIAZ" instead of "Buenos días" that were marked correct by other students. I'm spinning my wheels in the mud here.
Sounds like a bunch of retards. And you're in Texas. Just fail them all. :/
Mon, 09-05-2011, 04:34 PM
I'm not allowed to have more than a 10% failing rate among my students.
I have 178 in total, and 6 periods. That's about 3 kids per period.
I even went around the classroom pointing out spelling mistakes that some kids had made, saying "Check your spelling," and they just sat there, slack-jawed, glancing lazily back and forth between "COMO TE LAMO" and the word-bank without realizing anything.
Mon, 09-05-2011, 04:39 PM
Oh wow, i'd give them all Bs and not give a fuck
What does that even mean, not allowed? What the fuck are you supposed to do if they're just that dumb?
Mon, 09-05-2011, 04:54 PM
Unfortunately a poor passing rate could also mean he's a bad teacher, or the district will see it that way to make excuses for their poor curriculum and lack of parental involvement. He could be a handy scapegoat.
Mon, 09-05-2011, 04:57 PM
Unfortunately that's exactly the way the district sees it. It falls under job performance. If you are not performing to the standards that the district has set, corrective action needs to be taken.
That can range from administrative conferences, increased monitoring, being put on a growth-plan, all the way to getting fired.
Student achievement is part of our performance and is something we are held responsible for.
However, there are systems in place to show that the teacher has done all they can. We are required to make parent contacts to failing students every 3 weeks, fill out "intervention documentation", and provide "reteach and retest" opportunities. Once we can prove that a student has not fulfilled their obligations, the responsibility falls on them.
Otherwise it's assumed that there is a flaw in your methods.
Mon, 09-05-2011, 05:02 PM
I say bring back the paddle.
My bitch: spent the 3 day holiday weekend not doing much at all and I feel like I'm wasting my life.
Mon, 09-05-2011, 06:00 PM
My bitch: americans using terms like "the 3 day holiday weekend" as if everyone is american.
There was a holiday in your country?
Mon, 09-05-2011, 06:07 PM
There was a holiday in your country? Yes, today is Labor Day.
Mon, 09-05-2011, 06:09 PM
Unfortunately that's exactly the way the district sees it. It falls under job performance. If you are not performing to the standards that the district has set, corrective action needs to be taken.
That can range from administrative conferences, increased monitoring, being put on a growth-plan, all the way to getting fired.
Student achievement is part of our performance and is something we are held responsible for.
However, there are systems in place to show that the teacher has done all they can. We are required to make parent contacts to failing students every 3 weeks, fill out "intervention documentation", and provide "reteach and retest" opportunities. Once we can prove that a student has not fulfilled their obligations, the responsibility falls on them.
Otherwise it's assumed that there is a flaw in your methods.
You should try giving out more quizzes once every week. Have a quiz, say, every week and when you grade their quizzes, buy stickers with your own money and give students who score over 80% on the quiz. This small act of achievement has shown to increase productivity with students - even if they are in their high school year.
Or you can incorporate more fun into your classes like that time with the whiteboard. Calling kids to read or write on the whiteboard is something to do as well.
Furthermore, if you're funny, your students will pay attention to you. Just make sure to stay tough so it's both an enjoyable class and mentally-challenging.
As for bitching, I wish people don't litter in the store I work in. I wonder what goes through their heads when they leave, say, an empty coffee cup on a shelf and then walk away.
It's probably, "They'll clean it up. It's their job - they're getting paid to do it."
But that thought is so one-dimensional, it makes me think whether any inherent malicious intent exists. Is it a sign of condescension? Are these people just littering because they have to do the "dirty work" in their own work environments and want to feel good that someone is picking up their trash? Or are people just so damn lazy that they can't ask around for a garbage can to throw away their unwanted possessions?
Mon, 09-05-2011, 06:26 PM
My bitch: americans using terms like "the 3 day holiday weekend" as if everyone is american.
There was a holiday in your country?Other countries have 3 day holiday weekends too. Welcome to a forum hosted and populated with 95% Americans and other countries that have 3 day holiday weekends.
@enkoujin: actually that's not a bad idea... not the stickers, but maybe Xan should reexamine his methods and try a new tact. Maybe he'll have to go "Jon Lovitz in High School High" and talk street to the kids, or be a sonuvabitch asshole type teacher who makes kids scared to fail. Maybe you're treating them too much like adults when they are in fact children. Or maybe you're treating them too much like children when they need to be treated more like young adults.
Mon, 09-05-2011, 06:29 PM
Other countries have 3 day holiday weekends too. Welcome to a forum hosted and populated with 95% Americans and other countries that have 3 day holiday weekends.
95%? Check your math bitch, active American posters should be around 50% tops
Mon, 09-05-2011, 06:31 PM
95%? Check your math bitch, active American posters should be around 50% topsAccording to South and Latin Americans, "American" should mean anyone from the Americas, similar to "Asian" encompassing all people from Asia (you brown people know what I'm talking about). So we got Ryouga and anyone from the western hemisphere > 95%.
Mon, 09-05-2011, 06:39 PM
You should try giving out more quizzes once every week. Have a quiz, say, every week and when you grade their quizzes, buy stickers with your own money and give students who score over 80% on the quiz. This small act of achievement has shown to increase productivity with students - even if they are in their high school year.
Or you can incorporate more fun into your classes like that time with the whiteboard. Calling kids to read or write on the whiteboard is something to do as well.
Furthermore, if you're funny, your students will pay attention to you. Just make sure to stay tough so it's both an enjoyable class and mentally-challenging.
I do all of these things.
The correct answer is "Stop counting spelling mistakes as incorrect."
Because this is a Texas public school, sooner or later I'm going to have to compromise my values for the sake of my sanity and job security.
Mon, 09-05-2011, 06:41 PM
Do you ever worry that someone at work/school will see what you are posting here about your work and put 2 and 2 together and get you in trouble?
Mon, 09-05-2011, 07:20 PM
According to South and Latin Americans, "American" should mean anyone from the Americas, similar to "Asian" encompassing all people from Asia (you brown people know what I'm talking about). So we got Ryouga and anyone from the western hemisphere > 95%.
According to proper context, you're being a retard.
Mon, 09-05-2011, 07:35 PM
According to proper context, you're being a retard.Do you ever get tired of being schooled and then only being able to reply with a weak insult?
Mon, 09-05-2011, 07:41 PM
DS mentions an holiday exclusive to the USA
Make claims that 95% of the forum hail from the region
Get called on retarded assumption
lolol but what i was saying didn't have anything to do with nothing
Brool story co
Mon, 09-05-2011, 07:51 PM
What age group are you teaching Xan? Might want to consider making a wall of shame and a wall for excellence. Might help them become more motivated.
Depends on your teaching approach too, might want to try a rewards system and group system or something.
Mon, 09-05-2011, 07:54 PM
What age group are you teaching Xan? Might want to consider making a wall of shame and a wall for excellence. Might help them become more motivated.
Depends on your teaching approach too, might want to try a rewards system and group system or something.
9th graders - 14 and 15 year-olds.
I do lots of pair-share activities every period where partners take turns pronouncing things and asking questions to each other. In a class of 32, that is hard to monitor perfectly, however.
I am going to devise a rewards system, though. "Correction does much, but encouragement everything".
Mon, 09-05-2011, 07:58 PM
I was gonna suggest a reward system as well... but by the way you describe them i don't think i'd want to reward those little shits in any way
Mon, 09-05-2011, 07:59 PM
Other countries have 3 day holiday weekends too. Welcome to a forum hosted and populated with 95% Americans and other countries that have 3 day holiday weekends.
Even for you this comment is just insanely retarded; you said "the" 3 day holiday weekend, and not a. This indicates that you assume everyone that read your comment knows you meant labor day...fuck you could've just said labor day weekend. It's that mentality I bitched about.
And no this forum isn't 95% americans, I can deal with your terrible replies, but don't pull completely made up statistics out of your ass to justify your ignorant behaviour.
Mon, 09-05-2011, 08:04 PM
Group activities: meaning groups of 4 or 5 give them assignments such as translations or correct response to a question/s and such. Allow them sufficient time to work on it , have them nominate someone to write part of the assignment on the board and someone else to verbally speak it out for the class. Each group have to do this. That way the class can give their input and you won't have to do as much corrections because the class will be helping to correct themselves.
Count the group grade as quiz that goes towards final grading
Anyways good luck
Mon, 09-05-2011, 08:53 PM
Even for you this comment is just insanely retarded; you said "the" 3 day holiday weekend, and not a. This indicates that you assume everyone that read your comment knows you meant labor day...fuck you could've just said labor day weekend. It's that mentality I bitched about.
And no this forum isn't 95% americans, I can deal with your terrible replies, but don't pull completely made up statistics out of your ass to justify your ignorant behaviour.My point wasn't that it was Labor day holiday, my point was that I was wasting yet another 3 day weekend (3 days courtesy of a holiday). Somehow you managed to home in on an inconsequential aspect of my statement and ran with it.
@Xan: better idea is to make them do the exercises in front of the class. The ridicule of their classmates will be their motivator.
Mon, 09-05-2011, 09:31 PM
Ofcourse your point wasn't about which holiday it was, that was mine; reading comprehension failure. I was bitching about a far too prevelant ignorant american mentality that you displayed, perhaps unknowingly, which annoys me. That's all, now move along I'm not doing this retarded back and forth with you.
Mon, 09-05-2011, 10:39 PM
A little late for you to "not [do] this retarded back and forth with [me]".
Mon, 09-05-2011, 11:19 PM
I say bring back the paddle.
My bitch: spent the 3 day holiday weekend not doing much at all and I feel like I'm wasting my life. too. No wonder that Nick Fury discussion has gone on for as long as it has. /me is a bum
Tue, 09-06-2011, 12:21 AM too. No wonder that Nick Fury discussion has gone on for as long as it has. /me is a bumWhat's weird is that you (from what I've read of you) and I have both done a lot in our lives and have nothing to be ashamed of as far as wasting time and occasionally taking a breather.
For me it's the absence of some of the milestones in life that make me regret how I've spent considerable swaths of my time. I'm close to checking off another milestone (college degree) but now I'm suffering senioritis so I'll be lucky to finish as planned. But it's also little things that I wish I had done this weekend but didn't do, like go to the gym, go running at the park, take my dog to the dog park, or go see a live music show. Instead I played hours and hours of Borderlands DLC, watched 3 movies, and slept a lot.
I can say that I spent two of the four evenings tending my front lawn, which was rewarding, since I got a notice from the HOA that my unkempt lawn was in violation of HOA policy. My lawn is now in an acceptable state.
Tue, 09-06-2011, 01:44 AM
The meaning of vacations and even just weekends is to give a break to workers so that they can recharge their batteries (to again be able to give their all at work, from the capatalist swine's pov). If it was something called a Labor day holiday, then all the more so, because it was the labour unions a hundred years ago that rallied for those breaks in the first place. Thus it's quite wrong to worry about not working like a draught animal during a holiday.
Tue, 09-06-2011, 07:15 AM
A productive holiday is a wasted holiday.
Tue, 09-06-2011, 07:57 AM
I take it easy most of the time, so I spend holidays doing stuff I didn't take care of during easier times.
Wed, 09-07-2011, 06:11 PM
My boyfriend dumped me, said i wasn`t the one, only took him 1.5 years to realise this. I ate a whole pizza.
Death BOO Z
Wed, 09-07-2011, 06:20 PM
well, a douche.
what's the legal status of gay couples where you live? and more importantly - did you plan on him being 'the one'?
Wed, 09-07-2011, 06:25 PM
Your penis was too good for him anyway Chess
Wed, 09-07-2011, 06:51 PM
well, a douche.
what's the legal status of gay couples where you live? and more importantly - did you plan on him being 'the one'?
My country doesn`t acknowledge the existence of gay people, we WERE planning on marrying on NYC though.
Your penis was too good for him anyway Chess
True that.
Wed, 09-07-2011, 07:13 PM
Sorry to hear about that. Don't eat too many pizzas!
Wed, 09-07-2011, 09:17 PM
With the world coming to an end, I checked my emergency supplies of food and found that they were mostly expired or soon to expire. Who'd have thought canned food would go bad so quickly? I only bought them 2 years ago. I've spent the last couple days eating soon-to-expire canned soup and beans.
@Uchessmaster: that sucks man. But like they say, better to have loved and lost, than never to have blah blah blah. Some things weren't meant to be I guess.
Wed, 09-07-2011, 09:25 PM
Canned foods have exp dates? I thought they only had best before..
Thu, 09-08-2011, 12:36 AM
Oh cool, forgot there was a difference. Still, wouldn't want to eat food at less than optimum taste and quality when you're sitting in your bunker waiting for the end of humanity to arrive. Time to go shopping.
Thu, 09-08-2011, 01:30 AM
Yeah, they don't seem to have amazingly long best before times these days. Who knows if it's a consequence from making them taste/look better or be healthier (sometimes the same thing), make them cheaper, or if it's just a trick by the manufacturers to force people to actually eat them and thus buy new ones. I bought five cans of pea soup in the spring and they seem to keep until early 2014. I'll probably finish them next year already, though.
Sat, 09-10-2011, 12:23 AM
After getting... "A disk read error occurred Press Ctrl + Alt + Del to restart" a hundred times, my hard drive finally died. Now I have to wait for a technician to come and install a new one. I'm currently typing this on a shitty old Gateway from 2005.
Edit: No sound, having to use VGA, and Onboard Graphics FTL.
Sat, 09-10-2011, 01:17 AM
Sounds like a work/office computer? Or a warranty replacement? If it's a personal computer then do yourself a favor and get an SSD or 7200RPM HDD.
My bitch: my SSD has been giving me trouble again lately. Randomly hangs, particularly when Firefox is open. Probably related to the Marvell 6GB controller, but the last time I had to mess with this issue, switching to the Intel controller on the motherboard made it worse.
Sat, 09-10-2011, 01:19 AM
Sounds like a work/office computer? Or a warranty replacement? If it's a personal computer then do yourself a favor and get an SSD or 7200RPM HDD.
Warranty replacement. It's a Dell. I purchased a 4-year in home warranty with the PC when I bought it.
Sat, 09-10-2011, 01:21 AM
You could take this opportunity to learn how to do it yourself. It'll save you having to wait for a techie next time. Got backups?HDD failures suck.
Wed, 09-14-2011, 11:28 AM
I'm facing a similar issues. At first my laptop wasn't charging so dell techies replaced the motherboard and power cord. Now I'm having Problems with the brightness of the computer. It seems the OS got corrupted. Lost the original CDs ( my fault) so now I'm waiting on the disk via overnight shipping, it's the second attempt to ship to me seeing that it was shipped to the wrong person the first time around. If reinstallation of the OS doesn't work they are going to replace the motherboard and install a harddrive that already contains everything. It's already been a month of troubleshooting.
Wed, 09-14-2011, 11:42 AM
I'm facing a similar issues. At first my laptop wasn't charging so dell techies replaced the motherboard and power cord. Now I'm having Problems with the brightness of the computer. It seems the OS got corrupted. Lost the original CDs ( my fault) so now I'm waiting on the disk via overnight shipping, it's the second attempt to ship to me seeing that it was shipped to the wrong person the first time around. If reinstallation of the OS doesn't work they are going to replace the motherboard and install a harddrive that already contains everything. It's already been a month of troubleshooting.
If you can do a repair-install, try that first instead of a completely new installation. You could have tried using a downloaded copy, but since it's overnight it's probably not worth the effort (nor fast enough).
Wed, 09-14-2011, 12:34 PM
Originally I bought this laptop for my mother but she would have rather had my old one. So this is just a back-up, it's a Dell Studio 1745, it's fully cover; meaning if I dropped it on the floor and it broke to pieces they would replace it (kind of entertaining that idea right now). There is nothing really important on this and I don't have the activation key so.
It's more of annoyance to go through all this.
Wed, 09-14-2011, 02:22 PM
wipe partition table, install some random linux to see if it works. If you take ubuntu you won't have any problems(but it is kinda gay distro).
Wed, 09-14-2011, 03:42 PM
My bitch: my SSD has been giving me trouble again lately. Randomly hangs, particularly when Firefox is open. Probably related to the Marvell 6GB controller, but the last time I had to mess with this issue, switching to the Intel controller on the motherboard made it worse.
Extensions might be the culprit, I have troubles with some websites with adblock for example.
I think I remember your SSD is SF based. Can you create an event viewer filter with "iastor" for the source and "9" as event ID?
I vaguely remember there's something to dig there, firmware related.
Fri, 09-16-2011, 10:04 AM
I don't know what I touched at work, but my left hand has two yellow spots on the palm and smells HEAVILY of cigarettes.
Haven't been able to wash it off. :(
Fri, 09-16-2011, 10:28 AM
Burn it with fire, Bill!
Fri, 09-16-2011, 10:29 AM
I don't know what I touched at work, but my left hand has two yellow spots on the palm and smells HEAVILY of cigarettes.
Haven't been able to wash it off. :(
If it doesn't look too serious like a medical condition, I would try more washing and rinsing.
If not, then I would use topical acetone in very small amounts to see if they are able to simply remove the marks.
Otherwise, look into a medical doctor (or your medical encyclopaedia if you're that skilled).
As for other bitching, I have two classes with the same professor and I go into another class he teaches this semester because I have to take it next year. He professes the same anecdotes in every class that aren't on the examinations, so it does get very repetitive and boring.
Fri, 09-16-2011, 10:36 AM
It doesn't look like a medical condition. It just looks like the same kind of yellow stain that smokers will have on their fingers.. except I have not touched an exposed cig, and have no idea how it happened.
A few washes, working/handling for a good few hours followed by a shower has worn off the yellowness, but the smell lingers in detectable quantities.
re:your bitch, I've found myself repeating a story I've already told someone sometimes. Not a biggie, just forget who I have or haven't told.. I usually pick it up, or they tell me "you told me that".
Fri, 09-16-2011, 10:54 AM
WTF? Whatever it is, it seeped into your skin. Try to find the source!
Fri, 09-16-2011, 02:49 PM
re:your bitch, I've found myself repeating a story I've already told someone sometimes. Not a biggie, just forget who I have or haven't told.. I usually pick it up, or they tell me "you told me that".
No, I mean he plans to tell everyone the same anecdotes.
I go to his class early in the morning for one class (macroeconomics). Then two hours after this first class is over, I go to the other class he teaches (microeconomics). The introduction/beginning lectures are generally the same because both courses are interrelated, but the professor tells the same anecdotes for those two same classes like what's in the paper, how tall he wants to be, a story of a time he missed out on a huge contract, etc.. Then he's got a third class that I have to take next year (engineering economics) that I sit in and he uses the same anecdotes and examples from the other two lectures as well.
It's hearing the same story over and over again for three classes and I feel like it's a waste of time, but I really want all A's this semester.
Another bitch - I hate how one-dimensional people can be. Whenever I sit with freshmen in said professor's class and he reviews things from high school (junior courses), these people keep on bitching and bitching that this is stuff already covered (already obvious to the professor). What they don't get is that other people are still moving around with their class schedules and these transfers may have missed some class material from previous day. Furthermore, it's a ploy to trick people into thinking that the class is very easy so they don't drop the class before deadlines earning money for the University. Lastly, everyone needs a review or so of these things, so doing these reviews are necessary even if the concepts have been taught before.
Fri, 09-16-2011, 04:32 PM
Shit shit shit, ACL is this weekend. I need to see Stevie Wonder before he dies.
Guess it's time to drop 100 bucks on craigslist for a ticket and for a surprise trip to Austin.
As for other bitching, I have two classes with the same professor and I go into another class he teaches this semester because I have to take it next year. He professes the same anecdotes in every class that aren't on the examinations, so it does get very repetitive and boring.
That does sound like a waste of your time.
From the other end, however, it is really tiring having to teach the same lesson several times a day. Every day is like Groundhog Day for me and every class period always has trouble with the same things. I'm almost used to it now. 6th period comes in and I just put my brain on "play" and let the days recording come out of my mouth.
Fri, 09-16-2011, 05:30 PM
Personal Bitch,
I've been around these parts since the middle part of 2003. Yes like many of you, I came here because of Naruto, I'm almost ashamed to admit that I that i've actually bought fansubs because my download connection was to slow (aol dial-up), yes I was that big of a Narutard. I've had a few accounts on gotwoot but this is the one I've settled on using. I've never asked for anything, nothing at all, until now that is.
Fifty something post ago, I had ask, pleaded and partially begged the powers of gotwoot to please let me remain a "Jounin" because I somewhat dislike the other titles that were up ahead and was attached to this one. But it was not meant to be, a moderator that shall be left nameless but whom I personally think is a pedophile deemed that the Tile that "Mis Nin" was befitting. Implying that I am treasonous in nature and I shall be branded that way.
So here I am stuck with something I dislike for God know how many years. It has taken me almost 6 years to reach a thousand post who know if I will ever be rid of this "thing".
Oh well, life goes on.
p.s. My mistake, he did not imply that I was treasonous but laughed at my plea.
@ enkoujin: Thanks, but it was more of a personal rant than anything else. Don't really care.
Fri, 09-16-2011, 05:50 PM
Personal Bitch,
I've been around these parts since the middle part of 2003. Yes like many of you, I came here because of Naruto, I'm almost ashamed to admit that I that i've actually bought fansubs because my download connection was to slow (aol dial-up), yes I was that big of a Narutard. I've had a few accounts on gotwoot but this is the one I've settled on using. I've never asked for anything, nothing at all, until now that is.
Fifty something post ago, I had ask, pleaded and partially begged the powers of gotwoot to please let me remain a "Jounin" because I somewhat dislike the other titles that were up ahead and was attached to this one. But it was not meant to be, a moderator that shall be left nameless but whom I personally think is a pedophile deemed that the Tile that "Mis Nin" was befitting. Implying that I am treasonous in nature and I shall be branded that way.
So here I am stuck with something I dislike for God know how many years. It has taken me almost 6 years to reach a thousand post who know if I will ever be rid of this "thing".
Oh well, life goes on.
Just post some more [good] posts to get your reputation up. Your title change is only one tier away.
Fri, 09-16-2011, 07:02 PM
@ enkoujin: Thanks, but it was more of a personal rant than anything else. Don't really care.
lawl. posts like these make the bitching thread a waste of time.
Fri, 09-16-2011, 08:18 PM
Lol, coming from you I take that as a compliment.
Sat, 09-17-2011, 04:12 AM
Fifty something post ago, I had ask, pleaded and partially begged the powers of gotwoot to please let me remain a "Jounin" because I somewhat dislike the other titles that were up ahead and was attached to this one. But it was not meant to be, a moderator that shall be left nameless but whom I personally think is a pedophile deemed that the Tile that "Mis Nin" was befitting. Implying that I am treasonous in nature and I shall be branded that way.
Hah. I was reading this and thought "there's no way he's not talking about me", but I didn't remember a damn thing. True enough, I wasn't far off.
- I didn't imply anything. You inferred it. (and what an inference it was, lol)
- Moderators have nothing to do with what your title is.
- As far as I can see right now (and back then), your title says "Jounin".
Funnily enough, I doubt the above points will make you feel any better about this. (I guess the first word of this post implies I laughed at your bitch..)
Sat, 09-17-2011, 09:17 AM
I was at a low point yesterday and well that's what came out. Yes I was talking about you when I said I believe you're a pedophile.
It changed back because if I'm not wrong Shappi made the change after this was posted.
Look at the edit, you really should stop paraphrasing.
edited for spacing.
Sat, 09-17-2011, 09:34 AM
Look at the edit, you really should stop paraphrasing.
I read your edit. You said that I wasn't implying that you were treacherous, and that I was laughing at your plea. The part about me thinking Mis Nin was befitting wasn't mentioned, nor did I say that neither. Since I didn't say that, I thought you probably inferred it (and still did since it wasn't corrected in your edit).
- Paraphrasing? What paraphrasing? Can't remember if it was with you that I had to (successfully) defend such accusations of paraphrasing..
Yes I was talking about you when I said I believe you're a pedophile.
Heh, well no shit you were talking about me.
Updating on the smoky smell: it's gone now :)
Sat, 09-17-2011, 09:42 AM
I read your edit. You said that I wasn't implying that you were treacherous, and that I was laughing at your plea. The part about me thinking Mis Nin was befitting wasn't mentioned, nor did I say that neither. Since I didn't say that, I thought you probably inferred it (and still did since it wasn't corrected in your edit).
- Paraphrasing? What paraphrasing? Can't remember if it was with you that I had to (successfully) defend such accusations of paraphrasing..
Heh, well no shit you were talking about me.
Updating on the smoky smell: it's gone now :)
Sorry I don't write a disertation to explain myself.
Successfully? In what way exactly?
This thread is getting off course.
Good for you that the smokey smell is gone.
Sat, 09-17-2011, 10:23 AM
You ladies need to take this slapfest to PMs or irc.
Sat, 09-17-2011, 10:43 AM
Well, this thread is for bitching.
Sat, 09-17-2011, 12:02 PM
It's for bitching about life, not for bitching at each other.
You need to go re-read the mod manual.
edit: HA! Some fool neg repped me for "way to derail it when it's just resolved." I guess this fool thinks "Sorry I don't write a disertation to explain myself. Successfully? In what way exactly?"
is heading towards resolution instead of tears and more mean words.
Sat, 09-17-2011, 01:06 PM
Shut up. You just said this is about bitching about life, not each other. So don't go and do what you just finished saying shouldn't be done.
The next person posting about this subject and not about whatever is bothering him/her in life, will have a bit of extra free time to bitch about it outside of this forum.
What's bothering me is that I can't find vinegar above 10% concentration at usual shops. And I don't yet know any unusual stores to try... Such a bother. I have almost given up on finding hydrogen peroxide (from usual stores, not some fricking pharmacy).
Sat, 09-17-2011, 02:17 PM
My bitch is mods threatening to ban members from a forum that's near death because of that kind of shit modding. What ever happened to giving out warnings or just not being an a$$wipe of a mod? Masamuneehs syndrome.
What do you need super concentrated vinegar for anyway? You trying to get rid of dead bodies?
Sat, 09-17-2011, 03:29 PM
I'm not particularly looking for any glacial acetic acid, but at least 20-30% would be good, food grade (or whatever you English speakers call something that's suitable for human consumption and not contaminated by industrial toxins). That way I could use it both as an acid (to remove some calcification, for example) and when preparing food that needs added vinegar. Perhaps calling it vinegar in that sense was incorrect, but saying acetic acid might lead me sooner to stuff I wouldn't necessarily add to food. Or stuff too expensive. Still, I haven't yet looked around too hard.
Sat, 09-17-2011, 05:17 PM
From Wikipedia:
...The acetic acid concentration typically ranges from 4% to 8% by volume for table vinegar[2] and up to 18% for pickling vinegar.
I think 30% acetic acid may pose a threat (definitely in consistent long-term exposure). What you're looking for is called pickling vinegar and the Swedish references pickled Swedish cucumbers fluid (up to 18% which is pretty much the highest you can get for the best of both worlds).
Otherwise, I'd definitely look into having two separate acetic acid solutions - one for consumption (4-18%) and an industrial/laboratory one (20%), from a certified chemical distribution company, for your acid-related needs.
Sat, 09-17-2011, 05:51 PM
I have handled glacial acetic acid in labs numerous times in the past. It's actually pretty nasty stuff and if you aren't careful, you will end up with rusty steel all around you. It's also not too good for the atmosphere. However, acetic acid is more natural than many other acids, just like the pickled cucumbers prove, and thus I'd consider it nicer to keep in my closet than some nitric acid... 10% vinegar is sold everywhere, and for all I know it might actually be strong enough, but since I have some background in laboratories, I tend to think in terms of diluting stuff from stock liquids to the desired concentration. Due to that same background, I'm always getting these strange ideas of using chemicals for various purposes as a matter of fact, rather than buying some fancy brand cleaning solution in a bright bottle, with plenty of sweet fragrances added for the gullible.
"A certified chemical distribution company" will be my last resort. They might not even sell to individual people, only to institutions/registered companies and the prices/quantities won't likely be agreeable.
Uchiha Barles
Sun, 09-18-2011, 12:56 PM
Twice a year, without fail, twice a fucking year, I get sick with some cold and baterial infection in the upper respiratory track. It generally happens when the weather starts to change. The change was kind of abrupt this September and I got owned. Anyone have any ideas on how to prevent this from happening consistantly? I'm even ready to give alternative medicine a shot.
Sun, 09-18-2011, 01:16 PM
Twice a year, without fail, twice a fucking year, I get sick with some cold and baterial infection in the upper respiratory track. It generally happens when the weather starts to change. The change was kind of abrupt this September and I got owned. Anyone have any ideas on how to prevent this from happening consistantly? I'm even ready to give alternative medicine a shot.I used to have this problem (*knock on wood*) but steadily improved my immune system with diet and exercise. I used to get the flu/crud at least 2 times a year and then I'd be sickly for 2-3 weeks after. I did get a flu shot this year and didn't get sick when everyone else was sick.
I also started being real instead of nice, so if a sick person got anywhere near me, I'd make a direct comment and move away from them, even if it meant treating them like a pariah.
Sun, 09-18-2011, 02:16 PM
2-3 weeks? That sucks; I get sick like 1 time a year and it only lasts a week tops.
Sun, 09-18-2011, 02:25 PM
I haven't caught the real flu for a few years now, only the common cold occasionally, but that passes quickly enough without much ado. I realised last winter that I might have a chance to get the flu vaccination for free via my work (though it was too late last winter already when I noticed the possibility). I'll need to research the situation now that it's getting topical once again.
Sun, 09-18-2011, 07:22 PM
Twice a year, without fail, twice a fucking year, I get sick with some cold and baterial infection in the upper respiratory track. It generally happens when the weather starts to change. The change was kind of abrupt this September and I got owned. Anyone have any ideas on how to prevent this from happening consistantly? I'm even ready to give alternative medicine a shot.
You need to improve your immune system. Take vitamins, specifically Vitamin B-12 regularly. Also try drinking ginger tea when the weather starts changing drastically and wear a scarf. Protect your neck, back and chest. At night you might want to try rubbing your chest, back and sinus passage with Vick's or something to keep it clear when your body is at rest. Also get enough rest. You should consult your doctor about it. He might prescribe some antibiotics, nasal spray and whatnot.
good luck.
Sun, 09-18-2011, 07:38 PM
I've known plenty of rotund jolly fellows who rarely got sick, so general health with diet and exercise may not be the answer. But I think your life will benefit from diet, exercise, and getting proper sleep.
Uchiha Barles
Sun, 09-18-2011, 08:52 PM
I definitely get a lot of exercise. I practice martial arts 3 to 5 times a week with an instructor, and alone or with partners at least twice a week on days I don't meet with the instructor. The sessions are 3 hours on weekdays, 5 on weekends, and we cover the gamut including cardio, flexibility, strength training and endurance, in addition to forms and techniques. My diet isn't terrible at all, in that it's well balanced, I eat fruits and veggies as snacks, no junk, though I suppose including some supplements is one of the places I could improve. Sleep...that could definitely be improved on. On some of my busier days I end up with 2 hours of sleep and this can happen from once every other week to twice a week. On a lot of the good days, I still only get 6 hours. I'm just not sure how I'm going to improve my sleep schedule at this point in my life, but it looks like I have a lot to gain by doing so.
Death BOO Z
Tue, 09-20-2011, 12:35 PM
so, I finally finished my job today, so I'm back to sweet non-employment...
In the 11 months I've been there we've managed to turn from being arguably the worst clinic in the district to definitely being in the last spot. I can't really take credit for that, because not being good is a team effort, and I'm glad I won't have to deal with this crap anymore*. But, it would be nice to, once in my life, make a difference and be good at my job.
*real crap. crap, as in calling people and reminding them to send me shit-samples.
Tue, 09-20-2011, 12:57 PM
Sounds like it was a pretty shitty job
Uchiha Barles
Tue, 09-20-2011, 01:03 PM
I c wut chu did thar.
@DBZ: Shit samples? What kind of clinic were you working in?
Tue, 09-20-2011, 05:48 PM
I guess that in a Pooblic Clinic. (yeah I know I can be raped for this).
Tue, 09-20-2011, 06:16 PM
It's called a "Stool" ( sample you scholarly folks and is a pretty standard request.
Good luck on your next job.
Death BOO Z
Wed, 09-21-2011, 03:21 AM
stool samples and fecal occult blood ( are the correct medical terms, but...
taking crap from asshole patient is what I'm no longer doing.
next job... I should really get working on that one.
Wed, 09-21-2011, 03:43 AM
stool samples and fecal occult blood ( are the correct medical terms, but...
taking crap from asshole patient is what I'm no longer doing.
next job... I should really get working on that one.
Remind me, this was your side job while you studied, right? Or am I confusing you with someone else?
Death BOO Z
Wed, 09-21-2011, 04:37 AM
no, you're correct.
Mon, 10-03-2011, 03:29 PM
My best friend died in a car accident last night.
Needless to say, I'm pretty upset.
Mon, 10-03-2011, 06:21 PM
Holy shit.
I can't even begin to imagine what you're going through.
Uchiha Barles
Mon, 10-03-2011, 07:59 PM
I'm sorry to hear that...I can only hope the best for those close to him, yourself included.
Thu, 10-06-2011, 08:42 AM
Damn dude, my condolences. I can't imagine losing mine. All power to you and his family.
Tue, 10-11-2011, 10:23 PM
I hate reading/hearing the news, especially local news. The reporters trump up the stories to be so sensational and make you feel as shitty as possible about people and the world. Local news is worse, since you find out your neighbors are scum and evil shit is happening all around you. I guess it's my fault for wanting to bury my head in the sand and not know about all the evil shit going on in the world.
Also, reading Alas, Babylon is depressing.
Wed, 10-12-2011, 03:47 AM
I hate reading/hearing the news, especially local news. The reporters trump up the stories to be so sensational and make you feel as shitty as possible about people and the world. Local news is worse, since you find out your neighbors are scum and evil shit is happening all around you. I guess it's my fault for wanting to bury my head in the sand and not know about all the evil shit going on in the world.
Charlie Brooker did a bit on this on his Newswipe show:
Wed, 10-12-2011, 07:55 AM
Charlie Brooker did a bit on this on his Newswipe show:That is brilliant! I don't think I'll be able to see a news report without thinking of it ever again. Thanks for posting it.
Wed, 10-12-2011, 08:41 AM
That is brilliant! I don't think I'll be able to see a news report without thinking of it ever again. Thanks for posting it.
I particularly liked his matrix part. His way of talking demonstrated perfectly that you can talk about shit and still make it sound like a news report. (wait, or does talking about shit make it a news report? :rolleyes:)
I find Australian news in general to be better than this though. They mostly report facts/happenings without colouring it like the example here. You'll more likely find this in things like Today Tonight or A Current Affair - where they're expected to add commentary.
Wed, 10-12-2011, 05:21 PM
That is brilliant! I don't think I'll be able to see a news report without thinking of it ever again. Thanks for posting it.
Watch the entire series. It's called Newswipe. He does a really good segment about American media as well:
Thu, 10-27-2011, 11:44 PM
Games like tonight's Rangers vs Cardinals are why putting too much faith in the actions of others will always lead to disappointment, particularly sports teams. That's why I always shake my head when I see people get so fired up for sports events or fantasy leagues. Basing your happiness on the accomplishments of others is no way to live your life.
Tonight, Cards have 1 on and are down by 2 in the 10th inning and the Rangers choose to walk 0-5 Pujols, the tying run, and pitch to 79-80 Berkman, the only guy who has consistently hit for the Cardinals. Bravo coaching performance by the Rangers. They'll go another 50 years without a world series win.
Fri, 10-28-2011, 02:18 AM
The more excited you get, the more you will enjoy it (or be disappointed). That's the nature of it. If it weren't for the hooligans, I'd actually respect the ardent sports fans, for they know how to take everything out of life.
Fri, 10-28-2011, 10:13 AM
I hate people who demand freebies.
There are the nice guys who ask "Do you have any freebies to give away today?", and then you have people who ask any of:
1) Do I get a freebie with that? (in a manner that suggests he should)
2) I should get a free stubbie holder with that.
3) Do I get a free XYZ with that? Why not? I come here every bla bla, I should get ten free XYZs.
And then you have those people who ask for free promotional items (eg, free backpack if you get 4 bottles of this product) but clearly don't want to make that qualifying purchase (and add in any of the above questions/statements). They harass you about how much they deserve it or how you can write it off as broken, or how I could have taken one home.
These freebies (whether you like it or not), are pieces of advertisement that companies paid for to promote their product. They cost you nothing under certain conditions, but they certainly do not cost nothing, and are the property of my employer. Your taking it is theft. My giving it to you when I shouldn't (yet knowingly do so) is theft.
Just wait till the promotion date expires, and I can give the leftovers out to whoever I want. On occasion I've transferred stuff from other stores just so I can do this for some good people.
Don't give me shit because I'm nice and won't spit in your face. :(
Fri, 10-28-2011, 11:47 AM
I have actually asked for something once or twice in my life. Like in ye older days when I bought a bloody expensive TV (good TVs cost an arm and a leg in the CRT days) I asked if the salesperson could give me an antenna cable for free, since he couldn't negotiate on the price at all. He did bent that much. Usually I don't ask for such things but I like to view the price of expensive stuff bargainable. Too bad these days the clerks in the big chain stores are good for nothing drones and they can't even wipe their nose without asking for a permission from the headquarters.
Fri, 10-28-2011, 12:01 PM
That's funny, because we've got this chain-HiFi store in Australia that has pretty cheap prices already. You'll be strained to find something cheaper that isn't strictly an online-store for the most part. I didn't ask for a discount, and the fellow just added "I can do it at this price" during our talk.
I'm not someone who likes haggling and think of it as unsightly in general retail (both as a customer and as a staff). Perhaps in my head it is too close to begging. I'm a firm practitioner of "buy it or leave it". It is on the basis that I dislike the act of asking for a price-match (again both as a customer and a seller) when the merchant does not advertise that they do it.
Some other place has it cheaper? Go there then.
edit: Another reason I dislike haggling is in the dishonesty component. People will ask for some ridiculously low price with the expectation that it'll get bumped up to something they will actually consider to be reasonable. Merchants who expect this (or get enough of this) will also inflate their prices to adjust. It simply creates a phenomenon where prices listed don't actually reflect the value of the goods - and to realise the true value of the goods you must then haggle.
Fri, 10-28-2011, 12:15 PM
I'm not someone who likes bartering and think of it as unsightly in general retail (both as a customer and as a staff). Perhaps in my head it is too close to begging.
Yeah, I know there are indeed plenty of people like that and they have an equal right to the opinion, both the staff and the customers. Personally, though, I view even buying a chocolate bar as a business transaction. Of course I don't try to get unannounced discounts when buying something measly, that would be nothing but a nuisance for both parties, but when I'm spending 500+ euros face to face with a salesperson, I think it's more than appropriate to see if they have any air in the prices. They say in some countries if you don't try to haggle, it's considered disrespectful (that tells it shouldn't be unsightly inherently).
I suppose this is one reason why I buy almost all of my computer hardware from that one local store. They have always been ready for a little bargaining when I have bought a whole bunch of stuff. It makes me feel like I won, and what is more important for a shop than a decent deal and a happy customer?
Fri, 10-28-2011, 12:54 PM
Problem is:
Value is not something you can describe easily/precisely with science.
Do not be fooled, most products have an incredible margin included. It's just that you only see the last percentages of margins.
I've been working with chinese suppliers on very specific, high quality products. In that case, you can really discard quality as a way to improve margins (ie selling rubbish instead of the usual function/product).
Said product was sold 600€ in France.
I was able to buy it under 35€ airfreight, customs etc... included. And prices did fall every year after that. We're currently under 20€ and last I checked, the other guys trying to sell that are still over 500€ for the very same product.
It's not always like that, but just be careful that sometimes it's better to actually try to lower the price ;)
Fri, 10-28-2011, 10:34 PM
I worked for a store where we received a lot of promo items from manufacturers. The department supervisors received them, and usually kept them for themselves. Selfish bastards. We made up for it by working real half-assed.
edit: The Texas Stranglers 2011... they choke with the best of them.
Sun, 10-30-2011, 10:11 AM
I am sick because of work and stress. My principal is a goddamn bully. On top of physical and mental exhaustion I'm being threatened with my job because I wasn't able to attend a meeting for first year teachers (I'm not a first year teacher). I'm teaching two levels of Spanish and we elective teachers have 60 more students than the core departments, so my workload is effectively twice as much as the other teachers at that school.
As soon as I'm certified I'm getting the fuck out of that school. What a miserable experience this is.
Sun, 10-30-2011, 10:30 AM
I am sick because of work and stress. My principal is a goddamn bully. On top of physical and mental exhaustion I'm being threatened with my job because I wasn't able to attend a meeting for first year teachers (I'm not a first year teacher). I'm teaching two levels of Spanish and we elective teachers have 60 more students than the core departments, so my workload is effectively twice as much as the other teachers at that school.
As soon as I'm certified I'm getting the fuck out of that school. What a miserable experience this is.
Does he do that to everyone, or just you?
Sun, 10-30-2011, 10:42 AM
Everyone. He's universally loathed at our school, so at least we have comfort in solidarity.
I'd love to teach. He just won't let us do our jobs.
Sun, 10-30-2011, 10:46 AM
You should have your students grade each others work in class. You can use it as a teaching/feedback mechanism, it will cut down on your workload, and build community spirit when they all give each other 100s. Win-win-win scenario.
Sun, 10-30-2011, 12:32 PM
Ah, being a teacher. I couldn´t do that, considering how hot school girls these days are. Would only result in annoying troubles.
Sun, 10-30-2011, 03:36 PM
You should have your students grade each others work in class. You can use it as a teaching/feedback mechanism, it will cut down on your workload, and build community spirit when they all give each other 100s. Win-win-win scenario.
Yeah, this is basically the problem. I tried it once and they did so badly at grading each others work that I never did it again.
But it's not just the grading. I can knock that out in 4 hours. It's everything else.
Ah, being a teacher. I couldn´t do that, considering how hot school girls these days are. Would only result in annoying troubles.
Sun, 10-30-2011, 11:53 PM
He is saying he might accidentally rape them because those school girls are such temptresses. I think it should be self-explanatory considering who posted.
Mon, 10-31-2011, 12:06 AM
Xan teaches spanish...? Wow.
Mon, 10-31-2011, 06:25 AM
He is saying he might accidentally rape them because those school girls are such temptresses. I think it should be self-explanatory considering who posted.
At least one person correctly interprets the trolling. thx
Mon, 10-31-2011, 03:21 PM
So I just read that Yoshinori Kitase is coming over to Sweden and that a game magazine is holding an Final Fantasy event where he'll participate, only for the members of the community. That doesn't matter since I'm part of the community but I can't attend since it's on a Tuesday and in another town so can't get away to just go but the real kicker is that the whole event is free... FREE...
Mon, 10-31-2011, 06:28 PM
Xan teaches spanish...? Wow.
I teach Spanish to an 87% hispanic population school.
I'm sort of like Señor Chang only I deal with impoverished, apathetic minorities:
Tue, 11-01-2011, 02:31 PM
So I just read that Yoshinori Kitase is coming over to Sweden and that a game magazine is holding an Final Fantasy event where he'll participate, only for the members of the community. That doesn't matter since I'm part of the community but I can't attend since it's on a Tuesday and in another town so can't get away to just go but the real kicker is that the whole event is free... FREE...
Student? got a test that day or what? if not, just find a reason plausible enough to tell your school you won't be there.
Working? important meeting or customer that day? If not, same as before.
But maybe you used too many escuses in the past months and can't do that again.
Wed, 11-02-2011, 04:48 AM
Student? got a test that day or what? if not, just find a reason plausible enough to tell your school you won't be there.
Working? important meeting or customer that day? If not, same as before.
But maybe you used too many escuses in the past months and can't do that again.
I would but don't like ditching work just like that and I'm to honest for it
Wed, 11-02-2011, 12:42 PM
Some asshole keyed my truck. Either it happened the last time I went to the store and just didn't notice it, or they did it while it was parked in my driveway. Probably some punk kids on Halloween (we didn't give out candy to the grubby little beggars). At least they were too chicken shit to do it to the door or hood. They only keyed the rear side panel of the bed. People suck. It's only a utility truck, but still... messing with a man's vehicle should get the perp a beating.
Wed, 11-02-2011, 02:52 PM
I would but don't like ditching work just like that and I'm to honest for it
You can always ask for it, depending on how good your work conditions are of course.
Death BOO Z
Wed, 11-02-2011, 03:15 PM
so, back to university, my third year (hopefully, the last year of my BA).
three of my psychology classes seem to be fairly easy this semester: one is a complete joke (about literature and the clinical professions), and two other that I'll be able to get a good grade in with only one or two hour of reading each week.
the last course is a seminar that I'm taking with some 2nd degree students, about perception and intuition and what not. it's gonna be a real kick in the balls because I'm going to need to plan an experiment and learn to operate a special software for that.
I would have switched out, but there's no available alternative.
Thu, 11-03-2011, 09:10 AM
Some asshole keyed my truck. Either it happened the last time I went to the store and just didn't notice it, or they did it while it was parked in my driveway. Probably some punk kids on Halloween (we didn't give out candy to the grubby little beggars). At least they were too chicken shit to do it to the door or hood. They only keyed the rear side panel of the bed. People suck. It's only a utility truck, but still... messing with a man's vehicle should get the perp a beating.
That's pretty shitty. Keying a person's car is malicious and is very rarely justified. Did you have all the outside lights off at your house and as many interior lights off as possible so it at least looked like nobody was home?
Thu, 11-03-2011, 01:44 PM
That's pretty shitty. Keying a person's car is malicious and is very rarely justified. Did you have all the outside lights off at your house and as many interior lights off as possible so it at least looked like nobody was home?No, I didn't want to give the impression that the house was unoccupied at the time. I had the porch light off which is usually how you indicate that you're not giving out candy, but I still had a few people ring the door bell, which I ignored. I'm only assuming they keyed the truck because of that, it might have happened for other reasons though.
Fri, 11-04-2011, 09:52 AM
It wouldn't surprise me if ignoring the door was the reason, assuming it was keyed while on your driveway. Well, in any case it's still pretty fucking shitty. We didn't give out candy this year so I insisted my mom park her car in the garage and luckily I was out so my car wasn't on the driveway.
We didn't bother because every past subsequent year there have been less and less kids...which raises a bitch: Why is there seemingly an annual decline of trick-or-treaters? I figure it's parents who are paranoid from the newscasts of tampered candy. And following that, what kind of sick fuck would deliberately sabotage candy to harm children?
Fri, 11-04-2011, 10:46 AM
It wouldn't surprise me if ignoring the door was the reason, assuming it was keyed while on your driveway. Well, in any case it's still pretty fucking shitty. We didn't give out candy this year so I insisted my mom park her car in the garage and luckily I was out so my car wasn't on the driveway.
We didn't bother because every past subsequent year there have been less and less kids...which raises a bitch: Why is there seemingly an annual decline of trick-or-treaters? I figure it's parents who are paranoid from the newscasts of tampered candy. And following that, what kind of sick fuck would deliberately sabotage candy to harm children?
People who hate Trick-or-Treat?
Trick or Treat is by no means big here. I don't think I even had one person come this year. One time a kid came around, and we didn't have anything to give him. (biscuits?)
We said sorry for that, and he said sorry for bothering us. Yeah... spirit of Trick-or-Treat just isn't around..
Fri, 11-04-2011, 11:49 AM
It wouldn't surprise me if ignoring the door was the reason, assuming it was keyed while on your driveway. Well, in any case it's still pretty fucking shitty. We didn't give out candy this year so I insisted my mom park her car in the garage and luckily I was out so my car wasn't on the driveway.
We didn't bother because every past subsequent year there have been less and less kids...which raises a bitch: Why is there seemingly an annual decline of trick-or-treaters? I figure it's parents who are paranoid from the newscasts of tampered candy. And following that, what kind of sick fuck would deliberately sabotage candy to harm children?It wasn't the worst keying they could have perpetrated, so it might have been entirely random instead of spiteful. They only keyed the rear quarter panel of the truck bed, and it was really light and nothing offensive like a curse word or anything.
We had a shit load of trick-or-treaters this year. There were dozens of cars parked at the entrance to our subdivision. I guess since it's a middle-to-upper-middle class neighborhood everyone from outside visited to get candy, cause there were a lot of groups of kids out and about. I gave out candy last year but decided not to bother this year.
Fri, 11-04-2011, 12:22 PM
The odd thing is that this is also a middle-to-upper-middle class neighbourhood and we used to always have a constant stream of kids from 6ish to at least 9:30 or 10. This year I was at my friends' place on the other side of town in a lower income area and there were 20 kids that came by, which was a huge decline compared to last year, according to my friends.
Sun, 11-06-2011, 09:47 AM
My school does not support people at an economic disadvantage.
Sun, 11-06-2011, 10:20 AM
My school does not support people at an economic disadvantage.
The world doesn't support people at an economic disadvantage, only countries.
Sun, 11-06-2011, 10:20 AM
My school does not support people at an economic disadvantage.
Schools normally do so? I always thought it was more of a social security thing.
Sun, 11-06-2011, 10:37 AM
My school does not support people at an economic disadvantage.That's what state and community colleges are for.
Sun, 11-06-2011, 10:55 AM
That's what state and community colleges are for.
Sun, 11-06-2011, 01:43 PM
My school does not support people at an economic disadvantage.
By "school", do you mean university? If so, there *may* be financial aid programs that are offered by the university but aren't really advertised by the school
My (former) university offered bursaries to all students and awarded basically free money, depending on the applicant's financial status and the little essay they write to explain why they need the money. The only thing was that the university didn't really advertise the program and I didn't hear about it until my 3rd year so I missed out on at least 2 or 3 thousand dollars, perhaps more. But my university is publicly funded, like many other universities in Ontario, so that probably has a lot to do with that bursary program.
Also, the government of Ontario offers a student loan program, and depending on your income you can qualify for a grant, in addition to the loan, which never has to be repaid.
Sat, 11-26-2011, 09:03 PM
Tired of getting the same email advertisement from companies every day for the last week. Jockey has sent the same 25% off + free shipping coupon email every day for a week. When will they get the message that it's not a good enough deal for me to bite??
Also, I can't believe it's Saturday night already. Third day of the four day weekend almost over :(.
The Heretic Azazel
Sun, 12-04-2011, 08:59 PM
Just looked in the mirror and saw ENTIRE PATCHES of white hair in my recently shaved beard stubble.
I'm too young for this shit.
Sun, 12-04-2011, 09:19 PM
Just looked in the mirror and saw ENTIRE PATCHES of white hair in my recently shaved beard stubble.
I'm too young for this shit.
Welcome to old age, friend. I have had a bunch of white hair since I was 19.
Sun, 12-04-2011, 09:30 PM
Welcome to old age, friend. I have had a bunch of white hair since I was 19.
Silver Fox! You'll be like Anderson Cooper.
...Sort of.
Sun, 12-04-2011, 10:02 PM
The world doesn't support people at an economic disadvantage, only countries.
The US will support certain banks that are to the tune of about $20 trilllion (which is more than our GDP).
Fri, 12-09-2011, 06:04 PM
I quit my job. I finally had the last straw after being accused of stealing envelopes which I had asked her (some lady, bosses assistant) to take in advance. Like 4 envelopes. I think real low about people who physically flip out over benign things and can't control their anger.
And I only go 1.5 hours a week so the money was shit anyway when commuting costs $5 each time. Also annoyed about other shit, like how my clients were randomly switched out on me with no alerting, making it financially unstable. @_@
Too bad 'cuz otherwise the job is amazing.
Fri, 12-09-2011, 06:54 PM
Wow rough time to quit a job, with Christmas coming up and all. I'd say "at least you have more time with the family and loved ones during the holidays" but 1.5hrs/wk doesn't really cut into your time.
School is over so I'm working 30-35 hours a week at IT support and it's numbing my brain. I spend most of the afternoons in a half-asleep stupor. I end up talking to people and sounding really uninformed and silly.
Fri, 12-09-2011, 08:30 PM
School is over so I'm working 30-35 hours a week at IT support and it's numbing my brain. I spend most of the afternoons in a half-asleep stupor. I end up talking to people and sounding really uninformed and silly.
Uninformed? I sound croaky if I've just woken up... but not uninformed.
Sapphi, your job wasn't worth your time and money. Not by a long shot, from what we've heard about it over the long run.
Fri, 12-09-2011, 09:31 PM
No, don't think about after you've woken up. It's more like when you haven't slept for a while and really want to sleep but can't because you have to work or be around other people. Then you stop being coherent and you can't have interesting conversations, but you have to interact so you talk but end up sounding kind of dumb and uninteresting.
Fri, 12-09-2011, 09:48 PM
When I get to that stage.. I have to self-inflict pain to stay awake.. that sucks...
Tue, 12-13-2011, 10:02 AM
So I am doing this project to help people weatherize their homes and someone I know asked me for some of the free kits. I told her that she could get them last weekend, and she forgot. Then I said she should let me know if she wants them yesterday, and she forgot and now wants to get them Saturday. Basically this person has been like this with me since I have known her and today I just told her that if she can't keep her obligations to me, I am not going to bother. There was a time I would have felt bad, but no longer.
Tue, 12-13-2011, 10:50 AM
There's that coworker that can't do her job in time, or at all. Since her job is quotation and billing, I need to have a clear view of that part of customer care I did not manage myself till now.
Well it's not entirely true, I do all the job of making the quotations and bills and even printing them. Said person just has to control there's no silly mistake and send the damn documents either via post service, mail or fax when the method and coordinates are already mentioned/available.
In the last few months, some of my best customers were asking me about quotations and bills. They truly are good customers for asking for bills, most people easily forget bills if you do forget them yourself...
So I've been checking and of course, said person never sent most of the quotation and bills I prepared for no reason.
She basically argues that eversince I started billing and quoting by myself, she can't manage the job anymore and it's my fault.
But remember I started billing and quoting because she did not do that in the first place.
I've been trying to implement a very easy way of tracking if documents are sent, no results, more bashing.
It's indeed very sad. But very common too.
I guess next step will be sending everything myself, which in turn will probably get me more bashing... but at least we'll get new jobs and be paid for the ones we did...
Tue, 12-13-2011, 11:03 AM
Maybe she's stringing you along in the hopes you'll make a house call with the kit. Then it's bow chicka chicka wow wow!
Tue, 12-13-2011, 11:21 AM
I guess next step will be sending everything myself, which in turn will probably get me more bashing... but at least we'll get new jobs and be paid for the ones we did...
Can't you get the person replaced? She's clearly not up to the task, for whatever psychological reason.
Tue, 12-13-2011, 11:38 AM
Well, it's something I can't do. I'll either have to change job or wait for her to retire (another 4-5 years...)
good thing is that I've been able to set things properly so that I do not need to go to the office anymore. I can do such administrative tasks from home, during peak road trafic hours and then meet customers and do the real job when it's better to move around. So it's not that a bad deal. Moreover, I get a better control of all that has to be done. Working from home is a good thing, when you really are able to manage.
Sat, 12-17-2011, 10:16 PM
I checked a review for this rice cooker I want to buy... and the dumb chick gives it 2 stars because she and her husband don't use it much because they don't eat rice that often. What the fuck kind of review is that?
Sun, 12-18-2011, 05:15 AM
Welp, at 24 I'm officially "too old for this shit".
I went to an electro/rave club for the first time. Filled with half-naked 15 year-olds wearing tutus and fuzzy leg warmers and baggy pants. There was a terrible DJ playing some awful "House" music that sounded like someone hitting a pipe with a hammer repeatedly while 5 or 6 twats intensely shuffled around the dancefloor without an ounce of grace.
Some fat girl asked me for drugs. I left shortly after to find people my own age.
Sun, 12-18-2011, 07:00 AM
I checked a review for this rice cooker I want to buy... and the dumb chick gives it 2 stars because she and her husband don't use it much because they don't eat rice that often. What the fuck kind of review is that?
Translation: "We're both really stupid, and this rice cooker requires too much effort to use, lol. It's not as easy as putting dry rice in and throwing water in. For some reason, it's "non-stick" but we also have to clean it. What's up with that? Totally false advertising! We would have returned it right away, but we're too lazy to go to the post office, so now we can't because it's been more than 30 days."
edit: Wait, I've got more.
"We never ate that much rice before we bought this, but asians are all skinny, and they all eat rice, so it must be healthy, right? But a rice cooker should be all automatic, right? We thought about suing for false advertising, but my husband's roommate is a lawyer, but he said it would be more expensive than the payout.
So...2/5 stars."
Sun, 12-25-2011, 02:00 PM
I'm trying to be in the holiday spirit and be forgiving and patient with people, but it seems no one else gives a fuck that it's the holidays. Doesn't help that it's raining outside and people in Texas can't drive in any kind of weather except cloudy. Almost was in an accident because some idiot was talking on the phone while driving and didn't look both ways before driving through a T intersection in a parking lot.
Now I get to drive 3 hours to the folks' home. This should suck...
Sun, 12-25-2011, 11:45 PM
I guess the upside is that you were almost in an accident. How did the drive turn out? Did you end up having a good time at your parents' place?
Mon, 12-26-2011, 12:20 AM
The drive was much better than I expected, thanks for asking. People still drove like idiots, but not near me and I didn't let the crazy shit people were doing bother me so much. Being in Texas, you get a lot of cowboys driving giant pickup trucks like they think they're in sports cars... and it was raining so that didn't help.
The thing is, I only almost get into wrecks because I pay extra attention to avoid the idiots on the road. It's like I have to give 110% concentration because people only give 50% when they drive. It gets taxing and wears my nerves out having to drive on high alert all the time.
Mon, 12-26-2011, 12:54 PM
It can be taxing to be on high alert every time you get behind the wheel. It's like you have to always expect most everyone to be grossly selfish drivers who expect everyone else to pay attention for them...if that makes any sense.
Here we have a lot of people in minivans who like to drive like they own a Ferrari.
In any case, it's good to hear the drive was better than anticipated. :)
The Heretic Azazel
Tue, 12-27-2011, 05:02 PM
My incompetent fucking HR department has been taking insurance from my check for three weeks, I still haven't received my card, so I call the insurance company and THEY HAVEN'T EVEN RECEIVED THE FUCKING PAPERWORK. I really need to see a doctor for various problems, and I can't because I keep getting bullshitted around by HR, and I'm out $100 in deductions (thus far) for a service I can't even use.
I'm probably going to get fired if I have to talk to this moron again.
Sun, 01-01-2012, 02:37 PM
Had a good time planned out for new year's and ended up staying home with a 40 degree fever and hallucinations.
Sun, 01-01-2012, 02:42 PM
Had a good time planned out for new year's and ended up staying home with a 40 degree fever and hallucinations.
Not as strong, but got a cold and very bad nights all my holiday week, when I do not even take lots of holidays... Seems like I should be better for work tomorrow...
Sun, 01-01-2012, 05:05 PM
I spent my NYE driving 320+ miles in 9 hours round trip to deliver a package to someone and run some errands. At first I dreaded the trip since it was completely unintended but necessary, then the weather and the drive itself turned out pretty awesome and relaxing. By the time I got home I was too tired to do anything to celebrate NYE, so I had dinner and a beer and passed out.
Hope you guys feel better.
Sun, 01-01-2012, 08:31 PM
I had that feeling in my throat for two days that suggests a cold is going to come one, but that was all it turned out to be..
Sun, 01-01-2012, 08:36 PM
I had that feeling in my throat for two days that suggests a cold is going to come one, but that was all it turned out to be..
Wrong thread.
Mon, 01-02-2012, 01:28 AM
Wrong thread.
Maybe he wanted a cold?
Mon, 01-02-2012, 11:30 PM
Sonovabitch just got into this brit series "Peep Show" from a couple of years ago... the first few episodes are hilarious, then the show gets unbearable fast. Mark starts out likeably awkward but then just turns pathetic after a few episodes. Jeremy is silly for a while then turns obnoxious. At first they're both losers you root for, then you realize there's no hope for them and it's a waste of time and energy hoping they'll prevail. Another promising series that turned out shitty.
Oh, and my laptop just died. Working fine, then turned it off, now it won't POST and just beeps at me. Pulled the harddrive and tried to read it from a USB enclosure... CRC errors. Best guess is a power surge fried the laptop, but nothing else connected to the surge protector was damaged.
Tue, 01-03-2012, 05:01 PM
Redirected Peep Show derail to Peep Show thread (
Please continue bitching as normal.
Tue, 01-03-2012, 06:17 PM Now I know what they mean 1st hand. I got a gift card for christmas, so I decided to buy NBA 2k11, as I don't like 12, and it was on sale. It took longer than normal for me to get the game, and once I did, it did not work. I called the help line, they told me to take it to the nearest store, the store had none in stock and neither did their personal warehouse, and they have no idea if any other Chicago location does. They tried to help, but eventually were like "sorry, we don't know what to do". I don't know why their system isn't integrated to every other store's so that they could possibly have them ship the game or something. Nice people, horrible system.
Wed, 01-04-2012, 12:14 AM
Sorry dude. I never had a good experience shopping at Best Buy for anything, and I have been to a lot of the stores in and around the city when searching for electronics that I needed asap. Most of the time I search online before going to the store but always end up spending a few hours in the store. Their in store service sucks, the employees rather bitch, chat and surf the net than actually do their jobs ( I was pleasantly happy when I over-heard their hours were being cut). There are the few that do a great job but most of the stores are managed and runned by idiots. Once spent an hour waiting on a line that wasn't moving to buy a tv for my parents all the while watching four best buy employees try to figure out how to fill out an in home install for two dumb ass (real assholes) gay guys; no disrespect. The section manager was there as well and didn't have the good sense to open up the other registers so other people could check out. A lot of people just left, if I didn't need the replacement or already spent about 2 hours picking out and getting the damn thing I would have too. If have had opened my mouth to say anything only rage would have erupted (and would have most likely hurt a few people) so I grit my teeth a bared it. That was just one experience. The only time I ever spent less than an hour in that store was at returns, geek squad check the item, went to the return area and my money was refunded immediately.
It's no surprise they are going out of business because I am sure as hell going to do everything possible to avoid having to go to that store ever again and I would like to think a lot of people share that feeling. A lot of people that don't know how to shop online go there, that number is decreasing and their service sucks so it's hard to get people to come back and torture themselves.
p.s. Has anyone noticed just how many Baidu Spider are visiting this site lately( almost 2/3 of the guests) I think they are looking for Ani and Archie.
Wed, 01-04-2012, 01:10 AM
I worked at a Best Buy and their business practices have always been shitty. They're all about selling extended warranties and there is little supervision or control over the floor sales staff. They can pretty much tell the customers anything they want. They don't work on commission, so there's not much incentive to do the job well. These days Fry's and Amazon have better prices and selection. I see Best Buy going the same way as Circuit City in the near future.
Wed, 01-04-2012, 02:26 AM
That company can survive because it's one of the last largest remaining retailer of electronics which is a very powerful thing. But they need major internal re-structuring and a lot better organization which I doubt they are willing to do.
Wed, 01-04-2012, 08:43 AM
I got a gift card for christmas, so I decided to buy NBA 2k11, as I don't like 12, and it was on sale. It took longer than normal for me to get the game, and once I did, it did not work.
Was it new or used?
Wed, 01-04-2012, 09:58 AM
Best Buy doesn't sell used games, do they? But if it was new, why wouldn't it work?
Wed, 01-04-2012, 10:07 AM
Best Buy doesn't sell used games, do they? But if it was new, why wouldn't it work?
Yeah, they do sell used games. They even have a $14.99 card like GameStop's Power Up Rewards, called Gamers Club Unlocked. They also have a magazine to compete against GS' Game Informer, called @Gamer. (
I find it weird that a new game wouldn't play, so I'm thinking he must have gotten a used copy.
Wed, 01-04-2012, 08:54 PM
Yes, it was used, but they have a "pre-owned" guarantee. I know a lot of people had problems with that game, but this is ridiculous.
Wed, 01-04-2012, 09:54 PM
I haven't encountered service so bad over here in Australia before.. but I think in general our stores still have a really big focus on customer service because they recognise its pretty much how they can overcome dirt-cheap internet prices.
Then again, I never expect good customer service. I always just think of it as a bonus.
I'm also one for reading fineprints, so I also don't attempt to return something that's explicitly stated to be non-returnable.
For gadgets and all I pretty much buy online 90% of the time because of both price and availability. Retailers simply don't stock some of the more obscure stuff that I buy. It's also a lot easier to compare prices by tabbing between websites than driving between stores.
Stores will have the advantage when I'm looking for bulky, expensive things that I deem likely to be needing warranty service however - such as fridges, TVs, washing machines..
Mon, 01-09-2012, 04:50 PM
I know that this is going to sound dumb, but I was just offered a job today. The thing is that another company is interested in me and I think it would be a lot more fulfilling if I can get into that one, but it is not a sure thing. I have studied and prepared for it, so I think I will do well, but it is still basically up in the air. As a pragmatist, I should just take the one that is being offered, but if I were to get into that other company, I think it would be better for my career and more fulfilling.
Mon, 01-09-2012, 04:59 PM
Rockmanj is greedy. Can't you wait a little so you know if you can get the other job before deciding? A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush (Geico, which stole it from somewhere else), doesn't say what kind of birds we're talking about. But sometimes it's best not to be too greedy.
Mon, 01-09-2012, 06:23 PM
Rockmanj is greedy. Can't you wait a little so you know if you can get the other job before deciding? A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush (Geico, which stole it from somewhere else), doesn't say what kind of birds we're talking about. But sometimes it's best not to be too greedy.
Yes, that is the problem...the quote actually comes from the bible I believe (in the late 14th century). I have been thinking that the whole time. I would like to wait, but the other job wants me ASAP. I hope this interview goes well tomorrow; it seems like it would be a great fit for me.
Mon, 01-09-2012, 09:08 PM
Will you know straight after the interview or something? And do you have to reply on the spot? I suppose the "ASAP" part puts you on the spot a bit. Otherwise yeah, I'd just wait a bit to see which jobs actually send you an offer for the position.
Wed, 01-11-2012, 04:45 PM
My driver's side headlight burned out. My car is a model such that the entire assembly must be removed to replace the lamp. The assembly is attached with three bolts. Get the first out, get the second out, and the third is wedged in a tiny space. It struggles to come out, and I get it out...where it promptly makes a short drop...somewhere inside the engine compartment. Didn't hit the ground. No clue where it is. I'm hoping it dislodges itself safely in my driveway, rather than depositing itself into a swiftly moving engine component while I'm on the highway, where it will then be projected into other components.
Wed, 01-11-2012, 04:54 PM
Monday, I was washing some clothes and my washer started making this really loud knocking sound and leaking water. I called GE to schedule a repair and was told they'd have someone out between 8-12am this morning. The repair guy shows up and proceeds to tell me that one of the suspension rods that holds up the basket was broken and he'd have to order a replacement since he doesn't stock the rods for my washer.
About an hour later, I received a phone call from GE Consumer Relations telling me that the rod for my washer is no longer available. I am now without a washer.
Wed, 01-11-2012, 05:04 PM
My driver's side headlight burned out. My car is a model such that the entire assembly must be removed to replace the lamp. The assembly is attached with three bolts. Get the first out, get the second out, and the third is wedged in a tiny space. It struggles to come out, and I get it out...where it promptly makes a short drop...somewhere inside the engine compartment. Didn't hit the ground. No clue where it is. I'm hoping it dislodges itself safely in my driveway, rather than depositing itself into a swiftly moving engine component while I'm on the highway, where it will then be projected into other components.
Might I suggest passing a somewhat powerful magnet to where you suspect it might have fallen. You might catch it is a magnetic material.
Marik, might want to check your warranty. Or call up a local repair man they should parts for older models.
Wed, 01-11-2012, 05:13 PM
Might I suggest passing a somewhat powerful magnet to where you suspect it might have fallen. You might catch it is a magnetic material.
The magnet would stick to the car frame itself, making that trick harder. But I suppose it could work.
Wed, 01-11-2012, 05:16 PM
Depends on how powerful the magnet is and certain components are made from aluminum (which isn't magnetic). Same concept as a magnetic tip screw-driver or socket wrench.
If you have one try a magnetic hammer, if the screw is magnetic should find it, maybe.
Wed, 01-11-2012, 05:41 PM
About an hour later, I received a phone call from GE Consumer Relations telling me that the rod for my washer is no longer available. I am now without a washer.
If it's under warranty and they are out of the parts required to fix the machine, they owe you a new washer. I imagine if you called GE directly for repair, then it is under warranty, because otherwise it'd be a lot cheaper to get it repaired locally.
My driver's side headlight burned out. My car is a model such that the entire assembly must be removed to replace the lamp. The assembly is attached with three bolts. Get the first out, get the second out, and the third is wedged in a tiny space. It struggles to come out, and I get it out...where it promptly makes a short drop...somewhere inside the engine compartment. Didn't hit the ground. No clue where it is. I'm hoping it dislodges itself safely in my driveway, rather than depositing itself into a swiftly moving engine component while I'm on the highway, where it will then be projected into other components.
I did the same thing the other day while replacing my battery... dropped the little nuts not once but thrice into the engine bay. Luckily I have a magnetic pickup tool and the battery area doesn't have too many crevices.
Wed, 01-11-2012, 06:07 PM
My car's engine compartment has tons of crevices and shelves for stuff to fall on. It's a sub-compact, the engine compartment is tight and full of supports, braces and components. It's right near the radiator and fan.
So there is metal all over the general area where it fell. Magnets wouldn't help...if I could even snake a tool down in there.
Wed, 01-11-2012, 06:09 PM
Yes, that is the problem...the quote actually comes from the bible I believe (in the late 14th century). I have been thinking that the whole time. I would like to wait, but the other job wants me ASAP. I hope this interview goes well tomorrow; it seems like it would be a great fit for me.
You could always accept and then tell them you just got a better offer a few days later. What's so bad about that?
Wed, 01-11-2012, 06:39 PM
So there is metal all over the general area where it fell. Magnets wouldn't help...if I could even snake a tool down in there.
Train a cockroach to fetch it. They don't even live that long, so taking care of its retirement pension afterwards wouldn't ruin your finances.
Wed, 01-11-2012, 09:04 PM
You could always accept and then tell them you just got a better offer a few days later. What's so bad about that?
I feel like a heel doing that, but it is a dog-eat-dog world and you have to look out for yourself. Maybe the first company will give you a better offer, or maybe they'll blacklist you for wasting their time and it's one less company you'll ever work for.
Thu, 01-12-2012, 12:51 AM
You could always accept and then tell them you just got a better offer a few days later. What's so bad about that?
Ah, the primary one went south, although I think the two I have had the past couple of days have gone well. They asked for references, so that means they are seriously considering me. The 1st place actually got a little pissed that I was taking too long (about 36 hours) to make a decision. Then they criticized my grammar, which was both inaccurate and a bit harsh.
Thu, 01-12-2012, 01:35 AM
As in the grammar was inaccurate, or the criticism was?
Thu, 01-12-2012, 01:43 PM
As in the grammar was inaccurate, or the criticism was?
The accusation was. I looked the email over and saw no issues.
Thu, 01-12-2012, 04:56 PM
It doesn't bode well for the working atmosphere if they see it fit to criticize your first email - and without a reason to boot. Better forget it.
Mon, 01-16-2012, 04:23 AM
Went back to uni today for this "orientation" day that was compulsory for my new degree.
I sat there for 5 hours today listening:
Not to:
-How to obtain our student ID cards
-How to obtain our timetables
-Information about the structure of the course
-Information about what to expect from each type of teaching environment in the course (lectures vs tutes vs practicals vs placements)
-Information about assessments, workload expectations
-Textbook, labcoat, stethoscope purchases/requirements
But instead we listened to:
-A bunch of academic staff introduce themselves
-The lives of these people and how medicine has changed over the years
-Who to cry to when you see your first death/dead body
While what we did isn't entirely useless, it's pretty stupid to talk about those topics for so long, on the first day of the course. Really, "changes in medicine" could have been the first lecture in a topic called "Professionalism" or "Medicine and society" or something. Death could have been the second lecture.
I wanted to hear about the administrative running of the course, but instead they expect you to learn it yourself since it's available from their online website labyrinth. The online material itself is all over the place and incomplete since if the degree doesn't conform to the normal university calendar, it obviously shouldn't conform to the university's standards about setting the course material up before classes start neither.
-The site says that med students don't get their student cards like normal students do, and are handed out to them instead on Orientation day. Nobody mentioned this today, so I asked the university support centre. We get our cards the same way everybody else does.
-Email said that our timetables will be available on Orientation day. It seems by "available", they mean online.. and only for the first 2 weeks. Of course, they expected us to figure this out ourselves as well.
All in all, a rather frustrating, uneventful and wasted day.
PS: same shit tomorrow.
Death BOO Z
Mon, 01-16-2012, 05:05 AM
enjoy your seven years of non-stop studying.
orientation days are mostly just for you to see for the first time all the lectures. find a senior student (even a 2nd year senior) and get your information from him.
Mon, 01-16-2012, 05:22 AM
enjoy your seven years of non-stop studying.
orientation days are mostly just for you to see for the first time all the lectures. find a senior student (even a 2nd year senior) and get your information from him.
It's a post-grad degree so it's only four years, but then there's one year intern, 2 years residency and other college/specialisation training.. so yeah.. goodbye freedom, lol.
The program went under a complete audit/review for the first time in 30 years or something, so the entire program/structure's pretty much changed. Will see what the student organisation has to say about everything though. (Average age of the cohort is like.. mid/late twenties..... it's kind of weird, heh)
Mon, 01-16-2012, 01:19 PM
Wow, that's a lot of schooling. I'd say it's worth it though. My brother was 34 before he completed his studies. He's been rolling in success and the fruits of his labor since then, so stick with it. The real world and the daily 8-to-5 grind sux anyway.
Bitch: my retired mother has few things she enjoys doing in her waning years, one of which was going on boat cruises with friends. Now with this cruise ship accident in Italy, that will be one less thing she'll want to do to get out of the house. She's real bad about "once bitten, twice shy," even if she wasn't the one that was bitten.
Mon, 01-16-2012, 02:08 PM
Thank god she never watched titanic.
Tue, 01-17-2012, 05:14 PM
I put up some ads to sell off some stuff I have no use for. I got a reply from one guy last night saying he's interested but I never heard back after I responded to his message. Same thing happened this afternoon with some other assclown. What the fuck is up with these flakes? Do they have nothing better to do than waste my time?
Fri, 01-20-2012, 12:30 AM
I have yet to officially hear back from that company I interviewed with, but I heard that they have been calling my references and members of the project team that I interviewed with have been adding me on Linkedin. I have no idea what is going on, and I turned down a job with another company. I hope I have not screwed myself, and that people don't just randomly add people they interview with on Linkedin.
Sun, 01-22-2012, 12:06 PM
I told the girl yesterday that I didn't want to move, and she was like, "kay"!
Then five minutes ago, my new roommate tried to force me to move out so her friend could move in again.
me: I have about a hundred books, a desktop, and a shitload of posters. I've lived there for the better part of a year, I like my room, and I have a lot of work to do today. It's really inconvenient for me, and I don't want to.
her: OMG I want to live with herrrrrrr!!! I'll pay you! I asked housing and they screwed me over, omg!
me: No...
her: *storms off*
Sun, 01-22-2012, 12:25 PM
An annoying girl's one weakness, an even more annoying girl.
Sun, 01-22-2012, 03:46 PM
She took a page out of Gasai Yuno's book.
Sun, 01-22-2012, 03:59 PM
This semester is going to be... fun.
Uchiha Barles
Sun, 01-22-2012, 06:42 PM
You know, she offered to pay you. So instead of telling her no, if she approaches you again, remind her of your tenure in that room and how much of an inconvenience it would be for you to move. Remind her she offered to pay, and then state the price at which you would be willing to suffer the inconvenience of moving. If she comes up with that kind of money, hey, win win :D. If not, well...fuck her ;).
edit: Make sure there are no witnesses and no recording devices on you when she pays you, and demand the payment be made in cash. Bitch might try to screw you out of your money afterwards.
Sun, 01-22-2012, 10:00 PM
Why are people so unreliable, even for the smallest requests?
I'm filling out a job application that requires supervisor and coworker references. I've been trying every method possible to locate my supervisors and coworkers from a job I had more than 7 years ago. I've emailed them repeatedly, emailed others who might be able to get in touch with them, called their companies multiple times trying to locate them, and even emailed them on facebook... no replies. One of them even updated his profile picture since I emailed him, but didn't bother to reply to my email. Why are people so unreliable?
Uchiha Barles
Sun, 01-22-2012, 11:22 PM
Why are people so unreliable, even for the smallest requests?
I'm filling out a job application that requires supervisor and coworker references. I've been trying every method possible to locate my supervisors and coworkers from a job I had more than 7 years ago. I've emailed them repeatedly, emailed others who might be able to get in touch with them, called their companies multiple times trying to locate them, and even emailed them on facebook... no replies. One of them even updated his profile picture since I emailed him, but didn't bother to reply to my email. Why are people so unreliable?
They probably don't want to be bothered so they're ignoring you. It's pretty assholish unless they're constantly bombarded with reference requests even from people they barely even knew in passing. This is why it's important to make and keep some kind of contact (i.e. fake friendships) with people you work with. This is true in particular of your immediate supervisor.
If you're finding yourself with no other option, you probably want to keep a-knockin' until they begrudge a response.
Mon, 01-23-2012, 12:02 AM
They probably don't want to be bothered so they're ignoring you. It's pretty assholish unless they're constantly bombarded with reference requests even from people they barely even knew in passing. This is why it's important to make and keep some kind of contact (i.e. fake friendships) with people you work with. This is true in particular of your immediate supervisor.
If you're finding yourself with no other option, you probably want to keep a-knockin' until they begrudge a response.
I've always tried to keep a good relationship with all of my coworkers. I don't like the idea of fake friendships just to keep connections, hence my lack of a real facebook account. People have 1000 "friends" on there but they'd be lucky to count even 5 of them as real friends.
As far as the guys I'm trying to contact, I had what I thought was a good relationship with them, though I haven't contacted any of them for 7 years or more. I'm especially upset with my former supervisor who gave my pretty high reviews every year that got me 5% merit increases each time, but now he won't even bother to return a facebook message request.
What really annoys me is how this application process checks that far back in your work history. The way things are in the 21st century, you'll be lucky if you know anyone at your old company once you've been away for a year or two. People switch companies and jobs like it's nothing these days, so keeping track of them is nearly impossible.
Mon, 01-23-2012, 01:38 AM
I've always tried to keep a good relationship with all of my coworkers. I don't like the idea of fake friendships just to keep connections, hence my lack of a real facebook account. People have 1000 "friends" on there but they'd be lucky to count even 5 of them as real friends.
As far as the guys I'm trying to contact, I had what I thought was a good relationship with them, though I haven't contacted any of them for 7 years or more. I'm especially upset with my former supervisor who gave my pretty high reviews every year that got me 5% merit increases each time, but now he won't even bother to return a facebook message request.
What really annoys me is how this application process checks that far back in your work history. The way things are in the 21st century, you'll be lucky if you know anyone at your old company once you've been away for a year or two. People switch companies and jobs like it's nothing these days, so keeping track of them is nearly impossible.
Yea, it is a tricky thing. I was always told that now it is good to send a note about every 6 months or so to your contacts just to let them know you are still alive. It is a bit unreasonable for those with large networks. People can only maintain something between 100-230 relationships total (in theory anyway). Hopefully someone gets back to you.
Mon, 01-23-2012, 09:00 PM
Yea, it is a tricky thing. I was always told that now it is good to send a note about every 6 months or so to your contacts just to let them know you are still alive. It is a bit unreasonable for those with large networks. People can only maintain something between 100-230 relationships total (in theory anyway). Hopefully someone gets back to you.
My faith in humanity is restored somewhat... 2 of the contacts replied, but it was more my diligence than anything. I had "hello" in the subject and I remembered from way back in 2004-2005 when the company was deluged with spam email containing "hello" in the subject which forced us to implement filtering of those email. So I re-sent with a new title and they replied.
Of course, the 2 I contacted using Facebook messaging have yet to reply, though that could be because we're from an older generation and we don't really use Facebook.
Uchiha Barles
Tue, 01-24-2012, 12:30 AM
See, there you go. Looks like you did indeed handle your networking duties appropriately and simply forgot a little bit of protocol necessary to get attention. My facebook sits virtually unused. I don't usually go on it unless for some reason my friends decide to use it to send out invites to events I'm interested in. So just use the same sense you did for the two that responded, and contact the other two through their e-mails if you have them.
Tue, 01-24-2012, 12:37 AM
See, there you go. Looks like you did indeed handle your networking duties appropriately and simply forgot a little bit of protocol necessary to get attention. My facebook sits virtually unused. I don't usually go on it unless for some reason my friends decide to use it to send out invites to events I'm interested in. So just use the same sense you did for the two that responded, and contact the other two through their e-mails if you have them.
Thanks for the tips and keeping faith. I've never been good about maintaining contact with people. I'm a bit of a pragmatist in that I focus on the here and now (and somewhat for the future), including with people. So if you're not a part of my daily life, I tend to lose touch with you.
What really bugs me about the Facebook contacts is that I've seen them make other updates to their facebook pages, but they've yet to respond to my messages. Maybe they didn't notice the little '1' flag on their messaging icon because they don't use it much, or maybe their Facebook accounts are tied to email accounts they don't check regularly. But it's the only contact info I have for them, otherwise I'd send them repeated email messages directly until they had no choice but to respond.
Mon, 01-30-2012, 03:51 AM
Yea, it is a tricky thing. I was always told that now it is good to send a note about every 6 months or so to your contacts just to let them know you are still alive. It is a bit unreasonable for those with large networks. People can only maintain something between 100-230 relationships total (in theory anyway).
Good ol' "Monkeysphere (" (aka "Dunbar's Number ("). Out of my list of facebook friends, probably 1/4 of them would draw no reaction beyond a passing "huh... it really makes you think" if I found out they were found dead in some grisly way.
What really bugs me about the Facebook contacts is that I've seen them make other updates to their facebook pages, but they've yet to respond to my messages. Maybe they didn't notice the little '1' flag on their messaging icon because they don't use it much, or maybe their Facebook accounts are tied to email accounts they don't check regularly. But it's the only contact info I have for them, otherwise I'd send them repeated email messages directly until they had no choice but to respond.
My officemate at work offers another possible explanation. I've seen his facebook front page. At any given time, all three notifier numbers are pegged at some ridiculously high number. IIRC after a certain number they just give up and say like "99+" or "300+".
If you've got more messages to catch up on on facebook than minutes in your day, you'd never notice a legit request in the noise. That's where being a facebook friend and having them provide their current email/phone to friends is useful! Call up and be like "WTF Bitches!!!" and then ask them for a nice letter of recommendation ...
Also, going back 7 years? You getting a clearance? Or just some other kind of background investigation? 'cause IIRC Secret and TS roll out the SSBI and go to 10 years minimum now...
Mon, 01-30-2012, 05:13 AM
Also, going back 7 years? You getting a clearance? Or just some other kind of background investigation? 'cause IIRC Secret and TS roll out the SSBI and go to 10 years minimum now...
I would have thought that Ani just doesn't change jobs very often and one of his "previous 3" jobs or something dates back 7 years ago.
My new small-classroom-permament-study-people group decided to pick Facebook for our communication means. I'll have to use it now. :(
Mon, 01-30-2012, 09:08 AM
Good ol' "Monkeysphere (" (aka "Dunbar's Number ("). Out of my list of facebook friends, probably 1/4 of them would draw no reaction beyond a passing "huh... it really makes you think" if I found out they were found dead in some grisly way.
Also, going back 7 years? You getting a clearance? Or just some other kind of background investigation? 'cause IIRC Secret and TS roll out the SSBI and go to 10 years minimum now...
It's a background investigation for a job in law enforcement. They actually check 10 years back into your work and personal history but the job I listed spanned from 7 years to 13 years ago in my work history. I won't get a clearance but I'd like to get one eventually as it would open up job opportunities, but that's for the future. Right now I'm thinking locally.
My officemate at work offers another possible explanation. I've seen his facebook front page. At any given time, all three notifier numbers are pegged at some ridiculously high number. IIRC after a certain number they just give up and say like "99+" or "300+".
If you've got more messages to catch up on on facebook than minutes in your day, you'd never notice a legit request in the noise. That's where being a facebook friend and having them provide their current email/phone to friends is useful! Call up and be like "WTF Bitches!!!" and then ask them for a nice letter of recommendation ...That could be the case but we're old school... most of the people I worked with are an older generation and do not use Facebook. The person I posted about in particular only has 76 FB friends and not much activity in general. He still hasn't replied, so I used another reference. He was a cool supervisor and a nice guy, so I'm sure there are legitimate reasons he hasn't responded.
Wed, 02-01-2012, 04:21 PM
Thought this was apropos in light of my criticisms of facebook "networking":
Sun, 02-05-2012, 09:33 PM
I got in an argument with a trainee about how to clearly organize task sheets. (Her own badly done sheets made her screw up.... and were pretty incomprehensible for any outsider.)
She ended up saying "I'll do it your way on your sheets and how I want on all of the other sheets". I was like, wat.
Sun, 02-12-2012, 05:11 PM
You seem like a combative person, Sapphy. Do you tend to engender defensiveness by being aggressive, or are you the one trying to be nice and that in turn elicits aggressive responses from those you deal with?
My bitch: took an online exam for my community college class today, got 86/100. I hate multiple choice exams. I found at least 5 questions with multiple correct answers, but the test won't let you backtrack to see your responses or change answers. What a crappy testing system.
Sun, 02-12-2012, 05:37 PM
She takes a lot of short-cuts, and she got pissed cuz she thinks not taking short-cuts is an insult to everyone's intelligence, and use useless "busy-work". I never get angry or provoke a fight at work (or in my living space).
Sun, 02-12-2012, 06:20 PM
My bitch: took an online exam for my community college class today, got 86/100. I hate multiple choice exams. I found at least 5 questions with multiple correct answers, but the test won't let you backtrack to see your responses or change answers. What a crappy testing system.
I love multiple choice.
There was this exam one time that had 2 questions with the second question dependant upon your answer of the first one. I couldn't get the first question to match any of the choices, so I worked backwards from the possible answers of the 2nd question to find the one that has a matching response from the 1st question.
A good MCQ paper shouldn't allow this to happen.
Fri, 02-17-2012, 12:46 AM
I'm stuck with 32kbps internet for a week+. :(
Fri, 02-17-2012, 12:53 AM
I'm stuck with 32kbps internet for a week+. :(
Just think how much more productive you may be without internet access. I'd see it as a challenge to take care of stuff you've been putting off.
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