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Mon, 01-04-2010, 12:00 PM
Xel : what kinda card did you have?

I haven't posted here in a while so I thought I would !

Movie Theater price gouging... pisses me off. I saw Avatar with my sister saturday and it was $4.50. 1 liter bottle of water? $4.50... that isn't my bitch though.

I went again yesterday because my wife and her brother didn't get to see it. We went to one theater and it was sold out, so then we went to another theater and wow... $9.50 per ticket? srsly? Then you get to the anal rape section that is the concessions... $6.50 for a "small" soda? $8 for a bag of popcorn?

I'm a thrifty guy so stuff like that pisses me off. same thing @ the gym... why would i pay $2.75 for 20oz of powerade if I can go next door and get a 32oz bottle for $1.25 ?

I typically pay $11-$14 for a movie ticket.

The Heretic Azazel
Mon, 01-04-2010, 12:02 PM
So why don't you do something about it? I didn't think people still bought at the concessions instead of smuggling it in. If you're paying at the concessions you might as well be throwing half your cash in the fireplace.

Mon, 01-04-2010, 12:08 PM
I've had radeon 3870 gainward with zalman cooler, but now because it crashed again I'll get sapphire radeon 4850 the edition with extra cooler for free instead of my old card.

and wow -9,50$ per ticket - thats high - here usually we pay 10-15 PLN for ticket(that is 2,5$ to 3,75$ approx(rounded up - dollar is somewhere between 3,2 to 4 PLN), and prices of drinks and popcorn is high here too - most people take their own drinks(security does not even check anybody - because thanks to polish law they can't do anything(only call the police - they can't even touch you, and if they do you can sue them)).

Mon, 01-04-2010, 01:59 PM

I typically pay $11-$14 for a movie ticket.
Yes but you get to watch in the cool coastal climate of lovely California. We have to watch it in the humid musty cesspool that is Texas. You also pay more for auto insurance and registration, among many many other things.

Tue, 01-05-2010, 11:17 PM
So why don't you do something about it? I didn't think people still bought at the concessions instead of smuggling it in. If you're paying at the concessions you might as well be throwing half your cash in the fireplace.
I've been smuggling in my own snacks for at least 15 years now. They can take their high-priced concession stand crap and sell it to someone else.

My bitch for today was that I missed the damned bus so I had to wait for the next one which came 30 minutes later, so I ended up being so late for my first lecture for Econ I just said, "fuck it" and didn't bother going to class. What a great way to start the term.

Tue, 01-05-2010, 11:47 PM
My bitch for today was that I missed the damned bus so I had to wait for the next one which came 30 minutes later, so I ended up being so late for my first lecture for Econ I just said, "fuck it" and didn't bother going to class. What a great way to start the term.
Spring semester has started already? That sucks for you, we get 2 more weeks :)
First day is pointless since they just go over the syllabus and a lot of people who didn't register yet don't attend the first class. Still, I hate missing first class day, bad vibes. They usually let you out early anyway.

Tue, 01-05-2010, 11:57 PM
Winter term. My school has a 3 term system: Fall (Sept-Dec), Winter (Jan-April), and Spring (May-Aug). They all have the "12 week of lectures + last month for final exams" structure. Yeah, I know first week is pointless but like you said, bad vibes. Oh well, I suppose. When did you finish your last term? My last exam for the Fall term was on Dec 19, so I had 2 weeks off.

Wed, 01-06-2010, 10:25 AM
We have two terms and an optional summer semester. Fall term this year was from August 26 to Dec 4 and my last final was on Dec 12. So I got 5 weeks off for winter break. I get 3 months off for summer break but I might take a 6-week summer course this summer.

The bad thing about the long breaks is that I'm learning Japanese and it's hard to keep at it when you don't use the language for stretches at a time.

Wed, 01-06-2010, 02:56 PM
You don't have anyone to practice with? Try and find someone to converse with in Japanese on a day to day basis.

If you have your books, you can always refresh yourself as often as you'd like.

Wed, 01-06-2010, 07:44 PM
It's as much not having anyone to practice with as it is not knowing enough to practice. After one semester, I know enough to hold a 5 minute conversation asking such inane pleasantries as "where is your hometown" and "how old are you". It doesn't help that most of the kids in my Japanese class aren't from Austin so they head home for winter and summer break.

I am studying from the textbook but that can only help you so much when learning a very foreign language.

Thu, 01-07-2010, 12:21 PM
Study grammar some more and buy a kanji dictionary and try to read any visual novel. You might learn something - i plan on doing it on the summer break, and i know I'll probably move about 1 page of text per day but I'll try.

Fri, 01-08-2010, 12:40 PM
Speaking of going back to school, I was expecting to hear back about the Pell grant I applied for when I opened a letter from my college's financial aid office today. What an unpleasant surprise. There's no mention of my grant, but the letter says I've been approved for a subsidized loan and an unsubsidized load. I never applied for either of these loans, so someone at the financial aid office is applying for loans on my behalf without asking me. No one is answering the phone at the financial aid office now. Class starts on Monday so I need to sort this shit out pronto.

Fri, 01-08-2010, 12:45 PM
Samson : When you do the FAFSA letter, you get what you get. They didn't do any applications without your knowledge, the just let you know what you're eligible for. I got $3000 pell grant, and they also offered "work study" but my tuition wasn't very expensive and I was already working so work study wasn't an option.

If you did not get a pell grant, you must not have been eligible. There are alot of things that go into this.

I was able to get pell grant because of my age and because I was able to fill out the fafsa without including any information about my parents. My sister on the other hand got nothing because they look at the parents' income and just assume they can afford to pay another 15-16k per year to pay for her college.

How much is your tuition? Some of the loans don't have to be paid back until after you finish school.

Did you include your parents information in your letter? if you're 24, you should be able to file independently fdepending on when your b-day is..

The Heretic Azazel
Sat, 01-09-2010, 12:11 PM
Did you check the box on the FAFSA that says something to the effect of, "are you interested in applying for other loans"? If so they went ahead and processed that.

It's best you show up at the financial aid office in person, at least for me it's just impossible to get through on the phone during the first few days of school.

Sat, 01-09-2010, 02:29 PM
2 days ago I fucked my windows installation by force install an inappropiate video driver for my laptop.

Been backing-up and shit for the last couple of days... just about done putting vista back together after a fresh install. It was a pain in the ass.

Sat, 01-09-2010, 02:29 PM
It's all cool now. I got my Pell grant, and I'm going to turn down this loan.

Sat, 01-09-2010, 05:02 PM
2 days ago I fucked my windows installation by force install an inappropiate video driver for my laptop.

Been backing-up and shit for the last couple of days... just about done putting vista back together after a fresh install. It was a pain in the ass.
Would have been a great opportunity to install Windows 7. Big improvement over Vista.

Sun, 01-10-2010, 07:31 AM
My brother's computer is stuffed, and it's likely to be a hardware error. Since I can't pinpoint which one (or ones) they are, I'll have to take apart my own PC to test each part. :S

That, and I'll probably get a speeding ticket in 2 weeks. I'd be great if they put the camera warning on BOTH sides of the road...

Sun, 01-10-2010, 07:50 AM
I've heard about strict speeding laws in Australia, are they as bad as they say?

Sun, 01-10-2010, 11:23 AM
I've heard about strict speeding laws in Australia, are they as bad as they say?

I have no idea how relative "bad" is. Best to judge for yourself:


PS: regular drivers have 12 points per year. A P2 driver such as myself (step after Learner's) has 4pts only. (so any of the 20+ km/hr offences will earn me a probation license where I'm on 1pt for ages).

Depending on if/where they got me on that road, I could qualify for any of those.

Mon, 01-11-2010, 04:57 PM
yep.. they are strict compared to here.
After you get license here, you have 1 year term in which you have got 20 points, and you get for example 10 points for 50km/h speeding or drunken driving, 4 points for 20 km/h speeding.
After 1 year you have 24 points and can go to special course which can wipe off some points after 5 hours of lessons.
Prices for speeding are sky-high too from what I see..and from what I heard those laws are not for show only, and you get caught speeding every time you do it, and they are strictly enforced.Compared to here that's draconian law.

p.s. polish police is famous for being able to 'forget' some things, especially speeding...

Mon, 01-11-2010, 11:32 PM
yep.. they are strict compared to here.
After you get license here, you have 1 year term in which you have got 20 points, and you get for example 10 points for 50km/h speeding or drunken driving, 4 points for 20 km/h speeding.
After 1 year you have 24 points and can go to special course which can wipe off some points after 5 hours of lessons.
Prices for speeding are sky-high too from what I see..and from what I heard those laws are not for show only, and you get caught speeding every time you do it, and they are strictly enforced.Compared to here that's draconian law.

p.s. polish police is famous for being able to 'forget' some things, especially speeding...

And from what I know, the laws in the State of Queensland (where I live), are lax in comparison to the laws in the State of Victoria.

You would not want to live in Victoria Xel ;)

Mon, 01-11-2010, 11:45 PM
Every year I spend my birthday alone... this year is no different. I has a sad.

Tue, 01-12-2010, 09:14 AM
Look at it as a day of reflection and introspection. See where you are in life and what you need or want to change so the next year and the rest of your life are better. I don't mean that you should do something simply so your next birthday isn't spent alone, but if that is a byproduct of positive changes in your life, then that's a bonus.

Wed, 01-13-2010, 07:50 PM
Look at it as a day of reflection and introspection. See where you are in life and what you need or want to change so the next year and the rest of your life are better. I don't mean that you should do something simply so your next birthday isn't spent alone, but if that is a byproduct of positive changes in your life, then that's a bonus.

This is all very good advice, thanks Animeniax.

heh, animeniax.... I just got it. You Wacko =P

Fri, 01-15-2010, 03:05 PM
My landlord didn't put down salt in front of my building the other day, and like 5 people (myself included) slipped and fell on the ice that had formed right outside the door. I think i bruised both my ribs and buttock, but there isn't much that cen be done to the landlord, unfortunately.

The Heretic Azazel
Fri, 01-15-2010, 03:28 PM
On the way into my apartment last night a guy tried to sell me bootleg dvds. Am I in fucking Mexico??

Fri, 01-15-2010, 03:48 PM
That's funny; some guy came up to me in the grocery store today and tried to sell me bootleg DVDs.

Tue, 01-19-2010, 08:58 AM

Our section of the office is being over run w\ flys! I started to notice one or 2 buzzing about last week.... Yesterday others began talking about it too, and my boss went on a killing spree and killed 7, including a double kill!

but.... srsly... i left my tea ( covered w\ a paper towel ) for a few minutes, and when I came back there were 4 flys on my desk. It's extremely annoying to have them flying around.

I would have to speculate that something is dead in the cieling/walls.

Mon, 01-25-2010, 03:34 AM
Its way below freezing here, -20 Celsius degrees, and i had to take 2 20 minute walks in suit... and now I'm freezing..

Thu, 01-28-2010, 09:54 PM
I think I'm losing my taste for beer :eek: .

I only developed a taste recently after spending a lot of time overseas where I couldn't drink alcohol, so of course I wanted it more and started drinking it whenever I could back in the states or abroad. Now I've been trying different beers like Newcastle brown ale, some different varieties from a brewer called Boulevard Brewing Co out of Missouri, and Stella Urchell from the Czech Republic. I think they are all disgusting. I'm going to go get some San Miguel's, a Filipino beer that is my current favorite. If I don't like that anymore either, I'm going to be pissed.

Thu, 01-28-2010, 10:07 PM
So far the only beer I've liked is the one that gives me an allergic reaction.

And I hate the Australian iconic "full body" XXXX / Victoria Bitter stuff.

Thu, 01-28-2010, 10:23 PM
I'm not fond of the heavy beers like Guinness or even Shiner Bock. It's like drinking molasses. I prefer light beers for their smoothness but supposedly drinking light beers makes you less of a man, so I refrain from drinking them. Wine coolers too, even though they are delicious.

Fri, 01-29-2010, 03:01 AM
I've never drunk too much beer, which I think is the direct reason for the lighter and less substantial ones tasting better in my mouth. And I couldn't care less if somebody thinks that makes me less of a man. In my own opinion a man doesn't give a shit about what others think he should be drinking. Your own taste is the best judge.

Sun, 01-31-2010, 01:32 PM
Try Corona - Mexican beer, its light, taste is awesome and it is way better if you add Key Lime(about 1/8th of it).

Sun, 01-31-2010, 02:17 PM
Try Corona - Mexican beer, its light, taste is awesome and it is way better if you add Key Lime(about 1/8th of it).
I live in Texas so I've definitely had Corona before. It's good, but San Miguel is better.

It's funny but I had Corona in Mexico and it tasted better than the Corona I have in Houston/Austin. Might have been just relative thirst but I'm not so sure.

Sun, 01-31-2010, 02:19 PM
i've been a big fan of corona with lime, but i've recently gotten into shock top with orange.

Death BOO Z
Sun, 01-31-2010, 06:45 PM
it's all about the balance, the right beer for the right mood.

when you're feeling pumped, and ready for action something "Heavy", like a guinness will make you feel invincible.
but when you're feeling down, and want to forget, the bitter taste will weigh you down, like all your past sins combined crushing your face into the mud.

so instead, take something light, a heiniken, or a becks. strongbow is also nice, apple cider.

Sun, 01-31-2010, 07:47 PM
That's a good point, DBZ. I never thought of it that way. I guess it's like wine, you have to pick the right kind for the right occasion. I will think on this and choose more wisely the next time I drink beer.

Tue, 02-02-2010, 02:50 PM
I was set to get a fairly large tax return...until the US department of Education took all of it! It makes no sense, as I am in default, but I am making payments on it. And now I can't make my last payment to get out of default because they took my return...which was way more than what I owed, but not so much that they would need to take the whole thing. And my roommate apparently held on to a few checks that I wrote him between1-3 months ago and decided to cash them all on Friday, before I got paid and when my rent was due. That seems a bit inconsiderate...

Tue, 02-02-2010, 03:49 PM
Don't mention Heinaken - it is just bad., same thing goes with Carlsberg.
I've also taken likening to the Grlosh.

Sun, 02-07-2010, 03:34 PM
I had this weird feeling while at the house last night, like something was wrong or something bad was going to happen. I ended up going to bed and thought nothing of it.

This morning while walking my dog, I see a pile of dog shit at the corner curb with paper fuses stuck in it and burned matches laying around it. It looks like someone had tried to make a flaming turd to chuck, but gave up when it wouldn't light. I don't know if my house was the target, but I'd think so because of the location of the turd being nearest to my house (you wouldn't light a turd, then run with it down the street to throw).

The bad thing is, when I had the weird feeling last night, I went and got my gun and looked outside, but didn't actually go outside because it was cold and I thought I was just being paranoid. I'm wondering now if I had gone outside and caught some guys trying to light a turd to throw at my house, would I have pulled the gun on them? If they had been punks, would I have shot them? In hindsight I'd say yes, but if it had come to that last night, I don't know if I would have or not. F*cking punks.

Sun, 02-07-2010, 03:37 PM
Guns don't kill people, Animeniax kills people.

Sun, 02-07-2010, 03:42 PM
Which is funny since I'm a sociology major and I get into heated discussions with freshman girls in my class about crime and punishment. Oh won't someone please think of the poor criminals!

edit: what's really pissing me off is that I'm sitting here studying an hour later and I still smell the dog poo (I cleaned up their mess, the f*cking dirtbags). I didn't get any of it on me and I washed my hands after, but I can't get the smell out of my nostrils. The madder I get, the more certain I am I would have killed one of them last night.

Thu, 02-11-2010, 05:19 PM
they just sent out an email saying that we're closing early today, at 4:30. Which, for me is the time I go home everyday.

I get to work an hour before most people, so... i just got screwed on this deal!

It gets better.... It snowed all day yesterday, from when I woke up and was still going when I went to bed.

Just snow, temps above freezing. No ice on the road... I get to work at my regular time, 7:30... It's a literal ghost-parking lot. NOBODY from the office building or any of the surrounding places is there, I'm the only car in the parking lot.

Then I'm working for 45 minutes and get a text that we're opening at 10am... O RLY?

Hopefully they tell me to go home a little early today since the screwed me yesterday and today.

Fri, 02-12-2010, 04:09 PM
Really annoying commute home. Spend a great deal of time behind semis or SUVs in the passing lanes, and getting cut off on the back roads. Aggressive passing and bursts of acceleration made it tolerable.

Of course, the icing on the cake (or rather on the driveway) was that I slipped on my way to get the mail. The small strip looked like normal compacted snow, but it was pure ice down the slight decline of my driveway. The only good part was I broke my fall correctly, leaving me with nothing but a floor burn on my hand from the ice.

Fri, 02-12-2010, 04:12 PM
Don't mention Heinaken - it is just bad., same thing goes with Carlsberg.
I've also taken likening to the Grlosh.

Heinaken is just ugh.... and worst of all? They became associates with Cerverceria Moctezuma here in Mexico... I just hope they don't ruin Carta Blanca or Tecate... (this part was my bitching btw)

Corona is good too, but I rarely drink it.

Fri, 02-12-2010, 10:48 PM
Upgrading my phone's firmware took hours thanks to software incompatibility etc.

Apparently one of the new enhancements is a "cleaner default (black) theme".

If by cleaner they mean washed out, then it certainly is. It's so clean it's grey.

So now I'll have to go look up a "dirty" black custom theme, which may or may not introduce other problems for me.

Sat, 02-13-2010, 12:54 AM
So now I'll have to go look up a "dirty" black custom theme, which may or may not introduce other problems for me.
Google Image Search for "Dirty black theme"
http://eroticbakeryusa.com/dirty%20black%20mans%20torso%20with%20white%20biki ni%20&%20buldge.jpg
This is apparently from an erotic bakery.

Sat, 02-13-2010, 10:29 AM
Google Image Search for "Dirty black theme"
http://eroticbakeryusa.com/dirty%20black%20mans%20torso%20with%20white%20biki ni%20&%20buldge.jpg
This is apparently from an erotic bakery.
That cake reminds me of the quadriplegic who tried to fight in MMA.

Sat, 02-13-2010, 10:55 AM
....That's fake..

Right? o_O

Sat, 02-13-2010, 03:15 PM
Nope, the quadriplegic guy (Kyle Maynard) fought in an officially sanctioned mma fight in 2009. He lost. You have to wonder at the state athletic commission that approved this fight.

Sat, 02-13-2010, 03:33 PM
I just watched the fight, and that was fucking rediculous lol o_O.

The Heretic Azazel
Sun, 02-14-2010, 04:10 PM
My landlord didn't put down salt in front of my building the other day, and like 5 people (myself included) slipped and fell on the ice that had formed right outside the door. I think i bruised both my ribs and buttock, but there isn't much that cen be done to the landlord, unfortunately.

Adding a new dimension to this, the other day a guy I went to high school with was going down his icy apartment steps and they collapsed. Landlord said the salt he put down for ice was eating at the support beams but obviously they hadn't been inspected. It eventually killed him, the helicopter medic said he was too fat to be airlifted to Little Rock. Charges are not going to be filed.

Wed, 02-17-2010, 01:27 PM
Got my first stalker.

It's a special time in every young man's life :')

Death BOO Z
Wed, 02-17-2010, 02:50 PM
Pictures from security cameras or it didn't happen.

what you gonna do about it?

Wed, 02-17-2010, 10:18 PM
Got my first stalker.

It's a special time in every young man's life :')
A stalker?! That's awesome. It's probably because of your hot new bod. Details.

Wed, 02-17-2010, 11:52 PM
It wasn't really all that bad. This girl was just obsessively sending me emails and messages over facebook. Like 6 in a row without me responding was the worst of it. She somehow got a hold of my phone number and started texting me as well.

If this video represents a 10 on the batshit crazy level, then my experience was about a 4:

Still annoying and creepy as hell though.

Thu, 02-18-2010, 12:11 AM
Did you delete the messages? I tried stalking you on your FB but I didn't see them. I am sure I missed out on some hilariousness. Also that video is amazingly funny.

Edit: Oh you must have meant PMs!

The Heretic Azazel
Mon, 02-22-2010, 01:09 PM
I got another cease and desist order, this time for downloading Frost/Nixon.


Mon, 02-22-2010, 03:06 PM
where are you downloading from?

it'd be embarrassing to get sued over some lame ass movie like the notebook or something.

Mon, 02-22-2010, 03:27 PM
I think it's like jury duty. Once you get tagged, they keep targeting you. Better not to register to vote in the first place so they can't get you for selective service or jury duty.

The Heretic Azazel
Mon, 02-22-2010, 05:42 PM
where are you downloading from?

it'd be embarrassing to get sued over some lame ass movie like the notebook or something.

The first one was for the newer War of the Worlds movie, that's embarrassing enough. The second one was for the anime Phantom. Funimation had just recently licensed that show and as I understand it they are pretty cutthroat about people downloading their material. This one came from NBC Universal, all downloaded from torrents.

Mon, 02-22-2010, 07:05 PM
I got another cease and desist order, this time for downloading Frost/Nixon.

That's fucking lame. I can understand the companies being vigilant with something new, like Avatar, but this movie is 2 years old now.

I got one for downloading South Park a few days after I stopped the download and deleted the data.

EDIT: Plus we pay for high-speed and bandwidth. Do they seriously think people use 10+ megabit connections to just check email?

Mon, 02-22-2010, 07:09 PM
Yeah I got caught for downloading Ironman 2 year ago.I've been a little bit more cautious ever since.

Mon, 02-22-2010, 07:45 PM
EDIT: Plus we pay for high-speed and bandwidth. Do they seriously think people use 10+ megabit connections to just check email?
They like to believe you use it for Youtube :rolleyes:

Mon, 02-22-2010, 09:26 PM
EDIT: Plus we pay for high-speed and bandwidth. Do they seriously think people use 10+ megabit connections to just check email?
To be honest, that's like saying the police should let you drive 120mph on the freeway since your car can handle it.

Yeah I got caught for downloading Ironman 2 year ago.I've been a little bit more cautious ever since.
You got caught downloading Ironman 2 a year ago or Ironman 2 years ago?

Mon, 02-22-2010, 09:27 PM
They like to believe you use it for Youtube :rolleyes:
Sounds like they're either in denial or completely brain-dead. Plus, more than 90% of Youtube content is unwatchable.

To be honest, that's like saying the police should let you drive 120mph on the freeway since your car can handle it.
I disagree with your analogy. If anything, I would say it's like car companies manufacturing cars with 300+ hp and going 0-60 mph in less than 5 seconds then not expecting people to drive fast.

Mon, 02-22-2010, 09:33 PM
I'm pissed at my stats professor. He intentionally did not cover some material that is on our homework so we're expected to read the book, figure it out ourselves, and do the homework before the material is ever discussed in class. What's the point of attending the f*cking lectures then if I can just read the book to do the work? Might explain why 40% of the class has stopped attending lectures since class began 5 weeks ago.

To make things even more frustrating, he emails us the formulae to use on the homework and writes it like a 2nd grader. We're talking math formulae written in straight line with no parentheses, so it looks like x*y+2/z-8*3. And NO it's not a simple task of just going by operator priority, it's a math formula to calculate a result from given inputs.

Mon, 02-22-2010, 09:36 PM
Sounds like they're either in denial or completely brain-dead. Plus, more than 90% of Youtube content is unwatchable.

I disagree with your analogy. If anything, I would say it's like car companies manufacturing cars with 300+ hp and going 0-60 mph in less than 5 seconds then not expecting people to drive fast.
Well your analogy is flawed in that the car manufacturers aren't the ones punishing you for driving fast, neither are the ISPs the ones punishing you for downloading copyrighted content. They are simply acting on behalf of the MPAA and RIAA and copyright owners.

You can get anything in super mega capacity/power/style, but just like buying that super duper Mac with 10 patties, it doesn't mean you should eat the whole thing.

Mon, 02-22-2010, 10:28 PM
Well your analogy is flawed in that the car manufacturers aren't the ones punishing you for driving fast, neither are the ISPs the ones punishing you for downloading copyrighted content. They are simply acting on behalf of the MPAA and RIAA and copyright owners.

You can get anything in super mega capacity/power/style, but just like buying that super duper Mac with 10 patties, it doesn't mean you should eat the whole thing.
You suck at reasoning and argumentation.

Mon, 02-22-2010, 11:22 PM
You suck at reasoning and argumentation.
Effective enough to whomp your ass at both.

Tue, 02-23-2010, 12:26 AM
I'm with Ani on this whole analogy thing. Further, it's not really about what the ISP expects you do with that bandwidth. They give it to you because it sells as a service much the same way sports cars sell as a car. It's legal for them to sell it. It's legal for you to buy it. It's illegal for you to speed with it.

And there ARE ways to download movies legally. Most just don't choose to.

PS: were these all using public trackers right?

Tue, 02-23-2010, 12:46 PM
There seriously isn't anything to do with a 10+ mb connection other than to pirate videos?

Are you just bitching that you should not be held responsible for illegal activity if someone else provides you with the means to engage in illegal activity?

Tue, 02-23-2010, 09:06 PM
Further, it's not really about what the ISP expects you do with that bandwidth. They give it to you because it sells as a service much the same way sports cars sell as a car. It's legal for them to sell it. It's legal for you to buy it. It's illegal for you to speed with it.

And there ARE ways to download movies legally. Most just don't choose to.

There seriously isn't anything to do with a 10+ mb connection other than to pirate videos?

Are you just bitching that you should not be held responsible for illegal activity if someone else provides you with the means to engage in illegal activity?
Ah...touché. Just because you can doesn't mean you should. I guess it would be like graffito tagging a building then complaining when you got caught.

Tue, 02-23-2010, 09:24 PM
I'm pissed at my stats professor. He intentionally did not cover some material that is on our homework so we're expected to read the book, figure it out ourselves, and do the homework before the material is ever discussed in class. What's the point of attending the f*cking lectures then if I can just read the book to do the work? Might explain why 40% of the class has stopped attending lectures since class began 5 weeks ago.

To make things even more frustrating, he emails us the formulae to use on the homework and writes it like a 2nd grader. We're talking math formulae written in straight line with no parentheses, so it looks like x*y+2/z-8*3. And NO it's not a simple task of just going by operator priority, it's a math formula to calculate a result from given inputs.

Heh, that reminds me of a lecturer we had 2 years ago. For some reason she liked teaching with a tablet-PC, and thinks drawing diagrams fron stratch with it while explaining as she drew was more effective than showing a completed diagram and explaining that instead. Basically she talks at half speed then to match her drawing pace, and she never finishes the lecture in time, thereby asking us to read the rest of the stuff at home. (usually the hardest bits of the lecture are in the end, or at least the most detailed stuff).

I'm sure she didn't do it on purpose, but it was rather pointless. Half of us slept as soon as she starts drawing.

Tue, 02-23-2010, 10:12 PM
Heh, that reminds me of a lecturer we had 2 years ago. For some reason she liked teaching with a tablet-PC, and thinks drawing diagrams fron stratch with it while explaining as she drew was more effective than showing a completed diagram and explaining that instead. Basically she talks at half speed then to match her drawing pace, and she never finishes the lecture in time, thereby asking us to read the rest of the stuff at home. (usually the hardest bits of the lecture are in the end, or at least the most detailed stuff).

I'm sure she didn't do it on purpose, but it was rather pointless. Half of us slept as soon as she starts drawing.
It's unfortunate but since my uni is a "research uni" that means a lot of the professors are actually researchers who lecture classes on the side. You can tell where their priorities are, and unfortunately it doesn't seem to be properly teaching classes.

I started checking classpoint.com to get reviews of professors but since this is my current prof's first semester as a lecturer (you can tell this too), there were no reviews available. His class fit in best with my schedule, but now I'm regretting taking his class.

Our only recourse is the end of semester instructor feedback form, and in the meantime our studies, our GPA, and our futures have to suffer.

Wed, 02-24-2010, 02:03 AM
The lecturer of the stats course I took was a mumbling old professor and I'm 100% sure 90% of the students attenting the lectures understood no more than 30% of what he said (yeah, I was among them). He certainly wasn't there to teach anybody but to simply cover the stuff as quickly as possible and go back to whatever research he was really interested in.

Fortunately the practical part of the stats course (running simultaneously) was excellent and the assistants there were really good at making people understand the stuff the professor failed to make anybody understand (I think they knew what manner of lectures were we exposed to). So, despite the professor, it turned out to be a nice and enlightening course.

The Heretic Azazel
Wed, 02-24-2010, 04:13 PM
I think it's like jury duty. Once you get tagged, they keep targeting you. Better not to register to vote in the first place so they can't get you for selective service or jury duty.

Not quite. The first two letters I got were on someone else's account, this one I got on my own account.

Wed, 02-24-2010, 04:43 PM
Not quite. The first two letters I got were on someone else's account, this one I got on my own account.
Consider it karmic voter registration then.

The lecturer of the stats course I took was a mumbling old professor and I'm 100% sure 90% of the students attenting the lectures understood no more than 30% of what he said (yeah, I was among them). He certainly wasn't there to teach anybody but to simply cover the stuff as quickly as possible and go back to whatever research he was really interested in.
It looks like enough people complained to him that he spent part of the class today in a "vent your frustrations about the course" session. It seemed worthwhile, but nothing really was resolved since the professor's idea of how a class should be taught doesn't seem to jive with the students' expectations.

Tue, 03-02-2010, 04:47 AM
Monday: loses compact umbrella
Tuesday: loses memory stick

Tue, 03-02-2010, 03:36 PM
You should get an umbrella with built-in memory stick so it has double the value which would lessen the chance you lose either.

Tue, 03-02-2010, 04:08 PM
Or switch to raincoats with zipper pockets!

Tue, 03-02-2010, 09:25 PM
Monday: loses compact umbrella
Tuesday: loses memory stick
That sucks. I hope there wasn't anything terribly important on it. :(

Tue, 03-02-2010, 09:37 PM
That sucks. I hope there wasn't anything terribly important on it. :(

Just a few seasons of Nanoha, the latest FMA ep and a PDF copy of my state's drug regulations. :o

Nothing I can't replace, so that's good I suppose. 16GB sticks still cost a fair bit though.

I also found my umbrella where I left it at the bus stop ~24hrs later. It was trashed though.

Tue, 03-02-2010, 09:56 PM
Just a few seasons of Nanoha, the latest FMA ep and a PDF copy of my state's drug regulations. :o

Nothing I can't replace, so that's good I suppose. 16GB sticks still cost a fair bit though.

I also found my umbrella where I left it at the bus stop ~24hrs later. It was trashed though.
Well, it's good to hear that you didn't lose anything irreplaceable. But it's still a pain in the ass. And 16GB?! >.<

My sister lost a memory stick last year with school work and she didn't have copies stored anywhere else. One of the documents was a paper for a 4th year poli sci class and she was not too happy. I think she managed to get a deadline extension but it still sucked hard.

What happened to your umbrella is pretty shitty. What kind of asshat would take the time to destroy it? Hopefully they'll get hit by a bus.

Dark Dragon
Wed, 03-03-2010, 08:07 PM
I was actually concerned about the potential issue of losing my memory stick so i bought one that was attachable to my car keys. Problem solved.

Thu, 03-04-2010, 04:49 PM
I was actually concerned about the potential issue of losing my memory stick so i bought one that was attachable to my car keys. Problem solved.
Yeah but that increases the chances of you losing your car keys, and even if only temporarily, it could be a big headache.


your friend: hey man can I borrow your memory stick?
you: sure
your friend pockets the stick and your keys and leaves
you go to your car to and find you have no keys or memory stick
life sucks

Dark Dragon
Thu, 03-04-2010, 05:44 PM
I'm one of those people that make sure i have my car keys before i leave a place, but that might just be me.

I was just suggesting that he will be less likely to lose the memory stick if he attached it to something important and essential.

That being said, i can't remember the last time a friend asked to borrow my memory stick (they are like 5$ for a cheap one now?).

Fri, 03-05-2010, 07:33 AM
40AUD's the cheapest 16GB stick here. 32GBs are around the 80-90AUD mark, while 4 and 8 can be around the $14 and $23 mark.

btw, turns out I left my stick in the office, where I found it (NOT trashed!!) :D

I usually lose things from my pocket when I sit in a car or steps. In those cases, my sitting position has my knees higher than or level to my bum, so the pocket tips things out. That's happened to my older, slimmer phone on countless occasions.

New bitch: I've got to do 4wks of full-time placement for my course, where I'm supposed to "experience the placement site" and how it encompases Quality Use of Medicines in its work, and to do a project with the staff their at the end.

My site is the Drug and Poisons Regulation and Scheduling Unit on the 1st for of my state's Heath Department Office building. I get my own security card, desk and PC account.

I always thought I'd love these cubicle desk jobs with a PC all day, plus toilets, aircon and kitchens within the immediate surroundings. Beats standing at the back counter of a pharmacy any day.

That joy lasted for about and hour or two. After wards, it just bored the hell out of me. Everyone just does their own thing and leaves whenever they're supposed to (or not).

Give me a counter to stand behind with people to talk to please!

Fri, 03-05-2010, 12:14 PM
That being said, i can't remember the last time a friend asked to borrow my memory stick (they are like 5$ for a cheap one now?).
I've borrowed my roommate's. What, you never lose your memory stick somewhere?

Mon, 03-08-2010, 10:59 AM
short version :

on ustream chat during a radio show... random internet asshole is saying a bunch of random hate shit to me as if he knows me. I figure out that he's on a forum i've been going to and apparently he has alot of pent up hate against me for some reason, idk.

Random internet asshole starts neg repping all my posts w\ random hate comments.

I neg rep him 30 or so times with "what the fuck is your problem? Bitch"

Random internet asshole then posts screen shot of them in several threads and begins begging mods to ban me.

Mods soft ban me, and then warn me against reporting any of his threads. I ask the mod if he hates my text as well.

I get banned.

Mon, 03-08-2010, 11:34 AM
Sounds like a loser forum. You better stick to Gotwoot.

The Heretic Azazel
Mon, 03-08-2010, 04:39 PM
Yeah, no losers here. Just otaku virgins.

Oh wait.

Uchiha Barles
Mon, 03-08-2010, 05:24 PM
short version :

on ustream chat during a radio show... random internet asshole is saying a bunch of random hate shit to me as if he knows me. I figure out that he's on a forum i've been going to and apparently he has alot of pent up hate against me for some reason, idk.

Random internet asshole starts neg repping all my posts w\ random hate comments.

I neg rep him 30 or so times with "what the fuck is your problem? Bitch"

Random internet asshole then posts screen shot of them in several threads and begins begging mods to ban me.

Mods soft ban me, and then warn me against reporting any of his threads. I ask the mod if he hates my text as well.

I get banned.

Ever been in an argument with someone who's both belligerent and a bitch? Maybe the guy steps out of line in all manner of decency and you don't want to into a yelling/arguing match, but he just won't stop? What he deserves is a nice sock to the jaw, but him being a bitch, is going to fight then call the cops on you, or just call the cops. So you have no choice but to up the ante and draw him to action so that you can then call the cops on him. Poor bastard.

Always assume the online assholes you're dealing with are such bitches.

Mon, 03-08-2010, 06:01 PM
short version :

on ustream chat during a radio show... random internet asshole is saying a bunch of random hate shit to me as if he knows me. I figure out that he's on a forum i've been going to and apparently he has alot of pent up hate against me for some reason, idk.

Random internet asshole starts neg repping all my posts w\ random hate comments.

I neg rep him 30 or so times with "what the fuck is your problem? Bitch"

Random internet asshole then posts screen shot of them in several threads and begins begging mods to ban me.

Mods soft ban me, and then warn me against reporting any of his threads. I ask the mod if he hates my text as well.

I get banned.

The mod there either takes sides, is an incompetent moderator, or as you said - simply hates you too. :p

Mon, 03-08-2010, 11:48 PM
Yeah, no losers here. Just otaku virgins.

Oh wait.
As someone who quite possibly has the most posts in this forum, I'd have to challenge both the otaku and virgin stereotypes

The Heretic Azazel
Tue, 03-09-2010, 01:53 PM
Yeah because nothing says roaring sex life quite like having the most posts in an anime forum.

Tue, 03-09-2010, 03:14 PM
Yeah because nothing says roaring sex life quite like having the most posts in an anime forum.
heh, actually... :smug:

Tue, 03-09-2010, 05:34 PM
Sex is serious business...

Death BOO Z
Thu, 03-11-2010, 06:22 PM
Been to a pub, there was a basketball game playing, last quarter, home team manages to even the score, and the game is in the money times.
logically, the DJ would notice this shit, and be ready with fitting music, and keep the "we are the champions" track if the team wins.
instead, the shitty DJ plays ABBA (YMCA!), the Fame song and "it's raining men", and gives the whole game a seriously gay vibe.

really, how hard can fitting music to the atmosphere be?

Fri, 03-12-2010, 03:48 PM
My Koss SB45 headphones broke.. again. I've fixed them, but i'm seriously thinking on saving for Sennheiser PC 350 headphones..

Fri, 03-12-2010, 03:55 PM
You get what you pay for. Koss is one of the crappiest manufacturers of crap in the world. I think it's a Korean company.

Fri, 03-12-2010, 04:09 PM
Koss is American. Same as Grado and Bose.

I perfer German headphones myself.

edit. My Sennheiser HD 497's come with a replaceable cord (two jacks go into the phones). I've had to buy a new one once before when my roommate ran over the cord with a chair a half-dozen times by accident.

Fri, 03-12-2010, 06:33 PM
From what I can tell about you, I doubt it was an accident.

I've had Shure E3c's that failed due to moisture and E3g's that failed for some reason I don't remember, at which point I swore off buying Shure products, even though they are one of the top audio reproduction companies.

I then got a pair of Ultimate Ear super-fi 5 pro ear buds. The solder connecting the left cable to the bud failed after 1.3 years.

I now use a cheap pair of Sony headphones. The sound quality is terrible compared to the Shures and UEs.

Fri, 03-12-2010, 06:48 PM
I then got a pair of Ultimate Ear super-fi 5 pro ear buds. The solder connecting the left cable to the bud failed after 1.3 years.

I now use a cheap pair of Sony headphones. The sound quality is terrible compared to the Shures and UEs.

What sort of price difference between the Sony and the Ultimate Ear are we talking about?

I've been very pleased with this pair of Sennheiser earbuds that costed me 80AUD or so.

By comparison, my 40AUD Plantronics headset is pretty bad, but it's comfy, came with a microphone, and didn't cost me a kidney. The 60AUD Sennheiser headset I returned before that game me earaches/headaches.

I'd probably prefer my earbuds over my logitech speakers too, except the speakers' bass actually shakes you up, which is good for movies/explosions.

Fri, 03-12-2010, 07:26 PM
From what I can tell about you, I doubt it was an accident.Cute.

They were plugged into the tv in our cramped dorm room, he was working, and moving to the refrigerator periodically. It was an accident, I left the cord on the floor instead of coiling it up. He was too busy trying to get a project done last minute to even notice what was going on around him.

I've got two pairs of Sennheiser PX-100s as well. One for work, one for trips. Haven't let me down yet.

Fri, 03-12-2010, 08:22 PM
What sort of price difference between the Sony and the Ultimate Ear are we talking about?

I've been very pleased with this pair of Sennheiser earbuds that costed me 80AUD or so.

By comparison, my 40AUD Plantronics headset is pretty bad, but it's comfy, came with a microphone, and didn't cost me a kidney. The 60AUD Sennheiser headset I returned before that game me earaches/headaches.

I'd probably prefer my earbuds over my logitech speakers too, except the speakers' bass actually shakes you up, which is good for movies/explosions.

The UEs were $180 (eBay deal for headphones that typically cost $200+). The Sonys were $30.

I don't like using earphones except when others are around. At home, I can't stand using headphones. It feels so confining.

Sat, 03-13-2010, 03:30 AM
I'm using headphones all the time - except sometimes when others are around and they would also want to hear something. It surely greatly depends on the quality and comfort of the headphones, though, whether you can continuously use them. I visited a few stores before getting MB Quart ones, years ago. It was a German company back then. These days it's a part of some dubious sounding American one, and who knows what has happened to them under such a rule. I have replaced the cord a couple of times. The original cord was remarkably good and lasted for great many years but the first replacement I made suffered from bad cable quality, so I visited another electronics shop and got cable from a different manufacturer.

Quality headphones are good, no way around it.

Sat, 03-13-2010, 06:55 AM
It's too warm here in the warmer parts of the year, like late spring/summer/early autumn to be using headphones constantly, especially super aural headphones. That applies for both open and closed versions.

That's the main reason I prefer earbuds - provided you've got good quality ones. The lightness and free air is great.

Mon, 03-15-2010, 04:17 PM
Sigh, so I had jury duty today from 8:45 am to 4:30 pm.

First they called up a good amount of people and I wasn't called so I waited around till 12:30 and they let us go on our lunch break.Come back at 1:30, get called up at 2:30. Then proceeded to get explained about the details of a case. There ends up being 24 or so people that might have a bias, or a problem with the case itself, and that questioning with the judge takes about close to an hour and a half. Around 4 they call the remainders that didn't have any excuses, bias or problems regarding the case back in. They call my name up with about 16 or 17 others and I sit up on the panel and they told me to come back at 9:30 am tomorrow. Whereas the rest of the remaining people that were not called up to the panel were told to come back at 10:30 am.

Uh, so does that mean I just got chosen to be a juror? I honestly have no idea, and didn't ask I just got the hell out of there cause I was sick of sitting all day.

Mon, 03-15-2010, 05:47 PM
Probably not by the sound of it, it just means you're still part of the pre-screened pool of jurors. They want to talk to you and the other 16-17 and see if you are viable jurors. If they boot too many of you out, they'll need more of the others who were not called up to the panel. So they go through your group first, and use more if they need it. I don't know (and you can't tell us) what type of case it is, so it might be a 6 or a 12 member jury with 4 alternates. They probably figure they'll get what they need from the pre-screened pool that you're in, but they certainly won't need the non pre-screened group for at least an hour.

You'd know if you were a jury member or an alternate, since the others would not have had to come back at all.

Mon, 03-15-2010, 05:51 PM
Yeah, sounds about right.

It would make sense for them to interview us first I guess instead of having everyone come in early. Got unlucky on the draw.

Death BOO Z
Tue, 03-16-2010, 10:26 AM
there's a funny Becker episode about this.
don't come with a book, or an opinion.

Sat, 03-20-2010, 12:39 PM
I got into an argument yesterday with some guy that swears up and down that Masashi Kishimoto is a woman. He would not believe me when I told him the opposite. It got really heated.

Sat, 03-20-2010, 12:48 PM
I got into an argument yesterday with some guy that swears up and down that Masashi Kishimoto is a woman. He would not believe me when I told him the opposite. It got really heated.
You try having your childhood fantasies of a woman crushed by your friends telling you she's a man and see how you feel.

Sat, 03-20-2010, 01:22 PM
You try having your childhood fantasies of a woman crushed by your friends telling you she's a man and see how you feel.

Did this happen to you? I mean, we all have been fooled at one point or another?

Sun, 03-21-2010, 09:09 PM
Yes, traps are everywhere. Some good, some bad.

Mon, 03-22-2010, 12:30 AM
What would constitute a good trap?

Mon, 03-22-2010, 12:50 AM
Well, good traps can be divided broadly into two types:

This one (aka reverse trap):


and this one:

Mon, 03-22-2010, 10:51 AM
the Loli trap? Luckily I am immune to that one. The traps that I usually get caught up in involve copious amounts of booze,along with elaborateBatman Gambits (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BatmanGambit)

Tue, 03-23-2010, 08:20 PM
If you are referring to the second one, that is not a loli trap. That is a Hideyoshi trap, which is a sex category in itself.

Wed, 03-24-2010, 02:04 PM
If you are referring to the second one, that is not a loli trap. That is a Hideyoshi trap, which is a sex category in itself.

Yea...I have been caught in that before... :(

And It is not really bitching, but the other day I was having a meeting at a pizza place, and the waiter there apparently thought I was very attractive, sought me out on facebook, and basically asked me out. The thing is the waiter is a man, and I am not gay...this happens to me at least once a week, and I am not sure why. His explanation: "Maybe everyone else knows something you don't" Totally not the case; i am a fan of the ..lady bits and features.

Mr Squiggles
Wed, 03-24-2010, 04:45 PM
Yea...I have been caught in that before... :(

And It is not really bitching, but the other day I was having a meeting at a pizza place, and the waiter there apparently thought I was very attractive, sought me out on facebook, and basically asked me out. The thing is the waiter is a man, and I am not gay...this happens to me at least once a week, and I am not sure why. His explanation: "Maybe everyone else knows something you don't" Totally not the case; i am a fan of the ..lady bits and features.

Lol, dont worry dude, happens to me sometimes. I think its just an unfortunate side-effect of looking young and boyish

Wed, 03-24-2010, 05:10 PM
How can you complain about being hit on by guys?

I find it flattering that I'm irresistible to both genders.

Thu, 03-25-2010, 05:54 AM
Today riding to work I was really irritable and pissy for the whole ride. (VERY uncharacteristic for me, I love my morning ride like a fish loves water). All morning at work, I was super tired and had absolutely no reason to be, I had a bad headache and walking to lunch The sunlight was bugging me a lot, too bright.
That's when I put it all together, concussion. Again, damn.
How you ask, why do I have a concussion (and apparently a little whiplash) well, I'm glad you asked.

For the last 3 years I've been attempting to hit the ceiling of my house with my head. Never been able to (before). It's 2' from head-top to ceiling with bare heels on ground. Last night I succeeded spectacularly. The impact created a thundering boom that shook the walls and reverberated through the floors and ceilings echoing around the house. My roommate witnessed it, and described to me the fury of the impact.
Remember when Gon was fighting Netero and hit his head on the ceiling then fell to the ground holding it? It was just like that. As I discovered today, I didn't just bonk my noggin, I'm a goddamned idiot who gave himself a concussion my hitting the ceiling with my head. To be honest, I had never acdtually considererd what would happen if I did hit it, I'd simply nevber been able to before so I never thought about it.

Now my nextweek or two is gonna suck =(, AND I can't play friday soccer or commute everyday. I'm pissed.

Thu, 03-25-2010, 06:24 AM
For the last 3 years I've been attempting to hit the ceiling of my house with my head.

It took just one sentence to wash away my heartful surge of empathy and worry.

I just can't feel sorry for you anymore :p

Thu, 03-25-2010, 07:57 AM
I just wanted to touch it, you know? To see if I could, to just lightly graze it really would have been enough for me =/...

Thu, 03-25-2010, 08:53 AM
You should have worn your biking helmet.

Thu, 03-25-2010, 09:15 AM
Gus Ferrotte of the Washington Redskins did the same thing when he rammed his helmeted head into the goal post in celebration after a touchdown.

Uchiha Barles
Thu, 03-25-2010, 09:19 AM
Any man noble enough to undertake such an endeavor is necessarily, a purist. To use a biking helmet in the task is at best, dishonest. The additional height bestowed upon him by the helmet would corrupt the spirit of the act. Cal Kashi, for your brave and inspiring achievement, I salute you! And, I lol at you. Hardcore xD. Get better soon man.

Thu, 03-25-2010, 09:24 AM
How can you complain about being hit on by guys?

I find it flattering that I'm irresistible to both genders.

Someone told me that...although I haven't been doing fantastic with the ladies as of late.

As for my complaint...I actually got into an argument with a guy that believes that Bleach is 100 times better than One Piece. He says that OP is stupid, childish and nobody ever dies. And he likes Bleach and Naruto because people die. That was his whole (erroneous) basis...sigh

I just wanted to touch it, you know? To see if I could, to just lightly graze it really would have been enough for me =/...

That is so getting used this weekend!

Thu, 03-25-2010, 09:52 AM
Gus Ferrotte of the Washington Redskins did the same thing when he rammed his helmeted head into the goal post in celebration after a touchdown.

You see, I bet it hurt less with a helmet =P. Though I reckon he still felt mighty foolish...

Any man noble enough to undertake such an endeavor is necessarily, a purist. To use a biking helmet in the task is at best, dishonest. The additional height bestowed upon him by the helmet would corrupt the spirit of the act. Cal Kashi, for your brave and inspiring achievement, I salute you! And, I lol at you. Hardcore xD. Get better soon man.

exactly, this is why it never counted when I was able to reach with my fro, and even then my fro just barely made it.

Thu, 03-25-2010, 04:29 PM
You see, I bet it hurt less with a helmet =P. Though I reckon he still felt mighty foolish...

Yeah his goof was on national TV and I think it was during a playoff game so viewership would have been high. He didn't get a concussion, he strained his neck and couldn't play the next game, if I recall correctly.

Thu, 03-25-2010, 05:04 PM
Yeah his goof was on national TV and I think it was during a playoff game so viewership would have been high. He didn't get a concussion, he strained his neck and couldn't play the next game, if I recall correctly.

Now THAT'S funny... I'd be laughing harder if I wasn't out of commission for a little while myself... but I am laughing a good hearty laugh.

Mon, 03-29-2010, 03:35 PM
I am a moron.

My car's engine blew out and has to be completely replaced because I forgot to put oil in it.

Volumes could be written about my ineptitude.

Mon, 03-29-2010, 03:40 PM
Haha. Sorry, Xan, but this time there's no choice but to laugh at you. But I guess it can happen, despite the warning light and the motor temperature gauge showing alarming signs.

Mon, 03-29-2010, 03:44 PM
In my defense, the car is 12 years old and one of the warning lights is always on despite nothing being wrong, and another comes on and off almost at random. I guess the "oil" light didn't even register in my brain until it was too late.

Regardless of that, I'm still a moron for not knowing to change the oil regularly anyway. It's indefensible.

Tue, 03-30-2010, 06:14 PM
It's been raining non-stop here for the past two days. All told, between 4-6 inches of rain (10-15 cm). There are little miniature springs bubbling water everywhere in my yard, elsewhere bridges are getting washed out, etc. Get home to find water in my basement. This is not a normal occurrence because of the elevation and orientation of my house.

Look behind the furnace, and discover a square hole in the floor of my foundation!

I'm pretty sure this hole is from an older furnace that got removed a few years ago. It never rained here enough before to inundate the ground this thoroughly before, so I never knew it was there. Luckily, there is another nearby hole that goes down to the well, so it shouldn't be that bad. The bright side is that once the ground dries up, I can fill in that hole with cement.

Wed, 03-31-2010, 12:55 AM
The bright side is that once the ground dries up, I can fill in that hole with cement.

So, the water damage itself is so negligible you aren't going to wait for the insurance company to have a look at it?

Wed, 03-31-2010, 05:14 PM
Homeowners' Insurance doesn't cover flooding, and most Flood Insurance (I found out today while talking to co-workers) doesn't cover flooding in your basement. Just the first floor and up.

(Other quirks in the insurance world is that Auto Insurance covers your car, but Renters'/Homeowners' covers everything that was inside it.)

Thu, 04-01-2010, 06:06 PM
So it's absolutely beautiful outside right now... 75 and sunny, and I get home from work early specifically to go get on my bike for the first time since fall of last year. Come home, do the prep work, roll out the door and ride about two glorious miles, when my back tire springs a leak, and I have to walk the two trudging miles back with disabled bike in tow.

Least it wasn't further out...

Fri, 04-02-2010, 01:42 AM
Your bike was telling you to fix a few bugs before you hit the highways, Complich, if you know what I mean...

Just joking, of course.

Fri, 04-09-2010, 04:00 AM
Well, this has been on my mind for awhile, and now with the release of the latest South Park episode (loved it as always), I just decided to post this.

Okay, all these people in "Real life," Facebook, Myspace, and other social networking sites claim to have so many friends and so on, but are they really all your "friends"?

I think a lot of these people confuse an acquaintance for a friend. 'Cause to me, I don't consider so many people to be actual "friends." The other people are more or less acquaintances. People that I know, see every now and then, make small talk and stuff, but I don't really know that well. You rarely speak to them, or hang out with them. Kind of like people on MSN who you see on, but never talk to, don't remember how they ended up on your contact list, and vaguely remember who they are.

Friends are people that you're really close to, hang out very often with, share many things/secrets with, extremely comfortable around, and you trust them completely. They stick with you, and they stand by you. Close-knit.

Everyone always claim and say they have so many friends on Facebook and such, but there not. For example, this guy I know since HS (whom I consider a friend) is a Real Estate Agent now, and he has like over 5000+ friends. He constantly brings it up. But, in my mind, I'm like, are they really all your "friends"? In "real life" too, people think they have so many friends, and that they're so popular, but I'm just pedantic and think they should say acquaintances instead.

There's a distinction between an "acquaintance" and a "friend." I think some of these people far too often confuse the two.

I know, I'm odd.

Death BOO Z
Fri, 04-09-2010, 05:25 AM
friends in face book are the same kind of 'friend' you have in the message board.
people you can tell jokes to or ask technical questions, but don't expect them to always be there when you need them.

Fri, 04-09-2010, 05:50 AM

There's a distinction between an "acquaintance" and a "friend." I think some of these people far too often confuse the two.

I know, I'm odd.

Not at all, I make this clear distinction myself too, I actually find it odd that people, like you said, intermix the two often.

And yeah South Park was great ;D

Fri, 04-09-2010, 07:32 AM
Add me to the list.

I've got a number of people on my waiting list to be added, but I've never added them because I never considered them my "friend", according to the above definition.

Thing is with Facebook, it doesn't let you differenciate between Friends and Acquaintance, at least to my knowledge. So if you want to know what's going on, keep in touch with acquaintances in your field of work and form some sort of online networking, you can't be too picky and close yourself off.

I've only just started to think about that and perhaps add "friends" on facebook who aren't really friends. Of course, that's just a facebook workaround. They weren't, and still aren't, people I'd boast about as my friend.

As for message board friends... I'd say they're not always on the same level as aquantences. For one, I'd put a good chunk of the active GW members (and some less active ones) much higher than my aquantence "friends".

Fri, 04-09-2010, 12:33 PM
There's a distinction between an "acquaintance" and a "friend." I think some of these people far too often confuse the two.
I would assume it's more that some people see online friends as a commodity, as the SP episode said. I have never met anyone who treats their friend list like a measure of their actual personal relationships, but I do know people who genuinely enjoy the idea of being popular and well-connected. Having a large friends list is just a means towards that end.

Some people just feel more fulfilled with a pool of friends that is "wider" than it is "deeper".

I think there are probably more people who see Facebook as a medium of communication rather than as a measure of the strength of their relationships. But then again, maybe I just don't "friend" the people like the latter.

Tue, 04-13-2010, 06:18 PM
Why is the world filled with idiots? And why is it that when I think that I'm finally not dealing with one it turns out they are in fact an idiot?

/dissapointment-rage rant.

Tue, 04-13-2010, 11:54 PM
Why is the world filled with idiots? And why is it that when I think that I'm finally not dealing with one it turns out they are in fact an idiot?

/dissapointment-rage rant.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QG5Xs0s55eU (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QG5Xs0s55eU&feature=related)

Wed, 04-14-2010, 10:16 AM
somebody stole my headphones ( Skullcandy Inkd ) from my desk at work... I don't know if it was cleaning people or somebody just coming in my office taking my shit... .but I just assume that somebody I work with would have the common curtesy to at least leave a note saying they were borrowing my shit... otherwise it's theft.

I mean... If I were going to go into somebodies office and steal their headphones, i would have taken the clearly visible unopened extra set and not the ones that have been in my ears w\ my ear wax all over them.

Death BOO Z
Wed, 04-14-2010, 11:58 AM
I mean... If I were going to go into somebodies office and steal their headphones, i would have taken the clearly visible unopened extra set and not the ones that have been in my ears w\ my ear wax all over them.


that about answers your question.

Mr Squiggles
Thu, 04-15-2010, 04:25 AM
Sooo, my gf has been mentioning a suspiciously large amount of friends of hers that are married. I think she might be trying to hint to me that she wants to get married, which to me is a very scary thought.

That being said though, she could just have mentioned them for no deeper reason than small talk, and I'm just being paranoid. AAAAARGH!!! Why cant women be straightforward instead of having to use subtleties and implications to get their messages across!!!?!

Thu, 04-15-2010, 06:29 AM
Just get married and you'll again return to the old tranquility. Until she starts to talk about how cute babies are...

Thu, 04-15-2010, 08:53 AM
Get married on your terms, when you think the time is right.

Thu, 04-15-2010, 11:47 AM
Sooo, my gf has been mentioning a suspiciously large amount of friends of hers that are married. I think she might be trying to hint to me that she wants to get married, which to me is a very scary thought.

Seems like y'all are gonna have a very serious conversation soon. Itadakimasu is right though, don't agree to anything you're not absolutely comfortable with.

The Heretic Azazel
Thu, 04-15-2010, 12:25 PM
That's what she WANTS you to do.

Don't get sucked in!

Thu, 04-15-2010, 03:27 PM

Youtube closed Darksydephil's official channel and deleted all of his thousands of videos.

Thu, 04-15-2010, 05:13 PM
Wow, that fucking sucks, I remember actually playing him awhile back with HDremix on live

Fri, 04-16-2010, 04:51 PM
by goddamn battle.net account got hacked - it had my wow account and SC2 beta.. some goddamn faggot set up the authenticator key for it....

of course i've written to blizz, and provided them with photo of my ID-Card as a proof.

Fri, 04-16-2010, 06:49 PM
by goddamn battle.net account got hacked - it had my wow account and SC2 beta.. some goddamn faggot set up the authenticator key for it....

of course i've written to blizz, and provided them with photo of my ID-Card as a proof.

Apparently my brother's Dawn of War 2: Chaos Rising game key got stolen too. He got it fresh out of the box and Steam said it was taken.

Sat, 04-17-2010, 01:37 PM

We are writing to inform you that we have, unfortunately, had to cancel your World of Warcraft account:

Account Name: XXXXXXXXX
Type of Violation: Involvement in online trading activities
Investigation Concluded: 17/04/2010
Consequences for Account: Account Cancellation

It is with regret that we take this type of action, however, it is in the best interest of the World of Warcraft community as a whole, and for the integrity of the game, that your access to the World of Warcraft servers be cancelled.

Online trading refers to the exchange of in-game content for real world money, and includes, but is not limited to, the sale or purchase of gold, the sale or purchase of experience in the form of powerlevelling, and the sale or purchase of honor points, reputation or items.

Account access is the responsibility of the account owner and account sharing is against our Terms of Use (http://www.wow-europe.com/en/legal/termsofuse.html). Therefore, should you believe someone other than yourself (the account owner) has committed this violation of the Terms of Use with your account, these sanctions would still apply, as our action is taken against the account, not the individual.

If you wish to review our current Rules and Polices, they can be found at:

For further information on Exploitive Activity, please visit the Exploitative Activity FAQ and contact page here:


Account Administration Team
Blizzard Entertainment Europe"

Do i need to say anything more? GODDAMNIT... why the fuck i had to get my account hacked? there was not even any good char there - max lvl 35....

Sat, 04-17-2010, 04:38 PM
Welcome to the first day of the rest of your life.

Sun, 04-18-2010, 05:58 AM
I haven't been playing wow for 2 years man, because this game is boring as hell, but still i want to have my account.

Mon, 04-19-2010, 10:05 AM
I sold a 300gb SAS hard drive through amazon a couple of weeks ago, and today the asshole who bought it emails me and is trying to tell me that I sent him a 160gb sata drive instead... which is not possilbe.

For one, I don't even own a 160gb sata drive to have mixed up w\ the correct drive.

For two, I looked up the hard drives information on seagates website w\ a box in my lap. I looked up it's warranty information and then put it directly into the box and mailed him the box.

So, he could have said... the drive is broken. Or, I didn't get anything at all... but he chose to say that I sent him a $20 hard drive instead of a $200+ hard drive... what a dick move.

Mon, 04-19-2010, 10:18 AM
So how does this get resolved?

Mon, 04-19-2010, 10:28 AM
Hopefully not with me getting screwed out of $200.

Mon, 04-19-2010, 11:41 AM
Just gonna take a stab at this, guessing most people here aren't getting screwed over because of the volcano eruption on Island. Well it sucks, that's it.

On the bright side at least not stuck in some other country having to pay double hotelprices.

Thu, 04-22-2010, 06:39 AM
So today I went up to Nokia Care to ask them about my crappy battery life. They took the battery out and gave that a test and came back to tell me that the battery is fine and is at 100%. (Whether that means the charge is at 100%, or that it's at 100% charging capacity I didn't find out.)

So then I asked them about why I'm only getting 10~15hrs out of the phone when it's continuously playing music. They told me no matter how good the battery is, they'll only last around 15-20hrs anyway, and that what I'm getting out of it is pretty good.

At that, I tell her that Nokia's website lists the phone's specs as having 400-something hrs of standby time, and up to 40hrs of music playback. She retorts that she hasn't seen the website. (W...T...F).

She "advises" me not to get a new battery since it's working fine. (no shit I thought, since I've already tried that, and your tests say it's fine anyway - obviously it's a phone hard/software problem).

She was actually so sure of everything and told me there's nothing I can do about it until I kept pestering her. THEN she tells me that if it's under warranty they can do a free analysis of the phone for me. (Uh hello? If you know jack shit about the phone, wouldn't you normally palm it off to whoever knows better? Did I really have to force your hand?)

She then checks up the warranty of the phone and asks me if I bought it from Singapore. I show her my invoice, with the shop's address being listed as Australian, and that I have no idea where they get their stock from. (I knew it was an import, but only that it was from SE-Asia).

I was told that it would take an indefinite amount of time to see whether the International Warranty department decides that the warranty is covered in Australia. She then goes to say that if it's a software problem, they can't flash the phone in Australia because of the different software - and warned that I shouldn't try it at home. (So with a globally reaching internet that my grandma can use, the Care team can't even get a hold of foreign firmware? "Connecting People" but not connecting international facilities?....)

I ask her that if it ends up being a software problem, do I:

a) contact my retailer and let them sort it out, or
b) contact Nokia Care Singapore and see what they can do?

She didn't give me a definite answer. (My first impression was that the tech in the next booth knew more than her. As I left, I knew I was most likely right.)

Anyway, so right now I'm using a Nokia 1208 (http://www.nokia.com.au/find-products/all-phones/nokia-1208) till who-knows-when.

Thu, 04-22-2010, 07:33 AM
40 hours of music playing sounds like a grand exaggeration. Maybe if the phone functionality has been entirely disabled and the volume is as low as possible and the screen never used. But even so it sounds too much. I don't think I get more than 10 hours out of my phone, which is the cheapest 3G phone available and thus should have absolutely no extra stuff eating power. Although I haven't really tested but listening to music during a train trip taking some 5-6 hours left me with only one battery indicator bar left.

Thu, 04-22-2010, 08:04 AM
Exaggeration? There are plenty of modern mp3players that get 40+ hours easily, even my 5 year old zen vision M got ~14 hours, and that's a HDD mp3 player.

The Nokia N97 utilizes a 1500 mAh Li-Pol battery (BP-4L). The N97 is rated for 6 hours of talk time (GSM) and 20 days of standby. Music time – up to 37 hours.

The handset’s battery life averaged 3 days , when the N97 was used for about two hours of calls, a dozen or two snaps, several minutes of video, and around an hour of music/radio. It takes the N97 around 1.5 hours to charge from empty to full.

If you can do without EDGE/GPRS data completely, the N97 will offer you even longer hours. With average use you will squeeze at least 4 days out of the battery. Nokia N97 has the best battery for a mobile phone.

(the 1500mAh battery is pretty much the biggest mAh battery out there for a phone)

I have the same experience with my own N97, I don't even use offline mode and the battery stays full all day, or loses 1/2 bars max, even when playing music all day long ( at 85% volume).

I did read around and noticed that Buff isn't the only one with this battery life issue.
Anyway that tech is a fucking dumbass for not even knowing what Nokia advertises.

Thu, 04-22-2010, 08:45 AM
I never really expected them to uphold to the 40hr remark, but it shouldn't be so little neither. I did a test on the phone before, and average total power usage while playing music was 0.2W. The phone's battery is 1500mAh @ 3.7v, which means it's got a max capacity of 5.55Whrs of energy. Dividing that by 0.2W gives 27.75hrs of playback time.

So to be reasonable, perhaps... 20hrs?

Hopefully, when this all gets cleared up, I can refrigerate this 1500mAh as a spare and use the 3rd party 1900mAh battery I bought last time :D (that is, if it really IS 1900mAh)

Thu, 04-22-2010, 03:31 PM
Haha. Well, maybe I should have kept my mouth shut. Apparently, according to some web site, my phone can provide 12 hours of continuous music playing... N97 must be really awesome to get three plus times that with only 50% more battery capacity. I guess that's one thing the extra price grants.

Fri, 04-23-2010, 01:52 AM
And...... international warranty got declined. :(

I'll have to hike back over there, collect my phone, and see what I'll do from there.

Tue, 05-04-2010, 02:52 PM

Defying all reason and apparently ignoring all the evidence I emailed them, Amazon emailed me saying that I need to refund the guy who's no longer just trying to rip me off, but succeeding thanks to amazon.

So... i have to waste even more of my time later calling amazon and getting nasty w\ some poor random CSR about this.

So, if anybody is feeling shady out there.. .apparently if you goto amazon.com and buy something of high value, you can turn around and file a claim and tell them that you got something else in return.

Then, you can not only keep the item you bought, but also get refunded! Just a heads up if anybody wants to scam somebody on amazon... apparently it's not hard to do.

Dark Dragon
Thu, 05-06-2010, 05:27 AM
I have a problem with Amazon also.

Recently browsed through Amazon and saw some collectible cards/toys and decided to buy them. Even though everything i'm buying come the same vendor and will ship to a single address, Amazon still insists that pay 4.99 shipping per item, which turn out to be around 200$. These all cost maybe 25 cent each so the whole order was 10$ max. I'd just figure one of the largest online retail store would have some sort of system that would prevent such a stupid thing from happening, but i guess that's expecting too much.

Fri, 05-07-2010, 05:51 AM
Obv failed my drivers license exam, fml.

Fri, 05-07-2010, 07:55 AM
Obv failed my drivers license exam, fml.

What do the abbreviations mean?

Fri, 05-07-2010, 09:14 AM
Obviously and fuck my life. Forgot that abbreviations generally aren't used much here :)

Death BOO Z
Fri, 05-07-2010, 09:30 AM
Obv failed my drivers license exam, fml.

there's always next time, don't take it so hard.

Fri, 05-07-2010, 10:27 AM
there's always next time, don't take it so hard.

Over here, you can do it whenever you can fit another booking in I think. Did you know where you went wrong?

Fri, 05-07-2010, 10:45 AM
I have to wait a month and take some obligatory driving lesson hours.. the real beat is the cost though. 500$ for the new try, 80$ per hour driving lesson.

I went wrong with a lot of things. I thought it went ok after the drive at first, then he said "ok you failed here is why:" and completely slaughtered my driving. I'm basically too slow at everything, not observant enough etc etc so I guess I just need practice. I've practiced for a long while already though and I am not sure how to get good enough.. I have lenses, so I am going to check my eyesight again though, it might have deteriorated a little further, maybe that is why he thinks I should be able to notice things earlier.

Death BOO Z
Fri, 05-07-2010, 12:51 PM
80$ per hour...? that's a shitload of money, here' it's been 120 NIS for 40 minutes (which would translate to 45$ for an hour).
and 500 for the test.. that's also a lot.

so yeah, I see why it sucks.

if it makes you feel better, I probably had to pay more, I had almost 8 months between my first test and the 2nd.
next time, show the examiner how observant you are by doing really big movement when you look at the side mirrors. make sure he notices how much you do it.

Fri, 05-07-2010, 01:49 PM
I never even had to take a driving test.

I don't know how it works everywhere else, but the school I did it with required us to have 14 hours of supervised in-car practice. We had a paper test, of course, but once you drove with an instructor for an accumulated 14 hours you were certified to get your license.

Fri, 05-07-2010, 05:11 PM
I never even had to take a driving test.

I don't know how it works everywhere else, but the school I did it with required us to have 14 hours of supervised in-car practice. We had a paper test, of course, but once you drove with an instructor for an accumulated 14 hours you were certified to get your license.

lol, and to think you have to accumulate 100hrs here ( 100 total hrs, driving-instructors may account for 33 of those hrs).

But no practical examination is just weird.

Sat, 05-08-2010, 05:50 PM
30h here, + 30h of theory + theory and practical exam here...but no practical exam is just...worst option possible - if there was no practical part here half of youths would die here(some guys just after they get driving license drive as fast as 150 km/h on 50 km/h max road)
wait i take that back - natural selection.

Sat, 05-08-2010, 08:05 PM
30h here, + 30h of theory + theory and practical exam here...but no practical exam is just...worst option possible - if there was no practical part here half of youths would die here(some guys just after they get driving license drive as fast as 150 km/h on 50 km/h max road)

lol. They should just station some police cameras right outside the examination centre. :p

What do you mean by the +30 theory and all? Do they make sure you have to read the rules for 30hrs or something?

Sun, 05-09-2010, 05:57 PM
Theory lessons take 30h and they are obligatory if you want to take the exam.

Sun, 05-09-2010, 08:18 PM
My car got broken into this weekend. Time to replace a lot of stuff...

Actually not a lot of things with real monetary value were taken. Just a bunch of keepsakes in my wallet and clothes in my backpack.

My favorite shirt was in there. And my favorite comb :(.

Sun, 05-09-2010, 10:06 PM
My car got broken into this weekend. Time to replace a lot of stuff...

Actually not a lot of things with real monetary value were taken. Just a bunch of keepsakes in my wallet and clothes in my backpack.

My favorite shirt was in there. And my favorite comb :(.

I had that happen to me before, so did my sister. Lesson to all, never ever leave anything of value in plain sight in your car.

You left your wallet in your car? Sounds like you were coming from or going to the gym.

Sun, 05-09-2010, 10:52 PM
I had that happen to me before, so did my sister. Lesson to all, never ever leave anything of value in plain sight in your car.

You left your wallet in your car? Sounds like you were coming from or going to the gym.
I was coming from 6th Street, parking my car around West Campus to crash at friend's place and had all the "important" stuff (cards/license/money) in my pockets and left everything else because I was shattered and didn't want to bother with it.

Found my car the next morning with a small trowel thrown through the back window and all the doors unlocked. Jerks left everything else in the car except my change of clothes and wallet full of keepsakes. They didn't even touch my blender, sunglasses, or CDs.

The Heretic Azazel
Sun, 05-09-2010, 11:39 PM
A blender? Were you making margaritas?

Mon, 05-10-2010, 10:06 AM
I never even had to take a driving test.

I don't know how it works everywhere else, but the school I did it with required us to have 14 hours of supervised in-car practice. We had a paper test, of course, but once you drove with an instructor for an accumulated 14 hours you were certified to get your license.

Only 14 hours? In Illinois, its like 40 hours with someone that has a license, and then you can go get a license, unless your birthday falls on what they call a "check date" (which mine did), and they make you take the test anyway. But it didn't cost anything, I think.

Mon, 05-10-2010, 10:26 AM
A blender? Were you making margaritas?

Can't go on long trips without knowing where my next meal is coming from. 420 blend every day.

Mon, 05-10-2010, 10:36 AM
Can't go on long trips without knowing where my next meal is coming from. 420 blend every day.

I do the same thing when I shop for electronics. DOES IT BLEND?? Laff.

The Heretic Azazel
Mon, 05-10-2010, 03:25 PM
Can't go on long trips without knowing where my next meal is coming from. 420 blend every day.

Someone needs to call his sponsor.

Mon, 05-10-2010, 08:03 PM
Got artefacts on my computer screen for the second time in the past 6 months. This time though, I've modded my gfx card, so for better or worse it saved myself the 3 months of warranty repair waiting (it's no longer under warranty).

So it turns out that the 2 of the 8 VRAM heatsinks have fallen loose, which should be easily fixed with some adhesive thermal tape.

Bitch is, I've never seen that stuff around here, and the place that's got the widest variety of computer parts is in Melbourne (and they've got some), which means I'll pay $12 postage for something that costs $3. :(

Wed, 05-12-2010, 07:59 PM
Took my first final of the semester today... it was rough. Second semester Japanese. After 2 hours and with 1 hour to go, I still had 6 or 7 pages to go. It was a 15 page final!!!

Thu, 05-13-2010, 03:07 PM
I called into a political radio show, and I was nearly about to get on the air. Then the caller before me started going into this big rant about "corporations" this, "corporations" that and I just kept groaning inwardly waiting for my turn.

He went on so long that they ran out of time. :(

I was so close!

Thu, 05-13-2010, 06:48 PM
What was your topic going to be?

Thu, 05-13-2010, 07:32 PM
I was going to politely remark that both sides of the inflammatory debate over the new law at the southwest border have been foolish. Liberals claim everyone would need passports all the time (blatant lie, driver's license more than adequate and police can only request it upon a separate issue) and conservatives claiming it is the shining example to fix all of our country's woes by kicking out the illegals (it wouldn't, it is the same as Federal policy and explicitly forbids racial profiling).

Thu, 05-13-2010, 07:38 PM
Sounds like you would have made for a much more interesting chat than the ranting person before you.

Thu, 05-13-2010, 10:15 PM
My mp3 player was stolen at work today.
I ride in and home everyday, get to work and dump a bunch of stuff into my helmet (which hangs on my bars) as I shower and change.
Today my mp3 player fell out of my helmet, someone saw it and put it somewhere where it would get broken by some random engineer's careless feet, and then someone *else* saw it sitting there and decided they wanted it...
I generally need the music to ride home, I don't care to ride more than an hour w/o music, not to mention at the end of the day I'm tired and really need the energetic boost it gives me, so I'm just gonna stay here tonight. I'm bummed, I loved that little guy.

Thu, 05-13-2010, 10:38 PM
My mp3 player was stolen at work today.
I ride in and home everyday, get to work and dump a bunch of stuff into my helmet (which hangs on my bars) as I shower and change.
Today my mp3 player fell out of my helmet, someone saw it and put it somewhere where it would get broken by some random engineer's careless feet, and then someone *else* saw it sitting there and decided they wanted it...
I generally need the music to ride home, I don't care to ride more than an hour w/o music, not to mention at the end of the day I'm tired and really need the energetic boost it gives me, so I'm just gonna stay here tonight. I'm bummed, I loved that little guy.

Your carelessness reminds me of the scene from FMJ where the drill sergeant lambastes Pyle for not locking his foot locker.

Thu, 05-13-2010, 10:40 PM
Well, I could use a good skull fucking...
It's never fallen out of my helmet before, I'd never considered it a potential concern, I've had this routine for a few years now. Guess I know better now/

Edit: No, you are right, I *was* careless. Losing my mp3 player bums me out, knowing a coworker stole it upsets me greatly. Up until now I've had nothing but respect and trust for the people in my dept and building. To know that someone saw it and stole it bothers me. I spammed the building to get it back so I know the culprit also knows who it belongs to. Worst, I KNOW that whoever it is will have absolutely no appreciation for my exquisite collection of hardcore HHC and J-pop.
OTOH, it's been ages since I worked for a good 30+ hours so, it's not all bad, at least this forces productivity, and after a few hours of soccer tomorrow I can go straight home instead of hanging around waiting out the clock.

Thu, 05-13-2010, 11:18 PM
Probably a bit dickish of me, but carelessness has been on my mind lately. My dog tried to eat a toad that resulted in him frothing at the mouth. I likened it to having a kid that gets into drugs, especially after you have the "drugs are bad" lesson. Not a lot you can do about it but to ride it out and hope for the best. Pretty shitty feeling and one of the reasons I probably won't ever have kids. My answer to that kind of carelessness or what I consider stupidity is a swift backhand and an "I told you so, you dumb m*therf*cker" but that doesn't really help the situation.

Current bitch: trying to study for a stats final, been at it for 2 hours and now my brain is mush and I'm sleepy and can barely think straight. This is what old age does to you I guess. Old age and poor sleeping patterns.

Fri, 05-14-2010, 01:48 AM
Well I doubt dogs are taught the "toads are bad" lesson.

Fri, 05-14-2010, 12:20 PM
Work study is so effing boring during the summer. There's nothing to do. I feel like I'm going to fall asleep.

Fri, 05-14-2010, 12:46 PM
Well I doubt dogs are taught the "toads are bad" lesson.

Oh I taught him a lesson. Regardless, somehow they usually know what's good and bad for them. Hopefully this latest experience with toads will have him swearing off toads from now on, but he's a persistent dog so we'll see.

Work study is so effing boring during the summer. There's nothing to do. I feel like I'm going to fall asleep. Very true, but at least you have internet access. I still have finals and it sucks because I have a lot of free time at work to study but I can't find the energy for it so here I sit posting on forums instead.

Fri, 05-14-2010, 10:07 PM
We had a training about racism at work today, and we were asked to talk about a time we experienced something racist. I talked about a situation where someone called someone "gook", then explained a way to combat that; which is, if you know the meaning of just that word in its actual language (it means "soup") by the way, and you tell someone that, it just makes them look stupid. It is also part of the word Korea in Korean (Han-gook), American (Me-gook), China and England (Ching-gook and Young-gook, respectively). So basically if you inform people on what they're saying and how dumb they look calling people 'soup' it can be a way to get revenge and enlighten.

That is not the way one person took it and totally just blocked out everything, going so far in fact to say that Koreans should know better (or something to that effect). And she cried. It was pretty shocking, and strange. Like afterward, people were like "that really makes sense; I don't know why that happened". I wasn't trying to offend, i was telling my story about what happened, and how to combat it.

I even talked to a bunch of Korean people, and they were like, yea...that was odd. I mean if someone is relating a story, and use the N-word, or anything else like that and...well, that means what it means, but if someone explained a way to make the offender look foolish, or just telling their story, eh...I'm too tired to continue my point.

Fri, 05-14-2010, 11:09 PM
I think "gook" is mostly used to refer to Vietnamese. Or it became that way after the Vietnam war. For some reason I feel we've discussed the etymology of this word before.

Fri, 05-14-2010, 11:24 PM
Oh, and I just found out that my rent office says that they didn't receive my rent payment despite my bank statement (and account) reflecting the contrary.

Fri, 05-21-2010, 09:23 AM
I laughed, smashed my hand down next to my laptop, and completely demolished the 16GB USB stick that was stuck there. :(

Fri, 05-21-2010, 10:05 AM
I laughed, smashed my hand down next to my laptop, and completely demolished the 16GB USB stick that was stuck there. :(

That's some bad luck for ya there but damn I lolled! :o

Fri, 05-21-2010, 10:05 AM
I hope you didn't lose any important files Buff.

Fri, 05-21-2010, 10:08 AM
Ouch, that sucks... hope there wasn't anything too important on it?

Fri, 05-21-2010, 10:55 AM
Did you make sure the electronics are broken for good? You see all the time those modifications where people have turned various objects into usb memory sticks. If it's just the shell of the stick that's broken, you could take a Saber figure and...

Fri, 05-21-2010, 12:46 PM
Thats true, i found a USB stick on a parking lot outside the store that had probably been run over by a car or something cause it looked kinda trashed, but i picked it up anyway and kinda put the pieces back together, used some glue to make it all hold together and it worked fine when i tested it :P

Note: All that was on it were a bunch of crappy mp3 files.

Fri, 05-21-2010, 08:55 PM
Did you make sure the electronics are broken for good? You see all the time those modifications where people have turned various objects into usb memory sticks. If it's just the shell of the stick that's broken, you could take a Saber figure and...


Saber can stay exactly how she is.

However, should you donate one for this cause, then..... :D

The components are pretty dead. At first it would come under Windows as a malfunctioning drive, but now it doesn't detect at all. I've heard a bit of soldering could do the trick, but I haven't any experience with that, nor do I have the tools.

I'm trying pretty hard to remember if there were important files on there, and so far I can't come up with anything. Guess that's a good sign, :)

Now off to buy a new one.

Sat, 05-22-2010, 12:25 AM
What was so funny that it made you thrash about in such a violent manner?

Sat, 05-22-2010, 01:36 AM
What was so funny that it made you thrash about in such a violent manner?

Forgot the exact moment, but it was something in the latest ep of B Gata H Kei. :o

The laptop was on my lap, so the blow was meant for my thigh. (In case you got the impression that I had table-thumping tendencies).

Sun, 05-23-2010, 03:45 PM
I've really wanted to buy all megatokyo books... but only the first and second were released in Poland, and shipping them from US would be too expansive...

Sun, 05-23-2010, 04:58 PM
The German Amazon seems to list them also in English. Surely they ship to Poland as well. Or the UK Amazon, although I'd think the currency rates would be less favorable with them for you.

Mon, 05-24-2010, 05:24 AM
Well the difference in currencies would add up approx to shipping fee + import tax when importing from U.S. Not to mention that the ones in us cost 10$ each, and here they cost 10 PLN each..

Mon, 05-24-2010, 08:10 AM
Not to mention that the ones in us cost 10$ each, and here they cost 10 PLN each..

I don't see how ~3$ would be possible unless it's a store getting rid of their old stock for no profit. Or they are illegal reprints from China or somebody else's shipment stolen by mafia and then redistributed to immoral shops.

In short, it's a futile dream to expect to consistently find them for 3$ apiece from normal stores.

Mon, 05-24-2010, 12:36 PM
Well they are printed here, translated versions, and this is pretty normal price for comics here. manga goes here between 10-20PLN for full(new) volume.

Mon, 05-24-2010, 01:34 PM
Except you said earlier only the first and second volumes were ever published over there, so naturally you are stuck with the original English versions. And the publisher isn't going to sell them any cheaper to Poland than to any other country. All you have working for you is the currency rate of PLN. Assuming it happens to be now high. If it's low, then you are even more screwed. In any case, the English versions are pricey for some reason.

Mon, 05-24-2010, 02:20 PM
Yes i know, but what hurts me the most is polish shipment office - I'll have to pay approx 200PLN and to this I'll have to add shipping cost(30PLN) + the 22% import tax... and I'll have to wait for it 1 month after it arrives in Poland... damn i have to get decent job for holidays.

Mon, 05-24-2010, 02:56 PM
I don't get what you are saying. If you order them from inside the EU, you won't be paying anything extra at all. I have ordered stuff from Germany and the UK and even their shipment costs can be bloody cheaper than if I ordered the same thing from within Finland (tells volumes about how greedy my own countrymen are).

If you order from the USA (or anywhere else outside of the EU), it could be a different story. Shipping costs will likely be high and you might need to deal with the toll. So, I suggest ordering from another member state because due to the free movement of goods, nobody can legally claim money as a middleman there.

Mon, 05-24-2010, 04:13 PM
As is said - i added everything up and ordering from US and EU is pretty much the same(because euro is stronger than USD).

My other bitch - I feel, for last 2 days, total lack of motivation to do anything - i dont wanna play games, go outside, train, play guitar - anything.

Fri, 06-04-2010, 08:19 PM
I sent my medicines entry transcripts interstate via express mail.

Online tracking status: Lodged by customer - 31/05/2010.

Deadline for application: 04/06/2010

So where the hell is it??

Fri, 06-04-2010, 11:17 PM
In the bay area a big radio station is live 105.
live 105 holds a concert every year called BFD.
I was at a pub hoping to win tix to BFD.
a Woman next to me starting talking to me...
she was singlehandedly teh most ignorant, self centered, pretentious, many bad words insert here person I've ever encountered.
She lied through her teeth, she cared more about money than her son, blah blah blah, and at teh end of teh night she started insulting me because I can't hear. (Which she knew)
I lost my hearing when I was 2, to a fever, I have at least a 65 Db loss (bilateral) , I seriously can't hear. Graduating HS and Cal (EECS) were accomplishments that should have been out of my reach.
I've never had someone attack me before like that.
If she had been a guy, I'd have decked her and kept kicking her while she was down until I was pulled off. She single handedly represented everything in this society that disgusts me (before she attacked me). When she went after my hearing I just, I,
i'm hurt now.
I rode home from the pub on my mountain bike averaging 35 mph for 5 miles (gives an idea of the anger I held/have)
I want to hurt her, I want bad things to happen to her, and I HATE that I have those thoughts.

right now I have a roommate that I took off the streets, because he has/had no where to live (he lives in my house rent free and I pay for a lot of his costs) I build bikes and give them to people to help them. I don't even have a car. I help people when ever and where ever I can often to the detriment to myself.
I've never harbored hate and anger, and I want this woman to suffer.
how do I resolve this?

I'm really not OK right now.


My roomnmate's father was theke. I just spoe with him, and he tells me that after I left she said to him "I'm sorry your friend got upset by what I said" Now I wish more ill will upon her, and am even more conflicted.

The Heretic Azazel
Sat, 06-05-2010, 01:03 AM
Your good deeds have no bearing on how people are capable of treating you. It is illogical to assume you are free of the ignorance of people because you think you're a good person. Stupid people are absolutely everywhere, you should be surprised these things don't happen more often.

Sat, 06-05-2010, 01:53 AM
This is good advice, but I guess I want to clarify that I introduced and expanded upon my own characteristics to emphasize that feelings of ill will are quite abnormal. Specifically I'm perturbed by harboring my desire for her to suffer. I guess I'm looking to a ) vent about the bitch as a whole, and b) look for advice or thoughts on what to do about the fact that I want all of that world's bad things to happen to her and only her.

The Heretic Azazel
Sat, 06-05-2010, 02:03 AM
Have you smoked any cannabis?

That always helps me when I'm having one of my rage fits.

If not your thing, perhaps a physical outlet for your emotions.. like boxing.

Sat, 06-05-2010, 02:43 AM
As I mentioned before the anger I had drove me to ride fast. In fact really, really fast. So I did try to direct some of that rage into physical exertion Herb makes me less upset, kind of, at least at the moment, but it doesn't mask the fact that I still would pleasure from her suffering. Which is bugging me most, because I don't like the idea that I am wishing ill will upon someone.

Sat, 06-05-2010, 03:25 AM
You can't hear? How did you learn to read?
Did ppl just yell the words at you (above 65db)?
Can you read lips? >_>

Sat, 06-05-2010, 04:43 AM
but it doesn't mask the fact that I still would pleasure from her suffering. Which is bugging me most, because I don't like the idea that I am wishing ill will upon someone.

If you are a normal human, then you will feel hatred when somebody attacks you and things you believe or want to believe in. However, since we are living in a civilized society where you can't have a duel anymore, your only option is to ignore the bitch and live on. The good thing about all of this is that now that you've been insulted by a professional, the words of casual scumbags will hardly register anymore. Like Azazel said, stupid people abound, so you can consider this even a valuable lesson.

Sat, 06-05-2010, 05:59 AM
As I mentioned before the anger I had drove me to ride fast. In fact really, really fast. So I did try to direct some of that rage into physical exertion Herb makes me less upset, kind of, at least at the moment, but it doesn't mask the fact that I still would pleasure from her suffering. Which is bugging me most, because I don't like the idea that I am wishing ill will upon someone.

Try sleeping it off. I tend to brush off things like this after time passes, life moves on, and the whole thing becomes insignificant.

Tue, 06-08-2010, 10:52 PM
I needed some time to cool off and feel much better, and silly now.
you guys provided some good advice, thanks.

The Heretic Azazel
Tue, 06-08-2010, 10:59 PM
I just bought shitty dirt weed. Whenever I go to this guy for the regular stuff I get dirt smelling shit, but whenever I pay more it's pretty good. This happens everytime with him.

Wed, 06-09-2010, 05:26 AM
whats the cost/weight?
At cal Mexican ditch weed was usually about $20/quarter oz.
The good shit was usually 45-60/eight.
The ditch weed was never worth it... I feel your pain.

Wed, 06-09-2010, 09:23 AM
Spent 5 hours changing the oil for my truck. The filter was stuck on too tight I couldn't break it loose. Had to make two trips to the store to get filter wrenches but they didn't help because the filter was on so tight. This was my first oil change on this truck so it was stuck from the dealer when they prepped the truck for sale. I ended up jamming a screwdriver through the filter and loosening it that way (thank God for internet searches). In hindsight I should have taken it to the dealer and paid $25 for the oil change instead of wasting 5 hours of my time.

The Heretic Azazel
Wed, 06-09-2010, 09:34 AM
whats the cost/weight?
At cal Mexican ditch weed was usually about $20/quarter oz.
The good shit was usually 45-60/eight.
The ditch weed was never worth it... I feel your pain.

The same I pay for good reggie, 35/half, 200/qp

Death BOO Z
Wed, 06-09-2010, 12:04 PM
I fucked up, big time.
I had to turn over a paper few weeks ago, and now I got it back, and it turns out that I basically answered the wrong question (apparently, I wrote too much about tactic surprise rather than strategic surprise).

It's not completely ruined, he said that I can get an extension to fix (not as much as fix as it's to re-do it from scratch, including new sources and reading) my paper, but I'm starting my exam season sunday, so I'm gonna be studying all the time.

It's a poop shitsuation.

Wed, 06-09-2010, 12:12 PM
Do they not have summer vacation where you are from, DBZ?

Wed, 06-09-2010, 12:20 PM
I think America is one of the few countries that has its Summer break from May-August rather than late July-September.

Wed, 06-09-2010, 12:22 PM
As we are the world leader in everything, I think countries should change their vacation schedules to coordinate with ours better.

The Heretic Azazel
Wed, 06-09-2010, 12:31 PM
Here I go to another job interview, this time at an orthodontist's office.

Job hunting is so fucking painful. I've had 4 interviews this month and no one has called me back.

Death BOO Z
Wed, 06-09-2010, 12:32 PM
sure, I have summer vacation, as soon as I'm over with my tests.
today was the last day of first academic year. I have test in Junes, July and mid-August (how do you call the exams you take if you want to get a better grade, or if you missed the first one? a 'do-over' exam? what's the english word for that?).
after I get through with all my exams (I really need to get my shit together, can't screw this up like in higschool), I'm on summer vacation until late October.

when I was still in school, summer vacation was July-August, with bits from June (10 days) and September (the holidays month).