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Sun, 10-05-2008, 12:06 AM
My bitch starts and ends at work.
You probably don't know this (because I forgot to tell everyone - as if you cared anyway), but I've recently been employed by Kmart. I've been training on the register for the past week or so, and have been on my own for another few days. I've had a relatively easy time of it so far. Well, until today.
This story starts with a co-worker of mine asking me if I minded working for him Saturday (today) from 5-10. Being the nice guy I am, I accepted, and we made the necessary arrangements with the supervisors. So today comes along, and while I'm not completely enthused by losing a quarter of my Saturday, I'm still relatively okay with everything. I walk in, meet with the supervisors, who again clear everything, and I clock in. I swear, as soon as I turned on my register's light, people just frickin' FLOCKED to me like flies on shit. No lie.
At this point, my attitude's kind of spiraling down, but I still try to keep my spirits up and hope dearly that the day ends swiftly, and that after this round of customers, I could relax for a bit.
Clearly, I was wrong as all hell.
Okay, so I've covered my part of the bitch, but that still leaves the guy who asked me in and the girl who's working as the only other cashier tonight.
I'll start with the guy I switched with; I come in, and he's in the store, because he didn't expect me to show. That's the first dick move. After I get settled with the first round of customers, he comes up to me and asks if I worked tomorrow. Conversation went as follows:
"Hey, you working tomorrow?"
"No, I don't think so... why?
"...Think you'd like to come in tomorrow?"
Son of a bitch. Second dick move.
Needless to say, I decline and get back to work, because there's another fifteen customers coming my way.
Now for the really shitty part: the other cashier? Wasn't doing SHIT. Whenever I actually saw her running her register, she was taking one or two customers, while I was left to deal with the other thirteen. Worst of all were the times she WASN'T there (most of the time), when I still had to deal with the incessant lines. At about 7:30, when my shift is half-over, I finally catch up to the wretched line and happily jump at my supervisor's advice to take my 15-minute break. When that's over, I'm back at my register, and everything is still calm.
Wait another three minutes, and there's the line again, with no help from the other cashier.
And all of that isn't even taking the irrational customers into account.
For instance, there was this one lady who had at least fifteen plants in her cart, and when she gave them to me so that I could scan them, she just left them there on my counter, allowing me no room to move or put anything. Finally, one of the other people in her party gain enough sense to move the damn things out of my way.
Then there was a man and his wife, buying crap that they thought were on sale (I think they probably were, too), but the deal wasn't showing up on my register. So the guy goes ballistic and pretty much tells me where to stick it. But he has more items that he needs checked out, so I move on to the next item on the list. Mistake on my part because I was already frazzled and ready to snap: I forgot to void the rest of the crap out. So the guy pretty much explodes when I tell him the new total, so I walk away and ask the supervisor how to void all. She tells me, I void, and I find only the wife at the counter, because the man had gone to check prices. More likely is that he decided to go smoke some weed, because when he got back, he was much much calmer than before. I ring all the items again and get them out of my line, apologizing the whole way through.
So, after almost four hours of this, my supervisor finally calls the chick over to do something and allows me to do some returns. I finish the first cart-full of returns, and when I get back to the front of the store, there's only three or four customers in her line. That was a bitch to see. Here I am, trying to do fifteen things at once, and then she comes and finally does something, and she has it all easy! After I get almost done with the second cart of returns, I get called back to my register, and it starts all over again. Fifteen minutes of line passes and I get back to my returns, and after I'm done with them, I am told to go bring the carts back from outside, where all the stupid douches leave them. I do this, and by the time I'm done, it's time to close. I couldn't have been more relieved as I closed out the register.
And for all the bitching I did, I do have to say that I felt rather satisfied to find the huge stack of bills in the register (even though I know I'm only making about 1/20 of that back in my paycheck).
What a fucking adventure. I'm not closing for someone else ever again. Period.
Got around to reading that
I work at the back for my pizza job, but I have front shop work for chemist experience. I feel you pain.
So the guy who called you there didn't think you'd show, so he came anyway, and asked for you to do his next shift? Haha. What made him think you'd show up for that?
Sun, 10-05-2008, 03:14 AM
Absolutely no clue. I guess he just thought he'd ask.
Sat, 10-11-2008, 12:44 AM
I can;t believe it cost 500 yen to play street fighter four...It was tempting, but I just can't justify spending that kind of money to get my ass kicked in an arcade game....
Tue, 10-14-2008, 04:07 PM
500 yen! idk how much that is in US dollars....
So, they patched World of warcraft last night or this morning.... and i was reading up on the changes and it seemed good at first.
but i just found a new talant calculator and itl looks like they completely raped the paladin and im going to have to spend alot of time tweaking and completely altering my play style that i've gotten used to.
they also changed mana costs on some things, one spell holy shock is like 450-500 mana and they changed it to 27% of base mana, and if i have 3800 mana thats like 1050 mana... lame
Tue, 10-14-2008, 06:06 PM
Or you can go ret. Ret pallies were so fucking imba, on beta.
Wed, 10-15-2008, 10:25 AM
It turned out to not be bad... I went holy! w\ about 10-12 points in prot to get blessing of kings, and stoicism.
But my fear of mana being raised was wrong... everything I have was decreased!
plus, a few of my spells went to instant cast and lower cooldowns. I was raping mobs of undead when i discovered that i also heal for 3000+ now, when yesterday I was healing for 1800 crit ! rawwwr
retribution aura also does 48dmg now where it was doing 20... i got a few new abilities too. got one that cuts mana costs in half for 15 seconds w\ 3 minute cooldown... this would be great for healing since there is no cooldown
Also got a haircut ! LOL cost 4g, i wanted a mohawk but it wasn't available so I got spikey yellow/orange hair that looks like super saiyan vegeta hair from DBGT (since its kinda short... very cool though )
Wed, 10-15-2008, 10:36 AM
Mmm, still waiting for my cousin to give me the password to my account which he was using while I took a hiatus to play WH.
Need to see how this shit looks on my fat cow.
Thu, 10-16-2008, 03:42 PM
I bought some hard drives back in june for work off ebay. There were 8 in total from 2 different auctions. a main reason for buying them was that they promised a 50% or more discount on shipping since one auction was $28 (high already) and the other 27.50.
Anyhow, total purchase was over $900. I needed the drives fast so 5 days after buying I was seeing if they'd shipped.
I called and this guy pretended like he was looking at my information and told me they had shipped 2 days prior.. then 2-3 days later on the weekend I got an email that a shipping label had been made. Lie #1.
Then get the drives like 3 weeks after buying them.. dont actually use them for another couple weeks to find that they might not even be new like they were supposed to be. 2 of them are DOA, so i contact the seller and they say to send them in for RMA.. i do this, out of my pocket.
They get the drives... wait 2 weeks.. "your rma is processed, drives will ship in 2-3 days" ok cool... until a month goes by and i email them... we'll get you a tracking number... nother week goes by, email again.. The owner of the company tells me he found a problem and the rma wasn't processed but the drives will be out in the next week, sorry for the wait. lies... all lies..
I would be more mad if my company hadn't re-imbursed me for the drives.... but still on principality i have to be mad at this worm. They pretend like they're a legit business when emailing and even when i call ( and the owner is unavailable )
I have 2 addresses for them, I google mapped both. One is an apartment complex and the other is a house... but on their website they have a picture of a tiny storefront that says computer repair... seriously.. wtf.
I told the guy that i ran a better ebay business out of the bedroom in my parents house, where i no longer live and he didn't seem to find that as funny or true as I did.
definately my worst ebay experience ever.
Thu, 10-16-2008, 11:23 PM
You just can't win, man. Buying hard drives from eBay? It's like you're asking to be screwed over just so you have something to post here.
Fri, 10-17-2008, 01:53 AM
You have to understand, Animeniax, that Itadakimasu buys even his bread and cheese from ebay. It's no coincidence what he entered as his location.
Seriously, though, I believe he knew the risks as well as anybody but just decided to try and see. Quite a gamble but this world is full of gamblers.
Fri, 10-17-2008, 02:10 AM
There are gamblers and then there are fraud victims. You have to know when to hold them, know when to fold them; know when to walk away, know when to run.
Sun, 10-19-2008, 01:52 AM
I've been sick since Tuesday. For the first couple days, I didn't have any food, cause I was out of groceries, and didn't feel well enough to make the 20 minute walk through the perpetual rain to the store. Friday I was feeling better, but had completely lost my voice. Went to school, got some food, things were looking up. Today, I feel utterly terrible, still have no voice. What the heck immune system? You don't like it when I give you food?
Although, watching Chaos;Head while all drugged up on cold meds is oddly appropriate.
Sun, 10-19-2008, 01:59 AM
Although, watching Chaos;Head while all drugged up on cold meds is oddly appropriate.
Haha. Some series certainly would be better watched with a lowered state of consciousness.
I hope you get better soon. Being sick is no fun.
Sun, 10-19-2008, 10:52 PM
I was sick last week, too KitKat. I now have an arsenal of about 4 different kinds of decongestants/throat medicine as well as 2 types of Theraflu (one for night and one for day).
Also people kept telling me that tea was great when you're sick, and I didn't believe them until I actually had some. This tea ( with honey mixed in gave me the best night's sleep I'd had in a while, and I woke up not sick anymore.
Hope you feel better.
Sun, 10-19-2008, 11:28 PM
It's fall so the weather outside is beautiful in the 80s and 90s. Unfortunately that's perfect weather for the bugs too. I've got six bug bites on my arms and neck, big old pink welts that will slowly collapse into little nodes. Now I have to wear Off! throughout the day.
Mon, 10-20-2008, 01:29 AM
It's spring here, which would be hell for those unfortunate sufferers of hayfever (not myself :D). Jacarandas bloom beautifully here.
(maybe this doesn't belong to the bitching thread....)
Mr Squiggles
Mon, 10-20-2008, 03:23 AM
Tonight is the third allnighter I'm having to pull in the last 2 weeks to keep up with homework. How the fuck do our teachers expect us to learn anything if all we want to do is sleep?
Mon, 10-20-2008, 03:46 AM
It's spring here, which would be hell for those unfortunate sufferers of hayfever (not myself :D). Jacarandas bloom beautifully here.
(maybe this doesn't belong to the bitching thread....)
Actually it's weird because it's fall here but hayfever is in full effect and people are suffering from allergies. I can't wait until Dec when it starts raining to wash away this crap.
Mon, 10-20-2008, 08:30 AM
I've got a huge ass rash that's pretty much all over me except half of my arms and my face(thankfully my face is untouched). It's worst on my thighs and knees. It started off being itchy last night, but there was no sign of redness except on the undersides of my arms and my chest. I thought that was because I wiped myself too vigorously with a wet cloth before, so I dismissed it. In the morning, I felt really itchy again, but still no obvious redness, or so I though since I was half asleep. I felt like shit all day (general listlessness), and when I got home, I took off my pants and walah, I'm met with bright red legs with irregular patches of white.
I took some antihistamines and was going to wait if out for a day or two, but I was eventually convinced to see the doctor. We couldn't find anything wrong with me that would indicate something like measles or some other infection, so we think it may be a food allergy. Exactly what it is, I'm not sure. Allergic reactions can take up to 1-2 days before it really flares up.
The only real thing I can think of was that I had a few drinks yesterday evening.
It would suck if I developed an allergic reaction to alcohol.
Got better, and decided to test it again with the same beer.
It was the beer.
Pity, because it was one of the best I've had.
Next I'll have to test a different brand of beer, then a different form of alcohol all together to find out exactly what I'm allergic to.
Well, I patched myself up after another fortnight or so, then had a bottle of beer after work. It was a different brand, and tasted noticibly weaker than the other brand I bought last time. I tried 2.1 standards this time, compared to 1.8 last time.
Result: I felt a little itchy the morning after, like the type you get from dry skin, which I thought I probably had. No rash though. No redness whatsoever. Logic dictates that since I had more ethanol this time, my rash should be either equal ore more severe than last if I was truly allergic to alcohol.
That, I'm glad to say, doesn't seem to be the case. Whatever it was, it's not alcohol that's ticking me off. Guess that means I'll have to drink selectively (preservative?), but drink I can :)
Mr Squiggles
Wed, 10-22-2008, 09:37 PM
Maybe its to the hops, or yeast.
Wed, 10-22-2008, 11:19 PM
Tonight is the third allnighter I'm having to pull in the last 2 weeks to keep up with homework. How the fuck do our teachers expect us to learn anything if all we want to do is sleep?
Do you absolutely have to make the homework? I really wouldn't do it otherwise, unless i completely sucked at the subject or something.
Thu, 10-23-2008, 03:13 AM
Maybe its to the hops, or yeast.
I can understand if it's the yeast, since they might use something different, but I'd imagine an allergy to hops would be all round. Since I reacted to one but not the other, yet they were both beers, it doesn't seem likely. I can't really be bothered finding out what it is though. I'll just wait till it bothers me again.
Mr Squiggles
Thu, 10-23-2008, 10:45 AM
Do you absolutely have to make the homework?
Unfortunately, yes i do. All that stuff has to be handed in :/
Fri, 10-24-2008, 12:08 AM
I just turned in an assignment 1 minute late. It was like something out of a movie.
"SUBMIT, SUBMIT DAMMIT. PLEASE let me make it on time!"
*clicks submit*
*Assignment submitted at 12:00 October 24"
Granted, it was due on the 22nd, but now it shows I'm 2 days late, and the TAs usually allow for 1 day lateness. On the other hand, I didn't submit it on time because I finally saw WALL-E, a movie I tried all Summer to watch but never had the chance. You reap what you sow, I guess...
Fri, 10-24-2008, 01:36 AM
Ah, reminds me of a similar experience. Except mine went like this:
"Okay...all done....clicks save"
"Just a little longer...."
Browse->My Documents->Assignment.doc
<Upload successful. Do you want to submit? Yes/No>
SUBMIT! HAHA, win! :D*
<Red Text: Please enter file description and assignment title>
Browse->My Documents->Assignment.doc
<Upload successful. Do you want to submit? Yes/No>
<enters assignment description and title in description box>
<Submission successful. Please check your student email for an electronic receipt.>
<Assignment received: 12:01>
Fri, 10-24-2008, 09:01 AM
What the heck immune system? You don't like it when I give you food?
I know that feeling. The medicine I've been taking was used to stop my immune system because it was ripping off my intestines... after the medicine stopped it, I started getting better. Now Im taking medicine to start the immune system again.
Xan & Buff:
LOL... I didn't have a 'minute' experience... but a similar situation for a team I was off was like this:
<Final Project of Design and Quality of Software>
- Make an Organizer Software for a PDA -
- Project took 4 months to be developed -
- Project due to 10:00am of X day -
- Team gathers at 9:00 am outside teacher's office, ready to burn the cd and hand the project -
- Project was copied into two laptops the day prior -
- 1st laptop owner did not arrive, because he overslept -
- 2nd laptop's Windows crashed and wouldn't boot, not even on safe mode -
US: Teacher... see our laptop T___T
Teacher: .... okay... you have an extra hour to find your classmate who has the other copy...
US: We didn't find him... so... here's the project at 75%... our most recent copy on the other laptops...
Teacher: .... okay... I'll grade based on that....
We got 80 points out of 100 at the end because teacher was flexible...thank god... damn project was worth 50% of the final grade.
Of course the guy who overslept got kicked several times when he appeared.
Fri, 10-24-2008, 09:53 AM
that sucks....
I really dont like relying on other people when it comes to grades i need. was there not a way to have backed up the project onto flash?
unrelated field of study.... i'm taking this sociology class because i need 3 core classes to complete my associates degree ( lame i know )
so, come to find out that sociology is basically a joke. the whole thing is objective and we're doing these 'discussion boards' in groups where you basically answer a question or 2 in a forum layout and then you have to respond to somebody and then you have to respond to the person who responded to you and make any changes.
and of course i'm way too involved playing WoW to do all the reading but scoring 60/100 on a test after reading only 1.5 / 3 chapters is pretty good to me, even though alot of the wrong answers are completely objective and there is no real answer, just one the teacher chose to be the best answer i guess
Fri, 10-24-2008, 10:38 AM
Of course the guy who overslept got kicked several times when he appeared.
Was it in the balls? I'm totally against ball-stomping, but this is probably one of the rare cases where you deserve it :)
Maybe he had a good excuse. But it'd have to be very good.
so, come to find out that sociology is basically a joke.
I had Pharmacy: Sociology and Pharmacy Practice last semester, and yeah, it was as much a joke as yours. Very relevant, yes, but you'd only need to attend if you completely lack common sense, in which case I'd be very worried that you're studying pharmacy. You can bludge the entire semester, and study 2hrs the night before the exam by reading the 1st 2 required readings, and skimming the rest, since they're just repeating the same thing.
Edit: only for sociology though. The other exams are hell.
Sat, 10-25-2008, 08:18 AM
I lost my wallet.
Sat, 10-25-2008, 08:54 AM
I hope you didn't have lots of hard to replace stuff in it.
I was quite amused earlier this year when I read from local news that some granny got her purse stolen and lost bloody 1300 euros. Who the heck walks the streets carrying that much cash...
Sat, 10-25-2008, 09:08 AM
I hope you didn't have lots of hard to replace stuff in it.
Yeah, hopefully it won't be. I don't think I've got anything terribly hard to replace. Just annoying. Mainly my driver's license, debit card, uni ID, library cards, a video store card, one or two insurance cards, and a certain amount of money I can't recall. Anywhere from $50-$200AUD I would guess. Whatever the amount, it was a good thing I decided to pay for a PS3 game in cash rather than electronic funds earlier that day.
I needed the wallet to get me home, which I did. So that means:
1) I lost it on the bus -> try contacting the bus company tomorow morning.
2) I lost it on the street as I walked home from the bus stop -> try the police, though unlikely to get results
3) I lost it at home -> hopefully that's the case, but I've looked over and over, so I don't reckon it's here.
Pain is, my driver's license has my address on it, and I attach my keys to my wallet.
Uh oh.
Right now, we've changed the front door's lock with one from our rooms, and I've used rope to secure the back door. It should be a sufficient temporary solution until I change all the locks. Hopefully this is all overworrying, and I find it in my room tomorrow or at the bus depot.
Lesson: Don't keep your keys with your address.
Sat, 10-25-2008, 11:54 PM
my not really a bitch. it's just general moping. i found out today that a good friend of mine's mother passed away on friday after a very short and sudden onset of lung cancer. it makes me sad, because said friend and i have gotten fairly close in the last year, and i wish there was something i could do for her. and it makes me think of my relationship with my own mom, and the thought of not having her around kinda gives me a panic attack. also, this is selfish and pathetic, but even though i know my friend is going through a really bad time, i feel sad for myself because i miss spending time with her.
also, my best friend just got married a week and a half ago and probably just got back from her honeymoon, and has moved to a new town with her husband, so she's probably going insane with stuff to do too, so i don't want to call her either, and i really miss talking to her.
*sigh* i'll just go mope around and feel lonely some more now
Sun, 10-26-2008, 02:31 AM
- Project was copied into two laptops the day prior -
- 1st laptop owner did not arrive, because he overslept -
- 2nd laptop's Windows crashed and wouldn't boot, not even on safe mode -
... and thus, another person learns too late the value of a good version control system. If you did it right, you'd be able to point him at a url he could pull it from ...
just sayin' ...
my not really a bitch. it's just general moping. i found out today that a good friend of mine's mother passed away on friday after a very short and sudden onset of lung cancer. it makes me sad, because said friend and i have gotten fairly close in the last year, and i wish there was something i could do for her. and it makes me think of my relationship with my own mom, and the thought of not having her around kinda gives me a panic attack. also, this is selfish and pathetic, but even though i know my friend is going through a really bad time, i feel sad for myself because i miss spending time with her.
also, my best friend just got married a week and a half ago and probably just got back from her honeymoon, and has moved to a new town with her husband, so she's probably going insane with stuff to do too, so i don't want to call her either, and i really miss talking to her.
*sigh* i'll just go mope around and feel lonely some more now
You'll always have the (disconnected, insensitive, impersonal) company of gotwoot, at least :p. But seriously, that sounds like a pretty crappy situation for you... but probably worse for some others.
You've got two friends at the opposite ends of the spectrum (the happiest and the saddest times of their lives). I'd suggest that just being there and expressing your support for the one who's having the bad time would be welcome. And with marriage, moving and whatnot, adjustment's going to happen -- it's easy to end up feeling isolated after that sort of life change. Maybe that one would like to hear from you too.
Just ... be sensitive to the mood, and willing to keep it brief if they seem busy or whatever... I think most people would rather know that someone's thinking about them than not, in most circumstances.
Sun, 10-26-2008, 09:49 AM
- Project was copied into two laptops the day prior -
- 1st laptop owner did not arrive, because he overslept -
- 2nd laptop's Windows crashed and wouldn't boot, not even on safe mode -
Like comp said, you need a version control system in projects >_>, we use Subversion which basically enables everyone in the team to have the most up to date version at all time, at any place. As long as you have a computer with an internet connection.
Sun, 10-26-2008, 01:50 PM
Yikes Bill, I hope you find your wallet soon. It's such a pain to have to replace all your cards. I lost my birth certificate earlier this year, and had to pay $30 for a new one.
stuff about friends
*sigh* i'll just go mope around and feel lonely some more now
I totally understand. Within the past few years, my three closest friends from uni have gotten married, and one of them is having a baby soon. Sometimes I feel like I have less and less in common with them because their lives all revolve around their jobs, their husbands, their homes. They seem all 'grown up' whereas I'm still living the student life, playing video games, watching anime, etc. We used to have school and classes in common, but now there will sometimes be awkward silences in conversation that we never used to have. I guess that living on the other side of the continent doesn't help either. I don't think that this has made us any less good friends, but it changes the nature of the friendship. I'm even finding that my friendship with my brother has changed since he got married this summer because now his first priority is his wife, so basically the only time he can play video games with me now is when she is busy, cause she's not a gamer, and any time that she has free, they spend together.
But yeah, I agree with compy, there's always the people of gotwoot here for you, for what that's worth. And your friend that's going through a really rough time probably needs all the support and encouragement you can give her right now. It can be weird and awkward trying to figure out what do say in that sort of a situation, but often it's enough to let them know you're there for them. Maybe write little encouraging notes, bake them cookies, or something to let them know you're thinking of them.
Sun, 10-26-2008, 06:45 PM
lol thanks comp and kitkat. it's nice to know that i can count on support here lol. you're both right, of course, the best thing i can do is just be there and offer support for my friend whose mom passed away. i went to the wake today, and she's obviously having a hard time, but i think she'll be okay. and kitkat, you and i are on the same wavelength about changing relationships. i've been friends with the girl that got married for the last 7 or 8 years, so her friendship has been like a constant for me for a long time now, and i've been really apprehensive about the change, but i guess it's just a fact of life that peoples' priorities change. i will call her soon, i just want to give her some time to adjust.
Tue, 10-28-2008, 10:11 AM
complich and DS:
THAT happened...what... 5 years ago? We learnt a valuable lesson after that. We completely did.
Wed, 10-29-2008, 06:46 AM
Lol you never said it was 5 years ago :(, still that info might be helpful for someone else.
Wed, 10-29-2008, 09:57 AM
Well, I certainly didn't. My bad. I kinda graduated from college 4 years ago... 1 year later than I was supposed to =/
Today's bitch:
I hate Itunes. Why the hell do they have an import list if it won't really import unless you have the song physically in the hard drive? Now I must extract all the damn songs from the ipod first before I re-install the damn thing, unless I want to risk the damn software deleting it all. Hello Apple? I changed computer because one died... why must I upload all into a computer, where I never listen them, just because I want to update my ipod? Stupid thing.
Thu, 10-30-2008, 08:54 AM
I don't know if this means I've got good or bad headphones, but since I've gotten some new earbuds, I've been able to hear "ts-" or "s-o", basically the hissing S sound, from higher pitched singers as a high pitched noise. Words and all are pronounced perfectly, just that you can hear the "tsk" as they sing into the mic. Sort of off-putting.
The songs aren't crappy quality neither, so that shouldn't be the problem.
Thu, 10-30-2008, 09:22 AM
I have some Ultimate Ears earbuds that do that too and you're right, it's distracting and takes away from the music. Luckily my set came with a volume level adapter that helps even out the volume and masks these weird sounds while preserving the audio quality.
Thu, 10-30-2008, 10:47 PM
Can't find a black curly wig for my Halloween costume that isn't 30 dollars. I'm only going to use the damn thing once. Why is this so hard :(?
Thu, 10-30-2008, 11:01 PM
Buy a bag of black pipecleaners, twist them into spirals around a cylindrical object, and attach them to a hood. At least, that's how I'd do this on a low budget in theory. Not sure how practical it would turn out to be in reality.
Fri, 10-31-2008, 05:53 AM
Why does getting sick on a Friday have to be such a guilt trip? Even Monday (also a three day weekend) doesn't get the same negative connotations that Friday does.
Maybe I just have really shitty luck with illnesses and appointments.
Wait, I know the answer. Because some people abuse it, it fucks it all up for the rest of us.
Fri, 10-31-2008, 06:13 AM
Can't find a black curly wig for my Halloween costume that isn't 30 dollars. I'm only going to use the damn thing once. Why is this so hard :(?
Tell us what your costume will be and we'll let you know if it's worth $30 for the wig.
Also keep in mind you could reuse the wig for some cosplay at anime conventions. Some notable anime characters with black curly hair: Hercule from DBZ, Claudia Grant from Robotech.
Fri, 10-31-2008, 10:11 AM
Tell us what your costume will be and we'll let you know if it's worth $30 for the wig..
I don't really go to conventions. I'd honestly never use it again. There's a costume place I went to last night that was out of black ones, but maybe they might have brown ones. If not, I'll just pay 25 dollars. This is the first time I've planned on dressing up since I was about 9 :mad:.
Edit to below: He was only known as Hercule on Cartoon Network. All the dubbed DVDs still call him Satan. Also I think of him as "Hercule" in my head.
Fri, 10-31-2008, 10:15 AM
Tell us what your costume will be and we'll let you know if it's worth $30 for the wig.
Also keep in mind you could reuse the wig for some cosplay at anime conventions. Some notable anime characters with black curly hair: Hercule from DBZ, Claudia Grant from Robotech.
Hercule? Who the hell is that?
Oh right... the americanization of Mr Satan...
Sat, 11-01-2008, 09:00 AM
9 days of hell as of this moment. Hell=hardcore study+self-imposed draconian access on anime :(
Oh well, as long as I don't fail, I can live through this.
Sat, 11-01-2008, 07:19 PM
No big long essay this time, but let me leave mine at this: WORK SUCKS.
Death BOO Z
Sun, 11-02-2008, 07:11 AM
I got a letter from the army, they're calling me for reserve services...
I'm gonna cancel it, I've got an exam during that month, and I'm quite sure they can't summon me this year.
Sun, 11-02-2008, 08:09 AM
The Zohan has to leave making hair silky smooth? Atleast you'll get to kick people throguh walls again.
Mon, 11-03-2008, 01:24 PM
I hate daylight savings time changes. I'm now back to 9 hours ahead of CST, when I was so used to being only 8 hours ahead. That's one more hour before everyone wakes up back home and on the forums, and one more hour I have to wait before the stock market opens. Why can't they just abolish the practice already? It served its purpose.
I heard some dumb stat on the radio today concerning daylight savings time changes. Supposedly because of the 1 hour change, some percentage of people die more often around the solstices or some dumb shit like that. Sheesh, way to use statistics to improve our lives, scientists.
Mon, 11-03-2008, 03:41 PM
What about the statistics that say how many people would die if there was no daylight savings time? Getting up in the morning was becoming so much harder before the time fell back an hour. I'd be half asleep on my drive to work.
Mon, 11-03-2008, 07:32 PM
My bedroom clock didn't reset automatically. My phone and computer say it's 6:32 and my clock says it's 7:30.
Now it's both slow and fast at the same time. What the hell??
Mon, 11-03-2008, 07:50 PM
No big long essay this time, but let me leave mine at this: WORK SUCKS.
welcome to the club
I could make an essay also...but meh...Im lazy.Worked sucked today for me as well. A lot.
Ok... I'll write it anyway...
2 months ago I sent some test cases to Marketing and Billing...
Today I see they forgot to add them to the project and I told them that I was not accepting their test cases, nor would give our acceptance to install it.
Now they are whining about that they need to release it fast.
Fuck em.
Tue, 11-04-2008, 12:17 PM
So my mom owns a 4 family house that she rents out. And there's this one tenant that's a huge problem. Frequently late with rent, calls us to tell us she has rent then doesn't have it, does drugs, gets into fights with people, noisy, the list just goes on and on. So now she's 3 months late on rent and we're trying to evict her through a lawyer. But she refuses.
Now the crazy bitch, who frequently gets into fights and arguments calls us one day to tell us that she's planning to sue us for $50,000 because she hurt her foot or some shit on a stray brick in our hallway (wtf?) and was in the hospital for 2 days. Or we can pay her $20,000 and she'll forget the law suit. Even if she was hurt, chances are it's from one of her scuffles and she's just using that shit to extort money out of us. Fuck that shit. Fucking dumbass bitch.
Tue, 11-04-2008, 12:45 PM
That completely sucks Animus...
You guys should gather proof that she is always getting into fights, its a drug addict and doesn't pay so if she tries anything she gets finally kicked and pays or goes to jail...
I hate that people...
Tue, 11-04-2008, 03:21 PM
You should record your conversations with this idiot woman so you can prove she's extorting you. Even if it's not legal to do so, it can scare her away.
Seems like there's a lot to bitch about lately. Vuze decided to mess up their perfectly good torrent client with an update that looks terrible and isn't as intuitive or usable as the previous. And of course, is blocked on my network so I'll have to find the installer elsewhere.
Thu, 11-06-2008, 02:04 AM
Minor bitch: Mark Forums Read is inconveniently right below Today's Posts under GW quick links. I've clumsily pressed that many times :p.
Thu, 11-06-2008, 09:55 AM
That used to happen to me all the time. It was very annoying.
Tue, 11-11-2008, 10:35 PM
all the WoW realms are down....
They say there is a problem w\ the mail system and rumors are that all mail islost.
I made a bank charactor last night and mailed her a bunch of gems and other stuff... plus i had a ton of stuff in my mailbox : (
im now resorting to counterstrike to get some kind of game going
Tue, 11-11-2008, 11:30 PM
Same here, but my game of choice is CoD4. I wanted to hit 69 so bad tonight, but I guess it isn't happening :(. Oh well, I still have tomorrow to get as far as I can. I already know I'm not hitting 70 by Lich King, but I've accepted that now, and at least I got to 68.
Wed, 11-12-2008, 04:10 AM
My ISP capped me even though I didn't use up all my quota :(
Funny thing was, I rang them and they tried to help me diagnose the problem. They told me to try this and that, then said it was something to do with my browser. Then I told them to try this and that, and they said they'll get back to me when they're finished :p
Wed, 11-12-2008, 09:02 AM
I hate it when you help someone out and they use what you helped them with to annoy the shit out of you. For example, I gave some movies to someone at work. Next thing I know, he's goofing off watching movies when he should be working, and I have to yell at him to get him back to work.
I helped this goober get media player classic working on his PC and now he sits and watches shit all day, laughing as loud as he can. Makes me want to punch myself for helping him to annoy me. I have admin rights on his PC so I want to backdoor him and make the program no longer work, but then he'll hit me up for tech support to fix the problem, and I could lose my job for unauthorized access.
Wed, 11-12-2008, 09:35 AM
As the Merovingian would say..... "Cause and effect, my dear."
Wed, 11-12-2008, 09:53 AM
My stomach is being a bitch again. Nuff said.
Wed, 11-12-2008, 10:01 AM
As the Merovingian would say..... "Cause and effect, my dear."
Happily these sorts of problems encourage you to learn new things. I just learned about the taskkill command for remote administration. Now I just need to verify that my activity on the remote PC is not discernible beyond a recorded blip on the security log in event viewer.
Wed, 11-12-2008, 06:08 PM
Happily these sorts of problems encourage you to learn new things. I just learned about the taskkill command for remote administration. Now I just need to verify that my activity on the remote PC is not discernible beyond a recorded blip on the security log in event viewer.
Yeah, that guy brought this on himself. Just hope you can set things straight without getting fired. Would it do anything to lodge a complaint to your superiors?
My stomach is being a bitch again. Nuff said.
We just did Ulcerative Colitus this semester. Nasty shit dude. Meds not working for you or something? Hope you get better Ryouga.
Fri, 11-14-2008, 09:35 PM
One of those days....
Dad decides I'm "spending too much time on the net", so decides to pull the phone cable out of the modem in his room whenever he's sleeping or gone out. He goes on to say depending on how things go, he might cancel the internet.
Anyway, I brainstormed 4 options I could take depending on how things turned out, two of which were not legally possible. I confirmed with our ISP.
So basically, my two options are:
1) Purchase another wireless ADSL modem/router and place it hidden behind a cupboard where there's also a phone socket. I've got full access to our ISP account and all, as well as admin rights to all the computers and routers, so during downtimes, I can activate this connection while the other's down.
If a) option 1 fails, or b) household internet is taken off, then I'll have to resort to a more costly alternative.
Option 2) Start up an ADSL account at uni using the UNI's ISP. I can link this additional quota with my regular Student Quota, so I don't need an address. Problem is I need to access this at school. Given school computers all have program access rights and restrictions, I'll also have to purchase a laptop for downloading stuff. I'm pretty sure I'm allowed to use my account for non-educational use as long as I purchased an ADSL account. I almost got filed in for misconduct one time because of that :p
Thing is, Uni's ISP charges are ridiculous, and I'm not sure how reliable P2P is through their proxy, so depending on how things go, I may have to resort to IRC. And then I still have the issue of internet at home. If it all goes down this way, I may be spending a LOT of time at uni soon :p
On the other hand, I have a few movies I want to download. My ISP gives us free traffic on Christmas, so that's all good. Problem is the torrents go so slowly that they won't finish in a day, and I don't think I'll have enough spare quota to finish them if that happens. I rarely have spare quota at the end of the month after all the anime downloads.
So my only solution is to spend my quota downloading those movies now, and hold off a large portion of the current airing shows till Christmas. That ensures I'll have enough quota to do both, and hopefully the anime seeds will be much healthier than the movie ones, ensuring I max out my line during Xmas, finishing all my tasks.
Bitch is, Naruto just got good, I need my mecha action, Tomoya humour, Mintato fix, Chaos;Head brain scrambler, Index magic, Soul Resonance.......
These are all HD too, making my method less effective if I download them over others. *sigh*
Oh well, there's my whining for the day.
Fri, 11-14-2008, 09:57 PM
That's like....something I'd expect from someone trying to parent a 12 year old. You're old enough to be able to make your own decisions on how to spend your time. You should move out and get your own place. Problem solved!
Fri, 11-14-2008, 10:32 PM
Dear Bill,
You are welcome to come to America. Our internet sucks too (compared to the so-called "third world") but at least we don't have quotas that are unbearably low, if at all. There is plenty of low-cost food (made from 90% corn/corn syrup) to make you fat and your intestines cry. We also have a blatant disrespect for others in nearly every situation. Fortunately, we don't usually have to shut down deserts to prevent tourists from killing themselves in the heat, but we do have rough weather, and more natural disasters than any other country on Earth.
All of our drivers are morons, when it gets dark and when it rains, except for me ;) .
Rent can be had for cheap, because our economy is headed towards the toilet.
We also neighbor Canada, known for hockey and nicer people, and Mexico, known destinations for the people mentioned above with a blatant disrespect for all others.
Best wishes,
- ad hoc Embassador to the American Empire
PS: The only reason I learned IRC was because my university started to ban torrents (and eventually succeeded, we couldn't connect to the trackers).
Did I forget to mention that we too have an oppressively morally conservative nanny-state of a goverment?
Fri, 11-14-2008, 11:00 PM
@Kitkat: Moving out...that's happening as soon as I graduate and get a decent job that's stable and pays decent. If home's not too bad then, I might even consider staying at home for a while longer to build up some cash.
I can't afford to be impulsive. In fact, I can't afford much of anything right now :o
@Ryll: Ah, the American Empire. It's a very tempting offer, and I'd seriously consider it if I had all the connections and money to do it. What am I saying, the ad hoc Embassador's got my back, all that's left's the money :D
From what I heard, the US is going more and more towards capped plans, so it's only a matter of time I think. Perhaps the only good thing that's come out of having capped accounts is that we pay for everything, and the companies know it. I haven't heard of anyone doing P2P traffic shaping, and they're generally unco-operative with handing out customer details to copyright activists.
After all, in a world where we pay for downloads, businesses want us to download. What better way to make money than from torrent overheads :D
As for my earlier bitch, it's going to be wait and see. Dad's always been all bark and no bite, but this time he bit. Once.
Wait and see......
Sat, 11-15-2008, 12:26 AM
I can't afford to be impulsive. In fact, I can't afford much of anything right now :o
Well, I can understand that. I would probably live at my parents' house too if they weren't on the other side of the continent. As it stands, I can't afford my tuition for next semester. My sister has given me some really good tips on dumpster diving for groceries, so I'm going to give that a try. And no, I'm not joking. If I find some good dumpstering spots, I'm hoping to bring my monthly food bill down to $20.
Sat, 11-15-2008, 01:09 AM
Just tell your parents the story of Brandon Crisp (
Sat, 11-15-2008, 03:46 AM
My sister has given me some really good tips on dumpster diving for groceries, so I'm going to give that a try. And no, I'm not joking. If I find some good dumpstering spots, I'm hoping to bring my monthly food bill down to $20.
I read this my freshman year of college. Perhaps you'll find it useful?
On Dumpster Diving (
Really amazing how much good food gets thrown away.
Sat, 11-15-2008, 06:08 AM
my brother is so goddamn suffocating...
Sat, 11-15-2008, 06:13 AM
From what I heard, the US is going more and more towards capped plans, so it's only a matter of time I think. Perhaps the only good thing that's come out of having capped accounts is that we pay for everything, and the companies know it. I haven't heard of anyone doing P2P traffic shaping, and they're generally unco-operative with handing out customer details to copyright activists.
The caps here aren't really that bad. They've always been there, they are just finally admitting that they are using them, which is a better thing. I've been locked down few times, and my ISP isn't even one the ones publically accused of traffic shaping. 250 gigs is a lot today, and they will get a lot of hell from angry customers if they don't scale that when the time comes, but for the average user, they'll never reach it.
At least we don't have any intentions of a nationwide plan for internet censorship in order to "save the children."
I know it is the wrong thread, but the response from the head of iiNet, 'Sure, we'll use it, and report each and every time how much it consistently sucks,' made me smile.
Sat, 11-15-2008, 12:07 PM
I read this my freshman year of college. Perhaps you'll find it useful?
On Dumpster Diving (
Really amazing how much good food gets thrown away.
Wow, I couldn't help cringing repeatedly while reading this article. I've always wondered how an otherwise sane person could let themselves fall into homelessness and living on the streets. Before it gets that bad, maybe get a job at McDonald's?
Sadly with the current economic problems we're facing, this dumpster diving article will come in handy for more and more people. Of course, conversely it will lead to more people being less wasteful when throwing food out. It's a catch-22 situation that's best avoided by sound financial planning and living within your means.
Death BOO Z
Sat, 11-15-2008, 12:39 PM
wow, I'm speechless. I can't imagine myself doing so, but this guy makes it sound so reasonable..
I am horrified to discover the kind of paper that now merits an A in an undergraduate course
also, can I pass an opportunity to link a webcomic? No (
Sat, 11-15-2008, 12:50 PM
Jesus Christ, literally half of those panels didn't need to be there.
I kept waiting for the punchline to come, and it wouldn't.
Sat, 11-15-2008, 12:54 PM
Ha, I was thinking the same thing. He really milked it to death. None of it was really clever or funny either.
Reading about dumpster diving is making me feel guilty for the vast amount of good stuff I throw out all the time. Unfortunately that's the result of constant electronics/PC hardware upgrades and tinkering. Plus, it's either trash it or pack-rat it, and with my mobile lifestyle, pack-ratting isn't really an option.
I do however, clean my plate when eating. Bad side-effect is being overweight, but at least I'm not wasting food.
I love how the otaku fanboy at the end of the strip has a Japanese flag on the wall. Classic.
Mon, 11-17-2008, 12:26 AM
We also neighbor Canada, known for hockey and nicer people, and Mexico, known destinations for the people mentioned above with a blatant disrespect for all others.
Ah... the good old Spring Breakers... always willing to leave dollars on our land, all the while acting like the total morons they are, and can't show while on their suppresive land.
Not that I care, since I never go there :D
Wed, 11-19-2008, 04:20 PM
I ordered a package last Tuesday (11/11). Books, a game, some manga, etc. The package shipped Friday morning (11/14). It still hasn't gotten here.
Now, that alone is not much of a reason to bitch. The US Postal Service isn't particularly known for speedy package delivery when you get free shipping. They don't really move anything of note around on Saturday or Sunday.
But...the origin of shipping was within my own state. That for reference, is less than 200 miles. I travel half of that to work and back each day. In 3 and a half days, the package has not apparently moved one fucking mile.
I keep looking for it when I get back home every day and it's not there. I am absolutely confounded how it is possible to not be here by now. Every day it isn't there, I get more and more pissed off. I have ordered sets of speakers and gotten free shipping from the same company [Amazon]...and they've come from China faster.
Wed, 11-19-2008, 05:25 PM
LOL. Story of my life Ryll.
I ofter order Figures from Japan (HLJ). They arrive at Mexico City, all the way from Japan, in 4 days. Then from Mexico City to Monterrey they take another 7 days... amazing! not...
Thu, 11-20-2008, 12:23 PM
Dear Bill,
You are welcome to come to America. etc. etc.
So Ryllharu, do you have some sort of false sense of entitlement, or are you just a hopeless cynic?
Thu, 11-20-2008, 05:14 PM
Ryll - at least your package will be delivered, compared to polish postal system. Packages often goes "missing", and post-guy just deliver notice that package has arrived(the one that should be put when there in no one home) and you have to go to nearest postal office and wait 1h in queue.
And i envy you guys, paypal works for your countries and you can buy stuff directly from japan. I would love to get some anime-gear, but only way to do this is to have friends in other countries, UK would be best or US, and make the order it and send it to you(of course you will pay them for it). In Poland is only 1 internet shop with anime figures, and if there is only one shop of its own kind prices go sky-high... in fact I'm more interested in other stuff than figures but still...
Thu, 11-20-2008, 05:38 PM
There is more then just paypal... play-asia uses moneybookers as well
Mon, 11-24-2008, 07:20 PM
I experienced a technological cascade failure today at work.
My computer died first. Definite hardware failure. Two of the diagnostic lights blazing fiercely, and beep code blaring. So I call the outside contractor (actually a division of our parent company...) that handles our IT at around 8:30. They give me a ticket number and I wait for a tech to show up.
So with little else to do, I ask my cubemate to print me out some documents so I can read through them, better than nothing.
And I wait.
So, after lunch, I decide to give them another call and see why no one has been by to check out my computer.
Phone's dead.
Somewhere between 8:30 and 12:45, my phone died. Not the phone (checked by plugging into a nearby line) but the line. I make another call from an unused phone and get my service ticket expedited. A nearby secretary puts in a service request on my phone for me.
Apparently, the techs had been calling me to see if I was available all morning. Guy shows up at 3pm, right around when I was going to leave, but I'm happy as hell to see him. We check out the beep codes with my cubemate's functional computer.
Motherboard is toast. Fantastic.
Mon, 11-24-2008, 07:43 PM
Dead computer and dead phone.
You sure your boss is not trying to 'tell' you something? Lol. Just kidding.
That sure sucks Ryll.
I've been there. My computer had to be formatted 4 months ago because it crashed. Fortunately my data was saveable. But damn it... if I had free access I know I could have repaired the laptop without formatting... stupid support.
Mon, 11-24-2008, 08:16 PM
Haha, I actually asked the secretary if I was being fired, half in jest (she has access to some of the HR databases).
I was still in the Time Management System (like a time clock, but manages budget charge numbers as well), so I hadn't been fired.:p
Tue, 12-02-2008, 10:31 AM
Just started watching Macross Frontier and I'm very disappointed after all the rave reviews, mostly from viewers here on GW. It's typical Japanimation these days, using a familiar world and archetypal characters with little character development. I guess they assume you already know the characters, like the brooding diamond in the rough, the mega super starlet who is completely accessible to her fans, the sweet kid sister who is 18 but looks and acts 12, etc. The animation is a mix of CGI mechs and poorly drawn characters that lack detail. At least the backgrounds are somewhat detailed.
I think it's even worse because these are bastardizations of the original characters, but completely unlikeable. The storyline feels like you've been dropped into the middle of the story with no reference points and random events that won't make sense until episode 20.
I'm on episode 3 and I doubt I'll finish past 4.
Tue, 12-02-2008, 10:55 AM
I wasn't too keen on the animation and plot as well, but I loved the songs, which were awesome.
Tue, 12-02-2008, 12:24 PM
I liked mostly the space battles. The songs started to get old after they have been replayed 85 times. And the plot certainly wasn't the strong point of the show.
Tue, 12-02-2008, 01:17 PM
Just started watching Macross Frontier and I'm very disappointed after all the rave reviews, mostly from viewers here on GW. It's typical Japanimation these days, using a familiar world and archetypal characters with little character development. I guess they assume you already know the characters, like the brooding diamond in the rough, the mega super starlet who is completely accessible to her fans, the sweet kid sister who is 18 but looks and acts 12, etc. The animation is a mix of CGI mechs and poorly drawn characters that lack detail. At least the backgrounds are somewhat detailed.
I think it's even worse because these are bastardizations of the original characters, but completely unlikeable. The storyline feels like you've been dropped into the middle of the story with no reference points and random events that won't make sense until episode 20.
I'm on episode 3 and I doubt I'll finish past 4.
Until you watch the very last episode, and you realize how awesome it looks that the rest of the series didn't even matter!
Wed, 12-03-2008, 02:37 PM
Looks like my 1TB external hard drive is dying. Doesn't make many sounds and appears to be working fine, but randomly stops a few select files when I watch them off it, especially the recently downloaded ones. Downloading is never a problem. Most of the files are easily downloadable(tv series and anime), I doubt I'll bother copying it to another drive, not to mention I don't have space for it anywhere. Sometimes it starts making sounds, but just restarting it removes the problem. 200Gb left of space on it. Bought it two and a half years ago or something. Still sad though.
Wed, 12-03-2008, 04:57 PM
Lucky you, I have 2 old ass drives that total 150 gigs only =(
Wed, 12-03-2008, 06:22 PM
Looks like my 1TB external hard drive is dying. Doesn't make many sounds and appears to be working fine, but randomly stops a few select files when I watch them off it, especially the recently downloaded ones. Downloading is never a problem. Most of the files are easily downloadable(tv series and anime), I doubt I'll bother copying it to another drive, not to mention I don't have space for it anywhere. Sometimes it starts making sounds, but just restarting it removes the problem. 200Gb left of space on it. Bought it two and a half years ago or something. Still sad though.
What brand is it? I've been looking into a 1TB external drive myself, and the reviews for MyBooks seems to be split 50/50 between ultra-reliability and uber-fail. Wondered what your make was?
Thu, 12-04-2008, 06:47 AM
What brand is it? I've been looking into a 1TB external drive myself, and the reviews for MyBooks seems to be split 50/50 between ultra-reliability and uber-fail. Wondered what your make was?
It was a Fantom Drives Gforce Megadisk. It has worked great up to now. It wasn't as bad as I thought, it still works now.. just randomly disconnecting, which is extremely annoying. Didn't buy it from there, but that's the one.
Board of Command
Fri, 12-05-2008, 11:40 PM
My exam today was a triple anal raping.
Fri, 12-05-2008, 11:51 PM
<...Visualises triple anal raping...>
What subject was it BoC?
Board of Command
Sat, 12-06-2008, 01:07 AM
Linear Systems and Signals
Fourier Transforms, Laplace transforms, Z-transforms, filter designs, magnitude/phase sketching...etc.
Most of my classmates feel the same way. The prof made this year's exam way harder than before. I studied a lot and felt ready, but it turns out that nothing could have prepared me for that ordeal. It was ridiculous.
Sat, 12-06-2008, 10:49 AM
Reminds me of Algorythm Analysis... (programming languages wise...)
Board of Command
Sat, 12-06-2008, 12:50 PM
Algorithm-wise, you probably did Fast Fourier Transforms. We only did the standard stuff.
Sun, 12-07-2008, 07:10 AM
Two hours ago I ate 3 mega-heaped plates of pasta.
I feel like I'm going to burst (>o<)"
Sun, 12-07-2008, 09:04 AM
Learning German is pain in ass for me, especially when there is guitar near me and 3 episodes and half series of anime waiting.
Death BOO Z
Sun, 12-07-2008, 06:59 PM
Art teachers: they have become far too rude for their position. they actually make kids bring A3 pictures of themselves and tell their students to buy the 'blue' brand of drawing pencils and not the 'red' brand. back in my days, art-class was the time where you goof around for two hours, and then the teacher leaves the room crying in the third one, because she has realized that she'll never amount to be neither an influential artist nor an inspiring teacher, and she'll always be sub-mediocre. and that would happen every week, every year until high-school.
also, people who buy shitty Mp3\4 players. what's wrong with them? is a 30$ discount a good enough reason to buy a complete shit player? sure, for the price of Sansa-clip you can buy an mp4 in the local language that promises the moon, but you're going to come to the store twice a week with complains, and have it spend at least two months a year shipping...
just put out a few more NIS and get something decent, dumbasses. and those are the people who buy an IPhone just to be 'IN!'. dumb cunts.
Edit: beer. spell check.
Sun, 12-07-2008, 08:31 PM
also, people who buy shitty Mp3\4 players. what's wrong with them?
My mom wanted an Ipod for her birthday, but my brother and I didn't want to spend the money on one that we knew she wouldn't use. We bought her a Samsung MP3 player for almost literally half the price and she never used it again after about 2 months. Money well saved, in my opinion.
Sun, 12-07-2008, 11:24 PM
Art teachers: they have become far too rude for their position. they actually make kids bring A3 pictures of themselves and tell their students to buy the 'blue' brand of drawing pencils and not the 'red' brand. back in my days, art-class was the time where you goof around for two hours, and then the teacher leaves the room crying in the third one, because she has realized that she'll never amount to be neither an influential artist nor an inspiring teacher, and she'll always be sub-mediocre. and that would happen every week, every year until high-school.
yeah! how dare teachers try to take their subjects seriously and actually attempt to make something meaningful out of their careers! and they are getting very particular about what they want. i mean, it's not like the rest of the teachers are doing the exact same thing or anything!
Mon, 12-08-2008, 04:21 AM
The last art teacher I remember was a real artist. He had an opinion in everything and ruined some student works because he apparently couldn't swallow a student coming up with something he wouldn't have suggested (happened to me as well). At one point it was found out he had used the town hall's colour photocopier (this was before really good personal colour printers were that common) to make clones of some of his paintings and sold them as originals to different people for easy extra money. Shortly after he drove his tractor to a river with final consequences.
Mon, 12-08-2008, 09:51 AM
Lemme tell ya, that shit sounds like high school art class to me... you know, with the teachers being all like "you should use this type of pencil". In fact, back in high school I remember the teacher for drawing class insisted that we go out and get those Ebony pencils for the class. Of course, they were like less than a buck each, and had a nice wide semisoft lead that was just amazingly good for shading, but .... damn that teacher for making me spend a buck on the right tools for the job!
At my university, art classes were serious business though. You take the basic freshman-level art and design class and you just signed up for 10-15 hours of homework a week and about $250 in supplies. Lots of people who take that class end up taking a GPA hit because of it because they think "oh, art classes are easy A's like they were in high school"...
Mon, 12-08-2008, 10:41 AM
I've always felt that if a teacher or company has particular requirements of its students or employees that they provide the tools needed.
Art is a tricky subject to place requirements on the tools you use to create with, particularly if they demand you use a particular company's products. If the desired effect is shading then the true test of artistic ability should be able to create the effect using whatever tool is at hand, not a particular brand or type of tool.
Since it seems we're talking about low level art classes for beginners, it's even more ludicrous to require they purchase specific art supplies.
Mon, 12-08-2008, 11:22 AM
it is ludicrous. but the thing is, it's not just art teachers. all teachers are getting like that, even in elementary school. you should see some of the school supply lists we at staples get from schools during back to school. you have to get the "venus" brand of pencil, and it has to be a 2" blue binder, not a 3" or a red one, and only smilemaker crayons will do, etc etc. my point was that it's unfair to come down on only art teachers for something they're not alone in doing.
hmmm, i started to agree that university art teachers should supply the tools needed for their courses, but then i realized that med and biochem and organic chem students have to buy their own lab coats and scrubs and dissection kits and molecular model kits, and not to mention the cost of textbooks, so i think the point is moot.
Mon, 12-08-2008, 12:01 PM
I think university level anything requires you buy your own stuff, like textbooks and supplies. But high school and below, especially elementary school, shouldn't require specific anything for any class. That's what we pay local taxes for, so schools can afford the materials they need for students, among other things.
Mon, 12-08-2008, 01:37 PM
Wow, teacers demand that in US? Thank god that its not the same in Poland.
Getting back to that god damned annoying and uninteresting German language... God i hate it.
Mon, 12-08-2008, 02:08 PM
I've always wanted to learn the German language. Along with Japanese, it has this authoritative quality to it that can make it command and terrify without raising your voice or waving a gun. Also similar to Japanese, it has words that embody concepts, like spannungsbogen and fahrvergnugen. We need more of those in the English language.
Death BOO Z
Mon, 12-08-2008, 05:48 PM
I've got the "how to speak German" mp3s somewhere.. I could never take the time listening to all of them.
just to make myself clear, I couldn't care less if art teachers asked their students to use endangered species feathers as paintbrushes. I just wish the students wouldn't come at the middle of the rush hour and make me spend ten minutes looking for the right 'red' pencil and the good level of brightness in the A3 copy (stupid photocopy! I wish the damn machine was destroyed!). one of my co-workers is an art student herself, and she says that higher level art classes are even bigger douches. but that's acceptable, since that's what they're paid for.
my biff is with elementary school art teachers that make their student (most of them still single digits in age) buy all sorts of crap.
also, I'm annoyed by people who don't realize that when you pay for a product of a brand that costs half the price of the brand you've heard about. you're going to get that kind of quality. jerk fucks. don't believe the salesman. he has no idea what he's talking about.
I guess this is the week of non-stop bitching for me.
Mon, 12-08-2008, 06:58 PM
I've always wanted to learn the German language. Along with Japanese, it has this authoritative quality to it that can make it command and terrify without raising your voice or waving a gun. Also similar to Japanese, it has words that embody concepts, like spannungsbogen and fahrvergnugen. We need more of those in the English language.
English has plenty of words that embody concepts which are not present in other languages.
Also you forgot to mention Schadenfreude.
Board of Command
Mon, 12-08-2008, 10:16 PM
You mean like douche?
Mon, 12-08-2008, 11:51 PM
English has plenty of words that embody concepts which are not present in other languages.
Name 25 or your argument has no merit.
Tue, 12-09-2008, 02:15 PM
As a Polish guy i have something like "mental blockade" against German language, well you know, 2 world wars, 3 complete occupation of our country, Teutonic order wars etc. have took its toll on our minds and influence our hate for this language.
Now I wish I took Spanish(I played tibia that time(don't kill me please) and had a very big aversion for Spanish, and now I'm paying for it.
I would give a lot to have my school let me take my additional Japanese lessons(not in school) into account instead of German.
Sun, 12-14-2008, 04:22 AM
Name 25 or your argument has no merit.
I know that several indigenous American languages don't have certain familiar terms, like "cousin" or "aunt". Obviously I don't know every language so I can't give you a list, but if I find more examples consider them posted.
Mon, 12-15-2008, 09:41 AM
So, my 360 red ringed for the 2nd time already. Jesus christ, these boxes are so fucking poorly made. I hardly even play the damn thing. I probably clocked in like an hour in the last 2 weeks.
Mon, 12-15-2008, 02:09 PM
Well, since they are easily modable they must have some flaw to have legitimate reason for microsoft to check for mods.
Mon, 12-15-2008, 06:32 PM
So, my 360 red ringed for the 2nd time already. Jesus christ, these boxes are so fucking poorly made. I hardly even play the damn thing. I probably clocked in like an hour in the last 2 weeks.
Is it an older version 360 produced before 2007? I just got mine in the mail so I'm just wondering if the newer ones still have problems.
Mon, 12-15-2008, 10:26 PM
Is it an older version 360 produced before 2007? I just got mine in the mail so I'm just wondering if the newer ones still have problems.
Not sure tbh, but I did buy it last year, September '07. It was the Premium, but who knows it could've been back in the store for a long time or some crap.
Tue, 12-16-2008, 09:57 AM
And people wonder how Microsoft has sold over 5 millon more units than Sony's PS3.
Half of the units have red-ringed probably :o
Tue, 12-16-2008, 10:36 AM
Indeed, and warranty is void because of modding, but those guys had some xbox games and they want to play it online so they got another one...
Tue, 12-16-2008, 12:41 PM
I knew something was up when Microsoft first announced the original XBox. It's taken them nearly a decade, but finally their insidious business plan comes to light. I say we have not seen the end of this...
Devious, indeed.
Sat, 12-20-2008, 10:06 PM
Decided to finally finish eternal sonata, booted it up, load game.....load failed............................................ ......................25 hours in, lvl 50, right at the end of the game..............
This fucking sucks.
Can't even copy or move the save game to my mem unit, it fails right at the last 90%, giving me a simple "cannot perform action". UGH
Sun, 12-21-2008, 05:39 AM
O Shi... that is just evil, i would not wish this to anyone, and i know the pain(i lost my FF VII save just at beginning of disk 3)
Death BOO Z
Sun, 12-21-2008, 06:02 PM
a woman came into the store today and asked for a diary, she then asked if we have monthly diaries.
I told her that around these parts we call thing a calendar.
The Heretic Azazel
Sun, 12-21-2008, 08:17 PM
I don't know why you're bitching about it... some funny shit though.
I just my old job back since I'm going back to school, which I have to commute an hour to everyday. I was hoping to find a roommate and it's getting really irritating that I can't.
Dark Dragon
Sun, 12-21-2008, 11:58 PM
I pretty much kept myself on lockdown for the last 2 weeks or so.
The reason? I was unfortunate enough to pick an accounting teacher that decided to notify us about the project 1 1/2 weeks before finals. The project required us to use Peachtree (an accounting program) and it must never occurred to him that most college students never even heard of this program before, let alone use it.
The program isn't exactly hard to use, but the issue was learning to use it on top of having to study for all of the finals at the same time. The "tutorial" session on how to use the program was conducted by the librarian who probably looked at the instruction manual an hour before said session.
Needless to say, it took me forever to complete this project which consist 2 accounting period with approximately 80 transactions per period and 10 other items that is required (half of which had to be done manually since we're not allow to use the version that the program produce). By the time i was done with this, there was about 3 days left until finals which left me just enough time to cram for it.
Fast forward to Wednesday of this week. I woke up, ate and then went out with some friends to celebrate finals being over. At around 5 PM i came home and was planning to relax, do some web-surfing and maybe play a few games. I went to turn on my computer and the light came on for 1 second before shutting off again. The reason that this happened was because my Power Supply shorted out, right on the first day of my winter break.
The best place that i could think of to get a replacement with my local directron since they happen to have a good Power Supply unit on sale. Unfortunately with my luck, the unit i wanted was out of stock so i had to wait for them to restock unless i wanted to spend an extra 40$ for one just as good.
Three days of waiting, 80 dollars and an extra day of stress testing for over-clocking later i am finally back online. Normally this wouldn't be worthy of a bitch but it had to happen right after that crappy 2 weeks and with Christmas coming up, i probably won't have anytime to myself until well after new year. I really hate it when bad stuff just decide to happen at the worst possible time
Wed, 12-24-2008, 02:39 PM
My home system's bluescreening about once a week, at times that are unpredictable and uncorrelated to any specific activity on the system, but only happen when there's some activity on the system. Pretty sure it's either the video card or the motherboard, because hdd-induced bluescreens tend to leave error messages in the system event log and these aren't. Then, it could be the proc failing in some way or another, or could be a function of some other new-ish but persistent behavior, like running several torrents off a network share instead of the local disk. Network driver bugs are also conceivable.
This annoys me because the debug process for a recurring non-inducible issue like this is tedious and uncertain.
Board of Command
Thu, 12-25-2008, 12:23 AM
Or maybe your memory's going bad.
Thu, 12-25-2008, 01:18 PM
Ugh... my computer has also been having random blue screens while on screensaver mode... to make things wierdier (sp?) they don't happen if I switch to the 'log on screen' without logging off before turning off the monitor...
Thu, 12-25-2008, 02:39 PM
Why the hell is there not a stickied thread to wish people happy birthdays in?
People's birthdays are not important to me. Make a single, official thread for that crap.
Thu, 12-25-2008, 03:07 PM
I don't think people care enough about the feelings of user from jul 2008 and 52 posts. ;o
Thu, 12-25-2008, 03:17 PM
I don't think people care enough about the feelings of user from jul 2008 and 52 posts. ;o
Especially the opinions of blatant assclowns like Stitch here. And getting called an assclown by someone like Animeniax, that means something.
Fri, 12-26-2008, 01:50 PM
That is quite true Ani. :D
Fri, 12-26-2008, 02:54 PM
Well, i'm not the one to say so but with neg rep too...
Fri, 12-26-2008, 03:49 PM
Don't you hate it when you run into some glitches in a video game? Some are avoidable, some are not. Those unavoidable ones tend to get in your way to enjoy the game. :(
Fri, 12-26-2008, 05:45 PM
Of course - we hate it. everyone does, Fallout 3, buggerfall, Dungeon Lords - great examples of annoying buggy games.
Fri, 12-26-2008, 05:47 PM
Don't you hate it when you run into some glitches in a video game? Some are avoidable, some are not. Those unavoidable ones tend to get in your way to enjoy the game. :(
I really hate it when I can't tell if it's a bug or if I'm just doing something wrong. It's usually 50/50, and looking at a walkthrough shows me what I'm doing wrong half the time.
Sun, 12-28-2008, 06:39 PM
Hate singstar... honestly really hate it
Mon, 12-29-2008, 02:27 PM
Our refrigerator just broke. I think it's 15 years old, so we got good use out of it. I'm checking prices for a new fridge and damn these things are expensive. What's worse is the number of bad reviews for brands with good reputations like Kenmore and Whirlpool.
Mon, 12-29-2008, 02:45 PM
Kenmore and Whirlpool often re-brand refrigerators and other large appliances (washers, dryers, stove tops) from other manufacturers and call them there own. I've seen several models somewhere else with Amana or LG or one of the other less famous brands and everything else is exactly the same (even the model number).
Sears and other large retailers all do this because Kenmore and Whirlpool are "signature" brands. It's not like they really make all of the products with their name stamped on it anymore.
You should try a retailer that still runs on salespeople and commissions. There's a good chance you can make out on a deal by driving the price down (especially by telling one of them what the other is offering). It might help a bit.
Tue, 12-30-2008, 12:22 AM
Thanks for the info. That sucks that you can't depend on name branding anymore. The folks bought a Whirlpool washer over a year ago and it's already on the fritz.
It's the fridge at the parents' house so it's their decision, but since the current one is kaput we didn't have time to shop around or risk having to throw out a fridge full of food when it all spoils. Currently we've placed 7 bags of ice in the fridge to keep things cool until the new one is delivered in 2 days. We went with Kenmore. They only come with 1 year warranties now.
Tue, 12-30-2008, 09:40 AM
$390 electric bill....
seriously though... I want to call and bitch to them but the last time that happened I had some lady on the other end of the phone repeatedly try to explain to me that they come and read the meter, then they come again and subtract the difference. I explained to her that I was well aware of the simple math but that it wasn't possible for 2 people to use 1500 kwh in 2 weeks in a 600 sq foot apartment.
last months was like... $190 - around 1000-1100 kwh. insanity.
seriously... we're not running a grow operation in the closet... no 500w bulbs burning 12 hours a day... not happening.
Tue, 12-30-2008, 09:42 AM
Of course - we hate it. everyone does, Fallout 3, buggerfall, Dungeon Lords - great examples of annoying buggy games.
I got fallout 3 for christmas for PS3 and it wants to update before it will play and then it fails to update after a few minutes stuck midway on the update download screen.
i messed w\ my router for a few minutes and it didn't help so i haven't touched it since.
Tue, 12-30-2008, 10:04 AM
$390 electric bill....
seriously though... I want to call and bitch to them but the last time that happened I had some lady on the other end of the phone repeatedly try to explain to me that they come and read the meter, then they come again and subtract the difference. I explained to her that I was well aware of the simple math but that it wasn't possible for 2 people to use 1500 kwh in 2 weeks in a 600 sq foot apartment.
last months was like... $190 - around 1000-1100 kwh. insanity.
seriously... we're not running a grow operation in the closet... no 500w bulbs burning 12 hours a day... not happening.
That happened a few weeks ago at home.
The idiot who took the reading wrote down 800 instead of 300 in one of the two readings (my house has two... dunno why... its been like that before I was born) so the bill was more than double than it should be.
They corrected it... after 1 week of calling them and them sending an inspector
Fri, 01-02-2009, 04:16 PM
i saw an old bill at my inlaws house and their usage for the month was like 200kwh and they have alot more room than we do.
i checked earlier and our usage is @ 45kwh/day for the past 10 days and the $390 bill was 60kwh/day. Maybe the kitten is playing w\ the oven while i'm at work.
todays bitch : why can't every week be a 4 day work week? i would definately put in 10 hour days if wednesday or thursday was a day off.
Fri, 01-02-2009, 04:22 PM
You'd be less productive in the last 2 hours of the 10 hour days, so it would basically be giving you a day off each week, which would ruin a company. Believe me, I work 12 hour days and a good 6 hours of each day is wasted time.
Fri, 01-02-2009, 06:53 PM
12 hours a day? damn that's hard.
Fri, 01-02-2009, 08:46 PM
You get used to it, especially since you only really work 4-6 hours a day. Having to be accountable for 12 hours a day sucks. I don't know how I'll go back to 8 hour work days only 5 days a week.
Sat, 01-03-2009, 10:30 AM
It's raining ice, and your electricity goes out for a week. Now, you have to move to an apartment or hotel or get a power generator. That was pretty hectic.
Sat, 01-03-2009, 10:34 AM
Ouch, that's bad.
It would not be such a big problem for me and my parents(we got power generator(diesel one) in basement prepared for their caravaning trips), but damn - its just purely bad.
Sat, 01-03-2009, 10:35 AM
The noise it generates is too much already, not to mention the fumes that build up within the garage, even if you leave the door and windows opened.
Sat, 01-03-2009, 05:21 PM
It's raining ice.
As's hailing?
Sat, 01-03-2009, 05:57 PM
As's hailing?
That wasn't the case, fortunately, or else it would have done a lot more damage than the icy rainstorm. It was basically rain, but since it was below freezing at the time, as soon as it hit something, it would freeze. The weight of the acculumated ice would drag the power line down, causing it to collaspe and cause blackouts. Mines lasted for a week.
Sat, 01-03-2009, 06:51 PM
Interesting. That's something I new I've learnt, since it never goes below freezing here.
Sun, 01-04-2009, 12:18 AM
Interesting. That's something I new I've learnt, since it never goes below freezing here.
Freezing rain, another feature of the Northern Hemisphere (specifically the 41~42nd Parallel North) that you Southern Hemisphere Softies will never experience. The joy of spinning in your car at 20 mph...
At least you have us beat on poisonous creatures (namely, all wildlife in Oz).
Sun, 01-04-2009, 01:04 AM
And lack of water. We're possibly the 1st First World country to have a drought in recent generations. We get bushfires too, though probably not as bad as the US.
Sun, 01-04-2009, 01:45 AM
You get used to it, especially since you only really work 4-6 hours a day. Having to be accountable for 12 hours a day sucks. I don't know how I'll go back to 8 hour work days only 5 days a week.
I used to work like that. 12 hours a day, 6 days a week. Until I abandoned IT (where I was a 'Junior Tester') and went to Process (where now I am a Process Implementator).
Now I get to make the IT people work while I only work 9 hours a day, 5 days a week. :D
Sun, 01-04-2009, 02:32 PM
Disconnections! How many times have you guys encountered this?
So, you're playing an online game with your friends, and is coming close to winning, then all of a sudden, you're disconnected. How do you guys feel about those, or have you not gotten one in a long time, as in, a very stable connection?
Sun, 01-04-2009, 02:48 PM
None for a very long time, most of the time other guy lags-out than me.
Still - no matter who lags out - its very annoying.
Sun, 01-04-2009, 06:40 PM
Logged in..... logged out.....Duration......Reason......IP you dialled....Session IP
22 Mar 22:33__23 Mar 00:07 __ 1:35 __Normal Termination
22 Mar 21:23 __22 Mar 22:37 __1:15 __Normal Termination
22 Mar 20:52 __22 Mar 21:28 __0:37 __Normal Termination
22 Mar 20:09 __22 Mar 20:56 __0:48 __Normal Termination
22 Mar 19:55 __22 Mar 20:14__0:19 __Normal Termination
22 Mar 19:34__22 Mar 20:00 ___0:26 __Normal Termination
22 Mar 16:44 __22 Mar 19:38 __2:55 __Normal Termination
22 Mar 13:41 __22 Mar 16:49 __3:09 __Normal Termination
22 Mar 13:39 __22 Mar 13:45 __0:06 __Normal Termination
22 Mar 12:02 __22 Mar 13:43 __1:42 __Normal Termination
22 Mar 11:39__22 Mar 12:07 __0:29 __Normal Termination
22 Mar 10:27 __22 Mar 11:44 __1:18 __Normal Termination
22 Mar 10:14 __22 Mar 10:31 __0:17 __Normal Termination
22 Mar 10:05 __22 Mar 10:18 __0:14 __Normal Termination
22 Mar 10:03 __22 Mar 10:09 __0:06 __Normal Termination
22 Mar 09:59 __22 Mar 10:08 __0:09 __Normal Termination
22 Mar 09:47 __22 Mar 10:02 __0:16 __Normal Termination
22 Mar 08:58 __22 Mar 09:51 __0:54 __Normal Termination
22 Mar 08:21 __22 Mar 09:03 __0:43 __Normal Termination
22 Mar 07:22 __22 Mar 08:25 __1:04 __Normal Termination
22 Mar 07:09 __22 Mar 07:27 __0:19 __Normal Termination
22 Mar 07:06 __22 Mar 07:14 __0:08 __Normal Termination
22 Mar 00:58 __22 Mar 07:09 __6:12 __Normal Termination
I've had my share instability :(
It happens infrequently, but can last for weeks when it happens. ISP hasn't been useful diagnosing the problem.
Death BOO Z
Sun, 01-04-2009, 06:49 PM
a man walked in the store today, turns out he's a self-proclaimed graphologist (remember how I was abused as a child by tarot cards?) , and his kick is to walk between stores and make an analysis of people (mostly clerks) based on their signature (or whatever single word they scribble for him to exam). and since I'm the 'new guy' around the store, it was my turn.
what can I say? my eulogy will have less compliments, turns out that my half-assed scribble means I'm fit for managing careers, have great perception of people and am in complete control of how I react.
so, he started out nice, saying things everybody wants to hear and hardly no one will object. but then he got greedy, and started speaking about my relationships with girls. I haven't posted in the 'let terra fix up the shit in your love-life thread' in a long time for a reason...
not so much of a bitch, much rather a rant about people... also, after seeing that guy try to use astrology personality analysis on me (result- fail). I have renewed belief that tarrot cards, astrology, teapot reading, karma-perception and whatnot are complete crap.
and also, if someone doesn't say that every method of 'spirituality' other than his own is crap, then he doesn't believe in it himself.
Sun, 01-04-2009, 09:29 PM
Usually, you believe what you want to believe, any basis of ideal life. People make a living off those predictions, it seems.
so, he started out nice, saying things everybody wants to hear and hardly no one will object. but then he got greedy, and started speaking about my relationships with girls. I haven't posted in the 'let terra fix up the shit in your love-life thread' in a long time for a reason...
That's pretty jackassery of him to do that. What did you do afterwards?
Mon, 01-05-2009, 02:34 AM
That's pretty jackassery of him to do that. What did you do afterwards?
I bet DBZ forced him to buy something really expensive but completely useless.
Wed, 01-07-2009, 01:14 PM
I'm slightly annoyed at how my dye job didn't turn out as purple as I wanted. It only shows up in the light.
And now I'm wondering if I should've left it on longer...Tch, now I might have to re-dye.
Pain the ass...
Wed, 01-07-2009, 04:03 PM
I'm slightly annoyed at how my dye job didn't turn out as purple as I wanted. It only shows up in the light.
And now I'm wondering if I should've left it on longer...Tch, now I might have to re-dye.
Pain the ass...
That sucks I witness that alot of times, is your hair naturally a dark color? may be you should use a higher volume while mixing the color, the higher the volume the stronger the the color agent is.
Wed, 01-07-2009, 04:18 PM
I ordered acekard2 for DS, i just seen some awesome homebrew stuff(doom, quake, duke nukem, DSorganize etc) but the courier fucked up, they say that they left me notice(called awizo here), 3 times, but courier was never here.
Wed, 01-07-2009, 07:57 PM
What do you guys think about hacks? I think it serves a good and a bad purpose:
- To be able to research locked materials that weren't known to communities before, and/or try to frabricate the provided resources.
- Sadly, hacks can ruin a person's gaming experience by manipulating the game aspect. Turning off Fog of War or have Auto-Headshots is really painful to endure.
Wed, 01-07-2009, 08:06 PM
I just don't like them period. It ruins gameplay. I really don't care if they play around with it on their own, but bringing it into "secure servers" makes things suck. It's one of the reasons I don't play F.E.A.R anymore.
I don't know who I should be more frustrated at, the hackers, or the supposed Valve Anti Cheat and other policing entities who are supposed to catch them.
Wed, 01-07-2009, 08:13 PM
Comparing the Valve Anti-Cheat with Blizzard Warden, I would say the latter has proven to be worthy, since it did catch over 100,000 users with hacks. :D
Wed, 01-07-2009, 08:20 PM
hacks are just lame. I remember wasting so much time playing starcraft only to be overcome by hackers....weak sauce.
i just can't see any point in using them... may as well be playing a single player game w\ god mode on...or bouncing a tennis ball up against the wall.
Thu, 01-08-2009, 02:18 AM
Cheats in general suck. Why can't people get by on their own merits and hard work? I don't mind using cheats after I've finished a game, but cheating to beat a game just defeats the purpose of even playing. Using hacks in online games is the worst form of cheating.
Thu, 01-08-2009, 06:23 AM
Online cheating/glitching has no meaning whatsoever. Cheating = losing. However, I'm not opposed to cheating when playing alone, especially in action games. I remember having so much fun with a gameshark back in the PS1 days with the Resident Evil games. The amount of stuff you can do is amazing.
Thu, 01-08-2009, 09:38 AM
That sucks I witness that alot of times, is your hair naturally a dark color? may be you should use a higher volume while mixing the color, the higher the volume the stronger the the color agent is.
yeah, it is. ^^; After I dyed it, it's only purple in the light. Bright light...
I thought I'd try leaving the dye on longer, but your idea sounds good.Thanks. =) I'll do a test dye later this afternoon (please let it work...)
Thu, 01-08-2009, 10:04 AM
Cheats are bad, but idea of finding glitches its pretty good. unless you use them in normal online game. I was one of "Climbers" of CoD2, i had known glitches how to get to room with see through walls, invincible spot from which you can shoot, very high hidden sniping spot etc. it was really fun - but i weren't using them in normal game - it would ruin the game(especially the one invincible spot - only way to kill me is with grenades, but they also don't see me so its hard, nearly impossible).
Thu, 01-08-2009, 02:54 PM
yeah, it is. ^^; After I dyed it, it's only purple in the light. Bright light...
I thought I'd try leaving the dye on longer, but your idea sounds good.Thanks. =) I'll do a test dye later this afternoon (please let it work...)
I hope it work out to, but it should work if you try a higher volume or leaving it in a extra 10-15mins, but be careful that your hair doesn't get damage from coloring it too much :o
Thu, 01-08-2009, 03:18 PM
I left my bike in for repairs and after a week or so, I get a call. "We're done with your repairs, so you can come and pick it up anytime." I go there and see that my bike... has been transformed. "This isn't my bike." I repeated but they still insist that its my bike, since it has the tag (with my name) stuck to it.
I bring the bike home, got another call, and they said, "Sorry, but we gave you the wrong bike." I biked there and gave it back to them and got my original bike back (costed me extra). I said, "Why did it cost me extra to get my bike back?" "It looked like you were stealing that bike, so we don't wanna press charges against you." Never again, shall I visit the bike shop known as Jo's Bike Shop.
Thu, 01-08-2009, 03:26 PM
I left my bike in for repairs and after a week or so, I get a call. "We're done with your repairs, so you can come and pick it up anytime." I go there and see that my bike... has been transformed. "This isn't my bike." I repeated but they still insist that its my bike, since it has the tag (with my name) stuck to it.
I bring the bike home, got another call, and they said, "Sorry, but we gave you the wrong bike." I biked there and gave it back to them and got my original bike back (costed me extra). I said, "Why did it cost me extra to get my bike back?" "It looked like you were stealing that bike, so we don't wanna press charges against you." Never again, shall I visit the bike shop known as Jo's Bike Shop.
That sucks, If it was me I would've start a comotion but im consider a rebel so :o ,Nevertheless it wasn't your fault that you had to pay extra it was the Jo's employees who has poor judgment when it comes down to customer service. They shouldve credit you back the money free of charge for the hassle imo.
Thu, 01-08-2009, 04:17 PM
Go throw a brick through their window some night. And then send them a bill for the good brick.
Thu, 01-08-2009, 04:23 PM
Go throw a brick through their window some night. And then send them a bill for the good brick.
lol I second that :D
Thu, 01-08-2009, 04:35 PM
Great idea, and Kraco - give me one car please.
Thu, 01-08-2009, 04:53 PM
I left my bike in for repairs and after a week or so, I get a call. "We're done with your repairs, so you can come and pick it up anytime." I go there and see that my bike... has been transformed. "This isn't my bike." I repeated but they still insist that its my bike, since it has the tag (with my name) stuck to it.
I bring the bike home, got another call, and they said, "Sorry, but we gave you the wrong bike." I biked there and gave it back to them and got my original bike back (costed me extra). I said, "Why did it cost me extra to get my bike back?" "It looked like you were stealing that bike, so we don't wanna press charges against you." Never again, shall I visit the bike shop known as Jo's Bike Shop.
What the fuck?
Go throw a brick through their window some night. And then send them a bill for the good brick.
Totaly! :D
In the end you could have protested though. Even dared them to press charges. After all, didn't they say "Sorry, we gave you the wrong bike?" And since when did people have to pay up for looking like they were stealing a bike?. For F*@K's sake, call the cops. Let them sort out if you're stealing the bike. Cop's job, not theirs.
But that's a hassle unless they back off. Just brick it ;)
Thu, 01-08-2009, 04:58 PM
Eh, I would have done something if my family weren't egging me to finish the task quickly and get back home. They know the situation too, but they didn't seem to care that much. Oh well.
Thu, 01-08-2009, 05:14 PM
I highly advise letting your disappointment and frustration fester for six months or so before lobbing bricks (or other, less dense but much harder to remove item) through (or against) windows. That way, they will have undoubtedly screwed someone else over by then, taking suspicion off of you (they probably have your address and number unless you paid cash).
And seriously, don't think that leaving a sarcastic note is a good idea.
(Not that I know anything about having my revenge on businesses that went out of their way to be assholes about their own incompetence. :rolleyes: )
If you must resort to immature, but no less hiliarious petty vandalism, do it wisely.
Thu, 01-08-2009, 05:28 PM
This reminds me of when my ex-gf would go to auto repair shops for service and play dumb. Then when they tried to shop-talk her into paying for unnecessary services, she'd show her true colors and embarrass them into giving her a good deal on the work she needed.
Unfortunately, I think Nadouku gets the "dumb chick" treatment, without the upside.
Thu, 01-08-2009, 05:33 PM
Sounds like you are saying form experience. I'm adding that to my PROTIP note.
I personally would prefer to make someone else do this - i just love to manipulate sometimes.
Sat, 01-10-2009, 01:50 AM
I just found out today that the class I'm supposed to be TAing (for those of you not accustomed to this short form, a TA is a teaching assistant) will likely be cancelled on Monday unless by some miracle 5 more students sign up for the course over the weekend. The department has told me that there aren't any other positions available, so if this is cancelled, I no longer have a job. Not good news for me, when I was counting on this to be able to pay my rent. Now I'm going to have to start on the long and distasteful process of applying to part-time jobs to be able to make it through the semester. I'm not angry about it, just.....really sad.
Sat, 01-10-2009, 01:56 AM
How much do you get paid for participating as a Teacher Assistant?
Sat, 01-10-2009, 09:06 AM
TA jobs are pretty hard to get because they're such a sweet deal. I think some TA jobs can go towards credit for your postgrad degree. I hope it works out for you KitKat.
I work in an IT office with lots of expensive equipment unsecured. Unfortunately I share the office with a guy from another department and he has no qualms about letting people into the office to use the phone or printer or just to get some coffee. Besides the thousands of dollars of company equipment, we both have lots of personal electronics and property laying around. I'm thinking of telling him to cut it out, and I don't want to come across as selfish or paranoid, but I'm tired of returning to my office to notice things moved and wondering what might be missing.
edit: so I decided to be a dick and when the latest guy entered my office to borrow something, I told him to get lost. I feel kind of crappy about it, but also happy that I set things straight. Unfortunately the guy works for maintenance so the next time I need help from them, this could bite me in the ass.
Sun, 01-11-2009, 08:54 PM
I am not a gambling man nor am I a football fanatic. But after a debate with a friend that is a major Eagles fan we made it bet.
The Giants lost ( horribly ) and now I am parting with a small sum of money and I have to wear an Eagles cap or sweater for an entire month.I can only imagine the shit i am going to have to put up with. But a bet is a bet and I don't go back on my word. Should be a fun month.
Mon, 01-12-2009, 09:13 AM
at least you're getting to keep your hair?
current bitch : Windows 7.... I was just curious and wanted to DL on friday when they said the beta was released but they kept posting saying they'd taken it down due to traffic and would put it back up.
well, now they have a link to download it. it brings you to the windows live login page, then to a dead page because its no longer available via microsoft. so now if i want to use it i have to get it elsewhere, which probably will be alot easier than trying to get it from MS
Tue, 01-13-2009, 09:06 AM
I bought a pair of electrical crimpers the last time I was in Japan and I thought it would be the best tool I ever bought. Sadly I was disappointed when the handles hurt my hands and the cutter dulled, and I wondered how Japanese quality and craftsmanship could fail me so badly.
So when I was in the US recently I bought a pair of Ideal brand electrical crimpers and thought these would be a perfect replacement for that "Jap crap" pair that I was ready to throw away. 30 minutes of use and the new pair was warped and the sides did not align anymore. I compared the new crimpers to the Japanese ones and the Japanese ones use twice as thick steel as the cheap ones. I used a metal file to sharpen the cutting edge and it cuts perfectly now. I also switched out the handles from the new pair to the Japanese ones and it no longer hurts my hands. I ended up throwing away the new crimper and keeping my trusty Japanese model.
That'll teach me to question the superiority of Japanese products to all others. Everyone should know learn this lesson as well. Buy Japanese.
Tue, 01-13-2009, 11:34 AM
Holy crap, U.S. Airways is the worst airline I've ever been on. The seats are about as comfortable as squashing yourself in a cushioned iron maiden, the plane itself was a rickety peice of shit, you have to pay for drinks and headphones, and the entire staff treads the line between incompetancy and disrespect. It didn't make it any better that my journey was 4 hours longer than it usually was because I had to stop over in Charlotte to catch my connecting flight.
At least I learned something new. When the plane hit the runway, and the hostess welcomed us to Charlotte, North Carlolina, I tried my very best to pretend I already knew which state Charlotte was in.
Tue, 01-13-2009, 03:49 PM
My $40 earbuds don't work anymore. It's got a couple of design faults in it which I noticed straight away. For some reason, the manufacturers thought it was a good idea to make the cord out of rubber instead of plastic. The rubbing transmits the sounds all the way up into your music. Even though it's got sound canceling silicon plugs, you still get another form of sound interference.
Rubber also means it gets yanked around alot when something brushes past, as opposed to plastic. That, combined with a poor design at the tail/pin junction meant the internal wiring is now busted after 2 months of use.
I'm just hoping there's some sort of warranty, though I doubt it. Bitch.
(FYI, these were Griffin tunebuds, and Griffin offers a 1 year limited warranty, which I'm not sure my local retailer will acknowledge. )
Tue, 01-13-2009, 05:38 PM
(FYI, these were Griffin tunebuds, and Griffin offers a 1 year limited warranty, which I'm not sure my local retailer will acknowledge. )
Surely the retailer wouldn't be selling them if they didn't acknowledge the warranty. Or maybe you need to send it to some national warranty handler. To get a new piece of faulty hardware in return...
Tue, 01-13-2009, 09:09 PM
why would the retailer do anything about a manufacturer's warranty? unless you're still within your exchange period with the retailer, you're most likely going to have to deal with the manufacturer directly. at least, that's how it works here
Thu, 01-15-2009, 05:33 PM
we got this obvious spam/phishing email yesterday w\ a zip attachment and of course this lady opens it and despite our recent upgrade to norten endpoint protection... her computer is hosed.
symantec is obviously trash. We just spent over $1000 upgrading out licensing and i'm off downloading third party free-ware off the internet to clean off her system because symantec scans and finds nothing despite the flashing wall paper and task bar items saying you're infected !!!!
its time for me to leave work but I cant because i need to have her computer up and running so she can work in the morning.
Thu, 01-15-2009, 07:27 PM
Cockroaches. Big, fat cockroaches. And it's not even time to replace the baits yet :(
Fri, 01-16-2009, 12:30 PM
they have some kind of spray that is odorless that is supposed to last for 6 months + got it at home depot
i've only seen 2-3 cockroaches in our apartment and only 1 of them was alive, the others apparently died when they came anywhere near where the spray had been sprayed.
Fri, 01-16-2009, 12:41 PM
Lol roaches, I haven't seen one in like..15 years.
Fri, 01-16-2009, 12:58 PM
Look for Bengal Tiger brand roach spray, then spray your house and leave for the day. That stuff works for 6 months (might be the same brand itadakimasu mentioned). We lived in front of a bayou growing up. Lots of critters come from there and into your house.
Just be glad you don't have German roaches. They're tiny, numerous, and impossible to get rid of without several visits from a professional pest control agent.
Sat, 01-17-2009, 07:40 PM
I finally got around to collecting all the trophies that Sonic Unleashed has to offer, but my god, why did the developers decide to put in a 30-60 minute long final stage? On top of that, the stage is like a rom-hack, where if you don't do anything within the first few seconds, you die, and again and again. - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
Sat, 01-17-2009, 07:43 PM
I just bought a dell 19in wide screen LCD monitor about 2 weeks ago and used it for less than a week. Bam! 1 dead pixel shows up. :mad: And according to Dell, you need at least 6 dead pixels for them to replace under warranty.
Sat, 01-17-2009, 08:13 PM
How rare are dead pixels these days? I've used 6 LCD monitors over the last few years without a pixel problem at all. Should I consider myself lucky, or are you the unlucky one :o?
Sat, 01-17-2009, 10:40 PM
I've read and heard its not that uncommon to get a dead/stuck pixel. You're just lucky and I am also unlucky. Its just 1 tiny pixel, but it gets on my nerves just looking at it. I need a perfect monitor! :mad:
Sat, 01-17-2009, 10:44 PM
Go poke out the other five!
Sun, 01-18-2009, 12:28 PM
I've read and heard its not that uncommon to get a dead/stuck pixel. You're just lucky and I am also unlucky. Its just 1 tiny pixel, but it gets on my nerves just looking at it. I need a perfect monitor! :mad:
Actually, none of the shitty dell monitors at my school ( we have a lot) have dead pixels, nor do mine or my friends, but those are LG's. I think you are the unlucky one ;(
Sun, 01-18-2009, 12:42 PM
Well I have a 3 year warranty. When its coming close, i'll do some modifications :p
Tue, 01-20-2009, 07:43 AM
My $40 earbuds don't work anymore. It's got a couple of design faults in it which I noticed straight away. For some reason, the manufacturers thought it was a good idea to make the cord out of rubber instead of plastic. The rubbing transmits the sounds all the way up into your music. Even though it's got sound canceling silicon plugs, you still get another form of sound interference.
Rubber also means it gets yanked around alot when something brushes past, as opposed to plastic. That, combined with a poor design at the tail/pin junction meant the internal wiring is now busted after 2 months of use.
I'm just hoping there's some sort of warranty, though I doubt it. Bitch.
(FYI, these were Griffin tunebuds, and Griffin offers a 1 year limited warranty, which I'm not sure my local retailer will acknowledge. )
I went back today and got a refund after I couldn't find a satisfactory replacement (they didn't have that model in stock). There were quite a few people at the refund/customer service desk too. QC slacked off during Xmas stockup? Who knows.
So I walked off to the Hi Fi shop with my refunded $40 and got a different pair (with reinforcements at the end of the cable) for $80 :o
I never thought I'd be willing to pay that much for earbuds. I guess once you get used to in-ear phones, you can't go back. 2 years warranty is nice though. At least I know I'll be guaranteed a fair amount of usage out of these.
For some reason, rubbery cords seems to be a feature of in-ear type earphones. Does it insulate sound better or something? There's still the rubbing sound transfer, but it's not as bad as the previous pair. Having to wear them deep(er) in doesn't help neither, since the tight fit guarantees the rubbing will be transferred to noise in your music.
Oh well, guess it's a necessary drawback for clear yet portable sound.
Tue, 01-20-2009, 01:27 PM
Goddam some neighbour of mine has acquired a whatever device making the most infuriating noise. I have no idea what it might be. Kind of like drums but since there's no melody whatsoever, it can't be (unless the person is totally retarded, which isn't impossible). And it just goes on and on and on. Fuck, it's driving me insane.
If I suddenly disappear from the forums, it's because I took my katana, dealt with the neighbour, and the police took me away.
Tue, 01-20-2009, 03:37 PM
Goddam some neighbour of mine has acquired a whatever device making the most infuriating noise. I have no idea what it might be. Kind of like drums but since there's no melody whatsoever, it can't be (unless the person is totally retarded, which isn't impossible). And it just goes on and on and on. Fuck, it's driving me insane.
Some people never seem to like headphones for some reason and tend to play their "musics" at full blast. It's already bad enough to hear the music, but to hear the same beat again, and again is just insane. I can relate to you on that note. :p
Fri, 01-23-2009, 08:46 AM
More or less Sore,
Got in shit, (showed up late) and had to extra hard PT with my instructers (military). To make matters worse I have to do the normal PT as well.
Fri, 01-23-2009, 12:15 PM
Goddam some neighbour of mine has acquired a whatever device making the most infuriating noise. I have no idea what it might be. Kind of like drums but since there's no melody whatsoever, it can't be (unless the person is totally retarded, which isn't impossible). And it just goes on and on and on. Fuck, it's driving me insane.
If I suddenly disappear from the forums, it's because I took my katana, dealt with the neighbour, and the police took me away.
Get the most annoying song you can find a-la-rickroll, place the sound system by the window, get some earplugs and then turn on the sound at max whenever they do that.
Actually... I have a neighbor that does the same as yours. He think he can play the trumpet and goes making screeching sounds every two or three days. His family is well hated around all the neighbors too.
Fri, 01-23-2009, 03:58 PM
Noise dosen't annoys me - unless its after 22 and its techno. The drunken neighbors are a pain, especially if they drink a lot. The one next doors gets drunk pretty often and once she nearly set attic on fire!
Fri, 01-23-2009, 05:21 PM
I used to play my piano at like, 1am in the morning :o
Then we agreed on the limit of 10:30pm.
Fri, 01-23-2009, 06:09 PM
My neighbors (upstairs AND to the side) used to play loud music on Thursday and Friday nights. Those guys moved out, but if it ever happens again, my plan is to place my bass amp against the wall and just have at it. I'm sure nothing they can play would be as obnoxious as me thumping out random notes at max volume.
Get the most annoying song you can find a-la-rickroll, place the sound system by the window, get some earplugs and then turn on the sound at max whenever they do that.
I would chose that one song that goes like "Ding ding ding ding ding I'm a super girl" or whatever.
Sun, 01-25-2009, 04:22 AM
Had a nightmare last night. Chased by a giant python. Managed to cut it's head off. Then I was being chased by the head of a giant python. Managed to wake before I either got eaten or had a heart attack.
As you can imagine, I sighed in relief (and had a big WTF? look).
Sun, 01-25-2009, 02:09 PM
Well, laughing at inappropriate times is a bitch. Everyone gives you a weird expression and you have to deal with it til the event is over. My brother is always laughing at the wrong time and it's brought us a great deal of stress (laughing at church due to the priest's accent is not terribly funny).
Sun, 01-25-2009, 02:14 PM
(laughing at church due to the priest's accent is not terribly funny).
I can attest to the fact that laughing in church is possibly the worst time to laugh. Not because it's disrespectful, but because when you know you can't laugh, it makes you want to laugh even harder.
Things that usually aren't very funny become painfully funny when you know you're not supposed to laugh.
Edit: Like on Friday, my professor talked for 14 minutes after the bell rang. He would not shut up and didn't pause for breath once. Me and some girls were choking back laughter. I tried so hard not to laugh it hurt my chest.
The Heretic Azazel
Sun, 01-25-2009, 07:54 PM
There's nothing wrong with laughing at church, corrupt clergymen are laughing all the way to the bank anyway.
Mon, 01-26-2009, 11:44 AM
There's nothing wrong with laughing at church, corrupt clergymen are laughing all the way to the bank anyway.
Heh, I can agree with that. I just don't like the ackward stares given to us. :p
It started to rain ice again, and all the roads are slippery. Spreading salt out doesn't help much, but it's a start. However, almost everything outside of our house is frozen, so we can't go anywhere for today. :(
Mon, 01-26-2009, 04:22 PM
My car got hit in the parking lot (my employer has made the spaces incredibly narrow to allow more people to park there). I lost about one and a half square inches of paint in various forms of scratches.
I had thought that I had some protection coverage when I bought the car, barely a year old, but of course, collisions, parking lot damage, and vandalism are the few things specifically excluded.
Mon, 01-26-2009, 05:00 PM
I got a new car on saturday and I'm trying to park away from other cars.
One time, I had just parked and was still in my car and this lady got into her big suv next to me and just threw the door open into my car and didn't act like she notice and even when I confronted her she still acted like she didn't care that she was an asshole.
door dings suck because it's not bad enough for insurance to cover and yet so annoying.
Wed, 01-28-2009, 06:41 AM
I kicked my computer so hard I bled. :o
Apparently, the bit of plastic here which forms a double-hinged door on the Antec P182 acts as a pretty effective razor when enough force is met with the right direction.
I actually hit it with the inside of my left pinky toe, meaning it had no choice but to forcefully drag over the "blade", taking a nice slice of skin with it. At first I ignored it, till I saw some blood stains on the carpet.
The toe (, if anybody's interested
It's not sharp at all, but pretty thin and sturdy. Hence effective.
It's a bitch because sometimes when I walk I tend to stretch the wound, reopening it, leaving it prone to infection. Especially in nice, sweaty summer.
Wed, 01-28-2009, 06:51 AM
Pretty wicked. I suggest a band-aid.
I always knew Antec makes serious cases, though mine hasn't so far drawn blood. But now I know to keep my eyes open, even if it's a different model.
Wed, 01-28-2009, 07:53 AM
Gotta put some Neosporin on the wound before bandaging it. That'll heal it up quick.
Wed, 01-28-2009, 08:06 AM
I've been applying band-aids, but I forgot about the antibiotic. That (pic) was me airing it out a bit since it gets a bit damp. (I think it's from the shower, despite my wrapping it in glad-wrap and rubber band prior to it.)
Guess Antec managed to make a case that's truly silent but deadly.
Wed, 01-28-2009, 10:22 AM
Power was out again for about the 5th time this month. This time for 5 hours.
That it was only on the base. Which begs the question, why is a military base out of power?
Shouldn't that be sort of important to fix?
Wed, 01-28-2009, 10:59 AM
Deadfire :
Thats easy, they're testing some super secret weapon that consumes a gigantic amount of electricity when used !
But yes, I would think military installations would have a stable backup power system.
Wed, 01-28-2009, 11:32 AM
Power was out again for about the 5th time this month. This time for 5 hours.
That it was only on the base. Which begs the question, why is a military base out of power?
Shouldn't that be sort of important to fix?
What crappy contractor company handles your power generation? KBR?
Death BOO Z
Wed, 01-28-2009, 01:39 PM
last year, i was in a base that lost power (to half of the buildings) about 5 times an hour each night.
it was really annoying to shower there, the light would randomly go out.
nobody cares, we also had to lay down routes for the internet cabals,
nostalgia aside.
I've finished the math exam!
since September I've been studying towards the exam, which is the highschool final exam in a higher level.
I hope I didn't make any stupid mistakes...
but apparently, I did.
I think I had some confusion about integrals and what not, and messed up the answer.
I even knew that something doesn't seem right during the test, but even after looking at the question for half an hour, I couldn't get it right.
damn. I wanted to ace that test...
I'll get the exact score next month (or so), but I could give out a pretty decent estimate tomorrow morning. next up, is the higher learning entrance exam, in April.
at least I can probably start watching more anime now, for the next two months or so.
Wed, 01-28-2009, 11:55 PM
When I woke up this morning, the ground was covered with half an inch of ice. I scraped my car off and left for work anyway, knowing that the most dangerous part of the trip was in my neighborhood (from my house to the end of my street goes about 300 feet with a 35 foot drop in elevation, and since they're tucked away off the main road neither gets plowed, ever).
Bitching part: coming back 10 hours later, they still didn't get around to salting or plowing or anything, so the ice is going to linger for days longer than all the other streets around here.
Thu, 01-29-2009, 07:38 AM
Well, its normal here - they plow streets after a day, so once whole gdansk was blocked by this, it took 3h to get to nearby city where it usually took like 20 minutes, people were happy that they were driving 5 kmph. Still its damn annoying.
Thu, 01-29-2009, 09:53 AM
For this past week i've been suffereing from the flu. I took every meds to make me feel better but it seems that this damn flu is not going away. This morning I took the medicine "bucklees" and I had a allergic reaction to the medicine now my eyes are swollen o_0 ....
Fri, 01-30-2009, 02:57 PM
I got a new car this past weekend and the tire was flat last night... some guy pointed it out to me when I parked at wal mart, so I bought a can of fix-a-flat while I was there and used it.
My coworker just informed me that fixaflat is horrible and not to ever use it. TOO LATE!
Tue, 02-03-2009, 07:08 AM
Water Trap that comes with my compressor doesn't trap water.
Well...that's not entirely true. Thing is, it traps water, but not water vapour. Apparently the air comes out of the compressor too hot, so the water is vaporized, bypassing the water trap. It then condenses in the air-hose and comes out the other end.
Result: airbrush spits out water while painting models. Luckily I could distinguish it from my noobish nozzle control while I was testing before painting my proper kit.
Now I'll have to look for an aftermarket in-line moisture trap. :mad:
Not many stores that sell stuff like that here neither, so I'll have to either order it or ebay it, which means 7-14 days postage + handling. Also, I can't go and physically try on the airhose and brush to guarantee a fit, so I'm hoping all the specs are right, and the seller knows what his stuff works and doesn't work with.
Tue, 02-03-2009, 01:31 PM
I've been chronically depressed for over a week now. I think something's actually wrong with me.
I just found out I'm graduating in May when I thought I had until December. I've had to miss several classes to deal with essentially preparing for the rest of my life. I've been physically ill since last week and I can't seem to shake it. My appetite still hasn't returned, because when I eat more than about 4 bites of something, no matter how hungry I am, I start gagging. I've thrown up twice because of that. I can't really seem to deal with anything now, and it feels like I've lost control of my life.
Edit: And every band I meet either doesn't like me or needs someone more professional. That was my sure fire way to lift my spirits and improve my social life.
Tue, 02-03-2009, 11:42 PM
Shit man, wish there was something I could say to make you feel better, but I think you'll be fine. It's a big change, going from school life to the real world. But it's mostly upside, once you find a job and get settled in to start the rest of your life.
Is that a major concern, with the current economic situation of the job market? Or is it more about a lifestyle change that bothers you? If you need more time, maybe you could postpone graduation, maybe complete a minor in something. You seem to have a pretty close family, so at least you can lean on them if its a financial situation. Otherwise, keep practicing the bass guitar, and some band will be the perfect fit when the time is right.
Tue, 02-03-2009, 11:53 PM
Buff: those cuts are the ones that hurt and annoy the most
Power was out again for about the 5th time this month. This time for 5 hours.
That it was only on the base. Which begs the question, why is a military base out of power?
Shouldn't that be sort of important to fix?
Your current bitching reminds me of an old one I posted some months ago.
We were on a meeting at work, but the telephone line didn't work on the room we were. The seconday line was dead as well.
Wed, 02-04-2009, 01:29 PM
I've been through a lot of hardship before. Like XanBcoo, I've been depressed a lot lately. I get the feeling that I should erase my existence and just be more content that people should know that I'm not around. But, then I think, "What about those who do care for me? What should I tell them?"
Today, I've gotten in trouble a lot for past things (like from a year ago), got treated like trash by other people, and seemingly strings of bad luck just revolves around me. I don't know what I should do anymore...
Well, you can read the "What made you smile..." thread to know the after effects of depression. No idea why I sulked.
Fri, 02-06-2009, 05:29 AM
My company has gone communist with blocking internet sites this week, due to supposed continued (and erroneously reported) network abuse. They blocked, Victoria's Secret, Frederick's of Hollywood (lots of chunky women here who like to buy lingerie to feel better about themselves), and some other big sites that are not considered work related.
Hopefully they don't block gotwoot, though I'm probably the only person in the company who visits here, I do visit a lot during the work day.
Fri, 02-06-2009, 06:12 AM
So let's bitch.
Yesterday got fired from my job. 6 months ago, broke off the almost 7 year relationship with my ex. I currently live at my sisters place and do not have a home. My friends are getting fed up cause of my current personality. I try covering my problems with jokes. I hate the city I live in. I've been depressed for a long time ago and have gotten allergies cause of stress. I often think of killing myself since life is hard, but almost immediately think of what kind of pussy I am, which makes me wanna do it even more. From age 6 to 15 I was living in a children's home of 8. My dad is not my real dad. I keep living in the past. And you know what? Getting all that out doesn't make me feel better.
Fri, 02-06-2009, 06:44 AM
Sounds like you've hit rock-bottom. Now's a good chance to start over and remake yourself. I don't want to sound judgmental and I don't know you, but maybe you've relied too much on those "killa eyez" of yours for too long in life. Looks and smoothness only take you so far. You need some real character and something to offer the world.
Fri, 02-06-2009, 07:05 AM
I'm off to another city in a bit, I plan on living there in the near future. I'm going there now for the weekend and stay at a friend's. Gonna find me a new job there and I'm already searching for a home. Also thinking of school again. Ya can't do anything worth while without papers. Thanks for the advice Animeniax, though I already know all off it. Despite my life not going so well for me, I'm surrounded by some of the greatest persons around. I appreciate that. My friends are my family, they know I'm in a pickle.. They won't let me down that easily.
Edit: And about my Killa-Eyez, I've never relied on that.. Heck, I don't think I'm that slick at all. It's just my nick cause others seem to like them.
Only had 1 girlfriend. So yeah, ya didn't know much about me. Now you do. I have too much self pity is all. I just can't stop thinking how all this bullshit is sooooo not necessary. But yeah, I thank the system for making my life so cliché.
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