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Wed, 06-06-2007, 05:07 PM
I have bruises on both of my forearms and on my calves and ankles from sleeping awkwardly on the floor the last couple of days, because I moved into a new semi-furnished apartment and don't yet have a bed. I won't have one until tomorrow, and that's if I'm lucky.

I tried sleeping on the loveseat that came with the apartment, but I'm way too tall and can't get into a comfortable position on it. I got about 3 hours of sleep due to sheer exhaustion before a neck cramp and a leg cramp woke me up. Couldn't get back to sleep until almost 10 am, again from exhaustion, this time on the floor, where I woke up 2 hours later both still tired and very sore.

Life as a whole blows when you can't get good sleep.

Wed, 06-06-2007, 05:23 PM
Heh. You are hard core. You should have bought some el cheapo air bed. It would have lasted until you get the real bed.

Wed, 06-06-2007, 05:34 PM
Life as a whole blows when you can't get good sleep.
This is so true. And we're not talking "I've stayed up for 3 days because I didn't want to go to sleep", I mean "I've wanted to go to sleep properly for 3 days, but haven't been able to." It honestly puts you in a different state of mind.

Anyway, as crappy as all that sounds, I got a hilarious mental image of a giant complich8 trying to squeeze uncomfortably into a normal-person-sized couch. Kraco's right. You should buy an air mattress.

Wed, 06-06-2007, 05:42 PM
No sleep sux...
I remember going on a casino trip. We left my town at 11am on a thursday, and we arrived at the first casino at 3am of Friday.
I keep wondering why I keep taking this trips if I can't sleep on a damn bus...
Didn't sleep until about 10pm of friday.

Oh... and last sunday... or rather saturday. I went to sleep at 10pm, woke up at 2am, went to the office from 3am to 11am. Kept awake until 5pm where I fell asleep with ps2 controller on hand (:P). Slept 3 hours straight, woke up, had dinner, sleep once more.
I could have gone to sleep earlier, since I left the office at 11am, but knowing me... I would have woken up at about 10pm and wouldn't be able to sleep once more awaiting for monday.

Thu, 06-07-2007, 09:54 PM
and the irritation-fest continues...

Apparently the 104 pound package that was due to arrive today was just the platform. So now I've got a nice MDF platform for a full-size bed, and the mattress isn't coming till tomorrow. Meaning I've got to wake up early and get several hours of work done before 2 pm or so, so I can be home when the mattress is delivered.

On the bright side, the platform surface has a bit more give than the floor... so it's better than nothing.

Now that I've got the platform, I'm trying to think of ways to better arrange the space in my room, and I can't come up with any that don't involve giving up access to one or both closets.

Thu, 06-07-2007, 10:28 PM
I sleep on the floors during the summer all the time. I'm pretty much used to it now. I live in an apartment in Chinatown, and my bed's in the living room. We only have one AC in our apartment and that's in my Mom and Sister's Bedroom. During summers with sweltering heat a fan just isn't enough. I'd move my mattress in there but there isn't enough room in that room at all. So I'm forced to sleep on the floor during those hot blazing days. The first summer I had cramps and back aches, and I had like 2 layers of blankets on the floor. I don't know how the Japanese sleep on futon's so well, maybe those are like uber cushioned with like that material astronauts use or somethnig. But I'm pretty much used to it now, sleeping on the floor that is. Currently, it hasn't been a very hot summer (yet).

Fri, 06-29-2007, 03:20 PM
back in 2003 i slept on the couch in the apartment i was living in for 3-4 months and then got an upgrade to a huge house and what not..... and slept on the floor there ;) didn't mind at all though.

anyhow, on to my bitching...

This guy is totally ignorant, i'm totally leaning toward him having stole this psp he has that he is trying to get me to help him play the video files on the computer... with some kind of sandisk dvr device.... anyhow, he's totally ignorant... he smells bad, and wont stfu and is insisting on upgrading the firmware on this thing he has. He claimed he had some files to play but he only has 5-6 files all of which are 1mb or less and he's trying to tell me that he recorded a tv show or movie and wants to play it and he cant comprehend that there is no movie on the memory stick he has.... but he still wants to upgrade his firmware; so, i finally gave him what he wants and now its still got 35 minutes left to finish copying this firmware file to his mem-stick.

Fri, 06-29-2007, 03:52 PM
so, i finally gave him what he wants and now its still got 35 minutes left to finish copying this firmware file to his mem-stick.

35 minutes? Surely it couldn't take long even over USB 1.1...

Fri, 06-29-2007, 04:00 PM
My computer died. The one at home.
Or rather... power supply did. Must buy new one. Cheap, yes. But I don't know if something else got damaged until I replace it. And I wanted to see a Death Note marathon this weekend. Fck...

Oh... and I hate my fucking neighboors. Bitches.

Fri, 06-29-2007, 05:36 PM
Don't buy a cheap one. It'll just die again.

Fri, 06-29-2007, 05:38 PM
I've been wading through my own configs and the mess made by trying to port them to redhat all afternoon. I feel like I'm getting nowhere. RHEL 5 doesn't yet have pdflib, and no rhel has apparently ever had a php-pecl-pdflib package.

Also, the maintainer of that package is apparently taking his time. Not that I blame him, given that he's probably not paid for it. Just ... grr! So much crap in my way.

Also, because of my crappy apartment network's setup, I can't reliably reach my home computer from my lab anymore, which means I can't even start up a music stream to listen to while I'm doing all of this crap.

Fri, 06-29-2007, 08:33 PM
Went out playing basketball yesterday. The long awaited stillunderconstructionblackasphalted-playground is near completion and we played there for a try-out. I ended up losing 3 times in a row cause of good teamwork and leaving the darned place without my cellphone wich had been stolen. Fucking drunk dickweeds...

If I see any of them, I'm gonna shove my black reebok ball so far up their wasted arses that I'll be dunking their brains all over the place. Then I'll steel their money and buy me a new phone and basketball. :mad:

Fri, 06-29-2007, 11:46 PM
My computer died. The one at home.
Or rather... power supply did. Must buy new one. Cheap, yes. But I don't know if something else got damaged until I replace it. And I wanted to see a Death Note marathon this weekend. Fck...

Oh... and I hate my fucking neighboors. Bitches.

A somewhat good bitch... I think...

I tried for 3rd day in a row to turn on the computer. It did. Its on. Im currently writing on it.

The thing Im bitching about is... I DON'T KNOW WHAT THE HELL WAS WRONG! or rather what the heck did I manage to fix.... curse it...

Tue, 07-03-2007, 12:36 PM
So I go to work yesterday like normal and I hear everyone signed their time sheets last friday, I'm like shit now my paycheck is gonna be late. I go to my team leader (I work for a United Way summer program that keeps ghetto rotten kids off the streets, or thats what its supposedly doing) and he tells me that I wasn't on the list. I say how can I not be on the list I need to get paid for the past 3 weeks? He says well I'll try to take care of it SK and make sure you get paid this week. I'm just like WTF because I knew this program was shitty but to not even have an employee on the books at all is ridiculous. So now who knows when I'm going to get paid since its been 3 weeks and I wasn't even on the employee list.

Tue, 07-03-2007, 11:29 PM
So I go to work yesterday...

See, that's why I don't work! :p

Tue, 07-03-2007, 11:35 PM
My pants just came out of the dryer and now they smell like burnt glue or something.

I don't know how the fuck I'm gonna get to sleep wearing these.

Tue, 07-03-2007, 11:36 PM
I might quit I'm pissed off.

Wed, 07-04-2007, 01:45 AM
I might quit I'm pissed off.

Oops! :eek: You didn't get that idea from me!

Wed, 07-04-2007, 03:07 AM
I might quit I'm pissed off.

I hope you mean quit these forums...

Wed, 07-04-2007, 03:28 AM
I hope he means quit his existence. http://img120.imageshack.us/img120/294/emotbuddyna2.gif

Wed, 07-04-2007, 10:08 AM
I hope he means quit his existence. http://img120.imageshack.us/img120/294/emotbuddyna2.gif

Assertn you're a dick.

The Heretic Azazel
Wed, 07-04-2007, 12:13 PM
I quit my job yesterday after 2 and a half days of employment. Fuck that hard labor with a bunch of inbred rednecks bullshit, I'd rather collect unemployment and get paid under the table for my other unreliable job working for my cousin.

Sun, 07-08-2007, 11:45 AM
more bitfching about my car. Bought it may 18th and some *(*@#$U(*%# hit it while it was parked in front of my house on may 20th. I got the car back around june 20th or so and had various paint defects and what not.... and then had to take it back because the steering was messed up and here they have had the car for another 2 weeks. I have only had the car in my hands for 9 days but am paying to have it insured and paying on it....

The insurance company doesn't want to help me get any money for my car because they are only concerned with getting re-imbursed for the cost of repairs to my car... while if i goto sell the car now im going to lose alot of money. insurance companies suck... i dont have time to file to take the people to court that hit my car because i have a life and work full time during which hours the county clerk is open, it is a complete hassle and i dont even want the car anymore.

Sun, 07-08-2007, 12:38 PM
more bitfching about my car. Bought it may 18th and some *(*@#$U(*%# hit it while it was parked in front of my house on may 20th. I got the car back around june 20th or so and had various paint defects and what not.... and then had to take it back because the steering was messed up and here they have had the car for another 2 weeks. I have only had the car in my hands for 9 days but am paying to have it insured and paying on it....

The insurance company doesn't want to help me get any money for my car because they are only concerned with getting re-imbursed for the cost of repairs to my car... while if i goto sell the car now im going to lose alot of money. insurance companies suck... i dont have time to file to take the people to court that hit my car because i have a life and work full time during which hours the county clerk is open, it is a complete hassle and i dont even want the car anymore.

Lols.....I don't want to take these people to court cause I have a life.

Seriously dude...if the amount of money you can take from them is greater than the amount of money you'd lose in the process, then what's the problem?

Mon, 07-09-2007, 02:46 PM
Not sure if this belongs here, or the relationship thread...but its definitely a rant.

So, I'm pretty much fed up with certain elements of socialization that seems to be intrinsic to Korean culture...that of intermingling of native korean people and foreigners. Now, that being said, I'm not placing the blame on all Korean people, cuz i have friends that are indeed korean, and they're ok. However, i just recieved a huge slap in the face that actually has made me angry (and i dont get angry easily). The situation concerns a young lady i met a few weeks ago, and her friends' decision that she shouldn's see me on the sole basis that i'm not korean. Now, if this was an isolated incident, i'd brush it off. But, this is the 3rd time that exact thing has happened to me, and it happens to friends of mine all the time. For instance, my good friend had his girlfriend called a whore because they were in public together...not even holding hands, or making out...just walking. And its especially bad, since im young (mad ageism here), and non-white (double racism!1 yay!!)

Maybe this latest defeat has made me kind of jaded, but i still think that's ridiculous. I know women the world over get in their little groups and like, try to control their firends' lives, and i geuss even guys do it too, and i understand the position that she was put in, but that doesent mean i have to say 'its all good' and smile. Its kinda B.S, honestly, but i suppose thats a cost you pay as a foreigner living in a mostly homogenous, confucian, close-minded society...:confused:

Tue, 07-10-2007, 04:10 AM
@rockmanj: The solution: don't go out with korean girls.

Tue, 07-10-2007, 11:24 AM
@rockmanj: The solution: don't go out with korean girls.
The solution: don't go out with stupid racist bitches :p

Tue, 07-10-2007, 11:51 AM
easier said than done...guess i should join the monastery soon...

Tue, 07-10-2007, 12:01 PM
easier said than done...guess i should join the monastery soon...What? You live in korea or something?

Tue, 07-10-2007, 02:11 PM
Is being Korean a race or a nationality? I've always argued that the races are black, white, asian, hispanic, etc., just like on census forms that ask your race.

I'm not attracted to Korean chicks, so I don't think you're missing much if they won't date you. Though I did meet this Korean girl named Soni in Japan and she was hot. She looked high maintenance, but she was nice and a babe.

Tue, 07-10-2007, 02:16 PM
Its actually both an ethnicity and a nationality, as Korea contains a mostly homogenous population consisting of ethnic Koreans. And, yea I do live in Korea, so thats why i meet so many Korean women, and its hard to find good looking broads that arent Korean. So, its eithet i keep my nose to the grindstone, or just live a celibant and lonley existence... :(

Board of Command
Tue, 07-10-2007, 05:25 PM
Korean people have "Korean eyes". You can spot them pretty easily.

Tue, 07-10-2007, 07:31 PM
Korean people have "Korean eyes". You can spot them pretty easily.

You can also tell by the badge they wear that states that they're better than everyone else on the planet -_-

Board of Command
Tue, 07-10-2007, 08:20 PM
You can also tell by the badge they wear that states that they're better than everyone else on the planet -_-
Ha! So true! No offense to any Korean folks reading this though...

I had a Korean roommate last term. I was cooking dinner when he came up to me and asked if I wanted to try this fruit. "This is Korean Pear," he said. No, it was not Korean Pear. It's called "Ya Pear" and it's a product of China.


Tue, 07-10-2007, 09:21 PM
Yea, I'm really not trying to be offensive, but it is true...even with korean people ive met in other countries...but here its magnified by like 20 million. I've actually had someone get angry because I told them the TGI friday's and Bennigan's didnt originate in korea, and neither does green tea.

And then there's also the student that said countries like singapore and the americas make him angry because there are diverse groups of people there. According to him, every country should have the same type of people living in it, and not allow different groups to mix :-\. I think that is possibly one of the worst things i have ever heard.

Tue, 07-10-2007, 10:13 PM
Sometimes I agree with that other person. If I visit Japan, I want to meet some Japanese, not some Koreans or Caucasians living in Japan. If I visit Italy, I want to meet some Italians, not some people from some other country or culture, unless they're just visiting too. At some point every country will be a heterogeneous mix so there will be no reason to ever leave your own home town. That's kind of saddening to me. I realize it's impossible not to mix and I'm not advocating that, but from a purely romantic point of view, I wish we could preserve more of what makes each country unique.

Wed, 07-11-2007, 01:09 AM
well, i see your point. but what he was saying that people of other cultures shouldnt interact at all; like everyone should just stay where they are, and if the travel, they shouldnt interact with the people there. the way he puts it, he said if he goes somewhere, no one should talk to him, unless they are serving him in some way. i hope that's not what you are advocating...and i dont think it is, because you said that you want to meet people. he believes that his culture is the best, and to interact with someone of a different culture would be beneath him (almost his exact words).

Board of Command
Wed, 07-11-2007, 10:17 AM
It's not just HIS culture. It's KOREAN culture.

The Heretic Azazel
Wed, 07-11-2007, 11:20 AM
Ethnocentrism is evident in most any culture

Wed, 07-11-2007, 11:58 AM
i dont really disagree with that concept, but its kind of different in the case of korean culture...it almost seems like a form of mass overcompensation; remember, not too long ago Koreans werent doing to well, and now their economy has gotten pretty huge. i think its due to them kinda being china and japan's bitch for so long...they're like the middle child that's trying to get mom's attention by detracting from everyone else, but its just kinda annoying.

Board of Command
Wed, 07-11-2007, 12:04 PM
I agree with that. Korea has only been a "major player" in recent years, so maybe that's why their people feel obligated to support and promote their country in any way possible.

Wed, 07-11-2007, 12:21 PM
I kinda wish there were some korean people trolling, in order to get some insight; but honestly, it'd probably turn into flaming, like in real life when i ask some korean person about that. Like, usually their main argument in regards to dating is that all foreign men will inevitably treat their korean gf wrong, but then if thats the case, and the men here are so much better to all women (even foreign women) than foreigners, then why are there stories like this :


Seriously, there are literally brothels on every corner in my town...its insane

Wed, 07-11-2007, 12:31 PM
i dont really disagree with that concept, but its kind of different in the case of korean culture...it almost seems like a form of mass overcompensation; remember, not too long ago Koreans werent doing to well, and now their economy has gotten pretty huge. i think its due to them kinda being china and japan's bitch for so long...they're like the middle child that's trying to get mom's attention by detracting from everyone else, but its just kinda annoying.
Regarding overcompensation, I think it's the opposite with China. Only now are they emerging as a contender for being an important world power. Despite their numbers, and ingenuity as a culture, they were held back for a long time simply because of ethnocentric ideals. That's what my dad says, at least. He's got business in China and has to deal with that same mentality on a day-to-day basis. I guess it does get annoying.

Is there anything keeping you from moving? Does your reason for staying outweigh the shit you're putting up with?

Board of Command
Wed, 07-11-2007, 12:34 PM
Chinese people are among the most racist in the world. There are very few foreigners in China. Once, there was this black guy walking on our street and my mom called him a "black monster."

Wed, 07-11-2007, 12:40 PM
yea, its rough everywhere...i guess its true that you fear and loathe what you dont know

Wed, 07-11-2007, 02:24 PM
Chinese even hate their own. Imagine being 1 among 1 billion, and that's just mainland China. Each other Chinaman is just more competition. Imagine living in Beijing, population 18 million plus 4 million in surrounding districts. It's nutz.

Wed, 07-11-2007, 05:49 PM
At the moment I have 5000$ locked into my two limited paypal accounts, and I won't get it out until I'm 18.

I can't use paypal to withdraw money earned on the internet to my bank accounts if I make a new paypal either, because they're locked into my two limited ones and you can only use each bank account on one paypal, I've used up both my normal one and my savings one now. When trying to call or contact them they just imply that I was suspected of money laundering and/or funding terrorism.

In addition to that, the WoW gold prices have sunk from 100$/1000gold to 20$/1000gold over the last 4 months, so it's almost not worth selling anymore. And ten of my WoW accounts got banned, so it actually isn't worth selling gold any more, I won't risk buying more accounts, too expensive. This is one bad day for me :mad:

Board of Command
Wed, 07-11-2007, 05:57 PM
Not even 18 yet and already farming gold on WoW?

What has this world come to?!

Wed, 07-11-2007, 06:01 PM
Not even 18 yet and already farming gold on WoW?

What has this world come to?!

I'm no chinese farmer -.- I just rented out accounts and acquired some gold on the side.

Wed, 07-11-2007, 07:24 PM
So how many hours do you have to log into WoW to accumulate $5000?

Wed, 07-11-2007, 07:29 PM
So how many hours do you have to log into WoW to accumulate $5000?
The main thing I did was renting out accounts. Basically I bought about 20(at around 150$ each), and rented them out for 20$/day(4 months ago), and only about 7$ day now recently. I rented them out to the chinese. Sometimes they got banned and I had to buy in new ones but all in all I made profit. And I never farmed for the gold on the side. I've never farmed gold personally. How I got that gold is a secret.

Board of Command
Wed, 07-11-2007, 07:57 PM
When trying to call or contact them they just imply that I was suspected of money laundering and/or funding terrorism.

I've never farmed gold personally. How I got that gold is a secret.
Ah, yes. The stars are aligning now.

Wed, 07-11-2007, 09:49 PM
I rented them out to the chinese.

I think you need to watch a little show called 24...if u had, you would know better than to trust them...you're just lucky u werent kidnapped and tortured...yet :p

Thu, 07-12-2007, 05:23 AM
I think you need to watch a little show called 24...if u had, you would know better than to trust them...you're just lucky u werent kidnapped and tortured...yet :p

Of course I couldn't trust them, they were trying to rip me off every single step of the way. "Someone else got into the account and took the gold, give it back"
"Sorry, the account got banned"(But I got no email, and the password was merely changed)
"Will pay soon but my bosses girlfriend is visiting the office today, so will do tomorrow maybe" (wtf?)
And those constant "hehe~" in the chats piss me off. They say it every second line. Along with lol.

What times are you online?
bbxgames520: everyday stay aim
bbxgames520: hehe~~
bbxgames520: this is my work
bbxgames520: hehe~~
bbxgames520: lol~~
bbxgames520: hehe~~~
bbxgames520: 18hours online everyday, plz contact me if need to
bbxgames520: we can hold over 100 accs, plz get us more and more accs, lets make
great business.
bbxgames520: hehehhe~~
bbxgames520: lol

Thu, 07-12-2007, 05:27 AM
"You never had an account, Xrlderek"


Board of Command
Thu, 07-12-2007, 09:58 AM


Thu, 07-12-2007, 10:34 AM
OH NOES!!!...the chinese (BoC~) have spotted us!!!

Board of Command
Thu, 07-12-2007, 11:26 AM
I owned at least half of Xrlderek's accounts.

Thu, 07-12-2007, 11:45 AM
For the last few weeks I've been playing FFVII on my PSP and after some frustration, and about 35 hours, I got up to disc 3 with everything I could want to that point. (Ultimate weapons for Cloud, Barret, Vincent, Yuffie (who uses her?) Cait Sith (Same) and I think I got Cid's...other then that, I also got their final limits, and a black chocobo which was currently mating with another one to get my gold.) But of course, during the disc changing, my savefile decides to corrupt it self or something because when I tried playing the next disc, I couldn't find my savefile. I already started over from the end of disc 1 because it was buggy on 3.40OE-A and I used a popsloader to play it on 3.10OE-A. There is no way I'm starting this over again until I forget about it fucking up and stop being pissed. I'm assuming the file is corrupt since it seemingly just disappeared when I changed discs and my other games work.

Thu, 07-12-2007, 12:19 PM
chaos, that reminds me horribly of what happened to me when I first got Xenogears, years and years ago...

My sister wanted to start her own file. Now, she didn't play that often, and I was already pretty far into Disc 1 when she started. Eventually I got to the end of the game and promptly got my ass whooped by the final boss, because I hadn't developed any of my other party members' gears (I used Fei, Citan and Maria for Gear fights, Fei, Citan and Billy for ground battle)... But my main three also weren't strong enough to take on the fully powered final boss....

Two weeks and many hours of gameplay later, I finally felt I had a good shot at taking him on again. I had gotten some rare engines and weapons for my main group (God praise that Fenrir) and upgraded the supporting guys to a decent level. I save immediately outside of the final boss.

My sister asks if she can play. I'm a little annoyed, because I'm just about to beat the game! but my dad barks that 'i should share' (even if i paid for the PSX and the game myself...) and so I let her go. She opens up her file, runs around the second dungeon for like ten minutes, gets frustrated, goes to the World Map, and SAVES OVER MY FILE! (and, i'll confess, I foolishly hadn't saved a backup for a long itme)

Much cursing and thrashing was had, and I promptly deleted her file in retribution. She started crying and my dad naturally took her side. I wasn't allowed to play for a week. I had to start over from Disc 1, before the second battle against the Knights. A few dozen hours of gameplay lost.

but, hmm, what to bitch about today? How about that almost every job I find that I really want to apply for wants something like 3-5 years of experience at it? Do they expect me to work for free at internships for 5 years before taking a real job? Ugh, so discouraging...

Thu, 07-12-2007, 12:45 PM
Yeah, it's hard to find entry-level positions out there, except at job fairs. In some fields (like mine) they basically don't exist. I think the trick is to find your first job via networking, and go from there.

Thu, 07-12-2007, 01:54 PM
All we need is inexperienced DBAs. MS Access anyone? How's that song go, "what the world needs now... is another folk singer... like I need a hole in my head."

I think most employers will give you a shot even if you don't have the 3-5 years experience, as long as you impress them with your energy and eagerness in the interview or have other qualifications on your resume.

Social networking might be a little tough for a bunch of anti-social nutcases like most of the people here. So if you suck at socializing and have little job experience, what do you do?

Thu, 07-12-2007, 02:40 PM
Get a job as tech support, and wait until you're outsourced?

Start your own business?

Work as a contractor?

A lot of people end up not getting jobs because they have too high standards for themselves. Like, "I won't work for less than 50k" or "I won't work in field X that I'm qualified to work in".

Some people are justified in doing so. For example, me :p. I won't work in fast food, for example, because my skillset is in high enough demand that it'd be stupid to. But if you need to pay the bills, temporarily lowering your standards can satisfy that need while you look for something better.

A lot of people I know who have gotten good jobs spent 6 months to a year after college looking for them while working at really, really shitty places. Like stocking produce at a local Jewel/Osco. It's better than living in your parents' basement and doing the hikkikomori thing until you're 40.

Thu, 07-12-2007, 04:36 PM
my standards might not be as high as some people, but i have a rough plan and some direction. working at shitty places really does suck. But for people who have bachelor degrees and more, i dont really sympathise much if they cant find a job with their 5,6,7 years invested into college. I'm attending a 2 year college and just recently landed a good entry level position i found via monster.com. MY resume i was working with was a quick 10 minute job i had made for a job fair, and then i added a few things in and bam... the day after i first posted on careerbuilder and monster i had people calling offering me jobs that were paying 4-7$ per hour more than what i was making.

Finding a job can suck, but really if you have a degree it should not take much to go find a job that pays very well. I am planning to make another pay jump at the beginning of 2008, and i will be making $20 or so per hour compared with my average 6.50 per hour i made during the whole year of 2006.

Thu, 07-12-2007, 11:34 PM
It's hard to accept going down in pay when you're used to a certain income level, but if you're new in the job market, you should expect to start out low on the pay scale and work your way up, and not have too high standards just because you have a degree. I chose experience over a degree, and started out in tech support and made my way up before the market got flooded with degreed IT "professionals". Of course, there are certain times of the year when it's easier to get a job, so working at some crap job for 6 months will help you survive until you get a break.

Fri, 07-13-2007, 09:17 AM
Jobs huh...
Speaking of them, which btw I had bitched here before... I got a new one.
Its still in the same company, but Im not on IT - Testing anymore. I moved to Process Implementation... so now I will be asking IT to develop things... LOL the irony...
Better payment and several other benefits where given me, which I didn't had before. Best of all... no more working at 3am Sundays :p

Its weird... I graduated college and spent 8 months looking for a job without luck. Now, almost 2 years later technically I've changed jobs 3 times, yet Im still in the same company. Began as external contractor, assigned here. IT hired me. Then I change again...

Mon, 07-16-2007, 09:56 AM
absurd beyond belief... I'm not even going to dignify that rambling, incoherence with further response. hopefully you'll one day be able to look back on those 'convictions' and laugh at yourself.

My bitching: The DMV. I fucking hate it. Fucking slowest, most time-consuming bureaucratic bullshit, like it comes out of the 1800's... They sent me a brand new driver's license that was valid only for three months, in order to counteract underage drinkng (it's a long story, but the old licenses were easy to tamper with). So I finally went to renew my license today, and it's literally just sitting on line, showing them some documents, and that's it. Why this can't be done another way is absurdly bamboozling

Mon, 07-16-2007, 12:37 PM
My mom and dad (separately) gave me a "life is hard and then you die" talk yesterday. I should make better grades next semester, to avoid those kind of encounters. I know they care, but I'm tired of hearing about how unhappy I'll be in life.

Also, this response to conquistaDan:

Similarly, how the hell would you make a reasonably convincing movie with no male actors? How can you claim that there's no value in male musicians? What the hell sort of music do you listen to?
lol & quoted for truth. Taking into account all my musical preferences, I can only think of about 2 female singers that I actually consider worth listening to.

Tue, 07-17-2007, 12:53 AM
I've split conquistaDan's post and follow-ups off into a new thread, here:

Back on topic...

I'm a little miffed that the company that said they were going to call me today didn't. I woke up earlier than normal to be ready for them to call... spent all afternoon sleepy because of it.

Tue, 07-17-2007, 03:04 AM
I'm mad there's this old guy at work who's lazy and doesn't do shit, but makes as much money as the rest of us. Management won't fire him but they constantly complain about how worthless he is and about all the mistakes he makes. To me it wouldn't be an issue if it was just a problem of perception, but he really is worthless. Plus, he's a crusty old "white is right" kind of relic from pre-civil rights days, but he and 2 or 3 other white guys in our department are the fattest, laziness sacks of crap you'll ever not want to meet. But somehow his race is still superior to the others, and he votes Republican and hates immigrants. What a piece of shit.

Thu, 07-19-2007, 01:58 PM
I'm mad there's this old guy at work who's lazy and doesn't do shit, but makes as much money as the rest of us. Management won't fire him but they constantly complain about how worthless he is and about all the mistakes he makes. To me it wouldn't be an issue if it was just a problem of perception, but he really is worthless. Plus, he's a crusty old "white is right" kind of relic from pre-civil rights days, but he and 2 or 3 other white guys in our department are the fattest, laziness sacks of crap you'll ever not want to meet. But somehow his race is still superior to the others, and he votes Republican and hates immigrants. What a piece of shit.

Almost sounds like Creed from 'the Office', y'know besides all the racism and such...

Sat, 07-21-2007, 06:46 AM
I hate Kanye West. I've never liked him but now I fucking hate him. He makes horrible music and he always sounds retarded when he "sings". But the worst part is that he has besmirched Daft Punk in his new song. And he doesn't even give any credit. Fucking asshole.

Sun, 07-22-2007, 08:44 PM
brought from the support section to the bitching section... i now am blaming myself for having firefox set to download and install updates automatically. Version updated... and then the next time i went to get on the computer, it doesn't work. I can't get on a web page. I have wasted about an hour all together messing with settings, following to a T the procedures listed on the mozilla forums to correct the problem but it does not work. i have un installed and re installed and even copied an old firefox dir from another computer to this one and it still doesnt work... This is total fucking bullshit
updates are meant to improve, not to cripple something. I'm so pissed that i am forced to use ie, its a shitty browser and i fucking hate it. rant rant rant rant rant, i willl now end it

Mon, 07-23-2007, 11:10 AM
You get what you pay for with open-source freeware, so don't take it too personal. Maybe you can call the Geek Squad and pay $100/hr for them to try to fix it.

Mon, 07-23-2007, 02:28 PM
You get what you pay for with open-source freeware, so don't take it too personal. Maybe you can call the Geek Squad and pay $100/hr for them to try to fix it.
And by fix it, he means download all your porn onto their external hard drives.

Mon, 07-23-2007, 10:00 PM
And by fix it, he means download all your porn onto their external hard drives.Are you talking from personal experience?

I used to work at a Best Buy and the prices for tech services were outrageous. $45 to install RAM? $120 to upgrade your harddrive (with data migration). I felt bad for the suckers.

Mon, 07-23-2007, 10:45 PM
Are you talking from personal experience?

I used to work at a Best Buy and the prices for tech services were outrageous. $45 to install RAM? $120 to upgrade your harddrive (with data migration). I felt bad for the suckers.

I'm talking from 3rd party reading (http://consumerist.com/consumer/the-rollercoaster-ride-of-pride,-shame,-and-morality/the-10-page-geek-squad-confession-+-stealing-customers-nudie-pics-was-an-easter-egg-hunt-257108.php?mail2=true) / viewing (http://consumerist.com/consumer/investigations/video-consumerist-catches-geek-squad-stealing-porn-from-customers-computer-271963.php) experience.

Rude of you to assume I'd consult geek squad for computer hardware assistance tho >:|

Mon, 07-23-2007, 11:02 PM
Nah, I was just messing with you by implying you'd rely on an overpriced, conceptually ridiculous service like Geek Squad in order to resolve your basic PC issues.

For some reason I figure anyone and everyone on these forums is also knowledgeable about computers to some degree.

edit: I just checked those links, good reads. The thing is, most people didn't pay for that porn anyway. Keeping dirty pictures of you and your friends on your PC is asking for trouble. That stuff always ends up on the internet.

Board of Command
Mon, 07-23-2007, 11:11 PM
You can't assume too much...

Mon, 07-23-2007, 11:25 PM
Too true, but assumptions are like stereotypes, they are all rooted in fact.

Tue, 07-24-2007, 01:49 AM
brought from the support section to the bitching section... i now am blaming myself for having firefox set to download and install updates automatically. Version updated... and then the next time i went to get on the computer, it doesn't work. I can't get on a web page. I have wasted about an hour all together messing with settings, following to a T the procedures listed on the mozilla forums to correct the problem but it does not work. i have un installed and re installed and even copied an old firefox dir from another computer to this one and it still doesnt work... This is total fucking bullshit
updates are meant to improve, not to cripple something. I'm so pissed that i am forced to use ie, its a shitty browser and i fucking hate it. rant rant rant rant rant, i willl now end it

same crap happened to me <_<

Tue, 07-24-2007, 07:55 PM
@Animeniax: I'm not sure how you see Geek Squad as conceptually ridiculous. Maybe using the service is foolish, but since plenty of people are a) foolish b) lazy or c) lfoolish and lazy, offering services that people with no computer experience whatsoever would find daunting and charging a very high price for them seems like a damn good way to make money.

Board of Command
Tue, 07-24-2007, 09:59 PM
I'm lazy. If I paid you $50, would you wipe my ass for me?

There you go.

Wed, 07-25-2007, 11:33 AM
If you start a company that later gets partnered into Best Buy, I think you did something right.

Thu, 07-26-2007, 02:40 PM
I got 6 people living in a 1 bedroom apartment. I don't think I need to say anymore.

EDIT: Oh yeah, the cable got cut off around 1AM last night.

Board of Command
Thu, 07-26-2007, 04:43 PM
Orgy much?

Thu, 07-26-2007, 04:58 PM
if you have 6 people living in an apartment... i dont see why you would be having any utilities cut off... unless they are unable to work for some reason.

well... or if you're living in some outrageously priced area. around here most apartments are between 500-1000 excluding the really swanky ones that are many times more

Thu, 07-26-2007, 06:46 PM
I'm about 70% done loading a moving van, getting ready to drive somewhere in the neighborhood of 600 miles.

It's precisely the wrong weather to be loading a truck. It's like ... insanely humid.

For bonus points, because I'm moving at the end of July, from the town of a major university in which most landlords do august to july leases, I had to get my larger-than-desired uhaul truck from a place that was a solid 40 minute drive away.

Thu, 07-26-2007, 08:37 PM
if you have 6 people living in an apartment... i dont see why you would be having any utilities cut off... unless they are unable to work for some reason.

Use your imagination.

well... or if you're living in some outrageously priced area. around here most apartments are between 500-1000 excluding the really swanky ones that are many times more

I live in a housing project. Its cheap.

Thu, 07-26-2007, 09:30 PM
Ok so liiieeekk.............

My friend hadn't paid the cell phone bill, so now I can't make calls to people. We're on a family plan. This isn't the first time its happened, and I'm really getting tired of him being so unreliable. I plan to get off his plan, but it kinda goes like this....

He's paying my share of the phone bill; I'm paying for the monthly parking for his car that he left here. (He used to be my roommate, now he lives in NY.)

So, I can get on my own plan
1) ....once I sell his car so I can stop paying for his spot
2) ....once he transfers the title over to me
3) ....once I send the title over to him to transfer it
4) ....once I get the keys to his car from him so I can go get the title out of it
5) ....once he gets the keys from the manufacturer, since he apparently lost them

His car's been sitting in his space since last December........
Right now I'm contemplating plan B, which is to cancel his spot, let them tow it away, and then have him deal with an outrageous fine and/or court order.

He's screwed me over in many other ways moreso than just a late phone bill too...
so unreliable...:mad:

The Heretic Azazel
Thu, 07-26-2007, 11:06 PM
I'm about 70% done loading a moving van, getting ready to drive somewhere in the neighborhood of 600 miles.

It's precisely the wrong weather to be loading a truck. It's like ... insanely humid.

For bonus points, because I'm moving at the end of July, from the town of a major university in which most landlords do august to july leases, I had to get my larger-than-desired uhaul truck from a place that was a solid 40 minute drive away.

Yeah I enjoyed moving two mattresses, 2 very small dressers and a tv in a fucking 24 foot Uhaul. You know they have smaller means of transport, greedy assholes.

Fri, 07-27-2007, 01:03 PM
AssertnFailure : i'm guessing its a newer or nice car if you can get the keys from the manufacturer...

anyhow, my current bitch...

i've been spending way too much money.. so i mailed out my insurance payment which was unusually high because i'd had to add another car to it while my new car was being repaired... it is due tomorrow and then my car payment is not due until the third of august.

I mailed both of them out a couple days ago and this morning has the wonderful realization that i dont have enough money in my bank account to cover them both so i immediately checked my balance and the car payment (257) had already posted... but isn't due until next week and then the insurance (190) is due tomorrow and hadn't posted.

so i rushed from work to this bank which took me 5 minutes to find because there was a no name bank, a chase, a waikovia, and a bank of america at that intersection omfg i had to call and find where they were.

then i couldn't rememmber the pin to my savings debit card because i dont touch that account.. and it wouldn't take my capitol one card in the atm GRRRR so then got it all taken care of inside.

then, i get lost going toward downtown dallas and ended up being 30 minutes late to work.

i thought i was getting paid this week but apparantly im not getting paid until next week and most of that money is already spent :( grrrrrrrrrrrr im not very happy right now.

Board of Command
Fri, 07-27-2007, 06:40 PM
I was biking home from school today and took a slightly different route because I went to a classmate's dorm first to work on a project. To get from the "dorm area" to the sidewalk, I had to go down a little grass hill. This hill was tiny - maybe 3 m long and not very steep. I went down really slowly because there might have been water at the bottom, since it rained while I was inside. As soon as I reached the bottom of the hill.......................
.......My bike did a somersault. There was a ditch at the bottom of the hill but I didn't see it because there was a lot of thick grass covering it. I didn't get hurt or anything, but it was not a fun experience. Now I know what it feels like to have your bike flip over. Literally.

Sat, 07-28-2007, 09:02 AM
Damn, hope you're ok BoC. Your noodle seems ok at least.

My rant is: two nights ago two sand-flies went to town on my body and feasted on my noble blood. I have welts all over my arms, neck, and legs that will soon crust over and then ooze pus for a few days. To top it off, it's 120F outside, and the heat makes the bites even more painful, plus the sweat makes everything itchy and it really sucks. I can't wait to get back to the states where the only things trying to kill you are other people.

Sat, 07-28-2007, 09:08 AM
Just don't let the scratching fingers run loose. Sand flies can leave scars which take months to heal. I've got friends who still got scars left from survival training a long time ago.

As for BoC, such incidents usually leave bad memories, and I'm sure you'll be much more careful in the future. I had some accidents with roller blades years before, and now I can't imagine risking injuries for some dumb stunts.

Sat, 07-28-2007, 09:32 AM
Yeah I still have scars from sand fly bites from last year. I like to scratch around the center and avoid the middle, feels good without bursting the pocket. You didn't have trouble with the little bastards? You must not have noble blood like mine (just kidding).

Sat, 07-28-2007, 09:58 AM
I got fired.

Sat, 07-28-2007, 02:23 PM
Well that could be a good thing or a bad thing, depending on your circumstances. You hated that job anyway, right?

My bitch: my sand fly attacks have entered stage two. The bites are now crusting and some have started excreting, so I put bandages over them, but it looks weird because I have a bunch of bandages on my arms and hands. I also caught two more of those bastards in my room and killed them, but another one got away and I fear it's appetite tonight.

Sun, 07-29-2007, 01:06 AM
Animeniax where are you?

If you're somewhere in Asia, you can get really useful remedies for bites. I remember I went back to Taiwan last year and I was staying in my Aunt's house and just as luck would have it there was one fly there buzzing around, and whenever I went to sleep I woke up with about 10 bites in the most uncomfortable positions (on my foot, hands, palms, even one on the ear...). Those motherfuckers itched like crazy but I just went to the local drugstore and got some green oil or something and put it on them and they stopped itching. The swelling from the bites didn't go away for about two months though. I even still have the marks, they're little darkened areas on my hands..

Anyway, the people around here need to learn that when the pedestrian light is red, they're not supposed to walk. I mean, this group of people just suddenly appear in the middle of the street, while my light is green and I almost hit them. The funny part was when some driver behind me opened his window to call them all dumbasses.

Sun, 07-29-2007, 01:16 AM
I'm in the middle east. We Asians have cures for everything besides over-population. Unfortunately I can't get anything around here beyond hydro-cortisone, so I just have to tough it out. I think I've used that green oil before, but I used to rub it on my belly to soothe stomach-aches. I forgot what it's called. Thanks for the suggestion, my yellow brother.

edit: this is the stuff I was talking about: Eagle Brand
http://img530.imageshack.us/img530/3655/305bp3.th.jpg (http://img530.imageshack.us/my.php?image=305bp3.jpg)
I think it's more for aches and pains, and not for itching, so it's probably not what you're talking about.

Board of Command
Sun, 07-29-2007, 01:23 AM
It's mint oil. There's also another thing called "red flower oil" which I find to be much more effective.

Sun, 07-29-2007, 02:45 PM
It's mint oil. There's also another thing called "red flower oil" which I find to be much more effective.

I've heard of white flower oil...red?

Board of Command
Sun, 07-29-2007, 02:55 PM
Technically, the oil is actually orange.

Mon, 07-30-2007, 05:18 PM
At the moment... my bitch is this: I have highspeed cable internet... my parental unit just right now decided to switch to "lightning speed" DSL.

Please... shoot me. Right now.

Mon, 07-30-2007, 05:44 PM
My bitch is this. I just spent an hour of my Birthday erasing crappy text from a picture that I want to make a wallpaper out of. And what a bitch it was to remove em. I had to erase and brush it in myself without making it look like Chicken scratch.



My Question is this. Why do people insist on putting text over such good render?! And what pisses me off more is I know theres probably some site out there that has em perfectly text-free and rendered already.

Board of Command
Mon, 07-30-2007, 07:30 PM
People wouldn't know what that is if there wasn't text. Like...I wouldn't know that's a production drawing if it wasn't for the text.


Anyway, this isn't really a bitch from me. Lucifus told me about this guy on Mangatraders who's using one of my sigs. I went over there and started this thread:


And in comes Daisuki-chan to the rescue. The guy is a douche. Where do you people find mods like him?

In conclusion, just be thankful that he happened to break some real rules, for I would not have removed his signature otherwise.
Lawlz... He must love the taste of his own e-penis.

Mon, 07-30-2007, 08:40 PM
Daisuki is actually a quasi-emo, yaoi crazed chick if that helps explain things.

Board of Command
Mon, 07-30-2007, 09:03 PM
Daisuki is actually a quasi-emo, yaoi crazed chick if that helps explain things.
Mos' definitely.

Mon, 07-30-2007, 09:51 PM
Saturday My Wisdom teeth finally decided that it was time to cause me alot of pain. It seems they aren't impacted but more to do with the flesh in my mouth wanting to stay where it is. So I'll need to get them pulled as it seems the sharp digging into alot of flesh isn't normal. So other then alot of pain it takes till Tuesday before I can get them out.

Now that is 4 days that I have to deal with the pain as pain killers are not working at all.


Mon, 07-30-2007, 10:47 PM
Saturday My Wisdom teeth finally decided that it was time to cause me alot of pain. It seems they aren't impacted but more to do with the flesh in my mouth wanting to stay some much were it is. So I'll need to get them pulled as it seems the sharp digging into alot of flesh is normal. So other then alot of pain it takes till Tuesday before I can get them out.

Now that is 4 days that I have to deal with the pain as pain killers are not working at all.


Awww... well the wait's almost over. Things get worse before they get better. Who knows maybe I'll try finding your dentist and pay a visit :P

Mon, 07-30-2007, 11:06 PM
Just be sure the anesthesia is working before they start the procedure. When I had mine out, the crackpot ortho didn't wait long enough, so I ended up seeing and feeling everything and it hurt bad. By the time the stuff kicked in, it was time to go, so I stumbled out of the office high as a kite. My ortho was an aggie, which explains everything.

Board of Command
Mon, 07-30-2007, 11:52 PM
The worst part is the week following the procedure. Blood will continuously ooze out of the cavities so you'll always have this nasty taste in your mouth 24/7. Only thing you can do about it is to keep drinking water and rinsing.

Tue, 07-31-2007, 12:46 AM
oh god, the dreaded wisdom teeth... when i had mine out, i actually had 6 wisdom teeth removed (two on each side of my top row, one on each side of the bottom) and, to further complicate things, they discovered two cists on each side of the bottom wisdoms that had to be removed. They had me under for hours and I just kept hearing this one Led Zeppelin CD playing over and over and over again... I distinctly remember sorta waking up at one point, looking around, and seeing a bit of blood spray out of my mouth, like a small geyser or a wound in anime. It made me want to laugh...

The worst part is definitely the first couple days afterwards... good luck weathering it, man.

My bitch: I wish I was richer so I could get a hotel and properly fuck this totally hot guy who I met in the club. Also, is it Mexican game to be insincere? I keep hearing all sorts of crazy stuff out of him (language barrier is not that bad, I actually remembered more Spanish than I thought I would...) More on this here:http://forums.gotwoot.net/showthread.php?p=344252&postcount=213

Tue, 07-31-2007, 01:21 AM
Umm, is "totally hot guy" a typo or a joke? I couldn't tell from your other post if you hooked up with a guy or a girl. Either way, I'm fighting the urge to hurl.

Tue, 07-31-2007, 01:47 AM
My bitch is this. I just spent an hour of my Birthday erasing crappy text from a picture that I want to make a wallpaper out of. And what a bitch it was to remove em. I had to erase and brush it in myself without making it look like Chicken scratch.

Before I got my Wacom, I used to hate that manner of work, but after the Wacom tablet, I enjoy it... Such a difference.

Board of Command
Tue, 07-31-2007, 02:05 AM
Umm, is "totally hot guy" a typo or a joke? I couldn't tell from your other post if you hooked up with a guy or a girl. Either way, I'm fighting the urge to hurl.
Yeah. That part put some awful images in my head. It's late at night. I don't need that shit.

Tue, 07-31-2007, 06:21 AM
My bitch..

I just got banned for the 4th time on MMORPG.com.

This time it was for posting pornographic content on the boards

The OP made another (one of the 436458378538735757573) topics about WoW vs WAR and he said he would enjoy being flamed, kicked in the face and inappropiately touched..

So I said " My cousing has a young bear, he really likes 12 year old boys when they bend over. It really gets him on if you know what I mean. Enjoy! :)"

And I get banned for posting PORN ??? ... I got the definition of porn from Google, but it does NOT say anything about bears and young boys!

Pornography, sometimes shortened to porn or porno, is, in its broadest state, the explicit representation of the human body or sexual activity with the goal of sexual arousal and/or sexual relief. It is similar to erotica, which is the use of sexually-arousing imagery used mainly for artistic purpose. Over the past few decades, an immense industry for the production and consumption of pornography has grown, due to emergence of the VCR, the DVD, and the Internet, as well as the emergence of more tolerant social attitudes.

Seriously, they could have just warned me ;'(

Tue, 07-31-2007, 08:43 AM
I'd have banned you too. Pedophilia is nothing to joke about, you sick bastard.

Tue, 07-31-2007, 10:16 AM
t's a bear!! Who cares what bears do !!??

Tue, 07-31-2007, 12:03 PM
You could ask Assertn. He's got Pedobear in his avatar.

Tue, 07-31-2007, 12:12 PM
Lol @ ?igma. Anytime the idea "sex with children" is implied no matter the context, you're going to be under pretty harsh scrutiny from most people.

Tue, 07-31-2007, 12:18 PM
t's a bear!! Who cares what bears do !!??
So your cousin was raping a 12 year old bear?
Or did a bear rape your 12 year old cousin?

Tue, 07-31-2007, 01:39 PM
i should totally ban assertn for having that bear in his avatar.

Tue, 07-31-2007, 01:48 PM
i should totally ban assertn for having that bear in his avatar.
PEDOBEAR will not move :mad:

Tue, 07-31-2007, 03:38 PM
Truth is, there is no bear *roll eyes*

Fuck, I just can't see why I cant express a SLIGHT abusive joke when someone is directly asking to be touched inappropiate. I say it's his fault for asking !

Wed, 08-01-2007, 05:29 PM
They banned me for saying "Yeah it was." These mods are acting like a bunch of tight asshole Nazis.

Board of Command
Wed, 08-01-2007, 05:42 PM
Yeah they are.

/puts on camouflage

Mon, 08-06-2007, 04:53 PM
Melty Fan.


It melted the fan. There are no other words.

Board of Command
Mon, 08-06-2007, 05:53 PM
Get one of these


Mon, 08-06-2007, 06:11 PM
Melty Fan.

Pretty much exactly what happened to me.

So I got one of these :]


Mon, 08-06-2007, 06:56 PM
Get one of these


The funny part is, I did, like 2 months ago. It doesn't fit. I was pissed.

Board of Command
Mon, 08-06-2007, 07:02 PM
That's really weird. Five attachment modes and none of them fit? Your card must have some non-standard hole locations then.

Mon, 08-06-2007, 07:15 PM
Actually, I got a VF700, not a VF900... a few less mounting options.

I could have made it fit by drilling another hole in the attachment bar about 1/4 of an inch down. My drill didn't make a dent (need some much higher quality bits I think), and I don't have access to a drill press to do the job more reliably.

I'm pretty sure the last meltdown also damaged the card though, because it doesn't initialize anymore, even cold. I've got a 7600gs that should be getting here Wednesday or so though.

Really can't wait till my job starts up and I start getting real money. I'm about 3 months away from finally making the jump over to a system that doesn't blow, and pci-e.

Tue, 08-07-2007, 02:27 AM
I'm awake and it is 3:30 AM.

Tue, 08-07-2007, 02:58 AM
I'm having a hard time staying awake but I'm at work and it's 11:57AM. Just wait until after lunch, then I'll really have trouble staying awake.

Wed, 08-08-2007, 05:48 PM
you need a monster... that would make you feel awake for at least a couple hours.

current bitch...

i have a head-ache and it seems like some of my school work is coming along way too slow. or that i really just have no study-ethic and can't fight the urge to play 2-3 hours of counterstrike when i get to my house after a long day.

New bitch : the video card i just got was out of stock at newegg so i bought it elsewhere for 189.99 and now newegg has it instock for 167 :( BOOO

Thu, 08-09-2007, 10:35 PM
I can't stand when people eat with their mouths open...also i think Korean elementary students can be little ****s...

Board of Command
Thu, 08-09-2007, 11:17 PM
The white elementary kids in my neighborhood are all like that too. In fact, I beat one of them up once because he was being such a dick.

Fri, 08-10-2007, 02:13 AM
The white elementary kids in my neighborhood are all like that too. In fact, I beat one of them up once because he was being such a dick.

You beat up a kid?? You Chinese Monster!!!

Board of Command
Fri, 08-10-2007, 02:27 AM
The kid obviously never got beat before. That's why he grew up to be an asshole. I'm doing his parents a favor.

Do the right thing. Beat your kid.

Board of Command
Fri, 08-10-2007, 03:11 PM
Here's my bitch today: my neighbor's kid. He's unbelievably loud. I secretly recorded his "computer game session" this afternoon and compiled all the annoying stuff into one action-packed video. Enjoy.


(don't worry it's not a Rick Roll)

Fri, 08-10-2007, 03:13 PM
Do the right thing. Beat your kid.

Quoted for truth. Start em young and beat them till they're bigger than you, and even then don't stop trying. Just make sure they were actually in the wrong though...

Sat, 08-11-2007, 07:32 PM
My bitching for the day: I watched BoC's youtube link and it was set at the highest volume known to man. >:|

Sat, 08-11-2007, 08:14 PM
I absolutely loathe it when your friends make plans with you and then say they'll call, like they usually do, and then make other plans and forget to call or simply just not bother to do so. What kind of lame-ass, childish, disrespectful tripe is that? The best is when it's JUST after doing them some sort of favour, then it's an especially awesome burn. I need to get some new friends, hahaha.

Sat, 08-11-2007, 09:04 PM
I absolutely loathe it when your friends make plans with you and then say they'll call, like they usually do, and then make other plans and forget to call or simply just not bother to do so. What kind of lame-ass, childish, disrespectful tripe is that? The best is when it's JUST after doing them some sort of favour, then it's an especially awesome burn. I need to get some new friends, hahaha.
The best definitely has to be when they forget to call, and then talk about it to you later.

Sat, 08-11-2007, 09:19 PM
The best definitely has to be when they forget to call, and then talk about it to you later.
Yeah, seriously. I mean, if some other plans come up they should at least have the common courtesy to call so you're not waiting around all day like a dumbass for their phone call.

If they forget to call to follow up on something it's no big deal because there were not set plans. It's only irritating and rude when they make plans with you and then change them without letting you know.

Anyway I'm ranting now...it's only spilled milk.

Sun, 08-12-2007, 04:50 AM
Here's my bitch today: my neighbor's kid. He's unbelievably loud. I secretly recorded his "computer game session" this afternoon and compiled all the annoying stuff into one action-packed video. Enjoy.


(don't worry it's not a Rick Roll)

thats pretty loud. do u live in a house or apt.?

Board of Command
Sun, 08-12-2007, 11:35 AM
thats pretty loud. do u live in a house or apt.?
It's a house. The kid came over to play with my brother, so it's not like he was yelling from his house. Both computers are in the basement and fairly close to each other. I just put my digital camera on the floor and recorded 40 minutes of sound.

Sun, 08-12-2007, 12:21 PM
You should wail on your brother until his friend stops making so much noise.

My gripe: when satellite offices refuse to follow head office policies and give you a hassle when you're doing everything by the book because it doesn't follow their local policies, which happen to contradict corporate policies, but you have to buckle under or you're screwed while you're at the satellite office.

Mon, 08-13-2007, 01:56 PM
i'm the type of friend who says they will call their friend later and then doesn't call them for months.... yeah im a bad friend.

anyhow.. current bitch :

i met this girl who i really like and she seems to like me but i have a girlfriend of almost 8 months and i'm not really the cheating type... but if i didn't like other girls that would mean that my girlfriend has made me gay. *sigh*

and no; there is a .00000000000000000000001% chance of having them both at the same exact time.

Tue, 08-14-2007, 09:16 PM
Current bitch: Long story short is I met someone and became friends... we were together but not "together" since he rejected that idea... met his best friend and got with the new person... the first friend decided he wants nothing to do with me :) Yay. The joy of friends being dumb! Oh well... big deal.

Tue, 08-14-2007, 09:21 PM
So thats why DF is going to join the military.. THE TRUTH COMES OUT :o

Tue, 08-14-2007, 09:48 PM
So thats why DF is going to join the military.. THE TRUTH COMES OUT :o

So... why is he joining? :P To go kick his friend's butt for being a jerk to me oooooor?

Board of Command
Wed, 08-15-2007, 12:39 AM

to go get some headshots IRL??

Wed, 08-15-2007, 06:15 AM
BOC, what if you catch lag IRL...


Wed, 08-15-2007, 10:26 AM
I guess it is time for me to add my first bitch to the thread. Here it is:

I work at IKEA, yes IKEA. The crappy Swedish furniture store, where, the furniture is held together by wooden pegs. Well, I work in the department of the store known as recovery which means we put together the furniture that people return and try to sell it again - in the AS IS section of the store.

On Sunday my manager in all of his infinite wisdom schedules the two new people to close, by ourselves. You're thinking what's the problem? First problem: Neither of us knew how to clear the returns screens or where to take the warehouse returns at night. Second problem: We can't take the garbage down to the trash compactor because neither of us are eighteen. So, when the store manager, the other new person's mom came down, she said we could leave. So we did.

The next day I come into work, knowing that I am going to expect a torrent of complaints. The odd part was the only complaint I got was from another part-time worker who worksr like fifteen hours a week...and I don't really care what he has to say. The assistant manager said nothing, but the manager wasn't there. So today when both of the new hires yet again will close I'm sure our manager will try to rip us a new asshole. I just pray for his sake that he doesn't...for I don't take crap from managers at part time jobs.

Wed, 08-15-2007, 12:20 PM
Cool, a job at IKEA?? Do you get discounts on their products? If you do, I imagine your apartment or home looks like Ed Norton's character's home in Fight Club, before he blows it up. Working a part time job as a teen, I always had the prereq that you got discounts on their products and that their products were worth buying, so I worked at a Subway and a Best Buy. IKEA is right up there.

Wed, 08-15-2007, 01:45 PM
the new job... that i have been at for 2 months. *sigh*

they want me to list for sale old phone system equipment on ebay. simple enough, i do have alot of ebay experience. So much bitching about this, the lady i work with is talking to me about it.. then goes to talk to this other guy about it as if i dont know the answer to her question... i was ebaying in 1998... wtf. anyhow, they dont have an existing account so i have to make one. And with no feedback history you are limited in several ways on ebay, no buy it now, no dutch auction style...

they want to sell these phones that are fairly new and they will take ahuge loss from whaty they bought them for. So i get done listing the phones and my boss is talking about he wants at least $100 per phone... not going to happen.

Then he proceeds to show me 3 huge boxes full of 2-3 generations old phone systems i'm sopposed to sell and is telling me how they bought them for like 300 each. This is stuff you would see listed for free on craigslist... its so old, the numbers on the phones are done in a digital looking hash way.. jesus christ. all i can do is bitch, this job is rediculous.

Wed, 08-15-2007, 05:17 PM
bbaucom, you are the driving force behind the bitching thread.

Board of Command
Wed, 08-15-2007, 06:17 PM
the new job... that i have been at for 2 months. *sigh*

they want me to list for sale old phone system equipment on ebay. simple enough, i do have alot of ebay experience. So much bitching about this, the lady i work with is talking to me about it.. then goes to talk to this other guy about it as if i dont know the answer to her question... i was ebaying in 1998... wtf. anyhow, they dont have an existing account so i have to make one. And with no feedback history you are limited in several ways on ebay, no buy it now, no dutch auction style...

they want to sell these phones that are fairly new and they will take ahuge loss from whaty they bought them for. So i get done listing the phones and my boss is talking about he wants at least $100 per phone... not going to happen.

Then he proceeds to show me 3 huge boxes full of 2-3 generations old phone systems i'm sopposed to sell and is telling me how they bought them for like 300 each. This is stuff you would see listed for free on craigslist... its so old, the numbers on the phones are done in a digital looking hash way.. jesus christ. all i can do is bitch, this job is rediculous.
That's lolz :)

Wed, 08-15-2007, 09:14 PM
Cool, a job at IKEA?? Do you get discounts on their products? If you do, I imagine your apartment or home looks like Ed Norton's character's home in Fight Club, before he blows it up. Working a part time job as a teen, I always had the prereq that you got discounts on their products and that their products were worth buying, so I worked at a Subway and a Best Buy. IKEA is right up there.
I don't like IKEA furniture, they just pay well. :D

Board of Command
Wed, 08-15-2007, 09:16 PM
Cheap furniture is good furniture. Garage sales ftw.

Say no to used mattresses though.

Wed, 08-15-2007, 10:08 PM
Yeah, and chicks love IKEA furniture, so you can either hook them up or impress them when they visit your pad.

Board of Command
Thu, 08-16-2007, 12:19 AM
My bitch of the day: Doritos.

Why do everyone buy the regular nacho cheese flavor? Whenever there's any sort of social event and Doritos are served, it's the nacho cheese flavor. What's up with that? There are plenty of other flavors, most of which are better than nacho cheese. It really bugs me.

Thu, 08-16-2007, 01:02 AM
Cooler Ranch and Fiery Habanero are wicked and much better than the standard nacho cheese flavor, but I wouldn't complain either way. Free doritos is free doritos.

edit: Just kidding. My real bitch: spiders. At least that's what I think attacked me last night, so now I have two large and one small painful welts on my hands and arm from something that bit me while I was sleeping. Just as my sandfly bites healed up, now I have to scratch at these spider bites. This place sux.

Thu, 08-16-2007, 09:48 AM
Nacho Cheese flavor is like the baseline Doritos flavor (Honorable Mention to Cooler Ranch). If you grab a bunch of people at random and put a bag of NC and a bag of some newer brand out for them, chances are more people will go for the NC. Just like you can expect more people to like plain Lays than bbq in a group of random people.

Thu, 08-16-2007, 10:33 AM
Nacho Cheese flavor is like the baseline Doritos flavor (Honorable Mention to Cooler Ranch). If you grab a bunch of people at random and put a bag of NC and a bag of some newer brand out for them, chances are more people will go for the NC. Just like you can expect more people to like plain Lays than bbq in a group of random people.

I'm not sure about that...unless you throw dip into the equation, but that's kind of a wild card. From my exp, people go for the bbq more. And i dont understand the nacho cheesier thing; those are bar none, the worst doritos; yet people ravage them at parties. Ranch FTW!!!

Board of Command
Thu, 08-16-2007, 11:08 AM
I like all the Extreme flavors. They just pack so much more flavor than nacho cheese.

Thu, 08-16-2007, 02:43 PM
Nacho Cheese flavor is like the baseline Doritos flavor (Honorable Mention to Cooler Ranch). If you grab a bunch of people at random and put a bag of NC and a bag of some newer brand out for them, chances are more people will go for the NC. Just like you can expect more people to like plain Lays than bbq in a group of random people.
It's the same with soft drinks and Coke. Whenever anyone buys soft drinks in large quantities for parties or whatever, they always buy Coke, because that's the "standard" soda. It doesn't matter that most people will probably prefer Dr. Pepper or Pepsi, coke is just the safe bet because most people will probably drink it. Also Sprite.

And for the record, I actually prefer Nacho Cheesier :p.

Fri, 08-17-2007, 12:53 AM
My bitch of the day: joker-kun. How do the Japanese address him, joker-kun-kun, or joker-kun-chan? Makes no sense.

Board of Command
Fri, 08-17-2007, 01:24 AM
My bitch of the day: joker-kun. How do the Japanese address him, joker-kun-kun, or joker-kun-chan? Makes no sense.
This is like deja vu...

Fri, 08-17-2007, 09:50 AM
I prefer Joker-kun-chama so he is like a rich spoiled brat that we all just love.. >> << >>

COMPLAINT OF DAY: Everytime I see Animaniax name the Theme song of the animaniacs get stuck in my head so it makes hating him harder( or easier?)

Fri, 08-17-2007, 11:12 AM
This is like deja vu...Yeah, it pisses me off enough it became my bitch for two days straight.

COMPLAINT OF DAY: Everytime I see Animaniax name the Theme song of the animaniacs get stuck in my head so it makes hating him harder( or easier?)It shouldn't be either, since my name is Animeniax, which only vaguely resembles that cartoon's name.

Fri, 08-17-2007, 11:58 AM
except it has the same pronunciation in my head...

Fri, 08-17-2007, 12:20 PM
except it has the same pronunciation in my head...
Thanks for that, now I'm pronouncing it like Animaniacs. :mad:

Fri, 08-17-2007, 12:22 PM
How were you pronouncing it o.0?

Fri, 08-17-2007, 01:11 PM
Thanks for that, now I'm pronouncing it like Animaniacs. :mad:

I thought that's how it was pronounced. :confused:

Fri, 08-17-2007, 02:08 PM
How were you pronouncing it o.0?
I never really payed attention to his screename before, ha.

Fri, 08-17-2007, 02:13 PM
You guys are losing sight of my bitch about joker-kun's name:

You can't just add the -kun honorific to your name because you feel like it. It's the suffix others use to denote their familiarity-level with you, so only people who know you should refer to you as joeyjoejoe-kun, and others would refer to you as joeyjoejoe-san or -sama or -chan or -chama(?). It's very impolite to force that level of familiarity on everyone, asking them to call you joeyjoejoe-kun regardless if they know you that well or not.

How would you like it if my username was Animeniax-sama or Animeniax-sensei? Basically I'd be subjecting you to my superiority regardless of my qualifications, and that's just wrong (in principle).

Fri, 08-17-2007, 02:17 PM
Also, your not supposed to refer to yourself with an honorific :p

Fri, 08-17-2007, 02:23 PM
That's what I'm railing on about. It's rude and classless. You listening, joker-kun?

Fri, 08-17-2007, 02:27 PM
My guess is that Joker was taken.. :p

Fri, 08-17-2007, 03:10 PM
Joker-kun slightly less resembles a goofy batman villain name, which I'm sure was a contributing factor.

Fri, 08-17-2007, 03:13 PM
Ah yes-- The riddler. I remember him well.

Fri, 08-17-2007, 05:32 PM
Ah yes-- The riddler. I remember him well.
Aren't you forgetting the more obvious one, the Joker? :p

Fri, 08-17-2007, 10:13 PM
Wow... i'm in slight amazement for Animeniax constant obsession with me. I'll get back to that though.

Nonetheless i'll respond. I don't know if it's still around but there used to be a thread about how everyone got their names, it was explained there. It might have been dumped somewhere along the forum moves.

Anyway, the joker part of my name was mostly influenced from my time living in Toronto. I guess you can call this racial profiling but alot of the black community there had this thing where they would say "jooooooooooookes geeeeee-uuuuuuy, this guy is a jooooker!!". Alot of us found it funny. So I liked the name Joker. When I picked the nick I was 14, knew nothing about japanese and my favorite anime was Naruto. As we all know Naruto is often called Naruto-kun. There you go.

I'm sorry Animeniax that the internet is your life and you feel the need to analyze every tiny thing. I knew nothing about japanese when I was 14, and i still don't really. I don't really care to be honest with you. I'm never going to put in the time to learn japanese as a language. if you don't like it too bad.

Now my bitch here is Animeniax obsession for me. Seriously dude, get some new material, troll's are suppose to find new things to bug people, you attempting to rip on my nick probably interested nobody (hence why you had to get people "back on topic" a page ago). If you want to analyze everyone's nicks we can find a problem with about half of them. including yours. This is like the third thread you've managed to bring me up for pretty much no reason. Are you going to be showing up at my door sometime soon. Cause you must have an e-obsession with me. I guess you can't handle being proven wrong like you were in BoC's thread like over a month ago. Seriously though, move on. Get some therapy or something. Vendetta's on the internet are a little old. I have even managed to agree with you on something in a thread yet as i've said earlier you managed to bring me up in like 3 random threads I knew nothing about. Find someone else to fulfill your hardon. Your following me around the forums quoting my every second post is really getting old. You're the new 'big' troll as of late. Keep that alive. you keep going on about me people are just going to find you boring and that flame pit thread you're so proud of is going to get no more replies. Since that means the world to you you really should find some new material.

It would be amazing just once to see you not reply to someone who replies to you. You've also got some sort of complex where you need to get the last say. Feel free to prove me wrong. i'm sure you'll just say something like "I need to prove nothing to you" though. Which is 100% true.

Fri, 08-17-2007, 11:05 PM
I need to prove nothing to you.

My current bitch: long-winded essays on a forum. I know Ive been guilty of some elaboration, but generally people who contribute to a forum have short attention spans and little regard for others' opinions, so reading a long-winded post with poor grammar and sentence structure really makes it hard to keep focus and people stop caring and it sucks.

Aren't you forgetting the more obvious one, the Joker? :p
Dude, it's not too late to edit your thread before everyone sees it! Oh wait, now it is.

Fri, 08-17-2007, 11:18 PM
My current bitch: Does anybody else find it odd, that a 42 year old man is proudly flaunting his immaturity around an anime message board? Especially since he insists on making fatuous remarks, hoping to get a rouse out of individuals who will never think about him past that immediate point in time?

Fri, 08-17-2007, 11:28 PM
Especially since he insists on making fatuous remarksI never said anything about fat people. Don't get mizuchi started about that again. Someone he knows is fat, and he doesn't appreciate us making fun of them in general.

Sat, 08-18-2007, 12:01 AM
That's enough of that.

If you want to flame each other, take it to the pit, but remember that this thread is in General Discussion. Any further sniping at each other or other regulars in this or any other thread in GD will result in a lengthy involuntary vacation.

Please don't make me play moderator and ban you for a very long time.

Sat, 08-18-2007, 12:08 AM
I never said anything about fat people. Don't get mizuchi started about that again. Someone he knows is fat, and he doesn't appreciate us making fun of them in general.
fat·u·ous /ˈfætʃuəs/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[fach-oo-uhs] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
1. foolish or inane

Sat, 08-18-2007, 01:58 AM
Aren't you forgetting the more obvious one, the Joker?
Man, you really couldn't resist killing that joke, didn't you? Get a sense of subtlety plz.

And that's my bitch. I'm not talking specifically about you, Infidel, I don't know you well enough to flame you and I'm not trying to call you out. I'm just saying in general, it really bothers me when people either 1. Make an obvious or uncreative joke or 2. Explain/ruin a clever and/or subtle joke that someone else has made. I really appreciate good comedy, and it just bugs the shit out of me when people are so tactless. Like, "Yes, we're all clever enough to recognize the sarcasm in the comment, we don't need it explained for us. But thanks anyway for completely robbing the humor from the situation just so you could get the last word in."

I think Family Guy parodied this in one episode, but I can't remember which one, or the exact scene.

Sat, 08-18-2007, 02:35 AM
I never said anything about fat people. Don't get mizuchi started about that again. Someone he knows is fat, and he doesn't appreciate us making fun of them in general.
and thus, my bitch is born: people who don't know what a word means and comments on it as though he does. Have fun!

Sat, 08-18-2007, 03:11 AM
and thus, my bitch is born: people who don't know what a word means and comments on it as though he does. Have fun!
You should have stayed gone. Check out Xanbcoo's bitch about explaining/spoiling a joke. Unfortunately, I might be guilty of his first bitch, making an obvious and uncreative joke. Sigh.

Sat, 08-18-2007, 03:20 AM
and thus, my bitch is born: people who don't know what a word means and comments on it as though he does. Have fun!
It's a troll.

And so my "bitch" goes: it pisses me off a bit when people don't stop feeding the troll after I tell them to knock it off.

Also, I think the hard mode version of Institutionalized (from Guitar Hero 2) is more annoying than the expert one. The chorus is more of a pain in the ass, the solo-heavy parts have more unexpected and random strum notes, and the lack of the fourth note in the section leading up to the chorus totally throws my timing off for some inexplicable reason.

Sat, 08-18-2007, 05:06 PM
I have that card :o..

Death BOO Z
Sat, 08-18-2007, 06:03 PM
Well, I think I'm regressing to highschool self-hate again...
I don't like the army, for all the obvious reasons, but on the other hand, I can't cope with being home well enough to justify 'wanting' to come back as much as possible.
I'm not getting along too well with my family, I really don't have anything to keep me connected to the house itself (I can't even sleep right at night, hardly 5 hours) and my social life is returnning to zero quite fast...

I think i might take on what my officer suggested, a 10 - 4 deal (or 10-4&11-3, but nothing worse), ten days at the army, which is quite enough for me to hate being there and want to go home, and then 4 days at home, enough time to try and do something with myself..

I don't want things to stay this way, I'm getting tired of feeling like a damn loser when i can't get anyone to talk with me on a saturday night...

well, that finishes my contribution to the forums this weekend, I'll be back, and god help us all.

Sat, 08-18-2007, 10:12 PM
It's a troll.

And so my "bitch" goes: it pisses me off a bit when people don't stop feeding the troll after I tell them to knock it off.
I had that card back when I played too. One of my favorites, for the picture alone.

@complich8: Unfortunately with this particular troll, infidel and python paid the 1 red mana each to regenerate it and so it continues on :D (sorry, Sir).

Board of Command
Sat, 08-18-2007, 11:15 PM
My bitch RIGHT NOW:

There hasn't been any anime releases aside from Claymore these past couple days. I need things to pass time with.

Sat, 08-18-2007, 11:36 PM
Current Bitch: As with one of my previous bitches everyone knows I work at IKEA, but it is not that the work there is hard -- but boring. I would rather have hard work which passes the time than easy, slow moving work. I am someone who needs to have mind stimulation...not blankness while I am building returned furniture.

Board of Command
Sat, 08-18-2007, 11:56 PM
Current Bitch: As with one of my previous bitches everyone knows I work at IKEA, but it is not that the work there is hard -- but boring. I would rather have hard work which passes the time than easy, slow moving work. I am someone who needs to have mind stimulation...not blankness while I am building returned furniture.
Don't ever work in the government.

Sun, 08-19-2007, 12:06 AM
At least you have a job where you can stay somewhat active, even if it's mindless work. Desk jobs get boring and your ass balloons (well, not mine). Of course, you get internet (and GW) access if you have a desk job, which is kind of cool.

Board of Command
Sun, 08-19-2007, 12:13 AM
But it drives you nuts. It's just a sea of cubicles. It makes you feel so worthless.

Sun, 08-19-2007, 12:51 AM
Yeah I know what you mean, I've worked in cubicle farms before. You have to make it fun with cube wars and LAN games and stay somewhat social with your fellow cube-dwellers. Hardest part is staying physically active while trapped in a 6X6 box.

Board of Command
Sun, 08-19-2007, 01:55 AM
Those options were not available when I worked with a bunch of old civil engineers........

Sun, 08-19-2007, 08:34 PM
Well I don't plan of doing any of that when I get my major from college, I intend on being a Social Work major.

Sun, 08-19-2007, 10:09 PM
Wow, social worker? Does that job pay well? You'd better minor in CS or something useful.

Mon, 08-20-2007, 04:30 PM
Wow, social worker? Does that job pay well? You'd better minor in CS or something useful.
Computer Science or Communication Studies?

Mon, 08-20-2007, 04:31 PM
Computer Science is actually a lucrative major...Communications is pretty much useless.

Mon, 08-20-2007, 05:24 PM
Wow, social worker? Does that job pay well? You'd better minor in CS or something useful.
If you don't go to a graduate school to get your Masters in Social Worker (MSW) you can't even get a job unless it's a shitty one, but I definitely plan on going to Graduate School. With an MSW you open doors and your pay increases -- I'm not really doing it for pay anyway...I live to help people. Social Workers make around the same amount that High School Teachers do.

Social Workers with just a bachelor degree start around $31,425 per year, with those who receive their masters start around $40, 548 per year.

Board of Command
Mon, 08-20-2007, 05:49 PM
Masters in Social Worker...? Never heard of that degree before.

Mon, 08-20-2007, 05:51 PM
Masters in Social Worker...? Never heard of that degree before.

That will explain it to you better than I would be able too, plus I'd probably just screw it up.

Board of Command
Mon, 08-20-2007, 05:56 PM
Never knew you need such degrees to do social work. Interesting...

Mon, 08-20-2007, 06:05 PM
Never knew you need such degrees to do social work. Interesting...
You need them in only a few states, but you need them to get your certificate. If you don't get such a degree you get stuck doing desk jobs.

Board of Command
Sat, 08-25-2007, 11:20 PM
Haruhi Vol. 9: The Dissociation of Suzumiya Haruhi......

There was so much promise in this book, but it doesn't end! It's the first book in the series that finishes on a "To be continued..." This was the shortest book so far, and it still left me hanging at the end. It seems like the author purposely cut it short so he can publish a 10th book. Pisses me off.

Sat, 08-25-2007, 11:34 PM
A Masters of Social Work lets you get your LCSW license which allows you to do clinical work like a psychologist with less education(1 to 2 years) and being able to charge less per an hour (20-30 an hour compared to two to three times as much for a psychologist). If you have a bachelors your usually a case manager/paper pusher. Not everyone is shallow like you BOC I happen to be a social worker as well, some one has to pick up the pieces when you computer people get all depressed and disfunctional due to the lack of human contact.

Board of Command
Sat, 08-25-2007, 11:50 PM
I've never been depressed and never will. My personality simply doesn't allow it. I've never even be stressed. Don't know what it feels like.

Sun, 08-26-2007, 12:58 AM
I love being depressed, it makes me feel cool.

Anyway, today marks 4 days until I move into my new school and have to do the entire college orientation process again. Which sucks.

Sun, 08-26-2007, 06:08 AM
I just came back from an annual half marathon event, and my entire body is aching due to running 21 km. Lack of training also meant that my body's not conditioned enough, and I'm been getting cramps since I crossed that finishing line.... I'll need a few days to recover from this.

Sun, 08-26-2007, 01:40 PM
Psyke, I'm american so i dont think in kilometers... but i assure you, 99% of people on these forums could not even run 5 km without breaking down and passing out.

anyhow, current bitch...

i have 16 computers that need to have all of their adobe / macromedia cs2 stuff uninstalled and i need to install the cs3 web premier suite on all of them. sounds simple enough.

upon uninstallation i realise that 3 of the computers dont even have dvd roms so i have to go get them and install them.. finally get around to installing cs3.

started at 12:44... it is now 1:38 and it is still running. now, if i have 16 computers to install this on and its going to take at least an hour per computer, how the hell am i going to do this today? (needs to be done by tomorrow or tuesday) so, while most people have sunday off i am stuck working until who knows how late tonight.
(uninstalling all the stuff alone = 10-15 minutes per computer)
-im going to maybe run and get some dvd-r's and attempt to burn the install cd a few times mehhhh this sucks.

Sun, 08-26-2007, 05:43 PM
yeah, parallelism is definitely a win on that. Start one uninstall, then another, then another ... etc.

Also, you might consider just dropping the whole installation dvd into a network share, and installing via the network. Particularly if you've got gigabit...

Sun, 08-26-2007, 08:31 PM
so my friend hosted a bbq today. five other friends confirmed that they were going to come. the bbq time was supposed to be at 4 pm. i went there at 6:30 pm and no one had shown up yet. waited for four hours, and still no one showed up. we left messages on people's phones, and no one called back. finally at 10:30 pm i decided to leave. i can't decide whether to be really mad at my friends for being such jerks, or to let it go because i like them so much. it's not like any one of them to do something like this.

Mon, 08-27-2007, 10:37 AM
Wait a minute here, you decided to go at 6:30 when it was supposed to be at 4? If i were the guy hosting it i would be plenty mad. It is real bad manners to arrive 2 and a half hours late. It's even worse from your other so called friends to not show up or call or anything.

I have an advice for your friend hosting it though, get new real friends that shows respect.

Mon, 08-27-2007, 04:01 PM
no, well, the earliest possible time was 4, but since it was just a small, casual thing and people were working and such, the host said that we could come any time after 4, be it 5 or 6 or 7or whenever. two people cancelled, one took sleep medication and accidentally slept through it all, and the other two are still unaccounted for.

Mon, 08-27-2007, 04:16 PM
well i'm glad i bought myself a psp this past weekend because my birthday has gone to shit

and what do i get this year for my birthday? well ... because i somehow managed to lose my only car key... i get to have my car towed and have a new key made. That is my birthday present. i would say life sucks but then i realise that alot of people dont even have cars.... what fucking luck i have with cars... *life sucks right now.

Mon, 08-27-2007, 07:24 PM
It can suck to be the first one at the party....which usually happens if you show up right when the party is supposed to start.

Mon, 08-27-2007, 08:30 PM
It can suck to be the first one at the party....which usually happens if you show up right when the party is supposed to start.

I've been there, being a pretty punctual person. It's especially awkward if the host is just an acquaintance, and your other friends aren't showing up until later. I usually budget to arrive 30-60 minutes after the official party 'start time'. It gives a bit of time for the party to start, but isn't insulting to the host, and people don't start wondering where you are.

When I myself am hosting a party though.....I hate it when people arrive really late. But, I've gotten around that due to the fact that people who come late to pie parties don't end up getting any pie, cause it's all been eaten. It's the people who come early that end up getting the first choice of pie out of the oven. It's surprisingly effective for getting people to arrive on time.

Mon, 08-27-2007, 09:22 PM
Annoyance of the moment would be... my apartment's toilet has been on a constant run since we moved in here. A little drip is no major problem and almost 2 years later we finally get the caretaker to fix it. Oh he fixed it alright... the new pump keeps hissing rather loudly at random every so often so it freaks you the hell out when you don't even know it's been "fixed" getting home from work and you're standing in the bathroom when the toilet starts making growls at you lol. That... and you have to keep the back part open to manually stop the water from rising by nudging it or it'll overflow. Caretaker better get his butt back here tomorrow...

Tue, 08-28-2007, 12:12 PM
My schedule for school is totally fucked :/.. I just dropped a science class I don't need.. and a music credit.. so now I'm a part time student unless I get into the classes on my waitlist lol..

Board of Command
Wed, 08-29-2007, 10:50 AM
It really irritates me when people don't answer to your emails promptly. For my next term, I'm sharing this place with another guy whom I've never met before. I emailed him on Monday about some fairly important issues. Guess what? It's Wednesday now and still no reply. He's moving in on Saturday and I'm moving on Sunday.


Wed, 08-29-2007, 11:27 AM
That almost happened to me, I had not yet learned to check my university email and my roommate had emailed me like 5 minutes earlier. If I had not checked then I would have missed it for probably a week.

Oh and on the bitchy side, FUCK 8 A.M. CLASSES..... that is all.

Wed, 08-29-2007, 11:36 AM
My address (not email but the physical) seems to be cursed, what comes to anything being shipped from the USA to here. Four parcels/letters sent by a buddy living in the USA and only the first ever got here (that at least is good seeing how it contained stuff worth 200 euros). The other three wouldn't have been anything that expensive but it's still seriously pissing me off. Are we still living some bloody 17th century with pirates sinking ships carrying the post or what?

Wed, 08-29-2007, 01:15 PM
held up at customs maybe?

Wed, 08-29-2007, 02:05 PM
Then it would be the American customs, but even then I wouldn't know why. The one that did manage to get here was certainly stopped at customs at this end and I had to go there to open it for them to check for whatever they hoped to find, but nothing like that has happened with the rest of them. I never got any notes to come and get them. So, I can only assume some link in the chain though there was too much weight to carry...

Sat, 09-01-2007, 09:06 PM
Me and my band was supposed to finish up recordings for our debut release tomorrow but due to various circumstances we have to wait even longer. Goddamnit! Feels like an eternal delay! And that's my bitching for the day. Also I'm unemployed again lulz. :(

Sat, 09-01-2007, 11:15 PM
I'm still sick. That's my issue of the night. Not much of one but one worth complaining about if my head doesn't stop pounding >.<

Mon, 09-03-2007, 01:00 PM
Two bitches today...

1) Stupid woman with a cellphone didn't stop in a red light and crashed me from behind about 2 weeks ago...

2) Bought Final Fantasy Tactics Advance on ebay two months ago. Game never arrived. Ebay states to wait about 40 days to start disputes. Waited that time. Seller states I took to long to ask, but I had asked her about 4 times already. Seller offered to refund only shipment, so I escalated it to ebay. Bleh...

Tue, 09-04-2007, 05:05 PM
I love ebay, but at the same time they suck when it comes to small dollar purchases like that. They may be able to get your money back... but they will take $25 of it to "process" so that leaves you with barely anything. I got ripped off for $30 and got $5 back... thats weak sauce.

anyhow onto my bitching... Relationships. I know there is a relationship thread but damnit, i'm here to bitch. My girlfriend of 8 months and I just aren't doing too good. most of it is my fault but like, today... she has class until 4:15, i get done working @ 4:30. if i meet up with her, that means that i'm spending an extra hour and a half in my car driving when i have been up all day and just want to go home. she did this same thing this past thursday... i wanted to go home but then she waits for me and then im obligated to spend the next hour and a half in traffic taking her home, then 30 miles the opposite way to get to my house. I met another girl that i like alot, but i know that we could never have a relationship... I know that i am an asshole and that i do alot of things that negatively effect my girlfriend. *argh*

relationships are such bullshit. whenever i'm single i feel that i need a girlfriend, but when i have one i start to think that maybe i really didn't need one. at least not anything clingy. idk, i dont want to rant too much longer. RAWWWWWWWWWWWWR

Tue, 09-04-2007, 05:17 PM
You just want unattached sex like most men. Men form a bond before sleeping with someone(Usually.. I don;t have the graph with me.. but it is something like that). Women on the other hand form a bond after sleeping with someone.


Tue, 09-04-2007, 05:25 PM
anyhow onto my bitching... Relationships.http://img411.imageshack.us/img411/3773/relationshipspf0.png

Wed, 09-05-2007, 07:24 PM
alrite, so i usually dont post here cuz i tend to let things slide alot...but this is just pissing me off.

So i deposited a check for 500 sometime last week....because i got my first credit card recently, and thus have a new/non-existant credit history, the checks dont go into my account rite away. i have to wait 5 business days for the total amount to clear. Now this was never a problem before i had a credit card, but whatever. So here i am, a full 7 days (and probably more) after i deposited my check, but when i try to withdraw cash from the atm machine, it says i have insufficient funds. ok...i check my balance. 400 dollars. try to withdraw again...insufficient funds.

So i figure i'll go to the bank and see why that's happening (this is before i knew about the 5 business day holding period). The lady at the bank tells me its cuz they have to verify the checks, and it takes 5 business days.....hmm, i could've sworn its been 5 business days since i deposited. oh well....she says by 6 pm tonite it'll be verified and i can take out some money.....alrite, i can wait a few hours.

6:30 rolls around, and i figure i'll go do some shoppign since they money will be accessible now....i go to the local fortino's, get what i need, go to pay with my debit card.....*beep* insufficient funds.

check my watch. 7:20. try again,

*beep* insufficient funds.

WHAT THE FUCK!!! so now i gotta go back to the bank and find out why the fuck i can't take out my own money, which the even machine shows i clearly have. I dont get my student loan for another week or so, so im pretty much flat fuckign broke because the bank is fucking with me. i had to buy 17 dollars with of groceries with my god damn credit card......which is apparenty the cause of all this 5-business day verification shit anyway. hows that for fucking irony.

Wed, 09-05-2007, 10:19 PM
I think i live next to an insane woman. Like really...next door to me there are two adults, but at totally random times of the day (or night for that matter), i will hear loud screaming, uncontrollable crying, loud noises and things crashing. Its been going one for a while, and its really affecting my sleep, amongst other things. I'm afraid to have guests because of this. I'm not sure if i can endure another 20 minute to an hour tirade of whatever this woman has...

Wed, 09-05-2007, 10:23 PM
That is some crazy sex.

Wed, 09-05-2007, 10:47 PM
I used to have noisy sex neighbors in the apartment next door to me. It gets annoying when they start doing it late at night when you're trying to sleep. It's funny at first, but gets creepy way too fast.

However, in college, it's always hilarious. The bunk beds have poor/no cross-brace support, so they move around and slam into walls loudly.

...or she could just be on crack. I lived near one of those types too.

Wed, 09-05-2007, 10:59 PM
FUCK! I just accidentally left my phone, the phone in my avatar, in the washing machine.

I took off the jeans I had been wearing and put on some shorts, ready to do my laundry. I thought I had taken everything out, but then I started looking for my phone, which was nowhere to be found. Just as I started to worry what I had done with it, I heard the washing machine start to fill up with water and my insides turned to ice. By the time I ran over there, my jeans were already submerged and my phone was filled with water.

I found this site about 10 minutes ago and followed the tips. All I can do now is wait. http://www.wikihow.com/Save-a-Wet-Cell-Phone

Wed, 09-05-2007, 11:32 PM
That is some crazy sex.

Its not sex...ive seen her alone outside screaming like that :(

Thu, 09-06-2007, 08:57 AM
Then, that sucks.. you might wanna do something about it.. Landlord? Quietly approach the number with offerings of food and conversation? Be a nice neighbor.

Fri, 09-07-2007, 02:38 PM
My phone is ok!!!

I waited 2 days to let my phone dry off, keeping it under a lamp to let the water evaporate. I also was lucky enough to have a packet of silica gels (because I just bought a new bass amp, and hadn't thrown the box away yet), so I put them with the phone inside a ziplock bag. I'm recharging the battery now.

Basically what I'm saying is, if any of you do a dumbass thing like leaving a phone in the washing machine like I did, that site I found has some pretty good tips. In general, just remember to act quickly and remove the battery before anything else.

Fri, 09-07-2007, 03:02 PM
I bet you have a very clean phone now, in any case.

Fri, 09-07-2007, 07:32 PM
Bitching for today... why the fuck has osama bin laden been dying his beard... wtf.

anyhow, real bitching. I was expecting to get one ore a couple of things i've ordered recently online. I got a 4gb pro duo for my psp the other day from hong kong faster than some other things i've ordered from inside the states... wtf is that?

anyhow, the texas tollway.... they turned this highway into a toll road months ago and they dont have toll booths, so they just take a picture and bill you later. Back in march i got turned around and had to exit on this highway. So eventually i got billed, not for the posted $.25, but for $1.25. Now, its not much money but its the principal of the matter. If you post a 25 cent toll, thats what i expect to be paying, not 5 times that amount. So anyhow, i paid that months ago now, but today i got a $5 bill in the mail which since it is even, they have subtracted the original $1.25 and are now trying to collect 20 times the original toll in late fees. I sent them a long email breaking down the numbers for them and telling them they will not see another penny from me since i have already paid the toll they have posted five times over and that it is rediculous that they would try to collect twenty times the posted toll 5 months afterwards.