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Thu, 08-27-2009, 01:40 PM
any other final fantasy fans in here try playing Final Fantasy 4 : The After Years?
I like it... I wish I had more time to play it, but I was getting into the story the other day.... FF4 is one of my all time favorite games and my #1 FF game ever... so I was anxious to play this when I heard it was out.
The graphics are amazing !!! (j/k : X )
The story is kinda intriguing though.>> I'm starting to see that In a way it mirrors the original but it's a little early to tell.
Thu, 08-27-2009, 05:39 PM
I thought my post made it pretty clear what my dominant system is? I couldn't care less for Throphies, I've got like 10 bronze ones from killzone 2.
Compare that to my 21.2k score on xblive..... Yeah trophies are irrelevant to me.
I never really understood why people care about trophies or achievements or maybe it's because none of them matter to me. The only game I've ever tried to get as many trophies/achievements in is Star Ocean III on ps2 because you actually got something for them, new costumes etc.
Thu, 08-27-2009, 05:48 PM
It's a simple fact players like to be rewarded, for anything. Though I don't really care for achievements are almost insultingly easy to get. The achievements simply tell you and your friends you've done something that might be very hard.
I know people who like to lie about things they never have done to make themselfs seem more interesting and this includes game related stuff. With Achievements and Throphies its at least pretty hard to lie about those now.
It also shows how dedicated you are at playing the game. Plus some games do give other bonuses for achievements gained, like gamerpictures. Or like in Mass Effect, you get certain stat bonuses for getting certain achievements. In other games some difficult unlock might be tied to an achievement as well.
So it's not all just for points, even though most seem that way.
Thu, 08-27-2009, 05:58 PM
A lot of games I don't really care about achievements, and JRPG ones can be especially bad, either impossibly hard or mind-numbingly stupid (all set as 'secret' and turn out to be just beat the regular bosses as the game goes on).
Soul Calibur IV in particular they were vital though. You could either painstakingly unlock all of the Create-a-soul costume pieces, or just get 30 achievements and buy them with gold in the game.
They don't really mean all that much in the end, but the really hard ones are worth doing, if only for bragging rights.
Fri, 08-28-2009, 04:29 AM
I've been chipping away at Blizzard games again, preferrably Starcraft and Warcraft III.
Fri, 08-28-2009, 05:18 AM
Concept of achievements broke some games - for example the World of Warcraft. Before WotLK if there was a raid on any of the big cities, most lvl 60/70 players would rush there to help defending. Now its like "let them - it's for achievement".
In guitar hero Metallica achievement system forces you to buy full a bundle of instruments + a additional foot pad, a additional guitar, and forces you into playing with 4 people. That is if you are achievement maniac.
Overall i just don't like concept of achievements. It is artificially increasing difficulty and prolonging game's life. If you read the achievements you will want to complete some of them, and die many time trying, and you will try to get them all. Even through the game lasts for 5-7 hours(like Mirror's Edge) or less, It's play-time can be prolonged by those achievements. Developers instead of designing new levels, they just cup the plot at some point, add some achievements and leave the rest of the material to sequel.
Fri, 08-28-2009, 05:33 AM
darkshadow: I guess that makes sense, though since I hardly play online and my friends don't really do achievements/trophies I don't have much reason to collect. Though for me it'd be more interesting if more games gave you something for the achievements/trophies even if it's small things like in Mass Effect like you said.
ryllharu: I should take a look at what kind of achievements you get from JRPGs then. Though all my Trophies for blazblue are in japanese, not sure how I got them or why but for some reason when I imported the U.S version that's what I got.
Fri, 08-28-2009, 07:07 AM
Playing Batman: Arkham Asylum, a game that can only be described as "Totally fucking awsome."
Agreed. I thought it was gonna be good but I didn't think I would like it this much. Some reviews have praised it for an amazing pace, and I was like "How good can it be?". It turns out they were right.
Fri, 08-28-2009, 03:20 PM
ryllharu: I should take a look at what kind of achievements you get from JRPGs then. Though all my Trophies for blazblue are in japanese, not sure how I got them or why but for some reason when I imported the U.S version that's what I got.
A number of BlazBlue's achievements are hilariously stupid for the 360:
- (Bangarang!) Fought against Bang as Bang, and both activated the "Fu-Rin-Ka-Zan". (His super-saiyan mode distortion drive)
- (Cat-a-pult) Threw a Kaka clan kitten using Taokaka's "Kitty Litter Special!".
- (Hat Trick) In one match, successfully pulled off "Thirteen Orphans", "The Great Wheel", and "All Green". [Litchi's Distortion Drives.]
- (Ride the Icening) Used Musou Senshouzan or Tosshougeki over 20 times in one round, and finished the opponent off. [Jin's icicle ride attack]
- (This is important...) Heard Noel say, "Hands off the panda!" over 100 times.
But there are plenty of legitimately challenging or tricky ones as well.
- Keeping Rachel afloat for 25 seconds
- Beating Arcade on the hardest difficultly
- Use every character's Astral Finish
- Beat Score Attack Mode (super hard!)
As fighting games go, BlazBlue hit a really good balance between easy and fun achievements, and ones that you can really brag about. A lot of fighters just throw in all their achievements as "Use [e.g. guard break] 1000 times," or beating huge numbers of online players. BlazBlue has some of those as well, but it is the nice balance that makes it a good list.
Soul Calibur IV's were broadly distributed as well, but it didn't have as many fun ones (if any).
Sat, 08-29-2009, 05:36 AM
Hehe, Ride the Icening - Ky's overdrive move from GG was Ride the Lightning. Good that they kept references to the GG.
Damn i can't wait for this game...
Shadow Skill
Sun, 08-30-2009, 06:52 AM
Currently playing 360's Onechanbara: Samurai Bikini Squad. Best eye candy game I've ever invested in. :D
Sun, 08-30-2009, 10:43 AM
any other final fantasy fans in here try playing Final Fantasy 4 : The After Years?
I like it... I wish I had more time to play it, but I was getting into the story the other day.... FF4 is one of my all time favorite games and my #1 FF game ever... so I was anxious to play this when I heard it was out.
The graphics are amazing !!! (j/k : X )
The story is kinda intriguing though.>> I'm starting to see that In a way it mirrors the original but it's a little early to tell.
I bought it, but haven't had the time to play it though.
I'll try to play it during my vacation in 2 weeks.
Sun, 08-30-2009, 10:49 AM
The geeky side of me wants to import this ( right now. Though, a KOF one would be so much more awesome.
Fri, 09-04-2009, 07:42 AM
Got my ex of Dissidia Special Edition in the mail today, got to say I'm both impressed and disappointed at the extra contents. While I like that you get a mini soundtrack it's still just that a mini soundtrack with 6 tracks. Would have liked something closer to Persona 4 where they split it into 2 cds, A and B where you get A with the game.
I love the box itself, it's not just a paper cover they put over the game like Blazblue etc it's a proper hard box.
The mini guide was a nice touch and was overall ok in my opinion. Probably going to buy the full guide just for the sake of owning it later on.
The artbook, I love how it's a hardcover book though I'm disappointed at the content of the artbook. Mostly because it consist of the official character illustration most have already seen and it's even on the front page of the game plus in-game character models of the alternative costume + ex mode. So it's a shame it's not more than that.
As for the game, well already played the Japanese version so no big surprises when it comes to the game itself. And I like the cover for the game that you can switch it back and forth with Cosmos side and Chaos side.
Fri, 09-04-2009, 09:14 AM
That bad fireheart?
Im glad I just decided to buy the simple version with no extras and didn't import any of the special editions for a heavy extra cost.
I would gladly import Persona good though...
Im currently playing Batman Arkham Assylum. Its freaking amazing.
Fri, 09-04-2009, 10:54 AM
I don't know overall I'm happy with it but it still feels lacking, if it was a proper artbook and soundtrack it would have been so much better and definitely worth it. The outside of it all is good it's just what's inside that don't live up to the expectations. SE could learn alot from Atlus when it comes to the contents of the extra goodies.
I preordered Persona last week so hopefully I'll have it... maybe a week after the release given the shipping and all.
Fri, 09-04-2009, 11:40 AM
My main problem is that I need to pay a big extra to get those special editions or extra goodies since none of the stores in Mexico bring them over.
I remember having to wait an extra month to get my Raihou from Devil Summoner 2 and my Social Link Persona Expansion pack. And I paid a lot more for them =/
None of Dissidia's extras seemed interesting for me. So I went and bought it with a local store.
I do have my Persona pre-ordered though. Even if all copies include the OST.
Fri, 09-04-2009, 02:19 PM
Where do you order from? I don't really know the costs for shipping etc to where you live but VG+ and axelmusic been pretty good to me when it comes to the costs for shipping etc.
Fri, 09-04-2009, 03:24 PM
A flea market guy actually.
He always gets me the games I ask him for. And he sells them to me less than an official local store (800 pesos vs 950~1000 of the official stores)
Pre-orders like the one of Persona 4 I ask a friend that works in the US to buy it from me and I pay him through paypal.
Fri, 09-04-2009, 04:28 PM
Damn that's a lot cheaper than games here, in your currency I think it'd be something like 1300 for a new game...
Fri, 09-04-2009, 04:40 PM
Playing Muramasa: The Demon Blade on the wii (first wii game purchase in almost two years!). Definitely worth the wait. Absolutely beautiful art. Vanillasoft did Odin Sphere previous to this, and Muramas has a strong voice cast again. The gameplay is the real winner though. They took Odin Sphere, and added in proper techinical hack-and-slash playstyle. There's an easy mode, but the difficulty is a pleasant change from the average Wii game.
Straw hat wearing samurai can and will kill you in 3 hits at the beginning of the game. It is incredibly satisfying doing a 50+ hit combo on a ton of generic enemies and finishing them all off at once with an iaido attack.
Boss fight trailer (
Also playing some Champions Online. I was a huge fan of City of Heroes, and while it takes a little getting used to the cell shaded graphics, the customization (character and powers) are reason enough for me to stick around for a good while. The server crashed yesterday, but it was only the 3 day of release, some growing pains are to be expected.
Fri, 09-04-2009, 09:26 PM
I didn't know Muramasa was out already. Guess its time to finally dust off the Wii. I haven't bought anything for it in 2 years... hey. Nice coincidence Ryll.
How does this play with the WiiMote? Im actually considering importing a Classic Controller Pro to play this.
Fri, 09-04-2009, 11:21 PM
How does this play with the WiiMote? Im actually considering importing a Classic Controller Pro to play this.
I play Smash Brothers with the wiimote+nunchuck, so this wasn't really a big leap.
You do control screen motion (ducking, jumping, lateral dashes, etc) with the control stick, so that takes a little getting used to in order to bring in all of the moves that Kisuke and Momohime can pull off. Odin Sphere had its own jump button.
If you're more comfortable with a gamecube controller, that works more than adequately as well.
Fri, 09-04-2009, 11:40 PM
I do have a Game Cube Controller. But I hate how short the damn cable is. If I want to sit back and enjoy my game, I need to pull the wii closer. Damn small cable.
I'll think about getting the Classic Controller Pro.
Sat, 09-05-2009, 09:15 AM
So I spent quite a bit of time playing my Wii yesterday, like the Prime Trilogy and Symphonia DOTNW, and I wake up today and holy shit my left index finger is cramping like crazy. I thought it was weird since I used to play COD 4 like crazy on my 360 and that required use of the left trigger a lot.
Sat, 09-05-2009, 07:10 PM
So I spent quite a bit of time playing my Wii yesterday, like the Prime Trilogy and Symphonia DOTNW, and I wake up today and holy shit my left index finger is cramping like crazy. I thought it was weird since I used to play COD 4 like crazy on my 360 and that required use of the left trigger a lot.
My fingers don't get cramped from COD 4, but the way I sit and lean forward makes my back really sore.
Sun, 09-06-2009, 04:39 PM
CoD4 on pad is heresy. period.
and lately i got back to Advance Wars Dual Strike and Heroes III.
Mon, 09-07-2009, 11:46 PM
Just started playing the new batman game ps3 version. Playing it on hard because on normal the demo was easy.
Pretty awesome at the moment.
Tue, 09-08-2009, 04:14 PM
Just got Muramasa, it's pretty fun. I just wish there was a jump button.
Tue, 09-08-2009, 04:55 PM
I thought so at first, but I kind of like it without it. You can move pretty effectively on the screen since all of your motion is controlled by the stick. You just move in the direction you wish to go, on the ground or in midair.
I wouldn't want to take my thumb and forefinger off of the attack buttons for even a second (unless I need to use a health item).
Tue, 09-08-2009, 06:31 PM
Oddly enough I prefer the Wiimote and 'Chuk to the GC controller, but for Brawl I must use the GC controller. Just beat the catepillar boss (if you can call it that), and it's pretty damn fun. I just don't know why but I still kinda prefer Odin Sphere. Maybe the larger and unique cast is what I'd like to see.
Tue, 09-08-2009, 06:58 PM
I asked a friend to get me Muramasa. He already has it, but I haven't gone to pick it up.
I still haven't decided to get a Classic Controller Pro, but I guess I'll check the wiimote first. GC controller is bad.
Wed, 09-09-2009, 12:09 AM
I've had an itch to play Tetrisphere on the N64 lately, so I popped that in and played the first 5 stages of the Rescue mode. I forgot just how challenging of a puzzle game it was...but it was just as fun as I remember it.
Mon, 09-14-2009, 05:58 AM
This isn't technically a game I'm playing right now, but I know I will be when it's released:
Shank (
Mon, 09-14-2009, 06:42 AM
Cortex command. Crossover of Liero/soldat and strategy game.
Dark Dragon
Mon, 09-14-2009, 04:33 PM
Currently playing Trine.
The game is beautiful and it prettier similar to Lost Viking.
30$ is kinda steep though, i think a 20$ price tag would've been more appropriate.
Thu, 09-17-2009, 11:03 AM
I just played through the demo for Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 ( and it's pretty awesome.....
Thu, 09-17-2009, 11:26 AM
I just played through the demo for Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 and it's pretty awesome.....
Same. I highly enjoyed the demo. I can't wait to pick up my reservation on the 29th.
The demo is on the Japanese PSN, by the way. It's 622mb.
The demo has a lot of screen tearing. I hope it's fixed in the final game.
Thu, 09-17-2009, 01:45 PM
I didn't enjoy the demo, all of the intensity that is present in NGII is completely gone, I only had some fun with that new big sword weapon thing, otherwise it was just lame, easy and completely uncool with its completely meh tacked on buddha boss.
The boss could've been so much better.... ugh, no blood/gibs and crushing sounds just makes the experience that much less engaging for me.
I had no screen tearing btw (hdmi). I will try out Ayane later, maybe she is the redeeming factor of this watered down excuse of a rerelease.
Fri, 09-18-2009, 12:16 AM
I picked up Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 for the PS3 on Tuesday, so I'm currently playing through that. Juggernaut is a freaking beast in this game. The fusion system kinda gets old after a while, especially if you're seeing the same ones over and over. My favorite fusion so far is Gambit + Storm. Their fusion looks so awesome.
Due to some GameStop screw-ups, I have a Juggernaut code for the Xbox 360 and an extra one for the PS3 as well, so if anyone needs one let me know.
Fri, 09-18-2009, 01:05 AM
I picked up Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 for the PS3 on Tuesday, so I'm currently playing through that. Juggernaut is a freaking beast in this game. The fusion system kinda gets old after a while, especially if you're seeing the same ones over and over. My favorite fusion so far is Gambit + Storm. Their fusion looks so awesome.
Due to some GameStop screw-ups, I have a Juggernaut code for the Xbox 360 and an extra one for the PS3 as well, so if anyone needs one let me know.
360 one pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease!
Fri, 09-18-2009, 01:18 AM
k, i sent it.
Fri, 09-18-2009, 12:08 PM
Beat Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 last night on Super Heroic. About to start doing a Legendary Run.
Main part is Iceman (my main), Thor, Jean Grey and Storm. I'd have a brawler type instead of Storm but the team bonus is pretty damn nice. It's Team Name - Natural Forces and bonus 5% heal on the damage you do.
I already have a code, due to the fact that you can enter any random 10 digit number on the gamestop MuA2 preorder request page and just some random junk they'll send it to you with in a day or two.
Fri, 09-18-2009, 12:13 PM
I use Wolverine (Main), Juggernaut, Gambit, & Storm. X-Men Bonus +15% Extra Health.
Fri, 09-18-2009, 02:58 PM
Batman: Arkham Asylum - so far so great, but as most games this one is still to easy for me.
Fri, 09-18-2009, 07:20 PM
k, i sent it.
Thank you, very much! :D
Sat, 09-19-2009, 02:26 AM
No problem, dude.
Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 (
Mo bounce to tha ounce (
Sat, 09-19-2009, 02:51 AM
No problem, dude.
Mo bounce to tha ounce (
What...the...eff!!! Funny commercial though :rolleyes:
Wed, 09-23-2009, 01:16 AM
Completed mua2 the other day with 3 other frds. i used juggernaut until we unlocked venom. throughout the game the only fusions we mainly used was the different versions of juggernaut's rock lol.
Got HALO 3 ODST Collector's edition today. I waited in line for eb for 30mins in the morning without preordering and they wouldn't let me buy it lol. However when i went to best buy they had so many in stock and even gave me the special preorder code and a free halo1 for the original xbox.
Wed, 09-23-2009, 03:43 AM
What is this Halo 1 and original xbox you speak of?
Anyway got KOF12 finally, its so damn good :D
Wed, 09-23-2009, 09:31 AM
Yes, KOF XII is awesome. Let's aim to have an online match (forget the lag) :)
Wed, 09-23-2009, 12:55 PM
Damn I would love to have a match with you, but I've got it on x360 :(.
Wed, 09-23-2009, 05:21 PM
What`s your GT DS?
Wed, 09-23-2009, 08:50 PM
Started playing Scribblenauts for the DS and so far it's been pretty fun.
Wed, 09-23-2009, 11:31 PM
I've been playing through GTA IV lately. I hadn't played it since the Trophy patch came out, so I thought I'd pick it up and try to get some trophies.
For the other BlazBlue players in this thread. There's an expansion coming.
BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger will be getting an expansion of sorts in BlazBlue: Continuum Shift, featuring at least one new character. That new addition would be Tsubaki Yayoi, a previously unplayable character featured in the original BlazBlue. According to details from Famitsu, we'll also get new stages and a refined HUD.
BlazBlue: Continuum Shift will reportedly make an appearance at Japanese arcades soon, with Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 ports expected later. Thanks to Gantz for the heads up!
Thu, 09-24-2009, 09:37 AM
Currently playing:
On PS3:
TMNT: Turtles in Time Re-Shelled
Digital Devil Saga
Dissdia: Final Fantasy
Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume
Thu, 09-24-2009, 07:00 PM
Just played the demo for Forza 3...... fan-fucking-tastic, day 1 purchase for me for sure.
Thu, 09-24-2009, 08:38 PM
Just played the demo for Forza 3...... fan-fucking-tastic, day 1 purchase for me for sure.
Definitely considering it after playing the demo, and I generally don't like racing games. I hated the handling on the Audi though. It gave me loads of trouble that the Mini and the EVO didn't.
Fri, 09-25-2009, 03:11 AM
I loved the handling on all the cars, but perhaps it was cause I turned several assists off.
Autobrake off, stability control off, line off (start off with brake only if its too hard), opponents medium and damage at simulation. Also cockpit view only.
I kept TCS and ABS on because well, real racers use those assists as well.
Fri, 10-02-2009, 09:22 PM
Muramasa is freaking beautiful. Period.
Sat, 10-03-2009, 08:44 AM
Just bought Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2, and playing it now. It's great so far, especially the fight with Miss Liberty :p
Sat, 10-03-2009, 08:48 AM
I picked up a $20 PSN card and purchased Uno and Turtles in Time Re-Shelled. Uno seems to be quite different from the one I have on 360. 6 players instead of just 4, 7-0 play type, and the ability to Jump-In. I've been having a blast playing online and managed to crack the top 50 and obtain the Gold Trophy.
Sat, 10-03-2009, 09:20 AM
From magicbox:
Japanese magazine Gemaga posted a list of the 10 most disappointing games in Japan, 4 games belong to Square Enix:
1.Thunder Force VI (PS2, Sega)
2.Final Fantasy VIII (PS, Square Enix)
3.Seiken Densetsu 4 (PS2, Square Enix)
4.Gyakuten Saiban 4 [Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney] (NDS, Capcom)
5.Rogue Galaxy (PS2, Level 5)
6.Super Mario Sunshine (GC, Nintendo)
7.Unlimited SaGa (PS2, Square Enix)
8.Devil May Cry 2 (PS2, Capcom)
9.Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings (NDS, Square Enix)
10.Blood of Bahamut (NDS, Square Enix)
Surprising about FFVIII, since I've always thought IX was the one people didn't like.
Uchiha Barles
Sat, 10-03-2009, 10:10 AM
I thought FFIX was a beautiful game. But I'm with them on 8. I hated that one with a passion.
Though, since it is a list of disappointing games, even if people liked 9 less than 8, the disappointment that 8 was might've lowered their expectations, making 9 less of a disappointment.
Sat, 10-03-2009, 11:57 AM
Im actually surprised the Japanese have FFVIII there as well. I could expect if from the Americans, whose dissapointment isn't directed upon the game itself, but rather on the fact that Cloud wasn't there anymore.
FFVIII is actually one of my favorite FF's, behind FFVI and FFV.
The only FF I haven't played, from the mainline, is FFXI. And I'll never touch it. Neither will FFXIV.
Sat, 10-03-2009, 03:38 PM
I agree with the whole list cept 1 and 10 since I never played'em.
I'd put DMC2 ahead of Rogue Galaxy though.
Sat, 10-03-2009, 03:54 PM
FF VIII is my favorite one :(
Sat, 10-03-2009, 03:56 PM
FF VIII IMO was the best - I'd rather play FF VIII again than VII. Maybe because it was my first FF game - but i still love it. Put DMC 2 on higher position.
Sat, 10-03-2009, 06:41 PM
I can't see what's wrong with 4 and 6, but that's my opinion of course.
Currently playing Uncharted 2 multi beta. Loving it, and cannot wait for the full game, one of my most anticipated in a few years.
Sun, 10-04-2009, 01:26 AM
Currently playing:
TMNT: Turtles in Time Re-Shelled
I picked up a $20 PSN card and purchased Uno and Turtles in Time Re-Shelled.
I found this new port by ubisoft highly disappointing. I think Konami's SNES port of Turtles in time was better. What do you two think?
Sun, 10-04-2009, 09:12 AM
I found this new port by ubisoft highly disappointing. I think Konami's SNES port of Turtles in time was better. What do you two think?
The port is good if compared only to the Arcade version. But yes... I liked the SNES version more.
I hate the fact that you can spam the super (triangle) without losing HP. And I miss several of the stages, like the Technodrome.
Sun, 10-04-2009, 02:38 PM
I think I miss the original music from Turtles in time. The remixed music doesn't sound good to me.
Sun, 10-04-2009, 02:45 PM
i borrowed my friend's Call of Duty 4 once again. Singleplayer is just epic, and lan multiplayer is great too. I have claymore effect too - i hear claymore sound - say f**k and then I die.
Sun, 10-04-2009, 03:02 PM
More Champions Online. I've got three characters or so up to level 25, so each gets a nemesis now.
I play some of my other games on consoles...but superhero MMOs with excellent character creators have always been my weakness.
Sun, 10-04-2009, 05:09 PM
Is the game fun? How grindy is it? I picked up Aion and have a 23 Ranger, and I'm bored out of my mind. I was used to grindy games like Lineage 2, but since WoW I've been spoiled. My mentality now is that, in this generation of MMO's there shouldn't be a need for excessive amounts of grinding. I had pretty high exoectations for it.
But it's just another grindy Korean MMO with SOME quests here and there to mask the fact that there isn't much content really. Which is silly considering that it's been out for around a year in the Eastern hemisphere. Not to mention the visuals though of high quality, are stale and quite bland. I haven't gotten to the Abyss to get to the real crux of the PVP, but I don't intend to. It's just going to be uphill.
Sun, 10-04-2009, 09:57 PM
There are a few who complain that you level too fast in CO. The current cap is 40, and it is not all that hard to hit (unless you make four alts and play them just as much).
It's not grindy at all. Basically, you gain squat from grinding mobs. But the quests give out tons of experience. You can easily get from level 5 (end of tutorial) to level 19 in two days, like I just did with a telepathy build. After that, the game slows down considerably, and each level takes some time, as the experience needed outpaces the missions.
Missions are generally the same sort of fare, collect items from boxes, take out a couple mobs, but the variety in some of the instanced missions is a lot of fun. In the low 20s, you start getting missions where you use your crafting aptitudes to flip switches and such that can make the mission that much easier. Other things like holographic disguises show up infrequently. You can solo 80% of the missions with any build.
There's also a lot of the humor in the story arc texts. Mad cowboy robot amusement parks, ultra-right wing Canadian radicals, kung fu love stories, etc.
PvP is fairly unbalanced. You can do great, or min/maxers will exploit you to death in seconds. But it isn't essential like Warhammer, the game in primarily PvE.
There are no classes in CO, you can pretty much make whatever themed character you want by just grabbing the power from another set. Demons, sword-wielding gunslinger, high-tech power armor, powerful psychic with pyrokinesis, etc. Some sets mesh better than others do, based on your stats, but it is more fun to diversify and make a themed character. As such, the character creator is only beaten by City of Heroes, which benefited from years of additions.
If there is a downside, it is that it is both really easy, and really hard to play with your friends. There are no shards, just instanced maps (100 max). You can switch whenever you like, but you'll probably never see the same person twice. Communication is global, type in a person's handle, and you'll find them on whatever character they are using. That doesn't make it any easier to get used to a usual crowd.
Crafting is actually useful. You can make consumable devices like a flamethrower sort of thing, health items, and equipment that can be better than what you get from normal missions. It's also really easy to get caught up on where you are supposed to be in terms of skill by breaking down items.
All in all, it is a lot of fun. I can't speak for endgame though, because I spent too much time across too many characters (pretty typical for me). They are still messing around with a few things since it has only been a month, and PvP will probably be broken forever, but I'm not much of a PvPer in most MMOs (that's what Warhammer was for).
Tue, 10-06-2009, 07:11 AM
I've been playing flash game canabalt for some time.
Here is my current record: (
Tue, 10-06-2009, 10:50 PM
Man, everyone's playing some awesome game and here I am just finishing Professor Layton and the Curious Village on the DS. :o
Wed, 10-07-2009, 06:11 AM
I want to have the music from canabalt, don't like the game though
Thu, 10-08-2009, 02:08 AM
Shadow Complex. XBLA GOTY for me.
Thu, 10-08-2009, 07:18 AM
Just picked up Demon's Souls. Time to play my weekend away.
Thu, 10-08-2009, 02:45 PM
From magicbox:
Japanese magazine Gemaga posted a list of the 10 most disappointing games in Japan, 4 games belong to Square Enix:
1.Thunder Force VI (PS2, Sega)
2.Final Fantasy VIII (PS, Square Enix)
Surprising about FFVIII, since I've always thought IX was the one people didn't like.
FFVIII was one of my least liked final fantasy games... I didn't even beat it in my first sitting... I'd stopped playing and took some months off before coming back to it and beating it. It was a huge let down after FFVII's greatness.
My all time favorite will always be FFIV... (FF2 US) it was the 2nd one I played... I'd played the original but never beat it on the console. I beat it w\ emulator thanks to save states and frame skips!..
I - the origininal ! beaten once w\ emulator. could never beat w\ console. still have nes cart
II- played once via emulator.. was ok.
III - played once via emulator.. was ok.
IV - #1 favorite... have played through at least 10 times.
V - good- played at least 2-3 times through
VI - top 3 fave for me, played through at least 5 times. still have snes cartridge
VII - epic - played through at least 4 times.
VIII - meh, didn't like too much. played it once.
ix - it was ok- played once.
x - 5 minutes... didn't like 3 man battle system.
x-2- didn't play
xii - put 36+ hours into it and didn't have time to play it, it was ok.
Fri, 10-09-2009, 12:31 AM
x - 5 minutes... didn't like 3 man battle system.
...wait wut?
Fri, 10-09-2009, 03:32 AM
I loved X's battle system. Best part of the game. The turn-based format with a queue bar up the side required so much more strategy and allowed Square to make the game that much harder early on.
By the end of the game you could just completely breeze through no matter who was in your party, but for most of the first half, if you didn't actively switch and use everyone (except Kimari, he was useless) you'd have a real hard time winning. You also were required to get everyone out there, or they never earned experience. None of the learn through osmosis auto-scaling that worked in the previous games.
Enemies had a ridiculous number of immunities and dodges, such that only one or two characters could dispatch them (but usually a one-shot). They also hit that much harder because you knew the exact turn they were going to attack, and therefore had plenty of time to rectify your low health.
Fri, 10-09-2009, 09:52 AM
Carnage is coming to Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 :)
Carnage Trailer (
I'm hyped for this.
Cletus Kasady, AKA Carnage, is making his way to Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2, and he's much more than another Spider-Man clone.
Carnage is what happened when comic book writers looked at one of Spider-Man's most powerful foes, Venom, and decided he just wasn't dangerous enough.
"For Carnage, we wanted him to feel as quick as Spider-Man, but as dangerous as Venom (or worse). We ended up with a very "slashy" character. Carnage is like a lunatic knife fighter: cutting people up quickly and messily, without much concern for how he looks doing it."
Fri, 10-09-2009, 12:40 PM
Venom was an awful character in MUA2. Carnage is bad ass, but his moves look similiar to Venom in MUA 2 (which is not a good thing). Though he gets the claw move that Venom gets in MUA 1.
Mon, 10-12-2009, 01:28 AM
Dusted off my supernintendo and popped in FF3. Good times I must say.
Mon, 10-12-2009, 05:17 AM
I just played through the demo for Machinarium (on Steam), it's an Indie puzzle game where you control a beaten-up robot trying to make his way into a city. Beautifully designed and fun to play, the demo convinced me to pre-order the game which is released in 4 days or so.
If you have Steam, check out the demo, it's only a small download.
Mon, 10-12-2009, 08:51 AM
Demon's Souls is hard.
Mon, 10-12-2009, 06:18 PM
I loved X's battle system. Best part of the game. The turn-based format with a queue bar up the side required so much more strategy and allowed Square to make the game that much harder early on.
By the end of the game you could just completely breeze through no matter who was in your party, but for most of the first half, if you didn't actively switch and use everyone (except Kimari, he was useless) you'd have a real hard time winning. You also were required to get everyone out there, or they never earned experience. None of the learn through osmosis auto-scaling that worked in the previous games.
Enemies had a ridiculous number of immunities and dodges, such that only one or two characters could dispatch them (but usually a one-shot). They also hit that much harder because you knew the exact turn they were going to attack, and therefore had plenty of time to rectify your low health.
And yet me and my insane need to grind managed to breeze through the whole thing.
I've often mentioned this, but it would make my life a lot easier if they just released a book or movie with the game's story ( with the exception of 12 and probably 13 who i played for the game and not the story )
Mon, 10-12-2009, 07:13 PM
So Game Stop just sent me a text earlier today saying my Pre-Order for Uncharted 2 would be ready tomorrow. However, they still managed to fit it in the text for me to bring my used games in.
Money grubbing bastards.
Mon, 10-12-2009, 07:15 PM
They do that on the phone too, when Ashley calls. I hate it.
Mon, 10-12-2009, 07:18 PM
Yeah, I didn't get a call this time oddly enough, just a text. Rather, it's the first time they've sent a text instead of a phone call actually.
Mon, 10-12-2009, 07:28 PM
This is the first time I've heard of them sending text messages. I'll have to give that a try. A text message seems like a better alternative to sitting through those phone calls.
When Sigma 2 came out, they never called me or anything. By the time I went to go pick it up, they had already given out all of the pre-order bonus codes :(. I ended up having to email the website and they sent me two codes.
Tue, 10-13-2009, 03:42 PM
Re-playing The Last Remnant - this time i'm aiming for all side quests completed and battle with True Conqueror, and after that i might try hard mode(last time i tried it i died at second mini-boss battle)
Tue, 10-13-2009, 10:18 PM
Picked up and played a bit of Uncharted 2 today. Just a bit, maybe an hour in? But so far, the game's been a blast.
Wed, 10-14-2009, 09:55 AM
Started playing the MAG beta late last night. The download for the beta was only 298 MB, but when you actually start the game you have to sit through over 3,000 MB worth of updates. Their update server is insanely slow. I ended up leaving my PS3 on and sleeping while it updated.
Thu, 10-15-2009, 04:26 AM
Looking forward to Borderlands ( Not technically playing it yet, but pre-ordered it on Steam.
Not sure if people know much about it, but apparently it's like FPS Diablo with literally millions of guns. There's character classes, talent trees and you level up and spend attribute points. Nice cel-shaded art style.
About 2 weeks away.
Fri, 10-16-2009, 12:57 AM
Just unwrapped Uncharted (Not 2) for the PS3 from its plastic wrap. Bought it a few months ago.
Edit: 2 hours in and Drake sure is funny.
Fri, 10-16-2009, 03:22 AM
Just unwrapped Uncharted (Not 2) for the PS3 from its plastic wrap. Bought it a few months ago.
Edit: 2 hours in and Drake sure is funny.
You're in for a treat. Probably the best PS3 game until UC2 was released.
Sat, 10-17-2009, 08:13 AM
I just played through the demo for Machinarium (on Steam), it's an Indie puzzle game where you control a beaten-up robot trying to make his way into a city. Beautifully designed and fun to play, the demo convinced me to pre-order the game which is released in 4 days or so.
If you have Steam, check out the demo, it's only a small download.
Wow, this game is amazingly good. So cleverly put together, it's so atmospheric. I'm addicted.
Sun, 10-18-2009, 01:42 AM
Uncharted 2 is the best looking game ever.
Thu, 10-22-2009, 07:43 AM
I've just done the best thing that i could do - i bought Team Fortress 2.
Thu, 10-22-2009, 10:28 AM
Just got Guitar Hero 5 for a party, but I don't know where my manual is for GH: World Tour so that I can export the songs! Is there anything I can do besides buy a brand new copy of GH world tour?
Thu, 10-22-2009, 11:17 PM
I just downloaded Deus Ex from bitgamer.
Fri, 10-23-2009, 05:04 PM
Finally made a japanese account on PSN because my friends were telling me to try out Bayonetta. And know I wish I hadn't because the game was pretty bad-ass. And damn uncharted 2 beta ended like 2 weeks ago.......... now I actually have to buy i!! ARGH
Fri, 10-23-2009, 05:05 PM
I'm playing Chrono Trigger with my psp right now
Tue, 10-27-2009, 05:53 PM
I'm currently playing Tekken 6 and Borderlands on PS3.
The intro for the arcade version of the new BlazBlue has been released. I can't wait to get my hands on it.
BlazBlue: Continuum Shift Intro (
New Features
*Character Tsubaki Yaoi now playable
*New Character, Hazama
*New HUD.
*New stages; old stages redone.
*Arcade version will receive a Beginner Mode for easier input of combos/moves, etc.
*All existing characters will receive new moves; Rachel (new Distortion Drive), Carl (new projectile with Nirvana), Arakune (new curse attack), Ragna (new dive attack), etc.
Character specific changes can be found here. (
Sat, 10-31-2009, 11:01 AM
Picked up Forza 3 on Friday.
The first intro race puts you into an Audi R8, which I had a bit of trouble driving. Luckily, right after that, they offer you a free crappy car to start your career, and I was able to use my own car! Or close enough anyway. My Aveo isn't the hatchback, but it handles just like the real thing (impressive body roll, hah). I'm on the easy difficulty with more than half of the assists shut off, and once I turned off anti-lock brakes (my car doesn't have them), I was doing even better.
First racing game I've picked up since GT3 (which I loathed), and so far, it's pretty awesome.
Sat, 10-31-2009, 05:49 PM
Free Champions Online trial weekend this weekend to promote their Halloween event. Gonna try it out.
edit: The patcher is insanely slow probably due to massive traffic.
Sat, 10-31-2009, 08:02 PM
My cousin and I played and finished Batman: Arkham Asylum this week and what a game. It felt more like you were playing as Batman, and not playing some bad game with Batman in it The atmosphere was amazing, especially in the Scarecrow and Killer Croc sequences. I haven't been so excited to play a game like that since we went through BioShock.
I was also very elated to see (hear) Mark Hamill doing the voice for the Joker and Kevin Conroy doing the voice for Batman because I used to watch the Batman cartoons in the 90s almost religiously.
On my DS I've been working my way through Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box. After that I think I'll restart FF3 and then play through FF4.
Sat, 10-31-2009, 08:13 PM
edit: The patcher is insanely slow probably due to massive traffic.You're preaching to the subscribers.
Sat, 10-31-2009, 08:22 PM
Happen to know if the patcher is cumulative? If say, my comp freezes or crashes, will the patcher leave off where I was? Or would I have to start from scratch. After 2 hours, the patch is barely at 22%.
Sat, 10-31-2009, 08:25 PM
From what I've been reading on the CO forums, if the patcher crashes (more likely than your computer), you're going to have to restart.
I've had it die on me before the past few months, and it just continued on. Something is really messed up this weekend (more than the regular outages and crashes). Cyptic must have staffing issues on weekends.
Sat, 10-31-2009, 08:27 PM
Well, ain't that amazing. Have you been able to patch to play? I hear the Halloween patch has been present since Oct 27 for subscribers. I read a bit of the forums too, and it seems a lot of people are having trouble connecting to the game server itself.
Also, I might plan to make an Ice hero. Any experience with them? Are they terrible? How do they fare?
Sat, 10-31-2009, 08:34 PM
I was playing on Friday, and unlocked the Celestial powerset early, but my HP Hardware Diagnostic completely killed the game on me earlier today, and I had to redownload the game off of steam. I've been patching since noon, now at 70% nine hours later. Steam's version is really old it seems.
As for ice characters, they were unstoppable the first month or so, until they got nerfed to balance pvp. Tons of holds and roots. I don't really play any of the elementals (too much fun with telepathy, munitions and mixed powersets). Ice is still very viable, just not for PvP. I will say it has some of the prettiest looking power effects outside of the new Celestial set. Truth be told I don't have much experience with them outside of getting held all the time.
Just don't pick Ice Slide as a travel power, it takes a lot of getting used to.
Sat, 10-31-2009, 08:41 PM
Aw, was gonna get it. Was gonna be all Bobby Drake-like. And yeah, I downloaded the version off Steam since their software downloads are usually blazing fast, and it was. Was hoping to be decent at pvp. Oh well, maybe I'll make a dual pistol munitions character, or something for an alt. That is, if I even get enough time to play during this free event.
I don't understand why Cryptic doesn't move to a P2P torrent system in preparations for massive server overloads like these. The least they could do was provide mirrors.
Sat, 10-31-2009, 08:48 PM
If you want to be decent at PvP, you have to follow the flavor of the month exploit crowd.
PvP in Champions is garbage. I like that CO has physicality in combat too, but if you want good PvP, just play WAR instead. I haven't tried Zombie Apocalypse though, as a different mode it might be better.
That said, CO's PvE is still a blast, and can actually be very challenging when you group up. The mobs can and will call in reinforcements.
Sun, 11-01-2009, 10:16 PM
Played Batman:Arkham Asylum on X360 at the relatives', not sure why it's rated so highly. The combat seems very boring, just a lot of button mashing of the same 1 or 2 buttons. The side missions are silly and more bothersome than worthwhile. What bugs me the worst is the voice acting. I guess I'm too used to the Bale/Ledger/Oldman voices from the new movies. We didn't get very far in the game, and I'm not missing it at all.
Sun, 11-01-2009, 11:34 PM
It's funny to see you mention the voice acting. I agree that some of the voices weren't really fitting the part, like Commissioner Gordon and Killer Croc, but for the most part I thought they were good. Even Harley Quinn's voice was great, but it would have to be since they got her original voice actor.
Oldman and Ledger did a great job in the last movie, but Bale was just as awful as he was in the first one when it came to doing Batman's voice. It always sounded to me like he was just trying too hard...which always confused me because he's such a good actor. He was fantastic in American Psycho. And I didn't even know he was Welsh until a few years ago in that his North American accent always sounds so real.
Mon, 11-02-2009, 11:12 AM
I thought the Joker and Batman voices were particularly bad. I like the gravelly voices of Bale and Ledger from the new Batman movies. They fit better than the "Superman" hero voices you hear sometimes in animated series or in this game.
Mon, 11-02-2009, 11:23 AM
You're just too mainstreamed. Mark Hamill and Michael Conroy are as exceptional as they usually are in their animated counter parts, Mark Hamill especially.
Mon, 11-02-2009, 11:30 AM
Played Batman:Arkham Asylum on X360 at the relatives', not sure why it's rated so highly. The combat seems very boring, just a lot of button mashing of the same 1 or 2 buttons. The side missions are silly and more bothersome than worthwhile. What bugs me the worst is the voice acting. I guess I'm too used to the Bale/Ledger/Oldman voices from the new movies. We didn't get very far in the game, and I'm not missing it at all.
Really? The gameplay was indeed easy, and playing it on hard just made it "tedious hard" and not actually "fun hard". I also didn't like detective mode and how easy it made things. Plus, the boss fights were very lack luster, especially Joker fight. Ivy was probably the best boss fight. Other than that i thought it was a fine game. Cool story and I thought the voices were done rather well. I liked the sneaking around as well. Gave it a MGS feel to it.
Not the best game, but it's not a bad game either. I do agree it's a little overrated.
Mon, 11-02-2009, 11:31 AM
@animus: Thinking Batman and Joker's voices should be like in the long-running animated series is far more "mainstreamed" than liking the voices from the movies. I've always preferred the darker side of the Batman and Joker characters. The animated series made them too cartoonish and clownish. These are dark, emotionally-twisted characters we're dealing with, not superheroes and super-villains. Their voices should fit.
Really? The gameplay was indeed easy, and playing it on hard just made it "tedious hard" and not actually "fun hard". I also didn't like detective mode and how easy it made things. Other than that i thought it was a fine game. Cool story and I thought the voices were done rather well. I liked the sneaking around part. Gave it a MGS feel to it.
Gamespot gave it a 9.0. That's rating it as a great game, which it's not. It's probably better than any other Batman game, but that's not saying much.
Mon, 11-02-2009, 12:18 PM
You should probably look mainstream up, since you don't know what it means.
These are super heroes and super-villains. It's a comic book. What did you think the source material was? Based on a true story? If you wanted a twisted voice, Mark Hamill easily sounds more twisted than Ledger.
I thought it was a great game, you don't. Opinions.
Mon, 11-02-2009, 03:29 PM
You should probably look mainstream up, since you don't know what it means.
These are super heroes and super-villains. It's a comic book. What did you think the source material was? Based on a true story? If you wanted a twisted voice, Mark Hamill easily sounds more twisted than Ledger.
I thought it was a great game, you don't. Opinions.
Yep, and you know what they say about opinions and a**holes... you are one.
You should maybe read some Batman comics sometime, instead of just basing what you know off the animated series. He's no superhero. And his enemies are not supervillains. None of them even have super-powers. They're just criminal geniuses and wackos. You think an asylum could hold a supervillain who can bend steel or shoot lasers from his hands?
The voices set the wrong tone for the game, and the game lives up to the poor voice acting, resulting in a poor game.
Mon, 11-02-2009, 04:17 PM
You should maybe read some Batman comics sometime, instead of just basing what you know off the animated series. He's no superhero. And his enemies are not supervillains. None of them even have super-powers. They're just criminal geniuses and wackos. You think an asylum could hold a supervillain who can bend steel or shoot lasers from his hands?
Killer Croc ( - Superhuman strength, regeneration.
Clayface - shapeshifter, occasional superhuman strength (depending on which one you're referring to).
You're getting out of a lot of it when you said "criminal geniuses," since a lot of them have gadgets and knowledge on their own, but saying none Batman's enemies are supervillains just isn't true.
Mon, 11-02-2009, 04:18 PM
I'm an opinion? Cool, now grow up.
Maybe YOU should read the comics sometimes. You clearly haven't played the game much or know anything about the Batman universe. Poison Ivy doesn't have super powers? She controls plants with her mind. Killer Croc doesn't have super strength and have crocodile genes spliced into his DNA? Bane doesn't have Venom injected in his body allowing for a super huge body and super strength? And these are just the villains from the Batman Universe in this game alone.
Mon, 11-02-2009, 04:26 PM
Killer Croc ( - Superhuman strength, regeneration.
Clayface - shapeshifter, occasional superhuman strength (depending on which one you're referring to).
You're getting out of a lot of it when you said "criminal geniuses," since a lot of them have gadgets and knowledge on their own, but saying none Batman's enemies are supervillains just isn't true.
None of them are particularly "super".
I'm an opinion? Cool, now grow up.
Maybe YOU should read the comics sometimes. You clearly haven't played the game much or know anything about the Batman universe. Poison Ivy doesn't have super powers? She controls plants with her mind. Killer Croc doesn't have super strength and have crocodile genes spliced into his DNA? Bane doesn't have Venom injected in his body allowing for a super huge body and super strength? And these are just the villains from the Batman Universe in this game alone.
They're all results of freak accidents, not nature. Real supervillains are results of nature.
Mon, 11-02-2009, 04:35 PM
Then spiderman and hulk arent super either, cause they are just results of freak accidents too, seriously stop this nonsensical shit and get back to talking about games.
Mon, 11-02-2009, 04:35 PM
None of them are particularly "super".
They're all results of freak accidents, not nature. Real supervillains are results of nature.
What? I have no idea where you got that from, since it doesn't make any sense at all.
But if you want to get technical, Killer Croc has had a metagene from birth that gave him strength and hardened skin.
Mon, 11-02-2009, 09:32 PM
Congrats on repeatedly identifying the one possible badguy who could count as a supervillain in the Batman universe.
It's a crappy game, not sure how it got a score of 9.0 on Gamespot. Maybe they're as easily amused as animus here.
Mon, 11-02-2009, 09:51 PM
I have no idea what you're trying to do You're either trying a pathetic troll attempt or you're honestly ignorant. Killer Croc isn't even the least of which that could be considered a Super Villain compared to many others in the same Batman Universe.
Also, you don't need to have super powers to be considered a super hero or super villain. Batman's in the Justice League, and every single person there is considered a super hero.
But I'll humor you.Batman Villains Wiki ( And I assure you, Killer Croc's not the only "super villain" on that list from the Batman Universe.
But, I'm not the only one, next to Gamespot that thinks it's a great game.Metacritic (
Thu, 11-05-2009, 07:35 PM
Lulz BATMAN isn't even that cool guys, Kratos would fuck his shit up. And yes, Animeniax is a pathetic troll. If you look up his post history, he takes every opportunity to respond to my posts with some lame ass comment(s) about some shit that doesn't even make sense and half the time isn't even in context. For proof, just wait for his reply to my post.
So anyway, I've been playing that God of War III demo, and it is the sheeeeeet. The voice acting in God of War III is going to blow any B-grade Batman production out of the water any way you look at it so we can just end that debate now, thanks. (In all actuality, any production is going to look B-grade in the shadow of God of War III.)
Thu, 11-05-2009, 08:37 PM
Lulz BATMAN isn't even that cool guys, Kratos would fuck his shit up. And yes, Animeniax is a pathetic troll. If you look up his post history, he takes every opportunity to respond to my posts with some lame ass comment(s) about some shit that doesn't even make sense and half the time isn't even in context. For proof, just wait for his reply to my post.
One more bit of irony and the universe will implode.
So anyway, I've been playing that God of War III demo, and it is the sheeeeeet. The voice acting in God of War III is going to blow any B-grade Batman production out of the water any way you look at it so we can just end that debate now, thanks. (In all actuality, any production is going to look B-grade in the shadow of God of War III.)
I Kratos, i kill stuff, i manly.
Thu, 11-05-2009, 10:39 PM
GoW3 will be no better than Batman:AA. Mindless Button mashing and bad voice acting. Right up Stitch's alley. It will keep him out of his mom's hair for a few days at least, so she'll buy him a copy.
Fri, 11-06-2009, 06:38 AM
For once I have to agree with Stitch, GOW's voice acting is pretty damn good. Though the combat is pretty simple and really easy.
Dark Dragon
Fri, 11-06-2009, 09:48 AM
Voice acting doesn't really matter in GoW in my opinion, since it's a fun, mindless button masher that'll keep you busy for a couple days.
I'm playing Dragon Age: Origin at the moment and it's pretty awesome. It's a genuinely hard RPG, i can't remember that last time i had to kite a boss around while my range characters attack him in order to win.
Fri, 11-06-2009, 01:41 PM
Ha, my brother was able to return his copy of Batman: AA to Gamestop. Seems they'll accept games purchased used within 7 days of purchase.
Waiting for CoD:MW2 on Tuesday.
Fri, 11-06-2009, 04:12 PM
2 of my cousins and I have just finished going through MGS 1-3 and we're going to play through the original MG games to continue on with the story then finish up with MGS4. I don't think I've ever seen such a complex story weaved into a game much so I'm usually asking my cousins questions like, "who's that?" and "where did they come from?" That Kojima is a mad genius.
Fri, 11-06-2009, 05:25 PM
i was thinking of playing MGS2 since I never played it...
it came out in a period of my life where video games were far from a priority.
Fri, 11-06-2009, 05:50 PM
I just found a Gamecube Disk with four Zeda games on it. After spending a few minuted on the original NES game, I'm playing Ocarina of Time now.
Sat, 11-07-2009, 09:40 AM
i was thinking of playing MGS2 since I never played it...
it came out in a period of my life where video games were far from a priority.
It's more of an interactive movie than a game, IMO...I think you spend more time watching cut scenes than you do playing. And when you do actually play, the controls can be a little frustrating at times. At the very least though it's worth checking out for the story.
I just found a Gamecube Disk with four Zeda games on it. After spending a few minuted on the original NES game, I'm playing Ocarina of Time now.
You didn't finish the original game?
Sat, 11-07-2009, 10:56 AM
I want to play Startopia, but my CD isn't working anymore due to "decay" ~~
I can't find a download source either
Sat, 11-07-2009, 07:33 PM
Uncharted 2 : Among Thieves.
The multiplayer online is very good ... waiting for Modern Warfare 2 .. :D
Sun, 11-08-2009, 05:39 AM
Finally playing Uncharted 2... surely it has to be one of the greatest single player games of all time. Every part of it is spectacular.
Mon, 11-09-2009, 05:20 PM
Dragon Age: Origins - one of best rpg games i played, it did not bore me like baldurs gate 2(damned underdark) or nvn1 fist 2 campains(boring as hell), but it incorporates best gameplay elements from those two, plot looks good so far - it is not something on level of Planescape: Torment but still great.
Mon, 11-16-2009, 09:54 AM
IDK when this was released... But the Team Fortress 2 server I was playing on last night had these and it was pretty fun. I like that the medic has a couple different ones that are both equally helpful. Supercharge has the huge downfall of taking away your gun and melee... so you can only heal! but it does fill up uber really fast.
The other "stypic" i think increases your health regeneration and leaves you w\ your melee weapon to attack... this is cool because your regeneration is greater than the damage of fire... plus it's great for when you're healing somebody and taking fire.
Tue, 11-17-2009, 09:48 PM
Spent the last few hours playing Assassin's Creed 2 and the game is amazing. It's easy to say the sequel is everything the first one was and more but that really wouldn't do it justice. So if any of you played the first one then this one is a must have. If for whatever reason you haven't played the first one, then do so now, and then make damn sure you play the sequel.
Tue, 11-17-2009, 10:36 PM
My friend and I are going through Dead Space on the 360. I realize it's not really a new game, but it's still freaky as hell. There have been a couple of times when I almost jumped up out of my seat because one of the creatures just showed up out of nowhere. You seriously can't let your guard down at any point.
November 11
Wed, 11-18-2009, 02:47 AM
I concur. Dead Space provides a pretty freaky ambience compared to recent Resident Evil titles, imo.
Cant wait to play Assassin's Creed 2.
Wed, 11-18-2009, 04:40 AM
Yeah because RE5 wasn't even scary/freaky one bit. It was like Tomb Raider.
Wed, 11-18-2009, 02:32 PM
hell no - tomb rider was way more interesting.
Wed, 11-18-2009, 03:10 PM
My friend and I are going through Dead Space on the 360. I realize it's not really a new game, but it's still freaky as hell. There have been a couple of times when I almost jumped up out of my seat because one of the creatures just showed up out of nowhere. You seriously can't let your guard down at any point.
There's multiplayer co-op on Deadspace on the X360?
It's an awesome game, some real scary moments, and the slow motion of the suit really adds to the effect.
Wed, 11-18-2009, 03:22 PM
I'm currently playing Assassin's Creed: Bloodlines on PSP. I'm going to finish it and then link it up to the PS3 version of Assassin's Creed II for the six unique extra weapons and extra starting money.
Wed, 11-18-2009, 08:29 PM
There's multiplayer co-op on Deadspace on the X360?
It's an awesome game, some real scary moments, and the slow motion of the suit really adds to the effect. no. My friend is the one controlling but I'm directing. Actually, now that I mention it, I guess I'm not really doing anything.
Wed, 12-16-2009, 09:14 PM
I'm currently playing Naruto Shippuden: Clash of Ninja Revolution 3 on Wii. It's such a grind to get all the money needed to unlock all the characters. I'll probably never get them all.
Square Enix is now taking Final Fantasy XIV beta applications for the PC version.
Wed, 12-16-2009, 09:41 PM
Currently playing Spider-man and Venom: Maximum Carnage.
Wed, 12-16-2009, 11:33 PM
I recently played through and finished Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time. Very good game that rewards those who are coordinated and severely punishes those who aren't so much so...people like me. There were many times were I had to turn the game off so I wouldn't smash my DS.
Thu, 12-17-2009, 04:23 AM
Playing Legend of Zelda Spirit Tracks.
I didn't play Phantom Hourglass, so the controls take a bit getting used to, but surprisingly, I find the train a blast to control. It's relaxing, but at the same time you really have to pay attention. Having Zelda tag along is also a big draw.
Thu, 12-17-2009, 09:54 AM
Just finished Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days yesterday
Dark Dragon
Thu, 12-17-2009, 09:55 PM
Just finished Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days yesterday
how was it? the reviews I've read range from pretty good to meh.
Thu, 12-17-2009, 11:11 PM
how was it? the reviews I've read range from pretty good to meh.
Graphic wise impressive for a DS.
Story wise, acceptable.
Controls are crap before they allow you to customize about 2 hours into the game.
About an 75 out of 100 in my book because missions can get annoying and you don't really have freedom to go where you please.
Fri, 12-18-2009, 01:11 AM
Currently playing New Super Mario Bros. Wii
It's just like it's DS counterpart except its a bit more difficult and the addition of Yoshi! <3 Also, this game likes to piss me off via dying numerous times in the same spot trying to get the big coins.
There's also multiplayer, but I have yet to try that out.
Fri, 12-18-2009, 09:47 AM
Final Fantasy X on my friends ps2... so far so good... or rather awesome!
Fri, 12-18-2009, 09:55 AM
Final Fantasy X on my friends ps2... so far so good... or rather awesome!
Enjoying FFX for the first time... lucky bastard!
Fri, 12-18-2009, 12:19 PM
Still playing COD:MW2 multiplayer online. I made the mistake of prestiging after reaching level 70. Now I have to play with crappy guns and perks. I'm prestige level 1 rank 32 now. When I hit 70 again and get my AK-47, I'll stop leveling. Good thing it's winter break so I'll have plenty of time to play.
Fri, 12-18-2009, 12:37 PM
Still playing COD:MW2 multiplayer online. I made the mistake of prestiging after reaching level 70. Now I have to play with crappy guns and perks. I'm prestige level 1 rank 32 now. When I hit 70 again and get my AK-47, I'll stop leveling. Good thing it's winter break so I'll have plenty of time to play.
So it plays as a sort of rpg shooter?
I'm thinking of getting it, can i get some tips please?
Fri, 12-18-2009, 01:16 PM
So it plays as a sort of rpg shooter?
I'm thinking of getting it, can i get some tips please?
Sort of. Less rpg elements, but there are RPGs in the game that you get at a high level. You gain experience points for kills, achievements, and challenges (like getting a certain number of headshots with a particular weapon) and you level up the military ranks. You can earn special titles, special avatars, unlock special attacks and add-ons for your weapons.
The only bad thing is that the game is really fast-paced, so there's less interaction between players. I used to love Counterstrike, where half the fun was after you die, then you shoot the shit with other dead guys talking smack and joking around until the round ended.
Fri, 12-18-2009, 08:34 PM
unlock special attacks
Can you an example?
Fri, 12-18-2009, 09:11 PM
Can you an example?
Sure, like the helicopter gunship, AC-130, nuke, etc.
Fri, 12-18-2009, 09:55 PM
Sure, like the helicopter gunship, AC-130, nuke, etc.
Oh, that. That's like the UAV and counter-UAV etc that gets unlocked via kill streaks right?
For some reason I imagined "special attack" to be a Kamehameha bullet after unlocking headshot requirements or something.
Sat, 12-19-2009, 06:48 AM
nuthing is cooler than throwing your knife into someones head when your mag is empty <3
I'm prestige level 1 rank 32 now. When I hit 70 again and get my AK-47, I'll stop leveling.
you get the best weapons right at the beginning anyway
famas, scar, m4.. only thing that's missing are the secondary weapons -> Raffica or Model 1889 shotgun akimbo style :)
as soon as you get FMJ projectiles everything is fine again.
do you get any new titels or avatars when you're going prestige for the second time or third time? (except for the "9 Lives Long" title etc)
the first prestige mode covers uo around 95%, doesn't it?
Sat, 12-19-2009, 08:25 AM
I've not really touched multiplayer, since I'm lazy to upgrade and find out about such stuff. I've completed campaign 100%, and still doing Spec Ops now, but I need a partner cause doing solo is too tough for certain missions... I'm also playing Fifa 10 in between the missions :p
Sun, 12-20-2009, 02:14 PM
I just love m16 in cod:mw2. but mostly thanks to that i'm playing on hardcore only.
Also i'm finishing Shadow of the Colossus.FF X-2, FF XII and persona 3 and 4 are waiting in line, also Digital Devil Saga 1 and 2, and i must get .HACK// games - i loved .HACK//SIGN and .HACK//ROOTS anime.
Psyke - are you playing mw2 on pc?
Sun, 12-20-2009, 07:44 PM
Nah, I'm on the PS3. I just unlocked Echo missions but keep getting ganged up by those Juggernauts. :(
Mon, 12-21-2009, 06:40 AM
the last 2 missions can only be done with lame tactics
at least the one in the small slum-village
impossible to defeat 40(?) juggernauts otherwise.
Mon, 12-21-2009, 06:56 AM
the last 2 missions can only be done with lame tactics
at least the one in the small slum-village
impossible to defeat 40(?) juggernauts otherwise.
I just beat all 3 Echo missions in Regular mode. You're right about lame tactics. Instead of using actual strategy, I'm forced to look into system loop holes and exploit all the short comings of the Juggernauts. For example, forcing the Juggernauts to enter the house with only one door, while escaping through the window to top up ammo, and repeating until all hostiles are down. Still, it's satisfying when the missions are cleared.
Mon, 12-21-2009, 09:23 AM
Just beat Streets of Rage 2. Currently playing Sonic Spinball.
Mon, 12-21-2009, 05:38 PM
well juggernauts are pretty easy on veteran - 5 shots to the chest with barret or 3 to head-armor or one directly into head(there is small hole in their head-armor).
still the best tactic is to throw stun/flashbang grenade and "shoot like crazy!" while aiming for the head.
Mon, 12-21-2009, 06:25 PM
on veteran they hit you non-stop while running, you need a decoy (ur m8) and most of the time you run out of bullets and you die before you reload.
because there isn't just one juggernaut...more like three or five at the same time
the easiest way to defeat them is to block them while you are injured... they will ignore you and you can knife them to death.
and your m8 revives you when the timer is about to run out, but as I said, thats just lame.
the wave-defence at burgertown with 2-3 sentry turrets is the best mission in my opinion
Mon, 12-21-2009, 06:33 PM
Been using gamefly lately, and I got pretty far in inFamous; then traded it in for Killzone (disappointing). and I'm hoping for Dragon Age, Batman, or Call of Duty. Don't know what I'll get first.
Mon, 12-21-2009, 06:47 PM
Better hold out for the batman game since a sequel has been announced already lol
Mon, 12-21-2009, 06:50 PM
Dragon Age Origins is probably the best RPG this year (PC)
I'm currently playing it through for the third time... even though the end and checkpoints are more or less the same, you can choose to act in so many different ways it's really fun to see what changes/happens.
Mon, 12-21-2009, 08:26 PM
well juggernauts are pretty easy on veteran - 5 shots to the chest with barret or 3 to head-armor or one directly into head(there is small hole in their head-armor).
still the best tactic is to throw stun/flashbang grenade and "shoot like crazy!" while aiming for the head.
I remember Barrets were 1-hit-K.O. in COD4 as long as you got anybody's torso or head.
But there IS a multiplayer perk called "Juggernaut" that increases health... not by much though.
Tue, 12-22-2009, 05:42 PM
well - i've been playing fps games since i was 4(duke nukem 3d was my first game) and i'm used to ut/quake gameplay so shooting someone few rockets in the chest is nothing unusual to me.
And when you got friend to help just split up - let one of you 'aggro' the juggers and let the other one snipe them down - also claymores work well - they slow them down and warn you about them.
and don't ever try to use granades/rpg/javelin - they requre 3 hits with rockets into the head to take them down.
Tue, 12-22-2009, 06:21 PM
edit: meh offtopic
to sum it up, it isn't as easy as it sounds unless you lame/camp/block and do shit.
btw anyone tried Gratuitous Space Battles?
the demo is a lot of fun.
Wed, 12-23-2009, 03:37 PM
Back to Fallout 3 on the PC, and it is almost entirely due to this single mod: (
The new character I made:
Sister Claudia
S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Stats
Str 6
Per 5
End 5
Chr 8
Int 8
Agl 6
Lck 7
Tagged Skills:
Medicine, Speech, Barter
...and a Double-Barreled Shotgun for when reason doesn't work.
Wed, 12-23-2009, 03:49 PM
Just tried the Resonance of Fate / End of Eternity Demon from the Japanese PSN store.
Freaking fantastic RPG. Must buy for me.
Wed, 12-23-2009, 08:35 PM
Just tried the Resonance of Fate / End of Eternity Demon from the Japanese PSN store.
Freaking fantastic RPG. Must buy for me.
I haven't tried the demo yet, but it was already a must-buy for me the moment I saw the trailers back then. Tri-Ace track record as of late hasn't been very good, but now that they're with a new publisher (Sega) that gives a lot more freedom than their old publisher did (Square Enix), let's hope that freedom and publisher switch was well worth it.
Thu, 12-24-2009, 01:19 AM
I haven't tried the demo yet, but it was already a must-buy for me the moment I saw the trailers back then. Tri-Ace track record as of late hasn't been very good, but now that they're with a new publisher (Sega) that gives a lot more freedom than their old publisher did (Square Enix), let's hope that freedom and publisher switch was well worth it.
Some people say its a bit repetitive, but without knowing what the hell Im doing because of the Japanese, I can't say it is or if it isn't. But I did like the gameplay.
On Another matters... I just finished Demon's Souls. Level 100 character. I just began a New Game Plus to play casually and boy... it feels like a complete new game. If I thought it was brutal before... its insame now. No wonder max level is 712.
BTW... I also finally bought the Hard EX Mode of Valkyria Chronicles, even though I don't think I'll play it soon or at all. Why did I buy it then? Because its on sale because of Christmas at just 2.99. All DLC for Valkyria Chronicles are.
Sat, 12-26-2009, 05:11 PM
I've been playing lately Fate/Unlimited Codes with my friend - now he hates gae bolg deeply from his heart.
Fighting system is great - somewhat similar to Crucis Fatal Fake and Guilty Gear XX #reload. but there are some annoyances - lancer's horizontal attack does not hit assassin when he dodges to the side, gilgamesh's final special attack is nearly impossible to use, AI uses same combo over and over etc.
I've found that Lancer and Lancer Zero(from fate/zero) are great to use, while my friend prefers Dark Saber and Assassin.
Sat, 12-26-2009, 07:12 PM
Star Wars : Knights of the old republic
Star Wars : Knights of the old republic 2: The Sith Lords
Kinda like final fantasy but somehow more fun.
Honestly worth your time!
Sat, 12-26-2009, 07:30 PM
Oh yah, you'll particularly enjoy Kotor2
Not broken at all, the team really took their sweet time with it so there were absolutely no bugs or plot loopholes anywhere
Tue, 12-29-2009, 11:36 AM
Freakin gamefly hasn't shipped me a game in like a week! I know its the holidays, but I have all this leisure time, and no gaming :(
Wed, 12-30-2009, 10:23 PM
Just finished megman 9... god that was hard, but totaly worth it in the end :].... now I need some sleep though.
Thu, 12-31-2009, 03:52 PM
Going through this games at the moment:
- Final Fantasy Crystal Bearers @ Wii
- Resident Evil DarkSide Chronicles @ Wii
- BlazBlue @ PS3
- Persona @ PSP
- Chrono Trigger @ NDS
Thu, 12-31-2009, 03:55 PM
great! I'm going to try that next time I play... I was wondering about Re-spec'ing.
I rescued this mysterious big dude w\ cornrows last night... I was supposed to quest and talk the people into letting him out but i just outright freed him and he joined up!
Thu, 12-31-2009, 11:47 PM
Info from magicbox:
Torrent Freak released a list of most pirated games in 2009 for PC, Xbox 360 and Wii, and Modern Warfare 2 is the most pirated game for PC and 360. Note that there is no piracy on PS3. Also worth mentioning is that some games such as DiRT 2 for 360 and Punch-Out for Wii, the piracy rate is actually higher that the total sales of the game; and there seems to be more people pirating Wii games than Xbox 360, with PC higher than both consoles.
PC (by downloads)
1.Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 - 4,100,000
2.The Sims 3 - 3,200,000
3.Prototype - 2,350,000
4.Need for Speed Shift - 2,100,000
5.Street Fighter IV - 1,850,000
Xbox 360 (by downloads)
1.Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 - 970,000
2.Street Fighter IV - 840,000
3.Prototype - 810,000
4.DiRT 2 - 790,000
5.UFC 2009 Undisputed - 720,000
Wii (by downloads)
1.New Super Mario Bros. Wii - 1,150,000
2.Punch-Out!! - 950,000
3.Wii Sports Resort - 920,000
4.The House of the Dead: Overkill - 860,000
5.Mario Power Tennis - 830,000
Fri, 01-01-2010, 12:53 AM
It looks like Punch-Out and HotD: Overkill had more pirated downloads than actual sales. That's gotta hurt.
Currently playing Dynamite Headdy.
Fri, 01-01-2010, 07:05 AM
4.100.000 downloads for CoD6
what a shame... to be honest I start to understand why companies try so hard to develop copy protection or want to charge monthly fees. (Hi, IWnet)
Fri, 01-01-2010, 07:19 AM
If they download the cod6 they don't get multiplayer - so they get only, approx, 25% of gaming experience.
RZ which time you are going through chrono trigger on DS?(and i hope it is not new game + because it is too easy)
Fri, 01-01-2010, 08:52 AM
(and i hope it is not new game + because it is too easy)
Beating the final boss on a new game plus with only one or two characters is not all that easy. At least the first few times around. :D
Fri, 01-01-2010, 09:40 AM
I've just started Ninja Gaiden Stigma 2. I haven't had this much fun playing a game for ages. I suck though :p
Fri, 01-01-2010, 10:49 AM
If they download the cod6 they don't get multiplayer - so they get only, approx, 25% of gaming experience.
RZ which time you are going through chrono trigger on DS?(and i hope it is not new game + because it is too easy)
I actually just started. I totally had the game on the backlog. Since I just finished KH 358/2 Days several days ago I decided to try Chrono next. I haven't even passed the one hour mark actually. I want to finish Persona on the PSP first.
Fri, 01-01-2010, 12:57 PM
well i had maxed out chrono with 90% crit rate on my second playthrough so it was easy :]
Now i must save some money for bayonetta, demon's soul and brutal legend.
Fri, 01-01-2010, 04:02 PM
I started playing FF4 for the DS. I got it earlier this year for my birthday but only just now got around to playing it...which reminds me, I should finish FF6.
Fri, 01-01-2010, 04:14 PM
Just started playing FFV myself, at the part where you destroy the Barrier Tower and im now training in Bal Castle for AP building so I can get rapid fire for Bartz and Galuf, Lenna and Faris are my magic users (meaning summoner and red mage). Other than that its fun to replay this for the GBA (using Visual Boy Advance for the gaming speed...SPACE BAR!!)
Fri, 01-01-2010, 07:06 PM
I started playing that one when I got it for my PSX many years ago. I never finished it because I picked up Chrono Cross shortly after and that took up all my spare time. How does it compare to the older FFs (1-6)?
Sat, 01-02-2010, 11:11 AM
Such greatness, even the opening scene alone was fantastic.
Sat, 01-02-2010, 02:06 PM
I'm playing Battletoads right now along with a lot of people from the racketboy forums. This game is seriously hard, but lots of fun.
Mon, 01-04-2010, 05:32 PM
I started playing that one when I got it for my PSX many years ago. I never finished it because I picked up Chrono Cross shortly after and that took up all my spare time. How does it compare to the older FFs (1-6)?
Well this one has more customization for your job classes and you can pick an extra ability, example meaning blackmage/whitemage or ninja with the ability of x-attack meaning I can attack a monster 8 times. Also the storyline is really compelling and epic :).
I'm playing Battletoads right now along with a lot of people from the racketboy forums. This game is seriously hard, but lots of fun.
Ah I could never get passed the part where your in the volcanic area with your flying motor boards which would be like the 3rd or 4th level?
Tue, 01-05-2010, 11:35 PM
Well this one has more customization for your job classes and you can pick an extra ability, example meaning blackmage/whitemage or ninja with the ability of x-attack meaning I can attack a monster 8 times. Also the storyline is really compelling and epic :)
That good, eh? I remember that 5 was my first encounter with the job system and I felt a little overwhelmed. Is there a steep learning curve with it? I got about halfway through 3 and its job system wasn't too difficult to get a handle on.
I'm 14 hours into 4 and I entered the Tower of Zot and had my ass handed to me. I seriously need to level up my characters before I try again. I only have one character that can use black magic and their MP is only 90...fucking worthless!
Wed, 01-06-2010, 04:33 PM
Finally got Batman from Gamefly. It is both addicting and awesome, and Batman doesn't come off as too badass (i.e. getting hit jars you, and after a few rounds of gunfire, its over).
Wed, 01-06-2010, 04:55 PM
Arkham Asylum was the shit!! Got 328 out of 340 Riddler Trophies and the last boss was a crazy fight. The titans are fun to battle and the combat system is really good. The challenges are way fun though like 30-40 thugs against you or sometimes with two titans on extreme.
Thu, 01-07-2010, 09:00 AM
Arkham Asylum 2 got confirmed as well :)
Thu, 01-07-2010, 09:08 AM
Got the add-on packs for GTA:IV for X360, not enjoying the wonky motorcycle controls on the Lost and Damned missions. The controls feel a lot less fluid than in GTA:IV. I might skip TLAD and play the Ballad of Gay Tony missions instead.
Thu, 01-07-2010, 11:01 AM
I'm playing "Battle For Middle Earth 2" again and I wonder if someone is interested in playing the "War of the Ring" mode with me because i'm really bored at the moment :/
If anyone is interested PM me (normal game mode is fine too, or even other games in general :/... like spec-ops for MW2, got the UK-Uncut Version )
Fri, 01-08-2010, 12:26 AM
Finished Assassin creed 2 and Bayonetta. Playing Bayonetta on hard mode now. I'm getting my ass whooped on hard mode :(.
Sat, 01-09-2010, 02:33 PM
Ah I could never get passed the part where your in the volcanic area with your flying motor boards which would be like the 3rd or 4th level?
Yeah, I'm stuck on the hovercraft level too. It's pretty damn hard.
Sun, 01-10-2010, 08:28 PM
Just finished Bayonetta for 1000/1000 gamerscore, but still have a bunch to unlock, so it will still keep me busy for awhile I guess. Awesome game.
Tue, 01-12-2010, 08:15 PM
Just finished FFV for GBA and damn I didn't know about the extra gladiator, cannoneer, and oracle class near the end of the game :(. Beat the game with 4 freelancers, 2 with the finisher ability and the other 2 with rapid fire.!!!!
Mon, 01-18-2010, 06:18 AM
Just finished Bayonetta for 1000/1000 gamerscore, but still have a bunch to unlock, so it will still keep me busy for awhile I guess. Awesome game.
I just acquired Bayonetta for x360 and I just got to chapter 3. All I can say is it is freaking awesome :cool:
Mon, 01-18-2010, 06:15 PM
Playing COD:MW2 and FIFA 10 these days ... have to say though, MW2 is getting boring... Dont no if anyone has a clue what im talking about but... :P
Mon, 01-18-2010, 08:01 PM
Are you playing multi-player? It never gets boring smoking folks. But I know what you mean, I used to go 2 hours at a time. Now I go maybe 2 or 3 matches and then stop for a while.
Mon, 01-18-2010, 10:36 PM
I've been on a sega genesis kick for a while now, but Yesterday I bought myself another Super Nintendo. Now I'm playing Donkey Kong Country.
Mon, 01-18-2010, 11:50 PM
Playing COD:MW2, it's so much more fun when playing with people you know and you have headsets. We set up some private matches and only use knifes in rust, pretty hectic game when doing stuff like that.
Tue, 01-19-2010, 01:24 AM
Since my graphics card is still not back from Asus, I've been into Ninja Gaiden: Sigma 2 for the last week or two.
I haven't liked a game this much since COD4.
Tue, 01-19-2010, 03:32 AM
Famitsu 2009 Top 100 Console Games (
Tue, 01-19-2010, 01:11 PM
meh knife only is too easy - even when other guys got weapons knifing is too easy(unless you fight g18 maniac).
Tue, 01-19-2010, 01:21 PM
The G18 akimbo and 1336 akimbo are too powerful. They have good damage stats and ridiculous range. I hate the kids who run around with these weapons.
Tue, 01-19-2010, 01:26 PM
the M1337 got nerfed hard.
the shotgun with the biggest range is the attachment-shotgun now
what I hate most are care-package glitch users
even more than G18 noobs :/
Tue, 01-19-2010, 06:06 PM
Are you playing multi-player? It never gets boring smoking folks. But I know what you mean, I used to go 2 hours at a time. Now I go maybe 2 or 3 matches and then stop for a while.
yep, i played feck all single player. Ugh, when you play as much as i did in COD4, WAW and MW2 .. yes it gets very boring, lol
Thu, 01-21-2010, 03:47 PM
Care package glitch is fixed. G18 akimbo in indeed imbalanced but it is possible to deal with it - use scar with stopping power.
Thu, 01-21-2010, 04:42 PM
the only weapon which is effective against such players is a shotgun
any other weapon is inferior to a g18 spray in close-range
it doesn't really matter whether you choose Scar/F2000/AK
is someone still playing Battle Forge?
or interested in playing it?
I'd like to start playing this again but it's more fun with more people
I always liked the idea of mixxing a strategy-game with a trading-card-game
Thu, 01-21-2010, 06:56 PM
the only weapon which is effective against such players is a shotgun
Not true. I may not play MW2, but one of my friends does. The little akimbo shotgun bastards love to hide in buildings and to the side of doors waiting for you.
Full Metal Jacket rounds. Heartbeat sensor. Any powerful machine gun. Just shoot through the walls.
Fri, 01-22-2010, 12:49 PM
nah, it's actually pretty rare that they camp... most of the time they walk around, it's true that they are in buildings but on maps like "Invasion" or "P(F?)avela" there is no reason to camp at all, everything is close-quarters and shotguns + submachine(-pistoles) guns are probably the most effective ones there.
and heartbeat sensor + fmj requires the bling perk... which is pretty much useless
not to mention that the heartbeat sensor is a big disadvantage most of the time because you spent more time looking at the sensor than looking at your surroundings.. not to mention the people using Ninja perk will scare the shit out of you.
Shadow Skill
Sat, 01-23-2010, 09:47 PM
Been playing Bayonetta the past 3 weeks or so in my spare time. Beat the game on normal and got most the 1000/1000. Busy unlocking a ton of hidden items.
Sat, 01-23-2010, 10:20 PM
I just bought Uncharted: Drake's Fortune. Figured I need to play this before going onto the sequel :)
Sun, 01-24-2010, 07:14 AM
I just bought Uncharted: Drake's Fortune. Figured I need to play this before going onto the sequel :)
Good choice, and yeah, you should definitely play them in order, not so much for the stories matching up (they don't really) but just for the full experience. You're in for a real treat with both games ahead of you.
Mon, 01-25-2010, 09:12 AM
Good choice, and yeah, you should definitely play them in order, not so much for the stories matching up (they don't really) but just for the full experience. You're in for a real treat with both games ahead of you.
A few hours into it and I'm not really liking it as much as I'd hope to. The camera makes my dizzy and I don't like how the enemies dance around like apes even though I'm shooting them with an AK47. It takes so much to kill them I feel as if I'm shooting rubber pellets.
Mon, 01-25-2010, 11:32 PM
Yeah, it's a bit like that to start with, but you do get used to it. Each to their own though.
The hard-to-kill thing probably depends on your difficulty, I didn't find it too bad personally, even playing on hard. But that's me. The game really encourages you to go for the headshot as much as possible.
Tue, 01-26-2010, 02:16 AM
Yeah that's the problem for me since I find it hard to get headshots. Especially after playing MW2 for so long I can't get used to the aiming in Uncharted.
Tue, 01-26-2010, 09:53 AM
Uncharted had very weird aiming system, it was really hard to get used to after mgs4.
Tue, 01-26-2010, 03:33 PM
Wooooh!!! Finally got AC2 (after purchasing MW2 and Batman, now im kinda broke) but I got my villa after I met my uncle. Right now im working on upgrading it but takes a while to get money.
Tue, 01-26-2010, 08:16 PM
Wooooh!!! Finally got AC2 (after purchasing MW2 and Batman, now im kinda broke) but I got my villa after I met my uncle. Right now im working on upgrading it but takes a while to get money.
Word of advice, don`t worry about getting money for the villa, is totally worth it to upgrade but it will happen naturally, main quests reward money is the best way to upgrade villa :)
Tue, 01-26-2010, 09:11 PM
Played Mass Effect 2 for the first 4 hours or so. Female Adept Shepard, imported from ME1 as a Renegade. Sometimes it gets a lot tougher than the first one ever did, you really need to rely on your squadmates. Well, squishy adepts start out weak (but get crazy strong later on), so that's part of the problem. Some of the biotic powers don't work quite the same as they used to. That said, the new shielded/armor/health mechanic of combat is a blast. You sometimes have to switch weapons just to take down the same enemy, or use powers and then follow up. Cover becomes vital too. The overhaul makes it a lot more fun.
My combat failings aside, I'm really loving the character interactions. Shepard seems so much more like a commander aboard the Normandy than she did before. It really is your outfit, they're your responsibility, you take care of them, they take care of you. It's a really nice feeling.
Tue, 01-26-2010, 10:54 PM
I really want to play Mass Effect 2 but the semester just started, I changed majors so I have a lot of catching up to do, and starting a game as complex and time-consuming as an RPG is a bad idea, if I want to do well in my new major.
Just made level 70 on prestige 1 in CoD:MW2, so I'm level 140. Doubt I'll prestige again, though the main reason for getting to level 70 the second time was so I could get the AK47 again, but it's been kind of disappointing as a weapon.
Sun, 01-31-2010, 05:57 PM
Battlefield BC 2:
watch the video at the top of the article..
the sounds and explosions are really amazing..
someone's playing the beta?
I'm so going to buy this.
btw the killcam at the end is funny ^^
Sun, 01-31-2010, 07:48 PM
Can't wait for Bad Company 2. The first one was awesome.
Got Mass Effect 2 for the PC coming in the mail soon.
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