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Fri, 11-11-2011, 11:05 PM
Did you get any sense of how level scaling works in Skyrim? This was one of the annoyances I had with Oblivion.I'm guessing you mean enemy scaling.
Overall, the difficulty has been pretty much where it should be. I'm Level 15 now, and if I'm not careful, I die against stronger opponents. In fact, due to my perhaps excessive specialization towards assassination, I die in most melee combat. Anything using a greatsword or warhammer for example (and most two-handed battle axes as well).
Giants require intelligent use of the landscape (making sure they can't get within melee range, they one-shot you). Dragons require distractions so you can get in toward their weak spots, similar to the high dragons in Dragon Age. They do tremendous damage when they're facing you. If you don't hit certain mages fast and hard, they can kill you pretty easily, while others are a piece of cake.
Equipment wise, they're keeping to items at or below my level, with a few "bosses" and bandit leaders possessing the nicer stuff that acts as loot for me. I stole a powerful bow at the cost of well over a dozen lockpicks, and even now enemy archers are still often carrying the lower ranked bows. I'm only now starting to see some of the nice ones creep in (still not as good as mine).
That said, I've had a few enraging encounters. One in particular took me forever to get through, and I ended up using a lot of consumables. And it was just three bandit types. One better than average archer, one two-hander, and a unnaturally strong sword/shield guy. They seemed to each have three times the health of the average enemy in that same dungeon. There are a few other encounters where I have had to reload at least a half-dozen times.
tl;dr: I have found the challenge to be appropriate. Some enemies are a joke, some are very much combat "veterans." I die a lot, but only once did I feel it was unfair.
As a side-note, my character is now a lycanthrope. :D If I use that, then I have no problem killing everything in a room on my own.
Sat, 11-12-2011, 08:39 AM
I think he wants to know if you go back to kill some "rats", did they become annoyingly stronger or do they get oneshotted (like they should).
Sat, 11-12-2011, 09:32 AM
Random critters? One-shotted. I can easily kill bears and saber cats now. A large part of that is the perks that improve damage with your chosen weapons.
People? They get a bit stronger. Not all bandits get one shotted unless I'm careful.
Sat, 11-12-2011, 11:45 AM
That's good to hear.
I read that the system was an improved version of what was implemented in Fallout 3. Now I haven't played Fallout 3 but the system in Oblivion was just far too simplistic. Almost everything and everyone around leveling at pretty much the same rate as yourself doesn't even sound right in theory. Especially when going back and dealing with enemies in previously 'conquered' areas.
From what I understand, the level of enemies in a region is set based on the your level when you enter it for the first time. I guess that pretty much means that the only thing that grows is the unexplored portion of the world. And even then, the scaling isn't linear. So entering a particular new area at level 20 would be somewhat easier than entering the same area at level 5, which makes sense. Of course, this doesn't supposedly apply enemies that randomly pop in like Dragons, but it seems like they have put alot more thought into the whole thing this time.
This is based on what I have read. I have yet to experience any of it myself but from what you said, it sounds like it is a nice mix of challenge and that feeling of accomplishment you get when you have grown enough to one shot certain enemies.
Sat, 11-12-2011, 02:58 PM
One final detail regarding leveling now that I've beaten a randomly popped dragon and toppled a few more bandit hideouts. I'm now between Levels 18 and 19.
Say you encounter a group of 5 bandits at their hideout. Three of them will be weaker than you, lower quality equipment (sometimes substantially so). These guys are trivial to take out with a single bow shot and only the 3x modifier you get from that. One of the other two will be about your level. You can take him out in two shots. Once with a sneak attack and one regular shot (sometimes it takes three total arrows). Or give him a one-shot via a backstab with a dagger.
The last one will feel significantly higher than you. If he's got a two-handed weapon, he will one-shot you in light armor. If he's got a bow, he will have many more of the perks. The last one I fought like this had the perk that staggers on an arrow hit. This will be at about skill 50. He can easily two-shot you with his bow. Hitting him from a sneak attack will only take about 1/4 of his life bar. He will be a tough opponent no matter what way you decide to take him down. I have to go for the 15x dagger backstab usually. Even that isn't always a one-shot.
So you get a nice difficulty curve on any encountered group. This is improved even over fallout, where each of a group are all sort of the same, only equipment differs.
Sat, 11-12-2011, 07:43 PM
I've been playing Borderlands a bit
It's pretty cool, like a more fun to play version of Fallout 3.
Sat, 11-12-2011, 09:30 PM
I've been playing Borderlands a bit
It's pretty cool, like a more fun to play version of Fallout 3.I enjoyed both but Borderlands is a lot more whimsical and therefore less involving and meaningful than Fallout 3. I enjoyed Bioshock 2 more than 1 because of this feeling and what I felt was a better story.
Sat, 11-12-2011, 09:51 PM
I've been playing Borderlands a bit
It's pretty cool, like a more fun to play version of Fallout 3.
I agree. FO3 was way more serious. I didn't have as much fun, and stopped playing in the end because I couldn't find this place on the map. (that's unrelated though, sort of).
My Lilith with heaps of critical and elemental damage + SMGs ruled that world. Still have to finish playing the expansion packs I bought for it. The tournament one is actually pretty hard. Or I just suck at fighting aliens.
Can't wait for Borderlands 2. Let's hope ATI drivers won't have so much of a problem with them this time.
I wanted to play Bioshock 2, but I was trying to get through Bioshock first. It's just so non-engaging though.. I don't know if it'll ever happen.
Mon, 11-14-2011, 08:29 PM
Currently Playing:
- Nintendo 64: Ogre Battle 64
- SNES: Chrono Trigger
- XBOX 360: just bought it and have yet to use it ..
Tue, 11-15-2011, 07:50 PM
Lords of Shadow was fucking amazing keep playing it, by the end you will be totally sucked in; also after you finished it, don't skip the credits ;].I'm on Chapter 10 now so I'm almost at the end and it does seem to get better the further I go in the game. I'll make sure not to skip the credits, thanks :-)
Tue, 11-15-2011, 07:58 PM
I'm currently playing YOOOO MAARVEEELL!!...ultimate! ;D
Tue, 11-15-2011, 08:24 PM
I started playing Castle Crashers again after hearing about the Blacksmith and Pink Knight DLC's. I'm currently replaying stages trying to pick up weapons that I don't have. I just got the Unicorn Horn ( from the painter.
Thu, 11-17-2011, 09:06 PM
Going old school with some Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past. With the release of the newest Zelda game fast approaching (and the Zelda texture pack for Minecraft I recently downloaded), I've been craving some Zelda action. And since I don't have the proper controller for an N64 emulator (for Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask) which I really wanted to play, I have to settle with the SNES game. Not that it's bad or anything, cause I always liked it... I just liked OoT much more, and I never beat MM.
Flash Gordon
Mon, 11-21-2011, 02:30 AM
Just wrecked stage 9-B in rRootage
Mon, 11-21-2011, 11:36 AM
Lords of Shadow was fucking amazing keep playing it, by the end you will be totally sucked in; also after you finished it, don't skip the credits ;].Finished LOS on Friday and what a crazy last chapter. And thanks for the head's up on not skipping the credits. :D
Mon, 11-21-2011, 01:08 PM
Hehe it was great wasn't it ;D.
Wed, 11-23-2011, 06:42 PM
In between various long term sessions of Skyrim, I've been playing Saints Row The Third. It's basically everything I wanted GTA4 to be, only GTA4 turned out to be really boring in all of its trappings of realism. SR3 doesn't give a shit about realism, so it feels a lot more like the true spirit of GTA (1 through S.A.). Funny considering the franchise started as a ripoff of GTA.
It's a hell of a lot of fun to be a gansta. I upgraded a motorcycle so powerful I can barely control it.
I fly into cars Dukes of Hazard Style when I'm stealing them (and got an achievement for doing so). Then I run over people, wait for the cops to show up, grab one of them and use him as a human shield while I shoot the others. Then I run away, steal a jetski, crash it, steal a flatbed truck (jumping through the windshield this time), and plow through the cop cars on my way home to safety.
Or if I just get bored walking on the street, I switch to fists, and through a set of quick time events, elaborately beatdown some random schmuck. It's really engaging and satisfying.
All while wearing a superhero costume, or nothing at all for some streaker hilarity. And just like Skyrim, I've been avoiding the main storyline. I've just been running around town.
So yeah, it's fun.
Sun, 12-04-2011, 06:26 PM
Gettin my weeboo on motherfuckers!
Tue, 12-06-2011, 08:55 AM
Been playing Dungeon Defenders with 3 friends since it was on sale a day or two ago. It's pretty damn fun, and time consuming to boot.
Wed, 12-07-2011, 11:21 AM
I played through Portal the other day and it was a pretty neat game. I've heard Portal 2 is even better...has anyone here played it?
Wed, 12-07-2011, 11:24 AM
Probably most of us.
I wouldn't say 2 is better though, they stand in equal awesomeness.
Wed, 12-07-2011, 11:37 AM
Yeah, I'm kinda behind the curve when it comes to most games, lately. The only just got a 360 earlier this year so most of what I play on my own is "old". New games (like Arkham City) I usually play with my cousin on his PS3.
So you would say Portal 2 is worth a play through, eh? I'll have to check it out.
Wed, 12-07-2011, 11:46 AM
people even say its worth the full price (i don't agree though..)
its a lot of fun, but I wouldn't pay ~50$ for it.
Wed, 12-07-2011, 11:50 AM
Wait for those steam christmas deals, it will be sure to be in there somewhere.
Wed, 12-07-2011, 12:43 PM
Portal 2's fun, but I'd say it's a little behind Portal. Just a little.
Wed, 12-07-2011, 12:47 PM
Been playing Dungeon Defenders with 3 friends since it was on sale a day or two ago. It's pretty damn fun, and time consuming to boot.
It's such a good game! Incredibly addictive too.
Wed, 12-07-2011, 11:58 PM
people even say its worth the full price (i don't agree though..)
its a lot of fun, but I wouldn't pay ~50$ for it.
Very few games are worth full price, IMO.
Thu, 12-08-2011, 06:20 AM
depends on how much money is avaible for you, or how much you want to spent on games
can't say I regret buying games like
shogun 2 : 180h played so far
BF3 : 65h played so far
Witcher 2: (dunno how much playtime)
MW2 : 160h+
etc. etc. at full price
it's 1-3h playtime for 1€ most of the time.
sure thing, I could have waited for witcher 2 and shogun 2 to get cheaper (no real MP or no MP at all) but if the game looks great and it gets somewhat decent revies 80+/100
I don't have to think twice
other people might say "screw it" and wait.
Thu, 12-08-2011, 07:57 AM
Time to walk around as Ezio Auditore again, but this time in Revelations. :3
Sun, 12-11-2011, 02:42 AM (
Anyone importing or have Gundam Extreme VS?
Planning on getting my copy come start of '12.
Sun, 12-11-2011, 08:13 AM
I don't want to start a thread for this
but doesn't it look awesome?
that archangel @ 0:50 with that badass looking 2h hammer and the halo above its head
nice artstyle
I wish the whole game would look like this.
Sun, 12-11-2011, 08:56 AM
Diablo is a Blizzard trademark as well? Damn, those guys have a whole lot of shit going on.
Sun, 12-11-2011, 09:53 AM
Diablo is a Blizzard trademark as well? Damn, those guys have a whole lot of shit going on.
What are you, 12? How could you not know this?
Sun, 12-11-2011, 09:56 AM
saw a C&C Generals 2 teaser today too... and it uses the frostbite2 engine (BF3)
can't wait for that either
Sun, 12-11-2011, 11:10 AM (
Anyone importing or have Gundam Extreme VS?
Planning on getting my copy come start of '12.
Friend of mine is in japan atm, told him to bring it for me when he gets back ;D. Also asked him for srw og 2nd but for some goddamn reason that game isn't out yet.
Mon, 12-12-2011, 05:55 PM
depends on how much money is avaible for you, or how much you want to spent on games
can't say I regret buying games like
shogun 2 : 180h played so far
BF3 : 65h played so far
Witcher 2: (dunno how much playtime)
MW2 : 160h+
etc. etc. at full price
it's 1-3h playtime for 1€ most of the time.
sure thing, I could have waited for witcher 2 and shogun 2 to get cheaper (no real MP or no MP at all) but if the game looks great and it gets somewhat decent revies 80+/100
I don't have to think twice
other people might say "screw it" and wait.
Most games I wait until the price drops to a comfortable level. I waited before I picked up Castlevania LoS at $40 for the collector's edition because I couldn't pass it up at that price. But I did I pick up MvC 3 brand new because I wanted the collector's edition and I knew the likelihood of picking one up at a later date would be pretty rough. The only game I see in the near future that I will not wait for is the new Bioshock because I absolutely adored the first 2 games.
Mon, 12-12-2011, 07:05 PM
The VGA Awards trailer of Mass Effect 3 is making me real disappointed in Bioware.
Mon, 12-19-2011, 02:06 AM
Completed both TTT & TTT2 Prologue the other day, I wonder if anyone else picked up Tekken Hybrid? They did a good job on remastering except for it lacking online play.
Planning on picking up ICO again for the last 4 trophies which is fun but will be difficult.
Mon, 12-19-2011, 12:11 PM
Check the fighting games thread^.
Mon, 12-19-2011, 12:24 PM
I've been playing the Gotham City Impostors Beta on PS3. Fumigation mode is pretty fun, but I won't be buying the full game.
Tue, 12-20-2011, 03:37 PM
Y'all need to buy this, i'm just sayin
Tue, 12-20-2011, 04:46 PM
Y'all need to buy this, i'm just sayin
Or...if you buy Recettear anywhere else, it is DRM free. Per the Localization company site (
(Yes, I've actually bought it twice because of this. DRM-free = win.)
Tue, 12-20-2011, 04:52 PM
I got Cryostasis and Singularity on sale on Steam today. It should be a scary Christmas holiday.
Tue, 12-20-2011, 05:35 PM
Or...if you buy Recettear anywhere else, it is DRM free. Per the Localization company site.
(Yes, I've actually bought it twice because of this. DRM-free = win.)
for what reason?
it's not like there are any problems with steam
Tue, 12-20-2011, 05:51 PM
Because you can put it on any number of machines, use it anywhere or any time and perhaps most importantly, copies could be played simultaneously?
Steam is acceptable DRM, but it is still DRM. The fact that Recettear on steam has DRM while the other two stores offer it without any makes steam the inferior version.
Tue, 12-20-2011, 06:10 PM
As i said so many times on irc, you CAN put in on any number of machines, you just need to set steam to offline mode... yet you always forget that.
Tue, 12-20-2011, 06:24 PM
what makes you think you can't install the game on any number of machines
and if you want to it to be played simultaneously, you might as well tell your friends to pirate it.
its unimportant anyway, since there is no multiplayer you could play over hamachi or something like that
Tue, 12-20-2011, 07:00 PM
I love how people rationalize the steam platform's weaknesses as somehow being benefits, or completely inconsequential. I simply cannot fathom that people extol the virtues of vendor lock-in.
DRM is DRM. Period. The choice is there, other stores offer a better than steam's. Recettear doesn't even have achievements, so there's really no advantage to getting the steam version over the other stores.
and if you want to it to be played simultaneously, you might as well tell your friends to pirate it.
So the alternative to steam must be piracy, even when there are clear legal alternatives? Nice whitewashing.
Oh, and roommates, family members, or significant others play games too. You know, people in the same household?
Tue, 12-20-2011, 07:51 PM
I won't say anything on this subject anymore - we will run in circles again. Still - complaining about DRM that you can literally turn off...
Well, how the saying goes - Hater's Gonna Hate.
Tue, 12-20-2011, 08:01 PM
I won't say anything on this subject anymore - we will run in circles again. Still - complaining about DRM that you can literally turn off...
Ryll's point is:
-You have one version that has DRM, but you can turn it off
-You have one version that doesn't have DRM period.
Even if one of them has a work-around, the version that doesn't even need it is superior by default. Until pricing factors in anyway.
Note that while I agree and can see one of them as superior, I don't necessarily view the other as being unacceptable.
Bought Limbo the other day for $2.50, and Amnesia yesterday for $5.
Should I get Fable III?
Tue, 12-20-2011, 08:43 PM
Finally Steam Christmas deals are out! I was waiting for Total War Shogun 2 deals and I was surprised to see so many other publisher catalogs available for sale. I bought the Rise of the samurai DLC today. I can't decide what to buy next. :D
Tue, 12-20-2011, 09:47 PM
There was actually a seperate deal for shogun last sunday..
Tue, 12-20-2011, 10:28 PM
I already have the main game, I just bought a dlc for 50% off. Pretty awesome.
Tue, 12-20-2011, 11:30 PM
Yes....that's what I'm saying...all of shogun had it's own deal; it was 66% I think.
Wed, 12-21-2011, 12:29 PM
Finally Steam Christmas deals are out! I was waiting for Total War Shogun 2 deals and I was surprised to see so many other publisher catalogs available for sale. I bought the Rise of the samurai DLC today. I can't decide what to buy next. :D
if you ever want to play shogun 2 co-op or free for all (normal, no rise of the samura) tell me :P
I love that game
Wed, 12-21-2011, 01:07 PM
I'm currently playing MotorStorm Apocalypse on PS3, which I just picked up for $4.99 at Best Buy. It was a first shipment copy that came with the Premiere Pack. I also picked up WWE '12 for $26.74.
Wed, 12-21-2011, 01:30 PM
I'm currently playing MotorStorm Apocalypse on PS3, which I just picked up for $4.99 at Best Buy. It was a first shipment copy that came with the Premiere Pack. I also picked up WWE '12 for $26.74.
Would you compare it to classic games like Road Rash or Burnout? I've been looking for a game like those to play.
Wed, 12-21-2011, 03:43 PM
There aren't any weapons in MotorStorm like there are in Road Rash and you don't race on streets. It more of an off-road racer where you race across different terrains. You can boost and wreck people like in Burnout, though.
Wed, 12-21-2011, 07:35 PM
I'd give it a try but it's not available at any Best Buy where I know people for $5 and it's not available online.
Wed, 12-21-2011, 07:42 PM
if you ever want to play shogun 2 co-op or free for all (normal, no rise of the samura) tell me :P
I love that game
Sure! But I never played any shogun 2 multiplayer before because I had a shitty connection so I totally avoided the online play. But I shall try it now, what is your steam account? Mine is yagumo.
Thu, 12-22-2011, 11:33 AM
can't find someone called Yagumo on steam
Sun, 12-25-2011, 02:57 PM
I just finished Castlevania: Lords of Shadow and i don't think it an exaggeration to say that it's one of the best games i ever played. Not only did the plot keep me eagerly interested but the battle mechanics never got boring. Just as i had mastered a weapon they added a new element to the gameplay to keep me in my toes.
My only complaint would probably be the platform sections that got a little buggy at times, but really this is nothing more than nitpicking on a great game.
Sun, 12-25-2011, 10:08 PM
Nuclear Dawn, great team shooter.
One person in team is chosen to be a commander - he has RTS like gameplay, he builds structures, keeps power grid and issues orders.
Rest of players are just a soldiers - they are issued orders(extra points for them) and they can, but they don't have to, follow them.
You have to destroy enemy's team command center to win the game.
no vehicles in this game though :(
Sun, 12-25-2011, 11:52 PM
Saint's row the third.
The performance is pretty horrible right now on ATI videocards but I'm still enjoying it immensely. Just unlocked the tron car and bike which are just awesome.
I really hope the performance gets fixed though...
Awesome random standoff:
It was made even more awesome when the syndicate guy holding my homie hostage got run over by some random speeding civilian and killed him, but the homie walked it off like a boss.
Tue, 12-27-2011, 12:20 AM
Just clocked over 100 hours on Dungeon Defenders tonight! Man I love this game :o
Tue, 12-27-2011, 03:00 PM
Off a phenomenal Castlevania high i decided to give Last Remnant, a Square Enix rpg, a go only to discover what seems to be the inbred bastard child of all that is wrong with every single FF game released to date.
I think i'll finally start halo 3, i've literally had that one on backlog for years now.
Tue, 12-27-2011, 04:55 PM
Arch, play Last Remnant on pc - it is good really, but it is bugfest on x360.
Tue, 12-27-2011, 05:00 PM
It's not even about the textures, the gameplay and plotline are just as shitty and that much harder to deal with.
Tue, 12-27-2011, 05:12 PM
It not so much looks better on pc, it just runs much better in general.
Tue, 12-27-2011, 08:56 PM
I never said anything about looks DS. Plotline has nice twist at the end, starts shitty and gets better constantly, plus world is nice... and combat system is great once you get hang of it.
Tue, 12-27-2011, 09:24 PM
I was refering to arch mentioning textures.
Tue, 12-27-2011, 09:37 PM
Off a phenomenal Castlevania high i decided to give Last Remnant, a Square Enix rpg, a go only to discover what seems to be the inbred bastard child of all that is wrong with every single FF game released to date.
I think i'll finally start halo 3, i've literally had that one on backlog for years now.I want to play Castlevania off of your recommendation, but the combat system looks like it was ripped from God of War. Is that why you liked it so much? Because I got tired of the GoW gameplay after 1.5 games.
Tue, 12-27-2011, 09:38 PM
I'll trust your word and give it some more time Xel, but for now... Halo.
I want to play Castlevania off of your recommendation, but the combat system looks like it was ripped from God of War. Is that why you liked it so much? Because I got tired of the GoW gameplay after 1.5 games.
In all honesty i've only played the psp GoW games but even i could see the similarities. And if i had to point out a weakness in the game the major one would probably be how much more effective hit and run tactics are opposed to combos... which by the way, you have to buy using combat points.
What i can tell you though is that even in face of these issues throughout the entirety of the gameplay i never once stopped having while fun playing it.
Tue, 12-27-2011, 10:58 PM
Got Disgaea 4 for christmas and have been playing it a bit, love it so far :D Not sure if it's better than Disgaea 3 yet, will have to play it more.
Dark Dragon
Wed, 12-28-2011, 09:14 PM
I just finished Bastion
Best game I've played in a long time. Amazing music, art, storytelling. I've played it for maybe 1/10th of the time that i spent on Skyrim, but i couldn't even remember having this much fun with Skyrim.
The game is 10$ at most and is available for download at many places. I highly recommend this to anyone who enjoy video games in general.
Wed, 12-28-2011, 10:19 PM
I too finished it a few hours ago, definitly best indie game I've played in a long while.
Sun, 01-01-2012, 02:35 PM
Well that was... thoroughly underwhelming and disappointing!
Halo 3's multiplayer must be truly outstanding for the game to warrant all the hype because the solo campaign was unbelievably average. I enjoyed the first 2 a whole lot more.
Sun, 01-01-2012, 03:01 PM
Currently starting "Another World" the demo.
slightly remastered classic, bit hardcore for my tastes
Mon, 01-02-2012, 03:26 PM
Just started Red Dead Redemption a couple nights ago. It's so far a pretty good game though I'm still getting used to the sandbox-type game setting, as I've never played any GTA games.
I'm also playing Duke Nukem Forever. My cousin said it's a really fun game as long as you don't take it too seriously. I'm barely into it so I don't have any comments just yet.
Mon, 01-02-2012, 03:48 PM
Red Dead Redemption is an awesome game if you like the American old west and sandbox games, a combo which made the game a match made in heaven for me. I played to 100% completion on X360.
I'm playing Cryostasis: Sleep of Reason on PC. It's a weird game dynamic that I haven't seen before... you heal yourself by warming near heat sources.
Mon, 01-02-2012, 03:59 PM
Well that was... thoroughly underwhelming and disappointing!
Halo 3's multiplayer must be truly outstanding for the game to warrant all the hype because the solo campaign was unbelievably average. I enjoyed the first 2 a whole lot more.
ODST however was very enjoyable, both the characters and the setting felt much more appealing to me.
Sun, 01-08-2012, 03:12 PM
Did anyone play the Darkness released back in 2007? The sequel is coming out in Feb and looks kind of cool. They have it for PC this time, but I wonder if that means it will be a console port. (;title;0)
Sun, 01-08-2012, 04:00 PM
I've played both.
The game is made by starbreeze studios, and they have a very long history of making pc games; with chronicles of riddick they used their proprietary starbreeze engine, which is like UE3 and MTF2 in the way that it supports all platforms natively.
TL;DR, it's not a port.
I just noticed that DE took over development and they are using their Evolution engine, which is also like UE3 and MTF2 and yeah still not a port.
Sun, 01-08-2012, 05:26 PM
You've played both? Was TD2 a beta, because it doesn't release until Feb 2012. Did you enjoy them?
Sun, 01-08-2012, 08:25 PM
I own the first and had ample hands-on with the second at Gamescom and another domestic fair.
I really liked the first one and the second one seemed to be better, I enjoyed it at least.
Mon, 01-09-2012, 11:02 AM
Red Dead Redemption is an awesome game if you like the American old west and sandbox games, a combo which made the game a match made in heaven for me. I played to 100% completion on X360.
So I finished Red Dead last night with 85%. What a great game...though, I'm not sure how I feel about the ending.
Mon, 01-09-2012, 05:23 PM
So I finished Red Dead last night with 85%. What a great game...though, I'm not sure how I feel about the ending.
I forgot how it ended but I wasn't too concerned with the ending of the story as I was about reaching 100%. I'm not that big on playing video games for the story, so I imagine I'm missing out on part of the experience.
Mon, 01-09-2012, 07:54 PM
When it comes to the story part, I guess it depends on the game. Red Dead's story was really good, so much so I think it would make for a great movie.
I really wouldn't say you're missing out if you enjoyed playing through the game. I just think it's nice when the main character is fleshed out and makes me feel involved.
Sun, 01-29-2012, 11:10 PM
My personal Game of the Year list for 2011.
I did a little write up for 2011 on my blog, and will soon also do something similar for a 2012 forecast.
Anyway DS's GOTY - 2011 (
Mon, 01-30-2012, 12:48 AM
My personal Game of the Year list for 2011.
I did a little write up for 2011 on my blog, and will soon also do something similar for a 2012 forecast.
Anyway DS's GOTY - 2011 (
No Skyrim? And GoW3 at #4 and DE:HR at #1? Can't say I agree, but to each his own.
I'm playing The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings on PC... so far it's pretty cool. I'm hoping it will be more compelling when you gain more abilities. Character building seems to be pretty in-depth, and the fighting system makes hack and slash fun. I might even get a game controller to play this with. I think it's more RPG and challenging than Skyrim and games like Deus Ex, and the story is what supposedly truly sets it apart.
However, there are some game mechanic flaws. I hate artificial walls in open world games, and I hate when you can't walk over ledges to get where you're going. Hoping those are minor flaws so I can get a good 80-100 hrs of gameplay before ME3 arrives.
Mon, 01-30-2012, 12:54 AM
Note: Our opinion may differ.
Btw it was late, so if any glaring spelling errors were caught tell me.
Mon, 01-30-2012, 03:13 PM
Doubt Most might, care but since i am simply responding to the Threads title, the game i'm currently playing is an MMORPG by perfectworld known as "Rusty Hearts" playing on East server (if any1 is playing it or has played it), i find the game to be more fun then most, seeing how the story is actually worth paying attention to, it has a serious story going on, along with some dark humor, and other good stuff, if ya need info or some story-based clips just youtube some for reference
Tue, 01-31-2012, 09:42 AM
BlazBlue: Continum Shift - i about 50% through story mode right now.
Nu.. wait,she is now Lambda, has changed very much, but thankfully Noel's drive got buffed, compared to Calamity Trigger :D
Thu, 03-29-2012, 09:07 PM
Just beat Sanitarium, a fairly old point and click adventure game, excellent game, 10/10.
Uchiha Barles
Sat, 03-31-2012, 03:35 AM
I've been trying to play that game forever! I managed to well into the chapter where the protagonist was a superhero alien or a kind of Aztec god avatar in one of his delusions. I can't remember which one came first. Unfortunately the game was locking up at various points throughout, and I could not find a way around the last point that locked up. If I want to beat the game, I guess I'm just going to have to find an old machine to play it on.
That game is one of my all time favorites, and in terms of atmosphere, it's in my top 3 of all times. Absolutely creepy.
Sat, 03-31-2012, 06:31 AM
I've started playing free to play Blacklight:Retribution - CoD without its faults(no akimbo, no tube, no knifing) mixed with UT, with built in wallhack(called HRV - it is for limited time only, and you can't shoot while it is active).
Mon, 04-16-2012, 06:36 AM
This post can go in this thread, I'll allow it. ;)
I totally skipped the PSP and as a result I'm catching up on some of the (hopefully) better titles on my shiny new Vita.
Here's what I'm considering so far, along with the (somewhat ridiculous) Aussie PSN pricing:
The 3rd Birthday 29.95
Crush 12.95
Final Fantasy Tactics 15.95
Tactics Ogre 29.95
God of War: Chains of Olympus 29.95
Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars 23.95
Mega Man Maverick Hunter X 15.95
Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops 17.45
Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops + 12.95
Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker 29.95
Patapon 2 11.95
Persona 3 54.95
Prinny: Can I really be the hero? 15.95
No idea on the difference between the two versions of MGS PO.
I'm not familiar with that generation of handheld titles at all. So what's worth it from this list, based on the price / bang for your buck?
Mon, 04-16-2012, 07:42 AM
The only one on that list I think you should completely omit is the 3rd Birthday, but that's just me.
Mon, 04-16-2012, 08:48 AM
The 3rd Birthday 29.95
Crush 12.95
Final Fantasy Tactics 15.95
Tactics Ogre 29.95
God of War: Chains of Olympus 29.95
Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars 23.95
Mega Man Maverick Hunter X 15.95
Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops 17.45
Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops + 12.95
Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker 29.95
Patapon 2 11.95
Persona 3 54.95
Prinny: Can I really be the hero? 15.95
I'd also recommend:
Kingdom Hearts - Birth by Sleep
Half Minute Hero
Fate Unlimited Codes
Disgaea 1 and 2
Final Fantasy Crysis Core
Jeanne d'Arc
You'll notice however that many of these are remakes so you can ignore any titles you've already played before.
Mon, 04-16-2012, 11:18 AM
Currently playing Tales of Graces f for the PS3 :)
Mon, 04-16-2012, 12:01 PM
I just started playing White Knight Chronicles II on PS3 this morning. I picked it up from GameStop last week along with Dead Island (360), Assassin's Creed Revelations, King of Fighters XIII, and Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition while they were on sale for $19.99 each.
I decided to start with WKC I so I could learn the system. I also didn't like the fact that WKC II starts you off at level 30 something. I'm currently level 3 with 5 unspent skill points. I haven't decided what type of fighter I want to be yet.
Fri, 04-20-2012, 12:26 AM
Just beat Sanitarium, a fairly old point and click adventure game, excellent game, 10/10.
I've been trying to play that game forever! I managed to well into the chapter where the protagonist was a superhero alien or a kind of Aztec god avatar in one of his delusions. I can't remember which one came first. Unfortunately the game was locking up at various points throughout, and I could not find a way around the last point that locked up. If I want to beat the game, I guess I'm just going to have to find an old machine to play it on.
That game is one of my all time favorites, and in terms of atmosphere, it's in my top 3 of all times. Absolutely creepy.
I started playing Sanitarium today...because of these posts :o
EDIT: I finished it 2 days ago. Pretty good game...the controls got a little frustrating during "The Maze" level but oh well. The story was great, I really liked how everything came together in the end.
Tue, 04-24-2012, 06:28 PM
I'm playing Tribes Ascend - free to play game - which is damn awesome. I never played tribes2 - but this game is pure gold - high speed, requires skill, and most important of all - it is fun. If you are playing on EU add me to the friend list - nick, obviously, Xelbair.
Tue, 04-24-2012, 08:33 PM
I'm playing Mount and blade warband at the moment. Saw the collection on sale on gamer's gate, I quickly bought it. It is very fun to play if you into the genre of strategy, rpg and a little bit of politics. Its combat mechanics is rather the same with skyrim. I'm waiting for a Game of thrones mod for it to come out.
Tue, 04-24-2012, 08:57 PM
World of Warcraft. Holy fuck it sucks.
Thu, 04-26-2012, 02:47 PM
Uncharted 3, Bioshock, and Super Street Fighter IV. I'm waiting on a delivery for Bulletstorm, which I couldn't get new at a store if at all. Darkshadow recommend it to me as a game with gratuitous violence and not a lot of thinking involved.
Thu, 04-26-2012, 04:21 PM
Sounds like you should get a GTA or Saints Row 3.
Thu, 04-26-2012, 05:26 PM
I've been trying to play that game forever! I managed to well into the chapter where the protagonist was a superhero alien or a kind of Aztec god avatar in one of his delusions. I can't remember which one came first. Unfortunately the game was locking up at various points throughout, and I could not find a way around the last point that locked up. If I want to beat the game, I guess I'm just going to have to find an old machine to play it on.
That game is one of my all time favorites, and in terms of atmosphere, it's in my top 3 of all times. Absolutely creepy.
Right click your desktop and click Screen resolution, leave the windows open and start the game, believe it or not that will work, you were almost done with the game, the last 2 or 3 stages are great.
Sat, 04-28-2012, 02:19 PM
I've been playing Killzone 3, completed the story in just under 7 hours. Playing online, broke even most of the time, need to rack up those points and upgrade. Still haven't been able to get my bluetooth headset to work properly.
Just finished Uncharted 3, but only got 23% of the trophies. Some parts I reverted to easy after getting shot to shreds over and over again. Good game, haven't tried online game play yet. Might give it another go later and see if I can improve.
Wrist are starting to hurt, going to take a break.
Wed, 05-02-2012, 04:15 AM
Are there any shooters where damage taken in multiplayer is portrayed as disability/immobility in addition to, or as opposed to simply health bar reductions or flashing screens?
If any exist and someone has played them, what's the fun factor on these?
Wed, 05-02-2012, 05:07 AM
World of Warcraft. Holy fuck it sucks.
Like a crack addict.
Wed, 05-02-2012, 05:15 AM
I made a decision to try (can't guarantee it will work) to not purchase any new games (the exception being Diablo III, I've already failed!) until I get through the vast majority of my massive backlog. I'm buying all these games and simply not getting through them. I haven't even touched Arkham City yet for example. The shame.
Wed, 05-02-2012, 09:03 AM
I made a decision to try (can't guarantee it will work) to not purchase any new games (the exception being Diablo III, I've already failed!) until I get through the vast majority of my massive backlog. I'm buying all these games and simply not getting through them. I haven't even touched Arkham City yet for example. The shame.
I started doing that too, holding off buying games that I end up not playing for months, then seeing them on sale for half the price I paid. But the sad thing is, while playing the backlog of games, I have to listen to guys at work talking about some game I haven't played yet, sometimes with spoilers, but it mostly sucks because you can't join in the conversation.
Wed, 05-02-2012, 12:13 PM
You slow down in L4D2 if you get hit, which makes it harder to just run from zombies I guess.
Wed, 05-02-2012, 02:51 PM
Red Orchestra 2 has realistic bullet damage. You have to bandage up wounds or you bleed out, and I think you can cripple opponents with kneecap shots.
Wed, 05-02-2012, 03:04 PM
Red Orchestra 2 has realistic bullet damage. You have to bandage up wounds or you bleed out, and I think you can cripple opponents with kneecap shots.
That sounds like a lot of fun for the person landing the hits. Especially when there's a firefight between two people and the one guy survives with a sliver of health and comes back fully healed.
I'm still playing SC2. And now that i'm focusing more heavily on a new race, it's become even more fun.
Mon, 05-14-2012, 03:38 PM
TERA. A new MMORPG. It is awesome and has taken all of my time. You should totally check it out.
Mon, 05-14-2012, 04:33 PM
Graphics 10/10
Combat 10/10
Quests 2/10
Story "I don't even know what this game is about and I'm lvl 49(60max)"/10
Characters Sex(both genders)/10
Pedo Heaven, Popori awesomeness
screenshots I took: ( ( ( ( ( ( (
to sum it up:
Eye Candy, one of the best combat system ever done so far in an MMO, BAMS and Bosses
Unreal Engine 3 Hooray!.... Hit detection is excellent! nothing less
it works like it should and thats something I didn't expect when I first heard about this game years ago.
GW2 doesn't even stand a chance here, you could say it sucks compared to Tera if you look for that.
however here is the huge downside and the reason why TERA is totally unplayable alone
Killquests everywhere (99,5%, that number is no exaggeration.. its probably an understatement), Story didn't get my interest at all and well, what can I say, its a Korean game, so the story is most likely childish and boring.
very bad voice acting and lipsync. during ingame-videos
and the end-game content is pretty much....not there..yet
Mon, 05-14-2012, 07:15 PM
Can you elaborate on the pedo-heaven part?
Tue, 05-15-2012, 12:14 AM
google "Elin TERA online"
I'm playing on a PvP server and I'm killing them as soon as one of them touches a mob/quest item I need (even if there's another one next to it)
Elin hate squad reporting in
"oh look, i'm playing Lancer (tank) as a naked child, oh the irony hahaha..I'm such a funny guy hahaha"
they should all just die in RL
Tue, 05-15-2012, 03:05 AM
google "Elin TERA online"
Thu, 05-17-2012, 08:16 PM
Diablo III, and I say I'll be playing this for quite some time as I mentioned in the D3 thread :)
Mon, 05-21-2012, 04:17 PM
I just cant get into The Old Republic, Ive had an account for like 4 months now and Im still level 10 and paying for it...I gotta jump on this game, I keep forgetting that I have it
Mon, 05-21-2012, 04:44 PM
That's why game subscriptions are bulshit.
Mon, 05-21-2012, 06:55 PM
Playing Fate/Extra. Just finished the first round.
♥ Red Saber ♥
So imperious and demeaning...but makes such cute noises when she sleeps.
Tue, 05-22-2012, 11:06 AM
Go for male master+Caster in the next playthrough, Archer is pretty much just Emiya with some very minor tweaks.
Thu, 05-31-2012, 09:58 PM
Dragon's Dogma and Anarchy Reigns demo.
Thu, 05-31-2012, 10:09 PM
I never replayed Fate Extra. I just found the Caster servant boring when I tried her.
Fri, 06-01-2012, 11:59 AM
I never replayed Fate Extra. I just found the Caster servant boring when I tried her.
You have no fucking taste whatsoever.
Sat, 06-16-2012, 05:06 AM
Got my copy of Lollipop Chainsaw. The controls are a little wonky, you have to play very deliberately to get things to work smoothly, and the complete lack of any instruction manual really blows (kinda hard to figure out how to listen to her phone messages).
On the other hand...the atmosphere is perfect. It's like Buffy the Zombie Slayer, but several magnitudes more crude. The dialogue is funny, Juliet is great, and all the little weird quirks are good for a laugh. Even the in-game collection lists have some amusing descriptions.
I imagine the controls will get better as I get used to the game, but they're a bit frustrating right now. There's the slightest delay, so sometimes the game will register two combos (X,X) and (X,X,Y) as two moves and one combo (X) (X,X,X) (Y).
Tue, 08-14-2012, 12:03 PM
Playing Dead Island on the PC... pretty awesome game. It's like Far Cry with zombies. I always thought it was an FPS like Left4Dead, but it's not. It's an open world RPG with FPS combat.
Graphically it can't compare with Far Cry by a longshot, but there are tweaks available to improve the visual quality:
Too bad there were so many issues at launch, this game could have been a big deal.
Thu, 08-16-2012, 07:49 AM
My friend was playing ^this and he was having lots of fun with it.
I've got back into Bayonetta, working on clearing Hard then maybe Non-Stop Climax and getting all the weapons and Achievements. Some of the Alfheim Portals were serious bitches.
Thu, 08-16-2012, 08:24 AM
How fun is that game solo vs co-op?
L4D sucked solo, but if this is more like Borderlands/Farcry, then it could be fun in either modes.
Thu, 08-16-2012, 11:43 AM
Dead Island is fun solo. I think it's most like Fallout/Borderlands where it's a desolate wasteland and you meet survivors and do missions for them, while fighting off zombies and bandits. It's also a lot like a first-person Dead Rising, both because it has zombies, survivor missions, and you can build custom weapons.
I haven't played it co-op but I think it'd be the same, maybe with scaling of number of enemies.
The game is $20 for the GOTY edition, well worth it, or wait for a Steam sale.
Thu, 08-16-2012, 04:10 PM
Dead Island is fun solo. I think it's most like Fallout/Borderlands where it's a desolate wasteland and you meet survivors and do missions for them, while fighting off zombies and bandits. It's also a lot like a first-person Dead Rising, both because it has zombies, survivor missions, and you can build custom weapons.
I haven't played it co-op but I think it'd be the same, maybe with scaling of number of enemies.
The game is $20 for the GOTY edition, well worth it, or wait for a Steam sale.
Yeah, I've got plenty of other games backed up from previous steam sales, so I can always wait for a cheaper buy(Xmas?). Good to know there's something out there without much of a learning curve that I'll enjoy.
Thu, 08-16-2012, 07:32 PM
Yeah, I've got plenty of other games backed up from previous steam sales, so I can always wait for a cheaper buy(Xmas?). Good to know there's something out there without much of a learning curve that I'll enjoy.
I need to branch out and try some different games that go for cheap on Steam. I'm stuck playing mostly FPSes and open-world RPGs these days. I wish there were more games like Indigo Prophecy and Heavy Rain, though I haven't finished HR yet.
Sat, 08-25-2012, 09:47 AM
For the last while, whenever I visit one of my friends we play Castle Crashers. We beat the game on the Normal setting a while ago so we've been working our way through Insane mode and I have to say it's significantly harder, but still tons of fun.
Sat, 08-25-2012, 10:34 AM
Did anybody get the 3-day early access to Guild Wars 2?
I'm unsure if I should get it. (both in terms of whether I'd like the genre, and whether it would just devour all my time).
Meanwhile, still playing BF3.. trying to get a hang of flying the chopper. I can do alright on an empty map, but flying while trying to aim with missiles while avoiding missile locks makes short work of my bird.
Uchiha Barles
Sat, 08-25-2012, 10:45 AM
Sure did, and it's a hell of a lot of fun, though there is one major annoying bug, or feature, I'm not sure. Basically, if you try controlling your character through the WASD keys, you'll find that sometimes the camera will follow you when you turn, sometimes it won't. If you either used the left click mouse button to pan the screen, or acquired a target (even if you subsequently lost the target), you need to click the right mouse button if you want the camera to follow you again when you turn.
No other game in the history of gaming behaves this way. None that I'm aware of at least. So you'll probably forget to click the right mouse button when the action gets heavy, and watch your character start running in directions you didn't intend, or have you skills deploy 90 degrees away from your intended mark, etc. I won't be able to PvP if they don't fix this bug, or give me an option to alter the behavior of the camera if it's an actual feature.
Other than that though, the game is kind of fun. I was only able to get my mesmer to level 3 before I seriously needed sleep, but I got to experience some of that living, breathing questing they were talking about, and it really does give the world a more dynamic feel. I don't have weapon swapping yet or even a different weapon set so I can't talk about how deep the skillsets are, but it seems at least solid. Three levels really is just too early to tell much of anything.
Uchiha Barles
Sun, 08-26-2012, 02:25 PM
Alright, managed to play a Mesmer to lvl 11 so I can say a little bit more. First off, I'm an idiot. I was using the Free Camera mode and it was designed to work the way I was complaining about. That's a little saddening because if you don't use Free Camera mode, the environment tends to block your vision of your character, which can get annoying, so I simply had to get used to always using the mouse to change directions. Increasing mouse sensitivity and camera speed helped with that.
You very quickly gain access to every skill you'll ever have in the game simply by equipping weapons and using them. Your non utility skills are tied to weapon sets, and you have access to 5 such skills at any given time. Weapon swapping allows you to have two weapon sets that you can swap between, allowing you to have access to two sets of 5 skills. In combat, weapon swapping invokes a 9s CD. This opens up a lot of tactical options and makes for some very deep gameplay.
The PvE side of things is a bit easy seeing as I can easily take on things 2 to 4 levels higher than myself thanks to the ability to dodge stuff, so I've been focusing on making different combinations of attacks work and just seeing what's possible. I'm going to keep doing this until level 20, and then try out some PvP.
Sun, 08-26-2012, 02:40 PM
Has anyone played Sleeping Dogs? It looks like a hybrid GTA/Arkham/Burnout game which is getting great reviews. I want to get it but Borderlands 2 is out soon and school starts tomorrow.
Wed, 08-29-2012, 07:38 PM
Does anyone knows of a good recent classic RPG on 360, not action rpg, but turn based style.
Dark Dragon
Wed, 08-29-2012, 09:03 PM
There's not really that many turn based RPG on consoles anymore.
Traditional Turn base:
Lost Odyssey
Blue Dragon
Enchanted Arms
Eternal Sonata
Resonance of Fate (sorta) this one is a bit different. You can think of Mass Effect is an action game with rpg element, while RoF is a RPG with some action elements. I personally feel like it's close enough to the older turn base game to where you might like it.
Record of Agarest War is Tactic style turn base combat.
Zoids Assault is another Tactic style game, but it's pretty awful.
I think that's pretty much every turn base rpg game on the 360.
Thu, 08-30-2012, 04:16 AM
Trust me when i say that there are no good turn based RPGs for the 360. God knows i've looked...
Thu, 08-30-2012, 05:06 AM
Last Remanant - problem is - it is kinda messy on x360 - but PC vers is really good after you get hang of the battle system(seems a bit chaotic at first)
Shadow Skill
Thu, 08-30-2012, 07:30 AM
I thought The Last Remnant was pretty good on the 360. I had no visual problems that others said existed. I did however install to Harddrive and played off the Harddrive instead. Played smooth and pretty fast paced. Only problem I found was unlike the PC edition, you can't start a game+ on the 360 version. You don't get a full party of Generals or whatever.
I bought a sealed version of TLR for the PC on Ebay. I hope it arrives soon. Been 3 weeks almost. :/
I been playing some classic MMORPG (Priston Tale). Took 5 years but new content has been added and more on the way. :)
Fri, 08-31-2012, 06:07 AM
My friend spend great deal of time farming and is on his 3rd NG+ in TLR... he still can't beat The Fallen.
Wed, 09-05-2012, 11:22 PM
Playing Sleeping Dogs on the PC. Square Enix did a great job devoting resources and allowing United Front Games to develop the PC port properly so it's worth playing on the PC where graphics are much better than on the console versions.
Basically it's GTA3: Chinatown (or Hong Kong). I say GTA3 because it seems this game has been in development for a while, and it looks like they used GTA3 engine and code instead of GTA4. A lot of the things you could do in GTA4, you can't in Sleeping Dogs. I think it will mostly be appealing for its story and environments, which has the hero playing both cop and gangster in Hong Kong. I think GTA4 (and even 3) had you split loyalty with 3 groups. Worth playing, maybe once it's on sale.
Thu, 09-06-2012, 01:44 PM
Sleeping dogs pc is not a port.
And it's not the gta3 engine idiot, that belongs to rockstar; sleeping dogs was previously knows as True Crime: Hong Kong.
Activision was going to publish it, but they dropped it, but that makes it reasonable to assume UFG acquired the engine for True Crime and upgraded it into the current HKship engine Sleeping Dogs uses.
Next you are going to say saints row uses the gta engine cause it's open world too right? Fucking idiot.
Thu, 09-06-2012, 01:52 PM
its a port
where did you read that its not?
Thu, 09-06-2012, 02:19 PM
its a port
where did you read that its not?
No way, ds said it's not a port so it's not a port. Even though even the publisher in charge at Square Enix says it's a port and they allocated resources to the PC port development. ds is right, not that guy.
@ds: I can only imagine ds stands for dipshit because you like to knitpick at every little statement for 100% factual and word-for-word appropriateness instead of reading between the lines and getting the actual message. Because you didn't get the nuance of what I said, here it is again: the engine is very much like GTA3, not GTA4, because of the reduced options and actions available to you. If UFG borrowed code or gameplay from a previous openworld game, it would most likely be GTA3, not GTA4, because the game engine lacks a lot of options and actions available in a GTA4 level game. dipshit.
Thu, 09-06-2012, 02:43 PM
Enough with the name calling now.
Thu, 09-06-2012, 05:17 PM
It's not a port fools, dedicated DX11 codepaths don't get coded in the last second, shit also need extensive testing to ensure it works on all systems.
A port is something that gets done after the main build is completed, judging by its extensive pc only features and release date, it's completely impossible to not have been developed at the same time as the console versions.
Thats called using common sense, just because it's on pc doesn't mean it's been "ported".
But if you so require "internet-proof" to tell you what to believe or not:
“Very early on in development, we wanted to create a PC-specific version,” O’Connell said. “We always had that planned. When the game changed hands from Activision to Square Enix, Square was incredibly supportive of the PC version and actually wanted us to do more with it. It was at that point that we began to focus more resources on the PC version and it became what it is.”
O’Connell explained. United Front Games kept a small but dedicated group of people working on the PC version of the game in parallel with the console versions.
No way, ds said it's not a port so it's not a port. Even though even the publisher in charge at Square Enix says it's a port and they allocated resources to the PC port development. ds is right, not that guy.
You are such a fucking loser.
Yes because I say it's not a port it's not a port; I'm the one here with a university degree in Gamedesign and Development, you have a degree in not being a cop.
The SE/UFG guy also never said it was a port, that's just the headline the fucking journalists used.
The UFG developer even said:
we wanted to create a PC-specific version
Even your reading skills are terrible
@ds: I can only imagine ds stands for dipshit because you like to knitpick at every little statement for 100% factual and word-for-word appropriateness instead of reading between the lines and getting the actual message. Because you didn't get the nuance of what I said, here it is again: the engine is very much like GTA3, not GTA4, because of the reduced options and actions available to you. If UFG borrowed code or gameplay from a previous openworld game, it would most likely be GTA3, not GTA4, because the game engine lacks a lot of options and actions available in a GTA4 level game. dipshit.
For one it's *nitpick.
And 2 you said this:
and it looks like they used GTA3 engine and code instead of GTA4. A lot of the things you could do in GTA4, you can't in Sleeping Dogs.
If you don't know what the fuck you are talking about then just shut your face.
You can't "borrow" code either, since that would require reverse engineering of the entire engine, which is just not worth it.
And "borrowing" gameplay...really? How desperate are you to save face?
GTA is just a 3rd person action shooter, which there existed many of before GTA.
Thu, 09-06-2012, 07:57 PM
Ok how about this, Classic rpg`s on the ds, doesnt has to be new but no ports.
Thu, 09-06-2012, 08:38 PM
Oh shit I guess we can't talk about anything unless we have university degrees in it (what shitty program did you grad from? Phoenix University, right?). Nevermind supposition or just chit chatting on an internet forum. Looks like we'll all need to cite and provide references for everything we post, to satisy ds. Fucking forum nazi pissing to mark his territory. Bravo, gangsta game designer!
If you can't see the obvious gameplay and code borrowing from GTA to Sleeping Dogs, you must really suck at game design or you're blind and dumb, probably all 3. Congrats on that C- average. Have you even played Sleeping Dogs, or is all your info coming from wikipedia? If you had, you'd see it's almost a skin over GTA3.
They made a "pc-specific version" based on the console version = port. IDIOT.
darksiders-ii-and-sleeping-dogs-a-tale-of-two-very-different-pc-ports (
PCGamer's review of Square Enix's Sleeping Dogs PC Port/ (
Dark Dragon
Thu, 09-06-2012, 09:32 PM
Ok how about this, Classic rpg`s on the ds, doesnt has to be new but no ports.
RPG is arguably the largest genre on handhelds. I really don't know what you have and haven't play or what constitute as a port for the DS since there are tons of JP only RPG that came to the west for the first time on the DS.
So rather than go through all that, here's a giant list of RPG ( for the DS, so just go through it and see what you like.
Thu, 09-06-2012, 10:08 PM
Oh shit I guess we can't talk about anything unless we have university degrees in it
Talk all you want but don't be surprised when someone whos actually educated on the matter calls you out on your bullshit.
(what shitty program did you grad from? Phoenix University, right?).
Projecting your failures in life onto others isn't exactly attractive ani; everyone on the internet must be as miserable and failed in life as you are, this includes ofcourse terrible education.
Oh and FYI I don't live in your country, cute for assuming though, especially since it's been well established on this forum that I'm european.
Nevermind supposition or just chit chatting on an internet forum. Looks like we'll all need to cite and provide references for everything we post, to satisy ds. Fucking forum nazi pissing to mark his territory. Bravo, gangsta game designer!
No problem, racist waste of life.
(I also never asked for references, that was kraz33)
If you can't see the obvious gameplay and code borrowing from GTA to Sleeping Dogs, you must really suck at game design or you're blind and dumb, probably all 3.
It's hilarious how you keep mentioning code borrowing in some sort of insane attempt to support your point.
Let me make it clear for you:
There is absolutely no code borrowing or sharing between studios when concerning in-house engines.
There is also no gameplay borrowing because all the core gameplay in GTA already existed everywhere else; if anything it just used and applied existing gameplay principles (like every goddamn game, including GTA, does).
And I really don't have to proof anything to you, but I graduated with honours, congrats on projecting once again, also I have perfect vision with no colour blindness and I have an IQ of 147 (yes a real test, not internet bs).
Congrats on that C- average. Have you even played Sleeping Dogs, or is all your info coming from wikipedia? If you had, you'd see it's almost a skin over GTA3.
Again with the projecting, 3 times in 1 post! You must really hate that some black guy in the internet is living a much superior life compared to the hopes and dreams shattered life of a police reject.
Yes I own Sleeping dogs, I've also finished it and calling it a skin over gta3 displays your incredible ignorance; it's an insult to the devs at UFG.
They made a "pc-specific version" based on the console version = port. IDIOT.
Hahahaha no....just no, they made a pc-specific version in parallel with the console versions; you should change your custom title to "selective reading pro"... or "racist".....or just "stupid almost-cop".
Thu, 09-06-2012, 11:03 PM
Oh look at that, playing the race card. Yeah that's why people don't like you, cause you're black, not cause you're an ahole know-it-all who knows shit no one cares about. Good job ignoring the links to all the other references to this PC PORT of a game. And GTA came before the others. If you don't think a large part of the gameplay and code was "borrowed" from that franchise for this game, then good luck as a game designer. Maybe you should actually play Sleeping Dogs to see the blatant similarities and obvious copying of GTA (3 not 4).
The difference between you and me is that one day sooner or later I'll be a police officer making a difference in the world. You'll still be updating wikipedia with a passion and arguing semantics on an internet forum.
Fri, 09-07-2012, 12:09 AM
Ahahaha your racism is becoming very amusing now, I never played a "race" card, that was just me responding to your blatant and ongoing racism. But good job responding like a true racist would.
1. Only 1 link has been posted
2. The link only referenced "port" in the headline, which was written by a journalist
3. In the interview the UFG DEVELOPER never refers to it being a port and outlines many times that it had always existed and was the result of parallel development; but you've kept ignoring this point 3 times now so I'll just assume you are trolling.
4. Code does not get borrowed....I don't know how many times I need to repeat this.
5. GTA came before what others? Other 3rd person action games? No it did not; every core gameplay mechanic in GTA already existed.
6. Maybe I should play sleeping dogs? I.....I'm just repeating myself now..good job trolling.
7. I hope to god you will never be a police officer anywhere, the only difference an insane person like you could make would be incredibly malign.
8.hahahahahahahahahhahaahhaha are such a sad person...
Fri, 09-07-2012, 12:58 AM
Always hiding behind the race card. You people, I tell you what. Anyways, go play Sleeping Dogs and you'll see it's GTA3:Chinatown.
And with developers like you, I'm sure we'll see many more failed game franchises or blatant ripoffs that "borrow" heavily from other games and their source code. You'll be writing code for some shit app company soon enough. Meanwhile I'll be a police officer keeping the streets safe so nerds like you can walk around while laying down mad rep on forums on your phone.
Fri, 09-07-2012, 02:52 AM
Alright, this was amusing for a time for an outsider, and looking at the spirited posts, it must have been entertaining to the participants as well, but in the long run it won't serve the purpose of this thread. So, it will stop here.
Addition: I also won't tolerate continuing it masked under flimsy references to the topic.
Fri, 09-07-2012, 11:53 AM
A port is something that gets done after the main build is completed,
thats not true :/
development is done on a lead platform, every other platform it gets released on is a port.
its not so wise to assume they designed a console and a PC version, who wants to pay for that?
its also more likely for developers to upgrade their lead-version for the PC rather than downgrading it for consoles.
Fri, 09-07-2012, 04:04 PM
Uhh no, "lead platform" has no significance other than ease of universal compatibility when it's used in concurrent development.
If an engine (like UE3) has all the tools to export a version to different platforms, then the only significance "lead platform" has is which one has the latest build; all exported platforms should have all their appropriate optimisations and should run accordingly.
Only when the "lead platform" is indeed the only version does it concern porting; bayonetta is an excellent example of this, where only the 360 version existed in-house at P* and sega handled the ps3 version.
Fri, 09-07-2012, 04:16 PM
How would that work for a game like Skyrim, where both console versions were made in house, but the PS3 one is the exceptionally buggy POS version?
Fri, 09-07-2012, 04:22 PM
its also more likely for developers to upgrade their lead-version for the PC rather than downgrading it for consoles.
What's the basis for this? While I have no other experience than some medium heavy game modding years ago, I'd think it could be easier to downgrade than upgrade game material. You can always reduce polycount of models and resolution of textures or remove details (models, effects, texture shaders, realtime lighting) from scenes even using automatic methods, but there're no automatic methods for increasing anything I mentioned. Removing is easy, adding is hard work, yet if you must have a better PC version, there's no alternative to that hard work. If you do it anyway, why not do it and then afterwards keep removing from the default as much as is necessary for the inferior console versions to run?
Fri, 09-07-2012, 04:24 PM
I'd say that's the same situation as with Valve, I'd chalk that up to the engine simply not being capable of fully taking advantage of the ps3 hardware. Even if ps3 was the "lead platform", it would still run like ass if the engine was coded in the same way as it is now.
Basically for a proper ps3 version they'd have to rewrite the engine from scratch to include dedicated ps3 optimisations.
Or, as valve has been doing, slowly add in this support with each new build.
In bethesda's case however, I do think the ps3 versions are ports, since they always say how they have issues with the ps3's memory architecture; and with the delays on ps3 dlc I think that frankenstein gamebryo engine they are using simply has no support for the ps3 architecture and they simply do the porting in-house.
Fri, 09-07-2012, 04:28 PM
The "Creation Engine" isn't Gamebryo... :rolleyes:
How do I know? Because the bugs aren't as weird, amusing, and entertaining. Just mildly annoying.
They've mentioned the memory issues as part of the reasons that Dawnguard hasn't yet and likely never will come out on the PS3, or and DLC for that matter.
Fri, 09-07-2012, 08:36 PM
What's the basis for this? While I have no other experience than some medium heavy game modding years ago, I'd think it could be easier to downgrade than upgrade game material. You can always reduce polycount of models and resolution of textures or remove details (models, effects, texture shaders, realtime lighting) from scenes even using automatic methods, but there're no automatic methods for increasing anything I mentioned. Removing is easy, adding is hard work, yet if you must have a better PC version, there's no alternative to that hard work. If you do it anyway, why not do it and then afterwards keep removing from the default as much as is necessary for the inferior console versions to run?
I think you have it right, as far as Sleeping Dogs goes.
Originally the PC port was going to be left as is, ie the same as the console versions and not taking advantage of all the potential power of various PC configurations. But the thing with Sleeping Dogs that makes the development of the PC version so unique is that the publisher encouraged and supported the PC development of the game to be all it could be, rather than your run-of-the-mill port. Here's hoping it's a trend instead of a one-off exception, and the PC makes a comeback as a gaming platform, rather than an afterthought.
Fri, 09-07-2012, 09:33 PM
It's not a port, it never was.
Fri, 09-07-2012, 11:01 PM
Agree to disagree. In reading up on it, there are some who think like you that the term "port" is overused and mis-representative of how games are developed for different systems. But I found many more in the industry who are fine with using the term as it is mostly used.
Sat, 09-08-2012, 05:59 AM
What's the basis for this? While I have no other experience than some medium heavy game modding years ago, I'd think it could be easier to downgrade than upgrade game material. You can always reduce polycount of models and resolution of textures or remove details (models, effects, texture shaders, realtime lighting) from scenes even using automatic methods, but there're no automatic methods for increasing anything I mentioned. Removing is easy, adding is hard work, yet if you must have a better PC version, there's no alternative to that hard work. If you do it anyway, why not do it and then afterwards keep removing from the default as much as is necessary for the inferior console versions to run?
2 reasons I can think off right now
1. games sell like 5 times better on consoles, if they are released on all platforms, so why even bother with fancy stuff, people will pick up the inferior version anyway
2. hardware issues, no one can disagree that its alot harder to optimize for the PC... console hardware is always the same, so you can optimize the game for those... also the hardware is pretty "weak" compared to modern PCs so you can go higher without fears from there if you want to take it to the PC.
thats what I'd do :/
Sat, 09-08-2012, 01:03 PM
You don't honestly believe they make the assets spec'd perfectly for the hardware right?
Do you think this thing is what you see in-game?
No, assets are -always- made in a higher resolution than what ends up in the game, even higher than what's in pc games.
Simply cause working on a texture with a 512x512 space sucks ass compared to working on it at 4kx4k; this way you can also always just go back to the master copy and downgrade accordingly if you need more detail.
Like Kraco said, adding detail, especially with textures, is a fucking nightmare if you weren't working with high res smart objects and vectors which is mostly the case if you have to paint/brush in details.
Sat, 09-08-2012, 03:57 PM
that was not what I was going for
I don't think I said anything like that
and I don't get what exactly you are trying to tell me there
basically if you say kraco is correct, you are are telling me its easier to build something in full detail and then remove the details - than build it with less detail in the first place... and if I want to spice things up I could always add the details later
Sat, 09-08-2012, 04:04 PM you didn't say this?:
1. games sell like 5 times better on consoles, if they are released on all platforms, so why even bother with fancy stuff, people will pick up the inferior version anyway
If you can't see how my post is a direct reply to that, then you are as intellectually challenged as animeniax.
Sat, 09-08-2012, 04:11 PM
im sorry that my point didn't get over
Sat, 09-08-2012, 04:21 PM
basically if you say kraco is correct, you are are telling me its easier to build something in full detail and then remove the details - than build it with less detail in the first place... and if I want to spice things up I could always add the details later
I just oversimplified the process in my post to make my point clearer.
Sat, 09-08-2012, 04:37 PM
Why the fuck did you edit your post after replying to me instead of just posting that shit as a reply...fucking worthless.
basically if you say kraco is correct, you are are telling me its easier to build something in full detail and then remove the details
Kraco is correct and I'm not telling you it's easier, I'm telling you that's how it already is being done; why the fuck do you think I linked the picture of the 100 million+ polygon model for GOW3? That polycount is more than an entire scene in Crysis 2.
.. and if I want to spice things up I could always add the details later
Did you completely ignore my post? I clearly said:
adding detail, especially with textures, is a fucking nightmare if you weren't working with high res smart objects and vectors which is mostly the case if you have to paint/brush in details
Sat, 09-08-2012, 05:52 PM
Good lord can't you argue a point without getting your panties all in a wad? If what you're saying is correct, which I'm sure is not, then why are games not released on PC with any greater quality and frequency than they currently are? Why do PC ports almost always suck compared to their console counterparts? If the game can be played on PC in high res with a lot of detail, why aren't they released on PC as more than an afterthought? Because they're developed for the consoles and their much weaker hardware specs. They are ported to the PC to grab a few extra dollars.
I think you're extrapolating what you learned at your little design school in Holland (what would equate to a community college here in the states) and think that's how it's done in the industry. Seems counter-intuitive to do things the way you insist they are being done.
Sat, 09-08-2012, 06:29 PM
I think you're extrapolating what you learned at your little design school in Holland (what would equate to a community college here in the states) and think that's how it's done in the industry. Seems counter-intuitive to do things the way you insist they are being done.
Sadly you are damn wrong - that one is one of better universities in EU. Not only in that part - generally in everything in this thread lately.
Sat, 09-08-2012, 06:49 PM
I'll just leave this here:
When it comes to the mathematics and sciences, U.S. students are lagging behind other countries.
It’s true. According to the U.S. Department of Education’s 2007 “Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study” (TIMSS), the U.S. trails behind the following countries in average mathematics scores:
Republic of Korea
Hong Kong
Actually I'll also leave this here:
Clearly there are some serious problems with the US educational systems, I mean, someone had to teach you that smoking pot in order to understand criminals is the completely sane thing to do if you want to become a cop right?
Nah you are just insane retard, it's funny you consider your life to be so miserable that you have to discredit other people's achievements and drag them down to your morally bankrupt level.
Sat, 09-08-2012, 07:15 PM
Why the fuck did you edit your post after replying to me instead of just posting that shit as a reply...fucking worthless.
can't read the clock can you?
you might want to stop being an ass btw
Sat, 09-08-2012, 07:21 PM
Good god, just stop already.
One of you works in game development (or at the very least computer graphics asset creation). The other is making conjecture about how they believe game development works. You know which one of you is which.
Sat, 09-08-2012, 10:05 PM
Sadly you are damn wrong - that one is one of better universities in EU. Not only in that part - generally in everything in this thread lately.
Do you know which school ds went to? or are you just assuming all schools are of equal worth in a particular country?
And which parts am I wrong about, that Sleeping Dogs is widely regarded as GTA3: Hong Kong? Or that porting is not a proper way to support PC gamers (hence the upwelling of support for Square Enix's treatment of Sleeping Dogs' PC development)?
Good god, just stop already.
One of you works in game development (or at the very least computer graphics asset creation). The other is making conjecture about how they believe game development works. You know which one of you is which.
Actually the argument was whether or not Sleeping Dogs is a port. I provided links to articles that say it is.
Mon, 09-10-2012, 05:13 AM
Do you know which school ds went to? or are you just assuming all schools are of equal worth in a particular country?
And which parts am I wrong about, that Sleeping Dogs is widely regarded as GTA3: Hong Kong? Or that porting is not a proper way to support PC gamers (hence the upwelling of support for Square Enix's treatment of Sleeping Dogs' PC development)?
Actually the argument was whether or not Sleeping Dogs is a port. I provided links to articles that say it is.
Yes i do. I won't post link to it's site - i have no idea if DS would want that or not.
Mon, 09-10-2012, 12:27 PM
Yes i do. I won't post link to it's site - i have no idea if DS would want that or not.
Shrug, you could just post a link to a major game design school in Holland. There may be some game designers here looking for a school to study at abroad, watch some good kickboxing, and smoke some.
edit: I finished Sleeping Dogs (story and most of the other). Pretty cool game. I think I liked Red Dead Redemption better as far as GTA clones. But SD has its share of unique abilities and gameplay elements to make it worth a play.
Mon, 09-24-2012, 05:09 PM
After GW2 was unplayable (once again) due to lags I started downloading the XCOM demo
the game looks great, I'm about to prepurchase it.
nostalgia... so much nostalgia
I like the new class system too, makes you want to keep your soldiers even more that way.
Mon, 09-24-2012, 05:14 PM
After GW2 was unplayable (once again) due to lags
Just curious how.
I get only the faintest of blips of lag (usually a combo attack, slot 1 stuff, activating all at once) and I play on European servers while living in the US. It happens maybe once every hour.
I've played other MMO on actual US servers that have worse lag.
Tue, 09-25-2012, 03:46 AM
Just curious how.
I get only the faintest of blips of lag (usually a combo attack, slot 1 stuff, activating all at once) and I play on European servers while living in the US. It happens maybe once every hour.
I've played other MMO on actual US servers that have worse lag.
it probably has to do with routing problems in germany
i'm not kidding when I'm telling you that those lags last for 40seconds to 2-3 minutes (!)...
the funny thing is that those lags appear in a random order, while you are playing just fine, your m8 right next to you has lags...then 2 minutes later, you'll get a huge lag spike while he can play just fine
its not because of a event somewhere or because the zone is overflown with players, it just "happens"
Wed, 09-26-2012, 12:30 AM
I was looking through the steam forum discussions, and I found this site called Green Man Gaming ( It's a digital game retailer (like Origin and Steam). They seem to have better prices, and when you purchase a game from them you can choose to either play on their own client (called Capsule), or they also give you a steam (I'm guessing you can choose an Origin one too?) activation code to unlock the game on Steam if you prefer to play it there instead. The Borderlands 2 Season Pack costs $40 on Steam at the moment. I found a coupon last night that gave me the pack for $24 via GreenManGaming (I only had 4 minutes to finalise the purchase myself before the code expired.. sorry folks), but it's still up for $30 at the site.
(If you do play on Capsule, it lets you trade the game back in at a later date for credit on your account)
I opted for the steam code (I didn't choose while purchasing.. I remember just being given the code after I bought the game), and it was recognised by Steam. Can't say whether it "works" or not since the content isn't out and doesn't appear in my Steam Library.. but Steam gave me a receipt anyway so it's all but guaranteed.
Fri, 09-28-2012, 11:41 AM
President Weasel 6
Mon, 10-01-2012, 04:47 AM
I use GMG all the time Bill, in fact my housemate's brother works for them. Great site, not always a massive saving but I usually check them first if I'm about to buy a digital copy of a game.
Wed, 10-03-2012, 01:59 PM
That's where I purchased BL2 for $37 and got the preorder bonus. :D
Wed, 10-03-2012, 02:04 PM
President Weasel 6
I'm reading bad things about RE6. The game is a stream of quicktime events and cut scenes... bleaaah.
Wed, 10-03-2012, 07:16 PM
I'm reading bad things about RE6. The game is a stream of quicktime events and cut scenes... bleaaah.
It's as much a stream of whatever the fuck you just wrote, as your posts are a stream of intelligence and equality.
Wed, 10-03-2012, 08:08 PM
It's as much a stream of whatever the fuck you just wrote, as your posts are a stream of intelligence and equality.
ie you like it? Reviews and ratings have it around 70%, mediocre to good. It's cool how game designers will applaud mediocrity to cover their own future mediocre offerings.
Wed, 10-17-2012, 03:27 PM
Criterion is releasing a NFS game at the end of Oct that combines NFS Most Wanted with Burnout style gameplay!!! Been looking forward to a game like this since Burnout Paradise in 08.
Dark Dragon
Thu, 10-18-2012, 08:56 PM
I'm having a blast playing through RE6 with my friends, there's not enough games that does offline co-op anymore.
Thu, 10-18-2012, 11:08 PM
No one playing Xcom?
GOTY , not kidding.
its one of the, if not *the* best remake I've played so far.
it doesn't alter the original too much yet its very modernized
remake done right.
Fri, 10-19-2012, 03:10 AM
It's got some really obnoxious issues though. Playing with a 360 controller fixes the awkwardness of the PC controls (which were quite poorly done)...with the exception of the terrain height adjuster which is still awkward. It is quite impossible to assault a large UFO site with mouse+keyboard, because the roof keeps getting in the way of the view and you can't select where you want your squad to go.
Other than that, fantastic game. I'm glad I'm not playing it on Ironman mode, that's all I have to say. My worst enemy isn't any of the aliens, it's the budget.
Fri, 10-19-2012, 10:47 AM
ya, you have to satellite rush, I don't like that too (so far I didn't manage to NOT lose at least 1 country)
there are mods out there than unlock a different approach though, developers decided not to activate it but its still in the game
basically everytime an abduction event starts, instead of having to choose 1 out of 3 possible targets, 3 UFOs will spawn
if you manage to take care of them all, nothing will happen, if you manage to shoot down 1, you will have to choose between the remaining 2 abduction sites.
its actually pretty cool, because you start to invest more on fighters.
of course you still have to put sats everywhere because you won't be able to spot them if you don't
Fri, 10-19-2012, 03:24 PM
(so far I didn't manage to NOT lose at least 1 country)
I'm probably not as far as you are, but I only have satellites on two continents (just 4-5 total). Certainly the source of my budget woes, but I haven't lost a country yet. You have to rotate through the abductions effectively, and when one gets critical or near critical, you do a major mission, or drop a new satellite over it (assuming you didn't have one over it before, a contributing factor to why they're going up anyway). The more you can see and are forced to ignore, the more panic is going to rise.
I lose a lot of newbies though. It's pretty tough to raise one up to the levels of my vets. I give them high quality equipment when the vets are wounded or off rotation, but they always get hurt and die way too easily.
Maybe I subconsciously take higher risks with them?
The biggest problem is I've only ever had two Assault units, and one of them just died. I have tons of Supports and Heavies. Thanks to that, my go-to spread is usually:
- 2 Snipers (with vastly different specialties, one ultra long and an overwatch/pistol specialist)
- 2 Supports
- 1 Heavy
- Whoever else is available which is either another Heavy or my often wounded Assault (or a newbie, who tends to get pasted on that mission or the next).
Sun, 10-21-2012, 11:15 AM
I've just finished Dishonored, probably the best game I've played in this year.
Dark Dragon
Sun, 10-21-2012, 11:35 AM
I'm also playing through XCOM right now.
I had to reload one of my earlier save, because i'm struggling to keep up with all the threat since i didn't sat rush early.
As for combat, i've seen having a lot of success with 3 snipers and 1 of each of the other class. I started out with 1 of each and just added a sniper whenever i get a bonus slot. I take the 2nd tier ability that let sniper attack targets within squad mates sight range for all of them and i don't think this comp would work as well otherwise. I also just got the skeleton suit upgrade, which come with a grappling hook that allows all my sniper to quickly get to higher ground to take advantage of the aim bonus.
Sun, 10-21-2012, 12:36 PM
I've just finished Dishonored, probably the best game I've played in this year.
Does it play like a ripoff of Assassin's Creed? That's the vibe I'm getting from the game which has kept me from giving it a try.
I'm playing Metro 2033 on PC. It has a "Walking Dead" feel where you're fighting to survive in a desolate wasteland against other humans and hordes of monsters but with limited ammo and supplies that require you to conserve and pick your battles and methods of attack.
Dark Dragon
Sun, 10-21-2012, 01:05 PM
You should watch some videos of game play, Dishonored actually feels/play a lot more like Bioshock with a heavier focus on melee combat.
Sun, 10-21-2012, 02:57 PM
I finally lost a country in XCOM. China. Not happy about it. Some of my best squad members are Chinese. Now I won't get any more. Not once was I ever offered a mission there. I gotten about 5 for Nigeria, which I also don't have a satellite over. I just don't understand.
I was going to throw a satellite over it once I had more capacity, but the council report killed that idea. They withdrew just shy of a few days before I could have held onto them.
I'm building better armor and better weapons, but I already feel like I lost somehow.
Sun, 10-21-2012, 04:38 PM
I finished the game with -1 country on classic, I believe you either have to play the tutorial (and get that extra workshop) or you have to be extremely lucky and get the right missions/council missions
Sun, 10-21-2012, 06:06 PM
I found dishonored to be more similar to the crossover between half life 2(general feel of the city, plus Tallboys) and Thief(emphasis on stealth) series. maybe a bit bioshock(i found bioshock to be boring game, while dishonored is extremely fun to play). It has absolutely nothing to do with AC series.
Heck - it is even similar to Deus Ex(but set in steampunkish universe, with magic instead of augmentations) - with so many ways to finish objectives in it - stealth, finding secret pathways(multiple secret pathways), combat, heck - even talking. There are literally tons of ways to finish intermediate objective(for example bypassing single Wall of Light can be usually accomplished by: possessing enemy, using rat and rat tunnels to bypass it, get around it using roofs balconies etc., rewiring it with item, powering it down by removing Whale oil tank.)
There are three different endings(which are Good, bad, very bad) and diffirent ways to finish off your targets(not necessary kill them) - for example - you can swap drinks and one target will poison himself(while attempting to poison someone else), you can also knock him out and brand him as heretic, or outright kill him.
Dark Dragon
Mon, 10-22-2012, 12:19 AM
@Ryll and Kray
How did you guys do on the alien base mission (the one that requires skeleton key). I managed to get through it, but my troops all got hurt really badly because of grenade spams.
I only mentioned Bioshock because Dishonored art style, steampunk world and even down to the instant consume item pick ups remind me of Bioshock. I actually forgot about Thief, that's a pretty good example to compare it to.
Mon, 10-22-2012, 03:26 AM
I went extremely cautious, but it was my two snipers that saved the day. I ended with only two wounded (one gravely) among my assaults and supports, but I did lose one of my men to a highlight[mind controlled comrade, thanks cowardly sectiod commander] before I was able to get a new firing angle with my squad sight sniper. I got greedy. I tried for a stun first (which failed at 80%!) and it cost me one of my squaddies.
I knew I should have brought an alloy S.H.I.V. with me. Cover was sparse.
Anyone playing XCOM managed to stun a Crysalid, or is it not an option? I've gotten close enough, but the arc thrower didn't highlight as being usable.
edit: Oh, I guess it isn't possible. Had not lost anyone trying so far, so good to know so I can keep it that way.
Dark Dragon
Mon, 10-22-2012, 04:02 AM
I don't think it's possible to stun the Chrysalid or any of the robotic enemies. The only thing that i see is the upgrade that allow you to mind control the drones, which seem useful if they're able to heal your S.H.I.V the same way they do the UFOs. Stunning the Berserker was surprisingly much easier than i thought, since you can just lure them to your squaddie equipped with AT because they chase anyone who shoot them.
Sun, 11-04-2012, 10:40 AM
Just finished XCOM: Enemy Unknown for the first time. Damn fine game. Last boss got two very well placed alloy rifle (super shotgun) barrages direct to the face, by a fresh Captain (promoted just before), hah. Went down no problem. She also had the lowest Will of any of my primary squad (thanks to being gravely wounded 3 times early on).
Definitely will play again. 25 hours of frustration mixed with the thrill of success was well worth the price of admission. I don't know what some people are saying the game has no replay value for. I didn't even really explore the tech tree properly.
Godspeed, Col. Xue "DuskWidow" Zhou (super sniper with 80+ kills!). I only had to reload to keep you alive once.
Tue, 11-06-2012, 03:37 PM
Godspeed, Sergio 'Arcade' Torres(best heavy ever), you've saved the team may times, and assisted the snipers.
just finished X-com - last boss got overwhelmed with my two snipers(double-tap on one, the other perk on other).
Shadow Skill
Wed, 12-19-2012, 06:26 PM
Currently playing Tera. :/
Wed, 12-19-2012, 08:20 PM
Playing Far Cry 3, about 2/3 through the main story. At first it was a great game, but then the random dumb missions bogged it down like so many other open world RPGs. The game has a lot of elements from Assassin's Creed like opening parts of the world by accessing towers.
The story is intriguing as you develop the main character, but in the end it's the same Western world bullshit. A college-aged white kid fulfills his destiny during his self-discovery, meanwhile saving the native savages from numerous trifling and major problems they cannot handle themselves.
Wed, 12-19-2012, 09:24 PM
My friends and I are playing Tera too.
I have a lvl 33 Mystic and a lvl 45 Berserker. I enjoy playing both, but Mystic is a lot deeper as a class.
I like the battle system, but the story pretty much sucks. The game also requires a lot of grinding for quests.
Shadow Skill
Thu, 12-20-2012, 02:15 AM
Ya I just got to level 12 on my only class Warrior. Exp was fine from level 1 to level 9. Then it became a quest grinding way to level. Not really a fan of experience systems that rely on quests for experience. Plus so many irritating high levels on the Tainted gorge area that it is becoming troublesome to finish the Kirgai quest or w/e it is. Got stolen twice from me.
Graphics are nice, get 30FPS most times. 60 FPS rarely. Can't complain there. Pretty much every social element is present in this game, even Loli maniacs can play it too as a Loli class known as Elins I think, lol.
Thu, 12-20-2012, 03:32 AM
I play it because of Elins. Everything else is secondary.
Shadow Skill
Thu, 12-20-2012, 08:54 AM
LOL Good to know. Some guy was on global chat earlier talking about Elin. Hmm I wonder if he was you. :P
I finally finished the Kugai quest and now looking for Velika town or w/e. Takes forever to run to places. :/
Thu, 12-20-2012, 10:53 AM
Use the unstuck function in the settings to go to the nearest town. If you are Elin or Human, you can use the skill Velik's horn to teleport to Velika. If not, use the pegasus. What is your character name? I'll add you as a friend if that's okay.
Mine is Lucifelle (mystic) and Kazuha (zerk).
Shadow Skill
Thu, 12-20-2012, 11:13 AM
Hehe Xenogears is my name. I found the way. I hopped on a Pegasus from a Pegasus quest. Ya I have the Velik skill. :D
I'm go sleep now. So check it when I log on after I wake up.
Thu, 12-20-2012, 11:58 AM
Which server are you in? The Xenogears I am finding is a lancer.
Thu, 12-20-2012, 01:01 PM
Playing Far Cry 3, about 2/3 through the main story. At first it was a great game, but then the random dumb missions bogged it down like so many other open world RPGs. The game has a lot of elements from Assassin's Creed like opening parts of the world by accessing towers.
The story is intriguing as you develop the main character, but in the end it's the same Western world bullshit. A college-aged white kid fulfills his destiny during his self-discovery, meanwhile saving the native savages from numerous trifling and major problems they cannot handle themselves.
I'm also playing FC3, and i really like it but it's so annoying how this spoiled douche you play as (Jason) is pretty much a master of any and all weapons as soon as he gets his hands on em, and also has the stealth skills of a damn ninja without any training.
I enjoyed it a ton at first but the more "trippy/spiritual" the plot and missions got the less i enjoyed it.
I've just arrived on the second island and getting a tad bored to be honest.
Mind you, just landing on the island itself was a tremendous damn pain in the ass, because the piece of shit wingsuit thing fucked up the fov or something so massively it's insane, it was borderline impossible to hit the targetzone, and when i did it was like a 80% chance of failing because the parachute refused to deploy no matter how much i spammed or held down the fucking button.
Still, aside from some issues the game is pretty damn fun.
I really have to add this aswell: Vaas might be one of the best villains, and just characters in general, that i've seen in ages. That dude is fucking excellent, i love every little bit of his insanity!
Shadow Skill
Thu, 12-20-2012, 06:33 PM
Says Mount Tyrannus, PvP Server.
Thu, 12-20-2012, 07:41 PM
I'm also playing FC3, and i really like it but it's so annoying how this spoiled douche you play as (Jason) is pretty much a master of any and all weapons as soon as he gets his hands on em, and also has the stealth skills of a damn ninja without any training.
Mind you, just landing on the island itself was a tremendous damn pain in the ass, bebcause the piece of shit wingsuit thing fucked up the fov or something so massively it's insane, it was borderline impossible to hit the targetzone, and when i did it was like a 80% chance of failing because the parachute refused to deploy no matter how much i spammed or held down the fucking button.
Still, aside from some issues the game is pretty damn fun.
Yeah you do get too powerful too easily. I set it to the hardest difficulty and it is still too easy. I think it made them detect you more readily, it didn't make them any harder to kill or any greater in number. I think it's the same reason I got tired of Borderlands 2... it stopped being challenging too quick.
I had the same problem with the wingsuit and the parachute deployment, but finally got it to work and landed ok.
Vaas was cool, but his death sequence was blah.
Thu, 12-20-2012, 07:58 PM
Yeah, i've played on the highest difficulty from the start and it's still way too easy. I'm almost exclusively using Takedowns and the Bow (the only weapon that requires even a little skill, it's also the most fun weapon by far :P)
I usually carry the rocketlauncher with me for when i get bored and want to blow patrol cars to hell, the mines and C4 also work wonders for that.
Odd that the wingsuit works like complete shit but the hang gliders works perfectly >_>
Thu, 12-20-2012, 08:01 PM
We are on different servers then. Too bad.
Shadow Skill
Thu, 12-20-2012, 10:00 PM
Lol is ok. I am not sure if NA servers are separate from the rest of the world.
Thu, 12-20-2012, 10:04 PM
I am playing on the PVE NA server. My friends play there too so I can't switch servers right now.
I feel like I will hit a wall soloing at around level 48 or 50. I am running out of solo quests to do but I am not leveling...
Shadow Skill
Thu, 12-20-2012, 10:43 PM
Ohh ok, I was going to choose the PvE Not the RPG one. I decided to see how far I can make it on the PvP one lol
Fri, 12-21-2012, 12:29 AM
Tropico 4 Modern Times
Fri, 12-21-2012, 10:52 AM
Yeah you do get too powerful too easily. I set it to the hardest difficulty and it is still too easy. I think it made them detect you more readily, it didn't make them any harder to kill or any greater in number. I think it's the same reason I got tired of Borderlands 2... it stopped being challenging too quick.
Did you play till the end, or try True Vault Hunter Mode? I was playing some chars solo and some for teamwork.. and it can be pretty hard against certain things. Mech-mancer is fun at zapping everything but needs a buddy to revive her every now and then (same with Assassin class - which is why we play those two together - one does loads of elemental/area damage while Assassin takes them down on low health). Axton can tank much better.. but still dies more than I'd like him to.
I haven't played for a while though. Even if I get bored of it afterwards, I must play through to the 3rd playthrough and get the lvl50 versions of the items I want. There's this random-elemental rifle that I want to get.. and I've decided that I'll play that mission with BL2 in a sandbox program over and over until I get the element I want. After that, I'll trade it with a friend so it won't get deleted upon termination.
Fri, 12-21-2012, 02:54 PM
Did you play till the end, or try True Vault Hunter Mode? I was playing some chars solo and some for teamwork.. and it can be pretty hard against certain things. Mech-mancer is fun at zapping everything but needs a buddy to revive her every now and then (same with Assassin class - which is why we play those two together - one does loads of elemental/area damage while Assassin takes them down on low health). Axton can tank much better.. but still dies more than I'd like him to.
I haven't played for a while though. Even if I get bored of it afterwards, I must play through to the 3rd playthrough and get the lvl50 versions of the items I want. There's this random-elemental rifle that I want to get.. and I've decided that I'll play that mission with BL2 in a sandbox program over and over until I get the element I want. After that, I'll trade it with a friend so it won't get deleted upon termination.
No, I lost interest in the game to the point I just ignored the side missions and finished the main story. It didn't help that I only recently played the first Borderlands not long ago, and the 2nd isn't different enough so it felt like a really long time playing the same game.
I might go back and play on tvh mode at some point, but it's doubtful.
Sat, 12-22-2012, 05:25 AM
with my assassin borderlands got frustrating rather than boring for me
near the end I was a 1-shot... died frequently out of nothing, didn't even matter whether I went for the Bee or any other shield
thing is though, that enemies didn't last more than 1 shot too
and tvh mode was when I fully stopped because it was so annoying to die from stray bullets
meleeing was suicide for me, and most of the time even with a +100% melee dmg weapon I wouldn't 1-shot enemies didn't even matter whether I did 500k or 1 million damage.
well, it is a co-op game after all
everything was so item dependent
however. it was fun for a single playthrough
Sat, 12-22-2012, 07:15 AM
with my assassin borderlands got frustrating rather than boring for me
near the end I was a 1-shot... died frequently out of nothing, didn't even matter whether I went for the Bee or any other shield
thing is though, that enemies didn't last more than 1 shot too
and tvh mode was when I fully stopped because it was so annoying to die from stray bullets
meleeing was suicide for me, and most of the time even with a +100% melee dmg weapon I wouldn't 1-shot enemies didn't even matter whether I did 500k or 1 million damage.
well, it is a co-op game after all
everything was so item dependent
however. it was fun for a single playthrough
My friend played Assassin and says that class is the must vulnerable and also reliant on team play. After playing a few characters, I'll have to agree.
Sat, 12-22-2012, 01:07 PM
Dota 2 Master Race.
Sun, 12-23-2012, 03:01 PM
Took a break from Far Cry 3, haven't played it since Wednesday last week i think.
Started playing Dishonored instead now and so far so good.
Totally loving the artstyle and just the whole world of it in general.
The way they made it makes it look really awesome without being super demanding (spec wise) it seems, since i have everything on max and i have a damn near constant 120-130 fps (on a 120hz monitor) and it is smooooth. :P
Sun, 12-23-2012, 07:19 PM
I started Borderlands a few weeks ago and it's been a pretty fun game so far; I try to play as much as I can but this time of the year really cuts into my "alone" time where I can just be a bum for a few hours and play video games.
Tue, 12-25-2012, 10:33 AM
Dishonored is pretty meh. I guess you need to be a fan of stealth games to like it. I tried to do "less" kills at first, then just started plowing everything down because it was easier and more fun to be honest.
The ending sucked. Is it any better with a no kill playthrough.
Shadow Skill
Tue, 12-25-2012, 10:39 AM
Maybe better with a no Shinta| Hikari playthrough :P
Tue, 12-25-2012, 10:53 AM
there are 3 endings to this game: 2 bad ends(high chaos - depends on your last action) and one good end(low chaos). Good end is pretty good.
Wed, 12-26-2012, 10:19 AM
I see. Does it have more to it than still pictures and narration?
Wed, 12-26-2012, 07:06 PM
Endings are still pictures + narration, but whole level is different. Plus good end was acutally good.
Sun, 12-30-2012, 10:38 AM
Planetside 2
BR 30 soon and I have to say, its really a great game.
it has more "battlefield moments" (if you know what I mean) than battlefield itself. so many large battles, no lags, nice hit detection
~60v~60v~60 battles (or bigger) are actually pretty common and nothing looks cooler than laser fire during nightbattles
Attacks on outposts and bigger stations that last for 3hours from time to time, a line of 10 tanks on a hill that give artillery support for the infantry troops and huge dogfights with more than 5-15 planes above them. that feeling....
Tue, 01-01-2013, 01:47 AM
Got WiiU and been playing NintendoLand. Holy shit that game is so much fun with 5 people.
Fri, 01-11-2013, 09:36 AM
Is it worth getting into the older xcom? No mouseover descriptions, no scrollbar and all the other fancy stuff newer games have tilts me but I'm sure I'd get used to it in 4-5h or so and I've heard it's much better than the new xcom so... Liked the new xcom but the plot progression is just weird, they list all stuff as priority research and nag you to do it ASAP but if you do the game progresses way too fast and you get fucked, wish it was more out in the open how much time you have to do stuff.
Like when I researched the new facility to scan for hidden UFOs, I didnt know that was what it would do, and I had nothing good enough to take them out, hence 3-4 missed UFOs a month fucking up everything. Then I start saving too much and it's not really fair gameplay by me and ruins the game. Started ironman now though because apparently I am too weak to restrict myself from savescumming, and will hold off on priority research as long as possible. I'm sure the 80% hit chance with shotgun one step away from the enemy will still tilt me for a while though.
Fri, 01-11-2013, 01:38 PM
Finished Far Cry 3... interesting endings. Spoilers to follow:
You have to make a choice between "staying" with Citra and saving your friends. Both choices leave someone dead and you feeling kind of empty and cheated. Still, good way to end the game.
Sun, 01-13-2013, 12:03 AM
Just finished the walking dead, that`s what a next gen console game should be.
Uchiha Barles
Fri, 01-25-2013, 07:45 PM
Path of Exile went into open beta recently. It's a free to play, but not pay to win, arpg in the vein of diablo and torchlight, and for my money, exceeds both D3 and TL 2 in quality. The developers were able to raise 2.2 million in donations and have been working on the game for 6 years. What they achieved is a well polished gaming experience, with an extremely deep customization system that lets you build any type of character you want.
I'll try to describe the skill tree, but first, take a look at it yourself:
Click and drag, and scroll your mouse wheel to zoom in or out. When you choose a class, you're not really given access to a set of abilities that is exclusive to your class. Instead, you're given a stats based on the class you picked, and a position on skill tree, based on the class you picked. For example, the Witch starts with 30 INT, 14 STR, and 14 AGI, and her progress in the chart begins as shown on the image below:
Each of the circles you see represents one "skill" so to speak. They're improvements to your character that come in the form of stat boosts, ability modifications, utility buffs, etc. Each skill costs 1 skill point, and you receive at least one skill point per level. If you pay attention to the skills, they're more or less organized in nuclei containing closely related skills roughly matching up with what you expect from say, a figher, a holy warrior, a mage, etc. No matter where you start, you can select skills and reach any nucleus you choose, allowing you to build almost any kind of fantasy archetype you can think of.
There's an ability system which is separate from the skill system, in which you socket ability gems into your gear, the only prereqs being that you have the proper stats to equip them. I'll skip describing it in detail, but will say that the interplay between the skill tree the ability system is a result of pure genius. The gameplay itself is smooth as a baby's high knee. The experience thus far isn't vastly different than the other options out there, but somehow, it's just better.
If you're into arpgs, you really, really should try this out. Here's the wikipedia page which details the features of the game:
And here's the official site where you can register an account then download the beta:
Fri, 01-25-2013, 08:22 PM is a blatant copy of Final Fantasy X's sphere grid? Gotcha.
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