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Mon, 03-09-2009, 04:10 PM
Street fighter 4 nuff said
I switched to player matches since I'm not going to be top ranked, so ranked matches are a waste of time and frustration. Player matches are more fun since you can rematch immediately..
I played this guy yars who only uses vega and i just have no answer to him regardless of what charactor i pick.
zangief also pisses me off when he grabs while i'm 2 frames away or in the middle of an attack.
Mon, 03-09-2009, 07:23 PM
yep SF is soooo frustrating ! specially arcade ! cool game tho !
Mon, 03-09-2009, 07:52 PM
Playing Star Ocean: The Last Hope. Only 4 hours in, but man, the maps are huge and filled with mobs.
Tue, 03-10-2009, 10:49 AM
Soon i shall get mine Valkyria Chronicles at last!
I played demo and it was totally awesome, can't wait to lay my hands on it!
Tue, 03-10-2009, 03:17 PM
Playing Star Ocean: The Last Hope. Only 4 hours in, but man, the maps are huge and filled with mobs.
How does that play?
I saw the ad and it looked really cool... Is it like a standard RPG? or 3rd person action / RPG ?
Tue, 03-10-2009, 04:06 PM
It's a standard JRPG in terms of plot and character, but it plays like an action RPG, similar to the Tales games or Eternal Sonata with a lot more of attacks available and not turn-based. Like Eternal Sonata, you can see enemies on the screen at all times.
Battles are separate from the world/dungeon screen. Depending on how you enter combat you get advantages/disadvantages. So much like Eternal Sonata, always try to attack the enemies from behind and never get caught with your back to them.
Tue, 03-10-2009, 07:46 PM
Honestly I'm playing it and there's no real disadvantage to being surprised or ambushed other than them being closer to you or you having your back to them. In Star Ocean 2, when you were surprised or ambushed you'd be stunned for the first 3 or so seconds. And preemptive attacks bring no real advantage other than having the monsters back to you.
Tue, 03-10-2009, 08:04 PM
I'm in the last chapter of Resident Evil 5, near completion. It's more of an action game than survival, but I'm looking forward to the co-op sessions once I complete the game once.
Wed, 03-11-2009, 09:32 AM
Started Halo 3. Fun so far, but gives me that nausea the other Halo games gave me. I never liked the movement and control system of the Halo series.
Hopefully this will keep me busy gaming-wise for a week before Resident Evil 5 shows up.
Wed, 03-11-2009, 09:59 AM
Started Halo 3. Fun so far, but gives me that nausea the other Halo games gave me. I never liked the movement and control system of the Halo series.
Hopefully this will keep me busy gaming-wise for a week before Resident Evil 5 shows up.
What? I love Halo 3, easily my favorite FPS. That said the campaign is short, really short, you could go through the entire campaign in one sitting and it'll only take you a couple of hours. So unless you're going to play on Legendary and try to get all the campaign achievements, I don't see you playing it for more than a few days at most. Minus the multiplayer, there really isn't much to Halo.
Wed, 03-11-2009, 10:26 AM
What? I love Halo 3, easily my favorite FPS. That said the campaign is short, really short, you could go through the entire campaign in one sitting and it'll only take you a couple of hours. So unless you're going to play on Legendary and try to get all the campaign achievements, I don't see you playing it for more than a few days at most. Minus the multiplayer, there really isn't much to Halo.
Well that's disappointing to hear. I've never been much for X360 achievements, so I'm playing whatever level is between normal and legendary I think. I can always go back and continue Burnout: Paradise. Still waiting on reviews of RE5 before I place the order.
Wed, 03-11-2009, 10:37 AM
Few reviews there. I'm gonna get it when it's out, though prob after a week or two.
Halo 3 is the only real deathmatchy action FPS this generation, ie huge jumps, power ups, etc. akin to the old Unreal Tournament or Quake days.
Wed, 03-11-2009, 03:28 PM
Halo 3 is the only real deathmatchy action FPS this generation, ie huge jumps, power ups, etc. akin to the old Unreal Tournament or Quake days.
Perhaps in terms of following, but a larger part of the reason I've never gotten into the Halo games is because it couldn't be less like UT or Quake. Quake and UT are both big twitch shooters. High accuracy and quick movements will save your life.
For someone used to playing UT or Quake, playing Halo is like constantly slogging through mud. It never really feels like you are moving fast enough. Even the original Call of Duty felt worlds faster.
There's always some guy halfway or more across the screen with your head in his sniper rifle's sights. Give me a decent Flak Cannon and we'll see how well Master Chief would really fare.
Wed, 03-11-2009, 04:03 PM
Finally got to finish Final Fantasy IV DS. Im giving my NDS some vacations now, since I just picked up my PSP after months of leaving it forgotten. Just begun Star Ocean on it and it completely rocks.
Wed, 03-11-2009, 04:14 PM
Perhaps in terms of following, but a larger part of the reason I've never gotten into the Halo games is because it couldn't be less like UT or Quake. Quake and UT are both big twitch shooters. High accuracy and quick movements will save your life.
For someone used to playing UT or Quake, playing Halo is like constantly slogging through mud. It never really feels like you are moving fast enough. Even the original Call of Duty felt worlds faster.
There's always some guy halfway or more across the screen with your head in his sniper rifle's sights. Give me a decent Flak Cannon and we'll see how well Master Chief would really fare.
I'm not a huge advocater or a Halo fanboy, but Halo 3 is extremely high twitch and high accuracy, just like UT and Quake. There is no recoil. You can't compare it to CoD4. You should watch some of the MLG Pro videos of people playing, they are world's apart from what you usually experience in Pubs, and shows what can really happen when you're REALLY good and not just playing when you have an extra 15 minutes of free time.
Wed, 03-11-2009, 04:29 PM
I didn't compare it to CoD4 (another game I'm not that big of a fan of), I can only compare the original Halo (PC) to the Original CoD (PC) in terms of my own experience. In the original CoD multiplayer, you'd pop around a box and fire off a quick burst from a russian machine gun, killing your opponent. Halo levels are so open in comparison, you always seem exposed.
Maybe Halo 3 is better in terms of twitch, but even when I cranked the sensitivity all the way up on the xbox or the 360, it still felt like moving through molasses to me. FPSs on a console will just never be for me.
I will check the videos out though.
EDIT: Watched some videos, I am hereby impressed.
Thu, 03-12-2009, 01:00 PM
I still don't get how you can play such fast paced FPS game on pad. It just seems wrong for guy who played his first fps at age of 5(Duke Nukem 3D).
I personally suffer from same thing as Ryll - not enough sensitivity and precision(i can't seem to fit right after the dead zone of analog to make slight movement, and it is worse for me on xbox360 pad(got one for pc) than on ps3 one) on pad compared to mouse(i'm a guy who plays on 1500 dpi + maximum speed at windows and when i was playing UT3 i use 7/10 sens in game if i remember correctly).
Thu, 03-12-2009, 02:03 PM
I bought House of the Dead: Overkill and... it's what the title says. You're in a house with a lot of dead people and you kill them. It's overkill if you have a buddy playing with you. :o
Thu, 03-12-2009, 03:22 PM
I still don't get how you can play such fast paced FPS game on pad. It just seems wrong for guy who played his first fps at age of 5(Duke Nukem 3D).
I personally suffer from same thing as Ryll - not enough sensitivity and precision(i can't seem to fit right after the dead zone of analog to make slight movement, and it is worse for me on xbox360 pad(got one for pc) than on ps3 one) on pad compared to mouse(i'm a guy who plays on 1500 dpi + maximum speed at windows and when i was playing UT3 i use 7/10 sens in game if i remember correctly).
I've been playing FPS since I was young and sure there're limitations with dual analogs but it still works very well with enough practice.
Thu, 03-12-2009, 05:52 PM
I've been playing FPS since I was young and sure there're limitations with dual analogs but it still works very well with enough practice.
That's true too I guess. That's probably also one of the reasons they don't have both console and PC version competing. Everybody suffers the same handicaps with the dual sticks.
Sat, 03-14-2009, 05:54 PM
Quake Live.
Take great gameplay of Q3A, add to it more maps, plus make it browser based - and you got quake live - surprisingly it works very well. Join the beta, create account and play one of fastest shooters from anywhere.
back to fragging.
Sat, 03-14-2009, 07:55 PM
Finally got Fallout 3 and Valkyria Chronicles for the PS3. Just finished Killzone 2. I love the multiplayer, just finished doing the pistol ribbon so I can quick draw, I love being the medic though, total ownage if you know how to run away and use those med packs.
Currently on Chapter 5 of Valkyrica Chronicles fighting one of the first generals of the Gallion Invasion. Fallout 3 is bad ass though, just finished the "Those" quest where you have to kill all those fire ants. So far im enjoying these 3 games, just can't wait till they push more of the consoles to their limits :).
Edit: Also I did the whole perfect stats from Gamefaqs just incase people want an even built character.
Sat, 03-14-2009, 08:05 PM
Picked up Persona 4 on the cheap, so I'm just a few hours into it. I kinda feel like I'm doing it wrong with a lot of the dialogue choices, but hey, I can always play through it again.
Sat, 03-14-2009, 08:29 PM
I'm probably gonna pick Persona 4 up in a few days after I finish Star Ocean: TLH.
Sat, 03-14-2009, 08:31 PM
Funny, I'm going to do the opposite, but replace "days" with "weeks."
Sun, 03-15-2009, 10:24 AM
Finished Halo 3 on heroic mode. Awesome game. Much more satisfying and thrilling than the previous 2. New vehicles (I think they are new) and much more diverse levels than the other 2 as well. I think it took a good 12+ hours to complete, though I had to repeat several levels so that explains the length of time.
I'm playing through on Legendary mode now.
Dark Dragon
Sun, 03-15-2009, 11:25 AM
Picked up Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon (my namesake) a few days ago.
I like Radiant Dawn but these type of games just feel so much more right on a hand-held. The original was notoriously difficult and this one is the same but a few accommodation like one time use mid-battle save points does help a lot. The redone 2d graphic for the game is great but I'm not particularly fond of the clunky 3D battle animation but overall the game is pretty good for 30$.
Sun, 03-15-2009, 11:38 AM
Valkyria chronicles is really great. currently at chapter 4.
This game has:
-Visual novel-like driven plot
-Great strategy experience
-Stylish graphic
-Great plot
only thing this game lacks is multiplayer mode.
Sun, 03-15-2009, 11:43 AM
Madworld, pretty awesome game.
Sun, 03-15-2009, 03:14 PM
Valkyria chronicles is really great. currently at chapter 4.
This game has:
-Visual novel-like driven plot
-Great strategy experience
-Stylish graphic
-Great plot
only thing this game lacks is multiplayer mode.
Lol that would be bad ass though, I wouldn't mind a multiplayer. I leveled up my shock troopers and scouts to level 10 before doing chapter 4 lol. Spent like 35-45 minutes just leveling from the 1st skirmish.
Mon, 03-16-2009, 11:21 AM
i just go through story, but i focus on scouts/shocktroopers and i leave snipers and lancers 1 lvl lower, then comes engineer. Works great for me, because i just love to run to the enemy with my scouts and shoot them in the face from close range, snipers were great distraction for the enemy on the recapturing the bridge mission - jut get one of them onto the tower and shoot at the Ragnite "barrels", after that tanks will focus on sniper(10% chance to hit him or lower), lancers are pretty obvious to keep them high, and i use engineer only for repairing tank and restocking ammo(i just keep her behind tank and repair when i need).
Sun, 03-22-2009, 04:49 PM
Kingdom Hearts 2.
My brother restarted it and now so am I.
Ah...the good ol' days with Goofy and Donald.
Sun, 03-22-2009, 08:17 PM
Killzone 2 multiplayer is the motherfucking bomb.
Anyone want to join my clan?
Mon, 03-23-2009, 09:58 AM
Kingdom Hearts 2.
My brother restarted it and now so am I.
Ah...the good ol' days with Goofy and Donald.
Junior still exists :eek:
Currently playing:
Shin Megami Tensei Digital Devil Saga
Star Ocean First Depature
Dragon Quest IV DS
Mon, 03-23-2009, 10:55 AM
I'm playing Valkyria Profile Covenant of the Plume right now(along with quake live, Valkyria Chronicles and Defcon). Great game for now - plot is interesting, gameplay is well made but damn hard(good thing for ds game) and by really damn hard i mean that you can spend whole day trying to get past one battle. There is no way to train your characters if you can't pass the battle - and that is a downside.
Oh and thank god that squeenix haven't made "yet another save the world" type plot. Its dark themed and it focuses heavily on your morals. You got the Valkyria Plume, which you can use to empower characters, but after battle they die, they really die - there is no way to "revive" them after this, of course this affects plot dramaticly based on who you will sacrifice.
It is possible to finish this game without sacrificing(i'm trying this - except for one guy - he pisses me off so he is dead).
Mon, 03-23-2009, 05:38 PM
All of Squeenix's games suck except for two, and they happen to have "save the world" plots.
The two games in question are Illusion of Gaia (Enix) and Final Fantasy VII (Squaresoft).
Mon, 03-23-2009, 09:49 PM
Resident Evil 5 : The Mercenaries
Seriously, this is like the best shit ever, I seriously hope capcom brings in some char DLC, like leon/hunk.claire :x.
Mon, 03-23-2009, 10:25 PM
been messing with FF:Tactics but thinkin i might try to get Wild Arms off PSN for psp since its cheap....damn my multiple collectin addictions ruinin my budget
Fri, 03-27-2009, 02:11 PM
i remember playing the first resident evil and it made me mad that I'd spent money to rent it and that it was so hard to knife those damned zombies !
they definately made it more player friendly in 2-3, never played 4 and dunno if i'll play 5.
Game: What game are you... Fri, 03-27-2009 04:14 PM what a sore loser
You probably negative rep me because you're too young to have played the first resident evil.
Thu, 04-02-2009, 01:30 AM
I am playing Star Ocean: Last Hope. Eh... it's alright, I guess. Lack of save points and long cutscenes kind of drown it out, but the combat system and characters make up for it for their nostalgic gameplay and cheery atmosphere, respectively.
Fri, 04-17-2009, 06:17 PM
Some new gameplay videos from the FFXIII demo that came packaged with the Advent Children Blu Ray set. There's more videos on the first page on
Sat, 04-18-2009, 04:38 AM
I feel sorry for xbox360 owners - demo of FFXIII takes 5.6gb - now imagine the size of full game and that you have to swap those discs. Unless they 'll install the game engine on HDD(which would be a bad idea - not everyone have got a hdd in their xbox) it 'll take much more space than ps3 vers because they would have to include engine on each dvd.
I'm plaing Last Remnant on PC. really good game, plot is interesting but at start main character is more annoying than Luke from Tales of the Abyss(instead of being jackass he is just too stupid) but after 1h of game he gets better.
Sat, 04-18-2009, 05:42 AM
Disc swapping really isn't a big deal, unless it is badly implemented like Star Ocean 4. We did it constantly in the PSX era, did it in the PS2 era (rarely), and if you were an unfortunate gamecube owner, you did it all the time. Even PC games have had a history of swapping, like Baldur's Gate, Wing Commander, Oregon Trail (on two 5 1/4 floppies!). It has never once bothered me.
I just hope we don't get screwed with FFXIII like we did with Star Ocean on audio tracks. There's plenty of room on a Blu-ray, and if you're already disc swapping on the 360, what's the difference with leaving more data? Square-Enix should get with the times and start putting dual audio tracks on their flagship games. Atlus has been doing it for years, it doesn't really cost them anything additional if they are going to get a dub anyway, and I'm tired of listening to terrible voice overs when I know there was a much more professionally done version out there. Final Fantasy X and X-2 were fine, with a few notable exceptions. Still, fighting games, Nippon Ichi games and other Atlus titles like Odin Sphere have spoiled me forever.
Developers have done some amazing things through compression techniques given the space limitations on XBL Arcade and DVD9, all that space on the blu-ray just makes ps3 devs lazy and not bother. It won't be as bad as you are making it out to be.
Sat, 04-18-2009, 07:12 AM
Lost Odyssey, 4 discs
Blue Dragon, 3 discs
Star Ocean 4, 3 discs
Infinite Undiscovery, 2 discs
Last Remnant, 2 discs
All multiple disc games, the only RPG that are single disc on x360 are Eternal Sonata and Enchanted Arms (which is actually a pretty big game, with dual audio).
Also I highly highly doubt the filesize is that big because of the assets in the FF13 demo, there simply aren't that many shown.
It's a combination of the compiled engine, uncompressed assets and of course duplicate files, blu-ray read speed is pretty slow already, combine that with the access time for the 50gb disc and you get loading that is abysmally slow.
And actually Ryll, it would cost them extra, every disc after the 3rd one means extra royalties towards MS, though I doubt the game would be bigger then 4 discs.
Anyway I'm trying to finish up Dynasty warriors gundam in time for DWG2 next week =D
Sat, 04-18-2009, 08:37 AM
Tales of Vesperia was 1 disc also.
I'm sure it'll be larger than 4 discs. The only reason LO was that large was cause of the amount of CG and cutscenes though it was also a 40-50 hour game. And this game might just outdo them in that category due to it's history of it. However, I'm not sure how long this game is gonna turn out. Hopefully it won't be one of those shitty 20-30 hour ones we've been plagued with.
On that topic of new games, Tri-Ace is releasing a new game published by Sega (wonder why no SE?) titled End of Eternity. Not that much has been released, and it looks a bit on the weird side, though gunplay seems to be a big factor.
Sat, 04-18-2009, 08:57 AM
No game series will ever out-cutscene the three Xenosaga games, in terms of the ratio of gameplay to cut scene length.
I've kind of had it with JRPGs of late. They were always a little bit cookie-cutter, but now that Final Fantasy and the rest of the franchises have slipped thoroughly into science fiction and left the fantasy far behind, it's only gotten even worse. I find it harder and harder to actually finish one than ever before.
The absolute linearity of some of them has really ruined it for me too. It's hard to continue to defend them when Western RPGs have been getting of higher quality in overall terms, though often the writing still needs some work to catch up.
I'd love if the Japanese could come up with another dark strategy rpg (especially you Squeenix, no more light-hearted bullshit strategy rpgs). There's a few out for the PS3, but I'd really like one on the xbox. Given how xenophobic Japanese developers are without a big wad of cash, that doesn't look like it will happen any time soon. Hell, I'd take one on the Wii, but that's even less likely to happen.
Is anyone else having this problem?
Sat, 04-18-2009, 12:52 PM
Dark strategy RPG? get Valkyria Profile Covenant of the Plume on DS - great but damn hard game.
Sun, 04-19-2009, 12:42 AM
Tales of Vesperia was 1 disc also.
I'm sure it'll be larger than 4 discs. The only reason LO was that large was cause of the amount of CG and cutscenes though it was also a 40-50 hour game. And this game might just outdo them in that category due to it's history of it. However, I'm not sure how long this game is gonna turn out. Hopefully it won't be one of those shitty 20-30 hour ones we've been plagued with.
On that topic of new games, Tri-Ace is releasing a new game published by Sega (wonder why no SE?) titled End of Eternity. Not that much has been released, and it looks a bit on the weird side, though gunplay seems to be a big factor.
Speaking of Vesperia... its being ported to PS3
And the developers said they were adding everything that had to be cut out of the Xbox360 version due to disk space issues. Its going to have a new character... and I think they mentioned its going to be fully voiced.
Sun, 04-19-2009, 04:03 AM
Yes it will be fully voiced - and it will be a loli.
ToV is not released in Europe yet, it 'll be released for x360 in June and 2-3 months later for ps3 if i remember correctly. I think that ps3 version will sell more in Europe.
Sun, 04-19-2009, 12:03 PM
Right now im playing Empire total war and Medieval 2 total war(with mods). Im a fan of the total war franchise. There's a lot of ps3 games that I really want to play but sadly I can't afford a PS3 :(.
Sun, 04-19-2009, 05:57 PM
Peggle Nights, curse this game for the time its making me pour into it.
Also heard that Final Fantasy 7 is being released for download on the Japanese PS network soon, hope it makes its way here as well.
Dark Dragon
Sun, 04-19-2009, 08:22 PM
Is anyone else having this problem?
The problem with traditional JRPG setting is that most have been done to death.
I'm most likely among the minority, but i don't particularly mind traditional JRPG cliche as long as they are presented well. Tales of Symphonia blew me away because of how well the game flow, despite the all too familiar story plots.
But this general shift toward sci-fi that RPG are taking isn't sitting too well with me either. The only RPG that I've enjoyed in recent times are Tales of Vesperia and Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn.
I had high expectation for Mistwalker games but both Blue Dragons and Lost Odyssey didn't wow me at all.
I'm still somewhat skeptical about FFXIII so hopefully Mistwalker next game will turn out great.
Mon, 04-20-2009, 10:40 AM
I've just got Castlevania Dawn of Sorrow for my ds. Now i wanna play the rest games in the series, its really addicting, but compared to Oder of Ecclesia it is easy...too easy.
Thu, 04-23-2009, 08:00 AM
I always tried playing the Castlevania series for the DS but for some reason I get bored easily. Maybe its because of the platform style? Still the first game in PS with Alucard is epic.
Wed, 04-29-2009, 07:45 PM
Just got Dead Rising for X360, haven't fired it up yet though. DR2 should be out in the Fall, looks even better than the original.
Wed, 04-29-2009, 09:04 PM
Dynasty warriors gundam 2
This game is just soo freaking good.
I got it today and played for a bit with shinn/destiny, and all ive got to say is wow.
Destiny is a beast, its melee range is great, its melee speed is great, its melee damage is great, its lvl3 sp freaking takes out and entire field ( 100 kills) and its air sp has excellent range and duration, couple that with a very fun and usefull moveset and damn its crazy.
Not to mention its combination sp destroys officers.
If Destiny is any indication of how badass the other suits are, then this game will only get better and better =D
Oh and for some reason, nanai made shinn a cyber-newtype lol.
Thu, 04-30-2009, 08:26 AM
I was waiting for the English version but it seems there's no option to switch to the original Japanese voices. Well, all the wait's for nothing and I'll be getting the Japanese version after all.
Thu, 04-30-2009, 09:18 AM
Yeah, which is weird cause gundam musou 1 did have that option, most voices are pretty good in english though, cept for a few.
Loran now totally sounds like a girl, I can't picture laura rolla as male anymore with that voice >_<, though the VA herself is pretty good.
Shinn sounds good, but lacks the emotion with certain lines, like "you people want to start another war!" sounds so much more emotionally fueled in japanese.
Lacus, well even though I hate her guts and enjoy blowing her up, her english VA doesn't do her character justice, the jpn VA has far more elegance and class.
Kira... well lets just say that "STOP IT!!" sounds far cooler in japanese then in english <_<.
Puru and Puru 2 sound out of character.
Still, its inexcusable that the jpn VA audio track wasn't included in either the ps3 or x360 versions, still there might be a slight chance they add it via DLC.
Thu, 04-30-2009, 09:49 AM
I'll kill them if they add in that DLC after I buy the Japanese version. :(
Thu, 04-30-2009, 11:59 AM
Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin on my DS.
I've finished Dawn of Sorrow - good game, not too hard not too easy and fun to play. PoR seems similar to DoS, balanced difficulty and fun. Compared to Order of Ecclesia it is veeery easy...but in OoE i'm stuck at 3rd boss...(its harder than finishing Bloody Pallace in DMC3 as normal Dante\Vergil...(which i finished - took me 1h 40 min as Vergil with his Nero Angelo costume, 2h 30min with normal)
could anybody recommend me a good ps3 game that allows 2 players to play on once console?(other than fighting games - we, that is me and my friend, already play mostly SC4 and we are waiting for collectors edition of BlazBlue) I know about Eternal Sonata(we are rpg freaks) and Army of Two, are there any more? oh we are also fed up with musou series(after achieving everything on warriors orochi on PC the series bored us and changes in dynasty warriors VI are bad in my opinion)
Thu, 04-30-2009, 08:29 PM
could anybody recommend me a good ps3 game that allows 2 players to play on once console?(other than fighting games - we, that is me and my friend, already play mostly SC4 and we are waiting for collectors edition of BlazBlue) I know about Eternal Sonata(we are rpg freaks) and Army of Two, are there any more? oh we are also fed up with musou series(after achieving everything on warriors orochi on PC the series bored us and changes in dynasty warriors VI are bad in my opinion)
Resident Evil 5 is a pretty good game to play with a partner, online or offline.
Thu, 04-30-2009, 10:03 PM
Resident Evil 5 is a pretty good game to play with a partner, online or offline.
You can play co-op? Hmm, I might consider this game after all.
Thu, 04-30-2009, 10:27 PM
Yea, you can play co-op (offline and online). It might be better to bring a friend along than let the A.I. handle most of your mess. The A.I.'s not bad, but it's basically your baby-sitter, where it might use a very powerful herb on you if you took like 1/4 damage to your health meter. It's not something I'd like to be wasted.
Fri, 05-01-2009, 01:36 AM
Yeah, I'm mostly buying games for my PS3 that have some form of multiplayer mode, since that's the reason I ever touch it usually. I find single-player games more enjoyable on PC. That might be because I've got a crap tv/sound for the console though.
Fri, 05-01-2009, 12:08 PM
I broke down and played some counter strike : source the other night. I was doing well despite having not played in several months.
Still playing SF4. Championship mode is funny because of the point system.. you don't lose points and so it psychologically makes you feel like less of a loser than in ranked mode when you drop 1/10 of your 100+ hours worth of points to some nub.
I started playing w\ blanka a little bit since his moves are easy but main chun li.
Thu, 05-07-2009, 06:12 PM
mostly play cod4, grid, killzone2, fifa 09, etc, etc .. :D
Thu, 05-07-2009, 07:11 PM
I played a bit of CoD4 yesterday. I'm surprised I can still snipe people with a fluctuating 3G connection.
There was one funny part where I killed 5 people with a single MP5 clip in 7 seconds. Got knifed when I was summoning an airstrike though :o
Thu, 05-07-2009, 07:50 PM
Any and every fighting game I own on the 360 as I attempt to learn to use the arcade stick I finally got in the mail today. Authentic Sanwa stick with an Octo-gate. I haven't played a fighting game at an arcade in the greater part of a decade, so I'm really rusty. After years of using regular controllers to the best of their capacity, there is a slight learning curve involved.
Guilty Gear XX #Reloaded got the most playtime. Some moves I haven't been able to do at all on the 360 controller are once again possible, but I've been having some problems with the timing on Milia's aerial moves, and one of my combos with Dizzy. Jam was hit or miss as well. I could finally do her super moves again, but I can't chain link her kicks as easily as I could with the controller.
With enough practice, I will get used to it so I can play SFIV better, and should be proficient in time for the console releases of BlazBlue and King of Fighters XII, not to mention Marvel vs Capcom 2 on XBL.
Fri, 05-08-2009, 02:40 AM
Killzone 2 but mostly dota when im home in the weekends
Fri, 05-08-2009, 02:59 AM
Good old Guilty Gear, eh?
I've played too much that game, but it brings back good memories.
So you are waiting for BlazBlue too Ryll?
Fri, 05-08-2009, 08:40 AM
On a PS3:
Persona 4 (again)
Resident Evil 5
On a PSP:
Prinny: Can I really be the hero?
On a DS:
Dragon Quest IV
On a Wii:
-None- Still gathering dust.
Fri, 05-08-2009, 09:59 AM
Good old Guilty Gear, eh?
I've played too much that game, but it brings back good memories.
So you are waiting for BlazBlue too Ryll?
Ryllharu, Xelbair- though it's a step back, have you both tried GGXX #R PC version's netplay?
Despite being two versions outdate, it's still the only game that HAS a true PC port that's been patched with online capabilities, plus, it has a rather sizeable following.
Fri, 05-08-2009, 01:53 PM
I didn't try netplay - I've been playing at some conventions and with friends. And I've been playing only on pc.
I'm still playing The Last Remnant, i'm much closer to the end. Also i tried demigod - wasted money - i could play DotA(which suck imo too) on my w3 for free...
Fri, 05-08-2009, 02:59 PM
Sorry wrong thread (click mistake)
Sat, 05-09-2009, 03:18 PM
Last Remnant bitch:
What was the Squeenix thinking when making Icy Idol? ok i get, you wanted to make him hard but for goddamn sake teams with high battle-rank(80) that take care of adds at 1st turn can't beat this shit.
My teams have approx 6000hp, and if i have bad day, scratch that - if i have very lucky moment he dosen't, boss uses Maelstrom Insignia at end of turn(500-4000 dmg to all unions... and 3000-4000 happens much more often than 500-2500) and at beginning of next one, before i can heal, comes another AoE(Acid Rain) 1k-4k dmg... and my only union that has Orphic Ward(immunity to one spell attack) dosen't want to use it ever...
2h after writing that i beat that boss, along with final one. game finished.
Gameplay: 8/10(-2 for that imba boss, other than that its just awesome)
graphics 9/10 (some minor glitches - but overall great)
music 10/10(fits perfectly)
plot 10/10(Interesting, big world, very good hooking plot)
Overall 9,5/10
Sat, 05-09-2009, 08:56 PM
Started Dead Rising on the X360 but can't get into it, even though it seems like it could be a lot of fun. So instead I'm running through RE5 again with unlimited ammo on the S&W M500.
Sun, 05-10-2009, 12:11 AM
I finally bought Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 2, after searching in vain for the Japanese version. They seemed to pull it off the shelves after the US version was released :(
Just spent 3 hours on it..... it's tougher than I thought. I've never really been into the DW franchise, so hopefully I'll get better....
Sun, 05-10-2009, 09:49 AM
the amount of bars for a mission indicate how hard its going to be, and ultimately how hax the final officer is going to be.
So when that officer spawns and you notice it has a red flame opposed to an orange one, you are best of making an interim save ;P.
Also you can use red health sp regeneration to run around dodging strong officers and just attacking them with an sp attack when it refills, always block and let them attack first before activating it, otherwise they'll just block it themselfs
Sun, 05-10-2009, 10:42 AM
SF4 on PS3, have ordered Pro Evo 2009 as well.
I got Resistance 2 for free with my PS3 bundle, have not even bothered to open it. Is it worth playing?
Sun, 05-10-2009, 02:16 PM
It's an OK game. Nothing special, pretty standard stuff, no real experimentation or anything innovative.
Sun, 05-10-2009, 03:47 PM
Actually the coop is pretty fresh, with the class based stuff.
Mon, 05-11-2009, 09:18 PM
dota. that's right.
November 11
Wed, 05-13-2009, 09:42 AM
XBox 360: SF4 and Resident Evil 5
This is slightly off topic but recently, when playing the xbox, bands of horizontal blue and red are flashing on my TV. Any idea why this is happening?
Wed, 05-13-2009, 03:01 PM
Back to warcraft 3 - and first thing i see is most overrated and stupid map ever - DotA. there are TONS of better maps in this style - and even better balanced - why people does not play them?
Wed, 05-13-2009, 03:36 PM
Sadly, those less-named maps aren't "good" enough for the public and tend to be shunned. There are some people dedicated to those maps, but there aren't enough people to stand against the Defense of the Ancients fanbase. I agree that there are better maps than Defense of the Ancients, though.
Right now, I am revisiting ICO. Very fun game, and recommend it to all.
Thu, 05-14-2009, 05:53 AM
Nad - you just made me enraged - now i really need to get ps2... for SoC, ICO and Xenosaga.
Fri, 05-15-2009, 01:30 PM
Signed in on Xbox Live for the first time in a couple weeks yesterday, though it was probably much longer than that, and saw the UFC 09 demo was up and decided to give it a try.
Damn is all I can say. I mean seriously I was expecting it to be okay but the demo blew me away, and the characters they picked for the demo couldn't have been better. I love Chuck Liddell but I can't think of anything more satisfying that picking him apart with Rua. Well maybe beating the crap out of Tito Ortiz because I can't stand that guy, speaking of which the roster ( for the game looks great too.
This game just went from not even being on my radar to the very top of my must have list. Right up there with Assasin's Creed 2 and Modern Warfare 2 and I know there are a few MMA fans here so you guys should check it out.
Fri, 05-15-2009, 03:05 PM
I had read that the roster for UFC 09 was ridiculous. 80+ playable characters is just insane.
They started production a couple years ago so they have tons of great fighters like Arlovski that are no longer in the UFC... good for gamers though ^^ I should dl the demo when i get home
Sat, 05-16-2009, 01:33 AM
UFC makes all their fighters sign away likeness rights for life, so they can use their likenesses and names in games in perpetuity, even 100 years from now. It's one of the many reasons Fedor will not sign with UFC.
I need to try the demo for this game, but I imagine it's like any of THQ's pro wrestling games, just with more moves.
Sat, 05-16-2009, 11:27 AM
I need to try the demo for this game, but I imagine it's like any of THQ's pro wrestling games, just with more moves.
Hey, no need to be so negative and THQ's recent wrestling games are actually pretty good. Their wrestling games are usually fast paced arcade style games though whereas this is a much slower paced, much more technical fight simulator and it's pretty damn realistic.
So don't go getting all pessimistic on me.:p
Sat, 05-16-2009, 04:27 PM
Yeah, instead you could look up some videos. There is plenty of footage on gametrailers and youtube.
Sat, 05-16-2009, 04:58 PM
this guy's games - Bureau of Steam Engineering and Codex of Alchemical Engineering.
also this guy's games - they are really interesting.
[edit 19 may 2009]
I've finally got my copy of Final Fantasy 8 for PC - back to kicking asses with squall.
Wed, 06-03-2009, 07:39 AM
I just started playing Half Life 2 : Episode 1. I got it w\ the orange box when it came out and haven' t tried playing it. Alyx is funny sometimes... "hey gordon... look. It's a combine zombie..... Zombine ! get it ?!"
Then at some point I was in a pitch black parking garage and had to keep turning off my flashlight to let it charge and alyx starts making zombie noises lol
Wed, 06-03-2009, 08:19 AM
If you leave it off to long she will freak out, also sometimes its a real zombie and she will ask if it was you.
Tue, 06-09-2009, 03:59 PM
Just beat InFamous, using Good Side's powers. It had an interesting story, but I'm going to go back and play on Hard and Evil.
Tue, 06-09-2009, 04:06 PM
I've been playing team fortress 2 again. It really is a great game. I have been playing 2-3 hours at a time!
Tue, 06-09-2009, 04:09 PM
My World My Way - DS
Valkyria Chronicles - ps3
Tue, 06-09-2009, 08:59 PM
Just beat InFamous, using Good Side's powers. It had an interesting story, but I'm going to go back and play on Hard and Evil.
How did you like the game overall? Does it get boring? Does it feel like just a sandbox type game? Been planning to pick it up.
Tue, 06-09-2009, 09:11 PM
The game put me on Hard from the get go and I think it was great, though I think it's much harder to play as good since you just can't go and wreck everything. pretty solid game
Thu, 06-11-2009, 11:01 AM
How did you like the game overall? Does it get boring? Does it feel like just a sandbox type game? Been planning to pick it up.
The game is interesting, at first you are kinda just exploring, but as you continue on the story and get new powers, oh man it's fun haha.
Only problem, the reply value after you beat the game isn't super high, but if you beat the game the first time doing good actions, go back and beat it using bad actions. You get different endings and different cut scenes.
Overall, it was a fun experience, i would definitely recommend it.
Side note: as darkshadow said, put the game on hard and then play it. Much funner than easy or medium.
Sat, 06-13-2009, 06:33 PM
Prototype (
Just watch the video, this game is incredibly badass.
Sat, 06-13-2009, 06:42 PM
When I watched the review of Prototype on gamespot, it looked like you spent the overwhelming majority of the time getting hit with machine gun fire and rockets and then struggling to regain health by absorbing people.
It became clear from this video that whoever was playing during the gamestop review footage just wasn't very good.
Or does it get a lot crazier later on?
Fallout 3 is still a lot of fun thanks to all the mods, but I'm getting a little tired of it, and could use another good PC game. Good to know the port of Prototype is well done.
Sat, 06-13-2009, 07:11 PM
The Gamespot and GT review were both playing it wrong I think, yeah at the very start you can't do a whole lot so you eat a lot of damage.
But the thing is, you can buy the shield power pretty much off the bat since it doesn't cost anything, and it works passively.
And afterwards you just get more powerful like every 30 mins. You even get a "health regen" skill.
So far I haven't died once.
No wait I did die once, but that was because at a certain point in the game a certain type of enemy is introduced, this enemy is pretty damn strong and can pretty much follow you anywhere. You actually also have to run away from it to unlock a power to actually be able to fight it, even then it's still powerful enough to kill you in a few hits, but you will get used to fighting them.
I was just a fool and rushed in trying to stomp it. It did all the stomping.
The game actually plays in a prequel kind of way, giving you a taste of the endgame and full powered alex at the very start ( kinda like path of neo), and then alex proceeds to tell the story of what happened in the past days, this is what you wind up playing. But from what I've experienced, endgame alex = unstoppable. I didn't even knew how to exactly play the game, yet wrecked shit left and right.
Sun, 06-14-2009, 10:38 AM
No wait I did die once, but that was because at a certain point in the game a certain type of enemy is introduced, this enemy is pretty damn strong and can pretty much follow you anywhere. You actually also have to run away from it to unlock a power to actually be able to fight it, even then it's still powerful enough to kill you in a few hits, but you will get used to fighting them.
I was just a fool and rushed in trying to stomp it. It did all the stomping.
Haha, hunters right.
I wish there was a PC or even a 360 version of infamous. After getting a taste of both games Infamous just seems way better to me. Prototype is a solid game but its kinda bland. Yeah you have all these crazy powers but something about the way you interact with the world around you just doesn't click for me. Especially in the later part of the game, you're like a god running around in this huge city but you never feel like you're a part of it. Kinda like Superman Returns but it's not nearly that bad. It felt more like a Spiderman game, in fact the entire time I was playing Prototype I couldn't help but compare it to Web of Shadows.
I don't want to appear too negative though. I think Prototype is a good game, I compared it to Web of Shadows and I loved Web of shadows, I just think Infamous is that much better.
Sun, 06-14-2009, 12:19 PM
Prototype right now - i'm killing boss on the aircraft carrier.
Sun, 06-14-2009, 12:23 PM
The gameplay of prototype reminds me of Dead Rising. I think I'll go buy a copy, though I'm really used to the gameplay of DR and want to continue playing it (I've finished it twice already). But it's time for new challenges, so Prototype, here I come!
Sun, 06-14-2009, 01:30 PM
Some more footage (
This time I focused on showing some of the powers and Street Fighter references, this game is a shit load of fun.
Sun, 06-14-2009, 03:23 PM
yeah, but this guy at carrier is annoying, throwing stuff at him does minimum dmg(even with power for it) and if he goes down to like 25% hp you have 1,5min to finish him off...
Sun, 06-14-2009, 05:17 PM
Some more footage (
This time I focused on showing some of the powers and Street Fighter references, this game is a shit load of fun.
Hilarious video. If the first video hadn't convinced me, this one would have.
Good thing it just finished downloading. :D
Sun, 06-14-2009, 05:26 PM
Hilarious video.
Indeed. The music made it even better. I laughed at the Blanka roll. I wasn't expecting that after seeing all the shoto moves. I'll probably Gamefly the PS3 version after I send back Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2.
Sun, 06-14-2009, 06:17 PM
I reactivated my WOW account...
haven't played that much. Got in and re-specced my 77 paladin but don't know if I'm going to keep playing. I don't really know what to do since I left off playing at the beginning of January.
I was playing this morning and I was like ... "ok, in 5 minutes I'm going to stop playing and goto the gym" and then it's like 40 minutes later and I'm like... uh... wtf?! where did the time go?!
Sun, 06-14-2009, 06:23 PM
I just started playing the Wind Waker, for the Game Cube. I was playing a lot of Civilization 4: Warlords before. It's like a giant board game, so big only a computer can realistically keep track of the rules.
Sun, 06-14-2009, 06:40 PM
I am playing another old game called Shadow of the Colossus. Very fun and feels like a sequel to ICO. Anyone who likes action and adventuring, as well as solving puzzles, should pick this up.
Board of Command
Sun, 06-14-2009, 10:05 PM
I am playing another old game called Shadow of the Colossus. Very fun and feels like a sequel to ICO. Anyone who likes action and adventuring, as well as solving puzzles, should pick this up.
Shadow of the Colossus was an epic game.
Right now I'm playing Prototype. It's like GTA, but with superpowers.
Sun, 06-14-2009, 11:14 PM
Anyone here running Prototype on XP SP2? It's the first game I've seen that specifically asks for Service Pack 3, though functionality isn't different by much.
Mon, 06-15-2009, 12:14 AM
I just completed the infamous demo, and it looks pretty promising. Will try and pick it up if I find enough money in this recession period. :p
Mon, 06-15-2009, 12:35 AM
Anyone here running Prototype on XP SP2? It's the first game I've seen that specifically asks for Service Pack 3, though functionality isn't different by much.
I wondered the same thing, luckily it doesn't require it like GTA4, it runs fine under SP2
Tue, 06-16-2009, 03:04 PM
My wife wasn't happy that I was playing WOW, even after I told her I would only play for 45 minutes, she didn't seem to care :(
so I guess I'm not playing WOW anymore
Tue, 06-16-2009, 08:24 PM
I got Prototype for the X360. Fun game, but somehow I'm just not getting into it. I think it's the mechanics of the game being kind of like Dead Rising, but different in a way that makes it hard for me to play. Hopefully I can have some fun with this game and finish it within a month so it still has some trade-in value when I'm done.
I think one of the problems is that I'm just not much of a gamer. I play when I'm bored and killing time and have no choice, whereas right now I've got other things to do but I'm trying to play this game.
Wed, 06-17-2009, 08:50 AM
Just played some metal gear online, after a year of not playing and I forgot how incredibly good it can be.
Though it can also be incredibly annoying if there is even a slightest bit of lag, which make CQC'ing impossible. I've stabbed people in the face, only for them to turn and shoot me in the head and we both die, people have grabbed me from 3 meters away, grabbed straight through people, grabbed people only for them to magically still headshot me.
The worst one had to be where I fired an entire clip on a guy who was lying on the ground, I then had to reload, he stood up, fired and we both died. I wasn't even firing anymore...
That is the kind of shit why I prefer xblive, even if it means paying.
Though like I said, it can be pretty incredibly awesome when it all works correctly, my last few matches had very little lag so that was awesome.
Wed, 06-17-2009, 12:32 PM
Valve should start charging a yearly online fee too. The way L4D lags sometimes, it's like they need to sell the game at $100 a pop to afford some extra servers/bandwidth or something.
Wed, 06-17-2009, 03:14 PM
valve shouldn't charge! I like being able to play team fortress or counterstrike online for free.
So, per my last post in the thread I uninstalled WoW after only playing for like 2 hours after reinstalling it. Apparently I promised my wife I'd never play it again!
Wed, 06-17-2009, 06:50 PM
Got InFamous, had it switched to Hard by the game (?) then just left it. It's been pretty damn fun so far. On the second island, playing as good.
One thing that pisses me off though is that some of these guys are so fucking accurate from a million yards away and you don't have Precision shot yet, it can be super annoying.
Wed, 06-17-2009, 07:16 PM
Yeah thats the only thing about the game that I find really annoying, they are accurate from miles away and their viewing range is super far as well.
Board of Command
Wed, 06-17-2009, 08:56 PM
I finished Prototype this afternoon. It was the most intense game I've ever played.
Nonstop carnage.
Thu, 06-18-2009, 04:07 AM
just main story line or web too?
Thu, 06-18-2009, 04:32 AM
I waste most of my time trying to get gold awards on the challenges that appear before I even start each of the main missions, so I haven't gotten very far at all (Day 4 of the Infection).
I kind of just enjoy running around the city smacking military and infected around.
Dark Dragon
Thu, 06-18-2009, 05:13 AM
I kinda tried to go far enough into the game first in order to have most of the upgrades available. I'd just figure that some of the movement challenge will be much easier after a few movement upgrades.
I'm currently on like day 6 and now that i finally have most of the upgrade unlocked, i'm just gonna go around and complete all the challenges.
Thu, 06-18-2009, 06:24 AM
I'm playing Warcraft 3 again starting with RoC then later TFT
also, I'm editing the campaign maps to make them playable for 2 players
UD campaign map 1-4 are done so far :)
It's fun to add new triggers and events to balance the map
if someone is interested, I'd like to test them btw ^^
but you'll need TFT because most of them are .w3x maps (due to editing)
Thu, 06-18-2009, 07:37 AM
valve shouldn't charge! I like being able to play team fortress or counterstrike online for free.
So, per my last post in the thread I uninstalled WoW after only playing for like 2 hours after reinstalling it. Apparently I promised my wife I'd never play it again!
Tell her she should be thankfull you didn`t went to 5 hours raid, quiting WoW is the best you can do with your life T_T
Thu, 06-18-2009, 07:54 AM
you have all achievements unlocked after you finish game and can finish them after main storyline - I'm actually at 65% of web.
Board of Command
Thu, 06-18-2009, 03:06 PM
just main story line or web too?
Just main story. I was around 50% complete with the web.
Thu, 06-18-2009, 07:38 PM
Another thing I hate about InFamous are the rockets. Grenades have an indicator but half the time someone flanks you on a roof top 30 miles away and scores a 1 shot with a rocket on you. It doesn't happen that often, but when it does it's ridiculous.
Thu, 06-18-2009, 08:43 PM
I'm playing Ninja Turtles: The Hyperstone Heist for Sega Genesis. It's a bit better that the SNES equivalent: Turtles in Time because the game play is faster and the enemies are more aggressive.
Take that foot soldier! That's what you get for lurking just off the side of the screen.
Mon, 06-22-2009, 09:49 PM
I'm playing Ninja Turtles: The Hyperstone Heist for Sega Genesis. It's a bit better that the SNES equivalent: Turtles in Time because the game play is faster and the enemies are more aggressive.
Take that foot soldier! That's what you get for lurking just off the side of the screen.
I loved Turtles in Time on SNES, one of my favorite games of all time. They are bringing it back on XBOX Live Arcade July 22nd. It looks kinda weird since they made it 3D.
Mon, 06-22-2009, 11:32 PM
Well just playe a solid 7 hours of Star Ocean and I think its pretty good, its not as deep or epic as lost odyssey but its definitly good.
But can someone (who has played it) perhaps enlighten me how the hell Lymle is supposed to 15? She looks like a 6 year old o_O.
Mon, 06-22-2009, 11:46 PM
I just finished Resident Evil 5 yesterday, so Im trying to get several trophies now and have a carnage on Mercenaries.
Im also through the 7th playthrough of Prinny: Can I really be the hero? So I can get the Etna fight before I download the extra stages from the PSN store.
Also began Shin Megami Tensei Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha vs the Soulless Army. Fantastic jewel of game.
Dragon Quest IV DS, Shin Megami Tensei Digital Devil Saga and Disgaea 3 are currently on hold until I want to play them again in order to finish...
Plan to pick up Shin Megami Tensei Devil Survivor this weekend.
PS: I want Star Ocean 4 on PS3 ='(
November 11
Tue, 06-23-2009, 05:05 AM
Just finished Lost Odyssey. Its a good game.
Now deciding between Star Ocean (the graphics shown on box look abit too flashy) and Last Remnant.
Tue, 06-23-2009, 05:52 AM
Last remnant for pc is great - but i heard that it has some issues on xbox version.
Actually it is one of best rpg games that i have played lately.
Tue, 06-23-2009, 08:24 AM
Definitly don't get Last Remnant on x360, it runs like dogpoop, the PC version however, runs flawlessly ( at least for me, tried the demo ).
But even so, Star Ocean > Last Remnant.
November 11
Wed, 06-24-2009, 05:12 AM
That settles it - I'm getting Star Ocean for xbox360. :D
Wed, 06-24-2009, 05:40 PM
The dub is painful. Like, fall on a pile of rusted metal painful at some spots. I will admit that I bought the game used the week it came out so that Square-Enix wouldn't get a dime for not offering dual-audio on their US releases. I also cannot stand the main character at all. I loathe Edge Maverick, he's easily the most annoying main character in an RPG I've ever played, but maybe a lot of that is just the bad dub.
I expected so much more from a Squeenix published title, and a Star Ocean game at that, but the English track is so horrendously godawful I can barely play the game. Words cannot describe it, watch some Youtube videos and think carefully about it.
Other than that, the game is great. Maybe I should start playing it on mute.
Wed, 06-24-2009, 09:10 PM
I don't think the dub is bad at all actually, sure it isn't at lost odyssey level, but I feel the majority of voices are either a bit worse, or actually better.
Reimi and Edge sound way too young with jpn VA's(Reimi's jVA isn't really good either). And Welch actually sounds spot on for the role she is playing, this is the first time I've heard a hyper japanese girl done right with an eVA( I lol'd when she called Faize, "fail"). Lymle does sound pretty bad, or maybe just very uninspired.
Since I don't know faize's jVA, I can only say I thought Crow sounded better in japanese ( and lymle).
Thu, 06-25-2009, 12:01 AM
Welch appears on Star Ocean 4 again? Geez... I've seen her on Star Ocean First Departure and Star Ocean 2nd Evolution. Can't remember if she was (non-playable) on Star Ocean Till the End of Time though...
Thu, 06-25-2009, 01:31 AM
I'm playing Monster Hunter Freedom Unite now.
I had about 500 hours on Monster Hunter Freedom 2, I decided to start over on Unite with a new character cause I didn't like my old character's name >.<
Thu, 06-25-2009, 06:32 AM
I would love to play monster hunter...
Thu, 06-25-2009, 10:37 AM
Does anybody want to buy my WOW set + account?
$45 = battlechest ( like-new ) WOTLK (like-new) and my account w\ lvl 77 paladin + a few low levels + little gold.
Mon, 06-29-2009, 02:33 AM
I would love to play monster hunter...
... what's stopping you? =(
Mon, 06-29-2009, 06:47 AM
anyone play Disgaea 3 : Absence of Justice .. ?
very good RPG in my opinion .. one of the best ... :D
Mon, 06-29-2009, 09:29 AM
Welch is non-playable in Star Ocean Till the End of Time, she fills the same function as in SO4.
Well currently on what I'm guessing is the last dungeon in Star Ocean 4 before my 360 died at least but thankfully a friend fixed it for me. After I'm done with the main story I'll start with Tales of Vesperia since it came out last week here in Europe. Also don't geel like doing the extra dungeon right now. And from the sound of things I should really get off my ass and play Lost Odyssey seeing as I've had it since it came out but never played it.
The ps3 haven't gotten much attention lately so lent it to a friend.
And playing Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor on DS only on the first day though.
Also think Star Ocean 4 and Tales of Vesperia got a 5 or so in our game magazines, they seem to expect a lot more from a JRPG or rather expect them to do something other than what they've done before.
RyougaZell: Is Devil Summoner really that fun? I kinda got tired of the rate of random encounters so haven't played it in quite some time. And why isn't Devil Summoner 2 on the play list?
Mon, 06-29-2009, 10:26 AM
Just finished Prototype and i'm currently playing Overlord 2
Mon, 06-29-2009, 12:01 PM
RyougaZell: Is Devil Summoner really that fun? I kinda got tired of the rate of random encounters so haven't played it in quite some time. And why isn't Devil Summoner 2 on the play list?
Yes it is. Its specially fun to use the demons on the solo mode. Controlling Jack Frost is just so damn cool.
Devil Summoner 2 is one my wait list. I have my disc ready to be played once I finish Devil Summoner. Its the first time Im playing it.
I have TOO many games on wait list actually...
For Wii/GC:
Resident Evil Remake
For PS2:
Resident Evil Code Veronica X
Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga
Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga 2
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner 2 Raidou Kuzunoha vs the Abaddon King
Eternal Poison
Ar Tonelico 2: Melody of Metafalica
Kingdom Hearts RE:Chain of Memories
For PS3:
Disgaea 3
Cross Edge
For PSP:
Star Ocean Second Evolution
For DS:
Valkyrie Profile Covenant of the Plume
Chrono Trigger
Dragon Quest IV
And I still plan to get Devil Survivor this weekend...
So many games... so little time =(
I recently finished Valkyria Chornicles, Resident Evil 5, Star Ocean First Departure and im on my way of finishing Prinny: Can I really be the hero?
Mon, 06-29-2009, 12:26 PM
I am playing Cross Edge at the moment, but it has too many interface icons for me to know what the heck is going on. Great game, otherwise.
Mon, 06-29-2009, 01:57 PM
Thats not too much actually, you just have to finish the games that take the least amount of time first, like veronica and remake.
Mon, 06-29-2009, 06:51 PM
I'm currently playing Crazy Taxi for Sega Dreamcast. Whaddaya mean, "bad driver?" Gimme my fare jerk!
Tue, 06-30-2009, 12:22 PM
I rented UFC 2009 Undisputed from Gamefly last week. I've been playing it along side Fight Night Round 4, which I purchased last Tuesday. I'd have to say between the two, I like UFC more.
I just got back from the mall. I picked up BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger Limited Edition for PS3. I'm going get started on that now.
Tue, 06-30-2009, 01:15 PM
what comes with the LE?
Tue, 06-30-2009, 01:24 PM
A 2 disc Original Soundtrack containing 42 tracks by Guilty Gear's Daisuke Ishiwatari and remixes by DJ Oh No!
Bonus Blu-Ray disc with tutorials, expert advice, character specific strategies, and more.
The LE is the only version available right now. The regular edition comes out 7/28 for the same $60 price.
Tue, 06-30-2009, 03:53 PM
I still have to wait for this lovely game!
Tue, 06-30-2009, 06:32 PM
lol wow. BlazBlue just came out today and Aksys has already submitted a patch for it.
KanedaGS from Aksys here... I thought I'd just chime in here to say that a patch is coming for the PS3 which will address the online issues some of you may have experienced, we're just waiting on the requisite approvals. Also, some localization issues were fixed as well as the addtion of double-blind selection in ranked matches. Oh, and for you rage quitters, if you do it enough times you'll get a redflag on your PSN name in the game. You may now go about your business.
Tue, 06-30-2009, 07:40 PM
That seems like an interesting CE, not that it will ever make its way to europe......D:
Wed, 07-01-2009, 07:26 AM
I hope that this gets released in Europe soon...
Mon, 07-06-2009, 07:00 PM
Also playing BlazBlue (Limited Edition preorder) for the xbox 360. I was very happy to hear it went dual platform.
I've been sticking mostly with Litchi and Noel, but I want to learn to use Rachel.
I really like Litchi's Drive mechanic, the staff makes for some good pincer moves, but I'm not really good with the Four Winds move yet (the Sonic whirl) or the Reach moves as well as I would like. She's faster and a lot more maneuverable than Carl.
Carl reminds me a bit of Zappa from Guilty Gear XX, but relying more on splitting your concentration.
Noel is easy, she's a lot like the kickless EX mode Jam from GGXX, with a bit of Ciel/Sion from Melty Blood. She's fast like Millia Rage, but has ranged attacks with some odd hit zones. Rachel is like Testament and Dizzy together, but with only his traps and her summons. Her drive is a lot like the movement and placement game you need to master with Dizzy's Air Dashes. Her walking speed is pathetic, just like Dizzy's. Dizzy had a very powerful close combat game, but Rachel is weak. She's so unorthodox that you could be very nasty with her if you master her.
I'm really impressed how well the game works with the controller and analog sticks. I wasn't meeting with a lot of success on my Arcade Stick, but the game does have an Arcade mode as opposed to the Controller Mode, so I might see what that does.
The LE came with the same stuff Marik mentioned, but the Gamestop preorder got me an artbook too. (
[image courtesy of official site]
Mon, 07-06-2009, 07:33 PM
Cool, another person that likes Litchi. She was the first person I chose when I got the game and I've been sticking with her.
I could have gotten the artbook, but I canceled my online pre-order. I wanted to have the game day one..
Mon, 07-06-2009, 08:16 PM
I stopped playing Prototype but I haven't finished it. Not sure why but it just doesn't appeal to me, plus it got tougher completing missions and I don't want to bother going to the trouble of learning to play to finish the game.
Hopefully it still has good trade-in value at Gamestop when I get around to trading it in.
Mon, 07-06-2009, 08:20 PM
Cool, another person that likes Litchi. She was the first person I chose when I got the game and I've been sticking with her.
Agreed, Litchi is awesome.
The "Reach" set moves (for those who don't use her) can make her cross the stage as quickly as Rachel's gusts do for her, so long as you place the staff in the right spot. One pops her on top of it (very cool looking) and out of the range of some attacks, one whips her to it and bounces off, and the last one curls her legs around it and tosses it at her opponent (very sexy).
If you mix that up with her uppercut to plant the staff and her B.Jenet (Garou/KoF) style kick moves, Litchi can do a lot of damage really fast while popping in and out of range.
That, and her down-B has some nasty reach and the AI usually falls for it.
The lighter arcs of her story mode is pretty funny too. I haven't gotten to the 'true' arc yet.
Mon, 07-06-2009, 08:43 PM
Hopefully it still has good trade-in value at Gamestop when I get around to trading it in.
I saw some guy trade it in when I was picking up Fight Night Round 4 on June 23rd and it was only worth $18 credit then.
Mon, 07-06-2009, 09:13 PM
Shin Megami Tensei Devil Survivor on the NDS
fucking amazing game.
Mon, 07-06-2009, 09:34 PM
Any RPG out there on PC other than Last Remnant? I dont care if its ancient.
Even emulated games will do.
Save for Breath o Fire n FF7, I havn't played any other RPGs. Recommendation gaming gurus?
Mon, 07-06-2009, 10:59 PM
ancient? well, I guess then definitly play Grandia 2
Mon, 07-06-2009, 11:00 PM
SNES - Secret of Mana, Seiken Densetsu 3 (Basically Secret of Mana 2), Super Mario RPG
PS1 - Xenogears (Must play!!), Legend of Dragoon.
Thats all for now, but there are tons more.
Mon, 07-06-2009, 11:25 PM
I dunno how i managed it, but I absolutly forgot about Xenogears. Ya, I played that one. :D And it definitely was a must play.
No Grandia 1? Skip to 2?
Tue, 07-07-2009, 01:26 AM
Yeah skip 1, 2 is the holy grail in the series, though 1 had a nice story. But its irrelevant to 2, like the final fantasy's. Grandia 2 is the RPG I had the most fun with to date, its not the best, but it was the most appealing to me.
Tue, 07-07-2009, 06:55 AM
Skies of Arcadia is a good one, as well as Suikoden 2 (best game in the series).
Tue, 07-07-2009, 07:53 AM
I'm over 70 hours into Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2 and have clocked over 100,000 kills. :p
Tue, 07-07-2009, 08:06 AM
My brother bought Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2, and I've been playing it with him every so often. It's pretty fun in a hack-n-slash way. I haven't used all of them yet, but my favourite is the pink gundam from Seed (Infinite Justice?).
You clock up kills so fast.
Otherwise, I'm still dropping in and out of COD4 servers while I wait for Modern Warfare 2.
I bought CS:S and L4D in hopes of finding an alternative, but I always ended up ditching them aside to play more COD4 again.
It's no longer "fresh", but still fun. I'm only competent at 2 things though:
Large servers: Sniping loads and loads :)
Small servers: sneaking around with all-silent perks and weapons. :D
Tue, 07-07-2009, 10:20 AM
Any RPG out there on PC other than Last Remnant? I dont care if its ancient.Even emulated games will do.
I can't believe no one mentioned Chrono Trigger.
I don't like most RPGs and I usually hate video games based on movies or TV shows, but I found Digimon Word 3 for PS1 surprisingly good. I honestly had a fun time with this game. Even if there was no franchise, Digimon World 3 was just a great rpg at its core. Then I tried digimon world 1, 2, and, 4 and decided that they stunk.
Sat, 07-11-2009, 06:07 AM
Got out from the army last week was there for 6 months so i have some catching up to do.
X-men Wolverine
Riddick: Dark athena
Afro samurai
Red faction guerilla
I'll be busy for some time (:
Sun, 07-12-2009, 09:58 PM
Back to Fallout 3 (again) for Point Lookout DLC, which I apparently missed when it came out. A lot of occult fun there, with some spy stuff mixed in there. Added a few more clothing/armor mods in, messed around with those a little bit.
Played some more BlazBlue at a friends. Fighting games are just more fun in person. I'm definitely switching my main to Rachel though. She's enough like Dizzy that I've got a firm handle on her positioning, though a Noel or Jin still kicks my ass routinely. Nothing beats floating all around the screen only to have them chase you to the edge of the screen where you left a rod or two for a quick Distortion Drive :D
Litchi is fun, and I like her character, but most of her moves are executed with half circles that are tough to pull of on the 360 sticks when being pressured by a fast character. She's just too hit or miss, depending on if you can trap the opponent into a wall. There's no chance involved with Rachel, either you watch what you're doing or you lose. I just wish she had just one more Slyphied block or they charged just a little bit faster. It sucks wasting them to move the pumpkin.
Mon, 07-13-2009, 02:08 PM
Damn you!
I still have to wait for European release of this marvelous game!
Mon, 07-13-2009, 09:09 PM
Damn you!
I still have to wait for European release of this marvelous game!
If you got a ps3 you can import it.
Just finished Star Ocean 4, next up is finishing Tales of Vesperia
Mon, 07-13-2009, 11:50 PM
Was bored so I bought Worms for the PS3 via PSN. Regretted my decision half an hour later :(
Tue, 07-14-2009, 06:27 AM
You could've bought sf2 hd remix instead :(
Tue, 07-14-2009, 08:57 AM
I already have it, though I seldom play online these days. Was looking for a good party game but there are better ones available......
Tue, 07-14-2009, 09:03 AM
Worms is fantastic... in a pc...
Tue, 07-14-2009, 09:05 AM
Worms is fantastic... in a pc...
Yeah my colleagues and I used to play Worms: Armaggedon to death (albeit secretly), but maybe that's the reason I couldn't really get into the PS3 one.
Tue, 07-14-2009, 03:29 PM
I was really disappointed by the XBL version of Worms, so I am a little leery about buying the Armaggedon version that just came out. I used to play them to death on the PlayStation.
The XBL version of Worms was terrible, there were almost no customization options for matches. I missed my unlimited ninja ropes, girders, blow torches and jackhammers with maxed health matches (no other weapons except bazooka, the fighting moves, prod and one teleport). We became experts at tossing each other into the water.
Wed, 07-15-2009, 05:27 AM
Ye old good worms - i've always loved Holy Hand Grenade and Bazooka.
As for blazblue - yes i have ps3 and i do plan to import it.
Wed, 07-15-2009, 05:27 AM
Please remove this post - no idea why it popped up.
Also i saw it weird on my pc - there were 5 of those posts and after refresh there were only 2
Wed, 07-15-2009, 07:37 AM
As for blazblue - yes i have ps3 and i do plan to import it.
Oh what the hell? Now that I've learned about and want this game, I can't find an Australian release date. Apparently people still think we're a part of Europe...
Wed, 07-15-2009, 09:00 AM
Valkyria Chronicles 2 for PSP!!!!
I want that game... NOW.
Wed, 07-15-2009, 03:07 PM i need to get psp for this game.
Wed, 07-15-2009, 03:27 PM
Oh what the hell? Now that I've learned about and want this game, I can't find an Australian release date. Apparently people still think we're a part of Europe...
Well aren't you guys often worse of than us Europeans? Anyway ordered it from like 3 different places and still haven't seen sight of it so canceled two of them, one that keep saying they're waiting to get it in stock and one where I haven't heard from if I can buy it or not. So here's to hoping I get the game soon.
Wed, 07-15-2009, 03:48 PM
Oh what the hell? Now that I've learned about and want this game, I can't find an Australian release date. Apparently people still think we're a part of Europe...
I thought you guys were PAL too. Don't you coincide with European release dates? Or do those pesky review boards interfere with your releases?
Even if you are Region 4 rather than 2 or 1, you're still PAL, so it shouldn't matter.
Wed, 07-15-2009, 05:38 PM
You are, since Australia uses PAL. It's your own fault for adopting the superior format ;/.
Wed, 07-15-2009, 07:56 PM
That's right, Australia uses PAL, we generally coincide with European release dates, and from what I've read, there is none scheduled for this game.
Wed, 07-15-2009, 11:30 PM
I've been playing beat 'em ups all day. I started with double dragon for NES. I'm currently on Comix Zone for Genesis (That's Mega Drive to you Pal and NTSC-J folks).
Tue, 07-21-2009, 04:39 AM
Ok finally got my ex of Blazblue if it weren't for the fact that I've slept like crap these last couple of days I'd be super excited... well that and the fact that my friend borrowed my PS3 so I can't play it
November 11
Tue, 07-21-2009, 06:33 AM
I've finished the main storyline Star Ocean 4 :D Cant say I've completed all the quests yet.
Compared to Lost Odyssey, Star Ocean 4 is abit lacking in the story execution and overall ambience. However, the gameplay in SO4 is abit more unique (to me) due to the chain combos, blindside, etc.
As for the characters, I have to say they are quite different from one another, "kay"? :P
Wed, 07-22-2009, 12:40 AM
Right now I'm kicking it old school with Final Fantasy 6. I've owned the game for over 11 years and I've decided I should finally beat it.
Wed, 07-22-2009, 06:21 AM
I've got my hands on Guitar Hero Metallica!
Thu, 07-23-2009, 06:57 PM
Playing Splinter Cell Double Agent on the X360. It's different from the storyline of the Xbox version I remember from before. Sadly, they seem to have messed with the game mechanics a bit. There's a snow and ice level early on that seems to not rely on the shadows and stealth elements at all. Basically you have to sneak from cover to cover. Any line of sight enemy sighting and you're toast.
It's a very frustrating game overall, and they added a difficult element with the map, as the image becomes outdated and fuzzy as you move, then it takes a second to remap your surroundings once you're still. Those seconds are all it takes for an enemy to move into position to see you.
I hope the game gets more stealth driven, as I am currently on a map that requires you to kill everyone.
Thu, 07-23-2009, 10:15 PM
Yeah the reworked mechanics made it so that the xbox version was far superior, plus the xbox version has true coop like Chaos Theory. The xbox version was made by Ubisoft montreal and the "current-gen" versions by Ubisoft Shanghai.
Pretty much every map is in broad daylight, so you don't have the goggles either later on.
Though in the final level, everything goes dark again and for a few moments you will get that awesome splinter cell gameplay again.
Thu, 07-23-2009, 10:42 PM
Yeah the reworked mechanics made it so that the xbox version was far superior, plus the xbox version has true coop like Chaos Theory. The xbox version was made by Ubisoft montreal and the "current-gen" versions by Ubisoft Shanghai.
Pretty much every map is in broad daylight, so you don't have the goggles either later on.
Though in the final level, everything goes dark again and for a few moments you will get that awesome splinter cell gameplay again.
So is there any benefit (or is it even possible) to accomplish most missions without having to kill a bunch of enemies? As you know, the point of Splinter Cell games is to walk through the entire game without being seen or having your presence detected. I think they're heading away from this type of gameplay in favor of body counts, as the future title SC:Conviction is meant to be played as a shoot-em up instead of a stealth sneaker.
Fri, 07-24-2009, 09:13 AM
Uhm, I think there is a single achievement for completing a mission undetected, that's about it.
And no Conviction can be played either way you want, you also can't perform quick kills if you don't use stealth, so even if you go on assault you will need to do some stealth.
Fri, 07-24-2009, 02:40 PM
I got the call from "Ashley" at GameStop last night saying that my copy of King of Fighters XII would be in this afternoon. I went and picked up my copy a while ago and I've been enjoying it so far. I'm currently playing thru as Terry, Andy, and Joe the original Fatal Fury: King of Fighters team.
I'm so glad that they let you install the game to the PS3's hard drive, you could not with BlazBlue. The loading times in BlazBlue is the only gripe I had against the game. There's a theme on the disc. You will see it in the game section of the XMB. That was an unexpected nice little bonus.
Has anyone heard about this KOF movie? They have Maggie Q playing Mai. :( She doesn't have the breasts for it. She would have been better as Vice.
Edit: I also got a code for the GameStop exclusive Madden NFL 10 demo with four 5 min quarters between the Steelers and Cardinals. I really don't want to play the game before I get the full version, so if you own a PS3 and want the code let me know.
Fri, 07-24-2009, 03:36 PM
Is Ashley hot?
Fri, 07-24-2009, 04:27 PM
I'll have to wait till next week, too bad you got the PS3 version, seems we won't be playing.
Anyway, move over SF4 ( dissapointing POS ).
Fri, 07-24-2009, 04:31 PM
Is Ashley hot?
Sadly, it's just a pre-recorded voice message.
Edit: Athena is f'n awesome. Psycho Ball!
Fri, 07-24-2009, 06:11 PM
Anyway, move over SF4 ( dissapointing POS ).
I completely agree on this one. While it looks great, my friends and I stopped playing it only a few weeks after I bought it. Even an arcade stick wasn't enough to save it.
SFIV is no SFII:Turbo.
The biggest problem is the controls are too demanding of precision. With a proper d-pad (360 with a hollowed-out ring, dual shock, etc) or even an arcade stick with a proper Sanwa JLF stick, the game is too unforgiving on input. It becomes difficult to even pull off the occasional basic combo. I'm not going to deny that I am not that good at SFIV (except with Cammy) but it is a little ridiculous how often you are not able to perform a special move on the first try.
The thing that really killed it for me was how long it took them to update Online versus matches with a blind character select screen. Waiting 20 seconds to start a match so the douchebag on the other end will actually pick a character sucks. It turned me off from the whole online experience. At a real arcade, people would at the very least give you a huge glare or call you on that kind of crap. For Capcom to not realize how often people pulled that shit since the current-gen consoles incorporated online matches is embarrassing. It's been a little over 3 years since people started doing that in Dead or Alive 4, and about 3 years since people have been doing it on Street Fighter II for XBLA. Blind selection should have been in there on release.
There really wasn't any significant improvement over SFII Remix, and in fact, I think a lot of the balancing got thrown off.
BlazBlue has already gotten so much more playtime, and there are fewer characters. It has none of the problems I mentioned above, and Arc System Works did a surprisingly amazing job on optimizing the analog sticks. I actually prefer to use the controller over my arcade stick. The story mode was a pleasant surprise too. There's a more fleshed out world and more developed characters in the debut title than there has been in several of the Street Fighter games combined. For a company that went from, "I hate baldies!" to the depth that BlazBlue has is kind of staggering. People might still play cheap online, but that's just a matter of skill in the end.
I discover new ways to use Rachel and her Silphie Drive every day :)
The only complaint I have is the same problem I've had with all of Arc System's games. An option in Training mode that goes through the moves like DoA, Virtua Fighter, or SFIV would be nice. That and Litchi's quick specials are horribly mapped. They picked the two worst of her super attacks, and only one of her useful specials. It was so bad I had to switch to Rachel and Taokaka.
I think I will wait for a few full reviews before I pick up KoF XII.
Fri, 07-24-2009, 08:19 PM
Playing Baten Kaitos, Twilight Princess, and Metroid Prime 3: Corruption.
I know they're old, I just got a Wii a couple days ago. I'll have Gamecube Games and Wii games to go through.
Sat, 07-25-2009, 09:54 AM
I completely agree on this one. While it looks great, my friends and I stopped playing it only a few weeks after I bought it. Even an arcade stick wasn't enough to save it.
SFIV is no SFII:Turbo.
The thing that really killed it for me was how long it took them to update Online versus matches with a blind character select screen. Waiting 20 seconds to start a match so the douchebag on the other end will actually pick a character sucks. It turned me off from the whole online experience. At a real arcade, people would at the very least give you a huge glare or call you on that kind of crap. For Capcom to not realize how often people pulled that shit since the current-gen consoles incorporated online matches is embarrassing. It's been a little over 3 years since people started doing that in Dead or Alive 4, and about 3 years since people have been doing it on Street Fighter II for XBLA. Blind selection should have been in there on release.
There really wasn't any significant improvement over SFII Remix, and in fact, I think a lot of the balancing got thrown off.
Man I so much hate ranked matches just because people just wait and wait and still pick Ken/Ryu/Sagat/Gief, just pick your fucking charater, heck on pc I can actually hear my hdd loading the game, yet the vs screen must linger on for another 3 seconds, hd remix is so much better in this aspect alone that you find a game, pick a char and bam you are playing. None of that stupid waiting game bullshit.
Championship mode fixed it a bit, but there are still annoyances like input lag and such ( which destroys the cammy player I am that relies on speed ).
Don't get me wrong SF4 is a good game, but I don't think its any fun really.
HD remix is so much more fun/balanced/engaging and it has the awesome character theme music, which SF4 for some reason hides until you fight your rival in arcade mode.....WTF is up with that.
I heard that KOF12 was pretty laggy as shit online(PSN), but I'll play it mostly at school anyway and the 3vs3 is just godlike, so i'm really hoping it won't dissapoint as much as SF4 did.
And BlazBlue still isn't out here... so yeah ;(.
Sat, 07-25-2009, 09:57 AM
I heard that KOF12 was pretty laggy as shit online(PSN)
Indeed it is. There's already a patch on the way, though. Hopefully it helps.
We understand that there have been some concerns raised about performance during online play. A patch for the both platforms is being worked on which should help with those gamers experiencing issues. While I don't have an exact date for the Xbox 360 version, the PS3 patch should be available by the street date July 28, 2009.
Edit: 7/27 - The patch is out and it's 772mb. Crazy!
Wed, 07-29-2009, 01:38 AM
lmao @ this KOF XII Raiden glitch
Even after that 772mb patch, the game is still laggy online and glitchy.
Wed, 07-29-2009, 02:58 AM
Playing Monster Hunter Freedom Unite still .... awesomeness. Taking my time this time and making all the cool armor sets.
About 60 hours into it, not bad for playing only on free nights (which are very very rare) or while in the bathroom =P
Sat, 08-01-2009, 06:33 AM
I'm glad I didn't buy the SF IV package, cause this game rocks. Sure it's missing a few extra stuff, but the game play mechanics are solid. :p
Sat, 08-01-2009, 07:04 AM
I've seen a few videos of it, and the impression I got was that it played a bit slow. It almost looked sluggish and choppy. I obviously can't make that judgement accurately without playing a demo (and XBL doesn't seem to have one). KoF has never been a fast fighter like Guilty Gear, Melty Blood, or MvC2, so it is definitely a slower, more technical fighter, but it looked like there was considerable delay from the start of a move to actually making contact.
The impression I got was that it looked more like a Super Nintendo Mortal Kombat than a current generation fighter. Not Clay Fighter laggy, but unpolished.
It's hard for me to justify buying another full-priced fighter when BlazBlue is still fresh, and MvC2 is still providing plenty of retro (if a little broken) fun.
I guess I'm looking for another opinion, because while I was looking forward to this, the reviews have been less than spectacular, and BlazBlue being released on the xbox360 was a very pleasant surprise (especially considering the reviews that it has gotten in comparison to KoF XII).
Sat, 08-01-2009, 07:15 AM
KOF has enjoyed cult status in Asia for a long long time, and KOF is definitely a fast fighter. You're right too, it is a very very technical game. I was a hardcore SF fan before, but never looked back since KOF 97. :p
Sat, 08-01-2009, 07:27 PM
On the subject of technical fighters. I was watching my cousin play Virtua Fighter 5 2 days ago and damn, it looks slow as hell but you can tell that the skill cap is high.
Sat, 08-01-2009, 09:24 PM
I'm glad I didn't buy the SF IV package, cause this game rocks. Sure it's missing a few extra stuff, but the game play mechanics are solid. :p
Sat, 08-01-2009, 10:15 PM
Playing Monster Hunter Freedom Unite still .... awesomeness. Taking my time this time and making all the cool armor sets.
About 60 hours into it, not bad for playing only on free nights (which are very very rare) or while in the bathroom =P
You got Xkai? :o
Sat, 08-01-2009, 10:16 PM
On the subject of technical fighters. I was watching my cousin play Virtua Fighter 5 2 days ago and damn, it looks slow as hell but you can tell that the skill cap is high.
That depends on what character you play as, what your mixup game is. Cause VF5 can be incredibly fast and stylish, it still is my favorite 3D fighter.
Sun, 08-02-2009, 12:02 AM
I downloaded Final Fantasy 8 on PC. Trying to play it, but it chugs like crazy. If I can't fix it (uncompressing folders, software rendering etc), I'll just have to whip out the playstation again. (and hope it hasn't broken)
Sun, 08-02-2009, 04:47 AM
hmmm that reminds me, I lent my FF8 for the PC to a friend
time to get it back!
Sun, 08-02-2009, 03:29 PM
Been playing some Fat Princess. Really fun when your teams know what they are doing. Just got to Squire rank.
Sun, 08-02-2009, 06:48 PM
Bill - there is unofficial resolution fixer - it allows to set any screen resolution and fixes some graphical bugs. It works perfectly on my pc.
Sun, 08-02-2009, 07:29 PM
Bill - there is unofficial resolution fixer - it allows to set any screen resolution and fixes some graphical bugs. It works perfectly on my pc.
I got it to work by clicking the "Win 98/ME compatibility mode" box. I'm surprised I didn't realise before. I'll have a look at the resolution fixer though, if it makes it look nicer.
Wed, 08-05-2009, 11:35 PM
Rockband for my psp, and pong for ps1 on my psp
Thu, 08-06-2009, 07:49 AM
Persona 3 on borrowed ps2. back to tartarus...
Thu, 08-06-2009, 09:48 AM
I'm playing Team Fortress 2. Found a couple really fun servers, Orange v3? and turbine... I think turbine is my favorite. I had an epic capture as a medic the other night. I was waiting in the vents and picked the perfect time to drop in because a spy had just sapped the 2 sentries that were sitting there. I had to run through the other teams spawn area because there was a sentry the other way.
Went through the vent and had to kill a sniper and scout inside the vent, continued running and had to kill an engie and another scout on my way back to my teams intel room ^^ that was just awesome.
Speaking of all the PS2 players... Is there a working ps2 emulator out there now?
Sat, 08-08-2009, 01:07 AM
I'm currently playing Dynamite Headdy. Treasure makes some damn good games.
Sun, 08-09-2009, 12:25 PM
There is PS2 emulator, PCSX2, with epic-pc with most up to date parts, and setting to highest frameskip you might get 20 FPS..might, but it depends on game(In SocT it is possible)
Tue, 08-11-2009, 10:54 PM
Now playing Final Fantasy 4 : The after years !
sequal / continuation to my all time favorite final fantasy game. so far it's pretty good, but a little glitcy here and there.
Thu, 08-20-2009, 06:49 PM
I finally got the True End of BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger in story mode.
Holy shit! I need more! Cliffhangers in a fighting game!?!
I might get some flak for this around here, but I would say that TYPE-MOON might have a real rival in Arc System Works. At least in the fighting games with a story segment, if not their major products.
Before BlazBlue, there really hasn't been anyone that compares to the level of writing, presentation, and background that Arc System Works put into this game. MeltyBlood owes a great deal of their backstory to Tsukihime. While the story is there, it really assumes you already know who most of the TYPE-MOON characters are. MeltyBlood (and Fate/Unlimited Codes) has about the same level of stand-alone story in their Arcade Mode that BlazBlue does. Three fights, a dialogue and a harder fight, three more, and then another dialogue and the finale.
BlazBlue goes so much farther with their story mode. Fun endings aside, there is an overarching continuity where each character has a role that would continue on in the story, rather than all the throwaway endings of Street Fighter, Tekken, Soul Calibur, etc, where they are quickly forgotten because some single character ultimately has to win the fighting tournament or claim the sword.
Twists abound, there is only the smallest amount of foreshadowing until you get to the locked story modes where suddenly the realization of the truth smacks you in the face. You piece parts together from each character's viewpoint, each iteration adds more to your full understanding of exactly is going on. By the end, you understand every character's role in the rather expansive play, and hints at where it will be going. The world and backstory is even explained in unlockable Teach Me! Litchi-Sensei gaidens (where are very funny too).
The game establishes more lore in one game than Arc System Works did with three Guilty Gear games. The characters are more fleshed out and developed than in 4 Soul Caliburs, or even all the Street Fighter games.
I'm completely blown away by the story in a fighting game.
If you're even the slightest fan of fighting games, you should probably check it out. Coming from the 360, I think the 2D models look a little smoother on the PS3. I will say though, that the game is amazingly well calibrated and optomized towards playing with the analog sticks. That, and it probably has the best multiplayer netcode ever written for a fighting game. I have never experienced a single moment of lag during the actual match after the game synchronizes.
Thu, 08-20-2009, 06:53 PM
Wolfenstein :P
Thu, 08-20-2009, 08:11 PM
KOF XII doesn't have a story but it's gameplay is pretty solid. It's those type of games I can spend hours just practising a single combo.....
Fri, 08-21-2009, 06:12 AM
I was playing shadow of the colossus on my friends ps2 but i had to give it back just before 12th colossi...
Fri, 08-21-2009, 06:28 AM
Lol, that sux Xelbair. My copy of Shadow of Colossus is just collecting dust right now :P
Now that I think about, I might want to play it just to beat it again :)
As for the current games Im playing: I guess its more or less Soul Calibur 3 and 4. I personally dont own a playstation 3 but I go to my friend's place frequently enough to play on his be just as profiecient in 4 as I am in 3. Characters I use most are Cassandra, Sophitia, some Xianghua and Taki, but as of right now Talim is getting most of my play time since she is the character im trying to learn right now.
Sat, 08-22-2009, 02:01 PM
i'm jumping between final fantasy 4 : the after years, team fortress 2, and I just went and bought the starcraft battlechest which is installing right now.
I have bought starcraft at least 3 time in the past so I think this has got to be my 4th copy. maybe I will keep a copy of my cd key somewhere where I can find it just in case... $11.99 is a bargain though for starcraft + broodwars even if the game is around 10 years old.
I started freaking out because the installation asked me to insert starcraft cd2.... what it meant was to enter the broodwar cd.
Sun, 08-23-2009, 11:59 AM
Part 1 of 4 videos of a developer walkthrough for Star Wars the Old Republic. But man to be a fully voiced MMO, that must mean it must take up some beastly hard drive space then huh. They boast some interesting features. Who's looking forward to the game?
I might end up playing it when it comes out.
Mon, 08-24-2009, 05:22 AM
Hehe , i'm playing soul calibur 4 and guilty gear XX #reload lately. 2 year break from GGXX#R and now i can't make overdrives every time i want. But in SC4 my friend still gets owned when i play Siegfried, no matter if he plays Taki or Yoshimitsu.
Also i borrowed from my friend "Ratchet and Clank: Tools of Destruction" - pretty funny and good game.
Tue, 08-25-2009, 07:04 PM
Playing Batman: Arkham Asylum, a game that can only be described as "Totally fucking awsome."
Thu, 08-27-2009, 05:55 AM
Ryllharu: Did you hear that the European version apparently boosts more characters? Sigh... means I have to buy the game again when it comes out here, since even if it becomes a dl character for the U.S version I still can't get that character.
Anyway started playing Xenogears again or rather resumed playing it after not playing it for years. Why? Simply because I couldn't play it so now there's a bunch of stuff I don't remember and I guess I'm somewhat far in the game and really don't feel like starting the game from start... such a drag also need to finish playing Chrono Cross since I can finally play that again.
In other news...
DS: Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor
DS: Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box
PSP: Dissidia: Final Fantasy
PSP: Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth
PSP: Dynasty Warriors: Strikeforce
360: Tales of Vesperia
PS3: Prince of Persia
PS3: Blazblue
PS3: Fat Princess
PS3: Valkyria Chronicles
PS2: Shin Megami Tensei: Lucifers call/Nocturne
Too much too play... no real energy to finish them so should just concentrate on one.
Thu, 08-27-2009, 06:18 AM
I read about the new characters for BlazBlue and I'm hoping that other regions will get them soon after the European release, which won't be until Q1 2010.
Also, BlazBlue will be getting it's own manga with Yun Kouga (Loveless) doing some of the drawings.
And check out these "goods".
Thu, 08-27-2009, 07:19 AM
I read about the new characters for BlazBlue and I'm hoping that other regions will get them soon after the European release, which won't be until Q1 2010.
Awesome, so we will get a European release after all. I was getting really hyped after reading Ryll's review/ thoughts.
Thu, 08-27-2009, 07:57 AM
Awesome, so we will get a European release after all.
European fighter fans who haven't already imported Arc System Works' BlazBlue will be rewarded for their patience early next year, with exclusive characters and moves only available in the European release.
The release comes as a result of publisher PQube and Zen United, a consortium of Japanese and Asian developers targeting the European market. The title will be fully localized, with support for German, Italian, French, English, and Spanish, so just about everyone can be confused by the twisted storyline of this lovely little fighting game.
"The long running 2D fighting genre has seen a welcome boost in 2009 with updated versions of several franchises brought to Next Gen PS3 and 360 consoles" and Tomo Ohno, Head of Zen United, reported "BlazBlue reached number 1 in the Japanese arcades and already sales of the Japanese and US console versions have beaten forecasts".
The European PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 release will feature bonus content, including a strategy guide and the game's soundtrack, and the announcement makes mention of "new gameplay content not available anywhere, like new characters and moves."
No word on what exclusive characters Europe will be getting, but it's definitely nice to see folks on that side of the pond getting rewarded for their patience. And for those of you who already bought it, there is no shame in rebuying.
Thu, 08-27-2009, 09:23 AM
Glad I held off importing the PS3 version, now I can get the superior version + 360 achievements :D
Thu, 08-27-2009, 09:33 AM
Like ps3 dosen't have its trophy system...
I'm glad for not importing it too.
Thu, 08-27-2009, 09:45 AM
LOL @ marketing scheme.
Before: We're not releasing EU versions. EU people can import it.
After: EU version will be better. The rest of the world can import it.
Thu, 08-27-2009, 01:04 PM
Like ps3 dosen't have its trophy system...
I'm glad for not importing it too.
I thought my post made it pretty clear what my dominant system is? I couldn't care less for Throphies, I've got like 10 bronze ones from killzone 2.
Compare that to my 21.2k score on xblive..... Yeah trophies are irrelevant to me.
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