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Sun, 01-31-2010, 08:10 PM
Just finished Mass Effect 2. Epic. But now I've got to import my Soldier over and give that a go, as well as start my Adept over again to give it another go, see if I can't find a few more things this time through.

Easily one of the best games I've played. Great characters, great mix of humor, awesome action.

Tue, 02-02-2010, 12:29 AM
Planning to get ME 2 soon as well. What exactly does importing from a previous ME1 saved game do? If my class carries over from ME1 I might not import and just start from scratch. From what I hear though the import bonuses are just a few levels and some credits I hear?

Tue, 02-02-2010, 03:57 AM
It imports a lot of stuff, it even remembers stuff in ME2 I forgot I did at all in ME. So its nice to see those references.

But yeah the major things are:
-Your class, name, where-born, fame, alignment
-Love interest, which party members are still alive.
-State of the council, state of rachni.

After that you get bonuses on things like what level you were and how much money you had, and like I said before, a whole lot of little things that carry over from missions you did in the first game and how you handled them.

Tue, 02-02-2010, 04:44 AM
Planning to get ME 2 soon as well. What exactly does importing from a previous ME1 saved game do? If my class carries over from ME1 I might not import and just start from scratch. From what I hear though the import bonuses are just a few levels and some credits I hear?
You get to reselect your class as well as redo your appearance if you want (tweaking your appearance isn't as easy as it should be).

You don't want to start from scratch if you can help it. I don't agree with some of the choices the game makes for you. Some of the combinations are just..odd.

The level you were influences how much money you receive and how much of a bonus your Renegade/Paragon points get. You still start back at level one, which is fine considering how much the skills changed.

Tue, 02-02-2010, 03:50 PM
Demon's Souls with my friend. I'm playing as Temple Knight with Claymore(soon great axe or Meat Clever) and...shield..
So far the game is one of greatest games that i played.

Wed, 02-03-2010, 01:04 PM
bought ME 1 and 2 today

will start playing it soon... "league of legends" is a lot of fun too.

Wed, 02-03-2010, 08:33 PM
I just got White Knight Chronicles: International Edition for the PS3. It's still in the shrink wrap, but I'll definitely try it out before I sleep today. I've been waiting for this game for years!

Wed, 02-03-2010, 08:46 PM
Yeah, I just picked WKC up today too, despite all the bad reviews it's been getting. I've been waiting it for years too. I played it for around 3 hours and I'm not disappointed in it one bit.

Sigh, still need to pick up ME2 for the 360 in a week or two I guess.

Fri, 02-05-2010, 01:09 AM
Feel free to add me on PSN. It's Vi3tboiwiz. Maybe we can quest together sometime. I've yet to try that out.

Fri, 02-05-2010, 02:39 AM
I've clocked in about 12 hours into the game already. About 4 into the single player and about 8 online. I'll add you tomorrow probably. Though, my avatar himself is already level 20.

Sat, 02-06-2010, 01:49 PM
BlazBlue, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Crystal Bearers, Chrono Trigger and Persona PSP (haven't been able to defeat last boss yet...)

I'll go get my White Knight Chronicles later today and place reservations for Star Ocean 4, Final Fantasy XIII and Resonance of Fate.

Sat, 02-06-2010, 02:46 PM
I'm really looking forward to Resonance of Fate most, Final Fantasy XIII will be enjoyable for sure though probably not so much as a gaming experience but more of a cinematic experience I guess?

Was not that big of a fan of SO4 on the 360. It offput me quite a bit and I haven't finished it. I should probably get around to it one of these days. But still enjoying White Knight Chronicles. I honestly don't understand some of these reviews, especially the IGN one (a 5.1? Sheesh.). It's no 9 or 10, but more of a 7.5 or 8.

Sat, 02-06-2010, 03:03 PM
WKC is definitely great. I spend way too much time exploring the giant maps looking for some secret treasures. The online portion of the game definitely feels like an instanced MMO.

Sat, 02-06-2010, 03:07 PM
I agree with animus. I'm not going to say skip SO4 outright (I certainly would in retrospect), but don't waste money on it. It was generic overall, didn't add anything new to JRPGs, and the story was very bland. The characters were nothing special either. I'm assuming this is the International version, so you won't only get the ear-stabbingly bad English dub, which at least is one plus.

Star Ocean 4 is a rental at best.

We may have our disagreements, but please don't waste your money.

Sat, 02-06-2010, 04:23 PM
No one rents RPGs here in Mexico. Rentals are always crap like Fifa, Halo or the likes.

And I am aware of the bad parts of Star Ocean 4, yet I love Star Ocean 1, 2 and 3. I remember Star Ocean 3 also had very bad reviews.

If word of mouth or reviews defined what I played... I would have never touched the .hack series.

I do appreciate the warning, but I don't plan to skip on the game. Not after waiting for a full year (I don't own and never will own an Xbox)

Sat, 02-06-2010, 10:07 PM
Star Ocean 4 is awesome, ryll is delirious :P, go get it and enjoy it.

Sun, 02-07-2010, 12:44 AM
Started Mass Effect 2, pretty cool game so far.

I'm pretty sure the face model for Miranda is Sarah from Chuck.

edit: just confirmed it via IMDB.

Sun, 02-07-2010, 01:21 AM
I haven't played it yet, but I knew her face structure looked so familiar especially her jawbone.and cheek structure when I saw her in trailers.

Sun, 02-07-2010, 01:34 AM
Star Ocean 4 is awesome, ryll is delirious :P, go get it and enjoy it.

I already reserved it. Going to get it next saturday. Don't have the time to pick it up during weekdays thanks to work.

I also reserverd FFXII, Resonance of Fate and Shin Megami Tensei Strange Journey.

WKC is awesome btw.

Sun, 02-07-2010, 01:56 AM
No clue when Resonance of Fate is actually coming out. Gamestop says March 9th, Amazon says May 31st, a few sites say Q2 2010, and the Sega UK site says sometime in March.

I'm so confused.

Sun, 02-07-2010, 11:57 AM
True. At this time I kinda doubt it releases on the very same day as FFXIII. Nevertheless, I already have my copy reserved. The guy from the flea market (only way to get RPGs here in Mexico... like I said before, people play sports or fps mostly here...) said he's got more reservations for it than for FFXIII. LOL. And most for PS3 (like this is a surprise... Mexican xbox gamers don't care about RPG...)

Sun, 02-07-2010, 03:38 PM
From word of mouth, I hear SO4 is actually pretty good. The only thing that sucked was that the lipsynch and english dubs were horrible along with the fact that you had to keep swapping discs or something. PS3 version should fix that with jap audio and 1 disc only.

Other than that the story is suppose to be ok, but gameplay is awesome.

Definitely going to pick this up. I was really hyped for WKC, but it isn't as good as expected. Even from the videos it didn't look that great. Been dying for a good JRPG as of late for a change of pace.

Sun, 02-07-2010, 04:18 PM
WKC is amazing. The single player's alright, but the online component is pretty astounding. There's quite a lot of time you can put into the game because of the online.

Not to mention a lot of loot that's craftable.

Sun, 02-07-2010, 05:16 PM
Got left 4 dead 2 - its way better than first one, already finished all campaigns on advanced(but i died just near safe point in 2 of them - goddamn hunters)
Also I'm getting close to finishing the Demon's Souls(that is for first time - then I'll move onto new game +) 78 lv temple knight with meat clever and second chance, brushwood armor and dark silver shield.
And RZ - you reminded me of great hack series - i have to play them too... damn too many games to finish, my exams are coming close(adv math, adv physics, adv English, basic polish) so i have to study and i have to prepare a essay for the exam(I'm about halfway through)..

Sun, 02-07-2010, 08:21 PM
WKC is amazing. The single player's alright, but the online component is pretty astounding. There's quite a lot of time you can put into the game because of the online.

Not to mention a lot of loot that's craftable.

I haven't tried the online since I just begun the game yesterday night. Didn't play it today because I was finishing FFCC Crystal Bearers on the Wii today. I'll have to check the online part of WKC sometime soon.

Xelbair: I wish exams was what was stopping me. Work has been a pain since the last restructure we were given past august. I haven't stopped once since then. My writing has also suffered from this.

Anyway... FFCC Crystal Bearers while not a letdown, it definitely didn't live to all the hype it generated. No wonder Square suddenly stopped talking about it until it was released.

Dark Dragon
Tue, 02-09-2010, 05:35 PM
I bought a PS3 slim this week and White Knight Chronicle along with it

WKC is awesome so far.

I'm having some freezing issue with the game however. If i play for longer than a couple hours the game would freeze with the music still playing normally in the background.

It happened twice now and I remember reading about the freezing issue in the IGN review so i was wondering if anyone else had experience it. I'm not sure if it's the game itself or the system since my slim unit tend to get rather hot.

Tue, 02-09-2010, 05:44 PM
I've never experienced any freezing problem as of yet. We should all get together sometime online and do some quests! :)

Tue, 02-09-2010, 06:04 PM
Yeah, same. I've been playing for two days now, and never once encountered a single freeze. Hopefully, it's just the game, and not the system.

On another note, anyone try out the Heavy Rain demo yet? Man, I loved it, this is just a completely and utterly brilliant game. It made me even more anxious for the release.

Tue, 02-09-2010, 06:25 PM
No freezing issues with me either. But I don't own an Slim.

Tue, 02-09-2010, 10:06 PM
No freezes here either, and I have about 35 hours clocked in already.

Tue, 02-09-2010, 11:13 PM
Been playing Mass Effect 2 and I'm kind of disappointed. It's basically KotOR without the Star Wars universe. Same gameplay, similar battle system, similar "force" powers.

I'm not sure if I like the mission gameplay either. In KotOR, you'd get a mission that was somewhat elaborate and involved some searching and back and forth. So far in ME2, missions consist of someone telling you to go do something, you walk into the next room where the target is sitting and deal with him, then walk back into the previous room to report that you completed the mission. Maybe the missions get more complex later, but so far it's pretty silly.

Wed, 02-10-2010, 05:26 AM
I get the Force -> Biotics connection except for the physical effects (kotor powers usually just hit and left them standing), but the combat system is fairy different. Kotor had pause anytime for any length and issue commands, which could be queued, and it was mostly auto-attack. ME2 is much more real-time with most classes and you actually need to pull the trigger. Soldiers barely ever need to pause unless issuing a command to the other characters. I'd say Dragon Age is more like Kotor.

As for missions, I really appreciate not having to run around for 20 minutes to deliver some silly knickknack that an alien who always said the same two lines wanted. I hated Mannan so much in Kotor.

edit: Orzammar in Dragon Age plays exactly like hub worlds in Kotor 1&2. It is also the worst part of that game. Lots of fetch quests which require back tracking in an enclosed space.

Wed, 02-10-2010, 06:12 AM
Indeed, I would understand a DOA to kotor comparison, but mass effect has a completely different battle system, the only thing that is somewhat the same is that you can pause the gameplay.

Wed, 02-10-2010, 01:37 PM

Resonance of Fate dated for March 26th in Europe. And I heard that it's releasing simultaneously in the NA and EU so I hope that's when it actually releases here. I'm glad they avoided putting it on the same day as FFXIII

Wed, 02-10-2010, 01:57 PM
While its good to avoid releasing Resonance of Fate the same day as FFXIII, I already wanted to play it. Oh well.

Wed, 02-10-2010, 02:07 PM
Same, but I'd rather they not hurt their sales on a potentially great new IP and have it die due to a poor choice of a release date.

Fri, 02-12-2010, 08:02 PM
Sorry for the double post, but yeah the US release date for Resonance of Fate is now confirmed to be March 16th


Sun, 02-14-2010, 04:40 PM
I've just finished Assassin's Creed 2, and here is my review/impressions(PS3)

Graphics 9/10
they were really good, but there were some minor shading glitches, and once camera passed through wall. Cities are really lively and well built.
Animation 9/10
Great overall, but from time to time it was a bit awkward, blade going next to head, without hitting anything and someone dies etc.
Gameplay 9,5/10
Great improvement compared to the first one, Assassination required a bit of stealth, not so many repetitive missions. Twin blades are awesome. but fights are too easy - just counter every hit, and against pole-arms use fists to disarm.
Plot 7/10
Plot was really good through the most of the game, but the ending just wasted a great potential for mysterious story, story that required player to think, for something not so much cliche... to think that the game's plot was fucked up by one short sequence..
Music 10/10
It was just awesome for this game - it always seemed right.
Overall 8/10

- Music
- Great improvement in gameplay compared to 1st one.
- Twin Blades
- Interesting characters.
- The Truth sequences are totally awesome. period.
- Ending!
- Minor glitches with animation
- being forced to collect codex pages.
- did i mention the fucked up ending?

Sun, 02-14-2010, 05:10 PM
Weren't both KoTOR and ME2 developed by Bioware? I don't see a huge difference in the battle systems, since you do pause the game in ME2 when you tell your team what attacks to perform. You don't queue up attacks like in KoTOR however.

Still, the similarities between the two are fairly evident. I imagine any RPG will be similar but ME2 just feels too much like KoTOR without lightsabers.

I'm playing Bioshock2 now and it's pretty cool, though it's more like Bioshock 1.5. Not much has advanced or changed.

Sun, 02-14-2010, 06:31 PM
I hardly ever pause the game in ME2..

Sun, 02-14-2010, 09:24 PM
You let your AI teammates decide what they'll do by themselves? Every time you select a different weapon or power for you or a team member from the little menu, it pauses the game.

Sun, 02-14-2010, 09:31 PM
They're pretty good in ME2. They're not dumb like they were in previous Bioware games, or even in Dragon Age without deft tactics programming.

I set them up with whatever they need before the mission gets underway. Switch Garrus over to the sniper rifle, have him use AP ammo, set Thane with Shredder ammo, etc. Then move out. It is very rare that I have them switch up during combat.

After that, they do a good job on their own. I rarely ever have to intervene with them. Those with Overload or Biotics will go for foes with shields/barriers/armor. The only times I really command them are when I want to synchronize timing. Their powers activate instantly line-of-sight from your reticle, and yours take time to get there but can be arced around or over cover. You can coordinate an advanced strike. OR, you can map their powers to the dpad (or whatever the PC commands are) as the game recommends to and accomplish everything in real time. I change the commands they have mapped depending on the mission. Drone or AI Hacking, Overload or Warp.

I really prefer to play it in real time as much as possible. It adds a lot to the experience. That's why I usually switch weapons by holding the X button down. I set up my two primary weapons before a mission gets underway as well.

Sun, 02-14-2010, 09:42 PM
White Knight Chronicles is just plain awesome.

I just reserved Heavy Rain too. Heck... this february-march is crazy for PS3 gaming.

Mon, 02-15-2010, 07:56 AM
Ryll pretty much said it, they are pretty good at taking out enemies by themselfs. I only give them commands if, like ryll said, you need to synchro timing. But since I'm playing on pc, even that doesn't require pausing the game, since you can bind 8 powers to buttons, the ones I use the most are bound directly to my mouse.

So yeah no pausing required.

Mon, 02-15-2010, 11:41 AM
I finally got Modern Warfare 2 for PC. I like it. Spent about 4-5 hours playing yesterday and I like the level up system (sorta). It would have been nice to start at launch w\ everybody else. I played almost 5 hours yesterday and got to lvl 17. unlocked a couple of guns and got a few attachements for my scar and m1.

I don't know if there is really any auto-balancing going on... you play w\ a bunch of people who have significantly better gear and upgrades than you do and I haven't bothered to see if theres a way around it.

Also, the knife kills are SO LAME. They obviously went through alot of trouble to try and make the game realistic, and these drive by knifings are BS. Same thing when I actually see the knifer, and shoot them several times and still die to the knife hit.

I'm so used to playing team fortress which is so different from mw2.

Tue, 02-16-2010, 02:27 AM
From watching some PS3 gameplay, MW2's knife has huge range. COD4'S range seems more realistic, but less free in style.

Tue, 02-16-2010, 06:50 AM
to get rid of knifers play hardcore, but you get campers there. Try taking ump/scar with stopping power - 2/3 hits are enough to take someone down in normal. Also try knifing for yourself - that way you can learn to avoid knifers and counter them... With knife in any class or ump.

P.s Maybe we should make gotwoot steam group?

Tue, 02-16-2010, 07:47 AM
Hardcore is a lot of fun, and you can try different weapons because pretty much any weapon can kill in two or three shots. Like Xelbair said, knifing sucks in hardcore, but everyone camps. Still, it's a lot of fun to creep around and kill the campers. You need to advance to ninja 2 and the perk that kills radar, otherwise you won't last long in hardcore.

Tue, 02-16-2010, 10:34 AM
bought ME 1 and 2 a few days ago
after I finished ME 1 I started playing ME 2

ME 1 = RPG with FPS elements
ME 2 = FPS with RPG elements

I like both games though
the AI in ME1 was pretty much useless, I can't say the same thing about them in ME2 though which is really great
and they are alot easier to control
I don't have to pause the game to direct their force attacks
For example:
for a Pull/Warp combo all i need to do is prress Q, wait ~1 sek and press E

what I don't like about ME 2 however is that there are nearly no items to use/find.
I still have the same armor which I had at the beginning of the game :(
the Blood-Dragon Armor which I got from buying Dragon Age is very weak too.

and there is nearly no reason to play the Soldier class anymore.
at least not until you reach a very high lvl with maxed out ammo-types (squad-skilled)
but even that is not needed if you got Jack or Garrus with either warp or tungsten(?) ammo

the graphics are really wonderfull though.. I liked the scenery during Zaeeds loyality-mission alot.. felt like watching avatar.well done

Every time you select a different weapon or power for you or a team member from the little menu, it pauses the game

mousewheel + 1-7 solves (or whatever bindings you gave them)
you can use the quick-spell-slots for your teammembers too.

oh and btw.. the "renegade-jokes" are extremely funny..shepard is really a jerk.

Tue, 02-16-2010, 05:01 PM
what I don't like about ME 2 however is that there are nearly no items to use/find.
I still have the same armor which I had at the beginning of the game :(
the Blood-Dragon Armor which I got from buying Dragon Age is very weak too.

and there is nearly no reason to play the Soldier class anymore.
at least not until you reach a very high lvl with maxed out ammo-types (squad-skilled)
but even that is not needed if you got Jack or Garrus with either warp or tungsten(?) ammo

You have to buy armor types. I certainly agree that I wish there were more (I would even pay for them) but there are an adequate number of armor pieces for the N7 armor. An option to remove the helmets on the special armors would be a nice plus too. My Shepard is too pretty to wear helmets all the time. :p

I disagree, I loved playing Soldier. You can absolutely scream through the game with a Soldier. The machine gun (specialized assault rifle) allows you a lot of utility up close, and the Adrenaline Rush makes headshots with any sniper rifle or even the other weapons a piece of cake, and it is really satisfying when you rank it up all the way. I took rank 3 Disruptor rounds for weapon overheats, Inferno rounds (rank 4 incendiary splash damage), and took 2 ranks in AP ammo from Garrus. I could take down anything, with any weapon. Even then, I mainly stuck with Inferno rounds.

The more reckless you play Solider, the more fun they are. It is similar to Vanguards, but without the hax biotic ability that is Charge. Adrenaline Rush is a big bonus, because some enemies move back and forth between sets of cover constantly, making it tough to get a headshot sometimes.

Tue, 02-16-2010, 05:58 PM
My Shepard is too pretty to wear helmets all the time.
the best way to solve that is to wear the +10% headshot dmg helmet.. which looks similiar to garrus' "eye scope".

btw, if I use "squad-ammo" is it possible to have armor-pierce rounds and disruptor rounds at the same time? or will one overwrite the other one?

Tue, 02-16-2010, 06:02 PM
My cousin and I just played through Bioshock 2. That game was fucking win.

Tue, 02-16-2010, 06:05 PM
btw, if I use "squad-ammo" is it possible to have armor-pierce rounds and disruptor rounds at the same time? or will one overwrite the other one?
I'm pretty sure whichever ammo was activated second (or last) is the one that is used. I put AP ammo on a sniper rifle after I had had Jacob turn on squad Incendiary. It only used the AP ammo. However, just like if you switch to a weapon that didn't have it, you can have one type of ammo while the other two use the squad ammo.

Tue, 02-16-2010, 09:01 PM
...It is similar to Vanguards, but without the hax biotic ability that is Charge....
Psycho Crushah! <3

Thu, 02-18-2010, 03:10 PM
Playing the new Aliens vs Predator, and its pretty sweet so far, i only tried Predator and Alien for a few minutes just to see what they were like then i went Marine, I'm gonna save Predator for last cuz I've always loved the Predators most, they're just so badass.

Thu, 02-18-2010, 11:33 PM
Just finished Bioshock 2 on the PC. Awesome game. At first I thought it was just going to be a rehash of the first game, and gameplay wise it is, but the story is pretty deep and compelling. Leaves you with a satisfied emotional feeling when you're finished the mission and the game.

Fri, 02-19-2010, 12:39 AM
Playing the new Aliens vs Predator, and its pretty sweet so far, i only tried Predator and Alien for a few minutes just to see what they were like then i went Marine, I'm gonna save Predator for last cuz I've always loved the Predators most, they're just so badass.

I played as an alien in the multiplayer demo and it made me dizzy, with all the high speed running and wall scaling. Not sure if I'll pick up this one.... :p

Fri, 02-19-2010, 07:51 AM
Yeah you do indeed get kinda disoriented running up and around walls/ceilings and over/under obstacles at superspeed, it must be some specific part of the brain that deals with that, i just think of it as some sort of "brain exercise" :P

Fri, 02-19-2010, 05:19 PM
And now i've finished Aliens vs Predator, i'm surprised that is was this short, i was expecting it to be longer considering the size of it, but i guess most of the space was for the graphics, which are awesome if you have em on full settings.

My favorite is still Predator, they are just so damn cool, going stealth, distracting some poor target, jumping down behind em, and just rip their head and spine straight through their body with your bare hands... fucking sweet ^_^

Fri, 02-19-2010, 07:15 PM
And now i've finished Aliens vs Predator, i'm surprised that is was this short, i was expecting it to be longer considering the size of it, but i guess most of the space was for the graphics, which are awesome if you have em on full settings.

My favorite is still Predator, they are just so damn cool, going stealth, distracting some poor target, jumping down behind em, and just rip their head and spine straight through their body with your bare hands... fucking sweet ^_^

They can go invisible right?

Fri, 02-19-2010, 07:37 PM
Yeah, their 'stealth' mode is pretty much invisibility (like they do in the Predator/AvP movies)

Sun, 02-21-2010, 04:04 PM
Just finished Bioshock 2 on the PC. Awesome game. At first I thought it was just going to be a rehash of the first game, and gameplay wise it is, but the story is pretty deep and compelling. Leaves you with a satisfied emotional feeling when you're finished the mission and the game.
I'm part way through Dionysus Park. For some reason, I just lost interest in the first game, but Bioshock 2 has been more compelling for some reason. It helps that it was assisted by the back story established in Bioshock. Still, the hidden conflict between Ryan and Lamb revealed through the audio tapes, the guy who's daughter was taken and somehow found his way down to Rapture, and even the story between Delta and Elenore has been far more interesting. Certainly a different message from the first, but a good one nevertheless. Some of the telepathic messages are downright terrifying from a father/big brother perspective when you can only imagine what is happening without really knowing what is going on.

Some say it "perverts" Ryan's Despairing Idealist character from Bioshock, but as with all things, power corrupts. I kind of like that aspect to it.

At first I felt really weak for a Big Daddy, but after a couple tonics, I really enjoy letting a Little Sister harvest Adam while I protect her. Trying to guess where they'll come from to effectively use traps is a lot of fun (even when I'm a bit off, damn Houdinis).

As a sidenote, I'm really tired of hearing Bioshock called a poor ripoff of System Shock 2. Granted, it's 2K's fault for starting the comparison in the first place with a such rabid fanbase, but it is getting old.

Sun, 02-21-2010, 04:51 PM
I'm part way through Dionysus Park. For some reason, I just lost interest in the first game, but Bioshock 2 has been more compelling for some reason. It helps that it was assisted by the back story established in Bioshock. Still, the hidden conflict between Ryan and Lamb revealed through the audio tapes, the guy who's daughter was taken and somehow found his way down to Rapture, and even the story between Delta and Elenore has been far more interesting. Certainly a different message from the first, but a good one nevertheless. Some of the telepathic messages are downright terrifying from a father/big brother perspective when you can only imagine what is happening without really knowing what is going on.

Some say it "perverts" Ryan's Despairing Idealist character from Bioshock, but as with all things, power corrupts. I kind of like that aspect to it.

At first I felt really weak for a Big Daddy, but after a couple tonics, I really enjoy letting a Little Sister harvest Adam while I protect her. Trying to guess where they'll come from to effectively use traps is a lot of fun (even when I'm a bit off, damn Houdinis).

I was also a lot more into the story of Bioshock2 than in the first game, but maybe that's because in the second game you're searching to save someone, instead of searching to destroy someone.

The "defend the little sisters while they collect adam" gameplay is a blast. I used "hypnotize 3" to great effect. Having another Big Daddy or a Brute on your side makes things a lot easier.

Mon, 02-22-2010, 03:08 PM
I was playing mw2 on saturday after the UFC and a few games into my playing... I found myself in an endless match. I checked the score and the top 4-5 people all had 500,000+ scores WTF!!!

apparently the host was using some sort of hack to where they made a private game and got it into the public queue or something like that.

Played for around 45 minutes and got a bunch of attachements and probably 50,000pts before the server lagged out and kicked everybody.

Tue, 02-23-2010, 10:49 AM
Just an FYI, the Yakuza 3 demo is on the European PSN.

Played through it, and I'm most likely getting it. Probably not on the same day as FFXIII though.

Wed, 02-24-2010, 12:27 AM
Currently playing Mass Effect 1, then 2, i figured since I'm bored i might aswell play em cuz i haven't played either one, so far its pretty great ^^

Just curious, how much does the story/characters from the first fit into the second? Or is it an all new crew? :P

Wed, 02-24-2010, 06:54 AM
you will have a few of them in your new crew too.
btw, there are 3 free helmets you get when entering a dr.peper code
you guys should google it, they look really cool (at least 2 of them)

Sun, 02-28-2010, 11:23 PM
What am I playing? hmmm... let me think... how about nothing?


Fucking Sony had a mega error on the pre-slim PS3 today. You can't log into the psn... not that evil... right? Wrong. Trophy data has dissapeared and won't appear until you log again. Of course... you can't log. So trophies are gone... not troublesome? Maybe... except hundreds of games won't let you play even offline since the trophy data is gone.

God fucking dammnit...

Mon, 03-01-2010, 07:50 AM
What am I playing? hmmm... let me think... how about nothing?


Fucking Sony had a mega error on the pre-slim PS3 today. You can't log into the psn... not that evil... right? Wrong. Trophy data has dissapeared and won't appear until you log again. Of course... you can't log. So trophies are gone... not troublesome? Maybe... except hundreds of games won't let you play even offline since the trophy data is gone.

God fucking dammnit...
Go play outside dude

Mon, 03-01-2010, 10:00 AM
"play outside"? What are you 5?

Mon, 03-01-2010, 10:24 AM
"play outside"? What are you 5?

He is.

Anyway. It seems the bug hit developers as well. Their tools are looped according to Kotaku.

Mon, 03-01-2010, 10:34 AM
Hmm, I haven't turned on my PS3 since yesterday and a bit reluctant to turn it on now I guess.

Mon, 03-01-2010, 10:42 AM
Don't turn it on if its a PHAT one until this is over. Merely turning on the console, even offline, will cause it to crash. THough if a massive patch is needed it will happen anyway.

If its a SLIM you are safe.

Mon, 03-01-2010, 10:50 AM
I have the 80gb backwards compatible model.

Guess I should wait.

Mon, 03-01-2010, 01:18 PM
Dang. Hope this issue gets resolved soon for all of you facing this problem. It seems it will take about 24 hours or so to fix, from reading on Kotaku.

Currently playing : Heavy Rain, and Starcraft 2 Beta

Next week : FF XIII

Mon, 03-01-2010, 02:12 PM
Currently playing through Valkyria Chronicles, revelling in its overall design.

It's made even sweeter that there's no trophy support to prevent it from loading in this Dark Age of the PS3.

Mon, 03-01-2010, 04:05 PM
I'm playing ME2 for the third time, this time as Barack Shepard

I can't stop laughing when I play him

I will play another 2 times as a female (paragon/renegade) after that.
btw, fem. sheps can look really hot! amazing. they obviously spent more time creating looks for her.
nearly every male-shepard I create looks far worse than the original (which looks very good..well, the original is a dutch-model after all)

Mon, 03-01-2010, 04:13 PM
Yeah, even though i usually always make a custom character i went with the default look in ME because no guy i created looked better than the original

Mon, 03-01-2010, 07:53 PM
man, that really made me laugh, thanks ^_^

I do have a few questions about ME2 tho:

I've heard theres a "New Game +" in ME2.. so if u finish the game once u can do it again with the same guy or something.. what exactly is transferred to this new game, achievements i assume, but what about weapons, upgrades, credits, Paragon/Renegade points, resources(plutonium etc)?

Biggest dread by starting a new game is that i have to scan all that shit on planets again..

Also, since i apparently can't have multiple "partners", i guess i'm forced to finish the game one time per character i want a relationship with? :O

At the moment i'm kinda torn between Miranda (it's Sarah from Chuck ffs!, and shes just so damn hawt) and Tali (i just plain like this girl, and the mystery of whats under that suit is one i really want to find out ;D), but since im going to play through this game atleast one more time it doesnt really matter wich one i go for this round, can just take the other one next play :P

Mon, 03-01-2010, 08:13 PM
You get 50,000 of each element, all your heavy weapons, and start out at your previous level. You do have to unlock each of the crews' loyalty powers again, as well as a few other things here and there. I'm not sure about the rest. I only did it for a little bit before importing my second character and making a brand new third. I'm pretty sure you regular weapons, certain key upgrades you lose, and paragon/renegade resets I think.

The 50,000 of each element transfers over to all new characters after you beat ME2 at least once. Import another from ME1, get the 50k of each, make a new character, get the 50k of each. It isn't enough to get all the upgrades with a new character, but it pays for some of the most expensive, and that's about 15-20 fewer planets you need to scan.

You can save yourself some time by rapidly tapping the trigger while scanning up and down (or left or right). You lose the vibration on the xbox 360, but as long as you watch the graph you'll catch most if not all the big spikes. Never bother with a spike that is less than half the graph, it isn't worth the probe. Never bother with any planet that isn't "Rich" or "Good". If EDI says their is an anomaly, fine, but otherwise...skip it.

Mon, 03-01-2010, 08:43 PM

Apparently PS3s are working fine now, haven't tried testing it yet myself however.

Anyways, I've only finished ME2 once on my Hardcore Sentinel. I do want to do an Insanity playthrough and get to level 30, but I'm a bit disappointed with the lack of story content. The decisions you made in ME1 seemed contrived when placed into ME2 situations, considering the Council are still douches amongst other things. I'll probably do it in a few months, but at the moment I have no interest in a 2nd playthrough.

Not to mention there's basically only 3 or 4 story missions besides all of the character recruitment quests, and then the loyalty missions which all basically amount to "help me get leverage about a family member". There's no real antagonist besides the shitty one known as Harbinger. The Reapers themselves are basically no where in sight in this game.

I still thoroughly enjoyed the game and thought it was great fun. But it seemed a bit too much of a mainstreamed approach to me. I love the improved shooting mechanics and the loss of the ridiculously cumbersome inventory. But I dislike how there's no inventory at all, basically very few pieces of armor and a very limited selection of guns. Not to mention skill builds now basically all amount to the same thing except what you choose for your advanced training ability. I hated the Mako in ME1, but I hate planet scanning oh so much more.

Mon, 03-01-2010, 09:11 PM
but I'm a bit disappointed with the lack of story content. The decisions you made in ME1 seemed contrived when placed into ME2 situations, considering the Council are still douches amongst other things.

I still thoroughly enjoyed the game and thought it was great fun. But it seemed a bit too much of a mainstreamed approach to me. I love the improved shooting mechanics and the loss of the ridiculously cumbersome inventory. But I dislike how there's no inventory at all, basically very few pieces of armor and a very limited selection of guns. Not to mention skill builds now basically all amount to the same thing except what you choose for your advanced training ability. I hated the Mako in ME1, but I hate planet scanning oh so much more.There is that ominous loading screen remark that "Your choices in Mass Effect 2 might have dire consequences in Mass Effect 3." If you include what seems benign in the loyalty missions, there are some pretty large decisions that you make, or at least state your opinion on. Shepard has a lot more influence than it seems on the surface. People really seem to listen to you. I got the feeling from a few of the other encounters that seemed like simple references may not be that simple at all come ME3.

Specifically, spoilers[ The rachni queen (if alive) amassing her forces, the interaction between Legion and the Geth and quarian fleet split on retaking their homeworld, Liara and the Shadow Broker, your final decision, becoming a Spectre again or blowing off the Council, cheating on your previous romantic interest, who controls Tuchanka and thus whether the krogan will rise again, and Morinth or Samara ]end spoilers.

I can see a number of very dramatic differences in the composition, outfitting, and availability of allied forces for ME3 from those above. It may depend on what Bioware is able to put in, but they seemed ambitious enough during interviews with the developers.

Mon, 03-01-2010, 09:22 PM
Hopefully that's the case. My gripe was how the decisions from ME1 to ME2 didn't affect much really besides a few small dialogue sequences, a bit differing dialogue, Council situation and the Kaiden/Ashley dealio.

I wanted to bitch slap Ashley.

Spoilers -
I decided to keep the Collector Ship at the end. Seemed like a waste, even though I was doing a Paragon run. Hopefully there'll be a big sequence with it otherwise I'll be extremely disappointed. Considering they basically tell you that it's a huge decision. End Spoilers.

Mon, 03-01-2010, 09:44 PM
I wanted to bitch slap Ashley.

Totally, i saved the whole galaxy and she trusted me with her life, then she gets pissed and all up in my face about playing along with Cerberus and storms off...

My thoughts were like "...well f*ck you too, bitch."

Mon, 03-01-2010, 09:50 PM

Apparently PS3s are working fine now, haven't tried testing it yet myself however.


It is fixed. Mine is running again.

Tue, 03-02-2010, 02:00 PM
My thoughts were like "...well f*ck you too, bitch."

I liked how Shepard said "I've had enough of this colony :("
he sounded so sad

You get 50,000 of each element, all your heavy weapons, and start out at your previous level. You do have to unlock each of the crews' loyalty powers again, as well as a few other things here and there. I'm not sure about the rest. I only did it for a little bit before importing my second character and making a brand new third. I'm pretty sure you regular weapons, certain key upgrades you lose, and paragon/renegade resets I think.

you can also download the *saveedit*-mod and add cash and ressources to your savegame. (srsly... its the most annoying part of the game to scan the planets and I don't want to do it a second time)
btw is lvl 30 max?
damnit...thats why my character won't level up :/ I was lvl 28 or so after my first playthrough

btw, with the saveedit-mod you can import your character and change her/his looks and class/level
you can also add ME1 decisions or change them to see whats different.

you can use unique hairlooks and armor/costumes too. (NPC hairstyles are different).

these 2 are non-standard for example

Tue, 03-02-2010, 03:01 PM
if you fiddle with the saves wont that mess shit up when you go to import em to ME3?

btw, just finished my first playthrough of ME2, the ending credits are scrolling as i type this :P

I know i missed things because i kinda skipped a bunch of stuff on purpose just go get through the game, now i'll make one "real" playthrough where i do everything i can (which ill then import to ME3), and one where i just try and beat it on insanity to get the achievement, and cuz i want the challenge :D

Tue, 03-02-2010, 04:04 PM
btw, with the saveedit-mod you can import your character and change her/his looks and class/level
you can also add ME1 decisions or change them to see whats different.
Sadly, I play Mass Effects on the Xbox 360. No mods for me sadly. I would really like more armor pieces. Customization was a promise during the rapid fire ad campaign for ME2, but one that didn't fully deliver when coming off of games like Dragon Age or Fallout 3.

Tue, 03-02-2010, 04:12 PM
I doubt it will mess things up, I didn't do it with my main char (Soldier) and I won't do it with him.
but well, basically you just edit some values.. its not like your file gets corrupted or something.

I heard that people alrdy had that tool in ME1 and imported their chars.

All you do is creating a savegame at the start with your new char/import.
load that savegame into the tool and it will give you some info about what you've done so far, what your char name is etc.
you can edit everything and check a few "decisions" (and you can change game-models) if you want to
for example

Shepard Killed Wrex in ME1 "check"
Ashley Killed Wrex in ME1 "no"

I wouldn't do weird things though... like checking both: "shepard kills and ashley kills wrex" (I'm not even sure if its possible to check both)
and if you want to import that char in ME3, I wouldn't use this tool in the first place... because it doesn't feel right, if you know what I mean :P

use it for your second playthrough (if you want to test another class or team) or for your second run with ur "main"-character...and when ME3 is released, use ur *main* characters' first playthrough

Lvl/cash/paragonpoints didn't really matter when I imported my ME1 char.. I believe it will be the same with ME3

the important things are the decisions you make, or more especially, what you did during your last mission

remember, if shepard dies in ME2 you can't import him to ME3 (and no that's not a spoiler -> see loading screen messages)

Wed, 03-03-2010, 09:13 PM
Demon's Souls is probably my favorite game this gen, easily.

I stopped playing at level 155 just a bit away from finishing the 2nd playthrough. I need to return though. I logged in last week on black event so I could keep it offline and finish off some black phantoms.

My choice between favorites is though between this and Valkyria Chronicles

Dark Dragon
Wed, 03-03-2010, 09:45 PM
My choice between favorites is though between this and Valkyria Chronicles

Did you get the new VC DLC that came out last week? I appreciate Sega efforts to add new content for this game, but i just don't find the DLC to be as enjoyable as the main game. There's also the whole issue of VC2 being on the psp.

Wed, 03-03-2010, 09:47 PM
Did you get the new VC DLC that came out last week? I appreciate Sega efforts to add new content for this game, but i just don't find the DLC to be as enjoyable as the main game. There's also the whole issue of VC2 being on the psp.

I did get it, but I haven't had the time to try it out.

Im not too pleased VC2 is on a portable, but Im buying it anyway. The demo was very fun.

Thu, 03-04-2010, 03:10 PM
Damn, i need to get psp first to play this..
I've been playing lately Portal(new updates with audio files contained well - a lot of awesome stuff - http://portalwiki.net/index.php?title=Main_Page ) and I'm gonna try Devil's tuning Fork - Indie game with weird atmosphere

Thu, 03-04-2010, 06:51 PM
Playing Final Fantasy XIII on 360, just got Shiva, i found her motorcycle transformation slightly disturbing for some reason. >>

Thu, 03-04-2010, 07:30 PM
Playing Final Fantasy XIII on 360, just got Shiva, i found her motorcycle transformation slightly disturbing for some reason. >>

LOL... Microsoft broke the street date? How rare :rolleyes:

Thu, 03-04-2010, 07:34 PM
A lot of places in Europe have broken street date, but more local mom and pop stores than the big retail chains like Gamestop, Best Buy, Walmart, etc.

I'm trying to find a local store that even has the game. One of my local stores says they MIGHT have it tomorrow or Saturday. We shall see.

Thu, 03-04-2010, 07:37 PM
LOL... I want the game... but Im not playing it soon.
Still need to finish White Knight Chronicles. And I bought both Star Ocean and Heavy Rain some days ago.

I may leave Star Ocean for later... but Heavy Rain will be played first.

And so will Resonance of Fate.

Fri, 03-05-2010, 01:17 PM
The Yakuza 4 demo is on the Japanese PSN for those interested. DL'ing.

Fri, 03-05-2010, 06:15 PM
played Battlefield Bad company

singleplayer: C-
multiplayer: A

(my rating for MW2 would be
singleplayer: B
multiplayer: B+)

Fri, 03-05-2010, 08:50 PM
Beat disc 1 yesterday, only 7 hours long, my disc 2 doesnt works GG QQ

Mon, 03-08-2010, 05:46 PM
Woot, just got my copy of FFXIII. Good thing I'm not going any where for Spring Break this year.

Mon, 03-08-2010, 06:05 PM
Woot, just got my copy of FFXIII. Good thing I'm not going any where for Spring Break this year.

It's spring break for you guys? Damn you!

I just got my copy of Battlefield: Bad Company 2 for PC. I don't think I'll be able to play it for a good week or two though, considering the semester just started, I've got a 40% project that needs doing, and also a medical school entry exam coming up.

Funnily enough, I could only find the Limited Edition in my local warehouse store.

Holidays are so far away.....

PS: FFXIII came out 9hrs ago here. I'm feeling poor, so my brother can go buy that :p

Dark Dragon
Tue, 03-09-2010, 02:35 AM
Apparently i had FFXIII preordered. Good job past me.

First Impression: The combat remind me of Chrono Trigger.

Tue, 03-09-2010, 09:05 AM
http://img251.imageshack.us/img251/1166/6dol.jpg :D

Tue, 03-09-2010, 09:34 AM
Awesome Mickey and Minnie mouse set

Tue, 03-09-2010, 10:32 AM
http://img251.imageshack.us/img251/1166/6dol.jpg :D

How come there is no PEGI, ESRB or CERO rating in that cover?

Tue, 03-09-2010, 10:59 AM
Because I live in Asia?

Tue, 03-09-2010, 01:37 PM
Because I live in Asia?

Isn't the CERO rating from Asia?

Tue, 03-09-2010, 02:44 PM
Isn't CERO just for Japan? Like how it's ESRB for the US and PEGI for Europe?

Tue, 03-09-2010, 03:13 PM
So Asia games non-japanese have no rating system on their covers?

Tue, 03-09-2010, 04:26 PM
Also playing FFXIII... been almost playing nonstop for the last 10 hours or so. Only a few minor complaints, one I hate that it's not the usual stylish coverart that they use in Europe with white background and just the FF logo. And I wish Snow would shut up or at least be less chessy, Vanille's voice is kinda annoying as well but starting to get used to it so not that bad. And dammit where is my FF victory music? Unless my memory is completely off it was included in the Japanese demo so it feels weird that it isn't there. Overall the music isn't bad but doesn't really reach the standards that Nobuo set for FF.

Tue, 03-09-2010, 05:10 PM
Its the americanization, Leona Lewis and Microsoft's fault.

Tue, 03-09-2010, 07:30 PM
YAH! Got FFXIII with the strategy guide for an extra 20. I also got a product registration card for a special item.Gonna play it now!

Shadow Skill
Wed, 03-10-2010, 08:22 PM
I bought both versions of FFXIII PS3 and 360 (360 FFXIII Bundle). Playing 360 first and well... it's appearing to be a huge letdown. I may never take the plastic wrapping off the PS3 version.

No towns, battle system is wrong... doesnt feel like an RPG or a Final Fantasy Game. Feels like a Legend of Zelda game with out Link and Zelda.

I'll play it to the end for series sake.

I give this FF Game a 3 out of 10.

Forgot to mention that The Last Remnant is 2 years old and has way better graphics and characters than FFXIII. I think square should use the same engine The Last Remnant uses.

It's a shame The Last Remnant did not sell very well.

Wed, 03-10-2010, 10:37 PM
If you think the graphics and characters in Last Remnant (who are all about as fleshed out as a sheet of paper) are better than FFXIII you are either retarded or blind.

I'm about 23 hours into Final Fantasy XIII and while I am enjoying it greatly I'm kinda forcing myself to play it. There just isn't that sense of immersion from previous Final Fantasy's. In previous entries you would feel like you're part of a world with culture, but this game just feels like you're just strung along from place to place with no time to absorb or ability to immerse yourself into anything. I honestly don't give a damn about Cocoon, Pulse, and any of the characters besides Sazh at the moment. The story is so uninspired and contrived, it just feels silly half the time. Final Fantasys have never been known for a strong plot, but the exposition in this one just really makes me not care.

Not to mention the game isn't any where near as hard as people said it was. Just beat the boss in Chapter 10 and he was a joke. I was only near a Game Over once and that was when I was using Snow and Hope on the way back to Hope's home, and one of the random encounters was this giant robot motorcycle thing that could nearly kill off Snow in 1 hit with his Gatling Gun. Good thing it takes like 5 seconds to charge and is easy to counter with Sentinel/Medic. The battle system is a saving grace, but it's a bit on the tedious side for regular enemy encounters.

The music and melodies so far are pretty decent. The battle theme gets stuck in my head far too often.

So far Final Fantasy XIII is about only my 4th favorite RPG this Gen after Demon's Souls, Valkyria Chronicles and Tales of Vesperia, but tied with Mass Effect 2. If I had to give it a rating so far, it'd probably be a flat 8.0

Thu, 03-11-2010, 01:24 AM
Man I wouldn't say im dissapointed though. Whats crazy if you read the tutorial during the crystal lake, you find out that you can use libra (or fighting the enemy 3-5 times) for weaknesses of an enemy, you can then use auto battle which makes it so easy, the game isn't that complicated. Oh and for Vanille, has anyone noticed that her voice is out of accent sometimes, she sounds English one moment than American the next? They also cap the skill system until you reach a certain point in each chapter of the game and im mostly a power builder during the beginning. But I love how they kept the battle system a bit the same. Im a FF lover so I will see this game through, I think Square-Enix went down with the franchise after FF10.

Edit: If you guys played Saga Frontier 1 and 2, when your in Vestige, haven't you guys noticed that it almost sounds like the theme song but mixed together?

Thu, 03-11-2010, 02:35 AM
I'm at Chapter 3, at the crystal lake right now and learning about the paradigm shift systems. I must say while I'm intrigued by the story so far, I really really miss the combat systems of the old FFs. I prefer to have complete control over all my characters, and having the luxury of time to plan every move for every character over the ATB. One of the reasons I stopped FFXII half way was because I couldn't get into the combat system. I certainly hope that the system in FFXIII will grow on me as I progress later into the game....

Thu, 03-11-2010, 08:03 AM
You had more control over the combat in FF12 then you have in 13 though... you can even pause the game for every decision.

Thu, 03-11-2010, 11:31 AM
Oh and for Vanille, has anyone noticed that her voice is out of accent sometimes, she sounds English one moment than American the next?

Vanille`s and Fang`s accent is australian, i guess every person from pulse has said accent.

Thu, 03-11-2010, 12:04 PM
Damnit i want more console games to get PC versions >.<

Thu, 03-11-2010, 01:05 PM

Awesome for me. Great fun - but you have to get good team.

(at http://team.forsvarsmakten.se/english/#/private/25P3AfACW4 right now)

Thu, 03-11-2010, 02:06 PM
thats cool
lets play together ^^

Fri, 03-12-2010, 11:55 PM
Damn CHAPTER 4!!! Has anyone gotten 900 gill and and the spark ring for the minigame, with Hope riding that machine, you have to sweep all enemies, and im trying to sweep all of them. Im gonna try and accomplish all trophies, after reading what trophies there are I can actually get my platinum, was close to getting all trophies in assassins creed except for the feathers but too lazy to do that.

Sat, 03-13-2010, 07:28 AM
There's a trophy for that? Argh! :(

On another note, one stupid thing I did was I sold all the components away when I realised I could buy weapons. Then the next thing I knew the weapons in the shop sucked and they introduced upgrades while I already sold my stockpile of components for gil. Damn.

Dark Dragon
Sat, 03-13-2010, 03:29 PM
There's a trophy for that? Argh! :(

On another note, one stupid thing I did was I sold all the components away when I realised I could buy weapons. Then the next thing I knew the weapons in the shop sucked and they introduced upgrades while I already sold my stockpile of components for gil. Damn.

No worries, Chapter 11 is a good place to farm gils. You also unlock more parts shops as you progress further into the game. Upgrading weapon is expensive so try maximize your item exp. Good rule of thumb is animal parts give low exp but increase the bonus multiplier and the machine parts give high exp but will decrease the multiplier. I usually just give a weapon 20 or so animal parts so the bonus exp become double before i give it any actual exp.

Sat, 03-13-2010, 03:55 PM
No there isn't a trophy for sweeping, I just wanted to get the high reward, so dont restart your game!! But im on chapter 5 and the only difficult thing about the game so far is the weapon upgrading system which I enjoy but I know its gonna be a hassle getting components and knowing which is good for exp and the multiplier. Thank god I got the stragety guide just to make it easier, I didnt want to keep on getting on my computer for Gamefaqs plus theres pictures!

Sun, 03-14-2010, 02:20 PM
I've just played supreme commander 2, and well - it is fun but its too simplified compared to the first one(bad thing), and its way faster than the first one(good thing)... but it seems to favor Red Army strategy(with uef - just spam gunships + basic tanks upgraded and you will win.. sooner or later) instead of tactics..

Maybe we should make gotwoot steam group?

Sun, 03-14-2010, 07:09 PM
I'm finding myself playing Sega Rally on PS3 during my free time. Visibility in the snow is (realistically?) bad. Sometimes I find myself ramming left then right because I'm driving blind at 180km/h. Frustratingly fun, and the maps look great as well.

One thing about this game is that they don't give you car stats. You'll have to find out first-hand yourself as to how each car feels on the road, such as weight, acceleration and handling.

I can't make up my mind as to whether I like racing with on-road or off-road tires more. It really depends on the car.

Wed, 03-17-2010, 08:53 AM
I bit the bullet and went prestige in MW2, which means starting all over basically and having to unlock all the guns again.

Played a couple games of SC2 beta the other day. It's the cracked one so... sorta just a demo in a way. The AI isn't too great. I got owned one game by a ling rush and then restarted and blocked off my base and then dominated.

Pretty awesome stuff though. It's going to be fun when it comes out.

Wed, 03-17-2010, 03:59 PM
I am currently playing through Lunar: Silver star harmony. I love the lunar games and its not a bad remake at all. I like the new character sprite design, 3d ish looking map design. But the game kinda suffers because of that too. Compared to Lunar Silver star story complete, it seems like a smaller world, and less things to do. :(

I like the V/A for this adaption as Ghaleon doesnt sound like a complete flammer.

Wed, 03-17-2010, 05:44 PM
Yeah, no world map exploration, it's not that big a deal since there weren't any random encounters or anything but still. It just seems like a big downgrade from that to the location points system of the map. The only other negative I could think of is the skill animations are different and they black out the battle screen except for the skill user and enemy. Not that big a deal but a personal gripe.

Thu, 03-18-2010, 10:24 AM
My cousin and I have started making our way through God of War 3. It still has the frustrating camera and the gameplay is more of the same but man, is it ever a good-looking game!

Thu, 03-18-2010, 09:46 PM
About 5 hours into Resonance of Fate so far, and I love it. I've enjoyed RoF in 5 hours more than I have the entirety of Final Fantasy XIII.

The battles flow nicely, have quite a chunk of challenge (some boss fights are a bit brutal), and just fun. As expected of a Tri-Ace game, it lacks strong exposition. The battle system just feels so fun and there's quite a lot of depth into it. People said the same about Final Fantasy XIII's battle system and they were dead wrong.

Thu, 03-18-2010, 10:48 PM
I hope to get my copy of Resonace of Fate in two days.

Fri, 03-19-2010, 06:41 AM
Thought Resonance of Fate was suppose to come out the 26, or did you get it somewhere else?

Fri, 03-19-2010, 08:21 AM
I live in America, it's been out since Tuesday.

Chalk it up to Sega's shitty marketing.

Fri, 03-19-2010, 02:26 PM
Playing Infinite Space on the DS. There is a ton to pay attention to while managing a fleet. The fleet battles can be tough, but it is a lot of fun. It ends up being an ATB strategy RPG. If you stop paying attention, you can die pretty quick.

Certainly one of the more unique handheld titles to come out in a long time.

Sat, 03-20-2010, 07:31 PM
Wow just got another game called "Heavy Rain"!!! its pretty bad ass, so interactive and its pretty good for the ps3 considering the hardware compared to 360(if it was made for 360). So many choices, and so many bronze trophies :).

Edit: Im currently on the "Nurse Chapter".

Mon, 03-22-2010, 08:03 PM
Currently dividing my attentions between Infinite Space and playing Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening.

Awakening is great. I have to say, it has been even more satisfying than the regular game. The new characters have a tremendous deal of personality.

The quests are fun too. They seem very rich. Some of the themes are similar to quests from first game, but the come off more fleshed out. There are a lot of side quests to play around with in the city and keep, and even the joys of politics. Some of the areas are vast. Each class and weapons style gets a few new abilities, which are fun to play around with, and the new specializations are a blast.

But it is really all about the characters.

More in the DAO thread here (http://forums.gotwoot.net/showthread.php?p=458017&postcount=64).

Mon, 03-22-2010, 10:10 PM
Started BF:BC2 multiplayer. It just doesn't have the feel of BF2 or Desert Combat. It's a lot more chaotic and messy and just running around. I prefer MW2 multiplayer. Sooner or later Infinity Ward will add vehicles to that game and it will be the greatest multiplayer experience ever.

Mon, 03-22-2010, 10:13 PM
Of course it doesn't feel like BF2 or DC, it feels just like BC1 except that there're a lot more snipers in BC2.

Mon, 03-22-2010, 11:03 PM
Of course it doesn't feel like BF2 or DC, it feels just like BC1 except that there're a lot more snipers in BC2.

Why do you always have to sound like a snippy little school girl with your responses?

It doesn't feel like any of the previous BF multiplayer games, from what I can remember. The makers of CoD need to add vehicles and they would put the makers of BF out of business.

Mon, 03-22-2010, 11:16 PM
Maybe it's just that you think every post directed towards you is snippy?

Have you even played BC1? It plays very similarly, besides like I mentioned earlier BC2 is overly saturated with Recon and sniper types.

Tue, 03-23-2010, 07:04 AM
Because you sound the same in all your responses to any poster. I'd cite specific posts, but the list would be almost every one of your posts, and you already know I'm right.

I played BF1, it was better than BC2.

Tue, 03-23-2010, 08:09 AM
It's funny how you always think you know what you're talking about, but you don't have a clue.

And I said BC1, not BF1.

Tue, 03-23-2010, 11:38 AM
Bad Company 2 is better than CoD MW2 in every single point a MP-Shooter has to offer.

1. Bro game -> Teamplay (Squad/Class-system)
2. zero-bunnyhopping and less spraying
3. Spottaaaan, Revivaaaan, waiting for blackawkaaan
4. vehicles
5. atmosphere -> soldier comments... and the best and most realistics war-sounds ever used in a game or movie.
6. more possible playstyles (classes + weapons really make a difference)
7. not so OP grenade launcher
8. graphics
9. physic-engine
10. bigger maps, less random nades

I could keep on forever, never touched MW2 again after I bought BC2

Tue, 03-23-2010, 02:30 PM
What about 1 hit knifes?

Can people run past you and slash you w\ 1 hit in BC 2?

I'm working back up in prestige mode in mw2 and currently @ 41... Don't really want to buy another game until Super Street Fighter 4 comes out, and then Starcraft 2.

Tue, 03-23-2010, 03:58 PM
Yea there're 1 hit knife kills, but it doesn't have the lunge effect of MW2, nor is there a Commando perk to increase it even more.

Tue, 03-23-2010, 04:07 PM
Knifers are easy to deal with.. after you become knifer for some time.
Currently playing TWEWY on DS.

Tue, 03-23-2010, 04:27 PM
well in BC2 you can kill with a knife or a defibrillator (harr)

but its more difficult.

Tue, 03-23-2010, 06:35 PM
well in BC2 you can kill with a knife or a defibrillator (harr)

but its more difficult.


I've got to give this game a try :D

How's the cooldown for knifing in BC2?

And I said BC1, not BF1.

Animeniax gets that. He's just specifically saying he's played BF1 (implying not BC1), and that BF1 > BC2 to him.

Tue, 03-23-2010, 06:48 PM
I know he's saying that he liked the first BF better than BC2.

The point I'm getting to is that I asked him if he's ever played the first Bad Company which BC2 is clearly the sequel of. And by the sounds of it, he hasn't.

It's like asking why CoD: Modern Warfare 2 doesn't play like CoDs 1,2 or 3 when it's clearly the sequel to a spin-off (Modern Warfare).

BC2 is pretty decent fun. It does a few things differently than usual I guess, like gravity affecting bullets, so from far distances you have to aim your trajectory a bit higher. The game also does headshots a bit weird. I've gotten head shots from my assault rifles grenade launcher quite often. You can also kill someone with the Engineer's repair tool which fixes tanks and vehicles.

Tue, 03-23-2010, 08:05 PM
You're wrong again, and again you manage to sound bitchy.

BC2 sucks compared to MW2. BC1 was cool, BC2 is a mess. If not for the vehicles, it would be no competition for MW2. Oh, and if not for the dumb fanboys like animus too.

Tue, 03-23-2010, 08:09 PM
It's pretty obvious you haven't played BC1 if you say BC2 is a mess. They both played similarly. Maybe I sound bitchy, because I'm just openly sarcastic when the person I reply to is a douche or dumbass and doesn't know it.

But apparently according to you, your opinion is fact.

Yeah, I'm a fanboy because I openly said I loved BC2 and hated MW2. Oh wait, I haven't said either thing. I've been indifferent on both. If anyone's the fanboy it is CLEARLY you. Seriously, grow the fuck up.

Wed, 03-24-2010, 07:26 AM
BC2 sucks compared to MW2. BC1 was cool, BC2 is a mess. If not for the vehicles, it would be no competition for MW2.

no, just no...
there is so much more in BC2 than vehicles
(most maps have no more than 2 light tanks, or even less)


CoD:5 had vehicles.
but the gameplay is shit compared to BC2

and CoD 5 gameplay equals MW1 which equals MW2..
so adding vehicles (alone) won't change a fucking thing

Dark Dragon
Tue, 04-20-2010, 07:32 PM
Monster Hunter Tri.

While i'd rather have this on Ps3, it's still pretty awesome so far.

Tue, 04-20-2010, 07:44 PM
I'm planning to get Tri eventually, but I don't want to play it with the Wiimote and don't feel like buying a Classic Controller. Do you happen to know if the GC controller works?

Dark Dragon
Tue, 04-20-2010, 08:27 PM
I have no idea.

I preordered it so i got 10% off the bundle pack (50$) which comes with a classic controller.

Sat, 04-24-2010, 09:35 PM
Started playing Borderlands yesterday, playin' as a hunter and its pretty fun i must say, love how u can shoot the limbs of enemies and watch their heads explode when u headshot em :P

Sat, 04-24-2010, 09:49 PM
After getting Platinum Trophy on Heavy Rain I just started Resonance of Fate.

Sun, 04-25-2010, 09:19 AM
I'm planning to get Tri eventually, but I don't want to play it with the Wiimote and don't feel like buying a Classic Controller. Do you happen to know if the GC controller works?

It doesn`t

Mon, 04-26-2010, 05:12 AM
been playing splinter cell conviction for xbox360. first time playing a splinter cell game. its pretty epic

Mon, 04-26-2010, 09:43 AM
been playing splinter cell conviction for xbox360. first time playing a splinter cell game. its pretty epic

Is the latest Splinter Cell like the previous games, lots of sneaking around and avoiding detection, or more of a straight-forward shoot-em-up?

Mon, 04-26-2010, 10:10 AM
Is the latest Splinter Cell like the previous games, lots of sneaking around and avoiding detection, or more of a straight-forward shoot-em-up?
God i'd hate that...

Mon, 04-26-2010, 10:49 AM
It's far more action oriented, like some sort of jason bourne game, if you are expecting the second coming of Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory, you will be severely dissapointed.

Mon, 04-26-2010, 02:39 PM
God i'd hate that...

Which, a lot of sneaking around or a lot of shoot-em-up action? You need to clarify.

Mon, 04-26-2010, 03:42 PM
The latter

Mon, 04-26-2010, 11:07 PM
Mass Effect 2 on insanity.

I think they appropriately named it, because the game is doing a damn good job of driving me insane. It's not particularly hard (given I'm an infiltrator, and the invisibility cloak gets you out of a lot of difficult situations), but the loading screens in between deaths are annoying as hell. Even when it's downloaded to my 360's HD, it takes a good 20 seconds.

Went off on a tangent there but yeah. Good game overall, and fun enough to warrant several playthroughs.

Tue, 04-27-2010, 12:05 AM
Metro 2033. Incredible shooter and best post apocalyptic storyline I've seen yet.

Get your hands on this game! The fear factor can't really live up to F.E.A.R quality, but its creepy and intriguing. Looks incredible on my 60" and just oodles of fun with my Xbox 360 controller.

You probably haven't heard of this game, because it doesn't have the buck to advertise itself, and push its way to the top on review sites like gamespot; but ask any gamer that's tried it and you'll receive a whooping 10/10.

Tue, 04-27-2010, 01:50 PM
Playing Monster Hunter Tri currently, if anyone wants to hunt with me, my in game name is UChess

Dark Dragon
Tue, 04-27-2010, 04:36 PM
0/20 on that damn Rathian Plate.

I'll hunt with you Uchess, my char name is Zero.

Wed, 04-28-2010, 05:28 AM
0/20 on that damn Rathian Plate.

I'll hunt with you Uchess, my char name is Zero.

I`m still trying to do Barroth urgent QQ

Apparentelly i need the ID to pm you, mine is 8TKA2Q

Wed, 04-28-2010, 05:30 AM
Starcraft 2 beta - totaly awesome game - but not fully balanced yet(damned mutalisks)

Fri, 04-30-2010, 03:00 PM
If anyone has played 'Borderlands' online... am i "forced" to co-op in a group?

Like if i want to just farm items or whatever, can i join a game with 3 others and then just run off and to what i feel like or am i stuck with their group?

Cuz i joined a game and tried to walk out from the cave i spawned in, but by doing that it said i "initiated travel" and it counted down, then all 4 players got teleported out lol, i heard some dude that had voice chat on and he was a wee bit annoyed when i did that, they had to run from the beginning of the cave again heh :D

Thu, 05-13-2010, 10:19 AM
Portal for free on steam...

you can get the game till 24th May and then keep it.

btw... mechwarrior 4 is available for free too now. sponsored by MekTek

Sat, 05-15-2010, 05:51 PM
I picked up a copy of Resonance of Fate about a week ago and have been playing it off and on. I'm still in chapter 3, so I haven't gotten into the real nasty mess of combat, but I can safely say that RoF has renewed my faith in (some) JRPGs.

The two killer features are honestly the dual audio tracks (for my inner weeaboo, though the dub is good too) and the Suspend function. Being able to stop just about anywhere is really convenient because I just really don't have that much time to sit and not be able to sit through hour-long cutscenes or not be able to save for several hours. Unless it is a boss fight, I've been able to stop within 20 minutes max.

The other plus is that it doesn't take itself serious at all. The game knows it is cheesy as hell, and plays up on it. A lot of JRPGs recently take themselves so seriously but still filled with such stupid situations that I can't take them seriously. Resonance of Fate plays it up worse, really getting into its own cheesiness, and it works wonderfully. It comes off as a Buddy Film and the over the top John Woo style combat ties into it perfectly. The stand-alone nature of the chapters also works nicely into my schedule that doesn't always give me a lot of gaming time.

Plus you even get to play dress-up with the characters (like FF X-2 but more fun).

The real shining star is the combat system. It requires a combination of strategy, technique, and general skill to be the most effective. The system necessitates that you are able to use the variety of methods (each requiring planning) to gain back the gauges that you need to pull off the flashy moves. Even those are vital, because enemies will turn away from you to guard themselves. That combination requires the strategy to be in the right spot, the technique to pull it off, and finally the skill and timing to get that one last shot off. There is always room to grow in skill, even after you've got a handle of the complexity behind the combat. I still can't pull off Bonus Shots reliably.

Let your guard down for even a little bit, and you die really fast.

Thu, 05-20-2010, 05:47 PM
Still playing CoD MW2 - its quickscoping time now.
also i'm playing through FF XIII and Ef visual novel.

Tue, 05-25-2010, 03:04 AM
Starcraft 2 beta. duh.

Tue, 05-25-2010, 05:45 AM
SC2 beta got me bored already - maybe because I've been playing with my friend with Korean-like skills..
I'm going to do 100% run on last remnant after i get it back from my friend.

Tue, 05-25-2010, 07:34 AM
Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Heroes 3 on PSP. I'm currently making my way through the Master Road mode trying to unlock more characters, since the game only gives you 11 at the start.

Tue, 05-25-2010, 07:36 AM
Watching and co-playing Red Dead Redemption with my brother.

Cheating in poker's never been more fun.

Tue, 05-25-2010, 08:30 AM
Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Heroes 3 on PSP. I'm currently making my way through the Master Road mode trying to unlock more characters, since the game only gives you 11 at the start.

Is the game good? Im still undecided wheter to get it or no.

Tue, 05-25-2010, 08:45 AM
If you liked the first 3 Ultimate Ninja games on PS2, then you'll probably like this one. To me it's much better than those because of the roster, 4 player battles, and I can use X-link Kai to go online and fight others, which adds a lot of replay value to the game.

Tue, 05-25-2010, 09:03 AM
played through Lost Planet 2 yesterday

awesome game if you ask me.. but it would be even more fun when u play co-op with 3 friends during ur first playthrough.
really well done.

Now I'm going to play Killzone 2, never played the first one because I never had a console before.

Wed, 05-26-2010, 08:08 PM
Just started playing a bit of Alan Wake. It's pretty fun so far.

I'll prob pick up Red Dead Redemption in the near future. Not really itching for a sandbox game atm.

Tue, 06-08-2010, 04:25 AM
for me I'm still going strong on Halo:CE for the 'puter, Minish Cap on GBA and Halo 2 PC. :)

Tue, 06-08-2010, 08:53 AM
Playing Split Second on the X360, pretty awesome game. It's a racing game with a twist that's probably been done before but is still a lot of fun.

Tue, 06-08-2010, 09:04 AM
Playing Split Second on the X360, pretty awesome game. It's a racing game with a twist that's probably been done before but is still a lot of fun.

Does it have split screen multiplayer?

If I have a race where it's P1 vs P2, is there an option to have bots on as well, or does it only set you to up to race?

I'm trying to decide whether I'll get this or Blur.

(After some more trailer hunting.. maybe both. Still leaning towards Blur for the multiplayer experience, but might get Split Second for the story-mode.)

Tue, 06-08-2010, 10:19 AM
Yep, there's split screen multiplayer (2-player max split I think) and you can set it up to split horizontally or vertically. Not sure about the bots when you're already on multiplayer.

Tue, 06-08-2010, 11:58 AM
Playing Split Second on the X360, pretty awesome game. It's a racing game with a twist that's probably been done before but is still a lot of fun.

Has not been done before.

And yes bots in splitscreen.
And yes splt/second > blur (imo).

Though they are both great, if you can just get both.

Tue, 06-08-2010, 02:36 PM
Has not been done before.

And yes bots in splitscreen.
And yes splt/second > blur (imo).

Though they are both great, if you can just get both.

Triggering the events to crash your opponents has been done before I believe in one of the NFS games. It's not exactly the same where you actively trigger an event with the press of a button, more that you triggered events by driving through them.

I don't like the limited ways in which you can acquire power-up. You basically start each race drafting so you get free power-up, and most of the races I've ran in the first 4 episodes don't have a lot of areas to drift to gain power. I also wish they had a turbo boost option for those places you could use a boost.

Tue, 06-08-2010, 05:36 PM
Triggering events to crash opponents wasn't powersup based, plus it was to crash the ppl behind you (to get away from police).
And it was very very limited.

What s/s is doing is really completely different, since you are essentially firing the enviroment at your opponent, plus s/s powerplays change the tracks/create shortcuts.

And it's not limited at all, I can have 2 route changes, and a shortcut in 1 lap of a 3 lap race, that's 7 powerplays.

It all just depends on the car you are using.
Cars with a high drift rating build up meter like crazy by drifting at high speeds. Speed based cars are better for drafting cause they can keep accelerating, to the point of just pushing your opponent forward.

They also build meter pretty fast when drifting at very high speeds, but they tend to be very unstable when doing so.

Also take more risks, the close miss bonusses build up meter pretty fast too.

I do agree on having a boost option though, it could've made the game a bit more complete. But I guess they wanted the focus on powerplays, and not just burning meter for boosting.

Fri, 06-11-2010, 09:49 AM
Portal was free to get on Steam some time ago, and I've decided to play it now that I'm kinda bored of MW2.

Surprisingly, refreshingly fun. I'm on level 14 I think. I wonder how many levels there will be.

The computer's pretty funny at times. It tried to say "Wiiiiiiiiiii !!!" when I leapt one time, but in a pseudo-emotional AI voice. Kind of like how Arnold Schwarzenegger tried to smile in T2: Judgement Day.

Fri, 06-11-2010, 10:01 AM
Lmao, you're just now playing one of the most awsomest games ever?

And i really mean that, the humor and mechanics are just so amazingly well done that 3 years later I'm still not bored with it

Fri, 06-11-2010, 11:21 AM
"Didn't we have some fun, though? Remember when the platform was sliding into the fire pit and I said 'goodbye', and you were like 'no waaaaaay'? And then I was all 'we pretended we were going to murder you'. That was great."

"That thing you burned up isn't important to me. It's the fluid catalytic cracking unit. It made shoes for orphans."

yap, the humor is really great.

Fri, 06-11-2010, 05:30 PM
"and here is your cake" when driving into fire pit was awesome :>

Wed, 06-23-2010, 02:15 PM
So i'm just now about to start playing "Singularity", and from the trailers and videos i've seen, it looks pretty damn cool.

Here's a 10min gameplay video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TuQkwDeaGyw)

Thu, 06-24-2010, 03:16 PM
just 4 info
you guys should check out the summer-sales on steam

you can save around ~400$ and more

for example


Dawn of War-1 Addons Dawn of War-2 + Addon
Metro 2033
Full Spectrum Warrior
Company of Heroes + all Addons
Titan Quest + Addon
and a few other games

All together for 49,99$ (or ~74€)

there are currently ~150 games on sale

Thu, 06-24-2010, 11:20 PM
Finished Portal.

The ED was great.

Fri, 06-25-2010, 08:22 AM
Just like the christmas edition, steam is back with super sales in their perils of summer sale (http://store.steampowered.com/) week.
From yesterday, till july 4th, steam will be offering some mad discounts again.

I just grabbed the codemaster racing pack myself. Grid, Fuel, Dirt, Dirt2 and ToCa3 for 21,75 is a crazy good deal, especially seeing how the x360 version of Dirt2 still retails for 50 euros here.

So yeah, keep an eye on that page everyday till july 4th, cause the deals change every 24 hours :].

Fri, 06-25-2010, 09:03 AM
Finished Portal.

The ED was great.
Now you can wait for portal 2 with the rest of us

Btw did you get the patched ending or the normal one?

Fri, 06-25-2010, 09:53 AM
Which ending is which? @_@

Fri, 06-25-2010, 10:02 AM
New portal ending (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YXAq34TrVXM)

Fri, 06-25-2010, 10:09 AM
Now you can wait for portal 2 with the rest of us

Btw did you get the patched ending or the normal one?

I got the new ending

Fri, 06-25-2010, 10:29 AM
This is the old superior ending:

Old superior ending (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ)

Fri, 06-25-2010, 10:40 AM
This is the old superior ending:

Old superior ending (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ)

"This video contains content from Vevo, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds. "

I've seen both of them (the proper ones, I don't know what you linked), and the only difference is the inclusion of a mechanical noise performing some dragging.

PS: can anyone get a Steam connection atm?

Fri, 06-25-2010, 11:40 AM
Steam's being retarded. Tried playing TF2 on the server I normally do so on, and it wouldn't let me change my loadout cause it kept popping up some error like "The server cannot make a connection with Steam." or some shit.

Fri, 06-25-2010, 11:41 AM
I love playing as Nu-13 - if anyone wants to duel me(I'm novice right now, but I'm ex ggXX#r veteran) add me on PSN - same nick as here.

Fri, 06-25-2010, 12:18 PM
Steam's being retarded. Tried playing TF2 on the server I normally do so on, and it wouldn't let me change my loadout cause it kept popping up some error like "The server cannot make a connection with Steam." or some shit.

I was playing MW2 and kept getting Steam Connection Failed too.

Tue, 06-29-2010, 02:52 PM
I've just finished playing Singularity - here comes my micro review.

Graphics 6(8+)/10 - game utilizes UE3, textures are good...but only after 1 or 2 sec looking at them - because game first displays very low res texture, and few seconds after it displays hi-res one - its a bit annoying. but what's more annoying is that sometimes hi-res version does not load at all. But explosions, effects, etc are superb - they deserve additional mark!

Sound: 7/10 music is a bit generic, you do not notice it at all during gameplay - it just is. Weapon, and effect sounds are good - nothing special. sounds would deserve solid 8 but positioning of vocal sources of sound is a bit odd - I've played using 5.1 setup but to hear loud enough someone that is speaking i had to look directly at them - otherwise i would not be able to make out what they are saying.

Gameplay 7(8)/10 - Gameplay is similar to Half-Life, mixed with Bioshock and F.E.A.R. - but its pretty well balanced, but a bit too easy(I've played on normal diff - i should have picked hard - but probably as with Crysis: Warhead it still would be too easy), TMD take some time to get used to, but after getting used to controls it was really fun. You might ask what is TMD - I'll try to answer that without spoiling - its glove with properties of Gravity gun, stasis field generator, and object manipulator. It also utilizes powerful burst that kills or damages heavily enemies in short range.

Plot 7(10)/10 - Plotline in game utilizes few cliche elements, but they are pretty well tied together. I can't say much(I do not wish to spoil the game for you) but the twist at the end was superb - it was in my opinion the best twist in the plot that utilizes such popular cliche motives.

Overall: 7(8)/10 -until i finished the game i thought that I'll should get 7, some graphic bugs and cliche gameplay prevented it from getting 8 or more, but the twist itself boosts the rating to 8 - but only if you finish the game you will get why.

Tue, 06-29-2010, 04:48 PM
I finished Singularity a day ago and i agree with pretty much everything in the post above.

The whole high-res textures not loading thing was pretty annoying because it happened ALOT.

The TMD is what really "made" the game for me tho, i especially love the "Deadlock" ability, it's just pure fun :P
(Plus is looks like a Rasengan, lol)

Wed, 06-30-2010, 05:01 AM
Deadlock is one of best skills in game, but i loved bashing enemies with their shields using Gravity.

Wed, 06-30-2010, 08:53 AM
Some Steam games that I bought while on special:

2K package - contains Bioshock 1&2, Borderlands + other random stuff

StarWars: Knights Of The Old Republic

Left 4 Dead 2

Was also tempted to get Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising and Team Fortress 2, but decided to save up some cash, considering that I have at least a dozen (not exaggerated) PS3 or PC games untouched and/or unfinished. (probably 85% of my PS3 games I haven't played)

Wed, 06-30-2010, 10:38 AM
operation flashpoint isn't even worth 5 bucks
you shouldn't buy it

Wed, 06-30-2010, 12:39 PM
You should definitely get Team Fortress 2, though. According to Steam I have 380 hours clocked in. Half of that's skewed wrong however, since I used this idle thing that sat in a server and collected class items and weapons when they first came out.

When Steam/Valve got around to finding out about it they removed all the items I collected =[

Wed, 06-30-2010, 01:56 PM
Indeed TF2 is worth it - get it as soon as you can man. It'll take some time to get used to it - but it is one of best multiplayer games ever created.
L4D2 is also great(l4d is great too) - if you got friends to play with that is - i hate l4d with some random strangers.

Fri, 07-02-2010, 09:11 PM
Ah, well I've missed the TF2 specials now.

On the other hand, it's Crysis' turn to be cheap(er).

Is it really worth playing, or was it more about eyecandy and less about a revolutionary game?

Fri, 07-02-2010, 09:15 PM
There's a lot of eye candy, and there's a lot of boring.

Sat, 07-03-2010, 05:55 AM
Crysis? boring as hell, only graphics are good.
warhead is a bit better but is really too easy(i was playing on hardest diff and it felt like easy)

Sat, 07-03-2010, 06:57 AM
I'm playing Transformers: War on Cybertron on PS3. Got it after reading good reviews on IGN and gametrailers. However, it only confirms the fact I can't appreciate US made games that well. :p

Sat, 07-03-2010, 07:33 AM
Everybody bitches on crysis' gameplay because that's the only thing they could bitch on, which initially came from ppl being butthurt they couldn't run it properly. While I would agree that it's not it's strongest point, which are obviously the gfx, it's definitly not a bad game.
In fact both crysis and warhead have been critically acclaimed (and no the full package, not just the gfx).

So just try the demo and see how you like them.

Sat, 07-03-2010, 08:13 AM
I was able to run it at full details on dx9, but it really was boring as hell.
You could use invisibility, aim at head, turn on Armor, fire and then go back to invisibility to play through most of game without dying on hardest diff. Exceptions are tank mission and those Korean supersoldiers.
It it was more like far-cry it would be way better. Far cry was one of best looking games for that time, but i also had really solid gameplay - it was hard too.

Sat, 07-03-2010, 10:00 AM
Just played a bit of Beat Hazard, and it's pretty awesome. It's on sale right now on steam (till 1900 gmt+1), so if you can spare 2 bucks, check it out.


Yes you could do that, but that's your decision, which means you actively made it boring for yourself. I had a blast just running/blasting/punching/throwing the hell out of people.

Sat, 07-03-2010, 02:32 PM
Yes you could do that, but that's your decision, which means you actively made it boring for yourself. I had a blast just running/blasting/punching/throwing the hell out of people.

thats what I wanted to say too... you can decide whether you go stealth, or agressivly with str/agi boosts.
however I got bored too
but I don't like Far Cry and the likes in general.

Wed, 07-07-2010, 09:52 PM
Just finished Persona SEBEC Quest two days ago (finally!!!) and today I managed to finish the Persona Snow Queen Quest (it was more short than I expected... 12 hours vs the 55 hours of the other quest)... so Im ready to start Persona 3 Portable this weekend :D

Im also playing Shin Megami Tensei (IV): Strange Journey on my DS and Star Ocean Last Hope International on my PS3.

I should return to Shin Megami Tensei Digital Devil Saga soon though... I left it aside since september... dang.

Thu, 07-08-2010, 05:23 AM
I'm running again through deus ex series.
Damn, i need to borrow ps2 from my friend(he does not use it anymore) to finish persona 3 and 4...

Thu, 07-08-2010, 06:39 PM
Borderlands is a pretty tight game. I think it shits all over Fallout in terms of pacing, gameplay, graphics, humor, violence, mischief and malice, and overall simplicity of story. So basically it shits all over Fallout in pretty much every category that matters, probably even sound.

I count Borderlands among Assassin's Creed and Uncharted 2 as true next gen experiences. Everything else just pales in comparison, especially if you compare a game in the same genre to it. Dragon Age? Pfffffft. Spiritual successor to Baldur's Gate? Yeah, right. Spiritual successor to Neverwinter Nights, more like. And apparently Game Informer's next magazine cover has the reveal of Dragon Age 2? I hope the Official PlayStation Magazine straight bitch slaps Game Informer and gets the scoop on Borderlands 2. That would be tight.

Sun, 07-18-2010, 09:58 PM
I'm at 98.7% completion on Red Dead Redemption. I'm doing some outlaw stuff now in order to try to get to 100% because I don't know what else I need to do. Maybe I need to break a few more different types of horses or some small tasks I haven't done. It's a pretty awesome game. Very immersive and fun, though frustrating at times. I can't believe they're still using pretty much the same engine from the early GTA games but it works. I've spent 45 hours on the game.

Tue, 07-20-2010, 01:13 PM
Alien Swarm

get it for free on Steam, its really fun to play with friends

you can set up sentries
weld doors
draw tits and penises on the minimap and much more to hinder the swarm

Launch Trailer (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DaL7Cd0L0Fk)

Wed, 07-21-2010, 03:14 PM
I'm playing alien swarm too - me and my friend are doing 2man runs(tech + Special weapons/Med+Special Weapons) - it is fun but i think that left 4 dead is more funny :>
Also i'm once again back to CoD MW2 - the game is so awesome that i can't stop playing it.(5th prestige right now)

Wed, 07-21-2010, 08:11 PM
Got back into the emulator craze when I felt like reliving my adventures around Hyrule.... bout to enter the greatest dungeon of any game in the Forest Temple. Question, should I be playing Master Quest?

That got me wanting to play some other previous gaming loves. Finally got a dreamcast emulator to work, well my other attempt being years ago it makes sense it works now right? Its 2010 for chrimety sake, we have the masses putting their minds to use on making vintage escapism more readily available.

Also until Starcraft2 sucks me in I'm having some more nostalgia button pressing fun in a free server Phantasy Star a friend suggested I join him and it does bring some good OG xbox memorys back.

Wed, 07-21-2010, 08:29 PM
I'm having some more nostalgia button pressing fun in a free server Phantasy Star a friend suggested I join him and it does bring some good OG xbox memorys back.

Please, tell us more about this server you speak of.

Wed, 07-21-2010, 08:35 PM
Right here

Top spot in google search for phantasy star private server.

Sun, 07-25-2010, 05:35 AM
I'm playing Borderlands co-op with my brother. Currently at level 14.

I've probably spent well over 10K worth of revival fees trying to beat this boss. It's the first game I've played that requires the technique known as grinding - hence I never thought about doing it till now.

Sun, 07-25-2010, 07:03 AM
Lol, I like to grind those games even when i don't have to.

Sun, 07-25-2010, 07:04 AM
I beat Limbo (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Limbo_(video_game)) yesterday. I only died a few several dozen times. If you liked Braid, I would highly recommend you check it out.

The atmosphere was great, really eerie with the soundtrack being silent most of the time. It has a great mix of platforming and puzzles, forcing you to think as often as you end up relying on your reaction skills. You never get the feeling that, "Oh, this a going to be a puzzle part," or "This is definitely an action part," because you end up having to think about where you are going to run or what you'll land into if you mistime the jump, since some of the solutions require sequential actions. It is so well blended that it feels like they usually require both skills.

None of the puzzles or action segments are particularly hard, if you die, it is always your fault, and you definitely know it. Two spots really pissed me off for a while, and one puzzle had me stumped for a good 10 minutes mostly due to its simplicity.

The black on grey color palette is used really effectively. Lots of things blend into the foreground and background perfectly, adding to the atmosphere.

It's a short game, only about 4 hours, but I thought it was well worth the 1200 points on XBL.

Tue, 07-27-2010, 07:24 AM
Yep, playing through Limbo now. It's a pretty simplistic puzzle platformer, but the style and atmosphere is so great it doesn't have to be any deeper than it is. That part with the spider creeped me out.

Tue, 07-27-2010, 10:15 AM
StarCraft 2 no-life time. the game is so epic that no words can describe its awesomeness. After i finish campaign i'm gonna go online in 2v2 and 3v3 league with my friends.

Tue, 07-27-2010, 07:04 PM
BlazBlue: Contiuum Shift.

...and I suck at it. They nerfed Rachel (my main in CT) to unusable, and aside from Litchi, I've got nothing. I tried Tsubaki, but she doesn't fit my style. She's fun, but I'm not going to get anywhere with her.

That, and I can't beat the Arcade Boss. At all.

I am in serious need of some practice.

Wed, 07-28-2010, 05:48 PM
Question for the demon's souls players in here. Do I need the special souls for something later in the game? Like the Lead/Iron/Flame demon soul.

Or should I just cash them in? >_>

Don't EVER cash them.

You need most of this Souls to buy Magic, Miracles or to upgrade your weapons into special versions of them.

The thing here is, though, that you need to finish he full game 4 times if you want the Platinum Trophy. Im still working on that. I've already acquiered all Magic. I need about 3 more miracles and a few weapons... which means I need 2 more games.

I guess you can cash them then, but it ain't worth it.

Im level 159 btw.

BlazBlue: Contiuum Shift.

...and I suck at it. They nerfed Rachel (my main in CT) to unusable, and aside from Litchi, I've got nothing. I tried Tsubaki, but she doesn't fit my style. She's fun, but I'm not going to get anywhere with her.

That, and I can't beat the Arcade Boss. At all.

I am in serious need of some practice.

Any of the DLC characters available already? Or rather... is Makoto available?... since Platinum and Valkenhayn are still on development.

Wed, 07-28-2010, 06:06 PM
Any of the DLC characters available already? Or rather... is Makoto available?... since Platinum and Valkenhayn are still on development.
According the the DLC schedule, Makoto is out on August 5th, along with the Version 1.01 patch.

The finer details on 1.01 are scarce. It may make Rachel viable again (likely, since she has been an absolute wreck since CS, most Rachel players had no choice but to abandon her), and it may also nerf Litchi (sadly likely, as they overdid it on her sorely needed damage buff from CT).

That said, even though Litchi has gone from the bottom to the top in terms of viability, it seems a lot of people aren't playing her, going for the easier characters and Hazama. Litchi's combos are really long, like 10+ moves rather often, so they take a lot of dedication to learn. In a way, she's similar to Rachel in how much time you have to put into her, which is why she's my new main.
plus she has big boobies!

I should really get into the story mode to unlock Mu, but most of them are locked until you play Ragna's, and I hate Ranga. Also, I've spent most of my time with the game having to learn a new character since they trashed Rachel.

That said, the tutorial modes are surprisingly awesome. Rachel narrates/instructs, and some of her lines are really funny. The Beginner Mode control scheme also lets button-masher friends who aren't used to fighting games play semi-competitively.

I forgot. Most of the forum members interested in BlazBlue are on the PS3, but for anyone on the Xbox 360, my gamertag is Ryllharu, and I'll be on after 4pm EST during the week or in the gotwoot IRC channel. If you want to play a few bouts, find me at one spot or the other.

I've switched my main to Litchi, am trying to learn Tsubaki, and will most likely pick up either Makoto or delta-11/nu-13.

Wed, 07-28-2010, 06:17 PM
Personally, I've never considered myself an all-out gamer for fighters, so I don't really have a main. I do enjoy playing some characters more than others, yes, but I mostly use 'random select' when playing friends. I hate Jin. More than Carl.

I prefer story mode more though.

But Im really looking forwards to those tutorials now that you tell me Rachel narrates them.

BTW. I bought the Noel Nendoroid from the Japanese limited edtion. She's freaking cute. I'll try and get a picture later at home.

Wed, 07-28-2010, 06:27 PM
BlazBlue is much more complex than fighters like Tekken or SF, and even a lot more sophisticated than Guilty Gear.

The game somewhat necessitates the need to main a character. All of them play so completely differently because of the Drive system. For example, Taokaka requires a lot of practice to learn how to fake out and dance around. A lot of her moves simply won't hit purely on who the opponent is (height and stance). She's really fragile, so you have to never be where your opponent expects.

The wonderful thing about that is there is a character who specializes in pretty much every type of play style someone might have. There are zoning characters (Rachel/delta-11, who vastly differ between each other btw), there are mistake punishers (Tager), dancing characters (Tao), mix-up (Litchi/Bang/Hazama, again vastly different between them), dodger/rushers (Noel), pure rushers (Ragna/Makoto), hybrid rushers (Tsubaki), counterers (Hakumen), shotos - like Ken/Ryu (Jin), and more.

I highly recommend going over to dustloop (http://www.dustloop.com/forums/forum.php) just to read a little insight from people who really focus on the characters. You don't have to read their in-depth combo guides and frame references/advantages breakdowns, but their pros/cons overviews are spot on.

Thu, 07-29-2010, 06:55 AM
If you want cheap souls go to 4-2 and just kill the reaper over and over - its faster to commit suicide than to use spell to go back to nexus.
and you can get platinium in 3 playthrougs - you can purify dragon god soul and then utilize it to learn the spell in one playthrough.

As for BlazBlue CS - i envy you - it will take long time before its released here(If it will ever be released here..). Is delta-11 much different from Nu?

Thu, 07-29-2010, 09:39 AM
I just started playing Assassin's Creed II. It feels a little better than the first game, but it's not as amazingly different from the original as everyone made it out to be. It could be all the Italian elements that bother me, and I particularly hate the mixing of Italian with English speech. Still somewhat enjoyable.

Thu, 08-05-2010, 03:40 PM
I'm alternating between castlevania order of ecclesia and SC2. I would love to play Castlevania symphony of the night on my ps3... but this PSX classic is only released in NA PSN...

@ animus
I have only pc, ps3 and nds..

Thu, 08-05-2010, 08:11 PM
It's on XBLA too if you have a 360. Though, not sure if it's in the EU XBL.

Wed, 08-11-2010, 12:50 PM
Yes it's on EU xbl.

Currently playing Castlevania: Harmony of Despair, much better then I thought it would be.

Wed, 08-11-2010, 08:24 PM
I tried the trial version of Harmony of Despair, but I didn't really like it. It certainly wouldn't be worth the 1200 points for me.

On the other hand, I did enjoy my first match of Monday Night Combat. I couldn't really handle the slow speed of the Gunner, but I did have fun with the Assassin. I died a lot getting the feel for how squishy she was, but Grapple Kills were a blast. It is a fun 3rd person Team Fortressy game, but aside from the cartoon styling and class-based combat, it has a lot more in common with a tower defense game against an opposing team. Turrets play a huge role in the map I was on, so teamwork is really essential to break the stalemate between the two teams in order to get the bots through.

Wed, 08-11-2010, 08:47 PM
It's more like a fusion of Team Fortress 2 and DoTA.

There's a few more similarities. Such as deploying sentries, the medigun and the medigun health buffer. What the medigun does differently is that it also drains health from enemies with it's alternate fire.