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Wed, 02-06-2008, 02:40 PM
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney and Legend of Zelda Wind Waker on the DS.
Wed, 02-06-2008, 06:41 PM
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney and Legend of Zelda Wind Waker on the DS.
I think you meant Phantom Hourglass am I right? :p
Currently playing CoD4 and Heavenly Sword on the PS3
Wed, 02-06-2008, 08:27 PM
Whoops! Yeah, thats what I meant to type. My fault. >.>
Wed, 02-06-2008, 08:32 PM
Phoenix Wright: Trials and Tribulations and patiently waiting for Apollo Justice.
I just finished Justice for All a week ago, it was by far the worst of the three games out already.
Wed, 02-06-2008, 08:43 PM
Whoops! Yeah, thats what I meant to type. My fault. >.>
NM let me know when you get to the guy with the 3 buckets.
Wed, 02-06-2008, 09:15 PM
Will do! I just started the part of the story where I have to get the 3 metals to forge the Phantom Sword.
I'll admit I've spent more of my time on Phoenix Wright though. It's just really really fun solving these cases and it's pretty comical at times too. I'm glad I put the money in for a DS, it was totally worth it.
@Ryl: How is Trials and Tribulations so far?
Thu, 02-07-2008, 05:15 AM
Really good. Humor is back in full force, you get to play Mia in a flashback case, the investigation is not nearly as tedious as it was in Justice for All, and one of the cases (at least so far) does not appear to be a murder case!
Don't get me wrong, the last case in Justice for All was pretty good, and I liked Franziska as the prosecutor more than Godot in Trials and Tribulations. It's just the first three cases in Justice for All were either beyond tedious during investigation, incredibly hard to match evidence during trials, or the worst trial in any game (the circus one).
Trials and Tribulations is back to the old Ace Attorney levels.
Thu, 02-07-2008, 08:03 AM
Advance Wars: Days of ruin, Sonic Adventure Rush, Megaman ZX and Meteos, all DS.
Thu, 02-07-2008, 12:26 PM
Will do! I just started the part of the story where I have to get the 3 metals to forge the Phantom Sword.
Ahh.....yeah then if you're at that part then I think you're capable of reaching the guy with the buckets. Once you find him, we can use the buckets to trade ship parts and stuff :o
Thu, 02-07-2008, 06:46 PM
Geometry Wars : Galaxies - DS
That game is strangely addictive..
Other than that.
Not really games, but I'm still using lots of my time on them.
Ever 17 The out of infinity - PC Visual Novel.
Yume Miru Kusuri: A Drug That Makes You Dream - PC Visual Novel, Eroge.
Figures of Happiness - PC Visual Novel, Eroge.
Crescendo - PC Visual Novel, Eroge.
I've got some more, but right now, they are the ones I'm reading..
If you manage to find Ever 17 in a store, or in a bargain bin, get it, it's totally worth reading.
(It may be a bit hard to find now that Hirameki ( went out of business.. those bastard.. they were one of the very very few company to bring Visual Novel to the US.. even though it's filled with typo)
Board of Command
Fri, 02-08-2008, 10:06 PM
Call of Duty 4 - There's so much bullshit in multiplayer. Martyrdom is a bitch.
But it's still fun though. I'm finally at lvl 55 and now in the process of unlocking the camouflages for all the guns.
Sat, 02-09-2008, 05:15 PM
Last Stand is a bitch. Keep getting my kills stolen. I never really use it personally.
@BoC: Have you got a golden camo yet? besides the Lvl55 deagle?
Board of Command
Sat, 02-09-2008, 05:57 PM
No, not even close. It's pretty hard to get headshots in this game...
Sat, 02-09-2008, 07:15 PM
No, not even close. It's pretty hard to get headshots in this game...
Yeah, I was pretty much forced to do headshots with the M21, since it was so weak and I wasn't too good at hitting them repeatedly, but with something like R700+Stopping Power, you kinda lose the habit. It's much easier for snipers and the higher up assault rifles though, compared to the others.
edit: I don't think I've even seen a golden weapon yet....
Board of Command
Sat, 02-09-2008, 07:27 PM
I've seen golden Uzi and M60. It looks pretty terrible, IMO. I'd rather have digital or blue tiger.
Sat, 02-09-2008, 07:38 PM
Just finished Prince of Persia: Sands of Time (3rd run-through), and will now shoot straight through the rest of the trilogy till I am satisfied.
Sat, 02-09-2008, 07:46 PM
I alwasy get so fucking embarressed by Last Stand. Atleast when it felt like you've humped like hundreds of bullets and yet he bitch slaps you in the face.
And the last unlockable Sniperr rifle is the most bitching rifle ever.... it's like Scream Aim Fire (point taken!)
Damn I so want that weapon : <!
Board of Command
Sat, 02-09-2008, 09:46 PM
I don't like any of the sniper rifles. For most distances, an accurate gun like M16 or G3 is perfectly capable of picking people off. With a sniper rifle you're limited to just camping.
Sat, 02-09-2008, 09:50 PM
Just beat Suikoden 5 (I put it off for a while), and am now "patiently" awaiting the release of Lost Odyssey.
Sun, 02-10-2008, 06:55 AM
The only sniper I really like is the R700, since with I go for the one shot, one kill philosophy when sniping, and it's the only one that does it for me, since I don't have the .50 yet, but the R700's still better IMO. I thought the M14 was going to be good, but experience tells me otherwise. Maybe it'll be better when I get a red dot sight for it. Right now, I'm having a bit of fun using a full stealth knifing class:
Primary: P60+silencer
Secondary: M1911.45+silencer
Stun x3
UAV Jammer
Extreme Conditioning
It sucks on nice open maps like Bog, but it's quite effective on ones like backlot and pipeline with lots of buildings.
I did have Dead Silence instead of Ex Con, but the server's so noisy, they can't hear me most of the time anyway. :D
Sun, 02-10-2008, 08:55 AM
There are two kind of snipers and if your good enough and non camper you have the way of doing things, hit and run, wich is very, very evil. Alhtough, there are very limited people who do that anyway but I've scored good stats by doing that.
And I just achieved the god damn last unlockable sniper. And it's God-Like when it comes to hit and runt O_O!
Mon, 02-11-2008, 03:56 AM
Wii: Fire Emblem 10, Resident Evil 4
DS: Advance Wars: Days of Ruin
PS2 (I don't have one): King of Fighters XI, Guilty Gear: Accent Core
Board of Command
Mon, 02-11-2008, 11:23 AM
The only sniper I really like is the R700, since with I go for the one shot, one kill philosophy when sniping, and it's the only one that does it for me, since I don't have the .50 yet, but the R700's still better IMO. I thought the M14 was going to be good, but experience tells me otherwise. Maybe it'll be better when I get a red dot sight for it. Right now, I'm having a bit of fun using a full stealth knifing class:
Primary: P60+silencer
Secondary: M1911.45+silencer
Stun x3
UAV Jammer
Extreme Conditioning
It sucks on nice open maps like Bog, but it's quite effective on ones like backlot and pipeline with lots of buildings.
I did have Dead Silence instead of Ex Con, but the server's so noisy, they can't hear me most of the time anyway. :D
I also thought M14 was good until I used it religiously for a while. It has tremendous power, but the recoil is ridiculous. It's almost impossible to land successive hits at a distance. G3 is a very similar gun but with much lower recoil. It also has pretty good damage with Stopping Power.
Right now I've grown quite fond of the M16. It has a perfect balance of accuracy and power. 2 bursts with Stopping Power is usually enough for a kill at any distance if you land about 4/6 bullets. Plus, it has essentially zero recoil.
My other favorite gun is the Uzi with a silencer. It has terrible range but in close quarters, it's probably the most lethal weapon in the game outside of shotguns. It has tremendous fire rate and decent damage to go along with it. You can often kill the target before he has time to even put enough bullets in you. It also has excellent hip firing accuracy, so you just run around gunning people down. It works wonders on maps like Backlot, Pipeline, Vacant and Ambush.
Shadow Skill
Wed, 02-13-2008, 01:24 AM
After playing Heavenly Sword and Genji on PS3, as well as Guitar Hero III for 360 and many other short games.
I am back to playing Priston Tale, Lol. :)
Wed, 02-13-2008, 03:24 AM
PS3: Rock Band, Devil May Cry 4
PSP: Monster Hunter Freedom 2 (I got 320 hours plus logged into this, dunno how I got that much seeing how I only played for bits and pieces at a time).
PC: nothing at the moment (waits for sc2)
Yep yep, hit me up sometime.
PSN and Xlink Kai: Rekeco
Wed, 02-13-2008, 03:47 AM
Currently playing Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction. Its a pretty fun game imo.
Wed, 02-13-2008, 06:33 AM
There are two games that I want
Lost Odessy
Viva Pinata
Lol, can't belive I just said that.
Wed, 02-13-2008, 12:12 PM
Currently playing Rock Band, DMC4, and on-again off-again flings with Beautiful Katamari, all on the 360.
I'm about a third of the way through the Son of Sparda difficulty.
Wed, 02-13-2008, 12:28 PM
Just finished Phoenix Wright AA, on to Justice for All!!
Sat, 02-16-2008, 08:10 AM
DS: Advance Wars: Days of Ruin
Just picked this up myself. I've always been a huge fan of the Advance Wars games, and this is no exception. It has a much darker, grittier feel to it and it works incredibly well. The new units are great, and while I miss the old familiar characters I'm enjoying the story so far. Need to get some multi going over wi-fi!
Sun, 02-17-2008, 03:56 PM
The best game ever is....
Animal Crossing DS: World Wide
Such a pity that I've lost my recharger.
Wed, 02-20-2008, 12:29 AM
I'm playing Lost Odyssey atm. The game is amazing, if you're a fan of traditional JRPGs.
Thu, 02-21-2008, 07:55 PM
A little bit of Twilight Princess in between a lot more of Pheonix Wright: Trials and Tribulations. I finally got to the final case, and I have to say that Trials and Tribulations is easily as good as the first title, if not better.
I still liked the final case in Ace Attorney the most (at least so far, this last case is showing enough promise to exceed it), with all the fun forensic investigation and gripping storyline, but this final case has been set up from the beginning of this game, and adds a surprising amount of depth to Maya, and one very neglected character...Phoenix Wright himself.
Thu, 02-21-2008, 09:07 PM
Currently playing, Apollo Justice : Ace Attorney.
It basically take place 7 years after Trials and Tribulations. I finished the first Case some hours ago, it was simply Epic, Phoenix still kick ass.
Though I don't really like his new look..
(I won't say anymore.. The fact that I even mentionned Phoenix kicking ass is a spoiler)
Fri, 02-22-2008, 05:19 AM
Doesn't Apollo Justice star a new hotshot lawyer?
(I'm still waiting for my copy to ship, as a fool, I foolishly preordered like any foolish fool would foolishly do). <3 Franziska forever.
Fri, 02-22-2008, 08:29 AM
Doesn't Apollo Justice star a new hotshot lawyer?
(I'm still waiting for my copy to ship, as a fool, I foolishly preordered like any foolish fool would foolishly do). <3 Franziska forever.
Well, like I said, It basically take place 7 years after Trials and Tribulations.
Wright is still there... but... well... yeaaaahh... play the game you will know the rest, I don't really want to spoil you over that.
Dark Dragon
Sat, 02-23-2008, 12:40 AM
currently playing Odin Sphere and i am in awe at how beautiful the game is.
edit: oh yeah i have Advance Wars: Days of ruin too so it's cool if anyone want to play a game or something.
Sat, 02-23-2008, 12:53 AM
Has anyone played the Witcher? It's supposed to be a great RPG game, but I haven't heard much about it.
Mon, 02-25-2008, 04:35 AM
Currently playing, Apollo Justice : Ace Attorney.
It basically take place 7 years after Trials and Tribulations. I finished the first Case some hours ago, it was simply Epic, Phoenix still kick ass.
Though I don't really like his new look..
(I won't say anymore.. The fact that I even mentionned Phoenix kicking ass is a spoiler)
It's not in English yet, is it?
Edit: Oh wait, apparently it is now. *orders*
Mon, 02-25-2008, 04:54 AM
Came out on the 20th of February in the States. I ordered it online, so I have to wait longer.
Mon, 02-25-2008, 06:10 AM
Professor Layton and the Curious Village.
One phrase to sum it up: "addicting puzzles."
Wed, 02-27-2008, 02:28 AM
Nintendo DS: Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney. A story book doesn't get any better than this.
Wii: No More Heroes. It's a beautifully underrated game with all the bells and whistles.
Xbox 360: Devil May Cry 4. It's been too long.
Wed, 02-27-2008, 02:43 AM
Pikmin 2.
I already got everything in it when I played it 2 years or so ago, but its still just as much fun to play as if it was brand new.
Mon, 03-03-2008, 02:52 AM
I am currently playing the games
Halo 3
Tf2 etc.:)
Mon, 03-03-2008, 11:09 PM
i played tf2 the other day for about 5 minutes and saw the same douche's camping the same spots they were camping the last time i played a few weeks ago... then i f10'd and played counterstrike for about 45 minutes and had some good dust / office matches...then quit.
and that is the extent of my gaming for the past....2months because being married leaves me w\ no time to play games.
Mon, 03-03-2008, 11:57 PM
Lost Odyssey, atm. Big fan of traditional JRPG's. And a bit of Devil May Cry 4 on the side.
Wed, 03-05-2008, 01:27 PM
Super Mario (SNES) OLd SCHOOLshit and killer instinct Donkey Kong.
COD4 sweet game UT3 fragging Gears of war
Board of Command
Wed, 03-05-2008, 01:39 PM
I started playing Assassin's Creed on PC yesterday and it's pretty decent so far. The graphics are quite nice and performance is very respectable.
Wed, 03-05-2008, 02:35 PM
I started playing Assassin's Creed on PC yesterday and it's pretty decent so far. The graphics are quite nice and performance is very respectable.
Assassin's Creed is a great game i played on mine Xbox 360. But when you have finished the game in the end of the game after >the credits< you will be back in your clinic. Where you terribly become glad of run around and walk around. At least, to sure if you turn your special vision on and look behind the walls......... hidden text are writed!!!. Texts from which you can possible make a study of it then you can conclude that Assassin's Creed 2 can come that could play in Japan.
So if i was you Take the effort and time to look at the credits.
Thu, 03-06-2008, 04:38 PM
all im playing is GBA games(i played all of the worth playing ones i guess)...
right now im summing it up with summon night 3.
Thu, 03-06-2008, 07:08 PM
all im playing is GBA games(i played all of the worth playing ones i guess)...
right now im summing it up with summon night 3.
I assume that it is the JP version? (not holding my breath in case of the alternative)
Wed, 03-12-2008, 10:20 PM
Beat Trials & Tribulations awhile ago and I'm about to start Apollo Justice. Afraid I haven't touched Zelda at all since i caught onto the Phoenix Wright series Assertn. :o
Thu, 03-13-2008, 11:15 AM
The game that i mostly hate is Run Escape:mad:
Fri, 03-14-2008, 12:00 PM
Lost Odyessy got a huge and very wide review, more on the negative side. I still love the game though they could've polished the english sub and stuff. I'm using the jap voice so I've encountered moments where it was not subbed at all. Oh well, trivial stuff.
Fri, 03-14-2008, 12:23 PM
Trying to finish resistance at the moment, feels a bit plain after playing so many great shooters lately.
Otherwise im playing tf2 and cod 4 online for pc.
Finally oing to pick up devil may cry 4 now too, just finished dmc3 for the fourth time and completed the dmc4 demo a few times per day.
Fri, 03-14-2008, 02:42 PM
Lost Odyessy got a huge and very wide review, more on the negative side. I still love the game though they could've polished the english sub and stuff. I'm using the jap voice so I've encountered moments where it was not subbed at all. Oh well, trivial stuff.
GOW 2 i cant wait to use the chainsaw
Sat, 03-15-2008, 12:35 PM
I just hope that they don't ruin the map/weapon balance and shit. And I pray for that they fix the servers, actual game servers, not individual host server.
I also enjoy shaking trees in Animal Crossing.
And dig holes.
And drink coffee.
And fish.
And wear MCR Black Parade costume with white hair and thick black glasses.
Stuff that would never do IRL.
: )
Sat, 03-15-2008, 08:57 PM
Kage No Densetsu fucking 2!!
jesus, best 2d sidescrolling action ever, best sequel ever aswell.
Sun, 03-16-2008, 01:13 AM
Playing Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Rings of Fate for the Nintendo DS. I'd say its currently the best FF game on the DS thats released in english.
Sun, 03-16-2008, 01:06 PM
finishing final fantasy VII for the 5th time
i cant wait for Street Fighter IV
Sun, 03-16-2008, 01:08 PM
Third disc of Lost Odyssey now, and Patapon/Wild Arms XF for PSP.
Sun, 03-16-2008, 03:42 PM
i just took out "Metal Fatigue" again... probably the best RTS with mechas in the world lol..
its so much fun to see them fighting!
Mon, 03-17-2008, 01:42 PM
I just played Halo 3 and it's newest patch made the game worse.
Meaning that it used to be "The one who's faster wins". Now it's more noobible, making that if two attacks each other almost the same time, both dies.
There's no hardcore in that...... </3
They've also nurfied the Gravity Hammer....
Damn, Halo 3 really blows if your not goofing around with people who know...
Also, I just taught my girlfiend how to play Gears Of War.
For some odd reason, we played naked.
Thu, 06-05-2008, 11:30 PM
Just replayed Xenogears and boy did it make a lot more sense than when I played it many years ago. Now I'm playing Legend of Mana. All on the PSP :p
Fri, 06-06-2008, 03:54 PM
PC : Crysis / CS:S
360 : GTA 4
Fri, 06-06-2008, 03:59 PM
CoD4 (new patch has new maps yay)
World of Warcraft
and soon Age of Conan
Fri, 06-06-2008, 06:45 PM
Just replayed Xenogears and boy did it make a lot more sense than when I played it many years ago. Now I'm playing Legend of Mana. All on the PSP :p
Good man. I've replayed Xenogears like 6-7 times already, just because it was that damn good. Best RPG ever imo.
Fri, 06-06-2008, 08:51 PM
CoD4 (new patch has new maps yay)
World of Warcraft
and soon Age of Conan
I take it your CoD4's on console then? Edit: never mind, got my PC update. :)
I'd like to give Age of Conan a try, but I want to save some money up for a PS3 and games.
Fri, 06-06-2008, 11:35 PM
Playing MegaMan Powered Up on the PSP right now. Its really a great remake of the NES classic. Graphics look fantastic, save function obviously, the challenge mode (some of them are kind of hard...), and the ability to play as the bosses AND Roll in the original mode! I'm thinking about getting Maverick Hunter X eventually since Capcom did a great job on this remake.
Soon to add MGS4 in just a couple of days! :D
Sun, 06-08-2008, 11:02 AM
COD4 and FFX.
Haven't played FFX in like 6 or 7 years, so it's nice to come back to it... and it's especially satisfying that I beat the boss I was stuck on when I was 12.
Sun, 06-08-2008, 08:44 PM
Playing The World Ends with You. It's definitely everything I was hoping it to be. Although, there are a few things which can be annoying at times, but it's all forgivable due to all the replay value and effort that was built to make this game.
Tue, 06-10-2008, 10:35 AM
An honest review (
Thu, 06-26-2008, 04:21 PM
MGS4, second time around. Got it set on Big Boss Hard... keep finding new things too.
Thu, 06-26-2008, 07:57 PM
FFX International. Ugh thinking about dodging 200 lightning bolts all over again gives me a headache.
Thu, 06-26-2008, 11:14 PM
Persona 3 FES for 2nd time (5th overall if you count Persona 3...)
The World Ends With You
Thu, 06-26-2008, 11:22 PM
2nd run on MGS4. This time I'm going for 0 Kills and 0 Alerts. I'll attempt the Big Boss rank another time...
And Metal Gear Online also if that counts.
Fri, 06-27-2008, 12:31 AM
I will probably start Race Grid.
Also I may try the H-game Kimi ga nozomu eien, that would be a first for me.
I hope the translated "game map" will be efficient enough.
Death BOO Z
Fri, 06-27-2008, 12:33 PM
I've fallen for "the world ends with you" (DS)
it's really good, not too hard to play, doesn't require too much exp-crawlings.
and it's amazingly fun to play, the controls feels natrual, not too demanding.
and it's taking up every moment of my free time. Perfect.
Fri, 06-27-2008, 01:09 PM
Battlefield Bad Company and then Super smash Brawl!
Fri, 06-27-2008, 04:46 PM
I think I'll get Rise of Legends again out of the video store tomorrow...
its actually a pretty good game and imho the best out of the Rise of Nations
Fri, 06-27-2008, 10:04 PM
I finally managed to pry away from MGS4 and started Devil May Cry 4.
Sat, 06-28-2008, 04:04 PM
Playing Folklore atm, its suprisingly good.
Sun, 06-29-2008, 02:25 PM
playing okami the second time around. also just finished professor layton and the curious village. and yesterday i bought guitar iii, finally, so been playing that since last night.
Sun, 06-29-2008, 04:01 PM
I just started Okami a couple weeks ago and I'm having a hard time getting into it. It feels kind of repetitive and easy. It might be that I don't like RPGs that much because it feels like you're living someone (or something in this case) else's life instead of your own.
Otherwise I'm still playing GTA:IV. Condemned 2, The Experiment, and Assassin's Creed for the PC are on their way in the mail.
Mon, 06-30-2008, 02:40 AM
I just started Okami a couple weeks ago and I'm having a hard time getting into it. It feels kind of repetitive and easy. It might be that I don't like RPGs that much because it feels like you're living someone (or something in this case) else's life instead of your own.
haha you shouldn't play World of World of Warcraft ( then xD
edit: ah @ topic just yesterday I started to play Company of Heroes:OF again... this game is still amazing.
Mon, 06-30-2008, 02:47 AM
Hahaha the Onion rules. I know people who would play WoWoW if it really was available. I have yet to even try WoW. I had my fill of text-based MuDs, to spare me from the addiction of modern MMORPGs.
Wed, 07-02-2008, 04:08 PM
looking at all of your great games make me cry ^_^
im playing prince of persia:warrior within :}
Wed, 07-02-2008, 05:23 PM
Still with Persona 3 FES
but just started Final Fantasy Tactics A2 as well.
Fri, 07-04-2008, 04:46 AM
I'm playing Metal Gear Solid 4 for the second time on big boss hard. Glad that I bought this. :)
Wed, 07-16-2008, 07:33 PM
Civilization Revoluton for the xbox 360.
Really good streamlined version of Civ, cartoony feel, faster paced (games take 2-3 hours on the Chieftan rather than 2 days) but still a lot of fun. Some of the things in the eras are a little broken (Greek Hoplites can nearly defeat tanks when they are defending a city!), but other than that, it's definitely worth playing if you're a fan of Civ.
Shadow Skill
Fri, 07-18-2008, 08:49 PM
Playing Age of Conan. :)
Fri, 07-18-2008, 10:55 PM
I just finished Condemned 2: Bloodshot on the X360. Pretty cool game with good gameplay mechanics, but some problems with the controls and command queuing and a fairly linear storyline. Still worth playing. B+
Board of Command
Sat, 07-19-2008, 01:02 AM
I finished Crysis last week and now I'm just back to playing Team Fortress 2.
Sat, 07-26-2008, 02:07 AM
thought i posted this here earlier but i guess not...
ati's latest driver included a WOW trial.... needless to say i just spend the last 5 hours playing...
Those 5 hours were wasted because I died while on this quest w\ some random other person... my cpu rebooted and then when i was almost to my corpse the guy who was questing w\ me disbanded and then i went at it alone and died again eventually then came back and then died again and decided to goto bed while dead.... and apparently its not a good idea to log off while you're in spirit state because it wont let me back into the world w\ that char....
So i made another !!!! and have him leveled in about half the time as the first. I'm going to go ahead and buy in the next day or two. Too bad I have to work fulltime and also do household chores, otherwise i'd be able to both play and sleep well.
Sat, 07-26-2008, 08:50 AM
bought Age of Conan and stopped playing it after 2 days when I reached level 37
not very entertaining
I also bought Rise of Legends a week ago, old game... still fun and it was very cheap
and my personal favorite: Mount&Blade never had so much fun in months... started with the demo where you can only reach level 7 and got the fullversion a few days later..
it only requires 300MB hard drive space.
I think everyone who likes the medieval age and riding with a big sword or axe into enemy lines of spearmen or crossbowmen should at least play the demo...
its simply fun to rise your own army and fight with it on the battlefield against enemy troops.
the game is a bit like medieval 2 only that the fights are in third person (or first person)... you can fight has a mercenary captain or as a vassall of a king. manage your own village, recruit and train troops, do quests, besiege castles etc.
too bad that not someone like blizzard or THQ is picking this game up... the developers need more money ^^
trailer :) (
Sun, 07-27-2008, 08:14 PM
Still playing Final Fantasy Tactics A2 in my DS.
Just began Final Fantasy in the PSP for the 1st time.
During this week I'll probably begin Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne as it arrives home (bought it alongside Digital Devil Saga 1 & 2 and Devil Summoner on Ebay... alongside Persona 3 and Persona 3 FES (which I need to sell) and two books. All for 190dlls).
Oh... and will probably begin Metal Gear Solid 4 later tonight seeing as my PS3 just arrived home 10 minutes ago :D
Dark Dragon
Sun, 07-27-2008, 10:19 PM
I just picked up FF4 for the DS a few days ago and is currently addicted with the game.
I'm also trying to replay Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn on hard mode. I'm not sure why i like this series so much since each game get progressively harder and even though i've beaten 3 other FE's there are still numerous time i have to hit the reset key because a unit i like die and is gone for good.
Wed, 07-30-2008, 09:08 AM
FF4 is my favorite final fantasy game ever. I've played through it so many times.
SO.... I have now played well over 15 hours of WoW since my trial started thursday or friday, *cough* i upgraded my account so i can keep playing.
was kind of funny because i got invited into some dungeon and had a bunch of high level players killing all the enemies and i was just getting lots of free loot, pretty much upgraded all my armor and weapons and got tons of free $$
I was wondering though, it seems that once you reach level 70 you just afk in the big towns or something lol or ride around on whatever kind of 'mount' you have so that noobs can see that you're level 70
Wed, 07-30-2008, 11:27 AM
Woot, just got my MGS4 PS3 Bundle an hour or so ago, gonna be playing that soon!
Wed, 07-30-2008, 03:46 PM
Woot, just got my MGS4 PS3 Bundle an hour or so ago, gonna be playing that soon!
I got mine 2 days ago.
MGS4 looks awesome. And I already downloaded the Naruto demo (which I played yesterday night instead of MGS4)
Thu, 07-31-2008, 12:39 AM
I finished Crysis last week and now I'm just back to playing Team Fortress 2.
Was it over-hyped or as cool as advertised? I'll admit I had fun killing Koreans.
Still playing Assassin's Creed, though it is somewhat repetitive.
Death BOO Z
Thu, 07-31-2008, 06:17 PM
Still playing Final Fantasy Tactics A2 in my DS.
like every other game in the history of mankind, this one has made me his bitch.
(must... master... all skills... all jobs...)
I really need some games that last for 20 hours, and not for 70+ game sessions.
Fri, 08-01-2008, 03:42 PM
Well... I changed my games AGAIN
NDS - FFTA2 and FFIII (FINALLY got wifi and sent the stupid emails to gains access to extra dungeon)
PSP - Final Fantasy (1)
PS2 (on a PS3) - Tales of the Abyss (started it almost 2 years ago), Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne (just bought, awesome game)
PS3 - Metal Gear Solid 4
Wii - None at the moment
Fri, 08-01-2008, 04:33 PM
Playing Grand Theft Auto IV, Madden 09 demo, and Facebreaker demo on PS3. I've picked up six games in the past week. Got King of Fighters XI and Naruto Ultimate Ninja 3 for PS2 to play on my PS3. Also received Heavenly Sword off Ebay for $38, Ninja Gaiden Sigma for $30, Devil May Cry 4 for $40, and the new Soul Calibur IV. Got a lot to play. until all the games I want, come out in October.
10/07 - MotorStorm: Pacific Rift
10/07 - NBA 2K9
10/14 - Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm
10/14 - Saints Row 2
10/21 - Naruto: Clash of Ninja Revolution 2
I can't wait.
Fri, 08-01-2008, 05:32 PM
Gone back to Okami for Wii. Hoping to beat this before school starts up again since I won't have my consoles with me in the apartment.
And will probably go through one more run of MGS4 (want to unlock the Altair costume this time).
Fri, 08-01-2008, 06:12 PM
Soul Calibur 4.. Game is so beautiful!
Fri, 08-01-2008, 08:52 PM
Soul Calibur 4!
They took out some of the modes from SC3, but I really don't miss them all that much. The character models are great, the create-a-fighter mode was expanded a ton, and you can even give all the regular characters the same swappable clothing. Idealistic is right about it being a pretty game, all the fabric flows nicely, the moves fluid. They fixed a lot of the balancing problems that SC3 had.
In the 360 version, Yoda is a little cheap, but makes up for it by being slow as hell. The Apprentice is cheap, but with the right fast character, you can take down the average player using him online (in non-ranked matches).
Easily the best Create-a-Fighter mode in any fighting game.
Fri, 08-01-2008, 09:32 PM
^^ Definitely. And the fact that they don't allow you to customize the movesets, means it's perfectly fine to use your custom characters in online/competitive play. So if you always liked let's say, Mitsurugi, but always wanted to play as a female Samurai, you can. Or if you like Taki, and want to play a male ninja, you can.
I have encountered some very funny creations.... Saw a Tony Stark too.. LOL... Oh and of course, there are a lot of anime characters.
Fri, 08-01-2008, 10:33 PM
I dont really like the creat-a-char, lots of options yes, but no unique fighting styles, thats what makes sc3 CaS still superior though, i mean how hard would it have been to just port those over :/ meh.
Also why must a make a custom char each time i just want to use a different weapon for someone, that makes no sense at all.
The bonus chars are pretty so-so too, thx to the no unique fighting styles, I mean what's the point of shura having 4 swords, when she only uses 2 cause she has cervantes' moveset? meh.
Also no Hwang seong gyeong! *cry*, yun-seong just doesn't quite cut it. Another char that is missing is the edgemaster/inferno/charade type char that uses a diff. weapon each time, that was great since random char is useless in this game cause after every match you have to go back and select random char if you want a different one for the next match.
The edgemaster type chars kept everything nice and varied.
Though this might seem like a huge rant, i still love the game to death and it rox, i just hope they release some extra chars (HWANG) and some more fighting styles for CaS as some form of dlc, plus they should hurry with the vader/yoda dlc aswell.
Fri, 08-01-2008, 11:48 PM
So tempted to get ^this now, but down south here, the new semester's already started. I'll try to refrain from getting all these goodies until December, then wrap them all up in an Xmas bargain.
Sat, 08-02-2008, 12:28 AM
I saw a video of the Xbox360 Soul Calibur 4 where Yoda was fighting Darth Vader.
It seems that Vader is in the code, but is not accesible normally.
Let me see if I can find the link...
Sat, 08-02-2008, 05:23 AM
There's an open space on the roster in the exact spot Vader/Yoda are in respectively. Seems pretty obvious they will both by downloadable content.
Sat, 08-02-2008, 08:34 AM
The stores were selling the older PS3 games at discount prices. I bought Spider-man 3 at a really good price yesterday.
The game sucks so much I'm ready to throw it away. :( Should have saved up for something better.
Sat, 08-02-2008, 09:04 AM
I would buy Xenogears off PSN just for the heck of it if I had any money left over after buying the MGS4 bundle, heh.
Wed, 08-06-2008, 10:01 AM
Still playing Final Fantasy Tactics A2 in my DS.
Just began Final Fantasy in the PSP for the 1st time.
During this week I'll probably begin Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne as it arrives home (bought it alongside Digital Devil Saga 1 & 2 and Devil Summoner on Ebay... alongside Persona 3 and Persona 3 FES (which I need to sell) and two books. All for 190dlls).
Oh... and will probably begin Metal Gear Solid 4 later tonight seeing as my PS3 just arrived home 10 minutes ago :D
Geez...we're too much alike FFT A2...still going, and yea, I'm still a huge Kallen fan!
How far are you into FF?
Wed, 08-06-2008, 11:33 AM
I think I might be playing wow for a while.... I now have 2 lvl 18 charactors and am spending almost all of my free time playing. only complaints, i switched to the other charactor i have last night to send some $$ to the other one... and some guy from the horde was hiding somewhere near to the mail box and did some kind of spell to make the cities defense squad kill me 3 times before i finally could send the mail! also... finished a quest and reward was some good armor or a pretty good ring and then it didn't give me either of them :(
Wed, 08-06-2008, 07:32 PM
Geez...we're too much alike FFT A2...still going, and yea, I'm still a huge Kallen fan!
How far are you into FF?
Terms of story, dunno, since I'm doing all the quests I can.
I have 49 quests done as of today.
Wed, 08-06-2008, 11:47 PM
Soul Calibur IV, trying to unlock everything, so that I can have fun making my own characters.
Thu, 08-07-2008, 12:14 AM
Terms of story, dunno, since I'm doing all the quests I can.
I have 49 quests done as of today.
O_o oh...I have like 212 quests done...
Thu, 08-07-2008, 09:49 AM
O_o oh...I have like 212 quests done...
I only play between 2 and 3 pm, before returning to work. After lunch that is.
Death BOO Z
Thu, 08-07-2008, 02:32 PM
198 Quests for me.
Game of the devil, Damn it.
I really want to finish this game already, but the road is still long.
Thu, 08-07-2008, 02:45 PM
Playing Fallout 3 fcuking awesome game is that you need try it!!1
Thu, 08-07-2008, 10:27 PM
198 Quests for me.
Game of the devil, Damn it.
I really want to finish this game already, but the road is still long.
I know...I do more pointless quests than actual real missions. Oh, did you get any of the special characters yet?
Death BOO Z
Fri, 08-08-2008, 01:00 AM
what special characters?
Game is so un-explained sometimes...
Fri, 08-08-2008, 07:18 AM
Playing Fallout 3 fcuking awesome game is that you need try it!!1
How the hell are you playing that when it's not even released? Picture or link or it's a bloody lie!
Anyways I'm playing TF2 atm.
Death BOO Z
Sun, 08-10-2008, 11:08 AM
my thoughts precisely
everyone should read CAD (
Sun, 08-10-2008, 11:24 AM
I'm currently playing Dark Sector on the X360 and the Experiment on PC. Dark Sector is very linear and reminiscent of Gears of War, except you don't have to worry about rescuing a stupid partner the entire game. I just loaded the Experiment, looks like an interesting puzzle game.
Sun, 08-10-2008, 04:25 PM
Well, I unlocked as many things as I can for Soul Calibur IV. Taking a break for now.
Does anyone have any near future release recommendations or is there something out now that's worth checking out? Something that's not an RPG.
Sun, 08-10-2008, 08:11 PM
RedX1z: What system are you playing on?
Sun, 08-10-2008, 08:49 PM
Mainly, Playstation 3, but I also have the other two at my disposal as well.
Sun, 08-10-2008, 09:32 PM
Well, I unlocked as many things as I can for Soul Calibur IV. Taking a break for now.
Does anyone have any near future release recommendations or is there something out now that's worth checking out? Something that's not an RPG.
Well there's Metal Gear Solid 4, Grand Theft Auto 4..... And uhh..... Yeah... Pretty much just MGS4, GTA4 and SC4 that caught my eye for the PS3. And then there's always those 10 other FPS games that's out.
Sony is lagging with some good exclusives.
Sun, 08-10-2008, 09:40 PM
That's a real shame, because most of those have been played and beaten.
Resident Evil 5 needs to come out alot quicker, if you ask me.
Mon, 08-11-2008, 02:23 AM
What's a good FPS for ps3? I heard haze blows, and I have army of two, but its only good with a friend.
Mon, 08-11-2008, 06:00 AM
What's a good FPS for ps3? I heard haze blows, and I have army of two, but its only good with a friend.
Hmmm... There's just so many FPS games these days that none of them really stand out to me. There's always Call of Duty 4 and Resistance.. I heard those 2 were pretty good.
Counter-Strike for life! :D
Mon, 08-11-2008, 06:38 AM
CSS. My brother sent me a 3-day pass, and hopefully my bank will transfer my money to Paypal in time to get the special (weekend special: CSS products half price). I don't think it's going to happen though.
I feel so n00b though. How can shooters all have such a different feel anyway.
Mon, 08-11-2008, 07:49 AM
Different creators and engines?
RedX1z: August is a crappy month. Only good game so far is SC4, but you've already got it. Too Human and Tales of Vesperia is comming out soon. It's the only games I want. You could hook up some arcade games on XBL. There's lot of good games out now.
September isn't that good either, only Spore and SW: Force Unleashed. In October Fallout 3, Golden Axe, Fracture, Dead Space, Fable 2, Far Cry 2 and Project Origin is comming out.
Mon, 08-11-2008, 12:08 PM
not good?, september has Infinite undiscovery, mercenaries 2, silent hill: homecoming, golden axe beast rider, force unleashed, socom confrontation, spore or even face breaker for those who want it.
And for US releases add rock band 2, tales of vesperia, the wheelman and armored core for answer.
And seeing how im a warriors fan, warriors orochi 2 is also being released in september.
Just cause you dont like a certain game/genre in this list doesn't mean those games won't be good and sell lots
Thu, 08-14-2008, 10:33 PM
I don't see any Rockman 9 on your wish lists.
I'll look into everything you guys recommended, because right now, it's all I have.
I guess the next game I want is in October, LittleBigPlanet. Until then, I guess I'll be playing Virtual Console games for a while.
Thu, 08-21-2008, 07:22 AM
Playing Tales of Vesperia cool RPG game(Japnese), because of that game all x360''s in Japan are sold out.
Mon, 08-25-2008, 10:12 AM
I'm playing World of Warcraft now :p. Started 2 days ago and now a lv 22 Undead Rogue.
Mon, 08-25-2008, 10:21 AM
Haven't played much lately, but this are the current games that hold my attention (when I can play that is)
PS2 (in a PS3) - Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne
PS2 (in a PS2) - Tales of the Abyss
PSP - Final Fantasy
NDS - Final Fantasy Tactics A2
PS3 - Metal Gear Solid 4
PS3 - Pain
Death BOO Z
Mon, 08-25-2008, 10:31 AM
I gave up on FFTA2, I'm one fight away from winning. I went up to the tower of doom lvl2. and then some enemy used mass-haste+regan+protect+stone. my party has gone down to 2 people before my first turn came up. screw this game.
I'm now into Megaman ZXadvant. finished easy mode, will finish normal mode by the end of the week. damn cocksuckers, so many models. why can't any model do the job?
Fri, 09-05-2008, 10:11 PM
Currently playing Tales of Vesperia on the 360. Easily my favorite Tales game by far.
Anyone else playing it too?
Fri, 09-05-2008, 10:22 PM
I've been playing a lot of Call of Duty 4 and GTA IV recently. Awesome games. Especially COD, where you can pwn lotsa noobs online.
Sat, 09-06-2008, 12:02 AM
I just finished Battlefield Bad Company on the X360. Pretty great game. Some frustrations include your useless squadmates and the fact that the gold is hard to find. Very realistic, great selection of weapons, plenty of replay value since the game rushes by if you let it. Only real complaint is how short it is.
Next is Mercenaries 2. Should be fun.
Sat, 09-06-2008, 12:08 AM
I just finished Battlefield Bad Company on the X360. Pretty great game. Some frustrations include your useless squadmates and the fact that the gold is hard to find. Very realistic, great selection of weapons, plenty of replay value since the game rushes by if you let it. Only real complaint is how short it is.
Next is Mercenaries 2. Should be fun.
It's pretty fun over Live too, but it's seemingly really quiet over Live. I'm not sure if there's voice chat or not, or people just don't like to talk playing BC.
Collecting dog tags from knifing people's pretty fun too. I have over 200 unique dog tags from like a week of playing while playing normally.
Sat, 09-06-2008, 12:54 PM
I suck with the knife in BC on the x360 controller. I was pretty good with a knife on CoD4. Not sure why the discrepancy.
Just got Mercs 2 in the mail. Will fire it up in a minute.
edit: Sigh. Why must they mess with a good game and make it crappy? I paid $60 for this? It'd be more fun to go replay the first game on the old Xbox.
Sat, 09-06-2008, 05:37 PM
Probably cause you have to take off your knife off the analog stick to knife in BC. It's in an awkward place (Y button).
I've never played Mercs 1 or 2, but I watched my cousin playing Mercs 2, two days ago and it seemed like a GTA clone. Unsure whether or not the first one was like that though.
Sat, 09-06-2008, 06:01 PM
I didnt play the first one but I plan on buying Mercs 2, so Ani give me your opinion so I can decide whether its worth it or not. I hate buying games that end up just occupying space in my collection.
Sat, 09-06-2008, 06:23 PM
GTA4, looking forward to Star Wars and the new Batman game coming out!
Sun, 09-07-2008, 01:35 PM
I didnt play the first one but I plan on buying Mercs 2, so Ani give me your opinion so I can decide whether its worth it or not. I hate buying games that end up just occupying space in my collection.
So far, looks like they messed with a good thing. We'd be lucky if they just made a GTA-clone like the first one. I guess they couldn't get the source code for GTA:IV in time to make this game. If I were you, I'd wait 2 months, then pick this up from eBay for $20. This is probably the last time I pre-order a game.
What really bites is that I could have replayed BF:Bad Company like I wanted to, then read all the negative reviews for Mercs2, then go on vacation, then wait another couple months to buy it for $20 on eBay.
Sun, 09-07-2008, 01:42 PM
Thats too bad and I was looking forward to this game too. Oh well I'll just scratch that one off the list.
Mon, 09-08-2008, 04:40 AM
I started playing DotA again. It's addictive >.<
Mon, 09-08-2008, 04:56 AM
I bought warhammer 40k Dark Crusade a week ago...
The game is too easy... at least with Necrons, they are totally OP.
Mon, 09-08-2008, 05:09 AM
I bought warhammer 40k Dark Crusade a week ago...
The game is too easy... at least with Necrons, they are totally OP.
I personally like Tau. Not that they're strong, just that they look cool.
I haven't touched the game for a while now.
Mon, 09-08-2008, 07:12 AM
Playing the Warhammer Open Beta, atm.
It's not too bad. Name's Sentinel, an order Swordmaster on Gorfang.
Mon, 09-08-2008, 08:00 AM
you preordered the game? or closed beta key?
Tue, 09-09-2008, 06:31 PM
Naw, it was an open beta key provided by
They were giving away beta keys on random sites for both the US and EU beta.
Thu, 09-11-2008, 01:11 AM
What a coincidence, I am playing dota too...I use Garena Client.
Thu, 09-11-2008, 02:00 AM
I'm still playing wow, but this time I'm playing a Draenei Priest on Onyxia. As well when im bored, I play some random Dota games on and some GTA 4 sometimes.
Thu, 09-11-2008, 02:11 AM
Typing Mania 4. Yeah, I'm spreading it like an addict.
Mon, 09-15-2008, 02:54 PM
Stalker - Clear Sky and the best strategy game out there(excluding homeworld 1)(no - not the shitty starcraft) - Homeworld 2
Mon, 09-15-2008, 04:06 PM
Perfect World International as a Winged Elf Cleric.
Board of Command
Fri, 09-19-2008, 08:18 PM
Stalker - Clear Sky
And after that's done, Crysis Warhead.
Sat, 09-20-2008, 12:38 PM
i wouldn't play crysis warhead even if somebody gave it to me...
I'm stuck on WoW still... see this going on for months. Going to buy SC2 in december though.
Sat, 09-20-2008, 02:19 PM
Lost odyssey
Eternal sonata
Mercenaries 2
Crysis: Warhead
Ratchet & clank quest for booty
Dota (hamachi or garena)
And maybe start playing WoW with some friends again
Sat, 09-20-2008, 10:50 PM
I'm playing Mega Man 2 until Mega Man 9 comes out on Monday on the VC Shop.
Sat, 09-20-2008, 11:14 PM
A multi language free 3D MMO from japan still in beta.
It's really not bad, there's not much content yet, only 2 normal islands with a town on them, the other islands, from what I have seen, only have 2 characters on them, a bartender, to buy food for your crew and a smithy.
Exp on Land and on Sea, I prefer the Sea with monsters and enemies ships. (pirates?)
That and, Diablo II Lord of Destruction, from time to times. Like now... since "Hackshield" for Florensia fucked up and no one can play until they fix it...
Sun, 09-21-2008, 12:50 AM
I've cancelled my WoW account finally and I've picked up Warhammer Online. I'm playing on Ironclaw Destruction side for anyone who's interested!
Sun, 09-21-2008, 06:04 AM
I've cancelled my WoW account finally and I've picked up Warhammer Online. I'm playing on Ironclaw Destruction side for anyone who's interested!
Ah...too bad, I had one Order unit on Ironclaw, but my mains are Destruction on Tor Elyr.
That said, RvR (realm vs realm) combat is quite possibly the most well done in any MMO I've played. The balance is perfect, but not in the usual sense. You actually need to use tactics and think instead of rely on super powerful gear to win the day. A squishy like a Sorceress (my personal favorite so far) will get beaten to death easily by nearly every other class, but have them distracted by two other units and you can easily kill three at once. I got 42 assisted kills just yesterday on Khaine's Embrace (one of the RvR scenarios that you can just hop into line while you play PvE).
Public Quests are another cool thing about it. Walk into a particular area, and you instantly start a quest. Kill so many of this or that, and then the next two stages begin, with a time limit. By the third stage you really need to use a lot of teamwork to actually pull it off. Anyone can jump in at any time, but those who contribute the most get the best chance when everyone rolls for loot (and loot is always rolled for, so everyone has a fair chance).
It's rare that you find a MMO where tactics and teamwork trump gear in PvP combat. Is it a WoW killer? I think it's a different audience, maybe a subset, but it should gain a pretty strong following in its own right.
Sun, 09-21-2008, 06:27 AM
WoW still has the better "PvP" (Arena 2on2 3on3 5on5), but War-online has the best RvR out there.
so ya, it's a different audience... War will find players from DaoC and other PvP MMO's
and WoW will always be for people who like to raid with and do some PvP from time to time.
I played the beta of Warhammer online... but didn't like it much, the graphics look even worse than in WoW and I don't want to stop raiding... Warhammer has PvE too, but it is really bad compared to what WoW offers.
I wish WoW would have some RvR too though :(
well, maybe with WotLK which comes out in November. I read that they took some good things from RvR in Warhammer and copied it ^^
btw: I installed Homeworld, Homeworld Cataclysm, Homeworld 2.... man, I want them to make Homewolrd 3!
It's simply the best Space-RTS out here... I actually thought that I would be shocked by the old graphics from Homeworld... but it was better than I expected
Sun, 09-21-2008, 06:44 AM
I played the beta of Warhammer online... but didn't like it much, the graphics look even worse than in WoW and I don't want to stop raiding... Warhammer has PvE too, but it is really bad compared to what WoW offers.
While I'm not able to say that WoW's PvE is better or not (haven't played it in a long time), Warhammer does not make you kill 300 of something that drops some item at 1%. It's almost always a kill count or locate items while hitting a kill count. Though I suppose you were talking more about endgame PvE.
If you're basing graphics off anything other than the open beta (since you didn't specify) I'm told the game has changed a lot since the early parts of the closed beta. They locked down the graphics so the closed beta members could look for bugs like they were supposed to. Other than a little cartoony shine that Blizzard uses in all its games to make them look better (yes even the character models from Diablo 2) the graphics are quite comporable. Just like Blizzard does for WoW and the rest of their titles, Mythic designed it to run on the most systems.
Warhammer does have city sieges, which are like raids, but again, those are still RvR.
As we're both saying, different audiences.
(...and for the record, City of Heroes blew WoW away on graphics even though it came out before it)
Sun, 09-21-2008, 10:46 PM
Uh, even in beta, Warhammer's graphics blew WoW's graphics away. The settings were not even optimized or fully fuctional yet and still looked way better. AA does almost nothing for WoW, but it's easily noticeable in WAR. The real difference is in art direction, but I do like both. WoW more vibrant, and WAR more gritty and dark.
That said, I've been playing WoW since release. I've gotten Glad in seasons 2 and 3, and have done sunwell up to Felmyst. So I'm pretty much burned on BC. I'm prob gonna buy WAR tomorrow when I have the chance. Most likely Order on Dark Crag, and Destruction on Badlands.
Mon, 09-22-2008, 05:42 PM
Uh, even in beta, Warhammer's graphics blew WoW's graphics away. The settings were not even optimized or fully fuctional yet and still looked way better. AA does almost nothing for WoW, but it's easily noticeable in WAR. The real difference is in art direction, but I do like both. WoW more vibrant, and WAR more gritty and dark.
That said, I've been playing WoW since release. I've gotten Glad in seasons 2 and 3, and have done sunwell up to Felmyst. So I'm pretty much burned on BC. I'm prob gonna buy WAR tomorrow when I have the chance. Most likely Order on Dark Crag, and Destruction on Badlands.
not at all... the shadows and landscapes in Wotlk and in general, the instances in BC/WoW-Classic > Warhammer...
the only thing which is better graphic wise in Warhammer are the characters. however WoW is alrdy nearly 5 years old.
and with wotlk even that changes most likely because of the new shadows and sets with more textures/polygons
If you're basing graphics off anything other than the open beta (since you didn't specify) I'm told the game has changed a lot since the early parts of the closed beta
was playing the beta 3 weeks ago
While I'm not able to say that WoW's PvE is better or not (haven't played it in a long time), Warhammer does not make you kill 300 of something that drops some item at 1%. It's almost always a kill count or locate items while hitting a kill count
trust me when I tell you that quests in WoW are the best in the MMO-genre so far..
and even though the "please kill 20 rabbits and bring me the ears from the bigger ones"-quests exist, there are a lot of quests which are alot greater than that.
in Wotlk you will see a lot of scripted and instanced events.. (for example "The Battle for the Undercity".. you are raiding Undercity there with a few NPCs... namely Thrall and Sylvana's and a few others, pretty cool stuff)
and the "kill 20 rabbits" quests do also exist in Warhammer-online... thats just normal
it's just that they have a greater effect, because of the RvR content and victory points
I also played the Wotlk beta and the new quests and instances looked extremely awesome.
I don't know why so many people are saying that the Warhammer graphics are great... I expected a lot more than that :/
watch (might contain spoilers) this here ( and press on "watch in high quality and tell me again that warhammer has "so much better graphics
especially the part from 2:15 - end
here ( is the first part btw for those who are interested
and that were only a few zones
another good video from the same guy can be found here
the only difference is that warhammer has less colorfull graphics... but that doesn't make the graphics better.. its more "realistic" but thats why it looks less impressive imho... however, for some reason they don't go with that "realistic look" till the end... there are zones who totally remind me of WoW and other zones which remind me of AoC.. So saying that Warhammer is using a more "realistic design" is actually wrong, but I think it's ok when we judge the overall-design.
but exactly that is what makes the graphic look boring imho...
I think especially the "warcraftmovies" link shows what Blizzard "comic-graphics" can do to improve the atmosphere.. It's a fantasy game... I 'want' to see colours which I don't see in real life... I like a glowing-dark blue, or silver-white trees glowing in the night while you and your party is questing in that forest... and If I have enough of all that, I can go back to the Borelean Tundra and enjoy a dark scenery with polution caused by orcs and goblins who live in their huge bulwark
Warhammer will never be able to show such a variety, simply because the warhammer universe doesn't allow it :/
Mon, 09-22-2008, 06:22 PM
You're confusing the amount of bright colors with actual texture quality, pixels per model, specular lighting, AA use, shaders, the use of your card's TMU's, and among many other things.
I hope you realize that the point of graphics in games is to be as close to reality as possible. That's the strive and goal. This is a text book definition. Granted the draw of WoW is it's art style and direction, which I do enjoy. But saying in terms of straight up graphics, WoW is obviously inferior. Sure you might prefer it's art style over WAR's, but that is a different story.
Just take a gander here:
And an fyi, the open beta didn't come with all the graphical optimizations. They didn't even include a GPU slider until the 2nd to last day of Open Beta.
Just a little tidbit, I could run WoW maxed settings on a AMD 3000+ 1.8 ghz, 2 GB DDR2 RAM, GeForce 7600 GS and run smooth in raids; SSC, TK, BT, SWP.
Using the same system, Tier 1 Scenario's I would chop down to 15 fps on bare minimum settings. But I'll admit part of that is that they've got optimization and kinks to work out, since 3rd or 4th day of the Open Beta, they released a patch that improved my FPS by maybe 3-5 during RvR.
Mon, 09-22-2008, 06:42 PM
I hope you realize that the point of graphics in games is to be as close to reality as possible.
no, the point of graphics in games is to create atmosphere, but I know what you mean.
but that aside
Just a little tidbit, I could run WoW maxed settings on a AMD 3000+ 1.8 ghz, 2 GB DDR2 RAM, GeForce 7600 GS and run smooth in raids; SSC, TK, BT, SWP.
hell, I can't believe what 2GB of DDR2 can do... I'm currently using 1gb of DDR-SDRAM and If I max out all the details in WoW I've got like 10 FPS in raids ^^
and that even though I#ve got a AMD 2ghz and 7900GT
I should upgrade that :/
btw - Ontopic:
I finished Homeworld (only 1) and got Prince of Persia (this sand thingy + all addons[?]) from a friend... I thought that game is boring.... oh man, I was totally wrong, it's funny to let your character die, rewind... and let him die again
Mon, 09-22-2008, 07:02 PM
You'd get a kick out of XBLA and PSN (I think) game, Braid then.
Mon, 09-22-2008, 07:07 PM
not at all... the shadows and landscapes in Wotlk and in general, the instances in BC/WoW-Classic > Warhammer...
but exactly that is what makes the graphic look boring imho...
I think especially the "warcraftmovies" link shows what Blizzard "comic-graphics" can do to improve the atmosphere.. It's a fantasy game... I 'want' to see colours which I don't see in real life... I like a glowing-dark blue, or silver-white trees glowing in the night while you and your party is questing in that forest... and If I have enough of all that, I can go back to the Borelean Tundra and enjoy a dark scenery with polution caused by orcs and goblins who live in their huge bulwark
Warhammer will never be able to show such a variety, simply because the warhammer universe doesn't allow it These statements alone show how little of Warhammer you obviously played. You might have played just one of the factions, maybe two.
You want shining towers, trashed citadels, poisoned purple lands opposing verdant hills, lush green forests, moonlit seas and all kinds of glowing should have played at least into the second and third maps of the High Elf and Dark Elf campaigns. All of the "realism" comes from the Order camp. It doesn't get any more fantasy with Chaos, and the Elves, and I haven't even tried a Dwarf/Greenskin yet.
Warhammer allows for quite a bit more than you imagine. Demon summoning is normal, twisted disgusting raped landscapes is all about what the Chaos are. High magic has twisted and corrupted the hell out of all the elven lands, just because of a little political/religious strife.
trust me when I tell you that quests in WoW are the best in the MMO-genre so far..
and even though the "please kill 20 rabbits and bring me the ears from the bigger ones"-quests exist, there are a lot of quests which are alot greater than that.
in Wotlk you will see a lot of scripted and instanced events.. (for example "The Battle for the Undercity".. you are raiding Undercity there with a few NPCs... namely Thrall and Sylvana's and a few others, pretty cool stuff)As great as Blizzard is at writing backstory (Starcraft and Warcraft II's original manuals were more story than game mechanics), Warcraft is just a quick copy-paste of Warhammer with the factions rewritten to be a racial struggle rather than a religious one. Warhammer has vastly more history than Warcraft, and if you read the text accompanying the quests, you'd see a lot more of that. The public quests are fairly instanced, with champions (that I might recognize if I knew Warhammer better) charging out at each chapter to slaughter you, but still remain open.
If you want a backstory or a huge fleshed out story, you should have been reading the Tome of Knowledge, accessible from the menu at any time. The book fills out as you play through the game, filling with all the lore from 25 years of Warhammer history, and plenty of original content too. Not only that, you get all the fun and worthless things like titles from it as well.
In lighter news, I also just finished Portal. Took a while to get around to it, but I really enjoyed it.
Wed, 09-24-2008, 02:04 PM
no, the point of graphics in games is to create atmosphere, but I know what you mean.
No, artstyle determines atmosphere, graphics are just a mean to convey that artstyle, thus in pure graphics, warhammer is superior, the value of the artstyle however is determined by the user.
Board of Command
Thu, 09-25-2008, 09:44 PM
I finished Stalker: Clear Sky today. It kinda sucked...
I'm playing Crysis Warhead now. It's pretty good. They optimized the performance a bit, as the game feels smoother than the original Crysis. It feels like there's less stuttering even though the frame rates haven't improved at all.
Thu, 09-25-2008, 09:52 PM
Started Sonic Chronicles today...fairly entertaining.
Thu, 09-25-2008, 11:50 PM
Oh? I wasn't aware it was out already. I thought it was coming out the 30th.
edit: Scratch that, EU version. US on the 30th.
Board of Command
Fri, 09-26-2008, 08:16 PM
I finished Crysis Warhead today. It was pretty short just like the original Crysis, and I found it to be a lot easier. There's a lot less close quarters combat, and for most of the game you can just sit back and snipe all the enemies. During the few close quarter fights, I just went stealth and punched everyone to death.
Not a bad game though. Performance is better than the original Crysis.
Sat, 09-27-2008, 04:51 AM
Was it annoying having to play as the dumb aussie mook character? That's the main reason I haven't thought about getting the game.
Mon, 09-29-2008, 03:07 PM
Crysis Warhead... its TOO easy.
i could go in whole swarm of enemies (high difficulity(not delta)) in stealth mode, aim, unstealth, stealth, move, restore energy, repeat to kill any number of enemies. Also plot was better than crysis. Ahh and they made korean suited guys easier to kill and thats a plus, 2 rockets in head and they lived in crysis.
I'll try Stalker Clear Sky - i will just need to save some money.
Mon, 09-29-2008, 08:30 PM
DMC4 on pc... ahhh so much better then the console versions, capcom how I love thee ;o
Mon, 09-29-2008, 09:25 PM
DMC4 on pc... ahhh so much better then the console versions, capcom how I love thee ;o
Really? I downloaded the demo, but I only watched my brother play it. You talking about performance or gameplay?
It was actually one of the reasons I got my PS3 when I did-- for the button mashers.
Tue, 09-30-2008, 07:26 AM
I don't think I'd ever be able to play a game like DMC 4 on the PC. It'd be like typing when you chained combos.
Tue, 09-30-2008, 09:46 AM
i can own Bloody Palace faster on keyboard than most ps2 players on pad... but on pad its much more fun! Same as Buffalobiian - button mashers are reason for my ps3... along with mgs4.
Tue, 09-30-2008, 11:40 AM
Really? I downloaded the demo, but I only watched my brother play it. You talking about performance or gameplay?
It was actually one of the reasons I got my PS3 when I did-- for the button mashers.
Both, the pc version is obviously the best version, not many ppl know this, but the ps3 and x360 versions are pc ports. And because it came out later, it has added features aswel.
I don't think I'd ever be able to play a game like DMC 4 on the PC. It'd be like typing when you chained combos.
lolwut? why do ignorant ppl like you still exist? gamepads for pc have existed since the dawn of pc gaming, and anyone with a wired x360 controller can hook that up to pc aswel,
Tue, 09-30-2008, 11:54 AM
Forgive me for not randomly assuming you had a gamepad. But it's okay, there's douchebags like you that make the world what it is.
Gamepad on the PC is no different than playing on a console, except a better resolution, and usually worse optimization, like what Capcom did to previous PC ports of DMC games.
And I don't know how you got that information, but I can't find anything, anywhere of the 360 and PS3 versions being ports of the PC version. It strikes me as odd especially since it started development first and foremost on the PS3, then branched into 360 and PC versions later announced. With the PC version being released half a year later than the console versions is rather peculiar if it is indeed the original.
Death BOO Z
Tue, 09-30-2008, 12:06 PM
Kirby Super Star Ultra (DS)
there comes a time, where you must sit down, dumb down, and play a good game of kirby.
seriously, while it's not castlevania or Meroid, it's getting pretty damn close.
after hideous gameplay games like resident evil (DS) and dragon quest, it's great to come across a game that doesn't hate you.
Tue, 09-30-2008, 12:17 PM
Forgive me for not randomly assuming you had a gamepad. But it's okay, there's douchebags like you that make the world what it is.
Gamepad on the PC is no different than playing on a console, except a better resolution, and usually worse optimization, like what Capcom did to previous PC ports of DMC games.
And I don't know how you got that information, but I can't find anything, anywhere of the 360 and PS3 versions being ports of the PC version. It strikes me as odd especially since it started development first and foremost on the PS3, then branched into 360 and PC versions later announced. With the PC version being released half a year later than the console versions is rather peculiar if it is indeed the original.
You are forgiven for being an ignorant fuck, like I said, gamepads for pc have existed since pc gaming, the sixaxis ps3 actually existed for years on pc under the name "microsoft sidewinder". There are currently 20 million x360 owners, how many of those do you think have a wired controller? And the ps3 controller ( 14 million ps3 owners ) can be hooked up to a pc with little effort aswell.
So yeah, you are forgiven for your ignorance
LoL worse optimization? rofl you did not read my post at ALL did you, dmc4 and every other current gen game developed by capcom are pc games, then ported to consoles, thats how their engine works, pc dmc4 was released later because of added features ( which I mentioned in my other post ) and fixing of glitches that were present in console ports
here a bigger picture if you need it
And one more thing, capcom didn't port RE4 and DMC3 to pc at all, that was UBISOFT.
Tue, 09-30-2008, 12:51 PM
I know there are gamepads for the PC. Obviously. I know, I'm not ignorant. I'm not stupid. I'm not a douchebag.
It's pretty obvious whose the ignorant one here, since you randomly threw console owner numbers like it matters. Clearly not everyone has your PC specs, which is why people opt to play consoles, without having the need to upgrade your system every 2 years. Despite the ease of pirating on the PC, which is just as simple these days on the 360. If there were no plans to pirate, if you already have a 360 or a PS3, why would you not get it for either console, rather than wait half a year if say you had a lower-end system.
You also have your facts wrong. They didn't develop the game FOR the PC first. The development process was done the majority of the time ON a PC. They're totally different things. As is nearly every single game out on the market as well. Unless you provide a reliable source that actually states Capcom made it FOR the PC first, and then based the ports off that I'll believe you. If not, I'll still believe that they are still using their internal MT Framework to develop multi-console games.
The added features are laughable when you have half a year to do it. A turbo mode, which makes the game run faster, and an overtly simple way of making a hard mode by just adding more enemies on your screen. Seems synonymous for adding more enemies on a single screen with more power on the PC.
I must've hit a nerve to cause such a nerd rage. And it's about a game on a computer. Grow up.
Dark Dragon
Tue, 09-30-2008, 01:01 PM
Whoa so much hostility over a simple comment about not being able to play DMC on the keyboard.
I just started Tales of Vesperia and i have to say that the game is simply beautiful to look at and the combat flow really well plus the new overlimit system is pretty awesome. Personally i prefer the story and characters in Tales of the Abyss since they are generally more likable and less generic than the ones in Vesperia so far but i guess it's hard to make a character who is as awesome as Jade.
Tue, 09-30-2008, 01:11 PM
rofl nerd rage, you love making those pathetic little stabs don't you?.
No clearly not everyone has my specs, but the game is running at a much higher then console spec; 1050p, super high settings, 8x AA, 60fps cutscenes
the console versions run at 720p, high, 0x AA, 30 fps cutscenes.
And as you can see, even at my settings, and with my hardware, Im still far above the required 60fps mark, meaning that even if you scale it down a bit, and remove the AA, ppl with hardware,much lower then mine, would still have an experience that is better then the console version.
LDK on:
AMD Athlon64 X2 4000+ OC @ 2.3Ghz Brisbane AM2
2048MB DDR2 667 Ram
nVidia GeForce 9600GT 512MB GDDR3 256bit @ stock clocks
Logitech RumblePad 2 Dual Analog USB Gamepad
Hardly my specs.
The features aren't laughable at all, LDK mode is more then just a hard mode, its a way to push the action to the limits, DMD mode is still much harder, LDK is just for non stop awesome action, combined with turbo mode, you get an experience you just can't get on consoles. Add faster loading AND fixed glitches and its obvious which version is superior.
And you say MT framework, do you even know what it means? MT stands for multi-target, meta-tools and multi-thread, this engine started as a PC/360 engine, cause of the similarities between the 2 platforms, hence why dead rising was as 360 only title and still is. Games using this engine are developed using the PC side of the tools, then its ported to the 360 side, and finally makes its to ps3.
In the case of DMC it was PC first, then ps3. After the multiplatform stance of Capcom was announced, the PC version was ported to the 360, again cause of the similarties, only a fool would port ps3 code to 360, if the PC code resembles it much more.
This was stated in numerous interviews over the past year after the multiplatform ( Multi-Target) Stance announcement.
I don't have to proof anything, you either believe me or you don't.
Tue, 09-30-2008, 01:41 PM
World of Warcraft- Alot
Same !
I'm level 52 now (main)
and i have a level 27, 12, and 3... and another 3
Tue, 09-30-2008, 02:32 PM
You are still confusing something being developed for something, rather than on something. I don't know where you are getting that it was developed for the PC first. The producer, Kobayashi himself admitted that the game was made using a PC engine for the PS3 since they did not know the console's capabilities.
Devil May Cry 4 was announced as a PS3 exclusive in E3 2005, but that changed in March of 2007 when they announced it would not be an exclusive anymore. So while they were making the game for the PS3 for 2 years they were actually making the game for the PC first amirite?
Pathetic little stabs? The irony. Your whole post is riddled with obscenities and your own little stabs over something as silly as a gamepad on a computer. Grow the fuck up. I'm done.
Anyways, back on topic.
Been playing Warhammer Online recently. Have a 20 Black Orc on Badlands. It's been pretty fun. But queue times on Badlands are pretty bad. 20 minutes primetime during weekends, upwards of 45 on weekends. I started a week or so later than the launch date, 10-11 days after headstart players. But there's already level 40s, sheesh. Public Quests are a refreshing change to grinding rep, somewhat. Levelling from PVP is awesome. But collision detection in the game is extremely buggy, and not where it needs to be, since it promised a lot more. Playing it also got me interested in the Warhammer Lore a bit, and I might borrow a copy of my cousin's Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War: Dark Crusade.
Tue, 09-30-2008, 03:29 PM
wow... @_@
on topic: playing world of warcraft, waiting on LK, putted wii on darkest place of the whole house as it totally lost its appeal, waiting anxioustly for 360 wich im geting on monday
Tue, 09-30-2008, 03:41 PM
<quote>putted wii on darkest place of the whole house as it totally lost its appeal</quote>
my ps3 is collecting dust....
as far as the coming WoW expansion.... not a big deal for me because i just started playing about 2 months ago and haven't gone to BC yet... although i may very soon because my mining is topped out at 300 and my blacksmithing is getting up there (270)
i spent like 2 hours last night mining thorium and farming fire elementals... got 15 essence of fire and 3 heart of fire
any of you play on Detheroc ?
Tue, 09-30-2008, 03:44 PM
you should get to 70 THEN get professions to 375 imo, getting money for materials is so much easy at 70 + daily quests etc
i play on arthas, sorry
Tue, 09-30-2008, 04:48 PM
You are still confusing something being developed for something, rather than on something. I don't know where you are getting that it was developed for the PC first. The producer, Kobayashi himself admitted that the game was made using a PC engine for the PS3 since they did not know the console's capabilities.
Devil May Cry 4 was announced as a PS3 exclusive in E3 2005, but that changed in March of 2007 when they announced it would not be an exclusive anymore. So while they were making the game for the PS3 for 2 years they were actually making the game for the PC first amirite?
Pathetic little stabs? The irony. Your whole post is riddled with obscenities and your own little stabs over something as silly as a gamepad on a computer. Grow the fuck up. I'm done.
I'm not confusing anything, like i said the engine runs on a pc, and has been doing so since the development of dead rising, for which the engine was created, If the engine was a 360 or ps3 engine it would NOT run on a pc, that's what DEVkits are for. It's like trying to run a win32 app in macosx, not going to work.
So because the engine runs on a pc, it has a pc architecture, which means every code that needs to run on a 360 or ps3 would need porting first. Being announced as a ps3 exclusive is totally irrelevant, it still needs to be ported from the pc engine, as will every mt framework capcom game. No good pc version, no good console versions.
Oh and where was the talk about gamepads in my last post?
Obscenities? If you mean "fuck", i've said it just as many times as you did in the last four posts, once. pathetic stabs. =)
Tue, 09-30-2008, 08:52 PM
any of you play on Detheroc ?
Smolderthorn, but I may be moving on to Emerald Dream very soonm, if my friend doesn't shut up about how Horde is supposedly much better than Alliance.
Sun, 10-05-2008, 12:22 PM
Mugen no frontier on the DS, actually have been doing so for some time now, together with Super Robot Wars W.
Also recently started playing Dragonball DS, its pretty cool, and looks great.
And for ps2 its all about Super Robot Wars Z, hopefully the ps3 SRW will be announced during TGS.
Board of Command
Sun, 10-05-2008, 02:44 PM
I started playing a game called King's Bounty last week and it's highly addictive. I've never played Heroes of Might and Magic, but this is apparently very similar to that series.
Sun, 10-05-2008, 04:18 PM
I played King's Bounty and i dont like its gameplay - heroes III and V is better in my opinion.
Back to Multiwinia.
Board of Command
Sun, 10-05-2008, 05:07 PM
There's an old King's Bounty. This is the new one that just came out. King's Bounty: The Legend.
Mon, 10-06-2008, 06:55 PM
Smolderthorn, but I may be moving on to Emerald Dream very soonm, if my friend doesn't shut up about how Horde is supposedly much better than Alliance.
I play on Mannoroth (horde), I have a level 70 mage there and Altar of Storms (Alliance) 70 warrior and 70 hunter. If you guys play on either let me know~ My guild does Kara and ZA runs twice a week.
Mon, 10-06-2008, 07:00 PM
So, my Playstation 3's just kinda sitting there, not seeing much action besides playing Metal Gear Solid 4 on the odd occasion and have been wondering about the exclusives coming to the system that might compel me to keep it and not sell it.
Off the top of my head, there's not that many that might compel me to keep it after awhile. I already have a 360, so the only exclusive games announced I'm looking forward to are White Knight Story (might be another year atleast before it gets released in America), Valkyria Chronicles, Little Big Planet, God of War 3, and maybe Final Fantasy Versus 13 (though if it's a repeat of something like Dirge of Cerberus, ugh...)
I've been thinking about trading it for the Wii, but they've got a library problem as well. Great first-party games, and lack of good third party games (or that many to begin with). Anybody in the same situation, have the PS3 +Wii, or all 3 systems able to give some insight?
Mon, 10-06-2008, 07:56 PM
I've been messing around with a lot of the demos on PSN, apart from playing MGO occasionally. Some of the demos are pretty good, such as Pure, Guitar Hero: Aerosmith, Fifa 09, etc. I also bought Pixel Junk Monsters, which I thought was a simple and yet addictive game. Cheap too.
Tue, 10-07-2008, 07:48 AM
Been playing a whole lot of Little Big Planet beta lately, i have to say it's simply amazing. The full game will last for many years im sure, here's an example of what user generated content people are doing
Sony have also announced that they have 9 PS3 first party exclusives that they will announce for the first time at TGS this week, so hopefully there will be many games to look forward too.
Tue, 10-07-2008, 07:54 AM
Sony have also announced that they have 9 PS3 first party exclusives that they will announce for the first time at TGS this week, so hopefully there will be many games to look forward too.
Thanks for the news Sandldan.
Wed, 10-08-2008, 12:19 PM
USAToday giving out LBP beta keys. I know right? wtfusatoday
Limited supplies, first come first serve.
Wed, 10-08-2008, 04:19 PM
Back to the legend. Final Fantasy 7 on Quad Core with Dual Shock2 pad used as controller = epic.
Wed, 10-08-2008, 06:24 PM
For some reason USA Today, sent me 2 extra keys on top of the key I'm already using.
So, yeah, first 2 PM's gets the keys if you still haven't gotten into the Little Big Planet beta, which ends in another 3 days I believe.
Wed, 10-08-2008, 08:12 PM
How do you get to try the beta? Is the download available anywhere?
Wed, 10-08-2008, 08:44 PM
I'm actually not sure, I could give you the key and instructions if you want, since no one has shown interest yet.
Wed, 10-08-2008, 09:50 PM
Sounds good, but how do you do that? Do I visit PSN/ a website to download the beta?
Wed, 10-08-2008, 10:46 PM
using my ps3 to type this, since my pc is being used by someone. But yeah, you enter it in PSN. Under account management for your PSN id, there's a section that says ENTER PROMOTIONAL CODE or something. Thats where you put in beta codes and the like. I'll pm the code later tonight or tomorrow morning, since typing with the PS3 is a feat.
Thu, 10-09-2008, 08:48 AM
I believe that the codes are region restricted, but this can easily be fixed by just creating an account for that region
Thu, 10-09-2008, 09:50 AM
Apparently Psyke got it to work.
Just a word of warning, playing Online with other people is a lag fest, it's so bad. And the game is so buggy. It freezes VERY VERY frequently.
Kinda sad the beta's in this state when it's 2 weeks before the launch date. Which makes me guess that they've already shipped everything already, which would make the beta only a means of finding a way to make patches through PSN.
Thu, 10-09-2008, 10:49 AM
Well i have myself not encountered any freezes but i have experienced some pretty bad lag when playing online sometimes. And im pretty sure we'll see patches for the game as soon as it comes out. Media molecule have themselves said that this is more of a service like Youtube, so im expecting them to add a whole lot of content like costumes, more creation tools and just general improvements for this game.
But wow, this is just a short beta and there's already a whole lot of amazing levels out there, and i havent seen even one dick yet!
Thu, 10-09-2008, 11:00 AM
the first dick was created at the launch of the EU beta, few days ago lol.
Thu, 10-09-2008, 12:31 PM
Thanks to Animus for giving me the beta code. Luckily I have a US account so it worked! I've just cleared the first 2 levels, and it's pretty interesting so far. Luckily I still have my PS2 eyetoy, so I've hooked it up and I'm taking pictures of whatever I can find to create new stickers. :)
Thu, 10-09-2008, 04:35 PM
Is it just me or does whenever I log on PSN or Off, it kicks everyone else on the network/router off? Connecting to Live doesn't do that.
Fri, 10-10-2008, 09:40 AM
I'm back to PS2. Currently playing Persona 3: FES.
Anyone played Gundam 00 : Gundam Meisters yet? =)
Fri, 10-10-2008, 10:00 AM
I'm back to PS2. Currently playing Persona 3: FES.
Anyone played Gundam 00 : Gundam Meisters yet? =)
Is it released in English? I'd be interested in checking it out. Depends on the gameplay though. I haven't been fascinated by recent Gundam game releases..
Oh, and platform?
Fri, 10-10-2008, 11:02 AM
Lol, how could it be in english, it has been just released in japan, even the NDS gundam 00 ( which is pretty awesome ) isn't in english yet, and has been released for a very long time.
Don't expect an english release of a game until an english dub of the anime its based on is made.
Dark Dragon
Fri, 10-10-2008, 11:10 AM
Lol, how could it be in english, it has been just released in japan, even the NDS gundam 00 ( which is pretty awesome ) isn't in english yet, and has been released for a very long time.
Don't expect an english release of a game until an english dub of the anime its based on is made.
Well, the trailer for the english dub of 00 was released recently so at least that's something.
Fri, 10-10-2008, 11:15 AM
I've just started on Macross Ace Frontier ( for the PSP.
Fri, 10-10-2008, 11:43 AM
Is it released in English? I'd be interested in checking it out. Depends on the gameplay though. I haven't been fascinated by recent Gundam game releases..
Oh, and platform?
Like darkshadow said, the game was just released in Japan :). So it will take quite a while for an English version of it to be released. It's on PS2 :). Some random gameplays would probably be up in youtube after a few days.
And I can't wait for the English version of Persona 4!
Fri, 10-10-2008, 11:49 AM
Well the graphics seem pretty mediocre. Gameplay wasn't anything new from the preview, and since I don't have a PS2, I think I'll pass. I was hoping it going to be good though.
Fri, 10-10-2008, 12:05 PM
You could import it for the PS3 if your system has BC, but then again I'm unsure about the PS3's region locking.
Mon, 10-13-2008, 12:35 PM
Woot, got myself a Call of Duty World at War beta key, after 20 minutes of hammering In what I believe was 30 minutes, all 20,000 keys were gone.
Too bad they don't have any more keys. Downloading atm, let's see how the game plays.
Mon, 10-13-2008, 01:13 PM
well GZ
you are lucky!
wish I had one, but didn't know that they wanted to make a MP(?) beta
Mon, 10-13-2008, 04:09 PM
Can't say I really had fun. It was CoD all right, but it was actually quite frustrating. There's like this mounted mortar launcher or something that they have in the game, and when you use it you can fire it off in quick succession. Having them land around you is so frustrating, your whole screen shakes, rumble, everything.
I can't remember if the dog's are a 5-kill streak or 7, but they're pretty fucking imba. They're a 1 hit kill if they get on you without Juggernaut. They're fast as hell and annoying. You can have a whole team of them send 5-6 out. Only downside to them is that you can hear them coming. Killing them grants points, kinda awesome.
The guns behave just like in CoD4, ie really lame. Popping ironsight has a certain annoying lag, and some ironsights cover nearly the whole screen.
All in all, a decent game I guess, it is CoD after all.
Mon, 10-13-2008, 05:18 PM
what? you can "summon" dogs? much like you did with the chopper or airstrike in cod4?
that's just awesome, really!
how/where do they spawn Oo? I mean, how do they enter the map?
damn, I so much want to test it lol.
Mon, 10-13-2008, 05:41 PM
It spawns from you, it's kinda weird. They chase people around and shit and get you kills. I think their time can end and they leave the map. If not, you can just kill them, they're easy to kill.
Also from this map I played, where it's like an abandoned wrecked trainyard, you could get in tanks. But tanks are a little awkward.
Mon, 10-13-2008, 09:29 PM
I'll be reserving my 360 copy tomorrow, after I cash my paycheck. I'm really not all that enthusiastic about the series' return to WW2, though, but the multiplayer is definitely promising.
Edit: Just got a multiplayer 360 beta key that I'll be redeeming tomorrow. Let's see how it stacks up.
Tue, 10-14-2008, 04:41 PM
Welp, I tried it. To say the least, I'm glad this is only beta. Graphics need overhaul, gameplay needs more umph, and the pistols shouldn't take up more than a quarter of your screen when aiming down the sights. The multiplayer was good, to an extent, though I definitely hope that they bring back the hardcore modes. I'm glad they added a CTF, though I haven't actually checked it out to make sure it functions properly.
Overall, I'd say that the best map is the abandoned trainyard. It was just epic standing inside a crumbling station (not to mention that most of Treyarch's time probably went into this map. Makin sucked, and Castle was just okay. The guns are terrible, but that's just my fully-automatic love speaking.
Tue, 10-14-2008, 04:49 PM
Not playing that much atm, some Pure, CoD 5 Beta and eternal sonata.... But maan there's busy times ahead
Fable 2
Little big planet
Dead space
Saints row 2
Far cry 2
Spider-man: Web of shadows
Fallout 3
Gears of war 2
Mirror's edge
Resistance 2
Naruto: Ultimate ninja storm
Valkyria Chronicles
Left 4 dead
The last remnant
Naruto: The broken bond
Need for speed undercover
Prince of persia
Those are the ones i plan on finishing atleast
Tue, 10-14-2008, 05:57 PM
With WotLK on your list, I doubt you will ever finish :p
Tue, 10-14-2008, 06:00 PM
Not playing that much atm, some Pure, CoD 5 Beta and eternal sonata.... But maan there's busy times ahead
Fable 2
Little big planet
Dead space
Saints row 2
Far cry 2
Spider-man: Web of shadows
Fallout 3
Gears of war 2
Mirror's edge
Resistance 2
Naruto: Ultimate ninja storm
Valkyria Chronicles
Left 4 dead
The last remnant
Naruto: The broken bond
Need for speed undercover
Prince of persia
Those are the ones i plan on finishing atleast
My List is just like yours minus Saint's Row 2, Naruto: BB and Need for Speed.
Wed, 10-15-2008, 07:15 AM
It spawns from you, it's kinda weird. They chase people around and shit and get you kills. I think their time can end and they leave the map. If not, you can just kill them, they're easy to kill.
Also from this map I played, where it's like an abandoned wrecked trainyard, you could get in tanks. But tanks are a little awkward.
oh nooo....please not.
Call Of Duty was good because it had no vehicles... I hate them.
Wed, 10-15-2008, 07:20 AM
So, I just got another CoD: World at War Beta code for the 360. Who wants it?
edit: I actually have 2 now.
Wed, 10-15-2008, 09:04 AM
me me me!
Gamertag: UChess1
just got my 360 with gears of wars and ninja gaiden 2, after been with the wii for so long i feel like a kid on christmass now *tear*
Wed, 10-15-2008, 09:16 AM
Too many cool games coming out in the next month or so:
Saints Row 2 available now
The Witcher Enhanced Edition available now
Golden Axe (X360) 10/17/08
*Dead Space (PC or X360) 10/24/08
Fable II (X360) 10/24/08
*Far Cry 2 (PC) 10/24/08
Legendary (PC/X360) 10/31/08
Silent Hill: Homecoming (X360) 11/08
*Gears of War 2 (X360) 11/7/08
Cryostasis (PC) 11/7/08
*Fallout 3 (PC) 11/10/08
Left 4 Dead (PC) 11/08
Currently playing Star Wars: Force Unleashed. Pretty cool game, it will keep me busy until 10/24 when all the big name games come out.
Wed, 10-15-2008, 10:37 AM
I think I'm gonna go preorder LittleBigPlanet from Gamestop today. That KratosSackBoy is pretty awesome.
edit: Still have 1 Call of Duty: World at War beta key if anybody wants it. Sent one to Uchesstmaster earlier.
Wed, 10-15-2008, 03:35 PM
I'd love to get one. I don't have a 360 myself, but my cousin would be extremely happy if he got a key.
Wed, 10-15-2008, 04:04 PM
Sent, enjoy.
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