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Thu, 10-16-2008, 01:13 PM
What game right now?

The World Ends With You for the DS.

Wed, 10-22-2008, 05:43 AM
Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia for the DS.

It returns to the Gothic style of Symphony of the Night that Portrait of Ruin and others replaced with the anime style. But it is still made by the same developers who made Portrait of Ruin, so the game is just as good. Interesting mechanic of combining glyphs, which serve as weapons, spells, some abilities, and summons. It's a lot like SotN in that way.

But earlier reviews were right, the game is hard. You really have to think through every boss fight, and save rooms are not anywhere near where you might find them convenient.

It's an awesome game though. If you've liked Castlevanias, this one is definitely one you shouldn't miss.

Wed, 10-22-2008, 08:10 AM
I only played like the first 30 minutes maybe and it's a lot more interactive it seems. With the magnetism circle thingy you use to launch yourself.

Wed, 10-22-2008, 01:28 PM
Yup. Order of Ecclesia is pretty tough, but its a lot of fun. Died quite a few times before finding out an easy way to defeat the skeleton boss at the prison :p

Thu, 10-23-2008, 07:39 PM
Just bought Sega Rally for $48 AUD. It gained pretty favourable reviews as one with awesome arcade play. Really the only thing missing is all the car customisation that's common with all modern driving simulation games, but that isn't really what this one's about. I've yet to try it yet, but it should be the fun, multiplayer racer I'm looking for.

Fri, 10-24-2008, 09:52 PM
Fable 2, Farcry 2 and Resistance 2 beta. Yeah, I know a lot of 2s.

Fable 2's been pretty fun so far, combat feels a little too simple.

Farcry 2's single players like a FPS sandbox, can get quite droll. The multiplayers ok, feels like Battlefield: Bad Company and not that much unlockables, there's 5 classes, each with 3 levels to upgrade them. Biggest gripe, the game doesn't look nearly as good as I thought it would. I actually feels it looks worse than CoD4, probably cause there's no sheen or shine and it's color palette on the yellow side.

Resistance 2 is pretty fun. 30 vs 30 with no lag is pretty fucking amazing, guess that's what dedicated PSN servers would do for you. Only gripe is that the guns feel so artificial and awkward, and yeah I know the guns are made up. But even the supposedly most realistic gun, the Carbine doesn't quite shoot like a carbine.

Sat, 10-25-2008, 10:11 AM
Also playing Fable 2.

The combat gets harder, that's for certain. Some of the enemies get really strong, especially if you wanted to play a gunfighter. Playing as purely Skill-based (ranged attacks) didn't nearly work out as well as I had hoped. Some better equipment and another level to get Zoom will help, but I've been relying more and more on a speedy katana to get by. It's still super satisfying to go "[slice], [slice], BOOM" and kill a bandit though.

That said, I'm really enjoying it. This time, Peter Molyneux wasn't all full of hot air. There's dry humor everywhere in the series, from dialogue to the descriptions on the items. You do tend to get attached to the dog after a while too. Especially once it starts ripping throats out after you ground enemies with a well placed flintlock shot.

(Hint: Dye all your clothes black, you can get the Goth Achievement, "Because everyone knows black is the coolest colour.")

Sat, 10-25-2008, 10:14 AM
I haven't played too far atm. Just got Hannah to "join" our cause. Really enjoying just running around looking for stuff. The dog makes the hassle of conventional stuff way less tedious, and the dog's actions are quite realistic.

Hopefully there's like some better looking clothing or plate armor or something, cause atm I'm in this noble gent's get up that I'm getting way tired of and looks ridiculous when you're hacking away at Hollowed Men.

Sun, 10-26-2008, 09:43 AM
I regret pumping Physique now, my dude's so fat.

Sun, 10-26-2008, 09:53 AM
I don't regret focusing on Skill anymore, the middle was tough (the Crucible beyond frustrating) but it worked out in the end. I got up to/past ranks three in both Speed and Accuracy, and with the ability to pick a specific target spot (including head), I am utterly lethal with any firearm. Bandit swarms are left to headless stumps in short order thanks to a quality Blunderbuss. With a revolver, I can hit a guy 5 times in the head before he hits the ground.

I'm still weak when most things get in real close though. They just usually don't make it there :D

Sun, 10-26-2008, 11:25 AM
I just did the first 5 crucible rounds perfect, I barely made the 5th with 2:10 being the cut off and making it with 2:09 lol. I don't think I'm gonna perfect all the rounds. But this round was gay due to the fact that the bandits like to run around. Good thing I got the Fire Dragon pistol from the Shooting Challenge. That thing owns.

edit: Got all 8 rounds perfected, woot. But it took like 5 tries on the troll at the end to get under 1:50. I heard there was supposed to be an item I can get if I perfect it, but I guess it's another time I have to do again ;(.

Mon, 10-27-2008, 03:03 PM
Damn, i really want to play fable 2.. but i will have to wait for pc or (nearly impossible) ps3 vers.
I'm playing Dead Space right now - atmosphere is awesome, gameplay is sweet too. There are none annoying strike from behind = dead scenes, so you dont get frustrated like in doom3. Plot looks good so far(act 3 right now). Every ecounter is fun and diffirent(and difficult especially on pad not keyboard).
This gaming season is pretty awesome, Dead Space, Far Cry 2, Mirror's Edge, Red Alert 3, Guitar Hero IV, Valkyria Chronicles, and much more.

Tue, 10-28-2008, 12:36 AM
Whilst playing Fable 2, I really was itching to replay Peter Molyneux's old studio's epic series Dungeon Keeper. Downloading the first and second as we speak.

I used to play this game so much as a kid. Yeah, I know weird game to be playing as a kid, but it's probably really high up there when it comes to favorite games. Too bad, the 3rd was cancelled, and probably won't ever be made again.

PM's announcement of something new will probably be a new IP, but it'd be amazing if it was DK3.

Wed, 10-29-2008, 12:56 PM
Dungeon keeper is/was awesome. It's still one of the better games, even today imho

Btw it had it's own song which was shown on TV multiple times (MTV and Viva.tv which is a german music programm... however it's in german)

take a look :) (http://de.youtube.com/watch?v=28mRGEDiv1s&feature=related)

this game (and song) is really funny... a lot better than Overlord!
it's just really awesome to be evil... slapping your Imps so they work faster etc ^^

and let's not forget, it has one of the best battle themes.
Oh man, you made me want to play it too, good thing that I own both... DK1 and DK2 ^^

Wed, 10-29-2008, 02:12 PM
It took quite a bit of digging, a couple of DK1 downloads would just refuse to work on XP.

And lol @ the music vid.

Fri, 10-31-2008, 05:27 PM
Yeah DK was awesome series, but my childhood games were Command and Conquer, Tomb Rider....and Duke Nuke'em.

Fri, 10-31-2008, 06:45 PM
Tomb Rider.
I guess you got close enough.

Anyway, I'm still on my renewed WoW fix. Finally got up to 61 on my mage and aiming for 62 tonight.

Fri, 10-31-2008, 07:17 PM
Yeah DK was awesome series, but my childhood games were Command and Conquer, Tomb Rider....and Duke Nuke'em.

Childhood games for me were PutPut Goes To The Moon, Freddie & LuLu etc. Good times, in all honesty. Then I mucked around with the Quest for Glory 1,3,4 for most of my childhood. First "gaming experience" would have been Starcraft.Then came my Playstation in 1997.

Fri, 10-31-2008, 08:03 PM
My first game ever was the original Doom. I used to watch my uncle play it all the time, and he let me play sometimes. He even gave me his old computer. I was like 6 at the time and I had no idea how it worked. All it had installed on it was DOS, Windows 3.1 and Doom. Since I was a little kid and had no idea how DOS worked, I'd type some retarded commands like, "get more games" lewl. Then further on I'd play Heretic, Hexen, Duke Nukem 3D, Shadow Warrior (Made by DN3D makers, but way less popular).

Man, I've been playing a ton of FPS. And that's just PC games. I had a Genesis hand me down from my cousin, and played all the classics. Streets of Rage 1 and 2, Sonic, Kid Chameleon, Moonwalker (Lawl Michael Jackson game), NBA Jam (Man that game was awesome), etc. My first RPG was Suikoden for the PSX. And it got me hooked to using SNES emulators and playing old classic RPGs. I did have an SNES though, but all I had was the original Donkey Kong Country ;(

I pretty much will play anything as long as it's good.

Sat, 11-01-2008, 12:45 PM
Well i never had any console other than atari in my childhood.
And Command and Conquer is way better than starcraft and its robo... i mean korean people.
I remember Shadow Warrior - it was really fun to play.

Dark Dragon
Sat, 11-01-2008, 09:07 PM
Well i never had any console other than atari in my childhood.
And Command and Conquer is way better than starcraft and its robo... i mean korean people.
I remember Shadow Warrior - it was really fun to play.

That's a matter of opinion, i myself find C&C somewhat boring due to the lack of variation in units. Complaining about Korean peoples aside, Starcraft really does excel at giving you different strategy to work with depending on the race you are playing.

I've been playing Far cry 2 recently and i would have to agree with animus. I think a sandbox fps is an interesting, even though it turn out to be quite boring. The main problem with the single player in Far cry is every single mission pretty much boil down to going from A to B and shoot C. The lack of variation in mission and bosses to break up the monotony really kills the fun which is a shame since an FPS in the plains of Africa is a great idea.

Sun, 11-02-2008, 08:39 AM
Well - starcraft units just annoy me - i can't find ones that suit me and work well.
I'm playing guitar hero Aerosmith on PC now, i think that in some songs on expert should be pause and their vocalist should say "This part is for guitar hero players, just to annoy them" and then not-so-epic sounding solo that is damn hard.

Sun, 11-02-2008, 12:40 PM
got the new Brothers in Arms just yesterday for PC... in english and uncut

Really, really good game.. I think it is a lot better than RTH30 or Earned in Blood, not only because of the graphics, but also because of the gameplay.

It's not that difficult to hit people anymore, and the multiplayer looks very good too
Too bad I don't have an original copy, I hope I can use a german key for my cracked game, because I don't want to play it without gore.

It's not that there is so much blood or something, but the voices sound a lot better in the original language. "Schei&#223;e! Ein Zebra!" (german) < "Shei&#223;e! Ein Siebra!" (german/english mix xD)... but ok, I have to admit that the gore is awesome too.. You can shoot of limbs or half of the enemy's face when you hit in the head. And grenade explosions tear soldiers in part... sometimes you can see the upper part of a body (which is missing an arm or even the head) flying over your head. Too brutal? I say "No!" because it doesn't happen all the time and I believe things like that happend during war too.

But man the multiplayer (have only played it with my brother yet) looks like it will be very good.

You've got a Squad leader who can order a recon or airstrike and the rest of your team (all human players) are divided into 3 squads.

3 players = 1 Squad

1 squad has special weapons like a heavy MG, Bazooka and sniper.
1 squad is controlling a Tank ( MG on top, canon-turret, Driver+Mg)
1 squad uses normal weapons (Garand, Thompson etc)

The Squad leader can order these 3 squads around on the map and as a player in that squad you (can) follow them.. this way, he can help you to flank the enemy or to warn you if you are flanked by ordering you to fall back.
Sounds cool, doesn't it? I don't know if this actually happens during online play, but I'm pretty sure that this situations appear during a Clan-war

Btw my comp =
Athlon 2000 Mhz
1gig DDR Sdram
Nvidea GF 7900GT/GTO (256MB)

and I can play the game without problems on low graphic and 1024x768
but don't be fooled, the game looks still better than CoD4 on high graphics with 2/4x AA

I was really amazed that it runs so well on my computer, I can play it smoothly.. (I don't have a FPS monitor ingame but I guess it's around 40-50 most of the time and sometimes ~20-30)

Story: I had tears in my eyes at the end... and Baker.. well, let's just say he has a lot of problems and feelings of guilt because of Leggit. All the cinematics make you think you are watching a Movie. You encounter 2-3 ingame-cinematics during every mission which look awesome and are well made.

I'd give this game 95 Points out of 100
The only bad thing about this game is the AI... They arn't supressing your people, do not throw grenades and do not charge in even though they have the upper hand in different situation... So even on Authentic, the game wasn't really that hard to beat.

Wow... long text.. but the game is really awesome, which is why I'll buy it, even though I could just use my Cracked version ^^

I also got Dead Space here, but I doubt that my comp will be good enough for that game... and I'm already fucking scared just by seeing all the trailers and stuff..

Sun, 11-02-2008, 01:56 PM
I played the new Brothers in Arms on the X360 and I wasn't impressed. Still the same suppress and flank routine from the first game. The storyline and characterizations were
pointless unless you're a WWII buff and haven't seen enough from all the other WWII games and movies out there.

Dead Space is pretty bad ass on the X360. Graphics are amazing. I'd love to play it on an SLI PC, but even on the console it looks fantastic. The gameplay is unfortunately nothing really new. It's like all the other shooters out there but with some cool little tricks and gimmicks to spice it up. The horror aspect is what sets it apart, though it's like Doom or FEAR, except scarier.

I'm also playing FarCry 2 on the PC. I think they should have stayed with the stranded-on-an-island storyline. The environments are impressive but repetitive and drab. Nothing amazing like the crystal clear blue water in the first game. It's all mission based like GTA, sandbox style. So far I'm enjoying it, but they need to tie the storyline together better. Basically you're doing missions to earn money and friends while trying to progress the larger (hackneyed) story of pursuing an arms dealer. Not much compelling you to play except to kill a bunch of people but nowhere near as enjoyable as GTA:IV.

Sun, 11-02-2008, 03:16 PM
I'm currently playing:

Mana Khemia: Alchemists of Al-Revis (http://www.gamespot.com/ps2/strategy/manakhemia/index.html?tag=tabs;summary)

Sun, 11-02-2008, 05:19 PM
Lol, why on an SLI pc? it runs crazy fast on a single card for me ( 80+fps, compared to console ~30).

And Brothers in arms? meh, only cause im dutch really, supposedly historically correct, but everything looks more like some old american village.

Right now I actually dunno what to play, some castlevania in the train and smash melee and armored core 4a at school. Then at home I have too much choice and wind up just watching some anime instead >_>

Sun, 11-02-2008, 07:46 PM
I'm playing Time Hollow, for the DS.

It's a great "game" (more like visual novel), the music, the visual, heck it even have animated cut scenes, and a good story. (Though confusing as hell in the beginning..)

I currently finished the game once, gonna "continue" from the prologue to start the alternative path. (After finishing the game, you follow Sox(the cat) in the prologue, and end up meeting with Irving, which you don't during the first play through.)

Sun, 11-02-2008, 08:52 PM
Played through the Mirror's Edge demo a few times.

This game was getting a lot of hype it seemed, and I wasn't too sure about the first person free-runner concept, but amazingly, it works brilliantly. Being in first person as opposed to third, it is really easy to get drawn into the game and develop immersion. You feel the gentle thuds of shoes when you are running really fast, hear the wind whipping past (especially when you fall to your death), and everything else involved in the coordinated movements. You can only see what she sees, so you really need to look around and find the angles, and despite the fact that most of it is colored in red, some of them are hidden rather well unless you know exactly where to look. Observation and quick assessment of the surroundings is still key.

The controls were a little awkward at first, but they fit really well after you get used to them.

I'll definitely be picking this one up when it comes out.

Sun, 11-02-2008, 11:11 PM
Lol, why on an SLI pc? it runs crazy fast on a single card for me ( 80+fps, compared to console ~30).
Cause if it looks that good on a single card, I imagine it would look even better on an SLI system.

Last night I played Dead Space in a dark room at night with no one else around. Pretty freaky.

Board of Command
Sun, 11-02-2008, 11:28 PM
Fallout 3

It's awesome.

The Heretic Azazel
Sun, 11-02-2008, 11:29 PM
The hardest game ever made. Contra Alien Wars.

Mon, 11-03-2008, 12:09 AM
Just got Fallout 3...its kind of hard for me, but really engrossing. Actually, i'm having a lot of trouble with it. I cant pickpocket for shit, even though I have the thief perk, plus I have like no caps and no ammo...

Mon, 11-03-2008, 02:09 AM
Played through the Mirror's Edge demo a few times.

This game was getting a lot of hype it seemed, and I wasn't too sure about the first person free-runner concept, but amazingly, it works brilliantly. Being in first person as opposed to third, it is really easy to get drawn into the game and develop immersion. You feel the gentle thuds of shoes when you are running really fast, hear the wind whipping past (especially when you fall to your death), and everything else involved in the coordinated movements. You can only see what she sees, so you really need to look around and find the angles, and despite the fact that most of it is colored in red, some of them are hidden rather well unless you know exactly where to look. Observation and quick assessment of the surroundings is still key.

The controls were a little awkward at first, but they fit really well after you get used to them.

I'll definitely be picking this one up when it comes out.
Just got this demo on 360 today. Amazing. I haven't felt so immersed in a game in a long time, and that's just the demo. There's something about jumping across rooftops that makes you feel so... free? Don't know.

Controls are good once you're used to them, I agree. I might just go and pre-order this game tomorrow, I think.

Try out the demo on either 360 or PS3 if you get the chance.

Mon, 11-03-2008, 02:34 AM
My first game ever was the original Doom. I used to watch my uncle play it all the time, and he let me play sometimes. He even gave me his old computer. I was like 6 at the time and I had no idea how it worked. All it had installed on it was DOS, Windows 3.1 and Doom. Since I was a little kid and had no idea how DOS worked, I'd type some retarded commands like, "get more games" lewl. Then further on I'd play Heretic, Hexen, Duke Nukem 3D, Shadow Warrior (Made by DN3D makers, but way less popular).

Man, I've been playing a ton of FPS. And that's just PC games. I had a Genesis hand me down from my cousin, and played all the classics. Streets of Rage 1 and 2, Sonic, Kid Chameleon, Moonwalker (Lawl Michael Jackson game), NBA Jam (Man that game was awesome), etc. My first RPG was Suikoden for the PSX. And it got me hooked to using SNES emulators and playing old classic RPGs. I did have an SNES though, but all I had was the original Donkey Kong Country ;(

I pretty much will play anything as long as it's good.
youngin...My first game was Super Mario Bros.

Just finished Mother 3 today. Man that was a great game.

Mon, 11-03-2008, 02:42 AM
youngin...My first game was Super Mario Bros.

So was mine. Actually, it was a whole lot of NES games compiled onto a single cart. I remember playing games such as Tennis, Dig Dug, Road Fighter, etc. :)

Mon, 11-03-2008, 05:01 AM
I played the new Brothers in Arms on the X360 and I wasn't impressed. Still the same suppress and flank routine from the first game. The storyline and characterizations were
pointless unless you're a WWII buff and haven't seen enough from all the other WWII games and movies out there.

Nah I think it's different this time.
You don't really *need* to flank them because you can actually hit something this time.. in RTH30 it was nearly impossible to hit stuff behind cover.
And it's really enjoyable to *destory* their cover with your bazooka team or trenches/banks/carts wiith your MG-team

The only problem is, as I said, that the germans don't really fight back :/ They don't attack and just wait till I come for them, which makes me angry 8[

But why would the storyline and characterizations be pointless?
This is the first time in a WW2 shooter where you really get to know your team and the inner feelings/sorrow/problems of your character or squad.

and how could someone get enough of movies like Band of Brothers :P come on!


I think I'm going to buy C&C:RA3 soon. Has it actually been released already?

and on 13th I'll get WoW:WotLK ^^

Mon, 11-03-2008, 09:29 AM
youngin...My first game was Super Mario Bros.

Just finished Mother 3 today. Man that was a great game.

I never got around to finishing the original Earthbound, should get on that =/.

Isn't there a complete english patch for Mother 3 or something?

Mon, 11-03-2008, 11:08 AM
I never got around to finishing the original Earthbound, should get on that =/.

Isn't there a complete english patch for Mother 3 or something?

Yeah, you want to finish earthbound before playing this one

Mon, 11-03-2008, 03:31 PM
Dead space runs pretty well in FullHD on radeon 3870, so there is no need for sli/crossfire.
Brother's in Arms seems same old game like first one - and i hate that one, flanking is damn boring, even timeshift was more fun.

Mon, 11-03-2008, 08:52 PM
Started playing Fallout 3. Maybe an hour or two into it, I''m supposed to go and hunt down the Family.

Sure the game's pretty good, the intro was pretty damn creative. But, it just seems kinda shallow. The shooting mechanics really feel quite awkward. It might be cause I haven't played it long enough. Maybe I don't enjoy it as much, is because I was never too big a fan of Oblivion either. It'll get better I'm sure.

Mon, 11-03-2008, 10:06 PM
Preordered WotLK this past weekend, and I'm grinding harder than ever to hit 70 in the next nine days. Go go those last 6 levels!

Mon, 11-03-2008, 11:48 PM
When TBC first came out, I hit 70, 4 days later. That was maybe, 10 hours a day.

Board of Command
Tue, 11-04-2008, 01:56 AM
Just got Fallout 3...its kind of hard for me, but really engrossing. Actually, i'm having a lot of trouble with it. I cant pickpocket for shit, even though I have the thief perk, plus I have like no caps and no ammo...
You'll get more ammo and caps pretty fast. You can't really get anything at the beginning of the game. You're probably stuck with a baseball bat and a 10mm pistol (with around 30 bullets) for the first little while. It picks up once you start killing actual enemies and selling their loot. The early guns, like assault rifle and hunting rifle, will accelerate the killing process.

One annoyance is that there's a limit on how much loot you can sell. The traders all have a finite amount of caps they can "spend" on buying your crap. Most traders have very little, so after a few rounds of selling loot, the trader runs dry. They replenish their caps pretty slow, so the only way to sell back to them is to buy things from them or pay to repair your equipment.

Wed, 11-05-2008, 07:25 AM
I didn't know that you can do such stuff on Little Big Planet. Pretty interesting.


Is LBP really such a good game?

Wed, 11-05-2008, 08:32 AM
I was gonna get it, but I wasted so much money on games this holiday season >_>. I took Resistance 2 over LBP, since I was unsure how long it'd last me. At the core since I'm too lazy to create levels, and probably would only be playing them, a platformer doesn't seem that worth it.

Wed, 11-05-2008, 05:03 PM
Just got Valkyria Chronicles today.... OMG it's freaking awesome! lol... It's like an interactive anime. The interaction being the srpg part of course.

Wed, 11-05-2008, 07:51 PM
Yeah I got it today too, and since I preordered it I got the spiffy 15 or so page art book. Only played through the first battle atm though.

Wed, 11-05-2008, 10:33 PM
I played the demo, but wasn't too impressed. I'm still thinking whether to get Little Big Planet or Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm......

Wed, 11-05-2008, 11:09 PM
I'm going to read up on it but Fallout 3 and Far Cry 2 seem to be the same type of game, sandbox mission-based GTA-style games with RPG elements in desolate environments. Since I'm not that big on RPGs, I only want to devote time to one or the other.

So if you're going to only play one of these 2 games, which would you choose?

Thu, 11-06-2008, 12:18 AM
They way I'd put it would be:

Far Cry 2: FPS with RPG elements
Fallout 3: RPG with FPS elements

Not for the above reasons, but I'm going to get Fallout 3. I've heard that both games suffer to a degree from repetitiveness and lack of new enemy types as you progress, with Far Cry 2 suffering a tad more in this aspect. Far Cry 2's AI is pretty good though, while I haven't heard anything about Fallout 3's.

For those who've played both games, which do you think has the higher immersion factor?

Thu, 11-06-2008, 01:22 AM
Fallout is pretty much just Elder Scrolls, same company btw, but instead of swords, it has guns. I never liked the Elder Scrolls series though so I didn't bother with Fallout.

But if you did like the Elder Scrolls series, then Fallout 3 would be a good game for you.

Thu, 11-06-2008, 04:03 AM
I just finished PS2 Gundam 00. The gameplay is very repetitive but it was fun. XD

Thu, 11-06-2008, 11:09 AM
Anybody happen to have a spare real Diablo 2/LoD key they don't use anymore? I lost my case >_>

Fri, 11-07-2008, 09:08 AM
Just picked up Gears of War 2, been playing it for about 7 hours straight. Great stuff. Can't really fault it at the moment. It's just so damned good. Haven't even touched multiplayer yet.

Fri, 11-07-2008, 09:20 AM
playing Yakuza 2, some random psp games and thinking of picking up BF2142 this weekend.

Fri, 11-07-2008, 09:45 AM
Just picked up Gears of War 2, been playing it for about 7 hours straight. Great stuff. Can't really fault it at the moment. It's just so damned good. Haven't even touched multiplayer yet.

I'll probably get that this weekend. There was just so many good buys this holiday season, I'm so broke XD

Fri, 11-07-2008, 09:52 AM
Just finished playing the demo for Mirror's Edge. Yet another title which seems promising....

Fri, 11-07-2008, 10:06 AM
Promising yes. I was thinking of picking it up when it comes out but I've changed my mind. I'll wait to see a review on it before I buy it because even though I loved the demo and think the game is gonna be amazing, I think its gonna be too short and I'm not sure what replay value it'll have. I'll probably just end up borrowing it from someone or renting it.

Fri, 11-07-2008, 10:56 AM
It looks promising, and is the most creative new IP this year, but it's 99% a rent game, since you can probably finish it in 5-6 hours. They were talking about how you can complete different levels going different routes or using different things, but honestly it just sounds like a cheap way to try and get replay value in without much thought or hassle.

Fri, 11-07-2008, 11:11 AM
Did you play the demo? Even in the demo there were multiple paths you could take to get to where you wanted to go, it isn't cheap at all and they definitely put alot of thought into the level designs.

My only fault with this game is that I think its going to be too short, the story has only eight chapters and once that is over, there isn't much replay value which means it isn't worth buying.

Fri, 11-07-2008, 11:15 AM
I want to play Mirror's Edge, but I think I'd have problems with it. I still get nauseous when playing some games, though I've gotten a lot better in the past few years.

Then I see stuff like this and it completely puts me off:

Fri, 11-07-2008, 07:07 PM
I thought Mirror's Edge was pretty cool. But I'm not a big first-person fan. I still think all the stunts could have been pulled off in third-person as well. I'll probably be renting this though.

Fri, 11-07-2008, 07:45 PM
That's really the draw. All the stunts could've been pulled off and stuff in 3rd person yeah, but then it would just feel like an Assassin's Creed or a Prince of Persia.

Fri, 11-07-2008, 08:59 PM
It looks promising, and is the most creative new IP this year, but it's 99% a rent game, since you can probably finish it in 5-6 hours. They were talking about how you can complete different levels going different routes or using different things, but honestly it just sounds like a cheap way to try and get replay value in without much thought or hassle.

From the few reviews that has been done of this game so far they have stated that it's roughly around 8-10 hours long (also gotten 9+ from all reviews so far) I loved the demo and will most likely pick the game up later.

Im currently playing Valkyria chronicles and LittleBigPlanet

Fri, 11-07-2008, 11:02 PM
Finally dragged myself away from Gears 2 long enough to play my shiny new Left 4 Dead demo. Anyone else picking this up? It's gonna be a blast multiplayer. Should get some Gotwoot games going.

Fri, 11-07-2008, 11:33 PM
I'm still playing MGO. Can't get good enough to beat those fox hounds though. :(

Sun, 11-09-2008, 02:27 PM
Played some of the Left 4 Dead demo on the 360. I'm definitely gonna pick this up. It's sooooooooo fun. It sounds simple on paper, but playing it is so much more fun.

Mon, 11-10-2008, 06:35 PM
Some Sonic Unleashed Footage (http://www.gametrailers.com/player/42536.html)

I'm really excited about this game, tbh. Though, who knows if they'll fuck it up like the past couple Sonic games. The last good sonic game was Sonic Adventures, so yeah. I grew up playing Sonic on the Genesis, so I just pray this'll not be a piece of shit.

Wed, 11-12-2008, 06:33 AM
I picked up Mirror's Edge today (full game). It's... a lot more difficult than I imagined. I thought it'd be pretty cruisy. Anything but.

Thu, 11-13-2008, 05:31 AM
Finally, the deed is done. Five hours off of my scheduled deadline, I've hit 70, and it feels awesome. Now, on to 80. At least this time I won't have to fight the clock :P.

Thu, 11-13-2008, 09:33 AM
Too bad you didn't get to do any of the 70 content. Or did you?

Gonna pick up a copy later, not hardcore enough to scour for midnight openings and play all night.

Thu, 11-13-2008, 11:58 AM
I just bought my Mirrors Edge Copy, i'll leave it for nighttime and tomorrow morning. I only finished training - controls = awesome, graphics = very good, gameplay = epic, especialy with ps3 motion sensors.

Thu, 11-13-2008, 08:01 PM
Well, Animus, I didn't, but I suppose there's always an ability to backtrack to Outland and PuG Illidan, right? As for WotLK, I picked up my preordered copy earlier tonight, and now all I'm waiting for is the digital upgrade to finish (go go not having a DVD drive on my computer).

Thu, 11-13-2008, 09:32 PM
I had to download my shit. Turns out my dvd drive is busted.

Sat, 11-15-2008, 12:31 PM
Maybe SecuROM messed up your DVD drive.

I'm still playing Dead Space which I find I can only play for 30 minutes at a time. It does set your nerves on edge, though it's not really twisted freaky axe-murderer scary. It's scary because of tricks they play like sudden messages or something falling on you out of nowhere or moody music. Still a great game for FPS-lovers and horror game enthusiasts.

I'm starting on Rainbow Six Vegas 2 on the X360. Pretty fun game. Kind of different feel since I played Vegas 1 on the PC and I'm better with the keyboard and mouse than the game controller.

Sat, 11-15-2008, 06:57 PM
Dead Space doesn't set your nerves on the edge, compared to F.E.A.R. - i'm at act 4 beginning(so much other games to play - and finally i got my hands on ps2. and time to do my homewor... i mean God of War, Devil May Cry(i played only the 3rd), Tales of..., Finals etc :] - so i don't have enough time for Dead Space). In fear just seeing girl walk up to you can freak you up - especially if you are going down a ladder and hear steps and laugh and just see Alma's foots. And those silent scenes - nothing happens for like 5 minutes while you are in such state that somebody walking to your room might give you heart-attack. Still combat in dead space is 10x better than in fear - it was too easy on hard(just get the bolter and pin heads to wall), and overall dead space is fun to play

Sat, 11-15-2008, 07:01 PM
Is FEAR (original) worth finishing? I haven't touched it for like a year. I got bored of it for some reason I can't remember.

Sat, 11-15-2008, 08:05 PM
Yeah, it's a great ending IMO. Play through it if you get the chance. I haven't touched the expansions yet though.

Sat, 11-15-2008, 08:08 PM
You two really need to play a Fatal Frame (preferably 1 or 2) if you think that Dead Space or F.E.A.R. is the scariest game you've played. I can't play for more than 15 minutes or less at a time.

Every noise in the game or in your house freaks the shit out of you. Then a little broken-neck girl ghost squirms along the floor three times faster than you can run...which is slower than walking speed in Dead Space for reference.

Sat, 11-15-2008, 09:56 PM
Isn't Fatal Frame the game where you take photos of ghosts in order to kill them? I think I tried it once and didn't like the gameplay mechanics.

Dead Space isn't scary psychologically, it just spooks you with gimmicks.

Sun, 11-16-2008, 01:34 PM
Yeah i heard of Fatal Frame - i just got my hands on ps2 so i'm gonna do my gaming homework. After Devil May Cry 1, God of War 1 and 2, Tales of Abyss, and some other titles.
Also i were having fun with Soul Calibur's 4 character creation. I made Rei Ayanami, Saber, Assassin, Gilgamesh, Dante and Vergil there.

Sun, 11-16-2008, 01:34 PM
Dead space isn't scary at all, mostly cause of the fact that there is pretty much infinite ammo, and the plasma cutter rapes pretty much everything.
Same with Fear.
Actually no game is scary, for me at least, I mean how can you get truly scared of something that is on a screen? I can understand ppl getting spooked/startled or even unnerved, but scared? real fear? c'mon :/.
Fatal Frame does a pretty good job of being unnerving/-settling though.

Sun, 11-16-2008, 01:54 PM
Yeah i heard of Fatal Frame - i just got my hands on ps2 so i'm gonna do my gaming homework. After Devil May Cry 1, God of War 1 and 2, Tales of Abyss, and some other titles.
Also i were having fun with Soul Calibur's 4 character creation. I made Rei Ayanami, Saber, Assassin, Gilgamesh, Dante and Vergil there.
Cool man, I did that not long ago, went and bought a PS2 and played God of War 1 and Okami. I got GoW2 but haven't played it yet. I also want to play the Silent Hill games on the PS2 which are supposed to be better than the newer SH games.

Dead space isn't scary at all, mostly cause of the fact that there is pretty much infinite ammo, and the plasma cutter rapes pretty much everything. Dead Space is fun to play, has some very innovative gameplay techniques, or at least modifications of existing ones (stasis=bullet time). I pumped up the plasma cutter but also a little bit on the other weapons for some variation. Unless the mobs come at you real fast, it's easy to kill them all without much effort. Reload times are slow so that makes it tricky.

Sun, 11-16-2008, 09:36 PM
Dead space isn't scary at all, mostly cause of the fact that there is pretty much infinite ammo, and the plasma cutter rapes pretty much everything.
Same with Fear.
Actually no game is scary, for me at least, I mean how can you get truly scared of something that is on a screen? I can understand ppl getting spooked/startled or even unnerved, but scared? real fear? c'mon :/.
Fatal Frame does a pretty good job of being unnerving/-settling though.

I'll assume you don't like horror flicks either.

Mon, 11-17-2008, 12:15 AM
Is FEAR (original) worth finishing? I haven't touched it for like a year. I got bored of it for some reason I can't remember.

I remember why now. I'm stuck :p

Tue, 11-18-2008, 05:15 PM
Still playing:

NDS - FFTA2 (252 missions now)
PS2 (on PS3) - Nocturne (halfway I think) and Tales of the Abyss (5 hours to go it seems)
PS3 - Disgaea 3

Pending to play:
PS3 - Metal Gear Solid 4 (unlikely though)
PS2 - Digital Devil Saga, Digital Devil Saga 2, Devil Summoner
NDS - Final Fantasy IV DS

Pending to retake or finish someday:
PS2 - Resident Evil Code Veronica X
GC (on Wii) - Resident Evil

Pending to ever use (bought for collection purpose)
GB (on NDS) - Final Fantasy IV, Final Fantasy V, Final Fantasy VI, Tales of Phantasia
PSP - Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy II

Buying between this month and february:
PS2 - Persona 4, Ar Tonelico 2
PS3 - Valkyria Chronicles, Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm
NDS - Chrono Trigger
PSP - Star Ocean

Thinking of buying:
NDS - Dragon Quest IV

Are the Dragon Quest really worth buying? I've never played one.

Yes... I have a severe bag log of games... that happens when I use my free 'entertainment' time watching anime or writing fanfiction...

Tue, 11-18-2008, 05:47 PM
The older Dragon Quest games are hit or miss. Some are great, some are garbage. The first is fun for nostalgia purposes, but it's really hard (just one character).

VIII though, is a masterpiece. A true classical-style, turn-based rpg. The kind where you don't start as super epic heroes right from the start, and you have only a single task at the start, and hard. The characters are great, Akira Toriyama design at it's finest, the voice work is phenomenal, and the game is hard enough to give you just enough of a challenge the whole way through.

Most of the time, you really do have to pay attention during each and every encounter. If you get lax during even a random encounter, you can end up with a dead character, and in true Dragon Quest form, you cart their dead ass all the way back to a church in town for a res, and they are not cheap.

Boss fights are another matter entirely. If you haven't leveled enough or focused skills properly, one false move can leave your whole party dead.

Plenty of replayablity too. There are more skill types than there are points to level them up. You can always start over and try a totally different play style the next time around. Scythes or axes, swords or spears, whips or staves/magic?

That reminds me...I still need to finish DQ VIII again.

Thu, 11-20-2008, 06:56 PM
Just got my hands on Left 4 Dead, been playing it non stop for 4 hours now it's really really good. Just having a hard time getting enough of my IRL buddies to pick it up in order to play 4 player co-op.
If anyone else here picked it up it would be fun to have a gotwoot survivor team going

Fri, 11-21-2008, 07:48 AM
Did you get it on 360 or PC? I got it on PC, myself.

Fri, 11-21-2008, 07:58 AM
Is it really that good? I saw it on the shelves today, and it's got the most expensive pricetag.

Fri, 11-21-2008, 08:00 AM
Just get it from Steam, it's much cheaper. And yeah, if you've got friends to play it with, it's brilliant.

Fri, 11-21-2008, 08:39 AM
Yeah got it on steam, been playing online mostly. And so far most people i have played with have had a mic too. But would still enjoy it a whole lot more playing with 4 close friends and would be able to take on the Expert difficulty then.

Fri, 11-21-2008, 08:52 AM
So is L4D not worth it for single-player recluses like me?

Fri, 11-21-2008, 09:03 AM
Probably not. I played the L4D Demo some weaks ago for like 4 hours straight playing the same 3 levels and over, with different people. It was awesome. Some even screamed over Live at their surprise when he got rolled by a tank (super tough zombie dude).

Fri, 11-21-2008, 09:28 AM
So is L4D not worth it for single-player recluses like me? Does online gaming tax heavily on your connection Ani, or is it simply personal preference?

Fri, 11-21-2008, 11:11 AM
Does L4D on PC require really high specs to play? My comp's specs are from like 2004.

Fri, 11-21-2008, 11:18 AM
Does online gaming tax heavily on your connection Ani, or is it simply personal preference?
Yeah we're on a satellite uplink that is both slow and monitored, so online play would be impossible. I used to love CS:S online, but had to quit that because of the slowness too. Fortunately I should be out of here by the end of February, and will be able to enjoy MP L4D on a 6Mbps/768kbps cable modem connection then.

Dark Dragon
Fri, 11-21-2008, 11:54 AM
Does L4D on PC require really high specs to play? My comp's specs are from like 2004.

I'm can't tell your comp spec from something that vague but if you had what could be considered a "good" computer in 2004 then you should have no problem running L4D. Valve games all scale wonderfully, you could compare them to the FPS version of blizzard so unless your comp has like 500 mb of ram and some video card you bought for $50 five years ago, you should be okay.

Death BOO Z
Fri, 11-21-2008, 03:42 PM
I gave in and started playing castlevania.
It still hasn't ruined my entire social life, but it's close.

I've got some mixed feelings about the game, but I can full heartily say that it's better than PoR.
also, I'm starting to hear the gametunes from whatever radio I'm listening to. so I guess I'm coming down with some sort of game-mania.

Sat, 11-22-2008, 05:01 AM
I'm playing co-op at tales of the abyss with my friend - its awesome, but killing normal mobs is not fun - we have to get to boss to have fun.

Sat, 11-22-2008, 07:30 PM
So I was playing L4D on my friend's 360, since I'm too poor to get it at the moment. And man do a lot of people suck.

And jesus christ I hate tanks in that game.

Dark Dragon
Sun, 11-23-2008, 02:05 AM
God damn blizzard.

I swore that i wouldn't reactivate my account until after finals was over. I already bought the collector edition of Wotlk and it is still sitting on my book case unopened until school is over.

Today Blizzard decides to give away a free polar bear pet (http://kotaku.com/5096913/blizzard-celebrates-world-of-warcrafts-4th-anniversary-with-baby-bears) so now i'm obligated to reactivate my account so i could get it.

Curse my weakness for all things cute and fuzzy.

Mon, 11-24-2008, 07:03 AM
Wow, just finished Portal from the Orange Box. Amazing game!!! The end credits song is hilarious, same with the crazy shit the computer was saying while you fought it. The Orange Box is worth it just for this game. STEAM still sucks, but some Valve products are worth supporting this company.

Mon, 11-24-2008, 08:14 AM
Not to mention TF2 is awesome.

Mon, 11-24-2008, 12:41 PM
I currently only play PC games so the following I shall list.

1. S4 League Alaplaya/PMANG S4 Korea
2. RO2 Private Server (English) -Official English Dont Exist Yet-
3. Street Gears Europe German/French

Tue, 12-02-2008, 03:37 AM
I played some COD:WAW. it's nothing different from COD 4.

Tue, 12-02-2008, 10:23 AM
Finally left Final Fantasy Tactics A2 behind (with 282 missions...) and began Final Fantasy IV DS.

Tue, 12-02-2008, 07:03 PM
I got back to DotA. Currently playing on Garena client :)

Wed, 12-03-2008, 05:44 PM
NDS - Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia
NDS - Luminous Arc 2
PS2 - Guilty Gear: Accent Core

Planning to get:
NDS - Chrono Trigger DS

Thinking about getting:
Wii - Castlevania: Judgment
How's the game?
I like fighting games in general, but a Castlevania-based one?
I dunno... it looks awesome, but it's the gameplay I'm worried about.
Anyone got the game and tried it out yet?

Wed, 12-03-2008, 05:46 PM
I'm playing Melty Blood Act Cadenza on PC.
I somehow manage to lose at the lowest difficulty, but I'm improving.. slowly..

Wed, 12-03-2008, 06:07 PM
currently only game im playing on my cimputer is DotA on battle.net. probably gonna start wow wotlk when my winter break starts.

also i just got a xbox 360 :) currently have gta 4, gow2, halo 3, and doa4 for it.

Thu, 12-04-2008, 04:29 AM
I'm not a fan of first person shooters, but I just started Fallout 3 on the PC, due to all the hype and the good reviews. Can't say I'm liking what I see so far...... although I was only like 20 minutes in before I got summonned away by Rena. :(

Thu, 12-04-2008, 09:46 AM
well 20 mins doesnt even get you out of the vault yet.

Thu, 12-04-2008, 10:14 AM
I'm still fighting cockroaches. :(

The Heretic Azazel
Thu, 12-04-2008, 01:32 PM
Just played Castlevania: Arria of Sorrow for GBA. Very disappointed with the ending.

Thu, 12-04-2008, 01:54 PM
I'm not a fan of first person shooters, but I just started Fallout 3 on the PC, due to all the hype and the good reviews. Can't say I'm liking what I see so far...... although I was only like 20 minutes in before I got summonned away by Rena. :(FO3 is the worst game to play if you have other obligations like a young child or work or a gf or anything else going on in your life. It's such a detailed world with so much to do and kill. Only game I could imagine worse for time is WoW.

Sat, 12-06-2008, 05:00 PM
I'm playing Melty Blood Act Cadenza on PC.
I somehow manage to lose at the lowest difficulty, but I'm improving.. slowly..
Try using ciel, go with dash, 3 fast down hits, 2 fast up hits, 1 med-speed low hit, 2 hi-power hit down, jump, spam fast hits and then throw.

in game its like:
<- <-, down+a x3, a x2, down+b, down+c x2, up+a, throw button

also learn throws, quatercircle back and bbb, or bab, or baa,or bba depending on situation.
Your greatest friend is quatercircle forwart and c when in pinch. also you can use a+b+c to trigger heat when you have 100%+ magic circut and use halfcircle forward+c to use 7th scripture. and its better to save for 300% than use 100% attacks, then 7th scripture is really powerfull.

Sat, 12-06-2008, 10:47 PM
FO3 is the worst game to play if you have other obligations like a young child or work or a gf or anything else going on in your life. It's such a detailed world with so much to do and kill. Only game I could imagine worse for time is WoW.

Amen to that...I wasted like a month of my life. Just started Chrono Trigger DS.

Sat, 12-06-2008, 11:40 PM
I just finished a route on Fate/Stay Night, 2 more to go :D

Sun, 12-07-2008, 01:58 AM
Disgaea 3 and SSF2THDR for the PS3 :p

Sun, 12-07-2008, 02:23 AM
Man that's a long ass name, Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo HD Remix. -_-

Tue, 12-09-2008, 10:53 AM
I'm currently playing LittleBigPlanet (a PS3 exclusive).

I need to get over the hi-score and related e-penis rankings so that I don't keep replaying the first level.

I just bought E8400 and 9800 GT chips, and I'm currently waiting on UPS to deliver the PC case to house it all in. I think I'll start playing PC games again by pirating Left 4 Dead.

Last year, I bought World of Warcraft for $10 bucks and it comes with a free one-month trial. It's been over a year and I still haven't installed it or gotten around to playing it. Will I now have to buy all the expansion packs to play it? Can I still play it without any of the expansion packs?

Tue, 12-09-2008, 12:12 PM
You can play WoW without the expansion packs, but you won't be able to access any of the content the expansion packs offer, such as a few new races, regions, and the raised level cap.

Tue, 12-09-2008, 02:16 PM
I played some Soul Caliber IV the other day. heh, I got torn up :p

Tue, 12-09-2008, 04:23 PM
How good is Soul Caliber IV? I was hyped about getting it when it first came out, but now I'm not so sure.

Tue, 12-09-2008, 06:16 PM
mm. well, I'm more of a tekken fan than a soul caliber one. so I wouldn't be able to tell you how good it is.

Tue, 12-09-2008, 06:41 PM
SC4 is both better and worse than SC3. There are as many pluses as there are minuses.

- The fighting between human players is somewhat unbalanced, especially online where everyone plays Apprentice. However, the combat against the AI is greatly improved. The new instant-kill mechanic prevents the turtling that the AI and some people relied upon in SC3.

- The characters are a little more unbalanced than they were in SC2. Certain characters will always win (canon ones, not neccessarily Star Wars), and others suck more than ever. Customization is extremely limited on the special manga-artist characters, and most of them are clones of the main cast (with different weapon ranges).

- Create-a-Soul mode is better and worse than before as well. While some of the new items look fantastic, the number of them is dramatically reduced from SC3. A lot of them are an utter pain in the ass to get, even with the achievements unlocking all of them. You will be grinding gold to buy them all. Another downside to this mode is what you can do with the characters. Stats are based off the items you wear, so if you want a really kickass character, you will look ridiculous. They also removed some of the styles from 3, Sword and Shuriken, Kunai, etc., but you have use of any main character's style from the start. No need to earn them.

- On the positive side, you can also fully customize the clothing and hair of the main characters just like a Create-A-Soul.

- Story mode is weak, and some parts of the Tower Mode (replacing the Campaign) are obscenely difficult. The Tower mode pales in comparison to the Campaign mode of SC3.

- Other notes: The game looks beautiful, by popular demand Amy's moveset was expanded and she became a primary character (voiced by Aya Hirano no less!), and the instant-kill against turtlers that I mentioned above makes the experience much more enjoyable. There are characters for thinkers, and characters for button mashers.

Tue, 12-09-2008, 07:10 PM
Hmm...looks like a mixed review. It looks like it has both things I'll love, and things I'll hate. I'll see if I can play it somewhere to try it out. Thanks guys.

Tue, 12-09-2008, 07:37 PM
SC4 is SC2, but just better, also haven't run into any balancing issues, well cept that yoda is ungrabable

Tue, 12-09-2008, 10:36 PM
yeah, lol. most people play with a 'no yoda' rule. it's pretty funny.

Wed, 12-10-2008, 12:42 AM
Besides not being able to grab Yoda, he's a terribad character.

Wed, 12-10-2008, 04:44 AM
Some eight year old (or at least sounded like it) continually spammed Yodas low Guard break attack, while constantly trying to get me to talk back in the mic. I finished the match out of principle, and immediately left there after, filing a report as I left if only to never have to play with that kid in any xbox live game in the future.

If you try to play for real, Yoda sucks, but if you are just attempting to be cheap, constant throws or other cheap moves make him pretty tough to beat. That's exactly the way I got the achievement for beating story/arcade mode with him...

Wed, 12-10-2008, 05:02 AM
Year end bonus means more games!


Wed, 12-10-2008, 06:51 AM
I kind of wish they included an online multiplayer of that game now. There's a limited number of people who can play with you side by side.

Wed, 12-10-2008, 08:31 AM
Official polish SC4 tournament rules forbid special characters(so no yoda or vader or apprientice(which i think sucks hard)), custom characters and it sets up soul gauge to maximum and allows insta-kills.
And i think that Ivy, Zasalamel and Cervantes are imbalanced, but Zasalamel is so fun to play, and Siegfried too.
And i have one question - is SC4 multiplayer region-blocked? i would love to play against Asians and Us people not only vs Europeans, and i have no time to check it.

Wed, 12-10-2008, 09:48 AM
Currently playing:

Final Fantasy IV DS
Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm
Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne

Finally managed to finish Tales of the Abyss and Final Fantasy Tactics A2 as well.

Will put every game on hold as soon as I get hands on Persona 4 though.

Wed, 12-10-2008, 11:31 AM
I could not finish tales of the abyss, i had to give back ps2 i borrowed.
Currently playing: Chess on my mobile. I just don't have enough time to play games, watch anime and learn DAMNED German language...

Thu, 12-11-2008, 12:35 AM
Zas is actually pretty low tier from what I hear. Ivy and Cervantes..... Definitely high tier. I play Taki though. Haven't played much SC4 lately because of STHD. It'll probably carry me until SF4 comes out too, so probably not much time for SC4.

As for STHD, the netcode is pretty good. But the random disconnects make playing online a pain at times. The bugs and glitches as well. The new artwork is decent, but I thought it could've been better especially with all the delays this game had. Some of the sprites look like the artists just drew a bunch of lines to make it look like they have muscles, and believe me, they do not look like muscles.

Oh, and while the music is nice, some I feel do not fit the game at all so I had to revert back to the classic music.

But yeah, STHD is still a good game. Hopefully they patch the bugs/glitches. With the new fixes they made to the characters, it's probably the most balanced fighter ever since classic ST was already considered one of the most balanced.

Thu, 12-11-2008, 08:48 AM
Cervantes is just plain easy to play, even to beat hard on your first contact with soul calibur.
well its hard to master him perfectly but just knowing basics might lead you to the high place in tournament(like first 10)

Thu, 12-11-2008, 10:51 AM
Zas is actually pretty low tier from what I hear. Ivy and Cervantes..... Definitely high tier. I play Taki though. Haven't played much SC4 lately because of STHD. It'll probably carry me until SF4 comes out too, so probably not much time for SC4.

As for STHD, the netcode is pretty good. But the random disconnects make playing online a pain at times. The bugs and glitches as well. The new artwork is decent, but I thought it could've been better especially with all the delays this game had. Some of the sprites look like the artists just drew a bunch of lines to make it look like they have muscles, and believe me, they do not look like muscles.

Oh, and while the music is nice, some I feel do not fit the game at all so I had to revert back to the classic music.

But yeah, STHD is still a good game. Hopefully they patch the bugs/glitches. With the new fixes they made to the characters, it's probably the most balanced fighter ever since classic ST was already considered one of the most balanced.

Lol, STHD was almost canned cause of the art ;), but capcom approved of it in the end.

Thu, 12-11-2008, 05:40 PM
Pardon my ignorance of your acronym of choice, but "STHD"?



Super Street Fighter II Turbo: HD Remix

That is easily the most idiosyncratic acronym I've heard in a while, I get the "HD," just not the rest. SFHD makes more sense. Maybe I can change my question to "explain why the acronym is that way."

Thu, 12-11-2008, 07:50 PM
Pardon my ignorance of your acronym of choice, but "STHD"?



Super Street Fighter II Turbo: HD Remix

That is easily the most idiosyncratic acronym I've heard in a while, I get the "HD," just not the rest. SFHD makes more sense. Maybe I can change my question to "explain why the acronym is that way."

Worst thing is that I did understand they were talking about Street Fighter and didn't noticed the bad acronym until your post :eek:

Thu, 12-11-2008, 08:36 PM
Sounds like a hyper-STD

Thu, 12-11-2008, 09:05 PM
Lol, yeah I realized it while I was typing it, but I only did it to reference his post.
Normally i would shorten it to ssf2thd ;P

Thu, 12-11-2008, 09:32 PM
I really want to play Super Street Fighter II Turbo: HD Remix but PSN doesn't recognise my fake US billing adress even though I'm using a real credit card. :(

Fri, 12-12-2008, 09:59 AM
Tell someone from gotwoot who already has the game to share his account with you, download it from them, and pay him/her half of the game or something. You can download a paid game 5 times with the same account.

Fri, 12-12-2008, 10:34 AM
Sounds good, but will the game ever be released for other regions? It's kinda sucky when the asia PSN doesn't provide any good updates compared to the US.

Fri, 12-12-2008, 11:30 AM
You tell me. I am illegally entering the USA and Europe PSN because Mexico doesn't have its own, nor legal access to them. I can't buy anything. Only get the free downloads.

Haven't really tested if I can use pre-paid PSN cards, but alas... to get them I need to travel to USA or buy them from bastard ebayers who charge more for them.

Sat, 12-13-2008, 02:09 PM
Oh, that's just how the SF community shortens that game so I've gotten use to it. As you may or may not know, there have been like 10 versions of Street Fighter 2, and to not mix it up with other versions, ST became the acronym of choice. Even though ST is pretty much the only version of SF2 played nowadays, ST is still the acronym of choice simply because that's just the way it's always been.

Some people have started calling STHD just simply HD Remix.


Mon, 12-15-2008, 12:27 PM
Just got resistance 2. Pretty fun. Anyone else play?

Mon, 12-15-2008, 02:08 PM
I can't wait to get my hands on GH4(it was released last Friday here)... only convincing my parents to pay 4/10 of the price as Christmas present(they hate this game) is hard part.

Mon, 12-15-2008, 03:27 PM
I'm willing to share my USA PSN account to trustworthy people who want to share back. I don't have anything worth sharing though. Here's what I have:

PixelJunk Monsters (Some retarded ass RTS game that doesn't even have online play, yet you download it through the PlayStation Network. Oh, the irony.)
Calling All Cars (Some retarded ass David Jaffe game that I bought because I thought he could do no wrong after God of War. Boy, was I wrong.)
Castlevania SOTN (Some retarded ass 16-bit Konami game on a 32-bit system that isn't fun and tries to be by ratcheting up the difficulty level to give you a "challenge".)
Syphon Filter 1 (Not that bad, but you'd have to pretty bored to want to play this in today's era.)
Crash Bandicoot 1 (Complete shit.)
Spyro 1 (Boring as hell. Only bought it out of nostalgia. It's amazing what passes for entertainment when you're a kid.)

I don't have Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remake but I'm planning on picking it up anyway so just assume that I have it and plan accordingly. Want to share or not?

Mon, 12-15-2008, 03:33 PM
I've been playing Dynasty Warriors 6 on 360 and Super Street Fighter II Turbo: HD Remix on PS3. Trying to get all these targets and scenarios in DW6, is a bit of a chore. It's taking me forever to get all of them. I'm also trying to gain a rare red horse.

Street Fighter is gorgeous, I especially like the zoomed in view that they added. I opted to get Street Fighter on PS3, due to the 360's terrible d-pad. Microsoft doesn't seem eager to release the green 360 controllers with the fixed d-pads in the U.S. That made the choice easy for me. I just wish that the PS3 version, supported trophies.

Mon, 12-15-2008, 11:55 PM
I'm tempted to buy a US PSN card just for Street Fighter II Turbo: HD Remix.

Tue, 12-16-2008, 10:38 AM
I remember days farming in warriors orochi on my pc... all skills maxed, all chars maxed, all weapons maxed etc.... after that game started to be less fun because it was too easy on chaos.

Tue, 12-16-2008, 11:28 AM
Wow, that's awesome, Xelbair. There's an achievement for getting all chars to lvl 50 in DW6. I'm already starting to get bored and I don't even have all scenarios and targets yet. I don't think I'm gonna try to get them all to 50. I've been farming on easy trying to get a rare horse that says "considers the world/heavenly body." I picked up Warriors Orochi 2 for 14.95 on Amazon, gonna move on to that next.

I saw some PSN cards for the first time the other day at Wal-Mart. They looked like someone had been trying to scratch off the strip a little to get the code, without removing it completely. I'll stick to using my credit card to add to my wallet, because I don't trust those cards that are sitting in retail.

Tue, 12-16-2008, 11:54 AM
I especially wouldn't trust stuff from Wal-Mart.

Tue, 12-16-2008, 12:10 PM
ive got like 150 hours in samurai warriors 2xl, about 70 in DW6, almost 40 in WO2 and about 70 aswell in dynasty warriors gundam, yet I only have a few chars maxed in all the games, simply cause I'm not playing it to grind, simply playing it and having fun.

Tue, 12-16-2008, 12:12 PM
Have you gotten a rare horse in DW6? If so, which one?

Tue, 12-16-2008, 04:56 PM
I just got my beta key for Battleforge(released by polish site - but on key-request site there is only e-mail field - if you want i can post link here)

Tue, 12-16-2008, 08:19 PM
I finally got around to playing Portal this weekend, and now I wonder why I never played it earlier. I loved every minute of it.

Now I'm starting on Final Fantasy XII, as well as Beyond Good and Evil (whee, I love taking pictures of all the cute little creatures) since I'm on holidays, and my beloved Guild Wars won't work on my parents' internet connection (or possibly their router...I can't find out until I get the login information for the router).

Tue, 12-16-2008, 10:31 PM
I finally got around to playing Portal this weekend, and now I wonder why I never played it earlier. I loved every minute of it.
Excellent... another member of the enlightened who knows the cake is a lie. Our numbers are growing.

Wed, 12-17-2008, 07:24 AM
Portal is fun, but prelude's last level is WAY too hard.

Thu, 12-18-2008, 02:51 PM
Currently playing Persona 3: FES.

I've been having a great time with it. And I'm excited about Persona 4, but I'll really miss the Persona 3 characters. Especially Ryoji. XD

Thu, 12-18-2008, 03:28 PM
New Prince of Persia is fun, but I find missing some moves, like running up a wall and dropping with a slash etc. battles are 1v1 - great, combos are made on-fly - great, but you cant use terrain to your advantage(excluding getting enemy close to the edge of the arena(wall or cliff) and pushing him/her.
Jumping parts are way too easy compared to Warrior Within.

Overall - it is a great game, but really there are no connections to the main series, and no more dark climate, yeah of course corrupted areas have dark look - but it looks too much like something cut off from fairyland, its not dark enough like Warrior Within.

Oh, and yeah - I'm Prince of Persia Freak(TM) and Tomb Rider Freak(TM), and my favorite part is Prince of Persia Warrior Within, and Tomb Rider II.

Thu, 12-18-2008, 10:46 PM

You've got to try it at least once :D

And make sure you check out the rankings ;)

Fri, 12-19-2008, 10:09 AM
Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm
Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne
Final Fantasy IV DS

Those three take my time at the moment.

When Persona 4 arrives they will be forgotten for a while though...

I still have this on the backlog:
Valkyria Chronicles
Resident Evil REmake
Resident Evil Code Veronica
Metal Gear Solid 4
Disgaea 3
Chrono Trigger
Dragon Quest IV
Star Ocean
Digital Devil Saga
Digital Devil Saga 2
Devil Summoner
Eternal Poison
Kingdom Hearts RE:Chain of Memories

Maybe I should stop getting so many games when there is so little time to play... or maybe not...

Next year I'll buy
Star Ocean 2
Dead Rising Wii
Ar Tonelico 2
Devil Summoner 2
Resident Evil 5

Sat, 12-20-2008, 01:17 PM
RZ! You've played Devil Summoner?! Is it any good? I was thinking of investing in it, but I'm not sure.

Althoug normally... anything Shin Megami Tensei is amazing.

Sat, 12-20-2008, 02:18 PM
Sadly I have it on the backlog.

I bought Nocturne, DDS, DDS2, Devil Summoner, Persona 3 and Persona 3 FES together for 200 dollar. Then I sold my extra Persona 3 and Persona 3 FES for a 100.

I am halfway through Nocturne, so I'll probably won't be playing DS for a while.

Sun, 12-21-2008, 05:57 AM
Currently playing a bunch of games... though a lot of them are on and off.

Persona 4 <3
Dissidia Final Fantasy <3
Sengoku Basara 2 Heroes
Baldurs Gate II
Fate Unlimited Codes
Valkyria Chronicles
Kingdom Hearts RE CoM
Metal Gear Solid 4
Little Big Planet
Chrono Trigger DS
The World Ends With You <3
Infinite Undiscovery
Deep Space
Fabel II
Blue Dragon (Been playing it off and off since it came out and still not done)
Ninja Gaiden II
Odin Sphere
Rouge Galaxy

Board of Command
Sun, 12-21-2008, 03:20 PM
I just started Prince of Persia this afternoon. Graphics are pretty impressive and gameplay mechanics are very different from what I was used to in the Sands of Time series. It'll take a while to get used to.

Sun, 12-21-2008, 04:22 PM
I'm finishing up Pure, on the Xbox 360. It's a beautiful game to look at and the gameplay, is probably the best of any ATV game I've ever played. The only problem I have with this game, is the lack of event types. There are only three types of events. Freestyle, Sprint, and Race. During the World Tour mode, which consists of ten tournaments, these three event types get old pretty fast. I hope for the sequel, they expand the event types.

Mon, 12-22-2008, 10:46 AM
BoC - Prince of Persia is a bit of a fail game - you can't die there, and difficulty is toned down... to a casual level which is bad. Fighting - as they said before release - should be harder and focused on 1v1 fights... it is, but it's not harder, its like 5x easier and you cant use terrain other than finish off normal guys(rare fights - most guys you fight are bosses)... and those damn annoying soul farming episodes, without those game would be 10x better. its annoying to spent 2h with rage and hate against ubisoft because you can't find those damn 2 orbs that you need to farm out of 300 something(it is mandatory to play the game - thank's to them you get new powers). Old series(Sands of Time, Warrior Within, Two Thrones) was way better

Currently playing:
Soul Calibur IV on psn - my new motto "I hate kilik"...

Mon, 12-22-2008, 10:50 AM
I just started Prince of Persia this afternoon. Graphics are pretty impressive and gameplay mechanics are very different from what I was used to in the Sands of Time series. It'll take a while to get used to.
I've never liked cell-shaded games, though XIII was ok.

I will soon be playing Gears of War 2.

Wed, 12-24-2008, 11:50 AM
lets see...

Still playing WOW! I have like... 5000-10000 xp left until I hit lvl 76 ( human paladin - Holy ) I got my epic flying mount yesterday but that doesn't matter much because I can't fly it in northrend ( wrath of the lich king area ) until I get to lvl 77 and pay another 1,000 gold.

but... I made about 6000 gold in the past week doing some serious auction house grinding.

Wed, 12-24-2008, 12:16 PM
I've been 80 for awhile. Already have 4 pieces of Tier 7, kinda bored of the game already. Downed all the raid content available besides 3 Drake Sartharion.

Wed, 12-24-2008, 12:45 PM
Playing Carcassonne on xbox LIVE Arcade with the rest of the family.

Rarely do supposedly peaceful games get this competetive this quickly. :D

Emphasis on "currently playing."

Thu, 12-25-2008, 04:38 PM
Guitar Hero: World Tour... I on guitar/percussion, my friend on guitar/percussion my dad sometimes on percussion, and my mother on vocals - awesome game!

Fri, 12-26-2008, 06:27 AM
Sadly I have it on the backlog.

I bought Nocturne, DDS, DDS2, Devil Summoner, Persona 3 and Persona 3 FES together for 200 dollar. Then I sold my extra Persona 3 and Persona 3 FES for a 100.

I am halfway through Nocturne, so I'll probably won't be playing DS for a while.

...WHAT. For 200?! Crazy.

Nocturne is pretty good at first, but when you get to that tower area...(Can't remember the name) it gets annoying and slightly boring.

...I need to still finish that game. *sigh*

I'm currently playing The Answer part of Persona 3 FES and it's alright so far. Gets boring after awhile but I really want to see the cutscenes. And I love Metis.

EDIT: OH fireheart!!! How's the game The World Ends With You? I've come across a lot of pictures and they characters look cool. I don't want to look on Wiki because they SPOIL EVERYTHING. EVERYTHING. It ruined Silent Hill 5 for me...

Fri, 12-26-2008, 09:21 AM
EDIT: OH fireheart!!! How's the game The World Ends With You? I've come across a lot of pictures and they characters look cool. I don't want to look on Wiki because they SPOIL EVERYTHING. EVERYTHING. It ruined Silent Hill 5 for me...
I found that The World Ends With You got really old, really fast. The combat got gimmicky really fast. You could totally ignore the screen on the top and do more than adequately. Actually...most of the time you'll do dramatically better completely forgetting about it.

The story didn't really seem to be there at any point, and the main character's attitude got so annoying I stopped playing for weeks. I went back to Apollo Justice because TWEWT was neither fun to play nor entertaining.

The customization seems tacked on the overwhelming majority of the time. It never really mattered what equipment you had on, it was all dependent on the Badges you used, and the few you got in the beginning were more than enough to get you through the entire game.

The music was alright I suppose, it fits well and was catchy enough.

It was all style over substance. I think I would have been better off spending the money on No More Heroes for the Wii.

Fri, 12-26-2008, 01:39 PM
Ryll and Junior: Really? I kinda liked the game actually, it has some of the elements I've always wanted in an RPG for one you don't try to save the world so for once it's not really as epic as other games. While I do agree that the combat got old it's not like it forces you to do it all the time.

And the main characters attitude is meant to be annoying so if you find him annoying it means they did a good job and obviously since he's annoying he grows up during the game.

As for the story I found it interesting and wanted to know how it would end and I'll admit there where a couple of plot twists I didn't see coming at all. While some of the plot is overused they manage to bring some good ones in there.

The equipment mattered to me since it was there most of my stat where or rather where I got most of my HP. Also thought the customization was a nice touch as you could make the game easier or harder on the fly. As for the badges don't know if I could have made it till the end with the ones you start with. For the brand thing I almost never checked it since it didn't make that much of a difference. I did like the whole part where the store clerks start to recognize you and stuff, small stuff but liked it

Music I agree on

All in all thought it was quite worth the money.

Fri, 12-26-2008, 01:42 PM

Well... that is why I love that everyone has its own likes and dislikes. I personally loved TWEWY while I seriously lack the motivation to try the apollo games.

Fun part of TWEWY is ACTUALLY playing both screens at the time. Specially with most bosses. If you ignored any of the screens with a boss you would lose in 5 seconds. If you ignore one screen, as Ryll said, the game gets boring fast.

About Nocturne... I already went pass the tower and it did gets a bit tiring, specially with so few story development between dungeons. But I am determined to get at least one of the six endings and be done with it. If I took 2 long painful years to finish Tales of the Abyss I know I can finish this game someday.

Fri, 12-26-2008, 02:08 PM
Fun part of TWEWY is ACTUALLY playing both screens at the time. Specially with most bosses. If you ignored any of the screens with a boss you would lose in 5 seconds. If you ignore one screen, as Ryll said, the game gets boring fast.This is actually the exact opposite experience I had. I had a lot of trouble with the earlier bosses when I was playing both screens. After I gave up and set the computer to take over instantly, the game turned into a cakewalk, bosses started going down without me even paying attention. I wait for the puck to come back and the partners even did well generating the super attacks under the AI. Easy, but as you said, a very tedious experience without both screens.

Tue, 12-30-2008, 10:32 AM

Until the 5th. I'm just about to get to fly my epic flying mount in northrend too... but I need to have wow out of the picture to be able to focus on RL things for 2009 like school and certs

Tue, 12-30-2008, 11:18 AM
I..don't...believe...this... someone other than me quit wow without problems.
I'm thinking on getting DS, but its damn hard to find Onyx/Black in shops here.

Tue, 12-30-2008, 04:06 PM
I have successfully avoided WoW for almost a year now, damn I want to go back sometimes but well...my money and bandwidth has been reduced so can't.

Snagged SW:Knights of the Old Republic 2 for PC $7, loving it

Fri, 01-02-2009, 04:13 PM
I'm doing good... my play time is up on the 5th and last night I only played for about 20 minutes. I went to outland and put my new epic flying mount to use and flew around ganking some horde, until a lvl 80 deathknight stopped me at which point i just logged out.

Fri, 01-02-2009, 04:30 PM
The godly game known as Persona 4, leaving everything aside on stand by (except for Final Fantasy IV DS on my lunch break)

Sat, 01-03-2009, 12:59 AM
I just bought LittleBigPlanet, and I'm looking foward to creating my own costumes and levels. :)

Sat, 01-03-2009, 02:06 AM
I'm playing Need For Speed: Undercover. It's better than I thought it was gonna be, seeing as it has so many terrible reviews.

Sat, 01-03-2009, 08:25 AM
i just got my hands on DS lite. now i just have to get some games and let the fun begin. I'm thinking of "The world ends with you" or "Final Fantasy 4". Which one in your opinion is better?

Sat, 01-03-2009, 09:00 AM
FF4. My dislike of TWEWY aside, FF4 is one of the traditional FFs, good story, great characters...and hard. I'm less sure about the 3D DS remake, but the Chronicles version of the PS was the Japanese version, and it is rough. The story is long and often brutal (I like it way more than FF6). It will keep you occupied much longer than TWEWY.

I still recommend the Pheonix Wright series. Awesome text games with a lot of humor, some tough thinking involved, and by the time you get to the third one, an AMAZING story. The climax of the Fey family cases in the third game is some of the best writing and tension in a game I've seen in a while. (The second one kinda sucks though, I highly advise using faqs so you can at least get the story out of it. A lot of the cases are filled with dumb, instant-lose points and annoying characters, the circus case is the worst.)

Sat, 01-03-2009, 09:12 AM
Well, my cousin and friend are getting DS too, we are dividing which game one of us buys, Phoenix Wright series have gone to my cousin, along with survival horrors., i have FF and most rpgs on list, and my friend gets strategy games(i heard that advance wars is pretty awesome).
I think that i will stick with FF4. Thanks Ryllharu.

Sat, 01-03-2009, 11:32 AM
Hmm had problems with Phoenix Wright to be honest, not that it was a bad game in anyway just that it was hard to stay focused after reading all that text after a couple of hours... not to mention that there's no skip button incase you lose. So after I put it away it gets hard to start playing again but did finish the first and the second, would play the third one as well but since my cousin is currently playing my version of it and it doesn't offer multiple savefiles I can't play it...

Sat, 01-03-2009, 12:22 PM
I just saved constantly. I'd usually only have to A-button through a few screens, maybe 2 minutes tops. After a while you got a feel for when they were about to drop a bomb on you. Whenever the (duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh da duh-duh-duh-duh [really fast]) music started up, you just make a quick save and you can screw up over and over.

I do the same for any PC visual novels or h-games, even though they have a skip. Every 12-15 screens or if I feel like getting past a major conversation, I make a save.

Sat, 01-03-2009, 03:39 PM
Playing Eternal Sonata for the PS3 right now. It's pretty awesome, just what I needed to fulfill my JRPG deficiency.

Sat, 01-03-2009, 04:35 PM
Ryll: Really? Always thought that the quick save function worked as in Castlevania in that the save file disappears after you load it... guess I learned something new then. Will keep that in mind once I start on the third one. Have you tried Apollo Justice? Any good?

Sun, 01-04-2009, 12:25 AM
Apollo Justice has its positives and negatives. There is a greatly expanded use of the stylus (since Trials and Tribulations, the 3rd game, was actually a GBA title in Japan) and the "Soko da!" element of finding the nervous ticks of the lying witnesses is a lot of fun.

On the downside, the cases aren't as much fun overall, and it's hard to get attached to the characters the same way you were to the Fey family due to the time jump of seven years. Trucy (new character) and Ema (from the final case in game 1) are great, but they still aren't Maya...

Mon, 01-05-2009, 09:04 AM
I'm currently playing RE4, I never really got into RE series back in the past, but a friend recommended it to me since he said the series was good and it was plus since RE5 is coming out. The funny thing about it is that im starting with RE 4, then after I beat it i'll start from the beginning at the mansion playing the GC version of RE1 on the wii.

I know it's ass backward but its hard to find RE1 for GC, I had to order online and wait patiently until it comes in mean time i believe im half way thru RE4

Mon, 01-05-2009, 11:57 AM
i got fallout 3 for xmas (ps3) I was a little worried about the aiming w\ the ps3 controller vs PC but the battle system is pretty easy and straight forward.

An important note they even show when you're starting is that the game auto-saves pretty often, good and bad. Bad because I got bored after spending 3 hours playing and massacred most of the town, then went to play last night and it had saved so i restarted.

I think its a great game so far. its such a huge change from the first 2 games but the basic story and point systems are intact. it's just really a great game because of the choices you can make that will effect different factors later in the game. You could play through it several times and each time would be different.

Tue, 01-06-2009, 10:35 AM
I just finished the main story of Naruto The Broken Bond. Great game, but its a shame they took out the part that had Idate, cause that part in the series was great ;p

And does any regular user on this forum have a 360 I only see mentions of the PS3 :p

Tue, 01-06-2009, 10:50 AM
They didn't have Idate, but they had the bad guy with the sword at least. I was surprised they put any filler in the game at all. I beat the game last week and I was able to get 755 points on it. I was going for 805, but you need to get gold on all the mini games in Tanzaku town. I gave up on it, because that Candy Drop game is hard.

Tue, 01-06-2009, 03:20 PM
I've been playing Left 4 Dead.


That game is crazy good.

I've only been playing on normal and advanced modes because expert mode kicked my ass left and right in the Blood Harvest campaign (which is already tough enough for most on advanced).

Tue, 01-06-2009, 04:12 PM
They didn't have Idate, but they had the bad guy with the sword at least. I was surprised they put any filler in the game at all. I beat the game last week and I was able to get 755 points on it. I was going for 805, but you need to get gold on all the mini games in Tanzaku town. I gave up on it, because that Candy Drop game is hard.

Yeah some of those minigames really are a pain. But at least in this game once ouve completed it, it shows you were all the gold coins are.

Thu, 01-08-2009, 02:02 AM
I've been playing Left 4 Dead.


That game is crazy good.

I've only been playing on normal and advanced modes because expert mode kicked my ass left and right in the Blood Harvest campaign (which is already tough enough for most on advanced).
Are you playing it with bots or with real people? Because 3 friends and I are playing through on Expert and we're finding it to be just about right in terms of difficulty.

Thu, 01-08-2009, 06:34 AM
I missed the steam specials :(. I still want this game, but it'll be hard trying to find a bargain for it now, whereas I didn't have 4GB of downloads before when I could get it cheap.

Sat, 01-10-2009, 07:00 PM
playing my DS and Geometry Wars. Not shabby but wondering lately about a thing called "Supercard One" dunno if anyone has used it here but wondering basically how it works, would love to take some older games with me(nes/snes/sega) and pop em in when I feel

Sun, 01-11-2009, 07:05 AM
From what i read Supercard is pretty good, SDHC support etc. but i requires SDHC card because on normal SD loading will take ages, compared to 2-3 seconds on Acekard2i using SD card(which is cheaper too, and offers same support). Try playing ye old DooM on your DS - its awesome. there is heretic port, hexen port, Duke Nukem port and lots of useful stuff.

Tue, 01-13-2009, 02:07 PM
Fallout 3 and Dead Space once in a while, PC and PS3 respectively.

Tue, 01-13-2009, 02:11 PM
I've been playing SF alpha 3 trying to get prep for SF4, I know there two completey different fighting style but alpha is good enough for me right now until SF4 comes out.

Tue, 01-13-2009, 02:34 PM
Phoenix Wright on DS - great game - I'm on last trial of studio case. Game is not too easy nor too hard - its perfectly balanced - i never had to guess a contradiction, i just had to push the witness hard and think. I always loved this kind of games - adventure games. Myst(but V sucked hard) series, Sybieria, The longest journey, Schism, Reah, Broken Sword, Zork Nemesis(great game!)...good old times.

Wed, 01-14-2009, 08:01 AM
I'm playing Dead Space on PC. Gets you jumpy enough alright. The texture is sort of bland, and it seems like only the PS3 version has HDR lighting - all other versions are stuck with bloom, PC inclusive. It also defaults with some ultra sluggish mouse sensitivity, which you'll have to adjust to balance out wide arm movements and control (moreso than other games I find, especially for a third person shooter).

Other than that, it should be a fun experience. I can already tell I'll like Fallout 3 better though.

Wed, 01-14-2009, 10:57 AM
I'm playing Dead Space on PC. Gets you jumpy enough alright... It also defaults with some ultra sluggish mouse sensitivity, which you'll have to adjust to balance out wide arm movements and control (moreso than other games I find, especially for a third person shooter).
A buddy of mine couldn't play the game because the sluggish movement was so annoying but I think it's part of the gameplay and environment. Think about it, if you're in a space suit walking around a spacestation, your movements will be clunky and sluggish. Plus it adds to the horror that you can't react to creepy crawlers as fast as you might a Nazi in CoD.

Wed, 01-14-2009, 05:03 PM
Get a xbox pad and connect it to pc man - you will stop complaining about controls. And indeed sluggish movement is part of the game, it would be way too easy without it, you would be totaly too strong.

Wed, 01-14-2009, 05:47 PM
And indeed sluggish movement is part of the game, it would be way too easy without it, you would be totaly too strong.

I'm kind of experiencing it now with my sensitivity set to max :D

Wed, 01-14-2009, 07:07 PM
I'm playing Half-Life 2 Co-op with a friend at the moment... and once we've cleared it Ep1 and Ep2 too...

It's really a lot more difficult than playing the campaign alone..
The Combine do so much more damage and have such a good aim..

We started with difficulty "hard" and once we cleared the canals we thought "oh my god we are just dying through the levels" and switched to "normal" and now... after getting killed like 30 times in City 17, not able to clear a certain section, we are thinking about switching to "easy" but our pride doesn't allow us to do that :P... I think we need another player

Wed, 01-14-2009, 08:13 PM
Concentrated my gaming for once on

1: PS2, Persona 4
2: DS, Phoenix Wright Trials and Tribulations
3: PSP, Final Fantasy Dissidia
4: PS3, Littlebigplanet

Kakashi_Solo: Have a 360 I just don't play it much but the same goes for my PS3 since I haven't played much on either. I got 17 games on 360 and only played through 2 of them.

Thu, 01-15-2009, 08:56 AM
Currently playing an old MMO called Redmoon on a private server that I used to play some 8+ years ago. The company that developed it dropped developing it, so it's pretty much stagnant. The nostalgia sure is there. Anyone happen to play it before? It was pretty obscure and not many played it.

Thu, 01-15-2009, 09:12 AM
I just got Fable 2 in the mail so I'll start that tonight most likely. Also I'm setting up my PS2 at the office so I can finally play God of War 2.

Thu, 01-15-2009, 05:29 PM
damn ani.... sounds like you got a kushy job !

my manager is a casual gamer but i dont think any gaming in my office would fly.

Thu, 01-15-2009, 05:36 PM
I got Lord of the Rings Conquest today! Brilliant game. If you like'd the old Star Wars Battlefront games ou would love this!!

Thu, 01-15-2009, 05:44 PM
I listened to a radio program about Wagner's Ring Cycle (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ring_cycle), so with a much greater appreciation for it, I'm back to playing Odin Sphere.

Thu, 01-15-2009, 08:11 PM
I got Lord of the Rings Conquest today! Brilliant game. If you like'd the old Star Wars Battlefront games ou would love this!!

I liked Battlefront 2 alot, and my brother just bought LOTR: Conquest yesterday. We're holding off installing until we find a working crack though. My hate for buggy DRM still burns strong.

btw, over LAN, is there only co-op campaign, or can you verse (aka instant action) over that as well?

Thu, 01-15-2009, 08:32 PM
I got around to playing Sonic Unleashed for trophies. Ridiculously, the last level is so damn frustrating that it's not even hard. Whoever thought of that level needs a couple of sharp blows of the cluehammer.

Overall, the game's easy to learn, and the Werehog levels are repetitively addicting, almost like God of War, except God of War is better on a huge scale.

Fri, 01-16-2009, 06:28 AM
damn ani.... sounds like you got a kushy job !

my manager is a casual gamer but i dont think any gaming in my office would fly.
Yeah it's ok. PS2 games are kind of a let down graphically once you get used to X360. I had the X360 in the office before but it's an older model with a Nyko fan so it's pretty loud and makes too much noise for an office. Now that I have Fable 2, I might bring it to the office again. GoW2 on the PS2 is kind of boring, too similar to GoW1.

At one of the previous jobs I had, my manager once stated that the two worst time-wasting (and fireable) offenses are sleeping and playing video games. Even so it was worth the risk to play Stronghold: Crusader at the office.

Fri, 01-16-2009, 06:36 AM
Don't you... I dunno... have work to do?:confused:

Fri, 01-16-2009, 07:31 AM
I work IT support, so when everything is working, I have no work. I really am not a big video game player, I just started because of boredom, mostly at work.

Fri, 01-16-2009, 07:44 AM
My friend works in IT service of YDP. When there is no one to bother him he watches movies. I guess that IT support/service jobs are just like that.

Fri, 01-16-2009, 07:37 PM
I liked Battlefront 2 alot, and my brother just bought LOTR: Conquest yesterday. We're holding off installing until we find a working crack though. My hate for buggy DRM still burns strong.

btw, over LAN, is there only co-op campaign, or can you verse (aka instant action) over that as well?

I haven't tried using a LAN, but from what I've seen you should be able too.

Fri, 01-16-2009, 10:47 PM
A few of my friends started playing WoW again, so I'm back into it as well. Damn those SOBs at Blizzard, they won't let me live! WHY won't they let me LIVE?!

Sat, 01-17-2009, 12:32 AM
I've been here in WotLK since release. Got my moonkin to 80 back in December. Been getting bored of him since I already finished all the PVE content, so I'm levelling my DK. He might eventually become my main. We'll see!

Tue, 01-20-2009, 12:27 AM
Are you playing it with bots or with real people? Because 3 friends and I are playing through on Expert and we're finding it to be just about right in terms of difficulty.
Sorry for the late reply.

I never play on expert with bots. I'm usually playing with random people. Most of my friends won't go anywhere near expert just because of how susceptible we sometimes are to friendly fire... and because tanks become ridiculously impossible to handle, especially in close quarters. But that's also when we were all noobs. I think we'd fare much better now after getting a good feel for the maps and getting comfortable with the pacing.

Board of Command
Thu, 01-22-2009, 08:46 AM
I'm currently playing The World Ends With You on DS. It's pretty good...

Fri, 01-23-2009, 04:11 PM
Got my hands on "Advance Wars: days of ruin" on DS, the game is great! It requires you to really think, soundtrack is one of best OST that i ever heard, but on the downside difficulty is not balanced - hardest mission for me was one near 10(Beast attack at nuclear shelter), and the last one against lazurians.

Fri, 02-27-2009, 06:04 PM
Playing "Battleforge" at the moment... the beta servers are horrible (2 min delay) but the game itself is fun.. especially to buy boosterpacks and hope to get new good and rare cards ^^

it feels like buying pokemon booster packs!

someone else playing this?

Fri, 02-27-2009, 06:48 PM
Heh, I should try it out sometimes.

Right now, I'm playing Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection. Very fun to breeze through the old stages of Sonic or stages of other known games like Vectorman. For the others, not so much, but it's worth a look, I guess.

Fri, 02-27-2009, 07:18 PM
Just got Star Ocean: The Last Hope for the X360. I'm not really into the graphics, everything is so shiny. Almost 2 hours in and well its pretty fun :)

Sat, 02-28-2009, 04:21 AM
F.E.A.R. 2, Interval 04 right now. This game is awesome - best time to play it is at night with light's down and no body home. It's impossible to describe this game - you have to play it and feel the atmosphere.
Also I've played Dawn of War II - this game is really bad, singleplayer is like move your squad to boss(lesser enemies aren't problem) use all possible dmg skills on him, heal, repeat on EACH mission, multiplayer is bad too. You get one building, catch resource points like in DoW, but even if you have all limit used for anti-building units it will still take 15 minutes of constant fire to take it down. Boring.

Sun, 03-01-2009, 10:54 AM
Just Killzone 2, atm. Gonna pick up Star Ocean as soon as I get my 360 fixed.

Sun, 03-01-2009, 11:13 AM
I've been looking forward to the new Star Ocean game, but from all the reviews and previews I've watched, the English voice track seems more and more like a deal breaker to me. There's no option to change it, and it's atrocious.

If Namco-Bandai can get a fairly well done English track (but still give the option to switch) for TrustyBell/Eternal Sonata, and Atlus has been doing dual-tracks for years, why couldn't Star Ocean get the same treatment? Square-Enix got an awesome studio to do voices for the NA version of Dragon Quest 8 (Japanese version had none).

I'm certainly not going to buy the game at full price. Maybe used.

Sun, 03-01-2009, 01:29 PM
You can still mute individual voices, I'm sure not all of them are bad. But yeah weird decision to leave out the jpn audio track.

Sun, 03-01-2009, 02:03 PM
Pff... if they decided to leave out the Anime Profiles switching them with the CG ones its no surprise they left the audio out.
I still hope for a PS3 version untouched someday.

Sun, 03-01-2009, 03:26 PM
Street fighter 4 nuff said

Tue, 03-03-2009, 06:36 AM
Currently playing Quake Live (http://www.quakelive.com), it's quite impressive.

Tue, 03-03-2009, 06:54 AM
I don't usually play games, but my friend let me borrow his Steam acct and I'm totally playing Left 4 Dead.... I suck at it, but it's AWESOME!!

Tue, 03-03-2009, 07:10 AM
Left 4 Dead....is it that good?

Steam had a discount on it, but I didn't have the download quota. Shops are charging a lot for hard copies too. :(

Dark Dragon
Tue, 03-03-2009, 01:31 PM
Left 4 Dead....is it that good?

Steam had a discount on it, but I didn't have the download quota. Shops are charging a lot for hard copies too. :(

L4D is that good.

If you're into multi-players games like Team Fortress then i almost certain that you will like L4D.

Tue, 03-03-2009, 02:39 PM
Yep, get L4D. Then we all need to add each other on Steam (unless that's already happened and I'm just late to the party).

Thu, 03-05-2009, 05:50 PM
I played today Endwar on my friend's pc. The game is awesome, speech recognition works surprisingly well, and overall gameplay is fun, i played only 4 short missions but it was really fun. I'm gonna get it for ps3 or pc soon.

Sat, 03-07-2009, 04:29 PM
cod waw, cod4, fifa 09, street fighter 4, killzone 2 and GRID ... PS3 ! all awesome ! :D