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Thu, 08-12-2010, 08:20 AM
Currently playing tons of custom games in Starcraft 2 :P

Also need to mention this this: Claptrap Ninja Assassin DLC coming to Borderlands (http://www.gametrailers.com/news/borderlands-busts-out-new/2376)


Thu, 08-12-2010, 12:02 PM
I just finished Brutal legend - the game's awesome and brutal! I'll be getting 100% on it...in time between mw2 and sc2

Thu, 08-12-2010, 01:49 PM
Just played the demo to Scott Pilgrim vs The World: The Game on PSN.

This shit can't come to XBLA soon enough, totally awesome!

Thu, 08-12-2010, 02:29 PM
I've just played puzzle quest 2 on DS(borrowed game from my friend) - thank god i did not buy it - its horrible compared to first one.
Interface is just bad on ds - i've seen screens from xbox and pc versions and they are looking good - but on DS its unusable.
It runs slowly - everything just moves slower on screen compared to first game. Plus I don't like changing focus from world map do local maps.
Graphic style is more western like - compared to typical Japanese design of first game.
I like the idea of new classes - but please let me chose more portraits! first game had like 4-5 portraits for each class+gender combo. Oh and female versions look damn ugly in Puzzle Quest 2.

Sat, 08-14-2010, 10:28 AM
Borderlands is a pretty tight game. I think it shits all over Fallout in terms of pacing, gameplay, graphics, humor, violence, mischief and malice, and overall simplicity of story. So basically it shits all over Fallout in pretty much every category that matters, probably even sound.

I don't like how they skimp on the VAs and make me read all the quests instead to find out how it relates to the story.

It impacts on immersion and I forget why I'm doing something sometimes. Co-Op is awesome though.

Sun, 08-15-2010, 10:30 PM
Can't wait for the new Black Ops!! Meanwhile MW2 is keeping me happy enough! Wanna hit the 10th prestige! :D

Mon, 08-16-2010, 03:35 AM
Just tried out Alien Swarm and got to lvl 16 in one session.

On a side note, I am a new Steam user and bought the Quakecon game pack with 20+game for 65dollar

I tried out The Elder Scrolls III:Morrowind.. boy did I get an headache. I could not switch to overhead view and the graphics and text is like from year 1990...

I dont know if I should even try out The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion...

Looks like I might have thrown 40bucks down the drain as I think significant value of the purchase might boil down to Fallout 3 Game of the Year Edition.

Mon, 08-16-2010, 04:35 AM
Just tried out Alien Swarm and got to lvl 16 in one session.

On a side note, I am a new Steam user and bought the Quakecon game pack with 20+game for 65dollar

I tried out The Elder Scrolls III:Morrowind.. boy did I get an headache. I could not switch to overhead view and the graphics and text is like from year 1990...

I dont know if I should even try out The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion...

Looks like I might have thrown 40bucks down the drain as I think significant value of the purchase might boil down to Fallout 3 Game of the Year Edition.

Give Oblivion a try. It looks heaps better than Morrowind.

Mon, 08-16-2010, 01:16 PM
Overhead view in Morrowind? HERESY!
Its really awesome game if you like RPG and fantasy, in fact its one of best rpg games(top spot still is owned by Deus Ex(half fps half rpg))

Tue, 08-17-2010, 04:30 AM
Problem being that I get a headache while moving cross terrain(outdoor) in first person mode.

Tue, 08-17-2010, 07:19 AM
ouch, that's bad.. Try moving mouse scroll(it worked in oblivion) or messing with graphics settings - one of them might cause you headaches so try which one does that..
and if graphics was like from year 1990 they would be either 2d, or pseudo 3d with sprites.

Tue, 08-17-2010, 07:21 AM
ouch, that's bad.. Try moving mouse scroll(it worked in oblivion) or messing with graphics settings - one of them might cause you headaches so try which one does that..
and if graphics was like from year 1990 they would be either 2d, or pseudo 3d with sprites.

Depth perception?

Tue, 08-17-2010, 07:31 AM
Steam finished downloading Fallout 3. I got to Megaton. So far so good, I was able to use the scroll button to get out of first person view and it really helped.

I would probably finish up Fallout3 first before I try Oblivion.
Then again, I might just play thru Return to Castle Wolfenstein. (I played its demo long ago, the sound of gun firing made an impression)

edit: I think the headache problem might stem from the constant bobbing of the screen. I'll admit, I am just not the type that jump up and down in FPS games.

Fri, 08-20-2010, 08:38 PM

Fri, 08-20-2010, 08:52 PM

Hell yeah! Psycho Mantis was fucking awsome!

Fri, 08-20-2010, 09:04 PM
Hell yeah! Psycho Mantis was fucking awsome!

I came as far as defeating sniperwolf but the game got stuck while switching to disc 2. Last save was before shooting down Liquid in his Hind D. :mad: Fav char = Null aka Deepthroat aka Gray Fox aka Frank Jaeger aka CYBORG NINJA!!!:D

Thu, 08-26-2010, 08:47 PM
I finished Stalker: Call of Prypiat. So here is time for my micro review.

Gameplay 11/10(it deserves it)
Take best parts of Clear Sky and Shadow of Chernobyl(why even this name is "translated" to english? I mean the nuclear plant's name - even if its attempt to make it readable using english writing(Slavic use 'cz' instead of 'ch' etc) why it is Chernobyl not Charnobyl(which is proper reading if 'a' is read same way as first one in 'away')...sorry for small rant :P ), mix them together while removing bad ones and add more awesome stuff. I don't want to spoil anything but its really well made - but i had hoped for polished faction system from CS, also list of best stalkers would be nice - the one from SoC. Still fighting makes up for it - Exoskeleton enemies are tough(but vulnerable to headshots), weaker enemies try to flank you and attack from multiple angles - they use cover very well, but the game shines when it comes to fighting mutants - Snorks will utilize hit and run tactics, and it can be deadly even to fully upgreaded exoskeleton wearer - especially if there are more of them, Bloodsuckers will attack from unpredictable angles - even one can confuse someone used to fighting them sometimes, but with two of them you wont get what's happening around you, Buers are deadly psionic users - they will pull gun out of your hands when they can and then they will blast you with telekinesis, Poltergeists are tricky to deal with - hard to hit but with low hp - and they detect you by sound not by sight - they utilize telekinesis to attack too, but the crown for most deadly mutant goes to Chimera, Pseudogiants are heavy and strong and all - but when you encounter them you can always get to safe spot and just kill them safely, but getting attacked by Chimera at night(they are nocturnal predators) will be deadly - it will jump around you and suddenly it will jump at you in such way that you have no time to react.
Quests are one of best I've ever seen, and I've seen most of games released on pc :> - most of them don't pinpoint location, and if they do expect some catch.
It is worth to mention that variety of weapons in game will allow everyone to find play-style that suits them - especially if you add upgrades into consideration.
Graphics 8+/10
Game looks great, effects are awesome - but textures are a bit low-res and sometimes looks pixelated, still they are well placed and fit the game perfectly. + is for emissions - they look awesome.
Sounds 9-/10
Sounds are good, really fit into atmosphere - when you saw chimera and tried to sneak past it even sound that you make by moving through bushes will make you jump. It would be 10 but combat music is too generic and it really is not fitting into the game, and - is for two things - I was never been able to hear the legendary guitar music from older Stalker games! That's one, and two is sometimes weird VA from some characters.
Plot 9/10
The world hooked me up instantly, but the main storyline is not something what shines, but sidequests are. Whole main storyline is more like prelude to stalker 2 that was announced - nevertheless it is still interesting. Still last mision is underwhelming - i came prepared with 2 assault rifles(utilizing different ammunition), Desert eagle, shotgun and sniper rifle + 500 ammo for each plus mass of medkits, bandages etc - i only needed to use my GC37(that is g36 riffle) and did not even waste half of ammo.

Overall 10/10
I've got no idea where to put this so it goes into ending - me, that is the player, learning how to survive in zone was great experience - moving through anomalies fields, and learning radius of each one, only to find that after emission everything is different. Handling radiation, and other hazardous stuff, and fighting lesser enemies with knife. At first when i saw radiation sign i ran as far as i could from it - but later i knew which degree of it was deadly and which was not. Knife saved my life few times - i had to deal with Pseudodogs without ammo few times, but the most challenging was killing the Controller(damn annoying mutant that i forgot to mention - It is the most fearsome mutant - but not the deadliest one.. if you have some cover) in open field when i had no time to reload my weapons.

-Sidequests are brilliant
-combat music, and no guitar!
-when you get late-game gear lowly equipped enemies posses no threat.

It turned longer than i excepted :D

Thu, 08-26-2010, 10:14 PM
Started playing Dragon Age: Origins, i keep on not advancing cause i reroll every 30 minutes to another class/spec cause i want to use them all :S

Also, wall of text crits UChess for infinite amounts.

It`s super effective!!!

UChess faints.

Fri, 08-27-2010, 06:46 PM
Started playing Alan Wake but the camera and movement make me really queasy. Plus school started so it will be Christmas before I finish.

Wed, 09-01-2010, 05:38 PM
Just finished the VANQUISH demo. I'm really feeling it and found it a ton of fun. Gonna be a day 1 purchase for me.

Wed, 09-01-2010, 08:11 PM
Currently im playing:

PC: Modern Warfare 2 (till Black Ops comes out) and Call of Juarez :Bound in Blood.
PS3: Fifa 10, Final Fantasy XIII and Blur

Thu, 09-02-2010, 08:41 AM
I'm once again back to my ye old MW2, mixed with blazblue:CT.

Thu, 09-02-2010, 10:01 AM
I'm once again back to my ye old MW2

I found it surprisingly easy to pick up again as well.

I've noticed there's a lot less players how (from the time it takes to fill a lobby), and a greater proportion of the players have hacks.

Thu, 09-02-2010, 03:39 PM
indeed - if they only have wh - they are no problem, i usually can score more points than wh user... but if they also have ab then i just ragequit.
I would love to play with someone from GW but lag would be problem(europe and australlia or europe and america would lag as hell)

Fri, 09-03-2010, 08:21 AM
I found it surprisingly easy to pick up again as well.

I've noticed there's a lot less players how (from the time it takes to fill a lobby), and a greater proportion of the players have hacks.

True, thats the main reason i ragequit alot.
It gets frustrating after a while, and still i play that game almost everyday.

<---- sucker for punishment

Fri, 09-03-2010, 02:23 PM
I've been playing Castle Crashers a lot lately. I managed to get my Blue Knight to level 38 and beat the game a couple of nights ago.

I'm going to start over as the Orange Knight and distribute my skill points differently this time around. I plan to focus more on magic and defense instead of trying to balance all four categories. I found agility to be especially useless, because I mainly used ice bullets and never used arrows.

Fri, 09-03-2010, 05:39 PM
I played Castle Crashers waaay back. I think I only ended up finishing it once with the Blue Ice Knight or whatever. There was never anyone playing on XBL so I didn't have any incentive to replay it.

Fri, 09-03-2010, 11:30 PM
agility maxed out = hax arrows, plus you move super fast.

Mon, 09-06-2010, 01:11 PM
Warhammer Online

lulz@ dying because you run over a branch (i'm not kidding)
gotta love that programming

PvP is alot of fun though

Mon, 09-06-2010, 09:39 PM
I'm currently playing Valkyria Chronicles 2 and it's pretty fun. The improved gameplay is excellent and the new additions are cool to use. Overall, it's a very satisfying game.

Mon, 09-06-2010, 09:50 PM
Yeah, I've started VC2 also. I think I just started March and finished the preliminaries in the Lavatein Cup against Class C or something.

Thu, 09-09-2010, 09:46 AM
Just started playing Dragon Age Origins : Awakening over the weekend.

Lost my game data from DAO... so had to roll a new charactor which I'm still unsure about. Feels sorta like I started a game and used cheat codes or a trainer hack :( . Start w\ 100g, lvl 19 and a ton of points.

I made a battle mage, but find myself playing mostly w\ the rogue in my party who pretty much rapes. Game is good so far. I am still considering starting over DAO so that I can play through both w\ the same character.

Thu, 09-09-2010, 07:46 PM
If you really want to feel overpowered, import a warden from the main game. All those bonuses from the Fade and various side quests make a huge difference. I made an Orlesian Warden to try out a few different builds, and it doesn't even compare. It was noticeably more difficult on the same settings, even with the same character class.

Thu, 09-09-2010, 09:49 PM
I've been playing Castle Crashers a lot lately. I managed to get my Blue Knight to level 38 and beat the game a couple of nights ago.

Playing Castle Crashers on PS3, too?

Care to co-op? Thinking of starting Insane mode once I beat the game with this Fencer I'm levelling.

PSN ID is the same as my username.

Thu, 09-09-2010, 10:50 PM
Just finished Alan Wake on X360. The Finnish make a pretty awesome game.

Fri, 09-10-2010, 01:28 AM
Been playing Mass Effect 1 and 2 pretty extensively lately. Enjoying the hell out of it, too.

Sat, 09-11-2010, 08:28 PM
Just finished my first run-through of Lair of the Shadow Broker for ME2. Amazing, and it only gets better after that. I won't spoil, but know that I really want to.

It was genuinely the best DLC for ME2...and I don't even like Liara. Combat was fun, and the minor complaints are completely overshadowed by what you get out of it.

Too bad my captain's quarters fish died because I messed around too long :(
Can't wait to play through it again with another one of my Shepards.

Mon, 09-13-2010, 10:49 PM
Finally got to play it for myself. I always find myself friggen' amazed by Bioware's storytelling, but I think this one takes the cake. And to think, this was DLC. Can't wait for ME3's release.

Tue, 09-14-2010, 12:39 AM
PC: Starcraft 2
PS3: Still finishing up all the DLC for Fallout 3. (Getting pumped up about Fallout: New Vegas)

Tue, 09-14-2010, 05:42 AM

this game is so scary, probably the best horror game out there atm

Tue, 09-14-2010, 05:56 AM

this game is so scary, probably the best horror game out there atm

Looks fun, but considering I stopped playing Dead Space after 30 minutes, I might pass this one.

Seriously, with games that make me shit my pants, I take the Esc way out.

"Are You Sure?" doesn't even register in my head.

Tue, 09-14-2010, 09:03 AM
I've bought Rhythm Zone on steam - pretty fun guitar-hero like game - but using controller for it is painful.
if anyone is interested i have one guest pass for this game to share on steam. PM me if you want it.

Tue, 09-14-2010, 05:43 PM
Just downloaded Dead Rising 2: Case Zero. Feels like the first game but kind of blah. There's less humor and more of a desperation atmosphere and that takes away from the game. Feels like DR1.5 so far, which is ok since DR is such an awesome game, but hopefully the full game is cool.

edit: finished the demo after some angry hair-pulling and almost throwing my controller at the TV. Not sure why but the first game frustrated me this way too. It's extremely satisfying to accomplish all of the missions but figuring out the exact sequence you need to do requires more effort than a video game should. I think they should have made it more fun and less thought-intensive, particularly with the razor-thin time allotments you get for accomplishing some of the missions.

Some improvements: the escortees are a lot smarter and durable than in the first game, so escorting them to safety doesn't drive you insane with rage.

The combo weapons are fun but some of them are too big for an inventory slot so when you switch off them you drop it, which sucks.

Mon, 09-20-2010, 06:54 AM
Just finished my second playthrough of Halo: Reach. I think Bungie's sending the series out with a bang on this one; they did an excellent job with the story. Multiplayer's still a bitch to try and get into though, since those who've been playing Halo 3 since release still have the high ground, as it were.

Mon, 09-20-2010, 11:35 AM
I dunno, I haven't played Halo 3 multi in ages, and didn't have issues ranking in matches, mostly getting 1-3rd place in slayer.

Invasion is the most fun though IMO, maybe you should try that?

And yeah I agree, Reach is fucking awesome. Also nearly have all the achievements ;D.

Tue, 09-21-2010, 11:40 AM
I dunno, I haven't played Halo 3 multi in ages, and didn't have issues ranking in matches, mostly getting 1-3rd place in slayer.

Eh, I'm probably overreacting to me sucking at Halo online, but whatever. I still have a good time with it most of the time I play. I have tried Invasion and it's really interesting, but I've found that I really like the arena 2v2 matches. It seems to display my suck less.

Shadow Skill
Sat, 09-25-2010, 08:12 PM
Currently playing Tales of Vesperia and I have to say, the control scheme is just as bad as Final Fantasy 13's... wtf hapened to the simple control schemes. Why do you need 3-5 multiple button presses nowadays to achieve a skill/kill.

No wonder games like Call of Duty are the top games every year. Simple control Schemes = Much more fun game.

I will concede that Resonance of Fate control scheme is very new and in novative, it's at least fun to use. :D

I think companies like Square-Enix and Namco need to go back to the drawing board.

English voice actors suck for video games :/

Sat, 09-25-2010, 08:23 PM
What are you talking about? You can put skills to simple binds in ToV like Forward B, or something.

Sat, 09-25-2010, 08:35 PM
What are you talking about? You can put skills to simple binds in ToV like Forward B, or something.

Seriously have no idea what you're talking about dude, ToV has very intuitive controls.

Sat, 09-25-2010, 11:46 PM
The guy has some deficiencies. IIRC, he's the guy that said TLR had better graphics than FFXIII and that TLR had an amazing story.

Dark Dragon
Sun, 09-26-2010, 04:52 AM
Currently playing Tales of Vesperia and I have to say, the control scheme is just as bad as Final Fantasy 13's... wtf hapened to the simple control schemes. Why do you need 3-5 multiple button presses nowadays to achieve a skill/kill.

No wonder games like Call of Duty are the top games every year. Simple control Schemes = Much more fun game.

I will concede that Resonance of Fate control scheme is very new and in novative, it's at least fun to use. :D

I think companies like Square-Enix and Namco need to go back to the drawing board.

English voice actors suck for video games :/

You can assign four short cuts to left analog + A and then an additional 4 to the right analog stick. I really hope you're not opening the menu every time you want to cast something. That says a lot more about you than it does about the game. Unless you're complaining about the fact that ToV forces you to actually play the game by press a button for regular attack then yes, there's nothing anyone can do to fix that. I suppose doing combos and making multiple attacks on regular enemies IS too hard. They should definitely make it to where everything dies after you press A.

Yes CoD is popular because all you need to do is press one button for everything. I love how the game magically reads my mind and knows when i want to throw a grenade and when i want to shoot. It automatically changes weapon to suit every situation for me too, BEST GAME EVER!

And no, not all english voice actors are bad. There are notorious ones like Infinite Undiscovery, but voice actor for games like ToV can hardly be considered to "suck".

Tue, 09-28-2010, 02:20 PM
I started playing Dragon Age Origins : Awakening but several hours in decided I'd rather start over since I lost my DAO game save data...

So, I started over and I'm apparently an idiot. I want to play a rogue at heart but build my spec as a dual-weapon warrior.... *sigh* I may have just been trying to get close to what my first character was.

2nd play through is as good as the first. I'm finding some more stuff and going deeper into some of the quests.

Wed, 09-29-2010, 07:36 AM
I decided to play BF:BC2 after it's been sitting on my HDD for a good 6 months since I bought it, and I suck. I can't see shit, and everybody else looks like they've got spider-senses.

Camping's boring, but rushing like I do in MW2 (successfully) isn't the best idea.

I remember playing BF: Vietnam years back, and even that was fairly close-quarters orientated. Anything I should be doing to not suck? :p

I can't hear shit neither, which is something I'm fairly reliant on to detect flankers.

Wed, 09-29-2010, 09:27 AM
How to not suck at bc2:
1) don't take recon or medic unless special case calls for them
2) use assault and lvl it up at least to aug(first decent weapon) and tracer
3) use engi to get repair tool for fast exp. use RPG+tracer to shoot down helis/tanks. never ever use carl gustav.
4) move slowly, don't rush but don't camp.

Special cases for choosing medics/recon
1) less than half of the team is medic/recon
2) stupid guys are dying really fast - take medic
3)enemy is camping in one spot - take recon + mortar

Medics LMG's are OP and annoying as hell if there is medic who uses only lmg. Remember medic is for ressing/healing

Wed, 10-27-2010, 01:15 AM
Finished Borderlands today.

The final boss was a joke. His mouth doesn't close fully, so I just sconned it with a few thousand critical hits with an SMG. It doesn't seem to be able to hit me neither....

It was over in 1 minute.. >_>

A cliff has better luck of killing me (and I'm serious. I drive off them way too many times expecting a landing)

Wed, 10-27-2010, 02:03 PM
Guys, are you following the steam deals this week?

Metro 2033 for no more than 10,20€ (~15$?) today

Wed, 10-27-2010, 09:16 PM
Finished Borderlands today.

The final boss was a joke. His mouth doesn't close fully, so I just sconned it with a few thousand critical hits with an SMG. It doesn't seem to be able to hit me neither....

It was over in 1 minute.. >_>

A cliff has better luck of killing me (and I'm serious. I drive off them way too many times expecting a landing)

I killed him in about 10 seconds on my Revolver Gunslinger Hunter. I wasn't even at the level cap for the first play through.

Wed, 10-27-2010, 09:20 PM
I killed him in about 10 seconds on my Revolver Gunslinger Hunter. I wasn't even at the level cap for the first play through.

To my knowledge, the first playthrough doesn't have a level cap (unless you're talking about the maximum level you can realistically go to after completing all side quests etc).

I think it would have taken less time if I had known about his faulty mouth and not bothered waiting for him to open up.

Certainly not 10 seconds though. That was more like Dr. Ned (both forms)

Wed, 10-27-2010, 09:54 PM
Hrm, I was sure there was a level 30 level cap for your first playthrough (no DLC), I guess I was wrong.

Wed, 10-27-2010, 10:58 PM
Hrm, I was sure there was a level 30 level cap for your first playthrough (no DLC), I guess I was wrong.

I'm not sure if my game's any different since I bought it as a package with 3 other DLCs. By the time I was against the Destroyer I was already lvl36 or so, and after finishing the zombie DLC I'm nearly at 40.

Wed, 11-17-2010, 07:55 PM
Addicted to Bejeweled Blitz on Facebook. It's like Tetris but you have a 1 minute time limit and competing with friends/coworkers adds to the fun.


Wed, 12-01-2010, 06:43 AM
Comic Quest. A charming and funny turn-based RPG by Double Fine on XBLA/PSN. You play as a little kid trying to rescue his/her twin sibling on Halloween, all the while wearing a costume, completing quests and collecting candy. The battles can be different depending on the Halloween costume you're currently wearing.

Loving this game, continues to make me laugh out loud and it's just such a pleasure to play. I mean, it's not really challenging (so far) but it's so damned enjoyable. The combat does get a little samey but you hardly notice.

Grab the demo on XBLA if you get the chance. :)

Wed, 12-01-2010, 06:57 AM
I googled it and nothing came up, can you indicate me to a wiki page or maybe a review website?

Wed, 12-01-2010, 12:03 PM
I googled it and nothing came up, can you indicate me to a wiki page or maybe a review website?

I think he's talking about Costume Quest. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Costume_Quest)

Wed, 12-01-2010, 12:33 PM
After playing part time for the past 3 or 4 months, my cousin and I finally beat New Super Mario Bros Wii....well, somewhat. We skipped past Worlds 4 & 5 and we didn't get all the star coins. I think we'll continue through and collect everything eventually but we're planning to go through Dead Space: Extraction and Donkey Kong Returns.

Wed, 12-01-2010, 12:36 PM
I have sporadically been playing Red Dead Redemption via Gamefly. I am considering purchasing it and getting the zombie DLC.

Wed, 12-01-2010, 04:14 PM
I have sporadically been playing Red Dead Redemption via Gamefly. I am considering purchasing it and getting the zombie DLC.

Likewise. I have the game, just want to play with zombies. Now that the semester is almost over, I can take on zombies in the wild wild west.

edit: Weird, I just checked and it seems I don't have the game anymore. Thinking back, I think I traded it in to Gamestop and bought some other game with the $25 credit.

Wed, 12-01-2010, 11:26 PM
I think he's talking about Costume Quest. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Costume_Quest)
Lmao, I'm an idiot. Yes, Costume Quest. I'd just been reading about comics a minute prior to making that post. :D

Mon, 12-06-2010, 09:25 PM
Halo Reach anyone? I find myself enjoying taking the lives of others with headshots and sticky grenades. But I have to visit a friend everytime I want to play it. I want to buy the 360 Slim Halo bundle but they don't sell it here.

Thu, 12-09-2010, 08:27 AM
Super Meat Boy.
The game is as tough as guy eating razors for his breakfast and drinking sulfuric acid after that.

Dark Dragon
Sat, 12-18-2010, 03:47 AM
Golden Sun DS, finally an old school style jrpg that isn't a complete pain in the ass to play.

I recently got addicted to Dawn of Discovery (Anno 1404 in europe). Civilization 5 was a huge disappointment for me, so this game serves as a nice replacement.

The game pretty much have you maintain a fiefdom and you advance through it by providing the population with what they need. The people require basic necessity such as food, religion, community and drinks. They advance in rank from peasants at the lowest to noblemen at the highest and each tier has it's own set of requirement that get more complex as you progress. Peasants only requires fish for food, but citizen will wants spices too and also require new category such as entertainment. There's also trading with the orient (middle east mostly) for rare resources like spices.

The campaign pretty much function as a giant tutorial and there's a continuous mode where the game becomes a big sandbox and let you build your own island city and fight other people.

Sat, 12-18-2010, 04:56 PM
Golden Sun DS, finally an old school style jrpg that isn't a complete pain in the ass to play.

I recently got addicted to Dawn of Discovery (Anno 1404 in europe). Civilization 5 was a huge disappointment for me, so this game serves as a nice replacement.

The game pretty much have you maintain a fiefdom and you advance through it by providing the population with what they need. The people require basic necessity such as food, religion, community and drinks. They advance in rank from peasants at the lowest to noblemen at the highest and each tier has it's own set of requirement that get more complex as you progress. Peasants only requires fish for food, but citizen will wants spices too and also require new category such as entertainment. There's also trading with the orient (middle east mostly) for rare resources like spices.

The campaign pretty much function as a giant tutorial and there's a continuous mode where the game becomes a big sandbox and let you build your own island city and fight other people.

Please say it is multiplayer :( it sounds amazing.

I played the previous golden suns and thought they were good, is this one on par?

Sat, 12-18-2010, 05:07 PM
Anno 1404 has multiplayer, Anno XXXX always had multiplayer as far as I know (1602 1503 and what not)

Dark Dragon
Sat, 12-18-2010, 05:12 PM
The original doesn't have multiplayer, but the Venice expansion does support multiplayers up to 4 and Coop up to 8. You can buy DoD gold off steam for 30$ and it'll have both the original game + the expansion.

I really enjoy Dark Dawn so far, but i hear a lot of complaints from old fans. There's several point in the story that stop you from backtracking and apparently people have a huge problem with that. I don't think it's anything major though, if you like the old GS then you'll most likely enjoy this one.

Wed, 12-22-2010, 08:41 PM
Not so much games I've been playing (still Fallout NV and Super Meat Boy), but I picked up one of the Special Edition Xbox 360 controllers with the transforming d-pad while I was out shopping for other things.

Huge improvement. I modded one of the wired controllers a few years ago to remove 70% of the plastic ring surrounding the d-pad. That fixed most of my problem in fighters where I use the d-pad instead of the analog stick (SCIV, GGXX#reloaded mostly).

So I tried out the transforming d-pad with my standard test. Performing Dizzy's Gamma Ray in GGXX (fwd, back, fwd, half-circle forward - HS).

With the standard 360 d-pad: I can manage about 3/10 tries.
With my modded wired pad (70% material removed): 7/10 tries.
With the transforming pad: 5/10 tries.

That doesn't sound like a huge improvement until you take in this other factor into account. Even with the modded controller, I still have trouble doing the standard Arksys super move (forward, half-circle forward - S). I pulled off 3/4 in combat against the AI with the transforming pad.

I highly recommend grabbing one of these controllers if you're into fighters on the 360 and you don't use an arcade stick.

Wed, 12-22-2010, 08:55 PM
I was once playing Soul Calibur 4 torunament(small local one) - the only console that organizer had was xbox360s - i'm mostly using d-pad in SC4 and it was awful, especially when you are used to dual shock style d-pad.

Lately i've been playing mostly wow cata, and LoL - but i'll play some BlazBlue during xmass break.

Thu, 12-23-2010, 05:07 AM
Why would you use the dpad for SC4? SC pretty much invented the 8-way run and is supposed to be played with the analog stick >_>.

Thu, 12-23-2010, 12:56 PM
It was way easier for me to do combos with Siegfried and Amy with d-pad than with analog, but i can't even do basic stuff with Taki using d-pad.

Thu, 12-23-2010, 03:38 PM
Why would you use the dpad for SC4? SC pretty much invented the 8-way run and is supposed to be played with the analog stick >_>.

Pretty much what Xelbair said. I too play Siegfried, and precision is far more important for the slow and deliberate characters. I used to play Amy too (I'm only competitive against the CPU with her though...) and you want the d-pad for quicker inputs. Setsuka and Taki are the same way, you need the precision that an analog stick doesn't give you in most games.

It's meant to be played with an Arcade Stick, Hilde's complete non-functionality on a controller is proof of that.

The only fighter that I've ever preferred the analog to over the d-pad is BlazBlue. Arksys spent a lot of time and development to port that over properly. GGXX did an admirable job with a controller d-pad because the inputs were programmed to be forgiving. BlazBlue is less forgiving, but the analog sticks work quite nicely there. Namco didn't do it correctly in SC4, the analogs are sloppy.

Dark Dragon
Thu, 12-23-2010, 03:49 PM
The only arcade in Houston recently got one of the few SSFIV arcade machine coming to the US. I've been constantly reminded of how much i need to improve XD. The only way for me to practice with Yun or Yang is to lose to much better players.

Sun, 12-26-2010, 12:41 AM
Recent Steam Purchases (on special):

Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light $5
Splinter Cell Conviction Deluxe Edition $17
Flat Out: Carnage $2

Sun, 12-26-2010, 07:48 AM
I went a little overboard on Steam purchases:

Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light 5$
Resident Evil 5 10$
Mass Effect 1 and 2 10$ each
The Witcher: Enhanced Edition 5$

Hopefully I'll be able to install the witcher, I heard that there are huge issues with installing it on Win7.

Still playing LoL though, Kat is my current fav. Me and Lucifus had a EPIC match on Christmas morning, shame theres no replay =(.

Sun, 12-26-2010, 10:37 AM
Ooh Mass Effect 1 & 2 for $20, that's pretty damn sweet, those games are crazy awesome.

Sun, 12-26-2010, 10:46 AM
Fear pack
Overlord pack
And Monkey Island SE pack for me so far >_>.

Sun, 12-26-2010, 03:08 PM
I pondering if i should get the Mass Effect 2 Digital Deluxe Edition on Steam for 14,99€, it's 50% off so its usually 29,99€..

It's only one of these Daily Holiday Sale things so i'm not sure if i should just get it now or if a better deal comes along later on.. :o

Sun, 01-02-2011, 09:48 PM
Mass Effect 1 and 2 10$ each

I bought ME 1 and 2 as well, but for $30 all up. (second round offers)

Also picked up S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chenobyl and Copy of Pipyat.

(You can buy them separately for $7.50 and $10 respectively, or together for $5 - make sense much? :D )

Mon, 01-10-2011, 04:16 PM
I've been playing black ops since it came out... still haven't touched the campaign or zombie mode.

Played the zombie mode when I was on vacation w\ my 6 year old nephew :)

Gonna try to kick black ops this week and finish up Dragon Age and then move into Awakening so I can finish and play Dragonage 2 when it comes out in march.

Dark Dragon
Thu, 05-12-2011, 02:03 PM
I've never played the original FF Tactics so i picked up War of the Lions for the psp when i saw it for cheap.

Just got done with it and holy crap. This is easily one of the most depressing/psychological game story ever. It was very well written despite the story being told in very small chunk at a time, definitely tying with FFVI for my favorite FF game now.

It really makes me wonder how the series became the obnoxiously cute GBA games.

Thu, 05-12-2011, 09:56 PM
I got Total War: Shogun 2 a couple weeks ago and haven't opened it because I'm busy playing BF:BC2 MP.

Fri, 05-13-2011, 07:54 AM
Currently going through:

Ar Tonelico Qoga: Knell or Ar Ciel (PS3)
Prinny 2: Dawn of Operation Panties (PSP)
Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga 2 (PS2)
Mortal Kombat (PS3)
Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey (DS - been stuck on last boss for months, need grinding)

Thu, 05-19-2011, 08:03 AM
For the past week I have been playing Twilight Princess for the GC and so far it's been pretty good. And last night my cousin and I started on LA Noire. We're a couple hours in and though I was a little apprehensive about the game at first, I eventually grew a liking for the game.

Sun, 06-19-2011, 10:02 AM
Extensively playing Alice: Madness Returns on PC. Using wired xbox 360 controller because the keyboard controls are dreadful (extensive use of Caps Lock, Tab, Left Control, and Left Shift nearly gave me carpal tunnel).

It plays a bit like a slower paced Bayonetta without the elaborate combos. Lots of timed, directional dodging and using the right weapon against an enemy at the right time, then following up for damage. Maybe a bit like some of the Zeldas then now that I think about it. You do need to think during combat, definitely prioritize certain enemies (weaker, easy kills first) over others, and always be aware of what is surrounding you. The rest of the game is pretty solid platforming (though sometimes Alice falls through stuff that looks like you could land on it) and easy puzzles. Lots of exploring for little secrets and Memories (sound bites) that move the plot forward.

As for the plot, the first Alice game was dark, gory and grotesque, but Madness Returns is far more insidious. Some people say Madness Returns isn't as dark, but I think it is much more subtle. The more memories you collect, the more you fill with dread about learning the whole truth. Voice acting is pretty good, a few not so much, but the main recurring cast is very good. While Madness Returns is brighter and more colorful than its predecessor, the atmosphere is still gothic and a sense of unsettledness leeches into you as you progress.

Alice herself is also pretty hot, in a waifish sort of way. Either version too, drab London reality or Wonderland prettied-up.

Uchiha Barles
Sun, 06-19-2011, 11:25 AM
Ooooh, I've been waiting for this game for a long time now. Loved the first Alice to death but the gameplay wasn't very deep, I'm glad to hear they did something about that this go around. I'll be buying the game tomorrow and I'll start on it as soon as I've finished Amnesia: Dark Descent.

Mon, 06-20-2011, 10:44 AM
Finished Dungeon Siege 3 recently

its pretty good, I believe its somewhat like what Diablo 3 will be.

Mon, 06-20-2011, 03:04 PM
I'm playing dead rising, it's not that good a game but the hordes of zombies and all the cool ways you can kill them makes it enjoyable.

Tue, 07-05-2011, 01:36 AM
I finally went through Bioshock 1 and 2 on my own. I beat the first one last Sunday and I just finished the second one about 15 minutes ago. I would have to say I enjoyed the first one more gameplay-wise but I liked the story of the second one just a bit more.

Tue, 07-05-2011, 01:43 AM
I tried, but couldn't like Bioshock 1. I still haven't finished it for that reason.

Tue, 07-05-2011, 08:09 AM
Currently switching between The Witcher 2 and Plants vs Zombies :p

Tue, 07-05-2011, 02:27 PM
I tried, but couldn't like Bioshock 1. I still haven't finished it for that reason.
Really? It's the first FPS I've actually played through since Turok on the N64. I think the story is what really drew me in; I thought it was interesting to see what could happen to a society that was built on Ayn Rand's objectivism philosophy. Plus I'm a sucker for art deco so the game styling really appealed to me.

Was there specific elements about the game you disliked? Or did it just fail to pull you in?

Tue, 07-05-2011, 04:14 PM
Really? It's the first FPS I've actually played through since Turok on the N64. I think the story is what really drew me in; I thought it was interesting to see what could happen to a society that was built on Ayn Rand's objectivism philosophy. Plus I'm a sucker for art deco so the game styling really appealed to me.

Was there specific elements about the game you disliked? Or did it just fail to pull you in?

It just failed to pull me in. I love the retro setting, which was half the reason I was playing it, but I just really couldn't care about what my goals or what was going on in the world. The speeches by the various guys didn't help clear that up neither.

Maybe I'll give it another go later after I finish Mass Effect 1&2 (assuming I even finish those before all the shooters come out towards the end of the year).

Tue, 07-05-2011, 04:48 PM
It just failed to pull me in. I love the retro setting, which was half the reason I was playing it, but I just really couldn't care about what my goals or what was going on in the world. The speeches by the various guys didn't help clear that up neither.That's exactly the same issue I had. I was just a guy (possibly also an asshole depending on playstyle), heading off to kill another asshole (so we were told), by yet another asshole. Stealing the little sisters from the big daddies felt wrong almost all the time. They're just doing their thing, and plasmids weren't really effective enough to merit needing all that ADAM. The guns worked just fine on their own.

I lost all motivation.

Bioshock 2 on the other hand, gave you a purpose. I loved it. You were there to save someone dear to you, with revenge as a side dish. You could actually be caring to the little sisters, because you could protect them to get what you wanted as an added benefit, and then send them off on their way. Plasmid combos were a lot more effective, and I used them nearly all of the time with their complimentary weapons.

In Bioshock 2 you were a savior (yes, even if you were evil) and a mentor, rescuing someone who dearly needed you from a false savior who would twist her for their own selfish ends.

In Bioshock, you were just another prick in a sea of them.

Tue, 07-05-2011, 05:14 PM
Atelier Rorona - PS3
Mortal Kombat - PS3
Prinny 2 - PSP
Dragon Quest IV - NDS
Digital Devil Saga 2 - PS2

So yeah...

Wed, 07-06-2011, 11:11 AM
It just failed to pull me in. I love the retro setting, which was half the reason I was playing it, but I just really couldn't care about what my goals or what was going on in the world. The speeches by the various guys didn't help clear that up neither.

Maybe I'll give it another go later after I finish Mass Effect 1&2 (assuming I even finish those before all the shooters come out towards the end of the year).
By "speeches" do you mean the radio conversations from Atlas and Ryan? Or the radio messages scattered about?

That's exactly the same issue I had. I was just a guy (possibly also an asshole depending on playstyle), heading off to kill another asshole (so we were told), by yet another asshole. Stealing the little sisters from the big daddies felt wrong almost all the time. They're just doing their thing, and plasmids weren't really effective enough to merit needing all that ADAM. The guns worked just fine on their own.
You do seem like just some guy when you play through the game but you find out a lot more about your character when you get closer to the end of the game. He was surprisingly (well, surprising to me at least) quite significant to the story.

I thought it was the right thing to do when it came to saving the Little Sisters because in the story they're all kidnapped from their families. You weren't really stealing them from the Big Daddies...the Big Daddies were just made to protect the Little Sisters from splicers while they gathered ADAM from corpses.

I can see your point about the plasmids feeling kind of useless in the first game. I mostly used Electro Bolt as a stun method to keep enemies away from me while I dispatched them. The Electric Buck ammo for the shotgun also did the same so I guess the Plasmid wasn't too necessary.

Thu, 07-07-2011, 04:53 AM
Speeches meant everything. Anything that wasn't a direct instruction.

Thu, 07-07-2011, 08:30 AM
Ah. Well, maybe you'll be able to get into it if you ever give it another chance. I do completely understand where you're coming from, though. I started playing Transformers: War for Cybertron and after about an hour in I just didn't care to play any more. My cousin keeps insisting I stick it out for a bit more but if a game can't pull me in after 1 or 2 hours then I find it hard keep with it. Instead of being fun, it feels like a grinding chore.

Thu, 08-11-2011, 03:40 PM
I just finished Kameo and enjoyed it, good game especially for a launch title

Thu, 08-11-2011, 04:04 PM
I just finished Kameo and enjoyed it, good game especially for a launch title
I really want to call you a bastard, but I won't since I guess you did technically right a wrong :(

It was a different game. Refreshing at the time of its release.

I have been replaying Oblivion in my post-op downtime. Hope Skyrim has a little more variety in Character voicing.

Thu, 08-11-2011, 04:10 PM
Switching between Catherine, Civ5, and a little into Fallout: NV here and there while waiting for the last DLC (Old World Blues was awesome btw, totally made up for now terrible the first two were).

Might go back to Dynasty Warriors 7 now that the three main costume DLCs are out.

Thu, 08-11-2011, 04:48 PM
Switching between Catherine

Your thoughts? Currently on Last Stage, Hard Mode, with Gold Statues on all scenes :D. 1st run.

Thu, 08-11-2011, 05:46 PM
I'm way far behind. Not even remotely close to where you are. Like stage 2-2 in terms of not even remotely close. Playing on Normal, and occasionally it makes me feel really dumb. :/

Reason why?
Civ5Curse that infernal game! Just one more turn...

Thu, 08-11-2011, 06:12 PM
Well, I did take off a week from work and played the hell of Cathy. Im at 45 hours at this moment as well. Some maps drove me crazy in Hard Mode. But managed to Gold them.

Thu, 08-11-2011, 06:47 PM
Does the ranking have to do with how much time it takes to complete a map? Because i fucking hate it when a game makes me rush in any way...

Thu, 08-11-2011, 08:56 PM
You do have time, but not exact time per se. I mean... its not like they tell you to do the scene in two minutes. You take a step upwards and you have about 10 seconds to take the next step. That next step can be immediate. Also you do not need a perfect run to get a gold, but its easier.

I've taken up to 3 hours to gold a scene. But not because of time, but rather difficulty. By the time I'm able to reach the last step I already know the safe route and get a gold. I rarely reach the top without gold... of course I don't use the checkpoints since they practically force you out of the gold and give you silver or bronze.

Consider I'm playing in hard mode too.

Thu, 08-11-2011, 09:37 PM
Dynasty Warriors: Gundum Musou 3.

Playing the hard missions are annoying, and I'm once again reminded of the fact that in fights against heroes, pretty much whoever catches the other person in a combo wins. Fighting multiple heroes suck because they usually move in a group and kill you before you even finish a combo.

The Heretic Azazel
Thu, 08-11-2011, 10:48 PM
Mana Khemia: Alchemists of Al-Revis

Kicking it old school with a classic PS2 RPG. I've been addicted to this game for a month.

Fri, 08-12-2011, 02:48 PM
Mana Khemia: Alchemists of Al-Revis

Kicking it old school with a classic PS2 RPG. I've been addicted to this game for a month.
It's indeed some good shit, the alchemist wheel can become weirdly addictive

Sun, 08-14-2011, 02:04 AM
I just finished Catherine in Hard Mode. Wow... that was an awesome game. I'll probably play on easy mode now to rush towards the other SEVEN endings... this motherfucker has 8 endings. Awesome :D

Sun, 08-14-2011, 09:27 AM
About to start another replay of Skies of Arcadia, whoo. Love this game, and there's not much good RPGs to play lately.

Sun, 08-14-2011, 04:56 PM
Turns out that since I cleared each Catherine stage with a Gold Rank now I can skip all the gameplay to go directly to the story scenes. This is quite good if you want to get all 8 endings. Specially considering I clocked about 55 hours on a single play.

Sun, 08-14-2011, 05:12 PM
Turns out that since I cleared each Catherine stage with a Gold Rank now I can skip all the gameplay to go directly to the story scenes. This is quite good if you want to get all 8 endings. Specially considering I clocked about 55 hours on a single play.
A real man would play it all over again those 7 times though...

Sun, 08-14-2011, 05:40 PM
You wouldn't qualify then. You already bitched about speed runs to get Gold rank in a previous post =P

Sun, 08-14-2011, 05:44 PM
True dat, I'd probably just watch the rest of the endings on youtube like a bauss

Mon, 08-22-2011, 05:24 PM
Playing Xenoblade for the Wii. I fucking love this game. So far about 15 hours in, and it's already pretty close so far to breaking my Top 5 favorite RPGs. It's already in my Top 10 at least.

Mon, 08-22-2011, 05:52 PM
Playing Xenoblade for the Wii. I fucking love this game. So far about 15 hours in, and it's already pretty close so far to breaking my Top 5 favorite RPGs. It's already in my Top 10 at least.

I assume either you live in Europe or have a jailbroken Wii

Mon, 08-22-2011, 05:53 PM
I assume either you live in Europe or have a jailbroken Wii
I assume you're jellymad

Mon, 08-22-2011, 08:26 PM
Just started playing Borderlands (might be a bad idea since school starts in 2 days). It's almost exactly like Fallout but still a lot of fun.

Mon, 08-22-2011, 08:48 PM
I assume either you live in Europe or have a jailbroken Wii

The latter.

Mon, 08-22-2011, 10:28 PM
I assume you're jellymad

Xenoblade only released in europe you ass.

Mon, 08-22-2011, 11:35 PM
This thread has been around for 6 years and is still the most boring thread on the forum. Does anybody ever actually care what game anybody but themselves are ever talking about here?

Mon, 08-22-2011, 11:38 PM
Once in a while I get ideas for games to try but otherwise you've got it right this thread sux.

Tue, 08-23-2011, 07:17 AM
Not really, but it's sometimes a good idea to get a suggestion or two or what to play. I'm a big RPG player and there's a good amount of RPG players also on this forum it seems.

Tue, 08-23-2011, 07:21 AM
This thread has been around for 6 years and is still the most boring thread on the forum. Does anybody ever actually care what game anybody but themselves are ever talking about here?

Much like the Desktop thread, but they're both worthy threads for what they do.

If you want the title to reflect the thread better, then it's "What games are currently being played?"

Tue, 08-23-2011, 07:40 AM
Xenoblade only released in europe you ass.

Thus making you jellymad

This thread has been around for 6 years and is still the most boring thread on the forum. Does anybody ever actually care what game anybody but themselves are ever talking about here?

How is it any more or less useful than any other thread in this god forsaken hellhole?

Tue, 08-23-2011, 02:06 PM
How is it any more or less useful than any other thread in this god forsaken hellhole?
Because the two best things to do on a forum (winning arguments and trolling) are ineffective in threads where everyone just talks to themselves.

Tue, 08-23-2011, 03:00 PM
Because the two best things to do on a forum (winning arguments and trolling) are ineffective in threads where everyone just talks to themselves.

Deus Ex: Human Revolution sucks. The boss battles make no sense. You can shoot a random boss with 50 liters of tranquilizers, or three dozen EMP grenades (both non-lethal) and at the end of the boss fight, he's peppered with bullet holes, bleeding out, and curses you with his dying breath.

Tue, 08-23-2011, 03:02 PM
Because the two best things to do on a forum (winning arguments and trolling) are ineffective in threads where everyone just talks to themselves.
Methinks you're just bitching your way up to 10000 posts

Tue, 08-23-2011, 08:59 PM
He is. Assertn posts are just useless.

And no... I don't care about Xenoblade. The Wii is one the worse buys I've ever done.

Tue, 08-23-2011, 10:51 PM
I haven't played my Wii since Smash Brothers came out. Still glad I have a Wii for Xenoblade though. Although, if I had a good enough rig I wouldn't even need a Wii and just used Dolphin to emulate it.

Wed, 08-31-2011, 09:43 AM
Speaking 'bout Nintendo...

My gf bought me a GC for €15,- because I lost mine a while ago. I previously owned a silver GC with Mario Kart and CAP VS SNK. She got me the Resident Evil 4 edition:


Been playing MK Double Dash!! and CAP VS SNK 2 EO ever since.

Wed, 08-31-2011, 12:08 PM
You mean capcom vs snk 2

Thu, 09-08-2011, 12:46 AM
Just finished BloodRayne: Betrayal.

Thu, 09-08-2011, 05:14 AM
Still playing Gundam Musou 3. Been playing the DLC suits, they've been pretty fun.

Lockon's one is really fun to watch and use. His mech's the first I've used where a shot-gundam actually shoots most of the time instead of just using it to finish a combo. His range also means that it will disrupt most enemies' melee combo patterns while you're out of their range.

In terms of damage output though, Allelujah's mops the floor compared to Lockon's. That said, I wasn't able to complete this part of a mission where I had to destroy 1000 suits in 5 minutes. Master Asia managed to do it - but I think even he would have failed if he didn't have the Magnetic Force skill.

Thu, 09-08-2011, 12:15 PM
Just finished BloodRayne: Betrayal.Just started BloodRayne: Betrayal.

I like WayForward's handheld titles (Shantae!), but Bloodrayne makes me feel like I am absolutely *terrible* at games in general. I mean, I wasn't all that great at Shank (which plays much the same way), but Bloodrayne Betrayal's combat doesn't flow nearly as easily.

It's the cheap shots from range that really make this suffer. There isn't a very effective way (or at least it isn't readily apparent) for Rayne to avoid even regular gunshots when she's slicing up a foe in melee. The limited (but very powerful) ammo feels limiting.

I love the style, I like the music, but Bloodrayne was better in 3D. Not having voice-over (particularly Laura Bailey's dripping sarcastic delivery) hurts it as well.

Thu, 09-08-2011, 03:30 PM
This is what I posted about it on gamefaqs:

My problems with it:
input lag, there is a definite input lag in the game, like if you were to fire the gun, it often doesn't come out straight away > you press twice to confirm, but because of the lag rayne now shoots twice. This lag is very annoying for when you want her to jump or dodge and she just won't do anything.
I've had her stand still while I was mashing A to jump.

general clunkiness, the combat system should've allowed moves to be canceled by the dodge. It's great that it's invincible and all, but I'd rather have a shorter frame of invicibility for a dodge that can cancel some of her long animatons.

Platforming, the platforming later on becomes quite testing simply because rayne LOVES to skid even after moving only a milimeter.

To be honest, I had the most fun with the game the first time you get to use raven mode for a bit.

Overall I still enjoyed the game a lot despite it's frustrations. It could've been amazing, but in the end it's "just" a good game.

Though I have to add, after I finished it, and I went back to the first stage to just mess around, I totally murdered everything. Once you manage to adapt to the aforementioned issues it definitly becomes more fun.
Seriously though, some of the platforming later on feels like you are playing supermeatboy...with less precise control; far less.

As a small tip to those struggling, don't be afraid to use the gun, it's a lifesaver. but always try to get the enemies on one side of the screen before doing that; rayne has a bunch of moves that will push the enemies to the other. When in trouble just headstomp into aircombo into down attack, this will make rayne do an invincible stomp attack that has a lot of splash damage.
For a somewhat improvised dodge, I always used 3-hit combo > forward+attack.

Also mash jump when you get knocked down; there are ZERO invincibility frames if you let rayne get up normally, if you mash she will flash white and recover instantly with some invincibility.

But yeah overall fun game, frustrating at times. I can see why some people call it super difficult.

Mon, 09-19-2011, 01:48 PM
I was able to get Dead Rising 2 for $3. Is that a good deal?

Mon, 09-19-2011, 02:51 PM
I was able to get Dead Rising 2 for $3. Is that a good deal?What platform? That's an awesome deal.

Mon, 09-19-2011, 05:11 PM
PS3. I have never played it, but I saw the opportunity to get it for like $3.50 and will get it in a few days.

Tue, 09-20-2011, 12:03 AM
LIMBO. Those Danish bastards are twisted man. Got all the trophies for this game except one, which you're not supposed to die more then 5 times for. Frustrating but otherwise a great game. Pitfall! anyone?

Fri, 09-23-2011, 01:00 PM
I picked up Muramasa: The Demon Blade today. I've heard it's a good game....anyone here play it?

Fri, 09-23-2011, 01:12 PM
I'm playing Gears of War 3. Typical Gears game. Fun but frustrating.

Fri, 09-23-2011, 04:33 PM

Fri, 09-23-2011, 04:52 PM
Your squadmates run too far ahead and engage enemies while you're busy looking for collectibles, your squadmates run in front of your line of fire, your squadmates don't come revive you when you're hurt. All frustrating gameplay elements.

Fri, 09-23-2011, 05:04 PM
Haven't experienced any of that.

Fri, 09-23-2011, 05:09 PM
Playing on casual or hardcore mode? And are you bothering to look for collectible items? If not, then you can actually keep up with your squad.

Fri, 09-23-2011, 05:18 PM
I picked up Muramasa: The Demon Blade today. I've heard it's a good game....anyone here play it?
I played a bit of it, and will have to get back to it some time. If only it wasn't on the Wii...

I really enjoy it though. It demands quite a bit more skill to play successfully than Vanillaware's previous 2D action RPG Odin Sphere.

I am addicted to Vanillaware games. I adore the art style (hand drawn ftw!), love the mechanics of their games, enjoy the stories immensely, and the voice work is top-notch too.

...and I own both Momohime and Velvet (Odin Sphere) figurines.

Greatly anticipating Grand Knights History (being localized to the PSP for both NA and Europe) and Dragon's Crown (for PS3 and the Vita). A Vita will be worth buying for those two titles alone.

Fri, 09-23-2011, 05:31 PM
Playing on casual or hardcore mode? And are you bothering to look for collectible items? If not, then you can actually keep up with your squad.

Insane, and yes I look around.

Fri, 09-23-2011, 09:11 PM
I picked up Muramasa: The Demon Blade today. I've heard it's a good game....anyone here play it?

One of the few games that makes me not regret buying a Wii.

I just played Momohime's side of the story though... will need to return one of this days to play the rest.
Its a pain playing with a wiimote though... I never bought a classic controler pro

Anyway... I'm currently playing LA Noire. Beautiful game.

Fri, 09-23-2011, 09:14 PM
What do you mean pain? Lazy bum...

I played my cousins wii a while back, shit was super fun. I was all over the place with that remote, i'm buying one when it's like 50 euros

Fri, 09-23-2011, 09:17 PM
Let me rephrase... Its a pain playing a side-scrolling game (with no WiiMote functionality) with a WiiMote.

Sat, 09-24-2011, 06:42 AM
Let me rephrase... Its a pain playing a side-scrolling game (with no WiiMote functionality) with a WiiMote.
Burn it with fire

Tue, 09-27-2011, 10:45 AM
I played a bit of it, and will have to get back to it some time. If only it wasn't on the Wii...

I really enjoy it though. It demands quite a bit more skill to play successfully than Vanillaware's previous 2D action RPG Odin Sphere.

I am addicted to Vanillaware games. I adore the art style (hand drawn ftw!), love the mechanics of their games, enjoy the stories immensely, and the voice work is top-notch too.

...and I own both Momohime and Velvet (Odin Sphere) figurines.

Greatly anticipating Grand Knights History (being localized to the PSP for both NA and Europe) and Dragon's Crown (for PS3 and the Vita). A Vita will be worth buying for those two titles alone.
I'm on Act 5 and I had my ass handed to me by that giant green mountain god, Ippondatara....twice. I think I may have to level grind for a bit before I reattempt that boss. I guess this is the part of the game where button-mashing will no longer cut it.

The game is very pretty and I'm starting to get into the story but I found it a little difficult to follow at first. It is a pretty fun game and has really drawn me in. I've actually put aside Metroid: Other M for this game.

One of the few games that makes me not regret buying a Wii.

I just played Momohime's side of the story though... will need to return one of this days to play the rest.
Its a pain playing with a wiimote though... I never bought a classic controler pro

Anyway... I'm currently playing LA Noire. Beautiful game.
I've been playing with my Gamecube controller...I don't think I could stand to play this with a WiiMote.

LA Noire is a good looking game and the story was pretty good but the twist with Phelps toward the end really left a bad taste in my mouth and it didn't really make any sense to me.

Tue, 09-27-2011, 03:09 PM
Playing the Battlefield 3 beta.

I expect to get my ass handed to me until I remember how to play FPS games. Should be fun. Minor downer is that it is Rush mode and not tried and true Conquest mode.

Tue, 09-27-2011, 04:19 PM
the biggest problem ist that the map is infantry only and the first spot is so far away that it feels like Arica Harbor... but as I mentioned, without vehicles to get back to the front... grrrraaarg

Tue, 09-27-2011, 06:53 PM
Yeah, not having vehicles makes it feel like the game isn't even Battlefield.

I mean, I'm rather mediocre (at best) when running and gunning (though I love Suppressive Fire for the support class), but get me in any ground vehicle in BF games and I can hold my own rather well. I hope to learn to use helis though.

Tue, 09-27-2011, 06:58 PM
So is BF3 significantly improved on BF2? ie, is the beta worth pre-ordering the game for? I've had bad luck with the quality of games I pre-ordered.

Tue, 09-27-2011, 07:12 PM
The last BF games I played were 1942:Secret Weapons on my old PC and 1943 on consoles, so from my perspective, yes.

-The animation looks really good. Everything moves smooth, and vaulting over things or belly sliding to prone like in Brink works surprisingly smoothly, even from first person perspective.
- Suppressive Fire! (Vision gets blurry as a warning, and the effect means a direct impact to your opponent's in-game accuracy)
-There is a ton of customization with the weapons, though it is limited in the beta.

- Not a big fan of launching my game from a webpage (server list is on Battlelog site), but I haven't had any problem with it. Works pretty well.
- Also launches into windowed mode for some reason (still plays smooth), can't find video configuration yet. But this means no lethal accidental Windows key presses.
- I fell through the land twice, but I was actually able to "vault" myself out of it. :D

- Grenades stick to bushes in the beta.
- I miss the impossible-to-mistake Axis vs. Allies uniforms. I've gotten confused once or twice so far, leading to me getting killed when I hesitated.
- The game is stating that I'm not using the latest drivers...when I am. I'm not going to use Nvidia beta drivers.

Tue, 09-27-2011, 07:15 PM
They added prone position?!? Sweet. Though it will most likely make killing snipers more trouble.

Tue, 09-27-2011, 08:36 PM
LA Noire is a good looking game and the story was pretty good but the twist with Phelps toward the end really left a bad taste in my mouth and it didn't really make any sense to me.

Dude... I'm currently playing it... don't tell about twists...

Tue, 09-27-2011, 09:17 PM
I just bought Ico and Shadow of Colossus collecection(first day it came out ^^), and it looks amazing! Truly a work of art =)

Tue, 09-27-2011, 10:28 PM
I just bought Ico and Shadow of Colossus collecection(first day it came out ^^), and it looks amazing! Truly a work of art =)

Nice! Been waiting for this game but couldn't find a credible release date so had no idea when to expect it. Thanks for the heads up, ordered the game right away.

Also recieved GoW Collection II for my B-day.

Tue, 09-27-2011, 11:19 PM
I just finished playing through Dragon Age 2 :D I was expecting worse, given all the negative reviews, but I thought it was pretty good. The writing was pretty well done, and I ended up caring for the characters. I didn't really like how they recycled the same 5 dungeons, and like, same 5 areas, but I got used to it pretty fast. It was pretty fun to play, despite its flaws

Gonna play Deus Ex: Human Revolution next!

Wed, 09-28-2011, 04:58 AM
Ryll - does the BF3 feature tagging/spotting from Bad Company?

Wed, 09-28-2011, 08:27 AM
Ryll - does the BF3 feature tagging/spotting from Bad Company?

I'm expecting it to have it. They made a big deal about making snipers a great supporting class.

Wed, 09-28-2011, 10:24 AM
Dude... I'm currently playing it... don't tell about twists...
Sorry, I hope I didn't spoil it. :-$

Wed, 09-28-2011, 03:50 PM
Ryll - does the BF3 feature tagging/spotting from Bad Company?
As far as I can tell, yes. I'm not sure it is whole team or just your squad. Enemies appear on your minimap when you're close enough to a Recon player (or are one).

The documentation of the finer details are a bit lacking (I can't get the manual to load from Origin...if the beta comes with one). I have absolutely no idea what the radio that Recon class has actually does.

Dark Dragon
Wed, 09-28-2011, 07:09 PM
Hey Ryll

Is the game suggesting that you use beta drivers? Have you noticed any significant problems other than falling through the earth?

Wed, 09-28-2011, 08:02 PM
It complains I'm not using the latest drivers every time. It works just fine without them, every time.

I only fell through twice (and only in the one match, in the first area of the Metro map), but like I said to Ani, I just "vaulted out of" the discrepancy and it wasn't an issue. Zero graphical issues otherwise.

Runs smooth on my GTX 470 with the latest officially available drivers.

Dark Dragon
Wed, 09-28-2011, 08:08 PM
Thanks, that's good to know.

I have a GTX 560 and for some stupid reason it won't recognize my monitor and it took me forever to find a driver that would work correctly. I was afraid that i would have to update for BF3 and deal with the problem all over again.

Wed, 09-28-2011, 09:19 PM
It complains I'm not using the latest drivers every time. It works just fine without them, every time.

I only fell through twice (and only in the one match, in the first area of the Metro map), but like I said to Ani, I just "vaulted out of" the discrepancy and it wasn't an issue. Zero graphical issues otherwise.

Runs smooth on my GTX 470 with the latest officially available drivers.

At what resolution/setting?

Thu, 09-29-2011, 06:08 AM
They added prone position?!? Sweet. Though it will most likely make killing snipers more trouble.

when a sniper is trying to snipe you and zooming in on you
and you look in his direction
you'll see a reflection of light coming from his scope if I'm not mistaken

btw, the flashlight is as effective as a flashbang
you are totally blind, even during daytime
I hope they change that somewhat

friend of mine made these vids
^---- Flashlight
^----awesome jet fight/flight with epic graphics and FPS

be advised enemy...
be advised we lost....
be advised objective....
be advised over

oh and from what I've heard,weapon handling and movement changed
first of all, you are now able to look around while sprinting, so you dont have to stop running to look left and right etc.
and weapons hit where you are aiming at
but the recoil is alot stronger, so if you keep pressing the left mousebutton and do nothing, you'll end up looking into the sky *HOWEVER* the cone of fire is a lot smaller than it used to be in BFBC2 (even though you aim directly at the enemy bullets wouldn't hit if you kept shooting at him)

Thu, 09-29-2011, 07:49 AM
and weapons hit where you are aiming at

So no bullet drop? Sniping will be a breeze.

but the recoil is alot stronger, so if you keep pressing the left mousebutton and do nothing, you'll end up looking into the sky *HOWEVER* the cone of fire is a lot smaller than it used to be in BFBC2 (even though you aim directly at the enemy bullets wouldn't hit if you kept shooting at him)

So weapons are more accurate, but the recoil will kick in much harder if you just lay it down. Correct? I went into a vid came store today with my brother because he was picking up the new Bleach game on PS3, but I couldn't see a release date for BF3 on the posters.

Last time I heard it was Oct 26th.

Thu, 09-29-2011, 11:16 PM
Insane, and yes I look around.Ahh, tricky tricky you. Insane mode is actually easier than hardcore mode. The grubs die easier and they explode when you shoot them, you rarely have to go finish them off. Downsides: boss fights seem harder, and you don't get revived when you get downed. I finished the game on hardcore and am trying insane now. I'm not looking forward to the final boss fight on insane mode, but so far the game has been a lot easier than in hardcore mode.

The game doesn't have the feel that 2 had. 2 had that desperate, humanity's-last-hope kind of feel to it, and that made the game more exciting. I guess knowing 3 was the last in the trilogy, you were bound to save humanity, so that took away from the story for me.

Thu, 09-29-2011, 11:52 PM
Finished LA Noire yesterday. I just need 2 more trophies for Platinum.

I'll continue with either Yakuza 4 or Shin Megami Tensei Digital Devil Saga 2 next. Just bought Uncharted, Uncharted 2, Disgaea 4 and White Knight Chronicles 2 recently.

Started Persona 2 as well.

Fri, 09-30-2011, 08:40 AM
Played some Bleach: Soul Resurrection on PS3. Story mode was short with only 14 or so "episodes" which spans pretty much from Grimjaw's fight (Episode 2) to Final Tetsugasomething (Episode 14). I'll stick with the game's terminology of using "episodes" for story chapters while "missions" were used to describe challenge-mode missions.

I didn't like the low density of enemies such that I had to run around to hit them, and also have a fair amount of attacks go wasted because I couldn't hit many others with splash damage.

Fun, but short game, and I wonder if I would have paid $60+ dollars for it. But it's my brother's so that's not my problem :P.

Now I actually feel like reading the manga again from where I left off, though I'm just as bound to put it down again if it doesn't genuinely entertain me once this hype wears off.

Fri, 09-30-2011, 01:21 PM
Finished LA Noire yesterday. I just need 2 more trophies for Platinum.
Did you catch what I was talking about earlier about Phelps?

And I finished the first playthrough with Momohime in Muramasa on Wednesday and I burned through the first playthrough with Kisuke yesterday. It's a very addicting game.

EDIT: Muramasa is done. I got all 3 endings for both characters on Muso mode. I would highly recommend this game.

Fri, 09-30-2011, 01:39 PM
Ahh, tricky tricky you. Insane mode is actually easier than hardcore mode. The grubs die easier and they explode when you shoot them, you rarely have to go finish them off. Downsides: boss fights seem harder, and you don't get revived when you get downed. I finished the game on hardcore and am trying insane now. I'm not looking forward to the final boss fight on insane mode, but so far the game has been a lot easier than in hardcore mode.

The game doesn't have the feel that 2 had. 2 had that desperate, humanity's-last-hope kind of feel to it, and that made the game more exciting. I guess knowing 3 was the last in the trilogy, you were bound to save humanity, so that took away from the story for me.

Tricky? What? Are you implying I didn't go through hardcore first?
I finished hardcore in about 2 runs; didn't experience any of the issues you had.

Fri, 09-30-2011, 02:24 PM
Tricky? What? Are you implying I didn't go through hardcore first?
I finished hardcore in about 2 runs; didn't experience any of the issues you had.How many collectibles did you find? If you had spent any appreciable amount of time looking for them, you would have experienced all that and more.

Fri, 09-30-2011, 02:52 PM
Why are you making these silly assumptions? I found about 75%, since it's goddamn easy to find them.

Fri, 09-30-2011, 04:30 PM
Why are you making these silly assumptions? I found about 75%, since it's goddamn easy to find them.See now I know you're lying. There's no way you found that many and didn't get passed up by your squadmates (unless other human players were controlling them in co-op mode). If you diverted at all from the main path (which is necessary to find most of the collectibles), then you would have experienced your squadmates running past you and engaging enemies without you, which you claimed not to have experienced at all. Total bs.

Fri, 09-30-2011, 04:48 PM
Diverting from the main path? You are acting if it's some kind of rpg with a huge world; unless you weren't paying attention, gears is a super linear game. There is always some kind of super obvious nook sidepath or a big red gears skull showing where the collectables are. Also yeah sure they sometimes ran forward a bit.....in the events I put down my controller to do something else.. and even then they never triggered any enemy spawns just like how they are unable to trigger checkpoints.
Play better, you just suck as a gamer.

Fri, 09-30-2011, 06:21 PM
See now I know you're lying. There's no way you found that many and didn't get passed up by your squadmates (unless other human players were controlling them in co-op mode).Unfortunately, I fear you are underestimating darkshadow's gaming prowess.

Having played with him at least once over XBL, and been subjected to countless hours of him describing how effortless Bayonetta is while we struggle to even complete the Alfheims, I have come to the conclusion that DS is the idiot-savant of gaming. He's seriously the European Jimmy Woods (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Wizard_(film)) (The Wizard (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NT6zfPC3sDk)).

If DS says it was easy, he means it.

Fri, 09-30-2011, 07:25 PM
Did you catch what I was talking about earlier about Phelps?

And I finished the first playthrough with Momohime in Muramasa on Wednesday and I burned through the first playthrough with Kisuke yesterday. It's a very addicting game.

I did. I don't understand why they did that. I'm not bothered by the ending per se, but by what happened on the last few chapters. Kelso is cool though.

Fri, 09-30-2011, 09:30 PM
Unfortunately, I fear you are underestimating darkshadow's gaming prowess.

Having played with him at least once over XBL, and been subjected to countless hours of him describing how effortless Bayonetta is while we struggle to even complete the Alfheims, I have come to the conclusion that DS is the idiot-savant of gaming. He's seriously the European Jimmy Woods (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Wizard_(film)) (The Wizard (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NT6zfPC3sDk)).

If DS says it was easy, he means it.I had considered that possibility. The level of control and ability I've seen with some kids on X360 is freakish and a little scary. No doubt DS is all that on the X360 (or any system) but I think some of what I'm describing is built into the gameplay (poor coding, or rigidity of the game design). True, I don't know all the tell-tale signs he mentioned, but I still think Gears has problems that they didn't work out even after 3 tries.

Sat, 10-01-2011, 10:41 AM
For BF3, is the beta only the one map? And do you have to pre-order to join the beta? On EA's website, it says it's open to everyone but it's only one map.

I just pre-ordered the limited edition from Newegg, they had a $12 off coupon. I should receive the game by the afternoon of the day I finish an exam, so perfect timing.

Sat, 10-01-2011, 10:53 AM
Unfortunately. One map only, infantry only. I've stopped playing the beta for the meantime. Without vehicles, it's just not Battlefield.

DICE announced it would only be the Metro map on their BattleBlog some time ago, so it's not much of a surprise. The disappointment was that they didn't include *any* vehicles.

Sat, 10-01-2011, 08:33 PM
FIFA 12 on PS3 :D Got it the other day and im loving it!

Sun, 10-02-2011, 01:37 AM
I did. I don't understand why they did that. I'm not bothered by the ending per se, but by what happened on the last few chapters. Kelso is cool though.
It seemed a little random. There was no lead up; it sort of just happened. And yeah, Kelso is pretty cool.

Sun, 10-02-2011, 11:13 PM
Starcraft 2 for Pc
hot tub (http://hottubsandportablespas.com/hot-tubs-and-portable-spas/hot-tub-reviews/best-hot-tubs/)
bad credit refi (http://badcredithouserefinancenow.com/)

Mon, 10-03-2011, 12:10 AM
Got my 8th Platinum a few hours ago: LA Noire.

Other Platinums:
Final Fantasy XIII
Heavy Rain
Resonance of Fate
Ar Tonelico QOGA: Knell of Ar Ciel
Hyper Dimension Neptunia
Atelier Totori: Alquemist of Arland

Mon, 10-03-2011, 03:08 PM
Odin Sphere, God Hand, And GrimGrimore Coming To PS3 As PSN Donwloads (http://www.siliconera.com/2011/10/03/odin-sphere-god-hand-and-grimgrimore-coming-to-ps3-as-psn-donwloads/)


[ 22:00:05 ] <DS> D::::
Yeah odin sphere and god hand...

Mon, 10-03-2011, 03:15 PM
You're not playing those yet though

Mon, 10-03-2011, 05:25 PM
Got my 8th Platinum a few hours ago: LA Noire.

Other Platinums:
Final Fantasy XIII
Heavy Rain
Resonance of Fate
Ar Tonelico QOGA: Knell of Ar Ciel
Hyper Dimension Neptunia
Atelier Totori: Alquemist of Arland
8 Platinums?? Feck that, I only have one :P

Mon, 10-03-2011, 05:27 PM
How do platinum trophies work? You have to complete the game 100%?

Mon, 10-03-2011, 05:40 PM
you have to get all the trophies(achievements) in the game.

Mon, 10-03-2011, 05:41 PM
It's the same as getting every achievement for a game on 360. You get every trophy in that game to earn a platinum.

Mon, 10-03-2011, 08:34 PM
Indeed... by the way I meant Atelier Rorona. Atelier Totori just released a few days ago and I still don't have my copy.

Tue, 10-04-2011, 06:44 PM
I'm currently playing through the Road Map mode in NBA Jam: On Fire Edition. I can't wait to unlock the Seattle Supersonics, so I can play as Shawn Kemp, Detlef Schrempf, and Gary Payton. That was my team in Tournament Edition.

Wed, 10-05-2011, 06:17 PM
Current playing Dark Souls. So far it hasn't been bad. I've died a total of 4 or 5 times. I just beat the Taurus Demon (which I died twice to) and sniped off the dragon's tail from under the bridge to get the Drake Sword. Although another 2 or 3 of those 5 deaths were from falling to my death trying to dodge roll away from a monster and then off a cliff, the game is more difficult than it's predecessor.

So far it's pretty fun, and quite rewarding. I'd be farther if I had more time to play it.

Dark Dragon
Wed, 10-05-2011, 07:41 PM
I've never played any Atelier games.

Does it matter which one i start with? or is there some sort of order that i should play them in.

Wed, 10-05-2011, 08:50 PM
I've never played any Atelier games.

Does it matter which one i start with? or is there some sort of order that i should play them in.

I started with Atelier Rorona. Never played any Atelier games prior to it. From what I've read they always come in a 'series'. The current series is Arland which began with Rorona, went to Totori and shall end with Meruru

Fri, 10-07-2011, 10:59 AM
Just played my first Conquest match in the Battlefield 3 beta. They're opening up the Caspian map for this weekend only.

32 vs 32!

Even a laggy as fuck game of Conquest in BF3 is better than every round of infantry-only Rush I played the ENTIRETY of the beta period. I didn't even get into more than two vehicles (drove jeep, rode in jeep). Conquest is just that much better. If I wanted to play CoD, I would play CoD. Conquest is Battlefield.

Fri, 10-07-2011, 12:01 PM
Dark Souls

Fri, 10-07-2011, 12:25 PM
Just played my first Conquest match in the Battlefield 3 beta. They're opening up the Caspian map for this weekend only.

32 vs 32!

Even a laggy as fuck game of Conquest in BF3 is better than every round of infantry-only Rush I played the ENTIRETY of the beta period. I didn't even get into more than two vehicles (drove jeep, rode in jeep). Conquest is just that much better. If I wanted to play CoD, I would play CoD. Conquest is Battlefield.

conquest = domination / tdm
rush = search and destroy

rush with vehicles > conquest with vehicles
in rush mode, they have a much greater impact and are more meaningful.

and conquest destroys teamplay imho. (on public servers)
everyone runs around, tries to get into vehicles and play TDM

Fri, 10-07-2011, 01:20 PM
conquest = domination / tdm
rush = search and destroy
You and I both know it isn't remotely the same. Call of Duty's playstyle encourages camping. Battlefield has always done Conquest better, and they always will. The maps are made better for it, there is tons of open space. Kinda hard to camp in an open field. The way the vehicles work is the key to the difference. In BF, maps are balanced for simultaneous vehicle and infantry play.

You can't just pop into a tank or plane and think it will make you a god. They make killing things easier, but in no way shape or form do they make you any more effective if you're ganged up on. You're just a much bigger target.

On foot? It's easier to sneak around. You're just a little slower, but you're still a target for anyone with a sniper rifle or a buggy to run you over with.

and conquest destroys squadplay imho. (on public servers)Fixed that one for you. Free of charge. Because it is a non-issue. You might run off from your squad, but you'll always find another teammate taking flags to run with.

everyone runs around, tries to get into vehicles and play TDMAnd then they swiftly lose to those who sneak through the bushes taking flags one after another.

In Rush, everyone knows where the enemy will eventually appear. In Conquest, you could be going anywhere. That changes the entire dynamic, and eliminates any advantages from camping and spawn killing.

There's no relentless spawn killing, there's no camping in the corners at the same chokepoints. If you don't continuously move for the flags, you'll still lose. It is trivial for the other team to simply avoid the flag where squatters are hiding, and keep a firm hold on the others. They'll win with 4 held points about as easily as they'll win with 5. Conquest has next to nothing to do with kills. Victory is victory.

Fri, 10-07-2011, 02:10 PM
There's no relentless spawn killing, there's no camping in the corners at the same chokepoints.

oh really?

Laguna Alta... Actama Desert.
pretty much every snow map.
hell, on most maps the points are on a straight line from north to south, resulting in a big never ending clash in the middle or at the spawn.

and you don't have to go for flags
you take them when you are near them and thats it

and on big maps, all that driving around is exactly what destroys the teamplay in this mode
Rush mode -> 2 objectives, they are close together, everyone in your team tries to get there and everyone else is trying to defend them
conquest mode -> everyone goes to a random flag-point, they will encounter enemies randomly somewhere on the way or not at all and take a flag without any resistance (big maps like harvest day)

small maps -> turns straight into deathmatch, just like it does on Cold War (rush mode)

Fri, 10-07-2011, 05:11 PM
Just owned the tutorial boss in Dark Souls with my bare hands.

Fri, 10-07-2011, 07:30 PM
Dark Souls

Will get mine in a few hours. Alas... since I don't have a PS3 currently... T_T, bah

Fri, 10-07-2011, 07:54 PM
Wow, a whole thread for gaming :-o

Still playing Xenoblade and Phoenix Wright: Trials and Tribulation. Have to finish them before Skyward Sword.

Fri, 10-07-2011, 08:41 PM
I'll get mine Dark Souls at monday. I would have it today but the delivery fucked it up :(

Fri, 10-07-2011, 09:05 PM
I'll get mine Dark Souls at monday. I would have it today but the delivery fucked it up :(

Fucking Best Buy didn't get any Collector's Edition. The store manager refused to acknowledge the mistake and I had to complain online. Customer Service refunded me 15 dollars in the end and apologized for the poor treatment my brother (who picked up the game) received at the store.

Sat, 10-08-2011, 06:01 PM
I got my Collector's Edition on Tuesday from Gamestop. Too bad the metal case was dented a bit, and it fucking had this nasty sticky shit from the stickers.

Haven't played it too much. I'm at around 6 hours and just killed the Capra Demon. Game's pretty easy so far, hear it's gonna change. Will prob put a big chunk of time more into it when I get some :/

Sat, 10-08-2011, 06:06 PM
I got my Collector's Edition on Tuesday from Gamestop. Too bad the metal case was dented a bit, and it fucking had this nasty sticky shit from the stickers.

Did you get the gutted display copy or something?

Sat, 10-08-2011, 06:27 PM
Nah, it was from their backroom but I didn't check it when I got it (I never really do).

Sat, 10-08-2011, 06:51 PM
How's Dark Souls from a offline standpoint?

Sat, 10-08-2011, 07:20 PM
It's great, just like Demon's Souls offline. However, online is where it goes from great to amazing. I haven't found the need to summon any white soapstones for help on a boss yet, but I have killed like 2 dudes trying to invade me.

Sat, 10-08-2011, 07:57 PM
I saw GiantBomn's Look on Dark Souls. Looks amazing. Too bad I won't have a PS3 until november comes with the Uncharted 3 bundle.

Sat, 10-08-2011, 11:26 PM
I got my Collector's Edition on Tuesday from Gamestop. Too bad the metal case was dented a bit, and it fucking had this nasty sticky shit from the stickers.

Tip: when removing price/promo stickers, never peel the sticker backwards on itself like you would open a tin can's lid with the ring.

Rough up the edge of the sticker with your fingernails so you can grab enough leverage, and lift upwards while keeping the sticker taunt. The sticker shouldn't break and leave any bits of paper on there. Residual stickiness is also minimal, and you can get rid of it (if any) but just dabbing the sticker back on and repeat the above steps.

Sat, 10-08-2011, 11:40 PM
Or buy some Goo Gone:


Sun, 10-09-2011, 05:46 AM
I love Goo Gone, but you have to remember to wash it off afterward. It's kerosene after all.

I've also found that peeling a sticker off by getting a corner up and then folding/rolling the sticker across itself to the opposite diagonal corner gets off the most adhesive.

Sun, 10-09-2011, 06:27 AM
For some years now, I've been into casual tricky games like CatPhysics, Finger Physics, Meon and the likes.

And now a silly (no really) example:

Sun, 10-09-2011, 11:56 AM
White spirits does the job if you want to get rid of that sticky crap :D

Sun, 10-09-2011, 12:42 PM
Playing BF3 Beta and the magic is kind of gone. As recently as 1 month ago I was spending 3-4 hours a day on BFBC2MP. I don't think I like the changes they made in BF3, or maybe I'm just burned out on BF style gameplay. I might cancel my pre-order and spend time on MW3 instead.

Sun, 10-09-2011, 12:54 PM
MW3 is just the same as MW2 except with different maps and guns. BF3 is where it's at :)

Sun, 10-09-2011, 01:27 PM
BF3 is just the same as BF1942 just with different maps and guns :rolleyes:

I just found out on the Colbert Report that MW3 will allow you to gain double XP by entering codes from Mountain Dew. I might not buy the game after all.

Sun, 10-09-2011, 04:35 PM
why would you cancel your BF3 preorder and go for MW3 instead?
thats highly retarded
the only cool thing MW3 has to offer is the co-op mode.

compared to BF3, CoD has

ugly graphics
extremely one-sided gameplay
unlike the older CoDs its totally *not* a "tactical-shooter" anymore
kids, kids everywhere
no vehicles
small maps
*ugly* map design
no atmosphere in MP


btw I just watched the review of Dark Souls on Gametrailers
I don't remember Demon Souls to have such bad graphics, in fact I remember it having good animation and graphics for a console game.
but what is this?
the animations and character movements look extremely out of place ?
weird looking armor and anime-fantasy weapons which are way to big to wield and yet it looks like they can lift them as if they were out of paper

Sun, 10-09-2011, 05:58 PM
I enjoyed MW2 MP a lot more than BFBC2 MP, and that's saying a lot since I logged 9+ days of gameplay over the course of 2-3 months on BFBC2 MP. I got burned out on MW2 MP because I played it for almost 2 years and there really are limited gameplay options compared to BC2. But I prefer the smaller maps and close up firefights of MW2 to the maps of BC2 where you get shot from way out and can't even see by whom.

You like the game you like, but don't be a dick and tell me which is better. The CoD series is king for a reason.

Sun, 10-09-2011, 06:34 PM

I dunno what you saw, DKS looks better than DS, I also don't see how the animations looked off, most of them are the same just tweaked to look better/be smoother.
Also DS had plenty of huge weapons, like the meat cleaver, so far I've only collected 1 big ass weapon but it requires 46str, not something you carry around like a paper weight; in fact whenever I wield halberts or big axes the attack animation shows my character struggling with it's weight, even though I'm way past the str requirement for any of those weapons. So I'd say everything looks a lot better and fitting now.

For other "anime" esque weapons, I haven't seen any, it's all standard swords/spears and axes.

Sun, 10-09-2011, 10:04 PM
I liked MW2 MP better than BFBC2 MP. Then again, I don't really think when I play. MW2 MP is fun for me because the killing is really personal. Some guy spams you in the face with twin g18s - you know his tag-name, you know where he was - you wanna get back in there and kill him.

For me, it's easier to get into a game of MW2 and BFBC2 because it's relatively simple. You don't need a team or teamwork. You just need to not be retarded, some knowledge of the map, and a hacks-free server.

But when you do find a good game of BFBC2 that isn't totally one sided or filled with retarded players though - man it's great. Capturing and holding objectives as the bars fill while you try to survive the enemy's tank shells gives you a rush CoD's rambo-playstyle can't give.

Perhaps my main complaint about MW2 in general is that it just feels too clean. The graphics are all polished and so are the guns. You need some grit and terrain to make it really seem like a firefight.

Mon, 10-10-2011, 05:48 AM
BFBC2 had its own problem - retards that went for kills instead of objectives - while cod was full of them too - they actually did something useful - in bc2 it was common to have full team of camping recons... while being on offense in rush.

Buff - in domination in mw2 you needed to think actually - not in each firefight, but generally you wanted to box enemies on one point in line-setup( A B C points set up in line - ie you have to get A then B if you want to get C), or rotate the points in triangle-setup( you can go from each point to the any other point in this one). And never ever let your team grab all 3 points.

Mon, 10-10-2011, 01:04 PM
Dark Souls looks a lot better than Demon's Souls and the animation is more fluid. Only negative of the presentation in Dark Souls is that there can be some noticeable frame rate issues (like Blight Town).

Mon, 10-10-2011, 01:32 PM

decided to post the video
basically the whole part starting from 3:14 till... dunno.. 5:20 or so
the human character looks awfull
and those "cobra" enemies... argh

and that weird huge weapon
its just so unbelievable how he swings/carries his axe and shield when he is just moving around like that
meh, absolutely not what I had in memory but oh well if it has always been like that so be it. I don't like it (anymore) though

You like the game you like, but don't be a dick and tell me which is better. The CoD series is king for a reason.

underaged children :D
I believe CoD is king because the older ones were great
CoD was good, CoD2 too, CoD:MW was awesome and new, CoD:WaW = meh, CoD:MW2 okay
but CoD:BO is probably the worst of them all and most likely has been sold the most.
must be an american thing or something... or a console thing.

Mon, 10-10-2011, 02:10 PM
I've seen that video and while it's not the most flattering it still looks a lot better than anything in demon's souls, just play the game yourself.
Also the 2 weird weapons, the super long spear thing and the bendy blue axe, in that video are special, just like the meat cleaver in demon's souls.

Mon, 10-10-2011, 02:48 PM
underaged children :DYet you like BF more than CoD? I guess you're ahead of your classmates in 3rd grade.

I'm with Buffalobiian, I prefer the more face-to-face confrontations of CoD to the long range warfare in BF. Getting killed by shots from nowhere sucks.

Tue, 10-11-2011, 06:50 AM
Yet you like BF more than CoD? I guess you're ahead of your classmates in 3rd grade.

of course
BF doesn't want to make me feel like a supersoldier from hell with 100% accuracy bunnyjumps around corners
and it won't allow me to start nuclear warfare with 25 knife ninja-instant teleportation kills.
and lets not forget that new diving shit which came with :BO,
and on a sidenote, a tomahawk is not a modern weapon

CoD went from CS-Like to Quake-like
and it went from atmospheric to "funny gimmick" *trollface*

hell, even BF is going more and more into that direction.. and it sucks
and I'm making console and CoD players responsible for that :)

Tue, 10-11-2011, 04:34 PM
and on a sidenote, a tomahawk is not a modern weaponOh, but it is (http://www.americantomahawk.com/products/vtac.htm).

Now a Claymore (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Churchill), that's not a modern weapon.

Wed, 10-12-2011, 11:51 AM
ya right


Fri, 11-11-2011, 05:13 PM

I've been playing for about 10 hours now, and I've still only been on what I estimate to be less than 1/8th of the map. Skyrim itself is huge!

The skills/perks system is really well done. Your character grows based on your play style, as before. I've been focusing on assassination shots with a bow, and it's really paying off. The Sneaking HUD/UI is vastly improved over Fallout 3's, and unlike New Vegas, sneaking actually works. So far, most of the enemies are not equipped with supersonic hearing and x-ray vision (like they were in NV's broken stealth system). You get to gradually see if you're hiding properly, made good your escape, or if they are steadily getting closer and closer to understanding where you're hiding.

To go with that, daggers make a great compliment when I can't get a good bow shot. They also have a 6x backstab, that can be increased to 15x! Occasionally, the game will cut to a stylish kill animation much like Fable III or Dragon Age. It's very satisfying to sneak up behind a bandit mage and slit his throat. :p

Problems so far: Inventory management. I'm not hoarding or anything, but unless you get your own residence, you don't get a storage container guaranteed to have your stuff still in it.

Fri, 11-11-2011, 06:00 PM
I am still waiting for my copy. Stupid shipping...

Did you get any sense of how level scaling works in Skyrim? This was one of the annoyances I had with Oblivion.

Fri, 11-11-2011, 06:18 PM
Working my way through Castlevania: Lords of Shadow. So far it's been a pretty good game with some minor gripes. I find myself constantly trying to change the camera view but the view is computer-controlled. Sometimes it's difficult to see where I'm to jump because the camera's at a weird angle. Though, those could arguably just be my own failings. And as much as I love Patrick Stewart's voice, his narration can seem a little cheesy at times...but that could just be the script.

Fri, 11-11-2011, 06:41 PM
Lords of Shadow was fucking amazing keep playing it, by the end you will be totally sucked in; also after you finished it, don't skip the credits ;].

Just finished Assassin's Creed Brotherhood, just in time for Revelations.