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Uchiha Barles
Fri, 01-25-2013, 08:36 PM
Haven't played 10, but I do remember its leveling up system being similar to this. Even so, it takes nothing away from how good this game is.

Sat, 01-26-2013, 08:30 AM
I'm playing DmC right now.
So far combat is fluid and fun. Angelic and Demonic weapons and skills are fun too.
but it is not Devil may cry that we know and love - it is a solid game but, we expect few things from DMC game - lock-on to targets, over-the-top cinematics etc. Lack of ability to lock-on onto the enemies makes skills like Stinger nearly useless.
Game is a bit too easy(i'm playing on hardest diff available on 1st playthrough and it is a breeze - I've died only once due to my stupidity and I'm getting S rank on most missions).

It feels like VERY westernized/americanized Devil may cry. It is fun, but you get feeling that something is missing.
Also Verigil is a shitty character so far.

Sat, 01-26-2013, 09:37 AM
I'm playing DmC right now.
So far combat is fluid and fun. Angelic and Demonic weapons and skills are fun too.
but it is not Devil may cry that we know and love - it is a solid game but, we expect few things from DMC game - lock-on to targets, over-the-top cinematics etc. Lack of ability to lock-on onto the enemies makes skills like Stinger nearly useless.
Game is a bit too easy(i'm playing on hardest diff available on 1st playthrough and it is a breeze - I've died only once due to my stupidity and I'm getting S rank on most missions).

It feels like VERY westernized/americanized Devil may cry. It is fun, but you get feeling that something is missing.

That's exactly what my brother says too.

Reviewers seem to like the game since they focus on the game mechanics, but fans dislike it because it doesn't fit carry the flavour of the previous DMCs.

And the way your counter doesn't time-out after you stop attacking makes building S-rank a walk in the park.

Shadow Skill
Sat, 01-26-2013, 12:31 PM
I'm still playing Tera. Level 50. Love the combat PvP system. :D

Sat, 01-26-2013, 01:18 PM
it makes getting SSS rank a bit too easy - esp when you get second angelic weapon.

Sun, 01-27-2013, 11:55 AM
Been playing ni no kuni. Game is just too awesome. Haven't had this much fun with an RPG in a loooooong time.

Sun, 01-27-2013, 11:59 AM
Been playing ni no kuni. Game is just too awesome. Haven't had this much fun with an RPG in a loooooong time.

Oh, it's out already? Might be time to get it.

Sun, 01-27-2013, 10:15 PM
Still playing Tera too. Currently have an ilvl 151 (going to be 153 soon) zerk, and a level 53 mystic. I enjoy playing both immensely. They play so different but are equally challenging to use properly.

We just did a 3 man Nexus and barely managed to kill the dragon within the 10 minute time limit.

I also like doing 3 man ETs with no healer. It isn't really efficient, but it is a lot of fun due to the challenge.

Mon, 01-28-2013, 12:00 AM
Finished Halo 4. Pretty good game. Wasn't into the master chief/AI love story but whatever. Glad 343 is making this a trilogy.

Fri, 03-29-2013, 08:56 PM
I'm playing Bioshock Infinite now and it's pretty damn spectacular. It feels just like the other Bioshock games but the Weapon carrying capacity is limited to only 2 any given time. So if you have a shotgun and pistol then come across an RPG, if you want to pick it up you have to toss away the currently equipped gun. But you can at least pick up the dropped weapon if you change your mind.

Fri, 03-29-2013, 11:55 PM
I've heard awesome reviews for BSI. My copy is in the mail, can't wait to play it.

I'm playing SC2:HotS. Like I said in the SC2 thread, normal difficulty is way too easy, but hard is a little too hard.

Sat, 03-30-2013, 11:31 AM
Yeah I just finished Bioshock Infinite yesterday and I can say with confidence that it's one of my favorite games of all time. I'm a huge sucker for story and atmosphere driven games. And it's not like it's gameplay is lacking because of those things either, the combat is extremely fun with the verticality of the skyhook and tears. Only negative for me is that the guns are on the boring side.

Sat, 03-30-2013, 11:41 AM
Aye, i'm currently playing through Bioshock Infinite aswell, and so far it really is pretty damn good.

Also, last week i finished the new Tomb Raider, and i fucking loved every second of it, totally looking forward to the eventual sequels.

edit: Both games played on Hard difficulty for any challenge, i guess these days Normal is the new Easy and anything below that is lolfaceroll >_>

Sat, 03-30-2013, 12:09 PM
Finished Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army the other day. I've never played the other Sniper Elite games, but this had some good MP fun. L4D with snipers and more cannon fodder, if you will. After this, I'm mildly interested in a "proper" Sniper Elite game that actually involves human targets that you have to outsmart/evade by being sneaky, as well as accommodate for some REAL distance and wind.

You don't really pick your shots with zombies. They swarm you all the same so it's just about killing them as quickly as possible.

Sat, 03-30-2013, 10:46 PM
Yeah I just finished Bioshock Infinite yesterday and I can say with confidence that it's one of my favorite games of all time. I'm a huge sucker for story and atmosphere driven games. And it's not like it's gameplay is lacking because of those things either, the combat is extremely fun with the verticality of the skyhook and tears. Only negative for me is that the guns are on the boring side.
I'm still getting used to the skyhook system...it makes the game feel very expansive and it's a little overwhelming right now without a map. The guns are fairly mundane, especially after playing Borderlands.

Sun, 04-07-2013, 07:24 PM
Thankfully finished Bioshock Infinite before I got spoiled someplace.

But about halfway through, I realized something. As I finished the game, I was sure of it.

The people praising Bioshock Infinite as the best game so far this year, are exactly the same people who called Bioshock 2 derivative and uninspired, despite the theme and tone of the two games being remarkably similar. Protecting someone, rather than destroying everything. I had always liked Bioshock 2 better than the first Bioshock game, but Infinite isn't any different from Bioshock 2. The narrative is just presented in a better, more fluid way.

[edit: For clarity, I mostly am referring to reviewers when I say "the same people."]

Shadow Skill
Mon, 04-08-2013, 04:59 AM
I think I am addicted to TERA lol. Level 60 and ilevel of 160. My friend plays too, so she makes TERA more fun for me. :D

Ya Shinta I can only do instances on weekends. Work all week. :(

Mon, 04-08-2013, 11:46 AM
Warframe - free to play 3rd person shooter(co-op). It is fun ,fast, skills and warframes are nice - weapons too. pretty fun game to kill some time with friends.

Mon, 04-08-2013, 07:04 PM
My friends and I stopped playing Tera after we failed Manaya's Core several times. We simply had no teamwork and luck (lag). It was probably my favorite MMORPG though.

Sat, 04-13-2013, 02:12 PM
So, I'm trying to make a decision between getting the new Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 and Metal Gear Rising Revengeance. Does someone who happens to have both of these games have an opinion on which I should get first? I do plan to get both eventually, but there might be a gap of time in between.

Shadow Skill
Mon, 04-15-2013, 11:28 PM
For Manay'a core all party members need Regents items or better (Vision Maker) and a really good Healer that knows what he/she is doing. Even though Regents over Abyss adds like 100 more Defense per item, it is a huge different over Abyss. I am +12 enchantment on all my regents.

I went with a group once, when I was full +12 Abyss, we got rolled cause everyone else was full conjunct +12. Conjunct is PvP gear and has no boss protection or bonuses. At the end, the +12 Abyss got blamed even though I didnt die until the Queen's 2nd form. I stay away from parties that have full conjunct players in instances now.

Tue, 04-16-2013, 04:50 AM
Ladies and Gentlemen: http://www.dontstarvegame.com/

You can get it on Steam as well, and it's awesome.
Imagine Minecraft meets Lovecraftian crapsack world.

Tue, 04-16-2013, 09:07 AM
Just finished Bioshock Infinite, great game with a great story but not having a new game + option left a really bad taste in my mouth. I enjoyed it enough that i was considering replaying it in 1999 mode, but having to go through scavenging for lockpicks and money all over again? That's bulshit.

So, I'm trying to make a decision between getting the new Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 and Metal Gear Rising Revengeance. Does someone who happens to have both of these games have an opinion on which I should get first? I do plan to get both eventually, but there might be a gap of time in between.

Honestly, you've played one N:UNS game and you've pretty much played them all. If you have any of the previous versions i don't think you could justify getting this one over a whole new game experience.

Tue, 04-16-2013, 10:04 AM
N:UNS3 graphically lags the most out of all the UNS games.

I'd love if they would just release one final one instead of making incremental ones to mooch my money.

Tue, 04-16-2013, 11:32 AM
And you've never been a soccer fan i bet. Imagine having to deal with yearly releases of both fifia and pro evolution soccer with almost literally no upgrades whatsoever.

Tue, 04-16-2013, 11:47 AM
N:UNS3 graphically lags the most out of all the UNS games.

I'd love if they would just release one final one instead of making incremental ones to mooch my money.

Incremental upgrades are the nature of all sequels.

Dark Dragon
Wed, 05-01-2013, 12:39 AM
Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon

Far Cry 3 outpost capture + 80's action movie style + Dragons with lasers - Jason Brody = Win

Wed, 05-01-2013, 07:22 AM
Just finished Bioshock Infinite, great game with a great story but not having a new game + option left a really bad taste in my mouth. I enjoyed it enough that i was considering replaying it in 1999 mode, but having to go through scavenging for lockpicks and money all over again? That's bulshit.
I just beat it this past Saturday and I totally agree.

Wed, 05-01-2013, 10:49 AM
I just beat it this past Saturday and I totally agree.
I was looking forward to a mode where i could just enjoy the shooting without having to worry about searching every room for scraps...

Wed, 05-01-2013, 11:17 AM
I felt the same about Tomb Raider, but everything was dead.

Wed, 05-01-2013, 05:50 PM
I was looking forward to a mode where i could just enjoy the shooting without having to worry about searching every room for scraps...
Or going back to find those missing scraps...

Wed, 05-15-2013, 09:32 AM
For those interested, Rift is going f2p in June, you`ll get beneficts depending on wether or not you have the game and/or the expansion, and there`s also an offer for getting both for free by playing the light version.

Fri, 05-17-2013, 06:20 PM
Neverwinter turned out to be a decent game, combat system is good... unlimited amount of quests thanks to the foundry (questmaker)
PvP is a mess though and classes are not balanced at all.

the graphics are "okay" at best.... 6-7/10, since its f2p I'd say 7/10

Sun, 05-19-2013, 01:18 AM
Just hit 60 a few days ago in Tera and enjoying the end-game so far.

Mon, 05-20-2013, 01:32 AM
Just finished Bioshock Infinite, great game with a great story but not having a new game + option left a really bad taste in my mouth. I enjoyed it enough that i was considering replaying it in 1999 mode, but having to go through scavenging for lockpicks and money all over again? That's bulshit.

I just boarded the First Lady airship and I'm still waiting for this great story and epic game that everyone is raving about. Add in that the game is making me queasy (the first two did not) and so far this game is a disappointment. Any chance the really cool story is yet to come?

Shadow Skill
Tue, 05-21-2013, 02:40 AM
Nice LaZie. End game is nice. I haven't completed much of anything end game. Between work and TERA. I only have weekends for my tasks. TERA having a bit of server log in issues right now. NObody can log in. So I was about to craft my first conjunct swords. Need only 400 more Battle Ground Credits, then I will have second best PvP sword in the game. :)

So hopefully they figure out the log in problem soon. Hopefully tonight. :)

Tue, 05-21-2013, 05:39 AM
Alternating between replaying Deus Ex and playing Soul Sacrifice.

Tue, 05-21-2013, 10:10 PM
I just boarded the First Lady airship and I'm still waiting for this great story and epic game that everyone is raving about. Add in that the game is making me queasy (the first two did not) and so far this game is a disappointment. Any chance the really cool story is yet to come?
The story builds....I'd recommend giving it time. Though I'll admit I got hooked almost immediately; it just clicked with me.

Tue, 05-21-2013, 10:17 PM
You should explore a lot and listen to the records. That will make the story deeper and more meaningful, at least according to my friends who played it. I skipped almost all of that and found the story to be rather bland.

Wed, 05-22-2013, 09:00 AM
Real Racing 3 on iPad 4.
I know, not really geeky...
But at least I can vent some frustration and anger by ramming into AIs that are very aggressive.
I applied a little cheat to have unlimited money/reps and all the cars fully upgraded so that I can play freely in any event and do not have to wait silly times between races (unless you pay with real money...)
I have to say I loved the Bathurst/Mount Panorama circuit. I also have always been a fan of the Spa Francorchamps circuit. So I finished every event including those 2 circuits first.
I play with no driving help, it was a little weird at first, but with the virtual wheel on the right and accelerator/brake on the left it's quite manageable. It's not like the good old times I played GTR2 with a wheel/shift, brake and accelerator pedals, but it's quite entertaining.

That game is a useless crippled piece of crap without the money/rep cheat. But entertaining with it.

Wed, 05-22-2013, 12:09 PM
The story builds....I'd recommend giving it time. Though I'll admit I got hooked almost immediately; it just clicked with me.

I definitely want to give it a chance and finish it but with the (thus far) non-engaging story and characters, plus the queasiness, I may never complete it.

I don't know when or why, but the story in the second Bioshock really drew me in, unlike in the first and now third games.

Wed, 05-22-2013, 10:43 PM
I definitely want to give it a chance and finish it but with the (thus far) non-engaging story and characters, plus the queasiness, I may never complete it.

I don't know when or why, but the story in the second Bioshock really drew me in, unlike in the first and now third games.
I found every Bioshock game game me slight motion-sickness, especially if I was watching someone else play...but no where near as bad as the Halo games. I became motion-sensitive to FPS games after Turok on the N64 so I pretty well stayed away from them until the first Bioshock. Oddly enough, I can play Borderlands all day without getting dizzy at all.

I loved all 3 games' storylines but I guess I'm just a sucker for Bioshock.

Wed, 05-22-2013, 10:56 PM
I found every Bioshock game game me slight motion-sickness, especially if I was watching someone else play...but no where near as bad as the Halo games. I became motion-sensitive to FPS games after Turok on the N64 so I pretty well stayed away from them until the first Bioshock. Oddly enough, I can play Borderlands all day without getting dizzy at all.

I loved all 3 games' storylines but I guess I'm just a sucker for Bioshock.

It's weird how that happens. Borderlands didn't give me any problems, but BL2 made me sick after extended play. Bioshock 1 and 2 didn't give me any problems, but Infinite does. It might be because I'm playing BSI while wearing glasses so the POV is a little off compared to when I'm wearing contacts. I also find I get a lot more motion sickness when I play console games compared to the PC.

Wed, 05-22-2013, 11:40 PM
I had a quick look on the internet, and many suggest motion sickness to be attributed to both FOV and fast-pacing. In BL2, try turning depth of field off. I found the blur to be annoying when I was trying to aim because it was too slow to adjust. COD's DOF actually helped me focus.

Someone I know suffers from motion sickness playing BL2. I just thought he was weird. Guess he's not alone (but still weird).

Sat, 05-25-2013, 12:23 PM
I know at least 1 other person that gets motion sickness from FPS games...it may be more common than we think.

Sat, 05-25-2013, 12:27 PM
I know at least 1 other person that gets motion sickness from FPS games...it may be more common than we think.

I know of another person as well. I just thought they were weird as well. :p (I know what you mean though)

Sat, 05-25-2013, 12:27 PM
its (mostly) all about wrong FOV settings

Sat, 05-25-2013, 07:03 PM
Wrong FOV can incur motion sickness indeed - try changing it to lower one(that is if you can survive the lower fov.. if you can't just bring it up gradually over time).

Tue, 05-28-2013, 11:25 PM
its (mostly) all about wrong FOV settings

Do most FPS games have FOV setting option?

Wed, 05-29-2013, 12:38 AM
Happily BioShock Infinite has a FOV setting, and an unofficial tweak to increase the range even more. The game doesn't make me ill almost at all anymore now that I have the view set further out. I'm enjoying the game more now, and just got teleported to [spoiler]Rapture.

Wed, 05-29-2013, 03:34 AM
Do most FPS games have FOV setting option?

Maybe if you tweak their .ini or config file..

Wed, 05-29-2013, 04:23 AM
most of them do have FOV slider. if they don't - do what Buff said - find .ini or .cfg file - open it with notepad and change the fov value.

Wed, 05-29-2013, 08:19 PM
Maybe if you tweak their .ini or config file..

I don't play games on my PC....

Happily BioShock Infinite has a FOV setting, and an unofficial tweak to increase the range even more. The game doesn't make me ill almost at all anymore now that I have the view set further out. I'm enjoying the game more now, and just got teleported to [spoiler]Rapture.

*spoiler*You're pretty well finished the game.*spoiler*

Wed, 05-29-2013, 09:48 PM
I don't play games on my PC....I find I can only play FPS games on the PC, and prefer 3rd person games on the console.

*spoiler*You're pretty well finished the game.*spoiler*Thanks, found that out on my next session. I don't think the story/ending was as amazing and meaningful as I've read. I felt a deeper emotional impact from the second Bioshock story. Still, a good game and I'm playing through on 1999 mode now.

Thu, 05-30-2013, 03:10 AM
I don't think the story/ending was as amazing and meaningful as I've read. I felt a deeper emotional impact from the second Bioshock story.
I gotta agree here. Irrational did some amazing things humanizing Elizabeth, she's probably one of the better video game sidekick/2nd protagonists out there (though a larger part of that is she is an "escort mission" that takes care of herself). Despite how engaging a character she is for an FPS, 2K Marin did a better job getting me engaged in the story, and actually giving a shit about what I was doing.

Booker's motivation to be charging about in the first place is so much less than Delta's.

I'd say more, but that would be spoiling two games in the same post.

Thu, 05-30-2013, 07:32 AM
Thanks, found that out on my next session. I don't think the story/ending was as amazing and meaningful as I've read. I felt a deeper emotional impact from the second Bioshock story. Still, a good game and I'm playing through on 1999 mode now.
Yeah, the 2nd game did get me to feel more for Delta than Infinite did for Booker. I had to read online about the ending of Infinite because it left me scratching my head.

Thu, 05-30-2013, 10:31 AM
Maybe it was the little girls you had to save that made the 2nd game more emotionally engaging. Elizabeth is stronger and almost dangerous, and I really only felt any desperation to kick ass to get to her when I heard her screams.

...a better job getting me engaged in the story, and actually giving a shit about what I was doing.

Booker's motivation to be charging about in the first place is so much less than Delta's.I had the same problem, you're thrust into the role of Booker and his motivations are unclear. You're just supposed to go find this girl and stumble around Columbia for the first few hours of the game.

I had to read online about the ending of Infinite because it left me scratching my head. I also had to look up the significance of the plot points to understand what went on. Once you read about it, it seems even less engrossing and mind-blowing.

Mon, 06-10-2013, 11:41 AM
I just finished the original Bioshock since i enjoyed Infinite so much.

The combat felt like an unpolished version of Infinite which was a bit annoying at first but i learned to live with it, the environments and the atmosphere felt more claustrophobic ( duh ) and the enemies less varied.

Basically it felt inferior to the sequel in every way except maybe with the plot and certainly with the end, the "Good ending" was absolutely adorable i'm still smiling. The enemy's intentions also felt more realistic and relatable, i understood where they were coming from even though i didn't agree with their methods.

I see why it's such a popular franchise, i wish i could have experienced it in the correct order seeing as most of my complaints were how certains parts weren't quite as good as Infinite.

Mon, 06-10-2013, 01:23 PM
I just finished the original Bioshock since i enjoyed Infinite so much.

The combat felt like an unpolished version of Infinite which was a bit annoying at first but i learned to live with it, the environments and the atmosphere felt more claustrophobic ( duh ) and the enemies less varied.

Basically it felt inferior to the sequel in every way except maybe with the plot and certainly with the end, the "Good ending" was absolutely adorable i'm still smiling. The enemy's intentions also felt more realistic and relatable, i understood where they were coming from even though i didn't agree with their methods.

I see why it's such a popular franchise, i wish i could have experienced it in the correct order seeing as most of my complaints were how certains parts weren't quite as good as Infinite.
Definitely play BS2 because it is a better, more refined version and the story is much more emotionally engaging.

Fri, 06-28-2013, 08:25 PM
Finished the Last of Us, loved it. The ending is quite the controversial one as not many seem to like it, but I kinda like these types of endings.

Mon, 07-08-2013, 10:25 PM
Playing Metro Last Light. I think I was one of the lucky ones who discovered the gem that is the original Metro 2033 and having played that makes this sequel that much more meaningful and engrossing. I just started it and the detail and gameplay is amazing.

One gripe is that the story follows canon from the novel as far as your decision whether or not to nuke the Dark Ones in the first game. It's understandable that they couldn't make two different games based on the decision you made in the previous game, but it does bother me just a little that the effort to get the good ending in the first game doesn't matter for the second game.

Tue, 07-30-2013, 08:50 AM

Looking forward to it

Tue, 07-30-2013, 08:59 AM
Finished Metro Last Light again, this time with the "good" ending. Turns out you basically can't kill any humans throughout most of the game in order to get enough moral points for the good ending. Ranger hardcore mode isn't challenging at all since you do so much damage that you can kill most mobs with one or two shots, negating the effect of reduced ammo availability.

Wed, 07-31-2013, 02:39 PM
RealRacing3 again.
Since I have money+gold unlimited, that makes it a "playable game"
After spending quite some time on it (thanks the under average anime season), I'm getting the hang of it.

I don't exactly know how many players there are worldwide, but on time trials I'm often in the top 500 to 300, sometimes top 300 to 100.
Recently I've been able to score top 50 and even a top 20.
But it moves quickly and you have to go at it again.

Today, I just decided to use the hood camera, that makes the game even better looking. I'm a traditionalist, I love the cockpit view. But it is not a driving sim. It's more of a high speed stock car competition. Because AIs are programmed to smash into you wheneven they can, to suddenly brake and go through the raceline so that you crash into them etc... They are even skillfull enough to lift you rear end side enough so that you spin into that corner where you try to optmize your trajectory.
Why is that?
Obviously in app purchase. Repairing you car costs a lot of time... or real money if you can't wait!
But that doesn't matter when you hack the game.

So why is it fun?
Well, you can hone your skills in time trials, you can play against AI friends... meaning their race is supposedly recorded for an AI to mimic it in your race.
Picture quality is nice
Its fluid
and time trials are addictive, trying to beat your own ghost and your friends' best times.
What's pure gold is when at the 10th... (or more) try, you finally are able to get all your break points, reacceleration points and corners right and get the best time.
Just happened today, I was struggling to beat an old time I did last week. Then I was starting to beat the ghost by quite a margin on some corners. Another step was when I was nearing that best time on multiple occasions, by gaining time on different corners, and losing it all elsewhere.
And then bam, everything connected, 2.5 seconds improvement, 2 seconds better than the best of my friends for that circuit/car

Oh yes, each car handles differently enough that raceline change a little (or at times quite a bit), and of course break/accel points.
So you have lots of time trials for each car/circuit.

Of course, nothing's perfect, it's only an ipad, you'll never get what's in a car on a circuit. Believe me the latter is just incredibly mind and guts blowing (at least in a car with serious grip/Hp).
So just get it in your minds it's more arcade than anything. The most important is enjoying your time playing it and get over the fact that yes, cutting some corners in the grass can get you ahead, sometimes by a great margin... So play by those rules, or do not play those circuits (or at all).

See You!

Mon, 08-05-2013, 09:43 AM
I just got The Last of Us on Friday and cannot put it down. I think it is one of the best games I have ever played.

Mon, 08-05-2013, 10:13 AM
I just got The Last of Us on Friday and cannot put it down. I think it is one of the best games I have ever played.

I just started this game on Saturday and it's pretty awesome. I find it hard to stop playing too.

Mon, 08-05-2013, 09:28 PM
It has a really gripping story, which is saying a lot for a video game. I bet if Roger Ebert (r.i.p.) took the time to try this game out, he probably would have liked it.

Mon, 08-05-2013, 10:26 PM
I'm not usually that interested in stories in video games, but this game ties the action and adventure into the storyline so well that it's enjoyable and engrossing. It's not like a lot of games where the story just fills space between gun fights or leveling up your character.

Mon, 08-05-2013, 11:34 PM
Finished Batman Arkham Asylum the other day and that was pretty good. Apparently the sequel is the better one so I'm looking forward to that on the weekend.

Dark Dragon
Tue, 08-06-2013, 02:54 PM
Tales of Xillia and Dragon's Crown, getting my RPG on.

Tue, 08-06-2013, 07:23 PM
Playing Dragon's Crown on the Vita, where it was apparently made for (touchscreen clicking is so much better than the weird target system).

Damn that game is beautiful.

The way even fairly mundane tasks are narrated is perfect. The narrator's English (no option to change that one) voice is also spot on. It's like it is straight out of fairy tale animated movies.

Gameplay wise, it's like Gauntlet + Old School D&D, with the plot reminiscent of really old text RPGs.

This might be Vanillaware's best game yet, with Odin Sphere (bugs aside) being the close second. The art style is very western, far more than their usual Nordic/Celtic feel. It's almost like Baroque Romanticism. The little details everywhere are just that much better. I am all over collecting the artwork too. Screenshots of the collectable art, effortless on the Vita (PS Button + Start), make for good system menu backgrounds.

Also...those Elf boots.

Tue, 08-06-2013, 08:29 PM
Better than Odin's Sphere???

How does that weird targeting system work? Should it put me off from playing this?

Dark Dragon
Tue, 08-06-2013, 08:57 PM
This (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0UdxgvM11o8) is a pretty good review that also explain most of the game mechanics.

Wed, 08-07-2013, 02:43 AM
How does that weird targeting system work? Should it put me off from playing this?
It just makes things less convenient. On the PS3 (or the Vita, which has both), you have to move a cursor with the right stick and click a button to activate searching in the background or having the party thief unlock stuff. On the vita, you just use the touchscreen with a spare finger, so there's less of a break in the action.

It'll slow down gameplay by about...5 seconds per screen. Don't let it get in the way of purchasing it. If you have a Vita, get it on that, if you don't, get it on PS3. If you have neither system, buy one.

This game is why I bought a Vita (even though it got delayed).

Thu, 08-08-2013, 07:40 AM
I pre-ordered a copy of Dragon's Crown for the PS3 simply for the art book...I figured if I waited to pick up a used copy I would have missed out on it, plus Atlus has a reputation for limited production runs. I bought it mostly on how much I loved Muramasa for the Wii...now all I need is a PS3 to actually play it.

(edit: the rest of the discussion is moved to Next Generation Console (http://forums.gotwoot.net/showthread.php/12201-Next-Generation-Consoles?p=532806&viewfull=1#post532806) thread.)

Mon, 08-12-2013, 01:05 PM
Playing Tomb Raider Underworld. It's amazing how dumbed-down and easy they've made the new TR game (and games in general) in comparison to previous games. You actually have to think and figure things out in order to progress in the older games. Now everything is so straightforward and linear its disgusting.

Is it that the developers spend too much time on visuals and ease of gameplay and not enough on story and making a game challenging, or is this what gamers want? I know it's not what I want from a game. I don't want to speed through a game in 8 hours because it's so damn easy.

Mon, 08-12-2013, 03:32 PM
It's a tradeoff, back in the era when NintendoHard was a standard, games could be beaten in under a half hour, quite regularly (watch a few no-glitch speed runs of a lot of 8-bit or even a lot of 16-bit games). They pad the game out by making it stupid hard (Ghosts 'n Goblins series, NES Ninja Turtles, etc.) or just simple inscrutably impossible (Milon's Secret Castle).

So a lot of games, even through the PS/PS2 era just were left unbeaten by a lot of players.

As games get more cinematic, development teams obviously want players to see the full game...so they make the default difficulties pretty easy, or even include a Casual difficulty for people who are more into experiencing the story than being challenged.

With certain indie titles or games like Dark Souls getting a lot of word of mouth for being throwbacks to the NintendoHard Era, there is a return of that to a degree, but a lot of developers want their project to be enjoyed, not thrown aside in frustration after a few hours.

Bioware made the stats on the Mass Effect series public a few times, and the results are pretty discouraging (at least from my standpoint). A number of people never even finished the games, and a lot of them never bothered to customize Shepard in the first place. Now imagine that with a game like DMC3 or Bayonetta (the latter of which thankfully has flawless controls, but isn't easy for the casual player).

Mon, 08-12-2013, 07:40 PM
I think simply having an inferno difficulty setting would be enough to quell the "games are too easy" complaints. I personally play games in normal or even casual difficulty unless I really like them, then I go through until the hardest setting.

Tue, 08-13-2013, 12:11 AM
That makes sense about the cinematic nature of a game resulting in developers wanting players to finish the game to get the full experience. Plus who will buy a sequel if they don't even finish the first game because it's too difficult.

Games like the new Tomb Raider are easy even on the hardest difficulty. How can they make it more difficult with the gameplay style they chose? By reducing available ammo, or making the bad guys tougher? What made the original TR games interesting (besides the double Ds and short shorts) was the challenging puzzles to advance through levels. Shooting and gunplay were minimized and not central aspects of the game. The new TR is just a straight-forward 3rd person shooter that walks you from gun fight to gun fight with a small amount of effort required.

I guess it's not all bad; there are still some quality games being made.

Tue, 08-13-2013, 12:33 AM
Did you finish all the temples in TR? I found those really annoying because of the puzzles. You should have liked those.

Tue, 08-13-2013, 08:40 AM
You mean in Underworld? I'm about 5 hours into the game. The puzzles get a little annoying when you get stuck, but I don't mind checking a walkthrough if I can't find my way around after several tries. I prefer that to flying through a game that offers no challenge.

Tue, 08-13-2013, 09:03 AM
I meant the new TR.

Tue, 08-13-2013, 09:15 AM
What puzzles? I finished all the temples but don't recall any puzzles. Each required a very simple action to access the treasure, not really a puzzle in the sense of the earlier TRs.

Tue, 08-13-2013, 10:14 AM
I tried 2 temples but gave up on finishing either because it was a hassle. I guess the new games are made for someone like me.

Then again, I finished Diablo 3 on Inferno before the enemy nerfs, so it may all lie on my interest level.

Tue, 08-13-2013, 11:25 AM
I can't imagined we're talking about different temples because I completed 100% in pretty much all the areas, but the temples I accessed in the new TR didn't require any special puzzle solving. I recall one or two temples that required some quick reflex action to trigger two movements, but those weren't really puzzles in the literal sense.

Thu, 08-15-2013, 01:16 AM
Got into the FFXIV:AAR Phase 4 Beta for this weekend. Can't wait to try it out on my PS3.

Thu, 08-15-2013, 11:07 AM
its open beta btw and no charakter wipe for launch

Thu, 08-15-2013, 12:20 PM
Ah I didn't know its open beta now. I've tried it for about an hour on my PC. I have never played an MMO on my PS3 before so I can't wait to give it a shot. Anyone else playing it?

Thu, 08-15-2013, 11:06 PM
I just got The Last of Us on Friday and cannot put it down. I think it is one of the best games I have ever played.

I second this, definitely one of the best games I've ever played. If there was ever a game that justified owning a PS3 (over an X360) this is it.

I thought the ending was great, really moving and fit in well with the story and characters. I wonder if the game could not have been better served with multiple endings based on the choices you make during the game (like stealth vs killing every human), but I'm happy with the ending.

Sun, 08-25-2013, 08:43 AM
Saints Row IV, game of the year.

A common criticism might be that SR4 is just a rehash of SR3 with a glitch filter on the visuals, less content, and a few new textures. They call it DLC pretending to be a full game. They couldn't be more wrong.

Every time I thought that SR4 got a little cliché, within the next few minutes it hit me with a pop culture reference that I really didn't think anyone would remember, much less prominently feature.

This is a game where you get to indulge your inner 12 year old, while getting slapped in the face with references that you remember from being 12 years old. At its heart, SR4 is a love letter to the 80s and 90s, but it is also a tale of a loveable sociopath who will do everything, everything for her/his friends. "More of a Puckish rogue." The supporting characters are a blast to hang out with, and you definitely get attached to the majority of them. They're as fully fleshed out as your character is, if not moreso, but you're still left not knowing everything about them, which in my mind makes them more believable.

When it isn't doing that, it's making fun of damn near any form of media or genre you can think of. It has Keith David, playing himself, making references to his own career and previous roles he played in the Saint's Row series. It has music from Transformers the Movie (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZKpByV5764), prominently featured. Hell, one of the radio stations is basically my life in the late 80s and early 90s...I have the cassette tapes! It has references to the mechanics of modern games in a parody manner (hint: It's a bioware franchise). I don't really want to get into any more specifics, because if you played SR3 and were on the fence about SR4, you deserve to find them for yourself.

But what makes it not a rehash? The superpowers. Yes, it is a thug video game with superpowers. Yes it is silly. But it changes everything. Fake Steelport doesn't feel anything like SR3 Steelport. The map is the same, the layout is extremely similar, but the very fact that you flit about the map with superjumps and superspeed or even gliding changes everything about the feel. If a reviewer says, "It's just the same map," they never really played SR3. SR4 has an entire third dimension to travel in (and not one in a fragile, easy-to-crash plane or helicopter). Not for one single second in the 30 hours I've been playing it have I ever felt like I was in SR3 Steelport. I might know where the stores are, but getting there is an entirely different experience.

Gameplay wise, it doesn't force you to play any given way. Driving around with your homies is still a ton of fun, and drive-bys are still satisfying as hell. Not getting out of the car to clear an area of aliens is worth doing at least once. So is clearing out an area with a single, super-powered divebomb. I spent an equal amount of time simply running and gunning as I did using the superpowers. Both are extremely effective, and the transition between using them in a fight is utterly seamless. Play however you want.

Maybe GTAV will have more gravitas with its Oh So Serious storylines. But it won't be, can't be, as fun as Saint's Row IV. The question isn't did you time your superjump to the exact moment of the "woo hoo!" in Blur's Song 2 (http://youtu.be/Wc18xt5wQnk), it is what is the percentage of the time you did it? The answer: 100%.

Note: Female Boss ftw! ♥ Laura Bailey ♥

Sun, 08-25-2013, 09:59 AM
TLoU will be game of the year, or should be if it wasn't only available on PS3. Voting will be skewed because of all the X360 owners who will never know the glory of this game.

I'm playing through on survivor difficulty and it's not that much harder. There is a lot less ammo and materiel available, but enough for you to get through any area if you don't engage in lengthy gun battles. I've found your sidekicks get in your way more on this mode and the mobs catch you sneaking up on them a lot more easily (sometimes ridiculously so). There are still plenty of upgrade parts and skill pills in this mode.

Sun, 08-25-2013, 10:22 AM

SR4 is on both consoles and PC (where I played it with a wired 360 pad). It wants to be played.

Unless you're an Aussie (http://www.joystiq.com/2013/08/02/modified-saints-row-4-given-australian-ma15-rating/), it's the game to play.

Sun, 08-25-2013, 10:39 AM
I think a bet sounds interesting right now.

Sun, 08-25-2013, 01:53 PM
That would be fine, but who's bullshit awards do you base it on? Spike's, where money/prominence makes the difference (seriously, GTA4 without the expansions?), GDC or Academy of Interactive Arts & Sciences, where they might actually be legitimate, or any numerous and random magazines?

It's my Game of the Year.

Sun, 08-25-2013, 05:04 PM
Even if SR4 is a great game, I think it (and TLoU) will lose to GTAV. The SR series is seen as a GTA rip and TLoU lacks availability.

Sun, 08-25-2013, 06:48 PM
TLoU lacks availability.

So did Journey, and that was given the honor all over the place. Not really an excuse. Personally, I find Thatgamecompany overrated, but what do I know.

Sun, 08-25-2013, 07:12 PM
I've never even heard of Journey, and I'm a fairly avid gamer. I guess that bodes well for TLoU if an Indie game can get praise and accolades even with limited distribution.

Mon, 08-26-2013, 10:00 AM
It's my Game of the Year.

2nd best game of all time, just wish there was ng+, coop turns into ng+ for the joining player so dunno why they couldn't just make it act the same way for SP.

Mon, 08-26-2013, 03:28 PM
Yeah, not having wall dash and glide for a while super sucks.

Also, while the standard upgrade skills and achieved at lower levels, the weapon upgrades are super expensive. Overall, you also earn a lower hourly income, making it painful at first on a new game after being used to the fully upgraded versions.

Sun, 09-01-2013, 04:39 PM

'nuff said.

All credit for this image goes to Steam user ID Lovesick.

Sun, 09-01-2013, 04:47 PM
Playing FFXIV atm, the music during bossfights sure is the most amazing one I've encountered in an MMO so far.

Garuda and Ultima Weapon were so much fun because of that.
oh god, that Ultima Weapon bossfight, it can't get any better - best bossfight of all MMOs (WoW included)

Mon, 09-02-2013, 08:12 AM
I'm playing FFXIV too atm, or rather trying to when I can actually get in.

Mon, 09-02-2013, 10:13 AM
Is the game good?

Mon, 09-02-2013, 11:55 AM
I'm playing in Midgardsomr. Well whenever I hit the login jackpot.

In my opinion, i'm having a blast. Having one character be able to do every class/job and being able to switch on the fly is pretty awesome. The music, scenery, and nostalgia feeling is pretty great. As far as combat goes, it's pretty standard MMO stuff. Crafting and gathering requires a little different approach compared to other games. They require you to "combat" your crafts/gathering nodes in order to progress.

Mon, 09-02-2013, 12:00 PM
When it works it's pretty good. It has that feel of a Final Fantasy game with references to past games littered all over the world. Guild Wars 2 was a very good game, but the world or the plot didn't draw me in at all, but this game I'm a bit enamored by the world and it's beauty. That and my chocobo is adorable (he's tiny because my character is a Lalafell). It plays like WoW's combat but it's a bit slower with around a 2.0 second GCD, quests, etc. and it has the dynamic events (Guild Wars 2), public quests (from Warhammer) present known as FATEs. There's a main storyline quest line as well as a quest line for each of the character classes. Also there's pretty much no point in levelling alts because you can level and change to every class on a single character, as well as professions.

Mon, 09-02-2013, 12:53 PM
Any of you have any luck logging in today? I've been trying for the past 3 hours and no luck.

Mon, 09-02-2013, 01:17 PM
Nope. I was home all day yesterday as well, and started trying from 10 AM EST until about 12 AM EST. Didn't get in a single time.

Dark Dragon
Tue, 09-03-2013, 02:30 AM
Just finished the main story for the game.

I agree with everything said so far, this is hands down the best experience i've ever had in an MMO.

Wed, 09-04-2013, 12:36 AM
What are your character names? Maybe we can cross server queue for dungeons? Mine is Niquid Litrogen

Fri, 09-06-2013, 09:30 AM
Has anyone played Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon? I just found out it existed but it looks like a lot of fun. It's based on the FC3 engine and gameplay, but the story and characters are ridiculous send-offs from 1980s and 90s action movies. There's supposedly harsh language, jokes, and nerd culture references throughout. I'm thinking of getting it for the $15 on Steam or uPlay.

Sun, 09-08-2013, 10:42 AM
Do you like 80s throwbacks? Do you miss the old days of steroid induced action movies with your old favorites like Stalone and Schwarzenegger? If you do, then you'll love Blood Dragon. It's awesome.

Just finished Saints Row 4 this morning. It was excellent. All I have to say is, "You got the touch."

Tue, 09-10-2013, 08:12 PM
And speaking of Final Fantasy 14(via Reddit) 1554

Wed, 09-11-2013, 10:45 AM
Dem Miqo'tes.

Thu, 09-12-2013, 04:06 AM
I believe its only a matter of time until my FFXIV account gets hacked and if they don't do something, only a few weeks from a destroyed economy as well

so many persistent goldsellers, probably the worst kind I've ever seen before, they are spamming so hard that you can't read *anything* unless you blacklist them and every time you blacklist one, you know that you just blacklisted someone who lost his account to them.

and if that wasn't enough, teleporting mining/gather bots all over the place
its freaking scary, feels like playing on open battlenet or something.
but I'm calling it now, the one who gets banned is me for using an auto-hotkey-script for crafting :D

I wonder if they are going to act soon, they have to, or no more SE games for anyone, forever
if people stop playing this game so soon, its over for them

Thu, 09-12-2013, 04:58 AM
Doesn't the game have a mechanism that locks people out once their username has been tried too many times? That should be put in place for all web-based logins IMO.

The same goes for checking the login IP and triggering additional requirements when the IP isn't from your usual country/location.

Thu, 09-12-2013, 02:39 PM
I wonder if they are going to act soon, they have to, or no more SE games for anyone, forever
if people stop playing this game so soon, its over for them
How much you want to bet they don't even care?

They're too busy ruining their legacy by "turning the company around" to focus more on bad mobile games with ridiculous microtransactions.

Thu, 09-12-2013, 08:19 PM
I don't mean to distract from the discussion on the game's security, but I just wanted to add that I've been playing FFXIV as well. I'm only level 25 in my main class, but so far, it's been one of the best MMO's I've ever played. I really like FATEs... it reminds me of playing GW2 (which was also an amazing MMO... but the lack of endgame bored me). There are a number of things I would like to see improved upon, or things added in, but for the game to be (relatively) new, it exceeded my expectations.

Then again, I might just be biased since I grew up playing the games.

I play on Coeurl server if anyone is there... if not, I think Lazie mentioned something about cross-server dungeoning? I actually didn't know you could do that. In any case, the name is Alhuin Grey. I'm not particularly fond of my last name; I used a name generator for Hyurian, and that was the one of the choices. I'll probably purchase a name change if they ever include the service.

Fri, 09-13-2013, 12:41 AM
Unfortunately they don't allow us to add friends from different servers at the moment :mad:

Fri, 09-13-2013, 04:55 PM
I'd like to play FFXIV, but I can't find a copy of it. Still waiting for digital sales to resume.

Fri, 09-13-2013, 05:36 PM
How much you want to bet they don't even care?

they gave this game so much attention, its basically been unheard of before
they want this to be a success, however, if we keep their "high standards" in mind, its impossible for any game to be that - see Tomb Raider

Sat, 09-14-2013, 07:23 AM
Their high standards are only for their subsidiaries, not their japanese affairs.

Dark Dragon
Sun, 09-15-2013, 09:19 AM
For people who are worried about getting hacked in FF14.

Don't use the same password that you use for other sites, SE confirmed that some fan sites and such are getting hacked and the same password is being use to access the accounts.

Get a security token, it's free if you have a smart phone. If you don't, it cost like 10$.

The RMT situation doesn't seem any worse than any other MMO i've played.

Sun, 10-20-2013, 11:46 AM
My e-peen has been growing bigger since 3 days ago.
Real Racing 3 got a new update.
In that update were useless cars (ferraris...) and other things.

What was interesting:
They cleared all leaderboards timetrials
They implemented a ghost mode, against anyone posting a laptime...

That means that for an average but obstinate guy like me, it is possible to shine in stealing first place in a world wide game!
And I did, with 2 different cars on 2 different tracks.
I even had to reclaim one of my records that had been broken by .5 seconds, and then reclaim it again by .3 seconds.
And the guy I reclaimed it from was one of the bigshots I thought was untouchable (RRTC_夜雨 )
Thing is, I was in the top 50 and sometimes top 20 when I worked for it.
The ghost mode really helps in finding new racelines, different breakpoints etc... and creating yours from there.
But the ghost also is distracting. First its motor noise is as strong as yours, which is a problem when sound is part of the car control when you obviously have no feedback from the car body.
You also tend to follow the ghost, making it hard to beat it.

But I really have had hours of fun trying to hone my skills.
I know the grace period will be short, in 2 weeks from now, all the big guns will be there and I doubt I can find a car/track where I can steal the fame again. Eventhough I am almost at it on a 3rd one...
But I take what I can, even if I benefit from technicalities like that reset and exploiting cars/tracks others might be less interested in.
It's not everyday you can be number one in the world after all.
Even when the grace period is over, I'll just have to wait for the next reset to have my e-peen happy again :D

Sun, 10-20-2013, 06:13 PM
Sorry David75, but mobile device games just don't do anything for me. But that's cool to see you were on top of the game if even for a little while.

I'm getting more and more into GTAV as the story progresses and fleshes out. I've had the most fun using Trevor to collect bounties for Maude. Locating the bail jumpers is somewhat difficult, but a great feeling when you flush them out. Too bad there are only 4 such missions. I don't see why they couldn't just keep them coming throughout the game.

Mon, 10-21-2013, 03:38 PM
I tried the GTA franchise on a PS2... and decided to sold the game and console immediately after that. That game is so against my principles it was just that violent. I guess we're all different.

Playing on a tablet? Well, I admitt having a light device, always on/available is something very confortable when you come back from work. At first I was playing mind/puzzle games. I tried CSR and Asphalt, but way too arcade for my tastes. RR3 is still very much arcade, but it's still enough of a challenge to be enticing. Even with its own set of rules. But really, get a money cheat or it is a nightmare to play.

Regarding my rank, well I'm still number one on the 2 tracks I mentioned. I had to reclaim track #2, took me a little over an hour to get a .3 second advantage over the .7 he had. Meaning I improved my best lap by 1 full second (out of 127). And I'm pretty sure I could improve by another second... but that would probably take 3 to 4 hours and that would not be fun anymore.
What is interesting is that I can now adapt quicker and quicker to new tracks/cars, getting in the top 20 at my 2nd to 5th clean lap. Training really does wonders. My fortes seem to be braking and using the maximum of the track width. For example, I gain one full second on the second best player at mount Panorama (bathurst circuit, Australia) at the last 2 curves braking. These are very highspeed, downhill braking. I guess it takes some time getting used to it. Also, it's easier when you do not risk your skin. I would never try a full brake at full speed and then climb the rumblestip at the apex...

Tue, 10-29-2013, 01:51 AM
Currently playing JoJo's Bizarre Adventure : All Star Battle for the PS3.

The game's amazing! It stays true to the manga/anime especially with the taunts! Imported the japanese version when it became cheaper and I never regretted a cent :)

Online play is pretty much dead in my country. Couldn't find anyone with decent connection to play with. I guess I'll have to wait until the English version comes out during 2014 to be able to play online.

Wed, 10-30-2013, 03:03 PM
Has anyone else been playing the Hearthstone Beta? I've been playing for a few weeks, but I still can't decide if I like it or not. I don't really like how slow you obtain gold/cards if you're just playing for free, and I also don't like that there isn't really that much variation in the top tier decks. However, playing gimmicky decks is extremely fun, especially if you win with them.

For anyone that played the WoW TCG, Hearthstone is pretty much the same, only simplified. I'm not sure how long the game will last; supposedly there are already talks of turning it into an eSport. I guess only time will tell...

Fri, 11-01-2013, 06:39 PM
Playing the Stanley Parable, apparently, I'm the only person in the world that picked the left door :/

Mon, 11-04-2013, 08:56 PM
Seriously guys, play this game.

Mon, 12-16-2013, 11:56 AM
War Thunder.

My friend got me to play it - i was sceptical because i was never into aerial combat games... but this game is amazing!
It runs flawlessly despite being beta, no lags, no framerate drops - on my machine which is quite good, and on my friend's one which is way slower.

Game is really fun and takes a lot of elements into the account, and there is a difficulty setting for any kind of player:
1) Arcade mode
Flight mechanics aren't that simulated, no stalls, your typical fun mode. Great fun. from. G-forces only make your vision blurry and do not cause your pilot to pass out.
2) Historical Battles
more simulation, plane repairs cost. i haven't played much of this but flight mechanics are closer to full simulation and require some skill.
3) Full Realism Battles
This is basically ww2 flight simulator. cockpit view only, and everything is simulated.
your wings can break off due to sharp turns/too high speed
your pilot can pass out due to G-forces
your engine can break if you constantly keep pushing the acceleration to maximum
it basically requires joystick to play


In every mode each part of your aircraft can be damaged by fire - wings, rudders, tail, fuselage, engine. your plane can start burning due to incendiary ammo or your fuel tank getting hit, your pilot can pass out due to hits. There are a lot of planes to chose from: from biplanes, through bombers and flying fortresses, ending on jets.

Most importantly the game is fun all the time.

Tue, 01-14-2014, 01:54 PM
Been currently addicted to Don't Starve. (http://store.steampowered.com/app/219740/)
A pretty simple yet beautifully designed and well-balanced wilderness-survival game. There's just so much to do in the game and it feels like there's more direction in the progression you make, as opposed to, say Minecraft.

Tue, 01-14-2014, 02:44 PM
Recently got back to playing Skyrim again, but with a bunch of mods this time for better graphics, more populated caves/roads/forts etc, extra blood, extra "killmoves" and i also bought the Dawnguard and Dragonborn DLC.

God damn this game really knows how to just absorb my time once i start lol

Tue, 01-14-2014, 03:34 PM
Got back into Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate for Wii U. I dont plan on playing it for much longer, I just want to reach HR8, which requires just a few more rank 7 quests.

Also, still at Phoenix Wright: Dual Destinies, as well as Tomb Raider: Underworld on Steam.

Tue, 01-14-2014, 07:45 PM
Also, still at Phoenix Wright: Dual Destinies, as well as Tomb Raider: Underworld on Steam.

I'm most of the way through TRU, but haven't bothered completing it. The puzzles are a lot easier than I remember from earlier TR games. Maybe I'm a better gamer now or they were never that difficult.

Currently playing Beyond: Two Souls, so I'll wait until I'm finished before writing about it. One thing I'll mention if Ellen Page had a choice to tie herself to one video game project, she should have picked The Last of Us.

Sun, 02-23-2014, 06:45 AM
Toukiden: The Age of Demons on the PS Vita.

I think Capcom may finally have some competition in the Monster Hunter niche. Since Tecmo Koei and Omega Force developed it, there is a very clear Warriors Orochi aura to it (even some of the names reappear a legendary souls), giving it has a bit more personality than the MH games I'm familiar with. It's also a little less grindy in terms of combat (still grindy in terms of item collection!).

You fight plenty of little demon grunts and do little collection missions on each zone-numbered map (very familiar), and then fight giant boss Oni with their attack patterns. The slight difference is that you are able to lop off limbs and other appendages of the giant Oni, and if you purify them mid-battle, you get better items and the boss becomes weaker (replacing their limbs with phantom versions made of miasma).

The best part? The AI allies aren't retarded. They'll take turns assaulting the boss Oni, actively purifying lost parts or dead grunts, and using appropriate abilities. They all fight a little differently based on their weapon and the type of legendary soul merged with their weapon. Not once have I had feel like I had to do all the work.

If you have a Vita, grab the demo, it's free, has at least 3 hours of gameplay, and you can port your save data to the full game. I was sold after 2.5 hours, now enjoying the full game.

Sun, 02-23-2014, 09:55 AM
Currently re-playing Mass Effect 3 and still playing MH3U on 3DS. But Iīm looking forward to Senran Kagura Burst for 3DS, releasing in March. Probably a seriously generic game, but I just have to support that blatant sex-based marketing. Perfect.

Sat, 03-08-2014, 03:28 PM
Where the fuck is Surf in Pokemon Gold.

Sat, 03-08-2014, 08:26 PM
Beat the Kimono girls in ecrutean city (they use eevolutions), talk to a guy nearby.

Sun, 03-09-2014, 11:47 PM
Pokemon Gold... that brings back memories.

Though I still think Blue/Red was the best.

In the next couple of weeks I'll have the HD remaster of Final Fantasy X. Anyone else preorder this yet? It also includes X-2, but I'm not sure if I'll play it, since it seems too... girly, for me. The remaster looks amazing; no more shaky camera during mid-level cutscenes (such as the opening... it's not a full-on cutscene, but I'm not really sure how to classify it), no more blurry text. The soundtrack has been remastered as well. The only minor issue I have is that the character's eyes look different. I don't know how to explain it, but I'm not the only person that's noticed, based on comments I've read on videos. In any case though, it's not enough to set me back from playing this again, so I'm really looking forward to the release.

Shadow Skill
Mon, 03-10-2014, 02:26 AM
Ya I pre-ordered FF X/X-2 for the PS3. I pre-ordered the collectors Edition. Really looking forward to both games as I still have both on PS2 but I am more interested in seeing them in HD. Nothing too girly about X-2. A great RPG.

Mon, 03-10-2014, 02:45 PM
X-2 might have a bit of a weaker story, but the gameplay more than makes up for it.

Sun, 03-16-2014, 06:39 PM
X-2 might have a bit of a weaker story, but the gameplay more than makes up for it.
No it doesn't, the story really sucks.

I've been trying Rogue Legacy and yet again i'm left with a solid "meh" from what the internet in general told me would be a great experience. I mean, a dungeon crawler where you can grind for more power?

Also tried Brothers: A tale of 2 sons and i liked the visual but i'm not sold on the gameplay yet, i'll give it some more timer later.

Something i played recently and really enjoyed was "The Swapper", it's a puzzle game with a clever story and a good deal of variety but not so much that you'd feel overwhelmed by it. It was in a humble bundle recently so you can buy it for less than a dollar if you look around, highly recommend it.

Sun, 03-16-2014, 07:07 PM
I just quit playing Dark Souls 2 after killing only 2 bosses. I tried 2 characters, a sorcerer and a dual wielding swordsman. They say a shield will make the game much easier, but I hate defensive play styles. Unfortunately, no matter what class you use, this game requires a defensive play style anyway.

It really isn't a game of skill than it is a game of patience. All you do is keep waiting, waiting for lured enemies, waiting for enemy attack animations, waiting for a chance to counter, etc. I really don't have enough patience to spare in my leisure time since it is usually depleted during work. It is also a time sink, another resource I am in short supply of.

It also has some clunky mechanics at times, like when your sword passes through the enemy but does not hit, and when the enemy slashes you and misses but you die.

Enemies changing attack directions mid swing and suddenly increasing attack range with a nonsensical (and clunky looking) sliding step or an invisible weapon extension are intentional difficulty boosters that I simply dislike because they make no sense.

I also find it really unappealing how the female player models have such disproportionate small heads compared to the body. No matter what body build you choose, it looks so wrong.

Still, I do believe it is a great game that delivers a challenge for those who want it. The variety of play styles and annoyingly smart AI enemies that do random attacks really make it a unique experience. It is also one of the most suspenseful games I have played.

Sun, 03-16-2014, 11:37 PM
I'm quite the opposite, I'm loving the game. I'm not too far yet, but I've killed maybe 8? bosses as a sorcerer, with the most recent ones being the Executioner Chariot and the Lost Sinner. I played Demon's Souls and Dark Souls 1 as a melee and being a caster in DkS2 is a much harder experience. There are some things different from Dark Souls 1 but overall it's a great experience. It's not everyone's cup of tea of course, but not many games can give you that soul crushing feeling of defeat and frustration and the jubilance of victory... until you hit the next mist wall.

Mon, 03-17-2014, 07:32 AM
No it doesn't, the story really sucks.


Just beat South Park, great game if you`re a fan of the show and like old school RPG, although short and simple.

Mon, 03-17-2014, 01:04 PM
I tried the Elder Scrolls beta this weekend. I got bored in less than 4 hours. Also I know that their target consumer is the middle-high schooler or colleges but for people that work during the week the beta to be only 1 weekend is BS. I understand that its a good way to stress the system with lots of ppl but man I need more days to tryout a game. Anyway I got the impression that it didnt matter if this beta was 1 week long I wouldnt have played much more. I felt empty inside while playing it.

I desire them the best but I dont think that this kind of arcade (without inmersion nor difficulty) mmorpg is the way to go to revitalize this sector.

Tue, 03-18-2014, 12:28 AM
I haven't able to play an MMO consistently for years. I just don't have the leisure or the motivation required for such a massive time sink. I've leveled characters in several different games though (and then quit because of lack of interest). I actually really enjoyed the mechanics behind FFXIV:ARR. I think if I had to choose a game to go back to, that would be it.

In any case, don't feel alone about becoming "bored in four hours".

I was expecting my copy of X/X-2 to arrive today, but sadly, it did not. I guess Amazon can't ship preorder items before their actual release date anymore. I guess it's for the best though, since I'm moving next week anyways, so I probably shouldn't get too invested in the game. I tell you what though... the thought of replaying the first FF game I actually beat (I had played several at the point, but never beat them) makes me want to pull out my SNES and PS2 for some quality nostalgia time!

Tue, 03-18-2014, 09:01 AM
I tried playing a knight with a shield in Dark Souls 2. It is much easier compared to the dodge types. I'll keep playing until I hit a wall again, then quit permanently.

Tue, 03-18-2014, 09:36 PM
Lol, unlike Dark Souls 1 the stat Adaptability effects how fast animations are. There's a lotta system in Dark Souls 2 and the Souls series in general. ie in Dark Souls 1 you had to be under iirc 40% equipment burden to be eligible for a fast roll. Now in Dark Souls 2 it's under 70, but the dodge is slower in general. Now the new stat Adaptability increases the speed of things like rolling, consuming items, etc.

Sun, 03-30-2014, 08:30 AM
I've started playing Mortal Kombat 1-3 & Trilogy again more recently. I used to be decent at them when I was young, but over the years, I've certainly lost my edge.

The difficulty of relearning to play well enough to be worth a damn has made me question how I was ever any good when I was like 10 years old. Shit is unrelenting at times. I find it funny that I had the patience to go more than a few rounds of having my ass handed to me and still manage to have the will to keep playing back then.

Sun, 03-30-2014, 11:10 PM
I am now near the end game of dark souls 2, and it really is pretty much a game of patience. If you just learn through experience and wait for you chance, it really isn't hard at all.

Thu, 04-10-2014, 03:18 PM
Sorry for the double post, but no one has been posting for a while so I guess it should be okay to bump this.

I am now near the end of my second play through in Dark Souls 2. I have been facerolling the bosses except for the Lost Sinner and his two pyro asses. That was the best boss fight I had in this game. It required skill, timing, and luck to achieve victory. It wasn't a battle of patience, but a battle of speed, probably the only fight in the game like that. Take note that I never summon other players. I soloed the entire game. In NG+, I am using an ultra greatsword using 2 hands. It feels different from my shield and axe build before, but has tons more DPS.

Now they are going to nerf some bosses and enemies, which kinda pisses me off. I don't like it for 3 reasons. First, the bosses they are nerfing are already easy. I killed one of them without even realizing it was a boss until the text "VICTORY ACHIEVED" displayed on screen. Apparently, I killed the boss accidentally along with his minions. Second, I don't like it how I slaved through some fights, but now people are going to easily get past them. Third, it is unfair to those who will no longer be able to feel the sense of achievement after a truly grueling battle (and dying 10x).

Thu, 04-10-2014, 08:04 PM
Been playing all of BF4, Titanfall and Diablo 3 this last week.

Titanfall's pretty good, a mix of mech warrior + unreal tournament in COD-style. I don't think I'll like it as much as BF4 just because it's so quick that it can be mind-numbing / automatic.

D3 is pretty fun, but just seems to be so heavily reliant on gear that it feels like I don't make too much of a difference. With good gear I'll own, and without I'll struggle. That's... essentially how I find the game. A spell that dashes you out of combat helps with the struggling.

Fri, 04-11-2014, 10:52 AM
Buff ping me if you are playing Titanfall!

Fri, 04-11-2014, 10:54 AM
What class do you use for Diablo 3?

The range classes feel a bit more skill dependent. The melee ones require you to be tough enough to exchange blows with the enemy, making it really feel gear reliant.

Fri, 04-11-2014, 08:26 PM
What class do you use for Diablo 3?

The range classes feel a bit more skill dependent. The melee ones require you to be tough enough to exchange blows with the enemy, making it really feel gear reliant.

I'm currently using a lvl68 Monk. I've also started a Witch Doctor and a Crusader that I use to play with friends. I agree about the toughness assessment. I've sacrificed damage and instead built my monk to 3-4 million toughness instead.

Sat, 04-12-2014, 10:37 AM
Got back into Diablo with a friend when "Patch/Loot 2.0" was released before RoS, and since then I've pretty much been playing Diablo3 all day every day lol (except for when i watch some tv/anime series etc)

Only playing on Hardcore mode, got all classes to 70 and currently at Paragon 248.

Tue, 04-15-2014, 12:39 PM
its annoying to play d3 if you have problems finding the right items/upgrades

if your character/equipment is the same at the end of a day - you can't help it but feel as if you just wasted your time, because its not like the gameplay itself is a lot of fun

and now, you can't farm for different characters because of loot 2.0

Tue, 04-15-2014, 07:34 PM
and now, you can't farm for different characters because of loot 2.0

Yeah, thats one of the only things that annoys me with the new system, but you can "sort of" farm stuff for you other chars by speedrunning with your main char and collecting mats for legendary crating, and gathering horadric caches, then opening the caches on the char you want items for.

Saving up the Blood Shards you get and spending em with the char you want stuff for works aswell.

It's still pretty annoying tho lol

Wed, 04-16-2014, 01:26 PM
Man I quit playing diablo like a year and a half ago and I have no idea what any of these things are that you guys are talking about.

Wed, 04-16-2014, 02:03 PM
Same here.

Wed, 04-16-2014, 02:33 PM
Still playing BF4... lvl 103 now. There are so many assignments to complete that forces you to try new classes and weapons, so it keeps things interesting and challenging and sometimes frustrating.

Also playing through Silent Hill Downpour a second time. It's a lot more fun playing the second time because you're not as scared so you pick up on things you missed the first time. I recommend it for horror game fans, though it's clunky and also frustrating to play at times.

Wed, 04-16-2014, 10:14 PM
Still playing BF4... lvl 103 now. There are so many assignments to complete that forces you to try new classes and weapons, so it keeps things interesting and challenging and sometimes frustrating.

I rely on a friend to motivate me into completing assignments.. or new guns that have good stats. I'm all about efficiency when it comes to FPS, so I tend to find something that works well and just stick with it. It happens in life as well (especially with cooking meals).

I should start playing BF4 again actually. Titanfall really isn't as fun as what I had expected. The speed and chaotic nature of it means I can't really predict what will result from my actions. I can't execute wall-runs with exact accuracy, so half the time I run up the wall or jump at a ledge not knowing whether I'll make it up there or not. In general it's a whole lot off "I'll do this and see where it gets me", which doesn't feel rewarding. I also don't play defensively or smart enough to make Titans useful. I pretty much call it in to run around while I try killing other pilots.

Thu, 04-17-2014, 10:16 AM
I rely on a friend to motivate me into completing assignments.. or new guns that have good stats. I'm all about efficiency when it comes to FPS, so I tend to find something that works well and just stick with it. It happens in life as well (especially with cooking meals).

I like the challenge of the assignments, and I've always been someone who likes to complete things and mark them completed. The minor satisfaction of checking off an assignment is worth the damage to my KDR and win %. I also like trying new weapons to find a favorite, or proving to myself I can do well with some crappy gun, especially new ones with no upgrades. Getting kills with iron sights and no barrel enhancements takes some skill.

I finished Silent Hill Downpour a second time but on hard difficulty, which is still pretty easy. The game is very frustrating and the computer cheats, but still a worthwhile game, though I almost smashed a PS3 controller out of anger at this game.

Thu, 04-17-2014, 10:26 AM
It was pretty easy but frustrating and unfair enough for you to have almost smashed your controller?

Thu, 04-17-2014, 10:39 AM
It was pretty easy but frustrating and unfair enough for you to have almost smashed your controller?

Yeah, even on hard difficulty it's easy to defeat all of the monsters and even the boss. It's frustrating because the boss randomly hammerfists you as you run across catwalks, and no matter what is going on (even if you shoot him to stun him or if he's busy forming trash balls to hurl at you) he will stop whatever he's doing in an instant and land the hammerfist and hurt you bad.

Also, the controls are wonky and you get stuck on corners and stuff in the environment that make no sense, allowing monsters to hit you or throwing off your timing for critical moves. My reasoning is that if your controller inputs don't matter, then the controller is unnecessary and therefore worthy of destruction. Dumb I know, and I regret it every time, until the next time the game pisses me off and I throw my controller.

Thu, 04-17-2014, 10:53 AM
If the hammerfisting frustrates you because you get hit hard, then it isn't pretty easy, right?

Pretty easy means you had an easy time finishing it, never getting frustrated, at cheap bosses or wonky controls, since both of those affect the difficulty of the game.

For example, cheap ambushes and wonky controls/camera/hitboxes are part of Dark Souls' difficulty. They might not be intentional, but it still does not change the fact that it makes the game more difficult to finish.

Thu, 04-17-2014, 11:27 AM
No, it frustrates me because there's no defense against it and it defies all rules of the game, as I mentioned.

It is an easy game once you learn how things work. All the monsters attack the same or are avoidable (you can run away from them and they won't follow and it doesn't hurt or help your stats), and the puzzles are straightforward. The random hammerfist attacks kill you in two hits, requiring you to replay 15 minutes of the game to get back to the boss, and as I said, they are not defensible and even contradict anything else going on at the time.

I'm fine making controls wonky to add difficulty, such as in this game the wonkiness is how they portray the fear and stress you feel as the character in this nightmare world. But in SHD, the wonkiness is from poorly coded gameplay and environment. Getting stuck on table corners and not being able to reliably go up and down ladders is just shitty programming.

Thu, 04-17-2014, 12:44 PM
I guess you are defining difficulty as excluding any unintentional factors or things that you do not believe to be consistent with the rest of the game. I understand that, but that is a very customized understanding of difficulty.

Thu, 04-17-2014, 01:26 PM
Well in most games difficulty comes from number, toughness, and abilities of your enemies. Difficulty can also come from watering down the player character's abilities. Difficulty should not come from randomly getting stuck on objects in the environment or not being able to move (both of which happen in this game through what can only be described as glitches, not gameplay). It also should not come from abilities for which there is no defense.

I guess you could call his hammerfists an "ability" except that there's no defense for them and he can unleash them any time he wants, including while you're shooting him (which normally disrupts his attack and occupies him for a few seconds) and while he's doing other things (giving you the sense that you have time to move to evade his next attack). He shouldn't be able to cast a spell and mid-casting stop and hammerfist you. He also shouldn't be able to recover so quickly from being shot to hammerfist you, as at other times shooting him gives you more time to act. I also got hammerfisted twice in a row in 5 seconds, and considering your character can't move or do anything while you recover from each hit, and that you die from 2 such attacks even if you have 100% health, it's a pretty shitty way to make a game "difficult."

Thu, 04-17-2014, 01:29 PM
I can sort of agree with you on the unintended stuff like glitches or bugs, but the cheap boss attack is definitely part of the difficulty. It was intentionally done like that to make it harder for players. It might not be the most elegant way to do it, but it made the game more difficult than it would have been without it.

Thu, 04-17-2014, 03:55 PM
Yeah and that's fine, just it is a cheap way to do it. I think a lot of corners were cut in this game and that was one of them. They could have made the boss fight more difficult in more challenging ways. He has a very limited set of attacks, 3 total I think, and they could have easily added other abilities or increased the frequency of his other attacks. They could also have sent more minions to attack you while you fight the boss, like a lot of games do. Having this one attack that you can't even defend against is just bad.

Still, I recommend a play (or two) because it is scary and also satisfying to complete the side quests.

Thu, 04-17-2014, 06:01 PM
Any plans on playing Dark Souls 2? It was a lot of fun. I spend 59 hours on 2 play throughs and they were well spent.

Thu, 04-17-2014, 06:18 PM
Not that I really care but I guess difficulty should be measured by the game mechanics that take part for the greatest part of the game.

For example I remember that in one of CoD there was a mission where you must move through some trenches. Of all the possible moves you could make only the one scripted let you live. I remember that I died on purpose to that part of the game a couple dozen times just to see how limited the choices were. In this case it wasnt too difficult to find the "approved" path but I doubt that anyone would call CoD a difficult game if only they changed that scripted obligatory path in that mission to be a pretty awkard or complex one.

Personaly I use that kind of cheat/cheese scripted situations to see if a game is crap. The more of those the game uses, to put some "artificial" struggle to the player, worse the game actually is.

Thu, 04-17-2014, 06:39 PM
Any plans on playing Dark Souls 2? It was a lot of fun. I spend 59 hours on 2 play throughs and they were well spent.

Was thinking about it, but from reading how difficult it is, I might pass just to save myself the aggravation and busted electronics. I've come close to throwing a controller at my TV, and DS2 sounds like it would put me over the edge.

Not that I really care but I guess difficulty should be measured by the game mechanics that take part for the greatest part of the game.

For example I remember that in one of CoD there was a mission where you must move through some trenches. Of all the possible moves you could make only the one scripted let you live. I remember that I died on purpose to that part of the game a couple dozen times just to see how limited the choices were. In this case it wasnt too difficult to find the "approved" path but I doubt that anyone would call CoD a difficult game if only they changed that scripted obligatory path in that mission to be a pretty awkard or complex one.

Personaly I use that kind of cheat/cheese scripted situations to see if a game is crap. The more of those the game uses, to put some "artificial" struggle to the player, worse the game actually is.I agree, that kind of "difficulty" doesn't really test the player or provide a challenge. It's just a lazy way to extend the game time and feign difficulty.

Like in SHD, there are ladders you have to climb (the climbing is a cutscene to make matters worse), and most of the time just getting close to the ladder will force you to climb it. Other times, like when you're being chased by monsters, you can't get on the ladder unless you approach it from just the right angle. Also, throughout the game there are objects you interact with and you have to approach them in a certain direction and at a certain distance to get the "press X to use" prompt. One step off and you won't get the prompt. That's just shitty coding to me.

Thu, 04-17-2014, 08:50 PM
I've reached lvl70 now in Diablo 3 with around 20pts in paragons, so now it's pretty boring from a single player standpoint. I've decided to reinstall Fallout 3 and finish it this time.. and boy have video games come a long way graphics wise. I don't tend to notice graphical improvements since they feel pretty incremental every year. Whenever someone shows me a game and goes "look at the graphics!", I rarely get wowwed. It usually looks similar to something else from the previous year, so nothing revolutionary.

Does anyone have any recommendations for texture mods etc that work well together for FO3?

Fri, 04-18-2014, 06:53 AM
Does anyone have any recommendations for texture mods etc that work well together for FO3?
Grab something like Midhrastic ENB for Fallout 3 (http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/18107/?), though ENB mods can kind of be a pain in the ass to get installed and configured correctly, and also grab all the recommended mods toward the bottom of the page. The visual haze of this one adds the right atmosphere to post-apocalyptia.

Grab a couple body textures then just start downloading mods like crazy until you destabilize the game to the point that it crashes every time you try to open a door! Not that I have personal experience with that or anything...

Fri, 04-18-2014, 06:53 AM
Dark Souls 2 isn't really as hard as people say. I never really play much games, and I managed to finish it quite quickly even without playing its predecessors. I even finished my first play through with no bow, which in hindsight was incredibly stupid, adding a hilarious layer of difficulty in the area Shrine of Amana.

I also played underleveled and undergeared, just because I never really explore anything and just go straight to the boss while killing anything in the way. I also soloed everything, only calling NPC help occasionally (though I've soloed every boss without an NPC at least once in my 2 play throughs) and I never summoned human allies. I watch a friend playing his game with allies and it looks at least 3x easier than soloing. He does not even die once to some bosses.

I demolished everything except the Lost Sinner boss in NG+. It was very satisfying getting revenge for all the deaths I suffered before.

They have also nerfed a lot of bosses in the game since I finished it, so I imagine it would be easier now.

Just use a shield and a bow along with your main melee weapon and it will be a nice, challenging but manageable ride.

Sat, 04-19-2014, 11:17 AM
Finished playing Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor Overclocked. Well, I got to the final, final, FINAL boss. No chance there. Three attempts and I said "Fuck off". Watched ending scene on Youtube. No regret about not wasting hours to grind some more levels. Good game, but the boss run at the end sucked.

Now Iīm busy with Senran Kagura Burst, also for Nintendo 3DS. Rather repetitive, shallow gameplay, but a certain aspect keeps me motivated. :>

Looking forward to Mario Kart 8.

Sat, 04-19-2014, 11:27 AM
Finished playing Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor Overclocked. Well, I got to the final, final, FINAL boss. No chance there. Three attempts and I said "Fuck off". Watched ending scene on Youtube. No regret about not wasting hours to grind some more levels. Good game, but the boss run at the end sucked.

You don't feel a certain shallowness and lack of finality by not beating the game and seeing the credits roll? Then you can curse at all the idiots who made the game with their shitty coding and crappy game design, and hope they never make another game because they suck at it. It's why I play video games.

Sat, 04-19-2014, 02:26 PM
You don't feel a certain shallowness and lack of finality by not beating the game and seeing the credits roll? Then you can curse at all the idiots who made the game with their shitty coding and crappy game design, and hope they never make another game because they suck at it. It's why I play video games.

I do. But when I got as far as beating the final final final ... final boss to half of his health and then dying, and not seeing a chance at finishing without hours of repetitive grinding, I say "screw it" and im proud to be strongwilled enough to make that decision. It sucks, because I honestly liked the atmosphere, story,characters and battle system up to that point.

Itīs a problem with lots of jrpgs, though. Iīve never finished a Final Fantasy-game because of that shit, even though I played every single one, starting with FF7. :/

Thatīs why I prefer jrpgs that focus on their plot and world building, without making the game itself frustrating. Thatīs why Xenoblade Chronicles and Skies of Arcadia are my favorite jrpgs of all times.

Sat, 04-19-2014, 02:58 PM
FF rpgs require little to no grinding. Over leveling is actually a more potent problem.

Sat, 04-19-2014, 03:48 PM
I seem to recall having to do grinding in every FF I've played aside from FF1 and FF8.

- FF1, no grinding needed. Hell, you can autoplay it with four fighters.
- In proper FF4 (i.e. not FFII usa), you have no chance without grinding at least a few levels every plot point.
- FF6 is a mixed bag, you might, you might not. I did.
- FF7 has a few segments where grinding is critical (because you otherwise breezed through the content and are now stuck underleveled or miss often critical material), and 100% the game (which really isn't all that hard) requires grinding.
- FF8, as mentioned above, is where you'll routinely over-level the content, though still want to grind for certain skills and items (though grinding is required for the card game at certain points in order to get a competitive deck).
- FF9, grinding isn't just required, it is mandatory in order to retain skills from weapons (you'll easily out level the content without grinding, but what's the point if you can't keep certain skills/summons?).
- FFX requires grinding (of some kind or another) for all top-tier weapons, and several other skills, equipment, useful summons, and a tactically-functional party.
- FFX-2 requires grinding for dresspheres and the not-shit ending.

Sat, 04-19-2014, 03:59 PM
FF rpgs require little to no grinding. Over leveling is actually a more potent problem.

Letīs see:

- stopped playing FF7 at the end of disc 1, because the graphics were so pixalated and shit that I could not find the further way
- stopped playing FF8 on disc 3, fight against Edea inside that opponent garden. Had no chance, she kept casting "death", I said "fuck you". Only found out years later that itīs actually making the game harder, if you level up your characters,
- didnt play FF9
- stopped playing FF10 in the very final area before the final boss. Random enemies would one hit-ko me with "meteor"-spells. I said "fuck you", not intending to spend hours of grinding.
- stopped playing FF12 somewhere on disc 2 against some plant-tree-monster that would fuck my group with status-spells. Would have needed hours of grinding => fuck you
- stopped playing FF13 after like 15 hours ... because it sucked.

My love for Squall Leonhart keeps me coming back to this series, but damn, the games are so badly designed that only fanboys would ever praise them. Meanwhile, MonolithSoft manages to create fantastic jrpgs with engaging gameplay, namely Baten Kaitos, Baten Kaitos Origins and Xenoblade. Square Enix should make another Crystal Chronicles, would be better than their pretentious, "mature" Final Fantasy-crap. I mean, lol, FF15 already sucks, simply because the hero looks like Sasuke.

Sat, 04-19-2014, 04:05 PM
- stopped playing FF12 somewhere on disc 2 against some plant-tree-monster that would fuck my group with status-spells. Would have needed hours of grinding => fuck you

Malboros have been a FF staple forever. They're not that hard as long as you are well-stocked in the items or curative spells. They're just like Tonberries, easy to counter if you know what they do.

Sat, 04-19-2014, 04:05 PM
FF8 had a system that allowed you to 1 shot (or maybe a few more hits than just 1) everything till the end of the game, fun game! no really, I enjoyed that

Cifer: " I'm a Witch-Knight, you'll never defeat me"

Squall - Attack!

Cifer: "ugh ahrrr....how is this possible"

it was a valid tactic to start each fight with less than 20% HP so you can start with limit breaks

Sat, 04-19-2014, 04:39 PM
You just have to play smartly to avoid grinding. There is always a mechanic that can be used to win battles easily, like abusing limit breaks or junctioning death to your gunblade attack. If you want to kill optional bosses or clear areas, you will have to grind. But if you just want to finish the game, just doing the side quests should get you to a level appropriate to defeat your enemies. You will have to fight repeatedly at times to get some spells or weapons, but it isn't as bad as you make it out to be.

I played only FF7, 8, 10, and 12 though, so I cannot really speak for the older ones. FFX in particular was way too easy to over level. I one shotted the final boss after killing a bit in the optional dungeon.

Sat, 04-19-2014, 04:56 PM
I do. But when I got as far as beating the final final final ... final boss to half of his health and then dying, and not seeing a chance at finishing without hours of repetitive grinding, I say "screw it" and im proud to be strongwilled enough to make that decision. It sucks, because I honestly liked the atmosphere, story,characters and battle system up to that point.

I've reached such points in some games, and while I can't say they're as hard as what you're describing, I've found if you take a break and try it again you will beat the final boss. Usually after a few tries I'm very frustrated and angry and not thinking straight, so I continue to lose to the boss. But once I walk away, usually until the next day, I find the tactic or thing you have to do in order to win.

Sat, 04-19-2014, 05:58 PM
That was the approach I took for Dark Souls 2. I only played around 1-2 hours at a time. It kept frustration levels low, and when I tackle a challenge with a fresh mindset, I find it much easier to overcome, making me almost wonder why I had trouble with it in the first place.

Sat, 04-19-2014, 11:19 PM
And same here, it's always a *bonk self on head* moment for me when I beat a boss easily where I struggled with him repeatedly before. I can usually identify what I was doing wrong, but I'm still amazed by it.

Sun, 04-20-2014, 06:31 AM
I think it differs between the various genres. I agree with your approach when it comes to active, action-y games, where the outcome of a fight depends on your own skills as a player. With classic turn-based combat systems, though, it becomes a matter of stats, and that means: Grind, grind, grind. Not saying that thoughtful players could beat a boss without brainless grinding, but at this point in my life, Im not such a jrpg-nut to put that much thought into a single jrpg. Maybe I would if I was all over that game, but when itīs "just" a good game, thatīs where I quit it.

Games like Zelda, Monster Hunter or Metroid are better for that reason, because when you fail, itīs really because YOU failed, not because you lacked certain stats.

Sun, 04-20-2014, 07:22 AM
I think it differs between the various genres. I agree with your approach when it comes to active, action-y games, where the outcome of a fight depends on your own skills as a player. With classic turn-based combat systems, though, it becomes a matter of stats, and that means: Grind, grind, grind. Not saying that thoughtful players could beat a boss without brainless grinding, but at this point in my life, Im not such a jrpg-nut to put that much thought into a single jrpg. Maybe I would if I was all over that game, but when itīs "just" a good game, thatīs where I quit it.

Games like Zelda, Monster Hunter or Metroid are better for that reason, because when you fail, itīs really because YOU failed, not because you lacked certain stats.
But that is why you giving up on FFX seems to strange to me. Of all the FFs (aside from the aberration that is FF Tactics that mandates both player skill and grinding anyway), FFX has had one of the best battle systems by far. I would even suggest it has the best battle system of all the FF games.

No fights in FFX were hard if you used strategy and your entire team (except Kimahri, he was useless). Even the simplest of enemies in the first island required you to switch out, and encounters were always mixed so that you actually couldn't rely on the same three (until very late when everyone has elemental weapons and other linked effects) throughout any given battle.

- Tidus/Wakka were the only one fast enough to hit swift enemies.
- Wakka was the only one who could hit fliers (Lulu to a degree but a waste of magic, and Tidus later).
- Auron the only one with piercing for armored foes (Tidus later).
- Lulu was the only one who could kill enemies strong against physical attacks.
- Rikku the only one capable of stealing and obliterating mechanical foes in one-shot (previously reliant on Auron).
- Yuna the only healer (though they did force you to play summoner showdowns).
- Kimarhi was decent at everything, but also good at nothing.

Also being strictly turn-based (no ATB) you could employ strategy and plan your attacks and defenses long in advance.

There's really only one or two really difficult fights.

Sun, 04-20-2014, 07:29 AM
And you could cheat by charging up the limit break meter of every character before entering a boss fight.

Sun, 04-20-2014, 08:29 AM
FF8 had a system that allowed you to 1 shot (or maybe a few more hits than just 1) everything till the end of the game, fun game! no really, I enjoyed that

Cifer: " I'm a Witch-Knight, you'll never defeat me"

Squall - Attack!

Cifer: "ugh ahrrr....how is this possible"

it was a valid tactic to start each fight with less than 20% HP so you can start with limit breaks

in FF8 you could force limit break all the time - just spam change character button - it rerolls chance for limit break each time. Odin was great way to kill marloboros - just hope for Zantestu, or what was the instakill called, and run if it didn't happen.
Marloboros were a threat even when you were level 99, full top-tier junctions on everything.

But that is why you giving up on FFX seems to strange to me. Of all the FFs (aside from the aberration that is FF Tactics that mandates both player skill and grinding anyway), FFX has had one of the best battle systems by far. I would even suggest it has the best battle system of all the FF games.

No fights in FFX were hard if you used strategy and your entire team (except Kimahri, he was useless). Even the simplest of enemies in the first island required you to switch out, and encounters were always mixed so that you actually couldn't rely on the same three (until very late when everyone has elemental weapons and other linked effects) throughout any given battle.

- Tidus/Wakka were the only one fast enough to hit swift enemies.
- Wakka was the only one who could hit fliers (Lulu to a degree but a waste of magic, and Tidus later).
- Auron the only one with piercing for armored foes (Tidus later).
- Lulu was the only one who could kill enemies strong against physical attacks.
- Rikku the only one capable of stealing and obliterating mechanical foes in one-shot (previously reliant on Auron).
- Yuna the only healer (though they did force you to play summoner showdowns).
- Kimarhi was decent at everything, but also good at nothing.

Also being strictly turn-based (no ATB) you could employ strategy and plan your attacks and defenses long in advance.

There's really only one or two really difficult fights.

FF XIII did not require grinding too - heck - it was impossible to grind till very late part of the game. Combat was dynamic and fun - it was more about timing and less about strategy though.
Use paradigm with sentinel to block heavy hits, change between charging enemies and breaking/prolonging the charge time(commando vs ravagers), change to heals/debuffs/buffs when needed.
It got bad reputation for being linear... but seriously - which FF game wasn't linear?

Sun, 04-20-2014, 09:17 AM
But that is why you giving up on FFX seems to strange to me. Of all the FFs (aside from the aberration that is FF Tactics that mandates both player skill and grinding anyway), FFX has had one of the best battle systems by far. I would even suggest it has the best battle system of all the FF games.

No fights in FFX were hard if you used strategy and your entire team (except Kimahri, he was useless). Even the simplest of enemies in the first island required you to switch out, and encounters were always mixed so that you actually couldn't rely on the same three (until very late when everyone has elemental weapons and other linked effects) throughout any given battle.

- Tidus/Wakka were the only one fast enough to hit swift enemies.
- Wakka was the only one who could hit fliers (Lulu to a degree but a waste of magic, and Tidus later).
- Auron the only one with piercing for armored foes (Tidus later).
- Lulu was the only one who could kill enemies strong against physical attacks.
- Rikku the only one capable of stealing and obliterating mechanical foes in one-shot (previously reliant on Auron).
- Yuna the only healer (though they did force you to play summoner showdowns).
- Kimarhi was decent at everything, but also good at nothing.

Also being strictly turn-based (no ATB) you could employ strategy and plan your attacks and defenses long in advance.

There's really only one or two really difficult fights.

You already sound like someone who invested a lot of time, effort and thought into that game. I didnīt. I wanted to experience the story and proceed. Also, I canīt really talk about it since itīs forever since I played it. I just remember that every Seymour-fight was frustratingly difficult, that most boss fights were dependent on sheer luck (proven by when I kept using the same strategy against Seymour on that snowy mountain, and after some attempts it worked without me changing a single factor) and that I didnīt stand a chance against random enemies in the final area.

Iīm not saying that there are options to make all that easier, but the game certainly didnt help me with finding out about those strategies. Saying "no fight was hard, if ..." is redundant. If you know the perfect strategy, then nothing is difficult, itīs common sense. "If you learn for your test, you wonīt fail it". Well, duh.

Sun, 04-20-2014, 10:25 AM
I agree with you on the Seymour mountain fight, that one is 100% luck and bullshit, one of the two really difficult fights.

But the game really was designed in mind for you to use every member of your party, using their specialties to exploit the weaknesses of your enemies, and except for Seymour, they all have at least one. As stated, you're trained from the very first island to swap party members and use them appropriately. You can also watch the turn gauge and swap out party members so the newcomer takes the blow instead of your victory-critical member.

It's not a matter of, "if you know how to win it is easy." It's more of, "you are given all the tools to win effectively, take advantage."

Even the Yunalesca fight isn't that hard once you recognize that she's the [queen of the undead] and acts accordingly.

Sun, 04-20-2014, 10:49 PM
I think Mfauli is simply not invested enough to actually play these jrpgs. The strategies we have suggested do in fact require a bit of thought and strategy, while if you just want to advance, those would only serve as hindrances. While I do not completely agree with such a development in gaming culture, I would not go so far as to say I do not understand it to a certain extent.

Games are no longer time sink challenges, but instantly enjoyable entertainment. I am honestly conflicted as to what I would prefer, being a VN denizen myself.

Mon, 04-21-2014, 05:43 AM
My problem with these classic jrpgs is that theyīre wasting my time when Iīm supposed to grind (which I am, when I did not invest myself enough to learn about deeper gameplay mechanics). At that point it becomes a chore, it becomes work. Thatīs because theyīre entirely stat bases.

This is why Iīm more of a fan of direct, active gameplay, where I am in control over what happens. In Zelda, I can attack, dodge, evade, observe. In FF, I have various stats that decide all that for me, in or against my favor. And it is not until I reach a certain level that I can proceed the game. Sure, even I knew about Yunalesca being undead and using holy stuff to defeat her, but other enemies require much more thoughtful preparation. That is for fanboys. Iīm not a FF-fanboy, I only wanted to see the story unfold.

Iīve never been a fan of turn-based combat, since I play video games for their player-game interaction. Turn-based takes that away, makes it passive. Still, Iīm an open-minded player, so I always wanted to give this popular franchise its fair chance.

Anyway, this wasnīt supposed to be about FF, though I guess you guys arenīt that familiar with the more hardcore jrpgs like SMT. I stopped playing, not because I did not see a chance at all to beat the final boss, but because I realized that itīd take me a couple more hours just to prepare for that. For a single fight. Not worth it.

Mon, 04-21-2014, 02:37 PM
That's a fair viewpoint, but I'll even switch subgenres. I played Baldur's Gate (1 through ToB, also Icewind Dale 1 & 2). It's both real time and turn based.

The player-game interaction *is* the strategic execution of each fight. I had to abuse the system to win the final battle in the first game, but I did it. I threw a player up as a sacrifice to weaken my enemies (negating their initial attack) and get them into position for a 4 fireball alpha-strike. The lost player didn't die permanently, so I just gathered her equipment (and presumably revived her at a temple, game ends after that fight regardless).

Stats and equipment mattered a lot in that game, but it was still the player that determines the outcome. Just like many JRPGs.

Thu, 04-24-2014, 05:19 PM
Has anyone played DayZ Standalone? It's a zombie apocalypse MMO where you play a human trying to survive by finding food, water, shelter, and equipment, and avoiding or killing zombies and other players. I think it's still in alpha but available via Steam.

Wed, 04-30-2014, 11:39 PM
I dual wielded two Greatswords (ultra greatsword type), one lightning imbued and buffed by Sunlight Blade, and the other buffed by Gold Pine Resin, and started brutalizing NG++ bosses in Dark Souls 2. I was doing around 1500-1700+ damage with my L2 dual wield strong attack. It was a whole lot of fun.

Now I respecced to a mage character with a moonlight greatsword and a staff of wisdom, both magic imbued. The black witch armor set looks fantastic. I wonder how I will do against NG+++ bosses this time.

Thu, 05-01-2014, 04:10 AM
Anyone here getting Mario Kart 8? Or owning a Wii U anyway? :P

Thu, 05-01-2014, 09:46 PM
I just massacred the NG+++ level bosses in DS2 using a mage build. Magic is broken in that game. Everything is just so much easier.

Mon, 05-05-2014, 02:00 PM
Anybody her also excited for the upcoming E3?

Mon, 05-05-2014, 05:55 PM
After the last several have been so underwhelming? Not really.

It's largely been games we already knew about, no surprises in terms of consoles, and even repeated tech demos.

Tue, 05-06-2014, 01:56 AM
I recently learned about Wolfenstein: A New Order, and I'm pretty keen to play that. It reminds me of Half-Life 2.

Tue, 05-06-2014, 10:20 AM
I have finally graduated form DS2, and am now playing Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of a New Age on the PS3. I am liking it so far. The story and dialog is a bit kiddy, but I missed the classic jrpg tropes and atmosphere, as well as the fun combat Tales usually provides. It's a 2008 game, but since it has been HD remastered, it is playable, even for me who dislikes ugly graphics.

Thu, 05-08-2014, 03:05 AM
Got back into Don't Starve after a decently-long break. I finally got a good foothold in adventure mode and currently riding the momentum. It's a great game if you've never played it!

Shadow Skill
Sun, 05-11-2014, 12:10 AM
Played FFXIII-3 Lightning Returns, I actually love this game and the schemata changes, as well as the combat and skills I can assign. Don't like the timer too much but still insanely fun. The story brings a lot of questions from FFXIII and XIII-2 to closure. I love how the outfits affect what skills you can use. Plus they make Lightning look more sexy. I hate FFXIII, enjoyed FFXIII-2 but I love FFXIII-3 Lightning Returns. :D

Played the FFX-X and X-2 remasters, so much better on the PS3. The most use my PS3 has ever gotten. Only on Chapter 3 on FFX-2, so still a ways to go. Yes I am posting this over 2 months late lol. Busy with gaming. :P

Still playing Tera in my free time. :D

Sun, 05-11-2014, 12:21 AM
After nearly 400 hours on BF4, I was bored and about stopped playing it. Then I discovered rush, obliteration, and capture the flag modes. They are a different kind of awesome that makes my heart beat harder than conquest or TDM ever did.

Sun, 05-11-2014, 12:49 PM
Seriously, you can't possibly be one of those people that spend their entire time playing one game mode or using one class or even more redundant the same damn weapon. What is the point of that, it is just a waste. Personally I think Rush is the best thing in Battlefield but I didn't play Rush exclusively. The standard generic TDM games are usually the most boring match types in any game.

Sun, 05-11-2014, 02:08 PM
Child of Light is great, standard turn based combat which i love with just enough of a twist not to keep me bored plus fantastic visuals and audio. Pick it up once it's on sale, you won't regret it

Sun, 05-11-2014, 03:06 PM
Seriously, you can't possibly be one of those people that spend their entire time playing one game mode or using one class or even more redundant the same damn weapon. What is the point of that, it is just a waste. Personally I think Rush is the best thing in Battlefield but I didn't play Rush exclusively. The standard generic TDM games are usually the most boring match types in any game.

I think I detect the benefit of doubt and I'm thankful for that, but I'm definitely not one of those skells who only play the game one way. My class service stars are 9/13/13/6/20. I have at least 300 kills with each of my top 10 weapons, at least 200 kills with my top 11-20 weapons, and at least 100 kills with my top 21-39 weapons. I spent a lot of time finishing all the assignments and their weapon requirements.

I mostly played conquest mode because I've found that even if your team sucks and doesn't try to win by controlling points, you can still improve your stats, finish assignments, and get some enjoyment from the match. The other modes are too hectic and fast-paced to allow that. Now that I'm playing more rush/ctf/obliteration, I find they are almost too much excitement and I have to take breaks so I can breath and let my pulse slow back to normal.

Sun, 05-11-2014, 07:40 PM
Bring back Enemy Territory type play. True Assault style game matches. Objective after objective. Not capturing points or blow up stations. Varied stuff, no going back. Phases of defending and attacking within the match. Experience points and rank ups within the match.

My only hope is the new Unreal Tournament. UT2k4 had it (for the most part). UT3 didn't.

DOTA-style games don't compare. Victory is too formulaic.

Sun, 05-11-2014, 10:04 PM
I play limited class/weapons since I'm after performance during the match, and learning different weapons just throw me off. My 5th highest weapon in BF4 only has 205 kills, while the top one has 700-ish or so. I'm not a great performer though, any my play hours are less than half of Animeniax's so excuse the low numbers.

Sun, 05-11-2014, 10:36 PM
I play limited class/weapons since I'm after performance during the match, and learning different weapons just throw me off. My 5th highest weapon in BF4 only has 205 kills, while the top one has 700-ish or so. I'm not a great performer though, any my play hours are less than half of Animeniax's so excuse the low numbers.

Nothing wrong with that, except I feel there's so much more to the game if you try different classes and different weapons. I'm happy I can kill with a pistol almost as readily as with a carbine or sniper rifle. If I used the same weapon or class, I'd have stopped playing after 100 hours.

I have found a lot of players stick with one weapon or one class and they're really good at that one thing. I imagine they experimented more with BF3 or even earlier versions so they don't care to try everything in BF4.

Thu, 05-22-2014, 01:16 PM
Anyone else playing Transistor? The game is 13 kinds of awesome.

Thu, 05-22-2014, 01:21 PM
I might play it sometime later on, currently playing the new Wolfenstein :P

Thu, 05-22-2014, 01:32 PM
Anyone else playing Transistor? The game is 13 kinds of awesome.
Getting it once it's on sale

Thu, 05-22-2014, 04:00 PM
Been playing the Nosgoth closed beta. Really high paced action. You can either sign up for the closed beta or you can buy one of the founders packs on steam and get early access.

Wed, 06-04-2014, 02:54 PM
Bring back Enemy Territory type play. True Assault style game matches.

I thought they'd do that with Carrier Assault and while it is better than the normal conquest mode, it still lacks different objectives

Wed, 06-04-2014, 05:41 PM
I thought they'd do that with Carrier Assault and while it is better than the normal conquest mode, it still lacks different objectives

Well it has 3 objectives to win: control bases, attack their carrier, or defend your carrier. I think it's great that your team has to have the right balance between the three (depending on the situation of course, ie you wouldn't need to defend your carrier if it hasn't been breached yet) in order to win.

Wed, 06-04-2014, 07:32 PM
Yeah, defending and attacking isn't the same thing as objective-based assault type play. And I don't mean, hold the next point for 1 minute so it automatically proceeds to the next stage.

I mean, "You must use an Engineer class to rig the explosives," "Steal the plans before you blow the generators," "Cut the fence and escape down the sewers," or "Defend the tank so it can destroy the gates."

Wed, 06-04-2014, 09:34 PM
Yeah, defending and attacking isn't the same thing as objective-based assault type play. And I don't mean, hold the next point for 1 minute so it automatically proceeds to the next stage.

I mean, "You must use an Engineer class to rig the explosives," "Steal the plans before you blow the generators," "Cut the fence and escape down the sewers," or "Defend the tank so it can destroy the gates."

E.T. the G.O.A.T.

Wed, 06-04-2014, 11:34 PM
Yeah, defending and attacking isn't the same thing as objective-based assault type play. And I don't mean, hold the next point for 1 minute so it automatically proceeds to the next stage.

I mean, "You must use an Engineer class to rig the explosives," "Steal the plans before you blow the generators," "Cut the fence and escape down the sewers," or "Defend the tank so it can destroy the gates."

It's essentially "objective based" assault gameplay. Your first objective is to control the cannon points to damage the carriers. Then your objective is to destroy the enemy carrier or defend your carrier. Not quite as refined in scope as what you listed, but it's enough. I think the assignments force you to use certain classes and skills, so the gameplay doesn't need to. Though I would also like a game mode in BF like what you are suggesting.

Thu, 06-05-2014, 03:51 AM
Not quite as refined in scope as what you listed, but it's enough.
No...it's really not. ET has optional objectives that make the next stages easier, objectives that either team can accomplish, and defensive build up.

Mon, 06-09-2014, 07:44 AM
Note: Taken from a discussion regarding Sniper Elite V2

Game is bad, very bad. but it can be fun on coop.

Co-op was alright, but multiplayer.. damn that game gets my adrenaline pumping. Camping's never been more stressful.

Mon, 06-09-2014, 06:44 PM
Battlefield: Hardline beta!

It's not bad. It does seem like you die really, really, easily. Or I am just inaccurate as hell. Probably the latter. It's fun for sure though. The trailer did make it seem a lot more elaborate and more like Enemy Territory than it is, which is a shame. It is pretty easy for one team to simply steamroll the other.

All in all, I'm gonna keep an eye on it. There's some neat mechanics to it like arrests, tazers, and overpowered armored SUVs (two RPG shots of health to them, and they have a .50 cal on top!).

Wed, 06-11-2014, 11:52 PM
it has some very funny stuff in it though. I don't exactly know what triggers it , maybe its just a button, or maybe its because there is no gunner but yesterday, when I played it, the police chopper circled the rooftop where I was on and urged me to drop my weapons and surrender. Little details like that are awesome. Its also alot of fun to use ziplines and riot shields if you have a team that utilize them. (I want ziplines to be in the normal game :( )

however this game is supposed to be a full-price title, isn't it? Thats absurd in my eyes... its pretty much a mod and not a new title. They added a (most likely) crappy SP campaign to it so they can charge more...

Sun, 06-15-2014, 09:06 PM
I told myself I would never start playing mobile games.

Then I did.

So then I told myself I would never become addicted to a mobile game.

I've finally broken that rule.

For the past three months, I've been playing Brave Frontier (http://bravefrontierglobal.wikia.com/wiki/Brave_Frontier_Wiki). It's a simple, "catch 'em all" type game, but the art is amazing (for a mobile game) and it's very reminiscent of old-style Final Fantasy games (which is to be expected, since the original is Japanese). It's F2P, and very enjoyable as such, but you can spend money if you want to "progress" faster. The following is as much information as I can give, in case anyone is interested (TL;DR at the bottom).

The game utilizes several different "currencies". For quests and dungeons, you use energy. You regenerate 1 energy every 10 minutes, and when you level up, your energy is restored. This makes the early game fairly entertaining, as you can play for an extended period of time. However, in the later levels, it can be rather boring waiting for energy to regen. Of course, I just do other things during this time. There is an arena, which uses arena orbs (max of 3) that also regen 1 per hour. The arena is entirely AI driven, which can be quite annoying at times, but it's a great way to pass a little time, and get some great rewards as you rank up. You acquire Zel (the game's version of gold) through various methods, and use that to buy things (obviously) and for fusing units (which I will explain momentarily). You get Karma also through various methods, which is used to upgrade your facilities in town, and also to craft Spheres (which are basically equipment for your units). You get honor from quest/dungeon helpers (you have a team of 5 units, a helper makes 6), and as gifts from friends. This is only ever used for "Honor" summons, explained below. And lastly, the premium currency, gems. You get gems through clearing quest areas, ranking up in Arena, clearing certain Vortex (special) dungeons, and occasionally as random gifts from the developers. Gems are used to increase your item capacity, unit capacity, restore energy, and restore arena orbs (not recommend). Most importantly though, they are used for "Rare" summons.

Now the interesting part: Units. There are a few ways to acquire units. Through questing and dungeons, you will occasionally capture common units (the game utilizes a "star" system, so these would be 1* and 2* units). These units are usually trash units that can be sold or fused away. There are exceptions, but I won't get into that here. The "Rare" Summon gate uses 5 gems per 1 summon (which is why gems are so valuable), but you always get a 3* or above unit (max right now is 5* through the gate, but there are units that can evolve to 6* now). This is where the majority of your "best" units come from. As F2P, you will only ever want to spend your gems here, until much later in the game. Next is the "Honor" Summon gate. You can summon a unit from here using 200 honor, but usually you get trash units here as well. The most interesting thing about the honor gate is that you can only get the other starter units here You can also get evolution materials, and, when they run the event, amazing fusion units. Generally speaking, I horde all my honor until such an event. The last way to acquire some good units is through special dungeons, that are usually pretty hard, and only offer a chance of catching the unit, as opposed to a guarantee.

When it comes to leveling, your account levels through quests/dungeons, but your units do not. In order to level a unit, you "fuse" other units to it. This is why trash units are worth it in the beginning, but when your units start getting higher, you'll want special fusion units (like I mentioned above), because the XP you gain from the aforementioned trash units is worthless compared to the Zel cost required to fuse. When a unit reaches max level, you can sometimes evolve it to a better version. Evolving requires special units, and a static amount of Zel.

I realize I've tried to explain an exceptionally large amount of the game, and it may be overwhelming. But, if you're interested in playing, everything I've said is very valuable. In fact, I wish I knew even half as much as I've said here when I first started. So many wasted days...

TL;DR: For a mobile game, it's extremely fun, and implements a reliable way to keep from overplaying unless you spend money. If you're a fan of Pokemon, or other JRPG style games where you have hundreds of units at your disposal, I think you'll like Brave Frontier.

Download it, play it... add me as a friend. I have two accounts that I'm very active on:
- Alhuin --- ID: 4241397634
- Cyneria -- ID: 4744039638

For more information, there is also a Reddit (http://www.reddit.com/r/bravefrontier/).

Mon, 06-16-2014, 11:15 PM
I play Brave Frontier as well. I mainly utilize my water squad with Sea King Mega/Felneus as leader. Name is Niquid - 266630864

Mon, 06-16-2014, 11:59 PM
Cool, I'll send you a request. I need a Felneus for the upcoming Frontier Hunter! I have a 6* Douglas that's almost maxed that I'll be using then. Other than that, I usually run with my fire squad. 6* Vargas tomorrow (pending the elusive fire idol).

Tue, 06-17-2014, 11:51 AM
Try Cytus on on your phone, probably the best music game available on smartphones.

Tue, 06-17-2014, 12:50 PM
Playing Plants vs Zombies. Looks like they made it free in advance of a new game which is 3D environments and more like a castle defense game.

Wed, 07-23-2014, 08:46 PM
Been playing ni no kuni. Game is just too awesome. Haven't had this much fun with an RPG in a loooooong time.

A little late but I've been playing it (I dont play RPG's at all) and it's a lot of fun! Lots of text going on though, but fun. :)

Wed, 07-23-2014, 11:20 PM
Started playing "Divinity: Original Sin" recently, and so far it's great.

Tue, 07-29-2014, 12:19 PM
Just picked up Diablo 3. Anybody else playing?

Tue, 07-29-2014, 01:51 PM
Will start again once "Seasons" kick in.

Wed, 08-20-2014, 08:36 AM
A friend got me to by CS:GO to play with him, and I was reluctant at first since I didn't really feel like it would offer something CS:S didn't have. Given that it was reduced to $7.50 that weekend though, I gave it a try.

The match-making feature itself is worth the money in my opinion. I'm by no means great (nor good, depending on who you ask), and in CS:S it was pretty hard to find a fun game given how good some people can be. I haven't played enough CS:GO for it to work out my skill-group yet (you need to win 10 games to give it feedback), but so far the algorithm's working pretty well. I'd say I'm winning around 50% of matches, which is what the algorithm's aiming for.

The game also has a more organic feel thanks to its updated graphics and (I might be imagining this) movement, compared to the smooth feel that Source had (even if this is still powered by the Source Engine).

Wed, 08-20-2014, 03:18 PM
7.50$? you got ripped off. i've bought it on sale for less than 1 euro if i recall right.

i hated earlies CS games - mostly due to community(esp the polish one - full of total retards) and shitstorm on servers(esp with more than 10 ppl).

now that I've spent some time playing competitive in CS:GO(top rank: Master Guardian I, but i dropped now due to long break(and me sucking after it)) i can say that 5v5 matches are great. teams are big enough to try different tactics, and small enough so there is not that much miscommunication.

addition of molotov grenades is nice too(no idea if they were in source though).

Thu, 08-21-2014, 07:20 AM
7.50$? you got ripped off. i've bought it on sale for less than 1 euro if i recall right.

In some illegal key site or through personal trade maybe, not of fucking steam you didn't.

Thu, 08-21-2014, 07:33 AM
The cheapest sale on steam was ~$3,70
Maybe there was a humble bundle sale that was even cheaper, its not a rip off though because the game costs ~15€ regulary.

CS is one of the games I consider fun to watch when pros play it on tournaments, but boring otherwise.
I kinda regret buying it, I don't like the spray-pattern system either

Thu, 08-21-2014, 12:21 PM
I'm currently playing Diablo III: Ultimate Evil Edition on PS4. Rolled a Witch Doctor as my first character and I'm level 31 in Act II.

Fri, 08-22-2014, 02:04 AM
How is it on console? You enjoy it?

Fri, 08-22-2014, 04:45 AM
In some illegal key site or through personal trade maybe, not of fucking steam you didn't.

90% steam sale. it was close to 1 euro if i recall right.

Fri, 08-22-2014, 06:41 PM
How is it on console? You enjoy it?

I don't have anything to compare it to really, since I've never played the PC version. Diablo III is the first Diablo game that I've played, period. Yes, I'm enjoying it. I stayed up all night and played until 1pm today.

I just hit level 41 and I'm still on Act II. I'm going to try to find a good Witch Doctor Fire Dog build.

Sun, 08-24-2014, 01:36 PM
nearing the end of Persona 4 Golden. Only one boss remaining, I think. Decided to first finish this one before continuing with SAO: Hollow Fragment, which should take a lot longer. Although I plan to finish a 2nd run with Persona 4, gotta do some things differently ... and conquer a different girl :o

Thu, 08-28-2014, 12:18 PM
I've just started playing YU-NO, old VN/point and click adventure game, and i totally love it - prologue got me hooked.

Wed, 09-03-2014, 05:54 AM
I don't have anything to compare it to really, since I've never played the PC version. Diablo III is the first Diablo game that I've played, period. Yes, I'm enjoying it. I stayed up all night and played until 1pm today.

I just hit level 41 and I'm still on Act II. I'm going to try to find a good Witch Doctor Fire Dog build.

The console interface still confuses me to no ends. I'm glad it works on different platforms all the same though. More players = more content! That said, the new season's started I believe, but I haven't played it yet :S

Sun, 09-07-2014, 08:28 PM
Destiny is getting ready to go live. Anyone planning on playing?