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Thread: Rokka no Yuusha: Braves of the Six Flowers

  1. #21
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I'd say anybody who simply got killed by Flamie would have been no good for the mission anyway. She's tough, but not that tough, and not nearly evil enough.

    Like fireheart said, simply faking to be a brave would amount to nothing since entering the demon land kills common people. So, there has to be something more to it, unless the fake brave's goal was already reached. So, it's either a fiend in disguise (maybe a fiend that's wearing a skin suit of a brave, like the cockroach alien in MIB), or a person who made a deal with the demon king. I bet the demon king could grant somebody a copy of a tattoo and the ability to stand the miasma. In fact when Adlet got his mark, a thought visited me that it wasn't genuine but the demon king chose him for some reason. He's easy to fool, as we have seen, so he might be a tool without knowing it himself. The process kind of looked too pretty and thus suspicious.

  2. #22
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Episode 5 - HS

    - -- - --

    This is actually quite a nicely written situation. A bunch of them shows signs that could be suspicious. Poor Adlet got pushed against the wall by somebody who's actually using his brain. It's a match he can't win. Considering how willingly he has stood up to help others, you'd think Flamie or Bunny would return the favour. Clearly those two would have better working minds. Unless Bunny is guilty, of course, and not in a benevolent way like Ryll suggested. I don't want to think it's Flamie, as she's the cutest and most interesting of the girls, but I would have liked to hear her story till the end.

    Logically speaking it should be Chamot. She's behaving like a fiend already, wanting to immediately slay Flamie no questions asked and now even wanting to try some torturing. She also conveniently happened to slay the mimic fiend. But like I said, she's not the only one showing suspicious signs. I'm sure there could be some out of the box explanations as well.

  3. #23
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    I like how Flamie quickly turned it on Maura by saying she could have just as easily lied because nobody seems to doubt her. They all know Maura's name but have they seen her before? Yes she is with Chamot but it could just as easily be some kind of hostage situation behind the scenes.

    I find that the bunny princess is acting more and more strange. First she almost collapsed and then tried to get Adlet on her side some more but acting all cute like that.

    So far I think Goldov and the Bunny are suspicious. Bunny for mentioned reasons and Goldov because he really wants to be with the Princess. Maybe enough to fake being a Brave just to be by her side,

  4. #24
    I think everyone is innocent. I think the dual heritage of Flamie is enough of a variable for the allowance of an additional Brave.

    So I think the threat, at least this current one, is from someone outside this group.

  5. #25
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Munsu View Post
    I think everyone is innocent. I think the dual heritage of Flamie is enough of a variable for the allowance of an additional Brave.
    The longer they keep up this closed room mystery, the better we get to know the characters, and unless one of them is really annoying, it wouldn't anymore be too shounen-esque to get rid of one of them. I'm kind of divided between wanting it to be one of them and hoping for a really innovative third option.

  6. #26
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Nice one Munsu. Flamie being partly a Demon now, she might be the reason we have a seventh one.
    So it might be there are no intruders after all... or more than one.
    Another idea could be the goddess herself, she's the seventh character of the legend after all.

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  7. #27
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    So, what's the point of activating the barrier? It was done on purpose to make them go through this trial, to get stronger as a group? Or fail horribly as braves.

  8. #28
    This whole thing got me off guard. I really thought that Adlet wasnt chosen by the goddess, basically due to how he "cheats" his powers and that nightmare he had just when the sign appeared in his hand. He was so anxious to be one of the braves that the demon god took advantage of him in some way to destabilize the other 6 heroes even without him knowing it. Some kind of momentary possesions or dual personalities.

    That would explain why when we "hear" his thoughts there is no evidence of him doing "evil" things and his version of "reality" (what we see happening) is altered or missing bits. But if that was the case then the only way to break the barrier should be to have him killed or if he lifts it... showing the rest of the braves that he lied and he is a false brave. The way the narration has gone has put me on a no exit road if he was the fake.... unless we are facing a bad cheating writer with deus ex machinas all over the place.
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  9. #29
    Adlet should not be the 7th. If he is, then this isn't even a mystery, just a thriller that isn't really worth discussing. That would be the most disappointing option.
    Assuming this is an actual mystery, then Adlet plays the role of the "detective" and we can trust what we've seen through him.

    While Nashetania has been pretty sketchy so far, I have to wonder if these are just red herrings.

    The important thing to figure out here is, who could have possibly triggered the trap?
    I think there are only really 3 options here:
    Maura, Chamot, and Hans. Each of them enters the temple separately after the event.
    We see Adelt's viewpoint, and Flamie/Goldov/Nashe were all together beforehand and all enter together. They don't mention splitting up or anything.

    Anyone could have hidden inside the temple and exited while Adlet had his back turned after fighting the magic armor. On rewatching, it would have been trivial, and this is in no way a closed room.
    To trigger the trap, you had to have been inside, and put the sword in, and had your hand on the tablet, and said the words. It couldn't have been Nashe remotely controlling a sword.

    Regarding Chamot, while he/she is quick to want to kill, Flamie did try to kill him/her. You can't blame him/her too much for that.

    I think Maura is pretty sketchy for having the key.
    Hans claiming the door can't be closed after being opened is pretty weird. Like, how would you ever close the door? If that really were true, someone would have needed to sneak inside magically to trigger the trap.

    I just don't think we have enough info to narrow down who it is at this point.

  10. #30
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MasterOfMoogles View Post
    Hans claiming the door can't be closed after being opened is pretty weird. Like, how would you ever close the door? If that really were true, someone would have needed to sneak inside magically to trigger the trap.
    He's just really good at speaking and using his brain, unlike the idiot Adlet. That's why I said I hope someone speaks for Adlet, just like he has helped others. If somebody just said aloud that Adlet is too stupid to be working against them, they could all have a good laugh and move on to the next suspect.

  11. #31
    I have read several novels or short-novels where actually the principal detective (or 1st person narrator of the story) is the killer/criminal. Its cheesy but still gives room enough for mystery+detective scheme only becoming thriller as the revelations come but yeah I to doubt that this is the case and thats why I said that unless i am missing something my whole idea about adlet-demonic possession is doomed by this.

    Also in ep4 Adlet, Goldov and Naschetania tried to release the barrier in different ways. I hate simple explanations (when we talk about motivations, not mechanics) and so Im going with the new theory that one of them, possibly Maura that has the key, lots of knowledge and was suppossed to be there waiting for all the braves, activated the barrier the moment she saw that there were 7 ppl there. Maybe she even had some info beforehand about who were this generations Braves and that something was wrong/strange.

    So in some kind of preventive way she set this "prison" up trying to unmask the supposedly fake one.
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  12. #32

  13. #33
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    That was sort of a pitiful ending to the mystery. But on the other hand it looks like the brainless Adlet couldn't do anything to defend himself against the accusations of a professional murderer (it's doubly pitiful that dude was apparently the more credible of the two). But it can't be helped when Adlet doesn't have the wits to defend himself verbally even on the most basic level. Bunny princess doesn't make much of an ally. One can assume she never needed to argue with anybody, being a princess. Since it has come to this, I hope blood will flow soon. Preferably lots of it. I want to see Hans, Chamot, and Maura dead. In fact I don't really care as long as Flamie lives (and Adlet to make a couple with her).

  14. #34
    Thinking about it isn't the whole thing pointless? Didn't Maura say that the person that activated the barrier could deactivate it, so there's probably a procedure for it hence if everyone does that procedure there's no reason to point fingers at anyone.
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  15. #35
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Locked Room mysteries are fucking terrible, but Japan seems to love them.

    I'm really disappointed this series has turned into one. This is the same kind of thing that bogged down and ultimately ruined Umineko. Going around and around in circles and not getting anywhere. This episode could have been 5 minutes long and it wouldn't have made a difference.

  16. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by fireheart View Post
    Thinking about it isn't the whole thing pointless? Didn't Maura say that the person that activated the barrier could deactivate it, so there's probably a procedure for it hence if everyone does that procedure there's no reason to point fingers at anyone.
    I thought the same during thw whole episode 5 and 6. In episode 4 adlet, gold and tania tried different ways of lifting the barrier. Adlet even cut himself and showered the altar with blood. No1, not even him, said nothing about this. I guess that the (cheap) answer could be that you need to desire (in your inner thoughts that no one can reach) the barrier to be released even if you do the "ritual". Bullshit situations can always be explained via more bullshit to infinity.

    Also still dont get whats so hard about the thought of closing the door. Even the salt saint or whoever built that place closed the door before. ¿Why is everybody assuming that it cant be closed? Another strange thing is that there is a demon that was able of getting to the temple, and they cant say this is just adlets imagination cause they found the dead body inside the mist. Some1 of them i think it was chamot, another shoot first ask later character, (or that 8th guy) had to kill it thus adlet may be lying but its true that there was a fiend inside wich is suppossed to be imposible. This should rise some questions ¿How is this posible and what else could be posible?

    But hey, lets kill him without even a second thought. Dunno who that demon god is but must be quite inept to be defeat by these kind of braves.
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  17. #37
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Aren't these a new set of (dumb) braves?
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  18. #38
    I kind of like the closed room mystery aspect. The problem with Umineko wasn't the closed rooms, but that the ultimate answer to the whole thing was stupid and that none of the lead up actually mattered. But that's a completely different story.

    Regarding this episode, unfortunately it didn't really give us any new info about the mystery.

    I'm still disappointed nobody asks the obvious questions like "Couldn't you open the door and close it with the key?"

  19. #39
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MasterOfMoogles View Post
    I'm still disappointed nobody asks the obvious questions like "Couldn't you open the door and close it with the key?"
    They did, and Maura (who has the key) dismissed the notion that you can shut it again. Hans and at least one other agreed.

    Which is bullshit and makes no sense. We're led to believe that this door can only be shut at creation?

    This is why I hate Locked-Room Mysteries. The common sense solutions are dismissed, rationalized away, or casually tossed aside. Then you end up with an orangutan with a razor coming in and out of the chimney just so the readers/viewers couldn't possibly guess it ahead of time.

    "There must not just be a seventh, but also an eighth!" is about the same to me. Bullshit.
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Mon, 08-10-2015 at 03:54 AM.

  20. #40
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I don't think there were any such problems with this mystery so far because they were still purely at the stage of basic discussion or argumentation. The main problem was Adlet being an idiot incapable of defending himself (and nobody else caring for defending him, aside from Bunny's incoherent screaming) and thus it was all for nothing. What mystery can there be when everybody decides it's Adlet and he can't get an intelligent counterargument out of his mouth? Then it just turned into action.

    The demon king must be a miserable thing if he's going to lose against this bunch, like Edort said.

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