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Thread: Rokka no Yuusha: Braves of the Six Flowers

  1. #41
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Flamie said that the barrier, though strong, wasn't the strongest she felt before. She's only half fiend, so what if there's a fiend around, much stronger than flamie and with some brains? Such a fiend could very well enter the barrier and create the situation here.

    Regarding Adlet's poor defence, well it's true that he was cornered by the other 3 that are pure strangers to Adlet's group. So it's a bit convenient when they agree and validate each other's opinions/ideas. On the opposite, Adlet's group is very weak, Adlet unable to think for himself, Nachetanya who can't take sides properly, Goldov solving personal issues and Flamie who doesn't care.

    All in all, it's getting way too long to solve that situation we do not really care about.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  2. #42
    For those that believe that Nashetania might be the culprit, any chance she could've activated the barrier from afar using her Sainthood or something along those lines?

  3. #43
    Quote Originally Posted by Munsu View Post
    For those that believe that Nashetania might be the culprit, any chance she could've activated the barrier from afar using her Sainthood or something along those lines?
    We saw exactly how you're supposed to turn on the barrier when Adlet demonstrated it at the replica - place sword in stand, place hand on tablet, say words.
    I think it is a bit of a stretch to say Nashe could have done that while being with the other 3 fighting off monsters. Sure, she could move the sword, but what about the rest?

    Given how much they hyped this door/seal, it pretty much has to be Maura, the woman with the key, and you must be able to close the door with the key.
    As for the "why", I have no idea.
    We just don't know enough about the 3 newcomers to know any potential motives, or even their means if they have special abilities.

  4. #44
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Aside from the idiot Adlet's grand theory, there might even be such a mundane reason that Maura learned there's an extra brave and locked them all in on purpose to weed out that extra one. Although at the same time it has to be said she certainly didn't behave accordingly, allowing Hans declare Adlet the culpriot totally one-sidedly. Not only we don't know enough, like Moogles said, but there was so little and unbalance intelligent acting during the discussion in the temple that it's exceedingly hard to predict anything. Personally I still half hope, like I said a long time ago, that Adlet is unknowingly a fake hero created by the demon king himself to be used as a tool (since he's an idiot and thus an excellent tool). However, that wouldn't alone explain this particular mystery since we know Adlet only forced the door open, nothing more.

  5. #45
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Episode 7 - HS

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    Yeah, it's hard to see through this. I reckon Hans merely is a homicidal psychopath, so it's all the same to him who gets killed, as long as he's the one doing the killing, so he chose Adlet because it was easy. The rest, mostly, aren't too fond of using their brains, so they merely go along. Bunny Princess isn't much smarter than Adlet, I'd say, so she's of little help unless by chance. Flamie naturally won't give a shit, at least for now. She might make some kind of a decision if the need to do it is presented to her on a silver platter.

    I'm happy the fiends aren't all mindless monsters.

  6. #46
    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    Episode 7 - HS

    - -- - -

    Yeah, it's hard to see through this. I reckon Hans merely is a homicidal psychopath, so it's all the same to him who gets killed, as long as he's the one doing the killing, so he chose Adlet because it was easy. The rest, mostly, aren't too fond of using their brains, so they merely go along. Bunny Princess isn't much smarter than Adlet, I'd say, so she's of little help unless by chance. Flamie naturally won't give a shit, at least for now. She might make some kind of a decision if the need to do it is presented to her on a silver platter.

    I'm happy the fiends aren't all mindless monsters.

    That was the bright side of the episode, the rest was a mix of slow pace and no new development. At least we got a bit of action towards the end, but that's it.

  7. #47
    I liked that we saw the way Flemie thinks. If Adlet is nice to her is only because he is the 7th and is trying to win her for his side. She cant picture some1 really worrying and caring about her. I wonder what will be the trigger (Im sure there will be) that make her realize that Adlet was serious and that she deserves to be caring for.

    For the rest I would call this filler material. We learned a bit about the past of the characters but it was like 3 minutes of true content in 20 minutes of show.
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  8. #48
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edort4 View Post
    I liked that we saw the way Flemie thinks. If Adlet is nice to her is only because he is the 7th and is trying to win her for his side. She cant picture some1 really worrying and caring about her. I wonder what will be the trigger (Im sure there will be) that make her realize that Adlet was serious and that she deserves to be caring for.
    I don't think she was being honest there. The fact she lived for years believing she was loved by her mom and the other demons hanging around as friends means she knows what love is and enjoys it like a human. What's happening now is merely both her vengeance being stronger than any strive for love and a natural defence reaction against being betrayed again, so she's actively rejecting any attempts of friendliness and beyond. Of course she's also damaged by the trauma and also by her earlier way of life, but if you compare her to Hans, she's an epitome of a healthy mind...

  9. #49
    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    I don't think she was being honest there. The fact she lived for years believing she was loved by her mom and the other demons hanging around as friends means she knows what love is and enjoys it like a human. What's happening now is merely both her vengeance being stronger than any strive for love and a natural defence reaction against being betrayed again, so she's actively rejecting any attempts of friendliness and beyond. Of course she's also damaged by the trauma and also by her earlier way of life, but if you compare her to Hans, she's an epitome of a healthy mind...
    Yeah thats more or less what I meant. Maybe I didnt leave it clear cause my english sucks. In the current state Flamie thinks (or wants to believe to match with her state of mind) that everything that has happened since they met was just a plan to gain her favor because Adlet is the 7th. That would explain all and match with the image of the world she currently has. Its a "convient" self-lie and I like it cause it shows how
    "hurt" she is at her current state.

    Also I forgot to mention that those mastermind fiends are cool. Hans is a too obvious maniac to be the 7th.
    The path of excess leads to the tower of wisdom

  10. #50
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    Come to think of makes perfect sense that Hans is the killer. I mean he admitted to being an assassin. Now that we have seen that Demons are intelligent beings as well,they could have devised this plot and hired Hans to kill one of the Braves. All 6 six are required so if one is dead than the Demon King can be resurrected right?

  11. #51
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NeoCybercoin View Post
    Come to think of makes perfect sense that Hans is the killer. I mean he admitted to being an assassin. Now that we have seen that Demons are intelligent beings as well,they could have devised this plot and hired Hans to kill one of the Braves. All 6 six are required so if one is dead than the Demon King can be resurrected right?
    That would be actually quite a stylish plot and would go well together with the intelligent fiend we saw in Adlet's flashback. Hans is a psychopath, so even if he was a genuine brave, he would still enjoy killing the other braves. Flamie was killing the candidates because she was brought up believing it's the right and proper thing to do and that her loving mother would be pleased by it. Hans, however, would do it because it would greatly satisfy him personally and, being a psycho, he would have no reservations or inhibitions.

  12. #52
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Episode 8 - HS

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    Chamot is a textbook example of the kind of character who thinks they are the ultimate fighting machine and invinsible, but then against the final boss they would get defeated in a heartbeat. Also, she's the textbook example of a don't fight the summoned but the summoner case.

    Hans had a 100% fitting way of telling liars and honest people apart. Who knows how he creates the hallucination, but it does sound quite plausible for a story.

    I'm more and more thinking Maura is the guilty one, for whatever reason. The way she talked to Flamie was somehow off. She would be the easiest explanation as well since she knows the temple inside out and has the key. But who knows.

  13. #53
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    Maura suspect nr one. I mean she had the key from the beginning. Plus the way she was telling Flamie to kill Adlet was kinda suspicious. That aside I like how Nasha is fully away of how Goldov feels about her and tells him that she can't deal with his jealousy at the moment.

  14. #54
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Goldov's feelings are plain as day. I'd have lost all respect for bunny girl if she didn't know about them.

    Hans is bro of the year.

    The monster of physics within me can't help but get pissed by how Adlet and Hans just watched Chamo vomit out minions for 15 seconds without trying to pawn her defenseless self. Her being the most powerful is ridiculous. If Adlet's flying blade can kill you while you are busy with bulimia, there is no way you are anywhere near top tier.
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  15. #55
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Well her vomiting does the same thing as Adlet's smokes - shock factor.

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  16. #56
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Then she's only strong on first fight. If Flamie goes after her again and shoots her in the face while she is inducing her vomit, well, would Flamie be the new strongest woman in the world?
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  17. #57
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    That depends on how you define "strongest". If defeating the strongest person in combat makes you the new strongest, then I'll agree with that.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  18. #58
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Maybe she can insta-puke when necessary. I'll give Chamo the benefit of the doubt.
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  19. #59
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    Also, we don't know that the vomiting is the only means of fighting she has. Perhaps she practices some martial art as well.

  20. #60
    Chamot's abilities are still fairly unknown.
    Additionally, they don't really want to kill him/her, so it makes sense they don't go for an insta-kill.

    At this point, it pretty much has to be Maura for the person who triggered the trap unless there is some out of nowhere BS.
    As for why she did it, I guess we'll have to wait to figure it out. Hans' speculation about Adlet's motives could be applied to her. Maybe she has family captive or something. We'll just need to wait and see.

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