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Fri, 04-10-2015, 08:39 PM
Do you not think the game (and others on the platform) is worth the cost of a Wii U? In the grand scheme of things, the cost of the console won't hurt your finances and you'll get to play some awesome games.

More like "I'd give this game a go if it was on a platform I already own". I'm not exactly all over this game and I also don't know anything about other games on this platform. I rarely branch out from PC gaming anyway. I let my brother own all the other platforms but I'm living away from him at the moment. A few years ago I invested in a PS3 and many games. It was fun, but I wouldn't call it a smart move given how I never played some of those games.

I'll think like you when I earn some real money.


My graphics card broke the other day (crashes in game. GPU-Z tells me it's using 130% TDP). I upgraded to a GTX970 card and it arrived today. It's great.

Sat, 04-11-2015, 03:59 AM
Feels like a mix of TERA and Monster Hunter. Not ringing any bell for me.

Sat, 04-11-2015, 02:26 PM
It´s a massive jrpg with successful wrpg infusions. Focus on exploration, sense of wonder and awe, all set in a world that has mankind at the brink of extinction. Perfectly underlined by Sawano´s music.

In terms of gameplay, it´s like a more interactive evolution of Xenoblade Chronicle for Wii, reaching a whole new level of epicness when introducing Dolls/mechs to the equation.

Really, this game appears to be what I once began playing videogames for. The sheer beauty of a rich, fantastical unknown world. And rest assured, it is neither a grindfest like TERA, nor a mission-based multiplayer game like MonHun.

Mon, 04-13-2015, 01:15 PM
People don't give SNL enough love these days, but they still have a lot of hilarious skits. In the latest episode, they introduced an 8th kingdom of Westeros... South Centros.

Thu, 04-23-2015, 09:22 PM
So I know I really have not been around much but I just noticed that registration is open again. When did this happen?

Thu, 04-23-2015, 10:59 PM
So I know I really have not been around much but I just noticed that registration is open again. When did this happen?

No more than 3 months ago.


edit: Now that I have this, my life is a little more complete.


Fri, 04-24-2015, 08:05 AM
edit: Now that I have this, my life is a little more complete.


Awesome. I tend to want to clear space on the bed, and I have a queen size. That twin you're on will get awfully crowded with that monster on it.

How is that GTX970 working out for you? Can you say if it's worth the additional cost over a 960?

Fri, 04-24-2015, 09:15 AM
The default config GTX960 has only 2GB vram right? The 970 is worth it for the 4GB (3.5+0.5) vram alone. The GTX970 is pretty nice. There's the coil whine that some people complain about and I can hear it particularly when it ramps up. However, I don't care about noise when the graphics card is working, and the idle noise of the Asus Strix brand is very acceptable. I'm known to have a low tolerance for idle noise.

Still, don't expect to play GTA 5 "maxxed out" on a 1920x1080 monitor. Next year's achitecture promises to show great leaps in performance (in Deep Learning, so who knows what that means for games). Given my previous graphics card broke, 2016 was just too far away.

I've moved the big mofo onto the floor for now (still in the wrap). I don't plan on unwrapping him at least until later on this year once accommodations seem somewhat steady. That said I almost never clear bed space. As annoying as it is, I find myself moving things back and forth between me bed or my chair whenever I want to use the other.

Fri, 04-24-2015, 12:29 PM
The GTX960 with 4GB vram is about $30-40 more than the 2GB version. The 4GB GTX970 is about $70-80 more than the 4GB GTX960. I guess I'll wait until the next gen architecture comes out since there aren't any games I really want to play that my 770 can't handle.

Mon, 05-04-2015, 08:53 AM

Hello U.S.A, I missed you.

Mon, 05-04-2015, 10:41 AM
USA - the land of crazy people driving on the wrong side of the road...

Mon, 05-04-2015, 10:52 AM
If you think usa driving is bad, I invite you to try DR

Mon, 05-04-2015, 11:00 AM
Any place with left-handed-steering-wheel cars are a little crazy. DR included.

No amount of GTA will get me used to this.

Thu, 05-07-2015, 01:34 PM
So I know I really have not been around much but I just noticed that registration is open again. When did this happen?

Registration? For the forums? I didn't even know it was closed

Thu, 05-07-2015, 10:29 PM
FOR YEARS MAN. How did you not notice this? The total absence of any new members was a dead giveaway, there was more than one reason why this place was slowly fading away.

Death BOO Z
Sat, 05-16-2015, 12:23 PM
is that just because forums are a dying medium and there's barely enough content to keep this place afloat?

Sat, 05-16-2015, 11:01 PM
Registrations were closed to stop an influx of bots. They ruined our server reputation to the point where all emails were blacklisted, including legit admin and registration emails. The former was a problem and the latter stopped registrations anyway.

Mon, 05-18-2015, 10:03 PM
In fairness, in the two prior years we got like ... one or two new members ... but yeah. Forums are a dying medium regardless. We had trouble bringing in pretty much since aone died, and moreso since gw-subs dissolved into their real lives too.

I finally got enough ahead of the unpatched hacked wordpress and drupal instances on the server to get it de-blacklisted most places, so we can actually send an email now and then. Not expecting an influx of good users, but hey, at least the seo-spambots can log in and fail to meet their objectives :p

When I turned registration off, we were bouncing about 40,000 bogus registration attempts per day that didn't even bother trying to deal with the weak 1-question verification test, but about a hundred a day were getting through at peak.

Sat, 05-23-2015, 01:24 AM
I had the most random muscle memory and typed in forums.gotwoot.net. It made me smile to see a familiar user names still hanging around.

Sat, 05-23-2015, 08:33 AM
I had the most random muscle memory and typed in forums.gotwoot.net. It made me smile to see a familiar user names still hanging around.

You could afford to post more! Like once a year instead of once every five years.

Tue, 06-16-2015, 02:37 PM
Came in late today for a late shift, everyone gets sent home early due to inclement weather. There is so much I love about working for a public school system.

Tue, 06-16-2015, 05:08 PM
Inclement weather? Did it hail briefly or something? I know you close schools there when there is a dusting of snow.

I see that it is TS Bill.

Our schools stay open for tropical storms. I mean shit, we don't even always close schools/businesses for hurricanes (depending on precise location) and blizzards (depending on overnight or during the day).

Tue, 06-16-2015, 05:32 PM
Over here closing a school due to some kind of weather is unheard of. Outdoor sports may be replaced with indoor ones if the temperature drops low enough, though. I can't recall if the limit for ice hockey was -15C (5F) or -20C (-4F), but I guess such things depend on the school and teacher.

Tue, 06-16-2015, 06:44 PM
In my home country, people close schools when the flood goes higher than most of the students' heights.

Tue, 06-16-2015, 06:45 PM
Inclement weather? Did it hail briefly or something? I know you close schools there when there is a dusting of snow.

I see that it is TS Bill.

Our schools stay open for tropical storms. I mean shit, we don't even always close schools/businesses for hurricanes (depending on precise location) and blizzards (depending on overnight or during the day).

We had significant (record breaking) floods 2-3 weeks ago, so it is feared that TS Bill will bring more flooding. Also, two winters ago we had a late decision for a snow day that turned into a clusterf*ck for many who went to work at 8am, were sent home at 10am, then sat in traffic for hours in the cold trying to get back home because of ice "accumulation". Since then the administration has erred on the side of not pissing people off and will close the school more readily than not.

Over here closing a school due to some kind of weather is unheard of. Outdoor sports may be replaced with indoor ones if the temperature drops low enough, though. I can't recall if the limit for ice hockey was -15C (5F) or -20C (-4F), but I guess such things depend on the school and teacher.
I applaud your people for that resiliency and dedication, but I do enjoy the random days off that come with living in a candy ass city of hipsters who don't want to get their well-manicured beards wet.

Sat, 09-12-2015, 11:54 AM
Reached Eagle rank! :D
