Ryllharu's benevolence is a rare and beautiful thing, befitting of this series. This and Uchouten Kazoku were major surprise hits for me this season. Quite the change from her last series, FMA.
Ryllharu's benevolence is a rare and beautiful thing, befitting of this series. This and Uchouten Kazoku were major surprise hits for me this season. Quite the change from her last series, FMA.
season to has started!
I hate how Hachiken cannot simply ask Mikage about her problem. It feels so forced how they don´t come together regarding her issue, whatever it is.
"Hey, Mikage, why did you cry?"
"Oh, im fine. Its got nothing to do with you."
"But it really bothers me. I dont want to see you like that."
"I ... I cant tell you, sorry, Hachiken."
"If you cant right now, that´s okay. But I will ask you about it again, and again, and again-"
" Hachiken ..."
"- until you open up to me. I know that you´re not the person to tell others their problems easily, which is why I wont give up."
".... okay *smiles*"
Anyway, still a great anime, just feels good watching it.
"She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court
It is not that simple or easy. Unless you want the girl to be annoyed with you, then I guess you can do that.
Thanks shinta|hikari for the sig.
I wasn't particularly impressed with this episode...but it's a setup episode, so I'll forgive it.
Don't care for the OP or ED sadly. Quite a step down from S1.
Hachiken is also worried that it might be a romantic thing between the two childhood friends. Part of what is preventing him from asking more forcefully is likely fear that his suspicions are correct.
HS - S2 Ep01
It's going to be something like Komaba's mum being sick so he's asking Mikage and her family to help out with his farm since he can't give up baseball just yet. Or maybe a horse died. Or something like that.
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
It would be great if Komaba actually confessed or something. A twist like that would do this series good since it spices things up a bit.
good episode, though without any real plot progression. bit stupid how intelligent horses are depicted in this show, lol.
on a more serious note, im really disappointed in the hentai-community. nothing for mikage :/
"She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court
It's funny how a guy who does not know anything about riding is pissed about getting 4th place.
Walking back by foot instead of taking the bust, when you just stayed in hospitel from overworking yourself. !!1
Good episode.
Hachiken´s father is too much a villain though, lol. Takes a dump on his son everyway he can.
Mikage is delicious. Somehow, she seems way more attractive than in season 1. And best of all: She´s now definitely romantically interested in Hachiken, unless this episode was a troll. Promising. I actually can´t remember a lot of anime with a successful love plot, where romance wasn´t the main theme. Would be fantastic if they made Hachiken and Mikage becoming a couple a major theme, and consequently showing how their lifes proceed. Oh fuck, I wonder what his father would say. "Got yourself quite a looker. Now have fun for a bit and then find a proper match, son" or "choosing some broad from the county. Die in a fire, son"? Could go either way. :/
"She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court
not sure where else to ask: What´s with Gin no Saji and Samurai Flamenco? No episodes this week?![]()
"She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court
Probably Olympics getting in the way again. It happened to Magi last week, so why not.
I generally check Crunchyroll's page to see when the next episode airs if it seems delayed. If the page isn't available because of licensing restrictions then you just view Google's cached version, which is usually updated no more than a week ago.
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
oh god, i will be so mad if Hachiken and Mikage dont become a couple. Right now it seems to progress somewhat, but at the same time it feels like Mikage is slipping further away from him. Ugh.
Question about baseball: Is someone an ace pitcher even if he lets the batter hit his throws, or does that only happen to bad pitchers? Wondering about the difference between reality and anime. Since in sports anime, your ace pitcher almost always throws perfect strikes, whereas here in Gin no Saji they made it look like Komaba was a very good pitcher despite giving the batter some hits.
"She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court
There's a difference between ace pitcher (Kitamura in Cross Game) and a closer (Komaba currently). The ace pitcher might even play the whole game (pretty unusual in reality tournament play), where a closer relieves the pitcher who went most of the game and prevents any additional runs, mainly by getting outs.
Ace pitchers are starters, closers are a reliever.
Pitchers get worn out pretty easily. MLB will rotate pitchers heavily between games, sometimes even 3-4 days during playoffs.
There's also a difference between a shutout and perfect game/no-hitter.
- A shutout can allow hits and even have players get on base, but it is a single pitcher the entire game (a "complete game") with no runs for the opposing team.
- A perfect game means no one on the opposing team ever made it to base. No-hitter is pretty obvious, though it allows for Errors (like the one we saw at the end of the game) where a perfect game must also have no errors. A perfect game has only happened 23 times in the history of MLB (21 times since 1900), and 16 times in Japan's highest league.
To add a bit more, a starting pitcher in the MLB is said to have made a "quality start" if he pitches six or more innings and allows three or fewer earned runs. However, that's an ERA (earned run average, or earned runs per inning) of 4.5, and (U.S) broadcasters that I've heard consider an ERA of 3.00 or less to be excellent. Conversely, starting pitchers with an ERA of 2.0 or less are very rare, so allowing 2 runs in a game overall is already very good, not to mention just hits.
Baseball is a game of failure, for both pitchers and hitters.
"No episode announcement before postingn episode content"
what the hell. go look it up yourself, you lazy neg-repper! :/
"She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court
It says no announcement, not no link. However:
HS - Episode 05, 06, 07
I don't remember if the show said this or if I guessed it, but there will be no next year for Komaba. This is his one and only chance to go pro. He should have made an agreement with his family that if he goes to the finals he'll play professionally, but if he fails then he'll take up the family business.
That's because Mikage seems uncomfortable around Hachiken whenever romance is brought up. It's unclear whether she's "going out" with him right now out of attraction, obligation or confusion.Originally Posted by MFauli
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
She clearly likes him. They just both suck at expressing it.
Mikage's frequently recurring problem is that she never goes after what she wants out of life. Everyone knows it. Everyone in her family, all her friends at school, Hachiken, and even some of the teachers. She feels stuck and duty-bound to take over the dairy part of the farm, when horses are her true passion.
Hachiken's is that he gets crushed by the expectations of his father (or others) that he feels he can't live up to. He accomplishes pretty much everything he sets out to do when he isn't overwhelmed by the threat of failure. Every time he gets overwhelmed with assignments from other students, they eventually get guilted into picking up the slack. Eventually he'll learn to say no.
Hachiken is in dairy science. Especially lately, the staff at the school makes sure Hachiken is caught up on all the parts of farming (particular dairy) that everyone else grew up with. By the time he graduates, he'll be an expert, and he is starting to love this life over his old one. Mikage's family owns a dairy farm, but "secretly" doesn't want to succeed it (though she's a ditz and everyone can read her like a book).
They're a match made in heaven.