View Full Version : Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Thu, 01-21-2010, 09:43 PM
I didn't mention it last episode, but the new opening is freakin' great.
Hmm, so Ed and Al are basically half philosopher's stones. I'm sure that entitles them to at least one Shounen powerup right there.
Father's and Hoenheim's bodies are made of souls and stuff. Basically, they're not human, as the people of Xing have noticed. Scar's failed "human destruction" move proves this.
Seems like their sperm is relatively intact, if not just a super-soul-charged version that survives nukes and spermicides, resulting in quite the human Ed and Al.
What makes this episode all the weirder is that if Father is indeed part of the Truth, how is it that it doesn't know about Eastern Alchemy?
That either leaves the Little Guy In The Flask as something other than the Truth, or the Truth really isn't as God-like as we thought.
Sat, 01-23-2010, 10:57 AM
What makes this episode all the weirder is that if Father is indeed part of the Truth, how is it that it doesn't know about Eastern Alchemy?
That either leaves the Little Guy In The Flask as something other than the Truth, or the Truth really isn't as God-like as we thought.
I think this goes back to when Mei and Marcoh spoke about the differences between Amestrian alchemy and Xing alchemy. Mei said that Xing/Eastern alchemy "uses the Earth", while Amestrian alchemy, for all intents and purposes, uses human souls.
The original Homunculus has no idea how it came to be, where it came from. All it knows is that it has Hoenheim's blood. While it mentors Hoenheim (and, from the flashback, much of Xerxes) about alchemy, it itself is a manifestation brought forth via human sacrifice.
Basically, Father does not know anything that hasn't been made through humans. He was "born" using human material. He gained a body from using human material, and he and the Amestrian military have been focusing on human transmutation alot.
Fact is, Father was surprised as hell that Scar and Mei could use their alchemy. It's almost as alien a concept to him as the "family" that Hoenheim talks to him about.
The funny thing about "The Truth" and "The Gate" is that you have to go to one side of the Gate to meet "the truth". But on the other side of that ridiculous boundary, there is teh world of Individuality.
Father knows alot about the real world, but at the same time he really doesn't. If he is from the Truth ("The Singular"), I don't think that means he really understands the world of humans ("The Many"). It might take a human to realize that "All individuals are just one thing (The Truth)" but why not an exact opposite side, that something from beyond the Gate might have to struggle to fully understand the part about "One is all".
Sat, 01-23-2010, 06:48 PM
This isn't a spoiler since it has nothing to do with the new anime or the manga, but they had some kind of movie after the first series was over that showed what was on the other side. Basically, it was our world. The original premise of the show is some alternate reality where alchemy took off back in the day instead of getting debunked, leading to the regular science we have now. So Ed went to Europe in late 1800s early 1900s when he went to the other side.
As far as this show, I think it might get really religous as to what is behind the door. Whatever it is, I have a feeling it will probably be pretty dark.
someone neg repped exactly is that a spoiler?
Mon, 01-25-2010, 06:42 PM
[Eclipse] Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood - 41 - HD ( d%20-%2041%20%281280x720%20h264%29%20%5b788956AB%5d.mkv .torrent) | SD ( d%20-%2041%20%28XviD%29%20%5bEB099BD0%5d.avi.torrent)
Mon, 01-25-2010, 10:03 PM
Neat stuff.
I wonder if Ed will steal the stone and bring Al back to the real world soon. I always expected that to happen at the end of the series but it is clearly quite urgent at this point. Though Hohenheim last episode said that the organs taken from Izumi (Master) could not be restored as they were proof of her sins, is this a fundamental truth or just a rule of his own? I wonder if the physical material taken from them is gone forever and would have to be reconstructed through more human alchemy, of course requiring a philosopher's stone.
Tue, 01-26-2010, 01:08 AM
Jesus, that was an intense scene.
Good episode.
Tue, 01-26-2010, 03:41 AM
I can't believe I somewhat found May-chan annoying when she was first introduced. I adore her now.
I liked how they portrayed Ed's "softness" as a weakness for much of the episode, foreshadowing what ultimately came. In the end though, it's more like a double edged sword, the effectiveness of which depends on the proportion of people with similar morals (or can be converted to such).
Tue, 01-26-2010, 06:43 AM
I thought that God really hated Ed when he used his own life to close the wound only for the guys to find the Philosopher stone a few minutes later. But overall good ep. I think Ed's physical state could also have something to do with Al being drawn in. I mean when Ed was practically dying Al fell down as well. And since it is Ed's blood that made the transmutation circle on the armor. It wouldn't be that far fetched to say that they are connected like that.
Oh and I hope we get to see Hohemheim vs Pride next week.
Tue, 01-26-2010, 07:42 AM
i loved this episode and i didn't. they've been taking their sweet time through this arc, and I thought the action could have been a little more intense. I mean, remember the Wrath vs. Greed fights? or even some of the first fights with Scar?
Yoki made this episode for me.
it would seem to me that Al is really dependent on Ed. like NCC said, not only is Al's blood crest made with Ed's blood, but they had a theory a bunch of episodes back about Ed's sleep and nutrition partly going to maintain Al's body beyond the Gate (a theory I buy at full retail price)
I am really, really, really confused about what Hoenheim said regarding Izumi's wounds. If she can't get those organs back, then, by the same logic, Ed can't get his limbs back, and Al can't get his body back. Since Hoenheim is basically the biggest Philosopher's Stone ever made, and a top level alchemist, it makes me wonder what exactly in the blue blazes they'd need to atone for these "sins".
i was never a big fan of this near death scene, partly because it doesn't make any sense to me for Ed to be able to use part of his life force when he's so close to death. a guy who's almost dead shouldn't have that much life force...
i also just despise "hero is severely wounded by OBJECT. Will he survive?" a fucking steel girder is not going to take down a shounen protagonist. the tension is just not there for me in scenes like that. i will admit, however, that it is good to see how people act in that situation, since Ed himself doesn't know he's a main character. like Bill said, the fact that he saved the chimera is probably what saved his life, and that kind of "softness" is one of his biggest aids.
Mon, 02-01-2010, 04:37 PM
[Eclipse] Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood - 42 - HD ( d%20-%2042%20%281280x720%20h264%29%20%5b597742C0%5d.mkv .torrent) | SD ( d%20-%2042%20%28XviD%29%20%5b4183F700%5d.avi.torrent)
Mon, 02-01-2010, 05:27 PM
Thankyou sir...
I was trying to find it earlier and only found 3-4 sites streaming the raw.
Mon, 02-01-2010, 05:31 PM
Hohenheim hasn't been exactly hurrying up, it seems. Unless he's full of plans and theoretic background information and only now is actually on the field and ready to reveal himself. Nevertheless, he should do something already if he's planning to. With the circle finished and also the north turning into a bloodfest, the homunculus is solidly nearing his destination. It's shows also in how relaxed their have become: Even Kimblee was openly standing in the middle of the enemy army.
Things can't be going well for Ed to have completely missed an episode.
Mon, 02-01-2010, 06:53 PM
rather important scene after the ED
one of the better episodes in a long while. lots of spotlight on the bad guys, and we got to see what Breda and Fuery have been up to (nothing fun). i'm still unsure just what exactly the reverse side of Scar's brother's document contains, but it is clearly the array from the ED, and it is a bit different from the Amestris transmutation array that Father is building.
but, if it took Sloth so long to make that array, how, outside of shounen powerups, are they going to be able to change it?
the highlight of this episode was Van Hoenheim. Not only is he such a nice guy to people who deserve it, but I can't get enough of his "Oops, I'm a klutz, oh wait, no, i'm the most fucking powerful alchemist in the world". when he finally got down to business with Pride, gosh, that was just such a badass scene
Kimblee sure works fast, doesn't he? (ditto that for Drachma. They got that army assembled and down to Briggs in a hurry...) Really interesting to listen to his conversation with Pride (with anyone, really), and then hear how Hoenheim spoke to Pride. Kimblee is so fucking polite, but at the same time, he really isn't... it's a total trip.
Next episode... The Ants Bite. I've been waiting for it!
Mon, 02-01-2010, 07:25 PM
Pride having limits really took me by surprise. Given how unlimited they have made his power seem in comparison to his brethren, I was taken aback that he is not only limited to the radius of the circle, but also in a great deal of locations within the circle (he is unfettered pretty much just in the lines and Central itself). I guess it makes a great deal more sense that we haven't seen him until recently.
Also, if Hoenhiem's words are true, would forcing him outside the circle kill him outright?
I'm looking forward to seeing the two primary Armstrong siblings reunited face to face.
Mon, 02-01-2010, 09:45 PM
Very interesting stuff. I can't wait to see Hoenhiem being serious in a fight against the Homunculi.
Also, what was with the part where Hoenhiem says "Pride... I see, so that stands for 'avarice'." Was it a translation error? Avarice being greed. Anyone feeling generous enough to link the manga page of that conversation? I hate poking around due to spoilers... =)
Tue, 02-02-2010, 12:23 AM
Tue, 02-02-2010, 02:03 AM
"At the beginning he cut you from himself" I wonder if they will explain the creation of the Homunculus, I would like to theorize that Father was being affected by the humans that he absorbed and so he wanted to get rid of that influence so he removed their personalities. The problem is I don't think they will talk about it, but that is just a feeling I get.
The conversation was very interesting.
Tue, 02-02-2010, 08:10 PM
but, if it took Sloth so long to make that array, how, outside of shounen powerups, are they going to be able to change it?
According to the subs, it's a transmutation circle when Eastern Alchemy is added with the National transumation circle that's being built by Father.
As for whether they'll make it in time, I'm pretty confident they will. May explained before that Eastern alchemy utilises the energy veins in the Earth. She demonstrated that by drawing a transmutation circle in front of her and connecting it to the fow of energy within the earth, she could use that passage to connect to another spot (the train, in this case), copy the circle onto there, and activate its effect.
So as long as they can make one of them, the rest could be copied in a similar fashion, in contrast to Father's method of manually creating each spot.
edit: I just remembered she actually had to throw daggers at the ranged transmutation circle as well, not just copy it. In that case, perhaps they will have to do some manual labour. In any case, Father's plan involves having Ed, Al and others at certain points to be sacrificed, so as long as one of them remains uncaptured, it could prolong Father's plan.
The Chimera turning on Maroch was a shock to me. Funny that it seems like the two who didn't offer to co-operate (lion and gorilla) would actually be the friendlier pair.
Sat, 02-06-2010, 12:04 AM
Wait a minute. See how powerful the homuculus group is? Why would they need a giant philosopher stone? To become immortal like Van hohemhiem?
The 1st homunculus(shadow in the orb)/Father is the ultimate boss but if all he wants is to be immortal, it just seem off, as he seems to be already a immortal.
Sat, 02-06-2010, 02:00 AM
Wait a minute. See how powerful the homuculus group is? Why would they need a giant philosopher stone? To become immortal like Van hohemhiem?
The 1st homunculus(shadow in the orb)/Father is the ultimate boss but if all he wants is to be immortal, it just seem off, as he seems to be already a immortal.
I'm confused why you think anyone wants immortality? It certainly seems the Homunculus already have an enormous life span, if it is even limited. I can't imagine they would need that many lives to deal with aging.
If you're connecting this to what happened to Xerxes then I believe you're reading too much into the purpose of them showing us those scenes. Philosophers stones have been shown to be useful for much more than extending life.
Sun, 02-07-2010, 12:03 AM
Wait a minute. See how powerful the homuculus group is? Why would they need a giant philosopher stone? To become immortal like Van hohemhiem?
The Homunculus follow Father's orders. The men at Central think the plan is to make an immortal army. Father himself hasn't said anything about what the true intentions of the plan is.
Wed, 02-10-2010, 02:48 AM
[Eclipse] Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood - 43 - HD ( d%20-%2043%20%281280x720%20h264%29%20%5b9D513786%5d.mkv .torrent) | SD ( d%20-%2043%20%28XviD%29%20%5bA5DE19E9%5d.avi.torrent)
Edit: There's a scene after the ED sequence.
Wed, 02-10-2010, 07:47 AM
ah, this episode was quite enjoyable to watch. they skimped a little bit on the action (but the comedy worked), and i thought that, although it wasn't an episode with a ton of things out in the open, it has a bunch of little stuff behind it.
oh Envy, pathetic. i absolutely WTF'd the first time i saw his "true" form. that little, tiny pathetic worm. the scene where he tries to take Yoki as a hostage does a great job showing how little the Homunculi understand people, and it does a great job turning the tables on the title and the situation prior, where Marcoh shined.
after all, Envy, if the hostage worked when it was Marcoh, you've got to have faith that it'll work with any of them. and, of course, Envy being so self-conscious of his true form is a great twist on the character.
Scar is brown-skinned Guin. goddamn that guy knows how to talk down to everybody and back it up with badass. not often you get a "keep to your own affairs" lecture from a good guy.
I really like the scene with Olivier and Alex. there's just no way around it, Olivier got where she is today because of her personality, and, Alex, although a talented alchemist, just is too kind a person to advance in the military.
the scene with Olivier and the general, showing her the transmuted soldiers was done perfectly. i love the dialogue in that scene.
of course, one of the reason's i love this chapter isn't all that, it's the scene with Hawkeye and Bradley. it's the third and final part of my "King Bradley = Darth Vader" theory. yes, i do have a hunch that Bradley is going to betray Father and the Homunculi, and I don't think it's coincidence that this scene comes in the same episode where Marcoh, a man who has been doing what he's been told by the military all his life, finally takes a stand and knocks the fuck out of the guy who's been menacing him up until now.
Bradley is a human. he has memories from before he took in the stone and became Wrath. he does say that he is not sure if who he is now is really that person or not. from what we've seen from Hoenheim and Ling, it takes a very strong personality to handle all the souls being inside, and maybe Bradley isn't up to snuff there.
but Bradley is Wrath, for god's sake. he's anger incarnate. this is the guy who's been a pawn for Father all his life, even given an aging body (you notice he couldn't watch when the first Greed was "killed" and put back into the vat). this is a guy who's been playing like a good-natured human half his life.
and, his track record is hazy at best. he kept Mustang, Ed and Al loose, and Pride was none too happy with his comments about Mustang in particular. he "missed" stabbing Mei when she was hiding inside Al's armor
like he said, the only thing he's ever really had in his life is his wife (and, man, she's such a liability, but even Pride doesn't seem to have the OK to shut her mouth once and for all). and Bradley can't even be honest to her about who he is, what Selim is. you think a guy named after the sin of anger is going to be OK with having that one little piece of "normalcy" limited?
he's going to die anyway. what does he care if Father gets his plans fulfilled?
/end rant
Wed, 02-10-2010, 09:49 AM
I didn't realise Homunculi could live without their stone. My current understanding now is that they're limited to 1 life, but the previous fight with Lust (where I remember Mustang pulling out her stone when she showed it to him unharmed) suggested that destroying the stone destroys the body, as the stone is the true core of their being.
PS: shaking the jar? You people are too soft. You want him to talk? Hang him over a fire.
Judging by his current form, a pinch of salt may work wonders too.
P.PS: And goodbye May. I'll miss you. :o
Wed, 02-10-2010, 10:07 AM
Judging by his current form, a pinch of salt may work wonders too.
I was thinking the exact same thing when watching the scene: A portion of salt in the jar might make Envy's lips much looser.
Scar is brown-skinned Guin. goddamn that guy knows how to talk down to everybody and back it up with badass. not often you get a "keep to your own affairs" lecture from a good guy.
He's not a good guy, though. Although it seems like he might be planning to become one after this episode. Maybe.
Wed, 02-10-2010, 10:24 PM
I can't wait for the talk between Hohoenheim and Al. The Envy fight was great and a fitting way for him to lose (though I don't doubt he will be restored to his former power at some point).
Overall a great episode, I really do love this anime.
Sun, 02-14-2010, 07:17 PM
I can't wait to see Hohoenheim actually fight. He has pretty much only showed his healing/defensive skills so far. I'm not sure we'll see action for a while now, though.
Sun, 02-14-2010, 11:35 PM
[Eclipse] Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood - 44 - HD ( d%20-%2044%20%281280x720%20h264%29%20%5b5AB6A293%5d.mkv .torrent) | SD ( d%20-%2044%20%28XviD%29%20%5b70DCC391%5d.avi.torrent)
Mon, 02-15-2010, 03:11 AM
Haha, some pretty serious fan service in this episode.
Also, a scene after the ending. Lots of good stuff in this episode.
Mon, 02-15-2010, 06:30 AM
some fanservice indeed, but it wasn't quite overboard, so i enjoyed it.
one of my favorite moments (aside from the "no, YOU freeze!") has to be Hoenheim getting serious with Al and lecturing him for trusting him so easily.
Comedy was right on in this episode, but then we had the very good scene with Bido, Greed and Ling at the end. It really didn't make a lot of sense the first time I read it, but I really like the way the anime presented that part.
Greed v Wrath, Part Deux. Bring the epic
Mon, 02-15-2010, 07:21 AM
so... we have 8 episodes left? or did they announced more episodes? cuz right now there are 25 more chapters and on going...
Harima Kenji
Mon, 02-15-2010, 10:14 AM
The manga hasn't finished yet?
I'm kind of releaved by that.. because there is só much left to wrap up, that it's impossible to do in 8 episodes. I hope they don't make up their own ending or something.
Mon, 02-15-2010, 10:58 AM
Maybe they will finish it with an ova (/webstream) if indeed they can't animate all the essential stuff left before the TV anime ends. That would be infinitely better than another anime original ending.
Anyway, it was an interesting episode. Winry service scenes were good and needed considering this is a shounen show. What's shounen without a little fan service? Ed being so straight-forwarded rough with the soldiers was welcome as well. I guess he deems there's no time to waste at this point. I wonder why they were looking for him, though. Kimblee knows Ed wasn't all too satisfied with the military but he doesn't seem like a man who would report it to anybody. I think he would rather want Ed to appear to challenge him again.
Mon, 02-15-2010, 12:50 PM
I did some digging around. ANN says FMAB will be 63 episodes long. Their source indicates an Aniplex panel and Cal Syobi (if you remember... this is the page from where I got the Naruto Filler titles):
Sidebar says --> 全63話予定
Mon, 02-15-2010, 04:06 PM
I was kind of hoping for Greed and Wrath to both help Al and Ed out.. But I wonder who would be left standing. Most likely greed is going to hep them out.
Tue, 02-16-2010, 05:22 AM
I'm unsure who would come out of this fight alive, if one was to die. Wrath's got his "ultimate eye", which to be honest, hasn't been explained much besides the fact that it somehow gives him Badass +9000. It depends on how well Greed can use that body of his, and if he has access to Ling's fighting skills.
Talking about badassary, I like Ed's new look. It's got a very "Japanese ninja protagonist" feel with the white cloak and all.
Tue, 02-16-2010, 10:43 AM
For a second I thought Ed got taller lol. But ya he does look badass. I think Greed is more prepared this time.. Last time Greed didn't even know Wrath was a Homunculus until it was already to late and he was already on the defensive.
Also does anyone noticed when ling was talking to Greed it kind of looks like a hollow mask from bleach lol
Testarossa Autodrive
Tue, 02-16-2010, 02:06 PM
I was mostly concerned about those throbbing veins of his that looked like they were about ready to pop. >_>
Tue, 02-16-2010, 04:00 PM
Im surprised no one has thought of this yet.. Why hasn't marcoh shared with anyone on how he one shotted Envy.... That could be very useful when fighting the homunculus.
Wed, 02-17-2010, 01:00 PM
We also don't really know about the old greed. Ling is a bad ass as is, and I was thinking that he may be much more powerful than the old greed because of Ling's abilities and the ultimate shield.
so, is this going an even 50eps?
Testarossa Autodrive
Wed, 02-17-2010, 01:07 PM
Heck no. There are going to be at least another 15 episodes. We've got a lot more to cover and the manga isn't even done yet.
Wed, 02-17-2010, 01:32 PM
If you guys bothered to read the previous posts you would see I posted 63 episodes (according to japanese sources)...
Testarossa Autodrive
Wed, 02-17-2010, 02:21 PM
Yeah, but who actually reads the stuff other people posted? <3
Wed, 02-17-2010, 10:22 PM
Yeah, but who actually reads the stuff other people posted? <3
I do... as long as they are no longer than 150 words :D
The ep was nice, had some pretty stuff going on, but what else can you possibly expect from non-fillerish FMA? ;)
Thu, 02-18-2010, 10:06 AM
I do... as long as they are no longer than 150 words :D
this explains alot of the reasons why i tend to do most of my anime discussion online these days...
Thu, 02-18-2010, 03:13 PM
I'm pretty sure I enjoyed this episode greatly, I was watching it then *BAM* it was done, it went by too fast. I can't wait to see greed and Bradley fight.
More so, I'm dying to see how this serious will end.
Testarossa Autodrive
Thu, 02-18-2010, 04:53 PM
Yeah, that Greed/Bradley fight is going to be epic. No matter who Bradley is taking on, he's got some skill that's fun to watch.
Sat, 02-20-2010, 10:24 AM
Oooh Greed versus Wrath!, bring it ON!!
Prof. Chaos
Mon, 02-22-2010, 03:51 AM
[Eclipse] Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood - 45 - HD ( d%20-%2045%20(1280x720%20h264)%20%5bADB93CE1%5d.mkv.tor rent) | SD ( d%20-%2045%20(XviD)%20%5b19992782%5d.avi.torrent)
Mon, 02-22-2010, 07:06 AM
Then they made up for their fight-teasing with Ed joining Greed.
Roller-coaster ride of awesome :D
Mon, 02-22-2010, 08:49 AM
this was one of the best episodes we've had in a long time.
superb fight scene with Wrath and Greed. very important developments with GreedLin. badass hilarity with the Armstrongs (how fucking funny is that whole family?). fast paced organization with the allies (Grumman looks like he's totally on board). Envy scheming, Mei being too nice, and Ed joining up with Greed.
had all the right blends of humor and seriousness. i love what they did with the message passing toward the end of the episode. really. i can't say it again, this episode was a work of art.
however, i was quite disappointed with Eclipse's translation. i suppose i'm getting to that very dangerous level of knowing just enough Japanese to pick a bone with translators, but not being able to translate myself. but i thought they did a poor job translating the two scenes with Greed, particularly the part about "join us" (lit. Why not become allies/comrades?) to which Greed laughs, "Comrades? Comrades, huh? That'd be nice (sarcastically)". They also did some shit with the scene with him and Bradley, but I suppose, since he was talking in such broken thoughts I can see them having to play with it a bit to get it right.
I dunno... I'm generally always pleased with their work. They're heads above Raze/TMD partly because they don't usually do literal translations. Guess I just need something to bitch about, because the episode was fucking gold.
also really liked the shots they put in at the ED.
Mon, 02-22-2010, 09:15 AM
had all the right blends of humor and seriousness. i love what they did with the message passing toward the end of the episode. really. i can't say it again, this episode was a work of art.
Yeah. The whole "shit's about to get epic" feeling was great.
I recognised Eclipse's liberal subs this time too (only because "nakama" gets used rather frequently), but I wasn't put off by it really. I think in this example, I'm able to recognise that they're trying to play the whole comrade thing with Greed, but also let slide that the English subs lessened the impact of the word for better flow.
Maybe if it was more stark, less necessary or simply poor rewrite it would have triggered a more negative result. (see my rants on gg's Kobato subs for details).
I'm hoping May's trying to help everyone out on her own accord (thanks to Envy's reminder) rather than running back to Central because Envy told her to. It'd sadden me to see her character used as the naive-girl-who-screwed-shit-up-for-everyone-because-she-listened-to-the-bad-guy just so they can introduce an "everything is NOT according to plan" scenario.
Mustang throwing the note away totally tricked me into thinking he screwed up.
Harima Kenji
Mon, 02-22-2010, 10:15 AM
Really nice episode indeed. The whole information spreading thing was amazingly done. I hope it's not gonna end up as a "we knew you were doing this all along" thing from the homonculus side.. that would take the epicness away from it.
Really interested how things will work out with GreedLin + Ed. It's really building up for awesomeness, that's for sure.
I really hope they don't screw it up story wise, though. But given the fact the show is almost over (for now, apparently), I think we will get some epicness really soon.
Mon, 02-22-2010, 03:52 PM
Was totally an epic episode. That's for sure. Has a real "end of chapter" feel too it. Just like the episode where Ed went back to the gate and saw Al's body.
Mon, 02-22-2010, 09:43 PM
This was a great episode, and again had the feel of being done way too soon. A simple disbelief that over twenty minutes had passed, when surely it's been only ten.
Thu, 02-25-2010, 08:29 AM
I just want more of Hohenhiem and his kickass living sorcerer stone. The guy should be transmuting everything he set his eyes on.
Sun, 02-28-2010, 09:03 PM
Be advised that numerous broadcasters of episode 46 had the tsunami warning plastered on the screen for the majority of the episode. It flashes non-stop with a variety of colors.
Sun, 02-28-2010, 11:44 PM
Be advised that numerous broadcasters of episode 46 had the tsunami warning plastered on the screen for the majority of the episode. It flashes non-stop with a variety of colors.
I haven't gotten to see it yet, but every time I glanced at a TV yesterday it was full of those warnings. Eclipse says they'll release a v2 when they can get a clean RAW
Eclipse - FMA Brotherhood Episode 46 (tsunami warning) - mkv ( d%20-%2046%20%281280x720%20h264%29%20%5b081D8777%5d.mkv .torrent)
Eclipse - FMA Brotherhood Episode 46 (tsunami warning) - avi ( d%20-%2046%20%28XviD%29%20%5bF6B1FC58%5d.avi.torrent)
important scene after the ED
Mon, 03-01-2010, 01:20 AM
you get this for the entire episode, doesn't ever fade away or anything just hangs out over everything:
Pretty important scene after the credits.
Mon, 03-01-2010, 01:58 AM
Gosh. How inconvenient for that natural disaster to interfere with your stealing television.
Mon, 03-01-2010, 02:22 AM
Gosh. How inconvenient for that natural disaster to interfere with your stealing television.
I know right? If this stupid Tsunami could have just waited a few days this wouldn't have been an issue. Nature is so inconsiderate, and it isn't like some people where they are only inconsiderate sometimes, nature is ALWAYS like this, what a jerk.
Mon, 03-01-2010, 03:47 AM
Wow. Lots of stuff is about to go down.
Mon, 03-01-2010, 04:25 AM
So Selim can move around anywhere he wants as long as he's physically there, I take it. Hoenheim's previous explanation was that he could only move around in the middle of Central and the tunnel.
Mon, 03-01-2010, 05:09 AM
Another awesome episode. I remember being so pissed when I read "everything will go down next spring" and then elated when the next chapter was just "yeah, so, that's where we pick it up"
This show is so full of small little bits of awesome, even guys like Grumman can have a day in the sun (literally). Sheep and some well leaked news. Absolutely ridiculous for him to trick Bradley (he can see everything, but he sure can't know everything) when the guy showed up. Scar and Marcoh haven't gone away either, and even the new characters from the Briggs arc are showing up in important spots (or just for comic relief)
The little scene with Olivier and Mustang was pretty amusing, too. A challenger for Hawkeye? Better watch yourself, Riza. Of course, the funniest was the undressing scene. That was made of gold.
Alphonse never stood a chance. Pride is tough, but with Gluttony there, too... Hoenheim did say that Pride can move through the tunnel and in Central, but when I think about it, I think he only said the part about Central because that's the space Selim's actual body can travel in It really looks like he's reliant on the shadows, and unless it's the tunnel, he can't reach further than the amount of shadow he can call upon.
Grumman and Mustang took down Bradley (those were Mustang's men in the woods, right? They talk about "the Colonel", and he's the only one who holds that rank that I can think of), but now the Homunculi have two key hostages (I don't care how strong she is, with Father there, Olivier is not much more than a hostage. Greed does come back to bite you in the ass, huh), one to check the rogues (at least Ed) and one to check the military (at least Briggs)
next episode: Night Fight. Bring the ruckus.
Mon, 03-01-2010, 09:34 AM
And I only noticed it today or it was just me but..Ed is now taller then Winry?
Mon, 03-01-2010, 09:56 AM
Of course, the funniest was the undressing scene. That was made of gold.
Winry's sixth sense has a small lag, it seems, but at least it saved her just in time. It certainly was a funny scene in any case.
It didn't seem like Al had any part in the bigger plans so getting caught will only cause some unpredictable difficulties later on, if anything. It would have been a different story if they had counted on him doing something. Although who knows how solid their plans are nearing the end. These initial phases were smart for sure but it's not like they really know their enemy inside out and could thus plan for everything.
I don't know how much of a hostage Olivier is, though. Certainly she might not be trusted by Father or the others as such but she's somewhat detached from the main insurgents and will absolutely not act like a hostage. If the Briggs folks stop when she's threatened, she will never forgive them anyway. She would view her own position as her own fault, undoubtedly.
Mon, 03-01-2010, 01:29 PM
I am willing to put money on the fact that when Gluttony opens up the "Fake" Door ED/greed will somehow launch pride into it.
Prof. Chaos
Mon, 03-01-2010, 02:20 PM
And I only noticed it today or it was just me but..Ed is now taller then Winry?
Yes, Ed has slowly been growing throughout the series.
I want my FMA fix, but I think I can wait a few more days hoping for one without that mark on it.
And thoughts about Pride. The large transmutation circle would be the bounds of his container. So his main body can still move around, just that he can't leave the area. Also his shadows are able to extend in the tunnel without his main body being there, everywhere else he still needs some close proximity or the shadows lose their powers.
Mon, 03-01-2010, 04:20 PM
And I only noticed it today or it was just me but..Ed is now taller then Winry?
Yeah, I noticed that, too. He's starting to look more and more like his dad.
Mon, 03-01-2010, 07:22 PM
I loved the scenes with Ed and Winry, and he looked decidedly more manly than he has in the past. The two of them fit so well together. They both possess a maturity now that they certainly didn't have when the series began. I was kind of surprised he didn't give her the earrings back, but I did like how easy it was to see through his lie of why he was eating in her room. Fangirl gushing and Winry underboob aside, this was a good way to start a finale.
Grumman is quite the strategist. He's always looked fairly incompetent and foppish, and only now reveals how very talented he is. Layers within layers within layers. He feigns innocence, prods one way, and stabs from another.
The parts with Al didn't really do a lot for me. They were a bit obvious given his recent troubles, and it is a disappointing set of developments given how much showing off he had done the past twenty or so episodes. It isn't that serious parts with Al are bad, but they just seem a bit melodramatic.
Two things are still hanging out there for me. Where is Lan Fan with her (hopefully) new arm, and how are they going to tie in the tattoo on Hawkeye's back with a major powerup for Mustang? They mentioned all those episodes that her mangled (post-Ishval) tattoo contains her father's secrets to the ultimate flame alchemy, and I'm hoping at some point they bring it back into the fold. It just isn't clear to me how Roy might figure it out through the scarring. Maybe he has just never seen it? The same goes from Lan Fan. She and her grandfather were going to get her automail and come back, and it has been quite a long time.
Mon, 03-01-2010, 07:54 PM
It didn't seem like Al had any part in the bigger plans so getting caught will only cause some unpredictable difficulties later on, if anything. It would have been a different story if they had counted on him doing something. Although who knows how solid their plans are nearing the end. These initial phases were smart for sure but it's not like they really know their enemy inside out and could thus plan for everything.Al getting caught seems like it would be nessecary for the badguys end of the plan.
I remember earlier in the series everyone was always calling the various protagonist alchemists "possible sacrifices". And then Father had his little map that showed he needed 5 of them at different points on his transmutation circle.
Now it just so happens that the big event is coming, and all the main characters are spread out all over the country, where they can probably each be caught and taken to were Father needs them to be sacrificed.
I think the good guys think they're manipulating the homonculus, but really its Father that's outmanuvering them.
Also, Winry underboob....that is all.
Mon, 03-01-2010, 09:29 PM
Two things are still hanging out there for me. Where is Lan Fan with her (hopefully) new arm, and how are they going to tie in the tattoo on Hawkeye's back with a major powerup for Mustang? They mentioned all those episodes that her mangled (post-Ishval) tattoo contains her father's secrets to the ultimate flame alchemy, and I'm hoping at some point they bring it back into the fold. It just isn't clear to me how Roy might figure it out through the scarring. Maybe he has just never seen it? The same goes from Lan Fan. She and her grandfather were going to get her automail and come back, and it has been quite a long time.
I was under the impression that the secret fire alchemy *is* what Mustang already has. No one else has his alchemy.
Mon, 03-01-2010, 09:49 PM
Unofficial version with no tsunami warning + eclipses subs
Already downloaded it. Its real.
Tue, 03-02-2010, 04:29 AM
I was under the impression that the secret fire alchemy *is* what Mustang already has. No one else has his alchemy.
Her father trained him, and seemed to be the only State Alchemist prior to Mustang who used fire. With his death, all fire alchemy remains with Mustang. They specifically mentioned that he had some major discovery which killed his motivation for further study, since he felt his life's work was complete. He tattooed that on Riza's back, and it was damaged when she was in Ishval.
I wish I could remember the episode, but it was pretty early on.
Tue, 03-02-2010, 06:23 AM
Her father trained him, and seemed to be the only State Alchemist prior to Mustang who used fire. With his death, all fire alchemy remains with Mustang. They specifically mentioned that he had some major discovery which killed his motivation for further study, since he felt his life's work was complete. He tattooed that on Riza's back, and it was damaged when she was in Ishval.
I wish I could remember the episode, but it was pretty early on.
He also said something that al Alchemist lives to seek more knowledge/enlightenment or something, and since his work was complete, he didn't feel much regret in dying. He was rather sickly in bed.
Mustang and him had some sort of quarrel that ended their master/relationship. I think it was to do with joining the military. His master then refused to teach him the ultimate fire alchemy.
Tue, 03-02-2010, 02:33 PM
[Eclipse] Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood - 46 - HD ( d%20-%2046%20%281280x720%20h264%29%20%5bD0883690%5d.mkv .torrent) | SD ( d%20-%2046%20%28XviD%29%20%5b524DCC45%5d.avi.torrent)
v2 with a clean raw.
Thu, 03-04-2010, 10:18 AM
Really great ep, and Ed really is getting bigger, i like his more mature look.
We also got some under-boob from Winry, nice ^_^
Thu, 03-04-2010, 04:03 PM
I wonder if his getting taller has anything to do with using the lighter, frost-resistant automail for a few months. Granted, he still could have been growing regardless, but all previous scenes have indicated his orgininal automail weighs a ton.
Tue, 03-09-2010, 12:29 AM
Eclipse - Episode 47: SD ( d%20-%2047%20(XviD)%20%5b5821E500%5d.avi.torrent) | HD ( d%20-%2047%20(1280x720%20h264)%20%5bA55C76D9%5d.mkv.tor rent)
That is one KICK ASS automail. It's dripping with style.
Tue, 03-09-2010, 08:02 AM
I came. That was one kickass entry by Lan Fan. And that automail was badass.
Also seem to be some insight to Prides powers. He can't use the shadow if there is no light to cast one. Also when he got that hit on GreedLin he actually bounced the shadow of the ground. Maybe it has some kind of mass and he can't actually change the "trajectory" of the shadows that easily. So instead he recoils the shadows to quickly change the path.
And the chimeras shows of some coolness. They seem to have a really great team able to fight in any environment. Also nice that Lin and Greed seem to work more and more together.
Tue, 03-09-2010, 10:33 AM
This was a kickass episode for sure. One thing I'm wondering about is why Ed doesn't try to transmutate Pride's shadows. Ed's no Scar, that's true, but still he should try it when everything else fails. They can harm things so they should be made of something solid he could affect.
Tue, 03-09-2010, 01:52 PM
This was a kickass episode for sure. One thing I'm wondering about is why Ed doesn't try to transmutate Pride's shadows. Ed's no Scar, that's true, but still he should try it when everything else fails. They can harm things so they should be made of something solid he could affect.
In order to transmute something, like Greed's armor, I think he has to know what it's made of first, even to decompose it. I doubt he knows what Pride's shadows are made of.
Tue, 03-09-2010, 02:13 PM
Wow shits intense....... I wonder Who is dying next week..
Tue, 03-09-2010, 05:47 PM
Heh, just when I was wondering whether she'd come back or not, she comes back in style. What's really impressive is how proficient she is with the arm in such a short time. Ed took a several months or maybe even a year. I guess Lan Fan was even more determined considering how much her honor and pride was hurt for failing to effectively protect Lin against Bradley and later being forced to leave his side. She must have gotten the arm and then rested only when she was too exhausted to stand while learning to use it.
The rest of the episode was great too. Ed punching Hoenhiem right in the face. Ed was even a lot smarter than most who have faced off with Pride. He figured out the connection to shadows fairly quick. It doesn't hurt that Pride is under orders not to kill him, but he's certainly a bit better off than most so far.
Grumman too. I shouldn't have thought of him as some innocent old man considering his military position, but I guess I'm a little naive then. Everyone in the Amestris army has ambition, no one is purely altruistic (except maybe Armstrong, which is why his sister kicked his ass so thoroughly).
Tue, 03-09-2010, 06:36 PM
Well in Ed's defense he had 2 automail he had to get used to and did it in 6months while the normal time required is a year I think and this happened when he was 11(?). Also did they ever say how long the timeskip is? Since don't know if they ever said what time of the year it was when Lan Fan left or when the timeskip started. But nonetheless nice entry of her, wonder how she found them.
Tue, 03-09-2010, 06:37 PM
Heh, just when I was wondering whether she'd come back or not, she comes back in style. What's really impressive is how proficient she is with the arm in such a short time. Ed took a several months or maybe even a year. I guess Lan Fan was even more determined considering how much her honor and pride was hurt for failing to effectively protect Lin against Bradley and later being forced to leave his side. She must have gotten the arm and then rested only when she was too exhausted to stand while learning to use it.
The rest of the episode was great too. Ed punching Hoenhiem right in the face. Ed was even a lot smarter than most who have faced off with Pride. He figured out the connection to shadows fairly quick. It doesn't hurt that Pride is under orders not to kill him, but he's certainly a bit better off than most so far.
At first I was wonder what Ed did, since any transmutation at a distance was usually associated with Eastern Alchemy. Then after remember seeing the sparks travel across the ground I settled with that Ed busted up the ground in a continuous line all the way to the power poll. You'd need damn good accuracy to pull it off for sure, but I suppose that's plausible since I don't remember him learning Eastern.
When we only saw the blur and blades, my thoughts were seriously:
It's Al?!
It's Hoenheim?!
No.. It's Lan Fan!!
When the Elric brothers promised to introduce her to an awesome automail mechanic, I thought for sure it would have been Winry. Then, remembering how surprised (and hence impressed) her gramps was at Paninya's hidden cannon, having Dominic take on the job makes perfect sense.
edit@edit^: Having Grumman being powerhungry was surprising, but that got one-upped by having the young Miles one-up him. Given the brilliant display of deception skills last episode, that only makes our Ishbalan even more impressive.
Tue, 03-09-2010, 07:14 PM
Well in Ed's defense he had 2 automail he had to get used to and did it in 6months while the normal time required is a year I think and this happened when he was 11(?). Also did they ever say how long the timeskip is? Since don't know if they ever said what time of the year it was when Lan Fan left or when the timeskip started. But nonetheless nice entry of her, wonder how she found them.
I think the difference is how much more proficient she seems than Ed was. Even if it took both of them 6 months (I forget how long the jump was supposed to be, winter -> spring/summer), Ed could walk and move with his arm and leg, but I wouldn't say he was really proficient with it until he and Al trained with Izumi. Lan Fan on the other hand seems to be even more powerful that she was before. She's integrated with the blade the same way Paninya was with her canon, and the huge guy at Briggs was with the crocodile arm or the claws. Ed is pretty sloppy as a fighter when he transmutes his arm into a punch blade. He's certainly better than the average person, but he gets tossed around a lot without the assistance of his alchemy. I'm not knocking Ed so much as admiring how much more impressive she appears to have become.
When the Elric brothers promised to introduce her to an awesome automail mechanic, I thought for sure it would have been Winry. Then, remembering how surprised (and hence impressed) her gramps was at Paninya's hidden cannon, having Dominic take on the job makes perfect sense.Are we certain it is Dominic? Your logic makes perfect sense, but can we be really sure? Integrated weapons aren't something specific to them, Ed's automail (Rockbell creations) actually seems to be a bit on the uncommon side because it doesn't have some integrated weaponry. It seems to make up for it by being more powerful, more durable, and more maneuverable than the average automail. If I'm not mistaken, Dominic's was special because not only did he squeeze a cannon of all things into it, he also made it quite well rounded like Rockbell automail.
Also the grandpa had said that despite Ed and Al recommending Winry/Pinako, they will decline because by going to the Rockbell's they would be bringing an enemy into a friend's of Ed and Al's. The two of them were Enemies of the State, which would put anyone they went to potentially at risk.
Tue, 03-09-2010, 07:55 PM
I think the difference is how much more proficient she seems than Ed was. Even if it took both of them 6 months (I forget how long the jump was supposed to be, winter -> spring/summer), Ed could walk and move with his arm and leg, but I wouldn't say he was really proficient with it until he and Al trained with Izumi. Lan Fan on the other hand seems to be even more powerful that she was before. She's integrated with the blade the same way Paninya was with her canon, and the huge guy at Briggs was with the crocodile arm or the claws. Ed is pretty sloppy as a fighter when he transmutes his arm into a punch blade. He's certainly better than the average person, but he gets tossed around a lot without the assistance of his alchemy. I'm not knocking Ed so much as admiring how much more impressive she appears to have become.
On this topic, I've always wondered how much of Ed's non-elite fighting skills (and growth stunt) can be attributed to Winry's heavy creation of an automail. Dominic (? -> might have been someone else) could have been joking when he said it made Ed so short, or he could have been serious.
One point that really supports this was how fast Ed was when he was equipped with Northern automail. They made it sound like carbon fibre, so it being lighter makes sense. Whether such an incredible increase in Ed's speed can be from simple carbon fibre alone is debatable.
But in any case, I agree with you that Lan Fan's very proficient with her new toy. Besides determination, I see her background as a contributing factor too. As she seems to come from a lineage of guards/servants, daily training should be nothing new to her, while Ed was, back then, just a really smart kid.
Are we certain it is Dominic? Your logic makes perfect sense, but can we be really sure? Integrated weapons aren't something specific to them, Ed's automail (Rockbell creations) actually seems to be a bit on the uncommon side because it doesn't have some integrated weaponry. It seems to make up for it by being more powerful, more durable, and more maneuverable than the average automail. If I'm not mistaken, Dominic's was special because not only did he squeeze a cannon of all things into it, he also made it quite well rounded like Rockbell automail.
Also the grandpa had said that despite Ed and Al recommending Winry/Pinako, they will decline because by going to the Rockbell's they would be bringing an enemy into a friend's of Ed and Al's. The two of them were Enemies of the State, which would put anyone they went to potentially at risk.
My idea was a total assumption, yes. I completely forgot on what basis gramps declined their offer though, so you're right in that approaching anybody would have meant gramps taking back his words.
Wed, 03-10-2010, 06:31 AM
I think the difference is how much more proficient she seems than Ed was. Even if it took both of them 6 months (I forget how long the jump was supposed to be, winter -> spring/summer), Ed could walk and move with his arm and leg, but I wouldn't say he was really proficient with it until he and Al trained with Izumi. Lan Fan on the other hand seems to be even more powerful that she was before. She's integrated with the blade the same way Paninya was with her canon, and the huge guy at Briggs was with the crocodile arm or the claws. Ed is pretty sloppy as a fighter when he transmutes his arm into a punch blade. He's certainly better than the average person, but he gets tossed around a lot without the assistance of his alchemy. I'm not knocking Ed so much as admiring how much more impressive she appears to have become.
Not really arguing your point but don't think Ed really had any reason to increase his abilities as a fighter or integrate his automail into his fighting style until stuff started to happen in the series. After all he's an alchemist and not a fighter so his focus most of the time has been on the alchemy part and the only reason he can fight is because Izumi made them do it while teaching them alchemy. And as Lan Fan wanted to get stronger and better at fighting so that she could fight against the homonculus it's more natural that she's stronger now.
I think Ed realized that he either have to get a lot better at fighting since Father neutralized their alchemy so he can't depend on that or learn eastern alchemy and integrate it so that he can still fight with alchemy. Which comes down to if Ed is willing to ask his dad for help to get better at alchemy.
Wed, 03-10-2010, 07:17 AM
I seriously thought it was Bradley that cut up Gluttony, mostly because he seems to be the the only one skilled enough to do that, while at the same time thinking "why the fuck would he do that?"
I knew Lan Fan was good but i had no idea she was that good.
Wed, 03-10-2010, 10:31 AM
i greatly enjoyed this episode, even if the "we take over one of your friends and make you fight the body" bad guy move is one of the most overused.
the highlight for me was Grumman. not only did he show a great amount of surprisingly vicious ambition, but all his logic is rock solid (and you know he has to have a hunch about how everything is still working in the military even though Bradley is gone). I also love any guy who says "I need to see the body".
Heinkel and Darius really made this fight. Then Lin had a good entry, and, of course, Lan Fan comes to the rescue (so where's the old ninja?). Made me chuckle when Ed cried "I'm just a normal guy!" because he really is the least special of the entire group when it comes to something like this. guess it goes to show that people are totally useless when they're blind.
also, well, dudes, we don't really know Lan Fan's past, but she was definitely trained from a young age and, yeah, she's had to learn to fight with only one arm, not minus an arm and a leg, AND she's significantly older than Ed was when he got his automail. also, with The Eclipse nigh, there's not like we could get a Bleach training arc out of her...
what the fuck is hoenheim doing? get involved, dude!
Sat, 03-13-2010, 06:23 AM
Heh, just when I was wondering whether she'd come back or not, she comes back in style. What's really impressive is how proficient she is with the arm in such a short time. Ed took a several months or maybe even a year. I guess Lan Fan was even more determined considering how much her honor and pride was hurt for failing to effectively protect Lin against Bradley and later being forced to leave his side. She must have gotten the arm and then rested only when she was too exhausted to stand while learning to use it.
Also to keep in mind is that Ed was just a kid when he got his automail and Lan Fan is a freaking NINJA!
Sat, 03-13-2010, 06:34 AM
I'd like to note here that a kid would learn much faster to adapt to an automail than an adult that has been using a real arm for all her life already.
Still, aside from becoming a clockmaker, an arm won't slow one down quite as badly as a leg. Lan Fan can still run just as well as before. The only difference now are finer tricks that rely on hands, but slicing somebody isn't such a fine trick. She really didn't have that much to adapt to.
Sat, 03-13-2010, 08:29 AM
I'd like to note here that a kid would learn much faster to adapt to an automail than an adult that has been using a real arm for all her life already.
Still, aside from becoming a clockmaker, an arm won't slow one down quite as badly as a leg. Lan Fan can still run just as well as before. The only difference now are finer tricks that rely on hands, but slicing somebody isn't such a fine trick. She really didn't have that much to adapt to.I'm sorry, I still say the biggest contributing factors are the fact that Ed's job was effectively "scientist" and Lan Fans job is "freaking NINJA!".
Tue, 03-16-2010, 03:29 AM
[Eclipse] Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood - 48 - HD ( d%20-%2048%20%281280x720%20h264%29%20%5b979D4FA5%5d.mkv .torrent) | SD ( d%20-%2048%20%28XviD%29%20%5b040DCA21%5d.avi.torrent)
There's 2m:30s of extra footage after the ED theme. 21:25 - 23:55
Tue, 03-16-2010, 03:34 AM
What happend to gluttony was pure irony.
Tue, 03-16-2010, 05:53 AM
I was already feeling sorry for Gluttony when he was being diced up by the Xing. He's creepy and demonic at times, but otherwise he thinks like an innocent kid. Pride tearing him apart was brutal.
Ed's carbon trick was neat, though when you have so many "tentacles" at your disposal, it's hard to imagine Pride couldn't even scratch him. I guess they're still playing on the fact that Ed's got lightning speed with that Northern automail.
Likewise with Lion King. You'd think with all that talk about animal instincts, he'd know to bite off the throat/head once you've pounced your prey. They never showed Selim being cut neither, which suggests that the durability of his shadows also applies to his main body. If that's the case though, then it makes no sense for him to "die", unless you count multiple instances of spinal injury and brain slosh as death.
Prof. Chaos
Tue, 03-16-2010, 02:56 PM
Poor Gluttony. We never did get to see Lust come back and he was always lost without her. Though Pride was a real monster, cannibalizing him like that.
Tue, 03-16-2010, 04:57 PM
It didn't surprise me in the least. Actually I'm somewhat surprised how aghast the good guys were because of it. They are homunculus, not human, after all, free of emotions save one rather negative aspect. Keeping that in mind they actually behave in a most civilized manner.
Interesting episodes. I consistently hated the homunculus fights in the old series but in this one they couldn't be more intriguing.
Thu, 03-18-2010, 11:56 AM
HD ( d%20-%2048%20(1280x720%20h264)%20%5b979D4FA5%5d.mkv.tor rent) | SD ( d%20-%2048%20(XviD)%20%5b040DCA21%5d.avi.torrent)
Thu, 03-18-2010, 01:58 PM
Oh yeah, I forgot about the whole general thing.
Sun, 03-21-2010, 07:40 PM
[Eclipse] Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood - 49 - HD ( d%20-%2049%20%281280x720%20h264%29%20%5bDFBF82EC%5d.mkv .torrent) | SD ( d%20-%2049%20%28XviD%29%20%5bFC961FE9%5d.avi.torrent)
Don't miss the stuff after the ED theme, starting at 21:59.
Mon, 03-22-2010, 12:09 AM
[Eclipse] Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood - 49 - HD ( d%20-%2049%20%281280x720%20h264%29%20%5bDFBF82EC%5d.mkv .torrent) | SD ( d%20-%2049%20%28XviD%29%20%5bFC961FE9%5d.avi.torrent)
Don't miss the stuff after the ED theme, starting at 21:59.
I heard there was another disaster warning through the episode. Its that correct? if so Im willing to wait for a clean version.
Mon, 03-22-2010, 12:40 AM
I heard there was another disaster warning through the episode. Its that correct? if so Im willing to wait for a clean version.
That was on the TBS broadcast. Eclipse used a raw from the MBS broadcast, which is clean.
Mon, 03-22-2010, 01:26 AM
Ah, I see. Thanks.
Tokyo Tosho's message is misleading. I thought they didn't use a clean one. I'll download it then.
Mon, 03-22-2010, 07:38 AM
Thanks for posting early. So... 50, or 52 episodes? Stuff's about to go down!
Mon, 03-22-2010, 08:38 AM
Thanks for posting early. So... 50, or 52 episodes? Stuff's about to go down!
A couple of threads back, someone said 63.
I'm not sure which is more correct, if a distinction needs to be made. "Al is giving his all", or "Al is doing nothing". :p
Pride reverting to playing like a kid with a stick and helmet was funny. I wonder if they're foreshadowing him saving Madam Bradley.
Mon, 03-22-2010, 10:36 AM
It was a decent way to deal with Pride. Not really a final method but for their immediate objectives perfect - so far. Of course it means Al won't be doing much for the time being but we have so many people on the stage already that this war will hardly miss one walking and talking tin suit.
Hohenheim doesn't seem like much of a fighter. He looked quite reluctant to enter the battle field (though I have no doubt he wanted to save Ed) and ended up using Al's somewhat self-sacrificing plan, no less. I wonder what he has been doing all the centuries.
Mon, 03-22-2010, 12:25 PM
once again... we still have 17 more chapters from the manga to cover... and the manga isnt over yet... i would say that 63 episodes can easily complete the manga itself
Mon, 03-22-2010, 01:24 PM
The scene with Pride talking to Al about Mrs. Bradley is my favorite in the episode. "I've always had a father, but I never had a mother." And, yes, the only occasionally distracted fixation on the helmet.
i know it all looks well and planned out, but there's still way too much up in the air. Kimblee just took down a bunch of Isbalites who looked like they were getting ready to help out. Greed seems to have his own agenda. Envy is not gone. We still have no body for Wrath, Pride is only disabled, and Sloth (and freaking Father) right in Central HQ.
Grumman, Armstrong/Miles and Mustang don't seem to be a coordinated team, let alone have any contact with the extremely valuable alchemists/Scar's faction.
Hoenheim did not fight, but the man did perform a massive, flawless transmutation without any movement at all.
it's amazing how good this anime adaptation is turning out.
Tue, 03-30-2010, 01:39 AM
[Eclipse] Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood - 50 - HD ( d%20-%2050%20%281280x720%20h264%29%20%5bBA26BB66%5d.mkv .torrent) | SD ( d%20-%2050%20%28XviD%29%20%5b1F5CA7AC%5d.avi.torrent)
Tue, 03-30-2010, 05:21 AM
That scream and colour scheme reminds me so much of the Mass Production Evas - completely with dripping inhumanity and savageness. (or so I'd expect).
The contrast between how Briggs and Mustang & co does things was great. That "ninja Briggs" scene was by far my favourite this episode (the still-enjoyable second favourite goes to "I'm getting chased by Scar!").
And who the hell is this?
Tue, 03-30-2010, 09:16 AM
Good ep overall.
I thought it wouldnt be as good as the first series. But this is awesome.
Tue, 03-30-2010, 09:19 AM
Those Briggs folks mean serious business. They look a bit funny in the winter camo, but I guess it's useful for them to tell a friend from a foe since the basic uniforms would basically be more alike.
Tue, 03-30-2010, 10:49 AM
And who the hell is this?
Watch some of the still frames before the groupe shot. You'll see someone wearing slippers, I think it's "The Passing Housewife" that was held in Briggs' jail.
Tue, 03-30-2010, 04:17 PM
Watch some of the still frames before the groupe shot. You'll see someone wearing slippers, I think it's "The Passing Housewife" that was held in Briggs' jail.
Ah. I caught the slippers, but it only added to my confusion.
Tue, 03-30-2010, 05:06 PM
Ah. I caught the slippers, but it only added to my confusion.
I accept your apology.
Dont forget she's always has been considered as a "monster" both combat and alchemy wise. So the red glowing eyes are making sense if you see it that way.
Tue, 03-30-2010, 05:29 PM
red eyes can allways be an ishvalan... before i saw this episode i thought it was that ishavalan lieutenant, then i remembered he was at the east....
Mon, 04-05-2010, 12:41 PM
[Eclipse] Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood - 51 - HD ( d%20-%2051%20%281280x720%20h264%29%20%5bDCA31EEE%5d.mkv .torrent) | SD ( d%20-%2051%20%28XviD%29%20%5b4EF56081%5d.avi.torrent)
Mon, 04-05-2010, 01:57 PM
May Chang has a lot of work to do to fix her mistake. But I guess forgiving her is a little easier since she's nothing but a kid all things considered.
Mon, 04-05-2010, 04:05 PM
Good episode, really liked the new op and ed, though been liking all of them so far. It was nice to see Wraith again in the op liked that scene as it makes him seem more human. All in all FMA reminds me why I love anime.
Edit: Wait is Wraith actually shedding a tear in the op or is it the rain?
Mon, 04-05-2010, 05:50 PM
I'm not fond of the new OP/ED at all. I don't think they'll grow on me either.
As for May, sure, she was foolish enough to get tricked, Envy attacked her weakness pretty effectively, but I have to give her credit for that rather remarkable display of martial arts. Those dolls are kind of weak, but despite her diminutive stature, she gave off the feel that she is easily the equal to her Xing rivals in skill. While Lin, Lan Fan and Fuu probably beat her in terms of pure martial arts, she has Alkestry as well.
I also greatly enjoyed the Armstrong siblings. Olivier has such a powerful commanding presence, and Alex contrasts to her wonderfully. One is ruthless to the extreme, one too kind-hearted for his own good sometimes. On the other hand, he is also a great deal stronger than she is. She may have kicked his ass a few episodes ago, but I think this scene leads credence to the idea that she won because he couldn't fight all out, certainly not against his [beloved] older sister. Alex can only truly fight monsters, not people, especially ones he cares about.
Mon, 04-05-2010, 06:04 PM
May's martial arts skills were, indeed, surprisingly awesome this episode. We all knew the end result was going to happen, so that wasn't really a surprise. However, I'm wondering if there is any difference in power from before and now.
Olivier is by far my favourite character from this series. Man-handling those soldiers, and then fighting Sloth... when she was captured I almost let out a tear, as I couldn't believe a great character like her would go down just like that. I'm glad Armstrong was able to show up and "protect" her.
Did not expect (and had actually completely forgotten about) the philosopher's stone.
Prof. Chaos
Mon, 04-05-2010, 09:05 PM
Watching May was like reminded me a lot of watching a Jackie Chan flick. But the speech given by Heinkel to Al at the end made sense to use the Philosopher's stone and not let it "go to waste".
Mon, 04-05-2010, 09:46 PM
why couldnt Al just transmute legs without the stone?
Mon, 04-05-2010, 10:04 PM
why couldnt Al just transmute legs without the stone?
it thins the metal of his suit unless done either with the original legs/material or the philosophers stone. I'm almost certain it was mentioned before, though i couldnt tell you where. i think it also has to do with the fact that only Ed knows how to do so effectively, so maybe he needed the stone's boost to do it correctly
Dark Dragon
Mon, 04-05-2010, 10:22 PM
Regular transmutation would require him to transmute something equivalent into legs. The stone allows him to use the energy of the sacrificed to grow more metal.
Mon, 04-05-2010, 11:54 PM
He couldn't transmute the ground into metal?
Dark Dragon
Tue, 04-06-2010, 03:13 AM
I can't remember an instance in this series where they are able to change element. I might be mistaken so if someone can find it, feel free to point it out. Alchemy, i believe only allows them to manipulate what is already there such as mustang creating explosion from oxygen in the air using his special gloves, and Eds copying Greed's trick after his obtaining northern auto-mail that contain carbon.
If that is the case, then it is safe to assume that the ground there only contain traces of metal and not enough to where Al can reconstruct his legs without the use of a philosopher stone.
I actually like the new OP. The song fit the images very well and the overall theme gives the feel of a desperate struggle which fit the last arc.
Tue, 04-06-2010, 05:50 AM
Firstly, I'd like to say I like the new OP. I haven't payed much attention to the ED, and I frankly can't remember what it sounds like right now, but it wasn't terrible. (I'd remember it if it was)
Al was never as great at transmutation as his brother, I have to admit reluctantly. I think watching Al and Ed for so long has made us forget how hard Alchemy actually is. Before these two brothers came along, everybody other State Alchemist (who aren't necessarily the best, but are pretty damn good) all focused on 1 type of transmutation. I think that in itself tells us how difficult it is to perform a single one well, let alone how to do everything else.
Al might have gained the knowledge from the Truth, but skill seems to be another matter.
As proof of this, his transmuted legs look pretty shitty.
However, given his situation, he still should have tried to transmute something into a leg, wheel or anything. He wasn't in any condition to fight anyway, so his first priority should have been to get away as fast as possible. Punching one's leg does not make this happen.
Stupid Al.
(And I know it was dusty, but you'd think Pride's newly inherited sense of smell would be better than this)
I have to say the same thing to Ed too. The best thing to do against dumb, immortal masses are to trap them. You've got them in the same room as you, so how about some cages/rooms/pits or whatever. Beats doing something that obviously isn't working.
Judging from Alex's response, his fists hit harder than a cannon. Good to hear.
Tue, 04-06-2010, 07:26 AM
Al might have gained the knowledge from the Truth, but skill seems to be another matter.
As proof of this, his transmuted legs look pretty shitty.
Well I'm not sure about that, felt more like they made them look like that to emphasis the fact that he transmuted a new pair of legs. Kinda like how Kimblee explained that there will be traces of a alchemy being used after they use it, think he mentioned it when he was hunting after Scar. Same as how Ed found the underground passage, because you'd normally think the government can cover up a wall better than that, but if transmuting something always leaves some kind of trace it makes sense.
I have to say the same thing to Ed too. The best thing to do against dumb, immortal masses are to trap them. You've got them in the same room as you, so how about some cages/rooms/pits or whatever. Beats doing something that obviously isn't working.
I'm not sure if this is correct now but doesn't overusing alchemy tire out the user? At least in the first show when they showed a guy transmuting that tower, he could barely stand afterwards. Then again we've never seen Ed get tired or anyone else but if it applies to them as well then he might be saving energy to fight the bigger guys. But other than that I do agree that he should use his alchemy more.
I can't remember an instance in this series where they are able to change element. I might be mistaken so if someone can find it, feel free to point it out.
Didn't Ed transmutate coal into gold when he tricked Yoki? Not sure if that counts though. And a spear seemingly made out of metal from the ground when he did the practical alchemy test. Other than that I can't really think of anything.
Tue, 04-06-2010, 07:44 AM
Well I'm not sure about that, felt more like they made them look like that to emphasis the fact that he transmuted a new pair of legs. Kinda like how Kimblee explained that there will be traces of a alchemy being used after they use it, think he mentioned it when he was hunting after Scar. Same as how Ed found the underground passage, because you'd normally think the government can cover up a wall better than that, but if transmuting something always leaves some kind of trace it makes sense.
I'm not sure if this is correct now but doesn't overusing alchemy tire out the user? At least in the first show when they showed a guy transmuting that tower, he could barely stand afterwards. Then again we've never seen Ed get tired or anyone else but if it applies to them as well then he might be saving energy to fight the bigger guys. But other than that I do agree that he should use his alchemy more.
Didn't Ed transmutate coal into gold when he tricked Yoki? Not sure if that counts though. And a spear seemingly made out of metal from the ground when he did the practical alchemy test. Other than that I can't really think of anything.
Yea but it turned back to coal, I always assumed that it was not really gold, just made to look like it.
Anyway, yea cool eps., I hope that Al gets more out of that stone than just 2 new legs. He is about to fight 2vs1 and whats the point of getting new legs when all they have to do is grab him again with the shadow. BTW, about how many eps are left in this series? The first one ended at 52, so this seems like it is going to go on for a bit longer, but not too much longer.
Tue, 04-06-2010, 07:54 AM
Yea but it turned back to coal, I always assumed that it was not really gold, just made to look like it.
Anyway, yea cool eps., I hope that Al gets more out of that stone than just 2 new legs. He is about to fight 2vs1 and whats the point of getting new legs when all they have to do is grab him again with the shadow. BTW, about how many eps are left in this series? The first one ended at 52, so this seems like it is going to go on for a bit longer, but not too much longer.
If it were just made to look like gold then it wouldn't turn back to coal now would it? I always figured he just transmuted it back to coal after the deal was done.
Think someone said in one of the older FMA threads that it's going to be 62 episodes.
Tue, 04-06-2010, 03:51 PM
Alchemy is the rearranging of molecules. You take away or add some protons, and bam you have a different element. I see no reason why Al could not have changed the earth into metal if this entire show revolves around alchemy.
Tue, 04-06-2010, 06:56 PM
Alchemy is the rearranging of molecules. You take away or add some protons, and bam you have a different element. I see no reason why Al could not have changed the earth into metal if this entire show revolves around alchemy.
In that case there's no reason why transmuting a person would require the gathering of exactly the same amounts of the various chemicals in the human body (sulphur, carbon... the list goes on). It's obvious that they could not just make every single element under the sun from whatever they could find.
And the "rearranging of molecules" stops you from interfering at the subatomic level already, by definition.
Tue, 04-06-2010, 08:32 PM
In that case there's no reason why transmuting a person would require the gathering of exactly the same amounts of the various chemicals in the human body (sulphur, carbon... the list goes on). It's obvious that they could not just make every single element under the sun from whatever they could find.
Why would you bother transmuting probably trillions of molecules into different elements
to form complex cells, tissues, and organs, when you could prepare the exact amounts in advance?
And the "rearranging of molecules" stops you from interfering at the subatomic level already, by definition.
I'm sorry, I do not understand your point. What is to stop them from rearranging subatomic particles? They've done it before in the show....transmute gold...
Tue, 04-06-2010, 08:40 PM
Why would you bother transmuting probably trillions of molecules into different elements
to form complex cells, tissues, and organs, when you could prepare the exact amounts in advance?
In that case, you're saying it's a complexity issue. Then I haven't seen anybody bother to do anything so complex as to transmute one element into another.
I'm sorry, I do not understand your point. What is to stop them from rearranging subatomic particles? They've done it before in the show....transmute gold...
I was using the definition of "molecules", which in nature exists as either pure elements, a group of pure elements (02), or a group of them (H2O). If all they do is rearrange them, then they don't mess with subatomic particles.
As for transmutating gold, you'll have to remind me of where that happened. I don't remember.
Tue, 04-06-2010, 11:03 PM
Im guessing Wrath might turn good or at least help.. Mustang did save his wife and he seems to care about her a little bit..
Tue, 04-06-2010, 11:09 PM
My bet is he cares about her more than anything else in the world.
Dark Dragon
Tue, 04-06-2010, 11:10 PM
As for transmutating gold, you'll have to remind me of where that happened. I don't remember.
That was the event with Ed tricking Yoki out of the mining town deed. It didn't appear in this series and was only reference in a flashback. The event is relevant to the manga storyline however.
Wed, 04-07-2010, 07:00 AM
Well looking at the description that they used to show at the start alchemy is about understanding the structure of matter, breaking it down and rebuilding it. And looking at episode 43 when Olivier and that other guy talks about alchemy one of the rules are to not make gold, so looking at it that way it is indeed possible to create anything as long as you have the same amount of matter.
Though it doesn't seem to be exactly consistent with most of the alchemy that's being shown. If it's like that Ed shouldn't have to touch the ground to create something since he should be able to restructure the air to whatever he needs.
It could also be that each matter can only take certain routes and be reconstructed according to those routes a rough example would be inorganic matter won't be able to turn into organic matter. Another example from the first show in the exam where the a guy made paper and hydrogen from tree and water, that he had to use those matter to create paper and hydrogen. Which also explains why Ed mentioned that he's happy he kept the northern automail as it enabled him to mimic Greed, which seems like he wouldn't have been able to with his old one. It also emphasizes the understanding part, Ed didn't know what was in the northern automail so he couldn't use alchemy to destroy it, same goes for Scar. If all matter were the same and could be broken down and reconstructed to anything then it wouldn't matter what things are made of as the process would have been the same for the deconstruction.
If we go with this then the philosophers stone bypasses 2 essential rules in alchemy, the amount of material needed as well as opening all routes which is why Al was able to make new legs. Well that's my guess anyway
Wed, 04-07-2010, 11:42 PM
Well, I think that when you try to break things down at the atomic level, things can go BOOM!
For the series, you're only allowed to rearrange molecules. You can't turn Hydrogen to another element--any other element is heavier, so equivalent exchange would not work.
As far as the gold thing, I think it's probably an oversight by the author.
Thu, 04-08-2010, 01:05 AM
I don't think the author really though about nuclear physics when designing her alchemy for the series. Both splitting heavier atoms (fission) and merging lighter (fusion) would indeed be quite troublesome for the alchemist and those around them due to radioactive and neutron radiation.
However, if she simply ignored that aspect there's no reason why one couldn't build anything out of lighter atoms since you only need to take a bunch to get enough protons/neutrons/electrons for any heavier element. Although hydrogen would be troublesome since it lacks any neutrons unless you stick to the rare isotopes. However, water contains oxygen as well, which provides plenty of neutrons.
Thu, 04-08-2010, 04:03 AM
This show is an example of how all anime should be, it's just that awesome.
Sat, 04-10-2010, 11:55 AM
i certainly didn't like the OP. i was not crazy about any of the OPs at first listen, for any of them in this series, but this one i really don't like. the ED is tolerable, imho.
the episode was ok, but a bit standard shounen. i do, however, love that Pride was fucking morse code messaging for help the whole time Al thought he was just "being childish", and that it was Kimblee who showed up to help his ass.
and kudos to Al for realizing he has to use the help of others (even dead ones) to get the good shit done. puts a nice wrinkle on the standard "i may be the shounen lead, but i'll always consider myself just another joe".
Sun, 04-11-2010, 06:02 PM
[Eclipse] Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood - 52 - HD ( d%20-%2052%20%281280x720%20h264%29%20%5b0BED9331%5d.mkv .torrent) | SD ( d%20-%2052%20%28XviD%29%20%5b0457F1C6%5d.avi.torrent)
Sun, 04-11-2010, 07:16 PM
Very nice episode - I thought this was the final episode, recall anidb mentioning only 52 episodes, nice to see they now say 63; was thinking it was getting a bit rushed...
Loved Al fighting in this episode, fairly impressive scene.
Actually, most of the fighting scenes in this episode very impressive, the Armstrongs proving very interesting (and humorous) as usual, with some nice show of power from both siblings.
Sun, 04-11-2010, 09:02 PM
This was the most badass episode to date, for me. Aside from the doll fighting on Ed's end (I think someone mentioned in another episode thread he should just make a giant pit or something for them to fall into... that sounded like an excellent idea). The battle between Al and Pride/Kimblee was amazing, and I didn't see Ed make any battle mistakes, except not paying attention to Kimblee when he finally caught Pride the second time. Marcoh's arrival, and then even Yoki's assistance was unexpected, but at least they're entrances were flashy. Never expected Kimblee to go down that easily. But his death, like Pride mentioned, fit his philosophy on life.
Olivier and Armstrong double team was just as excellent. Him making the wounds and her attacking those wounds to actually inflict injury was great teamwork. Never expected Sloth to be the fastest homunculus, and he does have one hell of a powerful attack, but as they both figured out, he has no control over direction, or stopping until he hits something, so Armstrong was able to use that to his advantage very nicely. And I especially liked Olivier's provocation of the soldier's, demanding they think for themselves.
I am greatly looking forward to each episode now. I can only assume the battles are going to become much greater than the 3(4) that took place in this episode.
Mon, 04-12-2010, 05:16 AM
loved the scenes with Pride/Kimblee vs Al and company (particularly the dialogue with Kimblee's "4th Option" and Pride's nasty send off)
Oh Yoki, you finally did it =p
Sloth being the fastest is Homunculi was a laugh in itself (not to mention the way he attacks, FAIL!), and I really liked how badass both Armstrongs were this episode, but it was also nice to see Envy using his powers more, and Al bringing out the Stone.
the good guys are doing quite well right now. Lust is down, Greed basically fights with the good guy's now, Envy can't even take on Mei, Sloth isn't doing too well, Pride is a bit isolated (and you can add Gluttony and Kimblee to his cost) and, well, the last time we saw Wrath (outside of the spoilerific OP), he was way the fuck away from Central.
on the good guys' side, the super team of Ed and Scar just got stronger with Roy joining up (and Hoenheim is down there,too) and Al is on the way with Marcoh and a Stone. Greedlin + Ninjas already destroy house whenever they show up, and it all seems to be going against that pessimistic OP
"Brave humans are very easy to trick."
Mon, 04-12-2010, 05:35 AM
So is the manga over now, and is this series going to end up covering all of it?
Mon, 04-12-2010, 05:59 AM
So is the manga over now, and is this series going to end up covering all of it?
The manga is still going and Sengoku Basara Two will be taking over FMA's tv slot in July, so we'll just have to wait and see if the manga ends before then.
Dark Dragon
Mon, 04-12-2010, 10:50 AM
I would like to believe that Arakawa is done with the manga and bones has a copy of it right now. It would be redundant to come all this way and not end it in the same way as the manga.
Mon, 04-12-2010, 11:44 AM
Sloth being the fastest is Homunculi was a laugh in itself (not to mention the way he attacks, FAIL!)
Well when one is fast as lightning and has steel skin to top it off, why not become a human cannonball? Any less sturdy than Alex and those attacks would have cleaned up everything. For those who remember the Alex vs Scar fight (where he pulls back when Hawkeye shoots), not only is that guy a tank. He's also crazy fast.
Kimblee... damn that guy went down in style.
Using the OP5 so soon in a fight So what are they going to use for the actual big guns?
Mon, 04-12-2010, 12:31 PM
Kimblee went down like a man. I don't blame him not seeing it coming, despite being such a though and through killer. The lion chimera is practically designed to jump and bite somebody's neck without giving a chance to react.
Mon, 04-12-2010, 12:36 PM
Man, i am SO looking forward to some Bradley action!! GO WRATH!
Mon, 04-12-2010, 12:48 PM
Wow downloaded the sd version, put it on my flash drive (win32). Then on my ps3...... watched it on the hd..... really good animation, you actually see Al kick ass this time, and kimblee I feel sorry for him. Best episode so far!
Mon, 04-12-2010, 03:05 PM
I wonder if Al agreed beforehand to this plan or if most of it was improvised seeing as both Al and Ed have been against killing and seeing people die before them all this time.
Tue, 04-13-2010, 09:49 AM
if you are talking about kimblee, then pride "acted" like he doesnt want to kill him at all when the lion king used him as a shield... there is no way al would know that pride was going to actually kill another ally
Tue, 04-13-2010, 09:53 AM
if you are talking about kimblee, then pride "acted" like he doesnt want to kill him at all when the lion king used him as a shield... there is no way al would know that pride was going to actually kill another ally
He meant if Al actually planned for Lion King to take out Kimblee's throat, which usually has a very good chance of killing, or whether Al just thought of healing him and/or asking for some non-lethal help.
Either way, Al didn't seem too shocked at the way things turned out.
Mon, 04-19-2010, 02:40 AM
[Eclipse] Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood - 53 - HD ( d%20-%2053%20%281280x720%20h264%29%20%5bCD10BF30%5d.mkv .torrent) | SD ( d%20-%2053%20%28XviD%29%20%5b0C6C5026%5d.avi.torrent)
Mon, 04-19-2010, 04:45 AM
Just as I thought Mustang has the most overwhelmingly powerful Alchemy as far as "normal" folks are concerned, I remembered that there's supposedly an "Ultimate" flame alchemy out there.
I'd hate to be at the receiving end of that one....
I love how try as May could, she couldn't come up with a decent reason why she came back, and simply apologised. It was.. sweet.
Money's on Mustang being Envy in that last scene.
Mon, 04-19-2010, 05:05 AM
If we count out the preview I'd still agree with you, if it was Mustang it seemed kinda stupid to just turn his back on a possible Envy and put his hands in his pocket. Besides was under the impression that while Envy can copy the form of people he can't exactly create weapons.
About the ultimate flame alchemy, I wonder if that isn't what Mustang been using since Hawkeye seemed to give him the information on it or maybe he's using a form of it. Though if it is then it isn't so ultimate if it's useless on rainy days.
Edit: by the way am I the only one that feels that not every homunculus fits their name? Wraith doesn't really feel so wraithy other than when he fights but he seems pretty level minded and collected even then. Envy doesn't really give of that kind of feeling though his abilities fits. Though Gluttony and Sloth do fit quite well.
Mon, 04-19-2010, 05:17 AM
sloth doesn't fit either
i mean, he is the fastest and probably the strongest (physicaly)
only Gluttony and Lust fit...
i noticed that too.
Greed is not greedy enough imho
and Pride is more or less a sadist.
Wrath is way to calm.. when he fought Greed I expected him to ravage and rage over his dead body etc. :/
Mon, 04-19-2010, 05:20 AM
Slothfulness is an attitude/character rather than a physical attribute.
@fireheart: Mustang was denied his master's ultimate alchemy when he decided to join the army. There hasn't been any mention of Hawkeye giving it to him.
Mon, 04-19-2010, 06:08 AM
first off, this was a great episode with the parts about the radio station. one of the things i absolutely love about this anime (and the manga) is that it's just as smart as it is entertaining. one of the first things you do when you stage a coup is take control of the media, then tell everyone how you're the one "doing the right thing"
it's also lovely to see the people at the station gleefully pretending to be hostages. won't journalists stop at anything to get the big story?
Envy and Mustang. this one had to be coming. there are several linked bad guy - good guy pairs in this show, but none are as solid as Mustang and Envy (personally I'm still shocked that Scar and Kimblee never got resolved). the others are Wrath and GreedLin, (the two kings), Sloth and Female Armstrong (the strong willed vs the weak willed), Pride and Al (at least I have a feeling they're a pair, the first created Faux Body and the one without a body) and, of course, Hoenheim and Father.
manga knowledge prevents me from discussing certain things, but i, for one, really was interested to see just how some of Mustang's attacks were aimed at Envy. that's all i can really say, and if you've been following the manga, i hoped you picked up on that as well...
so you guys are going on about Homunculi names not fitting their personality?
Krazy, what the hell? You think Lust's character fits her name/sin? Please get me in touch with your drug dealer. Lust never, ever, ever talks about anything having to do with sex. She had tons of scenes early on, and she never showed attracted or desire for anyone (aside from wanting to fight Mustang, I believe). Sure, her Attack Trait is straight out of Sigmund Freud, but other than that...
Greed is not greedy enough? He's the only Homunculi to turn against his creator, in order to pursue his own whims, and he's repeatedly said how he wants everything to be his.
BuffalloBill is absolutely right. Sloth is fast, sure, but he's lazy as sin (pun intended). Think how fast he could have finished that tunnel if he'd gone all out
Envy... well, at least his Attack Trait fits his sin name. Trying to imitate others is a hallmark move of the envious, and so is despising them just as hard as you try to copy them. And let's not forget the theme about his(? is Envy really a man? i always thought that was up for contention) preference to appear in a "young body"
Wrath, well... he only has that one scene where he tells Mustang he was furious when Hughes' daughter was crying at his funeral. Other than that, he seems alot more prideful than wrathful...
Gluttony, of course, is spot on
Pride... I really don't think the name fits him very well. He does sometimes act very calm and collected and sure of himself. I think about what Hoenheim said, about how Father made him to look like the thing in the Flask that Father used to be... to me, it feels like the name "Pride" is something Father gave to him, showing that he has Pride in his not being human (I think that's a common trait among the homunculi)
and, yeah, fuck anime cliffhangers...
Mon, 04-19-2010, 09:23 AM
Buffalobiian: Well you might be right about that, always assumed that while Mustangs master denied him the ultimate flame alchemy Hawkeye showed it too him. Also thought it fit since she also joined the army and that Mustang told her to watch his back/shot him if he strays from the path. Thought he meant that she have the right because of the knowledge she gave him. But it's just my interpretation, don't really have any facts or anything to back it up with so might be quite wrong about it.
Completely forgot about Greed for some reason, while his personality fit in wanting everything I can't say the same about his abilities same goes for Sloth I guess that his personality fits but not his ability. Pride is a mixed bag I think, he seems proud over his position as the first homunculus and ordering the other homunculus around. I've also wondered what exactly Wraths ultimate eye does, does it just see everything or what.
Mon, 04-19-2010, 09:39 AM
I always thought Wrath's eye gave him enhanced perception, seeing blindingly fast attacks in with detail such that he can read moves, much like an inner eye.
Prof. Chaos
Mon, 04-19-2010, 01:37 PM
Their names have nothing to do with their abilities. Their names are their personalities. Hell, it makes it that much better to have the fastest/brute strength be in Sloth. Everything is such a drag to him and he always wants to do nothing, but he got furious when he couldn't take it easy.
Envy: DONT LOOK AT ME! Simple as that.
Downloading now and will watch in a few hours.
Testarossa Autodrive
Mon, 04-19-2010, 03:44 PM
How fucking hot is Mustang when he's pissed? A lot. I quite enjoyed the second half of this episode. The first part was rather boring, but the last half went by very quickly.
Mon, 04-19-2010, 04:43 PM
Krazy, what the hell? You think Lust's character fits her name/sin? Please get me in touch with your drug dealer. Lust never, ever, ever talks about anything having to do with sex. She had tons of scenes early on, and she never showed attracted or desire for anyone (aside from wanting to fight Mustang, I believe). Sure, her Attack Trait is straight out of Sigmund Freud, but other than that...
she's a slut, and everyone in the series wants to do her
she might not be that lascivious herself but at least u can tell what she is.
and not to mention that she was the girlfriend of 3 or 4(?) guys at the same time.
and Greed is not greedy enough because he shares and starts doing stuff with his friends or "minions" instead of pushing them asside and claiming everything for himself.
I've seen villains being a lot more greedy than him... in nearly every anime.
even though I like Greed the most (his transformation-"look" is awesome)
BuffalloBill is absolutely right. Sloth is fast, sure, but he's lazy as sin (pun intended). Think how fast he could have finished that tunnel if he'd gone all out
Sloth is nothing more than a retard
his name should be "Dumb" or something like that... the only reason u are able to tell that he is Sloth is because he keeps complaining all the time.
srsly.. a bodybuilder and high-speed-sportsman represents "Sloth"?
I expected to see some skinny/pale guy who keeps yawning and nearly fall asleep when talking.
the "Sloth Demon" in Dragon Age represents the vice *alot* better.
and not to mention that Envy is probably the "pridest" of them all and would be the perfect "Pride"
he can't stand getting mocked by "mortals"
he always states his superiority whenever possible
Mon, 04-19-2010, 06:25 PM
KrayZ33: Probably missed this completely, but when did Lust ever date 3-4 guys at the same time? I only remember her going out with Havoc to get information and that's it. Also find it a bit over the top to call her a slut, she hasn't acted like a slut from what I've seen at least. Also if I hadn't known she was Lust before hand I can't say that I would have known right away so not sure what you're basing it on.
So you don't think Sloth is appropriate based on how he looks. Well I don't know if I would say a little boy fits the description of Pride either or an middle aged man that doesn't really look angry most of the time as Wrath.
Prof. Chaos: I don't know some personalities doesn't fit their names, while for some the abilities feel appropriate for their name Gluttony is the prime example of personality and ability fitting the name, Sloths ability don't fit while his name is more accurate while Envys ability is appropriate in my opinion, though his personality isn't so much envy imo or if you rather Lust's personality doesn't her name.
Anyway don't remember exactly but didn't Hoeinheim mention that the homunculus represent things that Father had thrown away and reshaped them into the homunculus. Thinking about how Pride said the emotion wraith doesn't exist in him. So shouldn't that mean that they don't represent each deadly sin to a tee or our general idea of them but rather represent that part of Father.
Mon, 04-19-2010, 08:23 PM
Sloth is nothing more than a retard
his name should be "Dumb" or something like that... the only reason u are able to tell that he is Sloth is because he keeps complaining all the time.
srsly.. a bodybuilder and high-speed-sportsman represents "Sloth"?
I expected to see some skinny/pale guy who keeps yawning and nearly fall asleep when talking.
Sloth is less about being physically inactive and more about not doing what you're meant to do. If a man was a CEO of a company but let it go to ruin because he didn't care it would be Sloth, regardless if the time he should have spent on his business was spent working out. In reality that definition of Sloth (and many of the deadly sins) has changed over time, before it was more about not keeping up with your faith, not reading your bible every night etc. Not that this really applies here, other than showing that the idea of these sins takes many forms.
and not to mention that Envy is probably the "pridest" of them all and would be the perfect "Pride"
he can't stand getting mocked by "mortals"
he always states his superiority whenever possible
Assuming that outcry isn't because he is envious of their lot in life. A jealous person decrying the greatness of others isn't a stretch.
Also, concerning Wrath, it isn't necessarily violent outbreaks, as Dante describes it: "The love of justice perverted to revenge and spite." Sometimes wrath is very methodical, something like splitting a man from his closest advisers and giving him a job that he will suffer through.
All of these sins don't have to have immediate outward appearances, the end result is the important part.
Tue, 04-20-2010, 01:07 AM
The only thing I have to say about this episode is that Mustang is pure win. Enter Mustang, who single-handedly disposed of the immortal dolls, and then proceeded to single-handedly give Envy a fear for his life. Even if his reasons are based on the wrath of revenge, and, according to Scar, will ultimately consume him, it was great to see him get so much action, since we haven't for so long.
Tue, 04-20-2010, 02:23 AM
Sloth is nothing more than a retard
his name should be "Dumb" or something like that... the only reason u are able to tell that he is Sloth is because he keeps complaining all the time.
srsly.. a bodybuilder and high-speed-sportsman represents "Sloth"?
I expected to see some skinny/pale guy who keeps yawning and nearly fall asleep when talking.
Why would Father have created a homunculus that's both physically and mentally useless? You seem to forget these fellows were handcrafted. Sloth suited perfectly the job Father had for him. An immensely strong body and a mind that wouldn't on its own seek anything else to do due to lack of interest and motivation. Father only needed to make sure Sloth kept digging and Pride was no doubt supervising that, residing in the tunnels anyway.
Pride is pretty much the only homunculus, in my opinion, that shows a distinct lack of an appropriate personality. He doesn't really show that much personality at all aside from being a wanton killer.
Tue, 04-20-2010, 09:07 AM
the Sloth Demon in Dragon Age uses mind-manipulating abilities.
so Sloth doesn't have to be useless.
Sloth suited perfectly the job Father had for him. An immensely strong body and a mind that wouldn't on its own seek anything else to do due to lack of interest and motivation.
thats no excuse for sloth not being slothful enough
its not like there *has* to be a tunnel... the storywriters probably decided to do it with Sloth that way, but its not like they couldn't have thought about other ways.
KrayZ33: Probably missed this completely, but when did Lust ever date 3-4 guys at the same time?
oh I thought she was dating that fat guy and Mustang too... my fault then
Sun, 04-25-2010, 12:11 PM
FullMetal Alchemist 53
HD ( 5B1280x720+h264%5D.mkv.torrent)/SD ( +53.avi)
FullMetal Alchemist 54
Stream (
I noticed there wasn't an Ep 53 thread, so let's merge them both into one.
This was one of the most epic eps yet and i'm glad to see they expanded on the fight scenes in 54. Man, just seeing Mustang torch Envy again and again made me feel kinda sorry for him. His final fate is very ironic and fitting considering the sin he represents, then again, I think this can be applied to how Lust and Gluttony have both died. Very fitting indeed.
The Homunculii are getting a beating, with Envy gone, there's our original 3. All that's left is a pummeled out Sloth, A missing Wrath and a Pride that is miles outside the city.
Sun, 04-25-2010, 03:46 PM
53-thread exist.
It's get created in GENERAL ANIME and then when the next episode thread is created the old one gets moved to this section, "Series En Fuego".
No biggie. Someone will come along and fix it, I'm sure of it.
Still waiting for episode so I'll be back to lurk some more later.
EDIT: Noes, my favorite character is gone. RIP Envy. And poor Gluttony got eaten. Only Greedlin and Wrath left of the cool ones.
Sun, 04-25-2010, 11:06 PM
MARIK! Where are you with the damn torrent lol, I don't want to stream... I want to download it and upload it on my TV!!!! I also checked out boxtorrents, kickasstorrents, and btjunkie....
Sun, 04-25-2010, 11:28 PM
MARIK! Where are you with the damn torrent lol
Eclipse's translator Kokizzzle left, so there's no telling when they will release it. You can try these in the meantime.
[Ecrisp] Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood - 54v2 [1280x720 H.264 AAC] [0E650C7A].mkv (
[TMD-Raze] Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood - 54 [h264-720p] [347AB654].mkv (
Mon, 04-26-2010, 01:06 AM
Eclipse's translator Kokizzzle left, so there's no telling when they will release it. You can try these in the meantime.
[Ecrisp] Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood - 54 [1280x720 H.264 AAC].mkv (
[TMD-Raze] Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood - 54 [h264-720p] [347AB654].mkv (
Weak, any opinions on which is the better group?
Mon, 04-26-2010, 03:35 AM
Tomodachi is perfectly watchable and sometimes good enough for archiving.
What surprised me in this episode was that Riza had asked Roy to burn the tattoo off of her back, and that is wasn't a supreme technique of fire alchemy tattooed there, it was just fire alchemy in general. I had assumed this whole time that that it had gotten messed up as a result of her being shot or hurt during the battles. Also, she wanted it gone for the sole reason that she had seen Roy use it, and wanted no one who was even remotely less responsible to learn it as well.
She witnessed the horror that alchemists can create, and knowing that she was the cause of some of the worst of it was too much for her to bear.
This was a pretty powerful episode with the three of them not letting Roy fall to his fury, and with Ed's realization about Envy's nature. Armstrong was also great. He never fails to put a smile on my face, his boxing was badass.
Mon, 04-26-2010, 03:52 AM
I had a day off today, so decided not to wait. I ended up getting Ecrisp, since the naming got the better of me due to the similar spelling (they ended up releasing a v2. :S).
Didn't find anything bad about their subs, and video quality is definitely watchable.
Episode discussion follows:
Envy's departure turned out to be pretty dramatic, to the point that I think he even took the focus from Mustang, ultimately. "The brat" turned out to be the only one to (openly) understand him, and also the only one he bid farewell to.
For once, our cheezy "Fullmetal Alchemist!" announcer did something appreciable. It fully resets the mood after Envy's death to get us ready for some Alex action.
It was also great to see Olivier NOT talking down to her brother, or calling him trash for a change. I'm personally glad to see her shout happily, while a cool "Hmmf, I expect nothing less from my brother" would have been more consistent with her outwardly cold character.
(edit after Ryll's post): Yeah, the flame alchemy thing surprised me too, now that you mention it. From that, I gather that people were trying to research flame alchemy, as opposed to having flame alchemy being a usable but imperfect technique and working to enhance that. I guess there'd be other people who tried this research too, but no one ever came up with the ultimate formula (ie one that works, or isn't limited to creating campfires).
One other thing that was done well in Mustang's scene was the way he came back. It's really a bit hard to believe the hatred born from a close(st?) friend's death will be so easily overcome with just talk or a threat. He had to give up his revenge for something that's even more important, and that is the currently living Hawkeye.
Mon, 04-26-2010, 08:13 AM
Aww, i felt a little sad when Envy died... then cut to the Armstrongs being all awesome as usual!
Kickass ep!
Mon, 04-26-2010, 10:55 AM
it was sad to see Envy go, because he's one of the few totally despicable bastards in this show, but even HE's got a bit of a soft side.
and Roy almost losing his mind was good. i usually hate the "no kill policy" that good guys tote around in shounen anime/manga, but this was a nice variation on that theme.
Father and Hoenheim, face to face at last.
note: i watched Tomodachi's release, and it was watchable. it was actually quite good, i found.
Mon, 04-26-2010, 10:47 PM
i didn't really like the way things played out w\ envy. I was enjoying Musting pwning him.
The new setup... i've been watching most of them on the computer but am using ps3 media server alot more lately.
Tue, 04-27-2010, 12:40 AM
PS3 Media server is the shit, I just wish they would update more but the forums are active. Also I used MKV2OB to convert the MKV and H264 files if you have a usb in win32 format, cause sometimes the streaming fucks up and the copying takes awhile. But still the best program. I have the 2nd season of Gundam 00 on my ps3 slim! I love it! Im also doing that with FMA but still... only 8 gigs left!!
Tue, 04-27-2010, 01:42 AM
Episode 54 HD ( d%20-%2054%20(1280x720%20h264)%20%5b35591E87%5d.mkv.tor rent) | SD ( d%20-%2054%20(XviD)%20%5b38AF0DC7%5d.avi.torrent) - Eclipse
"We're happy to announce that rumors of our demise have been slightly premature."
Tue, 04-27-2010, 06:40 AM
Okay, I got a question.
Considering how much this series loves to peg people from various nations as having a uniform appearance...where the hell did that black guy come from?
Tue, 04-27-2010, 08:08 PM
Okay, I got a question.
Considering how much this series loves to peg people from various nations as having a uniform appearance...where the hell did that black guy come from?
Which black guy?
Tue, 04-27-2010, 08:22 PM
I figure fire would be very easy to make and VERY hard to control. The main danger being blowing oneself up. Without Mustang's secret it's like being in a room full of gas; light a match and things go boom!
Tue, 04-27-2010, 08:39 PM
The one who got chewed by the crocodile automail.
Fri, 04-30-2010, 10:45 PM
Wow. I just noticed that. And check out the lips. I think he's the only male character so far with lips.
Sun, 05-02-2010, 03:55 AM
[Majin-ACG] Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood - OVA1 - The Blind Alchemist (BD 1280x720 x264 FLAC).mkv (
[Majin-Hiyono] Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood - OVA2 - Simple People (BD 1280x720 x264 FLAC).mkv (
[Hiyono]_Fullmetal_Alchemist_Brotherhood_OVA_-_03_(XviD_AnimeSenshi).avi ( <- the mkv original didn't play for me
[Hiyono] Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood OVA - 03 (1280×720_Blu-Ray) [1F98956C].mkv ( <- Original encode
Ouch. They were indeed painful to watch. The piercings that is.
These shorts that came with the BD/DVD releases weren't content heavy, as you'd expect, but nonetheless provided enjoyable padding to the main story. (someone who knows can tell us whether these were studio-developed, or adapted from the manga).
The first OVA only concreted the idea that human transmutation without a philosopher's stone was impossible, but I really enjoyed 2 and 3. In particular, OVA2 answers the long-nagging question of where all those piercings came from, and while it was funny to know that they were "+1 life" tokens from Ed, it was even more interesting to know that both Hawkeye and Winry's somewhat similar appearance wasn't co-incidence or laziness on behalf of the author. (If the latter was true, then at least she was motivated enough to work around that laziness).
OVA3 was pure joy. Remember how wolves are meant to work together and pick off the weakest link? When these guys don't even want to get involved (, you know you up against shit ( you ( don't ( wanna ( mess ( with (
Sun, 05-02-2010, 01:45 PM
[Eclipse] Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood - 55 - HD ( d%20-%2055%20%281280x720%20h264%29%20%5b6E28AF44%5d.mkv .torrent) | SD ( d%20-%2055%20%28XviD%29%20%5bBDC50451%5d.avi.torrent)
Sun, 05-02-2010, 01:45 PM
Which leads me back to "Where did the Amestris army find a brutha in the FMA world?"
Sun, 05-02-2010, 02:04 PM
It's FABulous.
So much action, so much of everything that's awesome.
And Behold, MUSCLES !
Testarossa Autodrive
Sun, 05-02-2010, 02:13 PM
Christ. They were quick about this one.
Sun, 05-02-2010, 03:56 PM
Very nice episode, especially the first half.
Loved the two Armstrongs reaction to Izumi taking out Sloth.
Finally Bradley back on the scene, looking forward to the upcoming battles involving him, also the ones involving 'Father'.
Harima Kenji
Sun, 05-02-2010, 04:28 PM
It feels like a lot of ppl are gonna die next week. Let's see what his ultimate eye is made of.
Finally Sloth is dead.. he was starting to get on my nerves.
Sun, 05-02-2010, 05:14 PM
Those muscle scenes turned out hilarious, much more so than the old ones where Armstrong was alone. There was some condensed shounen spirit there, reaching the same kind of atmosphere Gurren Lagann had. Even though those men were hardly young anymore.
The doll soldiers have been disappointing, though. Maybe the scientist who said they aren't yet finished was more correct than he even knew. They are so brainless zombies that they pose a significant danger only to small packs of ordinary footmen taken by surprise. I wish they had taken a more horror story like approach with them, making them appear out of nowhere, overpower, kill, and disappear, with only briefly shown on screen. This cannon fodder approach makes them no good and hardly worth the attention.
Well, with Wrath returning home, I guess there's no need to worry about enemies being too weak.
Sun, 05-02-2010, 09:31 PM
Another Homunculus bites the dust, so that leaves just Pride and Wrath for the bad guys.
Loved the muscle friendship scenes, those were some epic manly sparkles going on there.
Looking forward to some more bradley action, man did he cut a bullet in half in the preview? XD insane.
Sun, 05-02-2010, 09:43 PM
Haha, and here I thought Alex was getting shown down, only to find that he'd actually join in. Having witnessed the bear throw not too long ago (, it was fun to see Sloth posing no more a threat than a bear hunt for Izumi.
I wonder what Hoenheim did that stopped Father from absorbing his stone...
Mon, 05-03-2010, 02:44 AM
I wonder what Hoenheim did that stopped Father from absorbing his stone...
I'd imagine Hoenheim have tried to either get rid of the stone or tweak it somehow so that he'd be able to age and die. And maybe that was a result of it.
Mon, 05-03-2010, 02:28 PM
YES finally!, next ep is going to be Wrath-tastic!!
Mon, 05-03-2010, 10:37 PM
I've still got to watch the third one but those first 2 were quite enjoyable, thanks for the links.
Wed, 05-05-2010, 07:09 AM
this week was okay (yeah, the dolls pretty much lose their effect after the first three episodes). i thought the scene with Armstrong and Izumi's husband could have been funnier, and i was pretty disappointed with the fight between Hoenheim and Father.
Bradley is the fucking man.
Wed, 05-05-2010, 09:07 AM
From this episode it became apparent that most of the "high level" alchemists (the ones who have some knowledge of the truth, or don't use transmutation circles) focus mainly on solid matter + shape manipulation. Ed, Al, Father, Hoenheim and Izumi all predominantly used the surrounding earth/walls to make projectiles, tools or giant fists for the most part, while the only "normal" alchemist to do so was Alex.
It irks me to know why that's the case, whether solid matter is the most effective, or if their knowledge doesn't extend to more specialised fields such as ice, fire or whatever's been shown.
That is, if those are even a "specialization" compared to matter transmutation at all.
Wed, 05-05-2010, 01:28 PM
Well, normal alchemists have to use transmutation circles. Otherwise, they have one written on their hands or somewhere for easy use all the time on their technique they're good at. They can't just use random crap in their surrounds, but they probably would if they could. Fire is special, seeing how only Mustang can do it. For ice you would need water, and I'm assuming it's much harder and would take more energy to use random hydrogen from somwhere. It doesn't really exist in nature. And I don't know about the other elements, earth, wind, and heart.
But I'm guessing large hard things are much easier to aim then, say, a spear or lightning, so that's why they might use it more often.
Fri, 05-07-2010, 08:52 PM
lol since when is heart an element?
Fri, 05-07-2010, 09:18 PM
Since this! (
Fri, 05-07-2010, 11:52 PM
Since this! (
haha yea at first I agreed and then I realized we weren't talking about captain planet
Sat, 05-08-2010, 04:46 AM
Heart is the element that lets you talk to animals. You can probably guess what the transmutation circle looks like.
Sat, 05-08-2010, 05:40 AM
Heart is the element that lets you talk to animals. You can probably guess what the transmutation circle looks like.
And you know this applies to FMA how? It doesn't exactly seem like you know from the post before since you said you don't know about the other elements. I'd understand more if the fifth element was Ku (Nothing) rather than heart as it's part of Japanese elements at least in martial arts.
Sat, 05-08-2010, 09:26 AM
woah, getting a little too deep right there.
Wrath is suppose to kick ass. That much I know. but he is still not the fastest. Sloth is the fastest.
Wrath's ocular technique seems like a rip off from Sasuke and or Kakashi.
As far as alchemy specialization, it is probably not that big a deal, since skilled alchemist can do basic stuff like fixing a radio, clock or even a new paint job on the truck without much problem. Whether they need to draw some transmutation circle, thats a different story.
btw, Hohemheim is the one that doesnt use a transmutation circle. Thats because he has a philosopher's stone.
Izumi, Al and Ed, uses a "simplified" transmutation circle, clapping their hands. to form a "Ovular" circle.
Sat, 05-08-2010, 12:10 PM
Wrath is suppose to kick ass. That much I know. but he is still not the fastest. Sloth is the fastest.
Yeah, but Wrath's speed is actually usable, unlike Sloth who was "too" fast, to the point where he could only run in straight lines and not stop himself.
Sat, 05-08-2010, 02:05 PM
Wrath's ocular technique seems like a rip off from Sasuke and or Kakashi.I was under the impression that his speed comes from the use of his eye. He can "see" pretty much everything in front of him, like a super situational awareness. His speed is a combination of being a homunculus (Envy, Lust, and Greed are about the same speed) and that situational awareness. He could track the trajectories of multiple bullets, and then using fairly average homunculus speed, swat them effortlessly out of the air.
So...yeah, it pretty much is the second sharingan ability. I wouldn't expect him to copy alchemy with it though.
Sat, 05-08-2010, 06:11 PM
And you know this applies to FMA how? It doesn't exactly seem like you know from the post before since you said you don't know about the other elements. I'd understand more if the fifth element was Ku (Nothing) rather than heart as it's part of Japanese elements at least in martial arts.
You have to see the show Captain Planet to know what heart element does, I'm pretty sure it's based off Japanese Mythology--almost positive. You need a certain ring to use that element.
Sun, 05-09-2010, 09:28 AM
You have to see the show Captain Planet to know what heart element does, I'm pretty sure it's based off Japanese Mythology--almost positive. You need a certain ring to use that element.
I'm still pretty sure the fifth element in Japanese philosophy ( is Ku which is "nothing/void" so don't really see how heart can be the fifth.
Sun, 05-09-2010, 09:55 AM
I'm still pretty sure the fifth element in Japanese philosophy ( is Ku which is "nothing/void" so don't really see how heart can be the fifth.
空 Kū or sora, most often translated as "Void", but also meaning "sky" or "Heaven", represents those things beyond our everyday experience, particularly those things composed of pure energy. Bodily, kū represents spirit, thought, and creative energy. It represents our ability to think and to communicate, as well as our creativity. It can also be associated with power, creativity, spontaneity, and inventiveness.
Kū is of particular importance as the highest of the elements. In martial arts, particularly in fictional tales where the fighting discipline is blended with magic or the occult, one often invokes the power of the Void to connect to the quintessential creative energy of the world. A warrior properly attuned to the Void can sense his surrounding and act without thinking, and without using his physical senses.
Not entirely devoid of connection it seems.
Sun, 05-09-2010, 05:41 PM
[Eclipse] Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood - 56 - HD ( d%20-%2056%20(1280x720%20h264)%20%5b110D8C46%5d.mkv.tor rent) | SD ( d%20-%2056%20(XviD)%20%5b6DDB6371%5d.avi.torrent)
Sun, 05-09-2010, 05:42 PM
Nice already? Time to download! Can't wait to see it.
Sun, 05-09-2010, 08:31 PM
Nice episode, nice to see Wrath & Greed's fight resume.
Also fairly interesting to see Hohenheim, and how he dealt with the philospher's stone.
For whatever odd reason, the bit in this episode which had the most impact was soldiers of 'King Bradley' prodding Briggs' soldiers with their guns (verifying them being dead).
Mon, 05-10-2010, 01:48 AM
LOL Homunclus number 1 seems to have the same disposition as Naraku from Inuyasha.
(yeah, i dont need the parts that you thought i need)
Wrath, not needing his eye to get up to the main gate does make him all the more bad ass. But that old man from Xing, that is some kickass power he has.
Overall, an action filled episode that went over too quickly. ill have to rewatch it.
Mon, 05-10-2010, 02:13 AM
Old man from Xing is completely bad ass. He kind of reminds me of the Pai Mei from the Kill Bill movie.
Mon, 05-10-2010, 05:21 AM
Okay sorry fireheart. It's my fault, humor and sarcasm are hard to read on a message board. The whole heart thing is a joke. Captain Planet is an old show where captain planet would save the world from evil polluters. 5 kids had rings they would use to summon captain planet when they needed his help. The rings had these elements: Earth, Fire, Wind, Water, Heart.
Here's a intro video:
One with Naruto:
I'm sorry, again, that you took me seriously.
Mon, 05-10-2010, 07:00 AM
Mon, 05-10-2010, 07:12 AM
Took the words right out of my mouth
Mon, 05-10-2010, 08:47 AM
Wrath already kicks this much ass and it should only be a matter of time before Pride returns. Hohenheim also had the expression of a person who never had a Plan B. Not good for the good guys. Although Mustang, Scar, and Ed makes quite a strike team.
Mon, 05-10-2010, 10:01 PM
According to RandomC, the manga will end next month, thus this anime adaptation will cover the full manga. Nice.
Prof. Chaos
Tue, 05-11-2010, 12:56 AM
According to RandomC, the manga will end next month, thus this anime adaptation will cover the full manga. Nice.
The last chapter comes out June 12th, which would make like episode 61. So the last 2 episodes will be the last chapter, or close to it. So there is no way the anime will spoil the manga.
Tue, 05-11-2010, 06:48 AM
Wrath already kicks this much ass and it should only be a matter of time before Pride returns. Hohenheim also had the expression of a person who never had a Plan B.
Haha, no joke. For someone's who's been alive for so long, he really hasn't smartened up at all. An immortal body must also have its drawbacks. After all, who cares if Plan A fails? It's not like you'd die or anything...
Father got some interesting stuff happening. From the looks of things he's increased the size of his "flask" to that of the country, or at least, Central.
Tue, 05-11-2010, 08:24 AM
The last chapter comes out June 12th, which would make like episode 61. So the last 2 episodes will be the last chapter, or close to it. So there is no way the anime will spoil the manga.
It isn't the first time an anime 'animates' something that was just published few weeks prior. Toradora and Cross Game are the most recent examples.
Wed, 05-12-2010, 10:01 AM
Best episode of the series?
The last chapter comes out June 12th, which would make like episode 61. So the last 2 episodes will be the last chapter, or close to it. So there is no way the anime will spoil the manga.
Cool... I have been wondering how many more episodes there are going to be.
Sun, 05-16-2010, 04:53 PM
[Eclipse] Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood - 57 - HD ( d%20-%2057%20(1280x720%20h264)%20%5b37DE8B37%5d.mkv.tor rent) | SD ( d%20-%2057%20(XviD)%20%5b1C1DB86B%5d.avi.torrent)
Sun, 05-16-2010, 07:26 PM
The only thing that comes to mind is:
That was really good shit.
Sun, 05-16-2010, 11:29 PM
Neither windows media player nor media player classic can run the file?
Edit: Nevermind, reinstalled CCCP everything is fine now.
Mon, 05-17-2010, 12:24 AM
I'm running KMPlayer which played the file (HD version) but it did hiccup when I opened it which I thought was odd. No idea if there is actually something wrong with the file.
I always love when Lin comes out, it is interesting that he seems to be unable to use Greed's armor, I wonder if that is a learning thing, maybe because he isn't an alchemist?
So, they have 3 human sacrifices, they wanted 5 right? Doctor Marcoh wasn't featured in the scenes so presumably he wasn't taken?
Mon, 05-17-2010, 04:54 AM
hd version played fine on vlc
that gold tooth creep needs to burn in hell.
Mon, 05-17-2010, 04:58 AM
I'm running KMPlayer which played the file (HD version) but it did hiccup when I opened it which I thought was odd. No idea if there is actually something wrong with the file.
I always love when Lin comes out, it is interesting that he seems to be unable to use Greed's armor, I wonder if that is a learning thing, maybe because he isn't an alchemist?
So, they have 3 human sacrifices, they wanted 5 right? Doctor Marcoh wasn't featured in the scenes so presumably he wasn't taken?
Was Marcoh one to begin with?
The file took a little long to "load" before it played, but it was fine otherwise.
Those two fellows died well.
Fu and Buccaneer were some tough bastards. They went down well.
Mon, 05-17-2010, 09:12 AM
ah. "The Good Doctor". When he first appeared to magically bring Kimblee back to the battlefield, I certainly didn't recognize him as the guy from Bradley's flashback. I am quite strictly of the opinion that characters with no names and to whom the audience has had almost zero prior exposure should not be at the core of central plot developments like this one. to me it smacks of poor delivery by the author. but, well, looking at the guy, it's pretty obvious why Father would have kept him out of the fray until now.
Bradley clones. Great. More clones.
Well I love the way they did the battle with Fu and Buccaneer going up against Bradley. But I still dislike the placement of scenes, with all this going on right when a berserk GreedLin gets a shot at an injured Bradley in the shounen right of passage "revenge round"...
I can understand Ed not killing the Bradley clones, but, goddamn Scar, you're better than that. Even Hawkeye made him look weak.
there are four alchemists who have opened the gate. Alphonse and Ed, Izumi, and, of course, Hoenheim.
Mon, 05-17-2010, 10:11 AM
Was Marcoh one to begin with?
Oh that might have been me making things up, I guess I thought that because father kept him alive.
there are four alchemists who have opened the gate. Alphonse and Ed, Izumi, and, of course, Hoenheim.
We only ever saw Hoenheim witness the gate being opened, he didn't actually do it himself, right? Though that might be good enough.
Mon, 05-17-2010, 10:49 AM
We only ever saw Hoenheim witness the gate being opened, he didn't actually do it himself, right? Though that might be good enough.
true enough. i had always thought that because he was at the actual transmutation thing where Xerxes got swallowed that he'd done it (like, Father helped him rise to be an esteemed alchemist, i thought)
Mon, 05-17-2010, 03:19 PM
Bradley clones. Great. More clones.
I can understand Ed not killing the Bradley clones, but, goddamn Scar, you're better than that. Even Hawkeye made him look weak.
They're not clones. They're the same age as Bradley, but they are human-born the same way that Bradley is. They're just the ones left over after having succeeded with turning Bradley into a homunculus. According to the doctor, they've just been training in combat the whole rest of this time.
...and that is where Ed and Roy have a distinct disadvantage. They're alchemists, Roy needs time and room to use fire alchemy, and Ed needs the same. While Ed is trained well by Izumi, he's always been the weaker of the two brothers in terms of physical combat. He can hold his own, but he can't win. Roy is even worse. He may be a combat veteran, but he's used to standing farther away and just blasting his opponents.
On the other hand, Riza is used to infighting with pistols, long-range sniping, and she has the added benefit of being quick on the triggers. The Ersatz Bradleys can swat some of her bullets aside and dodge a few others, but she can put a lot downrange. She is used to being pressed in combat in this manner, as her attacks are rarely one-hit kills like Roy's.
Scar...doesn't have much of an excuse, you're right. I think a lot of this is due to his recent combat experience versus his old methods. He's supposed to be a monk or something like that, but ever since he inherited his brother's arm, he just goes for the berserk Grab and Disintegrate. The Ersatz Bradleys, like the man himself, are more suited to dodges and quick rapier strikes. If Scar can't grab them or hit them, they'll always beat him because with their blades they have longer reach. I agree that he should be doing better, but I think there are plenty of good reasons why Riza was putting the other three to shame.
Mon, 05-17-2010, 03:40 PM
Agree with all that Ryll said. Just wanted to add that Scar has an excuse. We saw it when Ed got his northern automail and got the speed upgrade that Scar is not good against speed. And he did try and destroy his automail but it was a different alloy. In the case of the Bradly-wannabes if the are supposed to be like Bradly they should be fast. Scars weak link. And the only thing thats get thrown in his face that he can really grab is the swords. I i don't think grabbing a sword is the best idea, since it should basically mean he would lose his hand just to be able to destroy one sword. So IMO he has an excuse to perform like this.
Mon, 05-17-2010, 03:50 PM
Well if we're talking disappointing things, I'd say it's more of a shame to see Greed pinned down and stuck for several seconds because of a knife shoved through his coat into the ground. If it was through his body then fine but his coat?
Can also think of one more reason for Scar not being as effective besides the speed and dodging though it's more of a sum of things. The Wrath left overs are coordinating their attacks, like Ryll said they're not really giving Ed and Roy enough time to their thing and the same goes for Scar. If it was one on one he'd probably wouldn't have much of a problem, but with several ones moving nonstop and attacking him in succession it becomes harder to seal their movement long enough to grab them.
Pretty damn good episode none the less.
Tue, 05-18-2010, 02:07 AM
This is what happens after you battle dolls and Envy the whole day. Makes you soft and Pandora will shit you dead.
Tue, 05-18-2010, 07:36 AM
epic episode is epic...
only complain is that the first 8 minutes are all talk...
Tue, 05-18-2010, 11:28 AM
Man, i had COMPLETELY forgot about that gold-toothed dude and that he 'made' Bradley, nice little surprise twist there ^^
Sun, 05-23-2010, 08:24 PM
[Eclipse] Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood - 58 - HD ( d%20-%2058%20(1280x720%20h264)%20%5bCD44395B%5d.mkv.tor rent) | SD ( d%20-%2058%20(XviD)%20%5bDEAC1780%5d.avi.torrent)
Sun, 05-23-2010, 10:07 PM
well this is one of the most eventful chapters in all of the manga, and i was glad to see that the anime adaptation did a pretty good job with most of it.
i dunno, the scene with Lin screaming for an alchemist hit me a good deal harder in the manga, but i did enjoy the added on action scenes with him fighting.
The Good Doctor. THIS is why his absence up until this point makes me even angrier. he's a perfectly good bad guy, and he plays a crucial role in this pivotal scene in the late hours of the story, but it just doesn't feel as good as it could, since he's a no-name who we have no familiarity with whatsoever.
Eclipse translated Mustang's "wakatta" (the very last line of the episode) as "I will". although that phrase in that situation could have that connotation, a more accurate translation is "I understand" or "I get it"
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