View Full Version : Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Tue, 09-01-2009, 07:30 AM
See how this works for ya.
Wed, 09-02-2009, 09:26 AM
It seemed like Ran Fan and whatshisface could tell that Gluttony had many "lives" within him. Perhaps they are sensing something like ki?
Since Xing is depicted as an Oriental country, my guess is the same. The old ninja also commented on not being able to sense Al's flow of energy when they chased him back in Rush Valley.
It's interesting that they pinpointed Gluttony and kicked him in the face, but didn't notice Bradley until he spoke, suggesting that an aging Homunculus is structurally different from an immortal one.
Either that, or they were so fascinated with Gluttony's tongue they don't notice badassary until it hits them in the face.
Sun, 09-06-2009, 03:44 PM
[Eclipse] Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood - 22 - HD ( d%20-%2022%20%281280x720%20h264%29%20%5b4438145F%5d.mkv .torrent) | SD ( d%20-%2022%20%28XviD%29%20%5b46B6F2D2%5d.avi.torrent)
Sun, 09-06-2009, 05:30 PM
IMO Best episode to date.
Sun, 09-06-2009, 05:38 PM
I can't go that far, but it was pretty damn good. Episode 19 is still my favorite, with Al, Hawkeye, Roy, & Havoc vs Lust.
I felt pretty bad for Winry-chan. Seeing her sad and crying, made me sad as well.
Mon, 09-07-2009, 12:56 AM
I liked this episode a lot. But am irritated it didn't have more of King Bradely's battle. I've been dying all week to watch this for that fight and am slightly irritated I need to wait another week. grrrrr... But otherwise I like it greatly.
Mon, 09-07-2009, 02:33 AM
lol, so Scar was a monk? Explains all the God-speak he spouts out.
Mon, 09-07-2009, 09:05 AM
The Ishbalan war certainly was a pure ethnic cleansing. Quite a background for a few of our heroes. Maybe not the most common history for a major character if you think about it.
Good thing Winry didn't shoot. Although considering all the times she has wrenched Ed halfway to Hades, you'd think it wouldn't be beyond her either.
Mon, 09-07-2009, 09:46 AM
The Ishbalan war certainly was a pure ethnic cleansing. Quite a background for a few of our heroes. Maybe not the most common history for a major character if you think about it.
One thing I always like that they covered is that there is a considerable divide in the military about the Ishbal conflict. There are those State Alchemists who participated, but feel very guilty about it, but did it because it was their duty (Mustang, Armstrong), and there are those who enjoyed the killing a bit too much, became intoxicated with their power, and tend to abuse it (the one who we haven't really been formally introduced to, but all know).
This episode was so-so. Most of the Scar-Winry stuff felt like recap to be honest. That probably stems from me watching the first series. The Xingese on the other hand, was the highlight of the episode for me, short as it was.
(Scar's martial arts in the flashback were totally badass though, if it was there before, I don't remember it.)
Ying comes off as a complete fool, but they hinted at his true ability a number of times with the way he would appear and disappear out of nowhere, showing some highly refined athletic ability. His viciousness in protecting Ran Fan and the teamwork they accomplished even with her unceremoniously tossed over his shoulder was quite pleasant. He has strong convictions about what a ruler should be, so even if his motives are...less than completely honorable, he has the makings of a very strong leader. It shows why Ran Fan and [the other guy] respect him so much.
Mon, 09-07-2009, 01:39 PM
This show never fails, ever.
Tue, 09-08-2009, 11:51 AM
very good episode (best in my opinion)
Scar slaughtering the Rockbells was really well made and so was the part when winry came in and Scar realized what he was doing.
well actually all scenes were good but I expected to see more from bradley and co.
btw, scar's brother is such a kabuto!
Tue, 09-08-2009, 02:40 PM
btw, scar's brother is such a kabuto!
Nice to know someone else was thinking the exact same thing haha :p
Mon, 09-14-2009, 07:23 PM
[Eclipse] Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood - 23 - HD ( d%20-%2023%20%281280x720%20h264%29%20%5b582E2C28%5d.mkv .torrent) | SD ( d%20-%2023%20%28XviD%29%20%5b38870BC5%5d.avi.torrent)
Mon, 09-14-2009, 11:02 PM
This episode was fantastic... Scar, even if he killed Winry's parents, is seriously one of my favourite characters. Too bad he didn't fight more with Gluttony, who finally lost it.
Lan Fan went up on the coolness meter as well.
Tue, 09-15-2009, 01:16 AM
I enjoyed this episode greatly. I liked the homunculus all being known know, I now am wondering why the Fuhrer was with WInry. Can't wait for next week.
Tue, 09-15-2009, 01:45 AM
He probably planted a bomb in her so when the Fuhrer is cornered by Ed and Al, escape plan!
Tue, 09-15-2009, 01:55 AM
I liked the homunculus all being known
Yeah, I'm glad that they found out about Bradley. I was waiting for that to happen.
I felt really bad for Lan Fan. She looked so pitiful lying there after the doctor fixed her up
The little panda girl surprised me. She made that transmutation circle at super fast speed and got Scar and herself out of there safely. It was nice to see that she can do other things beside just healing. I'm hoping that Scar keeps her around. She seems like she could be pretty useful.
Tue, 09-15-2009, 04:07 AM
I think Lin was the star of this episode. He got to be really badass. As far as I am concerned, a grenade down the throat and other feats of strength puts him on equal footing with Scar and Mustang.
While I feel bad for Lan Fan, she had the determination to do it, and if she is getting referred to Winry at Rush Valley, she'll probably be more than fine. I think I actually felt more bad for that dog that had her arm strapped to it, it looked so pathetic.
Tue, 09-15-2009, 11:56 AM
Bradley was pretty bad ass during the arm scene. "Well played"
So what is the intelligence situation at the moment? It seems that only Lin and his party know about Bradley (unless I missed somebody else who saw him fight). Presumably Lin will tell Hawkeye, and get that information to Mustang. But Bradley seems to have the upper hand right now.
Tue, 09-15-2009, 01:07 PM
Great episode, I love the Xingese people. I feel bad for the doctor though - not only did they tell him about homunculus, he also knows about Bradley now. Quite a mess they've dragged him into.
@poopdeville: What do you mean? Lin already told them about Bradley.
Tue, 09-15-2009, 01:08 PM
I think I actually felt more bad for that dog that had her arm strapped to it, it looked so pathetic.
Nah. It's a lucky dog. Once it shakes the arm off, it will have a perfect nice and juicy meal: Bone and meat. What more could a dog ask for?
Bradley has a nice upper hand as long as he's the big boss of the military. A thousand men will move with a single word from his mouth. However, now that the bunch of heroes knows his real identity, things will definitely get interesting. It's a game of elimination both ways. However, Bradley should have already various plans waiting just for cases like this. Mustang will need to come up with one from scratch, and that won't be necessarily easy, nor does he have many allies.
Tue, 09-15-2009, 01:15 PM
So awesome, so very awesome!
Tue, 09-15-2009, 04:10 PM
@Xyrox: You're right, I missed it. Thanks.
However, Bradley should have already various plans waiting just for cases like this. Mustang will need to come up with one from scratch, and that won't be necessarily easy, nor does he have many allies.
That much is true, but Mustang is Colonel because of his ability to organize military operations. Colonel is just under "General" in rank, after all. Colonels are typically in charge of a regiment -- typically a few hundred to five thousand soldiers. (A brigadier general would be in charge of a brigade, which is two to five regiments. In America, a General organizes a "division" or army)
This is a war of information now. They're going to keep picking each other off, one at a time, until one side finds the opportunity to win it all, "legitimately" in the eyes of the State. Mustang needs proof that Bradley is issuing illegal orders, part of a conspiracy, etc. Bradley needs to either quietly kill off Mustang's support staff, or prove that they are part of a conspiracy against him, probably after destroying any evidence against him.
(This is starting to remind me of Babylon 5. That's a good show too, though I thought it was boring as a kid)
Wed, 09-16-2009, 03:09 AM
Shao May imagining Al as the highest order of life-form was a funny moment for me. Likewise with Ed and the old guy being below protozoans and how Al conveniently "ate" it.
Thoroughly enjoyable episode. I liked it more than the last, which I was only lukewarm about, having had my fill of Winry/Scar scenes already by then.
Sun, 09-20-2009, 10:41 PM
[Eclipse] Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood - 24 - HD ( d%20-%2024%20%281280x720%20h264%29%20%5b1867BF95%5d.mkv .torrent) | SD ( d%20-%2024%20%28XviD%29%20%5bA79B4DA7%5d.avi.torrent)
Mon, 09-21-2009, 01:47 AM
I liked that Edward took the gun.
It would have been most epic if Ed had really died.
Mon, 09-21-2009, 03:23 AM
Damn, that was a great episode.
Looks like Lin has been holding back up until now. He was able to hold his own against Envy with no assistance. He really impressed me.
I loved Shao May in this episode. Her expressions were hilarious.
I liked that Edward took the gun.
Yeah, he has that will to live now. He can't make Winry-chan cry out of sadness anymore, only out of joy.
Mon, 09-21-2009, 04:07 PM
There's never anything bad to say about this show, wich is kinda rare.
It's consistently awesome.
Mon, 09-21-2009, 04:43 PM
It's also nice to see Hughes' death did make impact on the characters and it is being mentioned whereas it isn't uncommon for chars to just die and almost never being mentioned again.
I loved FMA first series, but the more I see the new one the more I'm thankful they redo the whole thing and follow the manga now. Without a doubt - it's pure joy.
Mon, 09-21-2009, 09:18 PM
Envy looks like he's made of lead or something.
Tue, 09-22-2009, 02:34 PM
There's never anything bad to say about this show, wich is kinda rare.
It's consistently awesome.
you are talking about FMA here... both series were epic and the manga is even more...
Tue, 09-22-2009, 07:10 PM
There's never anything bad to say about this show, wich is kinda rare.
It's consistently awesome.
I think that just best describes the show. I could not agree with you more!
Tue, 09-22-2009, 09:54 PM
I never watched the first series, but even I felt that the beginning wasn't as good as the later parts. They may have truly rushed it, as many have suggested. While understandable, I don't think consciously rushing earlier material was a good idea, especially if they really wanted to make this the "proper" version.
Tue, 09-22-2009, 10:00 PM
As an anime-first guy, I still feel that both versions of the series stand on their own as excellent series' which are worth watching.
Wed, 09-23-2009, 02:27 AM
While understandable, I don't think consciously rushing earlier material was a good idea, especially if they really wanted to make this the "proper" version.
There are hosts of ardent fanboys and fangirls worshipping the shelves under the older anime's dvds so it's not really realistic of the studio to try to make this the only real version per se. The sole thing marketing this version is the fact it will (?) follow the manga till the end.
Personally I've liked this a lot more, because when watching the old anime I always felt the homunculus to be highly annoying in various ways, especially plot wise, but in this version I rather like them.
Wed, 09-23-2009, 01:31 PM
It's also nice to see Hughes' death did make impact on the characters and it is being mentioned whereas it isn't uncommon for chars to just die and almost never being mentioned again.
weird that no one commented on the body of the priest from the firsts episodes that was eaten by gluttony.
Thu, 09-24-2009, 06:08 AM
weird that no one commented on the body of the priest from the firsts episodes that was eaten by gluttony.
Oh, that was him? I thought it was some random. Guess I wasn't wrong.
Thu, 09-24-2009, 01:13 PM
I agree with Kraco, in the first series i too thought the homonculus was kinda 'meh'
But in this one they're really cool, with the exception of Wrath, who's far above just cool, hes totally fucking badass.
Testarossa Autodrive
Thu, 09-24-2009, 01:32 PM
I noticed that too about the Homonculi; especially Lust. She turned into some kind of softy in the first series, which wasn't bad, per se, but I like how much more ruthless and vengeful she was in the manga adaptation. She definitely went out with a bang.
Sun, 09-27-2009, 08:13 PM
[Eclipse] Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood - 25 - HD ( d%20-%2025%20%281280x720%20h264%29%20%5b4922BD55%5d.mkv .torrent) | SD ( d%20-%2025%20%28XviD%29%20%5b1C8E0598%5d.avi.torrent)
Prof. Chaos
Mon, 09-28-2009, 02:53 PM
Amazing. The scene where they were inside and then cut to Gluttony worrying was classic, like his stomach was aching. And nice to see Envy's true form.
Mon, 09-28-2009, 03:08 PM
Somehow summoning a little blade when facing a monster the size of a tyrannosaurus doesn't seem like the smartest idea.
Right now it looks like Mustang is tightly grasping the shorter stick in the competition with Bradley. It's quite interesting, though, that Bradley doesn't seem inclined to neutralize Mustang more forcefully but rather tame him.
Mon, 09-28-2009, 03:13 PM
Great as always, and that true form of Envy is some freaky ass shit O.o
Also, the pygmypanda knows kung-fu!
Testarossa Autodrive
Tue, 09-29-2009, 02:13 AM
Seeing Envy transform was ten times more amazing than it was in the manga. I'm so pumped for the next episode. :3
Wed, 09-30-2009, 02:37 AM
yeah...he also seems much bigger in the anime as well.
Wed, 09-30-2009, 08:06 PM
weird that no one commented on the body of the priest from the firsts episodes that was eaten by gluttony.
good eye.
i was pretty impressed with the fight in this episode. as most people said, it's rare for a show to be consistently good, but this remake is turning out that way.
i absolutely loved the scene with Pride and Wrath speaking (Wrath is the fucking bomb). and i liked the end of this episode. the music and sudden cuts work perfectly.
got a real bone to pick with the first scene though. Envy is as delightfully evil as always, but, fuck, I spit on that retardedly over-powerful hinting... thought it was a pretty anti-climactic way to reveal what could have been a huge shocker.
Wed, 09-30-2009, 08:15 PM
i do hope they include some more of Envy's body screaming and moaning, next episode. i think his animated form is cool (a little green in that dark abyss, though), but i really thought the freakiest thing about it is all the corpses/souls bubbling and shouting. that was the gut-wrencher for me when i saw the scene in the manga.
comedy was on point in this episode. Gluttony and Al make for such an unexpectedly comic duo. Scar seems to be turning the proverbial corner at the intersection of Forced Villian and Anti-Hero boulevards, and I'm not sure I really like that.
Bradley's hands shaking while he recounts how Hughes' daughter's crying infuriated him at the funeral has got to be in my top five Wrath moments ever. you think Gluttony's stomach is deep?
like Kraco said, it really seems that Bradley is making the classic villain "KILL HIM ALREADY!" mistake by keeping Mustang alive. He does have the good sense to separate him from his loyal subordinates, but you have to wonder what it all means, especially if you recall what he said to Pride last episode.
Wed, 09-30-2009, 08:34 PM
comedy was on point in this episode. Gluttony and Al make for such an unexpectedly comic duo.
Bradley's hands shaking while he recounts how Hughes' daughter's crying infuriated him at the funeral has got to be in my top five Wrath moments ever. you think Gluttony's stomach is deep?
like Kraco said, it really seems that Bradley is making the classic villain "KILL HIM ALREADY!" mistake by keeping Mustang alive. He does have the good sense to separate him from his loyal subordinates, but you have to wonder what it all means, especially if you recall what he said to Pride last episode.
Gluttony blushing when Al touched his belly was strangely heartwarming. Definitely put a smile on my face, no matter how evil that plump bastard may seem, there has always been a naive innocence to balance it out.
That line definitely proved once and for all that Bradley is a complete monster.
Not having read the manga, I'm just guessing at his motivations for doing this. To me, Bradley is doing what all villains set up for a fall do, trying to prove they are dominant by breaking the will of those who oppose them. They kill the weak, kill the small fry, kill the incompetent. But the ones who are smart, clever, or devious in their own right, they have too much pride to just kill them off. They want them to submit. For characters like Bradley, the reward of that far outweighs the risk. Watching someone who they consider a worthy opponent (but still view as a total inferior, which is why they usually fail), squirm, suffer, and eventually break is too far tempting a scenario.
Sun, 10-04-2009, 04:44 PM
[Eclipse] Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood - 26 - HD ( d%20-%2026%20%281280x720%20h264%29%20%5b12D0BA34%5d.mkv .torrent) | SD ( d%20-%2026%20%28XviD%29%20%5b19E8CF7A%5d.avi.torrent)
Sun, 10-04-2009, 08:08 PM
Like always. Thanks Marik!
Edit: I thought this episode was pretty boring. But the ending was decent. Liked the backstory on King Bradley.
Sun, 10-04-2009, 09:22 PM
Really? I thought this episode was amazingly paced, one of the best yet.
Sun, 10-04-2009, 10:05 PM
I dont think there has been an episode of FMA that has not been well paced yet!!
Sun, 10-04-2009, 11:26 PM
So Ed got eaten by 2 of the homunculi. Sweet.
It was nice that Al's body understood Edward.
Mon, 10-05-2009, 06:07 AM
-Ed's last scene was cool.
-Dang that's one screwed up country. I'm waiting to see how Lin(?)'s earlier observation will play out, that the Alchemy in this country is strange.
-You'd think with helping Scar escape and all, the Xing girl's mug would be labeled as a criminal already.
Mon, 10-05-2009, 10:26 AM
loved this episode. they went and did a great job with the Xerxes souls. the single soul thanking Ed as it's swallowed is an absolutely deep as the sea moment. it also marks a great departure for the characters. you see so many anime good guys following their lofty morals right to a happy ending, but this time Ed had to go and use people (even if they are just souls), and didn't even subject us to much "wah, wah, wah, i don't want to have to do this"
also, any episode that has a heavy dose of my second favorite bad guy is a winner. Bradley's backstory was done very well, far outdoing its manga counterpart (as all animes should). you really get to see that he actually once was (is?) a person, like anyone else. his comment on "his soul" is a big part of my big fat Bradley theory
of course, the scene with Al and Ed in between the two Gates was done very well, as mentioned.
this remake has been doing just about everything right. it's been excellent.
You'd think with helping Scar escape and all, the Xing girl's mug would be labeled as a criminal already.
i believe they showed that the guards and everyone thought she was just an innocent bystander. (except Ed and Al, who wouldn't try to get the littel girl arrested, i don't think). it was one of those comic lampshades.
Mon, 10-05-2009, 02:33 PM
-Ed's last scene was cool.
Wow, that whole scene was amazing, especially when Ed busted his way back in .Sadly, that body seems to be near it's end. Looks like it's suffering from a lack of food among other things.
May Chang looked pretty badass fighting against those chimera. Nice to see that she can hold her own. I found the part where she imagined Alphonse as some sort of an evil monster quite amusing.
I was also amused by Shao May, being scared out of her mind the entire time they were down there with Gluttony.
Overall, I felt this was a way better episode than last's week's. I enjoyed it a lot more.
Mon, 10-05-2009, 03:48 PM
Well I have to say I loved the episode. But 2 gates? Where does the other one lead to? And if Al's body could speak and understand Ed that would mean that AL lost his body AND mind, leaving only the soul behind.
Mon, 10-05-2009, 04:01 PM
Well I have to say I loved the episode. But 2 gates? Where does the other one lead to? And if Al's body could speak and understand Ed that would mean that AL lost his body AND mind, leaving only the soul behind.
Regarding Alphonse, I thought that was kind of obvious. He has a soul sealed into his armor, not a mind. The mind is how the soul and the body interface, so that means that Al's "mind" is embodied by the blood seal. You do have a point though. This was the first time (I noticed) that they made a distinction between minds and souls.
If the gates are the manifestation of the Liebnitz monad, as I imagine, one gate leads to the other, via the "the Truth" (which is the "the real world", "all at once". In other words, the Truth is a boolean lattice modeling the laws of causation)
Wed, 10-07-2009, 11:54 PM
Well I have to say I loved the episode. But 2 gates? Where does the other one lead to?
since Al was waiting, facing the gate opposite the one Ed emerged from, i was under the impression that the second gate was Al's gate. it would, in theory, lead back to the real world, but to Al inside the armor, which is why Al couldn't go with Ed.
i believe the reason the gates are so close together is because Ed and Al are tied together. (likely by the blood seal transmutation, which in an earlier episode they theorized could be the reason why Ed, eating and sleeping in the real world, might be able to keep Al's body alive somewhere else). This, of course, presents the possibility that EVERYBODY has a gate somewhere in that wide, wide, white space.
of course, Ed still has his own body, his own life, and when he tries to go towards Al's, it is then that his Gate opens up and pulls him back in. He is literally bound to his life, but is willing to fight against those bonds (risking his life) for Al's sake.
Note: the gates themselves are different. Ed's is quite obviously The Tree of Life ( as we see him ultimately swallowed up in the clearly bottom Malkuth sephirot. Al's, on the other hand, seems to almost be completely upside down from what Ed's is. I'm no expert on these kinds of things.
Note again: the fact that at least Ed's gate is The Tree of Life (the path to God, how the world was created starting at nothing) suggest quite a heavy load of philosophizing. it would in fact seem, to me, that this suggests that all humans are themselves God, and alchemists' ability to rearrange the world simply highlights this. 'The Gate of Truth' is the manifestation of God (one individual), and The Truth itself is that there is nothing but these Gates.
Note also: when the transmutation consumes Ed, we see seven separate strands of light/color winding toward one point. They are, quite clearly, Ed, Ling, and Envy. From the 'bottom to top' pan, it suggested, to me, that the bottom three are Ed, Ling, and Envy, as well as the top three. The white point they pass through on the way is, probably, the same space Ed and Al's gates appear in. There is an additional path that reaches the 'Gate', but it does not emerge from there. Quite possibly Al's.
Regarding Alphonse, I thought that was kind of obvious. He has a soul sealed into his armor, not a mind. The mind is how the soul and the body interface, so that means that Al's "mind" is embodied by the blood seal. You do have a point though. This was the first time (I noticed) that they made a distinction between minds and souls.
If the gates are the manifestation of the Liebnitz monad, as I imagine, one gate leads to the other, via the "the Truth" (which is the "the real world", "all at once". In other words, the Truth is a boolean lattice modeling the laws of causation)
i have almost zero idea what you mean in the end of this post. i do tend to agree with you on the first part though (particularly with Envy's line "You want to believe these souls are still human, because your brother is just a soul, too"). It's clear that Al's body, and something of his mind, are in what we saw between the gate.
I thought Ed said something along the lines of "the mind is the link between the body and soul". In this case, it seems that Al's blood seal can't simply "embody" the full mind. It can be one end of the connection (that reaching the soul), but there has to be another portion of it that is completely contained within Al's body.
One doubt remains: If both armor Al and flesh Al have portions of 'his mind', how can it be that armor Al does not known about the body portion? does the flesh Al, sitting in between the two gates know what is going on in the world? somehow i think both Als are not aware of what is going on with the other, but that implies that, like you said, armor Al and flesh Al actually have two, separate minds, one embodied in the blood seal and the other in flesh Al's head. However, if the mind is the link between the soul and the body... And now I start going in circles...
Thu, 10-08-2009, 07:20 PM
i have almost zero idea what you mean in the end of this post.
Also, can compare this idea about "The Truth" in FMA to the Buddhist Samsara or Greek Logos.
Fri, 10-09-2009, 05:46 PM
Also, can compare this idea about "The Truth" in FMA to the Buddhist Samsara or Greek Logos.
Yeah, that sure made things clear...I think we would want to get a little more background on that and take a class in Math Philosophy class as well.
Fri, 10-09-2009, 09:14 PM
Also, can compare this idea about "The Truth" in FMA to the Buddhist Samsara or Greek Logos.
I'm glad everyone has digested and now understands what The Truth tells Ed in episode 2.
Sun, 10-11-2009, 06:28 PM
AoShen: HD ( SD (
Mon, 10-12-2009, 12:10 AM
I liked the old Op better, and was kinda bummed out by the clip show.
Testarossa Autodrive
Mon, 10-12-2009, 02:38 AM
Gotta agree about the new OP. The instrumentals are cool, but the singer is really annoying. Same with the new ED. The old opening and endings will be missed. D;
Mon, 10-12-2009, 06:38 PM
[Eclipse] Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood - 27 - HD ( d%20-%2027%20%281280x720%20h264%29%20%5bD9811664%5d.mkv .torrent) | SD ( d%20-%2027%20%28XviD%29%20%5b51ACC57B%5d.avi.torrent)
Mon, 10-12-2009, 06:41 PM
Lol AoShen... gotta love them for their cute yet futile persistence
Mon, 10-12-2009, 10:33 PM
I dl'd the aoshen because Marik got beat to the punch ( how marik, how? )
Idk what they did w\ their video encode but it was a pain.... it refuses to rewind or ffwd, so i might end up dl'ing one of the other versions just to watch the scenes from the next ep.
Did they really need to do a recap episode?!?! it was ok, but i just kept waiting for them to jump back into the story and not just mix in recap w\ hoenheim.
Mon, 10-12-2009, 11:01 PM
I dl'd the aoshen because Marik got beat to the punch ( how marik, how? )
Because Eclipse's version came out much later?
Mon, 10-12-2009, 11:08 PM
A recap episode would give the manga an extra week I suppose. The anime is already on chapter 53 out of 100, at this rate the manga has only half a year before it catches up, but hopefully it finishes soon.
Mon, 10-12-2009, 11:30 PM
Wouldn't mean all that much considering FMA comes out monthly. And the most recent chapter was just this week.
Tue, 10-13-2009, 07:58 AM
Is it wrong for me to wish that instead of this catching up to the manga they create a third storyline and as a result a third anime?
Seriously though, they'll hopefully just take a break, Black Lagoon style, if they catch up and not butcher it Naruto/Kenshin style...
Tue, 10-13-2009, 08:01 AM
I haven't read it in a while but isn't the manga close to its ending too?
Tue, 10-13-2009, 08:50 AM
[22:11] <masamune> mother of fucking spoiler OPs
[22:11] <masamune> i fucking HATE when they show so much shit in the OP
[22:12] * masamune did, although, have a bit of a fangasm at all the Kimblee and _____ in the new FMA OP
also, is it just me, or must Pinako have shrunk a LOT since the time she met Hoenheim? Must be all that booze...
oh, wait. IT WAS ALL A DREAM! Thanks for giving us our first real look at that character through that tireless flashback framing device. Ugh. I was quite displeased with how this episode turned out. It did a lot of unneccesary things to increase the drama, but, for what? For a recap episode? Fucking should have saved it for the real goddamn episodes...
the ED song is standard j-pop. Nothing great, nothing awful. I thought the OP song wasn't very good, but did enjoy the animation behind it
Is it wrong for me to wish that instead of this catching up to the manga they create a third storyline and as a result a third anime?
Seriously though, they'll hopefully just take a break, Black Lagoon style, if they catch up and not butcher it Naruto/Kenshin style...
if they took your first option, it would actually be two animes (neither of which would 'faithfully' encapsulate the manga), and then just the manga.
I have no clue how the time frame for the manga and anime is scheduled. If we have 23 weeks left (assume the anime is 50 episodes), that gives us just about 6 more manga chapters. But what they'll do is beyond me. I can't really predict what they'll do with the manga at this point, but it would seem silly to me for them to do yet ANOTHER divergence anime ending.
guess i'm hoping they stick to the manga, even if that means taking a break. (which it would seem they are not doing, since we just got a brand new OP, which usually signals 13 more episodes, and 39 is a strange episode to take a long break on...)
Tue, 10-13-2009, 08:53 AM
Normal shows would have taken a break right now. Especially if they're that far along (53/100) through the manga material.
I was thinking they'd take a break after ep 25 assuming the whole thing will be 50 eps.
Tue, 10-13-2009, 10:13 AM
I liked Winry's boobs in the ED. They looked very nicely developed. That's pretty much the only thing I liked about this episode.
Bloody recaps. And bloodier still for mixing new content in so that I can't just ignore the episode. Although I don't really know what this episode achieved. The beginning was confusing and made me think for a second I was missing an episode before this one. Towards the end it started to look like Hohenheim self-reflecting. Then he woke up and spoke to the bottle, shattering any illusion I might have had that he actually did reach some significant conclusion during the dream.
Tue, 10-13-2009, 04:15 PM
Because Eclipse's version came out much later?
Indeed. AoShen is like a disease with no cure, so I abstain from them.
The blonde woman in the new opening intrigues me. I'm really looking forward to finding out who she is and what kind of role she will play in this series. I also liked the new opening theme. I've been listening to it since last week.
Tue, 10-13-2009, 04:20 PM
I am pretty sure that woman is from Drachma. Pretty high ranking officer I think. Besides that I have no idea. Other...ep kind of let me down.Sure gives insight on who's side Hohemheim is on but I prefer the action packed episodes we have before.
Tue, 10-13-2009, 04:27 PM
Indeed. AoShen is like a disease with no cure, so I abstain from them.
The blonde woman in the new opening intrigues me. I'm really looking forward to finding out who she is and what kind of role she will play in this series. I also liked the new opening theme. I've been listening to it since last week.
The blond woman is the most awesome female character in the history of everything, that's all you need to know :D
Tue, 10-13-2009, 07:27 PM
The blonde woman in the new opening intrigues me. I'm really looking forward to finding out who she is and what kind of role she will play in this series. I also liked the new opening theme. I've been listening to it since last week.
That's the one thing FMA needs more of: Hot chicks. I'd be both pleased and disappointed if she turned out to be rogue Hawkeye or something.
The OP song wasn't bad. It wasn't as good an OP song as the last two were, but as a standalone song playing in the background, it was pretty funky.
I only realised that girl was Trisha until 5sec before they revealed it. She sure was cute though. Almost loli-fied me. Almost.
FMA 2009 is scheduled for 50 episodes last time I checked, which means it should finish right when it should.
Honestly, another diverging anime would suck. I just don't see the point in it when we've got one done up so well already. The best things they could do would to either come back a few years later and do 25 episodes, or to pump out OVAs intermittently. I'd be happy either way.
Testarossa Autodrive
Tue, 10-13-2009, 09:11 PM
The blond woman is the most awesome female character in the history of everything, that's all you need to know :D
Haha, indeed. I can't wait to see what she's like animated! :3
Wed, 10-14-2009, 07:27 AM
The OP song wasn't bad. It wasn't as good an OP song as the last two were, but as a standalone song playing in the background, it was pretty funky.
I only realised that girl was Trisha until 5sec before they revealed it. She sure was cute though. Almost loli-fied me. Almost.
Yay I'm not the only one that likes the OP song, though it took some time to get used to it as I didn't like it much the first time I heard it.
Was wondering if that was Trisha when she ran up and asked Hohemheim for a dance mostly because we had a young Pinako... but it made me wonder how old exactly is Hohemheim if he met Trisha when she was a kid and still looked the same as he does now, though it was a dream so blah. And seeing young Pinako is weird.
Wed, 10-14-2009, 07:43 AM
Yay I'm not the only one that likes the OP song, though it took some time to get used to it as I didn't like it much the first time I heard it.
I watched the OP again and noticed the blond woman has huge lips.
Hawkeye > nameless blond. (I'm just not a fan of such full lips)
Thu, 10-15-2009, 01:53 PM
I liked Winry's boobs in the ED. They looked very nicely developed. That's pretty much the only thing I liked about this episode.
Bloody recaps. And bloodier still for mixing new content in so that I can't just ignore the episode. Although I don't really know what this episode achieved. The beginning was confusing and made me think for a second I was missing an episode before this one. Towards the end it started to look like Hohenheim self-reflecting. Then he woke up and spoke to the bottle, shattering any illusion I might have had that he actually did reach some significant conclusion during the dream.
didnt he? i actually loved this episode, it was stupid with all the flashbacks and everything, but it was good to see the first change on hoheinhem...
and when he spoke to the bottle, it was so funny! he got drunk and then moved foward... xD
Thu, 10-15-2009, 02:09 PM
Even the recap eps on this is awesome, this show just cannot fail.
I liked Winry's boobs in the ED. They looked very nicely developed.
So very true ^_^
Fri, 10-16-2009, 01:46 AM
I am pretty sure that woman is from Drachma. Pretty high ranking officer I think. Besides that I have no idea.I don't think she's from Drachma. It looks like she's the one in charge of the army guarding the Drachma border.
Mon, 10-19-2009, 06:54 AM
[Eclipse] Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood - 28 - HD ( d%20-%2028%20%281280x720%20h264%29%20%5bD6C6F175%5d.mkv .torrent) | SD ( d%20-%2028%20%28XviD%29%20%5b67399450%5d.avi.torrent)
Mon, 10-19-2009, 11:23 AM
Good ep with an awesome plot twist. I'm intrested to see if Ling is actually in control of the body and playing everyone a fool or if he's suppressed(for lack of a better word) inside.
And father don't fuck around.
Mon, 10-19-2009, 11:33 AM
I'm mostly interested in knowing how Ed and Al's alchemy was inhibited. What comes to Ling/Greed, I don't really see why he would have done what he did if Ling was in control. I suppose he might be hoping to learn more about Father, but the fact how easily he controlled his body suggests another mind is controlling him. He was also quite a straight-forward guy, not so much a crafty undercover one. Now that he's a homunculus, I think he would run straight back to his own country if he was in control.
A jolly good episode for sure. This new series can't anymore be even compared to the old one.
Mon, 10-19-2009, 01:24 PM
I thought it was a good episode.
I think ling is still inside since he responded to Ling Fans name.
Dark Dragon
Mon, 10-19-2009, 01:27 PM
fun fact
Greed voice actor is also the person that played Graham in 00 and Ling voice actor happened to be Setsuna in 00.
@ Kraco
I agree, the more i watch this/read the manga, the more flaws i see in the original FMA writings.
Mon, 10-19-2009, 02:44 PM
Simply fantastic ep!
Mon, 10-19-2009, 04:04 PM
Greed voice actor is also the person that played Graham in 00 and Ling voice actor happened to be Setsuna in 00. Of course Shinichiro Miki, who plays Mustang, was Lockon in Gundam 00. When Ling first showed up, I kept wondering if he would say "Lockon Stratos" over and over and over for no reason.
Otherwise, great episode, and actually a lot more humorous than it should have been given the material within it. I definitely enjoyed how Father was very nonchalant about the Elric brothers, and actually very excited that Hoenhiem had children. It was strange from the normally very grim and serious tone we've seen him with before, and thus great comedy relief.
He seemed rather intrigued that both May Chang and Scar could use alchemy at all, and it didn't seem like he recognized it as Eastern Alchemy.
May's reaction to seeing knowing Ed was Ed for the first time was pretty funny too. I loved the switch from her fantasy mode to Ed's "Huhn." She was crushed. Similarly, I liked how Ed and Al kept unintentionally doing the orz ( pose when they tried to do any alchemy.
I wonder what Lan Fan's reaction to this will be. Will she serve Greed anyway, or try to bring Ling back out?
Mon, 10-19-2009, 06:18 PM
Be sure to watch after the credits, for those of you that skip previews.
I like this, everyone together in one big happy room. You could just feel the love.
Tue, 10-20-2009, 01:12 AM
I thought it was a good episode.
I think ling is still inside since he responded to Ling Fans name.
I don't see why that has to be in white but anyway, I agree.
Greed was certainly in control at the very beginning, no question about that. As pointed out before, since he responded to Lang Fan's name, Ling's still in there somewhere.
The question really is, after that moment, was Greed back in control again, or was it Ling fully in control but still taking the cover of Greed?
It'll be very interesting to see how Father stopped Ed's and Al's alchemy. As one of the characters have noted (someone from Xing, probably Ling), the alchemy used in there was "strange", compared to Xing at least.
Father them talked as if he gave them alchemy, which I wouldn't be at all surprised at, given how he's been running the country before they were even born.
Since Scar's human decomposition didn't work on Father, I can confidently say he's no longer human. Even physically.
edit: The philosipher's stone doesn't seem to be as omnipotent as we originally thought. Gluttony can't die, but there's a limit to how many times he can die, possibly linked to the number of people who were killed in order to make the stone. In a sense, it's still bound by equivalent exchange.
Tue, 10-20-2009, 04:44 AM
I definitely agree. The homonculus seem to be able to be "killed" a number of times equal to however many souls is in their Philosopher's Stone.
Tue, 10-20-2009, 09:08 AM
'Father' recovered Glutonny's Philoshoper's Stone... and he obviously did the same with Greed's. Therefore we can assume Lust is definitely a goner. Seeing as Mustang broke her Philosophers Stone
Tue, 10-20-2009, 04:26 PM
I fucking love this show. They're doing an A job.
Tue, 10-20-2009, 04:42 PM
I think that Father closed the gate within Ed and Al. I mean the power for Alchemy has to come from somewhere right? They can use it without a circle because they saw the truth through the gate. So what if their's is closed somehow. It would explain why they can't use it.
And about Scar...Alchemy uses decomposition and recomposition. He only uses Decomposition. Perhaps that is why he can use it because he is using a full Alchemy, just a part. And May uses Alkahemy or something. So I believe those are different.....just my two cents on this matter.
Awesome episode btw.
Tue, 10-20-2009, 05:01 PM
I think that Father closed the gate within Ed and Al. I mean the power for Alchemy has to come from somewhere right? They can use it without a circle because they saw the truth through the gate. So what if their's is closed somehow. It would explain why they can't use it.
They way he talked, it implies that all alchemy should have been impossible, regardless of the level of Truth they know. That can be seen when Father expected Scar and May to also be powerless. Since they're not on his list of sacrifices, it's reasonable to assume that he think they haven't opened any sort of Gates like the Elric Brothers have. Since he didn't realise the significance of Eastern Alchemy (whether or not he knew it was Eastern Alchemy is another story), it's safe to assume he expected all alchemy to stop working in that area.
Wed, 10-21-2009, 04:57 PM
Started thinking about how they were talking about the birth of alchemy. On how a man came from the east and gave them alchemy while in the east someone came from the west. Since these seem to be two different sorts of alchemy. Also Scars brother studied eastern alchemy and after he made the tattoos on his arms he commented on how something was weird about the alchemy in the country which I'm guessing is the western alchemy.
Yeah so thinking maybe those two people were Hoenhiem and Father. If Hoenhiem is the founder of eastern alchemy and Father of western alchemy it could explain the difference and why eastern still worked even though Father nullified Ed and Als alchemy. This is mostly assumed on the fact that there's a connection between the two and Envy talking about giving power. Though if that's the case I guess Father should realize why Scar and May could still use alchemy... ohh well.
Wed, 10-21-2009, 09:07 PM
Father them talked as if he gave them alchemy, which I wouldn't be at all surprised at, given how he's been running the country before they were even born.
Since Scar's human decomposition didn't work on Father, I can confidently say he's no longer human. Even physically.
I'm guessing he never was human. I also get the feeling that there are more than just Father and Hoenhiem, though the other man in Hoenhiem's dream was most probably Father. I wonder how involved in all this Hoenhiem will end up when all is said and done.
edit: The philosipher's stone doesn't seem to be as omnipotent as we originally thought. Gluttony can't die, but there's a limit to how many times he can die, possibly linked to the number of people who were killed in order to make the stone. In a sense, it's still bound by equivalent exchange.
Yep, there is a good chance that things like opening the gate from inside Gluttony cost part of a soul as well.
I do wonder if Father runs on the philosopher's stone or does he have his own power in addition to that?
Wed, 10-21-2009, 09:17 PM
I'm guessing he never was human. I also get the feeling that there are more than just Father and Hoenhiem, though the other man in Hoenhiem's dream was most probably Father.
I initially thought that was Father too, but seeing how it was all a dream about him getting a grip on things, I concluded that it was just his darker self talking. the fact they looked exactly alike, minus the cloak and glasses support this, I think.
Fri, 10-23-2009, 05:49 AM
FMA 2009 is scheduled for 50 episodes last time I checked, which means it should finish right when it should.
I wonder what this is like for the Manga Artist. He knows how many episodes in the anime are left, has an idea how many chapters remain in the manga. He is watching the anime get closer and closer to where he is but since the manga has not been completed he doesn't know where the anime is headed; similar to everyone who is only watching the anime.
I think I am doing an absolutely horrendous job expressing the thoughts that I am having with regards to my hypothetical situation and how it feels.
Fri, 10-23-2009, 08:54 AM
If the mangaka is any sort of a serious author, he knows precisely how and when his story will end. Furthermore I still find it extremely hard to believe the studio would have started to animate a second FMA anime if they weren't sure they can have the manga ending for it as well.
Fri, 10-23-2009, 10:24 AM
I wonder what this is like for the Manga Artist. He knows how many episodes in the anime are left, has an idea how many chapters remain in the manga. He is watching the anime get closer and closer to where he is but since the manga has not been completed he doesn't know where the anime is headed; similar to everyone who is only watching the anime.
I think I am doing an absolutely horrendous job expressing the thoughts that I am having with regards to my hypothetical situation and how it feels.
If I was the mangaka, I wouldn't care or feel pressured by the anime. He's the author of the manga, and it's what he'll be remembered for. If finishing the manga properly meant conflicting with the anime's schedule, then so be it.
He should be out to write a memorable manga. It's the studio's fault if the anime isn't up to scratch, not his.
Also, I don't see that the anime is destined to finish up in line with the manga. There's plenty of ways to finish off a series, be it OVAs or just a movie.
Hell, a 2hr movie or something will be around 6 episodes of material.
Sun, 10-25-2009, 09:09 PM
Eclipse - Episode 29 SD ( d%20-%2029%20(XviD)%20%5b53824C0C%5d.avi.torrent) | HD ( d%20-%2029%20(1280x720%20h264)%20%5b2C387710%5d.mkv.tor rent)
If there was still any doubts which real life country Xing relates to, Ling wrote in Chinese.
Young Armstrong was pretty appealing in his cute, upright way.
Mon, 10-26-2009, 01:11 PM
It's interesting to learn that every single Alchemist in Central couldn't use Alchemy. Well most anyway. Scar and May Chan could so as I said before: They must be using a different type of Alchemy. Like Alkahemy ( if it were called that by one of Ling's bodyguards ).
Mon, 10-26-2009, 04:21 PM
I like that Greed appears to not have completely taken over LIng. It's double the awesome.
Mon, 10-26-2009, 04:25 PM
If I was the mangaka, I wouldn't care or feel pressured by the anime. He's the author of the manga, and it's what he'll be remembered for. If finishing the manga properly meant conflicting with the anime's schedule, then so be it.
He should be out to write a memorable manga. It's the studio's fault if the anime isn't up to scratch, not his.
Also, I don't see that the anime is destined to finish up in line with the manga. There's plenty of ways to finish off a series, be it OVAs or just a movie.
Hell, a 2hr movie or something will be around 6 episodes of material.
I guess for a shorter story this is absolutely true. But take Naruto and Bleach, NAruto especially, how much of the plot do you think was solidified when it started?
Mon, 10-26-2009, 06:32 PM
I like that Ling is a monster with a human inside that tries to take over, and not the other way around.
Wow, the Führer really scared me when he stabbed Al.
Mon, 10-26-2009, 07:27 PM
Wow, the Führer really scared me when he stabbed Al.
The Fuhrer really cracked me up when Ling yelled at him.
Mon, 10-26-2009, 07:32 PM
Ling was badass. I guess there really is someone who can out greed Greed. He is right up there with Scar if he can wrest control back. I still wonder how Lan Fan will approach this.
I liked the fighting between May and Lan Fan as well.
But the Winry phone call was my favorite, especially when she started twisting the cord around her finger. A very cute scene.
Mon, 10-26-2009, 10:11 PM
Anyone else find it really annoying that they are playing important pieces of the storyline AFTER the ending credits now?
Mon, 10-26-2009, 10:18 PM
Anyone else find it really annoying that they are playing important pieces of the storyline AFTER the ending credits now?
No. Tons of shows do this... and personally I always watch even the opening and ending credits
The Fuhrer really cracked me up when Ling yelled at him.
Ah yes. He got me too there. He stole the episode with that.
Tue, 10-27-2009, 12:03 AM
Anyone else find it really annoying that they are playing important pieces of the storyline AFTER the ending credits now?
damn, I missed this one too. I guess I'll get in the habit of checking. o_O
Tue, 10-27-2009, 03:48 AM
damn, I missed this one too. I guess I'll get in the habit of checking. o_O
I think it started last week, at least you know now and not nest Saturday or Sunday ;).
It's an exuse to go re-watch it for that part at the end.
Tue, 10-27-2009, 11:32 AM
I think it's a bit strange why he remade Gluttony but inserted Greed into Ling's body. I mean I am pretty sure he could also remake Greed the same way. Or it's because he made Gluttony with that fake "truth"...I dunno.
Tue, 10-27-2009, 03:42 PM
I think Gluttony is special because of the whole false gate, etc. Plus, he was telling him he'd recreate him w\ his memories intact. Greed didn't get to keep his memories, because he was off doing his own thing I think.
I got excited about how wrath provoked ling into yelling at him. I was glad may didn't get shanked like one of my Marta. good ep.
Tue, 10-27-2009, 07:14 PM
I think it's a bit strange why he remade Gluttony but inserted Greed into Ling's body. I mean I am pretty sure he could also remake Greed the same way. Or it's because he made Gluttony with that fake "truth"...I dunno.
For whatever reason Father wanted to use Ling as a human base so he could create another aging Homunculus like Wrath is.
Gluttony was just remade the good old way.
Wed, 10-28-2009, 01:59 PM
the scene with mustang, ed, and al all in the single room with Bradley was my favorite part of this episode. i prefer the complete quick, zero frills dishing of the situation that goes on instead of episodes dragging it out and mulling it over.
knox is the one character i can not put my finger on, but there's something duelisticly revolting/endearing about him that you don't often get in anime characters. i loved the scenes he was in in this episode.
Wrath and Greed. two men who had philosopher's stones put into them and then became Homunculi. every thing about them suggests a Mirror Mirror Opposite Twin Enemy relationship. one never asked to be king, the other wants it. one fights for himself, the other for his people. you think BRADLEY isn't in there just as much as LING is? man, i dunno. they both have End Game Vader Anakin vibe to me. Greed gave Ed and Al Ling's message. Bradley eyed up Al for FOREVER before he missed (intentionally) May by just a fraction of a centimeter. These guys are both too human. They don't go about stuff the way Envy and Gluttony do (no clue about Lust, of course).
Anyone else find it really annoying that they are playing important pieces of the storyline AFTER the ending credits now?
dude. thank you a ton for pointing it out to me that they're doing it with this show now. and for the record, yes. me too.
Scar is the fucking man. Osama Norris McCool. that was his original Ishbal name he mentioned he once had.
i have my hat on fireheart's theory from ep 28 thread, that Hoenheim created/gave Eastern Alchemy, that Scar (via his bro) and May can use, but Ed and Al can't when Father doesn't want them to, because they're using HIS alchemy (Envy did just about say it that way). of course, the one baffling question is HOW THE HELL Father and Hoenheim went about creating two sets of alchemy for other people to use. after all, Father seems interested in just finding super alchemists, so why the hell can't he create one?
naturally, ed and al, being the sons of Hoenheim, the Sage from the West, but users of Father's alchemy (Sage of the East), AND being shounen main leads, have Dragonball Fusion ending written all over them. but the way this series has executed so far, even that sounds like it might end up being totally badass and awesome to watch.
Wed, 10-28-2009, 02:10 PM
I wonder what this is like for the Manga Artist. He knows how many episodes in the anime are left, has an idea how many chapters remain in the manga.
If the mangaka is any sort of a serious author, he knows precisely how and when his story will end.
If I was the mangaka, I wouldn't care or feel pressured by the anime. He's the author of the manga, and it's what he'll be remembered for.
i, for one, hope that will be remembered for being female, though SHE seems pretty set on the image of a cow wearing glasses.
Wed, 10-28-2009, 02:30 PM
Was just gonna type that. Surprised so few knew the mangaka was female (though this is a shounen, so can't be blamed).
Wed, 10-28-2009, 02:33 PM
Wow... she really is a one hit wonder isn't she?
Wed, 10-28-2009, 03:13 PM
I blame the English language. In my native Finnish there are no separate third-person personal pronouns for female and male.
Anyway, it's actually nice to know the mangaka's a woman. It might explain a few things, especially if something actually ends up happening between Ed and Winry. Unless a female shounen mangaka feels special responsibility to not introduce anything extra into a shounen story.
Wed, 10-28-2009, 07:26 PM
Baby Gluttony was the cutest thing ever. Such a dawww moment.
Wed, 10-28-2009, 09:38 PM
Anyone else find it really annoying that they are playing important pieces of the storyline AFTER the ending credits now?
I just skip the credits. It annoyed me when DTB did it, but I got used to it.
Thu, 10-29-2009, 12:41 AM
Thu, 10-29-2009, 01:18 AM
Hah, best part of the episode ^_^
Thu, 10-29-2009, 09:49 AM
Doesn't anyone find it strange that Wrath remembers anything from before he became a Homunculus? In Greed's case, it's obvious that he knows that he's in Ling's body, and that Ling tries to take over from time to time.
If I remember correctly, King Bradley has said that he didn't know if his body/soul(?) belonged to someone else originally. Even if Wrath got the human "King Bradley"'s memories, he should still know that he's Wrath, no? This seems to suggest that Wrath/Bradley and Greed/Ling are different types of Homunculi.
Thu, 10-29-2009, 04:30 PM
That would be the "Should I shred the mother fucker to ribbons right now or is he just joking" look.
Fri, 10-30-2009, 09:16 AM
i can not stop laughing every time i see this image again
If I remember correctly, King Bradley has said that he didn't know if his body/soul(?) belonged to someone else originally. Even if Wrath got the human "King Bradley"'s memories, he should still know that he's Wrath, no? This seems to suggest that Wrath/Bradley and Greed/Ling are different types of Homunculi.
they are different. they're created Homunculi by Father, but simply manifested in a human's body. instead of trying to create a faux human, he's just dumping a shit load of his own whatever the fuck he is to him. Ling is staying alive and active inside of Greed, and I agree with you 100% on Wrathley being more human than the other Homunculi.
Sat, 10-31-2009, 01:04 PM
they are different. they're created Homunculi by Father, but simply manifested in a human's body. instead of trying to create a faux human, he's just dumping a shit load of his own whatever the fuck he is to him. Ling is staying alive and active inside of Greed, and I agree with you 100% on Wrathley being more human than the other Homunculi.
I know that they're different from the other Homunculi. What I meant was that even Wrath and Greed are different, since Wrath still has his human memories (don't know if it's the same for Greed) and doesn't know if his body belonged to someone else originally.
Sun, 11-01-2009, 12:03 AM
I know that they're different from the other Homunculi. What I meant was that even Wrath and Greed are different, since Wrath still has his human memories (don't know if it's the same for Greed) and doesn't know if his body belonged to someone else originally.
i dont quite follow you. first, i would say it's a fair bet that Greed has his 'human memories', which would be Ling's, since he's in that body. Bradley sat and told Mustang about the time before he got the Philosopher's Stone put into his body, so he has those memories too. The question for me was something like, can those memories really be said to belong to Wrath, since he states he does not know what happened to the soul those memories belong to?
I also am not sure what we're talking about with 'human memories'. It seems Father created the new Greed without any of the old Greed's memories. but we don't know if when he made Wrath if he put the memories from the prior Wrath (assuming there was one) into Bradley's body.
Sun, 11-01-2009, 04:21 PM
i dont quite follow you.
Nah, I'm just confused whether Bradley identifies himself as the human who they did experiments on, or as the Homunculus Wrath. In Greed's case it seems to be the latter - he's Greed that happens to be Ling's body.
Mon, 11-02-2009, 07:25 PM
Eclipse - Episode 30 SD ( d%20-%2030%20(XviD)%20%5bD2B778B7%5d.avi.torrent) | HD ( d%20-%2030%20(1280x720%20h264)%20%5b98046559%5d.mkv.tor rent)
READ: Scenes come after the ED again.
Tue, 11-03-2009, 08:25 AM
the deep flashback episode, and i did enjoy most of it, even if there was quite a bit of overlap with earlier episodes. the scene where they make the Stone from Ishbalites was absolutely terrificly horrifying. i was really glad with that.
this episode marked a return for one of my favorite characters, and although he had good screen time, i wasn't quite in love with the music they chose for his "don't look away. don't forget them. the dead will not forget you." speech. Still, Kimblee = Joy.
Freaking tattooing important things to peoples' backs... jesus. As if Hawkeye needed another reason to be insanely hot...
Tue, 11-03-2009, 04:23 PM
I find it interesting that the tattoo on her back is scarred/burned. Also that it has the symbol of the flame on her it. I think that the tattoo on her back is like..the ultimate flame alchemy or something. And that Roy himself burned a part of that away because he learned of it. I dunno...makes sense to me.
I still pity Armstrong in this flashback. He is just too kind for the war.
Tue, 11-03-2009, 04:58 PM
I thought it was something more like she was injured during the conflict, and now the complete information is lost. Roy will probably have to recreate it if he wants to use the ultimate flame alchemy, and he'll probably need it to kill off the Homunculus or some other external threat.
Yeah, poor Armstrong, made me feel really bad.
I found it interesting that Kimbley was actually somewhat sensible before, and he was driven mad with the power the stone provided him. His philosophy wasn't exactly the moral high ground, but he wasn't wrong. He looked very controlled, like he was keeping sane by not being horrified by it and not enjoying it. Simply performing his duty. Afterwards, we see how changed he was by using the stone.
Wed, 11-04-2009, 12:15 AM
I found it interesting that Kimbley was actually somewhat sensible before
Don't think so, Tim.
Wed, 11-04-2009, 01:51 AM
Fantastic ep, i even had to add Bradleys God comment to my sig.
Sun, 11-08-2009, 06:51 PM
[Eclipse] Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood - 31 - HD ( d%20-%2031%20%281280x720%20h264%29%20%5b6B3CBB55%5d.mkv .torrent) | SD ( d%20-%2031%20%28XviD%29%20%5b04429B9E%5d.avi.torrent)
Mon, 11-09-2009, 03:50 AM
no footage after the ED this time. and what a fucking title for the next episode. subtle mary and joseph.
well i didnt think it was a bad episode, but it was a bit slow in parts, and i didnt particularly care for some of the dialogue. it was nice to see more stuff with Hawkeye and Mustang's crew, as i always have liked those characters.
knox is a gruff character that i like, but even i thought they spent too much time on him this episode. i was sorta surprised they even included the scene with his family in the anime.
Scar is motherfucking man.
That's right, Falman. It looks positively cold as fuck up North!
Sun, 11-15-2009, 08:26 PM
[Eclipse] Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood - 32 - HD ( d%20-%2032%20%281280x720%20h264%29%20%5b95921162%5d.mkv .torrent) | SD ( d%20-%2032%20%28XviD%29%20%5b5246C003%5d.avi.torrent)
Mon, 11-16-2009, 04:26 PM
Scene after ending again.
Mon, 11-16-2009, 04:46 PM
Man Bradley is just awesome. Even with his family he can still freely threaten the brothers without his wife/kid noticing. And looks like we finally know who that woman is. Looks like the Armstrong family really is a military family.
Mon, 11-16-2009, 05:34 PM
Man Bradley is just awesome. Even with his family he can still freely threaten the brothers without his wife/kid noticing.
Yeah, it was a pretty tense cup of tea they were enjoying there.
Scar certainly got a troublesome fellow to follow his tracks. Even tracks he never left.
Mon, 11-16-2009, 07:32 PM
Yeah, it was a pretty tense cup of tea they were enjoying there.
Scar certainly got a troublesome fellow to follow his tracks. Even tracks he never left.
I wasn't expecting Kimberlee to play the role of a detective. The way he's been portrayed throughout the series, I thought he was going to be more of the lunatic murdering type, especially after receiving the stone.
Armstrong using bookshelves like doors was gold.
Mon, 11-16-2009, 07:37 PM
Kimberlee? *laughs*
Mon, 11-16-2009, 07:49 PM
my bad.......Kimblee*
Tue, 11-17-2009, 02:45 AM
I think it suits him fine. He gives the kind of an impression that once he gets an interesting and worthy target, nothing short of his own death will stop him and he will proceed with a psychopath's vigor and ingenuity.
Tue, 11-17-2009, 04:19 AM
I think it suits him fine. He gives the kind of an impression that once he gets an interesting and worthy target, nothing short of his own death will stop him and he will proceed with a psychopath's vigor and ingenuity.
It does. Just not expected (by me).
Tue, 11-17-2009, 08:16 AM
one of the reasons i love the manga is what they do with some of the characters that were only one or two notes in the original anime adaptation. Kimblee is certainly one of those, because he is almost always the sanest, most level headed guy in the room, even when you know that deep down he is a fucking nut.
and i think Kraco said it perfectly. Kimblee seemed almost personally insulted that Scar was still out there, and he even ignored Grumman in this episode when it was obvious that Kimblee recognized who he was. (god only knows how the Grumman plotline is going to play out..)
Bradley. Bradley, Bradley, Bradley. I really liked the tea scene (even if Selim is annoying as fuck), because Bradley is just so different during it. You see him laughing things off, feigning sadness, acting like a normal guy so much, but this is one of the few scenes I can remember where he actually lives up to his Homunculus name. He just looks positively angry as hell that the Elric brothers are there, that they are looking at his wife and son with those sympathetic, questioning faces, knowing he's a monster. I also like how Hawkeye is just sorta there when he comes out of the room.
Yes, the family of Armstrong is so awesome that they have bread two kickass characters. I love the fact that Alex Louis always seems to be sent out to do these stealth / contact assignments, considering he has got to be the most conspicuous guys out there.
my favorite scene though is when Kimblee pulls a complete Velma on Scar, spotting where he might have gotten off the train, then just staring at the map and almost giving us a "North or South? Heads or Tails? Fuck it, I'm going with North" moment.
edit. also think one of the reasons i like Kimblee so much in this episode is the angles we get for his scenes. there are so many simple shots, straight from behind, directly in front (his eyes following his finger on the map sticks out), or weird contrasting cuts like the parallel shot for when he and Grumman cross paths. It just makes for such jarringly powerful scenes, because he is almost dominating the camera, and anime is more often than not a lot of side angles, half cocked front angles. (the bright white suit helps too).
Tue, 11-17-2009, 02:25 PM
This ep was just a delight to watch from start to finish, and im SO looking forward to seeing Armstrong's...sister i guess? Anyway, it'll be awesome!!
Mon, 11-23-2009, 10:02 PM
IDK where Marik is at... Marik is usually on top of this.
Tue, 11-24-2009, 01:46 AM
IDK where Marik is at... Marik is usually on top of this.
He waits for Eclipse like the majority of forum posters do. Nothing wrong with posting that though, might I add.
Tue, 11-24-2009, 02:11 AM
Ya, I'm going to keep waiting but this release is being pretty slow. *shrug*
Tue, 11-24-2009, 05:58 AM
if you want, you can watch it at animelime, They usually host it as soon as any sub is out.
Sometimes. I'll stream it there, and dl eclipse later. You know, so I can get my fix.
edit: Thanks Buffalobiian, if this had been released earlier... I would have left work much earlier than I did. =P
Tue, 11-24-2009, 06:01 AM
Your fix is here:
Eclipse - FMA 2009: Episode 33 Xvid ( d%20-%2033%20(XviD)%20%5bEF25FBF2%5d.avi.torrent) | H264 ( d%20-%2033%20(1280x720%20h264)%20%5b6A559558%5d.mkv.tor rent)
Tue, 11-24-2009, 09:15 AM
bit of footage after the ED
if anyone ever doubted that Kimblee is the sanest madman out there, i think this episode shed plenty of light to clear away that delusion. "who the hell said you could stop this train?"
oh, Kimblee, pride is going to be your downfall. i know you have this idea in your head that you need to finish the job from Ishbal, but not bringing any back-up? and then severely underestimating your opponent? (but, jesus, where the hell did Scar get that big huge pipe from? edit: oh, it's there in his hand after the second explosion. He's hiding it with his body somewhat, and it's almost blocked out by the subtitles)
I like how Kimblee picked the absolute worst moment possible to let go of his hat. You hold on to the damn thing for so long, in a battle where you know you are at a disadvantage, and, just, jesus...
this is one of those encounters in FMA that will never make any sense to me. Kimblee has two Philosopher's Stones with him, and his only orders are to capture Marcoh and kill Scar. once he finds out the man with Scar isn't Marcoh, what in the good sane world keeps him from just blowing the whole thing up to smithereens? (answer: plot convenience)
I really like the voice they got to do Buccaneer. Olivier's seems to be a rather good fit too. Also, every time I hear Garfield (the queeny gay automail tech who Winry is studying under) speak, it amazes me that the same guy is doing both he and Scar (who was freaking shouting off his rocker this episode).
not the best episode ever, but it has its moments.
Tue, 11-24-2009, 11:01 AM
I'm usually greatly disturbed by characters not acting like I'd expect them to logically act, but in this episode I had no such troubles (unless you count Ed not revealing to the stupid chainsaw gorilla right from the start he's a state alchemist). Kimblee no doubt fought like he did because he wanted to see Scar suffer and because it has been so long he has been in a good, serious fight. He realised too late things aren't going to go like they did back in Ishbal.
In any case it's no wonder the train stopping pissed him off: Getting into a hospital is that much farther away.
Testarossa Autodrive
Tue, 11-24-2009, 02:02 PM
Also, every time I hear Garfield (the queeny gay automail tech who Winry is studying under) speak, it amazes me that the same guy is doing both he and Scar (who was freaking shouting off his rocker this episode).
That's Scar?! Haha, I never knew! xD Jesus, I love Garfield, so it's interesting to know who's actually doing his voice.
Thu, 11-26-2009, 06:06 PM
Man, the end of this episode is giving me serious Song of Ice and Fire flashes.
Mon, 11-30-2009, 09:54 PM
Somebody feel free to post a working link since the one I found was ep 33 :(
I wound up going to google and animelime was the first site I clicked on.... so i watched it via stream there.
Im a little confused why ed wouldn't give them any information... I would think he was sent to the north because the general can be trusted?
Mon, 11-30-2009, 10:11 PM
Sorry to burst your bubble but 33 was last week's episode, which has already been posted.
Mon, 11-30-2009, 10:23 PM
Worst of all? Itadakimasu did last week's thread.
Mon, 11-30-2009, 11:13 PM
sorry... i fail :(
Mon, 11-30-2009, 11:26 PM
34 is out by AnimeLink, but I stopped watching about half way through because the translation was so bad.
Mon, 11-30-2009, 11:57 PM
34 is out by AnimeLink, but I stopped watching about half way through because the translation was so bad.
It was just awful, almost so bad as to be funny... almost.
Tue, 12-01-2009, 04:30 AM
Thread renamed and Eclipse's 34 added to itadakimasu's original post to confuse people.
Tue, 12-01-2009, 07:56 AM
There wasn't nearly as much fighting this week as what I was expecting. Miles seems like a cool character to have around. I'm sure Olivier is as well, but she's not appealing to me much at the moment, especially with those "Are you a Drakma spy?" accusations.
They just seem really...stupid. I'm sure being careful has lead to the current unbreached Northern border, but it doesn't make it any less annoying to hear.
Ed's facial expression great. His agony, frustration, and perhaps determination was written all over it.
Tue, 12-01-2009, 09:22 AM
can't say i liked this episode very much. as much as I like Olivier as a character, I didn't think we needed flashbacks to figure out for ourselves that she's a shrewd badass. and i do like Miles as a side character, but, just that, a side character.
the battle was boring, the animosity between the Elrics and the Briggs people got stale quickly. Sloth is good because he lives up to his name, and the best moment was Falman's "running away in tears" gag.
it's strange, because after the lightning quick beginning this show had, it's like the pacing has been thrown to fuck recently. i thought they were trying to do this in 50 episodes? i don't want them to rush later on...
Tue, 12-01-2009, 12:06 PM
right now they are about chapter 64 on the manga. while the manga has not finished yet, and has only 101 chapters.
if they keep with a fast pace they might catch up with the manga way to fast. on the other hand if they are trying to make a 50 episode's anime they might need to rush it alittle.
Tue, 12-01-2009, 12:10 PM
Somebody feel free to post a working link since the one I found was ep 33 :(
Thread renamed and Eclipse's 34 added to itadakimasu's original post to confuse people.
Umm, you removed the Episode 34 link that Kraco added to your original post.
[Eclipse] Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood - 34 - HD ( d%20-%2034%20%281280x720%20h264%29%20%5bC74B99A1%5d.mkv .torrent) | SD ( d%20-%2034%20%28XviD%29%20%5b224DE837%5d.avi.torrent)
Tue, 12-01-2009, 01:37 PM
Heh. I guess Itadakimasu isn't the most observant gotwooter ever...
I partially share Masa's impression of this episode. It seemed a bit lackluster, especially when I still thought things were pretty intensive. But then again, Kimblee is finished for now and the brothers were admitted into the fortress, so I guess it made sense. At least Sloth (with Zaraki Kenpachi's voice actor, no less) appeared to make things again interesting. The extremely wannabe hard boiled atmosphere of the border fortress would have been too annoying otherwise.
Tue, 12-01-2009, 02:05 PM
Im a little confused why ed wouldn't give them any information... I would think he was sent to the north because the general can be trusted?
I got the impression he could say nothing because he was ordered to silence by someone of higher standing in the military than Armstrong. If Bradley ordered Ed to shut up, the Major General can't force him to disobey that order.
Testarossa Autodrive
Tue, 12-01-2009, 03:51 PM
I don't see how they can finish this in 50 episode. Where was that information given? o_O
Tue, 12-01-2009, 04:18 PM
The episode was okay, better than some of the past dozen that have been on average, weak episodes, but a bit less repetition in the lines would have been nice.
The scene I actually enjoyed the most was right at the end when Ed was responding to Olivier's questions about what Sloth is with very terse responses. Giving her only enough information that won't get the people Wrath is threatening Ed and Al with killed. The tension in that scene started to raise exponentially as she got closer and closer to answers that Ed is not allowed to say. Making it worse (or better from our viewpoint) was that Olivier seemed like she was starting to understand the implications of why he was refusing.
I just hope what the doctor implied Ed needed to do turns out to be true, and Winry comes up there, particularly if she comes furious that he didn't tell her he was going to sub-zero territory beforehand. I could use another wrench remotely applied to Ed's forehead scene.
Tue, 12-01-2009, 05:03 PM
I don't see how they can finish this in 50 episode. Where was that information given? o_O
Agreed... I think there is way too much stuff to wrap up in 16 episodes.
Tue, 12-01-2009, 06:51 PM
Im a little confused why ed wouldn't give them any information... I would think he was sent to the north because the general can be trusted?
Trustworthy or not, the fact is that if anything goes wrong, off with Winry's head. It's not like she's giving him the impression she trusts him anyway. Alex just said if they were going North, they should greet Olivier.
The whole "I cannot say" thing was also played before when Alex was questioned by Mustang. He seems to get the hint quite quickly.
Tue, 12-01-2009, 09:03 PM
Trustworthy or not, the fact is that if anything goes wrong, off with Winry's head. It's not like she's giving him the impression she trusts him anyway. Alex just said if they were going North, they should greet Olivier.
The whole "I cannot say" thing was also played before when Alex was questioned by Mustang. He seems to get the hint quite quickly.
Was that in this series or the last?
I was thinking of that scene too, and couldn't recall.
Tue, 12-01-2009, 10:09 PM
Was that in this series or the last?
I was thinking of that scene too, and couldn't recall.
It was in Brotherhood.
It happened after Hughs died, but Alex couldn't tell Mustang directly because Bradley popped into the hospital prior to that and told them not to tell anybody.
Tue, 12-08-2009, 06:13 AM
FMA 2009 Episode 35: SD ( d%20-%2035%20(XviD)%20%5bA476C5AA%5d.avi.torrent) | HD ( d%20-%2035%20(1280x720%20h264)%20%5b51ED9131%5d.mkv.tor rent)
So Father stopped Alchemy because he was the source of alchemy, while Scar and the girl used the earth. Still, as people picked up before, Father (surprisingly) didn't know how it works neither, which is a good sign. If knowledge is power, then Father isn't quite the omnipotent god yet.
Tue, 12-08-2009, 10:21 AM
I guess Sloth has been digging those tunnels since the beginning. For centuries. Calling it a shitty life would be a grand understatement.
A very interesting episode for sure. This series is so much better than the old one it's hard to even believe they carry the same name.
Tue, 12-08-2009, 10:58 AM
Sloth became awesome the second he voiced out Kenpachi's "Troublesome..."
Dark Dragon
Tue, 12-08-2009, 10:58 AM
This series is so much better than the old one it's hard to even believe they carry the same name.
Well you have a story that is done by a proper author rather than a bunch of plotlines filled with cliches thrown together by an animation studio.
Ah Olivier, so much awesome in one person should be illegal. That was a particularly interesting way to use fuel.
Wed, 12-09-2009, 07:11 AM
I guess Sloth has been digging those tunnels since the beginning. For centuries. Calling it a shitty life would be a grand understatement.
A very interesting episode for sure. This series is so much better than the old one it's hard to even believe they carry the same name.
you can see sloth digging in one of the earliest episodes in this series... something that wasnt on the manga and i thought it will spoiler his entrance, but it was that long ago that not many ppl remember that.
Wed, 12-09-2009, 12:59 PM
So the energy used to perform the alchemy we're used to seeing is believed to come from 'tectonic forces'? That doesn't seem like it should make sense, even in universe but okay. What I find a more interesting mystery is where the energy is REALLY coming from. Could Father have a big cavern full of zombie souls that he's been using to fuel Alchemy for the past few hundred years? Could he perhaps be an amalgamation of dead souls himself? So many questions, not enough answers.
Wed, 12-09-2009, 07:50 PM
So the energy used to perform the alchemy we're used to seeing is believed to come from 'tectonic forces'? That doesn't seem like it should make sense, even in universe but okay.
I thought of that as an analogy. Just as Eastern Alchemy relied on the cycle of energy from the earth and used volcano's lava flow as an analogy, using "tectonic movements" to me suggested that Amestris Alchemy used whatever spontaneous energy output came from the ground as its source, as opposed to the natural flow of energy.
Since Scar and chibi could use Eastern Alchemy in Amestris, then the earthly flow of energy is also present in Amestris. Father's artificual output that simply rises out of the ground doesn't contribute to this natural flow.
Actually, after all that, I can't say it's too far-fetched for Alchemists to conclude that Amestris Alchemy used energy from tectonic movement in the ground. Without the knowledge of Father, it must have been the only conclusion for such a constant, "ever-lasting" energy source.
What I find a more interesting mystery is where the energy is REALLY coming from. Could Father have a big cavern full of zombie souls that he's been using to fuel Alchemy for the past few hundred years? Could he perhaps be an amalgamation of dead souls himself? So many questions, not enough answers.
I have no doubt Father absorbed that country between Xing and Amestris, becoming a zombie powerhouse to drive Alchemy in Amestris for the past however many years since its existence only to destroy it to make an immortal army. Envy's zombie energy must be nothing compared to Father's.
It also makes sense for him to perform Alchemy without any sort of hand signs. Ling mentioned that Ed's clap looked like a prayer. Amestris Alchemy circles, likewise, look like rituals. Both methods are simply ways to summon the power of the creator, God.
And in Amestris the creator, the God, of Alchemy, should be none other than Father. It makes sense for him to use his powers at will with no summoning required.
Sun, 12-13-2009, 10:54 AM
again, not the strongest episode ever, but it had it's moments. a lot more action, and i did like how they executed the fight with Sloth, with a lot of small details (Falman getting involved, Bucanner saluting as Olivier comes out in the tank).
the small moments were what made this episode enjoyable for me. Ed's "Clang", the Briggs monolith, Kimblee's stunned surprise to Miles' identity, the way Raven drops his smile the second things get serious, the Good Doctor (You'll remember him from Wrath's flashback), the facial expressions during the scene with Marcoh and Rin, Olivier's brutaly harsh words, Al's resurfacing the Winry Apple Pie..
of course, the last scene is great too, since Olivier does just a great job of seducing Raven, and they did a good job with the cuts to create tension in that scene
I guess Sloth has been digging those tunnels since the beginning. For centuries. Calling it a shitty life would be a grand understatement.
A shitty life indeed. The first date listed by Falman was 1558, and it's supposedly the year 1914. That is a long time to be digging. I'm just amazed, with his awful sense of direction(probably a result of him just digging a clockwise circle for almost 300 years...) and bad memory, that Sloth could actually keep digging such a perfect circle.
i can't say anything yet about Father, the source of alchemy, and all that (I honestly only know Father's backstory), but the way the scene with Marcoh and Mei was done is a good example of swift explanation. it is interesting that Father himself does not even think about the power within the Earth, and that his big plan is to use the power from humans instead.
Mon, 12-14-2009, 04:01 AM
Eclipse HD ( d%20-%2036%20(1280x720%20h264)%20%5bA521764E%5d.mkv.tor rent) | SD ( d%20-%2036%20(XviD)%20%5bE13571FD%5d.avi.torrent)
Mon, 12-14-2009, 06:30 AM
So the first Homunculus was something shapeless called Pride huh? If not shapeless, then at least a shape shifter or something confined to shadows. Wrath talked to "her" once before, and the camera shot kind of focused on a lamp. I thought it was the moth at first, but now it seems equally likely it could have been the shadow the lamp cast.
The tension in Winry's scene was nicely done. I'm sure the facial expressions on all of them could have conveyed their thoughts just as well without the dialogue.
Mon, 12-14-2009, 09:12 AM
The mouth and eyes in the shadow reminded me of Hellsing. I have to say I didn't see Raven's death coming. Clearly Bradley did. I have to say I really liked the Winry scene. Poor girl has no idea.
And is it just me or did it seem like the episode went by way to fast?
Mon, 12-14-2009, 09:16 AM
And is it just me or did it seem like the episode went by way to fast?
Not the episode in general, but I thought Raven's death came quick.
They didn't even get anything useful out of him besides confirming Ed's story that the top brass are planning something. (well, now they know it's an immortal army, but that's hardly worth killing Bradley's men for).
Mon, 12-14-2009, 11:08 AM
i love that kimblee also mistakes Al for Ed. and Ed's border shattering "it's been a while since anyone's made that mistake!" was a great comedic moment in an otherwise tense episode
the scenes with Trisha, Hoenheim, and the boys as kids were great. i really like what they did there, particularly the photograph of Hoenheim crying.
of course, there is nothing quite as BADASS as Olivier slicing up Raven's arm, then dissing him as he sinks into the cement. The way Bucanneer and the Briggs soldiers were completely supportive of her makes for a great moment too. i don't think she did it because it was her best move, i think she did it because Raven pissed her off to the point where she couldn't, in her proud conscious, hold back any more if she had the chance to get rid of him and keep it secret.
next episode preview. tentacles in the darkness and the first Homunculus. i really hope this is the episode i want it to be...
Mon, 12-14-2009, 12:38 PM
i don't think she did it because it was her best move, i think she did it because Raven pissed her off to the point where she couldn't, in her proud conscious, hold back any more if she had the chance to get rid of him and keep it secret.
On the contrary, I think after careful deliberation she surmised this was indeed the thing to do. Like Cybercoin said, Bradley apparently expected this to happen - and we could almost jump to a conclusion killing Raven was what Olivier was supposed to do to have any chance to be accepted by Bradley. Ironically enough Raven unwittingly was making preparations for his own demise by talking about the strong ruling and weak dying for the cause.
Mon, 12-14-2009, 11:14 PM
I actually forgot Olivier said she'd take his seat.
So I guess it wasn't just a rush of emotions that triggered her move, but how would that work?
Yo Bradley. Ya know that Raven falla? He dead. Ah want in.
Hoenheim's "that bastard" comment I assume was directed at Father, meaning he's long known about Father's plan (since 13 years ago at least). With that in mind, I have to wonder what he's been up to exactly this last decade or so, as Wrath, Father and the rest don't seem like their plan is behind schedule.
Board of Command
Tue, 12-15-2009, 12:37 AM
Is it just me or has Winry gotten progressively bustier as the series went on?
Tue, 12-15-2009, 12:39 AM
Is it just me or has Winry gotten progressively bustier as the series went on?
Seems like it to me. It's something I always notice when watching the ED.
Tue, 12-15-2009, 05:18 AM
Is it just me or has Winry gotten progressively bustier as the series went on?
I am pretty sure it is not just you. It's like they made them a whole lot bigger in the ED then thought something along the lines of
"Shit now we have to make them the same size in the story as well!"
I'm not complaining.
Tue, 12-15-2009, 06:15 AM
I haven't noticed, but that (the increase in bust size) is certainly not a bad thing. I hope it was intentional as an indicator for the time that's passed since the beginning of the series.
They've also kept Ed's forehead wound from the previous battles, and I'll be expecting it to fade gradually as time goes by (unless it is to remain permament, or we experience a timeskip).
Tue, 12-15-2009, 07:40 AM
I haven't noticed, but that (the increase in bust size) is certainly not a bad thing. I hope it was intentional as an indicator for the time that's passed since the beginning of the series.
They've also kept Ed's forehead wound from the previous battles, and I'll be expecting it to fade gradually as time goes buy (unless it is to remain permament, or we experience a timeskip).
Heh...chest growth as a time line indicator......Sweet.
But yeah I like how they actually kept stuff like that. Shows that characters don't miraculously heal.
Tue, 12-15-2009, 04:55 PM
Winry, Ed and Al are all at the right age for that sort of rapid physical development. Just think about how much older Al looks sitting at the Gate from when the two brothers attempted to revive Trisha.
I don't think it is unreasonable that Winry has grown, she's still in puberty.
Wed, 12-16-2009, 12:17 AM
Yeah, I was the one that originally mentioned that her breasts got smaller compared to the original. Now it looks like they went back to normal.
Wed, 12-16-2009, 12:34 PM
I like general armstrong :) she's a bad ass.
I thought that the ishbalan guy was going to take out kimblee for a sec there, not just let him go.
Wed, 12-16-2009, 03:33 PM
Is that Ishbalan with the funky sideburns voiced by the same dude as Zoro in OP?
Wed, 12-16-2009, 03:41 PM
Yeah, Miles is voiced by Kazuya Nakai, the seiyuu for Zoro
Wed, 12-16-2009, 05:40 PM
And is it just me or did it seem like the episode went by way to fast?
there are about 8 mins before the opening so...
also there is a scene after the ending again.
all i can say is god i love this anime!
Mon, 12-21-2009, 07:41 PM
Eclipse HD ( d%20-%2037%20(1280x720%20h264)%20%5bE4779724%5d.mkv.tor rent) | SD ( d%20-%2037%20(XviD)%20%5b959140C2%5d.avi.torrent)
Mon, 12-21-2009, 08:24 PM
Ahh, Winry is so cute~
I think I played her squeals of delight at the beginning at least 4 times each.
I like her resolve at the end too. Winry is definitely not the type of girl to sit around and be a hostage. She's similar to Hawkeye and even Olivier. She berated herself for being all happy-go-lucky about what had been going on. I wonder if she meant the reason she was so happy is because she got to get a free visit to go where Ed is again. She was thinking it was a delightful treat only to find out she was being used.
Now I am very curious what she is going to do.
As for the other big revelation, I might have actually been surprised if I hadn't been spoiled 4-5 years ago. Thank you various commenters of various blogs. Now that it has finally occurred, the impact has been so lessened I don't even give a shit.
edit: or whenever this manga chapter was, that's when they started
Mon, 12-21-2009, 10:05 PM
As for the other big revelation, I might have actually been surprised if I hadn't been spoiled 4-5 years ago. Thank you various commenters of various blogs. Now that it has finally occurred, the impact has been so lessened I don't even give a shit.
edit: or whenever this manga chapter was, that's when they started
As one who's remained ignorant of the FMA universe for the large part, Salim being Pride was "OMG HOLY SHIT WTF".
I really wonder what Pride's purpose is. So far, it looks more like "she's" simply observing Wrath and his actions.
Tue, 12-22-2009, 12:51 AM
I think Bradley knows he is homonculi, I doubt he is just being observed. If he ages as well it might be to keep the throne, perhaps wrath and pride trade off being king for the hundreds of years that the country has been around/in the works.
I wonder if Hawkeye is the only reason that the men in that cave lived, and why was pride playing with the two left alive?
Tue, 12-22-2009, 02:22 AM
I dont think pride was playing with those two last guys. I believe they just lived for so long because there was no light down there
Tue, 12-22-2009, 02:58 AM
I think Bradley knows he is a homonculi, I doubt he is just being observed.
Knowing Selim is a homunculus doesn't mean he can't be/isn't observed.
If he ages as well it might be to keep the throne, perhaps wrath and pride trade off being king for the hundreds of years that the country has been around/in the works.
Pretty sure they said somewhere that Wrath was the first aging Homunculus.
I wonder if Hawkeye is the only reason that the men in that cave lived, and why was pride playing with the two left alive?
Seemed like it. It was tossing up between going back, or launching an attack. As for the two guys, they said to turn the lights out of it'll be back because of the shadows right? Perhaps Selim requires you to have a shadow for it to attack. No lights = no shadow = no attack.
edit: deadlydreamx said it already.
Tue, 12-22-2009, 03:27 AM
Knowing Selim is a homunculus doesn't mean he can't be/isn't observed.
Right but it seems too simple. Perhaps like Gluttony and Lust they work as a team. I wonder if maybe Envy and Greed worked together as well. I guess they could be thinking of betrayal after Greed's deal.
Pretty sure they said somewhere that Wrath was the first aging Homunculus.
Ya, you're right. So did they just control through manipulation before? Seems complicated. There is always the possibility that while Wrath was the first, that was many bodies ago, but it seems like I'm reaching now... =)
I dont think pride was playing with those two last guys. I believe they just lived for so long because there was no light down there
Clearly he has the "Ultimate Darkness" heh. Alchemy creates light, and the others have been able to perform at least their own specific bits of alchemy at will, though he might be unable to do alchemy like they do.
Dark Dragon
Tue, 12-22-2009, 05:19 AM
Ya, you're right. So did they just control through manipulation before? Seems complicated. There is always the possibility that while Wrath was the first, that was many bodies ago, but it seems like I'm reaching now... =).
If you recall back to the earlier episodes. Old Greed didn't recognize Bradley and Lust introduced him as their new brother. I also remember a few instances where Envy refers to him as "brat" so i'm fairly confident that he is the youngest homunculus.
Wed, 12-23-2009, 11:43 AM
i love kimblee, so i loved this episode. there's something that resonates so well with me about a psychopath who knows he is crazy, a dedicated professional who is totally selfish, and a guy who doesn't seem to mind if the human race disappears, but seems to feel genuine sympathy and admiration for the Rockbell family. I love the way he drinks coffee through Ed's comic moment, steps in the second it's time to get to work, and cringes at Winry's stubborn arguing.
why can't all the bad guys be like Kimblee?
Ahh, Winry is so cute~
I think I played her squeals of delight at the beginning at least 4 times each.
I like her resolve at the end too. Winry is definitely not the type of girl to sit around and be a hostage. She's similar to Hawkeye and even Olivier. She berated herself for being all happy-go-lucky about what had been going on. I wonder if she meant the reason she was so happy is because she got to get a free visit to go where Ed is again. She was thinking it was a delightful treat only to find out she was being used.
Now I am very curious what she is going to do.
As for the other big revelation, I might have actually been surprised if I hadn't been spoiled 4-5 years ago. Thank you various commenters of various blogs. Now that it has finally occurred, the impact has been so lessened I don't even give a shit.
edit: or whenever this manga chapter was, that's when they started
first, winry. the scene with her repairing Ed's arm was very funny, as was the one after it. but, on the whole, i can not STAND Winry's character type. lots of "i'm so helpless but i'll try my best to not be a burden" but STILL be a burden characters annoy me more than anything else. going along with Ed and Al just puts her in more danger, means Kimblee has his hostage on hand in case he needs to make Ed do something, and it just is a out and out burden to a team that is going out to find one of the most dangerous guys around, Scar.
sure, she's cute and funny, but, ugh, i just wish they kept her on the sidelines more...
second, Selim Bradley = Homunculi is one of the first spoilers I ever saw from any manga. i don't think i was all that pissed about it when i found out, as i had no interest in FMA at the time. but it would have been nice to have been surprised by it, even if it's a classic Enfant Terrible (
The conversation a few episodes back, where Pride questioned why Wrath was letting Mustang live, sure seems to seem that Pride does keep an eye on Wrath, whether he was ordered to or not. Since Father clearly does not get out much, it makes sense for the First Homunclus to be the one to "shadow" the most powerful man in the nation on his behalf.
The Shadows. There is little doubt that Pride's power utilizes shadows. So, it does make sense that the two guys left alive in the tunnel were left alive because somehow all the lights went out down there.
Last point about Pride. When I first saw the scene where he leaves the Briggs men in the tunnel, to go back and stay close to Hawkeye, it left me very confused. Why, just why in the world, would Pride let those guys go? To rush back and fuck with Hawkeye's head? Those guys have serious info on the last unknown Homunculi, and Pride leaves them to spread that info so he can run back to mommy.
To mommy. It dawned on me when I watched this episode with the subtitles. Of course there is a reason Pride races back home. It's because Hawkeye, a very dangerous woman who is clearly not on his side, is at home, while Wrath is not, with Mrs. Bradley. Pride went home to protect her. Of this, I feel little doubt. Hell, Pride's identity is revealed because of Mrs. Bradley's "love of talk". But just exactly why in the world would Pride even tolerate her staying alive, when she does possess knowledge that could out him?
There is no doubt, to me, that one of the bigger themes in this whole story is about parents. We already have tons of stuff going on between Father and the Homunculi, Hoenheim and the brothers (both incredibly powerful people, albeit very lacking in what we come to expect from a father figure). But on the other side there are mothers (physically weak people with divine emotional influence), particularly the things people will do because they love their mothers. (Also, refer to the scene where Bradley comes home and is pissed as hell that the Elric brothers are there, even though Pride is there with Mrs Bradley)
Oh, and the Homunculi order is pretty hard to figure out. Aside from Pride, Wrath, and new Greed (and new Gluttony, I suppose), it is pretty tough to figure out the order. Lust and Envy talked like they had known each other for a very long time (ditto this with Envy and old Greed). Gluttony has been around since the disappearance of that one kingdom, and Envy himself stated that the souls he is sorta made from have been in him for so long that they have lost a lot of their consciousness. Sloth has been digging since the plan to make a big circle out of Amestris was launched, which suggests he might be newer than Gluttony (created as an attempt at a Gate, then used to clean up the mess from the disappeared nation).
Wed, 12-23-2009, 05:52 PM
why can't all the bad guys be like Kimblee?
because then kimblee wouldn't be awesome and special anymore
I believe we all agree that we don't want that to happen
<3 kimblee too
Thu, 12-24-2009, 04:53 AM
As one who's remained ignorant of the FMA universe for the large part, Salim being Pride was "OMG HOLY SHIT WTF".It was pretty "OMG HOLY SHIT WTF" to me as well despite being a watcher of the old series.
Wed, 12-30-2009, 06:23 PM
[Eclipse] Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood - 38 - HD ( d%20-%2038%20%281280x720%20h264%29%20%5b833D7B8B%5d.mkv .torrent) | SD ( d%20-%2038%20%28XviD%29%20%5b79571BB7%5d.avi.torrent)
Next episode airs January 10th.
Thu, 12-31-2009, 09:47 AM
May's scenes were my favourite parts of the episode. :3
They were followed closely by Ed's "evil" expressions. Overall it had some good action scenes, but I think I'd call this a comedy episode above that.
Thu, 12-31-2009, 08:11 PM
Good episode as always, a fine mix of decent action and comedic moments.
Thu, 01-07-2010, 08:52 AM
not the best episode, i felt. it was fun in parts, and i liked what they did with Yoki's backstory finally getting explained (Armstrong sisters.... shudder...)
for me, the highlight of this episode were the scenes with Buccaneer and the troops at Briggs. I especially like the scene where the man from Central asks Olivier (circumspectly) about Raven's death, and the wind blows and reveals her other eye. usually, with characters who have an eye (or both) hidden, this device reveals some "hidden" aspect of the character, but Olivier is just looking at him with the same look she gives most people.
looks like they're saving more of the Scar and Winry interaction for later, and I hope the next episode is more action packed (the title doesn't indicate that). this episode was decent, but this whole season has been a little lackluster
Mon, 01-11-2010, 10:08 AM
I know some of you will wait for eclipse release, but I couldn't wait. I don't have much of a way to tell if the sub is horrible. It was decent and the video quality was good.
New opening and ending...I liked the last ending and am not so sure about the new ones.
Thu, 01-14-2010, 03:21 PM
Episode 39 HD ( d%20-%2039%20(1280x720%20h264)%20%5bC5B68C03%5d.mkv.tor rent) | SD ( d%20-%2039%20(XviD)%20%5b4F30DE1E%5d.avi.torrent) - Eclipse
- - - - - - -
A rather interesting episode even if that much didn't actually happen. They did build up uncertainty and a bit of suspense, though. It's always good when things balance so that even if the heroes succeed perfectly in their own act, somewhere else things can go wrong.
Thu, 01-14-2010, 11:53 PM
Winry sure has a lot of earings, more evidently so when she's taken them all out onto her hands. While it's a nice theme and all to have her give it to Ed and make a promise for their return, Kimblee would sure get suspicious if he finds them in Ed's possession.
Fri, 01-15-2010, 02:39 AM
Kimblee would sure get suspicious if he finds them in Ed's possession.
I was thinking of the same thing. Ed wasn't supposed to meet Winry before she got kidnapped, and why would Winry have given them to him via a proxy instead of simply storing them in her own pocket? If they had met, it could be easily explained but not now. Too bad Ed is generally not experienced enough to keep his wits close to him all the time, down to the last detail.
Fri, 01-15-2010, 08:53 AM
cant belive no one commented on this.
at 1:55 after ed grabs kimblee, he loses his hat
at 2:26 after scars destroys the build kimblee is wearing his hat
then at 2:33 kimblee is not wearing his hat once again
for now ill keep watching the episode...
Testarossa Autodrive
Sat, 01-16-2010, 10:46 PM
cant belive no one commented on this.
at 1:55 after ed grabs kimblee, he loses his hat
at 2:26 after scars destroys the build kimblee is wearing his hat
then at 2:33 kimblee is not wearing his hat once again
for now ill keep watching the episode...
Yeah, I noticed that. Wrote a thread about it on my forum and for the front page for an episode review. xD I didn't catch it at first when I was watching the raw. It took another watch until I noticed it.
Sun, 01-17-2010, 08:46 AM
Yet another good episode. More scheming on the part of the good guys. But just how much tricks can they pull over the homunculus master plan?
Sun, 01-17-2010, 11:02 PM
they are taking a lot of time with this arc... but, well, it is good to see people (and not just the good guys) planning things out...
Father needs one more...
I'm not really in love with either the 4th OP or the 4th ED. The songs are okay enough, but it feels to me that there's something epic missing from both of them. Glad to see the visual material was rather vague, as I hate spoilers in OP/EDs.
the preview for episode 40 got me so excited i just might have to stomach Tomodachi's crappy speed release
Mon, 01-18-2010, 12:20 AM
The next episode will be worth waiting for the good Eclipse release. Trust me.
Mon, 01-18-2010, 02:07 AM
Fullmetal Alchemist - 40 - [TMD-Raze] (
Another side-storyish episode that goes into very interesting details about the past, if this episode doesn't generate speculation or discussion I don't know what will.
Testarossa Autodrive
Mon, 01-18-2010, 02:10 AM
Nnnn, wonderful wonderful episode. I've been waiting for this episode for a very long time and they did a pretty good job with it. It was interesting to see it finally animated. :)
Mon, 01-18-2010, 04:44 AM
Eclipse 40 HD ( d%20-%2040%20(1280x720%20h264)%20%5bC2FD83C5%5d.mkv.tor rent)|SD ( d%20-%2040%20(XviD)%20%5b7EBA11FA%5d.avi.torrent)
Mon, 01-18-2010, 05:35 AM
some discussion
01[14:26] <masamune> hmm. it had been a long time indeed
[14:26] <Yukimura> since you banged a chick?
01[14:26] <masamune> as you said, it seems like "the homunculus" was something found, not created
01[14:26] <masamune> that too
01[14:27] <masamune> but, it does not seem to have been anything until it was given Hoenheim's blood
[14:27] <Yukimura> we didn't actually see that part though right?
01[14:27] <masamune> or, rather, it might have been a source of power, something Xerxes studied
01[14:27] <masamune> no
The link to the manga chapter. NOTE - all manga chapters are there, so don't go browsing unless you want to read manga
01[14:52] <masamune>
01[14:53] <masamune> also, consider page 05 right after it. although "Father" doesn't seem terribly into Hoenheim's words about the joy of friends and family
[14:54] <Yukimura> yeah i noticed that
[14:54] <Yukimura> he seems to see it as a liability or something
01[14:54] <masamune> the chapter does clear up alot of things about the state of the bottle
01[14:54] <masamune> i have always thought that it's no coincidence that he chooses to be called "Father"
01[14:55] <masamune> or that the starting point of the whole story revolves around Ed and Al trying to bring back their mother, that the main characters are the product of Hoenheim finally getting that family
01[14:55] <masamune> Father has a lot of contempt for humans, sure
01[14:56] <masamune> but he has Lust, Greed, Pride. he even wants his "products" to call him Father
01[14:57] <masamune> he's not too far from being a human himself. he is, in fact, just a bunch of humans. Hoenheim first, then the nation of Xerxes
01[14:57] <masamune> "breeding"
01[14:57] <masamune> in reverse
01[14:57] <masamune> that's just my speculation though
01[14:58] <masamune> when he's in the flask, Father wants a body. he wants to become a human, of sorts
01[14:59] <masamune> it's like
01[14:59] <masamune> he wants to become the bottle.
[15:00] <Yukimura> ?
01[15:10] <masamune> ...not literally
01[15:10] <masamune> just think about it
[15:10] <Yukimura> you think he wants to stick the whole world in a bottle?
01[15:10] <masamune> not just any bottle
01[15:10] <masamune> him
[15:10] <Yukimura> ah
[15:10] <Yukimura> you mean eat everyone
01[15:11] <masamune> unless he has something different planned for Amestris
01[15:11] <masamune> it would seem that he's doing the exact same thing he did at Xerxes, but on a much bigger scale
[15:11] <Yukimura> i had been wondering what he wanted to make another giant circle thing for
[15:11] <Yukimura> i figured her was already immortal so I didn't think he'd care to eat more people
01[15:12] <masamune> i mean, sure, world domination is a classic villain goal
[15:12] <Yukimura> but maybe he just likes eating souls for the sake of doing it
01[15:12] <masamune> but, really, what more could you plausibly want?
[15:12] <Yukimura> a partner perhaps
01[15:12] <masamune> no THAT is an idea
01[15:12] <masamune> now
[15:12] <Yukimura> it crossed my mind that he might want to bring another of his 'kind' to his level
01[15:13] <masamune> family
01[15:13] <masamune> one of the homunculi?
[15:14] <Yukimura> maybe
[15:15] <Yukimura> or maybe he just found another bottle person we don't know about
[15:15] <Yukimura> but he could be trying to 'make' a partner and the homunculii are his attempts
01[15:18] <masamune> it's possible. after all, he was made, or something, using Hoenheim
[15:18] <Yukimura> quite so
Mon, 01-18-2010, 10:50 PM
Excellent episode, I love the story of this world. So, it seems to me that Father is a tiny bit of the truth ripped out into the real world. While the other homunculi are certainly intelligent I get the feeling they are considerably different from him. As their names imply they are gatherings of certain aspects of humans, from the humans of Xerxes.
I like the idea that he is going to create another of his kind. Now the question is what would make him happy after having his one wish granted, is it really just companionship?
Tue, 01-19-2010, 02:42 AM
I like the idea that he is going to create another of his kind. Now the question is what would make him happy after having his one wish granted, is it really just companionship?
Well when Hoenheim asked him what makes him happy, he couldn't answer. That was the one piece of knowledge it didn't have: what makes him "happy"?
"Starting a family" was the only tip it got from his creator.
Great episode. I was pretty drawn into it.
Tue, 01-19-2010, 06:10 AM
Where did that thing come from in the first place? If it did come from somewhere, it might want to go back there - and needs lots of power for that purpose. It might have gained its ability to talk and finally its current body using Hohenheim but considering it knew a lot more than anybody else in the kingdom, it had its wits well before it encountered anybody there. But then again, it could have also been the product of some even more ancient civilization.
Tue, 01-19-2010, 06:18 AM
Where did that thing come from in the first place? If it did come from somewhere, it might want to go back there - and needs lots of power for that purpose. It might have gained its ability to talk and finally its current body using Hohenheim but considering it knew a lot more than anybody else in the kingdom, it had its wits well before it encountered anybody there. But then again, it could have also been the product of some even more ancient civilization.
I can only imagine that it's the product of some weird alchemy that, like a poster said before, resulted in tearing a piece of Truth into this space.
When given some organic matter (blood), it finally took a form that allowed it to communicate to people. It's apparent that besides wit, it had already established an arrogance of being above humans.
And if everything is what it seems, then Pride is in fact NOT the first Homunculus.
Tue, 01-19-2010, 08:01 AM
Where did that thing come from in the first place? If it did come from somewhere, it might want to go back there - and needs lots of power for that purpose
So, it seems to me that Father is a tiny bit of the truth ripped out into the real world.
Putting these two together, (and putting aside the idea that what Father wants is companionship), I get a really big hunch that this would make a lot of sense as for postulating about what is going to happen with the gigantic array that Father has been building using Amestris.
Throw in "desire for companionship", and, well, he just might be planning on taking everyone along with him... He was, after all, "nice" enough to give Hoenheim a freaking immortal body (and spare his life).
Tue, 01-19-2010, 08:53 AM
my patience is low.... I want it on monday-tuesday. :)
Tue, 01-19-2010, 10:40 AM
This was one of the best episodes yet.
Tue, 01-19-2010, 10:38 PM
That episode absolutely kicked ass!
Wed, 01-20-2010, 01:37 AM
So is the "Sage of the East" Van Hoenheim? or is it the guy who made the flask of the homunculus? Apparently, whoever made the flask knew a thing or two about alchemy, right?
Wed, 01-20-2010, 04:26 AM
I didn't mention it last episode, but the new opening is freakin' great.
Hmm, so Ed and Al are basically half philosopher's stones. I'm sure that entitles them to at least one Shounen powerup right there.
Wed, 01-20-2010, 12:48 PM
One of the best episodes since the series started, so many questions answerd, so many new ones to ask
Wed, 01-20-2010, 01:10 PM
I dont think it works like that Darth...
But what Pride means by being the first Homunculus was that he was the first one that was made by Father. Or the others just don't know that Father is a homunculus
Wed, 01-20-2010, 02:54 PM
So is the "Sage of the East" Van Hoenheim? or is it the guy who made the flask of the homunculus? Apparently, whoever made the flask knew a thing or two about alchemy, right?
the sage of the east and the sage of the west (can remember their names) both appeared after xerxes died. one being father and one being hoenhein.
Thu, 01-21-2010, 06:41 PM
I liked this Ep, explained everything much better and clearer than what i originally thought :p
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