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Sat, 04-26-2008, 12:23 PM
It would be great if these guys all become frequent rivals in the new world....which would probably be the second half of the whole series.

Sat, 04-26-2008, 12:26 PM
Great chapter. But man... so many new characters. And we still have not seen all Shichibukai nor all Emperors.

I liked that one of the new pirates is a native from Sky Island.

I wonder that if they have more bounty people on their crews... I remember they saying the Mugiwara were 'special' because no crew had a bounty on each and every member (although... the crew IS small)

Sat, 04-26-2008, 01:13 PM
One of the rookies being from Sky Island is awesome and all...but it also kind of breaks the continuity of "the existence of Sky Island is just a myth" kind of attitude everyone had back in Jaya. Then again, I think they broke that continuity as soon as the sky knight explained about there being a far easier passageway up for tourists than knock-up stream.

Sat, 04-26-2008, 02:04 PM
Well... remember Gol D Roger did go to Sky Island, and that Gedatsu runs a Hot Spring in Alabastra.

I mean... only strong pirates (or daring) know the truth behind Sky Island, whereas the lame ones or un-adventurous (like Bellamy) do not believe in the existance of it, even in the Grand Line. (And this guys do not seem like Tourists to go the easy way either... )

Sat, 04-26-2008, 03:19 PM
Well... remember Gol D Roger did go to Sky Island, and that Gedatsu runs a Hot Spring in Alabastra.

I mean... only strong pirates (or daring) know the truth behind Sky Island, whereas the lame ones or un-adventurous (like Bellamy) do not believe in the existance of it, even in the Grand Line. (And this guys do not seem like Tourists to go the easy way either... )
Yeah but all the rookies are pretty well-known in the papers, so Bellamy had to have noticed.

Sat, 04-26-2008, 06:18 PM
He did not believe Luffy's bounty, so maybe if he ever saw this Sky Island dude he must have assumed the wings were fake, or that he liked to dress up like Bon Kure (who also 'had' wings, but from his coat)

Sun, 04-27-2008, 12:42 AM
Bellamy doesn't seem like someone that would've read the papers. Even in the Strawhat crew the only one that reads them is Nami (perhaps Robin too, but we haven't seen it)

The Sky Island captain also had a lower bounty compared to the others in the group. Shakky mentioned that the names showing up frequently in the paper were Kid -> Law, who are the five 200million+ captains.

Sun, 04-27-2008, 02:23 AM
I wonder what kind of response the dude will have once he learns Luffy kicked Enel's ass. I wonder how big Luffy's bounty would be if the Government knew that Luffy kicked his ass (I assume they don't know).

Sun, 04-27-2008, 02:46 AM
Bellamy doesn't seem like someone that would've read the papers. Even in the Strawhat crew the only one that reads them is Nami (perhaps Robin too, but we haven't seen it)
Obviously Bellamy reads the papers if he knew about Luffy's $30M bounty.

Sun, 04-27-2008, 06:39 AM
I don't have the chapters on hand to check, but I remember that Bellamy learned about Luffy's 30m bounty because he asked Luffy what his bounty was in that bar. Later on a random drunk pirate got the recently updated bounties from a flying courier and ran into the bar to tell Bellamy & co. about the 100m

Mon, 04-28-2008, 01:18 PM
whats Enels?

Mon, 04-28-2008, 05:19 PM
The "God" that used lightning during the skypiea arc?

Tue, 04-29-2008, 11:36 PM
One of the rookies being from Sky Island is awesome and all...but it also kind of breaks the continuity of "the existence of Sky Island is just a myth" kind of attitude everyone had back in Jaya. Then again, I think they broke that continuity as soon as the sky knight explained about there being a far easier passageway up for tourists than knock-up stream.

No, not really. There are supposedly 7 paths from the Reverse Mountain to Mariejoa. The Strawhats kind of cheated and switched paths, since they found the Eternal Pose to Jaya on the Saint Bliss (the ship that fell out of the sky). Navigation is tough, since without an eternal pose, you have to go to the next island. I'm not surprised nobody on Jaya believed in Sky Island, or had heard of the Skypeian rookie.

On the other hand, all the paths converge on the current island, so anybody who listens can hear all the best rumors from the Old World.

Regarding the other route to Skypeia, the Strawhats might have found it if they had taken a different path from Reverse Mountain.

Wed, 04-30-2008, 12:17 AM
For the past chapters (thriller park) New World's population was mentioned that they are around Luffy's level so while Luffy is considered monster here, in New World he should be another "citizen".

Wed, 04-30-2008, 01:12 PM
No, not really. There are supposedly 7 paths from the Reverse Mountain to Mariejoa. The Strawhats kind of cheated and switched paths, since they found the Eternal Pose to Jaya on the Saint Bliss (the ship that fell out of the sky). Navigation is tough, since without an eternal pose, you have to go to the next island. I'm not surprised nobody on Jaya believed in Sky Island, or had heard of the Skypeian rookie.

On the other hand, all the paths converge on the current island, so anybody who listens can hear all the best rumors from the Old World.

Regarding the other route to Skypeia, the Strawhats might have found it if they had taken a different path from Reverse Mountain.
I disagree.
The logpose pointed to Sky Island after Arabasta. They made it a point to get off Jaya before their path was altered, so they stuck with their designated route the entire time. This means that Sky Island is part of their path from reverse mountain.

If another path leads to a connecting island that can take you to Sky Island, then travelers who take THAT bridge will be the ones converging onto Luffy's path.

Wed, 04-30-2008, 04:16 PM
Ok, let me throw some things out there that you guys are assuming that may or may not be true, and other things to keep in mind:

1. How recently did he get a bounty? (Remember these guys are rookies)
2. Because he's making the papers, is it being publicized that he's from Skypea?
3. Does anyone beside the readers (us) know he's from Skypea?
4. Do people automatically believe that he's from Skypea given that they are informed?
5. That Jaya believes it is a myth, does it represent the believe of everyone around the world?

Add to that, Jaya people probably knowing the truth now after Luffy went up there and rang the bell and add to that the captain only being a rookie in the biz, then it shouldn't really break continuity.

Remember, One Piece's world is populated by ignorant, ill informed, uneducated people.

Wed, 04-30-2008, 05:43 PM
Remember, One Piece's world is populated by ignorant, ill informed, uneducated people.

And how is that any different from the real world? :p

Wed, 04-30-2008, 06:40 PM
And how is that any different from the real world? :p
Despite this, there are extremely few people who would openly deny something in the face of substantial evidence...like the Holocaust, for example.

We know that newspapers get delivered to Jaya, so they can't be TOO ignorant. Plus, if you recall, Jaya was all about bounties and status. That place was being overrun by ruffians bragging about their reputation.


I still find it amazing that other rookies could even come close to luffy's bounty.
This means that all the rookies have higher bounties than Crocodile, and some of them come close/surpass Moria's.

Luffy defeated two shichibukai and destroyed Enis Lobby.
He also has with him Franky and Nico Robin, both of whom were very prized targets of the world government.

Considering from what we know about the World Government, I'd say Luffy should be twice as much of a priority for them as any of these other guys, regardless of whether or not the other guys have been known to attack civilians. I'd also find it hard to believe that any of them have even confronted a shichibukai yet.

I expect to get some good stories about the parallel adventures of the other rookies.

Wed, 04-30-2008, 07:42 PM
Really I don't see any problem with the people of Jaya not believing in Sky Island. Its not like everyone doesn't believe its just that Bellamy and his pirates pretty much controlled the place and they openly ridiculed anyone who didn't believe what they believed so naturally anyone who believed never talked or even mentioned it. So it isn't that no one believed its just that Bellamy didn't believe and him being top dog and all everyone else just went along with him. Its just herd mentality, thats a rational enough explanation.

Much the same I don't see a problem with there being other people having bounties close to or even greater than Luffy's. I mean as you said Luffy and his crew should be a high priority as far as the government is concerned but it doesn't seem that way at all now does it. They are pretty much just letting them run around right under their noses and they don't seem concerned about it at all. Just based on the potential threat Robin poses her bounty should be substantially higher. So I imagine that the government isn't too concerned with Luffy and the others atleast not at this point, for now all they pose is a potential threat not a direct one and it seems that at their current level if the government wished, they could easily crush Luffy and his entire crew, just look at how easily Aokiji or Kuma could have destoyed them. So for now they have bigger fish to fry.

Anyway we have no idea what stuff the other rookies did and as has been mentioned numerous times Luffy and his crew may be big fish in a small pond on this side of the redline but in the new world they would just be average, so I would think there are alot more people with bounties higher than Luffy's.

About the shichibukai their bounties were all suspended when they joined so I imagine if not for that all their bounties would have been much much higher by this point. Besides it seems to me that the shichibukai weren't chosen based on strength or atleast not that alone but rather how useful they could be to the world government and what their sphere of influence was.

Thu, 05-01-2008, 11:06 AM
Back in East Blue they never knew Luffy defeated Kuro, so his initial bounty should have been higher than 30 million.

Now... the World Government ignores he defeated Enel, plus they did not raise his bounty *again* after Moria, because it was 'too soon'.

Taking this things into action... his bounty should be higher indeed....

The rookies most probably did not encounter a Shichibukai... it is just they kill people and their bounties must have grown with every important kill.

Also... being a Shichibukai does not mean they are super powerful... it just means they 'sold' themselves to the World Government.

Thu, 05-01-2008, 11:59 AM
Just "selling" yourself isn't enough to become a shichibukai though.
Blackbeard had to take out Ace before he was awarded his title.

Thu, 05-01-2008, 05:35 PM
Because prior to that no one knew BlackBeard in the World Government.

The other Shichibukai were sought by the Marines, and they accepted to join.

Death BOO Z
Fri, 05-02-2008, 01:07 AM
Super Heros Matchups: There can be only one (or two, when the good guys win)
Capone vs Luffy. the obligatory 'luffy beates up a seemingly strong guy easily'
Big eater (girl) vs Robin & Nami. Kitty fight, Meow.
Basil vs Zoro. a no brainer. the obligatory sword duel.
Kid vs Luffy. another no brainer. it's got Luffy written all over it.
Appo vs Franky
X-drake vs no one. He looks like a good guy that doesn't get ownd by the good guys.
Urouge (sky island man) vs Ussop & Chopper
Killer vs Brooke
Dark doctor vs Sanji

that's my list.

edit: fixed some typing mistakes.
edit2: again.
edit3: again.

Fri, 05-02-2008, 03:20 AM
It would be lame if every strawhat beats every rookie. These people are supposed to be captains in direct competition with Luffy (except for the claw guy, who, yeah, is in direct competition with Zoro).

Sat, 05-03-2008, 05:16 PM
Just "selling" yourself isn't enough to become a shichibukai though.
Blackbeard had to take out Ace before he was awarded his title.

True. However, I think it requires a little bit more than just being able to sell yourself or your powers to the government by beating someone. Also, I think that the people should be a bit stronger. I mean, crocodile has the power to create sandstorms with his DF. Now don't get me wrong, Blackbeard is strong, but I don't think he can be compared to the current shichibukai.

Sun, 05-04-2008, 08:30 AM
If we're talking about short and medium-range combat / destructive ability, Blackbeard seems stronger than both Crocodile and Moria. We've seen that he can take a considerable amount of damage - more than Ace's huge village-sized fireball, at any rate - and the limit to his fighting strength is directly related to how much punishment he can absorb.

As far as the rookies... I think Oda will have most of them survive to continue being rivals in the New World. They could also be used to fight other groups that the Strawhats don't necessarily run into. As of now, I don't really see a Skypeia-style mass elimination thing happening. My guess is that Zoro will run into one since he's wandering alone, and Luffy will probably have to deal with another.

Sun, 05-04-2008, 01:54 PM
It'd be amusing to see Blackbeard up against Moria. I imagine he'd be able to dispell every single zombie just by touching them.

Sun, 05-04-2008, 09:33 PM
He wouldn't even have to wait for them to get close he could use his dark matter and completely destroy them or he could just suck their shadows right out and absorb them, now that would be cool.

Mon, 05-12-2008, 12:16 PM
Seeing as Naruto and Bleach returned, did One Piece return also?

Mon, 05-12-2008, 01:16 PM
One Piece had an additional scheduled break this week in addition to golden week two weeks ago. Couldn't find the source for this, but it was mentioned over at arlong park and franky house.

Death BOO Z
Sat, 05-17-2008, 09:08 AM
499 by FH (http://www.franky-house.com/forums/showthread.php?t=4887)

the rapid share test is... hard, dammit!

Sat, 05-17-2008, 10:51 AM
I used megaupload (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=2DDZJO8E)

Anyways... great chapter. Lots of things to see. And the inmminent return (so soon?) of the Flying Fish Riders...

Sat, 05-17-2008, 12:53 PM
Zoro deserves a flag of his own.

Sat, 05-17-2008, 01:00 PM
Ha...I called it....
Although yeah, I didn't think they'd come so soon either.

The interactions between the rookies is pretty amusing

Edit: interesting....
In the scene where Jewelry Bonnie tackles Zoro, she looks like a kid and her outfit looks different too. Maybe she ate a devil's fruit that lets her change her age? This would explain why Zoro thought she was a brat, anyway...

Sat, 05-17-2008, 03:45 PM
Nice catch.
She does look like a kid, specially when you see her 'crying' over him, when he is pretending to be dead.

PS: Congrats on the 9000th post. You used it on One Piece.

Sat, 05-17-2008, 03:54 PM
Haha, Luffy barfed on the tea cups.

Dark Dragon
Mon, 05-19-2008, 11:14 AM
This chapter really caught my interest.

There are so many paths Oda could take right now.

1. Cainie Kidnapper selling her to a Tenryuubito and her rescue results in the Tenryu being hurt which would bring in the Navy.

2. The Strawhat meet a Tenryuubito who will become a crew member or at least one that is not a complete bastard who will help them in someway since it's very possible that not all of them act like those we've seen.

3. The Pirates Rookie battle royal that a few have speculated.

4. The Navy is being held up, but by what? If whatever keeping them busy is not Dragon then this would be a great chance for his forces to do something. I would think that for a Rebel army, attacking and subsequently harming a majority of the peoples that the World Government is hellbent on protecting would be considered a great victory. If the rest of the Tenryu is like those we've seen so far then they are probably not very well liked by regular peoples, Dragon could rally a lot of support by attacking them.

5. We already got a hint at the end of Black vs Ace duel that it was the "trigger" for the great event yet to come. Shank and White Beard met for a reason, if I've learn anything from one piece it's that Oda rarely ever does anything without linking it to something else down the line. It is very possible for White Beard and Shank to team up and try to save Ace since Shank has ties with Luffy and White Beard would probably want to save his First Mate. That could be the thing that is keeping the Navy so busy that they won't worry about anything else unless it's a huge crisis.

Those are just some of my speculation, but Oda has created a perfect setup to where it's possible for anything to happen.

I personally would love to see either 4 or 5 happen and maybe even both together. I personally feel that while the stuff like Moria was really cool, having the Straw Hats beat one Shichibukai after another would get really stale. This is probably a great time for some shit to hit the fan and for things to get chaotic since they are close to going to the new world.

Tue, 05-20-2008, 09:59 AM
Aren't the Marines (Navy) being held up because of the Shanks - Whitebeard situation? I don't think we'll see Dragon yet.

In any case, I want to see the Strawhats land themselves in deep shit by attacking a Tenryuubito, but I'm also interested in seeing what Oda will do with the other pirate crews.

Tue, 05-20-2008, 11:20 AM
1. Cainie Kidnapper selling her to a Tenryuubito and her rescue results in the Tenryu being hurt which would bring in the Navy.
If she gets sold, then what's the purpose of calling in the flying fish riders?

2. The Strawhat meet a Tenryuubito who will become a crew member or at least one that is not a complete bastard who will help them in someway since it's very possible that not all of them act like those we've seen.
Definitely not. The Tenryuubito are descendants of the world government founders, and pirates are just about as far from the world government as you can get. All the Tenryuubito have such luxurious lives...why would any of them want to change?

3. The Pirates Rookie battle royal that a few have speculated.
It's possible, but I think we can safely say it won't happen until after entering the new world. Personally, I think there's more potential here in developing a long-term relationship between these captains that, despite being rivals, it's still in their best interest to pick and choose their battles, form temporary alliances against greater evils, etc....just like the kind of relationship Shanks and Whitebeard have.

4. The Navy is being held up, but by what? If whatever keeping them busy is not Dragon then this would be a great chance for his forces to do something. I would think that for a Rebel army, attacking and subsequently harming a majority of the peoples that the World Government is hellbent on protecting would be considered a great victory. If the rest of the Tenryu is like those we've seen so far then they are probably not very well liked by regular peoples, Dragon could rally a lot of support by attacking them.

5. We already got a hint at the end of Black vs Ace duel that it was the "trigger" for the great event yet to come. Shank and White Beard met for a reason, if I've learn anything from one piece it's that Oda rarely ever does anything without linking it to something else down the line. It is very possible for White Beard and Shank to team up and try to save Ace since Shank has ties with Luffy and White Beard would probably want to save his First Mate. That could be the thing that is keeping the Navy so busy that they won't worry about anything else unless it's a huge crisis.
I figured they were still held up by the Shanks/Whitebeard meeting from before...

Death BOO Z
Fri, 05-23-2008, 10:33 AM
Rock n' Roll is bitching
and so does chapter 500 (http://www.franky-house.com/forums/showthread.php?t=4981)

my comments will come as soon as I pass the freakingly hard test and get the file.

holy shit, sure as hell didn't see that coming, it's got to be good. it explains why the rookies are still hanging there.
edit2: I guess we now know how shanks learned this shit, and this guy can aim.

Fri, 05-23-2008, 12:21 PM
Haha chopper and brooke are hilarious....

Damn....I guess this explains why that woman said that the painter is stronger than all the rookies.

Fri, 05-23-2008, 02:35 PM
Wow! Not bad for a 500th chapter!!
A Roger Pirate! Nice!

Brooke and Chooper stole the show....

And somehow I can see the Mugiwara entering the Auction House to raid it... they already declared war on the World Government at Ennis Lobby by burning their flag so... how much trouble can they earn if they do this?

Fri, 05-23-2008, 02:40 PM
Luckily the tenryuubito aren't bidding...maybe they'll change their mind when they find out there's a mermaid.

Fri, 05-23-2008, 02:44 PM
If Straw Hats are will to cause trouble near World Government HQ that be enough to classify them as dangerous as Emperor of New World.

Sat, 05-24-2008, 03:06 AM
Damn I didn't see that coming man. He is a hell of a guy to just be able to knock people over like that. But, I'm curious. Am I the only one who finds it odd that a man like that doesn't have crew anymore? Or that he's in hiding? Or that the big guy only found him, and forced him to reveal who he was?

And also. How strong can the guy be? I mean yes he is stronger than the Straw hats. He can't be stronger than the Yonkou or Shanks. He is too old. And to anyone who wants to argue me on this, if he is so strong. Then why does he have a bomb collar around his neck? I mean if he's that strong, then why is he a slave? He should be able to destroy entire islands with his spirit alone. At least make whole towns shake and crumble. With Roger as his buddy and being his (right man) as well as being able to snipe people with his energy. He should be out with a new bad ass crew of the best pirates in the New World. Or on a Yonkous crew, showing them how to be a great pirate from what he learned with Roger.

Death BOO Z
Sat, 05-24-2008, 05:36 AM
even roger was taken down, in the end.
and it doesn't matter how strong he is, if he's got a collar.
as to how did he get the collar. somebody probably tricked him, or ganged up on him (3 admiral, Garp and Daibuddha. for example).

besides, he has already been to the final island, and knows what 'one piece' is (my theory - the final tablet of the truth), what need does he have for a crew.

Sat, 05-24-2008, 11:17 AM
even roger was taken down, in the end.
and it doesn't matter how strong he is, if he's got a collar.
as to how did he get the collar. somebody probably tricked him, or ganged up on him (3 admiral, Garp and Daibuddha. for example).

besides, he has already been to the final island, and knows what 'one piece' is (my theory - the final tablet of the truth), what need does he have for a crew.

Well we don't know anything for sure. Perhaps Roger handed himself in for some reason. And also, how do we know his entire crew made it to the final island? You never really know with Oda.....

Sat, 05-24-2008, 01:34 PM
Well we don't know anything for sure. Perhaps Roger handed himself in for some reason. And also, how do we know his entire crew made it to the final island? You never really know with Oda.....
The old man could not have been a prisoner until just recently, because he was working in the shop until a few months ago, when he wandered off...

Sat, 05-24-2008, 03:51 PM
The old man could not have been a prisoner until just recently, because he was working in the shop until a few months ago, when he wandered off...

Which makes me think that he must've either really done something wrong. Or that he was really wanted and finally the auctioneers found him out and wanted a huge piece of the cut from the sell off, so they jailed him. For the most part though, I think he just wanted to be caught and spend some time there away from the world. Because in all honesty, if you were the pirate kings former first mate, with that skill and power, would you want to be known all over the world. Or in a town like that?

Death BOO Z
Sat, 05-24-2008, 04:10 PM
well, we can't be sure that they actually know who they've caught.
it's been ages since Roger's time, and he doesn't seem to be in special containment. therefore (considering what they did to Tom) I don't think they know who he is.

he probably just got bored and took a nap there. and woke up in jail, and doesn't have any good reason to get out (until now).

most likely that all the rookies are looking for him now. which is why they're all in town.

Sat, 05-24-2008, 04:17 PM
all the rookies are in town because the only alternative to getting to the new world is to pass through mariejoa.

Sat, 05-24-2008, 07:17 PM
The old man could not have been a prisoner until just recently, because he was working in the shop until a few months ago, when he wandered off...

I meant we can't be sure Roger brought his entire crew to the final island. I mean I know I'm stretching it, but I can't see Oda revealing what One Piece is until the end. :(

Sat, 05-24-2008, 07:26 PM
I meant we can't be sure Roger brought his entire crew to the final island. I mean I know I'm stretching it, but I can't see Oda revealing what One Piece is until the end. :(

Well the entire OP community knows that Roger was killed on Raftel (the final island the the grand line and new world) However. That doesn't mean that he was taken there just to be executed. I think he took his whole crew there and they were broken up and scattered by the government. The only reason he was killed was because of who he was and what he possessed (one piece) and his crew was the strongest. I mean we know nothing about his crew except buggy shanks Silvers and Roger. So he could've had over 100 people that were all stronger than Lucci, Moria and the whole shichibukai combined. Not to mention the fact that after over 20+ years of sailing around the grand line and seeing pretty much everything and meeting everyone forming great friends and powerful connections. You can't help but think Roger built up the greatest pirate portfolio ever to hit water. I mean the guys ship alone is a legend by itself.

Sat, 05-24-2008, 11:38 PM
Roger was executed in Loguetown.

We know that Roger's ship was the only ship to travel around the world. We also know that Roger has been to Raftel. I think it's highly likely that Silvers was also there since being first mate makes him a core part of the crew, but I don't think that Oda will have him reveal anything about One Piece when the Strawhats meet him. If the topic comes up, he'll probably say something like "go find out for yourself" or Luffy will ask him not to tell.

An alternative guess is that One Piece and Raftel are related to the poneglyphs and that Silvers couldn't read them.

Sun, 05-25-2008, 01:44 AM
Here's something that's been really bothering me though...

For the most part...the grand line journey is a one-way path...
You start from reverse mountain, and finish at the end of the new world.
The grand line sits between two calm belts, which prevents anyone from entering or leaving the grand line except from via the reverse mountain.

Yet a lot of characters outside of the mugiwara crew seem to have no problem moving all over the world and generally breaking the rules.

Take mihawk's course starting from the Baratie arc for example....
1) He's in the grand line, where he wipes out Don Krieg ships
2) He pursues Don Krieg to East Blue
3) He meets Shanks in the new world, where Shanks throws a party to celebrate Luffy getting a bounty.
4) He meets with the marine leader in Mariejoa after Crocodile's demise.

So basically he goes from grand line to east blue to new world to the mid-way point?
It's not even just him, either....there's also Ace, who manages to go all over the place to hunt down Blackbeard. Then of course, there's also Buggy and Don Krieg, who have managed to leave the grand line without passing through the calm belt or reaching the finish.

Sun, 05-25-2008, 03:10 AM
That actually bugs the shit out of me too. And buggy and Krieg aren't even that talented to get that far.

Death BOO Z
Sun, 05-25-2008, 06:14 AM
there can a number of reasons for that.
1. eternal logs. the grandline isn't pyshically enourmous, and for most parts, isn't raging with deadly currents. a decent crew with sufficent eternal logs could probably jump-start most of the islands if they want to reach somewhere fast, Whitebeard, Ace and possibly don krieg (who was loaded on tech stuff) probably used this method.

2. Marine travels. the marine have thier own way to 'cheat' traveling the grandline, so they might be selling tickets on thier boats, or even operating a bus line (like the sea train), espically to get all thier peons around. I'm betting that the shishibukai can ride any WG ship they want, since the goverments needs them to pirate other pirates around. I could see Buggy sneaking in on such a ride, his powers are perfect for it.

Sun, 05-25-2008, 09:30 AM
Yeah with the seastone coated hulls for their ships, the marines should be able to get to pretty much wherever they want to without much effort. Moving the boat without wind shouldn't be much of a problem given all the technology we have seen this far. Mihawk most likely has the priveleges to use these ships. As for the pirates, they might have even stolen a few ships or they could just be hitching a ride as stowaways on existing marine ships, as Death Boo Z mentioned. However, I think that in the New world there might be other barriers and complications that even these ships can't bypass so easily because otherwise getting to Raftel wouldn't be that big of a deal anymore and apparently it still is.

Sun, 05-25-2008, 09:32 AM
Take mihawk's course starting from the Baratie arc for example....
1) He's in the grand line, where he wipes out Don Krieg ships
2) He pursues Don Krieg to East Blue
3) He meets Shanks in the new world, where Shanks throws a party to celebrate Luffy getting a bounty.
4) He meets with the marine leader in Mariejoa after Crocodile's demise.

So basically he goes from grand line to east blue to new world to the mid-way point?
It's not even just him, either....there's also Ace, who manages to go all over the place to hunt down Blackbeard. Then of course, there's also Buggy and Don Krieg, who have managed to leave the grand line without passing through the calm belt or reaching the finish.

As far as I remember, Krieg never entered the grand line. His crew encountered Mihawk on the entrance, where he wiped them out. His boat must have seastone to be able to move through the calm belt calmly, like the marine ships.

Ace powers up his own boat with his fire, so he can pass through the calm belt with no problem.

Was Buggy ever on the grand line? I mean, sure, he was part of Roger's crew... but we never were told about if he remained with them until Roger became Pirate King... maybe he left just after eating the devil fruit in any of the other 4 oceans... which would explain how come he is so 'weak' compared to other Roger Pirates. Plus, he did not know how to get to the grand line, that is why he was mad when Nami took his map.

Sun, 05-25-2008, 10:07 AM
[QUOTE=RyougaZell} Was Buggy ever on the grand line? I mean, sure, he was part of Roger's crew... but we never were told about if he remained with them until Roger became Pirate King... maybe he left just after eating the devil fruit in any of the other 4 oceans... which would explain how come he is so 'weak' compared to other Roger Pirates. Plus, he did not know how to get to the grand line, that is why he was mad when Nami took his map.[/QUOTE]

I could be remembering wrong but wasn't there a flashback that showed a young Shanks and Buggy being at Roger's execution and then deciding what they each were going to do from there?

Sun, 05-25-2008, 12:23 PM
All the Jolly Roger pirates had left the new world at some point...for example Shanks was in East Blue, where he met Luffy. I could've sworn part of Buggy's goal was to return to the grand line...especially if he had previously encountered White Beard while working on the Jolly Roger.

I know Mihawk could have that seastone coating, but yeah, he'd still have to row himself across the calm belt...I guess he could have hitched a ride or something....that would be pretty weird.

How about Arlong's crew? They managed to leave from Mermaid Island to East Blue. Then Hachi managed to leave from East Blue back to Mermaid Island. The Grand Line was more than enough for Don Krieg's 100 ships, but Hachi, by himself, was able to handle the journey?

Meanwhile Brooke's former captain, while on his deathbed, attempted the impossible journey across the calm belt, never to be heard from again.

I'm just saying that it seems like a lot of characters know their way around the world far better than any of the strawhats.

Sun, 05-25-2008, 05:49 PM
well, we can't be sure that they actually know who they've caught.
it's been ages since Roger's time, and he doesn't seem to be in special containment. therefore (considering what they did to Tom) I don't think they know who he is.

he probably just got bored and took a nap there. and woke up in jail, and doesn't have any good reason to get out (until now).

most likely that all the rookies are looking for him now. which is why they're all in town.

Thats true. The nap thing sounds a bit fishy though. Because that would mean that someone from the prison would've had to

a) feel his presence and thus take a chance on cuffing him

b) was low on prisoner quota and was told to get someone worth it

So I don't know

By the way. I never read or watched Enies Lobby. What happened to Tom? I know they imprisoned him, but how is that comparable to what they did to Tom? Did they do something to him like put a sentence on his head or put a collar on him that is like a bomb as well?

I don't get it

Sun, 05-25-2008, 07:37 PM
By the way. I never read or watched Enies Lobby. What happened to Tom? I know they imprisoned him, but how is that comparable to what they did to Tom? Did they do something to him like put a sentence on his head or put a collar on him that is like a bomb as well?

I don't get it

I think you're much better off going back and re-reading anything you've missed...its worth it (although now it won't be even half as fun since you've pretty much spoiled everything for yourself).

Mon, 05-26-2008, 02:16 PM
I think you're much better off going back and re-reading anything you've missed...its worth it (although now it won't be even half as fun since you've pretty much spoiled everything for yourself).

That'd be a waste of my time at this point. I was curious as to how Tom got in that situation. What I'm really pissed at is how long it took Oda to release information about Rogers crew. As creative as it is to make him the the best mechanic in the world for exactly what the straw hats need. Thats good, but I really do hope Luffy asks him about Roger. That would just be a total let down to everyone if he didn't

Mon, 05-26-2008, 03:08 PM
That'd be a waste of my time at this point. I was curious as to how Tom got in that situation.
Well....it wouldn't be any more of a waste of time than reading manga in the first place...

Tom was the shipwright that built Gol D. Roger's ship, and he was also framed by one of the CP groups.

Mon, 05-26-2008, 09:45 PM
Well....it wouldn't be any more of a waste of time than reading manga in the first place...

Tom was the shipwright that built Gol D. Roger's ship, and he was also framed by one of the CP groups.

Yeah I Know. Anyway. What episodes of Enies Lobby was Tom in anyway? I'd like to know juts to watch. I'll browse the boards if I have to. I'm just curious if I can get a quick reference from you guys. Plus am I the only one who thinks that Rayleigh will be be released by the Straw hats in one form or another because they need him? I mean they have enough gold stored up from Skypiea and others places for bidding right? Or they can just bust him out. In addition to that once Luffy finds out who he is, they'll probably just be led by an all out bust out plan led by Luffy to free him.

Wed, 05-28-2008, 03:19 PM
They sold all the gold from skypeia at Water 7.
Most of it was used to 'buy' the stolen holy wood Franky used on Thousand Sunny, while the rest was spent on a party (to Nami's disgust upon learning so)

Death BOO Z
Fri, 05-30-2008, 07:19 AM
some explanations about my previous posts:

A. everyone involved in Gol.D Roger's piracy was sought after by the marines. tom was still viable for prosecution even ten years after Roger's execution. The marines also have a pretty good information network, they even wanted to 'brand' Koby as Pirate back in volume 1. There's no way that the WG knows about Rayleigh being imprisoned and leaves him like this. which means that the jailkeeper doesn't know who he has in custody, and therefore, isn't watching over him very well.
that, and his lay-back attitude suggest that he has no problem escaping anytime he wants, and he just chooses not to. he got himself in prison probably due to something stupid, like most one piece charecters tend to (Aoikoji, probably the most powerful Marine seen so far, is kind of a coot himself).

B. Aoikoji can freely travel across the grandline (at least most parts of it) due to his abilities, back on Skypiea there was a bird who always points north, the fish can sense thier way back to duval's island (maybe Mermaid as well? like arlong's crew of fish men?) it's possible to use a biblecard as a guide to quickly reach someone (maybe make a biblecards of a few guy who live on differnet islands?).

OP universe is really vast on abilites, so most of the elite pirates can track their way back and forth across the seas.

Fri, 05-30-2008, 01:28 PM
One piece 501 (http://www.basementanime.com/community/showthread.php?p=3952#post3952)

I think White Beard is on attack.

Tom was fairly easy to catch but sacrificing hundreds of marines to catch one old man is too much

Fri, 05-30-2008, 01:51 PM
Haha man...the development with White Beard and Ace is the highlight of this chapter.

I'm kinda disappointed that the strawhats can't bust in to the auction house and start cracking skulls though :(

Death BOO Z
Fri, 05-30-2008, 02:13 PM
Zoro can. he doesn't know anything yet.
I wonder if Ace counts as a "legend" or are they really intending to mess with WB. things could get hertic, espically since WB and Shanks cut a deal earlier on.

still, with all the marines watching over Ace's excution, there won't be enough men to watch over the tenroyoubetsu (no idea how it's spelled), and I think most of the rookies would gladly use this oppertunity to mess up the goverments spoiled kids.

things are getting priceless again.

Fri, 05-30-2008, 02:26 PM
Hmmm, nice chapter. But I wanted them to crash the place.

So the big event is the great war of pirates huh? Wonder if Dragon will interfere, since Ace is also his son (although I wonder about the 'Portgas' surname instead of 'Monkey')

Fri, 05-30-2008, 02:39 PM
When Garp said they couldn't afford fighting 2 legends at once I thought he was referring to Dragon and Silvers?

Fri, 05-30-2008, 03:25 PM
He must have meant Silvers and WhiteBeard.
But I do hope Dragon interferes.

Fri, 05-30-2008, 04:05 PM
Man....and now Garp is heading to the archipelago....
It's really hard to anticipate what's going to happen next

Fri, 05-30-2008, 09:43 PM
Man....and now Garp is heading to the archipelago....
It's really hard to anticipate what's going to happen next

I try not to think about it as I tend to cream myself.

OP Manga= badass.

Fri, 05-30-2008, 11:05 PM
Man....and now Garp is heading to the archipelago....
It's really hard to anticipate what's going to happen next

Yeah I can see Garp heading to the groves to see whats up. Actually, I can see him talking with Lffy and the straw hats quite a bit to talk to them about whats going on if he finds them. Hell, I might go as far as to say he'll be an escort for them heading to the New World. Although we all know Silvers is going to help them coat and then head under to fishman isle. What I can't put my finger on, is how this war is going to start. I mean there are many questions that have to be answered.

Who will be the first crew to make a move? Will it be Whitebeard? the Marines looking for WB's crew?

Will Blackbeard up the ante and show up to bravely face WB's crew?

Will Garp be the first one on the scene and wait for the war to start like referee? Will he warn Luffy to get out of there in time? Does anyone in the series know even where WB or BB could show up to start fighting each other?

And thats just the tip of the iceberg. What will WB's first move be? How does the guy expect to start a war so simply? I mean yeah he's a Yonkou, but depending on who he's fighting, he's going to have to go backwards to the first half of the grand line to start the war. Unless BB's crew or who ever he's fighting is already there with him in the New World.

Sat, 05-31-2008, 12:22 AM
I agree, I think Garp was referring to Silvers and Whitebeard. Like Drake said, the government is pretty much asking Whitebeard to go to war with them.

What came to mind for me is that this is big because it'll disrupt the world's balance of power. But the thing is, the 3rd group (Shichibukai) has already been weakened and by the looks of it, the Strawhats may deal with one to two more in the near future: Doflamingo and Jinbei. Doflamingo's sign is on the auction house, and Jinbei is probably on Fishman Island.

That would leave Mihawk, Kuma, Blackbeard, and one other... Mihawk is reserved for Zoro of course, and I suspect that Kuma is more friendly with Dragon than the government believes.

Sat, 05-31-2008, 01:17 AM
What came to mind for me is that this is big because it'll disrupt the world's balance of power. But the thing is, the 3rd group (Shichibukai) has already been weakened and by the looks of it, the Strawhats may deal with one to two more in the near future: Doflamingo and Jinbei. Doflamingo's sign is on the auction house, and Jinbei is probably on Fishman Island.

Interesting observation, however.....
There are a few subtle differences in the icons.
Bellamy's face has two rows of teeth, while the ones in the auction house only have 1.
Also, the face is round and appears to be smiling, while the one in the auction house does not.

Sat, 05-31-2008, 01:55 AM
I agree, I think Garp was referring to Silvers and Whitebeard. Like Drake said, the government is pretty much asking Whitebeard to go to war with them.

What came to mind for me is that this is big because it'll disrupt the world's balance of power. But the thing is, the 3rd group (Shichibukai) has already been weakened and by the looks of it, the Strawhats may deal with one to two more in the near future: Doflamingo and Jinbei. Doflamingo's sign is on the auction house, and Jinbei is probably on Fishman Island.

That would leave Mihawk, Kuma, Blackbeard, and one other... Mihawk is reserved for Zoro of course, and I suspect that Kuma is more friendly with Dragon than the government believes.

I also think he was talking about them, but I don't consider Whitebeard much of a legend. Like I said before, the guy can barely live without nurses and medical equipment because of Roger.

The shichibukai aren't weakened my man, by any means. If anything they just got whole lot stronger with blackbeard. His fruit is by far one of the most powerful in the series. They're fine. And I don't know why you all of a sudden feel the need to group Shichibukai against the straw hats. Why are you doing that? They aren't after any of the straw hats. In fact only Zoro is after Mihawk. Thats all. I didn't see Flamingos sign on the auction house at all, so I don't know what you're talking about. I know he owns a business, but is slave trading what he runs? I'd be surprised if that was the business that he told the Fleet Admiral about at the meeting in Mariejoa. Kuma doesn't care about anyone unless the government tells him too. And as for Jinbei well this is what I know. Although. Blackbeard becoming a Shichibukai bothering Kuma (http://img39.onemanga.com/mangas/00000002/00000474/13.jpg) in chapter 474

Apparently he is a fairly new shichibukai. He's been one for about 8 years. Moria ha been one for about 10. It's not that new, but still. Anyhow. He is a whale shark fishman who was from Fishman Isle. And we should all know that was Arlongs former captain who gave him his old crew. Now from what I understand. He left Fishman Isle along, long time ago. My guess is that he is probably sailing around somewhere with a new crew, ship and rules, bored out of his mind looking for things to do worth his power level. I heard he left the island when he gave his crew to Arlong.


So thats what I know about him. I don't think the straw hats aer going to find themselves at the hands of the government, Garp (once again Luffy's grandpa) and/or the yonkou, or Shichibukai at all even when they get into the New World. Unless Oda has a serious craving to show some major major power battles off again after the Ace and Blackbeard, they're fine.

Sat, 05-31-2008, 07:05 AM
Assertn: Hm, I didn't check Doflamingo's symbol when I posted earlier. Even though there are those differences, I there really are too many similarities for him to not be related.

docdan63: You can see two symbols on page 4-5 of the latest chapter (501), top left panel.

I'm not really implying that the Strawhats have to be matched up with the Shichibukai or that either group is specifically gunning for each other (they're not). I just think they'll end up running into each other.

I wouldn't put too much faith into wiki. Some of the material you'll find on there is commonly-agreed upon theories that spawn from forum talk instead of fact. Most of what we know about Jinbei comes from only a few lines, and interpretations / theories can change from different translations. From what I remember there was one line (from Yosaku, no less) that said Jinbei left Arlong & co. in East Blue as part of the agreement to become a Shichibukai, and we haven't heard anything about him since. I don't think there's any solid evidence that points to Jinbei's location - Fishman Island is just a logical choice.

Yosaku talking about Jinbei: http://www.onemanga.com/One_Piece/69/07/
Stephen's translation: http://www.mangascreener.com/stephen/onepiece/op-v08c069.txt

Sat, 05-31-2008, 07:25 PM
I honestly hope that the war starts after we meet Jinbei. I want to see him during the Fishman island visit. That needs to be taken care of. Or they could see Jinbei on the way to it taking a stroll through the island. And he could say something like, "oye straw hats, what brings you here". Although I doubt he would be that nice without ending that with a fight or something if they did happen to see him. My point is that being the only shichibukai that we haven't seen yet. Being from that island, Oda should use this opportunity to show him to the readers. I think it's a good chance to show him to us. I really hope that he doesn't look like weird whale shark too. But who knows. Arlong looked like a giant blue man with a razor nose. I also hope he has a fruit.

Death BOO Z
Sat, 05-31-2008, 07:54 PM
can merman even eat fruits?
I can't think back to any devil powered one.

I think that they negate devil fruits since they are cretures of the sea themselves.

edit: check ch69page08. they say that Arlong is as strong as Jinbei, that's not so tough. I can proove it with science (it works, bitchs (http://www.xkcd.com)):

Beating Arlong boosted Luffy's bounty to 30mil (his previous bounty was less than 10mil). beating Croc gave him 100mil (70 more), and beating Rob Lucci jumped him to 300mil (but we should also take Enel into account for bounty exp). and luffy still didn't get any bonuses for beating up Moria.
Luffy now is ten times the pirate he was when he beat Arlong. the crew is whooping almost 700mil in bounty (300+100+80+79+44 = 600? and then there's brooke, Ussop, Nami and chooper, who give another 100 mil), which is almost 20 times the bounty they had when fighting arlong.
even if arlong wasn't roughly as strong, but only the first mate (and an extraordinary strong one, like Zoro) the math is still against Jinebei (Zoro has one third of Luffy's bounty, so Jinbei should get around 90mil, which is pathetic next to the SH crew).

the math works, sort of, well, if you agree to my terms and subject to my calculatuions and choose to accept my explanation.

still, unless Junbei reached a massive power up (or what Yosaku said was very, very, very not true), I don't see a way for him to win. or for anyother shishibukai (maybe MIhawk, on a 1vs1 fight with zoro)

Sat, 05-31-2008, 10:21 PM
can merman even eat fruits?
I can't think back to any devil powered one.

I think that they negate devil fruits since they are cretures of the sea themselves.

edit: check ch69page08. they say that Arlong is as strong as Jinbei, that's not so tough. I can proove it with science (it works, bitchs (http://www.xkcd.com)):

Beating Arlong boosted Luffy's bounty to 30mil (his previous bounty was less than 10mil). beating Croc gave him 100mil (70 more), and beating Rob Lucci jumped him to 300mil (but we should also take Enel into account for bounty exp). and luffy still didn't get any bonuses for beating up Moria.
Luffy now is ten times the pirate he was when he beat Arlong. the crew is whooping almost 700mil in bounty (300+100+80+79+44 = 600? and then there's brooke, Ussop, Nami and chooper, who give another 100 mil), which is almost 20 times the bounty they had when fighting arlong.
even if arlong wasn't roughly as strong, but only the first mate (and an extraordinary strong one, like Zoro) the math is still against Jinebei (Zoro has one third of Luffy's bounty, so Jinbei should get around 90mil, which is pathetic next to the SH crew).

the math works, sort of, well, if you agree to my terms and subject to my calculatuions and choose to accept my explanation.

still, unless Junbei reached a massive power up (or what Yosaku said was very, very, very not true), I don't see a way for him to win. or for anyother shishibukai (maybe MIhawk, on a 1vs1 fight with zoro)

Yeah I saw this fight starting. First of all that drawing makes absolutely no fucking sense and its child's drawing. What you're trying to prove is beyond me.

Second is this. Yes Luffy's bounty is very high, and yes he defeated a shichibukai. But not on his own, and he needed to figure out that liquid was his weakness. Second. He tried 3 different times to beat him when he was in Alabasta. That means, (unlike Blackbeard may I remind) he couldn't just walk right in and take on a fruit user off the bat. He needed help.

Third. What the hell are you trying to prove by saying that Arlong (Jinbei's right hand man, I'll give you that) is an indication of power level in comparison to Jinbei? THe government chooses the warlords on four things dude:

1 power level in comparison to the rest of the worlds pirates
2 where they've been
3 bounties on the newspapers (except for Blackbeard who had no bounty only because the speed of not being known, to getting his, to killing Ace all with in a short time crunch)
4 what they've accomplished to put them there thus making their reputation very scary to other pirates

Jinbei is strong. Probably really strong. The government asked him to leave his crew to become a warlord. And for the last time, am I the only one who gives any credit to being a captain of a crew anymore? That's a damn powerful position to be in. It's the strongest of the crewmen in any crew, by definition.

On top of that. Jinbei is the only fishman warlord. That should say something really really big to the readers and straw hats. He is probably 100 times stronger than every fishman in the world. And even more powerful than most of the other shichibukai. My guess is out of the 7, he is probably the third most powerful member. Kuma and Blackbeard being the strongest. And I think that Blackbeard is the strongest one now that the joined the crew.

And what the fuck is this shit about his bounty being in the 90 million area? They probably offered him to become a warlord so that he wouldn't create more damage as a Fishman pirate crew. Let alone the strongest Fishman pirate crew. So I don't think he has a bounty below 200 million. I'd be very surprised if he did.

Sat, 05-31-2008, 11:04 PM
Well I don't know about all of that but I would say the fact that we didn't see him at the meeting could suggest that he is one serious badass and I think the fact that we didn't see him means he is being saved for something big later.

@ DBZ. About Luffy beating Crocodile. Luffy got his ass whooped and would have died if Robin didn't save him. Then she told him Crocodile's weakness and it still didn't do him any good. Then down in that temple or whatever he was getting beaten so badly that his blood ended up doing the job the water was supposed to be doing.

As far as Enel goes Luffy only won because he was immune to the guy's greatest strength now if that isn't an unfair advantage nothing is. Now I don't know about Jimbei since I don't think mermen can even use DF since they wouldn't be able to go into the water again, and I would think that like you said since they are creatures of the sea they would be immune to DF, but as for the other shichibukai go I would think they would all be Logia type DF users since it seems like thats what the shichibukai is made up of and I have no idea how Zoro would fight with them. Its not like he has a good track record with shichibukai anyway.

Blackbeard defeated Ace and almost destroyed an entire island in the process just to become one of them so I think you're seriously underrating them.

Sun, 06-01-2008, 12:48 AM
as for the other shichibukai go I would think they would all be Logia type DF users since it seems like thats what the shichibukai is made up of and I have no idea how Zoro would fight with them.
Where do you get this idea from?

Moria's shadow fruit doesn't give him logia characteristics (such as invulnerability to physical attacks). He can't turn himself into shadow or anything....

Doflamingo's fruit lets him telekinetically manipulate other people...how is that logia?
Kuma's fruit lets him deflect shit....once again not at all logia.
Mihawk doesn't give any indication of having a devil's fruit at all.

Beating Arlong boosted Luffy's bounty to 30mil (his previous bounty was less than 10mil)
Not true. Luffy never had a bounty before beating Arlong. He was first reported to Marine HQ by the rat-faced marine guy that was working with Arlong.


I don't think I would necessarily say any one person is the absolute strongest in the entire series. If one thing is for sure, it's that the world revolves around a very tight system of checks and balances. This is why 3 groups of super powers exist instead of just one. Even Enel, who was infinitely more devastating than Luffy, was defeated easily by Luffy due to a simple rock/paper/scissors outcome. Blackbeard's power trumps any other Logia type, but I'd like to see how well this would help him in a fight against, say, Mihawk.

Sun, 06-01-2008, 08:55 AM
I see your point, I just assumed they were Logia but you are right Moria's and Kuma's fruit are probably paramecia. Is being able to turn into your element the only difference?

Sun, 06-01-2008, 10:40 AM
It's probably the easiest discernible difference.

Blackbeard noted that not being immune to physical attacks is a unique characteristic of his Darkness fruit among Logia types.

Sun, 06-01-2008, 11:38 AM
Paramecia fruit users can create their devil fruit power from their body. Logia fruit users can turn their body into their fruit element to let physical attacks pass through.

Some Paramecia: Mr. 3, Kalifa, Moria
Some Logia: Ace, Smoker, Aokiji

Luffy is a notable exception because although he is a Paramecia, he seems to be in "always activated" mode whereas other Paramecia users have to activate their abilities to use them.

I'm not 100% sure about Logias, but they seems to be "always activated," which allows them to be immune to physical attacks (except under specific circumstances, such as Crocodile + water, Enel + rubber)

An easier way I like to think about it is that the fruit is most likely not a Logia unless it's elemental and we've seen immunity to physical attacks. (as mentioned... Blackbeard is an exception).

Sun, 06-01-2008, 12:41 PM
Okay. I don't think Logia type fruit are always active though because I seem to remember Luffy crashing into Smoker and Ace sometime during the Crocodile arc and he didn't just pass straight through them. I think it would make more sense if they had to turn it on to become intangible rather than it always being on.

Sun, 06-01-2008, 05:36 PM
Okay. I don't think Logia type fruit are always active though because I seem to remember Luffy crashing into Smoker and Ace sometime during the Crocodile arc and he didn't just pass straight through them. I think it would make more sense if they had to turn it on to become intangible rather than it always being on.

well... luffy surprised punched crocodile and he became sand notherless, and the ace/smoker thing was more of a joke not to be taken too seriously imo

Thu, 06-05-2008, 07:15 PM
You know what. This is really random, but I'm going to make a prediction. I think that Luffy is actually going to snap and hit a Royal member. I don't know who. But I think it's going to happen soon. He's been building up watching them walk around on captains backs like pets. He's bound to snap and hit one of them.

If he does. I actually think the admiral that will be on his way, will be Kizaru, the Yellow Monkey. Don't ask why I just think it'll be him. Oda already had Aokiji meet with them. And for some reason I don't think the red dog guy is very strong. I also think that Aokiji is the only one to have a decent fruit. And the only one to have a fruit at all out of the three.

502 pics






Fri, 06-06-2008, 05:23 PM
502 by Basement scans


Ok all I can say is....Fuck yeah!!!!!!!!! We all knew it was coming but it was still awesome. I can't wait for whats coming up.

Fri, 06-06-2008, 08:17 PM
Luffy raped that guys face. It's about time. I love how all the other strawhats just stand there badass while waiting for their captain to start another war with the WG.

Fri, 06-06-2008, 09:29 PM
Luffy raped that guys face. It's about time. I love how all the other strawhats just stand there badass while waiting for their captain to start another war with the WG.

Yeah he did. Now I've heard that people think that the WG is too occupied with the war with WB. So an Admiral won't come because all of them are too busy leading the marines and defending them into the war with blackbeard and whitebeard. I actually think that a Admiral will come. But I don't think it'll be Aokiji again. I think it'll be kizeru.

Fri, 06-06-2008, 09:32 PM
So apparently they just found and picked up zoro? That kinda ruined the significance of him wandering off and confusing his destination in the first place, doesn't it?

Kind of a crazy situation....but there probably can't be any better time to hit a tenryuubito than now. Most of the military presence is preoccupied, and Silvers Raleigh happens to be in the same place. Not sure if there will be an admiral accompanying Garp to the archipelago, but if not, then Luffy may be able to pull some strings and escape.

There's really a lot of room for chaos given the current setup.

Fri, 06-06-2008, 09:58 PM
Yeah. I actually would've liked to see Zoro get lost and go on his own adventure, possibly fighting someone that is a high level like him getting in a little fight.

About the situation. Yeah I can see Silvers being something of a big part coming up. How I don't know. Actually, didn't Garp say to that marine officer that he didn't want anyone else knowing about the fact the Silvers was there or to tell anyone that he was going to the archipelago? I don't think he'll be joined by any other marines though. I don't know though. I don't think he'll be able to let Luffy go again. It's been twice already. He can't just keep letting him go because he's his grandson. He's a high ranking officer with a duty. Oda can't just keep letting him go over and over again. The only way I can see that happen is when Luffys becomes the pirate king, and then gives himself in to the WG after he gets OP and the title.

Fri, 06-06-2008, 11:44 PM
One possibility that I would actually like to see happen is all the rookies band together and make a stand against the Admiral that shows up. Not an actual fight per se but more of a "Mexican standoff" that ends with the Marines deciding it isn't worth the trouble.

Sat, 06-07-2008, 02:14 AM
I actually think that Luffy's crew and that crazy Kid guy's crew will sort of team up; that's my more radical theory though.

The one I really think will happen isGarp will come, and so will Dragon; a father son standoff.

Sat, 06-07-2008, 02:56 AM
OK holy crap guys. Thats already 4 theories. I'd like to see Dragon come to his sons aide too. I actually think 3 generations of D would be just plain bad ass for Oda to bust out. I can see the teaming up happening. But that's not going to be enough to scare a marine admiral away. Not nearly enough. I mean Luffy had a tough time fighting Aokiji for Robin.

side note:
I've been browsing around. Am I the only one who thinks that the yellow money Admiral will look like a curious George, or Gordans fisherman man?


Call me out and it's just a stupid theory. But I think he will look like one

Sat, 06-07-2008, 12:22 PM
We already know that its bad news for all the rookies if an admiral shows up...so I'm sure they'll team up if it comes to that.

I can see Hatchi as a candidate for joining the group after this arc...except that would mean we'd have 3 swordsmen.

Sat, 06-07-2008, 03:03 PM
But what would be his post? Swimming?

The only way I can see that being handy is if he's the one to always take care of rescuing any of the DF users in the sea.

Sat, 06-07-2008, 03:21 PM
I can see that being useful. How many times have water posed a serious threat to the crew?
I can think of two off the bat -- The Arlong arc and Crocodile's trap.

Anyway there's still two more spots open for the crew and I don't know what other skills they could use...

Sat, 06-07-2008, 04:16 PM
I can see that being useful. How many times have water posed a serious threat to the crew?
I can think of two off the bat -- The Arlong arc and Crocodile's trap.

Anyway there's still two more spots open for the crew and I don't know what other skills they could use...

I agree w/you, but I don't think that water is that big of a threat. Only three of them are DF users. And yes I don't consider Brooke a member. I think he's just a guest till the New World comes.

Sat, 06-07-2008, 04:42 PM
And yes I don't consider Brooke a member. I think he's just a guest till the New World comes.
Lol? What makes Brooke so different that you don't consider him a member?

Is it cause he has no skin? Is that it?
You're so racist, man.

Sat, 06-07-2008, 11:24 PM
Lol? What makes Brooke so different that you don't consider him a member?

Is it cause he has no skin? Is that it?
You're so racist, man.

You know what......fuck it. Yeah lets go with that. Mutha fucka has no skin yeah thats it. I like that as my final answer. For real though. I just don't think he's going to become a crew member. And has it become that easy for people to believe Oda can just throw someone on there and just make him a part of the straw hats? Cmon people, make it a little harder.

Sun, 06-08-2008, 12:05 AM
Oda has a pattern of adding people who haven't fulfilled their purpose in life to the crew, so they can journey with Luffy to accomplish it alongside him. Because of this, I don't think Hatchi will join the crew, and I also think that Brook is a permanent member.

Hatchi already has his takoyaki stand, which he has said he always dreamed about operating. He's already made - joining the Strawhats won't bring him closer to any goal he is pursuing.

Brook wants to see Laboon. While his case here is a bit shakier than other members since the Strawhats aren't going back to Reverse Mountain anytime soon, staying with the Strawhats will eventually get him back to where he wants to be. He is also the long sought-after musician that Luffy has been mentioning since the earliest arcs, so I doubt he's going anywhere.

About the chapter... One Piece has been getting good, so I couldn't resist reading the spoilers half a week ago =(. It kinda dampens any enthusiasm for posting several days later when the chapter comes out. It looks like things are really getting started now though, so I'm looking forward to it.

On that note... docdan, you had a suspicious "random prediction" the day after the spoilers came out about Luffy hitting a Tenryuubito, then mentioned in a later post that you'd heard about theories that were in the said spoiler thread. If you read the spoilers and couldn't resist looking like a prophet, I hope you don't continue to do this in the future (I wasn't spoiled, by the way, since I had read the thread). Otherwise, if you were just coincidentally on target, then I apologize for giving you a hard time.

Sun, 06-08-2008, 08:08 AM
Brooke is the musician of course he is staying.

Death BOO Z
Tue, 06-10-2008, 09:31 AM
I can see where all this is coming from, Brook is an odd bird amongst them, but it'll change in an arc or two. the same way the during Skypiea arc Robin was distant from the team. Brook needs a bit more time to in the group.

I wonder if Luffy still has any 'fear' left from the WG, after the judgement island incident. before it, I had the feeling that Luffy is 'intimidated' by Aoikoji and the other admirals, the way the Robin is afraid of the buster call. but now?
I don't think Luffy even cares for them, he knows where he stands and how he fares.
he has a big ass crazy new top notch ship, his crew racks 600 billion in bounties, he himself is the ranked the 2nd most dangerous pirate on the island. how much does Luffy care for what the goverment throws at him?

edit: continuing what I wrote last week, about the strentgh of Jinbei.

Chaoter 69 page 08 (http://www.onemanga.com/One_Piece/69/08/)

"Arlong is the mermaid pirate who is as strong as Jinbei, one of the seven gods"

that's what the text says. not me. as strong as. in my book, it means equal, or almost equal. I'd even give Jinbei the benefit of doubt that Arlong is the first officer, and therefore, has the same ratio if strentgh with him as Zoro has with Luffy.

next, if we judge strengh by bounties (which is how the goverment measures the pirates) we can assume the if Luffy got a bounty of 30 Mil by beating arlong, so arlong's 'power' was around the 30 mil himself.

Luffy's current bounty is 300, and Zoro's is 100. the other Pirates said that luffy is special for having a subordinate with such high bounty. the ratio between the captain and the first officer is 3:1.

now, we can agree that Arlong's 'bounty/power' was around 30, and even if he's not 'as strong as' Jinbei but only an exceptional first officer (notice: at this point, I'm already bending the cannon text) Jinbei's bounty will be 3 times his own (30*3=90).
play with the numbers any way you want (and remember that each time you're stratying further away from the manga source). the end result will be that Jinbei isn't something to get too worked up about.
even if we double Arlong's supposed bounty and quaddruple (X4) the ration between him and Jinbei, the bounty will still be less than luffys ([30*2]=60*4=240<300)
regardless of how much I rape the text (and how fun it is), it's just hyperbole to back my opinion that says that the SB aren't as influencial as they were before.

(before I continue, a few words: I know that Math doesn't proove anything, etc etc etc, that anything can happen in OP, blah blah blah, bounties aren't energy levels, yada yada yada)

the fact that they recruited Blackbeard and that Kuma came to save Moria is enough evidence for this, the Goverment is greatly weakend now.

last words concernning Jinbei: since nobody seems to think that he has a devil fruit ability, and some of you say that he is probably 'the strongest mermen of all merman' what chance does he have against Luffy? a super merman vs luffy's 3rd gear in terms of pysical power? Luffy so far fought against two SB with logia defence and against Enel (super speed\evasion abilities), and despite the dissadvange against Croc and Moria, he won. what chance does Jinbei have?

that's it, for now.

Tue, 06-10-2008, 12:36 PM
I wonder if Kid actually did kill civilians....

Tue, 06-10-2008, 09:37 PM
I can see where all this is coming from, Brook is an odd bird amongst them, but it'll change in an arc or two. the same way the during Skypiea arc Robin was distant from the team. Brook needs a bit more time to in the group.

I wonder if Luffy still has any 'fear' left from the WG, after the judgement island incident. before it, I had the feeling that Luffy is 'intimidated' by Aoikoji and the other admirals, the way the Robin is afraid of the buster call. but now?
I don't think Luffy even cares for them, he knows where he stands and how he fares.
he has a big ass crazy new top notch ship, his crew racks 600 billion in bounties, he himself is the ranked the 2nd most dangerous pirate on the island. how much does Luffy care for what the goverment throws at him?

edit: continuing what I wrote last week, about the strentgh of Jinbei.

Chaoter 69 page 08 (http://www.onemanga.com/One_Piece/69/08/)

"Arlong is the mermaid pirate who is as strong as Jinbei, one of the seven gods"

that's what the text says. not me. as strong as. in my book, it means equal, or almost equal. I'd even give Jinbei the benefit of doubt that Arlong is the first officer, and therefore, has the same ratio if strentgh with him as Zoro has with Luffy.

next, if we judge strengh by bounties (which is how the goverment measures the pirates) we can assume the if Luffy got a bounty of 30 Mil by beating arlong, so arlong's 'power' was around the 30 mil himself.

Luffy's current bounty is 300, and Zoro's is 100. the other Pirates said that luffy is special for having a subordinate with such high bounty. the ratio between the captain and the first officer is 3:1.

now, we can agree that Arlong's 'bounty/power' was around 30, and even if he's not 'as strong as' Jinbei but only an exceptional first officer (notice: at this point, I'm already bending the cannon text) Jinbei's bounty will be 3 times his own (30*3=90).
play with the numbers any way you want (and remember that each time you're stratying further away from the manga source). the end result will be that Jinbei isn't something to get too worked up about.
even if we double Arlong's supposed bounty and quaddruple (X4) the ration between him and Jinbei, the bounty will still be less than luffys ([30*2]=60*4=240<300)
regardless of how much I rape the text (and how fun it is), it's just hyperbole to back my opinion that says that the SB aren't as influencial as they were before.

(before I continue, a few words: I know that Math doesn't proove anything, etc etc etc, that anything can happen in OP, blah blah blah, bounties aren't energy levels, yada yada yada)

the fact that they recruited Blackbeard and that Kuma came to save Moria is enough evidence for this, the Goverment is greatly weakend now.

last words concernning Jinbei: since nobody seems to think that he has a devil fruit ability, and some of you say that he is probably 'the strongest mermen of all merman' what chance does he have against Luffy? a super merman vs luffy's 3rd gear in terms of pysical power? Luffy so far fought against two SB with logia defence and against Enel (super speed\evasion abilities), and despite the dissadvange against Croc and Moria, he won. what chance does Jinbei have?

that's it, for now.

Dude. Can you be asking me any more of an ass kicking form across the pond? Seriously, are you trying really hard to piss me off about this topic? Because in all honesty you're doing a really bang up job my man.

Jesus fucking Christ you people are stubborn. I'm not going to comment on Jimbei because we haven't seen him yet so I could care less from now until I see him in action against the straw hats. Why are you people treating the straw hats so well? Stop kissing Oda's ass at writing the fucking series. They aren't that strong. Luffy is the only one who has any decent thing besides Zoro. And the only things Zoro can do is cut down giant stuff, and get six arms and swords to take someone down. Big deal. Plus he creates most of his moves while he's fighting. And no I don't consider that to be really cool or great. Oda just keeps adding shit to his portfolio of fighting moves randomly. It's actually getting really really annoying seeing new moves come from the straw hats.

There is little of a connection let alone a connection at all between bounties and power levels. The WG could think that someone that went to the New World with a very weak 2 man pirate crew (with no powers at all) , could be worth as much as a Yonkou just because they've been to the New World and managed to slip by the Red Line, because they had "connections"

Any by the way. To everyone not just Death Booz, who thinks that the straw hats are worth billions. You're all wrong. Very very wrong. To be worth 600 billion, thats more than everyone in the series combined with Roger still being alive. Twice! They're worth 600-700 million, not billion. Adding all of they bounties up gets roughly that amount.

even look at this

What does that last line say, huh? 700 million not billion. Stop adding zeros!! The only person worth even close to a billion, is probably Shanks. Or at least half his crew is worth that. Like him and the best commanders. Lucky Roux, Beckman Yassop all added up together.

Tue, 06-10-2008, 11:16 PM
last words concernning Jinbei: since nobody seems to think that he has a devil fruit ability, and some of you say that he is probably 'the strongest mermen of all merman' what chance does he have against Luffy? a super merman vs luffy's 3rd gear in terms of pysical power? Luffy so far fought against two SB with logia defence and against Enel (super speed\evasion abilities), and despite the dissadvange against Croc and Moria, he won. what chance does Jinbei have?

that's it, for now.
Moria wasn't a logia type.

Wed, 06-11-2008, 09:36 PM
Nobody has commented on 502? It wasn't completely unexpected, but Luffy was pretty awesome.

Wed, 06-11-2008, 09:44 PM
Most of the previous page was about 502

Fri, 06-13-2008, 08:58 AM

503 out, and man shit's hitting the fan (in a good way).

Fri, 06-13-2008, 10:43 AM
Link doesn't work bro

Fri, 06-13-2008, 10:50 AM
Works fine for me, maybe since you're copying the link instead of clicking it?

Anyways, RS: http://rapidshare.com/files/122145953/BSOP_503.rar

MU: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=TQ4FWRJ7

Fri, 06-13-2008, 10:50 AM
Yeah the link is fine.

So the usual straw hat induced madness takes place and Rayleigh is missing a few screws just like everyone else in the series. He wants money so he let himself get captured so he could steal money from the person who bought him and he's been waiting to meet Luffy. Next chapter should be nice because if the Marines have the place surrounded already that means Garp should show up soon.

Fri, 06-13-2008, 11:08 AM
Good chapter especially last page. I expect Ussop bounty to jump past everyone.

Death BOO Z
Fri, 06-13-2008, 11:14 AM
Rayligh is so strong that luffy's about to piss his pants.

is it reallt garp coming? i thougt it was dai-buddha...

ussop is going to get a maniac bounty now, sucks to be him.

Fri, 06-13-2008, 11:27 AM
lol, Ussop. Back in 501 when the marines found out about Rayleigh, Garp said he would handle him himself. That could only mean that he is going to go there himself and from the way he was talking about him I assume they're all old friends.

Fri, 06-13-2008, 11:50 AM
Rayligh is so strong that luffy's about to piss his pants.

is it reallt garp coming? i thougt it was dai-buddha...

ussop is going to get a maniac bounty now, sucks to be him.
Technically Ussop isn't even wanted yet. The bounty poster was for Sogeking.
Maybe they'll give him a separate one?

The frame where Ussop is getting shoved out of the flying fish is the most hilarious frame in this chapter.

Anyway....I was wondering what would happen with Raleigh. I figured his presence would definitely negate the danger of an admiral coming, and I was hoping that Hatchi win him over to their side. Between the kid pirates, the guy-with-the-bear pirates, luffy's crew, and Raleigh, they should be pretty well-secured inside the auction house.

Wed, 06-18-2008, 04:27 PM
Technically Ussop isn't even wanted yet. The bounty poster was for Sogeking.
Maybe they'll give him a separate one?

The frame where Ussop is getting shoved out of the flying fish is the most hilarious frame in this chapter.

Anyway....I was wondering what would happen with Raleigh. I figured his presence would definitely negate the danger of an admiral coming, and I was hoping that Hatchi win him over to their side. Between the kid pirates, the guy-with-the-bear pirates, luffy's crew, and Raleigh, they should be pretty well-secured inside the auction house.

I think Ussop just became worth over 100 million. And luffy just became worth over a billion in bounty worth. The pirates should be fine. But like I said, if an admiral does show up, I just hope it isn't Aokiji. We've seen him enough. I want Kizeru to show up. The yellow monkey (gordon fisherman)

Fri, 06-20-2008, 09:43 AM
Well the new chapter is out. Check mangashare if you want it.

Kizaru is coming; this is going to be fun. Also it looks like this whole "spirit" thing is called 'Haki' according to Hacchi, and Rayleigh confirmed that it is a sort of attack, so it looks like we're going to finally learn the secret, and it also looks like he'll be teaching Luffy since he wants to meet up with them later and is thankful to them for saving a 'close' friend (it's only natural that it would be broguth up somehow). Kind of sucks that he doesn't know that the Marines already are aware of him being there (atleast Garp is). Not only do we get story progression with the Strawhats and Rayleigh (and for now Kidd, and Law), but we're going to be getting some badass fighting with Whitebeard versus the Shiki and Kizaru coming:D

Fri, 06-20-2008, 10:10 AM
Links at mangahelpers

Hey they Slave House DID belong to DoFlamingo after all.

Excellent chapter... next one will be full of action...

Fri, 06-20-2008, 11:40 AM
It looks like Silvers attack is at least very similar to what Shanks used when he boarded Whitebeards ship, a "spirit" attack. They are setting up a ton of big fights but I wonder if they are really going to show the Whitbeard fight since we don't know much of anything about the combatants.

P.S. Law is awesome

Death BOO Z
Fri, 06-20-2008, 12:16 PM
the marines found a way to battle two legends at once.
The Strawahats are getting more and more aquinted with Giants, if they ever need an army, elbaf town is going to stand ready for them...

Kid has the same ability as Kumabear. if that's even possible.
Law seems to be an En user (HXHstyle), maybe his 'room' has a midway gravity center, that can be used to make the old switcharoo. anyway, his room acts as the nen fishes that Kururo uses, the marine is still alive, though headless.

from what I understood, it's actually Sengoku that's coming, not Kizaru, but I might be wrong.
Shishibukai (whoever's left) can be the only ones able to fight off Whitebeard, and whitebeard was already hellbent on getting Blackbeard.

at short, most awsome chapter.

Fri, 06-20-2008, 12:57 PM
Rechecking old chapters it seems Oda himself screwed up before...

The symbol at the slave house, which brought a lot of discussion here some weeks ago, was indeed changed this chapter, in order to resemble Doflamingos... this better be corrected in the anime (or at least the volume... they've done it before after all... like when they showed Crocodile with both hands during his side-story)

Death BOO Z
Fri, 06-20-2008, 01:48 PM
I don't see any major diffrences, except at the things surronding the symbol.

I've made a collection of the flag from a few chapters, and I don't see anything too suspicous.
http://img299.imageshack.us/img299/3096/dom2vz1.th.jpg (http://img299.imageshack.us/my.php?image=dom2vz1.jpg)

Fri, 06-20-2008, 03:17 PM
Second one does not have double set of teeth. And its not smiling either. It got changed to look more like the other in the most recent chapter.

Fri, 06-20-2008, 03:17 PM
I knew it! It's him! I love Oda:


Fri, 06-20-2008, 03:41 PM
Holy shit, that's awesome, Carnage!

Yeah, Kid's looks just like Kuma's...which....isn't ridiculously different from Alvida's either. I wonder what the specific charactistics of them are.

Unfortunately, Luffy's technique seems to be the lamest of the three of them.

It's interesting that they reported 13 bounties in the slave house, right?
The five over 100k of course are
Luffy, Law, Kid, Zoro, Killer

Then there's....
Nami, Chopper, Franky, Robin

Usopp's bounty is under his "Soge King" alias, so they might not have recognized him, Sanji never gets recognized by his bounty, and I don't know if Brooke has a bounty or not...I'm sure nobody would recognize him if he did.

I guess that means the remaining four are distributed across the other two pirate crews?

Fri, 06-20-2008, 09:14 PM

Sat, 06-21-2008, 01:14 AM
and I don't know if Brooke has a bounty or not...I'm sure nobody would recognize him if he did.

Yeaht I'm sure they didn't recognize him but he does a bounty of 33,000,000.


Sun, 06-22-2008, 04:42 PM
There is one thing I'm a bit confused about though. Admiral Kizaru is coming to the archipelago for Luffy's royal punch. But why is Garp going? To see Luffy again and help him? The only reason I've heard for him going is to see whats going on there (commotion wise) and the main being to see if the rumor of Silvers being there is really true. This sounds like bull crap to me. Why would he bother with an old retired pirate. He's a slave now. And an old one. Even being Rogers right hand man doesn't seem like reason enough to go there and see him. I mean why would he go? To talk about the old days with him? So they can remember the old days of getting higher in the ranks over the years?

Someone needs to explain that one to me.

Sun, 06-22-2008, 10:00 PM
He was going to keep it from becoming a big event. He seems to have history with Silvers so he wanted to go handle any issues that might arise on his own without diverting anymore of the Marines power from the fight with Whitebeard.
I have to say your comments about Silvers are way off. Who cares if he's old and retired, he was first mate in the strongest pirate crew ever. Obviously Garp knows that he would only be sold as a slave if he wanted it to happen. Garp wanted to stop him from possibly pissing off any noble that might have bought him.

Mon, 06-23-2008, 12:28 AM
He was going to keep it from becoming a big event. He seems to have history with Silvers so he wanted to go handle any issues that might arise on his own without diverting anymore of the Marines power from the fight with Whitebeard.
I have to say your comments about Silvers are way off. Who cares if he's old and retired, he was first mate in the strongest pirate crew ever. Obviously Garp knows that he would only be sold as a slave if he wanted it to happen. Garp wanted to stop him from possibly pissing off any noble that might have bought him.

Well I didn't mean that he was weak or anything like that. I was just saying that he was there and the fact that he's past his prime is going to be hard to determine why Garp is interested in going there to see him. And Garp could just be bored who knows? He could also be interested in why his grandson is there. I actually don't see the marines in a very we must uphold justice fight for whats right, stop piracy theme in this series. I don't know about you guys but I don't. I mean Garp and Aokiji (one of the strongest men in the marine arsenal mind you) both let Luffy slip out of their hands. Garp twice now. That isn't marines. Plus most every pirate has something special about them that makes them powerful. The marines only have a ton of medium strength men that rarely have devils fruits to offer them. Besides that, only a few are decent in terms of power to even the weakest crewmen on a standard pirate ship. The only impressive thing is if all 3 Admirals possessed a DF ability. And only if they were all logia types.

Bottom line. The marines are my main problem in this series, not Silvers. I love the guy, happy Oda introduced him and the man went everywhere any pirate wants to go in the world. He's simply bad ass. The marines on the other hand only have strong men, and "good fighters"(if that counts for anything against even the SH screw with their current bounty and level of power) And the marines have to get lucky to get a guy like Aokiji to join up. He didn't get really strong and then the marines gave him his fruit. He probably ate it then the marines blessed themselves for getting a guy that skilled and powerful with a fruit like that. It bothers me that they get these great powerful fighters, then hide behind them only able to come close to them by having tons of ships men and cannonballs.

About what Doflamingo said to disco. Yeah, WB's crew is toast. They're about to get their asses handed to them. Unless Marco and Joz are so strong that they can lead everyone into a victory. I don't think WB is actually a fighter. But it will be interesting to see if he will fight for Aces revenge. Blackbeards power alone could sweep entire fleets. And Doflamingo messes with people by controlling them. Imagine what he could do when he's actually trying with a powerful crew behind him. Also. Which Shichibukai do you guys think will actually show up? I for one don't think some will show up.

Will show and why:
(he's a lone wolf but he even showed up to the Mariejoa meeting)
(he told Disco that he can't bother dealing with the auction house because he's actually obeying his Government orders)
(This is tough. But I'd have to say he's going because he's the newest one. His power is needed and valued. And he actually wanted to become a member. Which makes me think he's fine with taking orders)
(obviously because of Fishman Island, pending that he's there he's the closest current member)
(loyalist member of the warlords)
last unknown shichibukai
(Government is calling everyone)

Won't show and why:
(Unless hogback fixed him up, or the Government got him a really good doctor, fast he's probably still banged up from Luffy's beating)

By the way. First Crocodile now Blackbeard? Is it me or does the government like having a logia user as a Shichibukai? Seems logical enough with the power of the fruit type. Maybe it could be just coincidence that blackbeard has a logia and was chosen as the next warlord member. And Crocodile could be the same way who knows?


Death BOO Z
Thu, 06-26-2008, 12:20 PM
fist of all.
the goverment went after Tom, who merly built the ship, not even a crew-member (and the 'crime' still stayed releveant even ten years after the original charges). so if there's an oppertunity to get the first mate, they'll go after it. if only to show the world that the marines are still in the game.
and there's probably other benfits to gain from silver, mainly the whereabouts of the polyphones...

the SH crew is exceptional becuse each of them has a bounty. most of the pirate crews (Photon's fox, Duvell, even BBQ workers, everyone from before the grandline) are pretty weak, and are no match for a marine's vice captain or something. even smoker is a 'very strong' marine, despite not being an admiral or anything. I'll give him a 'bounty power' of around 120MIL..

we've seen how the buster call works, they came and carpet bombed the entire island. I think that if they all focus on a single target (1000sunny) they can drawn the ship in a second.

Thu, 06-26-2008, 03:08 PM
Holy shit you people are writing fucking essays, do you really care that much to discuss this manga over the internet?

Thu, 06-26-2008, 05:46 PM
Holy shit you people are writing fucking essays, do you really care that much to discuss this manga over the internet?

Yes. Yes I do. Now more than ever, it's actually worth being frothy and wiled eyed over. It's been the best and everyones been waiting for a moment for Oda to bust out the power houses of the series. This is a perfect recipe to have everyone go nuts about it on the boards. Speaking of which.

Do you guys think Marco (1st division commander) and Jozu (3rd division commander) from WB's crew are strong enough to take the Mihawk Kuma and the gang? honestly?

Thu, 06-26-2008, 11:04 PM
I don't see why not. Rockstar, Shanks' newest crew member, had a hundred million dollar bounty WHEN HE JOINED. Bounties aren't everything, but it's clear that the Yonkyou have very strong crews, or else the Marines would have mopped the floor with them.

Anyway, I've got a the feeling that Do Flamingo's mind control thing is really more of that "determination POWER!!!!!" thing Shanks and now Silvers have used, and not a DF.

Also, the suna suna no mi was a paramecia type as far as I know.

Fri, 06-27-2008, 12:28 AM
I don't see why not. Rockstar, Shanks' newest crew member, had a hundred million dollar bounty WHEN HE JOINED. Bounties aren't everything, but it's clear that the Yonkyou have very strong crews, or else the Marines would have mopped the floor with them.

Anyway, I've got a the feeling that Do Flamingo's mind control thing is really more of that "determination POWER!!!!!" thing Shanks and now Silvers have used, and not a DF.

Also, the suna suna no mi was a paramecia type as far as I know.

Actually yes. Rockstar had a bounty of 94 million and was still a rookie when he joined Shanks crew. And I agree all of the Yonkou have very strong crews. But I was wondering because unless they have something special, fruit or otherwise, it seems like it's going to be hard for them to fight the Shichibukai who all have an assortment of different tasty fruits. I somewhat agree that Doflamimgos powers are a skill rather than a fruit. But I actually think somewhere down the line, we're going to see other people with it. If it's not a fruit it's possible. Think about it. If Silvers, Shanks and Roger all know/knew "spirit attacks", then I'm sure most of Rogers top crew did. Hence, if Doflamingo knows how to control people (assuming he has no fruit) then I'm sure a powerful "someone" taught him how and it's a skill that has followers like the spirit scare that Roger or Rayleigh taught everyone on their crew.

An um. Yeah no everyone knows and it's been said many times that the suna suna no mi (crocs fruit) was a logia type. I'd love for you argue you're way out of this one man.

Fri, 06-27-2008, 07:32 PM
An um. Yeah no everyone knows and it's been said many times that the suna suna no mi (crocs fruit) was a logia type. I'd love for you argue you're way out of this one man.

Easy. Citation needed. :-p

By the way, I don't mind being wrong, but now I'm curious. If the Suna suna no mi was a Logia type, then why isn't the Gomu Gomu no Mi? As far as has been shown, Luffy is "made of rubber" -- Croc is "made of sand". So what's the difference?

Fri, 06-27-2008, 09:09 PM

505...look who shows up YET again.

Death BOO Z
Sat, 06-28-2008, 02:02 AM
this time. he better kill or be killed, none of the pussy "I'll let you go, for now" crap.
I really hope someone gets to kill him, but I don't think it'll happenn.

but still, a fun chapter.

Sat, 06-28-2008, 02:02 AM
504....action, light comedy, supense(?), it's just great.

btw rockman, with all the crazy stuff the marines are invovled with right now, it's expected that someone of his level shows up. but for HIM out of all people to just appear right now is just beyond crazy.

(edit: I don't even think these two will fight right now due to all of the circumstances happening right now)

Hopefully it's a quick stop before meeting up w/ the others cause their is no way the battle between those two groups could be over so quick. i'm praying that Oda will at least show some scenes of it going down instead of it being some "unseen background plot development".

And it seems that Kidd's DF is the power of a magnet. So any fighting between those two should be interesting.

Sat, 06-28-2008, 02:22 AM
It seems they like to throw Kuma out a lot lately. But what if he wasn't there on the marine's behalf? That would be interesting...

Sat, 06-28-2008, 02:40 PM
An um. Yeah no everyone knows and it's been said many times that the suna suna no mi (crocs fruit) was a logia type. I'd love for you argue you're way out of this one man.

Easy. Citation needed. :-p

By the way, I don't mind being wrong, but now I'm curious. If the Suna suna no mi was a Logia type, then why isn't the Gomu Gomu no Mi? As far as has been shown, Luffy is "made of rubber" -- Croc is "made of sand". So what's the difference?

Easy. The difference is luffy can be cut up, and his skin doesn't come apart to deflect and stop everything, er, let things pass through like logia types. And he can't rebuild himself after attack. Technically, I can see where your argument would come in. But in the end its an ability to stretch. Otherwise that would be like saying that Robins hands can be built so much that she can be "made from hands". Which would be bullshit. In the end, logia is an elementally based fruit. Rubber is not an natural element. So stop trying to pass it off as one.

About Kuma. I really hope other shichibukai show to the party. I'm getting tired of him, he's the most uninteresting one. We don't even know if he was a pirate who went the government route now. He says he was built (at least partially) by Vegapunk. And I think it is the real Kuma. The reason he doesn't have his gloves on, is probably because he always has to take them off to fight. Which means this is going to be a serious fight fir the Shichibukai to handle. No need to slow things down by taking off and putting on gloves. On a personal note. I fucking hate the guy. We've seen him do like one cool thing with his fruit (with Luffys pain) on Thriller Bark and that was it. He's so calm we don't even know if he's a that strong. He's just really big and scary looking. I don't know I'll have to see. I'm going to to have to ask the same question that Kid is asking. He probably doesn't know the full story like we do. But why is Kuma there? If all of the shichibukai were summoned to fight WB, then he should be there fighting along side the other 6. Unless he's a clone like everyone is saying. Or, he is not really that crucial to the fight against WB's crew.

I really want Mihawk, Black Beard and Doflamingo to show up. Watching those guys fight again WB's crew, could be very very interesting. Especially if Marco and Jozu can hold up a good fight. Can't wait.

Sat, 06-28-2008, 05:41 PM
Easy. The difference is luffy can be cut up, and his skin doesn't come apart to deflect and stop everything, er, let things pass through like logia types. And he can't rebuild himself after attack. Technically, I can see where your argument would come in. But in the end its an ability to stretch. Otherwise that would be like saying that Robins hands can be built so much that she can be "made from hands". Which would be bullshit. In the end, logia is an elementally based fruit. Rubber is not an natural element. So stop trying to pass it off as one.

Crocodile can be cut as well, if he's wet. Enel can be cut as well, with a sharp, hard rubber knife, or glass (which, like rubber, is an insulator). Neither can "rebuild" themselves in that case. Indeed, both Enel and Crocodile bled after getting beaten by Luffy.

Luffy is SLIGHTLY weaker in that regard since any sharp object can cut him. But he is made of rubber, or else he couldn't do Second and Third Gear, which rely on his organs and bones being made of rubber.

Also, rubber trees. Though most rubbers are synthetic, there are many natural rubbers.

Sun, 06-29-2008, 05:17 PM
Crocodile can be cut as well, if he's wet. Enel can be cut as well, with a sharp, hard rubber knife, or glass (which, like rubber, is an insulator). Neither can "rebuild" themselves in that case. Indeed, both Enel and Crocodile bled after getting beaten by Luffy.

Luffy is SLIGHTLY weaker in that regard since any sharp object can cut him. But he is made of rubber, or else he couldn't do Second and Third Gear, which rely on his organs and bones being made of rubber.

Also, rubber trees. Though most rubbers are synthetic, there are many natural rubbers.

Key word there, wet. Besides that, everything passes right through him because he's basically made of sand. Both Smoker and him have shown those traits.I don't remember when, but Smoker was even sleeping at one point and had a punch or weapon pass through him. So yeah Croc is the same. I'll give you that he's made of rubber. But rubber is an ability he was given. The bottom line is that yes he is all rubber so it's like an element, however, since he is able to be cut or burned, technically, not all things can pass through him. Like a logia type. And if you need the actual definition. Heres a site that will clear things up.


If that doesn't convince you then I don't know what will.

Sun, 06-29-2008, 08:47 PM
Hmm...Kuma vs Kidd should be interesting indeed....

If Kuma is a cyborg, and Kidd can manipulate metal, then this could be a relatively easy win for Kidd. Considering that Kidd's bounty is higher than Luffy's, and Luffy defeated two shichibukai, it shouldn't be too outrageous for Kidd to be able to stand up to Kuma.

Edit: Also....rereading it....another possibility I consider is that Kuma is indeed the original captain of Law's crew. He does possess the same patterns that Law wears, and they both seem to be all about bears, too. Maybe there will be some sort of tie-in with this?

Mon, 06-30-2008, 12:23 AM
Hmm...Kuma vs Kidd should be interesting indeed....

If Kuma is a cyborg, and Kidd can manipulate metal, then this could be a relatively easy win for Kidd. Considering that Kidd's bounty is higher than Luffy's, and Luffy defeated two shichibukai, it shouldn't be too outrageous for Kidd to be able to stand up to Kuma.

Edit: Also....rereading it....another possibility I consider is that Kuma is indeed the original captain of Law's crew. He does possess the same patterns that Law wears, and they both seem to be all about bears, too. Maybe there will be some sort of tie-in with this?

A very astute observation. However, I have two problems with it.

1) Kuma, a captain? I think thats a bit far fetched to me. He seems more of the work for someone type than lead a crew into getting more powerful as pirates. He'd have to be much stronger than what he is now.

2) You're assuming that most if most (if not all) of the Shichibukai are/were captains at one point in their history. I think thats wrong. We don't even know if they all were.

Side note:
I think Law just became the most powerful supernova with his invite of Captain/slave Jean Bart. He's going to own now.


prediction: I think we're going to see a very interesting fight here. Because of the powers each posses from their respective fruits, we're going to see each at their limits going all out against each other. Kidd holding his arm from over use on the ground breathing hard. Kuma striped down to a terminator like metal skeleton frame with barely anything left on him. Thats how I see it happening. It also makes me believe that since a former captain joined his crew, why is so crazy to think that Rayleigh could join the straw hats after this ordeal? Think about it.

1) wants to meet Luffy and talk to him.
2) he knows shanks and knows shanks knows him
3) is already helping him out in a huge way besides his Haki barrage on the marines
4) he already wants to help the SH crew coat their ship for the New World (ok this isn't true yet, but we all know Oda is going to make it happen)

side note: I think Luffy will be fine in the New World. My theory is simply this, he knows Shanks, a Yonkou. And thats really it. I've been thinking about for a while and if someone wants to call me out on that I'd love to see them try.

Mon, 06-30-2008, 12:11 PM
1) Kuma, a captain? I think thats a bit far fetched to me. He seems more of the work for someone type than lead a crew into getting more powerful as pirates. He'd have to be much stronger than what he is now.

Are you honestly saying that one of the Shichibukai isn't strong enough to be Captain of a pirate crew? Maybe you need to reread his appearance at Thriller Bark to get an idea of his strength.

2) You're assuming that most if most (if not all) of the Shichibukai are/were captains at one point in their history. I think thats wrong. We don't even know if they all were.

Unless they were first mates under one of the Yonkou then I think it goes without saying that they were all Captains. Furthermore, al of them that have been shown so far except Mihawk are still active crew Captains.

Mon, 06-30-2008, 12:42 PM
Also, Kuma's reputation was formerly known as "The Tyrant" Kuma before becoming a shichibukai...

Apparently that doesn't necessarily mean he was a pirate leader or something?

Mon, 06-30-2008, 06:18 PM
Unless they were first mates under one of the Yonkou then I think it goes without saying that they were all Captains. Furthermore, all of them that have been shown so far except Mihawk are still active crew Captains.

I'm not saying that they weren't first mates of the Yonkou. And yes they probably were. But I just think it's kind of early and backwards to think that Kuma was a captain at this point. Even if he has his Law theory backing him. We need know more. Thats all.

On the Mihawk statement. I think he's the only one that has the possibility of being a lone wolf. Probably the most powerful lone wolf in one piece. I'd bet my marbles on it. The only problem is that most of the time we have something like that, Oda doesn't like to leave it alone. Mihawk though, a good possibility that he might. I think he has some sort of vampire connection. Oda wouldn't give him a name like that and then leave it alone. Just a stupid theory anyway.

One last thing about the captains to you boilerph. You said that most of them would be more than able to be former or ex captains, and that I need to reread Kuma coming to Thriller Bark right? Well consider this. Even though he was intimidating. What are you even referring too? HIs size? His presence? No one on Morias ship knew who he was. And Perona wasn't even that scared of him at the start. And what do you mean all are active captains? No they aren't. Jimbei gave Arlong his crew. Kuma (assuming I'm agreeing with you and Assert) isn't anymore a captain and is the governments bitch. Croc wasn't even a captain of an official pirate ship. He was a government agent with other agents working under him. So he doesn't even count. Thats 3. Half of the group lol. Moria and teach are the only ones left and Moria was freshly owned by Luffy only a few chapters ago. Doflamingo was a captain of the Bellamy pirates and he gave it to Bellamy (hence the current name) It was same situation with Disco and his Auction house business. He just wanted to give it away and wasn't interested in it anymore. And those are all different situations for each one. Plus we don't know if Mihawk was one. And we haven't seen the last Shichibukai yet.

Mon, 06-30-2008, 08:50 PM
Key word there, wet. Besides that, everything passes right through him because he's basically made of sand. Both Smoker and him have shown those traits.I don't remember when, but Smoker was even sleeping at one point and had a punch or weapon pass through him. So yeah Croc is the same. I'll give you that he's made of rubber. But rubber is an ability he was given. The bottom line is that yes he is all rubber so it's like an element, however, since he is able to be cut or burned, technically, not all things can pass through him. Like a logia type. And if you need the actual definition. Heres a site that will clear things up.


If that doesn't convince you then I don't know what will.

Except, like I said, a glass sword would cut through Enel, an unquestionable Logia type. And Smoker and Ace have both shown the trait that getting hit WON'T make them turn into their element, if they are hit by surprise (recall the scene in the Arabasta bar, where both Smoker and Ace are looking for Luffy).

I'm not saying you're wrong, but I am saying it isn't very clear. Anyway, this is pointless. Luffy kicks ass either way. :-)

Tue, 07-01-2008, 01:16 AM
Except, like I said, a glass sword would cut through Enel, an unquestionable Logia type. And Smoker and Ace have both shown the trait that getting hit WON'T make them turn into their element, if they are hit by surprise (recall the scene in the Arabasta bar, where both Smoker and Ace are looking for Luffy).

I'm not saying you're wrong, but I am saying it isn't very clear. Anyway, this is pointless. Luffy kicks ass either way. :-)

Well it seems as if you enjoy having the last word. So I'll let you savor that. All I really care about are powerhouses anyway in any anime series. In this one it just happens to be bad ass pirates with strong fleets and powers sailing the seas. But every time I try and create a topic about those pirates that I might think have fights coming up, I get warned to flamed about spoilers Even though everyone ends up posting in one. Like my what are devils fruits powers or who do you think is closest to becoming the pirate king thread. So fuck it. I'll make one more about the future fight between WB and the Shichibukai and then thats it.

Tue, 07-01-2008, 09:21 PM
Bad faith. Don't insult me, we're just talking. I just asked a question. Your answer was not very convincing, and in fact is contradicted by passages as I have shown -- the Arabasta bar, where Luffy Bazookas into Ace and Smoker (which don't turn into their elemental types), and Enel, who would be cut by any sharp electrical insulator, like glass. The WHOLE reason Luffy could touch him was because rubber is an insulator.

I was done with this topic, but YOU brought it up, again. In a very passive-aggressive way, I might add. It seems like YOU want the last word, but are frustrated by my simple objections.

Wed, 07-02-2008, 02:59 AM
I was reading through the boards and manga, and something came to my attention. I didn't know this but Ace was WB's second division commander. Jozu the big guy here http://img39.onemanga.com/mangas/00000002/00000434/03.jpg and Marco the 1st division captain were above and below Ace. But it makes me wonder something. I know Jozu is probably very very strong. And Ace had one of the most powerful fruits around (logia and in general) but if they were bother below Marco, than how strong could Marco be? The would have to much stronger than Ace and at least have a fruit or some kind power that makes him worthy of being above command.


Wed, 07-02-2008, 12:01 PM
Two weeks without Internet... well, I ended up reading two chapters at once as a result.

Something interesting about Kidd is how he responded to Luffy's line about finding One Piece first. Earlier, it sounded like he was just an evil civilian-killer, but now it seems like he's an evil civilian-killer that only targets people who laugh at the One Piece dream.

Whitebeard vs Shichibukai: I don't think it'll be one-sided. If we think of Whitebeard's lieutenants as two people comparable to Ace and replace Whitebeard with Shanks/Mihawk, they should be fine.

Kuma is a bit difficult to figure out. He definitely has his own agenda since he's deviating from the World Government's orders at such a crucial time (especially since he appeared to be the most loyal in the past). At first I thought that he may be friendly with Dragon, but now that he's attacking Kidd that idea is pretty weak.

Law taking in that captain: I don't think this really says much... guys like Masira can survive in the Grand Line so the captured captain is most likely on par with weaker members of the Strawhat crew.

Wed, 07-02-2008, 01:55 PM
I thought all of the shichibukai were all pirates that were once captains or high bounty holding pirates that were given the option to stop being hunted in exchange for govt. territory and thier allegiance. I dont see how Kuma or any of the shichibukai couldnt be captains at one point or another. Flamingo, Moria, and Jinbei were already known and feared as pirate captains why cant Kuma be one?
Anyways, this manga never ceases to deliver for me. I think that Kidd's battle and all the other battle that will occur will be interrupted (unfortunately) due to the chaos on the island as it stands. I think the previous pirates shown will all either run through battles and give eachother a means to escape, or two or three pirate crews might get captured to make way for more interesting and dynamic crews to get away. Lets face it some of the other pirate crews arent as great as the ones we've seen developed. Besides the One Piece universe isnt lacking in characters, it can spare a couple pseudo famous pirates.
I hope Kidd, Law, and X-drake escape. I dont remember the crew with the sky island native but i would like to see more explained about that area of the story. Cant wait for 507!!!

Wed, 07-02-2008, 10:54 PM
I dont see how Kuma or any of the shichibukai couldnt be captains at one point or another. Flamingo, Moria, and Jinbei were already known and feared as pirate captains why cant Kuma be one? Anyways, this manga never ceases to deliver for me. I think that Kidd's battle and all the other battle that will occur will be interrupted (unfortunately) due to the chaos on the island as it stands. I think the previous pirates shown will all either run through battles and give eachother a means to escape, or two or three pirate crews might get captured to make way for more interesting and dynamic crews to get away. I hope Kidd, Law, and X-drake escape. I dont remember the crew with the sky island native but i would like to see more explained about that area of the story. Cant wait for 507!!!

No no. Kuma can be a captain and Assert is probably right about him being Laws former captain. I'm just saying Odas done a good job convincing me that he's always been a loyal shichibukai and not a rebel. A good boy if you will. Theres rumor going around now that Kidd may be the last shichibukai member. Like a secret agent one or something. I hope all of them escape actually. The straw hats can't handle everyone alone. And I actually think it'd be boring without Drake. He used to be a former marine official and knows how the government works. So it'd be interesting to see what he'll think will happen when Kizaru shows up with his boys.

What do you mean by developed crews? I actually think Oda showing us Joz and Marco early on, sets us up on a good preview for whats coming. It was really clever and well done IMO. Especially when Marco and Joz knew that Shanks was going to cause some disruption and told the weak young guys to back down.

By the way. Why is everyone frothing over Laws powers? It's not even a logia type and it's just funny looking. I think Oda could do better with a supernovas powers.

Thu, 07-03-2008, 06:05 AM
I think you're confusing boards, docdan. This is Gotwoot... I don't see anyone here frothing over Law.

Thu, 07-03-2008, 12:25 PM
I think you're confusing rumors with personal conjecture, docdan. Nobody is suspecting that Kidd is a shichibukai.

Thu, 07-03-2008, 06:32 PM
I just consider the newly shown pirate crews(capone, magic guy and chick who cant stop eating) as throw aways with the exception of X-Drake. But that is just my personal opinion. Those characters are no less significant than the other pirate crews shown. I just personally dont see them being of any value to the advancement of the story other than to give the other more interesting crews an escape route. Thats just me. I also love how OP gives you hopefuls in the way of match-ups. Like Law's bear vs. Sanji, Kidd's firstmate Vs. Zoro, etc.

Thu, 07-03-2008, 07:41 PM
I consider them throw away crews as well. And it's probably why the Admiral showing up scaring them is coming into play. My thought at least. Oda couldn't have no pirates there with only SH's and bounty hunters roaming around. So I agree with I was just wondering what you meant by throw away is all. When do you guys actually think we'll see WB start to fight the shichibukai? I say chapter 511 or 512.

On the Law thing. I was mixing my forum accounts up there. Many forums think Laws ability is plain bad ass. I just think it's weak for Oda to use this late in the series on a guy like him. Thats all