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Thu, 01-04-2007, 09:36 AM
Oh and about the "Curse of the Sea" Devil Fruit user only lose their power near sea water right? does the same thing apply to regular water?

its only sea water

Thu, 01-04-2007, 08:57 PM
I think it's high amounts of any water since aren't crocs fresh water creatures? Yet in Alabasta under the casino, Smoker & Luffy still lost conscious after being in that water..

Thu, 01-04-2007, 09:08 PM
I think it's high amounts of any water since aren't crocs fresh water creatures? Yet in Alabasta under the casino, Smoker & Luffy still lost conscious after being in that water..

Thu, 01-04-2007, 09:35 PM
Oh and about the "Curse of the Sea" Devil Fruit user only lose their power near sea water right? does the same thing apply to regular water?

This was a SBS question:

Question: Odacchi! Here's a question for you! Crocodile can't fight water because he's "sand," right?Then how does he bathe?! Does he at all?! That's filthy!! Do you bathe, Odacchi?

Oda: First of all, let's discuss the problem of Devil Powered folks bathing themselves. People who eat Devil Fruit are "hated" by the sea, and cannot swim. The "sea" here can refer to anything from rivers, pools and baths to any kind of standing water. On a worldwide level, they are all the "sea." When these people enter the water, not only can they not use their powers, they have trouble moving their bodies at all. They might be able to struggle a bit, but it wouldn't do much good. That's if their entire bodies are submerged in the "sea." With less than half the body or just the limbs, it gets easier.
Also, rain and dripping water have no effect at all. Therefore, hip baths or showers
are the most common choice. Now, in Crocodile's case, "water" is the weakness of his
very powers, so his abilities are robbed even in the shower. But it's not like there are
enemies around when you take a shower, so I'd bet he would take them even with his powersbeing blocked. Don't you think?

Thu, 01-04-2007, 11:01 PM
A little off topic but I've been wondering whether Zoro is gonna have his sword fixed or get a new one?

Its been a while since his sword broke and hes gonna need it if hell be fighting Mermen

Thu, 01-04-2007, 11:24 PM
He needs a genuine Merman Shark Nose Sword.

Thu, 01-04-2007, 11:41 PM
Well there's no way for us to know. We can only speculate.

Yubashiri if I recall was shattered by that marine guy. A smith would have to pretty much make the whole blade again which will loose its quality. So I dont see that blade returning unless he finds some skilled smith trained in the ways of the ancient blade makers...or something like that. I also hope that it doesnt return. I want to see a new sword.

Zoro getting a new sword could be soon, but it also could be maybe two arcs later. I dont think he would find anything in the triangle place they have to pass unless there are shipwrecks and he coincidently finds a kick ass sword. A katana that is able to cut logia devil fruit users would be pretty cool and the merman island seems to be the appropiate place to get it.

Fri, 01-05-2007, 01:11 AM
although the fact that he kept the sword even though it was broken raises the chances of it getting fixed. why else would he keep it? Although he could have a smith build off of it and it could be completely different

Fri, 01-05-2007, 05:41 PM
Probably he might meet the legendary merman swordsmaker. Who created Mihawk's black sword.!!!

Fri, 01-05-2007, 10:16 PM
Probably he might meet the legendary merman swordsmaker. Who created Mihawk's black sword.!!!
or the unknown apprentice, struggling to make a name for himself (what better way to accomplish that than to craft the sword of a cross-the-seas pirate?)

*edit: Known-cross-the-seas pirate*

Mon, 01-08-2007, 05:28 PM
Nah, get some old fogey to do it. We don't need an apprentice swordsmaker on our ship.

budak getah
Thu, 01-18-2007, 01:06 PM
chapter 441 raw is out after waiting for a long long time.

http://anip.homeunix.com/manga/one piece/index.php

Thu, 01-18-2007, 04:37 PM

Thu, 01-18-2007, 07:53 PM
Yup, Knives is correct. Hopefully it will be out later tonight. (thats for me).

Thu, 01-18-2007, 10:07 PM
Chapter 441 MQ Scanlation by Lilmax :

Rapidshare (http://rapidshare.com/files/12335906/_5BLilMax_5DOP_20441_20MQ_20scan.rar)
Sendspace (http://www.sendspace.com/file/azrv78)

Thu, 01-18-2007, 11:14 PM
Awesome climax. I'm glad they made a character like Teach, who is unbeleivably powerful despite having such a huge weakness. It will be great to see how he is defeated (by Luffy, obviously). Great ending.

Thu, 01-18-2007, 11:34 PM
This stuff is epic. Looks like we are heading for another crazy arc and even more plot developments.

Thu, 01-18-2007, 11:37 PM
Black Beard has nullifying powers as well. I guess it'll come down to a battle of strength and will.

Good that BB isn't invincible. If nto I would think the only way to defeat him would be Sea-Stone Weapons. But what does BlackBeard mean by "In history, it's the most feared Fruit"..

It seems that there could be more than one person with such power?

Thu, 01-18-2007, 11:42 PM
Now that the ch. was translated I can restate what I said:

The only way to beat darkness is to blot it out with light or take it all in(basically suck it into yourself). So anything short of that will not work to more or less any effect.

I don't think this fight ended well for Ace(dir!!) as seen by how the hat was centered on the frown face on his hat....but I don't think Oda would kill off his 10th most popular character right?....Right?

Fri, 01-19-2007, 12:37 AM
I don't think this fight ended well for Ace(dir!!) as seen by how the hat was centered on the frown face on his hat....but I don't think Oda would kill off his 10th most popular character right?....Right?

Knowing how Oda loves surprises i wouldn't hold my breath for Ace to be alive. And that was awesome chapter. I like how Teach is extremely powerful but not without flaws

Fri, 01-19-2007, 12:56 AM
I think Ace'll get out of this fight barely alive and at least well enough to talk to warn if not Whitebeard, then Luffy. Whereupon massive ass-kickage will ensue afterwards.

Do we get the chapters more regularly now? All the mangakas' vacations are over right? hehe :p

Fri, 01-19-2007, 01:15 AM
This chapter could be the entry point for a massive, epic war. Kinda makes this global stuff in One Piece more exciting than the Strawhat's next prospective adventure at Merman Island.

We all know Oda doesn't like to kill off characters, and Ace is indeed one of the most popular outside of the main crew. From what I understand about Blackbeard's DF power though, Ace should now be absorbed inside of him... unless he is not making contact with his body in that last attack.

I think there is also another way to defeat Blackbeard besides light or absorbtion of his darkness - dish out enough damage in one blow that he can't withstand the attack. With the way Blackbeard is set up, I'd say Zoro actually has a better chance of beating him than Luffy, but then that wouldn't follow Shounen stereotypes since Teach seems like one of the types of villians that are only important enough for the main character to defeat.

And yes, the mangaka's vacations are over for them until April.

Mon, 01-22-2007, 04:54 PM
From what I understand about Blackbeard's DF power though, Ace should now be absorbed inside of him... unless he is not making contact with his body in that last attack.

I dont think he did make contact, it seemed that he made a huge fireball that clashed w/ Teach's powers. Anyway, I hope Ace isnt dead, he's one of my favorite characters. But I wouldnt be completely dissappointed if he were dead, it would add another reason to list of why Luffy should beat the shit out of Teach.

On a sidenote, although this may be the 1 millionth time its been said, Oda is a friggin genius. I....want.....more.....now....

As said before, next arc is going to be crazy. I cant wait to see what Zoro's new sword will be like.

Mon, 01-22-2007, 09:21 PM
I really wish the manga hadn't revealed so much of Teach's power at this moment.

Mon, 01-22-2007, 10:42 PM
Why is that? Do you feel that it sets up for a defeat next time he fights?

Mon, 01-22-2007, 11:08 PM
I like it how it's revealed, especially against Ace. I love the suspense. I think if we see Ace on the floor defeated and BlackBeard standing over him without seeing the battle, it would be seen as a overwhelming win over Ace and not a hard fought battle on both ends, and such a
'loss' wouldn't be cool.

Whereas if they show the battle, we'll see that their quite equal, except BlackBeard has a slight advantage over Ace.

Mon, 01-22-2007, 11:53 PM
Well, there was no mystery to his power... He simply went step by step explaining it which is bad storytelling in my opinion (very rare for the mangaka). I mean, he could've kept silent of the nature of his powers, especially about him not being a normal logia user and his weaknesses.

I don't know, I've never liked characters explaining their powers in the middle of fights. Seems very foolish, I preffer to speculate on what's going on, and maybe get an explanation after the fight.

Tue, 01-23-2007, 12:16 AM
Well that's yours preference i like the fact that Teach's powers were finaly revlied and cleered away. Time for new arc from fresh start.

Tue, 01-23-2007, 08:15 PM
I don't know, I've never liked characters explaining their powers in the
middle of fights. Seems very foolish, I preffer to speculate on what's going on, and maybe get an explanation after the fight.

Yeah but that sort of thing happens all the time. I mean, the "villain" always has to boast about his powers, which the "hero" will later use to his advantage.

Didn't the same thing occur with the CP9? I mean, they explained what each of their 6 moves were, pretty clearly. They didn't wait for battle, then suddenly shoot someone with their finger and have them go "holy shit wtf?"

Thu, 01-25-2007, 04:35 PM
Chapter 422 scanlation (http://rapidshare.com/files/13373944/One_Piece_c442_by_Kokotas_and_Cez.rar)

Damn, this is one of those chapters where you ask yourself just what the hell was Oda smoking at the time and where can I get some? In other words awesome!

I loved how we get to see more of the interior of the Sunny and a little bit of the Soldier Dock system. I never thought that the tank franky mentioned would turn out to be a huge aquarium.

Brooke pwns. What's not to like about a perverted english skeleton with an afro?

Thu, 01-25-2007, 10:53 PM
This was definitely great. After all that trouble to get Franky on board, what a more fitting way to get another addition. Could this be the musician Luffy wanted all this time? hehehehehhe :p

Fri, 01-26-2007, 09:02 PM
he prob is a musician and he prob ate a devils fruit dunno what but he ate a devils fruit. I dunno why luffy would automatically want him on board lol I dont know if he is trust worthy :P

Sat, 01-27-2007, 12:15 AM
he prob is a musician and he prob ate a devils fruit dunno what but he ate a devils fruit. I dunno why luffy would automatically want him on board lol I dont know if he is trust worthy :P
Because he's uber-cool, obviously. What other reason could there be??? :p

Sat, 01-27-2007, 02:50 PM
I want to see Nami's panties :(

The afro dude is cool. Maybe he never died and ate a fruit to turn into skeleton, kinda of like what other people have been mentioning. I doubt this guy will last long on the crew, if he even ends up permanantly joining the crew at all. He doesn't seem like the kind of character a mangaka would want to drag on with for too long. He's a skeleton after all.....it'd be pretty weird to have him on all the adventures here on out.

Sat, 01-27-2007, 06:05 PM
I'm really having trouble believing that Brooke will become a permanent strawhat. Either Luffy will receive a good beating from Nami for suggesting such a thing or Brooke would be like Vivi and travel with them temporarily.

....or he could be villain.

Btw, I feel that the style has changed somewhat again in this chapter.

Sat, 01-27-2007, 06:10 PM
And by style you mean? The story telling? The art? The atmosphere? The type of jokes?

Sat, 01-27-2007, 07:41 PM
And by style you mean? The story telling? The art? The atmosphere? The type of jokes?

Yeah, should have been more specific there. I'm talking about the art style. Not the background but the Strawhats. They just look slightly different to me in this chapter.

Sat, 01-27-2007, 08:05 PM
Lmfao, now I see why Deblas wants some of what ODa was smoking.

Sun, 01-28-2007, 01:13 PM
Yeah, should have been more specific there. I'm talking about the art style. Not the background but the Strawhats. They just look slightly different to me in this chapter.

yea I noticed mostly sanji's look. It looked more rigid.

Mon, 01-29-2007, 08:11 PM
i dont think hes going to join the crew either but i dont think hes evil. more like somethings restricting him from leaving this place. why else would the straw hats be the first living people hes seen in ten years?

Tue, 01-30-2007, 11:11 AM
i dont think hes going to join the crew either but i dont think hes evil. more like somethings restricting him from leaving this place. why else would the straw hats be the first living people hes seen in ten years?

I don't think many travelers would stop and board a ship when they see a skeleton on it... a talking one for that matter.

Thu, 02-01-2007, 04:50 PM
Chapter 443 MQ Scanlation by kokotas :

Rapidshare (http://rapidshare.com/files/14456210/OP_443_MQ_by_kokotas.zip)
Sendspace (http://www.sendspace.com/file/6srgr1)

Thu, 02-01-2007, 06:38 PM
WoW Brooks is amasing, not only record jumping but run as fast as on water. I wonder who is able to still shadows that truly is devil ability to force people to live in darkness but i guess he has to live in darkness too.

Fri, 02-02-2007, 08:15 AM
I bet it was Teach/Blackbeard that took his shadow.

Fri, 02-02-2007, 12:55 PM
Not possible since Teach ability is to absorb into darkness not to take shadows and force people live in darkness.

Sun, 02-04-2007, 12:12 AM
THe plot thickens!!! Thats really cool.

Sun, 02-04-2007, 12:35 AM
Prediction: interesting story arc whereupon Brooke is so impressed with the Strawhats' strength that he gives the name of the dude who stole his shadow (Teach? I dunno, too downpat for me..). Progress to another story arc or two, encounter the dude who stole Brooke's shadow, defeat him. Brooke notices his shadow returned, runs across the entire ocean to join up with the crew (skeletons don't need stamina or have infinite supply of it =P) and that's how Luffy gets his musician. Yeah??

(If you can't tell yet, I **reeeaaalllyyy** want that guy to be a Strawhat. Sucker for stupid puns :p)

Sun, 02-04-2007, 05:52 PM
Binktopia released a One Piece Calendar 2007 (torrent) (http://nyaatorrents.org/?page=download&tid=640) which is really a picture of the major characters in the OP world with a calendar as an afterthought.

Thu, 02-08-2007, 08:31 PM
Chapter 444 MQ Scanlation by kokotas & CeZ :

Rapidshare (http://rapidshare.com/files/15480296/One_Piece_ch444_by_CeZ_kokotas.zip)
Sendspace (http://www.sendspace.com/file/zpnxoh)

Thu, 02-08-2007, 09:42 PM
Another good chapter. These are good days for One Piece.

Thu, 02-08-2007, 09:45 PM
Going to assume Hogback is a famous doctor that Chopper has studied...

Rofl @ Sanji the clown.

Fri, 02-16-2007, 03:48 PM
445 by kokotas:
sendspace (http://www.sendspace.com/file/08hmdf)
rapidshare (http://rapidshare.com/files/16745680/One_Piece_ch445_LQ-MQ_by_kokotas.rar)

Sun, 02-18-2007, 11:39 PM
Wow, that was actually kind of scary...

Mon, 02-19-2007, 01:12 AM
Scary and awesome! I like where this is going!

I think it was really great for Oda to have the weaker strawhats go into the island alone.

Tue, 02-20-2007, 09:22 PM
I like the part where they are running away and they think zombies are slow and they're running after them, and then they stop for a break, haha.

Tue, 02-20-2007, 10:29 PM
That chapter was pretty damn weird....but in a good way >.<b

Thu, 02-22-2007, 09:16 PM
One_Piece_ch446_by_kokotas (http://rapidshare.com/files/17798192/One_Piece_ch446_by_kokotas.zip.html)


Thu, 02-22-2007, 10:27 PM
Mature?? why's that..u cant see nami's nipples, so it doesent count as nudity :p

Thu, 02-22-2007, 11:29 PM
Even 10 year old can use imagination to fill in the "blanks".

Fri, 02-23-2007, 05:58 PM
I loved all the plate jokes and how she only threw them at Ussop.

I cant wait to see where this arc is headed, but hopefully it won't be dragged.

Sat, 03-03-2007, 12:49 AM
Chapter 447 MQ Scanlation by kokotas & CeZ :

Rapidshare (http://rapidshare.com/files/19070423/One_Piece_ch447_MQ_by_koko_cez.zip.html)
Sendspace (http://www.sendspace.com/file/c96vz1)

Sat, 03-03-2007, 01:09 AM
Meh....this chapter was so-so. I get the feeling the next few chapters will be as well.

Fri, 03-09-2007, 11:30 PM
448 (http://rapidshare.com/files/20266074/One_Piece_ch448_MQ_by_CeZ_and_kokotas.zip)

Looks like we are going to be introduced to another shichibukai.

Sun, 03-11-2007, 02:54 AM
Damn, actually this chapter turned out to be alot greater than I expected! I wonder how much this shichibukai is worth. I loved the emo jokes.

Sun, 03-11-2007, 11:58 PM
love this chapter. made me have a good laugh.

Sat, 03-24-2007, 01:11 PM
OP ch 449 (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=EYJPF6NW)

Well long time no see the massive fights between devil users so wait is almost over.

Thu, 03-29-2007, 06:08 AM
Damnit, I was completely drunk when you made this post and I missed the release... downloading it now, hopefully another cool chapter.

Fri, 03-30-2007, 02:15 PM

Fri, 03-30-2007, 03:16 PM
Well it wasn't long since all out war. I think that the swordman's sword will end up with Zorro. Zombie and door jokes were funny.

Sat, 03-31-2007, 02:32 AM
Im eager to see zoro fight that zombie swords man (u know its gonna happen)

Sat, 03-31-2007, 09:02 PM
I think that is Brooke's body or something.

Sat, 03-31-2007, 10:04 PM
My guess is that the swordman was given Brooke's shadow. He doesn't seem like fruit user.

Fri, 04-06-2007, 07:27 PM
Maybe it's just me, but this arc is so boring that I can't care much enough to read all the dialogue like I used to hunger with the rest of OP chapters. For the past couple chapters, I've ended up skimming and looking at the pictures to look for the shichibukai member, or see anything interesting show up.

Sat, 04-07-2007, 10:44 AM

Sun, 04-08-2007, 08:33 AM
I kinda like this arc. It's alright but not great compared to what Oda could do.

It's probably because it's like the skypiea arc. Where it doesn't involve in the creation of new members, or any members history. It's one of those arc you can probably forget about, and still the people would be the same as if they never went into it. There isn't much character & world development.

I guess we are all dying to see what happened between Blackbeard and Ace, Redhair Shanks vs Whitebeard, more than Luffy being on a giant ship against a giant schibukai.

But nevertheless, I still kinda like this arc. Especially the horror part to it. I think this arc would only be fully apreciated in the manga. Because there's just so much art into it, that it gets abit hard to read and see. Lol @ recent chapter Has Sanji became a penguin-dog? And what happened to Zoro? Hope he doesn't become another zombie. :P Makes me curious whats happening to the zombies.

Thu, 04-19-2007, 10:17 PM
one piece being outshined by bleach and naruto

452 (http://www.sendspace.com/file/5w330a)

453 (http://www.sendspace.com/file/9wyme3)

Tue, 04-24-2007, 07:21 PM
454 is out now:

Hopefully we'll see more of Brooke in this episode. Sanji being pissed of his weak body was funny.

Tue, 04-24-2007, 11:09 PM
Now that we've seen that Brook also uses swords im thinking hell be fighting that samurai Ryuma and Zoro will fight the santoryuu zombie general

Tue, 04-24-2007, 11:11 PM
Alright, Brook will join the Strawhat Crew and he'll be the new musician.

Tue, 04-24-2007, 11:28 PM
im confused here. anyone care to explain wtf is going on?

Wed, 04-25-2007, 01:47 AM
Yeah this arc is abit hard to understand. :P probably it'll make more sense when the anime arrives, or when the arc is over re-read it through again.

Wed, 04-25-2007, 06:07 PM
im confused here. anyone care to explain wtf is going on?

zoro, sanji, and luffy got captured or missing

a penguin dog zombie that was like sanji appeared

the zombie generals were all released

and nami lied to the warthog saying she was a guy and now the warthog is attacking absalom to marry her

and brook just saved robin and franky

Wed, 04-25-2007, 08:26 PM
zoro, sanji, and luffy got captured or missing

a penguin dog zombie that was like sanji appeared

the zombie generals were all released

and nami lied to the warthog saying she was a guy and now the warthog is attacking absalom to marry her

and brook just saved robin and franky
i know all about that part...but the damn zombie samurai and brooke. i dont see the connection in that with zoro.

edit - just re-read some chapters...zoro is a different char. did zombie samurai take brooke's shadow? i dont know, still confused about brooke and the samurai

Wed, 04-25-2007, 09:00 PM
i was looking at wikipedia and it says that brook and the samurai talked the same way and had the same laugh so im guessing they're related somehow and i don't think either of the have to do w/ zoro i just said that i think zoro and the other swordsman zombie general are prolly gonna fight bc they both look like they use santoryuu

Thu, 04-26-2007, 07:37 AM
I'm not sure if Brooke is gonna join the Strawhats. I mean another swordsman? So far the crew is completely unique in terms of combat abilities. Though him only using one sword opposed to Zoro's three still seems it needs more flavor. He should've used a sickle/scythe since he is a friggin skeleton afterall =/

Thu, 04-26-2007, 01:00 PM
Nearly every arc in One Piece has had a character joining the crew, so I think it's highly likely that Brooke will join. His use of a blade is pretty much the only thing he has in common with Zoro at this point.

Fri, 04-27-2007, 10:47 AM
Well, it's the perfect oppurtunity for the Straw Hats to get a musician, but I do see where problems lie with the sword and all, but it would make for a good rivalry. Although, it could have a little affect on the Zoro/Sanji mini battles, I don't see it taking away too much.

Luffy defeating Moria would disrupt the powers in the world even more with another Shichibukai member being defeated, especially with what happened in the last arc. I guess they can just lock him up afterwards like how they did with Crocodile and the excuse would be something like reviving the dead or something like that.

Might get to see more action with the Three Powers after this confrontation that should happen.

Fri, 04-27-2007, 11:30 AM
I hope they reveal soon whether or not Ace really got his shit kicked in or not. Though almost all signs kinda do point to it that he did.

Fri, 04-27-2007, 04:41 PM
Well, it's the perfect oppurtunity for the Straw Hats to get a musician.

What about Franky i thought he qualified as the musician w/ his guitar

Thu, 05-10-2007, 10:28 PM
OP 455 by Bludshock (http://www.bsmanga.com/)

Okay, folks, this is THE chapter that reboosted my interest in this arc. Without further ado, get to readin' and start speculatin'! :D

Mon, 05-14-2007, 10:19 PM
im a bit confused. So if your shadow is taken out, is your body dead and then they give your shadow to a zombie or did Luffy just pass out when they took out his shadow?

Wed, 05-16-2007, 10:14 PM
Seems like some questions are answered in this week's chapter. 456 by bludshock (http://www.bsmanga.com/2007/05/16/one-piece-ch-456)

Wed, 05-16-2007, 11:56 PM
What the hell is that thing?? That's where Luffy's shadow is going? I dont know how that is gonna work out...now its actually getting interesting.

Thu, 05-17-2007, 05:45 AM
With your shadow getting taken away you have the abilities of the person who's shadow it was. So this Devil is going to get the abilities of the Gomu Gomu fruit and be like rubber? Should make things interesting.

Brooks is about to take on his shadowed zombie, I hope Brooks stays which I think he will, Luffy needs a musician and after this he should have his shadow back. He'll be good as I like him with all his joking around, an excellent choice for another crew member.

Thu, 05-17-2007, 07:12 AM
How long does it usually take for all the manga chapters to come out for an arc?

Thu, 05-17-2007, 09:23 AM
How long does it usually take for all the manga chapters to come out for an arc?
There is no normal size arc, each arc that is done is totally different and the size could be less or more, we have no idea how many chapters there will be for the current one, we can only say for the ones prior to this.

Although, chapters are released every week, sometimes with exceptions such as golden week.

Fri, 05-18-2007, 05:34 AM
This was definitly the best chapters in a while. But I dont think this arc will be as long as the previous three.

Fri, 05-18-2007, 08:34 AM
Now that its starting to get good, i kinda want it to stretch out a bit longer. But on a side note, Gecko Moria must be ancient...i wonder what the hell he is, cause he sure doesent look like a person, plus he's like 15 feet tall...

Sat, 05-19-2007, 04:31 AM
They said he was a giant. Kinda weird looking ugly giant though. If he has the shadow fruit, does that mean that Blackbeard is capable of doing the same?

Sat, 05-19-2007, 05:07 AM
i think it might be slightly different...but im not sure.

Sat, 05-19-2007, 07:43 AM
blackbeard has the ability to screw with gravity and space
gecko moria has the ability to take your shadow/soul and screw with that.

Sat, 05-19-2007, 04:07 PM
Shadow fruit and Darkness fruit are completely different. Shadow has to do w/ soul, darkness has to do with lack of light/gravity/nothingness. I dont think they have similar powers.

Sat, 05-19-2007, 08:07 PM
You guys sure about that? Hmm. Unless I downloaded a crap translation version. :P

Both tells me it's darkness. Hahah.

Sun, 05-20-2007, 02:21 PM
You guys sure about that? Hmm. Unless I downloaded a crap translation version. :P

Both tells me it's darkness. Hahah.

you downloaded a crap translation.

Sun, 05-20-2007, 07:10 PM
you downloaded a crap translation.

Yes mr.obvious

Sun, 05-27-2007, 01:26 AM
457 is here (http://www.bsmanga.com/category/one_piece/)

Sat, 06-02-2007, 10:54 AM
458 by bludshock (http://www.bsmanga.com/2007/06/02/one-piece-chapter-458/)


One Piece is moving pretty slowly, but I laughed at the end of this chapter.

Sat, 06-02-2007, 02:20 PM
Not a bad chapter

Still wonder why they would put sanjis soul in such a weak zombie though and hopefully we get to see more of Brook next chapter

Sun, 06-03-2007, 08:42 AM
They don't realise its a a strong shadow.

Looks like Luffy's greatest enemy would be Luffy again. Or Oz.

Ok, time for the lineups, who's going against who?

Luffy - Oz
Chopper - Doctor Hogback
Sanji (Pervert cook) - Absalom (pervert cat)
Nami -Lola (fat pig)
Franky - Gecko Moria
Robin - Perona
Zoro - Samurai Ryuuma (?)
Ussop - Cindry? Hildon?

Sun, 06-03-2007, 10:29 AM
You forgot bearsey :(

Mon, 06-04-2007, 12:13 AM
Hey was there no chapter of one piece this week?

Mon, 06-04-2007, 08:27 AM
You forgot bearsey :(

Hehehe.. Yeah. THat would be cool, but I think we've ran out of people to fight against. Unless Brooks Win, then maybe Zoro would take on ummm... Gecko Moria? Franky vs Bearsy? :D

Thu, 06-07-2007, 11:18 PM
Luffy - Oz
Chopper - Doctor Hogback
Sanji (Pervert cook) - Absalom (pervert cat)
Nami -Lola (fat pig)
Franky - Gecko Moria
Robin - Perona
Zoro - Samurai Ryuuma (?)
Ussop - Cindry? Hildon?

I agree with some of these i think itll be:
Brook - Ryuma
Zoro - Jigorou of the Wind
Ussop - Drunk gunman zombie general guy

and nami, franky, and robin not so sure about

Sat, 06-09-2007, 01:44 AM
One Piece 459 is out by bludshock (http://www.bsmanga.com/2007/06/08/one-piece-chapter-459/) and kokotas (http://rapidshare.com/files/36072398/One_Piece_ch459_MQ_by_kokotas.zip)


If there was ever any doubt about Brook joining, I think it has been throughly squashed by this chapter. Looks like everything has been set in motion...

Sun, 06-17-2007, 09:01 PM
Woo! Laboon cameo! Another testament to Oda's masterful planning and storytelling abilities!

Fri, 06-22-2007, 10:46 PM
What gives no chapter last week and nothing so far this week. Is Oda on some sort of break?

Sat, 06-23-2007, 12:30 AM
One Piece 460 {BS} (http://www.bsmanga.com/2007/06/22/one-piece-chapter-460/)

Sat, 06-23-2007, 01:41 AM
ur a lifesaver

Sun, 07-01-2007, 01:28 AM
I know the new chapter is out has it been scanlated yet?

Mon, 07-02-2007, 02:33 PM


Mon, 07-02-2007, 03:54 PM
One Piece has been good for laughs lately... I LOL'd at page 16.

Mon, 07-02-2007, 05:01 PM
I wonder who's going to reach the Dance hall first. You would think Sanji, but Oda has been full of surprises lately. This was a great chapter :D

Mon, 07-02-2007, 11:14 PM
GREAT chapter...really well done; esp. franky making the brige in like 5 secoinds (hes petty useful), and the fact that usopp is so negative. two thumbs up!

Tue, 07-03-2007, 10:00 AM
I loved that chapter. The reaction on that girl's face to Usopp's "I'M ALREADY NEGATIVE!" was priceless.

Fri, 07-06-2007, 10:49 PM

Great Chapter!:D

Sat, 07-07-2007, 01:09 AM
Negative ghosts made me have a good laugh.

Sun, 07-08-2007, 04:53 PM
Zoro + Black sword = Badass. I hope Sanji comes up with a new move.

Sat, 07-14-2007, 02:47 AM
One Piece 463 (http://www.bsmanga.com/2007/07/14/93/)

Could it be...
Could it be possible for.... no long fights this arc?!?!? (hopefully ^^)

Sat, 07-14-2007, 12:59 PM
Maybe they're trying to end the arc quickly in the manga, but stretch it out in the anime.

Sun, 07-15-2007, 02:17 PM
lolz @ sanji exploding a-la-the anime that cannot be mentioned, but rhymes with wagon fall C

Mon, 07-16-2007, 06:54 PM
I do enjoy those moments when Luffy displays brilliance in battle. Kicking Moria's seat from down under was awesome and most satisfying to view :D

Sun, 07-22-2007, 06:03 PM

Sun, 07-29-2007, 12:03 AM

return of sogeking!

Sun, 08-05-2007, 10:24 AM
***bump. Are people still reading one piece? these fights are pretty good (better than bleach...)

Tue, 08-07-2007, 09:29 AM
Yeah, still reading.

Zoro, seems to be in a bit of trouble, I wonder how the rest of the fight is going to go down.

Tue, 08-07-2007, 01:43 PM
One piece has so little flaws compared to Bleach or Naruto that it's hard to discuss.

Sat, 08-11-2007, 06:26 AM
Geeez, and people say i'm cynical...we can still discuss how humorous usopp's method of victory was, or what Zorro and the gang are going to do now. It appears that he's out cold, and not waking up anytime soon, so i guess its up to Franky and Bone-guy now. (Lol at the bone guy's " It doesn't come out that way when I do it...Did he just fire a gun?! ")

Sat, 08-11-2007, 01:48 PM
No chapters this weeK?

Fri, 08-17-2007, 09:06 PM
Wow, i was suprised by how that chapter ended! I thought that zoro bought,it but the writer is so tricky. looking forward to the next chapter.

Fri, 08-17-2007, 10:59 PM
This has been one of my favorite chapters in a long time.

Why did he light on fire in the end? Was it because of Zoro? I thought it was because he was a zombie and his soul was leaving. Unless its a part of that "power" that Brooks was referring to before.

Sat, 08-18-2007, 03:41 AM
Bu thats awesome. he got his new sword. Zoro is such a cool guy.

Tue, 08-21-2007, 12:44 AM
Holy shit. I just read from the end of the anime to the current issue of the manga. This arc is awesome. I like how everybody in the crew is taking fighting Moria casually. Everybody is so confident in Luffy. The government is going to go apeshit when they realize they're down to 5 Shichibukai and don't even have CP9 anymore. Brooke is gonna be a cool crew member too. I wonder, was there a guy with an afro in the Laboon flashbacks when the crew first met Laboon?

Tue, 08-21-2007, 01:42 AM
I wonder, was there a guy with an afro in the Laboon flashbacks when the crew first met Laboon?

no. both anime and manga format it doesnt show brooke.

Tue, 08-21-2007, 05:39 PM
Actually it does, on ep 61 at 10:49 it shows a guy with an afro laughing in the background. Stupid WMP 11 doesn't take screencaps >.<.

Tue, 08-21-2007, 07:28 PM
This has been one of my favorite chapters in a long time.

Why did he light on fire in the end? Was it because of Zoro? I thought it was because he was a zombie and his soul was leaving. Unless its a part of that "power" that Brooks was referring to before.

I think it was his "cannon" attack that set the Wado Samurai on fire.

Wed, 08-22-2007, 04:32 PM
Actually it does, on ep 61 at 10:49 it shows a guy with an afro laughing in the background. Stupid WMP 11 doesn't take screencaps >.<.

sorry, but i'm going to have to disagree with you. episode 61 was a filler episode (search for dragons and such). episode 63 is where laboon's crew is finally seen in a flashback.

-edit- btw i did check episode 61 @ 10:49 to ensure you were right, but it wasnt to be.

Wed, 08-22-2007, 09:27 PM
:D *Carnage rolls on floor laughing*

I just pulled that out of my ass. I'm pretty sure there's no scene of Brookes in previous arcs.

Thu, 08-23-2007, 02:30 PM
MangaShare by Kokotas OP 464 (http://www.mangashare.com/releases/One_Piece_464%5BMS%5D.zip)

source: MangaHelpers (http://mangahelpers.com/forums/showthread.php?t=15645)

Fri, 08-24-2007, 08:05 PM
MangaShare by Kokotas OP 464 (http://www.mangashare.com/releases/One_Piece_464%5BMS%5D.zip)

source: MangaHelpers (http://mangahelpers.com/forums/showthread.php?t=15645)

I think you meant to post this

Sat, 08-25-2007, 03:29 AM
I think you meant to post this

understand, but i posted the mangahelpers thread link because people have different preferences of what source to use and (assuming you'd know) i already posted a direct link to OP 464 without even going to a website (less hassle, assuming you'd know).

Sat, 08-25-2007, 08:12 PM
Cindry-chan licking the floor == hot

Sat, 08-25-2007, 10:35 PM
Cindry-chan licking the floor == hot

No its not. she could be licking many other things thats hot.

Sat, 08-25-2007, 11:24 PM
Yes, but all you have to do is ask. It's hot because she's devoted.

Tue, 08-28-2007, 10:09 AM
One Piece 465 HQ

Sendspace (http://fs09n3.sendspace.com/dl/572311546f61779084c68fa4e01c5f51/46d43a386b247bd0/7sf3jk/One_Piece_465-HQ[FH].zip)

Direct Download (http://www.anti-verti.go-dedicated.com/frankyhouse/Releases/One_Piece_465-HQ%5BFH%5D.zip)

Tue, 08-28-2007, 10:11 AM
One Piece 466 HQ

Sendspace (http://fs04n2.sendspace.com/dl/4bfe67a3f15344b719fb5a83ee6d3dbb/46d43ad34da2c690/y9j1j9/One_Piece_466-HQ[FH].zip)

Direct Download (http://www.anti-verti.go-dedicated.com/frankyhouse/Releases/One_Piece_466-HQ%5BFH%5D.zip)

Tue, 08-28-2007, 10:13 AM
One Piece 467 HQ

Sendspace (http://fs08n1.sendspace.com/dl/b5ae3662e15e219673e8d1c1d9315d18/46d43b5030748a23/0p365d/One_Piece_467-HQ[FH].zip)

Tue, 08-28-2007, 10:15 AM
One Piece 468 LQ (HQ coming)

Sendspace (http://fs06n4.sendspace.com/dl/915857bbb1da9c0fdc1712f637d12032/46d43bc57cc2bfac/cypj69/OP_468_LQ.zip)

Tue, 08-28-2007, 03:55 PM
after reading a few chapters (lateness on my part); gecko moria's crew is weak, comparing it to the earlier battles between the world government and crocodile.

Tue, 08-28-2007, 10:22 PM
I think it's just the Strawhats that are stronger. Moria's crew isn't too different in strength from the top members of Crocodile's Baroque Works. If anything, they're actually more powerful or dangerous than No.1-4.

Thu, 08-30-2007, 04:22 PM
Do you guys think now that Brook has his shadow back that he'll join the crew?? He's already said yes once but then took it back since he didn't have his shadow. now that Zoro's got it back for him he has no excuse and he's kind of in debt to the straw hat crew. The other possibility is that he'll return to see that whale (Laboon [thanks Carnage]). I don't see that happening since where the Straw Hat's are on the grand line (already in the New World) it would be very hard to navigate back and extremely dangerous, specially for a single pirate.

I think he'll join, and his role will more or less be a musician (Luffy's been wanting one for awhile). Specially since Brook has already stated he is one.

Anyway discuss;
1.) Whether or not you think he'll join
2.) If he does do you think he'll be a good addition

Thu, 08-30-2007, 04:53 PM
I think he will join because Luffy plans to meet up with Laboon in the future anyway. But I'd rather he not join because even though he is a musician the crew already has a swordsman. His humor would be much appreciated though.

Thu, 08-30-2007, 05:43 PM
But I'd rather he not join because even though he is a magician the crew already has a swordsman. His humor would be much appreciated though.

Yeah, I think that was more of an issue before the fight with the legendary swordsman though. After it it's clear that he's not even close to being in the same league as Zoro. So I don't think the two swordsman would be an issue anymore.

Thu, 08-30-2007, 11:39 PM
Maybe he has other fighting skill that he can put to use; i mean technically Nami and Usopp both use pole weapons (but usopp's is long range), and Luffy and Sanji are hand-to-hand fighter, but they each fulfill different roles. So i see no reason why Brook wouldnt join...unless he is killed or something.

Fri, 08-31-2007, 01:39 AM
I think he will join because Luffy plans to meet up with Laboon in the future anyway. But I'd rather he not join because even though he is a musician the crew already has a swordsman. His humor would be much appreciated though.


Fri, 08-31-2007, 08:32 AM
I'd rather his fighting style be a little creative. Sanji uses cook moves for his kicking style martial arts, zoro uses three swords, Luffy is made of rubber, Nami uses weather, Usopp doesn't us a gun, etc, etc. The only way in which Brooke really feels special is that move of his where you don't notice that you've been stricken by his blade.

Fri, 08-31-2007, 09:24 PM


I love Brook's reactions to everything.

Sat, 09-01-2007, 10:11 AM
im interested on how they will bring luffy's zombie down and how nami is going to return.

Mon, 09-03-2007, 02:11 AM
Well likewise, Franky practically replaces Usopp as the ranged fighter, since he uses projectiles that are actually capable of harming enemies.

Oh, and hi..I read the manga ^_^

Mon, 09-03-2007, 09:43 AM
OH HAI st33v!! Well, Usopp can actually damage opponents, but he's actually more precise with his shots. Franky's more of a jack-of-all trades type of guy.

Fri, 09-07-2007, 03:03 AM
I'm very confused. A couple chapters back, when they said the duel was over ... Zoro look beat and the samurai was on fire .. who was talking? The samurai lost? what huh ...

can someone explain to me what happend there?

Fri, 09-07-2007, 12:56 PM
Brooke was the one talking.
Ryuuma (the samurai) lost.
Zoro defeated Ryuuma.
Chapter 467 is where Zoro fights the samurai zombie. Hopefully that should explain everything.

Sat, 09-08-2007, 01:45 PM
One Piece 470

Rapidshare (http://rapidshare.com/files/54258133/OnePiece_470__FH_.rar.html)

Sun, 09-09-2007, 03:01 AM
I hope this arc ends soon, it's the most boring arc we've had in a long time, probably since the Davy Back Fights.

Sun, 09-09-2007, 03:52 AM
every arc serves a purpose...at least in the manga.

Sun, 09-09-2007, 06:09 AM
Pupose or not, it's still a boring one.

Sun, 09-09-2007, 01:09 PM
I don't know if its that bad...

Sun, 09-09-2007, 03:28 PM
The enemies are simply idiotic, the atmosphere is too loose to be fighting a shichibukai. I don't know, I just find it too dumb. The only worthwhile fight has been the Zorro vs the Samurai, all others have simply sucked ass. Sanji kicking ass was pretty good too. But overall, all the sillyness in the arc is overwhelming, they need to tone it down especially when going against one of the top guys, a shichibukai. It's understandable since the Water 7 arc was a very serious arc, but a couple of silly episodes should've been enough to release tension.
And we have that Oz zombie running around the whole place and no one can really take him seriously as an enemy. It's too dumb. It's fine to have sillyness a couple of chapters here, and a couple of chapters there, but when it's the entire arc, and no real tense atmosphere in it, the arc gets too boring and quickly. I guess you guys can't see it yet, on how awesome the next couple of arcs should be. Once you realize that you''ll be wishing this crap of an arc would be over.

Sun, 09-09-2007, 11:08 PM
I agree that this arc hasn't been mindblowing story-wise, but I do find the art and stuff interesting though.

But I guess they solved the mystery of ships returning empty while travelling through that part of the ocean.

Sun, 09-09-2007, 11:50 PM
I think the arc was great earlier on, but the last two issues have been kind of boring. The fights are the only boring part of the manga, and nothing has really happened but rather uninspired fighting.

Still, it looks like almost the entire crew got fucked up by Oz. Luffy's probably going to have to deal with him and a Shichibukai too. Not that Luffy's worried about fighting Moria.

Fri, 09-14-2007, 06:22 AM
well it could be like naruto and bleach...

Fri, 09-14-2007, 05:29 PM
You mean revealing tons of plot-shattering revelations at just about every chapter?
Has bleach been doing that as well?

Fri, 09-14-2007, 10:09 PM
You mean revealing tons of plot-shattering revelations at just about every chapter? Nope.

Has bleach been doing that as well?I wouldn't know, I stopped reading the Bleach and Naruto series because it got too stupid (imo)

Sat, 09-15-2007, 01:20 AM
Ah ok, so you're missing out on the most advancing arc in the entire naruto series then.

Man...when does the new OP manga usually come out?

Sat, 09-15-2007, 07:11 AM
none this week

not trying act like a know it all of sorts, but in my opinion i believe is that one piece is more consistent of entertaining the reader instead of naruto and bleach. do i think one piece is always consistent? no, i believe all mangas have their ups and downs. i just see OP more consistent than the other two. that's all.

Sat, 09-15-2007, 07:33 AM
Don't really want to get off-topic, but the last couple of chapters/volumes of Naruto have been really good and a lot of good information has been revealed.

One Piece comes out on Weekly Shounen magazine, so I assume it comes out at the same time as Naruto, etc. As for scanlations, they come out very randomly... from what I've seen, they don't seem to be as fast as Naruto or Bleach.

Sat, 09-15-2007, 03:03 PM
I understand that One Piece is part of the Weekly Shounen magazine, but I was informed as to there was no chapter of OP to be released this week. As for the Naruto and Bleach scanlations coming out quicker than most is probably because of that both the series has more captive readers. Just mere speculation on my part.

- On a different note, every now and then I do tend to take a curious look into a different sub-forum (Naruto). I still see some people have their "constructive" criticism and thus make my assumptions (yes, I assume things unfortunately).

Sat, 09-15-2007, 07:38 PM
Naruto, Bleach, and One Piece usually show up on onemanga.com at least on the same day, if not the same time.

Mon, 09-17-2007, 05:18 PM
On a different note, every now and then I do tend to take a curious look into a different sub-forum (Naruto). I still see some people have their "constructive" criticism and thus make my assumptions (yes, I assume things unfortunately).
(Naruto) is anime, not manga.

Fri, 09-28-2007, 06:44 PM
This week's chapter was pretty cool. Robin with the "I'm not docking" bit was amusing, and it's nice to see all the characters work together against an opponent, instead of breaking off into 1v1 matches. Interesting how even when not much progression takes place, the One Piece manga is still enjoyable.

Also, that's great that they brought in Kuma....I wonder what he's planning to accomplish.
In any case, it's pretty safe to say that Luffy's crew i going to be leaving this island with a nice stock of food and treasure :D

Fri, 09-28-2007, 06:53 PM
Liked this chapter a lot, Franky calling Sanji swirly, Franky making the make shift stairs to Oz's face, refusing to dock (even though she grabbed his bare grapes before). Enjoyable.

Fri, 09-28-2007, 08:30 PM
Even Oz was upset that she didn't dock :(

Fri, 09-28-2007, 09:23 PM
This week's chapter was pretty cool. Robin with the "I'm not docking" bit was amusing, and it's nice to see all the characters work together against an opponent, instead of breaking off into 1v1 matches. Interesting how even when not much progression takes place, the One Piece manga is still enjoyable.

Also, that's great that they brought in Kuma....I wonder what he's planning to accomplish.
In any case, it's pretty safe to say that Luffy's crew i going to be leaving this island with a nice stock of food and treasure :D

Got no link to provide for us?


Sat, 09-29-2007, 03:03 AM
Ahh, so another of the 7 pirate emperors or whatever...hmm it seems things are getting more interesting by the minute.

Sun, 09-30-2007, 12:31 PM
The Giant Robo docking warrior was probably the highlight of my week. Fricking hilarious piece of artwork. I wish someone would turn it into wall paper. I'd totally put that on desk top. Especially with OZ being disappointed by not having it completed.

Stupid robin, if Zoro and Sanji are willing to go along with it I don't see why she had to be such a bad sport. Still fricking hilarious thing that came out of left field.

Mon, 10-01-2007, 01:54 PM
Maybe she saw the way Franky was grabbing Usopp's crotch area

Tue, 10-02-2007, 03:36 AM
A nice chapter, it's good to see the Strawhats working together to fight, the docking system would be the best attack combo.

Kuma of the Shichibukai is now in, it will be interesting to see what he's doing here, giving some type of status report, I wonder how they'll settle this.

Luffy defeating Moria, and possibly Kuma, or will Kuma be just there to report something and find that he gets defeated by Luffy.

Tue, 10-02-2007, 10:48 AM
Maybe Kuma, being a religious man, will have some moralistic issues with Moria's zombie factory.

Fri, 10-05-2007, 02:28 AM


Fri, 10-05-2007, 12:13 PM
Wow...a translation with 1337 speak. How hideous

Fri, 10-05-2007, 02:37 PM
Haha, bar the scanlation job, One Piece doesn't disappoint.

Fri, 10-05-2007, 02:42 PM
Wow...a translation with 1337 speak. How hideous

sorry, i was just trying to be expeditious...

Sun, 10-07-2007, 01:02 AM
My bet is that someone (maybe Shanks?) asked Kuma to tell Luffy that Ace is dead.

Sun, 10-07-2007, 04:36 AM
Kuma looks very badass at the moment.

Sun, 10-07-2007, 12:34 PM
I don't think badass is, well badass enough...he freaking made someone disappear :o

Sun, 10-07-2007, 07:57 PM
This chapter pretty much confirms for me that Ace is dead. Pretty much the only other possibility I could see happening is that Blackbeard handed him over to the World Government to get Shiki status. Either would make sense to be the "trigger" for the "huge event to take place" (or whatever translation you read, but they all say pretty much the same thing). Ace dying or being captured will cause at least one, possibly two of the four emperors to move (Whitebeard and or Shanks), fucking up the balance of power considering the shiki's are already not at 7 anymore. Dragon would use the opportunity to gain more grown and probably confront Luffy and Luffy will be wanting revenge.

As for Kuma specifically my guess is he wants to talk to Moria because the ALL the shiki need to get together after this huge event and prepare/brief or whatever, or maybe they all need to be present for Blackbeard's "coronation". Knowing the way Oda works Kuma will probably kick Luffy's ass but leave him alive telling him that Ace is dead or captured.

Sun, 10-07-2007, 10:19 PM

Kuma's original reason for showing up was to talk to Moria. He mentioned Ace cause he saw Nami there.

Thu, 10-11-2007, 07:44 PM

Kuma's original reason for showing up was to talk to Moria. He mentioned Ace cause he saw Nami there.

+1, agreed.

Sat, 10-13-2007, 12:44 AM
Ch 474 out by FrankyHouse!


Sat, 10-13-2007, 01:06 AM
Heh..beat me by a second... Wow, they really packed a lot into this chapter...Hmmm so Blackbeard won, but is Ace dead?? And how does Moria get around so quickly?? I can hardly wait until next week.

Fri, 10-19-2007, 07:26 PM
475 out by HappyFamily!


I wonder what that secret power is?

Sat, 10-20-2007, 11:26 AM
Heh..beat me by a second... Wow, they really packed a lot into this chapter...Hmmm so Blackbeard won, but is Ace dead?? And how does Moria get around so quickly?? I can hardly wait until next week.

He's either doing one of two things:

1. In a cave somewhere getting stronger(b/c people are always doing that in a cave)

2. Still in a pool of his now dried up blood b/c he's dead.

Sun, 10-21-2007, 02:35 AM
This arc doesn't seem to be getting much love, but I'm really liking it...

Where else have there ever been these many straw-hat pirates teaming up on a single opponent?

Sun, 10-21-2007, 04:24 AM
im surprised that they have such good tactics together. i wonder when they train?

Sat, 10-27-2007, 12:36 AM
***BUMP: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=DPAFWRI2

new chapter

Brooke's stronger than i thought!

Sat, 10-27-2007, 09:10 PM
Can't wait for next chapter. Honestly, I wasn't feeling this arc at first but now I plan on re-reading it when this arc is over straight through in order to appreciate it more.

Shadow powered Luffy! It'll be a novelty seeing him fight in different modes. If Oda doesn't resort to using any of Luffy's gears in this fight I will once again bow down to the mangaka's sheer genius of storytelling. Not that seeing him use those gears would be a bad thing...

Wed, 10-31-2007, 07:52 PM
it can be like naruto always using kage bunshin and rasengan...boring.

Fri, 11-02-2007, 09:49 PM
OP Ch 477 out by Franky House!


Fri, 11-02-2007, 09:59 PM
477 by Mangashare: rapidshare (http://rapidshare.com/files/67070850/_Mangashare_One_Piece_477.zip.html)

Now time to go and read it....

Sat, 11-03-2007, 09:55 AM
I feel disappointed but entertained at the same time. Disappointed because the story seems to once again be leading up to the "everyone is disabled and the main character fights the final showdown" thing but entertained because group battles with the protagonists are rather rare in shounen.

Incidentally, when Brooke was shot at Oz he penetrated his right shoulder which now turns out to be his weak point. I'm guessing Zoro, Nami, and Usopp will be able to finish taking down Oz within the next chapter or two before Zoro & Usopp get pummeled, Nami avoids taking serious damage once again, and Luffy shows up to 1v1 Moria.

Sun, 11-04-2007, 10:38 PM
I feel disappointed but entertained at the same time. Disappointed because the story seems to once again be leading up to the "everyone is disabled and the main character fights the final showdown" thing but entertained because group battles with the protagonists are rather rare in shounen.

I'm with you here. I'm more entertained than disappointed though. I was disappointed with Moria being a weak character before, and now it seems that he's stepping up and ruthlessly kicking ass. The Strawhats haven't dealt with a kick ass pirate since before Water 7.

Mon, 11-05-2007, 06:08 PM
What pirate would that be in Water 7? CP9 was a government organization. To hear Kuma surprised that Rob Lucci getting defeated, surprised me. I really don't care for this arc, I want to know if Ace is still alive.

Fri, 11-09-2007, 08:05 PM
One Piece 478 (http://fs04n1.sendspace.com/dl/3ae9409b8ca9d6f72d519bed5a363d1b/4735033a571e3f36/jnc8c7/OP_478_%5BFH%5D.zip) scanlation by Franky House

Fri, 11-09-2007, 08:23 PM
Luffy owned Oz. More ponding next chapter. (I hope luffy will keep 1/3 of his current power after the arc)

Sat, 11-10-2007, 02:12 AM
I hope not...he's way too fucking powerful...who could stop him if he's even like a third that powerful?? I wasn't expecting that kind of power at all..

Sat, 11-10-2007, 03:13 AM
Strange though....even with 100 shadows, he still has the same physical form. He should not be able to stop a punch like that with his body.

Sat, 11-10-2007, 04:31 PM
I dont know, maybe its technique. Or knowledge to take advantage of his gomu gomu power in ways he never knew he could before. Or maybe I should just stop spouting bullshit. One way or the other, Luffy's new form is awesome.

Sat, 11-10-2007, 06:31 PM
I'm just glad they actually gave him a sword to use.

Sat, 11-10-2007, 07:01 PM
Just be glad he knows how to use it.

Wed, 11-14-2007, 03:20 AM
didnt they say he only can keep the power for 10 mins or something

Fri, 11-16-2007, 08:04 PM


Fri, 11-16-2007, 10:37 PM
wow. is it over so easily?

Sat, 11-17-2007, 02:50 PM
wow. is it over so easily?

Wasn't Kuma still around? Thriller Bark has fallen, but that doesn't mean the Shichibukai won't try to stop the crew.

Sat, 11-17-2007, 03:12 PM
That can't be it. Moria even said that defeating him won't automatically release all the shadows...and they still haven't followed up on removing Oz's right arm yet.

Sat, 11-17-2007, 03:40 PM
We'll just have to tune in next week to find out what happens on the next chapter of the exciting adventures of One Piece!

I doubt it could be over so easily. I mean, he IS a Shichibukai after all.

Sat, 11-17-2007, 08:17 PM
in one of those panels it said "everyone can have their shadows back!" I wonder if that was Moria or just everyone exclaiming. I think Moria said he has to authorize the return of shadows. i dont really remember....

Sat, 11-17-2007, 08:30 PM
I really hoping that those pirates helping Strawhats would join them. Going Merry was good ship for seven people but Sunny is too big for 8 so it about time they get some regular crew.

Sun, 11-18-2007, 06:54 PM
I think Moria being killed would allow everyone their shadows back. After all when the sword dude was killed Brooke got his back, and remember how Crocodile was preventing Alabasta from raining, but when Luffy killed him it rained again. I think it'll be the same for the shadows. It's not so much they need to be released by Moria as much as they need to be kept by him I think, but we still havn't seen anything with his shadow/doppleganger or whatever, so that could be something still.

Mon, 11-19-2007, 08:16 AM
Now we need Kuma to relay the information that another member of the Shichibukai has been defeated by Luffy.

World Government never get a break and need to recruit another member, plus they have all the expenses to pay thanks to the Straw Hats at Enies Lobby.

Mon, 11-19-2007, 10:12 AM
I think Moria being killed would allow everyone their shadows back. After all when the sword dude was killed Brooke got his back, and remember how Crocodile was preventing Alabasta from raining, but when Luffy killed him it rained again. I think it'll be the same for the shadows. It's not so much they need to be released by Moria as much as they need to be kept by him I think, but we still havn't seen anything with his shadow/doppleganger or whatever, so that could be something still.
Brooke's zombie released himself of his own discretion, since he was defeated honorably.

The rain returned to Arabasta because Smoker seized the dance powder ship that was anchored up-wind from Arabasta.

Wed, 11-21-2007, 11:05 AM
Has anyone heard about Oda ending the Manga? I heard a rumor in a chat room about it but I havent seen any accual evidance yet. If its true, this will make me very sad :(

Wed, 11-21-2007, 11:59 AM
Its got to be lies. There's just so much material to cover.

Wed, 11-21-2007, 02:30 PM
I know it doesnt matter as much any more now that Moria has been beaten but what about zoro and sanji's zombies? Did they defeat themselves arguing or what?

Also do you think that Kuma will do clean up now that luffy is going to be napping for awhile?

Wed, 11-21-2007, 05:45 PM
Oda already said in an interview that he had the ending to OP planned out from the start. He's already written far more chapters than he expected to, but with the combination of high ratings and him having too much fun writing it I doubt he'd wrap things up at this point.

I'm sure the Ace vs Blackbeard was just the climax

Wed, 11-21-2007, 05:59 PM
I guess he put fillers in manga.

Fri, 11-23-2007, 08:02 AM
no manga this week :(

Wed, 11-28-2007, 08:03 PM
Oda already said in an interview that he had the ending to OP planned out from the start. He's already written far more chapters than he expected to, but with the combination of high ratings and him having too much fun writing it I doubt he'd wrap things up at this point.

I'm sure the Ace vs Blackbeard was just the climax

Oda has said a lot of things. From the Wikipedia article (it has citations):

Eiichiro Oda originally planned One Piece to last five years, and he had already planned out the ending, but he found himself enjoying the story too much to end it in that amount of time, and now has no idea how long it will take to reach that point.[1] Nevertheless, the author states (as of July 2007) that the ending is still the one he had decided on from the beginning, and he is committed to seeing it through to the end, no matter how many years it takes.[2]

I really hope Ace vs Blackbeard isn't the climax of the manga/show. Luffy's fight with Crocodile was more climactic. So was the fight with Enel. The fight with Lucci wasn't even meant to be that arc's climax -- burning down the flag was. Come on, there's still half of the Grand Line to get through. There's really no need to worry about climaxing yet, unless there's a sudden twist and Luffy dies.

Thu, 11-29-2007, 01:50 PM
Come on, there's still half of the Grand Line to get through. There's really no need to worry about climaxing yet, unless there's a sudden twist and Luffy dies.


Couldn't help it. Anyhow, I only recently been following One Piece and going through the oodles of chapters I've missed. The story has been great and I wouldn't want it to end yet. (Even though the author has done a kick arse job already), this manga is still holding its own weight and will do so for years to come.

Coming back to the topic, I think Luffy may have defeated moria in the fact that all the shadows will go back, but Moria isn't completely down. I'm thinking Luffy has to fight him a little more in his normal form (without 100 shadows of steroids) or he might have to have a friendly conversation with the bear looking dude. (I'm sorry, all names have escaped me at the moment).

Fri, 11-30-2007, 09:35 PM
480 scanlation by franky house.

Damn....well I was write about moria...and i was waiting for that right arm too.
Even though it didn't technically advance the plot any further, the chapter itself was still pretty badass. Zoro's job felt kind of contrived though....just so he'd have something to do.

Fri, 11-30-2007, 10:17 PM
The only other manga i know that uses such good teamwork is HxH. This is another example why Oda is god. Without spine Oz isn't much threat all you need is keep distance from his arms, if he crawls feed him salt. (i am sure those pirates will have some)

Sat, 12-01-2007, 01:04 AM
Ouch... they broke his spine?? That's some rough shit.