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Fri, 12-07-2007, 09:00 PM
Ch 481 out by Franky-House! (http://rapidshare.com/files/75044408/OP_481__FH_.zip)

I bet Luffy is going to unleash a Gear Fourth :p

Sat, 12-08-2007, 04:37 AM
Ch 481 out by Franky-House! (http://rapidshare.com/files/75044408/OP_481__FH_.zip)

I bet Luffy is going to unleash a Gear Fourth :p

I'm kind of thinking the same thing. One Piece likes to show how Luffy is going to protect his crew and how he gets stronger to do that. With Moria's whole speech on how his Nakama died and how Luffy's is going to it's only natural he has a new ability just like he did with Lucci. Who knows though. Maybe we'll just see him tweak in Gear 2, or maybe finally see a mixture of Gear 2/3. Please just hurry and finish this though... It's getting boring. This whole Arc has been waaay too far fetched even for One Piece standards.

Sun, 12-09-2007, 04:16 PM
Well he's already doing the gear 2nd stance, right?

Would defeating Moria at this point imply that he's stronger than robin, sanjay, zoro, and even himself combined? After all, Moria now possesses all those fighting skills.

Sun, 12-09-2007, 07:51 PM
Well he's already doing the gear 2nd stance, right?

Would defeating Moria at this point imply that he's stronger than robin, sanjay, zoro, and even himself combined? After all, Moria now possesses all those fighting skills.

Good point. I havn't liked this Arc at all. I hope they figure out a proper way to beat Moria, or there's a good reason that he's defeated i.e. he can't handle the shadows, etc. Either way; the fact that the crew got up to fight Oz three times was stupid. Not to mention Franky rebuilding the freezer in thirty seconds. It's like watching cartoons when I was 10 on saturday morning.

Mon, 12-10-2007, 08:47 PM
I did like it...but you guys are right, it is becoming a bit much. I really don't care how Luffy beats Moria now, I just want them away from Thriller bark.

Death BOO Z
Fri, 12-14-2007, 08:09 PM
well, i made a quick read-through of the past 20 chapters.
the arc is like the later part of skypiea arc, but without all the plot that made the 'charecters running around and beating the hell out of eachother' crap believeable.

I still don't get something about Moria. if he (as a person with a shadow) eats a diffrent shadow, does he get a pereament power boost? if so, shouldn't he have used the shadows to increase his own streangh rather than creating monsters?

Sat, 12-15-2007, 03:26 AM
482 by franky house (http://www.sendspace.com/file/70x42w)

Don't forget, the more shadows you absorb, the less control you have over your own body. After too many, you flat-out lose consciousness. Aside from that, however, Moria is the kind of guy who prefers having other people do his dirty work for him. Why add the shadows to his own power when he doesn't even need to lift a finger?

That aside, this chapter pretty much demonstrated that:
gear second luffy > 1000x nightmare moria > 100x nightmare luffy > oz + moria

so gear second luffy > 100x nightmare luffy? how does that work?

Sat, 12-15-2007, 05:28 AM
Isn't it more like Moria pretty much self destructed by absorbing too much? Luffy really didn't do much but pound him in the stomach repeatedly while he just stood there and took it.

Sat, 12-15-2007, 07:17 AM
482 by franky house (http://www.sendspace.com/file/70x42w)

Don't forget, the more shadows you absorb, the less control you have over your own body. After too many, you flat-out lose consciousness. Aside from that, however, Moria is the kind of guy who prefers having other people do his dirty work for him. Why add the shadows to his own power when he doesn't even need to lift a finger?

That aside, this chapter pretty much demonstrated that:
gear second luffy > 1000x nightmare moria > 100x nightmare luffy > oz + moria

so gear second luffy > 100x nightmare luffy? how does that work?

Cause shadows can never be as good as THE GUTS IT TAKE TO KEEP GOING! ::cues naruto theme::

Anyhow, yeah, I kinda agree that he more just punched Moria and withstood an explosion that occured because of Moria's body breaking down ...

Meh ...

edit: after re reading it again, i'm not too sure what to make of it. But as it appears, a broken down, tired, worn out gear 2 luffy is stronger than Moria with 1000 shadows and oz.

Sat, 12-15-2007, 01:36 PM
You'll see my posts earlier in this thread about this arc being ridiculously far-fetched, but they pretty much said the reason why Luffy was able to defeat Moria. He was losing control and consciousness. That's why even Zoro said(paraphrase) "The battle is already over" before Luffy started fighting. I've seen this sort of thing in a few other animes, but can't think of them at the moment. The one I can think of is probably a bad comparison, but i'll still use it.

In our !favorite! show Dragon Ball Z; Kid Buu was actually weaker than the other Buu before him, but because he was pure evil he was stronger (if I remember correctly? It was something close to that anyway). So switch evil with control and you've got the same idea here. If Moria was able to take complete rational control over himself he was probably unstoppable.

Dark Dragon
Sat, 12-15-2007, 05:58 PM
or to put this in realistic term, it's like having a 1080p HD TV but you are playing the super nintendo on it. The tools are all there but you don't have the stuff to bring out it's full potential.

Luffy with 100x soul had alot less power than Moria did but the main difference was that luffy had full control of it.

Death BOO Z
Sat, 12-15-2007, 08:13 PM
In our !favorite! show Dragon Ball Z; Kid Buu was actually weaker than the other Buu before him, but because he was pure evil he was stronger (if I remember correctly? It was something close to that anyway). So switch evil with control and you've got the same idea here. If Moria was able to take complete rational control over himself he was probably unstoppable.

you shouldn't have mentioned our !favorite! show, that's pracitcally setting off a land mine.

it's hard to compare the power of the diffrent 'Buu's, due to the absurdity of the show.
the power charts in the fandom indicate huge diffrences in favor of kid buu, but i haven't found any proof to the relability of those numbers, so i'm dropping them for instincs and what my mind tells me is right.

Super buu (gohan + Piccolo) was probably the strongest, but there's no way to compare that, since he only fought Vegito, and Vegito could obliterate anything in the DBZVERSE.
super buu (piccolo + gotenks) fought both gohan, and kicked his ass, and fought Vegita and goku and beat them without any problems.
Kidd buu had to fight against Vegita and Goku, Vegita lasted about 5 mintues before going completly incomptent, and Goku was defeated, but stood a decent fight, and after reviving by the 3rd wish ("new boots, size nine!") he was able to overpower buu and make the spirit bomb hit.

my guts say that super buu was indeed the most powerful enemy, his enourmous power and cunning nemak wisdom made him a brutal foe that knows his way around. Kid buu was just a powerful munchkin, he'd never stand a chance against Gotenks (SSJ3) or Gohan, but we'll never know for sure.

oh, one piece.
if Moria (a person with his own shadow) takes another shadow, does the shadow merge into his soul (Orochimaru style) or is 'temparory' and the shadow escapes when the person is defeated? does Moria shadow upgrade with each shadow Moria takes or is it staying the same, refleacting the fact that moria isn't getting stronger 'himself'?

Sun, 12-16-2007, 02:03 PM
Okay, I know we're getting a little off-topic, but about DBZ:

The Supreme Kai (the fused Supreme Kai with his Servant) said that as Kid Buu absorbed more and more, he became less and less pure. The way I it was that his power-level would sink lower and lower to those he absorbed. Thus:

Kid Buu > Kid buu descending down to Gohan's level (after Buu absorbed him). This is probably why Fat Buu was so weak because kid Buu in the past absorbed this really fat God that probably had relatively low power level (compared to SSJ3 Goku and Mystic Gohan).

Sun, 12-16-2007, 05:05 PM
Enough with DBZ. This One Piece thread.

Sat, 12-22-2007, 11:30 AM
Sorry for DP just bumping up.

OP 483 FH (http://www.nyaatorrents.org/?page=torrentinfo&tid=7612)

The other shichibukai gets order to eliminate all witnesses.

Sat, 12-22-2007, 12:38 PM
Oh hell yeah. Not much happened, but it was cool to see Kuma call Zoro out.

Sat, 12-22-2007, 03:50 PM
Good chapter. Nice to see that the WG is fearing the strawhats. Also nice to find out that Kaidou is a yonkou and Moria (at one time) was almost his equal.

I gotta say though; if the strawhats beat Kuma... Oda is pushing this series waaay too far. This last arc was already a little farfetched. It would be nice to see Zoro go all out though. Afterall he's suppose to be almost as strong or close to Luffy, but I still don't think he has a chance. I also see stupid hogback and leopard dude trying to do something as well. If Luffy is able to fight again that's just stupid. Even if he hears about Ace and goes nuts. He should not be able to move (I also found it interesting that the crew is noticing the toll Gear 2/3 are taking).

In the end I think, and hope that they will be rescued. Probably by Dragon. He has already rescued them once against Smoker, so obviously he's keeping track of them at least a little bit. Plus this is an absolute perfect time to take care of the WG. Take down two Shiki along with Luffy finding out about Ace would basically create a war between them (and the WG working harder to get revenge on Dragon). Plus it's an opportunity for the Yonkou to move. Besides Dragon did say that they'll meet soon. I hope it happens.

Sat, 12-22-2007, 04:49 PM
mmm.... I don't really think Dragon will be the one to save them. I do agree Hogback will probably intervene, in fact I hope something comes up so Zoro and Kuma won't have to fight.

Death BOO Z
Sat, 12-22-2007, 05:51 PM
Wasn't Absalom a Zombie as well? how come he's still alive...
also, the girl who breakes plates, isn't she the same girl from Ussop's hometown? I'm pretty sure we've seen her before...

Zoro fighting Kuma isn't so far fetched, it's pretty clear that without the shadow timelimit, the strawhat team fighter wouldn't have any problems going through the island (maybe except for OZ), and luffy didn't seem to have any problems taking out Moria in a clean fight.
it seems that the SH team is already at the level of the Shishibukai, and the WG won't allow any SB to fight luffy on his own.
WG already considers luffy and his team stronger than any single Shishibukai. which means that the next arcs will have other members of the good guys fighting and winning against them. and who's better to start with than Zoro?

Sat, 12-22-2007, 10:31 PM
Wasn't Absalom a Zombie as well?

No, he's told the Hippp lady before that he wasn't one of the zombies.

also, the girl who breakes plates, isn't she the same girl from Ussop's hometown? I'm pretty sure we've seen her before...

Yea I was confused as to whether that was intentional or just Oda's humor.

Sat, 12-22-2007, 10:47 PM
It's pretty obvious that the strawhats aren't going to defeat yet another shichibukai in such a short timeframe. As with most other series, you can sort of detect a pattern in the arcs after a while, and the trend I see with Oda is that a big battle is always concluded with some sort of chase sequence. Kuma has nothing the pirates want, so it's in there best interest to flee right now. I too interpreted Hogback's recovery and declaration as a hint that he might try to save the day, so we'll see what happens from there.

In any case, the strawhats will be running from this fight.

Mon, 12-24-2007, 05:37 AM
That's probably true... but there are also a lot of people that are being targeted, I can't see Luffy and his crew leaving the Island until all of them are safe.

Mon, 12-31-2007, 06:56 PM
the new chapter is out. guess everybodyis out preparing to get smashed.

Tue, 01-01-2008, 02:18 PM
Yea, I dont see any plausible way out of that one. That guy is way too powerful; i mean not only does he have some ridiculously strong ability, he's also like 20 feet tall, with an apparently very muscular physique (including the head!). Yea, everybody is screwed!

Tue, 01-01-2008, 10:06 PM
It's kind of neat when a villain shows up in OP that just can't be beaten (whether it be at that point in time or just an overall unfavorable devil-fruit matchup). So far they've done it with...

1) Mihawk (who left of his own volition)
2) Smoker (who gets intercepted first by Dragon and then by Ace)
3) The Ice guy (who left of his own volition)
4) and now Kuma

I kinda prefer it when the main character isn't capable of defeating all the villains himself though.

Tue, 01-01-2008, 10:40 PM
I'm really not sure about what's gonna happen next though, because obviously this guy isn't going anywhere; and the only person that could stand up to him would probably be one of the other Shichibukai [sic], Dragon, or Aokiji (the ice guy). And we have to wait about 2 weeks to see what happens...

Thu, 01-03-2008, 04:57 AM
o.O wow ...

Kuma's a strong fellow to say the least ... I don't know whats gonna happen here, not much they can do against him unless the doc and panther somehow come in to interrupt everything. Ah well, can't wait till the next issue +D

Tue, 01-08-2008, 03:09 PM
Maybe Dragon will interfere in Luffy's behalf once again and save the crew?

Death BOO Z
Fri, 01-11-2008, 04:50 AM
maybe clogg his hands with something, a la Zaki style.
Robin could probably place her hands over him to take the attack and create an openning for an hit.

it's a question of how the ability works, does he need to create the inital wind for the blast with a pyshical movement, or is it genrated from a 'zero-movement' position?

Actually, Like i said before, I can see Zoro winning this one. all he needs is to learn Mihawks trick of air deflection, even a primitive verse of it could be stop the attacks and make it a fair fight. think about it, how far away (skillwise level) is zoro from creating wind with his slash? it can't be very far, and Zoro always levels up during fights.

Sat, 01-19-2008, 02:34 AM

get it while its hot!

Geez...Zoro is one tough bastard.

Sat, 01-19-2008, 03:01 AM
I thought this was a very "cool" chapter :p

Sat, 01-19-2008, 03:26 AM
Well i just hope there won't be any side effects. One piece is most awesome manga/anime and this chapter just nailed another dozen of nails to confirm it. I quess this part makes it official that Strawhats are not unbeatable as this was their defeat.

Sat, 01-19-2008, 03:32 AM
Oh surely... fighting an entire Shichibukai's crew and his zombies, and then have to fight another Shichibukai? With a passed out Luffy? It was a cheapshot more than anything. Remember this all started without them looking for a fight, they got ambushed... and that alone takes out a ton of energy from them.

Sat, 01-19-2008, 04:45 AM
I'm sure this will give zoro some newfound respect for luffy.

Kumo's abillites seem ridiculously wild-cardish to be able to do something completely obscure like transfer someone's physical and mental ailments onto another.

Sat, 01-19-2008, 04:51 AM
Well, add to the fact that he's some kind of super-terminator cyborg that was once a pirate (doesnt really make sense) AND has a devil fruit ability. Talk about dues ex machina. Plus it seems he knows Luffy's dad.

Sat, 01-19-2008, 12:25 PM
Why doesn't it make sense? Franky exists doesn't he? Why is it so hard to believe that there would be some other cyborg around? I don't see how Kumo being a cyborg and having a devil fruit ability would be considered dues ex machina. Even Sanji almost broke his leg a couple of chapters ago by trying to kick his head. If I'd consider anything being dues ex machina it would be Kuma leaving without killing anyone with some dumb deal done with Zoro.

Sat, 01-19-2008, 03:09 PM
Yeah.....the danger level of Kuma's presence dropped really fast in this chapter.
I suppose its fortunate that every single uber-badass that faces up against the strawhats always ends up sparing them due to honor or obligation.

Sat, 01-19-2008, 04:56 PM
It does begs a history lesson on why Kuma have so much respect for Dragon? As i am sure Zoro wasn't enough to convince him to let go of Luffy.

Sat, 01-19-2008, 10:09 PM
Why doesn't it make sense? Franky exists doesn't he? Why is it so hard to believe that there would be some other cyborg around? I don't see how Kumo being a cyborg and having a devil fruit ability would be considered dues ex machina. Even Sanji almost broke his leg a couple of chapters ago by trying to kick his head. If I'd consider anything being dues ex machina it would be Kumo leaving without killing anyone with some dumb deal done with Zoro.

I guess cyborg technology is kinda common in that world or something....I took Franky as being like just a cobbled together kinda cyborg, but Kuma is like robocop or some shit,and I didnt mean dues ex machina in the actual sense...it was a bad attempt at punning -_-;;; But anyway, he is freaking ridiculous.

Sun, 01-20-2008, 12:40 AM
Why doesn't it make sense? Franky exists doesn't he? Why is it so hard to believe that there would be some other cyborg around? I don't see how Kumo being a cyborg and having a devil fruit ability would be considered dues ex machina.

The part that doesn't make sense is that Kuma was built by the World Government, was a pirate, knows Dragon, and is now a Shichibukai. Obviously, there's more going on here.

Sun, 01-20-2008, 01:08 AM
Surely there is something more... but remember that he also mentions that he's an incomplete weapon, so him being able to become a pirate after he was built by the World Government could be explained by him being incomplete. About knowing Dragon... doesn't pretty much everyone at the level of Kuma know him?

That aside, I wonder how tall he is... he seems to be as tall as the giants.

Sun, 01-20-2008, 02:03 AM
In my opinion the chapter was pretty lame... Kuma left without doing anything, and something that should have without a doubt killed Zoro didn't. It seems like Kuma almost knew he wouldn't die from it yet still agreed to the ridiculous deal AND to not outright kill Zoro but transfer Luffy's pain unto him. Just waaaaay to many things that enabled Zoro and the crew to get away safely (well maybe not safely, but away), and it's not like it isn't the first time we've seen Zoro brutally hurt.

Sun, 01-20-2008, 07:39 PM
The part that doesn't make sense is that Kuma was built by the World Government, was a pirate, knows Dragon, and is now a Shichibukai. Obviously, there's more going on here.
Kuma is a cyborg, which means that he was originally a human.

Mon, 01-21-2008, 04:08 AM
A great chapter, Zoro i so damn Bad ass i love him even more now :)

As for Kuma leaving, I am sure he thought Zoro would die 99% since only a tennis sized ball of Luffy's pain brought him to his knees screaming and didn't stick around to see it happen (+ he also saw Moria / Oz beaut up Zoro pretty bad, and he gave him a few good hits himself)

This chapter raises a few interesting questions tho, i just hope we get answers to some old ones in the next few, like is Ace dead or not

Mon, 01-21-2008, 11:48 PM
Kuma is a cyborg, which means that he was originally a human.

Sure, but if he was a pirate before getting built, it's hard to see why the Marines would make him stronger. Granted, he's a Shichibukai, but the Shichibukai are one of the three world powers -- the others being the Marines/World Government and the Yonkyou. In short, they're rival powers, even if they have a truce.

About knowing Dragon... doesn't pretty much everyone at the level of Kuma know him?

He knew Dragon was Luffy's father. Either Garp's been spilling the beans (plausible), or Dragon knew Kuma well enough to tell him about Luffy. Or I guess the Marines could have otherwise collected intelligence, but telling Kuma that would be kind of pointless.

Death BOO Z
Wed, 01-23-2008, 05:51 AM
am I the only one who suspects that Kuma was altered by using black technology?
the polygraphes described how to build powerful weapons, isn't it possible that he is one of them?

also, I notice a resemblnce between Zoro (p12) and Piccolo. just a graphical similarity.

Wed, 01-23-2008, 02:32 PM
i dont know if anyone has addressed this yet but kuma is probably the most dangerous df user to date now. if you can repel fatigue and injury from your body that is going to make him a crazy enemy to beat. Granted he probably wont do it again for the sake of the story but still that was a little too much to swallow.

Wed, 01-23-2008, 11:21 PM
Sure, but if he was a pirate before getting built, it's hard to see why the Marines would make him stronger. Granted, he's a Shichibukai, but the Shichibukai are one of the three world powers -- the others being the Marines/World Government and the Yonkyou. In short, they're rival powers, even if they have a truce.
Seems more likely than them building him first, then him becoming a pirate, then him becoming a shichibukai.

Thu, 01-24-2008, 12:22 AM
i dont know if anyone has addressed this yet but kuma is probably the most dangerous df user to date now. if you can repel fatigue and injury from your body that is going to make him a crazy enemy to beat. Granted he probably wont do it again for the sake of the story but still that was a little too much to swallow.
We have to be careful of the translation... it may very well have "extracted" the fatigue, etc. but it doesn't necessarily mean that it removed the fatigue from Luffy.

Thu, 01-24-2008, 03:52 AM
We have to be careful of the translation... it may very well have "extracted" the fatigue, etc. but it doesn't necessarily mean that it removed the fatigue from Luffy.

considering he was jumping around on page 18 telling everybody how he feels great and relaxed, it seems pretty sure it removes it

and yeah Kuma and someone in a tag team (like Blackbeard who has a extreme tolerance for pain) seem like SHs worst nightmare

Thu, 01-24-2008, 04:25 AM
considering he was jumping around on page 18 telling everybody how he feels great and relaxed, it seems pretty sure it removes it

and yeah Kuma and someone in a tag team (like Blackbeard who has a extreme tolerance for pain) seem like SHs worst nightmare
Everyone who was beat up and were unconscious woke up, so quite some time surely passed. And since when has Luffy needed a lot of time to recover?

Death BOO Z
Thu, 01-24-2008, 05:59 AM
Belial is right, Luffy recovery is really jumping the gun here. it seemed kind of obvious that Kuma transfered the pain into Zoro.

when leffy has a magical recovery scene, it usually involves meat and the crew would 'understand', this time it's diffrent.

can someone remind me who are the yoniko? and what are their names?

Thu, 01-24-2008, 07:09 AM
Well, reading it again it seemed to have relieved some of the pain... but at the same time, some time has passed. Everyone was knocked out because of the previous bomb, which should've been quite powerful.

The Yonkou = Four Emperors... the 4 Greatest Pirates that include White Beard and Shanks. We recently heard of Kaidou who if not mistaken fought with Moria (maybe the guy who destroyed his whole crew).

Thu, 01-24-2008, 02:10 PM
Everyone who was beat up and were unconscious woke up, so quite some time surely passed. And since when has Luffy needed a lot of time to recover?

After he beat Crocodile he was sleeping for a few weeks if i remember correctly, sure there are more examples but don't remember right now :)

the "bomb" did not do that much damage as i see it, since Lola pirates are up, Sanji was up too quickly (and then KOd by Zoro again ^^), and the "bomb" is not the reason why Luffy should not be waking up he took quite a beating / exhaustion form gears / 1k shadow Moria, no way in hell he should be up on his own and jumping araund

I am sure Zoro will be out for some time, and that Luffy would have been if his pain was not gone

Thu, 01-24-2008, 09:13 PM
Everyone refuses to believe Luffy has recovered, despite all recoveries they've witnessed from him in the past. This is definitely not just Luffy's own healing.

Fri, 01-25-2008, 11:48 PM

One Piece by Franky house ^^

We get to know Ace fate!!!

I wander how long Zoro will be sleeping? Luffy takes about 4 days to recover and he recovers quickly.

Edit : fixed from Shanks to Ace 0__0"

Sat, 01-26-2008, 01:11 AM

One Piece by Franky house ^^

We get to know Shanks fate!!!

I wander how long Zoro will be sleeping? Luffy takes about 4 days to recover and he recovers quickly.
Shanks, you mean Ace right? Or did I miss something?

Sat, 01-26-2008, 01:32 AM
We get to know Shanks fate!!!

You mean Ace?

I like him, but I hoped he was dead. Now I hope Whitebeard steps up to fight Blackbeard.

Also, Crocodile is being held at Impel Down. And that's where Robin was going to end up during the Enies Lobby arc.

Sat, 01-26-2008, 05:33 AM
Wow...that was some good info in that chapter. Also Laboon was wayy to cute!

Death BOO Z
Sat, 01-26-2008, 08:09 AM
whats crocodile doing in prison? didn't the shishibukai have immunity from prosecution?
I wonder what will happen with the underwater island.. will the crew ever get there?

also, what sort of prison is impel down? it should be freaky place, built from complete seawater stones to hold so many awsome guys captive.

Sat, 01-26-2008, 03:33 PM
Crocodile was accused of treason, and it was publicized that Smoker was the one who captured him, as a cover-up for a shichibukai to be defeated. They made a pretty big deal about this, just as they made a big deal about Moria being defeated.

Sat, 01-26-2008, 10:24 PM
Crocodile was held in prison not because he was a pirate but for his plot to overthrow Alabasta.

Sun, 01-27-2008, 09:27 PM
They made a pretty big deal about this, just as they made a big deal about Moria being defeated.

They made a big deal about Moria being defeated? Are you reading chapters from the future?

In any case, I doubt the government is going to raise the Strawhat's bounties this soon after Enies Lobby. It's hardly been two weeks since then.

Sun, 01-27-2008, 11:35 PM
They made a big deal about Moria being defeated? Are you reading chapters from the future?

In any case, I doubt the government is going to raise the Strawhat's bounties this soon after Enies Lobby. It's hardly been two weeks since then.
Yes, they made a big deal out of it... that's why they ordered Kuma to kill everyone.

Mon, 01-28-2008, 09:39 PM
Yes, they made a big deal out of it... that's why they ordered Kuma to kill everyone.

Oh you're right. I had forgotten he had a den-den mushi.

Addition: 487 is on http://www.onemanga.com/One_Piece/487/

Good chapter. Interesting back story about why Crocus thought Brookes' crew ran away from the Grand Line. I'm glad they were infamous. But if that was 50 years ago, they're older than Roger.

Mon, 02-04-2008, 10:29 PM
I thought it was a boring chapter myself... they practically repeated the same shitty scene over and over.

Thu, 02-07-2008, 12:24 PM
I suppose its a few weeks late, but that scene with Zoro after Kuma left keeps reminding me of this comic:

Death BOO Z
Fri, 02-08-2008, 01:59 PM
488 is out at FH (http://www.nyaatorrents.org/?page=torrentinfo&tid=10673)

in a way, reading it gives point to 487.

Fri, 02-08-2008, 11:13 PM
I loved this chapter. Well Brooke definitely joined. I just hope those pirates will join Straw Hats as crew.

Fri, 02-08-2008, 11:51 PM
I just hope those pirates will join Straw Hats as crew.
Not gonna happen.

Sat, 02-09-2008, 01:07 AM
Why not? all pirates so far had crew along with very close friends. It about time Luffy and company stopped fighting grunts and Sunny is not small ship like Merry. Well it all up to almighty Oda as he wills.

Sat, 02-09-2008, 02:32 AM
Hmm...it appears that Brooke has some sort of devil fruit ability that allows him to come back from the dead. I wonder exactly what it is. I say this because it was stated that for some reason (i assume because of DF) he can't swim, and he mentioned in the latest chapter "if I really come back from being dead". I'm sure it'll be revealed soon.

Sat, 02-09-2008, 04:08 AM
Hmm...it appears that Brooke has some sort of devil fruit ability that allows him to come back from the dead. I wonder exactly what it is. I say this because it was stated that for some reason (i assume because of DF) he can't swim, and he mentioned in the latest chapter "if I really come back from being dead". I'm sure it'll be revealed soon.

we already know he ate the Yomi Yomi no Mi, he explained it a few chapters after we first saw him... it can only be used once, and it was, he was "lost" as a spirit (and trying to find his body for a year after he died) and that why his body is a skeleton now

Sat, 02-09-2008, 04:35 PM
Yeah....they even explained it in the anime already....

Mon, 02-11-2008, 07:58 AM
So it looks like Impel Down is going to be coming up soon. What does everyone think the odds are of Tom and Jaguar still being alive there?

Mon, 02-11-2008, 09:42 AM
Yeah....they even explained it in the anime already....

Wow...i didn't remember that. must be getting old.

Mon, 02-11-2008, 10:44 PM
So it looks like Impel Down is going to be coming up soon. What does everyone think the odds are of Tom and Jaguar still being alive there?
Who's Jaguar?

Mon, 02-11-2008, 10:52 PM
Who's Jaguar?

I think he means Rob Lucci...but I don't think he would be at Impel Down, seeing as how he was a government employee.

Mon, 02-11-2008, 11:40 PM
^^ He means Jaguar D. Saul, the giant from the Ohara Flashbacks.

Tue, 02-12-2008, 12:02 AM
So it looks like Impel Down is going to be coming up soon. What does everyone think the odds are of Tom and Jaguar still being alive there?

Impel Down is not coming up soon. At least I really really hope not, because that would mean the Straw Hats are going back to Enies Lobby, the entrance to Marine Headquarters. That arc got really tired.

If you meant just stuff happening there, without the Straw Hats, that would be fine by me (and rather awesome).

Tue, 02-12-2008, 01:19 AM
^^ He means Jaguar D. Saul, the giant from the Ohara Flashbacks.

Wasn't he killed by Aokiji??

Tue, 02-12-2008, 02:10 AM
He was frozen solid by Aokiji, so i am guessing yeah. As for Tom, i think it was implied that he was evenutally going to be executed although i dont remember it too well anymore.

Tue, 02-12-2008, 03:45 PM
You can't assume anyone is killed in the series without explicitly stating it.

Even Pell, that hawk guardian guy from Arabasta survived even though it was pretty heavily implied that he was dead several times over.

Tue, 02-12-2008, 04:22 PM
It was implied that that Kuma's Pain bomb would take Zoro's life too.

Thu, 02-14-2008, 10:11 AM
I don't think we will see Impel Down yet. It is too huge to show yet. We can pretty much assume Whitebeard will be involved in it. Probably Shanks too. Maybe Whitebeard will go, but I doubt the strawhats.


I think that pretty much confirms that something huge is going to be happening surrounding Ace. There's alot of things it could be though. Shanks and WB alliance. Dragon and Luffy alliance. Guess we have to wait to see:confused:

Fri, 02-15-2008, 10:44 AM
You can't assume anyone is killed in the series without explicitly stating it.

Even Pell, that hawk guardian guy from Arabasta survived even though it was pretty heavily implied that he was dead several times over.
I think for the most part, characters from the past that are alluded to as being dead/killed it is safe to think they're dead for the most part, I think the inconsistency starts once we start following Luffy, and since then people are very hard to kill. And that's the usual for most shounen series... they paint this tragic past, but the present doesn't even compare as far as violence/death goes.

And as joker-kun said, I wonder what Ace being captured triggered... I for some reason don't think it has anything to do with Luffy, as I doubt they'd be getting information about it... they always seem clueless as to what's going on in the world.

Fri, 02-15-2008, 12:01 PM
Doesn't Nami already know about Ace?

Fri, 02-15-2008, 03:34 PM
Hmm, might not remember... but you may be right; did she learn it from Kuma?

Fri, 02-15-2008, 08:46 PM
And as joker-kun said, I wonder what Ace being captured triggered... I for some reason don't think it has anything to do with Luffy

It definitely doesn't now, but I'm fairly sure it will. Blackbeard doesn't want to become a Shichibukai for nothing. He wants to become Pirate King. The way Oda set the situation up -- Shanks barely being a match to Blackbeard before he lost his arm, and before Blackbeard got his fruit; Whitebeard being sick; Ace (who is supposedly stronger than Luffy) losing -- all indicates that Blackbeard is a contender for the PK.

In short, none of the current super strong guys are a match for Blackbeard, which probably means Luffy will have to fight him to be PK.

On the other hand, Dragon is supposed to be a huge bad ass, and we know very little about him. And he's probably Ace's dad too.

Death BOO Z
Fri, 02-15-2008, 08:52 PM
just to be certien... Atomsk from FLCL or atomsk -astroboy?

flcl atomsk could wipe the floor with luffy, as he would do to anyone (thinking about it, Atomsk might be the only worthy opponent for goku and superman).

Fri, 02-15-2008, 09:22 PM
The way Oda set the situation up -- Shanks barely being a match to Blackbeard before he lost his arm, and before Blackbeard got his fruit;

Black Beard was stronger than Shanks? I don't remember that.....

Sat, 02-16-2008, 12:24 AM
I thought Shanks is on par with Whitebeard.

Sat, 02-16-2008, 03:36 AM
Black Beard was stronger than Shanks? I don't remember that.....

Blackbeard gave Shanks his scars, and didn't get hurt at all. This is why Shanks went to see Whitebeard -- to warn him that Blackbeard was very dangerous and to not send Ace.

Sat, 02-16-2008, 04:08 AM
Hmm, might not remember... but you may be right; did she learn it from Kuma?
Kuma definitely said something about Ace to Nami....I don't know if he went into much detail though.

Sat, 02-16-2008, 11:32 AM
Blackbeard gave Shanks his scars, and didn't get hurt at all. This is why Shanks went to see Whitebeard -- to warn him that Blackbeard was very dangerous and to not send Ace.

Do you know what chapter this was from? I really don't remember Shanks having been defeated by Blackbeard...

Sat, 02-16-2008, 02:39 PM
Do you know what chapter this was from? I really don't remember Shanks having been defeated by Blackbeard...

Chapter 434.

It's a very good chapter.

Sat, 02-16-2008, 03:38 PM
Blackbeard just gave Shanks a scar. There is no reason to conclude that he was defeated by him.

In short, none of the current super strong guys are a match for Blackbeard, which probably means Luffy will have to fight him to be PK.

How do you come to that conclusion? Blackbeard has been runnning around, trying to prove himself as a person worthy enough of becoming a Shichibukai. I really doubt he is the strongest one, as of now. But I do agree that he is a strong contender of being the Pirate King in the future as he has the "Luffy attitude" and is also a D, which means quite alot in this manga.

Blackbeard is slowly making his way upto the top but he is not there yet.

Sun, 02-17-2008, 12:41 AM
I don't really get what the motivation is for becoming a shikibukai though. It seems like a pretty distinct dead-end as far as a pirate's ambition goes.

Sun, 02-17-2008, 05:00 AM
I don't really get what the motivation is for becoming a shikibukai though. It seems like a pretty distinct dead-end as far as a pirate's ambition goes.

you can do anything you want and the WG is not on your ass, seems like a pretty sweet deal to me

becoming a Shikibukai is not the end of a pirate ambition, Moria wanted to become Pirate King, so does BB, Doflamingo has a plan for a new age...

as for Kuma talking abaut Ace, the only thing he asked was "Is Ace Luffy's brother" as far as i can remember

Fri, 02-22-2008, 05:47 PM
One Piece 489 by Franky House (http://www.franky-house.com/forums/showthread.php?p=48521#post48521)

Biblicard from some 200 chapters back is back (piece of paper that Ace gave to Luffy).

And Brooke is only one joining. Oh well.

Death BOO Z
Fri, 02-22-2008, 06:14 PM
was anyone else supposed to join? the ghost girl and zombie master were too 'evil' to join the team, and were already on thier way when Kuma came.

I don't think Ace is really dying. I think it's more of 'life sucked out' thing, the jail is probably made from seastone and it causes all the pirates to gradually collapse.
[insert harry potter Azkaban and/or Kryptonite reference here].

Sat, 02-23-2008, 12:07 AM
Yep....interesting predicament at the end....

I hope Brooke isn't going to keep obsessing over panties now...
Just like how Sanjay turned from badass to an obsessive freak as soon as he joined the crew.

Death BOO Z
Sat, 02-23-2008, 04:30 AM
how many people are in the SH crew now?
Luffy, Zoro, Nami, Ussop, Sanji, Chopper, Robin, Franky, Brooke?
that's nine people, which means we still need one more person before the team is complete...
my guess is that they'll find another woman to join thier team, but what role should she have?

I'm thinking a diver (how do you call them?), an underwater fighter of some sort, perhaps even a mermaid, and she'll be a 'cutesy type' charecter...

Sat, 02-23-2008, 09:48 PM
how many people are in the SH crew now?
Luffy, Zoro, Nami, Ussop, Sanji, Chopper, Robin, Franky, Brooke?
that's nine people, which means we still need one more person before the team is complete...
my guess is that they'll find another woman to join thier team, but what role should she have?

I'm thinking a diver (how do you call them?), an underwater fighter of some sort, perhaps even a mermaid, and she'll be a 'cutesy type' charecter...

Actually that`s 8 people, we still need to more, wonder what will happen next, impel down or mermaid island

Sat, 02-23-2008, 10:22 PM
Since Strawhats are oblivious to what happend to Ace for now, they would go to mermaid island first. I wonder will it be like Water 7, enies lobby and again water 7?

I wander why pirate empress hancock was mentioned?

What happens to mermaids who eat devil fruit?

Sun, 02-24-2008, 11:50 AM
Perhaps she is one of those 4 Emperors of the sea.... you know... Whitebeard is one of them....

Dark Dragon
Sun, 02-24-2008, 02:11 PM
yeah the Yonkou, so far we've seen Whitebeard and Shank. The 3rd Yonkou Kaidou was named by Gecko Moria as the pirate who beat him in the new world. It's very likely that Hancock is the 4th pirate lord and if she is that would mean Luffy will have ties with 3 of the 4 pirate lords putting him in a pretty good position.

Sun, 02-24-2008, 09:34 PM
I'm looking at the picture that shows the Four Emperors, and man I don't know how they would consider Hancock one of those emperors since they're talking about her being beautiful, and no one in the picture looks even remotely attractive.

Dark Dragon
Sun, 02-24-2008, 10:51 PM
my question is who is the father if hancock is beautiful? because lola is a very disturbing creation.

Mon, 02-25-2008, 02:25 AM
Wait, are we to understand that she's Lola's mother? I don't think there was any refference to her being so, I didn't get the impression that she was.

Dark Dragon
Mon, 02-25-2008, 03:20 AM
Wait, are we to understand that she's Lola's mother? I don't think there was any refference to her being so, I didn't get the impression that she was.

oh nvm, i reread that chapter and it seems that the pirate empress was just mentioned out of the blues and lola mother just happens to be mention 2 pages later so i was confused at first.

Mon, 02-25-2008, 07:42 PM
how many people are in the SH crew now?
Luffy, Zoro, Nami, Ussop, Sanji, Chopper, Robin, Franky, Brooke?
that's nine people, which means we still need one more person before the team is complete...
my guess is that they'll find another woman to join thier team, but what role should she have?

I'm thinking a diver (how do you call them?), an underwater fighter of some sort, perhaps even a mermaid, and she'll be a 'cutesy type' charecter...Actually that`s 8 people, we still need to more, wonder what will happen next, impel down or mermaid island

How did that become 8 people? Doesn't Luffy coun because he is the captain? Or don't you count Chopper because he is an animal? Just curious how 9 names became 8 crew members.

Dark Dragon
Mon, 02-25-2008, 11:14 PM
Luffy said he wanted 10 Nakama so that means 10 others + himself.

Fri, 02-29-2008, 05:52 PM
Chapter 490 (online viewer) (http://read.mangashare.com/One-Piece/chapter-490/page001.html)


Fri, 02-29-2008, 06:40 PM
How did that become 8 people? Doesn't Luffy coun because he is the captain? Or don't you count Chopper because he is an animal? Just curious how 9 names became 8 crew members.

What Dark Dragon said AND when a member join the episode tittle becomes his rank,

When zoro joined the episode tittle was called the first
When franky joined the episode tittle was called the seventh
When Brooke joined (last week episode) the episode tittle was the eight

Sat, 03-01-2008, 10:24 PM
nobody reads OP anymore?

Dark Dragon
Sat, 03-01-2008, 11:55 PM
I still do but i was patiently waiting for the omgwtf stream of reply about the introduction of a possible new nakama who happens to be a mermaid.

Sun, 03-02-2008, 02:24 AM
I don't see her as becoming a nakama...

Dark Dragon
Sun, 03-02-2008, 02:29 AM
Probably not but i think it would be great if they add another female to the group.

Sun, 03-02-2008, 03:44 AM
Considering she's been eaten by seakings 20 times now, I don't think she'll be able to contribute much in any future battles.

Sun, 03-02-2008, 09:26 PM
I haven't seen the older chapters... but I found something interesting... not sure if any of you readed the manga during this time...

Hatchan's Sea-Floor Stroll (はっちゃんの海底散歩 Hacchan no Kaitei Sanpo), ch. 182–228 (40 installments)
Hatchan escapes from prison and travels the ocean, meeting a mermaid named Camie and starfish named Pappug. He is spurned by Octopako, the object of his affections, but later finds fulfillment in running a takoyaki stand.

So... we have a chance to see Hatchan/Hatchi again.

This was shown during the Alabasta Arc...

Wed, 03-05-2008, 10:00 AM
Yeah, I thought about that cover story too after she mentioned the takoyaki.

I really like One Piece during the in-between arc and beginning-of-arc chapters. Things really get bogged down once they switch over to fighting mode.

Fri, 03-07-2008, 10:16 AM
Chapter 491 (http://dl01.mangashare.com/downloads/One_Piece_491%5BBinktopia%5D.zip)

Whose that in the Iron Mask I wonder? Could it be Belamy?

Death BOO Z
Fri, 03-07-2008, 11:09 AM
I think it's more the guy who attacked the kitchen ship, back when we got Sanji to join the party.
or it's Spandham, and he leveled-up his mask. there are quite alot of options, Luffy has been kicking ass for almost ten years now.

Fri, 03-07-2008, 12:42 PM
Whose that in the Iron Mask I wonder? Could it be Belamy?

The crosses along the visor area are the same as those on T-Bone's helmet IIRC. Maybe he got kidnapped after he got knocked in the water and something has caused his character to make a 180 in terms of honor.

Fri, 03-07-2008, 12:52 PM
Hehehe... loved the way they bad-mouthed Hacchan saying it could not be him... they are in for a surprise all right...

Wonder how Nami will react to him though... he was the 'nicest' of them, but he was still part of Arlong's men... fishmen.

And the man on the Iron Mask... I do not think its Don Krieg, even if the armor somehow resembles him... because he believes in numbers, and this group does not look to have many... plus he was scared of the Grand Line because of Mihawk.

Spandam? only if he went on steroids or ate a devil fruit... because it has not been that long time wise since Ennies Lobby.

Bellamy? Now that is one possible dude. Because many he survived Doflamingo's attack, and got scarred, thus he now wears a metal mask or whatever.

Yeah... I think Bellamy.

Another option is Morgan Axe... since we only saw the mans left hand, plus he has something weird on the right shoulder.

Fri, 03-07-2008, 01:32 PM
I'm pretty sure Doflamingo killed Bellamy.......

We're talking someone who...
1) Had encountered luffy
2) the consequence of which has ruined his life
3) is not currently dead or captured
4) has probably not been shown again sometime later without said iron mask (aka buggy)

To be different, and to follow the theme of resurrecting characters from the arlong arc, I'm going to say that weasely looking marine guy that gave luffy his first price on his head. (Knowing my luck, it will be Bellamy)

Anyway, that was seriously one of the funniest chapters of One Piece I ever read....

"Can you lend me some money?" - Brooke
"Do you poop?" - Luffy
"Even if we might die, we must save takoyaki!" - Luffy
"With Caimie around, we can have all the fish we can eat!" - Luffy
"Ah! The memory completely vanished!" - Chopper

Fri, 03-07-2008, 04:23 PM
Nezumi? Nah... he is still a Marine. And who kicked his guts at the end was Nami.

But I do agree about Bellamy...

Now I strongly believe it is Hand-Axe Morgan... he did escape from Garp after all.

And yes, it was a very amusing chapter.

Fri, 03-07-2008, 06:02 PM
I had considered captain morgan....but I thought coby and that blond guy recaptured him

Fri, 03-07-2008, 06:28 PM
Noup. Coby and Helmeppo were not able to capture him. He escaped while Coby and Helmeppo were rescued from the ocean. After this was when both of them trained under Garp.

And technically... Luffy DID ruin his life when he defeated him.

Fri, 03-07-2008, 06:31 PM
Yea when I first saw him I definitely thought it was Morgan. He is the one character from the beginning with the affiliation with Iron. The only other character I can recall with a similar emphasis would be the Steel Assassin guy from Alabasta arc, but I dont think its him, since this villain hates Luffy.

Fri, 03-07-2008, 06:47 PM
The one you mention from Alabastra is Mr 1, and he was sent to Impel Down alongside Crocodile and Mr 2 Bon Clay.

Death BOO Z
Fri, 03-07-2008, 06:55 PM
aren't we missing something here?
the bad guy says that "this" is the ship he has been looking for, but the SH have this 1000sunny for barely a story arc. they aquired the ship after enies lobbies and been lost in thirlller bark ever since, so I guess that not too many people know about thier new ship, and information about it should be avaliable yet (for people outside the marine, at least).

I think we're going from the wrong angle, maybe he also wanted to get the wood from the "Adam" tree and lost his chance becuase of Franky? maybe becuase of franky's order another war started on adam island and this guy wants to avenge?

Fri, 03-07-2008, 07:00 PM
i thought it was don krieg, and it wasnt the ship they were looking for, but the strawhat crew... which makes the fact of what ship it specifically is obsolete... as long as they recognised luffy... mermaid said the guy was looking for a specific dude all along...

+ don krieg allways had an affinity with iron... or at least alloys... and hed been to the grand line before...

Fri, 03-07-2008, 07:42 PM
Don Krieg did not arrive to the Grand Line. Before entering Mihawk attacked him.

Alas... what Death BOO Z is also plausible... but this may be a problem of interpretation behind the translator... sadly we do not have anyone who can confirm 'this'

Fri, 03-07-2008, 09:41 PM
I'd love it if it was Arlong. Or Crocodile. Crocodile is even kind of plausible -- if he escaped from the Marines, he'd have to hide his identity to pull off any sort of plan. And Luffy definitely destroyed his ambition to become the pirate king.

Sat, 03-08-2008, 12:03 PM
Crocodile and Arlong wouldn't wear an suite of Iron Armor.

Sat, 03-08-2008, 01:08 PM
i'd spontaneously cum in my pants if it was buggy...

edit: or if it was the guy from choppers arc... the eating dude... forgot the name

Sat, 03-08-2008, 01:34 PM
Wapol is the CEO of a Toy Factory.

Sat, 03-08-2008, 08:57 PM
I say its the guy who captured Zoro in the first volume, if i can remember he had an iron jaw or something and his son is now being trained under luffy's grandpa.

Sat, 03-08-2008, 11:33 PM
That's Axe Hand Morgan.

Mon, 03-10-2008, 02:19 PM
My guess would be Arlong, I mean, Luffy did bust his face up quite a bit and he killed most of his old crew, that would make him pretty miserable considering how much he cared about them.

Also the fact that we're dealing with mermaids and flying fish....hehe. Well my educated guess

Mon, 03-10-2008, 02:41 PM
The Fact that we are dealing with fling fish suggest that Boss isn't merman. My vote is on Axe Hand Morgan since i think Oda is on a role with brining old characters back.

Mon, 03-10-2008, 04:20 PM
My guess would be Arlong, I mean, Luffy did bust his face up quite a bit and he killed most of his old crew, that would make him pretty miserable considering how much he cared about them.

Also the fact that we're dealing with mermaids and flying fish....hehe. Well my educated guess

Did you even read last chapter?

This people are selling Merman and humans as slaves... why would Arlong sell his kin, seeing as he was very 'nationalist' during his own arc?

And why would he kidnap Hatchan as well...

Wed, 03-12-2008, 01:46 PM
Okay. It is NOT Morgan. Dude has both hands.

Back to Bellamy's theory...


Hatchan appears!

Fri, 03-14-2008, 11:18 AM
The guy's huge... Bellamy wasn't that big.

Fri, 03-14-2008, 11:32 AM
Yeah, I think it'll be a new character (or someone very minor) from what we've seen. He's only interested in one of the crew members too, so it's not necessarily Luffy.

This whole group really shouldn't be a problem. Hopefully they'll wrap up and get a move on to Fishman Island within a couple chapters.

Fri, 03-14-2008, 12:36 PM

Wohoo! Great chapter indeed.
Nami doesn't hate Hatchan... after all... he is harmless. LOL... I think his only sin was to follow Arlong and he actually never hurt anyone from Nami's village.

Cover Art was awesome.
Blueno, Lucci, Chapapa and Kalifa...

Fri, 03-14-2008, 01:41 PM
Yeah....so an old country dialect when he gets angry and a big scar on his back from Luffy...
I can't think of any time that luffy gave someone a scar on their back, maybe this guy was from before the storyline?

You know....I get the feeling Caimie's situation will eventually be handled by the mugiwara buying Caimie's freedom from the gangs that keep hassling her. They're really only in it for the money, and Luffy's crew just came across a shitload from the previous arc. (Plus good guys never hold on to any wealth without it having to be spent or stolen by the next arc...)

Fri, 03-14-2008, 08:28 PM
The scar on the back screams Zoro to me. We all know how he feels about those so maybe he used it to shame this person. Could it be Mr. 6 from Baroque Works? We never saw him and Zoro supposedly killed him.

Fri, 03-14-2008, 09:14 PM
That's a good guess.

Sat, 03-15-2008, 12:37 PM
Well then I think that guy would be pissed off at zoro then, rather than luffy

Sat, 03-15-2008, 04:54 PM
Mr. 6 wasn't this massive. Duval's like the size of Whitebeard.

Sat, 03-15-2008, 06:44 PM
IMO i think it`s don krieg, look at his body structure, tall, huge chest, rather skinny legs, IIRC luffy made an attack to his chest that broke up his armor, maybe that`s where the scar came from...?

Sat, 03-15-2008, 07:16 PM
Mr. 6 wasn't this massive. Duval's like the size of Whitebeard.

When did they show him?

Sat, 03-15-2008, 07:19 PM
When did they show him?

Oh thought you meant Mr. 5. Anyways, when did it say that Zoro killed 6?

Sat, 03-15-2008, 11:14 PM
when he told BW that he already new about them he told them the story of how he knew about them. Mr6 came and offered him a position in BW and then Zoro answered back that he would join if he would be the boss. That's when Mr6 attacked Zoro and got killed.

Tue, 03-18-2008, 05:33 PM
the only guy that looks alike I can think of is that T-bone commander from the world goverment train when robin was taken to enies lobby.

He's also really big , and wears the same kind of helmet. And he also talks really kind about his subordinates.

Dunno where the back injury or weird accent would come from though

Sat, 03-22-2008, 12:47 PM
CH 493 by basement (http://rapidshare.com/files/101393826/One_piece_493__Basement_.rar)

Death BOO Z
Sat, 03-22-2008, 01:25 PM
it's nice to see some cannon action, I'm sure that Franky has some special cannons installed in the ship as well, should be fun to watch.
Brooke and Chopper jumpin' to save Luffy is a classic as well.
still no idea who duval is...

Sat, 03-22-2008, 01:37 PM
I still think Don Krieg is the best candidate.
Otherwise its someone we've never seen.

Sat, 03-22-2008, 02:51 PM
Don Krieg is not as big as Duval though.

But Luffy seems to recognize Duval at the end of the chapter.

Sun, 03-23-2008, 12:58 AM
i think it was someone in the sea that the story originated from which i think was east blue. So im thinkin don krieg, and axe hand morgan. It als o could have been someone from the cover art stories. it realized that they are also cannon to the story. I didnt think that those stories meant anything but apparently my friend pointed out to me that the mermaid chick was actually in a previous cover art with hatchi. The cover art showed them opening the taiyoki shop. i went back and saw that some of crocodile's team broke out too. i didnt read the manga from the jump so i feel like i missed like a thrid of the story. Long story short it could be morgan kreig or someone easily overlooked.

Sun, 03-23-2008, 10:59 AM
Maybe it's a dude from Skypiea? O_o

Wed, 03-26-2008, 11:23 AM
Oh Holy Hell... you will not believe who Duval is xD

I'll let you wait for the raw, unless you want me to post the spoiler pictures xD

Wed, 03-26-2008, 12:08 PM
I hate you, RyougaZell

Wed, 03-26-2008, 12:24 PM
Oh Holy Hell... you will not believe who Duval is xD

I'll let you wait for the raw, unless you want me to post the spoiler pictures xD
How about you don't even comment on the chapters until the scanlations are out?

Wed, 03-26-2008, 01:17 PM
Ok. Hadn't seen the actual title of the thread. My bad. I even posted some spoilers several chapters ago. Won't happen again (heck... it slipped my mind... I usually do not do this things)

Wed, 03-26-2008, 07:34 PM
Fighting temptation to check...fighting temptation to check.....fuck.

Wed, 03-26-2008, 11:30 PM
Yeah, I failed too :(

Fri, 03-28-2008, 01:15 PM
Franky's release


and about this chapter


Fri, 03-28-2008, 01:49 PM
I seriously laughed out loud on this one. I totally was not expecting that, it's been a while since One Piece made me laugh like that.

Fri, 03-28-2008, 02:18 PM
Yeah, this revelation was awesome... as soon as I saw the wanted poster, I knew what was going to happen.

Fri, 03-28-2008, 02:29 PM
LOL is all I have to say.

"Like I care! *KICK*"

Edit: I predict Luffy will say Duval and Sanji look exactly the same in the next chapter.

Fri, 03-28-2008, 02:32 PM
Its been a while since One Piece caught me off guard and made me laugh like that but this chapter was awesome.

Fri, 03-28-2008, 03:03 PM
LOL, totally wasn't expecting that.

Dark Dragon
Fri, 03-28-2008, 03:54 PM
This chapter win on so many levels.

Fri, 03-28-2008, 03:57 PM
this chapter made me pee in my pants...

Fri, 03-28-2008, 10:35 PM
Wow I can't believe that twist. Nicely done. This chapter was good indeed. Does anyone else think Duval looks like Link from the past Zelda games? Anyone?

Fri, 03-28-2008, 11:13 PM
Ok, after messing up some posts ago... I post again =P

Apart from Duval's face, and Sanji's subsequent rage... I loved how the Mugiwara owned the place. All of them. The enemies are not tough though.

And Luffy obviously ran away from Duval just to let everyone else see him.

It would be indeed hilarious is Luffy punches Sanji and then said he thought he was Duval.

Fri, 03-28-2008, 11:16 PM
I seriously laughed out loud on this one. I totally was not expecting that, it's been a while since One Piece made me laugh like that.

Same here... Fun chapter.

Sat, 03-29-2008, 10:46 AM
laughed so hard that my back hurts.....:)

just like one piece to reveal something that you could not see coming a mile away, yet it also makes you laugh till you can't stand up.

Sat, 03-29-2008, 01:25 PM
hahahha, that was awesome.

One Piece never ceases to amaze me.

Sat, 03-29-2008, 10:16 PM
leave it to one piece to take advantage of silly situations like this. but this is good because it confirms my suspicion of how the next arcs are going to go. i think they are going to let the other strawhats finish the next couple baddies. Zoro is done now sanji will shine. wonder how they will do chopper nami ussop and the rest of the strawhats crew's personalized bosses. plus it'll be great to have luffy sit back and watch like a true captain.

Sun, 03-30-2008, 12:08 AM
Zoro is done? Which was his personalized boss? Mihawk or Kuma?
(Never even realized it before, but it appears two shichibukai have nearly killed Zoro so far)

Fri, 04-04-2008, 05:15 PM
one Piece 495 from franky (http://www.franky-house.com/forums/showthread.php?p=83660#post83660)


Sanji passing out from nose bleed.
Sunny's the Gaon Cannon.
Luffy's diplomatic skills.
and Sanji's skill to change other people faces.

Fri, 04-04-2008, 06:23 PM
Haha, awesome chapter.

I guess Luffy used what Shanks did on that sea monster way back. I guess he has that frightening aura or whatever.

Fri, 04-04-2008, 07:04 PM
Or it could just be comic relief in the whole "wow, these group of idiots really suck" sort of way.

Looks like Sanji's gonna fix up this guy just like he did to the chef on that train.

Fri, 04-04-2008, 08:55 PM
While Sanji was stomping on Duval's face Oda left a comment in the side, something like "facial job". I wonder if he was just kidding or if he's actually going to use that in the plot...

Fri, 04-04-2008, 11:24 PM
While Sanji was stomping on Duval's face Oda left a comment in the side, something like "facial job". I wonder if he was just kidding or if he's actually going to use that in the plot...
Before I read that, as I was seeing the beating Sanji was doing, I actually thought that was how he was going to rearrange the face... so seeing that comment seems to confirm what I assume was going to happen. So sure, I think he's going to use that in the plot... I don't think he wants to extend this arc much further.

Sat, 04-05-2008, 05:42 PM
Before I read that, as I was seeing the beating Sanji was doing, I actually thought that was how he was going to rearrange the face... so seeing that comment seems to confirm what I assume was going to happen. So sure, I think he's going to use that in the plot... I don't think he wants to extend this arc much further.

Yes. I think introducing the frightening determination thing Luffy is going to learn about soon was the point of this arc. That, and getting directions to Merman Island.

Sat, 04-05-2008, 05:45 PM
That dude is huge though... almost like a giant. Sad that he's such a pussy... the crew could use some tall motherfucker.

Sat, 04-05-2008, 07:31 PM
Brooke is quite tall himself. He's like twice Zoro's height including the afro.

Death BOO Z
Sat, 04-05-2008, 08:11 PM
and franky's no dwarf himself, nor is chopper.
and luffy can strech himself to be a large as a giant (or maybe just as bulky, but it's still pretty large).

Sat, 04-05-2008, 09:59 PM
Not nearly as tall...

Sanji looked like he was at the dude's knees... that's how tall he is.

It's like being in China, and seeing people at 6 feet as tall... while in the US, 6 feet would be just normal or even small.

Brooke is tall, but normal tall... this guy is very big.

In the flashback he was as tall as houses, grabbing people with one hand by their waist. As I said, he may be a giant or close to one.

Sat, 04-05-2008, 11:26 PM
I hope it turns out Duval is Whitebeard's little brother or something. Whitebeard would have to beat some Sanji ass.

Fri, 04-11-2008, 12:03 PM
496 FH:

Fri, 04-11-2008, 12:52 PM
Haha I liked all the small subtle humour, like Brooke's gas, Usopp and Chopper saying how Zoro would get lost anyways, Robin wiping the resin on Usopp, etc.

Fri, 04-11-2008, 02:22 PM
Sanji did a nice job of altering bone structure. And it probably will take at least a volume before they get to merman island.

Fri, 04-11-2008, 02:41 PM
Sanji did a nice job of altering bone structure. And it probably will take at least a volume before they get to merman island.
I have to agree with this... damnit, get us where we want to go already. As much as I appreciate the level of detail Oda puts into each step of the journey... sometimes I just wish he'd just throw us right into the main plot.

This feels like the couple of arcs just before Sky Island, where they first meet the monkeys at the sea, then they go to that wierd island, meat the liar's son, find the north bird, then go out to sea so that they can go up to Sky Island.

Fri, 04-11-2008, 02:44 PM
Well... they do need to prepare the ship, as Hachin pointed out.
Still, seems they enter a new sub plot with those nobles mentioned at the end.

Loved the art once again. And the humour animus already pointed out.

Fri, 04-11-2008, 02:58 PM
Well... they do need to prepare the ship, as Hachin pointed out.
Still, seems they enter a new sub plot with those nobles mentioned at the end.

Loved the art once again. And the humour animus already pointed out.
Yeah, those Nobles do seem intriguing... hope some of them are quite badass; though I can see it know... Luffy stepping in when someone is about to get beheaded.

We also got some more good information about the Red Line and that Marijoa place... isn't that where Garp, Kuma, and Sengoku are?

Edit to below: Then this arc should really look more promising than it is... maybe this will be the big important arc instead of reaching the Merman Island or whatever.

Fri, 04-11-2008, 04:23 PM
Yup, that's right. Mariejoa is also where those 5 oldish dudes in charge of the WG live.

Fri, 04-11-2008, 11:51 PM
I have to agree with this... damnit, get us where we want to go already. As much as I appreciate the level of detail Oda puts into each step of the journey... sometimes I just wish he'd just throw us right into the main plot.

This feels like the couple of arcs just before Sky Island, where they first meet the monkeys at the sea, then they go to that wierd island, meat the liar's son, find the north bird, then go out to sea so that they can go up to Sky Island.
Maybe....but it seems a lot of people preferred the Luffy vs spring guy scene on Jaya more than the real battles in Skypeia.

Sat, 04-12-2008, 12:25 AM
Probably cause Luffy totally wrecked him and it was really quick. The fight's purpose was to show the difference then with his 100 mil bounty was it? to Bellamy's 30.

Sat, 04-12-2008, 12:54 AM
well... most of Enel's 'angels' were odd (Gedatsu) or idiotic (the fat one). Bellamy was actually what you would expect from a villan.

Sat, 04-12-2008, 05:45 AM
Probably cause Luffy totally wrecked him and it was really quick. The fight's purpose was to show the difference then with his 100 mil bounty was it? to Bellamy's 30.

Bellamy had a higher bounty for a rookie. His was something like 50 million, versus Luffy's 30 million for beating Arlong.

Sat, 04-12-2008, 08:01 AM
Bellamy had a higher bounty for a rookie. His was something like 50 million, versus Luffy's 30 million for beating Arlong.

No, Luffy's bounty was already 100 million for beating Crocodile. That's why all Bellamy's dudes were laughing it up when they couldn't believe his bounty was soh igh.

Sat, 04-12-2008, 10:17 AM
Remember Luffy's 100million was not wide known yet, that is why they mocked him, and then Bellamy tried to 'prove' the 100million poster was fake.

Sat, 04-12-2008, 11:20 AM
Bellamy's bounty was 56 million. He wanted to prove that both of Luffy's bounties were inflated.

Sat, 04-12-2008, 07:07 PM
Bellamy had a higher bounty for a rookie. His was something like 50 million, versus Luffy's 30 million for beating Arlong.
No, Luffy's bounty was already 100 million for beating Crocodile. That's why all Bellamy's dudes were laughing it up when they couldn't believe his bounty was soh igh.

I was pretty clear that I was comparing their rookie bounties. Luffy's first bounty was for 30 million. Bellamy's first bounty was bigger. Almost twice as big.

Sat, 04-12-2008, 09:04 PM
bellamy's dead. move on.

Sun, 04-13-2008, 01:29 AM
This is pretty much going to be Skypeia all over again. Duval's going to end up being like that sky knight that the strawhats can summon once the insanely powerful enemies show up.

Sun, 04-13-2008, 09:08 AM
Except Duval's useless.

Sun, 04-13-2008, 10:25 AM
Except Duval's useless.
Not necessarily. I'm sure they could be more resourceful under-water than the strawhats.

Sun, 04-13-2008, 10:31 AM
They have Camie and Hachin for that.

Sun, 04-13-2008, 11:02 AM
They have Camie and Hachin for that.
Yet both Camie and Hachin would've lost to Duval and his crew if the strawhats didn't show up.

It's not too uncommon for former villains to help out the strawhats, even if they are weaker. Take for example, Vivi, the Wootan divers, and the Franky family

Sun, 04-13-2008, 11:13 AM
And Bon Kure.
Yes I see your point.

But I also think they took the time to show Camie was the fastest on the water for something.
I wouldn't mind if she joined the Straw Hats as well... but that would bring Hachin too... and honestly... they already have a cook and two swordsmen... so I guess she won't be joining at the end of the arc.

Sun, 04-13-2008, 04:02 PM
I've got a feeling Smoker is waiting for the Strawhats on Merman Island.

Mon, 04-14-2008, 10:51 PM

I disagree on both points.
1. This is not going to be another Skypiea.
2. I wouldn't necessarily call Vivi, Wootan Divers, Franky Family villains.

Tue, 04-15-2008, 12:13 PM

I disagree on both points.
1. This is not going to be another Skypiea.
2. I wouldn't necessarily call Vivi, Wootan Divers, Franky Family villains.
1) orly?
2) what did Duval do that was different from Vivi, the Wootan divers, and franky family?

Tue, 04-15-2008, 03:10 PM
Become friend in less than 3 chapters? hehehe...

No actually you give a very good point... I just hope they brake the tendency this time... we do not need to see Duval again anymore. He accomplished his task, which was making fun of Sanji.

Thu, 04-17-2008, 01:10 AM
1) orly?
2) what did Duval do that was different from Vivi, the Wootan divers, and franky family?
a.) I don't make idiotic theories about the next arc. It's stupid and pointless. Like I said, enjoy the manga for what it is...and One Piece is a manga not anime. BTW - Do you have proof that it's going to be another Skypiea arc? I would like you to share with everyone so that we can talk amongst ourselves.

b.) Duval was never a villain and never will be. Never did I mention Duval did anything different from those people but here's the facts.
a. Vivi, from the get-go, she was a spy and a princess at that. Not to mention she was trying to save her kingdom at the same time. Result: Not a villain. (When did a kingdom love a villain?)
b. Wootan Divers, when the hell did they put up a serious fight against the Strawhats? Result: Not villains.
c. Franky, if he wanted to, he would have killed Usopp when he had the chance. Result: Not a villain.Characters like Arlong, Sir Crocodile, CP9, etc. Those are villains that put up a serious fight for the sole purpose ending innocent lives.

and BTW RyougaZell: Sanji was already made fun of when the wanted poster was in publication.

Thu, 04-17-2008, 09:56 AM
a.) I don't make idiotic theories about the next arc. It's stupid and pointless. Like I said, enjoy the manga for what it is...and One Piece is a manga not anime. BTW - Do you have proof that it's going to be another Skypiea arc? I would like you to share with everyone so that we can talk amongst ourselves.

b.) Duval was never a villain and never will be. Never did I mention Duval did anything different from those people but here's the facts.
a. Vivi, from the get-go, she was a spy and a princess at that. Not to mention she trying to save her kingdom at the same time. Result: Not a villain. (When did a kingdom love a villain?)
b. Wootan Divers, when the hell did they put up a serious fight against the Strawhats? Result: Not villains.
c. Franky, if he wanted to, he would have killed Usopp when he had the chance. Result: Not a villain.Characters like Arlong, Sir Crocodile, CP9, etc. Those are villains that put up a serious fight for the sole purpose ending innocent lives.

and BTW RyougaZell: Sanji was already made fun of when the wanted poster was in publication.

Wow, thanks for filling us in on the obvious.

A) Making theories about the next arc or anything in the future is the point of a discussion thread. One Piece is both a manga AND an anime. Sure the medium of it is manga first, but your sweeping generalization made the point innane.

B) Duval was a villain all up into the comedic revelation, just because he's good now doesn't mean he was never one.

Vivi and Mister 9 attacking the Strawhats was totally innocent amiright? Again, she WAS a villain but she had her arc and it revealed her motives.

Wootan Drivers see previous points about villains if they put up a fight or not.

Franky WAS a villain until he joined the crew and had his arc. He stole money, he fucked up Usopp, he fought Luffy, etc.

Thu, 04-17-2008, 10:08 AM

Dude sold people as Slaves... and not a villan?
Wow... I do not want to see what a villan would do then *sarcasm*

Duval's obvious purpose WAS to revive the joke of Sanji's poster. Why else give him 'that' face. DUH!

Thu, 04-17-2008, 10:34 AM
Wow, thanks for filling us in on the obvious.

A) Making theories about the next arc or anything in the future is the point of a discussion thread. One Piece is both a manga AND an anime. Sure the medium of it is manga first, but your sweeping generalization made the point inane.

B) Duval was a villain all up into the comedic revelation, just because he's good now doesn't mean he was never one.

Vivi and Mister 9 attacking the Strawhats was totally innocent am I right? Again, she WAS a villain but she had her arc and it revealed her motives.

Wootan Divers, see previous points about villains if they put up a fight or not.

Franky WAS a villain until he joined the crew and had his arc. He stole money, he fucked up Usopp, he fought Luffy, etc.

Please re-read. It's helpful to look at someone else's point of view. As I already seen through yours and assertn's and I dis-agreed. But thank you all for being immature and being dis-respectful for one's opinion. If you are still dis-agreeing with me and comment something asinine and ignorant about my opinion, like I said re-read carefully what I said about villains (and all of the above never really put the Strawhats in real imminent danger or innocent people).

Thu, 04-17-2008, 10:42 AM
We can all see with your replies, whose clearly immature. But flaming aside.

There's nothing to re-read carefully, you didn't say a single thing about villains other than these people NOT being one and that Crocodile, CP9 and Arlong took innocent lives. Ok, and I still disagree. And?

Thu, 04-17-2008, 10:47 AM
Oh well. People have different opinions what villains are and there is a difference between a villain and a criminal. How naive you are. I'm done this board.

Which one is the villain
a.) Osama bin Laden
b.) President Bush

Pick one and think about the differences.

Thu, 04-17-2008, 10:52 AM
How does having differing opinions of what a villain is make one naive?

I can't pick just one, because both have done wrongs. It's totally subjective, which was the point of my arguments in the first place. You just made your points out as if they were 100% true.

Thu, 04-17-2008, 02:52 PM
Making theories about the manga is no more pointless than reading a manga in your free time in the first place.

I also don't need to elaborate on why this arc is like another Skypiea, because everyone else has been on the same page about that since the beginning of this thread.

Also....wtf is this semantics BS about?
Would it make you feel better, .noname.silent, if I called them antagonists instead?
It still doesn't change the fact that they are all one in the same.

Fri, 04-18-2008, 02:09 PM
297 by FH:

Fri, 04-18-2008, 02:17 PM
This place feels like Logue town....
Always gotta watch your back etc.

Obviously there's going to be a conflict between Luffy and that guy who collects captains as slaves.

Fri, 04-18-2008, 02:22 PM
Lol, Zoro getting lost was so obvious.

Fri, 04-18-2008, 02:33 PM
Well, this was a great chapter in my opinion... I really hope we get a big arc in this place, there should be a ton of powerful people around. But it does feel like Logue Town, and I really liked that place if I remember correctly.

Fri, 04-18-2008, 02:36 PM
I dunno....it just feels like its hard to have a lot of fun with a town when you're always expecting the worst. Like, i was pretty goddamn frustrated with the beginning of the Water 7 arc because I KNEW someone was going to try to steal those briefcases full of money.

Fri, 04-18-2008, 02:50 PM
Does anyone have an idea of what the tattoo Hacchin got is? It seems like the little bit of outline we saw should be reminding me of something but I can't quite place what.

Fri, 04-18-2008, 03:24 PM
I'm enjoying this island so far. I can totally see Luffy or Zoro getting mixed up with these descendants and evoking the wrath of an admiral. That would be fun to read, they could barely escape to Fishman Island to avoid fighting.

Fri, 04-18-2008, 05:11 PM

Fri, 04-18-2008, 07:15 PM
There is probably a slave mark under Hachin's bandaid.

Zoro will definitely end up in the home of these assholes and will have to get out one way or another (preferably with an ass-whooping).

Death BOO Z
Fri, 04-18-2008, 08:10 PM
is the new weaver really nesscery? what role did the old one play in skypiea other than giving nami a movement boost (so she could alert the good guys that Enel is bad)?
I didn't ger any of their copmlicated science, other than the fact that thier ship is about to be pimp'd with bubbels...

but still, I hope that waterfights are going to be even better than airfights, it's been some time since we've seen someone suprising the SH fighting force.

Fri, 04-18-2008, 09:16 PM
I think it was just a way to show that it was a tourist trap.

Fri, 04-18-2008, 11:17 PM
Hacchin is covering up this (http://www.onemanga.com/One_Piece/73/04/) tattoo which I think signifies that he is one of Arlong's pirates and since Pirates appear to be fair game and Hachin's species appears to be rare even among mermen then he would probably fetch a hefty price on the slave market.

Or Carnage could be right and he could be a runaway slave from a long time ago which would explain why they were hesitant to go there in the first place but if thats the case then those bandages wouldn't help much because if his species is so rare then covering up the tattoo on his forehead wouldn't mean much because really how many other Octopi could there be walking around.

Sat, 04-19-2008, 01:20 AM
Yeah...i was thinking it was an arlong tattoo as well..

Tue, 04-22-2008, 12:02 AM
This place feels like Logue town....
Always gotta watch your back etc.

Obviously there's going to be a conflict between Luffy and that guy who collects captains as slaves.

Maybe I missed a lot of stuff here. But there is actually a guy who collect captains as slaves? Thats just bad ass man. Who is he?

Tue, 04-22-2008, 12:17 AM
Uh, didn't you read the latest chapter? Half of it was dedicated to him and the likes.

Fri, 04-25-2008, 12:52 PM
I just thought of something along the lines of Camie and Hachi pretending to be human...

It would've been neat if Nico Robin used her ability to create a pair of legs for Camie to use :)

Fri, 04-25-2008, 09:37 PM
Honestly, Nico Robin and I could have so much fun together. She could line the inside of her snatch with Cien Clits. Cien Boobs would be pretty neato too.

Fri, 04-25-2008, 11:20 PM
One Piece 498 by Franky House (http://www.franky-house.com/forums/showthread.php?p=104775#post104775)

MAN!!! Oda has done it again!!! he setup such nice setting for "New World"(second part of one piece). Zoro is heading for most lawless place. I wander how strong is engineer if he is 100 times stronger then a "new crop"?

Sat, 04-26-2008, 05:38 AM
Man....so hard to keep track of everything that was going on during the name drops.
Looked like all the newbies with six figure bounties are captains except for Zoro and that helmet guy with the two blade hands... I wonder if that means they will end up fighting...

Sat, 04-26-2008, 11:04 AM
I really like how Oda's system of power works in this series. Just because you have a huge bounty doesn't necessarily mean you're the strongest. For example the lady said Kid's bounty is only over 300 million because he kills civilians. This way it is easier to pick fights between people with different bounties but still not know the outcome. Oda is a genius.