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Fri, 02-26-2010, 12:52 PM
Utah attempts to outlaw miscarriages (http://jezebel.com/5479032/the-next-anti+choice-target-miscarriage)

Utah is gunning for "the most backwards English-speaking place to live". You're gonna have to step up your game Florida and Australia.

Fri, 02-26-2010, 03:42 PM
Though im sure it'll be blown out of proportion in certain circles, i do agree that certain situations justify legal action, such as drinking or not wearing a seatbelt. If its something blatantly obvious, and you know it could fuck with your unborn child then the mother deserves to be held legally responsible.

My only concern is that it doesn't become a witch hunt with super right wing conservatives going after every miscarriage indiscriminately.

Fri, 02-26-2010, 04:40 PM
Though im sure it'll be blown out of proportion in certain circles, i do agree that certain situations justify legal action, such as drinking or not wearing a seatbelt. If its something blatantly obvious, and you know it could fuck with your unborn child then the mother deserves to be held legally responsible.
This argument unearths the real issue. Is the fetus its own entity or is it the same organism as the woman? If the mother miscarries, who is she legally responsible to? The state? The unborn almost-human? They don't care about miscarriages, they're just trying to get their foot in the door to outlaw abortions.

That blog post brings up the complications of trying to enforce such a law anyway. The arguments they're making are transparent, and the idea that they could enforce it justly is completely ridiculous.

Fri, 02-26-2010, 04:53 PM
Like the other Utah laws where birds have the right of way on all highways, that no one may have sex in the back of an ambulance if it is responding to an emergency call, and that it is against the law to fish from horseback.

They can't enforce it really, it's all political pandering. Great use of state resources there Utah.

Sat, 02-27-2010, 11:55 AM
This argument unearths the real issue. Is the fetus its own entity or is it the same organism as the woman?
I think the fetus is more like a parasite / prey relationship to the mother.

Sat, 02-27-2010, 05:06 PM
Ah yes, the Dr. House theory.

Uchiha Barles
Sat, 02-27-2010, 06:16 PM
...I can't help but wonder when this will happen next, and also wonder why no one has gone to these lengths yet. It's a bit of a long read...

You know, I tried reading that, but it was such a looooooooooong read. By the time I got to the end, it was just words, who could pay attention that long? Plus there was a section on tax law that I would've had to read if I really wanted to understand what it was talking about. Tax law? My god you've seen how complicated that stuff is? I'm not reading it. Who would? Plus, it's the goverment writing it, we don't really NEED to know what's in it. They have our best interest at heart, we elect them don't we? We have cheaply paid tax professionals to make sure we comply.

Plus, that guy died doing what he did. Not only is he wrong and batty because of the things I mentioned earlier, but doesn't he value his life? I value mine, I really would rather just be left alone and not bothered. I hope no one comes to mess with me. My comfortable home and smiling family are way to awesome to risk so much for something so dumb. Sides, if someone does come to mess with me, the police and the goverment are there to make sure they can't. They're looking out for us.

That's why you don't see this happen more often, most people are like me.

Mon, 03-01-2010, 07:26 AM
Sex pervert 'traumatised 114 youngsters' (http://www.iinet.net.au/customers/news/articles/1018835.html)

A sexual pervert would cycle around Melbourne suburbs asking young children - 114 of them, the youngest just four years old - for directions before asking them to touch his exposed penis.

Hemer's counsel Shane Gardner said his client's guilty plea on all charges had done his victims a great service because it meant they would not need to give evidence.

"To bring children into the criminal justice system is likely to have a very great impact upon each of them," Mr Gardner said.

Great Service.

Mon, 03-01-2010, 07:31 AM
Hmm... So, he asked them to turn his penis to point to the needed direction? That doesn't sound very convenient.

The Heretic Azazel
Tue, 03-02-2010, 01:58 AM
http://www.switched.com/2010/03/01/old-nes-game-found-in-basement-sells-for-41-300-on-ebay/?icid=main|aim|dl5|link6|http%3A%2F%2Fwww.switched .com%2F2010%2F03%2F01%2Fold-nes-game-found-in-basement-sells-for-41-300-on-ebay%2F

Damn, I remember playing this as a wee lad, I can't believe there's supposedly only 20 copies left.

Tue, 03-02-2010, 03:17 PM
Utah attempts to outlaw miscarriages (http://jezebel.com/5479032/the-next-anti+choice-target-miscarriage)

Utah is gunning for "the most backwards English-speaking place to live". You're gonna have to step up your game Florida and Australia.

Dark Dragon
Wed, 03-17-2010, 06:50 AM
Damn it Texas, not again. (http://www.nytimes.com/2010/03/13/education/13texas.html)

Just when i finally got around to being glad that i live here.

"Cynthia Dunbar, a lawyer from Richmond who is a strict constitutionalist and thinks the nation was founded on Christian beliefs, managed to cut Thomas Jefferson from a list of figures whose writings inspired revolutions in the late 18th century and 19th century, replacing him with St. Thomas Aquinas, John Calvin and William Blackstone. (Jefferson is not well liked among conservatives on the board because he coined the term “separation between church and state."

Just Brilliant. I've never been more ashamed of being republican.

Wed, 03-17-2010, 11:15 AM
Damn it Texas, not again. (http://www.nytimes.com/2010/03/13/education/13texas.html)

Just when i finally got around to being glad that i live here.

"Cynthia Dunbar, a lawyer from Richmond who is a strict constitutionalist and thinks the nation was founded on Christian beliefs, managed to cut Thomas Jefferson from a list of figures whose writings inspired revolutions in the late 18th century and 19th century, replacing him with St. Thomas Aquinas, John Calvin and William Blackstone. (Jefferson is not well liked among conservatives on the board because he coined the term “separation between church and state."

Just Brilliant. I've never been more ashamed of being republican.
This is one of many proposed changes to the history books in Texas. The concern is that a lot of the nation's textbooks are produced in Texas, so this kind of conservative re-writing of history will affect the entire country, not just the podunks in Texas.

The Heretic Azazel
Wed, 03-17-2010, 03:08 PM
I wish to god Rick Perry had made good on his threat to secede from the union. Texas isn't even a state, it's a fucking time warp.

Wed, 03-17-2010, 03:20 PM
Oi Vey:


Wed, 03-17-2010, 05:08 PM
Damn it Texas, not again. (http://www.nytimes.com/2010/03/13/education/13texas.html)

Just when i finally got around to being glad that i live here.

"Cynthia Dunbar, a lawyer from Richmond who is a strict constitutionalist and thinks the nation was founded on Christian beliefs, managed to cut Thomas Jefferson from a list of figures whose writings inspired revolutions in the late 18th century and 19th century, replacing him with St. Thomas Aquinas, John Calvin and William Blackstone. (Jefferson is not well liked among conservatives on the board because he coined the term “separation between church and state."

Just Brilliant. I've never been more ashamed of being republican.

"As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion;"
-Treaty of Tripoli 1797

"This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding."
- Article 6 of the US Constitution 1787

Dark Dragon
Wed, 03-17-2010, 06:06 PM
I wish to god Rick Perry had made good on his threat to secede from the union. Texas isn't even a state, it's a fucking time warp.

Rick Perry is the reason that i have to listen to this kind of ignorant bullshit all the time.

Sun, 03-21-2010, 11:39 PM
Health care bill in US passed (http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2010/03/21/MNPU1CJ9MR.DTL)

Mon, 03-22-2010, 03:57 AM
What I find funny is how the newspapers even over here have been following the proceedings in that health care bill issue. Of course it has nothing to do with your health care itself at all but rather the prospects of the rest of the world's favorite US president Obama.

Mon, 03-22-2010, 10:32 AM
I wouldn't mind seeing a summarized list of things that were included in the bill that have nothing to do with health care.

It's mind boggling to me when they talk about "hiding" things in random bills... I mean, that might have flown in the 1800's when there was no access to information but you'd think in today's age that stuff like that would not be allowed to happen. But it does.

Mon, 03-22-2010, 12:03 PM
I wouldn't mind seeing a summarized list of things that were included in the bill that have nothing to do with health care.

NPR has a good article that summarizes the immediate effects of this bill: http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=124999058&ps=rs

I love how this is showing me who I can defriend on Facebook. Lots of angry comments, threatening Texas secession, etc.

Mon, 03-22-2010, 01:11 PM
It isn't so much that they passed a heath insurance reform bill, it is the way that Nancy Pelosi, Obama, and Harry Reid basically flaunted that one way or another, they are going to ram this 2,700 page behemoth down our throats whether we like it or not.

Just the blatant lack of respect for their constituents disgusts me. Towards the end, there was an undeniable air of, "The majority may no longer want this bill, but too fucking bad, we're doing it anyway so we can call it a 'victory' (and make lots of money on ghostwritten books)."

I think we saw a very ugly side to Obama these last weeks that I am not too happy seeing. He showed a lack of...professionalism for his position. Not using diplomacy but using political bribes, threats, and other rather unsavory political tactics to force just enough votes. There were definite hints in his speeches that shared the same vindictive attitude that Pelosi and Reid have.

Congress' approval rating is hovering around 17% now, and I don't see it raising too much after the sideshow we just witnessed.

It isn't the cause itself that I'm against, it is this specific bill and the manner in which they accomplished it.

I'm also pretty pissed off that they are lying by saying a 1 Trillion Dollar bill (coupled with all the wasted time/cost they've spent the past year on this) will magically reduce the deficit by 1 Trillion Dollars. They don't even have much of a clue how to fund it in the first place, how exactly is it supposed to reduce the deficit?

I've also seen a few interesting calculations where it is now cheaper to pay the fine for not having insurance and only get it when you need it (since you cannot be denied for a preexisting condition). I can't guarantee the accuracy of those though, so it is little more than a fun sidenote.

The Heretic Azazel
Mon, 03-22-2010, 01:43 PM
I wouldn't mind seeing a summarized list of things that were included in the bill that have nothing to do with health care.

It's mind boggling to me when they talk about "hiding" things in random bills... I mean, that might have flown in the 1800's when there was no access to information but you'd think in today's age that stuff like that would not be allowed to happen. But it does.

There are no checks and balances for these types of things. It's bad enough the government tries to regulate everything when they need to be regulated themselves.

Attention U.S. Gotwooters: Your government doesn't give two shits and a fuck about you. The time to revolt is immediately.

Uchiha Barles
Mon, 03-22-2010, 04:39 PM
I wouldn't mind seeing a summarized list of things that were included in the bill that have nothing to do with health care.

It's mind boggling to me when they talk about "hiding" things in random bills... I mean, that might have flown in the 1800's when there was no access to information but you'd think in today's age that stuff like that would not be allowed to happen. But it does.

The thing is, that bill is 2000+ pages long. I don't know anyone who's read it in its entirety, I haven't heard of any politician having read it in it's entirety. I don't know there's any one person that can summarize this bill for for you, and then sift out the complete list of things that don't have anything to do with health care. If someone did read it, I doubt that someone understood more than half of it. I wouldn't put it beyond the writers of that bill to have made it so that you can't even break the bill into sections for different people to be responsible for reading, understanding, and then summarizing the bill.

In the past, it used to be a matter of ease of attaining access to information and people being willing to spend time absorbing the information. This bill was designed to go through regardless of the opinions of the american people, regardless of whether you read or not, regardless of whether you're willing to take the time and effort to hold accountable the politicians who pushed this through, or not. I don't think the writers themselves each know everything that's in that bill.


If I were you I wouldn't go around posting shit like "revolt nowwwwwwww!!" on anything of which a record can be made and kept. Not asking you to be afraid, just reserved and thoughtful...

Mon, 03-22-2010, 07:19 PM
I wouldn't put it beyond the writers of that bill to have made it so that you can't even break the bill into sections for different people to be responsible for reading, understanding, and then summarizing the bill.
Reuters does a pretty good job: http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSN1914020220100319

The Heretic Azazel
Mon, 03-22-2010, 07:49 PM

If I were you I wouldn't go around posting shit like "revolt nowwwwwwww!!" on anything of which a record can be made and kept. Not asking you to be afraid, just reserved and thoughtful...

See that kind of thinking is why everyone lives in fear and nothing ever gets done. When's the last time we had a good 'ol fashioned coup d'etat?? IT'S BEEN TOO LONG!!

Mon, 03-22-2010, 07:58 PM
Accused Counter-Strike Cheater Takes Knife Through the Head and Survives (http://kotaku.com/5499061/accused-game-cheater-gets-knife-through-head-and-survives)

I can't believe he survived that. F'n crazy!. Look at the size of that knife in the x-ray.

Mon, 03-22-2010, 08:56 PM
Accused Counter-Strike Cheater Takes Knife Through the Head and Survives (http://kotaku.com/5499061/accused-game-cheater-gets-knife-through-head-and-survives)

I can't believe he survived that. F'n crazy!. Look at the size of that knife in the x-ray.
Best way to weed out hax: IRL Knives Only.

And he got pwnd.

Mon, 03-22-2010, 10:08 PM
If they're all in the same internet cafe, why didn't someone just stand behind him and see if he can see through walls? Those crazy Chinese.

Tue, 03-23-2010, 04:34 AM
If they're all in the same internet cafe, why didn't someone just stand behind him and see if he can see through walls? Those crazy Chinese.

He got the knife through his head, so somebody definitely did stand behind his back long enough to notice. If nobody had noticed, he wouldn't have got knifed, after all.

Tue, 03-23-2010, 06:59 AM
He got the knife through his head, so somebody definitely did stand behind his back long enough to notice. If nobody had noticed, he wouldn't have got knifed, after all.

If you've ever played CS or any multiplayer, you know it doesn't require proof for the cheating accusations to fly and to stick. I should know, I've often been accused of cheating, I'm just that good.

Tue, 03-23-2010, 08:20 AM
Considering the severity and swiftness of punishments in China's judicial system, I don't think they would take the risk of facing it if they only thought somebody appeared too good. The article gave me the impression they specifically noticed him to be using a wallhack cheat.

Besides, you don't even need to be too especially good to get kicked out of servers. You just need to play differently from the regulars.

Tue, 04-06-2010, 10:24 PM

lol. did anyone see this the other day on CNN?


i guess by now it's kinda old news. But it's just so ridiculous xD

Thu, 04-08-2010, 08:24 PM
Photos from protests in Kyrgyzstan (http://www.boston.com/bigpicture/2010/04/crisis_in_kyrgyzstan.html)

Oh and I guess people apparently really care about golf now because Tiger Woods is playing again.

Also, Collateral Murder discussion moved to this thread: http://forums.gotwoot.net/showthread.php?t=18356

The Heretic Azazel
Thu, 04-08-2010, 09:27 PM
Someone needs to tell those people that there is no such thing as a role model. You can certainly appreciate what someone does, but to elevate someone to that kind of standard in their professional lives and at the same time try to elevate them to the same standard in their personal lives is pointless. People are always looking for someone to emulate because they don't have minds of their own.

Tiger loves white bitches as much as I do. What's the problem?

Thu, 04-08-2010, 10:23 PM
Someone needs to tell those people that there is no such thing as a role model. You can certainly appreciate what someone does, but to elevate someone to that kind of standard in their professional lives and at the same time try to elevate them to the same standard in their personal lives is pointless. People are always looking for someone to emulate because they don't have minds of their own.

Tiger loves white bitches as much as I do. What's the problem?

Yeah, I always hated it when people do that.

It's one thing to say "so and so is a role model, you should be like him", since that's just a compliment, but to say they "should be a role model", or "was once labelled as a role model and therefore should do X and Y" is simply upholding someone to an unwarranted responsibility.

Sat, 04-10-2010, 01:18 PM
In case you don't know.
Today president of Poland along with 96 other people died in plane crash in smolensk wood in Russia close to Katyń(the place that 70 years ago thousands of polish officers were slaughtered for no legal reason by russian comunists).
It is a really bad news... Most of not corrupted politicians were there - most of them were sheding light onto shady dealings of current goverment(so called Gambling Affair(basically the two strongest political clubs were bribed to pass the the article that allowed organized crime groups to get easy profit from gambling and it fucks up the owners of smaller and legal gambling buissness)) also combatants and members of murdered officers' families where on that plane...
Also most of goverment's and army's top brass died in the pane crash.
Situation is grim...

Death BOO Z
Sat, 04-10-2010, 05:43 PM
In case you don't know.
Today president of Poland along with 96 other people died in plane crash in smolensk wood in Russia close to Katyń(the place that 70 years ago thousands of polish officers were slaughtered for no legal reason by russian comunists).

The place where the commuinst murdered the officers but everybody hushed about it and blamed nazi soldiers?

Also most of goverment's and army's top brass died in the pane crash.

I heard the PM, his vice and the army general were all in that plain. is there a designated leader now? I heard that head of the parliament got into office, will it temporary (until the party chooses the next leader) or are you going into new elections?

Sat, 04-10-2010, 05:49 PM
In case you don't know.
Today president of Poland along with 96 other people died in plane crash in smolensk wood in Russia close to Katyń(the place that 70 years ago thousands of polish officers were slaughtered for no legal reason by russian comunists).

I seem to recall Kaczynski and his twin brother were quite a troublemaking pair of politicians? At least to the rest of the EU.

Sun, 04-11-2010, 05:25 AM
yep they were troublemakers - because they would not allow anything that would be bad for Poland. And that annoyed the most goverments in EU, because our and their policies collided. They also annoyed their opposition(mostly political club PO) - because PO desired comprmises and they didn't.
Head of parliment has two weeks to set date for new election in 60 days. And the laziest politician - that is the prime minister was not on this plane(he indeed won that award 1 year before last election for parliment!)

Tue, 04-13-2010, 12:28 AM
Well for those of you that like Jamba Juice. They are having a BOGO free coupon valid from 4/12-4/25.


Tue, 04-13-2010, 12:01 PM
Tea Party GOP candidate from New York forwards email with racist jokes, horse porn:


Paladino, a Buffalo businessman, has no hope of winning the Republican Party nomination, and certainly no hope of beating New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo in a general election. But he's mad as hell and won't take it anymore! So he's running, and it turns out that he's a tea party guy and therefore thinks Obama has a secret invisible bone through his nose and won't stop sending all his "friends" e-mails to that effect. WNYMedia, a web site covering Western New York, has found some of them, and they include a photo of a woman getting fucked by a horse and a group of black men running from a landing airplane with the caption "run niggers, run!" Good stuff.
His response to the criticism:

When one recipient complained about the "Obama inauguration" email, calling Paladino a racist, Paladino responded by apologizing "if that is offensive." He added: "I'm not a racist and have never related Obama's color to my political distaste for him....I'm not sensitive to ethnic humor."


Wed, 04-14-2010, 10:06 PM
Piracy Impact Exaggerated (http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/news/2010/04/us-government-finally-admits-most-piracy-estimates-are-bogus.ars?comments=1)

The Heretic Azazel
Mon, 04-19-2010, 12:50 PM
RIP Jack Herer June 18, 1939 - April 10, 2010 (http://www.salem-news.com/articles/april152010/jack_herer_died.php)

I know many of you may not know who this man is.. but cannabis reform activist Jack Herer has died of heart complications. "The Hemperor" as he's called traveled around the world spreading the message of marijuana legalization and hemp industrialization. He's done more for our cause than pretty much anyone else.

He wrote a book, "The Emperor Wears No Clothes", which is a very detailed and wonderful book dealing with the lies our government has told us about cannabis. A little known fact is he ran for President under the Grassroots party in 1988 and 1992.

He also has a delicious strain of cannabis named after him. It will knock you on your ass.

A few months ago he was in a coma from a minor heart attack and a major stroke. He attributes his recovery from that episode to psychotropic mushrooms. The man is a legend and he will be sorely missed.

RIP Jack Herer.

Mon, 04-19-2010, 02:23 PM
Another man's hero is another man's villain.

Mon, 04-19-2010, 02:59 PM
Another man's hero is another man's villain.

This is God's way of telling us that all those pot-smoking slacker hippies deserve to die.

The Heretic Azazel
Mon, 04-19-2010, 03:20 PM
Why don't you two assholes go shitpost in another thread?

Mon, 04-19-2010, 03:27 PM
Don't hate the player, hate the game.

Mon, 04-19-2010, 03:30 PM
Why don't you two assholes go shitpost in another thread?
Well I had never heard of the guy, so I went for the sarcastic option.

Seriously though, let's hope his legacy and hard work lives on. Unfortunately, we're living in a country so impressionable that getting legislation passed on that issue soon is next to impossible.

Much respect to him.

Mon, 04-19-2010, 03:59 PM
I didn't know the guy, but there is a strain of marijuanica named after him.

Mon, 04-19-2010, 07:51 PM
RIP Jack Herer June 18, 1939 - April 10, 2010 (http://www.salem-news.com/articles/april152010/jack_herer_died.php)

I know many of you may not know who this man is.. but cannabis reform activist Jack Herer has died of heart complications. "The Hemperor" as he's called traveled around the world spreading the message of marijuana legalization and hemp industrialization. He's done more for our cause than pretty much anyone else.

He wrote a book, "The Emperor Wears No Clothes", which is a very detailed and wonderful book dealing with the lies our government has told us about cannabis. A little known fact is he ran for President under the Grassroots party in 1988 and 1992.

He also has a delicious strain of cannabis named after him. It will knock you on your ass.

A few months ago he was in a coma from a minor heart attack and a major stroke. He attributes his recovery from that episode to psychotropic mushrooms. The man is a legend and he will be sorely missed.

RIP Jack Herer.

he died on my birthday :(...

RIP Jack

Thu, 04-22-2010, 11:36 AM
I watched Dateline last night. I think it aired this past friday, or maybe just on Monday.

They went to Detroit... it was pretty crazy. I have heard people say that it looks like a war zone but i have on idea since I live in Texas.

It really had me thinking though. It's just crazy to see that it's so bad in some parts of the country like that, and I'm living a pretty cushy life in the dallas suburbs. Really sad situation though, and a little scary that a place is so bad in the US.

Thu, 04-22-2010, 12:56 PM
I watched Dateline last night. I think it aired this past friday, or maybe just on Monday.

They went to Detroit... it was pretty crazy. I have heard people say that it looks like a war zone but i have on idea since I live in Texas.

It really had me thinking though. It's just crazy to see that it's so bad in some parts of the country like that, and I'm living a pretty cushy life in the dallas suburbs. Really sad situation though, and a little scary that a place is so bad in the US.

I have been there a couple of times, and it does look like someone bombed the hell out of the city and never rebuilt it. It is actually quite a scary thing to think about: that the United States basically gave up on one of its (formerly) great cities.

Thu, 04-22-2010, 04:12 PM

Blizzard makes $2 million in 4 hours selling "celestial steed" mount in WOW.

which, @ $25 each is 80,000 sold. I think it's kinda crazy.

Fri, 04-23-2010, 11:07 AM

Blizzard makes $2 million in 4 hours selling "celestial steed" mount in WOW.

which, @ $25 each is 80,000 sold. I think it's kinda crazy.

Its a legit means to add value to your company. The crazy thing is that all that was likely invested in the item was maybe 40 man hours into creating the model, textures, and putting it up into the store. No factories, no distribution warehouses, no marketing campaigns; the rest is pure profit.

Mon, 04-26-2010, 03:44 PM

This seems to be a bit extreme, especially since I am pretty sure that they are going to "certain" neighborhoods. Gun violence is indeed a problem here, but this is taking things to a ridiculous level.

Mon, 05-10-2010, 11:07 AM
Update on crash in Smolensk Wood, because whole crash seems fishy, really fishy.
1)Wiktor Bater(Polish television corespondent in Russia) knew about crash 16 minutes before it happened
2)There were present Russian mobile radio-locational arrays there 3 days before crash, when the prime minister was going there.
3) Plane was flying using wrong trajectory - instead of aiming into airfield it was directed into woods - only way, thanks to the mist that was present there, of adjusting proper trajectory was radio-location - why not use the aforementioned mobile radio-location arrays? or maybe they were used to change trajectory of plane?
4)Russian specialists are looking over black box data - but day after day it gets more corrupted - there are SSD disks in those black boxes so how that's possible?
5) 2 additional bodies were present at crash site(fresh bodies). their DNA did not match any of the passengers one.
6) One Russian plane had the same problem as Polish one - it was flying like the airfield was few clicks from the real airfield.

Mon, 05-10-2010, 04:16 PM
OH, you're in Poland...

That has to be a weird situation. All the stuff I've seen or read about that "crash" is just crazy... I even read something about this guy who was filming right after it crashed and he supposedly turned up dead some time later after releasing the video w\ possible gun shots onto the internet.

Tue, 05-11-2010, 04:21 PM

I'm a huge fan of irony.

These people disapprove of medical marijuana despite a 64% vote in favor of it in the past... but they approve of firebombing...

Tue, 05-11-2010, 04:23 PM
That must have been one hell of a laid-back riot.

Tue, 05-11-2010, 05:53 PM

"Not in our town"

awman that situation is funny.

The Heretic Azazel
Wed, 05-12-2010, 12:20 AM
There are just too many cannabis dispensaries in Colorado and California. Representatives of Colorado claim they are trying to "legitimize" medical marijuana laws as opposed to California's largely unregulated system, which includes advertising in the paper for anyone to pay a fee to get their card. But it looks like CO may not have its shit together after all.

Oh well, if all goes well the whole west coast will be legal by 2012. Green rush. I can't wait.

The Heretic Azazel
Wed, 05-12-2010, 03:07 PM
Holy shit. That's one crazy bitch. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IjD1PzEMzps)

Wed, 05-12-2010, 03:34 PM
That's in my area. I wonder if they've filled her position yet...

Sucks for the kid though :(.

Content: Some of the ideas floating around for solving the Gulf Coast oil spill:


Edit: Japan's Prime Minister has an amazing fashion sense:


Wed, 05-12-2010, 06:36 PM
Edit: Japan's Prime Minister has an amazing fashion sense:


I'd wear it http://img407.imageshack.us/img407/8174/shrug.gif

Thu, 05-13-2010, 12:39 AM
I wouldn't

Thu, 05-13-2010, 02:07 AM
I don't think even Joker from Batman would wear that.

The Heretic Azazel
Thu, 05-13-2010, 12:46 PM
What the fuck is wrong with the Chinese?? (http://www.aolnews.com/world/article/seven-kids-teacher-killed-in-latest-kindergarten-attack-in-nanzheng-county-china/19473947?icid=main|aim|dl1|link7|http%3A%2F%2Fwww. aolnews.com%2Fworld%2Farticle%2Fseven-kids-teacher-killed-in-latest-kindergarten-attack-in-nanzheng-county-china%2F19473947)

Dark Dragon
Thu, 05-13-2010, 02:54 PM
What the fuck is wrong with the Chinese?? (http://www.aolnews.com/world/article/seven-kids-teacher-killed-in-latest-kindergarten-attack-in-nanzheng-county-china/19473947?icid=main|aim|dl1|link7|http%3A%2F%2Fwww. aolnews.com%2Fworld%2Farticle%2Fseven-kids-teacher-killed-in-latest-kindergarten-attack-in-nanzheng-county-china%2F19473947)

I know, what horrible people.

I mean when was the last time you heard of a childrens being killed by another race other than the Chinese? People with mental illness that commit crimes? Not here in the USA, no sir.

The Heretic Azazel
Thu, 05-13-2010, 05:39 PM
If you had actually read the article, you'd see that was the 5th attack of schoolkids by an adult in two months in China. And I believe they were all with knives. Using a knife to kill someone is a lot more personal and vengeful than using a gun. The situation is completely heinous, I'm obviously not saying all Chinese are capable of this or that it couldn't happen here. I'm aware of a couple of cases, I think, of this sort of thing happening in the States. But it surely didn't happen 5 times in 2 months.

It's just abnormal that a number of people would do something this awful, in the same detached way.

Dark Dragon
Thu, 05-13-2010, 06:00 PM
I've read through the entire article and am aware of the situation.

It's certainly is a strange situation, but if you didn't mean "all Chinese are capable of this" then don't start the post with "What the fuck is wrong with the Chinese". I find it highly annoying when someone immediately point toward race the moment something bad happens.

That aside.

It's very odd that this happen so frequently. The cynic in me can't accept that it's a chain coincidence or copy-cat attacks.

Thu, 05-13-2010, 06:55 PM
So exactly how much security did this latest victim school have? 2000 police? They made it sound like the place was only full of women and children (or very timid, weak men).

Adding another 1 school to the count, I sure hope they can come up with a connection to link all of these. Pouring resources into it is only a temporary measure until they figure out what's going on.

As for the "knife" comment, I don't think guns are as readily available in China as in the US.

Wed, 05-19-2010, 01:12 PM
Paris attempts to ban item of clothing with cultural significance to some women in an attempt to combat oppression (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/france/7735607/France-has-first-burka-rage-incident.html)

Wed, 05-19-2010, 01:17 PM
of course France takes offense to something that covers that much of the body. France has been pioneering almost-nude fashion for centuries.

Wed, 05-19-2010, 02:08 PM

A news crew investigating oil washing ashore in Louisiana was threatened with arrest by BP ( British Petrolium ) Workers who were accompanied by 2 coast guard officials.

The coast guard officials stated that it was not their rules... but BP rules..

So, wait. You mean that some british oil company has a legal authority in the united states? wtf is that?

Wed, 05-19-2010, 02:18 PM
wait, I thought BP was changed from 'British Petroleum', to 'Basic Petroleum'. or maybe that's just a phrase they use in their commercials. :\

Wed, 05-19-2010, 02:54 PM
The BP guys probably thought the news crew was going to steal some oil from the shores. It's still their oil, even if it's floating in and on the ocean. Oil is so precious they have to guard every liter of it.

The whole thing would be a huge farce if it wasn't causing such massive environment damage. The BP CEO and board of directors should be sent to jail. In China they would be waiting for an execution already. It's marvelous in a macabre way how slowly BP is trying to fix it all.

Wed, 05-19-2010, 03:04 PM
yeah.. It's pretty sickening that it seems they're moving so slow to clean it up.

It almost seems to me like they're more concerned w\ collecting the oil than w\ a plan to seal the leak. The Exxon Valdez was a huge deal when I was in school and at this point it's a tiny spill compared to this disaster.

The Heretic Azazel
Wed, 05-19-2010, 05:45 PM

A news crew investigating oil washing ashore in Louisiana was threatened with arrest by BP ( British Petrolium ) Workers who were accompanied by 2 coast guard officials.

The coast guard officials stated that it was not their rules... but BP rules..

So, wait. You mean that some british oil company has a legal authority in the united states? wtf is that?

That was a fucked up move and I imagine they'll pay for it in the media.

Wed, 05-19-2010, 07:42 PM
Paris attempts to ban item of clothing with cultural significance to some women in an attempt to combat oppression (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/france/7735607/France-has-first-burka-rage-incident.html)

So.. what are those women meant to wear in public? Is uncovering the face in that scenario a violation of their religion, or would it come under "follow the laws of the land"?

Thu, 05-20-2010, 12:59 AM
Personally I feel a law requiring women to cover their faces is several orders of magnitude more ridiculous than a law stating women can't be required to cover their faces.

However, since stating women can't be required wouldn't mean anything as it would be impossible to prove, the only effective solution would be to dictate faces must not be covered.

Doesn't change the fact they are all stupid laws. Only stupid times call for stupid laws.

Thu, 05-20-2010, 01:29 AM
Personally I feel a law requiring women to cover their faces is several orders of magnitude more ridiculous than a law stating women can't be required to cover their faces.

However, since stating women can't be required wouldn't mean anything as it would be impossible to prove, the only effective solution would be to dictate faces must not be covered.

Doesn't change the fact they are all stupid laws. Only stupid times call for stupid laws.

Well, they're not both laws. One is a religious belief and one is a law.

I personally believe that indoctrinating women to cover themselves from head for fear of being objectified is childish and stupid, but it's obviously a freedom and a choice that should be protected nonetheless.

At the very least it shouldn't be punishable.

Thu, 05-20-2010, 10:12 PM
Parents Television Council threatens TV Show (http://livefeed.hollywoodreporter.com/2010/05/parents-group-cbs.html)

Stuff like this really gets on my nerves, as if their kids doesn't already know the word "shit", pansy-ass parents.

And i'm totally looking forward to that show, Shatner is the shit!

The Heretic Azazel
Fri, 05-21-2010, 11:58 PM
Conservatives rewrite classroom history (http://www.foxnews.com/us/2010/05/21/state-board-education-adopts-new-social-studies-history-guidelines-texas-high/)

Stay the hell out of classrooms and let teachers do their jobs.

Sat, 05-22-2010, 12:12 AM
wait, wasn't that thing already posted? or did i see it somewhere else.. Oh, it says it was updated today.

that is just so ridiculous...

Sat, 05-22-2010, 12:18 AM
I like how a country can pride itself on its values of "freedom of expression" by forcing their citizens to dress (or in this, not dress) a certain way. And then justify it be saying its to stop crime and shoplifting.

Its also pretty funny how the husband will be charged....cuz apparently French women are totally oppressed and can't make their own decisions. Im sure the muslim convert in that new story totally didn't have a choice...thats why she got so pissed off.

Way to fight the good fight France.

Sat, 05-22-2010, 12:24 AM
Conservatives rewrite classroom history (http://www.foxnews.com/us/2010/05/21/state-board-education-adopts-new-social-studies-history-guidelines-texas-high/)

Stay the hell out of classrooms and let teachers do their jobs.

They also required that public school students in Texas evaluate efforts by global organizations such as the United Nations to undermine U.S. sovereignty.
There aren't enough :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: to go with such a comment.

Dark Dragon
Sat, 05-22-2010, 12:38 AM
Well the good news is one of the lunatic lost his election over this.

As a conservative and Texan, i'm disgusted by this whole ordeal. This entire thing reeks of a pathetic plot to create more future conservative voters cause Obama won the Presidency.

I really hope Bill White wins the next Governor election so we can get that moron Rick Perry away from a position of power.

The Heretic Azazel
Sat, 05-22-2010, 10:43 AM
You just need to get the hell out of Texas DD. It's like the Stone Age there.

Dark Dragon
Sat, 05-22-2010, 02:31 PM
You just need to get the hell out of Texas DD. It's like the Stone Age there.

That's just a misconception by people who don't live here. I've lived in California before i came here and Texas is much more preferable.

There are many intelligent sensible people here also. Texas has the the largest and possibly best medical center in the world. If you have heart related disease or cancer there's no better place to be. Texas A&M, Rice and UT are among the top universities in the country.

The Houston Ship Channel keeps the economy fairly stable. Houston had one of the lowest unemployment rate throughout this recession.

We also have NASA.

Yet, every time someone mentions Texas, a redneck cowboy comes to mind. I blame that mostly on Hollywood and jackasses like Rick Perry. Bill White is the major of Houston and I've met him on a few occasion. He seems like a fairly down to earth guy so hopefully he'll win the next Governor election.

Sun, 05-23-2010, 09:08 AM
I'm sorry bro, 3 decent universities and even Nasa can't redeem Texas of its stupidity.

Dark Dragon
Sun, 05-23-2010, 04:25 PM
They were merely examples.

What is this stupidity that you are referring to? I just find it strange that Texas stand out so much when the rest of the country do equally stupid stuff all the time.

Sun, 05-23-2010, 05:51 PM
What is this stupidity that you are referring to? I just find it strange that Texas stand out so much when the rest of the country do equally stupid stuff all the time.I would be willing to bet this comes primarily from one person: George W. Bush, de facto representative to the rest of the US and the world of what a "texan" is. Despite the fact that he was born in and went to university in New England.

The rest is probably a combination of the accent and the general portrayal of the South by Hollywood. The drawl has been given the reputation that it is used by slow-minded people. I don't know why, but for some reason Hollywood has loved for decades to make southerners appear as inbred, redneck, idiots.

Sun, 05-23-2010, 08:03 PM
Hollywood has loved for decades to make southerners appear as inbred, redneck, idiots.
The reality is not very far off.

But what Dark Dragon is saying is that the density of redneck idiots in Texas is not quite as great as Alabama, Mississippi, or Florida. At the very least, all of our major cities are quite progressive. We have a pretty high number of Democratic voters for large elections as opposed to other states.

Drive through small-town Texas and you'll find 3 Baptist churches and a faith healing center all within a one mile stretch, but you won't find any white crosses.

Dark Dragon
Sun, 05-23-2010, 09:18 PM
Drive through small-town Texas and you'll find 3 Baptist churches and a faith healing center all within a one mile stretch, but you won't find any white crosses.

There are a large numbers of small town in Texas with a relatively tiny population of a few thousands stretch across the state so this situation is common. However, it's a situation that's not limited to Texas. You'll find that just about any place where there's a small population of people who all believe in the same thing and there's no opposing opinion to change things.

But what Dark Dragon is saying is that the density of redneck idiots in Texas is not quite as great as Alabama, Mississippi, or Florida. At the very least, all of our major cities are quite progressive. We have a pretty high number of Democratic voters for large elections as opposed to other states.

To an extent that's what i'm saying.

I live in Houston and we are probably the most racially diverse city in the US. We also have a pretty large population of gays and lesbians living in the city. The current mayor of Houston is an open lesbian.

Most of the people that I've met who have never been to Texas generally have the same opinion as Carnage and Heretic Azazel. It's just a very annoying thing to encounter when you live in a city that just as advance, diverse and progressive as any other major city in the US.

Uchiha Barles
Mon, 05-24-2010, 12:18 AM
You are one man raging against the floods my friend. Whatever the actuality is concerning the intellectual state of Texans, it's unlikely that any reasoning you provide to clarify things will change people's perceptions. You're fighting hundreds of years of cultural imagery and their misinterpretations (or often enough correct interpretations). Not saying you should give up, but if this actually annoys, be prepared to be more annoyed if you continue.

Mon, 05-24-2010, 02:29 AM

What the what?

Mon, 05-24-2010, 04:32 AM
Rofl, that is pretty much like that south park ep, with the vampires xD.

Mon, 05-24-2010, 08:26 AM
Great.. something i hate MORE than emo kids, just what i needed -.-

Mon, 05-24-2010, 08:40 AM
I've never seen a fat werewolf (or a fat wolf in fact), so it makes me wonder what role he plays in this "pack".

Like they said though, it's not like they're causing trouble, so I can't see a problem with their existence.

What impressed me was the openness of that mum's mindset. I can see most mothers just flip out because it's not "normal".

Dark Dragon
Mon, 05-24-2010, 09:13 AM
Great, now if i ever decide to visit San Antonio i'll remember to bring a silver weapon.

Death BOO Z
Mon, 05-24-2010, 12:18 PM
But what Dark Dragon is saying is that the density of redneck idiots in Texas is not quite as great as Alabama, Mississippi, or Florida.

Alabama snake. Mississippi river. Florida: retirement home for old jews.

Texas? cowboy hat, gun totting and fat oil field owner, who lives in the past and believes 'his' america is the best, and he's the best of america.

it's all about branding, I can't point any of these states on the map, so stereotypes are all I have to go about with.

What the what?

Damn, I hate people.
that's funny, they say they aren't Goth or Emo (is there a difference, anyway?) but they look the same, only with synthetic fur tails.

We aren't a gang. people in a gang are posers, we're like family, we come to each other with our problems
the two most common words for teenagers: Fake, Pose.

Mon, 05-24-2010, 04:40 PM
I live in Houston and we are probably the most racially diverse city in the US. We also have a pretty large population of gays and lesbians living in the city. The current mayor of Houston is an open lesbian.Isn't there some phrase about once you leave Houston you actually get to Texas?



Matador gets Spain and suffering (http://www.nypost.com/p/news/international/gored_matador_gets_spain_and_suffering_uKtLPXB9Snn c3d4BRNZPUN)

Video! (http://www.elpais.com/videos/cultura/escalofriante/cornada/Julio/Aparicio/elpvidcul/20100521elpepucul_5/Ves/)

That is one of the luckiest matadors ever.

Mon, 05-24-2010, 05:17 PM
I read it on Sankaku earlier and "luckiest" wasn't the first word that came into my mind when I saw the photo...

All in all, this is part of the game. I dare say something like this has to happen every now and then for it to be worth it (and it is worth it if you ever visit Spain or Portugal). Otherwise it would be like rodeo where nobody ever gets thrown off the animal.

Mon, 05-24-2010, 06:05 PM
It could have gone a lot farther than breaking his jawbone and only hitting a bit through the roof of his mouth. It could have gone straight through to his brain.

I'm sticking with "lucky."

Uchiha Barles
Mon, 05-24-2010, 06:15 PM

What the what?

"We are not to be feared..."

And indeed, you are not feared, under any circumstance, by anyone. Ever.

The Heretic Azazel
Mon, 05-24-2010, 09:13 PM
Gates against changing 'don't ask don't tell' until review (http://www.cnn.com/2010/POLITICS/04/30/gates.gays.military/index.html)

"I hope Congress will not do so (implement the repeal of DTDA before it is up for review), as it would send a very damaging message to our men and women in uniform that in essence their views, concerns and perspectives do not matter on an issue with such a direct impact and consequence for them and their families"

That's because their views, concerns, and perspectives DO NOT MATTER. When it comes to the Constitution, I don't give a rat's ass if 100% of people support homophobia, your voice DOES NOT MATTER. If a heterosexual soldier doesn't want to serve next to a gay soldier, he can feel free to abandon the armed forces and face the consequences.

Stop railroading this legislation you pussies.

Fri, 05-28-2010, 02:09 PM
Whatchoo talkin' bout Gary?

Nothing, anymore :(

Gary Coleman dies at 42 (http://www.cnn.com/2010/SHOWBIZ/TV/05/28/obit.gary.coleman/)

Fri, 05-28-2010, 04:21 PM
Read that he was rushed to the hospital like 10 hours ago, didn't think he would die though.

R.I.P. Gary Coleman :(.

Fri, 05-28-2010, 05:21 PM
Sadly he's had nothing but health problems most of his life. He already had 2 kidney transplants. While I don't want to sound like a jerk, leave some for other deserving individuals!

I will always applaud Coleman for taking the security guard job when times were tough, rather than asking for handouts or selling out like some Hollywood schleps. I wish he had gotten more acting roles after Different Strokes.


Fri, 05-28-2010, 05:25 PM
Gates against changing 'don't ask don't tell' until review (http://www.cnn.com/2010/POLITICS/04/30/gates.gays.military/index.html)

"I hope Congress will not do so (implement the repeal of DTDA before it is up for review), as it would send a very damaging message to our men and women in uniform that in essence their views, concerns and perspectives do not matter on an issue with such a direct impact and consequence for them and their families"

That's because their views, concerns, and perspectives DO NOT MATTER. When it comes to the Constitution, I don't give a rat's ass if 100% of people support homophobia, your voice DOES NOT MATTER. If a heterosexual soldier doesn't want to serve next to a gay soldier, he can feel free to abandon the armed forces and face the consequences.

Stop railroading this legislation you pussies.

Spoken like someone who has no idea what army life is like. All I can say is, if they repeal DADT, there will be a lot of harassment claims, lawsuits, assaults and possibly deaths due to friendly fire. Homosexuality is not so mainstream and accepted that you can just ignore it as a source of conflict within your own ranks.

If they allow openly homosexual enlistees, they might as well allow open Muslim worshipers too. They might survive longer than the homosexuals.

Fri, 05-28-2010, 05:25 PM
Agreed with Ani, though I didn't know much about Coleman as a person.

RIP :(

Fri, 05-28-2010, 06:27 PM
they might as well allow open Muslim worshipers too. They might survive longer than the homosexuals.

they.. they don't alreayd allow Muslims in the army? http://img402.imageshack.us/img402/613/sarcastic.png

Fri, 05-28-2010, 06:31 PM
Spoken like someone who has no idea what army life is like.

If they allow openly homosexual enlistees, they might as well allow open Muslim worshipers too. They might survive longer than the homosexuals.

Spoken like someone who doesn't know any gay people.

The cool part about baseless arguments like yours is that they can be countered by similar anecdotal evidence by people who have also served and abhor such a ridiculous policy.

Edit: The most retarded thing about that Gates quote is the hypocrisy of it.

Suddenly the government gives a shit about what the servicemen feel about certain issues because it's convenient and makes an emotional appeal, regardless of how untrue it may be (and overwhelmingly is).

It wasn't insensitive when they are sent to go kill brown people without asking them how they felt about it. Why the sudden show of empathy?

Anyway, I won't myself be a hypocrite, so here is some factual evidence indicating that everything you said is basically wrong:


Fri, 05-28-2010, 07:04 PM
Spoken like someone who has no idea what army life is like. All I can say is, if they repeal DADT, there will be a lot of harassment claims, lawsuits, assaults and possibly deaths due to friendly fire. Homosexuality is not so mainstream and accepted that you can just ignore it as a source of conflict within your own ranks.
The cool part about baseless arguments like yours is that they can be countered by similar anecdotal evidence by people who have also served and abhor such a ridiculous policy.
Similar anecdotal evidence? Easily accomplished:

I was listening to talk radio on my way home from work. Every single caller discussed DADT. Three of them served (one disabled vet, one currently, and one from Vietnam). All of them said that they didn't care who or what anyone was, so long as they knew that the other soldier had their back. Black, gay, Arab, etc, didn't matter, so long as they did their job and were trustworthy. The guy from Vietnam commanded soldiers he knew were gay, and he said they were some of the best men he commanded. The one currently serving is gay and he and his fellow officers all agreed that it didn't matter.

As the disabled vet said, if a gay soldier, "has his back," he didn't care.

Fri, 05-28-2010, 07:18 PM
Rest in Peace Gary Coleman. Perhaps now you know what Willis was talkin' 'bout.

The Heretic Azazel
Fri, 05-28-2010, 07:25 PM
Spoken like someone who has no idea what army life is like. All I can say is, if they repeal DADT, there will be a lot of harassment claims, lawsuits, assaults and possibly deaths due to friendly fire. Homosexuality is not so mainstream and accepted that you can just ignore it as a source of conflict within your own ranks.

If they allow openly homosexual enlistees, they might as well allow open Muslim worshipers too. They might survive longer than the homosexuals.

What a ridiculous pile of spam. Firstly the last time I checked, there wasn't a religious litmus test to join the armed forces. Secondly, maybe it would be best to weed out the ignoramuses now. If a soldier is too consumed with the homophobic fear that he's going to get a dick in his ass (people who have this constant fear are SO often closet gays), get him out of the AF. He's dangerous, he can't overcome his personal feelings to do his job, and in a unit as tight as any of the U.S. armed forces, that kind of weak link could bring devastation to an entire platoon.

There are many gay soldiers who have fought and given their lives for the American people. To suggest that treating them like second-class citizens is the answer really speaks volumes about you.

By the way, you can already tell which soldiers are gay. They're the ones who aren't talking about how much underage snatch they got in their lives. But I guess if heterosexuals want to bring their personal lives to the forefront, that's acceptable. Right.

Fri, 05-28-2010, 07:42 PM
There are many gay soldiers who have fought and given their lives for the American people. To suggest that treating them like second-class citizens is the answer really speaks volumes about you.
In Animeniax's defense, I think he was making the argument that everyone else is bigoted, not that he himself believes that gays should be treated differently.

I mean, he's still objectively wrong. Just misguided and characteristically conservative in his reasoning.

Fri, 05-28-2010, 08:58 PM
I haven't served but I've worked with/for the military and I work among gays as well (so yes I do know some gay people. I'll make a point to get their views and post them here). It's true, the majority of gays would like nothing better than to all be "outed" and open about their sexuality, but the fact remains it just isn't safe to do so, even in this age of sexual ambiguity, metro-sexuality, and social progress.

You guys are citing quotes and beliefs from people who represent the minority and who are stating what's P.C. and acceptable in these times. If you show dislike towards any group or cause, you're a bigot or conservative pundit. I'm neither, I just know what's out in the world. Whether that's from age or experience or some enlightenment I'm privy to, I can't say. But keep listening to your talk radio to learn your life lessons, they'll get you far.

@Heretic Azazel: no, there is no religious litmus test, same as there is/was DADT. Do you think a US soldier who has to take 5 breaks a day to pray to Allah won't cause some concern among his fellow soldiers, particularly in a combat zone in the Middle East? Keep smoking, rational though will seep in eventually.

@Xan: exactly right, I'm not against gays, I have gay friends and they are some of the best people (so easy to talk to, like talking to chicks but without the sexual tension on my part). I also know what the real world is like, and being gay in an institution like the military is like being a minority in any hostile environment. It's bad news and better avoided since confronting it will only result in ugliness.

Fri, 05-28-2010, 09:25 PM
You guys are citing quotes and beliefs from people who represent the minority and who are stating what's P.C. and acceptable in these times. If you show dislike towards any group or cause, you're a bigot or conservative pundit. I'm neither, I just know what's out in the world. Whether that's from age or experience or some enlightenment I'm privy to, I can't say. But keep listening to your talk radio to learn your life lessons, they'll get you far.

I also know what the real world is like, and being gay in an institution like the military is like being a minority in any hostile environment. It's bad news and better avoided since confronting it will only result in ugliness.
I think you're overestimating it. The majority of Americans under the age of 30 don't even understand why this is such a big deal. Most other countries do not have a similar policy, and they have next to no problems at all.

Just keep telling yourself you "know more" than everyone else as if you've been struck by some divine knowledge. That you know more about how "real" the world really is...


I should really compliment you on you choice of rhetoric. By pointing out that age and a certain enlightenment exists that only you are privy to, anything we might say is clearly wrong because we're just ignorant.

As for the whole "political correctness minority" that we keep supposedly quoting, maybe we should just find out what happens when we stop being polite... and start getting real, like you are.

Fri, 05-28-2010, 09:44 PM
Yeah Ani, your arguments are 100% founded on an irrational fear of change. The existence of homophobes is not a strong argument here, given the evidence that their opinions have no bearing on the outcome.

I'm neither, I just know what's out in the world. Whether that's from age or experience or some enlightenment I'm privy to, I can't say. But keep listening to your talk radio to learn your life lessons, they'll get you far.


Sat, 05-29-2010, 12:40 AM
Yeah Ani, your arguments are 100% founded on an irrational fear of change. The existence of homophobes is not a strong argument here, given the evidence that their opinions have no bearing on the outcome.


Hardly irrational, and it's not a personal fear of change, it's knowledge of the shit storm that accompanies change that people aren't ready for at this point in time. Plenty of change is already afoot, how about we take a step back and tackle some of the more pressing current issues before addressing DADT?

The problem isn't with the opinions of the handful of homophobes in the military (yeah right, handful) in the matter of whether or not DADT is necessary or right, it's the structure and mindset of the military that makes the military work. The military is a man's world. Living quarters are tight, showers and restrooms are communal. It seems like what you're saying is that the politicians and decision makers should ignore the will of the soldiers (the homophobes, and this is regardless of whether they were homophobes before joining the military) and make decisions from the safety and comfort of their offices in Washington. The men and women in the field will have to live and serve according to these decisions. Their opinions should count for more.

I think you're overestimating it. The majority of Americans under the age of 30 don't even understand why this is such a big deal. Most other countries do not have a similar policy, and they have next to no problems at all.

Just keep telling yourself you "know more" than everyone else as if you've been struck by some divine knowledge. That you know more about how "real" the world really is...


I should really compliment you on you choice of rhetoric. By pointing out that age and a certain enlightenment exists that only you are privy to, anything we might say is clearly wrong because we're just ignorant.

As for the whole "political correctness minority" that we keep supposedly quoting, maybe we should just find out what happens when we stop being polite... and start getting real, like you are.

"The majority of Americans under the age of 30 don't even understand why this is such a big deal." Did you take a poll about this or extrapolate from some data set? Have the majority of Americans ever served in the military and know what it's like to live the military lifestyle? I'm guessing you learned all you need to know about the world in college textbooks and from watching the news (and listening to radio talk shows).

This coming weekend should tell you all you need to know about America and it's understanding of military service. Memorial Day is all about barbecues, parties, and trips to the beach. The people serving in the military will have to deal with the decisions people like you make between bottles of beer. Hope you have fun this weekend, Ryllharu.

Sat, 05-29-2010, 01:54 AM
The problem isn't with the opinions of the handful of homophobes in the military (yeah right, handful) in the matter of whether or not DADT is necessary or right, it's the structure and mindset of the military that makes the military work.

What makes America's military different from every other military where DADT was never instituted? Why do you think it will go so cataclysmically wrong when all the evidence and support shows otherwise?

Once again: http://www.law.columbia.edu/media_inquiries/news_events/2010/May2010/gays-military

Did you take a poll about this or extrapolate from some data set?
Polls are going to give you different numbers wherever you look, but it's quite telling when even a Fox News poll shows an overwhelming support of repealing DADT:


And here's a legit Gallup poll: http://www.gallup.com/poll/127904/Broad-Steady-Support-Openly-Gay-Service-Members.aspx

Sat, 05-29-2010, 02:35 AM
Considering the USA has tens of thousands of soldiers in Iraq and in the worst parts of Afghanistan, I'd imagine the soldiers have graver worries than to wonder if the guy next to them is interested in other men's dicks. Also, if somebody did show undue interest, he would be officially punished, just like a man trying to sexually assault a fellow female soldier. Maybe the ones in Okinawa and Korea have too much time in their hands, who knows.

Back when I was in the military, I certainly wasn't thinking about such things. It would have been too much of a bother. The constant hurrying and tight schedules do wonders to wipe unnecessary things from your mind. All you care about is that things work without problems and everybody does their part.

Dark Dragon
Sat, 05-29-2010, 03:33 AM
Condescending tone aside, i do believe that some of Ani reasonings are legitimate.

The way i see, there are two sets of reasoning concerning this issue. The first is Ani "don't stir the pot" mentality. The kind of thinking that it's ok that there are some wrongs with the world, just don't create more conflict than necessary trying to fix it. This is true to a certain extent seeing as how America is a nation founded on puritanism and still hold on to some of those outdated principles. Issue such as racism is decreasing with time since there's really no legitimate argument or document that support such views. The problem with religion however is more complex. Many American will sooner chop off their own hands than elect anything other than a Christian as President.

On the flip side, there question "does it really matter?" has to be ask. Like many in this thread mentioned before, how many soldiers would really care about their comrade sexuality when their lives are in constant danger? Things such as discrimination is a luxury one can afford when they are safe and sound. Another thing is that soldiers are trained to obey orders no matter what. It's not really up to them to choose who they work with. I don't believe a few examples from personal experiences should be used to sum up an entire group. It's entirely possible that you just happen to stumble on a few of the minority that share the same opinion. I do however believe that there will be an increase in friendly fire and insubordination from soldiers who have a problem with homosexuals.

Sat, 05-29-2010, 03:56 AM
I do however believe that there will be an increase in friendly fire and insubordination from soldiers who have a problem with homosexuals.
Animeniax is also completely ignoring the fact that many openly homosexual people already serve in the military are not harassed because of it. Just because it is not officially penalized doesn't mean that no one knows about it.

Sat, 05-29-2010, 05:28 AM
The military is a man's world. Living quarters are tight, showers and restrooms are communal. It seems like what you're saying is that the politicians and decision makers should ignore the will of the soldiers (the homophobes, and this is regardless of whether they were homophobes before joining the military) and make decisions from the safety and comfort of their offices in Washington. The men and women in the field will have to live and serve according to these decisions. Their opinions should count for more.

I'm guessing you learned all you need to know about the world in college textbooks and from watching the news (and listening to radio talk shows).
Maybe you should ask yourself the same question. What opinion do the soldiers in the field hold? Robert Gates aside, I think you'd be surprised. They don't give a shit about male/female straight/gay. They want recruits, plain and simple.

And I have a lot of friends who served. Over half my co-workers served. So make all the assumptions you want because I went to college and listen to the radio. I'll be right back at work on Tuesday, making sure the folks in the military have the best equipment available and it is reliable and safe enough that there is no chance it will endanger their lives.

You're damn right we have it good, safe and comfy. That's because of the men and women who risk their lives to protect us. No one should be denied that distinction just because of who they are.

Sat, 05-29-2010, 09:34 AM
Not sure if I'm coming off as condescending but it is frustrating talking real world when it seems most of you seem to be speaking strictly academically.

@Xan: America is in a lot of ways different from other countries in the world. Comparing successful integration of homosexuals into our military to other country's integration doesn't equate. Look at racial segregation in the US compared to other countries. Look at socioeconomic status (US is one of the bottom countries in social welfare support among the highest GDP countries in the world). What applies to the US does not apply to other countries of the world, and vice versa.

@Kraco: maybe 25-30% of soldiers in Iraq/Afghanistan are involved in combat roles where their lives are in danger. The other 75-80% never leave base. They have support roles and live 8-to-5 type lives where their military duties are a job. I lived/worked among them for 3.5 years. They have plenty of free time to hate each other for sexual/racial differences. And what about soldiers deployed in non-combat areas? Without the supposed life-threatening conditions to keep them cohesive, what will prevent soldiers in those posts from harassing anyone who is different?

Here's an incident straight from the "front lines". We were in the DFAC and they had an open mic where anyone could walk up and sing for the thousands present while we ate. An openly gay civilian black male (a friend of mine) walked up and sang "Milkshake". It ended quickly when he was escorted off the stage to murderous looks from the military and other civilians. He was fired not long after (he was also involved in a couple of lawsuits concerning discrimination). I talked to him at the hotel while we waited for our flight home (I was going on R&R, he was demobing after being fired). We were sitting in a cluster of couches, all the other seats were empty because no one would sit near us (they stood around and gave us dirty looks). I felt my personal safety was at risk just because I associated with him.

Homosexuality still doesn't have mainstream acceptance outside liberal cities and universities and Hollywood. Forcing acceptance on an institution as tightly-wound as the military is a bad idea for the straights as well as the gays.

Sat, 05-29-2010, 10:53 AM
I do believe that the fault lies within the structure of the government/military itself.

Both sides claims lie in truth. While many Americans don't even understand why DADT is integrated into the system, there is no doubt some people who would have no trouble picking on someone who is different.

But the evil motherfuckers in the military don't have any reason to be accepting of someone different from them, I mean this next sentence sentence is going to offend some people, but every military person I've talked to gives me the bland reason of "protecting our country" for going to Iraq. They don't seem to verbally question the murder of thousands of people, both troops and civilians. This sort of blind brotherhood mentality is something that I could see within ranks. There's nothing wrong with alienating someone if your ties with someone else can be stronger. I can only see this exacerbated in a war zone.

But do people get punished for this sort of behavior? No, not if they lie within the government. I mean honestly, did we ever hear about any sort of ramifications from the Wikileaks incident? And so the government has to enact these bogus policies, as if abuse because of sexual identity is a GIVEN. As if if you get victimized, it's your own fault for revealing it, because you're opening yourself up as a target.

Sat, 05-29-2010, 11:24 AM
The military has a culture of its own, despite the fact most people only "visit" it briefly and a minority is there for their whole working life. When you adapt to that culture, your time there will be much easier and smoother. Apparently being anti-gay is a part of that culture in the USA. So, a person who never cared in his civilian life would suddenly turn anti-gay because it's a part of the business in the military.

Unfortunately such a culture will never change unless it's actively and publicly addressed. I have no doubt the troubles Ani predicted will happen to some extent but in the long run the development should be beneficial.

The Heretic Azazel
Sat, 05-29-2010, 12:15 PM
Comparing successful integration of homosexuals into our military to other country's integration doesn't equate..

You do know they're already there, right?

Except they can be kicked out for being themselves. There's no viable defense for that, sorry.

Sat, 05-29-2010, 12:27 PM
You do know they're already there, right?

Except they can be kicked out for being themselves. There's no viable defense for that, sorry.

I agree that people should be allowed to be themselves, but only to a point. Group cohesion and harmony are important too, particularly in an organization like the military.

I realize gays are already in the military. So what's the big need to openly display/declare their homosexuality? Every census or official form I've completed has never asked me to declare my sexuality.

Sat, 05-29-2010, 12:36 PM
The military has a culture of its own, despite the fact most people only "visit" it briefly and a minority is there for their whole working life. When you adapt to that culture, your time there will be much easier and smoother. Apparently being anti-gay is a part of that culture in the USA. So, a person who never cared in his civilian life would suddenly turn anti-gay because it's a part of the business in the military.

Unfortunately such a culture will never change unless it's actively and publicly addressed. I have no doubt the troubles Ani predicted will happen to some extent but in the long run the development should be beneficial.

It may not be so much being trained to be "anti-gay" as it is emphasis on being manly, and homosexuality has always been associated with un-manliness and weakness, which is mostly undeserved but still the popular perception.

I don't know if the military can work if you change the culture. Basically you're training people to be killers, takers of life, machines almost. This is more true in the Marines but it's a military standard throughout. Changing the mindset from "killer" to "accept those who are different from you and live peacefully" will change humanity and war as we know it, and I don't see that happening.

I'd like to hear from Psyke on this topic, and Deadfire if he ever visits.

Sat, 05-29-2010, 12:38 PM
I can show you statistics that say you're wrong Animeniax, but all you can do is tell me "You don't know what it's like," which, again, is a flimsy argument based on fear of change. I can point you to any number of people who "know what it's like" and completely disagree with you and have had completely different experiences. Your own assumptions about people obviously influence how you see the issue. I can't blame you for that, but that doesn't make your assumptions accurate.

Unfortunately such a culture will never change unless it's actively and publicly addressed. I have no doubt the troubles Ani predicted will happen to some extent but in the long run the development should be beneficial.

Yeah, this is part of it. The military is a cross section of America and will obviously contain homophobes, racists, sexists, etc. and legislating to that lowest common denominator is a problem that needs to be fixed. "America is just different" is not an argument.

I realize gays are already in the military. So what's the big need to openly display/declare their homosexuality? Every census or official form I've completed has never asked me to declare my sexuality.
What in fuck are you talking about? No one will be made to "declare their sexuality."

Sat, 05-29-2010, 12:44 PM
Stats have a funny way of distorting the truth. Numbers can be made to support an argument or flat out lie. You'll find people aren't always so forthcoming about their opinions. It's like racism. 95% of people think they aren't racist.

But America is just different, so you can't base successful homosexual integration in other nations' armies to what will happen if the US tries it. You brought up that argument, and it's invalid.

I was being facetious about "declaring your sexuality" formally. To me, being gay in the military and not getting kicked out is like avoiding jury duty. If you say it's so, they'll let you go (vice versa in the case of homosexuals).

Uchiha Barles
Sat, 05-29-2010, 12:54 PM
I trust in the military's ability to breakdown and rebuild. If homosexuality were to be allowed in the military, people would quickly get over the fact that they're working along side homosexuals. It would simply be a matter of those in charge to make sure it happens during bootcamp, and it sounds a nearly trivial matter to do considering the whole point of breaking down the recruits is to show that no one is "better" than any other. Once taken through the process and assigned duties, I'm sure this would as much of a non-issue as anything can get.

Sat, 05-29-2010, 04:52 PM
Stats have a funny way of distorting the truth. Numbers can be made to support an argument or flat out lie. You'll find people aren't always so forthcoming about their opinions. It's like racism. 95% of people think they aren't racist.

Well, then you're just being stubborn and basing opinions on your own assumptions. I don't blame you, but In the end, everyone else's anecdotal evidence negates yours and all we're left with is a consistent majority approval rating for the repeal of DADT and a proven model of success in other nations.

Edit: And despite your stubbornness, it still stands that it is not right to legislate to the most homophobic, racist, sexist, etc. among us. No matter how difficult you think it will be.

Sat, 05-29-2010, 11:45 PM
I trust in the military's ability to breakdown and rebuild. If homosexuality were to be allowed in the military, people would quickly get over the fact that they're working along side homosexuals. It would simply be a matter of those in charge to make sure it happens during bootcamp, and it sounds a nearly trivial matter to do considering the whole point of breaking down the recruits is to show that no one is "better" than any other. Once taken through the process and assigned duties, I'm sure this would as much of a non-issue as anything can get.

The military can break down individuals and remold them into soldiers, but it's not a complete and total rebuild, otherwise we'd have very serious problems when these soldiers return to civilian life (some do anyway, but the majority return to civilian life and shed their military mindset normally). I do not believe something as deep-seated as racism or homophobia can be removed from a person's psyche through routine military training. This holds particularly for army, navy, and air force where the mental rebuilding is no where near as vigorous as in the marines.

The Heretic Azazel
Tue, 06-01-2010, 12:39 PM
Supreme Court Narrows Requirements for Miranda Rights Warning (http://www.politicsdaily.com/2010/06/01/supreme-court-narrows-requirements-for-miranda-rights-warning/)

How exactly are you expected to afffirm your right to REMAIN SILENT by VERBALLY INVOKING IT?

Another victory for law enforcement, another defeat for civil rights.

Tue, 06-01-2010, 01:45 PM
Supreme Court Narrows Requirements for Miranda Rights Warning (http://www.politicsdaily.com/2010/06/01/supreme-court-narrows-requirements-for-miranda-rights-warning/)

How exactly are you expected to afffirm your right to REMAIN SILENT by VERBALLY INVOKING IT?

I don't feel strongly one way or the other about this. Perhaps I don't understand the full scope of the issue, but this seems like it's just a measure to make sure that a person's Miranda Rights are declared on-record, in the same way that someone would plead the 5th.

There's nothing self-incriminating about saying that you will remain silent until your lawyer is present to stop an interrogation.

Is there some way that this could be abused that I'm not seeing?

Tue, 06-01-2010, 02:37 PM
how self-incriminating could it be to say "i invoke my right to remain silent, officer" ?

I do think its a little skewed that you have to express you're intent to invoke it, but simply being silent is not an expression of intent, but still, you can simply state it and then zip your lips, no harm done.

Uchiha Barles
Tue, 06-01-2010, 02:52 PM
Once you're told you have the right to remain silent, remaining silent should itself be the invocation of that right. What this is, is a yet another small way for authorities to assert that they hold power over you. A small, little thing to help the person being arrested to know his/her place. Perhaps even a tiny step towards further erosion of rights. In and of itself though, it's not a big deal.

Tue, 06-01-2010, 03:06 PM
Once you're told you have the right to remain silent, remaining silent should itself be the invocation of that right. What this is, is a yet another small way for authorities to assert that they hold power over you. A small, little thing to help the person being arrested to know his/her place. Perhaps even a tiny step towards further erosion of rights. In and of itself though, it's not a big deal.

How else can you confirm that they understand their right to remain silent unless they verbally acknowledge that they understand it?

Uchiha Barles
Tue, 06-01-2010, 04:03 PM
Alright fine, a simple answer of "yes" to "do you understand these rights?" should be given. Additionally, I think I need to amend what I said in my previous post. This seems, at least in part, to be a measure of idiotproofing a person from being able to self incriminate. If you invoke that right, cops have to stop questioning. At least that's what the statement "Had he made either of these simple, unambiguous statements, he would have invoked his 'right to cut off questioning.' Here he did neither, so he did not invoke his right to remain silent." leads me to believe. Everything else I said may be true, but it also makes things more clear cut. Fucking morons.

edit: Just wanted to clarify, I didn't read the article before writing my first post.

Tue, 06-01-2010, 05:19 PM
Once you're told you have the right to remain silent, remaining silent should itself be the invocation of that right.

Yeah, that's true in theory. But it needs idiot proofing, as you said. It's the difference between the suspect outright saying "I refuse to talk" and ending questioning, and the suspect staying silent for an unspecified amount of time and then later saying something incriminating.

Wed, 06-02-2010, 12:04 AM
Religious Supergroup forms to smite Comedy Central's Jesus Christ project (http://livefeed.hollywoodreporter.com/2010/06/protest-supergroup-to-smite-comedy-centrals-jesus-project.html)

"Coalition Against Religious Bigotry"


Wed, 06-02-2010, 08:44 AM
Massive Sinkhole Appears in Guatemala (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/06/01/guatemala-sinkhole-is-mas_n_595877.html)

Wed, 06-02-2010, 08:48 AM
That hole is too perfectly formed to be made by natural causes. I'm thinking aliens probing the earth or government digging for oil.

What exactly is at the bottom of that hole? Looks like the abyss.

Wed, 06-02-2010, 08:55 AM
That certainly looks like a screenshot from some game. But I guess it's real since several news sources are reporting it.

Wed, 06-02-2010, 09:42 AM
This reminds me of a certain Marvel movie.....

Wed, 06-02-2010, 09:51 AM
That hole does look suspiciously circular in shape for a natural occurance..

Wed, 06-02-2010, 10:05 AM
I would have sworn it was shopped..

That's pretty awesome.

Wed, 06-02-2010, 01:28 PM
Sinkholes are almost always circular..... >_>

Wed, 06-02-2010, 01:53 PM
thats is some freaky shit....its like the grounds literally bursting open to swallow you up and forever condemn you to the bowels of hell

If i was standing there when it happened, i would be fucking terrified.

Wed, 06-02-2010, 02:19 PM
If i was standing there when it happened, i would be fucking terrified.

Nobody will want to hire an assassin that gets terrified by holes. Or do you only use poisons?

Thu, 06-03-2010, 03:40 AM
Ohio Senate passes bill banning human-animal hybrids (http://www.lifenews.com/bio3104.html)

"see you in 2012 with my vegetable man, ohio"

And that hole looks shopped......so scary!

Thu, 06-03-2010, 04:14 AM
Ohio Senate passes bill banning human-animal hybrids (http://www.lifenews.com/bio3104.html)

Plans to use pigs to grow (genetically modified) spare parts for humans were discussed years ago. But I guess nothing much ever came out of it and organ donors are still the only way to go, except for some simpler, minor things grown in laboratories, like patches of skin and such. But at least this means in Ohio it won't ever happen.

Westwood said, "Despite the fact that simply the desire to genetically mix humans with animals is morally abhorrent, and such experimentation kills human life, the only dangerous principle some scientists appear to be operating under is, 'If we can, we will.'"

I guess they have something against technocrats...

The Heretic Azazel
Thu, 06-03-2010, 05:05 PM
Okay so admittedly I was half-asleep and in an abrasive mood when I posted the last article. I often willfully look for things to incite my anger and after reading the article again, I didn't have anything to be pissed about.

UNTIL I FOUND THIS. (http://gizmodo.com/5553765/are-cameras-the-new-guns)

Citizens have every right to videotape the police as long as they are not interfering with their jobs. There's nothing I can say that the comments don't cover. For sure, with this recent trend of catching the police on video breaking the law, they are infringing on my right to hold public officials accountable for their actions. They have no expectation of privacy in public.

Thu, 06-03-2010, 05:43 PM
That's pretty scary.

If anyone hasn't seen The World's Most Dangerous Street Gang, they should take an hour out of their day and do so. It's relevant to the above article:


Death BOO Z
Thu, 06-03-2010, 06:07 PM
those things are horrible.
I know that there are bad apples everywhere, and that things look differently when you're on the other side of the camera.
But I somehow suspect that the police being 'state' rather than federal leads to lower standards and less suitable men for the job.

(although, maybe that's just some fancy way of saying 'this won't happen to me'- denial at it's best)

Thu, 06-03-2010, 08:15 PM
I'm on the fence about this, but it sucks to know in Austin the APD doesn't really have a choice in the matter. After a fatal shooting here last year in which the officer was reprimanded for not utilizing his in-car camera correctly (like positioning himself to get the best video angle on the action) the APD is installing high-def cameras in all of its cruisers that will instantly turn on in several situations, such as when the car reaches a certain speed, when the car door is opened, etc.

I agree the police need policing, but policing is a culture on its own, and judging them based on the untrained eye of the civilian is akin to a kind of ethnocentrism, same as judging any foreign culture from the perspective of your own.

The Heretic Azazel
Thu, 06-03-2010, 09:24 PM
Holy shit, I had heard that narcotics officers shot up with adrenaline to keep them on edge during busts, but that's exactly what these cops seem like they're on. That cop who put the skateboarding girl in a headlock was hilarious though. Way to gain control of the situation running after the whole crowd.

Seriously, this shit happens too often. Recent examples include a SWAT team that kicked down a guy's door and shot his two dogs (one was in a cage) over some marijuana. Turns out there was maybe a gram of it.

Also the little girl in Chicago killed when officers threw a flashbang that blinded her, and fired the shot that killed her before they even entered the home. It's truly scary.

Thu, 06-03-2010, 09:32 PM
I agree the police need policing, but policing is a culture on its own, and judging them based on the untrained eye of the civilian is akin to a kind of ethnocentrism, same as judging any foreign culture from the perspective of your own.
Because that's who will ultimately be making legal decisions based on the viewing of such tapes.


Anyway, you don't need training to understand when cops are out of line. Hundreds of people are arrested every day for good cause because they are morons, but there isn't one example of police brutality that can be justified with a better understanding of "police culture". It's as you say, the police need policing. Always.

Thu, 06-03-2010, 10:39 PM
That's pretty scary.

If anyone hasn't seen The World's Most Dangerous Street Gang, they should take an hour out of their day and do so. It's relevant to the above article:


Pretty shocking video, thanks for the link. I think the music was unnecessarily melodramatic and set the wrong kind of tone for the video, no joking around. I agree the police are no better than any other group of people in their capacity to do evil and abuse power, but they are (and should be) held to a higher standard because of the power we entrust them with. I imagine if we watched a video of gang violence next, it would help put things in perspective though.

those things are horrible.
I know that there are bad apples everywhere, and that things look differently when you're on the other side of the camera.
But I somehow suspect that the police being 'state' rather than federal leads to lower standards and less suitable men for the job.

(although, maybe that's just some fancy way of saying 'this won't happen to me'- denial at it's best) It's a problem for cities to hire enough police officers so those they do manage to hire are bottom of the barrel. The same thing happened with groups like Blackwater in Iraq. When they couldn't find enough special forces/rangers/qualified personnel, they started hiring cowboys with psychological issues that led to the killing of innocent civilians there.

Being the boy scout that I am, I've personally wondered how I will handle the code of silence or the blue wall when a fellow officer abuses his power in my presence.

Because that's who will ultimately be making legal decisions based on the viewing of such tapes.


Anyway, you don't need training to understand when cops are out of line. Hundreds of people are arrested every day for good cause because they are morons, but there isn't one example of police brutality that can be justified with a better understanding of "police culture". It's as you say, the police need policing. Always.

I still contend it's hard to completely condemn a police officer for an instance of brutality. If there's a pattern then of course that's different. But imagine dealing with the scum of the earth day in and day out for years. It might lead you to snap and/or start treating all people like scumbags.

Fri, 06-04-2010, 12:39 AM
Pretty shocking video, thanks for the link. I think the music was unnecessarily melodramatic and set the wrong kind of tone for the video, no joking around. I agree the police are no better than any other group of people in their capacity to do evil and abuse power, but they are (and should be) held to a higher standard because of the power we entrust them with. I imagine if we watched a video of gang violence next, it would help put things in perspective though.

Yeah, this is all very true, but it doesn't excuse the actions. I realize that to understand is not to condone, but we're talking about an actual law that makes it illegal to video tape officers.

I couldn't back it up with any statistics, but I'd agree with you that if they deal with scum 24/7, it would affect perceptions of people and cause officers to step over the line more often. If that's the case, then it's even more imperative that they have no ability to censor their actions.

And quit double posting, man.

Fri, 06-04-2010, 03:42 AM
I still contend it's hard to completely condemn a police officer for an instance of brutality. If there's a pattern then of course that's different. But imagine dealing with the scum of the earth day in and day out for years. It might lead you to snap and/or start treating all people like scumbags.That's the problem though. If the Stanford Prison Experiment (http://www.prisonexp.org/) or that one about psychiatrists (Rosenhan (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosenhan_experiment)) proved anything, those who have power are more and more tempted to use it the wrong way when things get more and more out of control (SPE), or are under the impression that they are infallible because of their position in power (Rosenhan, in terms of labeling people scum or whatever). There are plenty of great cops who don't succumb to the allure of that power, but there are plenty who do.

That manner of check needs to be in place.

Fri, 06-04-2010, 02:39 PM

Did they stop the oil leak yet ?

The Heretic Azazel
Fri, 06-04-2010, 09:50 PM
Who cares? It's just "a small spill compared to the huge ocean"


Fri, 06-04-2010, 09:55 PM
If Rush Limbaugh is to be believed, the oil is natural just like the water and nature will take care of it so we don't have to worry about it.

Uchiha Barles
Fri, 06-04-2010, 11:17 PM
"The planet is fine....the PEOPLE are fucked." George Carlin

Fri, 06-04-2010, 11:19 PM
"The planet is fine....the PEOPLE are fucked." George Carlin

Oh, you asshole, I was JUST searching for that clip and about to post it when you beat me.


The Heretic Azazel
Sat, 06-05-2010, 12:54 AM
The planet isn't going anywhere... WE ARE.


Sat, 06-05-2010, 10:56 AM
O'Railly hates Gays (http://www.change.org/glaad/petitions/view/act_now_demand_that_bill_oreilly_fox_news_apologiz e_for_comparing_gay_people_to_al_qaeda)

Sat, 06-05-2010, 11:02 AM
No one should care. Before that he made a comment comparing Transgendered people to Ewoks.

Bill O'Reilly and his Fox friends should be treated like an old, racist, senile person at a family gathering who won't stop going on about how things were much better before the darkies got the vote.

Paying attention to dumb comments like that is the worst thing you can do.

Sat, 06-05-2010, 11:15 AM
lol "the darkies", never heard that one before :P

Sat, 06-05-2010, 11:21 AM
Speaking of racism, not to be outdone by the rest of the South, Arizona quickly pulls ahead in the "Most Racist State" competition:


An Arizona elementary school mural featuring the faces of kids who attend the school has been the subject of constant daytime drive-by racist screaming, from adults, as well as a radio talk-show campaign (by an actual city councilman, who has an AM talk-radio show) to remove the black student's face, and now the school principal has ordered the faces of the Latino and Black students to be changed to Caucasian skin.

Really, the exact words were more like "Lighten the skin," as if that makes it any better.

Sat, 06-05-2010, 11:27 AM
Speaking of racism, not to be outdone by the rest of the South, Arizona quickly pulls ahead in the "Most Racist State" competition:


Really, the exact words were more like "Lighten the skin," as if that makes it any better.

there are no "two sides to this story." This is not something you need to have a panel discussion about. CNN, I don't want to see you plumbing the depths of your counterintuition on your website, or lending credence to the notion that the gutless mopes in their cars, shrieking racial slurs at the images of children have an interesting point of view that we should "hear out" because of the need to be "balanced."

rofl, it reminds me of that time they talked about blackface...

The Heretic Azazel
Sat, 06-05-2010, 12:16 PM
Speaking of racism, not to be outdone by the rest of the South, Arizona quickly pulls ahead in the "Most Racist State" competition:


Really, the exact words were more like "Lighten the skin," as if that makes it any better.

Attention non-whites:

You are not fucking welcome in Arizona. Steer clear.

Sat, 06-05-2010, 08:41 PM
Well I'm not sure what their beef is with blacks, but Arizona has been subjected to a lot of state-wide problems involving illegal mexican immigrants, so I wouldn't say that racism would be unfounded.

Sat, 06-05-2010, 09:45 PM
lol, there is a difference between thinking "There are so many Mexicans here, Goddamn" and a school official lightening the skin color on a mural.

Sat, 06-05-2010, 10:02 PM
UPDATE: Good news. The gutless, carbound racists lost, and the mural is being restored to its "original theme." Jeff Lane, the principal of Miller Valley Elementary School, and Kevin Kapp, the school superintendent, showed up at a protest today to apologize for giving in to whims of mentally deranged adults, spewing racial epithets at a painting:It looks like the racists lost this time.

Death BOO Z
Sun, 06-06-2010, 04:44 AM
but they lost to wide spread public uproar, not to common sense.

which means that decent humanity isn't enough.

The Heretic Azazel
Mon, 06-07-2010, 02:02 PM
Autistic Boy Faces Felony Rap for Stick-Figure Sketch (http://www.aolnews.com/crime/article/autistic-georgia-boy-shane-finn-faces-felony-charges-for-stick-figure-drawing/19478384?icid=sphere_aolnews_inline)

Death BOO Z
Mon, 06-07-2010, 04:18 PM
I'm getting a feeling that whenever Americans say "zero tolerance", they actually that they aren't going to invest the tiniest bits of common sense to the subject.
seriously, USA, get your shit together, people are looking up to you.

Tue, 06-08-2010, 09:59 AM
I'm getting a feeling that whenever Americans say "zero tolerance", they actually that they aren't going to invest the tiniest bits of common sense to the subject.
seriously, USA, get your shit together, people are looking up to you.

I think it is high time people stop looking up to the US, but I am probably in the minority.

Tue, 06-08-2010, 10:17 AM
I think it is high time people stop looking up to the US, but I am probably in the minority.

I agree, though I'd prefer the US made changes to become that beacon that it once was so people would be justified in looking up to the US again.

Tue, 06-08-2010, 03:29 PM
I think it would be pretty funny to see what happens to the world if the US goes isolationist. Recall all troops from all foreign bases, end all foreign aid, close borders, etc.

I don't really think I'd be that wrong saying that the US is relied on for a lot of things, and while people from other countries sure like to complain about the US being here or there, when it comes down to it, a lot of things the US does are taken for granted.

Yes, the US can do a lot to improve its image and relationship with the world. It remains possible for the US to become that ideal it once seemed to be, but it isn't going to happen tomorrow, one political leader isn't going to make a difference, and it is going to be a very painful wake-up call for a lot of Americans.

I think that certain other countries may want to think twice about what would happen if they told the US to fuck off and someone in power over here actually listened.

(This soapbox rant didn't have much to do with the topic at hand, but I was on a roll for some reason.)

Sun, 06-13-2010, 02:28 PM
The recurring prop newspaper (http://www.slashfilm.com/2010/06/04/lol-the-reoccurring-prop-newspaper/)

My mind just got blown!

Death BOO Z
Sun, 06-13-2010, 02:43 PM
hmm, I thought it was going to be the one with taxes from the old movies, where's there's always a headline about alien zombies, with a side story about 'petition against taxes'.

Sun, 06-13-2010, 02:57 PM
Yeah I noticed that a few years ago, when watching scrubs and 70's show back to back on comedy central. Since then I can't really unsee it ;P.

I think it's become somewhat of a "wilhelm scream" that also get's reused in media till infinity.

Sun, 06-13-2010, 03:02 PM
Now i will always be looking at every newspaper in movies/tv watching for this... ugh :P

Sun, 06-13-2010, 04:56 PM
Yeah I noticed that a few years ago, when watching scrubs and 70's show back to back on comedy central. Since then I can't really unsee it ;P.

I think it's become somewhat of a "wilhelm scream" that also get's reused in media till infinity.

Weird, I was just thinking about the recurring screams in movies, but it's a different one from the Wilhelm scream. It sounds more like "YEEEAAARRRGGGGG". Any idea if it has a name?

edit: I found it: http://videosift.com/video/Dedicated-to-the-Youraaagh-The-other-famous-movie-scream

Sun, 06-13-2010, 06:16 PM
That scream has many names. I always used to call that sound the TIE Fighter noise because it sounds almost exactly like the sounds TIE Fighters make in A New Hope.

I have since learned that they edited an elephant noise or something to make it, but they are pretty similar:

TIE fighers (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yArh0VrIjLY#t=3m45s)

TIE Figher with YOURAAAGH dubbed in (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XkHdgMOuuBs&feature=related)

Sun, 06-13-2010, 08:14 PM
TIE fighers (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yArh0VrIjLY#t=3m45s)

TIE Figher with YOURAAAGH dubbed in (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XkHdgMOuuBs&feature=related)

Ahahaha that's awesome how they dubbed the scream into the tie fighter sound.

The original sound for the tie fighter is very unique and fitting. I wonder if one of the many causes of the downfalls of episodes I-III was the use of purely digital sound effects instead of editing real world sounds.

Tue, 06-15-2010, 03:45 PM
'Touchdown Jesus' statue in Ohio destroyed by lightning (http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/2010-06-15-touchdown-jesus-fire_N.htm?csp=34)

I wonder if the insurance agency will deny the claim because lightning bolts are typically categorized under "acts of God."

(By the way, that thing cost something like 300,000 dollars!)

Death BOO Z
Tue, 06-15-2010, 05:05 PM
suicide? self desecration?

The Heretic Azazel
Tue, 06-15-2010, 05:22 PM
No doubt a sign from God that it needs to be rebuilt even bigger, better and more expensive than it was.

I wonder how many families those Christian bastards could have fed with that money.

Death BOO Z
Tue, 06-15-2010, 05:26 PM
they need to think smarter, not bigger.
instead of a boring rock statue, make it a metal idol of jesus, and have it redirect lightning through his fingers.

the great metal lord.

Tue, 06-15-2010, 08:42 PM
suicide? self desecration?


Wed, 06-16-2010, 01:15 AM
Direct link to the video of it burning:


Apparently it was also called "Butter Jesus". lol.

Wed, 06-16-2010, 03:23 AM


Wed, 06-16-2010, 08:34 AM
No doubt a sign from God that it needs to be rebuilt even bigger, better and more expensive than it was.

I wonder how many families those Christian bastards could have fed with that money.

Families should feed themselves, not rely on handouts. If you can't make your way without help in America, you really should move to Canada.

Wed, 06-16-2010, 09:38 AM
Families should feed themselves, not rely on handouts. If you can't make your way without help in America, you really should move to Canada.

3/10 nice try

Fri, 06-18-2010, 10:40 AM
Japanese chick offers sex to Chinese students to apologize for Japan's invasion (http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/3016575/Saying-sorry-to-China-with-sex.html)

Fri, 06-18-2010, 11:00 AM
Sounds like it's just a promo effort for a porn series.

The Heretic Azazel
Fri, 06-18-2010, 12:43 PM
Humans are one step closer to being rendered obsolete (http://www.engadget.com/2010/06/17/ibms-watson-is-really-smart-will-try-to-prove-it-on-jeopardy/?icid=main|aim|dl9|link5|http%3A%2F%2Fwww.engadget .com%2F2010%2F06%2F17%2Fibms-watson-is-really-smart-will-try-to-prove-it-on-jeopardy%2F)

Sat, 06-19-2010, 08:46 PM
Thats very very interesting....it really approaches the fist big barrier to artificial intelligence, the understanding of human language.

Mon, 06-21-2010, 09:16 PM
Woooo! Go Texas!

Texas GOP releases 2010 platform (http://wakingupnow.com/blog/texas-gop-proudly-following-uganda)

The international community has raised a stink over Uganda’s Anti-Homosexuality bill. But the Texas GOP has built some of its key features into its party platform, including a policy of imprisoning straight people who help gays get married. I guess I’ve unfairly stereotyped Texan Republicans, because I never thought they’d want to make their state more like a country in Africa. The parallels are damned clear, though, starting with their basic principles.

Dark Dragon
Mon, 06-21-2010, 09:25 PM
Woooo! Go Texas!

Texas GOP releases 2010 platform (http://wakingupnow.com/blog/texas-gop-proudly-following-uganda)

Wait...but.....what? oh screw it, i'm not touching this one.

Mon, 06-21-2010, 10:20 PM
including a policy of imprisoning straight people who help gays get married.


Tue, 06-22-2010, 09:00 AM
"including a policy of imprisoning straight people who help gays get married" If straights get prison time for helping the gays get hitched, then what punishment do the gays get? I'm guessing they get sent to the slave mines.

Fri, 06-25-2010, 07:49 AM
I just read from my local newspaper's web news that some Finnish dude had found a WWII AT grenade in a forest and following the most brilliant logic ever he brought it to his garage and proceeded to drill it. But God favours the fools and thus he didn't die in the ensuing explosion.

The most strange thing about the case is that no alcohol was involved, so he was sober when he decided it's a good idea to drill an old explosive.

Fri, 06-25-2010, 08:51 AM
Was he drilling into it for the precious precious powder inside?

Fri, 06-25-2010, 09:32 AM
He probably was. I can't imagine why else he would have done it. Of course such shaped charge grenades don't actually have any powder inside, so it was a wasted effort in many ways. According to the initial police reports the first target of his enthusiastic drilling was the fuze itself.

Fri, 06-25-2010, 09:49 AM
So it was precious precious explosive compound he was drilling for.

Fri, 06-25-2010, 12:11 PM
Texas does something right for a change:


A federal judge has thrown out a lawsuit by a creationism think tank and school that attempted to force the state of Texas to allow it to offer master's degrees in science education. In 2008, the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board rejected the Dallas-based Institute for Creation Research's application to offer master's degrees, which taught science from a biblical perspective. The institute's graduate school sued in 2009, claiming the board violated its constitutional right to free speech and religion.

U.S. District Judge Sam Sparks of Austin found no merit in the institute's claims and criticized its legal documents as "overly verbose, disjointed, incoherent, maundering and full of irrelevant information."

Sat, 06-26-2010, 04:12 PM
The US lost, the World Cup is over.

Just kidding. Now we can appreciate some awesome games between real soccer powerhouses with true skill.

Sat, 06-26-2010, 04:22 PM
Amputee cat gets Bionic Feet (http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science_and_environment/10404251.stm)

That is both awesome and adorable ^_^

Sat, 06-26-2010, 07:52 PM
Just kidding. Now we can appreciate some awesome games between real soccer powerhouses with true skill.

That was depressing. I'm sticking with Japan this year. They know how to bring their shit to a game.

Dark Dragon
Sat, 06-26-2010, 07:59 PM
That was depressing. I'm sticking with Japan this year. They know how to bring their shit to a game.

I'm not so sure about Japan. I was rooting for South Korea until they got eliminated. During the Asian Qualifier South Korea was the best team in the group so it's not looking too great. Paraguay isn't a terribly bad match up though so we'll probably end up with a good game.

Germany vs England is the game i'm waiting for. It's usually a good match up but England isn't too hot this year though, so they might get steamrolled if they don't step up.

Sat, 06-26-2010, 09:45 PM
That was depressing. I'm sticking with Japan this year. They know how to bring their shit to a game.

I'm rooting for Japan now too, but fully expect to be disappointed. I think rooting for Brazil will be the safe bet.

Sat, 06-26-2010, 10:26 PM
Germany vs England is the game i'm waiting for. It's usually a good match up but England isn't too hot this year though, so they might get steamrolled if they don't step up.
England hasn't got a chance if they keep playing like they have been. I'm surprised they made it this far.

I'm rooting for Japan now too, but fully expect to be disappointed.
Naw man, Honda will drive them to the Endo the tournament.

Edit: 3 people from Texas discussing soccer? Black is white, down is up. When did this happen?

Sat, 06-26-2010, 11:06 PM
Pole Dancing in the Olympics (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/35524563/): Would you watch it? After seeing this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=msy7TtyAVIc) video, I know I would. That vid also seriously makes me want to learn!

Sun, 06-27-2010, 12:47 AM
That vid also seriously makes me want to learn!

Haha, one of my friends also said she wanted to learn how to pole dance after seeing this girl's youtube channel. I guess she's pretty inspiring.

I'm all for pole dancing being included in serious sports competition. It takes about as much practice and finesse as many other gymnastics and the only reason someone would be opposed to it is because of its sexual connotations, which have been arbitrarily attached to it. It's inherently no more sexual than, say, ice skating.

Sun, 06-27-2010, 12:53 AM
that girl has seriously strong wrists.....great video for young, up and coming strippers.

And no Xan, it is more sexual the ice skating since theres no ice skaters at a strip club. Admittedly most strippers arent that talented, but whatever.

Sun, 06-27-2010, 01:16 AM
And no Xan, it is more sexual the ice skating since theres no ice skaters at a strip club. Admittedly most strippers arent that talented, but whatever.


Sun, 06-27-2010, 05:53 AM
I hope that Japan makes it into the quater finals too. For England vs Germany, I know the English players better since I follow the BPL, so I hope they make it.

Sun, 06-27-2010, 09:43 AM
Germany 1
England - *game on going.

The Force is strong with the Deutsch. I dont support either team though.

Dark Dragon
Sun, 06-27-2010, 10:02 AM
Bah it should be 2-2, England totally got robbed.

FFS FIFA if you opt to not have instant replay you could at least get some better referees. The ref calls this year have been nothing short of terrible.

edit: I think a mod should move all of these football posts to a world cup thread so we're not flooding the news thread.

Sun, 06-27-2010, 03:30 PM
edit: I think a mod should move all of these football posts to a world cup thread so we're not flooding the news thread.

I can make one now and move all the posts or I can wait for someone who keeps up with the brackets and such to make an informative OP and we can continue discussion there.

Mon, 06-28-2010, 11:58 AM
The Msnbc.com website has gone to hell. The amount of ads that they are now putting up, plus the "Show more text" is driving me crazy.

In the news today, "Reader of Msnbc.com exhibited psychological trauma after the news website revamp."

Thu, 07-01-2010, 01:31 AM

NOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooo......9 websites get shutdown including ninvjavideo!! How the hell am i gonna get my daily dose of tv now?

I dont even care so much about the movies, but NV was a great place because they had a great selection of documentaries, and daily updates from the history channel, national geographc, bbc horizon etc. Honetly, i learned more from NV during my school days then i did in skool....i really hope they can switch to some swedish servers or something and come back.

Thu, 07-01-2010, 02:23 AM

Damn it! Ninjavideo was one of my favorite sites. I've been tring to access it all day; and now that I think about it, I don't think I've ever seen their website down.

I guess I now know the reason why....fuck! This blows man.

Thu, 07-01-2010, 11:46 AM
i feel so lost without it :(.....i dont know what to do on the internet anymore

Thu, 07-01-2010, 03:50 PM
In the news today... Monterrey, my town, is under water.


I live about 5 streets away from the first section of the video.

Thu, 07-01-2010, 04:10 PM
Damn, thats some serious flooding o.O

That music is so out of place to that video lol

Thu, 07-01-2010, 06:03 PM
Flood over there too? Damn... I live in northern Poland so flood did not reach us, but most of the southern and central Poland is flooded - some are saying its the biggest flood that happened in 100 years.
I really hope that it wont reach you.

Thu, 07-01-2010, 06:18 PM
Flood over there too? Damn... I live in northern Poland so flood did not reach us, but most of the southern and central Poland is flooded - some are saying its the biggest flood that happened in 100 years.
I really hope that it wont reach you.

Im fighting the leaks on the roof actually. I live near that flooded river.
Its just the 2nd time in my life that river has had that much water.

Thu, 07-01-2010, 06:39 PM
In the news today... Monterrey, my town, is under water.


I live about 5 streets away from the first section of the video.

I've never seen so much chocolate milk in my life.

I hope Alex doesn't come up and hit us too badly. I'm kind of scared now.

Thu, 07-01-2010, 06:44 PM
The Ninja-video Manifesto (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=UEROOBGG)

Thu, 07-01-2010, 08:01 PM
I've never seen so much chocolate milk in my life.

I hope Alex doesn't come up and hit us too badly. I'm kind of scared now.

The water keeps rising and rising and rising here.


They say its rained more than hurricane Gilberto from 1988. Heck... its the most its ever rained on this city's history.

Thu, 07-01-2010, 10:21 PM
The water keeps rising and rising and rising here.


They say its rained more than hurricane Gilberto from 1988. Heck... its the most its ever rained on this city's history.

Are you in any danger?

Thu, 07-01-2010, 10:28 PM
That's some apocalyptic sh*t you're dealing with, RyougaZell. I hope everything clears up, your home stays dry, and you stay safe.

Fri, 07-02-2010, 08:33 AM
Nop. I live on elevated grounds and near the river, so most of the water doesn't get close to home. The only thing I have to deal with is with 2 water leaks.

Home is mostly dry. Thanks.

I think Im missing work again today. All the routes I take to the office are practically destroyed. All the zones away from the river are damaged, still underwater or broken.

Heck... most bridges are closed as well.


The lower bridge at the 18 second mark is where I cross to work. And all the street in the background 'Constitucion' is practically gone.

Mon, 07-05-2010, 01:13 AM
Google implements a pretty ballsy policy:


On Thursday, Google is going to begin covering a cost that gay and lesbian employees must pay when their partners receive domestic partner health benefits, largely to compensate them for an extra tax that heterosexual married couples do not pay. The increase will be retroactive to the beginning of the year.

Under federal law, employer-provided health benefits for domestic partners are counted as taxable income, if the partner is not considered a dependent. The tax owed is based on the value of the partner’s coverage paid by the employer.

Google pays gay and lesbian employees with a domestic partner on their health insurance more than straight employees in order to counteract the tax breaks that married couples receive.

People have been eager to jump on this and yell "reverse discrimination", but at the end of the day, all of Google's employees go home with the same amount of money.

Tue, 07-06-2010, 09:29 PM
Lindsay Lohan sentenced to jail (http://www.thesuperficial.com/lindsay-lohan-90-days-in-jail-07-2010)

The Heretic Azazel
Tue, 07-06-2010, 11:45 PM
That coke whore finally got her comeuppance.

Sweet, sweet nectar.

Tue, 07-06-2010, 11:50 PM
She'll spend a weekend there, tops.

Remember Paris Hilton?

Wed, 07-07-2010, 06:48 AM
God damnit don't reduce her fucking sentence, if anything they should extend it to much longer so the celebrities fucking learn they can't get away with shit cuz they're rich and famous

Wed, 07-07-2010, 08:34 AM
The rich and famous get special treatment, as they should. It's no more unfair that they get to drive Ferraris and Lambos than that they should get reduced sentences in prison.