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Thu, 06-16-2011, 09:49 AM
Riots in Vancouver after Canucks lose the Stanley Cup. (
Crazy canucks did the same thing after they lost in 94 to the Rangers, so it should have been expected and prepared for my local authorities. To be honest, their team really let them down and played a horrible game 7, so they needed the outlet.
Thu, 06-16-2011, 10:02 AM
Those 'fans' who go berserk after their team lost are retarded imho - they should take it like a man - not wreck anything and everything around them.
There is a reason why the Gdansk, Gdynia and Sopot(3 cities in northern Poland that are basically one big city) is full of police patrols when the Gdansk's Lechia has match with Gdynia's Arka or vice versa. It is a very stupid idea to wear either green/white or blue/yellow clothing in public on such days. Well it is usually stupid idea to wear green/white clothing in Gdynia, and Blue/yellow one in Gdansk.
Thu, 06-16-2011, 12:11 PM
The fans seem to be taking it pretty bad. They should have been mentally prepared for this over the course of 7 games, since its not like they deserved to win the series the either way. Despite going down to the last game, in hindsight it really wasn't that close as they got outscored 23 - 7.
Although I did enjoy it when the fans booed Gary Bettman after the game.
Thu, 06-16-2011, 01:12 PM
Wut? Why is having a team you were rooting for lose bad enough to start a riot? I didn't start a riot when [Naruto Anime Spoiler]Orochimaru died.[END Spoiler]
Thu, 06-16-2011, 01:14 PM
Wut? Why is having a team you were rooting for lose bad enough to start a riot? I didn't start a riot when Orochimaru died.
[Naruto Anime Spoiler]And he died twice[END Spoiler]
Thu, 06-16-2011, 01:30 PM
They have nothing better to do.
Thu, 06-16-2011, 01:44 PM
What really makes me frusturated about this is that other taxpayers and I have to foot the medical bills of the people who got themselves involved in this disgraceful event. I do understand that many people tried to get out of downtown as fast as they could, but they should have prepared for a loss and a safe ride home (especially how few could have forgotten the riots in Vancouver of 1994).
Here's one thing about being a fan or having a hobby that many people don't realize - you don't have to be around tons of people to enjoy a passion. Instead of going to the allocated outdoor gatherings, people should just stay at home and watch it on their 30"+ LCD/plasma HDTV with or without friends with some drinks bought before the liquor stores closed early. For me, that's the best way to enjoy my entertainment.
Thu, 06-16-2011, 02:07 PM
Indeed. I love watching basketball, but I would never watch it live. The view is much better from the tv screen, and I can chat about it while watching and eating great food with my friends.
Thu, 06-16-2011, 03:35 PM
They have nothing better to do.
Indeed. It's not like the rioters would be true fans of the sport or any team in the first place. They simply enjoy the company of their kin and look for excuses to riot and vandalize. It's the same people who infiltrate otherwise peaceful demonstrations and start to break shop windows and throw rocks at the police. Simply because they enjoy barbarism.
Thu, 06-16-2011, 03:35 PM
Riots in Vancouver after Canucks lose the Stanley Cup. (
For great justice these need to be reposted.
Extensive Photos ( - This story from the National Post made me realize how bad the riots really were.
As for this guy ( totally deserved that.
Lastly...Go Bruins!
Thu, 06-16-2011, 08:49 PM
Indeed. It's not like the rioters would be true fans of the sport or any team in the first place. They simply enjoy the company of their kin and look for excuses to riot and vandalize. It's the same people who infiltrate otherwise peaceful demonstrations and start to break shop windows and throw rocks at the police. Simply because they enjoy barbarism.
I don't know how truthful your statement is. I think they are real fans, since fan is short for fanatic. These folks are fanatically devoted to their team, so when the team lets them down by playing poorly and losing badly, it's an emotional pain that needs an outlet in the form of destruction.
For great justice these need to be reposted.
Extensive Photos ( - This story from the National Post made me realize how bad the riots really were.
Lastly...Go Bruins!
Boston had its police ready for the Bruins fans, win or lose. Guess Vancouver is a little behind on mob control.
My favorite picture from what you posted:
If you had the money... why not? It's like paying for crazy expensive medication that no one else can buy.
In the case of blood, you can argue that he's "taking emergency blood supplies", but as long as he took it from a place where they had plenty in stock, it wouldn't matter.
Sorry, I forgot to reply to this. The difference is, blood supplies are a limited resource that relies on literal blood donations from other people. That blood is in short supply in a lot of areas and especially if there's a disaster. So giving it all to one guy just because he can afford it is like letting a murderer go because he is rich.
Thu, 06-16-2011, 09:14 PM
Holy shit i agree with Ani.
Thu, 06-16-2011, 09:20 PM
I agreed with Mfauli recently. Maybe this is becoming a trend.
Fri, 06-17-2011, 01:56 AM
I don't know how truthful your statement is. I think they are real fans, since fan is short for fanatic. These folks are fanatically devoted to their team, so when the team lets them down by playing poorly and losing badly, it's an emotional pain that needs an outlet in the form of destruction.
Maybe you are correct, and it's a question of sheer numbers. Vancouver metropolitan area has over two million people, which might generate enough idiots to turn a part of the city into a war zone. Such numbers aren't present here, explaining why things like this haven't happened anywhere close to me. There have only been a few fools in any city over here and their best efforts would look like children's play at the sandbox compared to these photos from Vancouver.
Fri, 06-17-2011, 03:27 AM
I don't know how truthful your statement is. I think they are real fans, since fan is short for fanatic. These folks are fanatically devoted to their team, so when the team lets them down by playing poorly and losing badly, it's an emotional pain that needs an outlet in the form of destruction.Unfortunately...this was not the case. They reported on the Thursday national nightly news (NBC) that the Vancouver police found many of the rioters had ( ound/4958585/story.html) come prepared ( Several people dressed as "fans" had gas masks, containers of gasoline, and other equipment.
They were going to incite and participate in a riot no matter what the outcome of the game was.
Fri, 06-17-2011, 04:59 AM
I dont understand how losing a game can move people to this. As prophet said: "The IQ of a mob is the IQ of its dumbest member divided by the number of mobsters." I mean, there must be a lot better and more justified reasons to start rioting than this! Its just so roman empire like. Panem et Circenses.
Even though the pictures look quite brutal reading the reports I would assume that this wasnt such a big mess. It could be because police where well prepared, but I have a pathologic distrust for order forces effectiveness. So im guessing that there where just a few hundred of violent guys there and a few thousands of cheering observers.
I have read about way more injuries and property damages than what they reported in what news called "violent movements" or "fights for social/civil/worker rights" not so many years ago. I think that we live too apathetically (what we are sold as peacefully).
P.S: In case there are any doubts. I dont aprove this kind of violence and even less for those motives.
Fri, 06-17-2011, 09:03 AM
Sorry, I forgot to reply to this. The difference is, blood supplies are a limited resource that relies on literal blood donations from other people. That blood is in short supply in a lot of areas and especially if there's a disaster. So giving it all to one guy just because he can afford it is like letting a murderer go because he is rich.
I agree with you in cases where blood is in short supply. I did not include the following in my post since it's not backed up by anything (and because I have no idea how blood is actually "traded"), but he could have possibly obtained blood using more ethical means.
Using blood near their used-by date (if they have one) in areas where there is an ample supply of blood anyway. (If blood can be purchased in such a way anyway..)
Or, my primary idea, was that you would simply pay people to donate blood to you and have some sort of lab screen it all for nasties before using it. That's how I would do it anyway. You pay for you blood, but not by any way that leads to people talking about it in a negative way.
Fri, 06-17-2011, 09:24 AM
Holy shit i agree with Ani.
Thanks to mod action, people can't tell what you're agreeing with me about. We'll play it safe and think you like the chick making out on the ground in the picture.
Or, my primary idea, was that you would simply pay people to donate blood to you and have some sort of lab screen it all for nasties before using it. That's how I would do it anyway. You pay for you blood, but not by any way that leads to people talking about it in a negative way. So what's the difference between this and prostitution?
Unfortunately...this was not the case. They reported on the Thursday national nightly news (NBC) that the Vancouver police found many of the rioters had ( ound/4958585/story.html) come prepared ( Several people dressed as "fans" had gas masks, containers of gasoline, and other equipment.
They were going to incite and participate in a riot no matter what the outcome of the game was.
Those articles prove nothing. If you knew the history of Vancouver teams, particularly their hockey team, you'd know they're prone to choking and losing. So the fans were prepared to be disappointed and upset and then to riot, not just to riot.
Fri, 06-17-2011, 10:53 AM
My favorite picture from what you posted:
Lol That's awesome, how far did they go?
Wut? Why is having a team you were rooting for lose bad enough to start a riot? I didn't start a riot when [Naruto Anime Spoiler]Orochimaru died.[END Spoiler]
lulz my sig is awesome ;3
Fri, 06-17-2011, 01:43 PM
Flash bang to the bawls is all you need to know about the riots
Fri, 06-17-2011, 01:45 PM
That is freaking hilarious hahaha
Fri, 06-17-2011, 01:47 PM
In Canadia, does that constitute police brutality?
Fri, 06-17-2011, 04:21 PM
Where was the looting? Canadians haven't learned all the American ways yet. Is this Canada's attempt to to come out of the shadow of it's southern neighbor. Is this and attempt to breakout of it's peaceful and neutral image.
It is quite interesting to see this happen in Canada, it has a really low crime rate considering it has 20 million guns to about 10 million families.
note to self, Canadians are sports fanatics.
Fri, 06-17-2011, 05:40 PM
In Canadia, does that constitute police brutality?
It won't - usually police brutality in Canada usually happen on either peaceful protesters from the Toronto G8 of 2010 or on those already peacefully being arrested. It gets very complicated when tasers come into the picture, which makes me wonder, why were tasers not used for riot control? I mean, tear gas and pepper spray is pretty effective, but tasers should have been used.
Where was the looting? Canadians haven't learned all the American ways yet. Is this Canada's attempt to to come out of the shadow of it's southern neighbor. Is this and attempt to breakout of it's peaceful and neutral image.
The looting took place on some trivial street that you probably don't care about. Targets were London Drugs (retail drug store), The Bay (relatively high-end department store), Sears, Bank of Montreal and many other private establishments including jewelry stores and restaurants.
note to self, Canadians are sports fanatics.
No doubt.
You can expect a minima of 50% up to 70% of people being hockey fans or watchers - extreme or casual.
I also agree with Animeniax of all of his opinions thus far; a lot of people I've been arguing with over Facebook are talking about riots and blaming this all on the anarchists and the barbarians not from the Vancouver area. A lot of the fans try to reason that they were on the good side and everyone would like to think so. It is, indeed, a fact that there were Canuck fans amongst the crowd and that there were Vancouverites who did participate in the riot even though there was some criminal element involved in the crowds.
The city's image is now tarnished even more than before. However, if any good at all came from this, real estate in Vancouver may be cheaper now due to this incident, so it's some good opportunity to make some long-term cash.
Fri, 06-17-2011, 09:01 PM
Lol That's awesome, how far did they go?
No idea, it's one of several pictures taken during the riots posted on that website ( If there were more pictures, I'd like to see them. Though it might ruin the magic of that picture, ie, if the girl isn't really that hot except when she's on her back and you can see her panties. I'm shallow that way.
Have any of you checked out the site posted by Ryllharu? Plenty of looting going on, and most of the people involved in the destruction and vandalism have on Canucks jerseys and t-shirts. Sure some of them could be thugs in disguise looking to cause trouble, but it's more likely they are thugs who are also Canuck fans looking to make trouble. Pretty wild stuff.
Fri, 06-17-2011, 10:21 PM
It won't - usually police brutality in Canada usually happen on either peaceful protesters from the Toronto G8 of 2010 or on those already peacefully being arrested. It gets very complicated when tasers come into the picture, which makes me wonder, why were tasers not used for riot control? I mean, tear gas and pepper spray is pretty effective, but tasers should have been used.
Aren't tasters just a one-use reload thing?
Seems pretty risky for the police to use that against a giant mob who all seem to be rather violent. I say flashbang works better.
Fri, 06-17-2011, 10:49 PM
Aren't tasters just a one-use reload thing?
Seems pretty risky for the police to use that against a giant mob who all seem to be rather violent. I say flashbang works better.
Most models are reloadable, and you only really use them on the unruliest of rioters. Flashbangs are good, but a bit excessive with potential for long term damage (though so is a tazer shock). They should stick to teargas and clubbings. They should also arrest anyone with a gas mask and make it a felony to bring one to a sporting event/mass gathering.
Fri, 06-17-2011, 11:29 PM
Yeah, by one-use reloadable I meant you had to shoot someone, discard the head with the conductive cord, reload a new one, aim and shoot again. It seems so time consuming when you can just tear-gas a mob at once - and as you said, club them.
I only mentioned flashbang because of the vid. :)
Fri, 06-17-2011, 11:52 PM
Shoot them. Done.
Sat, 06-18-2011, 02:46 AM
that's some of the happiest rioters i ever saw.
Sat, 06-18-2011, 04:26 AM
Vancouver should invest in an Active Denial System ( Millimeter wave "death ray" that makes it feel like your skin is set on fire. Once out of the beam, the effect ends. It's a preferable to things like rubber claymore mines, tear gas, or the Long Range Acoustic Device ( (LRAD), most of which have the potential to cause more permanent damage.
As we've seen in many countries during the Arab Spring, lethal force against protesters should only be an option if the officier/soldier is being equivalently threatened.
Disclaimer: I do not work for Raytheon.
Sat, 06-18-2011, 05:51 AM
The thing I find funny (in a sad way) is how this kind of disturbances tend to end with the same conclussions:
There was a bunch of anarchists that just wanted to break havoc and took advantage of the mob.
Its just a bunch of a thousand radical fanatics of the teams that take advantage of the mob to break havoc.
They should hunt down those people and made em pay for all the destruction.
Lets make a movement to identify those basterds and make em pay and in the process get some rewards.
Is something I always see when this kind of things happen, some riot started for sports related issues. I mean why dont they ban the canucks for a few years from those competions, or make em pay as subsidiary, or ban such a dangeorus sport that can make people go crazy.
They take advantage of those fellings fans have, to sell them merchandise, to sell em very expensive tickets or season passes, they promote rivalry and even "conflict" with advertising campaigns as if matches were wars. And when they go rampage its all their fault.
The solution to everything is always to spend lots more of money into army, military, defense and some new and innovative forms of reducing human beings to pulp. Lets spend hundreds of millions in crowd control/ repression methods when their savage riots cost a few millinions.
Sat, 06-18-2011, 06:29 AM
Considering even we have seen good shots of the looters and vandals, there's no doubt the officials have plenty more, not to mention those arrested. They are going to pay.
Sat, 06-18-2011, 09:18 AM
The solution to everything is always to spend lots more of money into army, military, defense and some new and innovative forms of reducing human beings to pulp. Lets spend hundreds of millions in crowd control/ repression methods when their savage riots cost a few millinions.The alternatives are shooting machine guns at them from tanks. See Syria. Innovations in non-lethal weaponry (especially ones that are not gas weapons) is always going to be an improvement. No injuries and no deaths from this kind of chaos is the ideal to strive for.
Considering even we have seen good shots of the looters and vandals, there's no doubt the officials have plenty more, not to mention those arrested. They are going to pay.Considering how fast the media has been able to find the identity of the "kissing" couple, I would not be surprised if a number of the looters and vandals are already in custody.
Sat, 06-18-2011, 10:10 AM
Considering how fast the media has been able to find the identity of the "kissing" couple, I would not be surprised if a number of the looters and vandals are already in custody.
Dammit I knew it, I shouldn't have googled it. Consider the magic ruined, she's not particularly hot and explaining the moment also kills the beauty of it.
Sat, 06-18-2011, 11:14 AM
I want to know who they are but can`t find it. :/
Sat, 06-18-2011, 11:18 AM
Google 'kissing vancouver'.
Apparently not that many people in Vancouver kiss.
Sat, 06-18-2011, 11:20 AM
Oh, got it, to be honest that guy is very... meh, magic is ruined over here too :(
Sat, 06-18-2011, 11:48 AM
... or ban such a dangeorus sport that can make people go crazy.
They take advantage of those fellings fans have, to sell them merchandise, to sell em very expensive tickets or season passes, they promote rivalry and even "conflict" with advertising campaigns as if matches were wars. And when they go rampage its all their fault.
This, I completely disagree with. How is it hockey's fault if the Vancouver fans can't keep their emotions in check? Also, as far as official NHL media coverage and advertising goes before and after the game, they don't try to portray it as a war. Hockey does have a barbarian nature to it (which I personally think should be toned down as the game has much to offer even without all that), but a clear distinction is made between behaviour on and off the rink. Players are expected to be extremely mannered, well-spoken, professional and humble as soon as they step off the ice. It is ONLY when they are on the ice that they are allowed to let loose.
I dont know what the atmosphere is like in other sports, but when an incident like this happens in hockey, I lay the blame squarely on the fans involved. The team, the NHL, or the media has nothing to do with it.
Sat, 06-18-2011, 01:19 PM
Google 'kissing vancouver'.
Apparently not that many people in Vancouver kiss.
Lol exploitable
Sat, 06-18-2011, 01:43 PM
Sat, 06-18-2011, 02:02 PM
I feel sorry for both parties. That couple could very well have been doing nothing wrong, but the police were dealing with people who were violently rioting, so it was just an unfortunate consequence of being stuck in all that madness.
Plus now they're semi-famous so I guess it worked out.
Thu, 06-23-2011, 02:59 AM
Be sure to use your wrist strap when playing your Wii in the Bronx. Also, be sure to eat when your Mom's boyfriend tells you to... If you like living, that is.
Mother pummels her 5 year old son to death for breaking her TV with a Wiimote. ( in_bronx_no_arrests_in_homicide_o.html)
Thu, 06-23-2011, 06:46 AM
Prosecutors charged Crawford with murder and manslaughter.
I didn't know they could do did that. So what, it's common practice for police to charge manslaughter and murder at the same time to see what works out?
Thu, 06-23-2011, 07:02 AM
WTF did she smack him with?@@??@?@?@?@ Must have been a fucking pole. Ugh, another reason not to ever raise your fist/pole/hand to a tiny child.
Thu, 06-23-2011, 08:12 AM
Bare hands, if I understood the article right.
Thu, 06-23-2011, 08:35 AM
She's lying.
Thu, 06-23-2011, 09:32 AM
You know how hard you must hit a kid before they get internal bleeding?
I don't :S. (though "smack" and "punch" are two different things. Couldn't the autopsy give a a more definitive clue?)
Thu, 06-23-2011, 09:35 AM
I didn't know they could do did that. So what, it's common practice for police to charge manslaughter and murder at the same time to see what works out?
Yes, especially when murder might not stick.
Thu, 06-23-2011, 10:32 AM
It makes sense for them to charge manslaughter when murder fails (especially if the reason was due to lack of intent for killing), but having them both charged at the same time just has a funny feel to it since they're mutually exclusive. (You can't be guilty of manslaughter AND murder for the same death). It's like saying they don't know which one it is, so they'll just put them noth through and test their luck.
While I see what they're trying to do makes sense, it comes off to me as a lack of investigation, or incompetence at investigating whether she had a motive for murder.
Thu, 06-23-2011, 10:38 AM
They can't try for manslaughter once the defendant is found not guilty of murder in a trial. Similar charges count as double jeopardy. They have no choice but to do it at the same time.
Thu, 06-23-2011, 10:42 AM
I see....
So if I was speeding along this road which had 4 speeding cameras, i can't be given 4 speeding tickets?
Or can I...
Thu, 06-23-2011, 11:37 AM
Yeah you'd only get one citation, as you only committed one crime and can't be guilty of the same crime more than once.
Actually after thinking about it a little more, I'm not sure either. Assuming the cameras are placed apart at various distances down the stretch of road. I would think you would still get one citation.
Thu, 06-23-2011, 03:55 PM
IANAL, but the reason prosecution goes for a lesser charge is typically lower burden of proof. In the US, since all accused are presumed innocent, prosecution has to prove their case beyond the shadow of a reasonable doubt. It's much harder to prove 1st Degree Murder (the act being premeditated is tough to prove sometimes) than it is to prove 2nd Degree .
In this case, looking at the court documents (, she is charged with two separate counts. The first charge, 2nd Degree Murder, is for the death of her son. The manslaughter count seems to be tied to her failure to seek medical attention after the act.
Thu, 06-23-2011, 03:58 PM
Beating children should be illegal. I'm around little children all the time (six year olds are babies... babies!) and I couldn't imagine beating the shit out of them like some parents do.
Now spanking a cheeky 14 year old? Not above it.
Thu, 06-23-2011, 04:06 PM
I am not against physical punishment, but nothing that would make the child afraid or hurt. Slight pain is only there to remind them that what they did was wrong, serving as a deterrent. Proper explanation should always come before and after it.
Thu, 06-23-2011, 04:54 PM
Beating children should be illegal. I'm around little children all the time (six year olds are babies... babies!) and I couldn't imagine beating the shit out of them like some parents do.
Now spanking a cheeky 14 year old? Not above it.
Your opinion alligns with Louis CK's:
Thu, 06-23-2011, 05:08 PM
Now you got me listening to all these:
Fri, 06-24-2011, 11:01 AM
I got hit bad as a kid.
Hard. Painful. But the methods and place were chosen so that I wouldn't suffer from anything like internal bleeding. (flexible material (plastic, bamboo) of perhaps 1cm in diameter, 50cm long.. on asscheeks, thighs, upper arms.) One such infarction in the past was 20-30 of those. I can't remember how many times it actually was. I lost count at around 10. I used to be fully scared of them and found the pain unbearable, but as I grew older I just went "Yep, just go. Hurry up and get it over with. /endure"
I think the idea was to make sure you didn't do something due to fear.. as you'd probably only understand and see why it shouldn't be done years later. I'm not sure where I stand regarding the whole issue, but I wholeheartedly agree about the beating->liar part.
I didn't use a curse word in grade 3, but the teacher (and some students) believed I did, and made me take a note home that required a parent's signature to say they know I'm going to have to sit a detention session. I forged that signature because I didn't want to get hit, rather than bring it up with them and explain that I didn't really do it.
It's only now that I finally realise teachers don'tknow nor check what my parents' signatures look like anyway... >_>.
Fri, 06-24-2011, 11:53 AM
I lied to my mom like crazy, but she didn't hit me until I was a bit older, like 13. I think some kids are just liars, like me.
I was hit by my aunts though, because they were the ones who took care of me. They used belts or other things, but I never feared, or disliked them for it. I hated the hitting and pain for sure, but I knew it was my own fault anyway. They never hit me out of anger.
My mom hit me out of anger though. When I was 14, I took the car out and got it stuck in a flood. The flood water seeped into the car. I eventually got back (the car was fine aside from being dirty), she came barreling towards me at the front door with my "arnis" (wooden stick) and started hitting me with it in front of my friends. It was embarassing, but I got over it.
I don't think I will hit my own child though, unless she is ugly. If she was cute, she would be treated like a princess. Boys should be thrown off a cliff.
Fri, 06-24-2011, 12:59 PM
I don't think I will hit my own child though, unless she is ugly. If she was cute, she would be treated like a princess. Boys should be thrown off a cliff.
Oh god forbid shinta has a kawaii daugher.
Fri, 06-24-2011, 02:20 PM
What, you'd rather have me hit an ugly daughter, or throw my son off a cliff than to have a kawaii daughter?
Fri, 06-24-2011, 02:55 PM
I was actually never hit by my parents, except one case(not important one, and it wouldn't be even considered as punishment). They could always find a way to punish me in different way: being grounded, ban on legos/pc/tv. Plus they nearly always told me why i shouldn't do some things, instead of just typical 'don't do it'.
Fri, 06-24-2011, 10:36 PM
Oh god forbid shinta has a kawaii daugher.
Why? He'll shower her with love.
My mum actually started to stop hitting me when I was 13, in contrast. I just got too old for it.
They'd always make me promise not to do it again, and then call me a liar when I do it again? What am I meant to say at a waving stick? No?
Sat, 06-25-2011, 02:23 PM
Why? He'll shower her with love.
Oh God...
Tue, 06-28-2011, 09:46 AM
16 year old aspiring country singer marries ( old ass 51 year old actor.
Tue, 06-28-2011, 09:49 AM
Why? He'll shower her with love.
define 'showering with love' in this case.
Tue, 06-28-2011, 10:11 AM
define 'showering with love' in this case.
A picture tells a thousand words. And I'm not typing that.
Just shinta time and a cute daughter. Then you can see for yourselves.
As for the latest news link..
Sixteen year-olds need to be focused on their education, future careers, enjoying friendships, acquiring sports or musical skills, and most of all, developing their own personal identities.
They are in no way, shape or form ready to get married to anyone, least of all someone more than three times their age."
Why not? Who's to dictate when the mature marrying age is.. In Australia we can marry when you're 16, regardless of the parents' thoughts on the matter.
Tue, 06-28-2011, 10:20 AM
The disturbing part is she has so much plastic surgery she looks like she's fifty. So of course the Hutchinson guy is all, "OMG MY SOUL MATE" 'cuz they look the same age.
Tue, 06-28-2011, 10:51 AM
The disturbing part is she has so much plastic surgery she looks like she's fifty. So of course the Hutchinson guy is all, "OMG MY SOUL MATE" 'cuz they look the same age.
Haha. When I saw those photos, my first thought was "who's 51, the girl or the guy?" The guy's face in that wedding shot looks more like 30.
Tue, 06-28-2011, 03:00 PM
When I looked at the first pic, I thought that's well-preserved 51 years old woman. Then I reached the last row and the pic of the older man and I got majorly confused.
Tue, 06-28-2011, 03:03 PM
When I looked at the first pic, I thought that's well-preserved 51 years old woman. Then I reached the last row and the pic of the older man and I got majorly confused.
Same, that's the trampiest looking 16 year old I've ever seen
Death BOO Z
Tue, 06-28-2011, 03:19 PM
trampy silicon women aside (I've too been confused about them until I followed the link), I agree with the criticism. a 51 year old man has no reason to marry someone 2 generations younger than him, and vice-versa.
Tue, 06-28-2011, 03:35 PM
I don't see the problem, she wants him for his money and he wants her for his body. Sounds like a fair deal.
Tue, 06-28-2011, 06:21 PM
I'm not going to lie - if she is actually marrying him voluntarily, then this makes me happy knowing two people, who are plenty different, can unite together under a powerful bond. It serves to give reassurance to those out there who still have not found their soulmates quite yet.
Tue, 06-28-2011, 11:33 PM
Crytek finally released the DX11 patch for Crysis 2 on PC! Here are some gifs showing the difference between the patched version and the unpatched version:
Wed, 06-29-2011, 01:52 AM
Why not? Who's to dictate when the mature marrying age is.. In Australia we can marry when you're 16, regardless of the parents' thoughts on the matter.
Maybe you were an intelligent and level headed 16 year-old.
I assure you, that is not the norm.
Wed, 06-29-2011, 03:29 AM
That 16 year old was engineered, that is all I have to say. Good luck to them both.
Tue, 07-05-2011, 10:37 PM
What is this Casey Anthony business I keep seeing? I really have no clue what this is about, or why it seems to be everywhere.
Wed, 07-06-2011, 12:57 AM
Google it
Wed, 07-06-2011, 01:59 AM
What is this Casey Anthony business I keep seeing? I really have no clue what this is about, or why it seems to be everywhere.
Long story short: Little girl is murdered, Mom is tried for the murder of her daughter, despite circumstantial evidence ( Mom is found not guilty.
The media, in broadcasting and reporting on her case for the past month, essentially convicted her themselves straight away, leading to public outrage when today's verdict was reached.
Wed, 07-06-2011, 02:15 AM
It's the OJ verdict all over again.
Wed, 07-06-2011, 02:33 AM
That case even echoed here. so for me there's no doubt that its summer and there arent many interesting things to entertain the mass with. Seems defense made its job right and I hate it when the media erects judge and jury. Usually they do more harm than anyone they are trying to sentence.
Wed, 07-06-2011, 09:29 AM
Long story short: Little girl is murdered, Mom is tried for the murder of her daughter, despite circumstantial evidence ( Mom is found not guilty.
The media, in broadcasting and reporting on her case for the past month, essentially convicted her themselves straight away, leading to public outrage when today's verdict was reached.
I was too lazy to google it :p But yea, this happens a lot (sadly) I don't know if this should count as some big news story. I wonder how the big news outlets pick their "big stores?" I would be interested to get a look behind that process.
"After a televised trial that gripped many Americans?" Really? I was not one of those Americans...
Wed, 07-06-2011, 10:23 AM
The media seems to decide what to cover based on whatever is likely to get attention and then it tries to cover those things in a way that makes them seem 'official' regardless of whether there's any real merit in talking about them. The whole C/Kaley Anthony issue is just the latest example of the media going crazy over something that has no meaning to the overall course of society just because it's easily sensationalized. Few things are easier to sensationalize in the US than the search for 'justice' for dead white females, the younger the better. In a month or two no one but the small number of people who actually have to interact with the woman will care, then in about 6-12 months the book(s) should start coming out and people will be on TV to bitch about that for a while and then it'll die down again and by then they should be onto the next dead girl to sensationalize.
Uchiha Barles
Wed, 07-06-2011, 11:19 AM
Every time you find that a story that is receiving massive coverage is completely and utterly undeserving of it, pay attention to what is happening in politics and the military. You should find a correlation between bullshit but popular media coverage, and important events occurring in the government.
Wed, 07-06-2011, 04:02 PM
Regardless, this is an outrage.
Fri, 07-08-2011, 04:41 PM
lol She so drunk.
Fri, 07-08-2011, 04:59 PM
700-Pound Woman Makes a Career Out of Eating -- a Lot (
All of my hate...
Fri, 07-08-2011, 04:59 PM
Oh Amy, Amy, she is tiny-looking. A friend told me that she met her and that Amy Winehouse was small, I wonder how many drinks it takes her to get that sloshed, and when her next album is coming out.
Fri, 07-08-2011, 05:02 PM
A LOT. In an interview she had 10 margaritas already and she was completely sober and articulate. In 2007.
Fri, 07-08-2011, 05:06 PM
700-Pound Woman Makes a Career Out of Eating -- a Lot (
All of my hate...
Hope she dies on camera
Fri, 07-08-2011, 05:07 PM
Hope she dies on camera
I kind of want a 3-day subscription just so I can see her eat.
Sun, 07-10-2011, 04:05 AM
I kind of want a 3-day subscription just so I can see her eat.
You're going to add to her income? :(
I don't get why one would pay to see her eat though. i mean, there's other fat people who show you how they eat on youtube (animeniax linked one in the Eating thread before). How different can it be to watch some world-title fatty eat?
I don't get it.
Sun, 07-10-2011, 04:48 AM
You're going to add to her income? :(
I don't get why one would pay to see her eat though. i mean, there's other fat people who show you how they eat on youtube (animeniax linked one in the Eating thread before). How different can it be to watch some world-title fatty eat?
I don't get it.
Some people have weird interests (
Sun, 07-10-2011, 06:53 AM
Well Inflation is seen often enough in hentai, but that's about. The other stuff like 'stuffing a pillow up your shirt so you look pregnant' and 'eat so you won't fit through a doorway'... :S
Sun, 07-10-2011, 07:04 AM
You're going to add to her income? :(
Lapse of rationality. I don't know what came over me. As mentioned, I can just watch fat people eat on Youtube.
Sun, 07-10-2011, 08:00 AM
You know what?
I wonder if her 4 year old daughter has been conditioned to be one of those cute, otaku-dream imoutos who do all your house work and wake you up wth a cheery "Onii-chan~"
Every cloud has a silver lining. Even fat ones.
Sun, 07-10-2011, 10:11 AM
Her daughter is probably brainwashed into thinking being morbidly obese and on the verge of death gives you positive attention, or people like this should be worshiped and taken care of with utmost devotion.
Mon, 07-11-2011, 10:45 AM
Baby born 16-lbs. (
Also, best interview ever.
Mon, 07-11-2011, 10:53 AM
what kind of name is JaMichael? Seriously, what's with black people and names man?
Mon, 07-11-2011, 10:58 AM
This is not a good news for the baby.
Mon, 07-11-2011, 01:02 PM
what kind of name is JaMichael? Seriously, what's with black people and names man?
The California data establish just how dissimilarly black and white parents have named their children over the past 25 years or so—a remnant, it seems, of the Black Power movement. The typical baby girl born in a black neighborhood in 1970 was given a name that was twice as common among blacks than whites. By 1980, she received a name that was 20 times more common among blacks. (Boys' names moved in the same direction but less aggressively—likely because parents of all races are less adventurous with boys' names than girls'.) Today, more than 40 percent of the black girls born in California in a given year receive a name that not one of the roughly 100,000 baby white girls received that year. Even more remarkably, nearly 30 percent of the black girls are given a name that is unique among every baby, white and black, born that year in California. (There were also 228 babies named Unique during the 1990s alone, and one each of Uneek, Uneque, and Uneqqee; virtually all of them were black.)
What kind of parent is most likely to give a child such a distinctively black name? The data offer a clear answer: an unmarried, low-income, undereducated, teenage mother from a black neighborhood who has a distinctively black name herself. Giving a child a super-black name would seem to be a black parent's signal of solidarity with her community—the flip side of the "acting white" phenomenon. White parents, meanwhile, often send as strong a signal in the opposite direction. More than 40 percent of the white babies are given names that are at least four times more common among whites.
Mon, 07-11-2011, 01:25 PM
There you have it; although my siblings and I all have "mainstream" names. Unfortunately, my sister named her son "Arliss" (and she was in her 30s at the time). In no way is that a black name, but then again, it is not the 1800s either.
Seriously...Arliss (!
Mon, 07-11-2011, 02:02 PM
There you have it; although my siblings and I all have "mainstream" names. Unfortunately, my sister named her son "Arliss" (and she was in her 30s at the time). In no way is that a black name, but then again, it is not the 1800s either.
Seriously...Arliss (!
There was a show on HBO about a smooth talking Jewish sports agent named.... Arli$$.
Mon, 07-11-2011, 02:27 PM
There was a show on HBO about a smooth talking Jewish sports agent named.... Arli$$.
I remember, Sandra Oh played his secretary. But my sister has never heard of that show, and nobody in our family is Jewish. Well, the boy is 13 now, and still chooses to go by that (instead of his middle name), so more power to him.
Mon, 07-11-2011, 05:43 PM
I saw some Hebrew names among a few of my black students this past year. Ezekiel, Isaiah, etc.
I also had Shaqaal, Domiasha, and Carennia, none of which are pronounced like they are spelled.
Then the more typical "black names". Marquise, Carrington, Torrian, Ruby, Destinee, Miracal, Tre'Mon, Trevion, Lanae, Kierra, and Ikea.
Fucking Ikea...
Mon, 07-11-2011, 05:59 PM
So traffic in LA is so notoriously bad that them closing down one of the city's biggest freeways for one of the upcoming weekends is such a big deal, it's apparently become national news.
Here's the fuhrer's concerns about Carmaggedon
Mon, 07-11-2011, 05:59 PM
They sound pretty nice to me.
You people is RACIST. Do you freak out when Indians and Egyptians have weird names?
Mon, 07-11-2011, 06:16 PM
They sound pretty nice to me.
Not saying the names or the students weren't nice, just giving personal examples.
Ikea was a bitch though. Fuck Ikea.
Mon, 07-11-2011, 06:35 PM
LOL! It's so funny when students are bitches.
Mon, 07-11-2011, 09:58 PM
Carrington? Did I miss something?
Tue, 07-12-2011, 09:48 AM
If I ever have a kid, they're getting a "white" name.
Tue, 07-12-2011, 11:18 AM
Boy will get named 'Malcolm' and girl will get 'Layla'.
Wed, 07-13-2011, 03:53 AM
I will give my daughter a Japanese name even if I am Chinese living in the Philippines.
Death BOO Z
Wed, 07-13-2011, 04:15 AM
I'll be a horrible parent. maybe I'll go with numbered theme naming.
number one
second to none
third time's the charm
I suspect that they'll get beat up quite much in school, and will be confused whether I even care about them once they hear the name of their brother.
Wed, 07-13-2011, 04:21 AM
Lol, DBZ thinks he'll ever have the chance to reproduce :,D
Wed, 07-13-2011, 07:04 AM
I'll be a horrible parent. maybe I'll go with numbered theme naming.
number one
second to none
third time's the charm
I suspect that they'll get beat up quite much in school, and will be confused whether I even care about them once they hear the name of their brother.
This is the funniest thing I've ever heard.
Wed, 07-13-2011, 10:14 AM
Well I gave my daughter a Japanese/English name :p
Wed, 07-13-2011, 10:16 AM
I'll be a horrible parent. maybe I'll go with numbered theme naming.
number one
second to none
third time's the charm
I suspect that they'll get beat up quite much in school, and will be confused whether I even care about them once they hear the name of their brother.
I would probably give my dogs names with German numbers...
Wed, 07-13-2011, 02:21 PM
FYI, my father wanted to name me "Harry". This is ridiculous because the beginning of our surname sounds like "Harry". And he wanted my middle name to be Hector. Thank goodness my mother intervened and named me while he was using the bathroom.
Sat, 07-16-2011, 02:32 PM
16 year old aspiring country singer marries ( old ass 51 year old actor.
The sixteen year old... MET HIM ONLINE. He proposed to her the day they met in person. O_O She also denies all claims of plastic surgery.
Sat, 07-16-2011, 03:02 PM
Fuck your shit Hulu...
Sun, 07-17-2011, 04:43 PM
Japan wins versus the US in the women's soccer World Cup final! (
Best match I've ever watched! These women could put most men's teams to shame. I think overall US played a far stronger game, however they didn't get all their chances in and you've got to give it to the Japanese players credit, never giving up, and their coach. Beautiful game.
Loved both sides, however happy Japan took it home. They deserve the win!
Sun, 07-17-2011, 05:14 PM
Youtube video of Casey Anthony case. Start at 9:23.
Mon, 07-18-2011, 12:03 AM
Japan wins the Women's world cup 2-2/3-1pk over the favored U.S.
Great game!
Wed, 07-20-2011, 10:00 AM
CNN: First came the world's cheapest car; now a house for $700 in India (
Interesting stuff.
Wed, 07-20-2011, 11:00 AM
Japan wins the Women's world cup 2-2/3-1pk over the favored U.S.
Great game!
Wish I got to see it. I do not like the drama of penalty kicks though.
Thu, 07-21-2011, 05:04 PM
Even better:
Thu, 07-21-2011, 05:17 PM
It's friday all over again.
Death BOO Z
Thu, 07-21-2011, 06:06 PM
I wish it was Friday, I thought that one was endearing, had silly charm.
she looks creepy, she had her lips done. and doesn't seem very bright.
'if you are a victim, you are special'.
Thu, 07-21-2011, 06:33 PM
She's most likely faking it, reverse trolling and what not
It worked too, the first video is almost up to 2 mil views
Thu, 07-21-2011, 07:44 PM
I like how it was filmed in like two takes. She looks away from the camera for a split second at 1:05.
Fri, 07-22-2011, 02:49 PM
It sounds like her mouth is full of marbles or something. Ugh, listening to her makes me feel sleepy. And everyone knows that "fake tits" have their own optional forcefield (especially for 16 year olds). She never verified if her butt or lips were real either.
Fri, 07-22-2011, 03:08 PM
How about some actual news in this thread?
Oslo blast kills 7, while shooting at youth camp kills at least 20. (
I'll admit that my knowledge of tensions in Scandinavia is limited, but I'm rather surprised that something like this would happen in Norway. I've always been thinking of them as a fairly neutral country. It seems that the two incidents are connected as well.
edit: Islamic militants have claimed credit for the attack.
Death BOO Z
Sat, 07-23-2011, 07:40 AM
more on the subject (
so, three attacks, one bomb in the street of the prime-minister offices, a car-bomb in a nearby city and a shooting at a youth camp of the labor party.
it's very likely all three are related.
still, I don't like how they released the name of the suspect so quickly. even if he's not innocent, I feel that letting this information out is going to hamper with the investigation process,
Sat, 07-23-2011, 09:31 AM
he certainly is number one on now, at least 92 people dead.
the "good" thing is that he didn't die, I really wonder what his motives were and how he wants to justify that shit.
Sat, 07-23-2011, 10:27 AM
Good point KrayZ. He was probably a victim of child abuse.
Sat, 07-23-2011, 01:58 PM
Amy Winehouse found dead, aged 27 (
How unexpected...
Sat, 07-23-2011, 02:01 PM
Holy fucking shit. I was not expecting that. RIP.
Sat, 07-23-2011, 03:20 PM
Wow...I guess when it's your time, it's your time. I really enjoyed her music though; Back to Black is one of my all time favorite albums.
Wed, 07-27-2011, 10:04 AM rticle_Teaser_Region_1&lid=ARTICLE_16038130_South_Korean_Landslide_Near_S eoul_Cause_By_Heavy_Rains_Kills_At_Least_32_People
Crazy monsoon season time.
Wed, 07-27-2011, 01:26 PM
Wed, 07-27-2011, 02:07 PM
i wanna find out why its a wake up call.....i have many-a-times dreamed of becoming a small business owner, and this insight would be truly beneficial.
Wed, 07-27-2011, 02:32 PM
Really? I do work with small businesses; maybe I should read this article.
Wed, 07-27-2011, 05:15 PM
16 paragraphs of nothingness and the main message was this:
But whether you are a pop star, a plumber or a business consultant, the same rules still apply: you are the product. And if that's the case, you are going to need to take really good care for yourself if you want your business to succeed.
Basically, take care of yourself and/or your business in the long-term and not short-term (I'm pretty sure everyone who took a business class seminar in secondary/high school already knew that). It's a simple axiom/statement with 16 paragraphs of unnecessary explanation and reasoning.
Here's news that's really got me worried:
Rewrites for rival US debt plans (
I wonder what will happen if the U.S. defaults on its loans... it's apparent already that anything silver and gold related are going up including the Canadian currency value.
Wed, 07-27-2011, 11:46 PM
16 paragraphs of nothingness and the main message was this:
Basically, take care of yourself and/or your business in the long-term and not short-term (I'm pretty sure everyone who took a business class seminar in secondary/high school already knew that). It's a simple axiom/statement with 16 paragraphs of unnecessary explanation and reasoning.
Here's news that's really got me worried:
Rewrites for rival US debt plans (
I wonder what will happen if the U.S. defaults on its loans... it's apparent already that anything silver and gold related are going up including the Canadian currency value.
This is largely a political circus. I seriously doubt that either party would allow the US to not pay for stuff it has already "bought". This will likely be resolved by Monday or so, you mark my words.
Thu, 07-28-2011, 01:38 PM
I wonder what will happen if the U.S. defaults on its loans... it's apparent already that anything silver and gold related are going up including the Canadian currency value.
It's a good idea to have anything silver and gold related for now anyway.
Bought some shares in a silver trust and it's been doing pretty well so far.
Thu, 07-28-2011, 04:11 PM
It's a good idea to have anything silver and gold related for now anyway.
Bought some shares in a silver trust and it's been doing pretty well so far.
Well its been a good idea to invest in gold since the recession hit, period.
The U.S. has had a stern policy of paying its bills since the Revolutionary War, we're not going to default.
Thu, 07-28-2011, 04:44 PM
This is largely a political circus. I seriously doubt that either party would allow the US to not pay for stuff it has already "bought". This will likely be resolved by Monday or so, you mark my words.Definitely. I think the Republicans are trying to ride this as long as they can trying to derail President Obama's bid for re-election, but from what I'm hearing, more people blame the Republicans than they do Obama for this mess.
Fri, 07-29-2011, 02:38 PM
Politics is bad theater.
Fri, 07-29-2011, 06:47 PM
So the basic consequences with foreign investments in the US debt would result in...
investments in the US debt devalued
job losses throughout the world
prolonged or a double-dip global recession (less aid to poor nations)
spiked interest rates
deflation (though, stagflation can occur...anybody's guess)
What makes me wonder is why many of the people (or stereotypical/media-portrayed ones) are extremely reluctant and sensitive to paying more taxes to create jobs or support other people with lower economic statuses. I do understand that there are a lot of people out there who try to abuse benefits from the government for their own good, but I strongly believe that there are an equal, if not more, amount of that portion that really do need it to get through.
I also think that the US educational system should be revamped where students, starting from kindergarten or their first year, should be taught how to spend their money. I watched PBS a week ago called "Biz Kids" and it was a wonderful program that, through the use of melodramatic and lame sketches, taught the importance of consumerism that I believe should be reinforced in citizens today.
There is no way that one is benefiting if one has to spend money to get Air Mile Rewards, buy estates with a 40-80 year amortization period contract, use a credit card to buy everything that tempts them and buying/selling debt and generally spending money that they don't have/buying [luxurious] material possessions that they do not need.
In my opinion, but then again, I'm a guy who always pays by cash and doesn't have a credit rating because I don't have credit cards.
Fri, 07-29-2011, 07:18 PM
I watched PBS a week ago called "Biz Kids" and it was a wonderful program that, through the use of melodramatic and lame sketches, taught the importance of consumerism that I believe should be reinforced in citizens today.
I don't think public schools should teach ideals in any way shape or form. I went to HS in Texas and they basically said premarital sex causes you to have sex with everyone that other person had sex with and gives you AIDS and herpes.
Fri, 07-29-2011, 07:38 PM
It depends on the curriculum, thought and context the educational system is based on.
In this context, teaching the basics of essential consumerism is crucial for preventing debts and crises. There are usually three reasons, in my point of view, that a person should borrow money to use:
Post-secondary Education
Mortgage (that one can actually afford to pay off in a reasonable ~20 years)
Business (that has a high chance of succeeding)
From my personal experience, ever since I was in elementary/primary school, I've been bombarded with anti-smoking, anti-illicit-drug use, anti-theft... essentially, anti-debauchery ads, lectures and propaganda and I consider myself to have been proudly indoctrinated without doing any of those things thus far. I, to this day, fail to see how any of the practices I have mentioned will benefit one's health by physical, mental and spiritual means (while financial lessons will benefit a lot in reducing stress and living a better quality of life).
I have seen my peers fall victim to these disdainful practices so it'll never penetrate the ends of the Gaussian curve as per usual, but it will get a majority of the curve to think smarter; thus, this will increase the chances of prevention and that is what matters to preventing latent crises like these.
Fri, 07-29-2011, 08:03 PM
From my personal experience, ever since I was in elementary/primary school, I've been bombarded with anti-smoking, anti-illicit-drug use, anti-theft... essentially, anti-debauchery ads, lectures and propaganda and I consider myself to have been proudly indoctrinated without doing any of those things thus far.
Yeah that's my point. I basically see it as another few millions of dollars trying to teach questionable ideals people who will probably ignore it anyway (due to their own choices, or the fact that bad teachers don't get fired, etc.).
Or you'll end up with 7 year olds drinking Starbucks. :O
Fri, 07-29-2011, 08:47 PM
Are you trying to say that teachers reinforcing beneficial concepts everyday will ironically result in opposite trends?
I wouldn't know anything about the US educational system, but take for example the situation of smoking in Canada, tobacco use has decreased by 25% in youth from 1999-2009 ( Yes, it's very slow, but it's also something that the educators and the government will have to work on consistently to see progressive results. The culture of smoking is slowly dying in Canada from effective government regulation and prevention.
As a fiscal conservative, I understand that no one likes taxes (not even the poor) because of the way the money is handled by politicians. However, there are times when one has to change their nature and say that it's time to make a couple directional changes before one steers directly into a storm, even if some of the money gets misplaced, redirected or used through the process.
If people learn to control their temptation by saving their money and paying their taxes, the global economy wouldn't be in such a big mess right due to the spending mentality that everyone knows they have. Instead, financial engineers developed a credit-driven world which allows for even the most irresponsible people to spend thousands of dollars in personal debt and, even worse, pay lawyers to fight against the IRS to lower taxation.
In conclusion, I don't really know how the US government should solve this problem in the long term because I have no educational background in the world of financing. From my perspective, I think that the US government should raise the debt ceiling for now to prevent a degradation of credit rating, introduce a slowly progressive tax % increase for everyone next year up to a certain percentage in a given period, give tax breaks to small businesses when hiring new employees, regulate volatile sectors that have the potential to derail like Wall Street and cut spending on unimportant services/agencies like the Botanic Garden, standardize the US educational system federally and give each state the power to use their money under federal moderation (if this hasn't already been done).
Edit: This is actually pretty ridiculous and hilarious at the same time:
Apple holding more cash than USA (
Sat, 07-30-2011, 03:08 AM
Are you trying to say that teachers reinforcing beneficial concepts everyday will ironically result in opposite trends?
What she's saying is that schools should teach facts, not ideals. She believes that ideals can be twisted by the people teaching it, or the society that's trying to reinforce it. Children should be taught facts, and should come up with their own ideals.
What is considered a "beneficial" ideal may not be considered such by another.
Sat, 07-30-2011, 09:00 AM
What she's saying is that schools should teach facts, not ideals. She believes that ideals can be twisted by the people teaching it, or the society that's trying to reinforce it. Children should be taught facts, and should come up with their own ideals.
What is considered a "beneficial" ideal may not be considered such by another.
From my perspective, I think that the US government should raise the debt ceiling for now to prevent a degradation of credit rating, introduce a slowly progressive tax % increase for everyone next year up to a certain percentage in a given period, give tax breaks to small businesses when hiring new employees, regulate volatile sectors that have the potential to derail like Wall Street and cut spending on unimportant services/agencies like the Botanic Garden, standardize the US educational system federally and give each state the power to use their money under federal moderation (if this hasn't already been done).
Oh, they're successful? Regulate them. We're broke? Tax them. No one's educated? Standardize them.
Raising taxes because the government can't manage or pay it's debts is like punishing the victim. Do you have any idea how much Americans are taxed already? And yet the solution for debt and money trouble is always to raise taxes, and the person saying this is usually completely ignorant of the burden it might cause other people.
I remember HS Economics saying that raising taxes is is a logical solution for a problem, just because the problem exists. And everyone soaked it up like sponges, without question. Teaching young impressionable children ideals in this manner is called indoctrination, and that's the death of a healthy people.
Sat, 07-30-2011, 09:08 AM
Do you have any idea how much Americans are taxed already?
Less than Australians.
Sat, 07-30-2011, 10:32 AM
Less than Australians.
:( How much do Australians get taxed?
Sat, 07-30-2011, 10:35 AM
:( How much do Australians get taxed?
Sat, 07-30-2011, 12:37 PM
Raising taxes because the government can't manage or pay it's debts is like punishing the victim. Do you have any idea how much Americans are taxed already? And yet the solution for debt and money trouble is always to raise taxes, and the person saying this is usually completely ignorant of the burden it might cause other people.
I remember HS Economics saying that raising taxes is is a logical solution for a problem, just because the problem exists. And everyone soaked it up like sponges, without question. Teaching young impressionable children ideals as if it's "right" is called indoctrination, and that's the death of a healthy people.
American's aren't over grossly taxed, the richest just arent paying their fair share. Forbes claims that the 400 richest Americans pay an average rate of 18%, far below the 40% they should be paying. Government spending is out of control, but a large chunk of our debt comes from the Bush tax cuts. Yes it is stupid to tax the average middle class tax payer more because in all likelihood they are paying as much as they can afford; but the wealthiest 1% of our population isn't the victim.
I dont know about your highschool class, but in actual economics raising taxes isn't simply an ideology, there are scientific methods to predict the outcome and effect on the economy.
And furthermore, its fairly difficult to completely separate perspective and opinion from subjects that involve people and social issues. Its fine for a doctrine to lead a class such as economics so long as it is supplemented critical thinking. If the HS Economics course indeed claimed that raising taxes is a logical solution, then there should have been a logical explanation to accompany the solution.
Sat, 07-30-2011, 12:45 PM
American's aren't over grossly taxed, the richest just arent paying their fair share. Forbes claims that the 400 richest Americans pay an average rate of 18%, far below the 40% they should be paying.
Why do you think that rich people should be taxed 40%?
Government spending is out of control
I dont know about your highschool class, but in actual economics raising taxes isn't simply an ideology, there are scientific methods to predict the outcome and effect on the economy.
Good point. Who's up for a discussion on Keynesian economics?
If the HS Economics course indeed claimed that raising taxes is a logical solution, then there should have been a logical explanation to accompany the solution.
Sat, 07-30-2011, 04:30 PM
Why do you think that rich people should be taxed 40%?
I was more pointing out to the claim you made "Do you have any idea how much Americans are taxed already?". Yes the average American I would say is always paying a large amount of money on what could be spent on consumer goods, needs, etc, and raising taxes on them will simply cause more pain than good. But tax rates for the wealthy have been the lowest they've been since the Eisenhower Presidency. If you compare the 35% tax rate to the entire 20th century, it would be ridiculous to only now believe they are relatively large. When you consider the fact that its not actually 35%, but more likely 15-25% because of tax loopholes, then the rich aren't feeling it at all next to the rest of the nation. The Bush tax cuts have already been responsible for nearly $3 trillion of our debt, if we both cut spending and raise revenue by taxing then you will see the deficit shrink at a surprising rate.
Sat, 07-30-2011, 05:57 PM
What she's saying is that schools should teach facts, not ideals. She believes that ideals can be twisted by the people teaching it, or the society that's trying to reinforce it. Children should be taught facts, and should come up with their own ideals.
Thanks for clearing that up; whether being smart with money is a way of life or not, I still think that smart consumerism is better for humanity, a nation-state and the individuals themselves. The only people I see losing out on this would be the business-owners, but I think it's about time that these oligopolies become more competitive than they already are.
Oh, they're successful? Regulate them. We're broke? Tax them. No one's educated? Standardize them.
I won't deny the privileges that some businesspeople have earned themselves is totally wrong, but I don't see anything wrong with regulation either. Even the hard-working and money-wise American, being productive members of society, by paying their taxes are the same as the people you group as "victims" as well. They don't really have much of a say in spending money either.
I didn't know how much Americans were already taxed and now that I've looked it from a basic viewpoint of marginal tax rates, it's fair enough. Assuming Carnage's facts are correct, these people who have evaded paying their full taxes should be prosecuted using the fullest extent of the law. This also reminds me that off-shore banking done in the US should also be regulated rigorously as well.
If rules are set, people should play by the rules. If more new rules come into play, people just have to learn how to adapt and play by new rules. It's kind of like the short story contest going on where you introduce a new rule that says that people may edit their stories after the first round. People, and especially businesspeople, should all be about flexibility to compete for their shares in the market.
And yet the solution for debt and money trouble is always to raise taxes, and the person saying this is usually completely ignorant of the burden it might cause other people.
So if the US keeps on spending and spending without more taxation to level the amount of spending, how do you propose to help this situation? The governments are always going to spend money as long as there is a need to control crime, ensure the safety of material goods (food, medicine, consumer products) and provide other social services. You can keep on cutting and cutting, which I don't have a problem with, but you'll have to wait for several decades just to pay off that $14.3 trillion debt. The only way to get out of debt faster is to raise taxes and cut spending; getting out of debt will let the US avoid becoming a third-world country, decreasing its standard of living and losing its superpower status in the world.
I just don't see how anyone can refute that. Keep in mind that I'm not talking about increasing government services or spending - just more regulation to prevent crises like this (using funds transferred from unimportant government agencies or investments), more cuts to government spending because it is, indeed, out of control and that taxation is a good thing for your own country (unless this was a ploy to devalue the US currency and increase exports).
...if we both cut spending and raise revenue by taxing then you will see the deficit shrink at a surprising rate.
Thank you.
Sat, 07-30-2011, 08:47 PM
I didn't know how much Americans were already taxed and now that I've looked it from a basic viewpoint of marginal tax rates, it's fair enough. Assuming Carnage's facts are correct, these people who have evaded paying their full taxes should be prosecuted using the fullest extent of the law. This also reminds me that off-shore banking done in the US should also be regulated rigorously as well.
Tax evasion and tax avoidance are two different things, I should say. "Loophole" implies there's a hole for you to go through without "breaking" any law on your way through - that's tax avoidance - and you can blame the maker of the "hole" for that one.
Tax evasion is an offence.
Sun, 07-31-2011, 05:00 PM
Problem with tax avoidance is that usually the ones that can really take advantage of it are the wealthy people. The average tax payers cant spend the money those tax "experts" cost cause you need continous support it isnt something you just make the weeks before tax paying. Its a full year strategy so it ends being expenseive and even if you would get any consultant the amout average people would save would be minimal (20% of 1000$ is not the same as 20% of 1m$, even if they want to make it sound the same) So I dont see how that can be fair for average citizens and not something to eradicate or at least compensate.
Sun, 07-31-2011, 08:58 PM
Problem with tax avoidance is that usually the ones that can really take advantage of it are the wealthy people. The average tax payers cant spend the money those tax "experts" cost cause you need continous support it isnt something you just make the weeks before tax paying. Its a full year strategy so it ends being expenseive and even if you would get any consultant the amout average people would save would be minimal (20% of 1000$ is not the same as 20% of 1m$, even if they want to make it sound the same) So I dont see how that can be fair for average citizens and not something to eradicate or at least compensate.Right on. It also helps to know the intricacies of the tax code so you can understand how to make it work for you or your client (what is deductible, what exemptions you qualify for and then provide the paperwork to apply for it). You don't have to be a lawyer/financial expert/accountant/tax pro, but your average person won't know the code like these types of people do.
I think it's like anything, though usually on a smaller scale. Take auto maintenance for instance. Since you're busy with your family and accounting job, you don't have time to learn how to fix cars yourself. If you don't know the ins and outs of automobiles, you'll pay $$$ for someone to take care of it.
Mon, 08-01-2011, 02:03 AM
Obama announces US deficit deal between party leaders (
Well, I guess the politicians avoided that one for now. I wouldn't be surprised if this issue came back up again in a few months like it has since the beginning of this year.
Mon, 08-01-2011, 02:38 PM
I believe that this all is a charade and even in the unthinkable scenario that they vote NO I think Obama has the power to rise debt ceiling unilaterally.
Anyway this has a lot of consecuences all over the world. I loled at Putin saying USA lives as a parasite of global economy.
Mon, 08-01-2011, 03:29 PM
I don't think public schools should teach ideals in any way shape or form. I went to HS in Texas and they basically said premarital sex causes you to have sex with everyone that other person had sex with and gives you AIDS and herpes.
Apparently in Korea, they taught students that anal sex creates AIDS. I have actually had arguments where my friend said: "how could anyone know what really causes it?" And my reply was :"science!"
Obama announces US deficit deal between party leaders (
Well, I guess the politicians avoided that one for now. I wouldn't be surprised if this issue came back up again in a few months like it has since the beginning of this year.
As for this, poor dealing by the Dems. and actually, as per some parts of this deal, it will happen next year (in about 6 months maybe), since I believe that they have to address this in 2012. Reid wanted to push it back to 2013, but that didn't happen. I really think it sucks that neither party will push for increased revenue (Most of the right is anti-revenue). I thought that was basic economics.
Mon, 08-01-2011, 05:49 PM
the american people are retards and american politicians are self serving actors playing out what is probably the best daytime soap on television.
Your country is doomed to fail, and though it'll probably take everyone down with it, i will still be laughing when it inevitably happens. Both capitalism and democracy are inherently faulty ideals to begin with, and they've been mutated beyond recognition by america, americans and american business/wallstreet. There's no going back now.
Mon, 08-01-2011, 06:00 PM
What's wrong with capitalism? :O
Tue, 08-02-2011, 08:01 AM
What's wrong with capitalism? :O
Critics of capitalism associate it with: unfair distribution of wealth ( and power; a tendency toward market monopoly ( or oligopoly ( (and government by oligarchy (; imperialism (, counter-revolutionary ( wars and various forms of economic and cultural exploitation (; repression ( of workers and trade unionists (; social alienation (; economic inequality (; unemployment (; and economic instability.
Tue, 08-02-2011, 11:16 AM
What's wrong with capitalism? :O
Have we gone back to 2006¿?
Tue, 08-02-2011, 11:18 AM
What's wrong with capitalism? :O
Since americans seem to judge everything by how successful it is, capitalism is seen as the only way to do economics. That's why i like china so much. They made communism work. And now they own you all (and hell, probably me too)
Tue, 08-02-2011, 11:35 AM
Since americans seem to judge everything by how successful it is, capitalism is seen as the only way to do economics. That's why i like china so much. They made communism work. And now they own you all (and hell, probably me too)
I'm not sure if that's what you're saying already, but they only made communism (if it can still be called that) "work" by maintaining their government control in everything that could badmouth the government while letting their economy run away in a "make money in anyway you can" ultra-capitalist style.
Tue, 08-02-2011, 12:10 PM
I'm not sure if that's what you're saying already, but they only made communism (if it can still be called that) "work" by maintaining their government control in everything that could badmouth the government while letting their economy run away in a "make money in anyway you can" ultra-capitalist style.
I was just about to say that. I am not a fan of unrestrained greed, but some capitalism is not really that bad. In the US, it has run rampart, and is kind of eroding our society.
Tue, 08-02-2011, 12:59 PM
the american people are retards and american politicians are self serving actors playing out what is probably the best daytime soap on television.
Your country is doomed to fail, and though it'll probably take everyone down with it, i will still be laughing when it inevitably happens. Both capitalism and democracy are inherently faulty ideals to begin with, and they've been mutated beyond recognition by america, americans and american business/wallstreet. There's no going back now.
I imagined Assassin throwing his hot-dog-on-a-stick hat and apron furiously at the ground while making this outburst.
Tue, 08-02-2011, 05:15 PM
I imagined Assassin throwing his hot-dog-on-a-stick hat and apron furiously at the ground while making this outburst.
you know me so well <3
Fri, 08-05-2011, 06:19 AM
Sandy McMillin Allegedly Kicked Out Of Walmart For Wearing A String Bikini (
Fri, 08-05-2011, 08:55 AM
This actually sounds similar to another story where a woman was jailed for wearing short shorts to court (
If it wasn't 90 °F (~32 °C) outside, then I wouldn't have let her into the store with her bikini either assuming she was escorted outside because of that.
I understand that people have the ability to exercise their rights and civil liberties, but you can only go so far in some situations before it becomes inappropriate. Then, there's blaming being passed around because someone refused to admit that they might be in the slightest wrong for wearing something inappropriate at a public establishment.
Also, I just realized that there's actually a website dedicated to show the customers of Wal-Mart (
Where I work, we occasionally get customers coming in wearing skimpy and seductive clothing during the summer. In rare cases, it becomes distracting and also becomes sexual arousing as well. I find myself in situations where my sexual arousal will be so high that I will have to go to the empty parts of the store and meditate to calm myself down. It's very cumbersome, unproductive and unprofessional when customers do things like this, so this is where my views are coming from.
Fri, 08-05-2011, 09:29 AM
Hey, if the French can ban full-body Muslim clothing at the beach, Wal-Mart can ban bikini-tops in their supermarkets.
Fri, 08-05-2011, 10:02 AM
What I was left wondering is that since Wal-Mart told to either get out or wear a shirt, would they have donated that said shirt (or borrowed it)? You can't really demand a person to wear a nonexistent shirt, after all, and I've never heard of a store demanding a person to first buy clothes from their selection in order to continue shopping for something else.
Fri, 08-05-2011, 10:24 AM
Or you could ask them to wear one of their empty cardboard boxes. Problem solved.
Fri, 08-05-2011, 11:04 AM
Totally within Walmart's rights to ban half-naked hambeasts...
Fri, 08-05-2011, 02:02 PM
No shirt, [or] no shoes, no service. Common policy in retail establishments throughout the US.
While the People of Walmart site shows plenty of things that equal (and often exceed) the lack of clothing this woman was wearing, it's up to the management of the store if they want to deny someone service.
Fri, 08-05-2011, 11:10 PM
Hooray! our credit rating as a nation fell today!
Sat, 08-06-2011, 11:28 AM
The world will end soon
Apple, the way of the future ?
Sat, 08-06-2011, 11:44 AM
The world will end soon
Apple, the way of the future ?
hah, I'm seeing similar approaches here too.
Bad customer service? Then how about no customer service?!
Sat, 08-06-2011, 10:28 PM
Sat, 08-06-2011, 11:11 PM
R.I.P. Damn, that's terrible. There's a reason service members refer to Chinooks as "flying coffins".
Sat, 08-06-2011, 11:45 PM
yeah and all the government has to say is that they died honorably or something along those lines.
10 years later, trillions of dollars spend and more lives lost.
Sun, 08-07-2011, 12:07 AM
Yes, but Navy SEALs live for that shit. They don't enjoy peacetime.
Beyond the tragic loss of life, you could also look at this tragedy as a loss of a lot of training time and expenditure.
Sun, 08-07-2011, 06:17 PM
can you hear me now
For the US parents out there.
the counter attack begins
Tue, 08-09-2011, 06:44 PM
Sorry about the double post but for those of you interested in what is happening on the other side of the pond.
London Riots (
Tue, 08-09-2011, 07:19 PM
The Ministry of...Home Office? (whatever), should authorize the use of water cannons where the tanks are filled with a strong, long-lasting dye. Anything that lasts at least a week. That would deter more looting douchebags from coming out, and allow the police to track down participators in an orderly fashion.
Either that or start loading riot shotguns with rock salt shells.
Tue, 08-09-2011, 10:35 PM
sucks for the cop, not having guns or effective riot tools. I think if they did this riot wouldn't be going on this long and it wouldn't have so many casualties.
Thu, 08-11-2011, 10:32 AM
Roids, they're fucked up.
Thu, 08-11-2011, 05:21 PM
Oh my God the narration of the brother's Facebook obituary made me laugh so hard.
Thu, 08-11-2011, 05:28 PM
Oh my God the narration of the brother's Facebook obituary made me laugh so hard.
You mean the content or the fact that he posted it on facebook? Because both are fairly hilarious in their own way.
Sat, 08-13-2011, 08:32 AM
Best article ever. (
Sat, 08-13-2011, 12:07 PM
Best article ever. (
Great read indeed reminded me of one of those "what if...". I wouldnt mind living in the world that writer lives. Loved the end with iraqui people giving freely the oil to US companies. Anyway it would be a great way to solve the economic and debt problems, war leaves great profits, as free gifts of course!
Sat, 08-13-2011, 03:25 PM
You mean the content or the fact that he posted it on facebook? Because both are fairly hilarious in their own way.
Both. Plus the creaky-voiced narration.
It reminds me of this:
Mon, 08-15-2011, 10:10 AM
Thu, 08-18-2011, 02:34 PM
Thu, 08-18-2011, 07:00 PM
I read about that this morning, poopdeville. Woot!
Wow, this is a scary brawl, things could've turned out a lot nastier. A wild brawl started between the Georgetown Hoyas and China's Bayi team. Georgetown Hoyas was on a goodwill tour of China, and now this happens.
I don't know the whole story, but from my perspective, as well as what I read and watched, it seems like the Bayi players were the aggressors, and really escalated this incident. Man, tossing chairs around is not nice. There might be more to it (maybe trash talking, physical play, or whatever, no need to start a brawl over that, though...), but as of right now, I'm calling it like I see it.
It also doesn't help that the Chinese fans were throwing bottles and stuff at the Georgetown players, whilst they were leaving the court. Totally disgraceful and uncalled for. I'm Half-Chinese (British, Chinese/Cantonese), and even I'm not defending the fans actions. Giving us a bad reputation.
As someone said, this is like a metaphor of the relationship between China and the USA right now.
"The melee was the latest instance of on-court fighting by China, whose players have been fined tens of thousands of dollars by the world and Asian federations for scrapping with opponents." - New York Times
Washington Post (
The New York Times (
Huffington Post (
Yardbarker (
Thu, 08-18-2011, 07:12 PM
Oi Bill, translate what they're saying in the video
Thu, 08-18-2011, 07:45 PM
That was awesome.
Thu, 08-18-2011, 08:27 PM
Oi Bill, translate what they're saying in the video
Through the background noise and mainland-Chinese accent, I had trouble making out anything meaningful. Maybe someone else with native Mandarin background could hack this one. (mainland/Northern Chinese speak heavily with a curled tongue - ie the "R" sound)
The Heretic Azazel
Thu, 08-18-2011, 10:29 PM
Big news from my town.
The West Memphis Three could be released as early as Friday (
Fri, 08-19-2011, 03:49 AM
That was awesome.
I might go to watch basketball games if they were always like that!
The US players must be paid premium to bother to travel to China if this is what they can expect to get.
Fri, 08-19-2011, 01:08 PM
Fri, 08-19-2011, 03:08 PM
A gay friend of mine said that Anderson Cooper is the most famous closeted gay guy. I disputed his level of fame.
Fri, 08-19-2011, 04:07 PM
It incredible the way the security officers just stood there on the sidelines taking in the view, only moving when it was over.
I read about that this morning, poopdeville. Woot!
Wow, this is a scary brawl, things could've turned out a lot nastier. A wild brawl started between the Georgetown Hoyas and China's Bayi team. Georgetown Hoyas was on a goodwill tour of China, and now this happens.
I don't know the whole story, but from my perspective, as well as what I read and watched, it seems like the Bayi players were the aggressors, and really escalated this incident. Man, tossing chairs around is not nice. There might be more to it (maybe trash talking, physical play, or whatever, no need to start a brawl over that, though...), but as of right now, I'm calling it like I see it.
It also doesn't help that the Chinese fans were throwing bottles and stuff at the Georgetown players, whilst they were leaving the court. Totally disgraceful and uncalled for. I'm Half-Chinese (British, Chinese/Cantonese), and even I'm not defending the fans actions. Giving us a bad reputation.
As someone said, this is like a metaphor of the relationship between China and the USA right now.
"The melee was the latest instance of on-court fighting by China, whose players have been fined tens of thousands of dollars by the world and Asian federations for scrapping with opponents." - New York Times
Washington Post (
The New York Times (
Huffington Post (
Yardbarker (
I believe if the father took a shotgun and took care of them he would be very much justified. The system doesn't work.
Big news from my town.
The West Memphis Three could be released as early as Friday (
Fri, 08-19-2011, 04:55 PM
A gay friend of mine said that Anderson Cooper is the most famous closeted gay guy. I disputed his level of fame.
I did not know he was closeted. I thought everyone knew.
Sat, 08-20-2011, 06:30 AM
Anderson Cooper is openly gay and openly badass. (
Also, not world news, but this guy went to my (small) high school. My Spanish teacher called him cacahuate:
Mon, 08-22-2011, 09:53 AM
The Chinese are embarrassing themselves and they don't know it. The recent fake Apple stores, Ikea stores, and the Steve Jobs wannabe isn't helping as well. :(
Mon, 08-22-2011, 11:20 AM
The Chinese are embarrassing themselves and they don't know it. The recent fake Apple stores, Ikea stores, and the Steve Jobs wannabe isn't helping as well. :(
I'm not sure if they know it, but they certainly don't care. It seems to be money above everything else over there.
I guess one of the things that shits me off the most is that journalists find stuff going on before law enforcements do.
Mon, 08-22-2011, 03:51 PM
I believe if the father took a shotgun and took care of them he would be very much justified. The system doesn't work.
The West Memphis Three have spent 18 years in prison for a crime they did not commit. The system definitely does not work, but certainly not in the way you implied. Get on IRC so I can bitch at you about this.
Mon, 08-22-2011, 04:50 PM
working right now, bitching can come later.
Mon, 08-22-2011, 06:12 PM
I'm not sure if they know it, but they certainly don't care. It seems to be money above everything else over there.
I guess one of the things that shits me off the most is that journalists find stuff going on before law enforcements do.
Many of the Chinese are people who have been brainwashed by the government and plagiarism by a crown corporation wouldn't really be "headline news" in China.
Also, there exists high corruption in the municipal governments and police force who are only out to deal with actual crimes dealing with human lives (rather than corporate espionage), so there's no surprise about that.
Mon, 08-22-2011, 08:03 PM
The West Memphis Three have spent 18 years in prison for a crime they did not commit. The system definitely does not work, but certainly not in the way you implied. Get on IRC so I can bitch at you about this.
Rock Lee as a genin could not beat Kakashi or any other Jounin in a fight. Get on IRC so I can bitch at you about this.
Mon, 08-22-2011, 09:57 PM
HP is closing out it's line of WebOS based Touchpads so if you can find one, they're about $100 for a device that cost $500 just 3 months ago.
Hopefully they continue to update the WebOS platform, or someone gets Android to work on these tablets (already in the works).
Mon, 08-22-2011, 10:09 PM
Gadhafi is out, now who wants oil?
does this sound familiar.... WMD.... Oil....
Wed, 08-24-2011, 11:54 PM
For all the Apple fans out there; yes I'm taking to you St33v.
Steve Jobs resigns as CEO
Aftermath of a rare 5.8 earthquake to the east coast.
Some one I knew said that he was waiting to see John Cusack pull up in a limo when it was happening. 2012 people, 2012.
Thu, 08-25-2011, 01:17 PM
Japan to stop selling Xboxes/ (
Thu, 08-25-2011, 06:19 PM
Forecast for the weekend ahead... Yep, you guessed it "Hurricane". Irene might even take a bite out of the "Big Apple".
lol, Beat Train lolicon.
Thu, 08-25-2011, 06:52 PM
Forecast for the weekend ahead... Yep, you guessed it "Hurricane". Irene might even take a bite out of the "Big Apple"
NYC official: Heavy flooding "may drive millions of subway rats to seek higher ground."
But seriously. I'm practically guaranteed to lose power. For days, and that's only if I'm lucky. Last time this happened I had no power for a little over a week.
Thu, 08-25-2011, 07:14 PM
Have you ever seen a NYC rat, those critters are huge and have battle scars from the subway lines.
Don't really think it is going to be as bad as people expect but I am making preparations. Water, canned food, flash lights and what not.
What really might cause problems is fallen trees, driving is already a pain in the ass and well the lost of power.
Thu, 08-25-2011, 07:37 PM
Well, the Weather Channel is certainly hyping it up, calling it an, "extraordinary threat," "dire threat to the U.S." and crap like that. They're out of control.
"Major Hurricane Irene poses an extraordinary threat and is one that no one has yet experienced from North Carolina to the mid-Atlantic to the Northeast to New England." <--- Bullshit. 1938. Gloria. Bob. Isabel.
Hurricanes that skirt the coast like Irene will are bad, but if you listen to the Weather Channel it is like they're seeing this as another Andrew, Wilma, or Katrina.
Thu, 08-25-2011, 07:46 PM
They need to get ratings up and there is more gossip than facts in the news bizz. Also it gets people to go out and spend by causing panic. But it is good to be prepared though.
I have asked quite a few meteorologists in person if is it going to rain to today you will never get a definite answer.
In other news Linux turned 20
Thu, 08-25-2011, 10:05 PM
I forgive most of the bs on Weather Channel because they brought in a lot of hot weather girls to tell us these dire warnings.
Thu, 08-25-2011, 11:35 PM
53 people died today when a Casino on my town was attacked by the 'Narco'
This is getting ridiculous... each and every passing day things are getting uglier here in Mexico... specially in my town. Fuck... I pass every damn day in front of the attacked Casino... today I passed besides it at 2pm... and just 1 hour and a half later this happened... the link from washingtonpost says 40 dead... but our governor confirmed 30 minutes ago the death toll rose to 53
Mexican link:
Thu, 08-25-2011, 11:56 PM
Rz are you packing? That sucks man, must be unnerving as well.
Fri, 08-26-2011, 01:05 AM
53 people died today when a Casino on my town was attacked by the 'Narco'
This is getting ridiculous... each and every passing day things are getting uglier here in Mexico... specially in my town. Fuck... I pass every damn day in front of the attacked Casino... today I passed besides it at 2pm... and just 1 hour and a half later this happened... the link from washingtonpost says 40 dead... but our governor confirmed 30 minutes ago the death toll rose to 53
Mexican link:
Your government should really just go Vlad the Impaler on the drug cartels and send them a message.
Fri, 08-26-2011, 02:14 AM
Your government should really just go Vlad the Impaler on the drug cartels and send them a message.
The Mexican police is corrupt. The drug cartels were smart enough to implant spies into the police force and it is difficult to control the transaction of weapons in Mexico because there are just so many back-door dealings with other nations that manufacture firearms. The Mexican government isn't exactly a rich country either and the demand for drugs in the US is constant if not increasing (due to the current economic state).
Fri, 08-26-2011, 02:28 AM
From what I have heard, they go after your family as well.
If I had anything to say about it would be to assemble a death squad; high trained, highly experience soldiers/mercenaries who's sole mission is the eradication of the cartels. Put the fear back in the cartels. It is a unjust, being a violation of human right and all but it would save a lot of innocent lives.
But the drug trade is far to lucrative for their not to be the amount of corruption that exists. The Cartels have the power and the people who govern Mexico are either corrupt or fearful of the Cartels so violence run rampant. The weak prey on the weak, the strong prey on the weak. It definitely sucks.
These are just my opinions I can be wrong. I don't live there and from what I have heard from the people that did or do is that Mexico is a nice place except for the violence and corruption.
Fri, 08-26-2011, 08:48 PM
Two and a half minutes. Thats how long the fuckers were on the building. They arrived... entered... splashed everything with gasoline and then started the fire.
Narration is in spanish... but you can clearly see what happened.
Official death toll stands at 52... there was a pregnant woman between the victims so the news say 53
Sun, 08-28-2011, 04:36 PM
Funny, i saw that shit on the news and was all like, "I should PM Zell when i get back to check to see if he's still alive".
Sun, 08-28-2011, 09:54 PM
Funny, i saw that shit on the news and was all like, "I should PM Zell when i get back to check to see if he's still alive".
Its not funny you imbecile. A co-worker lost her mother. An aunt knew a woman that died there too. My parents also knew three others of the deceased.
Sun, 08-28-2011, 10:27 PM
Its not funny you imbecile. A co-worker lost her mother. An aunt knew a woman that died there too. My parents also knew three others of the deceased.
I think he means "uncanny", not "funny" in a literal sense.
Sun, 08-28-2011, 10:50 PM
Yeah I think he was being sympathetic, but you blew it Ryouga.
Mon, 08-29-2011, 10:17 AM
Yeah I think he was being sympathetic, but you blew it Ryouga.
Pretty much this
Mon, 08-29-2011, 01:11 PM
That is sympathetic?
Mon, 08-29-2011, 01:53 PM
That is sympathetic?
It is Ark that you are talking about, so probably yeah.
I've heard weird stories about Mexico but i never thought that such thing can happen in reality.
Mon, 08-29-2011, 02:33 PM
That is sympathetic?
I was showing concern for the well being of another human being, how is that not sympathetic you dumb cow? >_>
Mon, 08-29-2011, 02:45 PM
Its not funny you imbecile. A co-worker lost her mother. An aunt knew a woman that died there too. My parents also knew three others of the deceased.
don't get me wrong, but do you guys over there go to the casino on a daily basis or something?
Mon, 08-29-2011, 03:19 PM
It is Ark that you are talking about, so probably yeah.
So basically, people labeled as "forum douchebag" should get lauded for being douchebags even when it comes to talking about the murder of the people of another member's community?
Mon, 08-29-2011, 03:20 PM
So Irene wasn't the terror that she was forecast to be but now I am one of the 5 million people without power.Thinking about breaking out my tent and air bed and camp out on the lawn. For those of you that weren't so luck I wish you all the best and a speedy recovery back to normality.
p.s. Arch's on the not so humane end of the totem pole and just likes attention. Don't give it to him or his followers. That's what I think.
RZ I am somewhat happy to hear that the military is getting involve to help with the eradication of the Cartels in the cities. Finally they are give it the attention it needs. Hope it gets better there man. Keep safe, sucks that your company banned this site, fore we will have to wait until you're home to know if you're okay.
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