View Full Version : Manga: Claymore
Thu, 04-04-2013, 11:52 PM
[MangaStream] Claymore c.137: SendSpace ( | MediaFire ( | Online Viewing (
Fri, 04-05-2013, 02:01 PM
Good to see those lazy bugger male awakened ones got finally down to business. Let's hope they won't die too quickly. They seemed like jolly fellows when they were chatting with Raki.
Sat, 04-06-2013, 12:00 PM
Kinda sucks that the old fart spoils the outcome of the battle between Priscilla and whatshername.
Sat, 04-06-2013, 12:15 PM
Good to see those lazy bugger male awakened ones got finally down to business. Let's hope they won't die too quickly. They seemed like jolly fellows when they were chatting with Raki.
Now you pinpoint something I didn't yet realize, that manga needs some humor/comedy. Not too much, but sometimes it could do some good.
Death BOO Z
Tue, 05-07-2013, 04:51 AM
chapter 138 is out, and yet another super powerful awakened being (abysmal? is there anything in this manga that would make the whole world shit it its' pants right now?) is out for a fight.
I actually really want them to leave the island and go fight the war on the maineland. a bit of world exploring, a chance to fight stuff that won't decimate the earth any other moment, a bit less 'fight for our lives!' drama and more 'what are we doing in our lives!' vibe.
Tue, 05-07-2013, 08:41 PM
Chapter 138 - Mangastream (
I actually really want them to leave the island and go fight the war on the maineland. a bit of world exploring, a chance to fight stuff that won't decimate the earth any other moment, a bit less 'fight for our lives!' drama and more 'what are we doing in our lives!' vibe.
I was hoping for that too as soon as they mentioned the greater world and that "killing youma because they eat us" wasn't the final meaning to this story after all. Right now it's just about people who get apeshit strong and want to kill each other because they are hungry/angry/retaliating.
Regarding the chapter, "the one I spat out" -> I'm guessing they're referring to the parasitic life-form (I do remember it plunging into Duff I think, after all).
However, I thought the order of events was:
-Parasite sucked up Pricilla/Claire
-They all turned into a giant ball
-Claire emerged after hearing Raki
-Form took the shape of Pricilla.
And as for Cassandra being under the control of Pricilla, I'm going to assume it was because the organisation used the arm from Raki's back to reanimate them. I don't remember getting a proper explanation for it.
Wed, 05-08-2013, 01:13 PM
Too many too powerful monsters at the moment for my liking. It´s a problem, too, because the only way for our main heroines to do something significant here is to introduce some bullshit deus-ex-machina powers, because not even half-awakening should grant Claire and the others enough power to fight on even ground with those Abyssals.
Also, Priscilla isn´t gonna lose here, so please stop dragging out this fight. Not that I want the other monster girl (forgot the name of Duffy´s mistress) to die, but that´s just how it is. Priscilla has main character shield :>
Wed, 05-08-2013, 02:46 PM
Well Claire has gone way beyond half awakening. She pretty much awakened fully before going back. Arms and legs were already awakened. None of the others have done that yet so that's their ticket to a power up I suppose
Wed, 05-15-2013, 06:30 AM
I wouldn't mind if they half-awakened and then used real tactics and intelligence to beat Cassandra as a group. Many vs one should still make a difference, and it would be more believable than any one of them acquiring some never seen before uber power state to beat an abyssal alone and then be able to return to the normal human form.
I reckon the last fight against Priscilla will require Raki. The awakened dudes earlier suggested that much to him.
Sat, 06-29-2013, 11:37 AM
[MangaStream] Claymore c.140: Box ( | SendSpace ( | Online Viewing (
Death BOO Z
Sat, 06-29-2013, 11:47 AM
that's awfully nice of her. maybe every other crazy being can do it as well? sunshine & Rainbows to the whole world!
Tue, 07-02-2013, 10:36 PM
that's awfully nice of her. maybe every other crazy being can do it as well? sunshine & Rainbows to the whole world!
Nice of her? To shove a claymore into someone else?
We were so close to beating Pricilla.. and now she's once again the strongest mofo. :S
In any case, I'm super happy to still see Galatea the Clergy (sort of). If only we got a proper animated sequel now, so I can make sense of all the fights.
Sat, 08-31-2013, 12:49 PM
[MangaStream] Claymore c.142: ( | Box ( | SendSpace ( | Online Viewing (
Sun, 09-01-2013, 04:50 AM
So that's what's different between her and the other warriors, she ate Youma for a month? K
Sun, 09-01-2013, 12:03 PM
So that's what's different between her and the other warriors, she ate Youma for a month? K
She ate youma for a month and developed her body in such a way that youma powers are really really strong etc. The translation said she was undoubtedly human, so I don't know whether or not that rules out the possibility that she became a claymore in the house by eating youma flesh as opposed to the normal "transplant" method.
They just introduced the concept that a "poorly compatible" warrior will have their body shatter when they drive too much youki through it. Pricilla should be the opposite. Regardless of whether she was a "natural" claymore or whether she was primed beforehand via her diet, she's a being who could generate/tolerate youki like no other.
Clarice's end is about as emotional as I can get with Claymore. Maybe if this was animated, voiced and given some BMG I would redden up.
Mon, 09-02-2013, 06:29 AM
The chief Claymore researcher, whatever was his name, went out with style, true to his character. He was always happy to talk about his work, no matter how gruesome and no matter who was forced to listen.
Sun, 12-29-2013, 08:43 PM
Not Mangastream, but here's a badly translated version of Chapter 146 on this site (
Finally got caught up with this series. I feel the end coming soon, but I wonder if the author will continue it even further with the war on the mainland continent.
Sat, 02-01-2014, 02:37 PM
Chapter 147:
God fucking dammit Raki, why didn't you got for a decapitation instead?
Sat, 02-01-2014, 08:20 PM
Chapter 147:
God fucking dammit Raki, why didn't you got for a decapitation instead?
It would've interfered with his speech of course.
Mon, 02-03-2014, 06:32 PM
It would've interfered with his speech of course.
Why? It was Priscilla's, not his own head he was cutting. You can talk all you want to a corpse, it wouldn't interrupt, let alone object.
But I guess this will serve a traditional story better, with Clare being the one to deliver the finishing blow.
Shadow Skill
Sat, 02-22-2014, 04:01 PM
The last chapter I read was 117 until yesterday when I decided to catch up on the next 30 chapters, was quite enjoyable. :)
I think that would be 2011 was the last time I read it before yesterday lol. Should change the name to Claremore. :P
Tue, 04-29-2014, 10:40 AM
Claymore 150 [MangaStream] (
Tue, 04-29-2014, 12:01 PM
Mmmmmm, Teressa you sexy beast you.
Wed, 06-04-2014, 02:44 PM
Chapyer 151 [MangaStream] (
Anyone have any idea why the three absorbed Claymores didn't just rebel together against Priscilla the very first time around?
Wed, 08-13-2014, 05:37 AM
Raki wants to marry an angel, it seems. Well, who wouldn't. I wonder if it's again up to him to bring back Clare from awakening when this is all over, assuming we aren't going to get a tragedy ending.
Death BOO Z
Wed, 08-13-2014, 09:55 AM
It's going to be such a shame that we won't get to see the outside world...
Wed, 08-13-2014, 12:29 PM
Raki is going to double tap those asses at the same time. Lucky bastard.
But we are basically seeing a awakening within an awakening huh?
Fri, 09-05-2014, 02:31 PM
Claymore 154 [MS] (
Claymore 154 [MangaHere] (
Last chapter next month, I believe. Thoroughly enjoyed this series.
Death BOO Z
Fri, 09-05-2014, 05:03 PM
nice, I guess.
I would appreciate seeing the black card one last time. it would be a way of closing a circle.
Sun, 09-07-2014, 11:46 PM
Is this shit still going on? I haven't read the mange but I finished the Anime series like 4 years ago. Did they ever pick it back up?
Mon, 09-08-2014, 05:32 PM
It ends in the next chapter
Mon, 09-08-2014, 05:35 PM
Priscilla was so stupidly resilient that this sort of stylish ending was better for her than continuing the extreme grind for multiple chapters more. Considering Teresa could only use the attack once, or so she said, she kind of needed Priscilla's cooperation to a degree (Priscilla not hiding a part of her). It's a good thing Priscilla in fact wanted to die and thus was all too willing to help Terese to end this fight. It's still a bit of a mystery why she kept travelling with Raki for so long if she indeed hated and wanted to destroy everything. Was she struggling every moment not to slay Raki in order to find Clare (and Teresa within) whom she hated even more and hoped could end her suffering? Or didn't she hate him so much, and thus everything, after all? It's kind of hard to believe an awakened being could keep herself from attacking a human she hates for years.
Mon, 09-08-2014, 05:56 PM
I don't think Teresa needed any sort of cooperation, she fucking atomized every molecule in Priscilla's body.
Tue, 09-09-2014, 01:54 AM
I don't think Teresa needed any sort of cooperation, she fucking atomized every molecule in Priscilla's body.
And what if Priscilla's whole body hadn't been there? If a part of her had been lurking underground until Teresa's attack was over, she could have regenerated once again. According to Teresa herself, she couldn't have used the super attack more than once without ruining Clare's body. That's the only part which I'd count as cooperation: a proper duel without cheating.
Tue, 09-09-2014, 06:42 AM
Well it's ending next month so....
Tue, 09-09-2014, 11:39 AM
And what if Priscilla's whole body hadn't been there? If a part of her had been lurking underground until Teresa's attack was over, she could have regenerated once again. According to Teresa herself, she couldn't have used the super attack more than once without ruining Clare's body. That's the only part which I'd count as cooperation: a proper duel without cheating.
Except Teresa, on top of everything else, was known to be the best in terms of Yuki perception. If Priscilla was hiding on the other end of the World she could probably still find her.
Death BOO Z
Tue, 01-17-2017, 02:13 AM
I did another reading of the manga yesterday. it's still great.
the problems are the same, weird art that makes distingushing between characters hard, and a really long and convulted final arc and story plan. seriously, what was the deal with getting the final AB to priscilla? it lasted a good 15 something chapters, came out of nowhere and entire chapters seemed to stagger, with them beginning and ending at the same spot.
the good parts are still great, though. the war at the north and the arc leading to it are fuckin' amazing.
Shadow Skill
Tue, 01-17-2017, 07:59 PM
Still sad it ended. :(
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