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Thread: Dragon Ball Super

  1. #781
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    Buu's laughter was kinda nice. Despite him being good it sounded rather...evil.

  2. #782
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    I mean, really ... we see Boo goofing around all the time, but let´s not forget: DBSuper is set directly after the end of Z, and that ended with Boo as THE strongest individual fighter. Even Goku had to use the kinda cheat movie Genkidama to defeat him.

    Actually, I forgot ... what is Boo´s position within the universe, compared to Kaios and Beerus?

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  3. #783
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    Next battle will be more interesting. At first I thought that Gohan might lose because he´s out of training routine and all. But when the next fox said, he´d use deadly techniques, I changed my mind. If the alternatives are Gohan winning or dying, Gohan will probably win.
    Doesn't Gohan have to lose though in order for Goku's match to matter?

    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    I mean, really ... we see Boo goofing around all the time, but let´s not forget: DBSuper is set directly after the end of Z, and that ended with Boo as THE strongest individual fighter. Even Goku had to use the kinda cheat movie Genkidama to defeat him.
    Uh, no. It saw KID Buu as the strongest fighter. Kid Buu isn't part of Fat Buu anymore and without him, he's FAR weaker.
    Last edited by DarthEnderX; Mon, 02-20-2017 at 02:42 AM.

  4. #784
    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnderX View Post
    Doesn't Gohan have to lose though in order for Goku's match to matter?
    then again this tournament has no rules and has no winning price afaik.

    cant remember if they said the best of 3....

  5. #785
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnderX View Post

    Uh, no. It saw KID Buu as the strongest fighter. Kid Buu isn't part of Fat Buu anymore and without him, he's FAR weaker.
    Far stronger or not, Goku couldn´t defeat fat Boo even as SSJ3. Unless Goku obliterates his opponent, it could be argued that Boo is still one of the top fighters. And even when weaker in offense, he´s infinitely superior in defense ... because he doesn´t need one.

    What, OF COURSE, noone realizes: They could just let themselves be obsorbed by Boo temporarily and create the strongest being ever ;>

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  6. #786
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    Far stronger or not, Goku couldn´t defeat fat Boo even as SSJ3. Unless Goku obliterates his opponent, it could be argued that Boo is still one of the top fighters.
    Oh for sure. But Goku and Vegeta are clearly stronger than him now(the Fat Buu we have now isn't even as strong as the Fat Buu that fought SSJ3 Goku because he's no longer merged with Kid Buu, and Goku and Vegeta are two transformations past SSJ3 at this point). And Gohan was stronger at the end of the Buu arc than Buu is now. Though, like Buu, Gohan could also be much weaker now than he was then.

    The intro shows Gohan training to reactivate his Ultimate transformation, so maybe an ass beating here causes him to get serious.

  7. #787
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    It´d be interesting to know if Goku could defeat Boo by now. In terms of offensive power, he´s stronger, sure, but could Goku vaporize Boo without a Genkidama attack? Because that´s the only way to really defeat him.

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  8. #788
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Episode 80


    Oooh yeah. Gohan didn't even reach SSJ2, but seeing him become cool again was awesome. Thankfully all of Universe 9's contestants are all cunts so there's no remorse in kicking their asses.

    Talking about kicking their asses.. it's not even a question as to who will win next week (unlike today). This last wolf grows huge. Goku like... won't even care.

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  9. #789
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    He grows huge... Or makes his oponents small. I can't bother to check, will wait next ep.

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  10. #790
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    While seeing Gohan fighting again was awesome, power levels really make no sense anymore. Are we supposed to believe that his opponent didn´t notice a HUGE increase in Gohan´s power?!

    And the whole "losing universes will be erased"-premise is just too gruesome. Are we supposed to believe that all those other universes deserve to be killed? I guess the´re full of nazis, eh? It´s just mindbaffeling that our heroes would agree with that. Zeno-sama is the big villain, he´s who Goku and Co. should strife to defeat. However that may happen.

    Of course, the coolest information from this episode was: Goku´s universe is the 2nd weakest of them all.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  11. #791
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Are we sure the rankings are based on power ?
    They might be based on ability to procure some fun for Zen-O
    It's also possible that Zen-O is a universe Shinigami. He makes universes go through the die and rebirth process... So that development car re-start from zero.
    But we do not really care as we know of several plot devices that will mitigate or nullify the menace.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  12. #792
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Interesting that the 4 strongest Universes won't even be participating in the tournament. Feels like they're already saving something for future arcs.

    And of course, now there are exactly 8 universes participating. Which is perfect for an elimination style tournament.

    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    Of course, the coolest information from this episode was: Goku´s universe is the 2nd weakest of them all.
    Of course, it's the average power of the mortals of each universe, so it's kind of meaningless as far as this series goes. Since it's not like one universe's population fights the other.

    You could have the weakest overall universe and still be the strongest individual person across all universes.

    Quote Originally Posted by David75 View Post
    It's also possible that Zen-O is a universe Shinigami. He makes universes go through the die and rebirth process... So that development car re-start from zero.
    Well, they did specifically say that Zeno thought there were too many universes.

    Also, he never rebirthed the other 6 universes he already destroyed.

  13. #793
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    So, they started airing Super on Toonami recently. Been watching it.

    I swear, I think the people in charge of the dubbing now watch too much Dragon Ball Z Abridged. Because it feels like the dub is starting to lean into the same tone and characterizations that Abridged uses.

  14. #794
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    Well it is widely known these days and to be honest I kinda prefer some of the Abridged voices to the normal dubs.

  15. #795
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NeoCybercoin View Post
    Well it is widely known these days and to be honest I kinda prefer some of the Abridged voices to the normal dubs.
    Sure, but you'd think the localizers would try to stick as close to the original as they can. Having Vegeta give a sarcastic "Oh yeah, let's go talk to YAMCHA..." is like taking an Abridged joke and putting it in the real thing.

  16. #796
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    Ha, yeah okay, point taken. Maybe they were subconsciously influenced by it.

  17. #797
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    On the manga front of differences from the anime(spoilers for the manga, even though it's behind the anime):

    They make it clear that Black didn't have access to any of Goku's powers when he first took his body, and the only way for him to gain them was through the Saiyan Zenkai powerup. Which is why Trunks was left alive so long. He'd let Trunks almost beat him, then leave and have Zamasu heal him.

    They also mention that Goku and Vegeta's bodies have both already reached the limits of what Zenkai powerups can do for them. They don't get stronger when they almost die anymore.

    Also, Goku doesn't stupidly forget the Senzu beans in the manga. Zamasu just destroys them after Goku uses one.

    There's also an entirely new subplot about how Trunks survives that day fighting Black and Zamasu alone while Goku is learning the Mafuba.

  18. #798
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    "That bastard's setting Goku up as the bad guy!"

    Cause he is?

    Ugh, the tournament rules are terrible.

    I've instantly lost all hype for this arc. I was looking forward to fights against well defined members of 3 other universes for Universe 7, but it's just going to be 80 characters all at once, almost none of the enemies are going to have any depth to them, and it's going to be a huge mess of bullshit eliminations.

    Toriyama's been watching too much One Piece.

    Why even have only 8 universes participate if you aren't doing it elimination style? And that means universes all get destroyed at once, instead of after each round...

    I was hoping Goku would get to the end, win, wish for "All the Universese Zeno has erased to be restored" and it would bring back, not just the 7 erased in the tournament, but the other 6 he erased before. And the evils that were enough of a threat to get those universes erased would end up being future arcs.

  19. #799
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    But this is the only way to have "Every universe go after Universe 7". Otherwise it'll be knockout tournaments as usual.

    I couldn't understand how making everyone hate Goku would change a thing until they introduced the battle royal.

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  20. #800
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    But this is the only way to have "Every universe go after Universe 7". Otherwise it'll be knockout tournaments as usual.
    Yeah, but that's what I wanted.

    I wouldn't even mind having battle royals as long as it was still just 2 universes at a time. 10v10.

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