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Thread: Boku Dake ga Inai Machi: The Town Without Me

  1. #261
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post

    I just hope her time leaping powers locked her body in a state of loliness.
    So that´s how Satoru will end up in prison!

    "I swear she´s legal! Her body is locked in time, DON´T YOU GET IT?!"

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  2. #262
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Well, if she can leap back in time, prison is a non-issue.

    Not related, but statutory rape is the dumbest law in modern society.
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  3. #263
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    Well, if she can leap back in time, prison is a non-issue.
    "Satoru, I´m gonna go back in time and have sex with your younger self, so it's legal, k?"

    "K, Sayo. See you later"

    Kayo vanishes

    Satoru dies from nosebleeding of a 1000 memories of sex with Kayo flooding his brain.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  4. #264
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Oh that is so awesome.
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  5. #265
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    Honestly, I'm fine with a supernatural twist at this point. Go Kayo!

    I just hope her time leaping powers locked her body in a state of loliness.
    In the setting, Kayo getting the same power as Satoru isn't a pure supernatural twist. We already know that power exists. It's just that it seems Satoru is the only one having that power, as of now at least.

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  6. #266
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I don't know why Satoru coudn't still jump back now a few days. He was crying for a last chance back when he was arrested, but it's not like this power was ever under his control. It just happened when it happened. So, he wouldn't know if that was the last time or not. Somebody else having the power would be quite strange compared to that. But who knows, since we know nothing about the power in the end.

  7. #267
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    What do you mean? It's a power. So it's a supernatural twist.
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  8. #268
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Sure, but up until now the story was based on Satoru alone having it. If in the last couple of eps somebody else suddenly has it as well, I wouldn't say it would be such a good twist. Although I'm not saying some really good writing couldn't still pull it off.

  9. #269
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I was answering David.
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  10. #270
    So lame. Those seatbelts must be pretty special if you can lean 90ş on them but cant get loose. Lets see how they end it but this has gone from best show to shitfest.
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  11. #271
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edort4 View Post
    So lame. Those seatbelts must be pretty special if you can lean 90ş on them but cant get loose. Lets see how they end it but this has gone from best show to shitfest.
    Just wait for it when the following ends up happening:

    - future Kayo appears next to Satoru, cuts him loose
    - tells him that she´s thankful for saving her life and hint that he´ll get plenty of time to enjoy his reward
    - but she also reveals that even after stopping Yashiro, murders happen. And hideout girl is next.
    - they meet up with Satoru´s friends. Unlike Satoru, future Kayo, despite looking as young as ever, doesn´t beat around the bush and tells everybody that she´s from the future and what´s at stake. Unlike Satoru, she has no trouble convincing them. Satoru is dumbfounded
    - together they organize a 24:7 surveillance plan
    - they trap Yuuki, who was about to murder hideout girl
    - Satoru realizes that Yuuki rightfully ended up in prison after all
    - He tells Yuuki to murder Yashiro: "You´ll go to prison for murder, no matter what! If so, murder somebody who deserves it!"
    - that way, the ever remaining danger posed by Yashiro (seriously, just because he said "you saved this city", it´s bs to let him teach children. Like, wtf) is taken care of and Yuuki is saved from the sin of murdering an innocent child, rather, while having to spend life in prison, he knows he saved a lot of children
    - Satoru and Kayo say goodbye to their friends. Kenya intends to become a detective, the others police men. The girlish looking boy ends up as Kenya´s love interest
    - Kayo grabs Satoru´s hand: "Time to return to our time, Satoru" - "Yeah!" - "*blushes* Make sure not to nosebleed too much once we´ve jumped back, okay?" - "What? Eh ...?!!!"
    - The end

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  12. #272
    Okay, rewatched all the eps, and changing my guess to the rescuer. I was mistaken, the kids were shown in the flashes so it's probably not them, but I don't think it's Yuuki either.

    I think Yashiro himself is going to dig Satoru out. That last shout of "I know your future!" made him stop and half-turn, so I think it caught his interest. He might keep Satoru alive just for that, because of his whole filling the hole in the heart philosophy, now he needs to know what happens. This is evidenced by the places he sets himself up in, such as at the police arrest scene and as a teacher, he probably has an obsession with knowing the follow-through.

    Which opens up the path of while Satoru strings him along, Kenya and Supermom have a chance to figure out what happened, which will probably be through Misato. The chain would be made rather obvious by talking with her, and Kenya and Supermom are both genius-level, so I'm sure they could wrap it up in half an episode.

  13. #273
    @MFauli that would actually be awesome. Try adding Kayo's mother somewhere, I hate that bitch.
    The path of excess leads to the tower of wisdom

  14. #274
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Ep11 is out


    So Satoru had another kind of time leap, or a bad route again.
    Milf Kayo has to be quite a trauma
    And now, he's almost at a Bad End...

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  15. #275
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David
    Milf Kayo has to be quite a trauma
    Hahahaha, well I guess that's one way to put it.

    The biggest feels goes to Super Mum's efforts for 15 years. That must have been hard. Really hard. /tears up.

    I don't know how Pizza girl fits into this now that he doesn't work in pizza. Maybe she's the girl donating the bone marrow.

    The episode took an entirely different direction than I had expected. The good thing is that it kept things interesting. The not-so-good thing is that now they kind of "cheated" their way to the present while keeping the status quo as is.

    Now that Yashiro hasn't committed any known murders, there's really no reason to dig the issue up from Satoru's stand-point. Kayo's alive, his mum's alive, Hiromi and the other girl's alive. That's a null point of course, since Yashiro himself wants to kick starts things back up. Changing things up from red-eyes to glove on/off as the motif for evil intention worked well.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  16. #276
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Is Satoru suicidal? This was really dumb. Being handicapped, revealing that you know about somebody´s criminal past. It doesn´t matter that Yashiro didn´t murder anybody (do we know that for sure?), he still TRIED to murder Satoru and sent him in a 15 years coma.

    And damn, that was double bs. 1) Kayo married somebody else and 2) Girly-boy turned into a man, boo!

    His mom is fantastic, though, yeah. I´d probably fake being in coma, too, if I had such a hot mom taking care of my body :>

    What was really annoying is that Kenya didn´t try to talk about what happened with Satoru. I can understand the mom not wanting that, but Kenya is smart. He´s gotta know that something doesn´t add up.

    And wth, Satoru´s drawing of Kayo was way hotter than her "real" self :P


    Things I hope to see in the final episode:

    - how Satoru survived
    - how people in the past reacted to that accident
    - how Yashiro gets what he has coming for him
    - Pizza girl sucking Satoru´s dick ... or at least them getting together. I mean, now that Kayo is gone :/
    - a proper explanation for Satoru´s timejump ability. Seriously, don´t just leave us with that.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  17. #277
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Kayo ending up with someone else... I feel like 75% of my motivation to follow this series simply disappeared. Regardless of the fact Satoru didn't seem to mind at all. This story will be pure bullshit if by the end Satoru goes straight back to the dead-end loner life he led in the beginning of the series. It doesn't even matter if Yashiro dies or is arrested. Satoru goes through all this for the sake of others but ends up with nothing?

    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    Now that Yashiro hasn't committed any known murders, there's really no reason to dig the issue up from Satoru's stand-point. Kayo's alive, his mum's alive, Hiromi and the other girl's alive. That's a null point of course, since Yashiro himself wants to kick starts things back up. Changing things up from red-eyes to glove on/off as the motif for evil intention worked well.
    Satoru wanted to build up his muscles first, but Yashiro obviously wants to murder Satoru as soon as possible to make sure he doesn't spread the accusations around. Obviously Satoru wouldn't have dropped the issue in any case, provided his memories had returned even without Yashiro hanging around.

  18. #278
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I was hoping that Satoru had secretly recovered enough to stab Yashiro by surprise (apple peeler knife where!?) when they got to the roof and then escape. No one would suspect him if he does it right because he is supposedly an invalid.

    Admitting that he has regained his memories at that point is the height of idiocy. I wonder what plot armor (the same thing that somehow saved him from death by drowning) would save him now.

    Getting NTRd by Hiromi is probably the worst ending I could've imagined, and it actually happened. WTF was with that decision? Even if Kayo had stayed single for 15 years, it wouldn't have been a bad thing for her. She's like, what, 25 now?
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  19. #279
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    What's wrong with Kayo liking Hiromi in the end? She went to live somewhere else for ages. Hiromi also grew up. Sure it sucks a bit but you guys are way too stuck if in the past if you think Kayo was supposed to wait all those years with no development. She doesn't "not" love Satoru. She just loves someone else more now. Time gives you opportunities to do that.


    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  20. #280
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    What's wrong with Kayo liking Hiromi in the end? She went to live somewhere else for ages. Hiromi also grew up. Sure it sucks a bit but you guys are way too stuck if in the past if you think Kayo was supposed to wait all those years with no development. She doesn't "not" love Satoru. She just loves someone else more now. Time gives you opportunities to do that.

    What's wrong? Because I want a happy ending after everything Satoru went through. Marrying Kayo would have been the best kind of happy ending I could have imagined. But what's going to happen now? If he survives this confrontation with the murderer, isn't he just going to end up alone again? His old buddies will get busier and busier with their jobs and lives. There won't be any pressing incentive for them to visit Satoru frequently anymore when he's fine and out of the hospital. Satoru missed a lot of years. He doesn't even have high school under his belt, let alone further education. He has got nothing. Maybe a bit of short-lived fame if he gives a bunch of interviews. However, if he does that, it might be even harder for him to find something concrete to do afterwards. Unless he manages to become a decently selling author by writing this very story...

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