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Thread: Boku Dake ga Inai Machi: The Town Without Me

  1. #1
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Boku Dake ga Inai Machi: The Town Without Me

    "A strange phenomenon where one is transferred back to the moment right before something life-threatening occurs. This continues to happen until the cause of the threat is erased. It is as if somebody is forcing Satoru to stop it from happening. Then one day, everything is changed. What truths are revealed when Satoru comes face to face with his own past? How will they affect his future?" -Manga-Updates

    Genres: drama, mystery, psychological, time travel
    Links: AniDB | ANN | Official
    Subber: HS

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    The first thing i thought when watching this is that it has a nicer older atmosphere. The MC is 29 years old, so it makes sense. Sure, it has a super power, after a fashion, but the dude's somewhat fatalistic attitude with it was refreshing in itself. Otherwise the feeling this gave was quite close to detective stories and such, which is no wonder considering the plot. I have read some manga where the MC is transferred back into childhood (in one way or another), but usually they don't have anything as heavy going as this.

    Still, I wonder why he hates cops? Because he believes they arrested the wrong guy? It was pretty funny that after he found his own mother killed, the first thing he did when seeing the police was to run as if he was the murderer. But then again, the Japanese law enforcement is usually depicted as pitiful in manga/anime, so I guess nobody can blame him.

    I'll keep watching. This might be even amusing, among the darker tones.

  2. #2
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Sounds cool, will watch it later.

    edit: Wow, the first episode was amazing. I'm so looking forward for more.

    Still, I wonder why he hates cops? Because he believes they arrested the wrong guy? It was pretty funny that after he found his own mother killed, the first thing he did when seeing the police was to run as if he was the murderer.
    To me it looked like he got framed and was scared of being arrested just like that "Yuuki"-guy from his childhood, which he believes to be innocent too.

    I really enjoyed every single minute so far, I'm crossing my fingers that this is going to last till the end of the show.
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Wed, 01-13-2016 at 03:05 PM.

  3. #3
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Great first episode. If I could have one thing changed, its the mcīs past as a mangaka. Thatīs kinda too famous already to just let it slide.

    The mother getting stabbed was a big surprise, she got nicely established and the move in seemed like a permant development. Guess not. Well, a age 52, she probably was "of anime-age" anyway, sighlol.

    What I donīt like is the butterfly imagery. Iīd prefer a more generic effect, because it being a butterfly shape means that somebody is behind it, manipulating things, rather than it being a weird natural occurence that only our mc has access to.

    Not sure what to think about Airi. Sheīs kinda too much this typical "girl that makes contact to the weird hero, which would never happen irl"-type of girl.

    Wonder how long this journey to his past keeps going

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  4. #4
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Episode 2 - HS

    -- - - - --

    Now we got to the meat of this dish. The culture shock was depicted nicely, but also took into account the fact the dude is a veteran of acting more social than he is, so he can also cover a lot by acting here. Another good, and natural, thing is that he's not all about just solving the case but also realised he might do some other little things while he is at it, like thank his mom and in general maybe appreciate more that past time. It's pretty funny how his buddies are all impressed this 29 years old guy has the guts to go and talk to a girl.

    I couldn't avoid a slight feeling of all the children feeling a bit too mature all in all. But perhaps that's only because the Kenya fellow seems somewhat special and Hinazuki is damaged due to being abused. Hinazuki's essay was quite forlorn but beautiful and further made her seem to have lost crucial aspects of childhood far too soon. I'll be really sad if Satoru can't save the poor girl.

  5. #5
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    What I donīt like is the butterfly imagery.
    The butterfly is the *perfect* image for what is happening, I don't see any problem with this.

    Iīd prefer a more generic effect, because it being a butterfly shape means that somebody is behind it, manipulating things, rather than it being a weird natural occurence that only our mc has access to.
    What exactly are you trying to say here? What's "natural" about it?
    I thought it was rather obvious that this is a reference to the "Butterfly Effect" which, in this case, is actually more of a "snowball" or "domino"-effect.
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Thu, 01-14-2016 at 03:47 PM.

  6. #6
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33 View Post
    The butterfly is the *perfect* image for what is happening, I don't see any problem with this.

    What exactly are you trying to say here? What's "natural" about it?
    I thought it was rather obvious that this is a reference to the "Butterfly Effect" which, in this case, is actually more of a "snowball" or "domino"-effect.
    I generally hate non-sensical stuff, I prefer when everything has a Logical Explanation. The Butterfly only makes sense if 1.) some third-party is creating it, 2.) the hero is subsconsciously producing such imagery, or 3.) the natural Effect of his "Revival" skill simply Looks like that (the worst Option).
    Like, imagine that CERN scientist revealed to the press they found the Higgs boson and it looked like a hot loli Girl. Would that make sense?

    PS: wtf why are some of the words automatically changed to capital letter? fuck annoying

    Edit:ep 2 was fantastic. I feel linke this is THE Anime to watch this season. Feels like Detective conan meets steinsgate meets anohana.
    Last edited by MFauli; Thu, 01-14-2016 at 08:10 PM.

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  7. #7
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I love his mom too, not in a sexual way, but as a character. That yokai is just amazing. I'd redo 18 years if it meant saving a mom like that. But then again, I'd redo 18 years anyway because then I'd be a 29 year old in an 11 year old body, just like this guy. Oh le legal lolicon mode.

    @Kraco - Mature kids are the best. This is my most anticipated show of the season, and it delivers.
    Last edited by shinta|hikari; Thu, 01-14-2016 at 10:40 PM.
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  8. #8
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    The present we had in ep1 was in 2004 because 1988+24. Probably because it was the setting of the original setting and they couldn't mess with it ?
    Or is it we might cover some time between 2004 and more recent years ?

    Ep1 was great, so obviously living as a boy in ep2 was less of a ride. Even if it was nicely presented and remind us that just remembering your seat or childs name isn't obvious at all 18 years after...

    That teacher felt a lot like our murder...

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  9. #9
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Ep2 was really great too.

    This was so interesting to watch and him trying not to step on landminds was really satisfying.
    The fact that he didn't remember his seat was really nice.

    I wonder whether we'll get to see the alternative timelime after he starts to change things, or maybe he'll get more tries than just one like in the movie "Buttefly Effect"

    Best show this season so far and if it keeps up like this, probably one of the best/better ones overall.

    That teacher felt a lot like our murder...

  10. #10
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Eyes, though not red yet, felt the same. Maybe the hairline too, though he had a hat in the future. Maybe face lines, though the angle was different.
    Maybe there's the fact that everyone in the future knows the culprit (well mc and mc's mother at least), but can't put a name on him, though that could be anyone else outside of the people we've seen so far.

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  11. #11
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Dunno, they look totally different to me, glasses vs no glasses, brown vs black hair.

    The only thing they share is a penis.

  12. #12
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    Good continuation of the first episode, but my favorite part was I actually liked his little friend group. Kids for sure, but not malicious or contemptuous like so many 'modern' children are portrayed. For some reason that little kid with the glasses reminds me of an old friend I haven't seen in years.

    I hope he gets to travel back to the present and meet up/look up his detective friend to bring him into the present case. That kid's sharp.

  13. #13
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Episode 3 - HS

    - - - - -

    Goddam. Hinazuki's situation is even more fucked up than I expected. Perhaps Satoru can change her fate. As it was originally, death might have been a relief. Still, I do wonder if this an individual arc that ends with Hinazuki taken away from the abusive family and leaving the whole town as well. It would be sort of sad if she leaves but Satoru simply continues in the past solving another case, possibly. But maybe this arc is after all the whole story and Hinazuki is thus around until the end. That would lenghten her suffering as well, though.

    That fox scene looked highly unrealistic. No wonder nobody believed him. But maybe Japanese foxed are different.

  14. #14
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    episode 3 is out

    Ugh, I wanna hug Hinazuki so much. That smile of herīs at the end, omg. Satoru, make sure to do whatever it takes to save her!!1 :>

    God, I would have punched that mom so much. What a bitch. Tbh why didnt he just call the police on the spot? They could probably tell if those wounds are from falling or being beaten. Ugh.

    As for who the culprit is, I think itīd be too easy if it was the teacher. And looks like that one smart friend of Satoru is up to something, too. I also wouldnīt rule out that this 23-yo guy actually did it. I mean ... it IS damn weird to invite a young school kid into your home/room when youīre 23 yo yourself. The "accidentially" revealing his porn stash, then commenting on how mature Satoru has become ... it could very well go either way, but that had "pedophile seduction tactics" written all over it.

    Speaking on the pervy aspects: Do you think itīd be okay for Satoru to have sex with Hinazuki? If your answer is "no, cause heīs actually an adult", would you be okay with it if it were reveresed, a child in an adultīs body? Ofc this is disregarding that theyīre probably too young for sex anyway :P

    Edit: Btw I have to emphasize HOW MUCH I love this anime. Itīs been a long time since Iīve seen such quality all around in a new anime series. Great art, great animation, great sound, quality character designs, no convoluted, overly complex plot, and a continuous story. Sooo good. And I love the whole "re-visiting childhood" concept. I remember how emotional I got during watching Ano Hana. This here is on par with it, except it has a better plot (although connecting with Ano Hanaīs characters was easier cause of the higher age).

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  15. #15
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    It only struck me as late as the park scene when Satoru was alone that he might also be in danger.
    Sure the killer seems to only be interrested in girls, but by being too much in the way, he could be seen as a nuisance.
    Teacher+smart kid scene was indeed strange. And that sly smile the teacher had. Could be a way to distract us from other bits and pieces.

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  16. #16
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David75 View Post
    It only struck me as late as the park scene when Satoru was alone that he might also be in danger.
    I'm not sure a serial killer changes targets so whimsically, but he's definitely in great danger if he indentifies the correct man and gets himself spotted. Although if it's not the classic case of psycho killer but some opportunistic pedophile or whatever who just snatches any lonely child, then things could be different. But his mom's killer seemed quite smart and sophisticated, not some dirty dreg.

  17. #17
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I confess.

    I killed Kayo!

    She was just too cute so I sorta grabbed her. And things just went out of control.

    I don't regret a thing.
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  18. #18
    Remnant of Woot Lucifus's Avatar
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    Best show of the season hands down.

    Kayo's step-dad/the deadbeat looking dude possibly? Kenya is feeling awfully suspicious for mom stabber.
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  19. #19
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lucifus View Post
    Best show of the season hands down.

    Kayo's step-dad/the deadbeat looking dude possibly? Kenya is feeling awfully suspicious for mom stabber.
    After that teacher/smart kid scene, it becomes possible to think of two people working together in those crimes. And yes, that kid being the one stabing Satoru's mom.

    @Kraco: I just thought to myself that Satoru has to be very smart and careful, because even with his 29 year old wits/knowledge/memories, he's just a 11 years old brat with not much physical or persuasion strenght against adults.
    In the first timeline, he wasn't even able to convince his mother the cops were after the wrong guy.
    But somehow having his very first huge leap after so many years in the first timeline probably means there's a positive outcome available. The truck scene in the first ep reminds us he sometimes needs to put his life on the line, even to prevent a "simple and short in time" event.

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  20. #20
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    We also mustnt forget about Satoruīs ability itself. How did it come to be, what exactly is it? Is this a 1 cour-series? If so, I expect that mystery to be solved as part of the ongoing childhood-story. In that case, there might be more to Kayo and those murdered girls than face value. Iīm especially suspicious because of that talk between the teacher and Satoruīs smart friend. Wouldnīt put it past possibilites that he, too, has the same ability as Satoru and tries to interfere with the past. Would certainly be exciting.

    Btw. why was Kayo so shocked when Satoru said "Thatīs because I chose not to lie to you"? Without the contect of knowing about Satoruīs real age, whatīs so shocking about it? Itīs cute, if anything.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

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