Oh, and before I forget.. I reckon "False Data: Life" would play a part in this somewhere. It's one of the only spells he cast initially that wasn't a buff/debuff/fly/attack.
Oh, and before I forget.. I reckon "False Data: Life" would play a part in this somewhere. It's one of the only spells he cast initially that wasn't a buff/debuff/fly/attack.
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
Just found out about this show thanks to the Top 3-topic. Why did nobody alert me?! An anime about a virtual reality game? Always!
Already 3 episodes in, and I like it. Will binge it all today, I guess.
And Albedo is the hottest anime girl in a long time
"She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court
I don't like Albedo much, I prefer Nabe by a long mile.
Aaand all caught up. Great anime. And I just read that season 2 is coming. Nice.
As for the fight against Shalltear: I dont quite understand why she´s so strong. In terms of fighting ease, she appears to be superior to Ains here, who has to go all out just to keep up. I always thought that the creators are significantly stronger than their creations. Very weird. In the beginning I thought that Shalltear got a power up by that group with the world item, but the way everything was explained later, that´s not the case.
Anyway, what TRULY sucks is that we have another gay hero. Oh. My. God. The things I would do to Albedo ... and she´d like it!!1 lol
"She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court
Where did you read that?
In most RPGs you play, if you drop all the precious gear you have, your high level character would face difficulties facing tough enemies. Ains had nothing on him, except those ice cream sticks he haven't even used yet. If you think about this fight, Shalltear would have died much earlier without that life sucking lance of hers. She also had the badass looking armour. Typically mages fare better if they have a meatwall between themselves and the enemy.
He's a fricking lich. It has been said multiple times that whenever he starts to feel any strong emotion, it gets wiped off. Not to mention he's all bones (a human dick doesn't even have a bone inside it, unlike some animal members, so he has got nothing down there). He's not gay. He's asexual for a very good reason, unless he somehow decides to change things.
I expected this reply. I don´t accept it. He displays a wide array of emotions, and his libido isnt gone completely, since this emotion-cancelling auto-effect keeps happening. Also, if he truly had no guy parts, why would all the girls expect to be impregnated by their lord? I´m pretty sure he either isn´t a 100% skeleton OR he can manipulate his own body at will - we´ve seen as much when he changed his face, although the might have been an optical illusion only.He's a fricking lich. It has been said multiple times that whenever he starts to feel any strong emotion, it gets wiped off. Not to mention he's all bones (a human dick doesn't even have a bone inside it, unlike some animal members, so he has got nothing down there). He's not gay. He's asexual for a very good reason, unless he somehow decides to change things.
And even if he´s truly asexual, it still sucks from a watcher´s perspective :>
"She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court
LMAO, MFauli you got trolled bad. xD
(shinta's not serious)
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
The very post says he was only joking.
Strong emotions get inhibited. I reckon long lasting ones as well. It's one of the finer and unique points of this show's setting that the main character is a skeletor. For once, like once in a thousand, we have a very good reason why a harem of bishoujo will be meaningless for the main character. Every person in Nazarick, save the prisoners, is a monster. I don't think they much care for Ains's physical state. Albedo believes magic will somehow solve the problem. In fact I imagine it could, if Ains ever decides to do it. But as it happens, he would have no strong motivation to try because motivation is an emotion. Actually liches ought to have a couple of emotions like a thirst for power and knowledge and a fear of death. They are wizards who wanted to live forever, after all.
Maybe I'll start to read the LN once the anime ends to learn more.
Ugh, so ... what are the chances for a real season 2, then? :/
Also Kraco, I dont care about any of that. I just want to have a main character that takes advantage of Albedo :>
"She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court
Episode 13
Been waiting all week for this finale, and it did not disappoint. Wonderful ending -- looks highly probably for a Season 2 as well. I can't imagine popularity for this show being too low for a continuation, and things left off perfectly.
Hah, in the end Ains still needed help from the the elf guardian on the border. He's good, but not infallible. I quite like that.
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
The cash item twist was bullshit. The fight could've worked without all that. When he switched to the bow, he could have sniped Shaltear til her HP dropped to crap then nuked her with Fallen Down (Sora no Otoshimono song!). The axe and shield parts were pointless.
It's also annoying how Shaltear forgot all about her betrayal. I would've loved seeing her in full guilty state.
That said, there should be a 2nd season for this. Every atom of this show is just an excuse for badassery, and that's not a bad thing.
Really good stuff. More entertaining than the other MMO anime I've seen (which is not much, but still). Hope season two becomes a thing.
The blow looked like it had a slow firing rate. I'm not sure that it would have worked Shinta.
They don't mention there being any cash shops in this world. That actually makes those cash items just as rare as Worldly items. There is a revival system however and that still charges gold, so who knows.
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
I need me a season two. Really want to see Victim and Gargantua now.
Last edited by NeoCybercoin; Wed, 09-30-2015 at 06:48 AM.
Since this new world is more wholesome than the old one, the NPCs gaining sentience being a perfect example of it, Ains might find a way to make certain rare items by himself. On the other hand he might not even need them so much anymore if he's more careful and plans their actions better.
I wouldn't count on this getting a second season. Aside from the textbook shounen running for years, typically only simple ecchi shows get two or more seasons. That's what the anime scene has been reduced to. Of course there are still exceptions, but they tend to have something in common, like catering to a totally different crowd (such as fujoshi). Maybe it's already a miracle we get these 10-13 episodes shows of interesting stories to begin with.
A jolly good series. This will remain one of the best anime this year.
Very much this. It completely wasted an excellent opportunity. It's not like Shalltear really saw anything before she got hit anyway since she was in full berserker bloodlust mode. It would have added a lot more meaning to Ains telling everyone that it wasn't her fault but his own for being cocky.
Fantastic last episode of the first cour ... and I fully expect a season 2, fuck the world if it doesn´t happen.
Shalltear being oblvious was disappointing, but maybe we´ll get a flashback to Demiurge telling her everything in season 2. Definitely want to see THAT reaction, haha.
Despite some onknown force having been able to kinda endanger a Nazarik member, I still wonder if there´s anyone/-thing in this world that could fight toe to toe with them. We haven´t seen anyone come close so far.
And even if its chances are low, I hope that something is done about Ains´ libido. It´s just not fun when you see hot girls throwing themselves at him and nothing happen. Would really make this show excel significantly over most anime. Having said that, I agree that Overlord has turned out to be the best MMORPG-anime so far. It´s unfortunate that it cannot match SAO´s animation, but other than maybe the first 3-4 episodes of, agian, SAO, Overlord has triumphed over any competition. While Log Horizon was nice, it always had you waiting for unleashing its potential ... and here we are, two seasons later and all we got to witness was preparations.
Lastly, I can´t even state that it´s a great song, but the ending has really grown on me. "Don´t you give me your love and passion!". It´s just such a perfect fit for Albedo´s character and her relation towards Ains.
"She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court
What this show has mostly shown for me is that magic casters are OP. So I'd really love to see a lv 100 warrior or other melee based player doing similar feats of destruction. It'd be one heck of an unbalanced game if the magic casters were OP.
They're OP when given enough spells to counter situations in the correct way. It takes a lot of brains and planning, so they're not easy to use IMO.
For consistency, other classes may be better. Say if they have a rematch, there's no way Shaltear would lose once she knows Ains' cards. He's always known her's.
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~