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Thread: Naruto Chapter 559

  1. #1
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Naruto Chapter 559

    [MangaStream & Binktopia] Naruto c.559: MediaFire | MultiUpload | Online Viewing
    Last edited by Marik; Wed, 10-12-2011 at 08:37 AM.

  2. #2
    OK... things got really interesting. Conspiracy theories back to Tobi being Obito?

  3. #3
    surprise, surprise... not! guess this was clear from the very start, but its good to know who was the one in the last coffin.
    I'm pretty sure now that "Madara" is actually Obito

    anyways the chapter was okay, and for the first time since this arc started I'm looking forward to the next chapter

    edit: i got a "very gay"-negative rep for this. thank you so much! made my day!
    Last edited by LunaticCat; Thu, 10-13-2011 at 03:56 AM.

  4. #4
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    The question isnīt if "Madara" is Obito or not. Even if it is Obito, it wouldnīt make sense for him to be the mastermind behind all this.

    I will post it here in all detail, because I feel like if things pan out that way, it would excuse A LOT of mediocre decisions made by Kishimoto during this war. It would make this manga awesome again. That already reveals what Iīm planning to talk about: Orochimaru.

    For Kabuto to know about it, itīs the only explanation to make sense. It could also explain the other, previous Madara: Yes, Obito is behind that mask, but only because Orochimaru for some reason needed an Uchihaīs body to experiment on. Orochimaru deluded Obito into believing that he was Madara, creating a fake-leader for Akatsuki to keep himself in the shadows. Obito being behind the mask also makes sense in that he has the Mangekyou-Sharingan (maybe he thought Rin had died) and his ability to make his body untouchable -> a result from being crushed, thus developing a special technique to counter this tragic experience.
    That all could also be a backup plan for Orochimaruīs own safety. The way he attacked Itachi looked always weird and incompetent, didnt it. But what if Orochimaru had no choice? What if either he was so weakened that getting himself sealed up by Susanoo was his only rescue, or what if he planned to investigate Susanoo from the inside? He would need an Uchiha to free himself. Maybe he knew that Itachi would somehow counter a hypothetical resurrection, thus him having Obito as an emergency trigger.

    Yes, some of that sounds far-fetched, but if somehow Orochimaru came out to be the true mastermind behind all this evil, the manga would be forgiven a lot by me.

  5. #5
    Genin Paper's Avatar
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    "I'm pretty sure now that "Madara" is actually Obito"

    What clues did they give that suggest it's Obito? besides the fact that Madra was revive....Maybe the Fake Madra is actually someone who wasn't born a uchiha??.... Just throwing it out there.. it wouldn't be the first non-uchiha sharigan user Kakashi...Danzo... Obito was Crush under a boulder let him R.I.P for once
    "The End Justify The Means"

  6. #6
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    Pretty cool how naruto was everywhere.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by paper mache View Post
    "I'm pretty sure now that "Madara" is actually Obito"

    What clues did they give that suggest it's Obito? besides the fact that Madra was revive....Maybe the Fake Madra is actually someone who wasn't born a uchiha??.... Just throwing it out there.. it wouldn't be the first non-uchiha sharigan user Kakashi...Danzo... Obito was Crush under a boulder let him R.I.P for once
    Well said lol, let Obito R.I.P!! y would obito even have the motive to try and take over the world?
    my guess would be that tobi/fake madara might be madaras younger brother and he took madaras eyes wen he died or something. only a guess but we'll find out the truth in the upcoming mangas hopfully.
    Manga has gotten very interesting.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    The question isnīt if "Madara" is Obito or not. Even if it is Obito, it wouldnīt make sense for him to be the mastermind behind all this.

    I will post it here in all detail, because I feel like if things pan out that way, it would excuse A LOT of mediocre decisions made by Kishimoto during this war. It would make this manga awesome again. That already reveals what Iīm planning to talk about: Orochimaru.

    For Kabuto to know about it, itīs the only explanation to make sense. It could also explain the other, previous Madara: Yes, Obito is behind that mask, but only because Orochimaru for some reason needed an Uchihaīs body to experiment on. Orochimaru deluded Obito into believing that he was Madara, creating a fake-leader for Akatsuki to keep himself in the shadows. Obito being behind the mask also makes sense in that he has the Mangekyou-Sharingan (maybe he thought Rin had died) and his ability to make his body untouchable -> a result from being crushed, thus developing a special technique to counter this tragic experience.
    That all could also be a backup plan for Orochimaruīs own safety. The way he attacked Itachi looked always weird and incompetent, didnt it. But what if Orochimaru had no choice? What if either he was so weakened that getting himself sealed up by Susanoo was his only rescue, or what if he planned to investigate Susanoo from the inside? He would need an Uchiha to free himself. Maybe he knew that Itachi would somehow counter a hypothetical resurrection, thus him having Obito as an emergency trigger.

    Yes, some of that sounds far-fetched, but if somehow Orochimaru came out to be the true mastermind behind all this evil, the manga would be forgiven a lot by me.
    o.O I hope that's true. I alwaays wanted orochimaru to be the big bad the whole time. He is the only consistently evil character in the manga. The only problem with your theory is this, if he has a revived uchiha body why not just take the sharingan from the body of obito and implant it? He is going to have to do the body swap constantly anyways. His main goal is to live forever an learn every jutsu. I guess constantly removing and replacing sharingan is tedious but the fake madara has tons of them.

  9. #9
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    That was kind of interesting. Maybe it isn't Madara, but his brother, Izuna. It would make sense for him to have a vendetta against everything and the huge collection of eyes would fit in, as his were stolen (or maybe the story was the other way around and he is the one that took Madara's eyes).
    Last edited by rockmanj; Wed, 10-12-2011 at 12:14 PM.

  10. #10
    Obito was Crush under a boulder let him R.I.P for once
    I don't say I like the idea, but I think it might be Obito anyway.
    But you are right - I have no real proof.
    His hairstyle and the scars on the right side of his face, and the matter of fact that he (probably) had no left eye are the only evidence.
    I think it would be stupid if it would be someone not yet introduced so it would fit in Kishi-way-of-thinking if its Obito.
    But it doesn't matter at all because we will know next week. At least I hope so

  11. #11
    How does the real Madara know Nagato??

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by FireEmblem View Post
    How does the real Madara know Nagato??
    That's something that's been nagging me too. Madara was supposed to have died long before Nagato was even born so he should have no clue as to who he is. They way he was talking seemed to suggest that he believes Nagato is the one who brought him back... or does he, as he seems surprised that Edo Tensei has been used?

    Going back a bit to when Tobi says to Konan that he wants the Rinnengan from Nagato. He tells her that the eyes belong to him as he was the one who gave them to Nagato in the first place. No we know Nagato activated the Rinnengan as a child, and unless he had his memory wiped he would have told Jiraiya that his eyes were transplanted when he was training under him.

    That would mean the only way what Tobi said is true about Nagato's eyes is he gave them to him but not physically. Which would mean either an Itachi/Mangekyou style Sasuke transfer or... Tobi is Nagato's dad (also called Nagato??)!!! But then Tobi is saying he is Uchiha Madara, which seems to be a lie right now so why should we believe what he said to Konan?

    Perhaps Tobi is Madara. If we look at what is going on in, one person/chakra seems to have been split before. You have Kabuto who is now part Oro (OK so Oro is dead but if he wasn't sealed he could be brought back via Edo Tensei). The you have the case of the two (mountain?) brothers who after spending time in Kyuubi's belly took on some of Kyuubi's chakra, giving the impression to someone who can sense chakra e.g Naruto in Sage/Kyuubi mode, that Kyuubi had appeared. You also have the case of Hashrima Senju, who has some of his DNA in Yamamoto.

    Now none of the cases above seem to be an exact fit to the Tobi/Madara mystery, but it could be something modelled on the above where Tobi is either

    a) An independent person with parts of Madara's DNA/Chakra. This could be a rinnengan user i.e. Nagato's father. Why he would willingly let his


    b) Actually a clone/duplicate of Madara, where he lives on but due to splitting with his other part is extremely weak. This would explain why he is a shadow of his former self, as part of him is now actually dead.

    Finally, this is totally a long shot, it could actually be the Sage of Six paths himself. As he was the Jyuubi Jinchuuriki, maybe he took on some of the behaviour/characteristics of the creature which were the evil nature/ability to regenerate if defeated/destroyed after some time. It could be that now he is back, he wants the Jyuubi restored in order to restore his own powers. This wouldn't explain why he would attack Konoha at the time of Minato. Or anything else.

    I dunno, this is going to take some explaining. Unless it's Obito who has gone crazy for being abandoned, but then he should show some emotion towards Kakashi, who was his friend and there when he died.

  13. #13
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    The brother would indeed make more sense, the sharingan didn't show a hint of EMS either yet...

  14. #14
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rockmanj View Post
    That was kind of interesting. Maybe it isn't Madara, but his brother, Izuna. It would make sense for him to have a vendetta against everything and the huge collection of eyes would fit in, as his were stolen (or maybe the story was the other way around and he is the one that took Madara's eyes).
    If we were to believe the story "Tobi" told Sasuke, then Madara's brother sacrificed his eyes willingly for the sake of his brother. Did he just lie about his own sacrifice while pretending to be Madara?

    I still like the previous idea of Madara existing as some sort of ethereal state apart from his body, though that wouldn't make sense that he wouldn't become bound back to his body after the resurrection jutsu.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  15. #15
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Lol, and we're back here again. I'm done with the conspiracies though, i'll just wait and see how this unfolds.

  16. #16
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Assertn View Post
    If we were to believe the story "Tobi" told Sasuke, then Madara's brother sacrificed his eyes willingly for the sake of his brother. Did he just lie about his own sacrifice while pretending to be Madara?

    I still like the previous idea of Madara existing as some sort of ethereal state apart from his body, though that wouldn't make sense that he wouldn't become bound back to his body after the resurrection jutsu.
    I don't know to what end lying about a sacrifice would do (maybe because it connects to the Itachi/Sasuke story), but we do know that Tobi lies about a lot.

  17. #17
    The thing about Tobi being Izuna is that he was said to have died in battle. Unless this was a lie?

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Assertn View Post
    I still like the previous idea of Madara existing as some sort of ethereal state apart from his body
    that would be really great, i think

  19. #19
    ANBU Captain 6Zabuza9's Avatar
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    It can't be Obito. Tobi was fought the Fourth when Naruto was born and the Nine Tails attacked. Obito would have been around 14 years old during that time. Clearly even with the mask Tobi looked over 14 years old while fighting the Fourth unless he suddenly grew like 2 feet, learn new techniques that rival the Fourth, and found new hatred for Konoha all within a year from his death.

    ty psj for this sig

  20. #20
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Kishi is taking a page out of JJ Abrams book with this shit, though I'm very skeptical about his ability to pull through with something that won't seem completely contrived and/or gimmicky.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

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