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Thread: Rebuild of Evangelion

  1. #101
    Nanomachines, son. Xelbair's Avatar
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    I don't think that thora would use their name with low quality subs, so i'm gonna stick with this version - but download is as slow as hell..
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  2. #102
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    tested IRC and speed was around ~280-400kbs

    estimated time was around ~8hours for 10gig.

  3. #103
    Guess I should try IRC, the torrent has an estimated 4 days and 21 hours time left.

  4. #104
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    I got it in a couple of hours, you sure you have your settings right?

  5. #105
    Yeah, a lot of the time torrents depend on luck, and which peers you are connected to. Especially considering some seeders and leechers have their upload speeds capped at different rates.

    And yeah, all my settings are fine. Ports are forwarded, etc. It's situational, considering I downloaded the 1080p Evangelion 1.11 movie from THORA a week ago in about 6 hours (understandable since seeders vastly outnumber leechers at that point in time).

  6. #106
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    My 720p torrent finished in ~5hrs.

    Hopefully I'll get to watch this soon (I've got 1 more assignment to do), but otherwise I'll be seeing this on the weekend.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  7. #107
    DL finally finished from IRC.

    When I first saw pictures of Mari I was expecting her Seiyuu to be
    Miyuki Sawashiro (Celty from Durarara!, Canaan from well... CANAAN, Kanbaru from Bakemonogatari). Thank god it isn't. I guess I might be the only one but I really hate her voice, and not to mention she's in practically everything in recent memory. On the subject of Voice Acting, I was pleasantly surprised that they had actual people that spoke English, until my happiness was shattered when Kaji's Seiyuu had to speak.

    Don't want to be obvious or anything but these fights are awesome with a huge budget especially in 1080p.

    All in all I felt the continuity of scenes was a lot better than the first movie. A lot of the transitions in the first movie were really jarring, ie meeting friends for the first time, getting beaten up, then other random stuff. I do wish they could've redone the Kaji and Katsuragi romance and got rid of it completely, though atm there's nothing going on. In the original series I felt their romance was out of place and at times really annoying. Should've changed it to be Kaji and Ritsuko or somethnig. Also seems like they retconned Asuka's silly girl crush on Kaji (thank god). For some reason I just really dislike Kaji.

    And like earlier said the addition of a cooking trait and in general a more amiable personality until he starts being a brat again near the end. Am I remembering wrong but in the original anime series Genji didn't compliment Shinji on a job well done while he was in the cockpit right? Reason is, as I remembered watching 1.11 a week ago, I thought Genji was still the same unlikable douche with no redeemable qualities. I was surprised to see that Asuka's synchro rate had degraded already by the time the death of the 7th Angel. A screen showed Shinji's at 68%, Rei's at 36% I think, and Asuka's at 2%.

    Mari is a much welcomed addition. I do like her character design, though I'm not much of a fan of meganekkos. The slightly altered personalities did so much good. They sure changed a lot, especially with the exclusion of Toji being the Fourth Child and having Asuka being Unit 03's pilot. Since Unit 03 replacing the previous 9th Angel to be the current one as well as giving the Dummy Plug system a physical form seems interesting. Koaru is still an Angel, but he pilots an Eva/Angel? It's good that the movies are shipping Shinji x Rei. Asuka was ok, but I preferred Rei. The mangas and the movie are similar in that sense, since that was what the author seemed to lean more towards.

    I can't wait for the 3rd Movie. I was never really a huge fan of Evangelion a couple years back, but these movies are great. The scenes at the end seemed to be at the level of Tengen Toppa ridiculous. And there's supposed to be 2 more movies? Bring it. Let's hope the ending isn't another acid trip mind fuck.

  8. #108
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    It's good that the movies are shipping Shinji x Rei. Asuka was ok, but I preferred Rei.

    wouldn't that lead to incest?

    btw. kraco would like to know more about the sub-quality
    so, how are they?

    And there's supposed to be 2 more movies? Bring it. Let's hope the ending isn't another acid trip mind fuck.
    not only that, if I recall it correctly, the last 2 movies are going to air at the same time, or in quick succession

  9. #109
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33 View Post

    wouldn't that lead to incest?

    btw. kraco would like to know more about the sub-quality
    so, how are they?

    not only that, if I recall it correctly, the last 2 movies are going to air at the same time, or in quick succession
    For once incest is wincest, and besides he's not really his mom, it's... complicated. Asuka had her turn, she got spooged on and chocked, time to give Rei a go

    And do you have any proof on that? Alhuin said he read something similar one time ago but he couldn't find anything indicating that anymore

  10. #110
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    they announced it when 1.0 came out
    but who knows, they might have changed the plans alrdy

  11. #111
    Wincest indeed.

    If I remember correctly Rei isn't a complete clone of Yui (Shinji's mother) anyways. It depends on how squicky you feel about incest. At worst it's similar to his mother, at best it's his sister/half-sister. I'm fine with both instances.

  12. #112
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33 View Post

    wouldn't that lead to incest?
    Perhaps. So?
    btw. kraco would like to know more about the sub-quality
    so, how are they?
    Good. As expected from THORA.

    not only that, if I recall it correctly, the last 2 movies are going to air at the same time, or in quick succession
    That's what I read. They're going to be released back to back. Let us hope quantity doesn't compromise quality.

    Asuka got much less screentime and development than I expected. On the other hand, Rei got a whole lot more, so I'm not complaining about the trade-off (though I'd really like it if they managed to do both, being a Rei fan and a sort-of-Ex-Asuka fan.

    Mari... could easily have been ommited and I wouldn't have seen a difference. Her role this time was to be someone to "push" Shinji back into shape, and perhaps a bigger role in the next movie.

    I guess that wasn't all though, since introducing all the other Evas in Rebuild shines a lot more light on what other countries are developing and what SEELE is trying to do in general. The TV series was really murky about all that. Heck, I didn't even know what SEELE was until I wiki-ed it 10 years later.

    I didn't like the beginning of 2.22 compared to 1.11 for some reason. It just didn't "feel" too right. The fights, on the other hand, were intense. It's interesting how those easy-sounding songs could work your muscles into tetanus.

    Another thing that wasn't as obvious to me in 1.11 as here was how fat the Eva redesigns are. The abdomens look so bloated.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryll
    Placing Asuka in Unit-03 also built rather nicely on Shinji's hate from the resulting violation by the Dummy Plug. Even that got a large improvement over the soulless hard drive that it was before. While the impersonal, cold block of a computer had its own charm, it twisting forward to block Shinji's view was a lot more horrifying. It really expanded on the feeling of lacking control. Not only could he not grab the controls, he couldn't even see what it was doing, only being able to guess the sounds through the walls of the plug.
    Not only that, visually it had the effect of trapping Shinji. The way it appeared from behind, reach out over him and merged itself on top of him had the effect of possessing him, literally just like how it possessed Unit 01. It hits the point home that Gendo didn't just replace Unit 01 with an auto-pilot - he forced his son to do it, making a whole lot more personal.

    It also made it look like the black extensions pinned Shinji's arms to the controls, forcing him to pilot the dummy plug Eva. In reality, I'm sure he could have just let go of the trigger, but that's how it appeared. (and I disagree that he can't grab the controls. They just simply won't budge.")

    The best thing that happened in this movie - Rei didn't die! <<insert a million thumbs-up here>>

    I can't bear the thought of their emotional development going down the drain.

    There would be an re-enact of "Ayanami yo Kaisei!" with Anno as Zeruel.

    PS: does anyone know what that insert-song during "Rescue Ayanami" is called? It sounded awfully familiar, and it took a few minutes for me to recognise it as the same song that played at the end of K-ON! S1 Ep 1 to attract a certain band member.

    edit: ah, "Tsubasa wo Kudasi" it is.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Sun, 06-06-2010 at 01:33 AM.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  13. #113
    i'm still in the process of downloading but since i didn't see it mentioned the thora/utw version has a patch

  14. #114
    Photoshop Hero Alhuin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    PS: does anyone know what that insert-song during "Rescue Ayanami" is called? It sounded awfully familiar, and it took a few minutes for me to recognise it as the same song that played at the end of K-ON! S1 Ep 1 to attract a certain band member.

    edit: ah, "Tsubasa wo Kudasi" it is.
    Wow, you noticed something like that? It's been so long since I've seen the first episode of K-On!, but after reading, I had to go back and check, and I was amazed. I think this marks my first experience hearing the same song in two different anime (anyone can feel free to point out other examples to prove me wrong though).

    I like the youtube comment on the version I listened to: "The bits in 2.0 using this were positively brick-shittingly awesome."

    Oh and THORA's release is amazing as always. Not sure why they chose to go with AC3 for the 720p release though, considering 1.11 was released with DTS.

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  15. #115
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alhuin View Post
    Wow, you noticed something like that? It's been so long since I've seen the first episode of K-On!, but after reading, I had to go back and check, and I was amazed. I think this marks my first experience hearing the same song in two different anime (anyone can feel free to point out other examples to prove me wrong though).

    I like the youtube comment on the version I listened to: "The bits in 2.0 using this were positively brick-shittingly awesome."

    Oh and THORA's release is amazing as always. Not sure why they chose to go with AC3 for the 720p release though, considering 1.11 was released with DTS.
    Hinagiku sang Cruel Angel Thesis in a episode of Hayate the Combat Buttler once

  16. #116
    Quote Originally Posted by Alhuin View Post
    Oh and THORA's release is amazing as always. Not sure why they chose to go with AC3 for the 720p release though, considering 1.11 was released with DTS.
    I am willing to bet they did it to keep the size under 1 single layer DVD and maintain visual quality. I am certainly not complaining since my digital media->TV converter box decodes AC3 but not DTS so I didn't have to resample the audio to watch it on my TV.

    In any case, I greatly enjoyed this movie and I approved of the direction the narrative seems to be taking so far. The biggest change I noticed to the character dynamic was the seeming reduction of the importance of Asuka in pretty much everyone else's life. I was never a big fan of Asuka and so I was actually pleased by her more limited role in the film. I was even a bit giddy when I thought the Dummy Plug killed her to the point that I didn't even notice that she survived until I watched it through a second time.

    The Shinji of Rebuild is seemingly less conflicted than the Shinji of the original series but I can't tell if it's because so much has been compressed away that he simply hasn't had time to build up to the level of angst and whining that he did in the original. Regardless I found the final scene of 2.22 to be an awesome showcase of the Shinji I always wanted to see. I thought it was touching and awesome that Rei being in danger spurred him to get back in the Eva and beat the tar out of Zeratul to get her back.

    I was also quite fond of Mari, I see her as what I would have preferred Asuka to be as an Eva pilot and as a character. Here's to hoping her role turns out to be more than just fanservice/trope fodder in the final chapters and she fits into the story in a sensible way.
    Last edited by Yukimura; Wed, 06-09-2010 at 04:33 PM.

  17. #117
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    I finally got to watch this, and it was incredible! Still as mind bending and sad as the originals, but it is not hammering depression into your face. I like the changes, and the artwork is absolutely beautiful in Blu-Ray. the next two movies cannot come soon enough.

    ...not so sure about this "wincest" business though.

  18. #118
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    they might end it with the third movie.

    so no 4th

  19. #119
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33 View Post
    they might end it with the third movie.

    so no 4th
    Who said that?

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  20. #120
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    I read it on 4chan, but there is the possibility that some idiot was trolling, thats why I wrote "might"

    I'm not browsing anime-news sites too often (or at all) which is why I don't know which site would post such interviews with animators/directors.

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