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Thread: Rebuild of Evangelion

  1. #81
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I really want to discuss some rather specific changes made to the series with this second release.

    How much detail are we allowed to get into without being considered a spoiler? There are a lot of changes that you can only catch when you completely watch the previous versions of Evangelion. The changes are rather radical in terms of how much character development they added.

    Should we safely assume that those who are watching Rebuild have seen the original series?

  2. #82
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Great idea. I would really welcome such a discussion. If it is not allowed in the rules, maybe we can just create its own comparison thread. I'm not sure how many people will contribute though.
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  3. #83
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    I've seen the older series, though sometimes maybe I won't remember things. But I would like to discuss (or read) whatever you need to say about this Ryll.

    Seeing as the series is quite old, I don't think talking about it should consider as spoiler. The only must should have watched this 2 movies.

  4. #84
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I mean I can be vague like Y was in his post, not really pointing out the specific differences. But there are some things I want to hit on that I cannot mention without bringing in spoilers from the original series.

    Making a new thread is a waste, this thread would be better moved to the Downloads section if we had to do that, as the primary focus has been between the various versions out there (including the original cam rip). If it isn't permitted, I just wouldn't bother pointing those things out, simple as that.

    Quote Originally Posted by RyougaZell View Post
    Seeing as the series is quite old, I don't think talking about it should consider as spoiler. The only must should have watched this 2 movies.
    Sadly, that kind of logic doesn't work. Certain people (rightly so, I suppose) feel there is no statute of limitations on spoilers.

  5. #85
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    Just put a notice at the beginning of the post. Either that or I can hellbump my other Evangelion thread and put a spoiler notice in it.

  6. #86
    Photoshop Hero Alhuin's Avatar
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    Is it not possible to implement spoiler tags into the forum?
    I'll have to ask comp about that if he's ever around on IRC again.

    I too have not seen the original series for years, so I remember very little about it. I am quite accustomed to what are the first four episodes of the American DVD release, since a friend owned it, and I watched it repeatedly, but everything after I have only seen once. With the exception of End of Evangelion, which I just watched again the other day. But that won't matter, since the endings will be completely different.

    In my opinion though, the title of this thread is "Rebuild of Evangelion"... I consider it practice to discuss the differences between it and the older series, much like other anime with "reboots". Gurren-hen and Lagann-hen were discussed, no? Even though there was less changed there.

    Finally finished a version of 2.22. Hoping to watch it soon (possibly tomorrow).

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  7. #87
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alhuin View Post
    In my opinion though, the title of this thread is "Rebuild of Evangelion"... I consider it practice to discuss the differences between it and the older series, much like other anime with "reboots". Gurren-hen and Lagann-hen were discussed, no? Even though there was less changed there..
    TTGL movies were discussed in the same thread as the anime thread in the first place, so it was fine for the discussion to take place there.

    Rebuild of Eva has its own thread here, outside of any existing Eva threads that discussed other previous material.

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  8. #88
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I like Y's idea. It is going to be a wall of text anyway, so they shouldn't stand out on their own.

    SPOILER WARNING: This post contains material of considerable significance from the original series in regards to Rebuild. Moderators may delete, edit or move this post at their discretion.

    Quote Originally Posted by Y View Post
    The best part of the film to me is the interactions between Shinji, Rei, and Asuka (and new pilot Mari, who appeared in the preview for the last movie) now feel much more real and human instead of just being a display of their respective neuroses. A school trip to the last remaining seawater aquarium in the world and Shinji cooking miso soup for the vegetarian Rei add some emotional depth to the characters without feeling cheesy or hackneyed. The new battle sequences, despite the amateur 3D in some parts, are well-choreographed and intense, and old battle sequences have been amped way up (the fight with Zeruel in particular).
    I really liked the direction they took this material to.

    The biggest improvement was Rei in general. I had always felt in the original series that Asuka's assessment of her in the elevator was dead on, she was just an emotionless doll. This did an excellent job in changing that assessment. Particularly her seemingly out of character need to "play cupid" (as the subs put it) between Shinji and Gendo. Her identity is plain as day there, exactly like a housewife who wants to assuage some disagreement between the two most important people in her life. It really came to no surprise that sitting them down for dinner would be the first thing to come to mind. I felt this was a large boon to her character, tying in reasons why she feels so strongly about the Ikari father and son, and similarly why Shinji always feels so close to her. Rather than being cold and emotionless, Rei in Rebuild seems to have an unconscious desire to make them feel comfortable.

    Similarly, Asuka is given an equal expansion of depth for her comparatively much shorter role. Her desire to not be left alone is emphasized with the puppet, and further displayed when she sneaks into Shinji's room and demands that they cease using impersonal names. The conversation with Misato as she rode the elevator was strange though, half lies and half truths. She hates being alone, or more appropriately being left behind, so it was strange to hear her "honestly" claim that. She is a showoff, and likes being around others when she is the best of a group. They certainly made her a bit more of a loner in this, but she's always doing something (playing games, looking at Shinji talking to his friends with anger, and so on) to keep herself occupied or distracted. She is still as lonely as ever, longing for company. No matter what she said to Misato.

    Mari didn't really add a lot. She's almost too mysterious, knowing a lot of things that she shouldn't, knowing more about Shinji than she should. It is actually pretty tough to create an opinion about her at all.

    Placing Asuka in Unit-03 also built rather nicely on Shinji's hate from the resulting violation by the Dummy Plug. Even that got a large improvement over the soulless hard drive that it was before. While the impersonal, cold block of a computer had its own charm, it twisting forward to block Shinji's view was a lot more horrifying. It really expanded on the feeling of lacking control. Not only could he not grab the controls, he couldn't even see what it was doing, only being able to guess the sounds through the walls of the plug.

    As for the Angels, Sahaquiel (the falling bomb) got a massive improvement, changing from such an non-entity in the original series that didn't even come off as much of a real threat to something much more ethereal and powerful. The central part that thrust itself out of the eye to attack Unit-01 made all the difference. It went from a passive creature that was easily stopped to something that had its own will and actively meant to accomplish its mission. It showed resistance rather than simply being caught and destroyed. It actually made it feel like one of the most persistent Angels in Rebuild.

    Zeruel of course, was an absolute goddamn nightmare, exactly like it should be. They kept the improvements there pretty simple, because Zeruel didn't need a whole lot.

  9. #89
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I'm really glad that Asuka is no longer obsessed with Kaji.

    One of the best additions character wise for me is Shinji's interest and ability in cooking. This really gave him a different facet as a character (makes him caring and seem less selfish) and a useful ability aside from piloting. I am of course a bit biased since I love to cook as well.

    I haven't rewatched it after seeing the movie version, so I will add more thoughts when I do so.
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  10. #90
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Although a minor character, I was happy to see Touji reuniting with his little sister since, this time around, he wasn't choosen. We never got to see this meeting on the original series thanks to the tragedy that fell upon him. Though I must admit I was gaping at the screen when they said Asuka was riding Eva 03 this time around. I knew what was coming. I knew she couldn't just die like that. But even so it was intense watching the scene. Specially when Dummy Plug Eva broke the plug.

    Mari didn't really have time to shine, so nothing to add about her.

    I liked how they created a clone scene of Asuka meeting PenPen towards Shinji's. And the damn guy got a perfect view of her. The kick was worth it.

    Kaworu's appearence was shorter that Mari, but he sitting on space had a somewhat omnious presence. His action at the end took me by surprise, though I should have expected it.

  11. #91
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    Thumbs up to Ryllharu's character breakdown.

    A few things: I'd like to cosign the importance, as someone pointed out earlier, of Unit-01 not reaching out to protect Shinji, and by extension, the fact that at no point in the movies thus far has his mother appeared to save him at all. Am I reading too deeply into the final cue cards of the TV series? ("Hello to my father. Goodbye to my mother.") Gendo does refer to Unit-01 by his wife's name exactly as he does in the TV series, so perhaps Yui's appearence is just delayed this time.

    Mari has no apparent personal problems besides her unhealthy zeal for piloting the Evangelion, possessed too much secret knowledge, and is also an attractive young girl who makes boob jokes about herself. Is Anno trying to archetype her as a Mary Sue? I'm not sure.

  12. #92
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Asuka's conversation with Misato was a most perfect example of a last speech. It was almost funny. Even without knowing beforehand this unit to be the possessed one there's no way one having such a speech would end up well. It's a jinx in itself.

    Although I enjoy baking more than cooking but I have to agree with Shinta. Previously Shinji was no good at anything except piloting his Eva. Cooking skills even make sense since he was a lonely kid with no parents to cook for him.

    I have nothing to complain about Rei and Asuka either. Rei's change was all good. She was still pretty broken in myriad ways but at least there was something interesting going on and clearer motivations to actively do something. I feel like Asuka didn't end up having too much chances to build her personality, especially since we learned nothing of her past, which pretty much defines her whole self (in the series, anyway).

    I had no problems with the angels or their graphics. If you have seen FSN, no CGI in anime will make you blink...

    I had read numerous comments on how the movie offers more fanservice than the series but I don't really know about that. Like RZ said, the clone scene was a really good addition, at least (damn straw).

  13. #93
    Interesting show. I didnt know what kind of series this is. A pleasant surprise that it is mecha.

  14. #94
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    I'm really glad that Asuka is no longer obsessed with Kaji.

    One of the best additions character wise for me is Shinji's interest and ability in cooking. This really gave him a different facet as a character (makes him caring and seem less selfish) and a useful ability aside from piloting. I am of course a bit biased since I love to cook as well.
    Agreed, although in essence Shinji is as broken as he ever was small changes in his personality and interactions with others made him much more bearable to cheer on. Not only that, but the final scene was just pure win. I strongly wish that his developments continues on this course throughout the next 2 movies, with a finale of him piercing through the heavens with his GAR-Field ( i made a funneh! )

    Quote Originally Posted by RyougaZell View Post
    Although a minor character, I was happy to see Touji reuniting with his little sister since, this time around, he wasn't choosen. We never got to see this meeting on the original series thanks to the tragedy that fell upon him. Though I must admit I was gaping at the screen when they said Asuka was riding Eva 03 this time around. I knew what was coming. I knew she couldn't just die like that. But even so it was intense watching the scene. Specially when Dummy Plug Eva broke the plug.
    I considered it but never got too worried, a character such as Asuka with that much of a following would never be killed off this early on. In contrast, i almost pissed my pants every minute Rei got an inch closer to death thinking we'd be presented with mindless drone number 3 all over again.

    The really impressive part was how even without Shinji's realization of Touji being the fourth child followed by his scream of agony AND already basically knowing what was going to happen, they still managed to make that scene every bit as disturbing and marking as the original


    I'm usually quite the fan of the harem genre but this apparent change from familiar to romantic love between Shinji and Rei ( just my view on it, some might disagree ) makes me think that they might not follow the previous clone plotline to the letter

    For all you Mari haters out there, quality over quantity is what i have to say. I can't wait for some more character development but for now what i see is what i love, time to start dishing out avatars, sigs and banners in the truest fanboyish fashion

  15. #95
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    thora-utw blue ray 1080p

    came across this while a was lurking for sum pr0n
    (hope it wasn't posted before)

  16. #96
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33 View Post

    thora-utw blue ray 1080p

    came across this while a was lurking for sum pr0n
    (hope it wasn't posted before)

    I can finally watch this

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  17. #97
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    UTW did the translation...? They're ranked below Mazui on Anidb >_>

  18. #98
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel View Post
    UTW did the translation...? They're ranked below Mazui on Anidb >_>

    ... do ranks even mean anything?

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  19. #99
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Tell us how it was once you have watched it, Bill. I might get their 720p version if the subs are good. It should fit on a DVDR unlike that 1080p 10+GB monstrosity that will only fit on a BDR - and those are out of my reach for now.

  20. #100
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Joint with THORA, translated (from scratch) by yours truly. I actually had the script done the day the BD came out, but there’s a lot to work that goes into subbing a two hour long movie, especially if it’s quality subs we’re talking about.
    well, I don't know them, but if they write something like that it makes me believe that they did a good enough job.

    I'm not going to download it yet though, the blu-ray release here in germany is just 2 month away (I've waited for over a year... I can wait for a little longer) and support them a bit by buying it ^^. (official dub releases just ~2 month after its release in japan is really good and worth supporting if you ask me ... even though I won't even listen to the german dub.. ha)
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Mon, 05-31-2010 at 11:45 AM.

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