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Sun, 09-16-2012, 07:23 PM
BTW, i have 2 open spaces on my team, so if anyone wants a free plat badge, give me a call.

Thu, 09-20-2012, 07:32 PM
New Soraka is moe as fuck :D

In other news, i just got a one week ban for fucking nothing...


Anyone got an alt with Rengar? I was training jungling with him before this shit happened.

Thu, 09-20-2012, 07:51 PM
Dominion match? perma ban imo.

Thu, 09-20-2012, 08:12 PM
I was bored, sue me.

It was hilarious because the retards were going out of their way to run to their deaths while i just defended bot and got legendary. We still lost obviously but it was lulzy.

Wed, 10-31-2012, 11:26 PM
First week attempting to learn LoL.


Not a bad start :]

Thu, 11-01-2012, 05:54 AM
Nice job, do you like Ryze? i feel he`s been nerfed too hard.

Thu, 11-01-2012, 07:24 AM
Assertin - if you find LoL to be a bit too easy(after playing a bit at lv 30) check out Dota2 - it is harder, and with some champs you have to micro few units(max 12 if i recall correctly).

Thu, 11-01-2012, 09:28 AM
First week attempting to learn LoL.


Not a bad start :]
You've also lost twice the games you've won :P

But yeah, not bad.

Thu, 11-01-2012, 11:45 AM
Dat ashe.

Thu, 11-01-2012, 11:54 AM
Dat ashe.
The enemy ashe was probably a smurf, she could farm and the build's pretty standard. I think having his team dc actually worked in Steve's favor, less cannon fodder to feed the enemy ashe.

Thu, 11-01-2012, 04:57 PM
The enemy ashe was probably a smurf, she could farm and the build's pretty standard. I think having his team dc actually worked in Steve's favor, less cannon fodder to feed the enemy ashe.

Pretty much. In fact, I specifically recall 3 of those 6 wins of mine were when one of my teammates DCed. Playing as Ryze, I'm usually about 2 levels above every other player in the game, and I usually have at least a 2:1 or better kill:death ratio.

I've also been using Mundo, but I either do really well with him, or really terrible.

Sat, 11-03-2012, 10:17 AM

Finally got triple diamond.

Sat, 11-03-2012, 12:31 PM
Congratulations! Would you mine playing some game`s for my 5`s team? we`re trying to get gold.

Sat, 11-03-2012, 06:45 PM

Finally got triple diamond.

What's your thought on this build (http://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/taric-support-why-gems-are-truly-outrageous-243829) for Taric? I've been trying to play him but I don't feel very tanky.

Sat, 11-03-2012, 06:59 PM
What's your thought on this build (http://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/taric-support-why-gems-are-truly-outrageous-243829) for Taric? I've been trying to play him but I don't feel very tanky.

That`s the standard support build, support characters are more or less stuck buying the same items. :/

Taric is not meant to be tanky anymore, now he just stuns and heals and... supports.

Sat, 11-03-2012, 07:08 PM
Am i late for the Nadouku dick hugging party?

Protip assertn, don't use mobafire for anything. Use solomid or lolpro.

Sat, 11-03-2012, 07:31 PM
Congratulations! Would you mine playing some game`s for my 5`s team? we`re trying to get gold.

Sorry, I'm full on teams or else I would.

What's your thought on this build (http://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/taric-support-why-gems-are-truly-outrageous-243829) for Taric? I've been trying to play him but I don't feel very tanky.

I think it looks fine, but it surely lacks in your beginning tankiness. What I run is:

3x Greater Quintessence of Avarice (+1 gold per 10 seconds).
9x Greater Seal of Resilience (+1.41 armor).
9x Greater Glyph of Warding (+1.34 magic resist).
9x Greater Mark of Resilience (+0.91 armor).

For masteries, I go:

1 point into Summoner's Wrath

3 points into Resistance
3 points into Hardiness
2 points into Tough Skin
4 points into Durability
3 points into Vigor
1 point into Veteran's Scar
2 into Indomitable
3 points into Honor Guard
1 point into Juggernaut

1 point into Summoner's Insight
3 points into Expanded Mind
1 point into Improved Recall
3 points into Meditation

I would never go mana regeneration runes on any support because mana regeneration runes suck so bad now. It's okay for solo middle lanes where experience is faster and scaling mana regeneration could be viable, but after the nerf Riot did on them, I feel they aren't even good anymore and a waste of rune slots.

For items, I would go:

3 Wards of Sight
2 Potions of Health
1 Faerie Charm

1 Boot of Speed
More Wards of Sight
Philospher's Stone
Heart of Gold
Kage's Lucky Pick (if you're doing fine in laning phase)

Ninja Tabi or Mercury Treads (depends on their team composition)
More Wards of Sight
Oracle's Elixir (afford it when you can)
Aegis of the Legion
Shurelya's Reverie
Randuin's Omen
Zeke's Herald

Sat, 11-03-2012, 07:52 PM
That's funny, that's my exact Taric build as well.

I may decide to rush PS before boots depending on the match up though. I usually also prefer to level up the heal before the armor but lately i've been feeling the reverse might not be so bad either...

Sat, 11-03-2012, 08:02 PM
My skill build is always:


I would never max out Q first. There is no reason why you need the sustain over the W damage and armor shred. W is too good when combined with Graves or Ezreal. If you ever have the need to max out Q first, that just means you or your partner needs to lane a lot better.

You can go Philospher's Stone before the Boots of Speed, but I find that Boots of Speed helps you catch up to fleeing targets a lot easier. Sure, the gold generation and health/mana regeneration is nice, but that just means you're gonna be playing passive for the most part. It does depend on the ELO you guys play at though.

Thu, 11-08-2012, 01:22 PM
Still having mixed experiences with Taric. I usually bottom with Ezreal in the early game, but I find its hard to be aggressive if there's a tank like blitzkrieg or Garen. They're often unresponsive to zoning unless I have double their health, even if I focus on dazzle+shatter. They also tend to push the lane more aggressively so they usually have more minions to block Ezreal; maybe it just makes more sense for me to stay back and heal.

In group battles I tend to be more suicidal with Taric, and sometimes have difficulty in figuring out whether I should be retreating or staying to help whoevers still fighting. Also, I use shatter everytime I'm within range of an enemy, but should I be more passive about that, since I'm losing the armor bonus each time?

Thu, 11-08-2012, 01:39 PM
Bottom with Ezreal


But seriously the deal with taric is just being annoying as fuck, land a stun if the enemy gets out of position and just start whaling on him. Remember that your auto atks means more mana and shorter heal cooldowns and dont expect your carry to be the one initiating. Basically, make shit happen.

In team fights you're supposed to be "suicidal". You get in there and stun the carry so your team can take him out, try to land your r+w combo if they're all together but if not just use r even if it doesn't hit anything. After that just really get in there, again your attacks mean more heals and mana. In general they won't be wanting to focus you, if they're dumb enough to do that just use your heals on yourself and don't use w for the armor. Plus, don't forget to use your items.

Honestly, supporting with Taric is easy as fuck. No hard to land skillshots, you don't have to worry about positioning nearly as much as other squishy healers all of your spells are useful 90% of the time in one way or another.

Thu, 11-08-2012, 02:44 PM

But seriously the deal with taric is just being annoying as fuck, land a stun if the enemy gets out of position and just start whaling on him. Remember that your auto atks means more mana and shorter heal cooldowns and dont expect your carry to be the one initiating. Basically, make shit happen.

In team fights you're supposed to be "suicidal". You get in there and stun the carry so your team can take him out, try to land your r+w combo if they're all together but if not just use r even if it doesn't hit anything. After that just really get in there, again your attacks mean more heals and mana. In general they won't be wanting to focus you, if they're dumb enough to do that just use your heals on yourself and don't use w for the armor. Plus, don't forget to use your items.
Ah, so basically, i should be relying more on my AD and less on my AP after the stun. I'm still used to playing as Ryze, I guess.

Honestly, supporting with Taric is easy as fuck. No hard to land skillshots, you don't have to worry about positioning nearly as much as other squishy healers all of your spells are useful 90% of the time in one way or another.
My biggest trouble seems to be not making a decision soon enough as to whether to move forward or fall back, as Taric is slow as fuck.

Thu, 11-08-2012, 03:19 PM
Ah, so basically, i should be relying more on my AD and less on my AP after the stun. I'm still used to playing as Ryze, I guess.
Not sure what you mean by this, could you rephrase it please?

My biggest trouble seems to be not making a decision soon enough as to whether to move forward or fall back, as Taric is slow as fuck.

Myahh i get that, you're afraid of burning spells only for your ad or team not to do anything on it. If your AD is good he'll know to follow your lead, if not just instruct him to go all in after you do and the moment you see an opening go balls deep.

Thu, 11-08-2012, 03:50 PM
Not sure what you mean by this, could you rephrase it please?
As in, focusing solely on the burst damage and trying to mash all my AP instead of using it selectively based on specific circumstances.

Myahh i get that, you're afraid of burning spells only for your ad or team not to do anything on it. If your AD is good he'll know to follow your lead, if not just instruct him to go all in after you do and the moment you see an opening go balls deep.

yeah, and if I know I'm approaching a dangerous situation, I either have to commit fully to the frontline and hope we kill them, or run away immediately. If I hesitate, then I more likely end up just dying for no reason. Sometimes I feel good about a confrontation though, only to find out my teammates ran away >_>

Sun, 11-11-2012, 08:06 AM
I left the game months ago (like 9 months or so) never really get hooked up by it. After reading all your "battles" here I decided to try it again.

Lots of new champions with cool mechanics but a lot more of "unknown" enemies to face. Sometimes all I can do is look at screen mesmerized after being killed in 2 shots or with some strange skills that cant comprehend. My biggest issue is that I left the game being lvl 21 and know ppl flame me cause I play even worse than a lvl 1. I dont know if its me getting old and dull or that knew players are better than before but sometimes the skill gap is so obvious that I even feel ashamed.

Do you guys use any guides or tutorials for tips & hints to improve or is it all just playing again and again till you reach your limit?

Sun, 11-11-2012, 08:15 AM
I suggest getting a basic grasp of what each champ can do, what champ were you having problem with? do you remember their names?

Sun, 11-11-2012, 10:17 AM
Just finished playing in tournamet(ESL GO4LOL). we were fighting vs Archetype Gaming and lost. they are #2 team in Greece, and our next match would be vs one of better polish teams so we would lose anyways.
It was fun, 2,2k elo players are strong, but not THAT strong(i'm confident that i can play as kat as good as that guy with 2,2k elo).

Our setup was messed up - they took blitzcrank before we could, and our supp can only play blitz and malph well(and malph was

Wed, 11-21-2012, 07:29 PM

Wed, 12-05-2012, 04:35 PM
Jesus Christ, i have no fucking idea how to play this game anymore.

Wed, 12-05-2012, 06:13 PM
Apparently everyone wants to play support now.

Wed, 12-05-2012, 09:15 PM
I can't really say, since I've mainly been playing Taric for about 6 months, but it seems like the new support items/upgrades are much better than the DPS ones. Most AP still build RoA, Rabadons, Rylais, WotA, etc. The only new thing I've seen in some builds is the upgrade of Haunting Guise. For AD, I'm not sure, since I rarely play AD outside of Riven.

The biggest problem I have with this season so far is how the change of masteries affected my jungling. I prefer to jungle Udyr or Hecarim, and in season 2, with the right masteries (and runes of course, however those haven't changed), I would break 500 movement speed after Trinity Force. Needless to say, no one could outrun me. There were two move speed masteries that had to be picked up in order to make this happen, however it looks like they were removed in favor of one, less powerful version in the Utility tree. I've yet to try jungling since the patch, but I'm fairly certain it won't be the same.

I've been wanting to play Singed lately, for some reason. I think it's just the idea of running around playing the Benny Hill theme song while enemy champions chase me. I've only played one game though, since top is apparently a highly fought after lane. And actually, in that game, I had to go bot as support. Ironically, the Riven that demanded top died within the first 6 minutes of the game, and rage quit. It wasn't a very good first game.

Dark Dragon
Thu, 12-06-2012, 02:21 AM
I've been testing jungle since the patch and there's a significant difference. I feel like because of the buff to central monsters, single dps junglers are way stronger now (as intended) so we might see the come back of some old classic like Warwick.

I think with the new changes, my time for WW and panth improved by about 10 seconds. This is huge for panth since he was already fast and the buff to mid monster only makes his passive better so expects to see level 3 panth gank you at like 2:50 now with both buff. The shift of monster power also makes single target damage masteries like butcher and AS much strong, so we might see more offensive oriented junglers.

edit: I'm still testing so these numbers are not concrete. Riot is also planning to use pre-season as a test for jungle so they might end up changing it again by start of S3.

Thu, 12-06-2012, 09:55 AM
As if I wasnt bad enough they go and change an awful lot of things. Im at a loss with the new masteries when it comes to jungling/support/ or "hybrid" champs. And I cant see where the new items could go into my adc or ad.

And im sure that they did something weird with the movement and overall animations (attacking, turning, pathing) cause im having lots of trouble to land last hits, measure distances or the "reaction time" to unexpected movements/events. For me it feels like almost a different game. So much changes in such short time make me uncomfortable.

The new purchase menu is a good idea in my opinion. I like small icons and the menus at the right. Personally I can buy faster and using only the mouse.

Thu, 12-06-2012, 12:07 PM
I'm gonna lay low and see how the pros and community deal with the new changes, then work around that.

Uchess should be happy, the tear upgrade might just make Ryze viable again.

Thu, 12-06-2012, 06:32 PM
tear upgrade + gauntlet made ryze a beast, that is if your team can survive for long enough - kinda like with nasus - let ryze farm and GG KTHXBYE.

Fri, 12-07-2012, 04:32 PM
Muramana so op on ryze o.o

Fri, 12-07-2012, 05:24 PM
Did you confuse Muramana with Seraph's Embrace or did you go full retard?

Fri, 12-07-2012, 05:40 PM
Neither. Read Muramana for a second.

Fri, 12-07-2012, 05:56 PM
Better than i realized, yet still pretty stupid.

You'd be giving up 60 ability power plus the percentage gained from the mana along with that sweet ass shield. And all for what? For a glass cannon build? ON RYZE?

Ryze isn't bursty and his range his utter shit, his mobility ain't that great either even with the ult. Muramana would be good for dueling, maybe slightly useful for early game but mid and late game it would fall off hardcore and i'm not convinced you can even reach the 750 mana before laning phase is over.

Fri, 12-07-2012, 06:42 PM
Ap is a secondary stat on Ryze, not really that good on him. I`m more inclined towards Manamune PRECISELY because he is tanky enough as it is, WoTA, FH, RoA he`s still just as tanky as last patch, i simply choosed not to make him tankier, 6% magic damage scaling on mana is basically a DOUBLE scaling on his Q, too good to pass. I can reach 750 no problem. Trust me, it works, WAY better than a shield.

Dark Dragon
Fri, 12-07-2012, 08:51 PM
Better than i realized, yet still pretty stupid.

You'd be giving up 60 ability power plus the percentage gained from the mana along with that sweet ass shield. And all for what? For a glass cannon build? ON RYZE?

Ryze isn't bursty and his range his utter shit, his mobility ain't that great either even with the ult. Muramana would be good for dueling, maybe slightly useful for early game but mid and late game it would fall off hardcore and i'm not convinced you can even reach the 750 mana before laning phase is over.

Manamune has been a core item on Ryze over AA for a long time now. His AP ratios are so low that you'll get much higher damage output by getting MM instead and just auto attack.

Main stats more people build for Ryze penetration > mana > defense. The only thing the change did is make people consider AA over MM because of the addition of the shield, and there's still plenty of testing to be done to see which is actually better.

edit: Another thing to consider is that shields function the same way as bonus health without taking into account armor/MR. That's why shields in general usually have high numbers because they can be shred so easily.

Tue, 12-18-2012, 08:46 PM

Bunch of old ass skins, dirt cheap.

Me and Xelbair were talking about trading gifts to get the icons, anyone else want in on this?

Wed, 12-19-2012, 12:59 AM

Bunch of old ass skins, dirt cheap.

Me and Xelbair were talking about trading gifts to get the icons, anyone else want in on this?

You don't have friends that you could just, you know, give gifts to?

Edit: Also, in light of the earlier seraph vs muramana posts, check this out:

Wed, 12-19-2012, 09:01 AM
You don't have friends that you could just, you know, give gifts to?

Edit: Also, in light of the earlier seraph vs muramana posts, check this out:
Playing LoL? Nope, nobody irl.

Holy shit, this login screen


Sun, 01-06-2013, 11:00 AM
Played ESL, we dominated the first 2 games but then went against these guys (http://www.esl.eu/eu/lol/west/go4lol/cup123/team/6753587/) and got raped pretty badly :P

Pro teams work so well together, it's pretty cool. I was especially impressed on how they focused our carries, i couldn't even get my ult out as Zyra.

Tue, 01-08-2013, 08:10 AM
Thresh's cc is fucking insane... and his passive opens the way for some interesting stuff in terms of what roles he can take.

The design as well is great, i love Riot's new policy of taking more time with champion development.

Tue, 01-08-2013, 10:04 AM
I imagine all those Thresh dying to get ONE soul.

Dark Dragon
Tue, 01-08-2013, 10:32 AM
I think he's meant to be like Leona design-wise. His ratio are all pretty bad, so he's definitely going to be a support. His kit also support poking more than any actual consistent damage. The passive offer a lot of potential free stats, but i want to see how consistent soul drop off small minion and if that actually offset not having a scaling to level stat.

Tue, 01-08-2013, 12:34 PM
Except Leona isn't nearly as versatile. Thresh is like the Lee Sin of supports, he can definitely make shit happen.

Dark Dragon
Tue, 01-08-2013, 01:54 PM
Yeah, Leona problem is she requires a very high risk/high reward style of play. Thresh seems to give a lot of the advantages of having a strong cc lane, but with less risk. The only thing is how well they balance his passive which will determine how good he'll be.

Tue, 01-08-2013, 04:00 PM
Seems like I'll be going to Los Angeles, California, this Thursday for the Riot Season 3 Championship Series/North America/Qualifiers. We managed to qualify for the top 32 teams and competed against the other teams. We came out as the top 8 teams left.

My team is "The Salad Bar." Wish us luck guys!

Tue, 01-08-2013, 05:17 PM
So you're NinjaSalad?

Tue, 01-08-2013, 09:38 PM
Good luck!

Wed, 01-09-2013, 01:10 AM
So you're NinjaSalad?

The main roster was made under NinjaSalad's orders. I'm just a substitute, but I filled out as their manager so I could travel with them. I will still play in our LAN events, though.

Wed, 01-09-2013, 05:45 AM
Gives us a heads up if it's getting streamed, i'll watch it.

Tue, 01-15-2013, 03:15 AM

Tue, 01-15-2013, 03:30 AM
That was hilarious, and reminds me of this:


Also, this guy is the best Blitz I have ever seen:


I'm really looking forward to playing Thresh. His skill set seems stellar for a support, and we finally have a small counter to Blitz grab! I can see some great ganks with his W. The only problem I have is the lack of armor-scaling in favor of soul collecting, especially if it's based on a % chance. Someone is inevitably going to have the worst luck and get little to no souls when it's needed.

Tue, 01-15-2013, 11:55 PM
How did Nadouku's team do? I didn't get to watch the qualifiers.

Sat, 01-19-2013, 05:54 AM


Sat, 03-16-2013, 06:08 PM
League dying around here or something?

Anyone excited about the release of Flubber... I mean ZAC? Or the Karma rework? Or the new ARAM matchmaking queue/map?

Lots of new things coming soon, I've been reading. Personally, I'm excited to play ZAC, even if I hate his name and general model. I really hope the skin is better than his basic. Jungling is my favorite and best role, so it's nice to have more AP based junglers that are(can be) viable.

Sat, 03-16-2013, 06:46 PM
Of course you would, you have no sense for minimalist design... I bet you loved Vi's skins, that one's all over the place. What's your IGN btw?

I'm still wondering how a manaless cc machine with great sustain, a gapcloser and anivia's passive isn't OP as all hell. From Stonewall's preview he clears the jungle ridiculously easily, can hit level 3 in at around 3 minutes with double buff. I'll probably add him to my jungle list as well, he looks like my type of champion.

Karma... i have no idea, i'll have to get my hands on her but the kit does seem to have much more potential.

I got a woody when they announced the new ARAM map, i already played hours of aram every chance i could and not i can even earn some decent IP while i do it too.

Sat, 03-16-2013, 06:54 PM
Actually I hate Vi and her skin. The reason I dislike ZAC's model isn't because it's a minimalist design, it's because he was originally introduced as a small, for lack of a better word "cute" ball of slime... his final model is a buff-bruiser human-like slime. It just doesn't interest me.

My in game name is Alhuin, obviously. However, I play on the NA server.

Sat, 03-16-2013, 07:00 PM
So here's what i'm thinking for Zac, you start machete pots, then go for some boots and the spirit stone, then rush locket followed by spirit of the ancient golem, upgraded boots ( mobility maybe? ) and haunting guise to build into liandry's. After that you go situational, although i'd always try and keep building HP along the way because of the passive and the skills costing a flat amount.

Log in to irc Al, we can go over this together.

Edit: I see you main Heca, are you aware there's a pretty significant nerf for him live on the PBE right now?

Sat, 03-16-2013, 07:15 PM
Yeah, Hec's been the focus of nerfs for a couple of patches now, though they tried to peg the last nerf as "balancing". It upsets me, but hopefully it won't be enough to make him unplayable. I haven't played ranked in a while now... nor even standard Summoner's Rift. Most of the people I played with have stopped because of school, so I just fuck around in Dom and ARAM.

I haven't been on IRC in ages... I don't even have it on this computer. Let me go find my old mIRC install and I'll try to get on.

EDIT: Also, this is just personal preference, but I never build Spirit Stone on my junglers. I always just get Madred's, then go straight into whatever I normally build for any given champion. This is because I feel like Spirit Stone is worthless until you build it into the final item, which is very costly for a subpar effect for most champions. Madred's helps clear the jungle faster. I won't argue with someone that prefers to get it, it's just not my choice. Then again, I haven't used an AP jungler since Fid/Diana (which I'm bad at), so it might be the better choice.

Sat, 03-16-2013, 07:54 PM
Well even with diana you'd go with mordred, any champion that relies on auto attacks even a little probably gets more out of it than with spirit stone because of the clear speed but Zac doesn't seem to be one of those.

Sun, 03-17-2013, 10:49 AM
Got to gold four about three weeks ago then lost my mojo completely, i`m lucky if i can go 1-7 (as in, 1 win 7 loses)

Sun, 03-17-2013, 05:45 PM
Is it vital to have low ping (ms) in this game? does it make much difference? I have been flamed in NA because of my high ping and accused of ruining my teams game several time because I made them lag.

Sun, 03-17-2013, 05:57 PM
Ping is the amount of time it takes for the server to send data to the client, and vice versa; in this case, if you are not from NA, but using the NA server, you will have high ping. This does not, however, cause other people to lag, so those people are idiots.

I have a friend that plays from England that has consistently high ping (200+) and they do just fine in games; sometimes even carrying the team. Low ping is better, of course, but it's not unplayable in the yellow/orange area. Now, if your ping is red, then you'll probably have trouble.

@Uchess: When League Points were introduced, I was dropped into Silver 1, but since I haven't played ranked since then, my rating decayed to Silver 2. I spent a good three weeks grinding, trying to make it to gold before the switch, but I have the worst luck when it comes to gaming. I almost broke 1500 rating (the highest I got was 1497), which would have put me into gold I think, but then I lost seven games in a row and just couldn't build back up. I ended at like 1430, which isn't bad I guess, but I really wanted to make it to gold so I would never decay to silver, haha.

Sun, 03-17-2013, 06:39 PM
I don`t mind losing, the problem is i`m straight up playing bad, like... how do i right click?

Sun, 03-17-2013, 07:07 PM
I don't mind losing either, but in my case, the losses were just so unbearably idiotic. I duoed with Lucifus for most of them, and we would literally be carrying the team, and they would decide "we don't want to be carried, so we're going to intentionally do worse"... or at least that's how it felt. I mean, sure, there were several games where we were just outplayed... but damn, the shit we went through ruined ranked for me for now. I was on a 5's team for a bit, and that was fun, but it's hard to get everyone on at the same time for that.

Fri, 03-22-2013, 07:16 PM
Double post for interesting video.


I wish I knew the runes/masteries, and could make out their item builds. This looks fun. I'd have to pick Nautilus though; I dislike playing the squish.

Fri, 03-22-2013, 07:51 PM
I bet i could guess most of it. Teemo is just being AP teemo, the usual deal.

Nautilus is probably running armor reds and yellows, mr per level glyphs and either armor or ms quints. Masteries i'd say it's 0/9/21 from the naming of the page. His build seems to be some version of the old gp/5 one from season 2, he'd probably just branch out into support items when it got into mid and late game.

I'd say they're just taking advantage of the "mess" that is soloq, going with a full ap duo when most bot lanes would rune for more armor than mr and not being accustomed to dealing with the mass of cc known as nautilus.

I wish Nadouku would weight in on this stuff, he's the triple diamond guy.

Sat, 03-23-2013, 12:54 AM
I figured Teemo was AP, since it counters the current meta so well (like you said, most bot champs don't put as much emphasis on MR early on), but I wasn't sure about Naut, since I'd never played him. Armor yellows, MR blues and MS quints are pretty much standard on most of my builds, so I guess what I was really curious about were the reds. I have since bought Naut and jungled with him pretty effectively, using AS marks. If I were going bot lane though I'd probably change it to either Magic Pen or Armor. Masteries seem interchangeable, so I'm not worried about that anymore. And item build seems pretty straightforward when you talk about support.

I don't know, I guess I just thought that, with the strange combo, maybe both of them were building differently. I didn't think it would be that simple. Definitely want to try it out sometime though. Just need some spare change to get the skins.

Sat, 03-23-2013, 12:44 PM
I've confirmed most of what i said was true through lolking, although naut's mastery tree is a little all over the place but seeing how they're bronze tier i wouldn't think about it too much.

I actually don't really like naut in the jungle ever since his nerfs and the jungle changes, his clear speed is just too god awful for his awesome ganks to compensate. If you get either invaded or the enemy wards well you're pretty much screwed.

Sat, 03-23-2013, 08:42 PM
It's true that Naut's early jungle is very slow, but everything I've read, and in the games that I've played, I've seen that he can clear pretty fast after level 4. Granted, like I mentioned before, I always buy Madred's, so regardless of the champion, I clear pretty fast. As far as the warding goes, any good player should be warding; which means any jungler is going to have a decent amount of trouble ganking. The trick is to work around those wards. For example, top lane usually wards river close to Baron. If you're blue team, you can go into their jungle at mid and go up around behind Baron, through top tri and gank. I do that a lot. Bot lane is a bit tougher, but if you have good teammates and coordination, you can gank behind their tower. Risky, but doable.

The point is, wards screw ganks regardless of who you are. Some champions just have an easier time getting around it.

While on that topic though, I really think wards need to be nerfed. Maybe... each team has a maximum number of wards they can have down or something.

EDIT: Also, what do you think about the Zac skin? I think it looks pretty badass even if it's just a recolor. I still dislike that his model is so buff, but it doesn't bother me as much with his skin.

Sat, 03-23-2013, 10:22 PM
Wat? No, wards don't need to be nerfed it's oracle that needs to be buffed. Give it more than 3 minutes, or lower the price or make it last longer every time you kill a ward.

Purple Zac does indeed look awesome, i really wish i had more disposable income to spend on this game or i'd buy the skin pack at day one.

Sun, 03-24-2013, 12:11 AM
Wards nerfed, oracles buffed; the ends justify the means. The addition of Sightstone while adding a duration to oracles just made wards too good. Now don't get me wrong, I'm all for warding, just not as rampantly as it's become. I just feel like it's hindering the game too much instead of helping it.

For riot points, I just buy the 50$ package when I can (like a Christmas or birthday gift to myself) and it usually lasts a long while. When my tax return comes in, that's probably what I will do.

Tue, 03-26-2013, 06:58 AM
You seriously have to try Spirit of the Elder Lizard on Hecarim, the damage output is INSANE! That and a frozen fist with a sunfire cape and you're a beefy carry.

Sat, 03-30-2013, 03:37 PM
Both Hec and the Lizard item were nerfed in this patch; the Hec nerf being the third this year I believe. I haven't played SR very much recently since I absolutely hate the pugs I usually get stuck with, but even when I do play it, I doubt I'll try the item again. It's a very good item, I won't deny that, it just doesn't fit my style of play. Every time I bought it previously I found myself wishing I had bought a defensive item instead to live longer. I feel like it's my job (on Hec, Mao, Darius, whoever I jungle that isn't dps) to be the tank. Get in the middle of the fight and live as long as possible so my teammates can get fed and carry. I don't trust myself to carry, which is why I try to feed my adc/mid/top. This can be shown by my lolking stats.

Not to mention an almost-plat friend of mine plays Hec much better than I do, and he even agrees that there are much better items to buy starting out. Now, if I make it to late game, sure I'll probably buy one. But like I mentioned previously, I rarely make it past my three main items before the game ends. >_>

Zac was finally released, so I've been playing him a lot now. All Dom so far (refer to the paragraph above about SR), but he's been a lot of fun. His E makes for great initiation and escapes. I thought it'd be difficult to control in a team fight, but it really can't be interrupted unless you get, well, interrupted. Stun, silence, fear, knockback, etc. His ult is a little weird to work with, and I haven't completely mastered it yet, but it seems to provide great damage and utility nonetheless. My W feels a little weaker than it should be, being that it's % max health based damage, but it's so fun to spam. With the skin, his particles are spikes, which is so much cooler than normal. Q of course is pretty bland, but it's a semi-spammable slow, so it's not bad. For Dom, I opted with magic pen reds, and an "AP Top" mastery setup, so I can be somewhat tanky but also do some damage. Starting with a Kindlegem and building into either SV or Locket (depending on enemy team), then getting BFT and you're pretty much a beast. More defensive items to follow based on enemy team (especially a scepter for both damage and defense).

I've never been as excited to play a champion as I am for Zac. Has anyone else had good experience with him yet?

Wed, 04-10-2013, 12:09 PM
I bought him some days ago, have been having fun with him. My one problem is that, much like with Thresh's lantern, people keep forgetting about my goddamn passive. Just dive the fucking turret you pussies, i'll soak up the damage.

Do you still build mardred on Zac? I'm gonna laugh if you do.

Sun, 04-14-2013, 09:25 PM
No, I actually build the Spectral Wraith item on him. Seems legit. I've actually moved away from Madred's on several junglers now. I still think it's the best choice for clearing fast, and very cost efficient if you don't need the max level Spirit Stone items... but I've learned to spread out a bit. I tried the Lizard Elder item on Hec the other day and I wasn't that impressed. Probably due to all the nerfs like I mentioned before.

Zac's passive has saved me so many times. I've only had a couple instances where my teammates forgot about it; one time I even came one blob away from death by minions because my Lux left me thinking I was dead. The sad part about it was we were on Skype and I was like "Come back and help me" and they still left. Lack of awareness for the lose.... >_>

League has been pissing me off recently, honestly. I tried taking a week break, but that hasn't helped much. I'm looking to get back into an mmo or something for now.

Wed, 05-01-2013, 02:09 PM
So, League still pisses me off, but with the Freljord event going on, I have to take part in all the action. Going to give my opinions on all the new stuff. Walls of text incoming; TL;DR at bottom.

First off, Lissandra seems broken. Crazy ass damage and cc. Probably going to be hit with the nerf bat before next patch. This is based off what I've seen in other games though; I haven't played her since I can't afford her yet. I can't decide if I like her or not.

The new ARAM map. I love that they added this to matchmaking so you actually get more IP and a lot less dodges, but there are still several things I don't like about it. Starting from the beginning, it's blind random. Kinda makes the reroll feature pointless if you don't know what you're facing. The picks also don't seem very random. Ignoring the bad luck I have of getting the no tank team (even after rerolls) and having to face the all tank team 4 times, I've had to face a team with Malphite, Udyr and/or Olaf (at least two of those) in each game I've played so far. I'm going to play more today, so hopefully that experience will change, but so far the picks seem catered to certain champs (those three aren't the only examples). The map itself is beautiful, but I have some problems with it's design. The shop keeper apparently locks out at a smaller distance than the old proving grounds map. It seems like if you go past the nexus, you're locked out. This might be the intended design function, and I can probably get used to, but it's annoying right now. The wind effects and color scheme of the ground makes me lose focus on my character and some abilities. I played Amumu one game (the only game I won) and could never tell if my W was on or not at certain points. And I lose track of my character nearly every couple of minutes that action is going on. I just think there might be too much happening on the map. The last thing I'm disliking about the map is the tracking of wins/losses. This is more a personal dislike, as I'm very very particular about my wins in matchmade games. I hate to lose, and I hate losing even more if my losses are anywhere near my wins. This map is now another map that I will grind on just to try and make my wins surpass my losses by a large amount, only to become utterly infuriated at the inability to make a difference all because the "random" usually favors one team to be better, thus there is honestly nothing that can be done. Three different modes, three different reasons why I can't get my wins up, three times the rage. Anyone may feel free to comment differently, but I've been playing this game for three years, so I'm pretty sure I know what I'm talking about when it comes to my games. But that's a different topic altogether. This wraps up my opinions about the new ARAM map.

Visual upgrades, skins, lore. I honestly don't have a problem with any of this except the lore of Udyr and Gragas. But even those are minor. They just don't seem like they fit in the Freljord. Especially with Gragas' new lore. It just sounds stupid, but I don't play him, so it's whatever. Sejuani and Trundle look much better, and Sejuani plays much better. I enjoy jungling her so much more now. The Legendary Anivia skin is fucking beautiful. I almost said "Riot, shut up and take my money" before I remembered I don't really play Anivia, so it'd be a waste at the moment. Maybe one day I'll get it though. Shyvana's skin is probably the only one I don't like the best. I love ice-themed things, but I feel like Shyvana's is just... not as good as it could be. I much prefer Darkflame or Ironscale. Might get the Volibear skin though.

New summoner icons. I love the the new icons, and the way to obtain them is very quest-like. But you can only choose one, and I'm at odds with myself over which icon I want. Taking a look at it three different ways, I can make an argument for each one. If we're basing the choice off looks, Ashe wins. Sejuani isn't that bad looking, but she's an Amazon, and very manly, so Ashe has the advantage there. If we're going off playstyle, Sjeuani wins. I mainly jungle, and one of my best is Sejuani, thus giving her the advantage. On that note, since I despise playing ADC, Ashe comes in last place in this scenario. And finally, if we're going theme/ideals, Lissandra wins. I've always been a sucker for using dark magic to change the world. And Black Ice is just badass looking. Never was interested in diplomacy or brute strength. So three different areas, and three different choices. I have no idea which icon to choose. The last determining factor will probably be the people I play with and what they decide to pick. For now I chose Lissandra, but I've only won one game so I have plenty of time to change.

That about sums up my thoughts on this patch. I've never really had this much to say about any other patch, except for Zac, so I apologize for the long post. Maybe someone else will share my opinions about certain matters.

TL;DR: This patch is awesome. Lots of new content, featuring both positive and negative aspects. Exciting event, lots of choices. Personal opinion on several things, but enjoying it nonetheless. Oh, and Lissandra is OP.

Wed, 05-01-2013, 03:02 PM
I'd like to know how the shit i'm supposed to gank a lissandra lane, I've literally had her escape from me when she was attacking the turret. Pretty hard for mid to win it my himself when her q is basically free poke.

Sat, 05-18-2013, 06:54 PM
The league system for 5v5 is dumb, we only lost 1 of our placement games because we used a sub mid and ended up in freaking SILVER 4! Now we're just stomping teams ridiculously until the system puts us where we actually belong.

Sun, 05-19-2013, 01:14 PM
I still play pretty frequently, mostly as Ezreal, Thresh, and Lulu, but not much ranked or any srs business right now. Even got to play some ARAMs a few days ago with Zileas. He's a nice guy.

Sat, 05-25-2013, 09:35 PM
Over a year playing this game and only now am i officially any good at it.


Now for plat :3

Sun, 05-26-2013, 03:36 AM
Over a year playing this game and only now am i officially any good at it.


Now for plat :3

All this time with the big talk, and you were only silver??

Sun, 05-26-2013, 03:57 AM
All this time with the big talk, and you were only silver??
My league doesn't make my points any more or less valid.

Here's some educational reading for you. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argument_from_authority)

Dark Dragon
Sun, 05-26-2013, 04:17 AM
My league doesn't make my points any more or less valid.

Here's some educational reading for you. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argument_from_authority)

An argument from a higher position of authority is not necessarily absolute, but they often carry more weight than an argument from a person without expertise. This applies in the case of league for example, because your league ranking directly relates to the legitimacy of your argument.

I haven't played much in Season 3 so i can't formulate an opinion on the current state of the game. In both season 1 and 2, the game environment varies greatly from 1300s to 1500s to 1800s and then 2000+ elo. Everything from popular picks to ban list and item build changes greatly at each stage of elo. If you were making your argument at the perspective of someone at 1400s (or w/e silver is now) it wouldn't be true for someone at playing at 1700~.

For reference: I was around 1600 in Season 1 and got close to 1800~ in Season 2 and now i'm like Silver or something.

Sun, 05-26-2013, 04:37 AM
An argument from a higher position of authority is not necessarily absolute, but they often carry more weight than an argument from a person without expertise. This applies in the case of league for example, because your league ranking directly relates to the legitimacy of your argument.

Oh wow. I have no words for how wrong that whole sentence is.

If you were making your argument at the perspective of someone at 1400s (or w/e silver is now) it wouldn't be true for someone at playing at 1700~.

This is a better argument, but it still doesn't make any point a 1400 makes invalid it just makes it relative.

Anyway i think i know why Assertn thinks i was "talking big.

Look at this:


Silver 4 is in the top 40% of the league, while Silver 1 ( where most of my teammates are in solo1 ) is in the 20%. There's a huge difference in skill when it comes to the silver league because that's where most players are, which is why i was complaining about how we were steamrolling people in our Silver IV team. To my point, once we won our promotion series we were sent directly to Silver II, skipping III.

Sun, 05-26-2013, 02:55 PM
My league doesn't make my points any more or less valid.

Here's some educational reading for you. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argument_from_authority)

You're right, I should respect the validity of your position when you make it a point to mock my win/loss ratio :P

Edit: Anyway, I'd have to say my current favorite champs at this point are Ezreal, Lulu, Thresh, and Blitz. I just wish I had more chances to play with Blitz, though. He's pretty much an auto-ban, and when he's not, he gets firstpicked by the enemy team, even though usually that person doesn't even know how to play him properly. When the latter happens, I just go Ezreal and violate him ruthlessly for his sins.

Sun, 05-26-2013, 03:30 PM
You're right, I should respect the validity of your position when you make it a point to mock my win/loss ratio :P
Making fun of newbies is tradition though :3

Xelbair gave me shit when i started as well

Anyway, I'd have to say my current favorite champs at this point are Ezreal, Lulu, Thresh, and Blitz. I just wish I had more chances to play with Blitz, though. He's pretty much an auto-ban, and when he's not, he gets firstpicked by the enemy team, even though usually that person doesn't even know how to play him properly. When the latter happens, I just go Ezreal and violate him ruthlessly for his sins.

You can always do some blind pick to play blitz. Once you rise in elo he stops being banned quite so much i think, in which league are you right now?

Mon, 05-27-2013, 09:35 AM
Made it to Gold IV already, pretty cool.

Mon, 05-27-2013, 01:23 PM
This new ARAM mode is my bane. I suck at those massive 5 vs 5 battles. Half the time I dont even know where I am and I land half the target skills on the wrong enemy. I never would have thought that I would miss the lane phase with some nice 1v1, 2v2 and a few ganks that let me get the advantage to compensate my lack of skill when its late game and 5v5.

¿Any realistic way to improve at 5v5?

Mon, 05-27-2013, 01:24 PM
Lower particle effects, focus on where your character is and follow on the tank`s initiation.

Mon, 05-27-2013, 02:26 PM
This new ARAM mode is my bane. I suck at those massive 5 vs 5 battles. Half the time I dont even know where I am and I land half the target skills on the wrong enemy. I never would have thought that I would miss the lane phase with some nice 1v1, 2v2 and a few ganks that let me get the advantage to compensate my lack of skill when its late game and 5v5.

¿Any realistic way to improve at 5v5?
You're either the tank or a carry since nobody really builds to support in ARAM. If you're a tank try to initiate or keep your eyes peeled for your carries initiation ( something like Varus Ult ) and if you're carry work on your positioning.

Then there's also the concept of diving the backline or peeling the frontline for your carry, you know how that works?

Edit: The difference between Gold 4 and 5 is pretty funny, G5 is filled with guys that just got there on luck but 4 is a much bigger challenge.

Edit2: Nevermind, Gold 3.

Wed, 05-29-2013, 10:11 PM
Meh... I think it's time for me to take a break again. I started queuing up SR with different groups, and we lost more than half our matches, usually do to stupidity. Don't get me wrong, I had my share of player mistakes, but the compounded losses really crushed any remaining motivation I had to play. For a while, ARAM was fun, but it's nowhere near as random as it used to be, not to mention the possibility of mirror matches. The game just doesn't excite me currently.

I think I mentioned this previously, but I'm becoming more and more motivated to start up an MMO again. It might be all I need to calm myself with League. The problem is, I have no idea what I want to play. I plan on participating in the launch of Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn (yeah, go ahead and laugh, but you can't deny the game looks beautiful!), but that's not until the end of August. I've debated between going back to WoW, GW2, or Star Wars, as well as starting up something new like Tera or Aion (if that's still around) or something. Of course, this isn't the thread to discuss that, but any input would be greatly appreciated.

By the way, congrats on your promotion to Gold Arch. Had I more luck, and more motivation to play ranked, I would've been there too... but instead, I decayed from Silver I to III. Such is life, I guess.

Tue, 06-04-2013, 05:29 PM

I can't contain all this swag

Tue, 06-04-2013, 07:43 PM
@Alhuin - Try Tera. Just ignore the story and quest text. It has a great battle system.

Tue, 06-04-2013, 08:03 PM
Yeah i'm sure that's what you play it for, the battle system.

Wed, 06-05-2013, 08:52 PM
I never said that. I know it is what most other people play it for though.

Thu, 06-06-2013, 01:12 PM
Lately I have started to watch LOL players that stream to try and learn a few tricks, and also to notice how bad I am for real. Do any of you stream? Could you recomend me some streamer that somehow teaches to play or that you specially follow due to his awesomeness?

Thu, 06-06-2013, 03:30 PM
Lately I have started to watch LOL players that stream to try and learn a few tricks, and also to notice how bad I am for real. Do any of you stream? Could you recomend me some streamer that somehow teaches to play or that you specially follow due to his awesomeness?
A better method than watching people above your skill level is playing with them, try to ask a higher elo friend to duo with you even if it's just normals. You can also go here http://www.reddit.com/r/SummonerSchool with any questions you might have or you could make a thread asking for a mentor.

Tue, 06-11-2013, 08:36 AM

Bug got me banned, gg. I was the jungler and had smite on "d", yet every time i would press it the chat would open up and spam d even though i was no longer pressing it. The key wasn't stuck and this all cleared up once the game finished and i was able to again play normally. I actually PMed riot support after this game talking about how my team had reported me for this bug ( i had added them afterwards to apologise ) and go the same old copy pasted response.

Wed, 06-12-2013, 01:01 AM
The tribunal is probably the lowest point of League's career. It doesn't help. Or rather, it hurts just as much as it helps. Here a few months ago there were numerous threads of people being temp-banned just for going to the bathroom. I had a friend that got two consecutive bans in a row... the first may have been justified, but with the second, he had literally played two games, one of which I was in, then come next day, he was banned again. People don't judge cases "fairly". Hell, 75% of them probably don't even read anything. They go in, see the eye-popping purple text, find one instance of "unsportsmanlike behavior", then hit punish. Ideally, Riot is supposed to double-check each "punish" case... realistically that doesn't happen.

Wed, 06-12-2013, 09:29 AM
Yes yes, let`s ignore the other 4 reports.

Wed, 06-12-2013, 12:17 PM
Just for clarification, I did read the other 4 reports. Knowing it's Arch, I wouldn't have reported, but without knowing, it would have been tough. Around here, we're used to his trolling. I mean, he has his own Flame Pit thread for a reason... >_>. However, with the anonymity of the tribunal, everything has to be taken at face value. Ignoring the bug from the mentioned game, there was still some trolling going on. And in the other reports, there were instances of talking down to teammates. Whether or not the reports themselves were justified (I mean, seriously, one enemy reported him for "ddosing a normal game"....), in the eyes of the general public, Arch would be seen as a toxic player.

That being said, there were also plenty of instances in those same reports of Arch being a team player. Offering advice, great communication... and a lot of his snarky comebacks were in response to another teammate belittling him. He apologized on a few occasions for various mistakes. He never outright raged at anyone. A good tribunal reviewer would weigh all that against the bad and make a fair decision. But as I mentioned in my previous post, that doesn't happen.

Of course, my previous post was also just in reference to the tribunal as a whole, and not necessarily Arch's case. I was offering examples of what was wrong with the system in relation to Arch's problem. If his ban was based solely on the game with the bug, then his case would be a perfect example of my point.

Wed, 06-12-2013, 12:42 PM
Not exactly, just because he was nice sometimes doesn`t means we should totally ignore the times where he`s being a dick. Otherwise, jails would be pretty empty in real life. I don`t see what`s so wrong with the tribunal. The guy in charge of it has released numbers many times and it shows it had a generally positive effect on the game. When you make an account for LoL there is a ToS you agree to, if you accept them you must follow the rules whether you like them or not, period.

Can you show me a real example of a player following the rules and getting banned anyway?

Wed, 06-12-2013, 01:22 PM
Without extensive knowledge of a situation, no. The tribunal only shows in game chat, item builds, k/d/r, and notes from the report. Pre/post game chat is ignored. There is no replay so all chat is taken at face value. Obviously you can't know what goes on at the desk of each individual player. But just for the sake of argument, my previous example with my friend. He received two consecutive temp bans. Whether or not the first was justified is irrelevant, he received the second ban after two games. I was in one game, which we ended up surrendering because of stupid people, but he said or did nothing toxic all game. Even if he raged or trolled in the second game, that's one game of reports. How is it someone gets banned from one game? That doesn't seem fair, right? The only possible explanation would be that the tribunal linked that report with previous reports which he had already been banned for.

But whether or not a player "following the rules gets banned anyways" wasn't my point to begin with. I said there have been bans based on bogus reasoning.

However, I can show you an instance of a player not following the rules and not being banned. I think the player's name was Athene? The guy was publicly caught cheating, which goes against the ToS you mentioned, yet Riot failed to act on the issue. Tribunal bans several people for going to the bathroom, but an admitted/caught cheater gets to play freely. Does that seem fair? Ergo, tribunal is broken. Both morally and systematically.

That's not to say the tribunal hasn't done it's fair share of good work though. You give the decision of banning players to the community and inevitably you're going to get it right sometimes.

Wed, 06-12-2013, 01:41 PM
Without extensive knowledge of a situation, no. The tribunal only shows in game chat, item builds, k/d/r, and notes from the report. Pre/post game chat is ignored. There is no replay so all chat is taken at face value. Obviously you can't know what goes on at the desk of each individual player.

You don`t go to the tribunal for one report, you go there when you get reported plenty of times. If a person gets reported all the time, it`s usually their fault, replay available or not.

But just for the sake of argument, my previous example with my friend. He received two consecutive temp bans. Whether or not the first was justified is irrelevant, he received the second ban after two games. I was in one game, which we ended up surrendering because of stupid people, but he said or did nothing toxic all game. Even if he raged or trolled in the second game, that's one game of reports. How is it someone gets banned from one game? That doesn't seem fair, right? The only possible explanation would be that the tribunal linked that report with previous reports which he had already been banned for.

When a person gets banned they are left in a "warning" status, which would need a small amount of reports to get them at the tribunal again, that one game you don`t know about could make it happen. Really, i have not much to say here considering I don`t have the report card. The devs have said again and again about the last part you mentioned simply being not true.

But whether or not a player "following the rules gets banned anyways" wasn't my point to begin with. I said there have been bans based on bogus reasoning.

And I refuse to believe this unless shown concrete evidence. If the tribunal is so unjust, how is it you can`t show me a single unfair report card? You woul`d think the LoL forums would be swarmed by these.

However, I can show you an instance of a player not following the rules and not being banned. I think the player's name was Athene? The guy was publicly caught cheating, which goes against the ToS you mentioned, yet Riot failed to act on the issue. Tribunal bans several people for going to the bathroom, but an admitted/caught cheater gets to play freely. Does that seem fair? Ergo, tribunal is broken. Both morally and systematically.

The tribunal isn`t perfect, this was never up for discussion, I don`t quite get what you`re trying to say here. How is the tribunal even supposed to know Athene`s has been cheating, it just doesn`t has the tools to catch the kind of cheating he did.

That's not to say the tribunal hasn't done it's fair share of good work though. You give the decision of banning players to the community and inevitably you're going to get it right sometimes.

For the record, before a person gets a considerable ban, they are first seen by an actual Riot employee.

Wed, 06-12-2013, 01:48 PM
Gonna have to side with UChessmaster on this one. Just game 2 alone where he calls his teammate useless is grounds for punish. There's just nothing constructive about that.

Wed, 06-12-2013, 02:16 PM
I won't drag this argument out any further; we'll just have to agree to disagree. My opinion of the tribunal won't change. There are a multitude of problems with it, just like with any other community-operated machine. If you all choose to believe in it, that's fine.

As for the League forums "swarming with evidence of unjust bans"... the forums actually are spammed with evidence of unjust situations (not just pertaining to bans, but a variety of things, i.e. Athene) on a consistent basis. However Riot deletes them all within a matter of minutes. Which is probably for the best, as a lot of times those threads turn into flame wars.

Wed, 06-12-2013, 03:12 PM
Gonna have to side with UChessmaster on this one. Just game 2 alone where he calls his teammate useless is grounds for punish. There's just nothing constructive about that.
Lol you have to love that mentality, how Kayle can literally die over 8 times in 1 on 1 situations and i'm not allowed to say anything. I asked her to stop dueling, i asked her to just farm, bitch kept on dying. As if we're all such precious little flowers that i can't call you out for your bulshit as you go at it again and again despite other's advice.

You don`t go to the tribunal for one report, you go there when you get reported plenty of times. If a person gets reported all the time, it`s usually their fault, replay available or not.

Which would be fine if not for the huge amount of bulshit reports, did you even see the one where that buttmad faggot reported me for ddosing a normal game? And all it takes is 1 game where you rage at 1 teammate in 1 single line for the white knight squad to label you toxic and hit that punish button.

What this game needs is a positive reinforcement system that's not worthless ( read as, honor ) and a ban system regulated by professionals and not 12 year olds who just lost their promo to silver for the 10th time and want to give back to the community.

You're an idiot for buying that tribunal propaganda by the way, of course they'll tell you it's amazing and it works it's basically free labour.

Wed, 06-12-2013, 04:48 PM
Which would be fine if not for the huge amount of bulshit reports, did you even see the one where that buttmad faggot reported me for ddosing a normal game? And all it takes is 1 game where you rage at 1 teammate in 1 single line for the white knight squad to label you toxic and hit that punish button.

You didn`t get banned for the BS report, you got banned for your BS behavior on your OTHER matches. For the record, I would`ve hit punish.

What this game needs is a positive reinforcement system that's not worthless ( read as, honor ) and a ban system regulated by professionals and not 12 year olds who just lost their promo to silver for the 10th time and want to give back to the community.

Read my previous post, all of it.

You're an idiot for buying that tribunal propaganda by the way, of course they'll tell you it's amazing and it works it's basically free labour.

Riot is a very transparent company, what they want is a clean environment where no one rages at each other. Their goal is NOT to step on your nuts for no reason. When something doesn`t works they will acknowledge it as they have done so in the past.

Dark Dragon
Wed, 06-12-2013, 05:23 PM
Usually what happens is your reports builds up overtime and your tribunal case judge them all at once. This is not immediate though so the tribunal case will usually lag a few weeks behind.
So say you get reported 30 times within a period of time. Then you got punished on 10 reports of the first 15 that goes to tribunal, those punished reports are sent over to a Riot employee if it's a considerable ban. If it's a small amount then the system will usually give you a warning or a few days ban.

A situation where someone get banned and then comes back to be immediately banned again is the result of the system assigning a temp ban from the first case and then the 2nd case with the rest of the reports get processed during the time the player get banned. This is working the way riot intended so people don't get the same punishment for different amounts of violations.

Anyone who tells you they got banned for 1-2 games is either lying or doesn't understand how the systems works. You can get banned for stuff you did 3 months ago that's worthy of being banned even if your most recent reports are pardoned. Most of the times people gets banned for stuffs they did months ago and forgot about. The bottom line is that the more often you get reported (even for insignificant things) can increase the likelihood of you getting banned if you're the type of player with a shitty attitude because it will bring up your entire history of reports.

Wed, 06-12-2013, 11:46 PM
Lol you have to love that mentality, how Kayle can literally die over 8 times in 1 on 1 situations and i'm not allowed to say anything. I asked her to stop dueling, i asked her to just farm, bitch kept on dying. As if we're all such precious little flowers that i can't call you out for your bulshit as you go at it again and again despite other's advice.

The thing is, there's nothing constructive about flat-out telling someone they're bad. Tell her to stay under her turret to farm, or what areas aren't safe to be in. Flaming does nothing but distracts the team and ensures defeat. Some people have off-games, and I'd presume that she's within your level if she got placed in your team in the first place.

I lost a promotion series match where I was the jungler, and our top was 0/8 and our bottom was 0/7 and 0/8. Then, in the next game, I played support Lulu to a Vayne that DCed for 3 minutes. By the 30 min mark she only had 50 CS. It sucked, but I didn't complain about it.

Fri, 06-14-2013, 04:48 AM
the tribunal is most likely the best thing that could happen to this game.

face it, more than half the moba community is human-garbage anyway.
the tribunal allows everyone to go hitler and help humanity to regain some of its dignity.
every player banned is a win for the community - I'm serious.

whenever someone is losing his calm and starts flaming his teammates and keeps talking in meme-language about how "terribad" everyone in his or in the enemy team is, hit that punish button... always.

Fri, 06-14-2013, 01:55 PM

Fri, 06-14-2013, 02:39 PM
Such a recent and unknown video.

FYI Dunkeys gets really old really fast.

Sat, 06-15-2013, 12:06 AM
Such a recent and unknown video.

FYI Dunkeys gets really old really fast.

Hey that's a cool story. It's almost like it's a useful post.

Sat, 06-15-2013, 08:23 AM
Hey that's a cool story. It's almost like it's a useful post.
The implication that your Dunkey post is useful in any way makes me smile :)

Sun, 06-16-2013, 06:00 AM
I thought it was useful, it made me smile :/

Sun, 06-16-2013, 01:51 PM
I thought it was useful, it made me smile :/

If you're smiling, then you're not playing League of Legends properly.

Sun, 06-16-2013, 07:29 PM
Surely everyone has seen this video:


Sun, 06-16-2013, 07:36 PM
Might as well get these out of the way as well





Tue, 06-18-2013, 06:29 PM
League of Draven


Tue, 06-18-2013, 07:42 PM
Hard to miss those bubbles when Draven gives you a target

Tue, 06-18-2013, 07:43 PM
huh? What do you mean?

Tue, 06-18-2013, 08:26 PM
That wasn't your strat? I assumed that you picked Nami to buttfuck Draven every time he went to pick up an axe

Tue, 06-18-2013, 08:34 PM
No, I just like Nami.

Fri, 07-05-2013, 12:21 AM
I won a Riot Graves. I already had mafia but still, pretty cool.

Sat, 07-13-2013, 08:09 PM
League of Legends or Dota 2?? Which do you guys think is better and why?

Sat, 07-13-2013, 08:27 PM
LoL is more user friendly but raw, Dota 2 is more complex and polished.

Sat, 07-13-2013, 09:50 PM
LoL is more user friendly but raw, Dota 2 is more complex and polished.

Thanks! Playing Dota 2 atm and fuck me there are some good players on it, getting absolutely savaged!

Wed, 08-14-2013, 08:01 PM
Hit plat 3 after my net being screwy for a while, i think i'm starting to see my skillcap. Also holy shit, the amount of trolls in low diamond is astounding.

Where's Alhuin, i need tips.

Tue, 08-27-2013, 12:52 PM
Where's Alhuin, i need tips.

Unfortunately, I've put League aside for the past three months. I got tired of raging. I did play a couple of games with RL friends a few weeks ago, but I was extremely upset with the jungle changes. I liked the new item icons however.

I may or may not come back; I have gaming ADD. Usually I'll focus intently on something for three-six months, then move on to something else. It just so happens that FFXIV was re-released today, so I'm probably going to try that out. In any case, I doubt I'm the best person to ask for tips anymore.

If I do come back, I'm definitely buying Spirit Guard Udyr and Arcade Hecarim. The first because it's badass, and the second because it will go great with my Arcade Sona.

Tue, 08-27-2013, 01:02 PM
I did get arcade Hecarim and it is glorious. SGU is overrated tbh, and now that the sale is over you'd be putting out something like 20 bucks for it? Not worth imo.

Does nadouku still play league?

Tue, 08-27-2013, 05:17 PM

Sweet, i'm getting a free elise.

Time to start working on that elo Assertn, you need at least silver for the ward skin.

Tue, 08-27-2013, 05:54 PM
I thought he was silver already?

Tue, 08-27-2013, 06:43 PM
Isn't this him?


Wed, 08-28-2013, 01:55 PM
Isn't this him?


Fuck bronze. It's so messed up. All my friends that just got into the game the past month or so are getting placed into silver, and I'm stuck in bronze because my mid or top laners feed so hard or afk all the time. That or nobody but me buys wards. Bronze is a black hole and I'm stuck on the event horizon.

Wed, 08-28-2013, 02:22 PM
Fuck bronze. It's so messed up. All my friends that just got into the game the past month or so are getting placed into silver, and I'm stuck in bronze because my mid or top laners feed so hard or afk all the time. That or nobody but me buys wards. Bronze is a black hole and I'm stuck on the event horizon.
Not getting into ranked before you're good enough to place silver is LoL 101, it's your own fault for not pacing yourself. That said, find someone to duo with so there's a lower probability of having trolls in the team. Learn to farm and trade better, win your lane and carry the team.

Honestly i'd help you if you were on my server.

Wed, 08-28-2013, 02:41 PM
Not getting into ranked before you're good enough to place silver is LoL 101, it's your own fault for not pacing yourself. That said, find someone to duo with so there's a lower probability of having trolls in the team. Learn to farm and trade better, win your lane and carry the team.

Honestly i'd help you if you were on my server.

I'm pretty sure none of what you said was relevant to my post whatsoever except the duoq part.

Most of my friends that got silver placed within a week after they hit level 30 on their main accounts. One of my friends in particular took a break for 2 months before even hitting 30, then got placed in silver 1. He's gotten pretty decent at the game at least, but most of my other friends are still terrible, and ALWAYS under-perform when we play together.

I'd say I win or match my lane in about 90% of the games I play, but the biggest problem at my level are people who don't know how to lose their lane gracefully, and feed the enemy laner 8 kills before laning phase even ends. There's always someone on my team that does this.

Wed, 08-28-2013, 02:46 PM
You curse bronze when you're the one who put yourself in there, the first thing i told my little cousins when they hit 30 was NOT to play ranked. Pretty sure my tip to farm and trade was relevant as well, they're both major aspects of the game that low elo has no grasp on. Improve those and you'll be carrying games regardless of how the other lanes did.

I think i said this before but i found it harder to carry from silver to gold than i did from gold to platinium, but there's nothing you can do besides work on the fundamentals and try to lead your team to victory.

Wed, 08-28-2013, 02:55 PM
You curse bronze when you're the one who put yourself in there, the first thing i told my little cousins when they hit 30 was NOT to play ranked. Pretty sure my tip to farm and trade was relevant as well, they're both major aspects of the game that low elo has no grasp on. Improve those and you'll be carrying games regardless of how the other lanes did.

I think i said this before but i found it harder to carry from silver to gold than i did from gold to platinium, but there's nothing you can do besides work on the fundamentals and try to lead your team to victory.

I've also made the mistake of choosing to specialize in bot lane. I normally play pretty aggressive as both adc and support, but unfortunately this doesn't work well in bronze soloq when you don't even know if your partner is going to follow up. Also, it doesn't matter how fed I get as an adc, if my team doesn't know how to peel for me, I can still die instantly, as opposed to, say, a fed Jax or Akali. That's really one of the main reasons I mostly play Tristana. I can play safer and not rely on my team at all.

All things considered equal, I don't think there's much of a skill gap between high bronze and mid silver. Most of my lane opponents are silver. The only difference as far as I can tell is there are more wildcards in bronze that determine wins and losses. Whichever team has the derpiest teammate loses. It's always hard to adjust for bad teammates in a game, because when I have good teammates, I can make a play, and count on my team to be in the right place at the right time to follow up, everything just synergizes well. This just compounds to the frustration when I try to make a similar play in soloq and, lo and behold, several teammates die stupidly because dickbag is farming wolves or some shit.

Wed, 08-28-2013, 03:14 PM
In that case i'd go for ezreal instead, do the blue build and you won't even need peel. Nobody will catch you unless they burst you.

Is blitzcrank still permabanned in bronze? If so you should give him a go, nothing says go aggressive like landing a pull. Or zyra, her ult has a short cooldown and is also a "go aggressive" button.

Wed, 08-28-2013, 03:45 PM
In that case i'd go for ezreal instead, do the blue build and you won't even need peel. Nobody will catch you unless they burst you.

Is blitzcrank still permabanned in bronze? If so you should give him a go, nothing says go aggressive like landing a pull. Or zyra, her ult has a short cooldown and is also a "go aggressive" button.

Blitz is permabanned in bronze, though honestly, I've played Blitz enough to know his weaknesses. When the enemy auto-locks blitz, I just take Leona or Taric and stun their adc. Seems to work pretty well. I did have a lot of fun as support Zyra for a bit, but I'm not used to how fragile she is. Funny thing, though, despite having nothing but support items for her and dying stupidly a lot, I'd go check the post-game stats and see that I still do the most damage to enemy champions on my team.

Wed, 08-28-2013, 04:40 PM
Her base damages are quite ridiculous, i usually take ignite with her and build liandry's after the core is done for some great combination of damage and utility. You have to be very careful with your positioning though because of how squishy and show she is, has one of the lowest base ms in the game.

Sun, 09-01-2013, 11:37 AM
Decided to try another ranked game after ragequitting for a week. We win all 3 lanes pretty hard (our mid laner was up 3 levels and 60 CS, and as a whole our team was up 14 to 4). Then the mid laner DCs. 10 minutes later, still nowhere to be found, and we lose the game.

I hate LoL.

Sun, 09-01-2013, 08:11 PM
What did i tell you? Find a duo partner so the chance of trolling and leaving diminishes as much as possible

Sun, 09-01-2013, 11:30 PM
What did i tell you? Find a duo partner so the chance of trolling and leaving diminishes as much as possible

I did have a duo partner :(

Sun, 09-01-2013, 11:55 PM
For the record, if that happens again wait 1 minute to see if he comes back and if he doesn't force objectives hardcore. The more time it passes the more you start running out of advantages, go for baron and then siege the fuck out of a lane.

Wed, 09-11-2013, 02:06 PM
My normal game mmr is ridiculous for some reason, i'm being set up with and against soloq challenger players.

I think the whole mmr system is random as fuck, i wish we could at least see our numbers

Wed, 09-11-2013, 08:29 PM
I figured I'd ask here since LoL is a MOBA. Does everyone here play LoL exclusively or does anyone play Dota 2 as well?

Sun, 09-22-2013, 06:58 AM
At Plat 1 i'm now getting like 5-7 points per win... this is gonna be tough.

Mon, 09-23-2013, 11:12 AM
Just had a game with NiP's Freeze who was smurfing and carried him with heca :D

Edit: http://www.twitch.tv/freezecz/b/464374514

Starts around 5:30:00, he even compliments my jungling a bit

Tue, 09-24-2013, 02:33 PM
Steeve are people in bronze banning corki? If not you should pick him up while you can, free elo yordle.

Thu, 09-26-2013, 06:54 PM
Heh, elohell is hitting me so hard right now. Been playing with a diamond 1 smurf, and I'm the lowest elo player in our games. Just played one where I had a 14/4/2 kda and we still lost HARD. Nothing I can do about it. :/

Fri, 09-27-2013, 08:48 AM
Wildturtle has 4 accounts in challenger, there's no such thing as elo hell

Fri, 09-27-2013, 12:35 PM
Wildturtle has 4 accounts in challenger, there's no such thing as elo hell

Bronze is a black hole that sucks you in. At any higher league, you can carry games if you play above average when the rest of your team is average. In Bronze you have to play like a Diamond 1 player to be able to carry beyond the incompetence of your team.

My overall win/loss still seems to hover around 50%, but my personal performance has been really consistent for a while now, at least, so that's cool. I have a 5:1 kill/death ratio or higher in every game I adc now, with the exception being one game where my support just kept taking all the kills.

Fri, 09-27-2013, 04:18 PM
I used to be sad I was gold, not anymore...

Sat, 09-28-2013, 03:06 AM
I used to be sad I was gold, not anymore...
Keep being sad you're gold, use the sadness to get to plat :D

You're such a bronze cliché Assertn, by your logic whenever someone breaks through bronze they just keep rising through to gold plat and diamond and yet most of the playerbase is in Silver V.

Stop being a proud dick and let me help you, send me a replay.

Sat, 09-28-2013, 05:52 AM
Keep being sad you're gold, used the sadness to get to plat :D

You're such a bronze cliché Assertn, by your logic whenever someone breaks through bronze they just keep rising through to gold plat and diamond and yet most of the playerbase is in Silver V.

Stop being a proud dick and let me help you, send me a replay.

I lost my plat series, not even mad, will try again.

Sat, 09-28-2013, 02:06 PM
Keep being sad you're gold, used the sadness to get to plat :D

Dude, that totally worked.

Sat, 09-28-2013, 03:26 PM
Stop being a proud dick and let me help you, send me a replay.
Haha, please, not even going to let me vent my rage in here? If I always thought my play was flawless, I wouldn't have been training with a diamond 1 player the past month.

That being said, I've gotten very comfortable about positioning and safe aggression to the point where it's much easier now than before for me to know when a potential play is good or bad. Usually this means I have to constantly ping back my supports that try to ham when the enemy jungler already showed himself bot 5 seconds ago, or when there's a massive enemy wave coming or w/e. Though, having a support that just sits in the bush and do absolutely nothing while the enemy cait pokes me when I CS, that I simply don't know how to deal with yet.

Thu, 10-03-2013, 01:43 PM
Assertn my dear boy, this is what it means to carry


Fri, 10-04-2013, 09:39 PM
Just stopped in to say that, even though I don't play him (and probably never will, unless it's troll jungle), I'm digging the Championship Thresh skin.

Sun, 10-06-2013, 12:47 PM
Double post for this:


I started messing around with some ARAM and Dominon again. Nothing serious, just in-between financial choices at the moment, so I haven't repaid for my FF or WoW account yet. I had leftover RP on my account, so I bought Arcade Hec and Championship Thresh.

The couple of SR games I did play, I was reminded why I quit in the first place. Or rather, why I quit every time... >_>

Sun, 10-06-2013, 09:56 PM
Won 10 games in a row, including my first 2 of my promotion series to silver, then lost the last 3. womp womp.
Wouldn't even be as bad if it wasn't the exact same formula each game.
1) Win bot lane.
2) Lose top lane hard.
3) Mid lane does well, but somehow loses all turrets and inhib before taking a single turret.

Mon, 10-07-2013, 05:14 PM
Use your sadness, totally worked for me.

Mon, 10-07-2013, 05:36 PM
Use your sadness, totally worked for me.

I'm just working on my mechanics. I'm really not too upset over it. It's interesting, though, my normals mmr must be in the high silver/gold range. I just outplayed a gold 2 tristana as caitlyn at the end of my last game. Felt pretty good.

Mon, 10-07-2013, 06:58 PM
Meh, caitlyn.

Mon, 10-07-2013, 07:42 PM

Welp, kind of embarrassing that it took so long, but I'm promoted.
At least I shouldn't have to worry about Aatrox teammates that do nothing but feed all game, right? ...RIGHT?

What's wrong with cait? The thing I like best about cait is that she's a good core mechanics champion, especially to practice kiting with.

Tue, 10-08-2013, 11:32 AM
Maybe now we'll get to have a break of all the bitching and can actually discuss the game from time to time :3


Tue, 10-08-2013, 11:46 AM
Maybe now we'll get to have a break of all the bitching and can actually discuss the game from time to time :3


Oh i'm afraid the bitching part of this thread started loooong before I started posting in here.

Tue, 10-08-2013, 12:22 PM
Here's a new topic then


Suck my diamond dick bitches

Wed, 10-09-2013, 03:34 AM
What is the highest division for this game anyway? Are the people who belong to that division really that far better than those in the lower divisions?

Wed, 10-09-2013, 03:43 AM
The highest division is challenger, only 50 people are allowed in there and it's for the best of the best ( in theory, there's also a lot of trolling ).

Wed, 10-09-2013, 04:01 AM
How do people get a place there then? Do they have to challenge those in the division and beat them or something?

Wed, 10-09-2013, 04:22 AM
You have to place at the top of Diamond 1 and if your mmr is high enough you're sent to a promotion best of 5, if you win that youre sent to challenger and someone already there with bad results gets sent back to diamond.

Wed, 10-09-2013, 04:25 AM
Can you get demoted in the lower divisions as well?

Wed, 10-09-2013, 04:59 AM
You can get demoted tiers but not divisions. Challenger is the only one where you can drop

Wed, 10-09-2013, 07:46 AM

I've never had such a huge crush on a fictional character before

Fri, 10-11-2013, 10:33 AM
All those changes!

Wed, 10-16-2013, 05:08 PM
Back in the grind. I've been getting about 25 lp per win now, and hot streaking my way through silver. Aww yeah.

Wed, 10-16-2013, 05:42 PM

I'm creating a 5v5 team to see if i can make triple diamond this season

Sun, 10-20-2013, 06:52 PM
managed to get to gold V after a long break.

Mon, 10-21-2013, 12:08 PM
The only one not getting the skin is Assertn, go grind soloq you nooblet

Mon, 10-21-2013, 01:16 PM
Silver is the new bronze.

Mon, 10-21-2013, 01:20 PM
I'm thinking now that gold+ is the reward you get for not having that existential "what am i doing with my life?" crisis after grinding months of ranked sessions. Getting 25 LP for dominating an enemy adc that's one league and two divisions above me is hardly worth it.

Mon, 10-21-2013, 05:35 PM
I'm thinking now that gold+ is the reward you get for not having that existential "what am i doing with my life?" crisis after grinding months of ranked sessions. Getting 25 LP for dominating an enemy adc that's one league and two divisions above me is hardly worth it.
And this kids, is what a bitch sounds like.

Mon, 10-21-2013, 05:37 PM
And this kids, is what a bitch sounds like.

I guess. Not really mad tho. Just think grinding soloq ranked isn't as fun as stomping normals with friends.

Fri, 10-25-2013, 10:51 AM
Actually, I'm not gold either.

Mostly because I don't care.

But also because, like Assertn said, I prefer playing normal games with friends than solo-queue ranked with people that will piss me off. The ironic thing is that I could have been gold when Leagues were first introduced. I was placed in high Silver 1. But I have decayed from not playing all the way down to Silver 5. Of course, I might actually have to play a game soon so I don't decay any further.... how many points do you lose approx. for a loss again?

In other news, I am not happy with Harrowing this year. Bringing back limited time skins cheapens the idea of them being "limited time". Sure, they're giving current owners special loading screen images, but I like being one of the only players right now with Pumpkinhead Fiddle, or Red Card Kat (even though that one isn't a Harrowing skin... but it follows the same philosophy). Obviously they're doing it for the money, which in-and-of-itself pisses me off because the company has changed so much from the good 'ol days. Secondly, they are only releasing two new Harrowing skins, only one of which feels "Harrowing". Third, for the third year in a row, we are not getting the special maps (which, according to a Red post I read on the forums, is because they're working on too many other things to perfect a seasonal map at the moment, but "maybe next year"... which is what was said the previous two years).

All in all, I'm glad the company has grown so large in player base, but I wish they'd spend more time focusing on different parts of that player base rather than focusing so intently on eSports and whatever else.

But anyways... Assertn, if you're on NA server, hit me up sometime. Same name as the forums. Might could duo some ranked, or just do some normals/ARAMs.

Thu, 10-31-2013, 05:15 PM
Made it to Diamond 2, wonder if i can make to 1 before the season ends.

It's all the same shit when it comes to the rewards but it would be pretty cool.

Sat, 11-02-2013, 05:25 PM
The mystery gift program is giving me a gambling addiction. So far I got...
Recon Teemo
Karate Kennen
Pumpkin Head Fiddle
Reaper Hecarim
Coral Reef Malphite
Gladiator Draven
Spectacular Sivir

Tbh it's hard to not have fun with this. All the skins are worth more than the cost of the gift, though how they justify Recon Teemo as a 500-RP skin is beyond me...

Sat, 11-02-2013, 05:56 PM
Had a 10 win streak yesterday, lost it all today. This must be how gamblers feel...

Sat, 11-02-2013, 06:58 PM
I got Unmasked Kayle, my friend got Koi Nami, the skin ive been dying for since forever @_@

Sat, 11-02-2013, 08:06 PM
Boom, another retired skin: Annie in Wonderland.
Is Unmasked Kayle is the old retired one, right? 3 of my friends each got a Battleborn Kayle. We think they may be trying to flood the market with it.

Sun, 11-03-2013, 06:00 AM
Unmasked is retired yes.

Fri, 11-08-2013, 04:44 PM
Got bloodlord vladimir as a gift, #swag

Fri, 11-08-2013, 08:03 PM
Meh, not a fan of those types of skins.

Sun, 11-10-2013, 02:52 PM
Got bloodlord vladimir as a gift, #swag

Best Vlad is Nosferatu Vlad.

Sun, 11-10-2013, 03:43 PM
Bloodlord is like... vlad vlad

Sun, 11-10-2013, 04:35 PM
It's upgraded vlad, his lines are awesome. The auto attack animation is smoother as well

Sun, 11-10-2013, 09:34 PM
Exactly, vlad vlad.

Mon, 11-11-2013, 02:14 AM
I didn't get any mystery gifts sadly. I tried finding people to trade with, but ultimately I just gave one away so I could get the icon.

Not that it really matters though... I've spent so much money on this game for skins that I'm fairly certain the only one's left are ones I wouldn't use anyways.

I've been raiding the jungle recently as my old favorite Udyr. It's been a lot of fun running around the map at 100mph and soloing turrets. It's also quite enjoyable to consistently out-farm everyone on my team (or, at least, everyone but the adc). I almost feel like hanging up the reins on Hecarim (pun intended). That won't happen of course because of how badass he is... but Udyr is definitely feeling the jungle love at the moment.

Preseason 4 is supposed to start this week, from my understanding. I've been watching some streams of the PBE and I'm very excited about a lot of the changes.

Mon, 11-11-2013, 05:52 PM
By the way i think i forgot to mention i wrote a hecarim guide a while back, it's already one of the most viewed on lolking


Mon, 11-11-2013, 05:59 PM
You get both Randuins and Frozen Heart? Isn't the warden's passive unique, though?

Mon, 11-11-2013, 06:18 PM
They stack multiplicatively.

Mon, 11-11-2013, 06:36 PM
You get both Randuins and Frozen Heart? Isn't the warden's passive unique, though?
You shit on Vayne so hard with that build

Mon, 11-11-2013, 08:51 PM
You build Hec like I do... which I guess isn't that shocking considering there really isn't much of an alternative. I use a slightly different rune setup though. ArmPen marks for better ganks (like you mentioned) and a combination of flat/scaling MR glyphs. I was surprised to find someone else that starts Q though. I can see W being great if you have a strong leash from your team, but I just feel like Q provides better utility starting out. Not sure why no one else sees that.

Tue, 11-12-2013, 12:01 PM
Because most people play Hecarim with the intention of farming and stalling into the late game while i play him with the intention of snowballing into an early lead.

Tue, 11-12-2013, 12:10 PM
You build Hec like I do... which I guess isn't that shocking considering there really isn't much of an alternative. I use a slightly different rune setup though. ArmPen marks for better ganks (like you mentioned) and a combination of flat/scaling MR glyphs. I was surprised to find someone else that starts Q though. I can see W being great if you have a strong leash from your team, but I just feel like Q provides better utility starting out. Not sure why no one else sees that.

Yeah but most guides still max Q first even if you start W at level one, so after the first blue, what difference does it make, anyway?

Tue, 11-12-2013, 12:34 PM
It matters to your first clear which is the most important one, being one second faster than the enemy jungler in a gank is the difference between getting first blood and giving it away.

Tue, 11-12-2013, 01:13 PM
My usual routine is smiteless blue, rush red, gank at level 3 while the enemy just hit level 2. Starting W means it's possible for them to hit 3 by the time I gank, which, like Arch said, can mean the difference in a kill.

You are right though Assertn... after first clear it really doesn't make a difference, so I guess it just depends on your playstyle.

I played a Hecarim game last night... my last one of season 3... and totally carried my team going 16/1/15. I think that was my game where the enemy jungler went smiteless, so I stole all his buffs... but I could be confusing it with an earlier game. Either way, once I got an early triple kill at bot, no one could touch me. It was very satisfying.

EDIT: I thought Preseason 4 was supposed to start today? Damn, I had my hopes up.

Tue, 11-12-2013, 03:26 PM
>where the enemy jungler went smiteless

I miss low elo :3

Tue, 11-12-2013, 05:00 PM
Yeah... also doesn't everybody go smiteless buff A directly to smite buff B anyway?

Tue, 11-12-2013, 06:24 PM
That might change with the extra camp though

Sat, 11-16-2013, 08:01 AM
Played a match with a jinx, asked for help warding for like... 20 minutes,we get caught, jinx says "we needed wards."

Sat, 11-16-2013, 09:11 PM
They're giving wards limits come Preseason... a feature that I think is both good and bad. On the one hand it forces all players on the team to participate in the "battle for vision" if they want to play strategically; however, on that same note, because of the people that never ward, the limits are going to severely hurt otherwise helpful players.

I like that the new trinkets are all vision based though. I can't decide if I like the free ward or the local clairvoyance better for jungling though.

Sun, 11-17-2013, 08:43 AM
i dislike this 3 wards per person system - dota has warding done right, there is limited supply of wards, and it regenerates after some time, plus anyone can buy them, and just drop them at spawn for someone else can take them and place them. But i have to admit that i like the changes done to pink ward.. but it will make laning vs akali and other stealth-based champs a bit harder.

Sun, 11-17-2013, 02:28 PM
So I have an alt account that I made way back when I first started (long story of why I needed two at the time), but it's only level 26. I decided to start playing on it recently when I don't have anyone to play with on my main account (because fuck pugs). I just had a game as Udyr jungle where I went 8/0/7 and downed the most turrets and inhibs... yet all my team could say was "fuck this udyr for kill stealing" and "he only cares about kills, not turrets" among other toxic things. To top it off, in post-game chat, where I comment on the fact that I had most gold, most farm, most turrets destroyed, etc., all they could say was "yeah, well... look at champion damage... you couldn't do anything". I am literally flabberghasted at the insane amount of immaturity and toxicity below level 30! I carry my team to victory (my Kayle fed so hard, but I was able to help bring her up to 10 kills) and get abused for it. What the fuck....

It is kind-of funny though.

Mon, 11-18-2013, 02:19 PM
Yo anyone feel like helping me out a bit?


I've been doing these hecarim match ups and i think i've been as thorough as possible but do you guys think of anything else i could add? Also, is there anything you don't quite understand?

Thu, 11-21-2013, 11:52 PM
I take back what I said about the preseason.

I hate it.

The ward revamp is dumb; the same people that bought wards before still buy wards, but less, giving almost no vision to the map. I actually gain less exp in the jungle now, even though the notes say otherwise. Smite was nerfed. Nasus still dominates the game, despite his nerfs, and is in every game (though that's mostly due to his VU). There are more things I dislike, but I'm too pissed off to remember right now.

I hate losing games because of bullshit reasons.

Fri, 11-22-2013, 06:02 AM
What's your Elo?

Fri, 11-22-2013, 02:55 PM
I think the only bulshit making you lose is your own, i haven't lost a game in the jungle yet in this preseason

Fri, 11-22-2013, 05:44 PM
I updated my guide to Season 4, mastery section needs a little work but i think i got most of it down


Fri, 11-22-2013, 11:58 PM
What's your Elo?
Silver unfortunately. I could have been gold easily, but I stopped playing and decayed, and honestly don't care enough anyways. Besides, I play with a group of friends that range from unranked to plat.

I think the only bulshit making you lose is your own, i haven't lost a game in the jungle yet in this preseason
Actually, I've been doing perfectly fine, despite the nerfs (yes, I consider the jungle changes nerfs). It's my team, or even the enemy team causing the bullshit. When a Jax 3 levels below can 1v1 someone and still win with no items, who was shut down in the jungle early because I stole his buffs and killed him several times, but then turns around to carry the game with like 50 kills (by 1v5ing)... that's BS. When your TF sees you running from said Jax (cause I'm motherfucking Udyr... he blew Flash and all his leap strikes to try and catch me) but decides to ult in and die, then berate you for not turning and fighting even though he was two-shot in the first place... that's dumb, and a bullshit reason to lose. I could give more examples, but that would be pointless because it's not like it's going to change anyone's opinion anyways.

I guess I should have clarified that I hate losing because of other people's bullshit reasons though.

I should also admit that I made that post last night while extremely pissed off. I still dislike the preseason changes however.

Sat, 11-23-2013, 05:15 AM
It's almost like Jax is a late game hyper carry and it's your fault for not closing out the game sooner.

Sat, 11-23-2013, 08:06 AM
I've played one for all game... it was godly.
5x blitz vs 5x liss - blitzs won.

the grab rapetrains were funny. 4 failgrabs in row were also funny.

Sat, 11-23-2013, 08:58 AM
But i wish we could do it in the aram map like last time :(

Sat, 11-23-2013, 11:36 AM
Archangel, you must not be on /r/leagueoflegends much lately, because the jungle nerf seems to be all everyone's talking about in regards to the new patch (yes, even the high level players are starting to favor 2-1-2, not just us inferior silvers).

Sat, 11-23-2013, 01:45 PM
You inferior silvers only started doing it because the pros did, don't get confused on the order :P

And i'm like never not on r/leagueoflegends, what's your account there btw? You just lurk?

Sat, 11-23-2013, 10:45 PM
It's almost like Jax is a late game hyper carry and it's your fault for not closing out the game sooner.

Well, you sure got me, huh.

Anyways, I didn't even know what the fuck 2-1-2 was referring to until I asked someone, so no, I did not start doing it "because the pros did it". In fact, I don't even do that at all. Jungle is my role, I won't give up on it. But Assertn is right.

Sun, 11-24-2013, 07:30 AM
Obviously i won't either, 2-1-2 lanes will disappear once Targon's Brace is stabilized

Sun, 11-24-2013, 07:44 AM
I've played another one for all... this time with Urgots...
that was probably the most op choice of them all. if one Urgot hits his E, everyone can follow up with up to 3(4 with 40% CDR) Qs which basically force enemies out of lanes. and in pre-teamfights you can easily kill one enemy with 15x Q.

Akalis syngergize pretty well too - you can use friendly W to hide too.

Sun, 11-24-2013, 10:24 AM
I've played another one for all... this time with Urgots...
that was probably the most op choice of them all. if one Urgot hits his E, everyone can follow up with up to 3(4 with 40% CDR) Qs which basically force enemies out of lanes. and in pre-teamfights you can easily kill one enemy with 15x Q.

Akalis syngergize pretty well too - you can use friendly W to hide too.

Zyra is another good one. You can proc your allies' seeds, so you can start making plants even at level 1. You can drop down 10 seeds in one spot, turn them into plants, then give them all a steroid with the ult. Of course the enemy team will still go Katarina and shunpo over every damn thing.

Though I'd have to say my favorite so far is all Kennen. Once teamfights start, the enemy team is perma-stunned.

Sun, 11-24-2013, 11:40 AM
Zyra is another good one. You can proc your allies' seeds, so you can start making plants even at level 1. You can drop down 10 seeds in one spot, turn them into plants, then give them all a steroid with the ult. Of course the enemy team will still go Katarina and shunpo over every damn thing.

Though I'd have to say my favorite so far is all Kennen. Once teamfights start, the enemy team is perma-stunned.

Five fiddlesticks ulting and chain ccing

Sun, 11-24-2013, 02:03 PM
Five fiddlesticks ulting and chain ccing

Tried that, though doesn't work too well against 5 chogaths.

Sun, 11-24-2013, 03:52 PM
I hate One-For-All. I seem to have the bad luck of going against every counter-pick to the champion my team picks, and it's not fun. The mode should be fun... and I want it to be fun... but right now it's not. At least not to me.

I decided to try Shyvana jungle for the fun of it, and OMFG will I never ever solo queue again. I got into a team of 4, which I didn't know until the game started. Champ select pops up, I say "Jungle please", wait 20 seconds, no one says anything, so I lock in Shyvana and start setting up my runes and masteries. No sooner did we get into the game that I'm constantly berated and insulted by the team for being a "troll" and "insta-locking" when someone on their team wanted to jungle. I didn't retort... I tried to help lanes and give buffs and use "GJ!" and whatever else bogus method you can do to try and alleviate the toxicity, but it didn't work, and apparently I got reported by all 4 of them, even though I ended the game really well, and didn't resort to immature behavior like they did.

The sad part is, since tribunal is fucked and everyone insta-punishes anyways, if it makes it there, I'll probably get a temp ban just for trying out a new champion.

Aside from my frustration, I read on the forums they are nerfing the Relic soon. They said they didn't mind the 2-1-2 strat, but they wanted it to be as viable as jungle, and right now, it was more powerful because of that item.

Sun, 11-24-2013, 03:59 PM
You need to get out of silver pronto. People love blaming others far too much, my behavior in game is overall WAY too nice, so I honestly usually have great experience with players,win or lose, people blame me? not mad, people blame each other? white kinght mode, people apologize? instant pardon. I`ve played thousands of games and have only been told to kill myself once. :D

The sad part is, since tribunal is fucked and everyone insta-punishes anyways, if it makes it there, I'll probably get a temp ban just for trying out a new champion.

You still believe this don`t you?

Sun, 11-24-2013, 04:27 PM
Nothing anyone says or does will change my opinion of the tribunal. It is and always will be a pox on the game. That's just my opinion, take it or leave it.

And I'm not playing ranked games, btw. I see no reason since the reset hasn't happened yet, not to mention that I find it more toxic. In normals I'm paired with/against gold-plat people on average. I just need to find more competent people to queue with. All my old peeps disappeared (looking at you Luci >_>).

Sun, 11-24-2013, 05:01 PM
Meh, let`s not beat that dead Hecarim then.

Mon, 11-25-2013, 12:28 PM
Can we maybe start the day off with a post that isn't you or Steve bitching?

Mon, 11-25-2013, 01:35 PM
Can we maybe start the day off with a post that isn't you or Steve bitching?

It wasn't so much me bitching as it was about calling you out for being an ass, but unfortunately that's already too late for today!

Mon, 11-25-2013, 01:51 PM
No it really was you bitching, it's always you bitching. You and Alhuin couldn't be more deluded

Mon, 11-25-2013, 03:31 PM
No it really was you bitching, it's always you bitching. You and Alhuin couldn't be more deluded

No, it really was (and still is) about you being an elitest prick. I've seen this behavior long enough through the SC2 community to be familiar with it. It kinda sucks, really.

Mon, 11-25-2013, 04:40 PM
Promo to P1, Won one, lost one,queue up, we get a shady team and they get a blatantly op team, regardless we all get a huge advantage (minus vlad), clearly a won match, then i get a blackout... because i live in a third world country, offline for 20 minutes, get back in during the surrender vote, we lost several towers but are still a bit ahead in kill count, i press the no to keep on going and sharingan my way out of fail.


Mon, 11-25-2013, 09:34 PM
I'm not going to lie... I'm more interested in the rainbow desktop background you got going on... where one side appears to be straight lines but the other is all wavy. It amuses me.

Congrats on pulling out the win though.

Oh, and I guess I gotta bitch about something in my post for Archie's sake... so, um... damn them kids and their skateboarding on the sidewalks!

EDIT: Do the trinkets really line up out of place like that if you don't have a full build? Or are you able to move them out of the trinket slot. I haven't tried, or cared enough. I bound the trinket slot to 7, and use a Razer Naga, so it's fairly easy to use as it is. Just something I saw after looking at your screenshot again.

Tue, 11-26-2013, 06:04 AM
It's actually not that impressive, I got it from here http://wallpaperswide.com/colour_stripes_nithinsuren-wallpapers.html and change it everyday.