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Mon, 10-24-2011, 08:56 AM
Anyone who uses Ryze have any idea what's best to buy first? Been using him a lot, quite like him and he suits my style of play.

Mon, 10-24-2011, 09:25 AM
Masteries: 9-0-21: i get the mpen talent and cdr in offense, and everything that gives mana + cdr in utility, that gives me 9 cdr.

Runes: Mpen reds and quint, mana per level yellow, 6% cdr per level blues and rest in mpen, that gives me a fair amount of mpen and 15% cdr at level 18.

Items: Mana crystal + health and mana potions, farm and buy tear of the goddess asap and start farming that mana, farming mana is crucial, get level 2 boots and roa by minute 20 or less, afterwards its up to you if you want glacial shroud or hextech revolver first, i like revolver first, when you get both upgrade revolver into WotA, if you can find someone else to get a wota for double stack, the game is pretty much over, you`ll be unstopable, last item is either a warmog or veil depending on the enemy comp, in some rare cases get a void staff if they`re stacking that Mresist. finally, upgrade your glacial shroud into frozen heart, and your tear into AA just for shit and giggles.

Explanation: Ryze depends a lot on mana and a consistent rotation, his Q gives 10% cdr, 15 from talents and masteries and 15 from shroud will give you early cdr cap while only buying one cheap cdr item.

Ryze has several rotations, if you can master all of them, especially his strongest one you`ll be a killing machine.

Mon, 10-24-2011, 09:42 AM
Ok, i don't really understand much of what you said, but of what I did understand, I will take on board :D Thanks!

Mon, 10-24-2011, 09:43 AM
lol, everyone has armor even if they don`t buy armor items, last whisperer makes you but the enemies hp like butter.
only if they have above 100 armor, if it is less than that even brutalizer is better.

Anyone who uses Ryze have any idea what's best to buy first? Been using him a lot, quite like him and he suits my style of play.
Mana crystal. no exceptions. and HP pot.
try to get tear asap, DO NOT upgreade it to Archangel Staff, do it as your last item. Rod of ages is nice on him after boots +1, then i go with either Catalyst->banshee or mana-giving item from Frozen Heart after finishing boots +mpen, depending on who get fed and their team proportions(AD -> frozen Heart, ap or lots of annoying skills banshee), after it i finish up the other item.
as for the last item i go with either lichbane or FoN. FoN makes me super tanky(about 180/180 resses), while lichbane can increase your dps i prefer fon usually.
after that i make Archangel's staff, Ryze benefits very slightly from ap compared to mana and it is really a waste to get it early.
for masteries i get mpen in offense, i get hp regen in def(it is after mres) and rest into utility(less time dead, better teleport, and more mana are must have)
I'm using mpen red runes, yellows mana regen/lv(i'll change it later to mana probably), and CDR per lv(with those i can easily get 40% cdr cap), and for quints i use my favourite movement speed runes <3.

Masteries: 9-0-21: i get the mpen talent and cdr in offense, and everything that gives mana + cdr in utility, that gives me 9 cdr.

Runes: Mpen reds and quint, mana per level yellow, 6% cdr per level blues and rest in mpen, that gives me a fair amount of mpen and 15% cdr at level 18.

Items: Mana crystal + health and mana potions, farm and buy tear of the goddess asap and start farming that mana, farming mana is crucial, get level 2 boots and roa by minute 20 or less, afterwards its up to you if you want glacial shroud or hextech revolver first, i like revolver first, when you get both upgrade revolver into WotA, if you can find someone else to get a wota for double stack, the game is pretty much over, you`ll be unstopable, last item is either a warmog or veil depending on the enemy comp, in some rare cases get a void staff if they`re stacking that Mresist. finally, upgrade your glacial shroud into frozen heart, and your tear into AA just for shit and giggles.

Explanation: Ryze depends a lot on mana and a consistent rotation, his Q gives 10% cdr, 15 from talents and masteries and 15 from shroud will give you early cdr cap while only buying one cheap cdr item.

Ryze has several rotations, if you can master all of them, especially his strongest one you`ll be a killing machine.
i suggest getting RoA before the level 2 boots, i've found out that it works way better because if you are decent you can get it at about 18 min mark, so by 28 min you have fully charged RoA.
Revolver is a waste imho, ryze has enough spellvamp on his ulti, and ap bonus is just useless to him.

After i finish my build i have approx 2,9k hp, 180/180 resses, nearly 2k mana, i never really counted ap but after i get archangel i have about 200-300.

Mon, 10-24-2011, 09:44 AM
cdr = cooldown reduction, it`s a critical status for ryze because it perfectly matches his passive for some hardcore Q spam (your strongest spell)

Mon, 10-24-2011, 09:48 AM
Q is his strongest spell??? I thought W and E were? I never use Q, and don't really unlock it :/
Was wondering what cdr was, too afraid to ask cause I didn't wanna look like an eejit :p

Mon, 10-24-2011, 10:03 AM
i suggest getting RoA before the level 2 boots, i've found out that it works way better because if you are decent you can get it at about 18 min mark, so by 28 min you have fully charged RoA.

You should get a roa by min 18 even if you buy boots first, usually my case. but sure, RoA can go before.

Revolver is a waste imho, ryze has enough spellvamp on his ulti, and ap bonus is just useless to him.

The thing with revolver (and especially wota) is, it`s really a secretly OP item for Ryze, it gives 25% spellvamp, imagine a double wota scenario, thats 50% vamp ALL THE TIME, this is specifically op for Ryze because he can cast to infinity unlike most mages, his ult doesn`t last forever, double wota does, his ult is something you need to save for his long rotation (qeqwqrqeqwq in case you`re wondering), you shouldn`t relly on it for healing only, if you use the ult too early your dps will greatly decrease, with double wota and ult you get a character that has high health, damage, defenses and 75% spellvamp, thats just absurd, you should try it out someday, you`ll be amazed.

After i finish my build i have approx 2,9k hp, 180/180 resses, nearly 2k mana, i never really counted ap but after i get archangel i have about 200-300.

3.9k HP, 180 armor, 4.1k mana, 337 ap, and if i`m lucky 50% consistent spellvamp.

Q is his strongest spell??? I thought W and E were? I never use Q, and don't really unlock it :/
Was wondering what cdr was, too afraid to ask cause I didn't wanna look like an eejit

Q is the strongest in a way that you should be able to spam it a lot, if you read his passive you`ll notice that every spell he cast decreases all of his cooldown by 1, the point of Ryze is that you use Q, then another spell in hopes that Q is ready again, repeat to infinity :p

Your priority when leveling spells should be R>Q>W>E

Mon, 10-24-2011, 10:22 AM
Your priority when leveling spells should be R>Q>W>E
What does R do? Don't entirely understand the explanation it gives in game

Mon, 10-24-2011, 10:25 AM
It gives you 25% spellvamp at level 3, that means that if you do let`s say, 100 magic damage, you heal yourself by 25, it gives your spells some AoE, that means that if you hit one enemy with Q, enemies nearby will also get hit by a small amount, it also increases your mana as a passive.

Mon, 10-24-2011, 11:03 AM
What does R do? Don't entirely understand the explanation it gives in game

You should get a roa by min 18 even if you buy boots first, usually my case. but sure, RoA can go before.

The thing with revolver (and especially wota) is, it`s really a secretly OP item for Ryze, it gives 25% spellvamp, imagine a double wota scenario, thats 50% vamp ALL THE TIME, this is specifically op for Ryze because he can cast to infinity unlike most mages, his ult doesn`t last forever, double wota does, his ult is something you need to save for his long rotation (qeqwqrqeqwq in case you`re wondering), you shouldn`t relly on it for healing only, if you use the ult too early your dps will greatly decrease, with double wota and ult you get a character that has high health, damage, defenses and 75% spellvamp, thats just absurd, you should try it out someday, you`ll be amazed.

3.9k HP, 180 armor, 4.1k mana, 337 ap, and if i`m lucky 50% consistent spellvamp.

Q is the strongest in a way that you should be able to spam it a lot, if you read his passive you`ll notice that every spell he cast decreases all of his cooldown by 1, the point of Ryze is that you use Q, then another spell in hopes that Q is ready again, repeat to infinity :p

Your priority when leveling spells should be R>Q>W>E

That was supposed to be nearly 5k mana, aprox 4,8k or 4,95k with lichbane or so. my bad.

and the aoe damage also hits the main target so it is normal dmg + aoe dmg.

when you level up it is important to level up Q first, then W, but you must have E at lv 4 so you can spam more.

Mon, 10-24-2011, 11:12 AM
er.... why lichbane...? you shouldn`t be normal attacking and you barely even scale off ap in the first place.

Mon, 10-24-2011, 01:44 PM
1) movement speed to catch those goddamn running enemies
2) this extra attack is just a nice bonus
3) mana
4) mres

Mon, 10-24-2011, 01:54 PM
There's hardly any point to legendary items if you're not going to use the unique properly

Mon, 10-24-2011, 03:15 PM
Started using Ashe again and I'm doing better than before. These are the items I'm getting in order; Dorans Blade, Beserkers Greaves, Vampiric Scepter, Phantom Dancer, B.F. Sword and Pickaxe. Good or bad? Any changes I should make?

Mon, 10-24-2011, 03:46 PM
switch to

Dorans, Greaves, (Scepter ), Inf. Edge, (Scepter ), Phantom Dancer, Banshee's/Last Whisper

@ lichbane

its kinda useless on ryze
you should get a defensive item instead
endgame should look like this (random order)

Boots,Banshees,Frozen Heart, Archangel Staff, RoA and WotA

and if you want to get something more offensive take a Void Staff (which I think is better than RoA to be honest.)
or even better, Abyssal Scepter

which provides a third Aura and both offensive and defensive power.

lichbane just won't help with anything

Mon, 10-24-2011, 05:00 PM
Well i just got absolutely butt mangled by Tryndamere... how the fuck do you deal with that guy?

Any champion can be absurd after they are fed. Champions who can harass easily, CC or who have high mobility will wipe the floor with Tryn. My personal preference is Vayne, but its also possible with Caitlyn, Urgot, Kennen, Rumble, Singed, Graves, Alistar, Cassiopeia, Corki, Ezreal, Fiddlesticks, Garen (early game), Heimerdinger, Karma, Karthus, Kayle, LeBlanc, Lee Sin, Rammus, Shako, Sion, Ryze (mid/late game), Swain, Teemo, Tristana, Trundle, Udyr, Xerath, Xin Zhao and Yorick.

Pick one. =O

** Disclaimer, early, mid, and late game only references are void if said champion is fed.

[Edit] 200 posts, only took me 8 years.

Mon, 10-24-2011, 05:06 PM
He has that attack that boosts him to the front, another one to slow you down and a fucking immortality ultimate... how do you deal with that shit again?

Mon, 10-24-2011, 05:14 PM
Well, i`m not entirely sure, Ryze destroys Tryn, but as Ashe... i guess you can use your ult on him and kite him, not to kill him but to run away, her Q is excellent with that, exhaust is excellent for when he ult`s or to run away, also flash and ghost to escape. But just a heads up, Tryn is the king of pre-30, but he gets easier eventually, you should`ve seen the old Tryn >.>

Dark Dragon
Mon, 10-24-2011, 05:17 PM
Build armor
Run Exhaust
Ashe has a long ass stun, use it.

Most AD carries run Exhaust/Flash nowadays anyways.

Tryndamere is terrible champion with a slightly overpowered ultimate. Him and Master Yi will dominate games where you have little to no CC and no one is running exhaust.

Also his slow only works if you are not facing him so try to anticipate his combo and not get hit by slow.

To the people playing ranked.

How is the situation with ranked? I didn't really want to do ranked ever since the reset elo and waited a while for all of the elo hell scrubs to get enough losses and go back to where they belong. Kinda wished i didn't get greedy last season :(, i managed to get 1490 elo and got impatient to get gold so i didn't wait for my duo queue partner. I ended the season at like 1370 or something like that.

Mon, 10-24-2011, 06:11 PM
Ranked is full of trolls, crybabies, people that call me bad for picking Ryze, people with wrong runes/masteries, people that pick mages/ad/tank/jungle when we already have those etc. so basically just the same.

Mon, 10-24-2011, 06:36 PM
He has that attack that boosts him to the front, another one to slow you down and a fucking immortality ultimate... how do you deal with that shit again?

With Vayne, your Q allows you to tumble in any direction, so you counter his E by tumbling backwards. Just turn around and start pummeling him, half the time they will reflex their W to snare you once they see you tumble, but since you're facing him it won't do anything at all. The combination of your Q and one point in W should cause him to retreat rather quickly pre-6, if he does and you have at least one stack of W on him then finish it off as he runs away, preferably with a Q for the last stack to proc the true damage along with your Q damage.

If he commits and you're sure his teammates are either not close enough to help or being occupied by your own team, then wait for him to finish approaching and exhaust him and pummel him some more. Most Tryndamere players build him as a glass cannon due to his ult, so as long as he isn't sporting a Bloodthirster then you should be far outdamaging his lifesteal, so just use your ult and start running back a bit as exhaust ends. Now your Q will stealth you while you're tumbling, so you get to play mindgames. The short amount of distance will likely cause him to use his E to whirlwind infront of you, so you Q backwards and put some distance between you - and if you're lucky he will overextend into the tower a bit and take a hit, but it's not necessary to win. More pummeling and he will blow his ult. Either use your Q again if its off CD to position him between you and a wall, or try to set up the positioning manually if he is just that retarded and E his face into a wall.

At this point, he is fucked because he has to run or die. Depending on the location he will E through a wall, and you will either have to flash after him or let him go. Red buff trolling also works if he can't time his Q for shit. If he can't E through a wall then he will try to E somewhere, so just chase him and kill him, use Q to catch up since it's CD is significantly shorter than his E.

[Edit] Alternatively, you can retreat after the exhaust with your ult towards another enemy champion who is decently close on the map. Your passive will kick in and he won't have a chance in hell of catching you without using his abilities.

Also, this is just for when you're about even and it's still pretty early. Late game you can pretty much just E his face into a wall immediately and force his ult in 2 seconds and then chase with your passive. If he gets frisky then Q and exhaust will make him cry. Either that or he got fed and you're going to receive a chain of 500 damage crits.

Mon, 10-24-2011, 06:57 PM
That list is far too extensive, and any truly skilled Tryn will domrapeface those champs, even when fed. LeBlanc, and Vayne however, especially fed LeBlanc Vayne, are the absolute anti -Tryn champs.

Any champion that can wipe Tryn's HP out in one or two hits and force him to waste his ulti chasing/running around an opponent he can't catch up to. Other than LeBlanc & Vayne, most on that list cannot outrun a skilled Tryn.

Quite simply, do not allow him any chance whatsoever to get near, or to pull off one of those devastating hits on you.

Mon, 10-24-2011, 07:51 PM
That list is far too extensive, and any truly skilled Tryn will domrapeface those champs, even when fed. LeBlanc, and Vayne however, especially fed LeBlanc Vayne, are the absolute anti -Tryn champs.

Any champion that can wipe Tryn's HP out in one or two hits and force him to waste his ulti chasing/running around an opponent he can't catch up to. Other than LeBlanc & Vayne, most on that list cannot outrun a skilled Tryn.

Quite simply, do not allow him any chance whatsoever to get near, or to pull off one of those devastating hits on you.

Mm, I think if presented with equally skilled players that all of those champions can stop Tryn from farming and are able to escape well enough to get back inside tower range. The focus is really on Tryn when he isn't buff, because Tryn when he is buff is a lost cause. As for champions who hard counter Tryn, I think Jax is also on the list. His WQ combo is just crazy early game and ER late game will sustain him through anything Tryn can dish out given near equal gold.

Also it's worth noting that an amazing support can allow your team to counter even the most amazing Tryndamere players by proper warding and cv placement to crush any chance he has of ganking or jungling.

Tue, 10-25-2011, 04:04 AM
Build armor
Run Exhaust
Ashe has a long ass stun, use it.

Most AD carries run Exhaust/Flash nowadays anyways.
Tryndamere is terrible champion with a slightly overpowered ultimate. Him and Master Yi will dominate games where you have little to no CC and no one is running exhaust.

Also his slow only works if you are not facing him so try to anticipate his combo and not get hit by slow.

Ashe stuns tryn for like... 0,5 secs (melee range)

the hard part is to dodge his slow
if you can dodge that, you are fine, if you can't, you are most likely dead unless ur teammates are able to CC him properly

tryn is your typical anti carry hero, when he is allowed to much roo

building armor won't help at all until late game
since you will just fuck up your already low dps (compared to other AD carries) even more.

Dark Dragon
Tue, 10-25-2011, 11:51 AM
Ashe has a free CV and should be warding properly anyway, if you let a trynd get that close well then you are indeed "fucked".

Building armor is fine, you need a bit of survivability mid and early game too. I don't get all these glass cannon AD carry build recently where you build no defense until the last item. They are the reason why characters like Garen/Trynd/Akali constantly have "OP please nerf" thread in the league forum.

You guys have to remember that you're giving advice to a new Ashe player. Maybe someone like Chauster can get away with building no defense on Ashe because he has over 1000 games with just her. That is not going to the case here, so don't give him these difficult builds. A character like Ashe isn't going to do amazing damage until late game anyways and she has the benefit of having Frozen Mallet as an ability. You can sacrifice some of your damage, build a bit more defense and kite people.

The most important thing to learn as an AD carry is the ability to properly farm. Unless you absolutely need to, don't leave your lane. Your job is to last hit minions and make sure that you are above everybody else in gold. Each minion give an average of 12-14 gold so roughly every 25 minion would equal a full 300 gold kill. Also remember that champions give less gold each time they die without killing, so tower diving to kill that Sona who is 0/6/2 is not going to be worth it. Alternatively, trading for a kill on a guy who is 6/1 when you are 0/5 is definitely worth it. Deaths function in the same way as killing spree where you gain/lose increment of gold given when killed and this number is reset if you get a kill/die. The only thing is that they recently introduced getting assists will reduce your death increment by one level, as if you die one time less.

What end up happening a lot of time is that with proper farming, you will end up with a lot more gold than a guy who have more kills.

Edit: It might also be a good idea to google Lolreplay. It's a program that record games you've played and let you watch them. It's a good way to catch your bad habits and mistakes that you made so you don't do it again.

Tue, 10-25-2011, 03:16 PM
what you call "glass canon" is called a carry

its your job to carry the team and you do that with dmg, because thats pretty much everything carries can do
in fact, ashe is one of the few AD carries who is able to CC too.
and its the tanks and support job to cover and get people away from you

building armor early will end up with you being useless for your team and it won't even help you survive at all.
IE is the first item on ashe... always, then some lifeleech and *then* some defense.

and it doesn't matter if he is new or not. he has to learn how to play her properly...and if there is one thing that has to be learned as a carry, then its how to deal damage without taking damage.

Tue, 10-25-2011, 03:23 PM
You're so adorable Kray, assuming that your team won't be completely useless 90% of the time :P

If they would at least follow simple instructions... most of them won't even answer you and simply add you to ignore, while the rest are 12 year old idiots trolling the /all channel with stupidity

I'm hoping it gets better by level 30.

Tue, 10-25-2011, 03:40 PM
I'm hoping it gets better by level 30.

Cute... >_>

Tue, 10-25-2011, 03:41 PM
Cute... >_>
How can you play for so long and still be retarded? HOW??!

Tue, 10-25-2011, 03:44 PM
You're so adorable Kray, assuming that your team won't be completely useless 90% of the time :P

if thats the case you should play a bruiser
Jarvan, Nasus (op)
or hard/op carries like Akali (op) / Irlia (op)


or... Ryze.

Tue, 10-25-2011, 03:54 PM
Wait... nasus is OP? I owned him so many times. Is it because of his ultimate?

Dark Dragon
Tue, 10-25-2011, 04:03 PM
So we're much saying the same thing? I never said he needs to build armor first thing. What i mean is that he needs to incorporate some defense into his build so he doesn't get instantly burst down. If you're farming properly getting an getting assists then getting an IE at roughly 20~ min is very possible and then a little lifesteal + some defense by the time laning phase is over. What i have a problem with is those people who never build any defense and just go damage, damage, damage. IT IS a problem if you're the main damage of the team and you get taken out instantly by their assassin because you don't build any defense.

Bottom line is there is no "correct" way to build a champion. Even pros are just now discovering builds and new method to playing old champs that work. You do whatever works for you and that's that. I always build some defense after finishing my first dps item and that has always worked for me, if anything my dps seems to be higher than when i build glass cannon simply because i can stay alive longer to dps.


Nasus isn't OP, he's only OP when people are stupid and leave him to farm his Q for 20 minutes. Nasus laning phase is pathetic and he's actually not very tanky before getting his ult. His base damage is much lower than other champions and his slow is good but it's not an instant gap closer like many other bruisers. He'll outshine other bruiser if he is left completely alone to build 200+ bonus damage on his Q. His main problem is that he can be shut down way too easily by competent players so you will rarely see a really strong Nasus in a high level game.

Tue, 10-25-2011, 04:11 PM
Wait... nasus is OP? I owned him so many times. Is it because of his ultimate?

all he needs is a good farm (solo-top) and someone who can initiate teamfights (like Ashe for example)

100 minion-kills on his Q means +300 dmg
+ base damage
+ 110 flat Q-skill damage
+ Sheen/trinity-force

do the math
and it can crit.

+ ult which gives additional damage/life
+ *best* slow ingame with the best anti-carry debuff ingame (olololo ~60% slower attackspeed and movementspeed)

of course he is stronger against physical/tankish-teams than caster setups

Tue, 10-25-2011, 04:26 PM
Wait... nasus is OP? I owned him so many times. Is it because of his ultimate?

Nasus is actually a good suggestion if you're new, I think. First his Q gains 3 extra damage permanently for each enemy you last hit with it, the idea is to level this first and to keep it on cooldown as much as possible by last hitting. This will also extend to other champions later because last hitting is a key player trait in MOBA-style games in general. Second, one point in W will suffice for the majority of the game, it's a.. 47% ranged instant slow (guessing, I can't remember) at just one point. Nasus' E lowers the armor of all enemies in it's aoe and damages them over time, this combined with your Q is why you're focusing on AD with Nasus. Lastly his ultimate makes him stronger than 95% of all other champions given equal gold and levels.

Pretty much you just Q, or QWEQ. Smack some bitches around with your staff, pop your ult if help comes and finish off your prey. I would only really be concerned about retreating if there are 3 or more enemy champions or if you end up with their carry and someone who can chain CC like Alistar together. In team fights just kill their carry, don't hesitate with your ult because once the CC starts it will be too late and you may drop before you can do anything.

Also, for the crap about defensive items vs offensive items, just look at hybrids if you're worried. A common setup against AD teams is atmogs (Atma's Impaler + Warmog's Armor) which gives 900+ hp, 45 armor, 18% critical strike, and increases your damage by 2% of your maximum health (20 damage per 1k hp). A viable alternative for anyone except Ashe is to trade Warmog's for a Frozen Mallet for the extra damage and slow for only 200 less health. | If you're against AP then get Mercury Threads and a Ruby Crystal, you can upgrade the Ruby Crystal to a Catalyst and then later to Banshee's Veil. You can also just grab the Cloak of Negation instead of finishing the Catalyst first if they are hitting you pretty hard, but the general idea is to supplement your armor or resist with health.

[Edit] I should note that you really shouldn't rush atmogs if you're the carry, and it's pretty useless if you're an AP champion. The Atma's Impaler equivalent item for AP has zero defensive stats so there is no real comparison. :eek: Just keep in mind that if you aren't going for a specific unique effect on an item like Sheen or Bloodthirster that it's okay to only grab a component to an item you will complete later if you really need it. You don't want to take too much potential damage away from yourself early game building defense, because you will have no way to sustain yourself mid and late game - everyone else will out farm you and build up so many more items that your defense won't even matter.

[Edit; again] After thinking about it for a second, I guess an AP comparison to atmogs might be Glacial Shroud + Rod of Ages/Rylai's Scepter. Glacial Shroud gives 475 mana, 45 armor and 15% CDR and costs ~700 less gold than Atma's Impaler - and it upgrades to Frozen Heart for about 100 more gold than Atma's and it gives 500 mana, 99 armor, 20% CDR and an aura that slows the attack speed of all enemies near you by 20%. As for Rod of Ages vs Rylai's Scepter, you should go Rylai's if you need the slow, otherwise go for Rod of Ages. Rod of Ages has an accumulation time for it's passive (10 minutes) before you get full benefit, and once 10 minutes passes then Rod of Ages is better than Rylai's except for the slow. Rylai's has slightly better initial attributes but it's maxed out immediately, however all your spells will slow the enemies you hit which can be beneficial for chase and escape.

Tue, 10-25-2011, 05:38 PM
Ahhh... i was on a 2 time losing streak but i just carried the whole last 2 games basically by myself... feels good.

The last game was especially delicious because some Cat kept bitching on how she wanted mid since Ashe was too squishy and then ended up getting a 2/3/0 when i was 5/0/2. Then they gave up though... pussies.

Edit: Question, is exhaustion viable for Ashe? The range is so small and the bitch is so fragile that i hardly ever have the balls to risk it.

Tue, 10-25-2011, 06:06 PM
Flash/Exhaust is pretty much THE staple of Ranged AD carries now.

It used to be Flash/Ghost in the past, but Ghost is honestly so bad after the many nerfs it receives.

Tue, 10-25-2011, 06:09 PM
as Ashe, you use exhaust defensively
so yes, its viable against certain champions
(tryn, yi, other range AD carries etc.)

Flash/exhaust is a nice summoner-spell combo imho.

Tue, 10-25-2011, 06:11 PM
I'm using heal/flash right now, heal is nice for those first kills. Exhaust... i dunno, I'll think about it.

Tue, 10-25-2011, 09:50 PM
Decided to launch LoL again... but I've been installing updates for the past thirty minutes now. In the meantime I guess I'm going to read up on all the changes. What's the talk about the new champions from Riven on?

Tue, 10-25-2011, 10:01 PM
Xerath is pretty strong. Great range and his passive is situational.

Graves is kinda OP. Although, I think what makes him OP is his passive.

Wed, 10-26-2011, 04:37 AM
It's rare finding a decent xerati player though, a he's fairly useless in the early game.

Wed, 10-26-2011, 10:26 AM
I played two games on my alt account, since I knew I would be rusty and didn't want my ass handed to me... and I lost both. The sad thing is, as rusty as I was, I did better than anyone else on my team. Gotta love taking a month break and coming back to the same shit.

Wed, 10-26-2011, 10:42 AM
i bet the 4 other players in your team think so too
I've yet to see someone who does not

Wed, 10-26-2011, 03:48 PM
I detect a slightly pretentious attitude in your comment.

Yes, I do think I was better than everyone on my team those two games, but I have my reasons. It doesn't mean I think I'm better than every other LoL player. But believe what you will...

Wed, 10-26-2011, 04:25 PM
Make a EU alt account and lets go a couple of rounds

Wed, 10-26-2011, 05:32 PM
Can you have the same username on an EU account as on an NA account? I could see both why you could and why you couldn't... but I have like 4 different NA accounts, so if I can't use a same username it's going to start getting complicated.

Wed, 10-26-2011, 05:33 PM
You can.

Wed, 10-26-2011, 05:52 PM
Okay, second question: EU West or Nordic & East, Arch.

EDIT: Nevermind, I went back through the thread and found it.

Thu, 10-27-2011, 02:43 AM
Yes, I do think I was better than everyone on my team those two games, but I have my reasons.

thats what your teammates said

It doesn't mean I think I'm better than every other LoL player. But believe what you will...

I'm not saying that
I'm just saying its easier to blame your teammates instead of helping them by warding and ganking more often

but the LoL community is simply to retarted to realize that (worst game-community I've ever seen, even CoD and CS players are more fun to play with). thus they surrender at 20/25 minutes,
stay afk in base, because they think its over after the killcount went down to 0-2
refuse to help people if they've got problems (by switching lanes etc.)

and so on..

and by the end of the game, they pick someone with bad stats to unleash ALL THEIR HATE upon him

Thu, 10-27-2011, 12:44 PM
I'm just saying its easier to blame your teammates instead of helping them by warding and ganking more often

Warding and ganking, huh. So let me get this straight... if I told you I spent more than 1/4 of my total gold income (which was about 10.4k one game and 8-9k the next game) on wards, and, while not necessarily being able to gank because of my inability to gank, but contributed to protecting several teammates from ganks (which, of course, doesn't matter in the end because they would just overextend again when all are mia)... are you still going to scorn my judgment? What if I said that I singlehandly prevented at least three teammates from dying (in one game) by helping them escape using my stun/knockback/slow/whatever else I had (subsequently taking all the focus, then flashing away), and yet all every single one of them wanted to do was run into a 1v5 trying to take down the 17/1/6 Cait.

Again, yes, I do have my reasons. I agree that the majority of LoL players simply blame their teammates and that's it. In fact, most of them are far worse. But there's a fine difference between doing that, and making a justified call on the performance of your teammates. Like I said in the very first post that started this mess... I am rusty. I haven't played in almost two months. When I can contribute more to the team than the rest, even in my rusty state, then yes, something is wrong. Granted, maybe my other teammates haven't been playing very long, or maybe they took a break, or whatever... I don't care. I was making a justified statement, the means behind why they made me feel that way are irrelevant.

Thu, 10-27-2011, 04:42 PM
Lol, Riot's birthday surprise sort of blew up in their faces didn't it?

Thu, 10-27-2011, 04:59 PM
How so... oh, you mean his ult :p

Thu, 10-27-2011, 06:36 PM
I just noticed that for some reason my Ashe is always a couple of levels ahead of everyone else even when my pvp isn't that great, why is that? No exp runes either.

Thu, 10-27-2011, 06:40 PM
Are you on mid?

Thu, 10-27-2011, 06:51 PM
All the fucking time. Is it because i'm killing the other mid and having more exp because of solo?

Thu, 10-27-2011, 06:52 PM
If you`re solo mid you get more exp than double bot/top since youre not sharing with anyone

Thu, 10-27-2011, 10:34 PM
It's a combination of being solo, getting a lot of last hits, and hardly having go back to base/leave your lane. There's been games where I was in a double lane and I outlevelled mid because they had to keep going to base every two minutes.

Also, I don't remember if I ever said this, but Leona + Karma equals tower-dive first blood level 2. Or level 3. Been awhile since I've done it. Me and a friend (before he moved to Japan) used to duo queue like that and we just raped face. People underestimated us because we were a tank and support. Gotta love when your support carries the game though because of an extremely well-played early game. I was just thinking about it earlier and wanted to share that.

Thu, 10-27-2011, 10:51 PM
Any one of you guys up for 1on1's? =D

Thu, 10-27-2011, 11:43 PM
You mean like 1v1 at Baron? =P

Fri, 10-28-2011, 03:26 AM
It's a combination of being solo, getting a lot of last hits,

I don't think last-hitting gives you more XP

Fri, 10-28-2011, 10:56 AM
Ok i need some tips... my track record is getting shittier and shittier as i level up, i'm like 70/30 win loss ratio moving on to 60/40.

I've been following this guide so far:


Except i get berserk greave's before bf sword while mastering on offense for now

Fri, 10-28-2011, 12:07 PM
I wouldn`t buy a Doran`s Blade on Ashe, ever. I suggest trying different champions, you might find that someone else is your "best" one :p

Fri, 10-28-2011, 12:45 PM
the guide is really good (flew over it, didn't *read* it), but you really should try playing different heroes
and if its only to learn their weaknesses, so you can exploit them with Ashe later

also I don't know what the guide says about that, but you mentioned that you go solo mid all the time?
try going bot and let your team's AP carry go mid.

Fri, 10-28-2011, 01:56 PM
I don't think last-hitting gives you more XP

You're right, it's just more gold. I thought it was exp as well, but I did some research. Still an important skill nonetheless.

@Arch: I really recommend reading this Ashe guide (http://solomid.net/guides.php?g=4134). As I mentioned before, most featured guides on Solomid are written by top ELO players, and usually have some pretty good explanations on skill order, item choices, rune/mastery setups, etc. I also support the idea of you branching out and trying other champions. Especially if you ever want to do ranked... you won't always get to pick Ashe.

Fri, 10-28-2011, 04:15 PM
you really should try playing different heroes and if its only to learn their weaknesses, so you can exploit them with Ashe later

This like 100%. Every week when a new free rotation comes out, play them all at least once. Read a quick guide so you have an idea what the experienced players will do and then try it for yourself. Knowing what your enemy can do is really half the battle, especially with champions you think are overpowered.

[Edit] Random queue on to a troll premade who went 4 support with rally revive. FML.

Tue, 01-03-2012, 02:48 PM
Someone give me a heads up if Ashe's amethyst skin gets on sale.

Sat, 01-07-2012, 02:32 PM
My head hurts...


Dark Dragon
Sat, 01-07-2012, 03:06 PM
Those are some hilarious item builds.

Edit: I totally want to do AD Anivia now :D. It's pretty funny how some completely random builds totally works. I've carried like several ranked games last season with Hybrid Swain.

Sat, 01-07-2012, 03:52 PM
Those are some hilarious item builds.

Edit: I totally want to do AD Anivia now :D. It's pretty funny how some completely random builds totally works. I've carried like several ranked games last season with Hybrid Swain.
It got fucking confusing, at one point i was at home base a good 3 minutes deciding wtf to do with the gold.

Mon, 01-16-2012, 05:13 PM

Sat, 01-28-2012, 09:43 AM
Go me


Tue, 01-31-2012, 06:01 PM
im not sure what you're trying to show here

Tue, 01-31-2012, 06:05 PM
Finally got my 100 wins, proud of it too.

I commemorated the event by dropping ashe and starting to jungle with Fid. I've been doing fairly well and it's alot of fun.

Tue, 01-31-2012, 06:33 PM
ah i c....gj. ya, fid jungle is pretty nice. good ganker.

Tue, 01-31-2012, 07:38 PM
Meh, not quite, i think jungle fid is probably the worst jungler currently.

Dark Dragon
Tue, 01-31-2012, 10:29 PM
^ With proper warding, it's almost impossible for him to gank and his jungle is so slow that the enemy jungler probably have the time to gank twice before you finish your route.

Tue, 01-31-2012, 10:30 PM
Wat? I've never been outleveled by an enemy jungler in early game.

Dark Dragon
Tue, 01-31-2012, 10:39 PM
Fiddle clear time for jungle is something like 4-5 minutes. A Top tier jungler like Udyr or Lee Sin can clear in 3:20 and be ready to gank. Fiddle is also required to start at blue, which make his jungle route predictable and susceptible to early game ganks or counter jungle and his ganks are also lackluster before level 6. Top jungler can also do stuff like get red and gank at level 2, where your enemy laners are still level 1 which drastically increase the chance of an early FB. His farming in jungle never really get better either, so if you fail ganks/get killed once or twice you'll definitely fall behind in levels. His match ups are also bad, because he's so squishy. Unless you get the jump on someone, anyone with a hard CC can stop your drain early and completely rape you during the CD.

He clear slow, doesn't duel well and can't invade enemy jungler. His ganks are bad > decent (after 6), he's very dependent on getting blue, which mean your mid can't get it as often and finally his Dragon control is mediocre at best. He doesn't do any single thing that a jungler is required to do exceptionally and is only mediocre at a few less important aspects.

Sat, 02-04-2012, 02:36 PM
My friend made me install this a few days ago. It's fun, though I can't help but feel like it's a layman's starcraft 2.

Sun, 02-19-2012, 08:19 AM
Post nerf Ryze.


Sun, 02-19-2012, 09:13 AM
Wanna play some rounds in the EU server Chess?

Sun, 02-19-2012, 09:39 AM
I don`t see why not...

Apparently i have to patch the EU version.

Sun, 02-19-2012, 09:49 AM
I've already added you and i'm online so give me a nudge when you're ready

Wed, 02-22-2012, 07:49 PM
anyone beside me playing nautilus? this guys so incredibly fun. Slow as fuck but man he's tough to kill. and all that disrupt.

Wed, 02-22-2012, 08:33 PM
Haven't really seen a whole lot of him, nor have i ever lost a game against him.

He's just too slow to jungle and not all that useful in a lane.

Dark Dragon
Thu, 02-23-2012, 02:00 AM
Well with the proper build Naut clears at like 3:40 which is proper time for a jungler. You run movespeed mastery and quints to compensate for his slow MS. His ganks pre 6 are pretty decent and after 6 it's almost a guaranteed kill if your laner is decent. If you over extend just a little bit and he catches you, his Ult will pretty much hit you even if you flash and he can just follow up with his Anchor which will lock you for another second and then slow you as you try to run away.

He's not going to be useful at lower elo or most normal games since he's a very "support" jungler like Maokai and does even less damage than Mao.

He also came out at a bad time because Shen is incredibly OP with this remake and Shen pretty much does everything that Naut does, except better. I think my record so far with Shen since the remake is like 17-1 W/L ratio and i'm not even that good with him.

Thu, 02-23-2012, 12:34 PM
Finally hit 30, go me.

Fri, 02-24-2012, 12:34 PM
Uchess, what runes do you use with ryze?

Fri, 02-24-2012, 12:48 PM
Uchess, what runes do you use with ryze?

Red and quint = magic pen
yellow = mana per level
blue = 5x cdr per level and 4 magic pen

Fri, 02-24-2012, 12:59 PM
Nothing for mobility? How do you secure kills?

Fri, 02-24-2012, 03:23 PM
Nothing for mobility? How do you secure kills?

Depends who i`m facing, usually i don`t harrass at all and focus on farming, then the enemy gets used on not being harrassed and i do a qweq combo (preferably after i get tear), that should do decent amount of damage, then i flash in and exhaust and do my full combo (qeqwq), enemy will flash out but they`ll be exhausted, you should be able to reach them.

If i dont think i can harrass at all then i just play safe all lane and focus on those tear stacks, Ryze`s early lane is his weakest.

Sat, 02-25-2012, 01:30 AM
My main champion has been Irelia for a long time now, but I finally picked up Vayne the other day, and I gotta say, she's quickly becoming my second favourite. Her poke and damage output is incredibly strong, and against anyone other than Cait, Sivir, or someone with heals, I can usually force the enemy out of lane multiple times. Being paired with an Alistar has been my best pairing so far. Finished laning phase one game at 7/1/2, matching the enemy Talon at 8/3/1 (solo top feed). Granted, this is on my alt account (level 24), but even on my main account, I've had some great games with her.

I haven't played or been interested in any of the more recent champs, except Ahri. She's fun as well, but I only have her on my main account, and since I don't play it as often, I haven't played her in awhile. It's fun to chain her abilities perfectly and leave the enemy asking "wtf" in /all. Haha...

Sat, 02-25-2012, 05:12 AM
What's the point of an alt account?

Sat, 02-25-2012, 08:21 AM
to play on other region - i've got low level alt acc to play with low-level friends and another one on EU east.

Sun, 02-26-2012, 12:05 PM
They asked me not to play Ryze, i carried them hard.


Thu, 03-01-2012, 09:17 PM
Fiora seems OP.

I know Xel claims differently, but I think it's highly unlikely that the 10+ people I played with/against, that chose Fiora (and proceeded to dominate the game), were all highly skilled. Her ultimate being able to ignore turrets, and her lifegain, makes her extremely strong, as I've been soloed twice by her, on my turret. Granted, I underestimated her abilities the first time.

In my years of playing, I've always run into at least one or two people that do extremely bad with the new-release champ, within the first few games. It's never failed. Until now. I could just be extremely unfortunate I guess (or fortunate, for the few games I had a Fiora on my team). But I guess I'll see in a few more days.

Fri, 03-02-2012, 03:47 AM
Not really, as her name states she's an impressive duelist but that's about it. Unless fed her late game is pretty meh.

Fri, 03-02-2012, 05:25 AM
Her ulti is a bit strong, but well - it has about 130s cd on 1st rank, plus it dosen't deal that much dmg to single target - and yi has such thing once per 5s? 10s? oh - and it has melee range.
you have to cc her in right moment - her E gives her a GIANT boost to dps(108% atk speed at rank 5!) - she is shining while doing this.
Riposte is nice harassing tool but it only reflects: basic attacks, creeps attacks, big mosnter attacks. so while fighting near creeps her E is way waker.
Her Q is nice chasing tool - but to be honest - it is weaker version of renekton's one - she has to target someone to use it, but she has slightly bigger range.

Dark Dragon
Fri, 03-02-2012, 05:36 AM
She suffers from a lot of the same problems that Yi does. A Yi will completely wreck your team if you have less than 2 CC and no one is running exhaust, anymore than that and he is completely shut down in team fights. Her ult being a free hourglass with lifesteal component is nice, and she is very strong. I've won pretty much every 1v1 lane match up top with her, but she suffers come team fights.

Her damage is strong, but it's mostly sustain damage rather than instant burst. Unless ridiculously fed, a smart team with proper CC can shut her down really hard. In fact, Olaf is much better than her as a solo top or jungle pick in every way thanks to his new buffs.

Sat, 03-03-2012, 10:29 PM
I dont think she is op. She is balanced in a really unbalanced sort of way. By that i mean, her strenghts are op, but her weaknesses are waaay under powered. Her main strength really is her ult. That's what defines her. All her other skills are technically crap compared to other meele champs. She's like a weaker version of xin or irelia, except she doesnt have a stun/interrupt.

The fact that Reposte can ONLY block basic attacks makes it fairly useless against 95% of champs. You can't block skill shots from panth or nidalee for example, and most ap champs can harass her all day long. Her E is nice for farming and pushing lanes, and her Q is good to chase down enemies with (particularly since you can reuse it a second time) but over all its just her ult that makes her seem OP. And even that is pretty useless until late game when you're running IE at lv 3.

I also find her passive to be god awful. Early game you get such little sustain that even a line of minions will bring you down if you dont have any of your minions to hide behind. I haven't tried stacking bloodthirsters with her yet, so maybe that will offset it, but i find her early game to be way shitty right now. You can either go for early damage, but lag behind in movement speed and atk speed (which really makes that early damage useless cuz you arent hitting fast enough to duel properly) or you can build atk speed and delay getting your atk dmg items till late-mid game.

Im still trying to find a good balance, but she definitely is fun to play if only cuz of her ult. I've had games where i've gone 11/2 and games where i've gone 0/7 so it all depends on team composition.

Sun, 03-04-2012, 09:01 AM
I'm jungling with her, starting with riposte - which is godlike for jungle - leveling it first, getting E second, and Q once on lv3. Her ganks are very deadly. Runes: armorpen(red)/armor(yellow)/cdr per lv(blue)/movement speed(quints)
Item build in order of buying)
boots+3/merc threads
inf edge/black cleaver
frozen mallet
black cleaver/inf edge
sell lantern -> bloodthirster

depending on enemy team i'll get either one of those:
banshee's veil if they have annoying as fuck spells or Last whisper(if they are more tanky with tons of armor)

this gives me a nice 2,8k hp, high ad and nice armor reduction(which is applied by ulti).

Her passive is better than you think, especially for jungle. it dosen't give that much sustain as WW's one but that is nice extra healing after you finish the camp of creeps. Also remember that it stacks up to 4 times when you hit champions which makes her great at 1v1(this tiny bit with lifesteal from lantern lets me survive 80% of times).

I think that building atk speed on her is a waste - with just black cleaver and using her E she has 2.050 atk speed, and at rank5 she can use it once per 3 seconds or so(it last 3s, then 3s cd after that)

Wed, 03-07-2012, 10:57 PM
I have since retracted my statement on Fiora. Apparently I just had the extremely unfortunate luck of being paired against every skilled Fiora that would just wreck me and my teammates, on our towers, multiple times in multiple games, and it was pissing me off. Now that she's been out for about a week, and I've played with several more, I can easily see how dependent she is on her skills. Baiting Riposte and having her waste Burst of Speed is what I've learned. Her ultimate still annoys me, especially under a tower, but I no longer feel rage when laning against her.

In fact, I've raged less about LoL in general, over the past few days (not that I really raged to begin with, but I was getting extremely frustrated). Before this week, I had played 50+ games over a two week period and won, maybe, 6 of them. I admit I played badly in some games (which I also admitted in game), but I felt like, no matter how well I played (I had 7 kills on Vayne before laning phase was over in one game), I still couldn't pull off a win. So I decided I didn't care about winning anymore. In fact, if I was going to lose, I was going to have fun doing so. So I started playing champions I wasn't used to, and some in ways that amused me. And out of the past 5 games, I won 4 of them. I don't know if that's ironic or not, but I'm not complaining.

Anyways, the reason I decided to post was because I wanted to share the stat screen of my last game as AD Sion. In champion select I had prepared to play AP Sion. Both my runes and masteries were set for it. With 30 seconds left, my teammates say I should go AD, since we had Lux and Kat insta-lock. I hurriedly switched my masteries, and chose a rune set I thought would work well, and proceeded to enter the game. Now, I don't usually brag in games like this, but fuck I carried them so hard. Nevermind that their Morde was retarded in top lane versus me and Lux. It was a really good game for my team, and I roamed for a bit securing kills for the other lanes. I even 1v1ed Olaf at one point. So without further ado, here's the image.


You guys can say what you will, but I feel really good about that game. It would be nice to have more like it, but I'm not sure which champion I want to experiment with next...

Thu, 03-08-2012, 06:14 AM
Dafuq... No jungler?

Tue, 03-13-2012, 08:32 AM
A vlad defeated me in lane, a damn vlad...

Tue, 03-13-2012, 07:03 PM
What were you playing? Vlad is still a strong champion, even with his nerfs, and item nerfs. Even more so, a skilled player with an UP champ can easily outplay a non-skilled player with an OP champ. Not claiming that you are either, I'm just stating for reference.

Tue, 03-13-2012, 07:17 PM
Ryze, it was clear he totally outplayed me :/

Wed, 03-14-2012, 01:58 PM
I carried a game as Teemo the other day. Didn't die once. The enemy team tried to focus me, of course. Global taunt too good. I don't know if it was skill that kept me alive, or just plain luck, but I'm not contesting it. I've really enjoyed dominating games lately with champions that are, as I mentioned previously, considered underpowered or bad.

On another note, does anyone here go by the summoner name of Advisor Udyr? I had a friend request when I logged on yesterday, but it's not anyone I played with, so I'm trying to figure out who it is.

Wed, 03-14-2012, 01:59 PM
When has Teemo ever been considered underpowered?

Wed, 03-14-2012, 02:06 PM
He has a global taunt and if you look at him with a mean enough face he dies.

Wed, 03-14-2012, 02:34 PM
When has Teemo ever been considered underpowered?

Since forever? Teemo is paper. Just like Uchess said. He has no escapes, his blind only hurts auto-attacks, and his mushrooms are really only good as mini-wards/temporary hindrances. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy playing Teemo (mostly because I have the Cottontail skin, and it's fun to watch people rage about dying to someone with that skin), but I will completely agree that he is way too squishy to be reliable.

Dark Dragon
Wed, 03-14-2012, 07:18 PM
With his recent buffs, Vlad is seeing some competitive play again. It's very difficult to kill a Vlad who is playing passively and he'll win most lane match up once he gets his revolver and reached level 7. Ryze counter him early game, but it's still a toss up since that requires you to play very offensively early game which is easily punishable.

Even champions like Kassadin that is suppose to counter Vlad would have a hard time doing so without putting himself at risk. In my opinion Kennen and Mordekaiser are the only 2 current AP mid that can safely beat Vlad in lane.

Wed, 03-14-2012, 10:22 PM
the fact that his pool nullifies anything you throw at him is ridiculous. i've faced him as brand, ulted him in the face only for him to pool and my ult to fizzle out. It should atleast bounce even if it does no damage to him

Thu, 03-15-2012, 01:51 AM
Yeah, his pool is majorly annoying. But it does cost a decent amount of health to use.

Dark Dragon
Thu, 03-15-2012, 06:04 AM
That pool is the reason why Vlad is impossible to balance. It also heals him for a portion of the damage dealt if used offensively or going through a minion waves. The rest of his kit is pretty mediocre and his ult isn't as game changing as some other ult in the game since the nerf, but his laning phase is just too ridiculous as it is.

Pool needs to be reworked or Riot needs to remove the spellvamp stats altogether before they can balance Vlad. He's just going to fluctuate between being OP or UP until then.

Thu, 03-15-2012, 06:50 AM
Le Advisor Udyr would be me. Let us game sometime~

Thu, 03-15-2012, 12:35 PM
Ryze, it was clear he totally outplayed me :/
How, just how? Ryze has bigger range on every spell than vlad.. You need to play offensively vs him as Ryze.

the fact that his pool nullifies anything you throw at him is ridiculous. i've faced him as brand, ulted him in the face only for him to pool and my ult to fizzle out. It should atleast bounce even if it does no damage to him
pool wastes 20% of his current hp so it is not that good. Noob vlads will try to dodge everything with pool, good ones will try to dodge only dangerous stuff.

Thu, 03-15-2012, 02:38 PM
The biggest complaint I have with Pool is that it pops projectiles. I'm fine with not being able to target him during, but if I've got a stun in the air to his face (like Sion's stun), it should still hit him. And like Assassin said, bounce spells should still bounce. I do know that ignite and other dots still tick while in pool, if you hit him before he does it. But yeah...

So I've been playing some Kayle again. As AD (masteries and runes) and with a Doran's blade, activating E at level 1 makes me hit for almost 100 damage. Makes for some easy early kills, provided they're not tanky or don't have support. She falls off late game though, and I find I'm mostly just running around trying to ult whoever is dying. But it's still fun. Haha.

Dark Dragon
Thu, 03-15-2012, 02:59 PM
Actually, with the right build Kayle is probably the strongest AD carry late game. Before her rework, she had an incredibly shitty early game to make up for being the strongest end game character due to double scaling from her old passive. With her new passive, you get an additional 15% shred to both defense. With her Q scaling at 1 AD + constant up time on her E, you're just better off going full AD build on her.

She scale incredibly well with lifesteal due to her ult being a 3 second invincibility. So you can get low, pop ult and lifesteal your way back to full in 3-4 hits.

I suggest starting with 2-3 Doran Blade and then transition into an early Bloodthrister + Zerker. What you build next is situational, but Black Cleaver > Malady > Phantom Dancer/Nashor's Tooth/2nd BT and then finish off with a Guardian Angel is my usual standard path.

Start with one point in E and then max R > Q > W > E. A fun first blood trick with her is to run Surge/Ghost and lane with someone like Nunu or Taric as your support. Her damage output is ridiculous with Surge because her abilities also scale off AP so you're getting a bunch of free damage. A well placed stun from taric or a slow + AS boost from Nunu and you're pretty much guaranteed to melt their AD carry or Support.

Thu, 03-15-2012, 03:19 PM
The biggest complaint I have with Pool is that it pops projectiles. I'm fine with not being able to target him during, but if I've got a stun in the air to his face (like Sion's stun), it should still hit him. And like Assassin said, bounce spells should still bounce. I do know that ignite and other dots still tick while in pool, if you hit him before he does it. But yeah...

So I've been playing some Kayle again. As AD (masteries and runes) and with a Doran's blade, activating E at level 1 makes me hit for almost 100 damage. Makes for some easy early kills, provided they're not tanky or don't have support. She falls off late game though, and I find I'm mostly just running around trying to ult whoever is dying. But it's still fun. Haha.

LoL is very forgiving when it comes to disjointing(that is proper term for 'popping projectiles' that originated from dota) skills/attacks - most games in such genre allow stealth, untargettable and much more effects to do so.

I prefer hybrid Kayle - atk speed ap/ad items - they work wonders with her righteous fury.

Actually, with the right build Kayle is probably the strongest AD carry late game. Before her rework, she had an incredibly shitty early game to make up for being the strongest end game character due to double scaling from her old passive. With her new passive, you get an additional 15% shred to both defense. With her Q scaling at 1 AD + constant up time on her E, you're just better off going full AD build on her.

She scale incredibly well with lifesteal due to her ult being a 3 second invincibility. So you can get low, pop ult and lifesteal your way back to full in 3-4 hits.

I suggest starting with 2-3 Doran Blade and then transition into an early Bloodthrister + Zerker. What you build next is situational, but Black Cleaver > Malady > Phantom Dancer/Nashor's Tooth/2nd BT and then finish off with a Guardian Angel is my usual standard path.

Start with one point in E and then max R > Q > W > E. A fun first blood trick with her is to run Surge/Ghost and lane with someone like Nunu or Taric as your support. Her damage output is ridiculous with Surge because her abilities also scale off AP so you're getting a bunch of free damage. A well placed stun from taric or a slow + AS boost from Nunu and you're pretty much guaranteed to melt their AD carry or Support.

List of better ranged ad carries than Kayle: Ezreal(requires good aim with skillshots), Graves(godlike carry if played well), Cait, Ashe.
i would put tristana on that list(high dmg output, great burst, shitload of escape mechanisms) but 99,9% tris players just stay behind in teamfights and just killsteal.
You should only get more dorans' blades when you are failing your lane - atk speed items or ad ones let you last hit better(which is most important thing to do for ad carry till mid/late game - one kill is equal to approx 12,5 last hits - not including Ashe's hawkshot bonus or Tf's passive), therefore you get more cash. lifesteal on dorans is forgettable, and when you are doing well you don't need that much extra hp. plus you'll have to sell them later anyways.

Don't get me wrong - Kayle is strong, but she isn't the best one

Dark Dragon
Thu, 03-15-2012, 06:14 PM
I disagree. 2-3 Doran Blade is the standard build for an AD carry to get a strong mid game, this is especially important for Kayle who has a weak mid game. I usually buy 2 before transitioning into a BF item, and last hitting on Kayle is very easy with her new attack animation. In most of my game, i can usually get 90-95% of last hits before the 25 minutes mark. Attempting to rush BF will put you behind if the enemy team rush for an early dragon, you'll find yourself being out damaged by the enemy AD carry who bought 2-3 DB. Attack speed is a subpar stat unless you have a lot of it, the value for AS significantly increase the more of it you have. An early game attack speed item like Zeal or Recurved bow does not offer enough to justify the cost.

Graves and Sivir are the 2 top tier AD carry right now with everyone else being a bit subpar compare to them. Ezreal is strong vs certain team comp, but he can get shut down very easily due to his poke mechanic and short auto attack range. Ashe kit is outdated and she has the worst level 5-13 out of every champion in the game, she's literally useless at that stage for anything other than initiation. Caitlyn is strong due to her range, but she has almost no burst damage and is unable to turn a fight in your favor. Other than a very strong level 1-3 tanks to rune/mastery, Kayle mid game is very subpar and she requires a tremendous amount of farm to become strong. This is one of the main reason why people don't use her. Kayle is definitely not the best AD carry due to her pitiful mid game, but she is the strongest AD carry with 6 items. It's just often too difficult to get to that point with her on the team.

The strong thing about Kayle is her ability to weaken a tank and allow your team to kill them easily. In theory, you're not suppose to focus the tank, but you'll find that it's harder said than done when facing a competent team in ranked. She has strong burst damage and absurd sustain damage. Her damage is also split into Physical and Magic so you can't sufficiently build enough defense to counter her damage.

Thu, 03-15-2012, 06:30 PM
I find that for most AD carries, building a Wriggles first is the most important thing. You get some armour, ad, lifesteal, a free ward, and an on hit effect. You can sell it later, but most games I finish with it. As for Kayle, after Wriggles (and boots), I usually go Black Cleaver > PD > IE > Last Whisper. Seems to work for me. I also max E over Q because it lowers the CD without increasing the mana cost, which also allows for more uptime. You get a similar damage increase over maxing Q if you hit it a few times, but you don't dip into your mana pool. If you're going for quick burst and/or have a mana battery, Q is better, but I find E has better sustain.

Sun, 03-25-2012, 08:22 AM
What the fuck?


Dumbest surrender ever, and we were having a fun game too.

Sun, 03-25-2012, 11:59 AM
People get rage and quit out too early. It's a fact of life in LoL. :\

Thu, 03-29-2012, 12:55 PM
http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/525995_790830916655_31400331_36289190_575730751_n. jpg

Thu, 03-29-2012, 02:01 PM
It's funny because he's asian.

Thu, 03-29-2012, 02:06 PM
It it me, or he looks high as fuck?

Thu, 03-29-2012, 02:08 PM
It it me, or he looks high as fuck?

Fri, 03-30-2012, 06:06 PM
or lead....get it? cuz hes asian

Fri, 04-06-2012, 09:13 PM
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FCj0HGtL1_c&feature=plcp&context=C41d7accVDvjVQa1PpcFNmJGoXpYI6vOW9LDs1GYwg J7BaSa7Xv_Y%3D

This is just so hilariously accurate.

Sat, 04-07-2012, 07:51 AM
True, still LoL players aren't that bad(they are still pretty retarded) if you played DotA or HoN...(Dota2 is strangely quiet).

Mon, 04-23-2012, 06:06 PM
Amethyst Ashe is on sale and i THINK they added some particle effects on her arrows soooooo Archie go!

Mon, 04-23-2012, 07:22 PM
I dumped Ashe months ago, i dislike having to depend on others too much so an AD carry wasn't the way for me.

I've pretty much perfected my jungling with Ganplank, win and carry most of my games assuming the rest of the team ins't too retarded and i'm currently training my AP carry skillz with Ziggs. His range is fantastic and he has surprisingly good burst when the Ult in available.

After that i guess i'll try and find a good solo top for me.

Mon, 04-23-2012, 07:24 PM
5th day with at least 2 retards(usually 3) in team VS no retards in enemy team.. IN ROW. I've tried playing on east and west servers, on different time of day, with different people, solo queue, duo, tri... ALWAYS at least 2 retards in team that feed the enemy - 0/12 or so. Just tell me one thing - WHY? i'm not playing ranked - just normal games so there is no problem with so called 'elo hell'.
even if i get fed i can't carry team of 3 retards....
the best one of them was rammus with 16 creepkills at the end of game(35min), who used his spinning to farm creeps, always used taunt on creeps, not champions. 2/16/1 . . .

Mon, 04-23-2012, 07:50 PM
Know that feel, just yesterday i was 10/2 and lost the game to a troll ashe on my team speccing AP who fed 2 bot. Think i finished it 11/7 or something.

Sat, 04-28-2012, 09:31 AM
The moment i saw WoA in the patch preview i knew they were gonna nerf it somehow. That thing as always been way too cheap for how good it is.

I'm looking forward to playing ryze after these changes, looks like it'll be a whole new gameplay experience.

Sat, 04-28-2012, 06:53 PM
boots, wota, archangel +3x RoA <- new build for ryze after changes...

Fri, 05-11-2012, 05:19 PM

These fucking retards lost 2 team fights WITH BARON BUFF because they refused to wait for me and fed that fizz even more. And in the end they didn't even appreciate how hard i carried them.

I swear this game will send me into a murderous rampage one of these days.

On a brighter note, it was pretty lulzy how none of them would go 1 on 1 with me at a point. I was like the grim reaper patrolling the field of justice.

Sun, 05-20-2012, 11:38 AM
Fucking idiots surrender because of nothing


Mon, 05-21-2012, 03:29 PM
But enemy had 5 kills advantage! it is lost! ....
PPl surrender way to soon - you need to get hold of yourself and win this shit - i've won many games when on losing side - we just usually aced them near our nexus and pushed to win.

Mon, 05-21-2012, 04:09 PM
I'm taking a break of all the bulshit, i've lost like 10 games in a row.

Sat, 05-26-2012, 02:43 PM


Sat, 05-26-2012, 05:25 PM
Meanwhile in the U.S servers.

4v5, they also had a fed lb AND skarner
Carried that match like the support/carry/tank that i am.

Fri, 06-01-2012, 11:05 AM
Double IP weekend!

Fri, 06-01-2012, 12:09 PM
I had one full week of crap games - either(90% of games) 3 of my teammates are total retards(for example kog that had 5 last hits on lane with support at 25min mark, yes FIVE last hits), or enemy team is so weak that i could afk in the middle of the lane and still kill them(seriously - this is not a joke)....

Sun, 06-03-2012, 08:09 PM
I made like 8k ip this weekend rofl, shit's insane.

Mon, 06-04-2012, 01:10 PM
good for you i had only shit games with at least 3 retards in team - now for 10 days.

Mon, 06-04-2012, 05:45 PM
Hmmmmm, do you guys play ranked or normal? that might be it, i rarely find bad players tbh.

Dark Dragon
Mon, 06-04-2012, 09:30 PM
I don't even find bad players when i queue in normals anymore. I'm at like 150 wins over losses though so i might get matched up with people around that elo in normal more often.

Tue, 06-05-2012, 07:13 AM
i queue in normal, and if i want to win, me and my friend have to play for the whole team usually - i just have a giant streak of bad as fuck games.
another example of bad players: Seju with tp and flash died 12 times in 20 minutes, and kog who was on lane with her died 8 times. kog had 2 kills, seju 0. both had last his close to 30-40.

Thu, 06-07-2012, 07:24 PM
My computer decided it doesn`t wants me to play and it would abrutly turn down during ranked games, i went from gold to bronze, gg.

Thu, 06-07-2012, 07:39 PM
Amethyst Ashe is on sale and i THINK they added some particle effects on her arrows soooooo Archie go!

That sounds like a porn star's name.

Fri, 06-08-2012, 04:15 AM
Who says it`s not?

Tue, 06-12-2012, 07:01 AM
i just played a game - it seems my bad streak continues - another faceroll game - i was 14/0/12 with ez in normal, most of my team was like 11/4-5/8... why i can't get a decent competitive game? only faceroll ones for me, or for the enemy...

Tue, 06-12-2012, 07:14 AM
I just had an awesome game, all turrets were down but 1 and we were acing each other on ground zero.

Smart game, except for the fact that i was late game fed trynda and none of them would buy armor for some reason.

Fri, 06-15-2012, 10:50 AM
I've tested ap ez lately(i've been playing him for ages as ad).. he is just weaker vers of ad one, a bit higher burst, overall less dps.
AP ez is weaker early game compared to ad one, and very similar lategame(requires different playstyle though).
oh, and ap one has nice aoe burst(W+R), and when you add rylai you slow their atk speed and movement speed, which is nice for chasing and escaping.. sadly - ad ez can slow too(if you get phage)
Final Verdict:
AD is superior, but slightly.

Fri, 06-15-2012, 11:00 AM
I fucking hate playing as Ez. It's not even a matter of doing well or not in a game, i just find his play style boring as all hell.

A shame too, i really wanted that awesome skin :(

Dark Dragon
Sun, 06-17-2012, 04:31 PM
I'm stuck playing Jungler for my team so i've been playing Jungle Ezreal. Doing pretty well in 1300-1400 elo and normals on my smurf since people can't seems to deal with his early ganks.

Tue, 06-19-2012, 10:18 AM
I play on North America server. My account is Takchiki.

Tue, 06-19-2012, 11:52 AM
West Europe is way better, just sayin.

Tue, 06-19-2012, 12:23 PM
Meh, I don't feel like leveling another account.

Tue, 06-19-2012, 02:22 PM
North America gives it to west Europe up the behind.

Wed, 06-27-2012, 06:56 PM
Need more GWers on NA server. Me and Luci dominated some games last night. Nado, I'll add you. I'm on now if anyone else is.

EDIT: Also, I just picked up Varus the other day, and already got a penta. I tried to print-screen it, but when I posted it in PS, it was just a black screen. Since when did they fuck that up?

Wed, 06-27-2012, 07:11 PM
Just started playing. Currently level 10. NiquidLitrogen is the name. NA btw.

Thu, 06-28-2012, 07:06 AM
Ori free week - i can finally successfully lvl up my acc on EU east - it is one of my best champs(the others being ez, fiora, riven, vlad, ryze) :D
EUW nick - Xelbair
EUNE nick - Xelbair3k

also - when is the goddamn pulsefire skin gonna get released?

Thu, 06-28-2012, 07:41 PM
also - when is the goddamn pulsefire skin gonna get released?

When they stop breaking the game every other night. >_>

Thu, 06-28-2012, 07:45 PM
Right after the stealth remake hahahahahaha

Thu, 06-28-2012, 07:50 PM
Only the NA server gets broken really, it's like a public test realm.

Bitch server anyway, EU-W is where it's at.

Fri, 06-29-2012, 08:02 AM
EUNE was working fine when EUW was broken hard, sir.

EUNE - Pulsefire Ezreal released. HE IS AWESOME!.

Tue, 07-10-2012, 09:50 PM
Xin, eve and twitch remake next patch @.@

Thu, 07-19-2012, 08:49 PM

Thu, 07-26-2012, 11:18 PM
How do i carry this?


Fri, 07-27-2012, 12:56 AM
That looked pretty painful. That Graves be carryin'.

Dark Dragon
Fri, 07-27-2012, 02:23 AM
If you want to carry games in 1300-1400 elo, don't Jungle. It's better to play AP mid or AD carry and stomp your lane which put you far enough to make a difference in team fights. As a jungler you'll be behind even levels anyways and even if you're fed, you probably won't be that far ahead. I got to 1700 elo rather easily just playing AP mid, but on my sub account i'm just 1360 right now and having a hard time getting higher from just playing jungler.

Fri, 07-27-2012, 11:54 AM
If you want to carry games in 1300-1400 elo, don't Jungle. It's better to play AP mid or AD carry and stomp your lane which put you far enough to make a difference in team fights. As a jungler you'll be behind even levels anyways and even if you're fed, you probably won't be that far ahead. I got to 1700 elo rather easily just playing AP mid, but on my sub account i'm just 1360 right now and having a hard time getting higher from just playing jungler.
More like play duo with a bud, you mid and he jungles. It's the recipe that ensures the least amount of uncontrollable shit, if you lose that game then you were probably outplayed.

Fri, 07-27-2012, 11:59 AM
My head hurts...

...dafuq was i doing? You guys are asses for not telling me to stop being retarded.

Sat, 07-28-2012, 11:54 AM

Yay, my 1337 wins.

Sat, 07-28-2012, 12:17 PM
Either that Lee or that Trist must have carried extremely hard

Sat, 07-28-2012, 12:41 PM
Tristana was 22-6-20 and that Lee Sin was 10-8-12.

Sat, 07-28-2012, 01:21 PM
Trist, considering the gold amount.

Dark Dragon
Sun, 07-29-2012, 04:18 PM
Zyra is definitely going to get nerf in the next patch, she's so OP right now. I've won every single game that I've played Zyra so far (17~) and 4 of them i was jungling with her.

Sun, 07-29-2012, 07:50 PM
Zyra is definitely going to get nerf in the next patch, she's so OP right now. I've won every single game that I've played Zyra so far (17~) and 4 of them i was jungling with her.
Still haven't found many people who can play her well though.

The range and damage of her ult at least need a nerf, that shit can hit you from across the map.

Dark Dragon
Sun, 07-29-2012, 10:24 PM
She's actually extremely simple to play, just looks complicated. You're better off maxing Q first in most situation and just focus on landing E and then you can just press WWQ to spawn 2 plants and that combo will take 1/3 to half hp off almost every other AP in the game. You're pretty much guaranteed to kill anyone from half health if you have ignite and/or Ult available. She might get more complicated to play if her numbers ever get nerfed, but as it is they are way too high so there's very variation that you actually have to do in order to win lane.

Thu, 08-02-2012, 02:55 PM
Even though I dislike her name, I'm excited and anxious to play Diana. Her pull and shield are interesting, but her Crescent Slash looks so damn beautiful. And that ult.

It's too bad she only has one skin (or will, when she is released). Does anyone know why they stopped releasing two skins as the debut?

Dark Dragon
Thu, 08-02-2012, 03:29 PM
The official reasoning is that they can put more effort onto one skin, which sound like bullshit considering Darius and Varus bonus skin.

Diana extra skin is pretty nice though. I've been playing her a lot on PBE and she feels a bit too strong at the moment. For starter, her stat gain is extremely high (+90 hp per level) and she has both armor/mr scaling per level which makes her stat strong as a tank. Her Q scale at .8 AP ratio and is on a 6 second CD without any CD reduction. Her shield damage is .6 ratio and the shield has a .4 ratio, but it activate twice. The pull is not bad as a CC, even though the radius is a bit small, but combine with the rest of her kit, it's just stupid. Her ultimate is 20/16/12 sec CD regularly, but has no CD if use after Q and the ratio is .6.

A level 9 Diana with 100 AP and blue (5Q, 2W,1E,1R) for example would be able to. Q for 340 damage, activate shield to block 120 damage twice while dealing 168 damage and then ult for 160 damage . If they flash away, you can instantly pull them back with E and follow up with a 2nd Q/R combo for another 500 damage. This is not even considering that her passive also scale at .6 AP so that would've been another 170 bonus damage every 3 attacks. If they are still somehow alive, you can still activate the R that is off CD even if you miss your 3rd Q.

Thu, 08-02-2012, 07:21 PM
Zyra is broken.

Thu, 08-02-2012, 10:01 PM
Cassiopeia must counter her extremely well because i never had that much of a problem with zyra. Her ult's range is fucking dumb but that's about it.

Fri, 08-03-2012, 08:53 AM
She probably does, that won`t stop her from being TOO good in teamfights. She honestly doesn`t has a con. I have like 3 pages of win streak at this point.

Sun, 08-05-2012, 05:31 AM
really? i found zyra to be kinda balanced. I never lost/won a game due to zyra.

Sun, 08-05-2012, 11:20 AM
The biggest issue with her is that if she`s fed she`s a huge factor to her team, if she feeds she`s still a huge factor to her. Anyway, she`s losing movespeed and plant damage next patch. I think not many people have noticed this because instead of having a horribly op factor(s) ala relase xin, she has SLIGHTLY op factors in everything about her, she has a little bit too much range, a little bit too much damage, a little bit too much utility, etc. when you add all of it, you have one scary ho.

Tue, 08-07-2012, 11:43 AM
Diana is fun to play - and she is pretty strong. her Q is suprisingly easy enough to hit, ulti has very short cd and she farms like a madman.
also her passive works on turrets - late game that is extra +500/600 dmg once per 3 hits(without lichbane).

Tue, 08-07-2012, 12:36 PM
Zyra ners: her move speed, her q, her w, her e AND her r... lol

Tue, 08-07-2012, 12:46 PM
More importantly, dual plants do reduced 75% dmg one a single target.

They butchered her pretty harshly, i wonder how viable she'll remain.

Diana is fun to play - and she is pretty strong. her Q is suprisingly easy enough to hit, ulti has very short cd and she farms like a madman.
also her passive works on turrets - late game that is extra +500/600 dmg once per 3 hits(without lichbane).

She's an awful mid though, don't know why people are insisting on playing her as such. She's a jungler through and through, maybe a solid top laner as well but that's it.

Thu, 08-09-2012, 07:06 AM
She isn't awful at mid - she is even above average - but i agree that she is way better on top or in jungle.

Thu, 08-09-2012, 09:32 PM
Dafuq, Katarina rework out of nowhere.

Thu, 08-09-2012, 10:45 PM
Yeah, even though Soraka was next in line :/ oh well, the new champion looks cool.

Sun, 08-12-2012, 03:04 AM
Aside from the blatant rip-off of Akali's Q, the Kat rework excites me, mostly for the animation upgrades. I dislike the new sound that plays when you shunpo, and the reduction of overall damage with bouncing blades, but having the spammable aoe makes for much better presence in team fights, like the patch preview suggested. I was also glad to see that they didn't exactly do away with killer instincts, even though I generally forgot to use it after laning phase. I hope the rework includes new splash art for the red card skin.

Where did you read that Soraka was next, by the way? I'd like to see what future plans they have for other classic champions. I mean, I assume their goal is to rework them all, but having a guideline is really helpful. Although, now that I think about it, wasn't Soraka already reworked once?

Mon, 08-13-2012, 09:56 AM
Nope - Soraka got small changes(can't infuse herself, infuse dosen't give her any mana when cast on ally) etc.

I'm kinda happy with kat change - i love that champ - nice job they did with killer instincts - but i'll miss its passive effect(+16 or so dmg to any attack/skill)

Tue, 08-14-2012, 06:08 PM
Where did you read that Soraka was next, by the way? I'd like to see what future plans they have for other classic champions. I mean, I assume their goal is to rework them all, but having a guideline is really helpful. Although, now that I think about it, wasn't Soraka already reworked once?

Soraka`s only getting model remake, her kit stays the same, it`s been in development for about 2 years now.

Tue, 08-14-2012, 07:49 PM
Yeah, but no worries since the bananas will remain untouched ;D

Sat, 08-18-2012, 03:40 PM
So i finally decided to start playing ranked


Not bad.jpg

Sat, 08-18-2012, 04:51 PM
Wait till you get the feeders, i finally convinced my friends to do ranked with me, we won 9 matches in a row till we reached 1530, then we lost one cause one of them got cocky, then he raged and quit, fml.

Tue, 08-21-2012, 02:39 PM
Silver elo fuck yeah~

Anyone else buying rengar on day 1? I'll be buying riot points for the first time since i'm out of ip right now. He just looks amazingly fun to play with.

Tue, 08-21-2012, 02:45 PM
Gold elo currently, i wish my partners will man up an attempt going for plat :/

Tue, 08-21-2012, 06:00 PM
He just looks amazingly fun to play with.

Now with first blood in a few minutes!


Tue, 08-21-2012, 08:59 PM

Not sure if people have seen this, but it's pretty handy if you're looking at buying a skin.

Tue, 08-21-2012, 09:03 PM
WHY do they tease me with that twitch skin!?

Wed, 08-22-2012, 04:01 AM
That viewer fucking sucks, use lolking.net instead.

Fri, 08-24-2012, 06:33 PM
So how`s rengar? he doesn`t seems too strong in my experience. I`m playing shyv in 3`s, op as balls

Fri, 08-24-2012, 06:41 PM
Meh, incredibly ridiculous lvl 1 burst damage but average through the rest of the game. I have yet to lose or win a game carried by a rengar.

Might be interesting in TT though, small map that can be easily covered by his ult and with bushes fucking everywhere.

Sat, 08-25-2012, 06:56 AM
Shitcunts nerfed my graves and made Mystic Shot more spammable...

Sat, 08-25-2012, 05:47 PM
Buffed ez FTW.

Sat, 08-25-2012, 06:54 PM
I wonder if Eve will become usable. Doubt it...

I fucking want to use her though, i have so much fun playing eve but she can't carry for shit.

Sat, 08-25-2012, 07:11 PM
Yo Uchess, what happened to that gold elo bro?


Sat, 08-25-2012, 07:33 PM
Yo Uchess, what happened to that gold elo bro?


Hasn`t updated, it`s 1540 in 3`s, i can`t play 5`s cause my fps is too low... :/


Sat, 08-25-2012, 09:23 PM
Real men raise their soloq, just sayin ;3

Sun, 08-26-2012, 06:54 AM
I can`t, 05 fps is unplayable :(

Sun, 08-26-2012, 08:01 AM
TT uses less frames per second than SR?

Sun, 08-26-2012, 08:23 AM
So it appears, it IS smaller and only has 6 champs in it. i get around 40-50.

Sun, 08-26-2012, 01:19 PM
What about dominion? Or the proving grounds?

Sun, 08-26-2012, 01:44 PM
Don`t play dominion, proving grouds is a 50/50 chance.

EDIT: 1730!

Mon, 08-27-2012, 01:10 PM
I had fun lately with Swain - he has INSANE teamfight presence - you just can't ignore him.
He is sturdy, deals pretty nice dmg(albeit everything comes from DoTs) and you can't escape from him with last second flash :3

Dark Dragon
Mon, 08-27-2012, 01:27 PM
Swain is relatively strong, but he's rather weak as a mid versus strong pushers. His ability to CS and clear waves is really poor before his ult and is mediocre even after he gets it. A competent Malzahar for example would be 30 cs above swain by level 6 and continue to maintain a lead by pushing him to tower. It's one of the reason why he was more dominant as a top laner before his ult nerf.

Mon, 08-27-2012, 03:11 PM
my games with him usually ended with score like 9/0/7 or so - i was playing him like leblanc - farming champions instead of minions.

Mon, 08-27-2012, 03:49 PM
Read as: I was playing vs retards.

Swain's farm capabilities are fine btw, as long as he has blue buff. That and his late game are probably why we don't see much of him in competitive play.

Tue, 08-28-2012, 05:28 AM
I love to play vs pushers - i just last hit the minions, while they are open to ganks. I needed strong mid/top champ with hopefully cc that can handle akali and gragas.
Well played akali is nightmare for Ryze, and gragas is nightmare for ori.

Dark Dragon
Tue, 08-28-2012, 12:25 PM
If you go up vs Akali top: Jayce, Lee Sin, Garen all works.
Most high damage bruiser will beat her in trades before 6 if you throw a pink ward. As a side note, Jayce is probably one of the best top laner right now since he just does everything really well.

Gragas has been hidden OP for the longest time, it's only recently that people realize how strong he is from tournament picks. In general, high single target burst like Ryze will work, you need to be offensive and punish Gragas for certain mistakes. If he's using his body slam to last hit, harass him. If he's using body slam only to engage onto you, then try to coordinate a gank from the jungler and bait his escapes. His ult is getting a CD nerf with this next patch, but until then just try to remember that it's probably going to be up.

As you get to higher level plays, eventually you'll run into a situation where 1v1 kills at mid lane no longer happens. It'll turn into a farm fest with both mid playing really carefully and majority of the kills is the results of ganks.

Tue, 08-28-2012, 12:38 PM
I love to play vs pushers - i just last hit the minions, while they are open to ganks. I needed strong mid/top champ with hopefully cc that can handle akali and gragas.
Well played akali is nightmare for Ryze, and gragas is nightmare for ori.

Gragas is a nightmare for everyone.

Tue, 08-28-2012, 02:10 PM
Thing is - i need champ with CC for this team composition that preferably is ap champ.
In ranked team games it usually is farmfest at mid but gragas can still put out tons of damage(phreak(tm)) as harass.

Thu, 08-30-2012, 04:09 PM
Ezreal didn't really get buffed, not AD ezreal anyway. The mana reduction cost is tiny.

AP Ez got buffed, assuming you're god tier with him already.

Fri, 08-31-2012, 06:06 AM
This tiny mana reduction allows Ez to spam his Q more, W got changed - less size, more dmg with ap - still useless on ad ez.

Dark Dragon
Fri, 08-31-2012, 01:12 PM
W got changed because it was way too good on AD Ezreal. All of Q damage comes from the 1 total AD scaling anyways so you mostly rank it up by 2 to get it to the proper CD, because each rank only give 20 bonus damage. Each rank of W used to give 50 bonus damage up to a total of 280 base for 90 mana, that passes through minion and has a huge range. It also gave a 40% attack speed debuff to the enemy AD so you were pretty much guaranteed to win trade.
This build was fairly common among 1900+ elo for awhile and is the reason why everyone picked up Ezreal again, not because of Pulsefire. The only reason it got nerfed is because it's the dominant Ezreal build in every tournament for the past 3 months and they needed to nerf Ezreal/Corki/Graves who were the only AD carries that get picked in tournaments.

Fri, 08-31-2012, 03:43 PM
Actually it was becoming the meta to max w even when playing AD Ez for the free poke potential

Posted that on reddit as well, so needless to say i agree with Double D.

Has anyone been watching the regional? I can't pick a favorite right now.

Dark Dragon
Fri, 08-31-2012, 08:35 PM
I don't particularly care for any NA teams atm. They all play the same top picks in the same lane picks, it's getting kinda boring to watch.

I'm more interested in watching the Koreans and EU teams. Looking forward to seeing M5 and Azubu Blazes plays.

Sun, 09-02-2012, 02:47 PM
The new eve is totally viable, i can finally carry a game with her.

Dark Dragon
Sun, 09-02-2012, 04:32 PM
I've been having a lot of success playing her as an AP mid. Her ult is extremely powerful if you have the necessary amount of mpen and AP.

Sun, 09-02-2012, 05:03 PM
...say wut now? What's your nick in the NA server?

Do you have a EUW smurf btw?

Sun, 09-02-2012, 05:15 PM
You should just join us in the NA server :P

Dark Dragon
Sun, 09-02-2012, 07:00 PM
I have 2 account that i play.
The ranked one is at 1780~ and i only log in to play that with my duo partner.
The other one that i play more often is Zeroraven and i mostly play normals with my friends on that one. If you want to play with me add Zeroraven since i'm on that more often.

I tend to leave League on and go afk a lot though so i might not be there to take your invites.

Edit: I started playing Eve ap mid because of this post on the league forum (http://na.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=2501985)
Try out his build, it's been working well for me.

Wed, 09-05-2012, 06:34 AM
I tested out AP eve vs hybrid eve(guinsoo trinity, bloodthirster, wits end, gunblade etc) - it was close call in fights but hybrid was a bit better - AP was able to NUKE target pretty hard, but hybrid eve was able to kill AP one - usually with 100-200 hp left - and surviving with lifesteal/spellvamp.
Hybrid one only suffers badly from cooldown on her E - catch her when its on CD and you can usually kill her, while AP one dosen't have such problems - but deathfire grasp's CD might be a problem.
AP one has stronger early game, but hybrid shines in midgame.

(testing consisted of 2 rounds in custom with my friend farming and fighting when we had same ammount of kills and creeps(approx), first i did hybrid and my friend went with ap then we switched.)

Mon, 09-10-2012, 04:02 PM
So there might be a new badge in S2 (Diamond).

Mon, 09-10-2012, 04:26 PM
I think the only one here who'd have a shot at that would be Nadouku, that bitch has massive elo :/

The new badges are kind of ugly btw.

Mon, 09-10-2012, 05:32 PM
I miiiiiiiiiiiiiight be able to get it in 3s.

Mon, 09-10-2012, 06:35 PM
You reeeeeeeeeeally won't.

Mon, 09-10-2012, 06:39 PM
Why not? im 1730 in 3s, thats plat in S1, and we only lost 2 matches, one cause my team is terrified of tryn and the other one cause my iq drops to 20 when facing lulu.

Tue, 09-11-2012, 02:19 PM
Check it out, new Chinese mmo (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8lFOhH3WTKc).

Looks cool amirite?

Wed, 09-12-2012, 11:44 AM
crappy copy of lol i see. thankfully no one did this to DotA(except HoN which has GODAWFUL interface).

Thu, 09-13-2012, 05:59 AM
1850 for diamond, i`m soooo getting it.

Thu, 09-13-2012, 07:04 AM
Delusion, thy name is Uchess.

Sun, 09-16-2012, 04:09 PM
Lost 2 matches, teammate raged quit, OF COURSE!

Sun, 09-16-2012, 05:49 PM
Lol, i bought the resistance cait skin since the art looked so great but the model itself is ugly as fuck xD

Whatever though, it was like 1 euro