I think the god needs to kick people out/transfer the status to another god. Something like that anyway.
I think the god needs to kick people out/transfer the status to another god. Something like that anyway.
Talk about OP skills.
Argonaut aka Plot Sword.
It is a bit of a too OP skill. I mean he already. He's pretty much a Saiyan already with that first skill. And now when he comes to face a monster that's too strong for him he has a one-shot one-kill move.
My understanding was that when he comes across an overpowering enemy, there's a chance he might get the Argonaut skill to activate. Hestia said it is the possibility to overcome any obstacle.
It's either that when you use the skill it has a (30%?) chance of working, or that it's simply a single-use cannon that he has to aim well with.
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
We have seen plenty of monsters that could one-shot kill Bell (and probably any human). Why is it such an overkill if Bell has such a skill, then, especially since it must come with some restrictions, like you speculated. The coached minotaur would have only needed a single successful hit to destroy Bell. In this ep it was the baby dragon's own fault it was such a big and easy target.
The thing is, Bell already has plot armor because he is the protagonist. Now he has a plot sword, which excuses the author from thinking up of good battles, like the last minotaur one. I'm not sure how this Argonaut skill will be used moving forward, but something as vague as that just sounds like lazy writing.
Uh... We saw him slay a single stray opponent with the new skill. I wouldn't yet say that from now on we will have dungeon adventures where Bell is strolling forward all the way to the top of the tower one-shot killing all monsters left and right without breaking a sweat. I mean, we have had enjoyable episodes until now, so why would the author suddenly ruin everything intentionally? Have a little faith! I'm sure this is going according to the plan.
He already took the lazy way out with the dragon. I read LNs, and the trend is it goes downhill after the first few volumes. I'm not saying that is the case for DanMachi, but this Argonaut skill is a bad sign and could really have been something else completely.
Let´s say it like it is: Danmachi is pretty much following the SAO route: Strong beginning, then it´s all downhill from there. Bell is pretty much a less confident version of Kirito, but he´s on his way to gather a harem, he´s getting cheat-like op-powers, and he´s special, BECAUSE.
Whatever. I´ll complain when it gets to the point where it´s worth to.
For now I want to know what happens when an adventurer dies (the whole thing is set up like an MMORPG, so is dying really dying or is there some sort of revival system in place? Earlier episodes implied that adventurers often die, but I´d like some details) and how exactly the level system works. Apparently you gain status points without raising your level, so what´s it good for? And what level is Aiz?
"She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court
I'm pretty sure that when you die... you die.
Aiz is level 6 if I recall correctly.
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
@Mfauli - I don't understand how you thought there was a revival system of some sort. And didn't they explicitly show in this episode that leveling up gives you a sudden boost in performance? Bell had a full monologue about it.
But how much of a boost? If it´s just like 10 days of regular grinding at once, it´s not that special. Right now it seems to be about prestige more than anything else.
And I´ve been and still am thinking about some sort of revival system, cause of how the whole series is set up. The mood and atmsophere feels too casual, too lighthearted. If people really die when they´re defeated by monsters, and if that happens as often as implied, then adventurers, including Bell, should display a grimmer, more tense, more anxious look on their faces. Instead entering the dungeon looks like going on a sunday picnic trip.
"She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court
It's everyday life for them. You expect them to be tense and on edge every single day? They are basically pros, so the risks aren't as big as you make them out to be. You shouldn't compare it to modern life where dying is reserved to illness and accidents.
About leveling up, it was pretty obvious that it was a significant boost, especially if Bell was surprised at how extensive it was ("Oh look, they are so slow! No wait, I'm just uber-fast). This is the guy who got stronger and leveled up faster than Aiz, one of the strongest people in their world, but he still thought that the level up was impressive.
They are living in some ancient style world, with gods and monsters hanging around to boot. Human life can't be worth shit, so they make the best out of what they have got. Even more so, like I said before, because the economy of the city seems to depend on the crystals they harvest from the slain monsters. It's not so different from regular mines pre-19th/20th century. People were dying like cockroaches in them and nobody gave two fucks about it (as long as they weren't themselves sent to the death traps called mines). However, it looks like adventurers who actually pull it off live rather comfortably. Naturally not our main character (and his goddess) because in typical shounen stories the hero must always be dirt-poor and all the money just disappears somewhere. So, they live in that abandoned building.
When did that god say anything about someone dying while handing Bell those vials?
Haha ok, nevermind me. I must have miss read it.
1) Yes you can die, and this job is risky. Pace yourself so you don't expose yourself to more than you can handle. Accidents like Minotaurs escaping happens. That's an occupational hazard.
2) Bell's level 1>2 progress took 1.5 months while Aiz took 1 year (and everyone else took longer). That's the type of progress it is. I'm as curious as you about how levels impact on stats.
PS: I use the word stats to talk about agility, strength parameters. Skill and Ability are kind of ambiguous since they can sound like spells or powers.
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~