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Thread: Upcoming Anime: Winter 2014

  1. #1
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Upcoming Anime: Winter 2014

    RandomC's preview is up.

    I like it better than the charts, so someone else can post that for the people that like inaccuracy.


    What I'm looking at:

    Witch Craft Works - Read some of the manga before, it's a moderately funny premise. I guess it is commonly described a "backwards" version of a lot of the contemporary fantasy series...though in anime and manga, that's not as rare as it probably should be. It's right up J.C. Staff's alley, which is both a good thing and a bad thing.

    SPACE☆DANDY - Because it is going to be dumb in a fun way. Plus, BONES.

    Buddy Complex - Sunrise's mecha entry. Could be awesome, could suck. But now that Valvrave is over (and turned out pretty well) I need another.

    Toaru Hikuushi e no Koiuta - Aerial combat! CG doesn't look terrible like Nobunaga previews or other recent series with remarkably bad CG.

    Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! 2 - I watched the first season. It was funny. I will watch the second. Don't care what anyone else says.

    Silver Spoon 2 (Gin no Saji 2) - No question. One of my favorites from that season.

    Nisekoi - I read the manga for a while. I expect this to be terrible. Will try it for the cast.

    Inari, Konkon, Koi Iroha
    - I'm told this is good, so I will give it a shot as well.

    Wizard Barristers: Benmashi Cecil - Umetsu Yasuomi (Mezzo Forte, Kite) and his hentai-style art are unmistakable. ARMS (Queen's Blade) are doing it, so I know they can do a quality job. He does a good job at creating absolutely crazy worlds, so that's a must-watch for me.
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Fri, 12-27-2013 at 03:16 PM.

  2. #2
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Here's a chart, for those who likes charts (ease of reading? lack of opinions? Organised pictures? Take your pick)

    I haven't looked too hard yet, but seeing Silver Spoon 2 there made my day.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  3. #3
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    charts <3

    hereŽs what IŽll definitely check out:

    - Gin no Saji 2nd season (one of the best shows last season, want to see the main character marry Mikage :>)
    - Strange+ (well, at least one slice of life-show without moe-girls and supernatural elements)

    and ... thats it.

    wow. super bad season in the coming :/

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  4. #4
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Silver Spoon is a no brainer.
    For the rest, my new method is to try at least one ep of everything I come across.
    I've had surprises doing that, anime I thought I would drop immediately... but I keep watching no matter how embarassing or generic they may seem. Afterall, average anime can be good to kill time sometimes. And it happens those generic anime do not try to lie or anything, they just serve their purpose and since you do not wait too much, you get just that

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  5. #5
    Potential busy season for me:

    Definite watch:

    Seitokai Yakuindomo 2 - More Suzu. More Kendo girl. More Hata.

    Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! 2 - DESS!

    Nisekoi - Read the manga and love it.

    I'll watch the first X episodes and see how it goes:

    Witch Craft Works - Reading the manga but not particularly enjoying it. I didn't even know this was getting a series.

    Pupipo! - More curiosity than anything else.

    Tonari no Seki-kun - I remember reading the manga before and not being impressed. Maybe the anime might change my mind.

    D-Frag! - Same as above.

    SoniAni - ....remember seeing the figures. That's all.

    Onee-chan ga Kita - ...because.

    Maken-ki! 2 - Read the manga, dropped it, picked it back up again. Series didn't do so much for me, but I didn't hate it either.

  6. #6
    Nanomachines, son. Xelbair's Avatar
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    Double Circle - Will check out, depends on how forced the 'propaganda' is.
    Neppuu Kairiku Bushi Road - will give it a try
    Seitokai Yakuindomo* - will watch it obviously.
    Nobunagun - will give it a try, but i'll prolly drop it.
    Witch Craft Works - will watch it for sure
    Space Dandy - not so sure if i'll check it out. will wait for opinion of others.
    Notagami - will check it out.
    Buddy Complex - will check it out.
    Nobunaga the Fool - will watch it for sure
    Saki - i'm addcited to Saki, will watch it.
    Toaru Hikuushi e no Koiuta - aerial combat might be fun.
    Hamatora THE ANIMATION - mystery? i'll give it a go.
    Gin no Saji - gotta continue the series.
    Mahou Sensou - depends if it will be as generic as it sounds
    Hoozuki no Reitetsu - it seems to be so weird... therefore i'll give it a try.
    ZX - well.. i'll skip it probably, cardgame shows are usually bad.
    Pupa - it might be good. will give it at least a try.
    Nisekoi - will at least give it few eps.
    Wizard Barristers Benmashi Cecil - will def. check it out.
    Number of works of fiction that made me shed at least one tear: 3
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  7. #7
    Buddy Complex - It will probably be as bad as Valvrave but whatever, robots.

    SUPER SONICO THE ANIMATION - Boobs, that is all.

    Nobunagun - I'll give it a try

    Space Dandy - It's coming on in America dubbed at the same time so I'll watch it on toonami.

    Obvious second season musts will be watched. I'll see what you guys say about the rest.

  8. #8
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FelixZeroAlastor View Post
    Space Dandy - It's coming on in America dubbed at the same time so I'll watch it on toonami.
    Yeah, what's up with THAT?

    How are they even doing that? They just doing English and Japanese VA's at the same time?

    I'm going to watch it just because I want to encourage that sort of thing.

  9. #9
    My Expectations:

    The Good:
    Chuu2 - because season 1 was pretty good.
    Nisekoi - I read the manga and I love the art and funny faces. We'll see how well SHAFT can translate that. Plot-wise, this is as generic harem-comedy as you get. I'm still seriously bummed the mangaka's Double Arts got canceled for this.
    Silver Spoon - I read the manga, it is good. First season adaptation was good, too.
    Noragami - I think the manga is supposed to be good? Haven't read it because not enough chapters. Studio Bones is pretty good, usually.
    Saki season 3 - Mahjong with superpowers is hilarious, hoping season 3 delivers more of the same.
    Sekai Seifuku - original anime about world domination? A-1 is pretty decent too, so hopefully this is good.
    Space Dandy - Bones? Bebop-ish? I'm in.
    Wizard Barristers - The PV for this looked pretty cool, I'm hoping for something good here.
    Nobunagun - I should probably put this in the next block, but I actually hope this is good, because I like the ridiculous-sounding premise.
    Toaru Hiikushi - I keep thinking of index/railgun whenever I see this, but it is completely unrelated. Not really sure what to expect, but I've seen it hyped in a few places and the cast and staff is supposed to be good.

    The Average:
    Hamatora - don't really know anything about this
    Inari Kon Kon - I read like 20 chapters of the manga, and it was okay. Not really expecting much from the anime
    Nobunaga the Fool - Miyano Mamoru (Okabe in Steins;Gate, Takuto in Star Driver) as the MC? Yes please! I hope he laughs a lot. I also see Tomokazu Sugita (Kyon!), I hope he talks a lot too.

    The Bad (but I'll watch it anyways):
    Buddy Complex - Sunrise mecha... I feel like you never know what you'll get, so we'll see if it turns out to be good or not. Valvrave was pretty good though.
    D-Frag - I read a couple chapters of the manga and wasn't impressed.
    Mahou Sensou - Magic War? Childhood friend + random mysterious girl. Pretty generic sounding.
    Mikakunin - don't really know what to expect
    Nourin - Not really enough to go on in the summary, we'll see.
    Lately, my imouto blah blah - Sounds like comedy, going in with low expectations hoping to be surprised.
    Seitokai Season 2 - I watched the first one, it was meh, but had some funny parts. Probably watch this one too.
    Witchcraft Works - I remember reading a couple chapters of the manga and not thinking much of this. Maybe the anime will be better.

    The Really Bad (and I'll probably drop it):
    Sakura Trick - Studio Deen and yuri? Not expecting much to be going on in this show
    Sonico - boobs
    Strange+ - the premise sounds okay, but the shoujo/comedy/slice of life tags are a turnoff here unless it is really funny
    Wake up girls - idolmaster? dunno, but I'll give it a chance
    Z/X Ignition - the only way I keep watching this after episode 1 is if it falls into Yugioh territory of so-bad-its-good.

    I'll keep watching all of the fall leftovers (except pokemon which I don't watch).
    I'm kind of disappointed Strike the Blood and Nagi no Asukara are continuing, because they're kind of meh.

  10. #10
    Nothing realy jumps out for me, but will check out lots of things in hope of finding a gem

    Wizard Barristers Benmashi Cecil - the pv looks great but don't have a good feeling for some reason
    Toaru Hikuushi e no Koiuta - got a Last Exile vibe witch is good
    Neppuu Kairiku Bushi Road - hope its not to much mecha heavy
    Hamatora THE ANIMATION - will probably drop it after the first episode
    pupa - was more excited about this before i found of it was 5 min per episode
    Mahou Sensou - the pv does not show much
    Sekai Seifuku ~Bouryaku no Zvezda - will probably drop it after the first episode
    Noragami - bones so will give it a shot
    SPACE DANDY - think it will probably disappoint, but have to give it a shot
    Nobunagun - just hope the characters wont be to annoying

  11. #11
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    Wizard Lawyers and Space Dandy are the only ones that look even remotely good.

  12. #12
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I haven't even seen the chart but from your posts it seems like I have not read a version of most of the shows next season, making me look forward to it a lot.
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  13. #13
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vejita613 View Post

    Seitokai Yakuindomo 2 - More Suzu. More Kendo girl. More Hata.

    Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! 2 - DESS!
    Word. More Suzu-chan and Dekomori.

    I'll wait for the BD rips of Maken-Ki 2.

  14. #14
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Watched that comie V0 of SpaceDandy.
    I hope it gets better right after that one, because it felt rather bland as is.

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  15. #15
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Absolutely, unconditionally, definitely, and positively doubtlessly:
    Kara no Kyoukai: Mirai Fukuin - I don't even need to explain this. Not only has it Ryougi Shiki but even her fricking daughter is there.

    Natural continuations:
    Seitokai Yakuindomo - It's bloody hilarious and very ecchi without actually showing anything, which is refreshing.
    Chuunibyou 2 - I'm not really looking forward to this, but I'll watch it nonetheless and probably enjoy, somewhat.
    Gin no Saji 2 - The first season was jolly good, so it makes sense.

    Most likely:
    Pupipo! - Well, I watched the first couple of eps already and liked them.
    SPACE☆DANDY - These old-fashioned (non-mecha) space shows aren't so common, so it's a duty to try to watch them, but...
    Buddy Complex - ...even so a mecha show a season is fitting for an anime watcher, although...
    Toaru Hikuushi e no Koiuta - ...aerial battles where skills matter, not the machine, are always more exciting.

    Saikin, Imouto no Yousu... - Sounds goofy. The show-with-a-too-long-name of the season.
    Witch Craft Works - Maybe this will give some Magikano flashbacks if nothing else.
    Noragami - Perhaps this will beat the bad memory of Hataraku out of my mind.
    Tonari no Seki-kun - So strange in such a mundane setting that I need to see it.
    D-Frag! - I read the manga for a while, might as well check out the anime.
    Mikakunin de Shinkoukei - Who knows. I sure don't, but maybe this will work as slice-of-life.
    Mahou Sensou - Very generic sounding and will no doubt be highly generic. But still.
    Nisekoi - I've actually only heard bad things about the manga, but I guess I will see for myself.

    As always, I will likely end up checking out more shows than these when the first ep is released, and some of the ones listed here I might drop as well.

  16. #16
    Nisekoi is about as generic harem comedy as you can get with trope upon trope.
    I love the mangaka's art though (and his previous manga Double Arts, which was pretty amazing but canceled), and he continues to produce the most ridiculous faces for the characters, which is what keeps me reading.

  17. #17
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I am so glad I like most of the leftovers from this season. I am not pleased with most of the new stuff for this coming season. Only the sequels are interesting.
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  18. #18
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    I notice the Adult Swim commercials for Space Dandy say it's "from the creators of Soul Eater, Fullmetal Alchemist and Cowboy Bepop."

    That seems a bit disingenuous, given that the creators of Soul Eater and FMA are manga authors. And I doubt that's who they're referring to.

  19. #19
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnderX View Post
    I notice the Adult Swim commercials for Space Dandy say it's "from the creators of Soul Eater, Fullmetal Alchemist and Cowboy Bepop."

    That seems a bit disingenuous, given that the creators of Soul Eater and FMA are manga authors. And I doubt that's who they're referring to.
    BONES took part in Soul Eater, FMA: Brotherhood and Cowboy Bebop: Movie. That's the only way I can make their claim legit.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Fri, 01-03-2014 at 03:36 AM. Reason: spelling

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  20. #20
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Yeah, I assumed they meant the animation studio. It's still a bit of a bait-and-switch to call the studio the "creators".

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