Google translate agrees, MFauli.
Yet again, another panty slip thrown in there right at the end. Lord.
I couldn't care less about this "Russia saga". Need me some more Mutta screen time.
"Yaay!" my ass.
Google translate agrees, MFauli.
Yet again, another panty slip thrown in there right at the end. Lord.
I couldn't care less about this "Russia saga". Need me some more Mutta screen time.
"Yaay!" my ass.
Now... we can click as warriors... button to button, it is the basis of all internet.
Only a fool trusts his life to a virus.
Success = Seikou
Ah, right. I was wrong too then. 高=kou as well.
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
new ep out!
Good progress. But what I really wanted to say: I´m surprised that this series exists. It´s definitely not an action-heavy shounen-anime, and even when something happens, it´s rather light in suspense. And yet, we´re closing in towards 100 episodes of a show about a 30-something guy becoming an astronaut. Just feels like a bit of a miracle to me. Naruto, Dragonball, HXH, One Piece or Bleach reaching these numbers is kind of business as usual, but here it feels somewhat of a true achievement. And I hope it´ll continue for many, many more episodes.
"She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court
new ep!
i dont understand why the nasa commitee would limit themselves to 1 out of 2 of each team. If 2 of the same team happen to be really great/capable, then why not choose both for a lunar mission? Now, had they told all participants "only one of your 2-man-team will be chosen for the next lunar mission", that would make sense. It´d provoke everyone to aggressively promote only themselves, which would raise the risk of damadging/endangering the actual mission. Basically creating an "if you´re not willing to sacrifice yourself, you´re no good for the moon"-type of stuff.
Judging from the preview, they´ll chicken out from a real decision between Mutta and Kenji, though. Family problems -> Kenji cancels his plans for the moon. A little bit too easy for my liking.
"She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court
HS - Episode 80, 81, 82.
Love you asshole. I'm sure Kenji and Mutta would work better without your remarks. Sure their buddy attitude might have given you a relaxed and unprofessional feel about them, but stuff you. They're fine the way they are. It was great how they foreshadowed Kenji's family life with his previous communication remark was a good move. It was natural, but deliberate. It will strike a chord in particular with other migrant families.
I get where Love is coming from with the whole stress drives people mentality, but stress also tenses people up. It works because in general people are slackers when they're cozy, but for people like Mutta and Kenji who have their own drive, competition like this just adds unnecessary (and damaging) friction.
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
Still don´t get how the higher-ups can make this such a binary decision. "Only one of the two of you gets to go to the moon". Doesn´t make sense, since there could be a team with two members that are each better than even the winner of another team. sigh. Seeing Mutta and Kenji like that makes me sad
However, my (save?) prediction is that Mutta "wins". Three reason:
1.) Kenji is more likely to drop out due to family reasons. It´d be a cheap plot-device, but it´s rather likely.
2.) Judging from the preview, I have a feeling that Kenji might have severe problems with competing against someone he calls a friend. Maybe it´ll keep irritating so much that the higher-ups conclude him unfit as a leader.
3.) Mutta´s luck: So he innocently decides to build a model-lunar telescope during this training. Meanwhile, his aunt Sharon is working to get that exactly approved for real. The simple consequence: NASA will think "oh look, this guy was training for just what we have planned for out next big project. Get him on the moon!"
Of course, I´m ignoring here how Mutta´s going to react to these new circumstances.
"She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court
I don't think (even anime) NASA would drop a worthy candidate due to some selection rule. The rule is probably there to see how the candidates cope in competitive situations where they are forced to make decisions against emotions or attachment.
There will probably be a lot of fake drama then the perfect duo will be selected as a pair for the moon thingy.
But then why let the senior astronauts decide whether to reveal or not? If they don't reveal the supposed selection process then the psychological stress test would be non-existent.
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
Because the rule would be in effect unless someone does reveal it or if both candidates in a pair are worth choosing.
It is probably not a hard and fast rule, but rather a catalyst to check for potential.
I don't see how that could work. Are the seniors picking, or is HQ picking? The seniors don't seem to have the complete picture if that's the case. They're just given "Only one will be selected. It's up to you if you want to tell them this." They weren't given instructions like "If both of them are too happy, tell them this to spice things up".
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
The seniors are also simply candidates, so it would be believable to say that they don't always have the full picture. If the juniors actually perform better, I don't really see NASA shutting them down because of seniority. It isn't Japan after all, and Hibito did manage to hop to the moon.
Judging from how everything has been handled so far (Mutta's delay due to Hibito's illness, Hibito's desk job), HQ does all the deciding.
Man, this rule makes no sense. So basically every astronaut has an eternal villain because of this training. so dumb. goddamn.
Also, no matter what happens, I REALLY hope Kenji doesn´t drop out because of some family drama.
"She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court
What matters isn't that the rule is true or not. After all, it has been stated at least twice that in the end the real choice is made by the big wigs.
It's totally clear that the rule is to check how each team and each member react to the rule and how they can carry their mission and relations in a conflicting atmosphere.
All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.
HS - Episode 83
See, I would agree with this EXCEPT for the fact that the reveal is entirely up to the Seniors. Team A currently hasn't revealed this rule, and they're under no obligation to do so. By the end of the exam, it's entirely possible for the juniors in Team A to have performed this under no pressure at all.
It's good and all to make up such a rule (whether it's true or not) in order to test people (such as testing how astronauts would perform if they have to build a rocket to leave the moon, but only one of them would be able to leave), but since disclosure isn't mandatory nor standardised it's not a test any more (or if it is, it's a stupid test that is selectively given to juniors on a whim).
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
ep 84 is out.
looks like we´re finally out of the villaneous phase. Kenji is back to normal.
Right now it looks like Mutta has a gigantic lead in this competition, which visibly felt overwhelming for Kenji. But I´m glad that Mutta seems to be winning this fair and square, without any dramatic events cancelling the face-off between the two friends.
i stay by my opinion that the rule of only one being able to go to the moon is stupid. some of you claim that this is not actually set in stone, but that makes no sense. it´d make sense if this was an early test, but they´re already astronauts. lies like that are silly at this point. if both could go to the moon, then just say so. "If both of you do splendid work, then you might be able to overrule that limit". Would be a better motivation than creating eternal enemies within your own ranks.
"She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court
"She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court
Judging from the preview, it is for leisure instead of some practical purpose.
Yup, I see it as a sun reflector to get zenithal sunlight.
And such a leisure device is practical in a lunar base environment.
All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.