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Thread: Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods

  1. #1

    Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods


    So apparently there are a few subs out, anyone know if any of them are good?

  2. #2
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    a bunny ... :/

    and let me guess: goku wins

  3. #3
    I watched the raws, but I am currently downloading Cancer's subs. I didn't hate this movie as much as I thought I would. Vegeta managed to look really good (and really bad) for a few minutes. The animation looked so much better than the newer version of Destroy All Saiya-jin OVA. And who would have ever thought of a Trunks/Mai pairing? Overall, I enjoyed this movie atleast a bit more than I did the first five movies.

  4. #4
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    That was actually good, it embodied the spirit of the original. It didn't always make sense but it was fun and the fight scenes were cool, pretty nostalgic.

  5. #5
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    I watched the [Hatsuyuki] subs and didn't have any problems with them.

    Pretty cool. Bill was a really fun villain.

    And I like that one line of his that basically sets it up that there's actually a place for the series to go now if Toriyama ever wants to do more.

    Quote Originally Posted by vejita613 View Post
    And who would have ever thought of a Trunks/Mai pairing?
    I loved that!

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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    a bunny ... :/
    He's more like if the Egyptian God Anubis was a cat instead of a jackal.

    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    and let me guess: goku wins
    You guessed wrong muthafucka!
    Last edited by DarthEnderX; Tue, 01-07-2014 at 05:55 AM.

  6. #6
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    Quite rare actually that Goku did not win. Still it would have been nice to see Vegeta go SSJ3 but then again he wasn't in GT either so.....not that I count that as a worthy successor to DBZ. Speaking of which I do believe that another DBZ series will be made by Akira Toriyama.

  7. #7
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Yeah, that was the weird thing, is it felt like the whole point of this movie was to undo any sense of finality the series originally might have had. Rather than Goku being the strongest being that's ever existed in the universe, just hanging around hoping that someday Uub grows up strong enough to challenge him, Goku now has a new, stronger opponent he can strive to defeat, and they introduced the idea of 11 other universes with potentially even stronger opponents.

  8. #8
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Ignoring all the illogical faults: That movie was stupid fun.

    Regarding a new DBZ-series: I kinda don´t like the idea of ignoring GT as if it never existed. Was GT written with Toriyama´s influence or completely without his doing? Still, I can´t imagine a 12-universe-tournament to be that interesting. The battles in this movie were rather boring already, since it was all your typical flash energy-shooting stuff, nothing resulting from it. Having more of these, well, not something I need to watch.

    What I´d love would be either a reboot of the series or a sequelized modernization in the vein of maybe Gundam Build Fighters, say, the series takes place in our reality, everything is realistic and down-to-earth, and kids/teenagers/young adults are shown that train themselves in various martial art styles. But not in any special way, just your usual "school/work is over, I´m going to the Karate club, see ya later for the football match on tv"-style. I´d also like a new, more typical art style with more detail. This movie looked really bland talking visuals.

    Anyway, I´ve wondered for a long time why there is no more canonic Dragonball-manga/anime going an, since it´s likely still the most popular and thus most money generating franchise in the world.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  9. #9
    The way I've always heard it is this: Toriyama wanted to stop Dragonball after Freeza but the series was so popular he was pressured into continuing with the Android Saga. Then he wanted to kill off Goku and focus solely on Gohan and his adventures, but people wanted Goku back so he was pressured to bring him back and have him continue to be the main character. Then after Buu he was like screw you guys I'm not doing this anymore and stopped writing the manga, but told the TV studio that they could keep going without him if they wanted to. They did so and thus GT was created, without his creative input but with his implicit blessing for its existence and use of his characters and world.

    There were some quotes floating around which indicated that Toriyama acknowledged GT as a 'side story' to the main Dragon Ball series and that he didn't mind it, though he would have done things differently. From this I think it's most apt to consider it to have the same level of canonicity as the movies and thus fine to be ignored.
    Last edited by Yukimura; Wed, 01-08-2014 at 04:11 PM.

  10. #10
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Bah, the only GT arc that didn't completely suck was the last one anyway.

  11. #11
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    Last one was alright. I mean the theme of it was great. Overusing the dragonballs by using them right away each year causing negative energy to store up which formed the Star Dragons? The idea was good. The rest was just....meh. Like those black star dragonballs. That made zero sense what so ever.

  12. #12
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NeoCybercoin View Post
    Last one was alright. I mean the theme of it was great. Overusing the dragonballs by using them right away each year causing negative energy to store up which formed the Star Dragons? The idea was good. The rest was just....meh. Like those black star dragonballs. That made zero sense what so ever.
    and now toriyama makes a movie where bulma gives the dragonballs away as a bingo prize :>

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  13. #13
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    Only adds more credibility to the overusing of the dragonballs I suppose.

  14. #14
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Or Toriyama is just ignoring that entirely since it takes a lot of the whimsy out of the series.

  15. #15
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    I think this movie is ignoring GT like it doesn't exist. Maybe possibility of future movies or maybe a new series? I'm hoping for a new series.

    I never liked the idea that the dragon balls wishes create negative energy. That would mean Dende/Kami are indeed evil ignoring the fact that the dragon balls need a 1 year cool down. The Namek's dragon Balls being around longer and maybe not as many wishes but I assume more wishes made over time (I think less of a cool down), would mean there should be a large amount of dark energy built up. So I'll go with continuity errors on this part.

  16. #16
    Photoshop Hero Alhuin's Avatar
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    @Shadow: Considering the extent of the wishes made by Goku and friends over their lifetimes, I'd say it's far more likely that Earth's dragonballs have developed more negative energy than Namek's. While we can only assume, I feel pretty confident that, other than during the Freeza arc, Namek hasn't been using their dragonballs to wish thousands of people back to life every few years. I'd say they've probably barely used them for anything considering their heritage and how simple their lifestyles were. But again, that's all speculative. However, if you think about the logicality of the situation (yeah, I know... DB(Z/GT) =/= Logical), for as much positive energy there exists in the world, an equal amount of negative energy must exist as well. It's all about balance. Could the story have done without that plot device? Sure. But since it was introduced, it makes sense, and I stand behind it.

    @Mfauli: I fail to see the relevance of your statement about Bulma giving away the dragonballs in response to Neo's mention of the end of GT. Assuming you consider GT canon, then the entire events of that series take place way after the events of this movie, therefore no one could have known the consequences of such an action. And if you don't consider GT canon, then it doesn't matter anyways because that particular consequence wouldn't exist. I get that you are using your knowledge of the series to find the humor in the situation, but I don't really see the need for that humor in the first place.

    I enjoyed the movie, even if I wasn't very fond of the art style, or attire of the cast members (their original clothing is just so iconic, it's kinda disappointing to see it replaced). It was great to see a story arc where Goku doesn't win for once, and I'm actually pretty excited at the possibility of a new direction for the series, should it be done. SSGod was slightly disappointing as well, but I do like that it wasn't yet another variation of the gold hair/green eyes. To be honest, before I watched the movie, I thought it was a Super Kaio-Ken. All in all though, it was a great watch.
    Last edited by Alhuin; Thu, 01-09-2014 at 11:48 PM.

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