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Thread: Psycho-Pass

  1. #161
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I don't think it'd be stretch to have plenty of extremely stressed people to explode in a world like that.

    What I found unbelievable is that there's apparently no military, just some bots guarding the borders. Is it because they couldn't find a way to exclude soldiers from the Psycho-Pass mess, and thus they all would have been doomed social outcasts?

  2. #162
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    But according to the system they weren't stressed at all.

    Well this is a supposed utopia, maybe they found a better method than stacking weaponry and cultivating fear of reprisal as a means for peace.

  3. #163
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel View Post
    Well this is a supposed utopia, maybe they found a better method than stacking weaponry and cultivating fear of reprisal as a means for peace.
    No offense, but I think your values are strange if you think that's a utopia. It's an Orwellian dystopia, just masterfully insidious. Naturally they can't have the bulk of the population labeled unfit for society, so the measurement levels were such that as long as people took extreme care and possibly participated in counseling and probably drug use, they could live what they might have considered happily, assuming they had whatever they needed for a wholesome life under those circumstances. But nevertheless every day they had to worry about their psycho-pass.

    Still, we are talking about humans here, and as long as there are two humans left in the world, there will be no end to reasons to go to war.

    Like I said in my previous post, the only reason for not having soldiers is the difficulty of having them under the same rules as the rest of the people. So, they would either need to keep the soldiers out of the society entirely or rely on robots and hope the enemy doesn't use EMP or have hackers...

  4. #164
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    I said supposed utopia.

  5. #165
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel View Post
    I said supposed utopia.
    Who supposed? In the show none of the main characters certainly do, not even Gino, despite being such a sucker. It's just something they are stuck with. Something that was likely gradually introduced, that looked good on paper and in ads. A system that would help people find their strengths and would spot criminals on the streets before they even had a chance to hurt anybody. But I bet the people weren't told they would need to live for the rest of their lives as slaves to the system, and if anything, like a divorce or losing a job, despressed them enough, they would be picked from the streets, no questions asked, and taken to some nazi facility. Nah, it's not a utopia, but perhaps admitting it's not a utopia hurts one's psycho-pass so much that that none speaks the truth, or even dares to stop to think about it.

    This show could have been quite a bit more interesting if Makishima hadn't been helping murderous lunatics and other scumbags. If he was just fighting the system, labeled a terrorist naturally, but in his own mind a freedom fighter. But I guess helping the psychopaths went hand in hand with his mental state immune to the scanning by Sybil.

  6. #166
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    So hold on..

    1) citizens bashing the shit out of people who they believe are criminals (regardless of whether they are or aren't) won't raise the cirizen's own psycho-pass to criminal levels? That seems a little broken to me. Going after criminals isn't exactly self-defence.

    The psychotic reaction by those who eventually "snapped" seemed much worse than the girl who was traumatised from rape in Episode 01.

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  7. #167
    Nanomachines, son. Xelbair's Avatar
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    Not entirely Orwellian - Huxley's Brave New World got into the mix too.

    In this ep we can see few interesting things:
    1) Effect on anonymity on general public
    2) Knowing the full future is equal to death, at least to Makishima and his companion(God Emperor of Dune)

    I haven't read Phillip K. Dick's novels so i can't comment on that, but Gibson comment seemed forced - just to score extra points from cyberpunk crowd - 'not wild enough' is a very, VERY big understatement if you want to compare this world to Sprawl Trilogy one or Bridge Trilogy one.
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  8. #168
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Episode 16:

    Makishima being some sort of martial arts master along with everything else feels a little forced but it's not a deal breaker, especially when the ending turned out so interesting.

  9. #169
    Wait, what, did someone just go full HAL 9000 x Terminator on us ?

  10. #170
    SO MUCH TEASE! What's in the super secret bunker?! We simply must know. Also boo at Akane for not killing Makishima, even though there was no chance she would have done it I would have liked to see where the story might have gone if she had. Something else would have to have taken the place of the final conflict, perhaps her wrestling with her decision or dealing with the ripple effects of Makishima's existence on the country, or something.

  11. #171
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Called it weeks earlier that the old lady was actually Sybil herself/itself. She overrode the system to kill Kagari.

    The snake-dude seemed to indicate that it was such a huge scandal if they simply published it. If I had to guess, I'd say the core of Sibyl is a cluster of human brains networked. 200+ disembodied brains. That must be how the "societal threshold" for appropriate behavior is determined. An individual's behavior gets passed through the system (in queue normally then updated when there is a chance, or priority through a dominator), and they vote, the result is the Crime Coefficient.

    What I didn't get was why her clothes and skin melted off in the first place. Was snake-dude's blood acidic?

    Loved the shot of Akane holding the helmet high to give Makishima a deathblow. Knew it wouldn't happen, but it was a beautiful key frame.

  12. #172
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    HS - Episode 16


    The Chief forced the Dominator into Lethal mode, didn't she? I was trying to interpret between that and the fact that her damaged self meant Sybil was unstable. Though if she was a self-contained Sybil system, what's the big deal about the chamber then? Were they just full of her clones/backup-bodies?

    edit: nvm, ryll posted.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryll
    What I didn't get was why her clothes and skin melted off in the first place. Was snake-dude's blood acidic?
    It's from whatever weapon Hacker fired at her. It didn't seem like it was their normal nail guns.

    Loved the shot of Akane holding the helmet high to give Makishima a deathblow. Knew it wouldn't happen, but it was a beautiful key frame.
    My favourite shot was when she was stopping her bleeding while telling Kogami to go on ahead. Bad-ass determination right there.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Fri, 02-08-2013 at 06:24 AM.

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  13. #173
    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    Called it weeks earlier that the old lady was actually Sybil herself/itself. She overrode the system to kill Kagari.
    Thats the thing, according to the configuration of the dominator when shooting Kagari, it was not the same as lethal eliminator. The shape of the gun was different.

    (Don't ask ... this gun is one of my favorite thing on earth since Nutella)

  14. #174
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Inazuma View Post
    Thats the thing, according to the configuration of the dominator when shooting Kagari, it was not the same as lethal eliminator. The shape of the gun was different.

    (Don't ask ... this gun is one of my favorite thing on earth since Nutella)
    No, I noticed it as well. This shape had a rounded dorsal surface. The most immediate thing I can compare it to would be a fish, or the plasma rifles from Halo. I looked up pictures of it afterwards for confirmation, but I couldn't really find exact front/top/side pics to make up my mind regarding it.

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  15. #175
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I thought that was because the Dominator was "fighting" to stay in non-lethal mode. That odd configuration was what she managed to warp it into as a result of overriding the reading, and forcing it to lethal mode.

    Or was that partway to the disintegrator mode for non-living things?

  16. #176
    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    No, I noticed it as well. This shape had a rounded dorsal surface. The most immediate thing I can compare it to would be a fish, or the plasma rifles from Halo. I looked up pictures of it afterwards for confirmation, but I couldn't really find exact front/top/side pics to make up my mind regarding it.
    Front end of the gun, Lethal mode has floating protuberances under the barrel, and no floating anything over the the user's hand which was clearly the case here. I think this is either a unknown mode or the distingrator used previously.

  17. #177
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Makishima has always been a martial arts master. He killed a couple of guys using his skills a few episodes before.

    What happens now that Makishima has been captured? That interests me the most.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  18. #178
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    Makishima has always been a martial arts master. He killed a couple of guys using his skills a few episodes before.

    What happens now that Makishima has been captured? That interests me the most.
    He kicked a couple of nobody's asses, nothing compared to the schooling he just gave a veteran detective.

    He'll probably be taken away by the director, she seemed interested in him.

  19. #179
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Inazuma View Post
    Front end of the gun, Lethal mode has floating protuberances under the barrel, and no floating anything over the the user's hand which was clearly the case here. I think this is either a unknown mode or the distingrator used previously.
    I just tried a few screenshots from the underground-facility episode, but google found this and it's even better:

    Plays right into the whole justice/might thing. That was pretty nice.

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  20. #180
    Nanomachines, son. Xelbair's Avatar
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    [15:27] <%Xelbair> and i still think that the reason the Chief wanted to capture Makishima was to integrate him to the system - so the system will be able to deal with makishima-like cases(not every case of perfect psychopass - but only the ones with similar way of thinking to makishima)
    [16:29] <%Xelbair> system is probably a collection of criminal brains. it uses them as a negative example of good behavior.
    [16:33] <%Xelbair> also there is possibility that sybil system is a faux.. but i doubt that
    Too lazy to rephrase that so i'm quoting the irc.
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