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Thread: Psycho-Pass

  1. #121
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fireheart
    The dominator reads the Psycho-Pass of the people you aim it at and analyses it with Crime Coefficient and job aptitude from what I gathered in episode 3. But if it only calculated based on the Crime Coefficient then there's no reason why they need to make an assessment of the person from the beginning. Hence to me the hue is a representation of your Psycho-Pass and depending on how clear/cloudy it is combined with other factors which Sibyl uses to make an assessment.
    Crime Coeffficient = (Hue + other shit)

    I'm agreeing that Hue is related to your crime coefficient, but only that.

    Just because that murderer's Hue went down after killing someone doesn't mean their Crime Coefficient goes down in accordance.

    The reason a Sybil scan wasn't simple in that factory was because the facility was deliberately built to isolate off all electromagnetic signals, and the management implemented the Hue assessment as a proxy for it.

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  2. #122
    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    Crime Coeffficient = (Hue + other shit)

    I'm agreeing that Hue is related to your crime coefficient, but only that.

    Just because that murderer's Hue went down after killing someone doesn't mean their Crime Coefficient goes down in accordance.

    The reason a Sybil scan wasn't simple in that factory was because the facility was deliberately built to isolate off all electromagnetic signals, and the management implemented the Hue assessment as a proxy for it.
    The only reason I brought the factory guy and his coworkers up was to illustrate that violence can make your Hue clearer, the circumstances around the facility doesn't really matter that much.

    The other part of the argument is the girl in the first episode, her Crime Coefficient went down once she calmed down/got a clearer Hue, there's no reason to believe that a clear white Hue doesn't automatically lower your Crime Coefficient to almost nothing. She was going to get executed but didn't because of nothing else than the fact that she calmed down, it shows how big of a difference ones Hue can make.
    You are here alone again
    In your sweet insanity
    All too calm, you hide yourself from reality
    Do you call it solitude? Do you call it liberty?
    When all the world turns away to leave you lonely

  3. #123
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    Is it possible that his CC didn't rise because he truly did not see/feel any abnormality from his decision and willingness to kill that girl?

    I suggest this (however loosely) based on motive as displayed throughout the series: The hunter killed for fun and to keep his mind young. The 'artist' was bored and wanted to create art reminicent of her father's, if I recall correctly. One killed for stress relief, delusional grandeur of glorified memes and so on. Makishima took life on a complete whim. I'm willing to believe that he truly didn't care if Akane picked up the double-barrel and blew him away (though he likely doubted it). All of the other latents killed in private, or around people that would keep quiet; I could argue not because they wanted to avoid problems with the law (solely), but because deep down, intrinsically, they knew that what they were doing was wrong. And that is what, from my understanding, makes crime co-efficient rise: the desire to do wrong and the awareness to acknowledge that it is wrong. If Makishima views human life (maybe even his own) as insignificant on the level we do when swatting a fly - as a reflexively disposable thing - it is not as much of a stretch that this (series of events) is his more sophisticated version of 'a six-pack and a bug zapper on Friday night'.

    With that flimsy logic, I would conclude that Makishima is possibly neither insane nor broken, but... "incomplete". The nebulous feedback loop of human biometrics that Sibyl uses to assign hues and coefficients does not register this man as would be expected. I don't buy his spiel about Sibyl seeing/uncovering the soul, though. Just because he says it doesn't make it true.

    The software for Sybil was created and administered by imperfect man, or by other software created, at some point, by imperfect man.

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  4. #124
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by neflight86 View Post
    Is it possible that his CC didn't rise because he truly did not see/feel any abnormality from his decision and willingness to kill that girl?

    I suggest this (however loosely) based on motive as displayed throughout the series: The hunter killed for fun and to keep his mind young. The 'artist' was bored and wanted to create art reminicent of her father's, if I recall correctly. One killed for stress relief, delusional grandeur of glorified memes and so on. Makishima took life on a complete whim. I'm willing to believe that he truly didn't care if Akane picked up the double-barrel and blew him away (though he likely doubted it). All of the other latents killed in private, or around people that would keep quiet; I could argue not because they wanted to avoid problems with the law (solely), but because deep down, intrinsically, they knew that what they were doing was wrong. And that is what, from my understanding, makes crime co-efficient rise: the desire to do wrong and the awareness to acknowledge that it is wrong. If Makishima views human life (maybe even his own) as insignificant on the level we do when swatting a fly - as a reflexively disposable thing - it is not as much of a stretch that this (series of events) is his more sophisticated version of 'a six-pack and a bug zapper on Friday night'.

    With that flimsy logic, I would conclude that Makishima is possibly neither insane nor broken, but... "incomplete". The nebulous feedback loop of human biometrics that Sibyl uses to assign hues and coefficients does not register this man as would be expected. I don't buy his spiel about Sibyl seeing/uncovering the soul, though. Just because he says it doesn't make it true.
    When I watched the episode I initially thought along the same lines as you as well, but then I agreed with Shinta more when he mentioned this:

    Quote Originally Posted by shinta
    Indeed, Makshima did say that the Sybil system did see through the soul. Most psychopaths don't feel bad or guilty about things they have done, and if that is enough to have a clean pass, then the Sybil system would not have been adopted in the first place.

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  5. #125
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Yeah. Considering people are normally subjected to the norms of the society throughout their lives, even if they did nothing to acknowledge those norms, the Sybil system should still be able to pick people who know they are breaking a law even if they felt nothing at all doing it. It would be far too imperfect otherwise.

  6. #126
    When is the next episode by the way ? Can't find the date.

  7. #127
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Inazuma View Post
    When is the next episode by the way ?

    edit: depending on your timezone, might be the day after. Anyway, something like another 36hrs?
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Wed, 01-09-2013 at 07:29 AM.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  8. #128
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Episode 12 - HS

    - -- - -- - -- - -

    I have to say that although I'm generally speaking no fan of flashbacks, I especially hate them when they appear right when I was expecting a lot from the beginning of the episode. Like right now in this show. I can't imagine how things will proceed with Akane, so I was really looking forward to this episode. And instead we jumped back three years to a story about a character that had no role in this arc that was so traumatic for Akane... Ok, maybe Yayoi has as well tried to pull the trigger of a dominator that wouldn't give a shit, but the situation couldn't have been more different. The only relevant thing about this episode, if you allow the scale of relevance to be a kilometer long, would be to underline further how shitty the Sibyl system is for free will, democracy, civil liberties, etc.

  9. #129
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    I agree, while this episode made Yayoi a whole lot more interesting the timing was just bad. I mean for all we know Akane might be in one of these rehabilitation establishments right now after what happened to her and that's what i really want to see.

    Maybe this was necessary since the green haired girl will be involved in the following line of plot but i still feel they should have shown us the aftermath of the previous episode first.

  10. #130
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I have no complaints with the timing. Thanks to the break, I had already dropped a lot of the tension from the previous episode (I didn't even recall its contents when I played this ep).

    Yayoi's pretty stacked, more than the suit lets on.

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  11. #131
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I think this episode was really important to put here in the story. As much as I want to know what is going on with Akane, I feel it was very important to show the latent criminal side to it, exactly because Akane will be in that much of a crisis. But what we saw was how something entirely mundane and innocent can put someone into rehabilitation. Her only "crime" was hanging out with an unauthorized musician. This could mean something very interesting for Akane. I suspect what we will actually see is her in intensive therapy (which she will ultimately complete successfully), completing the puzzle of how the framework of society functions with regards to pyscho passes and hues. What we got in this episode is the alternative.

    Secondly, we really knew jack shit about Kunizuka. It also gave us a good view of society outside the bureaucracy and at the fringes.

    We sort of knew she was into music, but not that she had actually been part of an authorized band (or that there even was such a thing. She put everything just into the pure joy of playing, and the denial of it made her worse in the rehabilitation center. It was interesting to see that the clinic staff was deliberately refusing her the one thing that probably would have actually purified her hue. She really liked just playing, it was her Sybil-destined occupation, and they were keeping it from her, believing it would make her worse. The system is clearly designed not to allow those who pass the threshold to return to society, especially not in any way resembling the way they went in.

    Her disillusion at Rina's admission that it wasn't ever about the music (which Kunizuka loved), but it being about "the message", was a good showcase of Kunizuka's true character.

    What I'm certain of, is that we will be seeing the anarchist Rina again. They may have started off with Molotovs, but after the close call with Kunizuka, she probably opted to be much more cautious instead. Finding out that someone she thought was a soulmate becoming a dog to the system probably made her much more wary.

  12. #132
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    She put everything just into the pure joy of playing, and the denial of it made her worse in the rehabilitation center. It was interesting to see that the clinic staff was deliberately refusing her the one thing that probably would have actually purified her hue. She really liked just playing, it was her Sybil-destined occupation, and they were keeping it from her, believing it would make her worse. The system is clearly designed not to allow those who pass the threshold to return to society, especially not in any way resembling the way they went in.
    That wasn't very realistic, though. People locked in that facility can't be made to pay their unwilling stay, and thus it's a burden on the taxpayers. With clearly redeemable cases, like Yayoi's, they should actually try to help her get out. Even if democracy has degraded, one thing will always remain: the budget, which ultimately decides everything. If the facility can for sheer sadistic joy lenghten Yayoi's stay despite so easy solutions existing, they must have a bloated budget, which makes little sense. Not to mention the people working at that facitility must have clouded hues themselves considering they are willfully hurting people.

  13. #133
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Unless...just like Makishima, they delude themselves into thinking they are only doing good and necessary deeds. They feel they are doing the righteous thing, and that denying her the simple joy of playing to the point of her losing interest in it entirely will make her better. Voilą, pure white hue.

    As for the budget, they do keep people indefinitely for silly reasons. Look at Kagari. He never did anything wrong. They just tossed him in there from the start. Kunizuka didn't act either, she was probably reported by her bandmate. Kougami is the only one of the Enforcers who actually snapped about something. Masaoka seems to have just drifted into it.

    Budget obviously isn't an issue, or is a creative assumption taken to get the premise and message across. If I did have to justify where the money was coming from, it wouldn't be much of a leap to say that the public safety, scanning (Sybil itself and the hue readers), and rehabilitation portions of government are the most well funded organizations by several orders of magnitude. It's the cornerstone of their civilization.

  14. #134
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryll
    Budget obviously isn't an issue, or is a creative assumption taken to get the premise and message across. If I did have to justify where the money was coming from, it wouldn't be much of a leap to say that the public safety, scanning (Sybil itself and the hue readers), and rehabilitation portions of government are the most well funded organizations by several orders of magnitude. It's the cornerstone of their civilization.
    I'd say that the reduction in crime rate justified everything Sybil is doing right now (in regards to both ethics and economics). You could say that corruption is also gone from the management sectors of society. Who knows how much money goes back to the masses for that.

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  15. #135
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    But no matter how you look at it, Yayoi's case must have been borderline and her hue close enough to decent for them to give her the (false, this episode claimed) hope that she might get out any day. And in fact based on her hue alone she might have walked out had they allowed her to play under the instruction and influence of an approved musician (music therapist). There's something much worse than simple corruption inside the system when it denies rehabilitation and instead keeps people indefinitely locked in. Unless that society has no freedom of press, it also wouldn't fly overly long with the people. There would lie a general horror within the population if everybody knew they could be suddenly snatched from the streets to a rehabilitation center where in fact no rehabilitating whatsoever was being performed and it's a practical life sentence in prison.

    Nobody would allow such a system to continue, not even the owners of the industry supplying all the equipment for Sybil, for they wouldn't be any more safe themselves.

  16. #136
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    The announcement did say "work on purifying your Hue", so I'm guessing there's some form of activity being prescribed - even if the success rate is deemed low. Given the way Kogami talked about it it didn't seem impossible. Personally I'd say something like <15% would be the figure. The rape victim from episode one successfully got her CC low, but I believe that was just some PTSD-type of case if we're to believe what Kogami said here.

    Once seen, you can not unsee - or so the saying goes.

    As for the free press, I don't know. Journalists probably enjoy as much freedom as musicians do, if not less.

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  17. #137
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    [Commie] Psycho Pass - 13


    Well...that was actually surprisingly disappointing.

    All the twists were lame, poor writing:
    - Oh! Masaoka is Ginoza's father! <-- Pretty obvious the moment they stood on the balcony together. It was either an enforcer (immediately meaning Masaoka) or someone still in the prison with the rest of the complete freaks, the lifers.
    - The old lady is probably Sibyl. How shocking! <-- Except not really, considering her relationship and trust in Ginoza, the Inspector with perfect faith in Sibyl. [End of the ED, in case you missed it.]

    I might be intrigued if it turns out the reason that Akane's hue and crime coefficient recovers so fast because she is exactly the same as the other two, one of the 1 in 2 million who can't properly be read. She just happens to be on the other side of the fence. I don't really buy Masaoka's reasoning. Akane does question the world around her. She's not happy Kougami gets branded a psychopath, heck, she doesn't think most of the Enforcers deserve to be imprisoned there. She doesn't accept everything just as she sees it. That was a load of garbage.

    But the real thing that made this episode disappointing is the old lady flat out explained the whole issue with Shougo, because the they already knew about the other guy. They ruined the entire mystery around it in a five minute conversation.

    Plus the animation was a bit off this episode.

  18. #138
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    But the real thing that made this episode disappointing is the old lady flat out explained the whole issue with Shougo, because the they already knew about the other guy. They ruined the entire mystery around it in a five minute conversation.
    It made sense she was explaining it to Gino in such detail - because Gino doesn't like to make guesses so he needs everything explained, but it hardly needed to be explained to the audience.

    I'm no sadist, but like I said already after the previous episode, I was kind of looking forward to seeing Akane struggle with the loss. I can only presume they are so striven to make Akane a perfect psycho-pass recoverer that they couldn't show anything more than a few tears in a flashback. Kogami looked worse off in this episode than Akane...

    I hope this will get back on its feet in the future.

  19. #139
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    - Oh! Masaoka is Ginoza's father! <-- Pretty obvious the moment they stood on the balcony together. It was either an enforcer (immediately meaning Masaoka) or someone still in the prison with the rest of the complete freaks, the lifers.
    - The old lady is probably Sibyl. How shocking! <-- Except not really, considering her relationship and trust in Ginoza, the Inspector with perfect faith in Sibyl. [End of the ED, in case you missed it.]
    It's been obvious for a while now. And i don't think she's Sybil, she does seem to have a personal relationship with Shougo though. They may be related.

    I'm happy with this aftermath, it's been implied from the get go that there's something strange about Akane's psycho pass and how untainted it is by everything else. But it doesn't seem to be the same as Shougo either, his actually became more clear the more violent he became.

    I agree the animation felt off, too many shitty frames in between the good ones.

  20. #140
    I liked this episode. Hate away but I'm in this boat for the whole show not for the individual value of it's parts.

    The old lady, needed to explain something don't forget that we are at Gotwoot anime scholars with thousands of hours of plot understanding and visual forensic to our mileage. The old lady sure did explain things but only because the average viewer can only follow a plot as complex as Mario's or Naruto's - also the old lady has the voice of Integra in Hellsing which pretty much makes her the Morgan Freeman of Japan.

    Now, I'ld only focus on one aspect. Akane's Pass is pretty much perfect if not bugged like Makishima's so I kinda think she's going to end up a system error like the two before her. Wouldn't it be satisfying for y'all to see Akane as asymptomatic like the bad guys ?

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