[MangaStream] Naruto c.584: SendSpace | MediaFire | Online Viewing
[MangaZone & MangaPanda] Naruto c.584: Online Viewing
[MangaStream] Naruto c.584: SendSpace | MediaFire | Online Viewing
[MangaZone & MangaPanda] Naruto c.584: Online Viewing
really digging the chapter.
I've never really considered Orochimaru's aspect as a man of science and pursuit of knowledge, rather than just immortality. Kabuto also works great as someone who's looking for his true self, or what not.
Orochimaru's original goal was pretty admirable, a shame his methods deteriorated that badly through time.
Fantastic chapter. It made me forgot about all the Dragonball-esque bullshit we had to put up with for so long. Man, I don´t want this flashback to end. And even worse, it´ll most likely end with Kabuto´s defeat :/
Remember, this flashback is happening through Kabuto´s eyes. We don´t know if creating Otogakure was Orochimaru´s original goal. I think his foremost goal was still to master all jutsus, which includes achieving immortality.
Does anyone know if we are going to get a chapter release on Wed 2? Or the next day etc?
Wasn't Kabuto originally a (undercover spy for many years) spy sent by Sasori to spy on Orichmaru and was later turned......... WTF? There was no mention previously when they met at the bridge that he was originally Orichmaru's spy.
Last edited by dragonrage; Mon, 04-30-2012 at 05:44 PM.
___---------------------------- "THE DROPOUT CREW"--------------------------------________Deblas, IfingHateTonTon, RyougaZell, dragonrage.________
________ we may fuck up alot but we always pull thru.
please do not use logic or anything thinking when reading Naruto... just take it for what it is.
great background chapter. I actually enjoy reading it.
Maybe it's because the villages have to respect the tradition of the chuunin exam by not killing participants? I mean if you're going to kill participants in every chuunin exam, there's no point in having one because all the villages will just be assassinating all the children from every village.
It's a very sensitive political matter as well. If we all had a G8 summit and at one of these summits, and a French journalist gets killed, the countries might go to war or boycott future chuunin exams with each other over that and that goes against the intent of having them in the first place:
http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Ch%C5%ABnin_ExamsOriginally Posted by Naruto Wikia
I guess you could ask why Konoha just doesn't send an ANBU assassination squad after Kabuto when the chuunin exams end. I could probably reason that he's a master spy, so he's able to hide himself quite well.
They kind of addressed all that in this chapter. For one thing, Sasori likely acquired Kabuto as an assistant without knowing that he was already Orochimaru's assistant. As for the Chuunin stuff... that's what the fake identity Orochimaru gave him was for. I don't know if this fake adoptive father was in on the plan, or why nobody recognized him as previously working for Danzou, but the "eyes glowing red" was likely just creative license by the anime team, as I'm pretty sure the manga version was just him having a badass look in his eyes.
10/4/04 - 8/20/07
hmmm no chapter 585?
Jump releases in Japan on Mondays, but scans come from a source that leaks it early. The recent schedule has been:
Monday, April 16: (582) We saw this chapter on Wednesday, April 11
Monday, April 23: (583) Double Issue. We saw this chapter on Wednesday, April 18
Monday, April 30: No chapter
Monday, May 07: (584) We saw this chapter very early on Sunday, April 29
Monday, May 14: (585) We will probably see this chapter on Wednesday, May 09
Monday, May 21: (586) We will probably see this chapter on Wednesday, May 16
And so on.