Commie - Episode 04
So the leaves do seem to be the zombie-fuel after all. Now that we (pretty much) know it, I hope they don't spend too long in trying to find this cure since it won't be very suspenseful. For Babu's sake, I hope zombies instinctively seek it out (or at least get attracted to it when they're near it) since he doesn't look like he's too attached to Furuya's household at the moment, thereby lessening the chance of being fed.
I did think that his "survival instincts" automatically led him to seeking the flowers near Rea's house, but logic states that he would have gone for the flowers right outside Chihiro's house instead since they would be the closest when it jumped out of his cooler box.
Perhaps animals and humans are different. Babu's sanity seemed to be affected as opposed to Rea's physiology.
Last edited by Buffalobiian; Fri, 04-27-2012 at 04:56 AM.
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
Alll I can say after watching this episode is that I start to agree with Furuya: zombie-girls are kinda hot, lol.
Oh, and Reaīs father opened another layer of creepyness: Taking a bath while being covered with pictures of your daughter? Kinda expecting now that the anime casually revelas that the father used to have a sexual relationship with Rea, rofl.
I wouldn't think he did that normally. Just this time because Rea kinda left him.
I wonder what he's got in store for Furuya. I don't even know what they do for a living.
She won't be very warm, and if you do it like that your member will get trapped as she squeezes, then hardens. Just saying.Originally Posted by MFauli
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
Possibly. Btw. am I interpreting that scene wrong or was the fatherīs wife rather happy seeing her naked husband?
Wow, Buff, "dat detail". Iīm sure as long as she keeps eating leaves, things will work out. Then again I wonder: Why doesnīt Furuya turn himself into a zombie? Youīd think heīd like that. And he and Rea could live together happily for all of eternity...She won't be very warm, and if you do it like that your member will get trapped as she squeezes, then hardens. Just saying.
I thought she was happy that Rea was finally free. I didn't go back to check as I'm writing this, but I remember seeing her spirits fall when the father decided to go after Furuya in response to all this.
I don't know.. the fascination might not be there anymore after you become one yourself. I didn't think about living together for all eternity until you mentioned it.. but now that Rea's zombie-fied, she'll be forever young.Wow, Buff, "dat detail". Iīm sure as long as she keeps eating leaves, things will work out. Then again I wonder: Why doesnīt Furuya turn himself into a zombie? Youīd think heīd like that. And he and Rea could live together happily for all of eternity...
I only assumed you got turned on by her helpless, "struggling" rigor mortis state because that was the most "zombie" moment this episode. She was otherwise pretty much her usual hot self.
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
Turning yourself into a zombie makes you not a necromancer anymore...
Same, but Rea is so introverted and sheltered that she could be equally shocked about going in for a kiss as she would be craving blood.
Oh and btw, Rea's father totally had a boner after leaving the bath.
Yeah, itīs pretty obvious that Rea was going for his throat, or at least for a bite, and not a kiss. Though I wonder: Was it already established of her and Babu are infectious zombies? Daaaaamn, would suck for Furuya if he couldnīt even touch her :P
Would explain why his wife gave me the impression of being so happily surprised in that scene.
What the heck gave you that impression? She was on target for his lips up until the moment Wanko yelled for him. The bite/kiss is up in the air, but she was going for his face, not his neck.
Oh, and by the way, lips are not the exclusive target for kisses. Otherwise hickeys wouldn't exist.
I don't think they're "infectious" zombies in that you'll die soon after and turn into one of them.
I'm not excluding the possibility that it'll transfer immortality across, however.
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
When Rea brought the hydrangea parts to Furuya, he didn't think them poisonous as the geezer was munching on them all the time. Didn't they speculate some cultivars might be more toxic than others? Furuya's place's flowers might be of less poisonous variety and thus of less use to zombies. Who knows. I personally think that's why Baby sought out the place where Rea originally found them.
If Furuya has half a brain, he should already know to bring them to Rea.
Commie - Episode 05
Sexual hunger = Ero-Zombie.
We can't have her eating the main character now, can we?
Last edited by Buffalobiian; Fri, 05-04-2012 at 02:16 AM.
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
Iīm in team Wanko now. Sorry, Rea.
No she was going to eat the tongue first.