Thx for that link!
I hope they end the Trick Tower-arc with next episodes. Unlike the rest of the remake, this part feels drawn out already.
Thx for that link!
I hope they end the Trick Tower-arc with next episodes. Unlike the rest of the remake, this part feels drawn out already.
Never noticed this before because of the fact that I watched the original Hunter X Hunter before one piece and i guess never thought of the resemblance between some yu yu hakusho characters and the ones in this series.
Gon reminds me of Luffy (One piece)
Kurapika reminds me of Kurama from (Yu Yu Hakusho)
Leorio reminds me of Kuwabara (Yu Yu Hakusho)
Well, it SHOULD remind you of Yu Yu Hakusho, because they have the same author.
I guess a pro gambler counted on an amateur saying nothing even if she changed her bet to the opposite in the middle of the gamble. In any case the heroes here let the prisoners dictate far too much. There's really no reason to let them write the rules of the whole examination, even if they are supposed to be the examiners. In the end they are still nothing but criminals doing this all for nothing but their own benefit.
Argh... timeskip this shit to greed island already :/
Ugh, they´re spending way too much time with trick tower :/ And I don´t like the random color-changes. Why is the girl´s hair pink instead of blond? Silly.
so..... why couldn't kurapika get on the field and check if she was alive... I mean the bitch did so certainly Kurapika who is technically still "fighting" can go on the battlefield and not to mention since the chick went and checked if he was alive Leorio could have too.
I agree, they let the prisoners dictate too much.
Episode 11 aired!
Last edited by Buffalobiian; Sun, 07-08-2012 at 09:58 AM.
"Always be yourself... unless you suck."
Killua owns
'nuf said...
All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.
True dat.
"Always be yourself... unless you suck."
so he ripped a ball sack out of his chest.
The old anime had that scene in all it's gorey glory. This version is just sad. He didn't even crush it.
Lol, i liked it how he placed the heart in his dead hand.
If anything though, i wished they had kept his freaky ass smile
The "censoring" sucked, but I loved how the new anime totally focuses on what´s happening between Killua and his victim, never cutting back to the reactions of either watching groups. Got a nice chilling feel.
Though, seeing Gon´s lack of a horrified reaction towards his murdering-in-front-of-him friend makes me like him less. I´m not even comparing old and new adaption, it´s probably the same for both. And you could probably argue something like "Gon sees no good or evil. He heard that the guy wanted a fight of life and death, and that´s what he got. So why should Gon be outraged?" Still, Killua murdered a guy, and Gon isn´t the kind of killer, so... oh well.
Really stretching the plot now, btw.. I had hoped they´d at least finish trick tower this episode. sigh