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Thread: The Legend of the Legendary Heroes

  1. #201
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Ryner going from a mass Dango eater to a mass People eater is a tad disturbing. Some yaoi feelings vibes were floating around too. I wonder how they will unfold that story as they always let you think they'll follow traditional paths, just to destroy everything and take a 90 degrees turn.
    That's sure entertaining and fun, but they really need to give proper and nice conclusion to their nice ideas.

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  2. #202
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    Now, because Ryner helped him, he has technically willingly helped a mass murderer that eats people, and will surely eat people from now on. Ryner may have killed thousands already, but he did so unwillingly. This may prove to be a very big mistake if he is really trying to avoid causing deaths in general.
    The army already classified Ryner as another monster and shunned him just like they did the real one in front of them. Under those circumstances it would be, in my opinion, quite arrogant and unreasonable to assume Ryner would still rather help them and not just hit the road. Objectively speaking they got exactly what they ordered, as the saying goes.

    The recent events have also proven quite nicely how psychologically when you call and treat somebody like a monster long enough, the person may start to believe it himself. At that point it's a valid question who's fault it's going to be if he starts to act like one as well.

    However, I don't see Ryner becoming a mass murderer or even a regular murderer any time soon, no matter if he's in the company of one (or even more if the dude really has friends waiting for him back home).

  3. #203
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I meant that by helping the monster, the blood that the monster will spill from then on will be on his hands as well, at least partly. If he let the guy die, further victims could be avoided.

    I don't think Ryner will ever willingly kill people for shallow reasons.
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  4. #204
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta
    I meant that by helping the monster, the blood that the monster will spill from then on will be on his hands as well, at least partly. If he let the guy die, further victims could be avoided.
    According to the guy, he could kill Sion almost immediately should he wish to. This seemed like an elaborate set-up just to persuade Ryner over. In a sense, by following the guy, Ryner also prevented a mass murder occurring right then. There was also no telling that he could be stopped.

    At the same time, Ryner considered himself a threat to others. He killed his mum and dad, and envisioned himself killing Sion and Ferris in a similar manner. I believe "Don't you have something you want to protect" struck a cord there, aside from all the monster-shunning that's going on.

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  5. #205
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    All alpha stigma going berserk die. It has been explained twice. Of course they could always make an exception... but I'm fairly confident Ryner is no exception to the rule.
    That implies the people killed when he was in ASmode, are his responsability since he was not berserk at the time, only he wasn't strong enough, or willing strong enough, to control his dark side and prevent it from killing.

    There's no mistake, he's really a monster by design. His abilities include mass killing of people through a wide range sort of beam and other hard to describe things that are not accessible to normal humans, killing friends and foes indiscriminately.

    Now how about Klaugh? well he does not kill everyone around. Only enemies, and always in control. So I guess he's viewed as a brother in arms, rather than a monster.

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  6. #206
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    @Buff - I'm more inclined to believe that Sion had the upper hand in that situation. As I mentioned earlier, I think the reason the monster mentioned the Alpha Stigma is to cause panic and show Ryner how the people of Roland also shun him. What's the point of asking Ryner to shoot magic if he had the power left to simply go and directly escape with Ryner?

    @Dav - How can you be so sure he wasn't berserk? Berserk Ryner already came back twice in the short span of time we have been witnessing his travels. He could have gone berserk and returned just like he did those two times in the long period before he met Sion. Do you mean that when God mode comes on that he is not really going berserk? It was pretty obvious that he was not in control then. Also, it was made quite obvious that Ryner does not have a normal alpha stigma. In fact it was explicitly stated when he erased the hero relic before.
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  7. #207
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Btw, based on this episode it's reasonable to assume Ryner doesn't even know what manner of a man Tiir Rumibul really is. He never witnessed him emptying villages or massacring indiscriminately. All he actually has seen is the dude fighting against soldiers attacking him and not even killing too many of them.

    There's a distinct difference between his own level of aggression and Tiir's, only a blind man would fail to notice that, but that's just a personality quirk. Since he's himself faced persecution, it would be natural for him to assume Tiir might have faced even worse, thus explaining some of his actions (that Ryner knows of).

    So, saying he would take the side of a monster by joining him is now still highly premature. Right now he just took the side of somebody just like him: one called a monster by the normal humans. You can hardly blame him either for desiring company that isn't suspecting him all the time and from which he doesn't need to hide his true self.

  8. #208
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I never said that Ryner will become a permanent ally of Tiir. I just wanted to say that the action of saving Tiir at that point would lead to many more deaths, something Ryner obviously is not going to like.

    However, you have a point about Ryner not knowing how many people Tiir has killed (and for what reasons) or will kill in the future. I guess it really isn't his responsibility if Tiir goes on a killing spree again, but knowing Ryner, he will probably feel guilty all the same when he finds out what kind of being he saved.
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  9. #209
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David
    All alpha stigma going berserk die. It has been explained twice. Of course they could always make an exception... but I'm fairly confident Ryner is no exception to the rule.
    That implies the people killed when he was in ASmode, are his responsability since he was not berserk at the time, only he wasn't strong enough, or willing strong enough, to control his dark side and prevent it from killing.
    I don't consider Ryner as a normal Alpha Stigma holder. There's been too much evidence that suggests otherwise.

    Quote Originally Posted by David
    There's no mistake, he's really a monster by design. His abilities include mass killing of people through a wide range sort of beam and other hard to describe things that are not accessible to normal humans, killing friends and foes indiscriminately.
    Well yeah. The only difference between Ryner and Claugh that sets them apart is that one's got an inner psychopathic personality.

    Quote Originally Posted by shinta
    I'm more inclined to believe that Sion had the upper hand in that situation. As I mentioned earlier, I think the reason the monster mentioned the Alpha Stigma is to cause panic and show Ryner how the people of Roland also shun him. What's the point of asking Ryner to shoot magic if he had the power left to simply go and directly escape with Ryner?
    He didn't have the power to escape with Ryner, but he did say he had the power of going up to Sion and making short work of him, dealing a fatal blow to the troops' morale, before absorbing more shit and/or leaving.

    He definitely favours the option of having Ryner escape with him since finding Ryner was the whole point of this journey thus far anyway, but given the above reasoning, I don't think it's unreasonable to think he could have gotten out of that situation relatively unharmed had Ryner considered otherwise.

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  10. #210
    All of you have valid points. I'm not sure how quickly Tiir goes through the power he saves up. In this world, we're not even completely sure where the power to perform magic comes from, otherwise what would stop Tiir from just learning magic to shoot himself with to heal...

    It's my gut feeling that Tiir certainly had enough juice left in the tank to get outta there on his own, even with Ryner possibly. The emphasis on the whole exchange was more that of diving a little deeper into the emotional connections that exist between the 3 main characters, Ryner's fear of hurting the ones he cares for, and creating an exit strategy for the situation that leads to where the the anime must head for the sake of the story.

    We started off the series with character development, and the two main points of the series being about hero relics, and recreating Roland into a prosperous good-natured kingdom. Though I'm sure they will come into play more, just focusing on hero relics would get repetitive, so I think to the series credit, they used the relics as a strong bolster point that can always be re-inserted, but are now moving into the more serious aspects of the story which are further character development, including their relationships, and a more formidable obstical for them all to individually and together overcome.

    Ryner knows just how Sion feels. He understands completely why the decree to have him killed if necessary was made. It is inescapable for the humans to not fear the berserk power of an AS holder, and deep down Ryner knows he'd rather be killed then harm or kill his friends, or innocent loving people for that matter.

    Ryner has had to deal with fear of himself far more than anyone else has had to deal with fear of him. Lucile talking with Ryner just helped re-emphasize the level of acceptance Ryner would gain from life, though Ferris has already started to fall for him. Realizing his own care for Ferris, Sion, Milk, and whomever else, he forced himself away so as to not hurt those he cares for, and in doing so was able to use that to end up saving Sion and hundreds of men on the battlefield. Ofcourse they could have duked it out, but for a man who hates the berserk himself, that was the only option for him to choose.

    I was really happy to see Ferris get ready to set out after him. The bond between Ryner and her is a special one, and I want nothing more than for it to grow. They both deserve it.

    I haven't read the manga, but this series seems like it could have FAR more than 26 episodes worth of content. Though if it's limited to the 26, then all the more reason why Ryner had to leave, so that we can be introduced, or lead to the real antagonist of the series. I certainly can't wait for the next episodes... This is currently my favorite series out I think.

    *edit* was informed that it's a light novel series. ty! =) now fighting back the urge to go and read them... hehe
    Last edited by Konohamaru!; Sat, 11-13-2010 at 11:30 PM.

  11. #211
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Episode 19

    Derp - Legend of the Legendary Heroes - 19 - 720p

    Samu-tan finally came on and did some work.

  12. #212
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Maybe I'm wrong but it seemed to me, based on the preview, that we could finally be meeting berserk Ryner again in the next ep!

  13. #213
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Roland's strongest magician? When he's on omega mode yeah but regular Ryner is a loser, he gets his ass handed to him constantly.

    This show makes it hard to root for anyone, they're all assholes

  14. #214
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    I didn't realize it until later but those nice "jewels" they were looking at were the crystallized form of the magic eyes. Lots of those were taken from kids.

    For a king that hates wars and wants a peaceful world, his country sure is doing some nasty shit. Can't say I disagree with Tyr when he asks who the monsters really are.

  15. #215
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel View Post
    Roland's strongest magician? When he's on omega mode yeah but regular Ryner is a loser, he gets his ass handed to him constantly.
    I've settled with two ideas about Ryner and magic as a whole in this world:

    1) Ryner actually knows a whole heap of spells and is very good with them. For the sake of simplicity and making things easier for the author, he didn't really expand this to make him a Magical Index. I'm more so inclined to believe the idea below though, that -

    2) Magic is actually really difficult to use, and that all the magicians we've crossed paths with to date are all elites. Having the story span across an entire continent may have made them seem more common than they really are. At the same time, half of these people are wielding Relics that transcend any modern power in the first place. I would actually make less sense of such artefacts can not defeat Roland's strongest magician.

    Being the strongest magician isn't synonymous with being the best killer.

    I wonder what happened to Froade. I would have liked to keep in in the picture a little longer so we can learn what his entire agenda was, but knowing Luke's Milk-crush, he wouldn't have forgiven Froade neither.

    Riphal's end should be interesting. We've already seen that he's nice and all, but won't hesitate to use cruel methods to get the job done if he believes it's in the interest of Gastark (and extrapolates to being the interest of the greater good). So now that Kiefer's revealed to have ties with their biggest obstacle(1), how will he deal with her?

    Ferris's new attire is yummy. Particularly the upper chest area. Admittedly, the colour doesn't match her scabbard as well as the other one did.

    (1) With Claugh and Froade out of commission, Roland's really only got Lucile and Luke, but Gastark doesn't know about them.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Sun, 11-14-2010 at 09:26 PM.

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  16. #216
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Ryner being the strongest magician makes sense. He has never been beaten in a magic battle yet. Hero relics are a different story.

    Also, it is possible that he earned that title because he went berserk and killed an army at some point in his career.
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  17. #217
    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel View Post
    This show makes it hard to root for anyone, they're all assholes
    thats one of the things that you either love or hate about this series, is how it tries to show both sides of most of the main characters. A hero of one country who earned his accolades by destroying an enemy army, can be labeled as a Butcher or Monster in the losing country!
    This was really evident in this episode where Tiir went from Human consuming monster to a caring big brother, and how the the brother sister team, Sui and Kuu, are seen in such a different light @ home in Gastark.
    Its my feeling that Gastark will eventually turn out to be the ultimate Villain of this show (as much as terms such as hero's and villains can apply in this series)
    Poor Ryner is so emotionally scarred - he didn't even bat an eyelid when Tiir shared that he had consumed his own mother.
    Man, i am so looking forward to next weeks ep. I would love to see Omega-Ryner again.

  18. #218
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Episode 20 + ED2 Single

    Last edited by Marik; Sat, 11-20-2010 at 06:53 PM. Reason: Added ED2 Single.

  19. #219
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Such a mix of directness and indirectness (You were there, Ryner?) is great to watch.

    I guess the title finally makes sense. We'll be talking about not only hero's relics, but reincarnation of heroes.

    The legend of the heroes of legend.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  20. #220
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    I guess the title finally makes sense. We'll be talking about not only hero's relics, but reincarnation of heroes.

    The legend of the heroes of legend.
    No, the title is still redundant

    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel View Post
    Roland's strongest magician? When he's on omega mode yeah but regular Ryner is a loser, he gets his ass handed to him constantly.
    This episode was frustrating to watch, people being killed left and right and Ryner couldn't do a damn thing through all of it. Not only did he suck through the first fight, he still couldn't beat Gastark even though they had him outnumbered

    And when i finally think i'll get to see Omega Ryner once again, the fucker pulls a naruto on me and cancels it out. FUCK!

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