Episode 16 Discussion
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A lot of fighting this episode. Including Gaia running on water, Athrun having too much fun transforming, and the best episode ending ever with Athrun slapping Shinn around for being an impulsive angst-ridden teen.
I'm curious as to when and how the Archangel will reappear. Even though we all know they are eventually going to cross paths with both the Minerva and Neo's team, right now they are still moving in the shadows with no real reason to act besides for self defense.
Edit: Fixed the title, Saiyaman's torrent is named 17 so I messed up. -_-;; -- Also, sorry about earlier Guardian_2000, yesterday was an off day and I was being an ass because of it.
RE: Episode 17 Discussion
RE: Episode 17 Discussion
yea should be since the last one was named edited and not 16....
Episode 17 Discussion
I just saw this. Why do people bother posting a discussion when they don't talk about it. Alil moronic? Can we rename this. Or should I click post on my thread I had started before realizing this. I started typing it earlier then I finished watching the ep a min ago and did a refresh only to see this. So whats up. Its Phase 16 not episode 17. Eh I gotta go out for awhile. I'll hit post and if it shouldn't go up then it will go bye bye.
Episode 16 Discussion
Originally posted by: Guardian_2000
Why do people bother posting a discussion when they don't talk about it. Alil moronic?
Originally posted by: Guardian_2000
Just finished watching it and I'm quite pleased with it. Finally got to see Abyss transform. And we get to see Stellar again. Also looks like the new windam is Neo's. Atleast he proves he can pilot a suit and not just a MA. I don't want to spoil to much as this is still the raw plus I can't understand all of what gets said. I'll add more of my take after more people have seen it.
You shouldn't complain when thats all your thread consists of. Your post was just as vague as mine was since all we can do right now is post the obvious points of the episode. If your going to complain about people making pointless posts, don't make your own the prime example in the thread. ^^
Anyway, I wonder if that EA base was still a secret to ZAFT. They seemed to be suprised that so many Windams could launch an assault without a large fleet of carriers. Arthur seemed to suggest that they were using a Mirage Colloid to hide their fleet, or maybe the entire base.
Edit @ Below: I have no clue what you mean by the "Your initial post has more information now from the last I saw thats good" comment, the only thing I added was "Edit: Fixed the title, Saiyaman's torrent is named 17 so I messed up. -_-;;" after I had changed the title.
Episode 16 Discussion
Got back from lunch. Glad to see we got the things updated and edited. With some more info to boot. I'm just glad you got things straightened out. One way or another my post made it in a correctly named thread. And I atleast had a reason for putting down what I did. Now that I'm back I can finish.
Your initial post has more information now from the last I saw thats good. If you want to go further into discussion we can talk about why they are boldly announcing that its the EA that stole the gundams. Windams launching with stolen suits and all. But then again thats what the commotion was in the beginning of the ep between Neo and the EA officer I believe. It would of been cool if Gaia was actually running on water but that would of sucked. Luckily it can't and that was just a shallow part. The gundams were standing in it atleast. But I can see why you had that impression, at first I even thought that. The slapping brings back fond memories of correction from Zeta which is probably why they are putting that in there. Camille got slapped all the time. I guess they are pushing Destiny to be abit like Zeta yet different. After watching the preview for the next ep its quite certain that we'll see Archangel but I'm guessing you mean see it in combat. Which could be possible to. I'm still waiting as well for the meeting between Athrun and Kira and when they talk of all that is happening. Surprisingly the two pilots capable of entering SEED mode never did. I know Athrun knows how to and Shinn is atleast capable in some respect. I was just hoping to see one of them enter. Shinn is atleast starting to become a bigger part of the eps. Backtalking to his superiors and then pulling his heroics. Although the slaughtering of defense EA soldiers fleeing is sorta cool. His hatred is quite evident. That poor red zaku just gets beat up time and time again.
I don't think the EA base was a secret. Thats part of where they were being sent. Remember the video footage and the communication? The people in the area of Gibralter were being "punsihed" i guess you could say. Its like the EA has become the titans. Which goes straight back to Zeta. I thought the Mirage Colloid part was concerning that Gaia was also part of the attacking windams and Arthur was referencing to that in regards to Bogey 1. But that part mentioned carriers? I still have alot to learn about understanding Japanese. Things are making more sense, but they just talk alil to fast for me.
Who thought that Athrun's battling was alil disappointing in this conflict. Shinn was doing alot better imo. But seeing a great flight battle is always good. I was alil miffed also at the reuse of old animation. While its not as heavy as it was in SEED they are starting to use it now. We can only hope its not a trend. Anyways more things to be done. And with Barumonks lil rebuttal I figured I better finish before I look as bad. There is nothing wrong with pointing out the obvious. But you should atleast point out something more than a link. I almost thought you hadn't watched the episode and just wanted to be first to post about it. You've done better thou than the last time someone did that. More impressions? Some people who can give more translations?
Eh might as well ad this edit: My comment about people not adding mostly went to the small comments above mine. But yea the link only when I viewed the thread was apart of it too,
Edit2: I may have thought it was your sig then since you put up a similar divider and there wasnt much there to read. I try not to read peoples sigs. I just know you post looked abit different when I got back from lunch.
Episode 16 Discussion
Like i said i think you should not post any discussion in the first post.. Just make it to show it's out and if you know where to download it, put out a link to that place so ppl can get it.. Ppl are layzy and will always be.. And it's not nice if they have to go through 5 post with heavy spoilers just to find a link.. I know myselff it's very tempting to read a little..
Personally i think Budweineken does this perfectly in his threads in the One Piece forum --> http://forums.gotwoot.net/messagevie...;enterthread=y
Then ppl can feel secure enough that they can just go in and get some info in the first thread and know that they should not scroll down if they dont want to get spoiled..
The only other system i can see work is the one in the Naruto forum.. That u have a Episode Release Info thread where no discussion about the episode is being made.. But since GSD board is not that big like Naruto i think that would be so many threads for so few ppl..
Another system that could be good is that the thread-maker gets to dubble-post in his first post.. One for the "where to get the episode" info and one to start the discussion..
Well i have not seen this episode yet.. i will wait untill they release the sub this time.. But i have a feeling i will spoil myself by going in here..
Episode 16 Discussion
Sad imo, Arthrun did better in his Zaku against than in Savior.
RE: Episode 16 Discussion
Jesus H Fuckchrist was this an awesome episode.
Lots of action and lots of progression... Auel is so goddamn cool.
Athrun's smackdown on Shinn was pretty neat too, and very true.
RE: Episode 16 Discussion
Now for the nay sayers. You can simply call this a red herring. But what did you guys think of Neo's Custom Windam? Pretty neat heh. Hes actually a pretty decent pilot in a mobile suit. Now here is another question whats up with the paint scheme? Haven't you seen that color arrangement before. Want a clue? Who remembers what Mwu's normal suit colors were like in the beginning of SEED? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img] If Neo is not Mwu then they are laying it on real thick that it is Mwu....
RE: Episode 16 Discussion
RE: Episode 16 Discussion
i thought stellar was gonna go psycho bitch on shinn...she was like half way there. that's what i really want to see.
RE: Episode 16 Discussion
Kickass episode.. I got reminded why i think Auel and his Abyss is so fucking cool.. And i just loved how Athrun bitchslapped Shinn too.. If Shinn would have cooperated with Athrun i think they could have taken down Chaos or Neo before they retreated..
RE: Episode 16 Discussion
Gaia running on water had to be the coolest thing in the ep.
RE: Episode 16 Discussion
Pretty cool ep, how in the hell was Stellar running on the water(unless she was doing it on the shallow part), I also a Neo=Mwu believer(look at the sig I put up in the fanart section).
Im not going to say that Shinn did better then Athrun(fighting wise) in this ep, b/c he didnt really want to kill anyone IMO, if he wanted to he could of gone into Seed mode and mutilated every single last one of them(including the three gundam pilots and Neo) its just that he didnt want to.
RE: Episode 16 Discussion
don't like the way how shinn was so cocky. and athrun was just playing around with sting....
RE: Episode 16 Discussion
all i can say about this episode is "meh...."
though i did like the running on water and the infamous slap
RE: Episode 16 Discussion
stellar was running on the shallow part because when she and impulse started to fight they were still around ankle deep. was it me or did it feel that kira could have taken those windams and gundams on by himself
RE: Episode 16 Discussion
why wont athrun just go into SEED mode and just rape everyone and show his true power. It seems like he's been holding back for some reason. I am also a believer that neo=mwu, the similarities are all there. we gotta see more kira also.
RE: Episode 16 Discussion
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
I can't wait to see if it really is cause its just gonna be sad. I do wonder thou. But beyond your complexity I can only wonder how you got that way. I guess the blatantly obvious that things they are feeding us as hints is gonna lead us to the event where everything was just a red herring. The opening itself basically say that Neo will for sure look like Mwu. If you're not gonna believe that I have to pity you. But honestly I get further in my debates around religion, and I think a wall is more conversive. You don't really accept much do you. But then again you've been against the idea since the beginning. Hey I will be alil upset to see Mwu alive again as well. But its looking more and more possible. And don't even go in the direction of Athrun being Mwu cause I've heard that discussion. Athrun is in the role that Mwu played with Kira just now its with Shinn and the others. So that sorta makes ur conspiracy right. Anyways show some more composure. I mean most mods would hollar at the newbs for posting in all caps but you do it frequently now.
RE: Episode 16 Discussion
This ep were great since there was alot of action and not just talk. Also this ep made me dislike Shinn even more,how can he in the middle of the battle forget about Athrun and leave him alone,they could have beat them if he helped Athrun.
Also when will Shinn grow up,he cant go on like this forever...
I hope they met Kira and co soon so Athrun can fight with someone that works with him....
RE: Episode 16 Discussion
Worst episode yet IMHO. For a lot of reasons lets list them shall we.
The state Gaia can't fly or go underwater so whats it do turn into dog mode and run across it WTF was that. However I'm getting ahead of myself we have Athrun(or however you spell it) being COMPLETELY outshined by Shinn in the impulse. It wasn't even close Athrun took out 1 while we have to watch Shinn take out 30 mechs. Not only that but considering Zaft build the Gaia, Abyss and Chaos wouldn't one think that they wouldn't suicide troops at that? Abyss is a transforming mech that becoms a sub and they would know the speed and limits yet there sending out mobile suits who have absolutely zero chance of hitting it with there munitions considering how slow they moved.
Now lets move on to the fact not a single Mobile suit went for the Minerva instead they all just buzzed around Shinn like completely useless untrained bugs were talking not even Neo was getting a hit in. Oh wait Athrun is still uselessly dodging in the air completely ignoring the battle he's in not trying to do anything but complain about Shinn.
Then finally we have Shinn randomly crashing through a halfbuilt base which just resulted in him killing a bunch of people who had zero chance of being any threat. Yes they shot some civilians and were made out to be bad guys but reguardless Shinn disobey's a direct order from a member of Faith and just gets slapped a couple of times... yeah thats realistic considering the intel about the battleplans for the attack could have been interogated from some prisoners but instead they settle for a slash and burn that amounts to absolutely nothing.
Also due to the poor quality of the fight scene you could hardly tell who was blowing up. Given it was cannon fodder units but being they were suppose to be a new type of mobile suit one would imagine them to require more effort then killing a mosquito.
RE: Episode 16 Discussion
Buzzed around Shinn? we can't expect too much from meer Naturals...
RE: Episode 16 Discussion
The day the make cannon fodder more then...well...cannon fodder is the day when people start complaining that the battles are too drawn out and don't have enough things exploding.
What happened to arthrun?? Zaku = amazing pilot, Savior = "Shinn where are you? Come back, I need you!"
RE: Episode 16 Discussion
Yeah Athrun wasnt at his best this ep dont know why he need Shinn to win against Chaos......
RE: Episode 16 Discussion
Originally posted by: Everon
The day the make cannon fodder more then...well...cannon fodder is the day when people start complaining that the battles are too drawn out and don't have enough things exploding.
What happened to arthrun?? Zaku = amazing pilot, Savior = "Shinn where are you? Come back, I need you!"
Usually in any Gundam series and most normal series when a new suit is introduced it gets to show off for a bit until the main character spots a weakness then overcomes it and takes them out. In this case it was more like they just gave up and Shinn who a couple of battles ago was having such a hard time with 2 team mates when they were leaving orb suddenly just plows through 30 Mobile suits while evenly fighting Neo and later Stella as well. On the other hand you have the hardened warvet unable to deal with Chaos in Savior which is a much higher quality Gundam. Not only that but neither of them used the Seed ability at all so apparently 31 to 2 odds is a walk throught the park and 30 to 1 for Shinn is now childs play.
RE: Episode 16 Discussion
well it is most likely a Mwu clone--- look at the new intro with "neo Lornoke" or watever the hell they call him and ArchAngel captain lady (yea im bad with names). either way Asuran did pretty badly in battle. just flying around shouting orders and getting shot at lol. but best part was still Shinn getting bitch slapped twice by asuran.
RE: Episode 16 Discussion
great ep, and DDBen if you think shinn outshined asuran look again, asuran is playing around and not going full shinn almost gets shot down a few times and he's a cocky fuck to i hate that kid being all "omfg im the hero here, ill show you how to do it asuran!!" fuck that fuckhead. Loved when asuran slapped him and told him what a war is about shinn can go fuck himself.
as for the stolen gundams they were all cool this ep auel is fucking crazy just like stellar, now we need to see sting in crazy mode he's been sort of the calm one. Neo kicks ass awesome character and stellar seems to have a crush on him or something oh and another thing to DDBen gaia wasnt running on water it was running on the seafloor(or whatever you call it in english) under the water i suggest you watch the ep again, shinn and stellar stands there fighting.....
And yet another glorifieing of ZAFT and crapfest on EA with all the slaves and shit ill tell you i dont like this, ZAFT wasnt crapped on in SEED even tho they had a equally stupid leader as the EA got now Patrick Zala was sort of the Blue Cosmos of Plant yet the didnt do much to show his bad sides now they show bad EA sides all over the place and ZAFT rescuing everything and shit and Shinn and the minerva isnt that great main character and main ship anyway. i say asuran join the archangel and they make sting, auel, stellar and neo to join them then they defeat the evil dulinandal who only is pretending to be a good guy and somewhere in here shinn dies that would be great.
RE: Episode 16 Discussion
Originally posted by: Pervert-Sennin Jiraiya
great ep, and DDBen if you think shinn outshined asuran look again, asuran is playing around and not going full shinn almost gets shot down a few times and he's a cocky fuck to i hate that kid being all "omfg im the hero here, ill show you how to do it asuran!!" fuck that fuckhead. Loved when asuran slapped him and told him what a war is about shinn can go fuck himself.
as for the stolen gundams they were all cool this ep auel is fucking crazy just like stellar, now we need to see sting in crazy mode he's been sort of the calm one. Neo kicks ass awesome character and stellar seems to have a crush on him or something oh and another thing to DDBen gaia wasnt running on water it was running on the seafloor(or whatever you call it in english) under the water i suggest you watch the ep again, shinn and stellar stands there fighting.....
And yet another glorifieing of ZAFT and crapfest on EA with all the slaves and shit ill tell you i dont like this, ZAFT wasnt crapped on in SEED even tho they had a equally stupid leader as the EA got now Patrick Zala was sort of the Blue Cosmos of Plant yet the didnt do much to show his bad sides now they show bad EA sides all over the place and ZAFT rescuing everything and shit and Shinn and the minerva isnt that great main character and main ship anyway. i say asuran join the archangel and they make sting, auel, stellar and neo to join them then they defeat the evil dulinandal who only is pretending to be a good guy and somewhere in here shinn dies that would be great.
Reguardless of what Athrun was doing there was no reason for him to be putting absolutely zero pressure on a attacking force like that he didn't take out anything and he should have atleast been aiming to disable the mechs as he might not have been looking to kill the piolets. As far as Gaia running on the reef bed yes at points thats perfectly believeable however considering that we had Abyss going in sub mode there is virtually no way there was a reef going all the way from the island to the battle. Do note Gaia is jumping along the rocks to orignally get to the bass to protect it the later point when she goes to help Neo however she is running on top of the water with nothing going under water.
On the other hand I do agree they are overglorifying Zaft who is just as wrong in this matter as the EA and that Shinn needs to die ASAP.
RE: Episode 16 Discussion
well as asurans and shinns objective was to defend the minerva and not attack the Ea forces shinn didnt do what he was supposed to, sure he did good but he iddnt do right. as for asurans hesistant actions i guess he still is a little unwilling to jump into that mobile suit. but shinn needs to learn his place, he is no divine god who can defeat all.
The gaia thing isnt somehting worth arguing about. it ran on parts in space in the first couple of eps and thats impossible to.
RE: Episode 16 Discussion
Asuran not bieng ready for mobile suit action is the only reason why he didnt so good and even Neo and Chaos admitted they couldnt tuch him when they tried to shoot him down.
RE: Episode 16 Discussion
i also hated the part about the launching... TOOK TOO MUCH DAMN TIME
RE: Episode 16 Discussion
agree asuran could be a lot better---i mean its not much of a comparison to compare him to any of the pilots from Minverva (least of all Shinn or Lunamaria) and the New EA Trio seem ok, but all got rocked by Asuran Isaac and Deakka who were all in Mass production mobile suits (who in turn all got rocked by Kira in the other series when it was 4 on 1 or 4 on 2 lol), but either way i hope they dont screw over Asuran again like they did in the other SEED.
RE: Episode 16 Discussion
i agree with the launching scenes, it did take way too long. Also it seems like the foursome of neo,auel,sting and stellar will continously gang up on athuran and shinn just like ZAFT against Kira in Seed. As for athuran's hesistation, i think he doesnt want to kill anyone unless he is saving someone. Like when Junius 7 dropped athuran went nuts to save the people of earth. I guess Athuran knew that this battle with Neo& co. was pointless since the minerva barely got attacked.
RE: Episode 16 Discussion
man, ep 16 sucked, i wanna see kira and athrun dominate and whoop everyone's ass.
RE: Episode 16 Discussion
Originally posted by: Mut@t@
man, ep 16 sucked, i wanna see kira and athrun dominate and whoop everyone's ass.
i don't see whats stopping them..... they can do anything they want now.
RE: Episode 16 Discussion
pretty good ep...the whole runnin on water thing, although kool, was kinda stupid. gaaia is WAY to massive to pull off something like that....even by gundam standards, thas pushing it. aw well, its just anime i guess.
best part was athuran smacking shinn upside the head....about time someone btch slapped him.
i didnt particulary like the battle. nothign special. and luna and the other guy (ray?) sucked soooooo much under water. auel totally owned thier asses in like 2.5 seconds. all they did was stand around and watch him sink a ship.
RE: Episode 16 Discussion
Originally posted by: Assassin
pretty good ep...the whole runnin on water thing, although kool, was kinda stupid. gaaia is WAY to massive to pull off something like that....even by gundam standards, thas pushing it. aw well, its just anime i guess.
best part was athuran smacking shinn upside the head....about time someone btch slapped him.
i didnt particulary like the battle. nothign special. and luna and the other guy (ray?) sucked soooooo much under water. auel totally owned thier asses in like 2.5 seconds. all they did was stand around and watch him sink a ship.
Well considering that they were so heavily outmatched I think they did well. There are several things to remember; first, the Abyss is a Gundam while they were piloting Zaku's. Second, the Abyss was designed specifically to be top of the line in underwater performance, the Zaku's almost certainly weren't deisgned to even be used underwater.
Also someone (not the person I'm quoteing) asked about why launch the GOOhNs to go after the Abyss, it is quite simple. Their options were send out the hopelessly outmatched GOOhNs and let them get destroyed, or sit there and let the Abyss come straight for them and do nothing while they die.
Another thing to add about Athran's performace suffering in the battle, keep in mind that the battle in the Zaku he had Yzak supporting him, and also it was in the Zero G of outer space. Keep in mind almost all of the fighting he did on Earth in the first series was either on the ground or using a Guul to support him. He may just not be as good at fighting within Earth's atmosphere.
RE: Episode 16 Discussion
Originally posted by: DDBen
The state Gaia can't fly or go underwater so whats it do turn into dog mode and run across it WTF was that.
Originally posted by: DDBen
As far as Gaia running on the reef bed yes at points thats perfectly believeable however considering that we had Abyss going in sub mode there is virtually no way there was a reef going all the way from the island to the battle. Do note Gaia is jumping along the rocks to orignally get to the bass to protect it the later point when she goes to help Neo however she is running on top of the water with nothing going under water.
Okay well when I saw that scene sure standing on rocks is obviously better than being in water. But even while getting to the last rock there was a splash. Point 5:20 of SEED-Fansub shows the scene. Just before the last rock you see the water splash up. 14:56 Gaia is watching the battle and Stellar gets concerned so she transforms and leaps landing what looks like on even thou the feet submerge just abit then quickly moving forward. 15:44 we see Gaia trying to reach Neo's Windam as Shinn is gunning for him. Alot more splash as she is farther from the shore now. Deeper water. Gaia leaps and collides with Impulse knocking it into even deeper water. Where they proced to get up and fight alil. This is all happening pretty close to the coast compared to where the Minerva is and the battle with Abyss. Just looking at the Minerva monitors at points you can see how far the island is.
Originally posted by: DDBen
However I'm getting ahead of myself we have Athrun(or however you spell it) being COMPLETELY outshined by Shinn in the impulse. It wasn't even close Athrun took out 1 while we have to watch Shinn take out 30 mechs.
My count for shown kills was more around Athrun -1, Shinn -10. That leaves 18 destroyed Windams unaccounted for. Surely some of those went to Athrun and the Minerva since Shinn had the most screen time. I'm sure a few of those random shots were kills as well thou for Shinn.
Originally posted by: DDBen
Not only that but considering Zaft build the Gaia, Abyss and Chaos wouldn't one think that they wouldn't suicide troops at that? Abyss is a transforming mech that becoms a sub and they would know the speed and limits yet there sending out mobile suits who have absolutely zero chance of hitting it with there munitions considering how slow they moved.
Yes lets just let the sub get destroyed by Abyss. Don't launch any countermeasures. The Goohns is all they had. There was a chance it might work. They had no idea how capable of a pilot the Abyss pilot was. In the end they still all died. But it was an acceptable risk for the safety of the sub. I also don't think every Zaft officer was privy to the technical specs of the Abyss. I think they were given the name and that the suit was stolen. But thats probably all the intel they got.
Originally posted by: DDBen
Now lets move on to the fact not a single Mobile suit went for the Minerva instead they all just buzzed around Shinn like completely useless untrained bugs were talking not even Neo was getting a hit in. Oh wait Athrun is still uselessly dodging in the air completely ignoring the battle he's in not trying to do anything but complain about Shinn.
At point 12:01 of the SEED-Fansub you can see Windams flying over the Minerva as AA guns are firing and Arthur orders launchers 1 and 2 to fire. If its heavily defending itself why sacrifice on it. Plus they gotta defend themselves from Athrun and Shinn. Sting said he was gonna take the new unit. Its kinda hard to focus on other enemies when you have multiple ones shooting at you. So you take on whatever unit you can. Thats basically all shinn did. Except his opponents were alot easier till he was fighting Neo. If Shinn can get better at piloting I don't see why Sting can't. And I think Athrun was taking out suits as well since Shinn only showed taking out 10.
Originally posted by: DDBen
Then finally we have Shinn randomly crashing through a halfbuilt base which just resulted in him killing a bunch of people who had zero chance of being any threat. Yes they shot some civilians and were made out to be bad guys but reguardless Shinn disobey's a direct order from a member of Faith and just gets slapped a couple of times... yeah thats realistic considering the intel about the battleplans for the attack could have been interogated from some prisoners but instead they settle for a slash and burn that amounts to absolutely nothing.
Randomly crashing through? He chased the Gaia towards the base. Then the base launched its own defense force with wasn't anything to really be worried about. After the slaves were murdered Shinn snapped. He was gonna get rid of the base one way or another. He definately was gonna let someone from ORB lecture him. Considering he did a good thing freeing the people it was still wrong. Correction is a fitting punishment. He will probably also be written up. But come on thats sorta boring to show on an anime. We may see more later in the next ep about a punishment. Who knows. We don't know what they settled for either...
Originally posted by: DDBen
Also due to the poor quality of the fight scene you could hardly tell who was blowing up. Given it was cannon fodder units but being they were suppose to be a new type of mobile suit one would imagine them to require more effort then killing a mosquito.
Some of those suits were well placed beam shots, others were multiple poorly aimed beam shots. Vulcans to the propulsion in the back caused a nice explosion. And you are right. We didn't really get to see the kills so we sorta don't know who did most of the shooting down of suits.
I can see what problems you may have had with the ep. But if you looked at things closer everything does sorta fit and work. But yea I wish Athrun was shown to be a better pilot cause he is. Also Abyss isn't superior to the other 3 suits. It was developed at about the same time and based of them. Atleast I think thats was the chairman said. Time to goto work. So ttyl. Hope this cleared ail up as well.
RE: Episode 16 Discussion
First, something I forgot last night. Even if Rey and Luna had managed to hit the Abyss with their Bazooka's, all it would have done is annoy him. Remember they specifically said that Beam weapons wouldn't work under water, and since the Abyss has Phase Shift it would just shrug off any other conventional weapons. Based on that, the Abyss would be almost invincible underwater.
Also, on the comment on them blowing up too easily, here is a quote about MS design from a page about Z Gundam which probably would apply to the Windams.
"With the advent of portable beam weaponry, a mobile suit was typically destroyed with one or two well-placed shots regardless of its armor; therefore, it was decided that otherwise useless armor would be sacrificed for lighter weight - and thus greater speed and maneuverability."
The above quote is curtousy of http://www.mahq.net/mecha/gundam/z/rx-178.htm second paragraph
RE: Episode 16 Discussion
For those of you who are watching the ANBU releases.
ANBU Gundam SEED Destiny Episode 16
RE: Episode 16 Discussion
16 indeed. Much action in this episode as always
RE: Episode 16 Discussion
i think this was a good episode, but i agree that the transformation took too long. it would have been way longer if they did the same for savior. good thing his transformations take only a split second. i would have wanted freedom and archangel to join them. what's annoying with this series is that like seed, the good guys get ganged up. if it was 1 on 1, well this series would be finished early he he he
let's ignore those other suits. they were just there for suicide. hehehe.
RE: Episode 16 Discussion
Finally watched 16. I waited patiently for AK-Aone's release.
Shinn best know his place.
RE: Episode 16 Discussion
Does anyone know why Auel said "Since Gaia can neither fly nor swim" in Ak-Aone release? Wasn't Gaia flying in ep 1 and 2 and also in space? I don't think this was disccussed I looked though the post and it was mostly about Gaia going in the water. Athrun needed more air time! =).
RE: Episode 16 Discussion
It can't fly because of Gravity. In space Gravity is a non-issue. Even on the colony the first couple of episodes. Gravity isn't as strong in the colony. Another thing in the colony is that the gravity isn't all on direction. Gravity is needed on multiple surfaces around the interior. Most Gundams, going all the way back to the beginning, aren't designed to fly. They have boosters that assist in jumping, but they are not designed for long term use fighting gravity.
Episode 16 Discussion
Nicely stated curium, and to elaborate that'e why in SEED the zaft gundams had to use those skid things when they were on earth and why in Destiny the Earth units have those wing packs.
Guul(Skid thing) http://www.mahq.net/mecha/gundam/seed/guul.htm
RE: Episode 16 Discussion
Ahh..that are some good points. I was thinking it had something to do with the gravity, but then I thought if there wasn't as much gravity then wouldn't people be floatin around too then? =D.
RE: Episode 16 Discussion
that thing reminds me of the thing that the Green Goblin rides on in Spider-Man.
RE: Episode 16 Discussion
Originally posted by: jing
that thing reminds me of the thing that the Green Goblin rides on in Spider-Man.
Yeah, me too.
RE: Episode 16 Discussion
damn it. I want to see more of kira
RE: Episode 16 Discussion
We might see him in the next ep! Not sure though. =D.
RE: Episode 16 Discussion
Originally posted by: belmont717
We might see him in the next ep! Not sure though. =D.
Well considering that he appeared in the preview for episode 17 at the end of 16 I would assume there is a 99% chance he will appear. Have to leave that 1% incase they decide to change things.
RE: Episode 16 Discussion
hey is anyone else having problems watchin eps 16, i got an xvid error but it only happens with aone subs. let me know what i can do to get it to work.
RE: Episode 16 Discussion
Originally posted by: gokuson49
hey is anyone else having problems watchin eps 16, i got an xvid error but it only happens with aone subs. let me know what i can do to get it to work.
what codec pack do you use to watch the gundam seed episodes?
RE: Episode 16 Discussion
i have the 1.0.1 xvid codec on my computer but whenever i try to get the 1.1.0 beta there is no install program with it. does anyone have 1.0.3 or the new one with an install program? would greatly appreciate it, since i really want to watch the aone-akingdom subs.