[HorribleSubs] Naruto Shippuuden 129 - 720p | 480p
[HorribleSubs] Naruto Shippuuden 130 - 720p | 480p
[Taka] Naruto Shippuuden 129-130 - 720p | 480p
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Wow, Naruto just keeps taking steps up in quality. I think I can officially consider it part 1 quality again. Also, the new opening is pure WOW - the song is decent, but the animation and content is easily the best of any Naruto OP ever.
The new opening wins the prize for most spoilers/sec.
In fact, it may only be beaten by the infamous One Piece opening with Nico Robin before she even joined the crew
Spoilers or not I have to agree with Arondruiz the new opening is awesome. First one that I'll actually bother watching every week. The two episodes were really good too probably due to the lack of filler. If they keep this up Naruto may actually be worth watching again.
Well the following events are pretty major, i'd think they would be smart enough to tone down on the filler for the next couple of episodesQuote:
Originally Posted by Abdula
ohh, did we already pass the skipped week? huh, i was so sure that this week there wasn't one.. time sure flies these days <.<
Especially when you don't give a crap about naruto anymore amirite? :oQuote:
Originally Posted by Pandadice
yea these eps were good set-up. I like that even though it was alot of talk, it informed you about whats going on. Hopefully there wont be too much talking for the rest of the fight. I been looking forward to this fight for awhile. And next eps. animation looks to be the same as the naruto vs sasuke fight! summon battle FTW!!
Ironically enough the series got this splendid with Naruto's absence. That guy sure is such a party killer. I hope he stays away for a good long while. And if Jiraiya indeed ends up dying, like it's looking more and more (with all the talk about taking the key to Naruto himself should something happen and the earlier Tsunade scenes), who knows, maybe it will affect Naruto in a positive way. I realise there's only 0.1% chance it would, but since I doubt we will ever get totally rid of the idiot, any chance would be welcome.
It would also be refreshing if Jiraiya actually does die after Pain made the grand evil overlord mistake of telling his supposedly doomed to die foe all his plans.
In any case, I'm again looking forward to the next episode. It has been a while (make that years) since that happened with Naruto, and it's not a bad feeling.
The God of Peace wants to use the H-bomb jutsu to rule over the world...
Who knew Pain was American
so these episodes were both pretty awesome.
i loved the new OP and ED! that Op was fantastic! i hope the actual battles are animated that well..
it was a lot of talk and build up, and now it's finally going down.. next week. can't wait >.<
Has it been explained what Jiraya did exactly when he put his fingerprints on the scroll-toad? It would be quite lame if it was some sort of soul storage or something.
It's pretty clear he's going to die here, although we'll lose an interesting character. At least let him go down in an epic battle with wonderful animation etc.
I've seen the intro and I don't know what the HUGE spoiler is supposed to be. Maybe it's only clear to those who've read the manga? Or did I just overlook things? Although I didn't pay too much attention to it, since I don't wanna needlessly spoil things for myself.
They blatantly used quite a few actual manga panels in the OP, but yes you won't realize what they spoiled unless you read the manga.Quote:
Originally Posted by Harima Kenji
This opening definitely rivals Haruka Kanata. The animation, deffffff not the music. Tobi has sharingan? Holy fucking moses.
Looks like we'll finally see some real jiraiya action, this would be his first real fight where he isnt incapacitated or tossing a fodder nin. Im already impressed with the first few minutes of the fight it can only go up from here. That battle toad looks like hes ready to do big thingsss. And according to the new OP he's about to do just that.
My guess it that it's a Chrakra seal. Tsunade had one on her forehead that allowed to to generate from pretty much any attack that didn't cause instant death. I'm expecting Jiraiya's to be just one massive chakra powerhouse for some eye-candy Jutsu next week.Quote:
Originally Posted by Harima Kenji
If you didn't want to spoil yourself, not paying attention was a good move. Otherwise, those spoilers were blatantly obvious, such as: That Sasuke will fight Itachi, a katana will pierce someone in an Akatsuki cloak, Orochimaru/Kabuto ripping out Sasuke's eye, Sasuke getting a Mangekyou Sharingan. (in fact, this even explains who would have to "die" to trigger Sasuke's M.Sharingan.), Naruto going beserk after releasing his seal, possibly the manner of Jiraiya's death, and Naruto telepathically knowing when it happens because this is anime. Spoilers galore.Quote:
I've seen the intro and I don't know what the HUGE spoiler is supposed to be. Maybe it's only clear to those who've read the manga? Or did I just overlook things? Although I didn't pay too much attention to it, since I don't wanna needlessly spoil things for myself.
Well for this episode, I'm glad we went back to basics and showed some skill that basic Chuunin are supposed to be capable of: information gathering. Jiraiya's the man.
I thought that was a given when Tobi announced himself as Madara.Quote:
Originally Posted by kage
Oh my god! Awesome overload! Too much information.
So, not only is Tobi an Uchiha, he's the founder of the Uchiha clan.
Pain apparently keeps a bunch of spare bodies around. I'm guessing that's why that one looks like Yahiko because it WAS Yahiko and his real body is in one of the other tubes.
Naruto apparently only has half of Kyuubi's power, and if Jirayai dies, he'll have the jutsu to open the seal(or redo the seal...I dunno).
And finally got to see Jirayia do something besides the same 2 Jutsu he always does.
I'm kind of curious, if the civil war in the rain ended a long time ago, where did the Rain ninja in the chuunin exam come from?
Also noticed a slight continuity error. In the scene where they showed Tobi at the valley of the end, the statues still had their shins, even though they got destroyed in the battle between Sasuke and Naruto.
Good pickup. I didn't think of that.Quote:
Originally Posted by DarthEnder
Yeah. Minato used the Death seal to take away the Kyuubi's yin (darker/eviler) chakra, and used a different seal (called the Tetragram Seal?) on Naruto, allowing him to access its power. The Kyuubi's existence was described as a near infinite chakra mass, so half of something near infinite would last you a lifetime at least.Quote:
Naruto apparently only has half of Kyuubi's power, and if Jirayai dies, he'll have the jutsu to open the seal(or redo the seal...I dunno).
After all this talk about Naruto's seal, and Jiraiya mentioning "that technique", I think I'm beginning to understand why Kagemane_no_Jutsu's previous signature was flagged as a spoiler. ;)
I don't get it. I thought the translation was really good. Anyway as was mentioned that scroll-toad is the key to the seal on Naruto's stomach and Jiraiya was storing the key inside his body. All he did there was release the toad from its contract with him and told it that in the event of his death the toad should store itself in Naruto. Should that actually happen, well the outcome should be obvious.Quote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
It should also be noted that Jiraiya is responsible for Naruto now being able to go 4 tails because he used the key to loosen the seal when he was training Naruto.
Bill is right you do have a good eye, and speaking of good eyes damn Bill that was spot on..Quote:
Originally Posted by DarthEnder
We could are argue the semantics later but the fact that Minato split the Kyuubi's chakra in half doesn't necessarily mean that Naruto only has half the Kyuubi's power. Minato separated the Kyuubi's yin and yang chakra and sealed the yang in Naruto, it's the whole light and dark thing they alluded to back when Kakashi was teaching Naruto about nature manipulation. That's my theory anyway.
Well it seems Pain is keen on keeping up appearances and keeps a tight lid on information, and it's interesting that she mentioned that her husband was a genin.
Not really a continuity error, that battle was over 3 years ago and they do fix stuff. Must have repaired it around the same time they repaired the third's face on the Hokage mountain and added Tsunade's.
Did anyone notice if HorribleSubs clipped anything out like they did in 127-128?
Sooooo awesome!
Next ep can't get here fast enough!
There was a pretty gigantic recap at the beginning of the episode, about 5 minutes long.. I don't think they cut anything else out, but we'll see in Taka's release.Quote:
Originally Posted by kmkze04
wow, I caught up a year's worth of Naruto in 1 week. Not sure if that was a good move or not cuz now I am going to have to wait endlessly for episodes to come out.
But dang, great work Naruto producers! Please don't let Jiraiya die. One of my favorites.
I'm surprised by the amount of toads that Jiraiya can summon. Each time he's got a new one.
Are the facial piercings on the different bodies of Pain just decoration or do they serve some kind of purpose? Lot of information will be coming our way next couple of episodes...
By the way, there's going to be another "special" team of animators doing next episode (131)
This guy hasn't worked on Naruto before, but here are some clips of his animation
Those look nice
Were those guys in charge of the new opening and ending too?
Shiiit, those fighting scenes were off the shizzle!
Now im even more psyched about the upcoming fight!
What? You mean like antennas that he uses to control the bodies or something?Quote:
Originally Posted by ASSpirine
I assume it's just cause he's really into "pain".
Maybe they're done in a way that they hurt when he moves, lest he forgets the pain he's learned.Quote:
Originally Posted by DarthEnder
My thoughts would be that they are related to controlling that body as his own.
My theory is that he just has a really bad taste and thinks they look cool. Konan is too kind to straighten his misconception.
Pain doesn’t have necessarily to be Jiraiya’s student, my theory is that the real Pain never met Jiraiya before but because he has bodies of deceased ninjas he shares the memories those ninjas once had, having the Yahiko body and becoming one with Yahiko makes him Jiraiya’s student, Pain is a conjunction of various ninjas who are already dead, that explains why for the first time ever we see a guy with two different animals as his summons, and judging by the opening and the preview he’s gonna have a lot of different summons, normally you can only have a contract with one type of animal, so maybe Pain has one contract per body.
Where did they ever stated you can only summon one type of animal?
The third had Enma the monkey king, but was the death god also a kind of summon?
There is indeed a possibility that Pain is neither Yahiko or Nagato. It was never confirmed by Konan or Pain that he is one of those two.
There should be a reason why there are different kinds and different patterns of piercings. We'll see, or not...
The Death God was more a sealing technique than a summon. Animal summons require you to sign the contract beforehand. The Death God seal requires you to enter the contract when you perform the seal, with your soul as the price.Quote:
Originally Posted by ASSpirine
Looks like Hanzo is going to get his fight. "Hanzo of the salamander" or whatever, and this guy summoned a lizard.
The nice part of them showing us all of his bodies means that, while we are almost certain Jiraiya is a dead man, Jiraiya can win a few times before ultimately being killed by Pain.
As far as the piercings go.... Pain seems like the practical type, I doubt they are just for looks. My guess would be that they are related to controlling the bodies, but not as antennas or anything that outlandish: thinking more along the lines of distraction.
I think all the piercings are there to cause a significant amount of pain and distract the consciousness of the actual body, allowing pain to easily control it from his own body with some strange jutsu related to those eyes. I hope Jiraiya likes that look, because if it is indeed Hanzo he is fighting then Pain may be a collector.
I think if that were the case, only one of the eyes would have the Rinningan, whichever body used to be Nagato's.Quote:
Originally Posted by antiravage
The fact that all of the bodies have access to the Rinningan leads me to believe that Nagato is the one in control, and that the Rinningan is what's actually allowing him to control the bodies. Especially since it looked like there were 6 bodies in tubes, and Jirayia said the original Rinningan user was called "The Sage of the Six Paths".
Which makes me think, we know that Kazuku could use the chakra natures of everyone who's heart he had. Can Pain use the chakra nature of whichever body he's in control of?
I noticed he summoned a crab AND some kind of chameleon. That's the first time I've ever seen someone summon more than one type of animal before.Quote:
Originally Posted by Artris
This guy doesn't look like Hanzo though, but I'm willing to be Hanzo is going to turn out to be one of the bodies.
More than that, did you notice the summoned beast's eyes?Quote:
Originally Posted by DarthEnder
the idea of the piercings being used for him to feel pain or whatever doesnt sound right to me, after ur piercings heal they dont hurt anymore...
Maybe he's always picking at the scabs...
Lol, didn't think there would be a discussion about the piercings... Just wondered what they were for.
Originally Posted by Archangel
This episode rocked! I haven't said that about a Naruto episode in forever. I look forward to the next one.
Just gonna throw this out there.... Jiraya has some funky hair!
I came in here looking for opening discussion, since it's pretty fucking ridiculous. In a great way, of course. But, I came upon this and simply had to comment.Quote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
You're wrong. You're wrong to such an extent that I feel like we watched two different openings.
No spoiler discussions and no quoting spoilers.
The opening was baller, though.
No spoilers
We need to now edit the opening.