"All your sweets are belong to me!"
oh lawl...but I wish Yui would've stayed quiet during the song :/
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"All your sweets are belong to me!"
oh lawl...but I wish Yui would've stayed quiet during the song :/
Yeah. Her croaking ruined the song somewhat. A very good episode, nonetheless. And again centered around Mio, more or less.Quote:
Originally Posted by KrayZ33
I was wondering, by the time the song ended, that it all went strange well and smoothly, and thus I can't say I'd have been overly surprised when Mio tripped. It's much better this way, of course, that the music part of the performance was fine (except for Yui's croaks), even if the acting onstage otherwise left room for development.
I was hoping for an actual live scene rather than the dusty desert rampage they used. I'd much rather watch the K-on girls actually performing instead of some random scene that kind of rips away the reality of the show.
A lot of people seem to be dissatisfied with the panchira scene (not here, thankfully). They don't seem to remember that it is a Kyo-Ani rule to have no-pantsu (no not that kind) in their anime. I personally think it was more interesting and funny than being shown a pair of panties again (even if they are shimapan) like practically any other anime does.
EDIT: Best scene of the episode - LOLI MIO
I can't be the only one who enjoyed Yui's bit of involvement now can I? First time through, I thought it was hilarious, making me lol all the way through. The second time was equally as funny, but by the third play I could easily think of it as some general Vocal II and listen to the song seriously. It wasn't so bad.
I'm interested in knowing if Mio's VA also did the singing though.
At the rate things are going, this might really end after 13 eps. The way they fast-forwarded to the first live without any real "practicing" kind of suggest things might turn out like Yuki's other theory after all.
You might be, actually. I hated it.Quote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
She probably did, like when she sang the ED song.Quote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
Woo, lots of good thing happened in this episode. Mio being scared in the haunted house, Yui and Ritsu imitating sumo wrestlers, and a nice video that went with the singing cast. I didn't mind Yui's involvement either, but Mio really shined this episode.
Make that two who enjoyed Yui's croaking back-up. (Three with Nado)Quote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
The music video aspect ruined it for rather than Yui's croaks. I probably wouldn't have minded the music video if Yui was singing normally, but then it would have made the cut from the reality of the show even harsher. Yui's croaks were in fact the only thing that rooted the viewers to the fact that the girls aren't perfect yet. The music video even switched up the instrument tracks, polishing them as if they were recorded on a proper sound system by considerably more practiced musicians. The song even started with their less impressive playing, on their modestly priced amps. It sounds a little tinny, and the drums sound kind of weak.
Thinking back to the other famous live band in an anime God Knows.../Lost My Music by Aya Hirano as Haruhi, that clip sounded nothing like the recording released on disc. Aya Hirano sounds rougher around the edges, doesn't hit the notes as well, and the music has it's own inconsistencies that make it believable as a live performance (except Yuki, which is intentionally flawless). I noticed this about that Haruhi episode because I watched it earlier this week on a random whim (probably in anticipation for this episode).
Here, Mio's singing is perfect, the band gets improved after they switch to the music video, and only the existence of Yui's croaks keep us settled in continuity. That mismatch made it feel wrong, and I much would have preferred if they were all only...so-so. The perfect version can wait for a character album, soundtrack, or another single.
I did like the haunted house scene (especially funny after the training camp episode where Yui was the one pushing the haunted house, and now Ritsu is the one running one in sharp contrast to her insistence they run a maid cafe).
The flashbacks were great too.
I would have preferred a perfect version now rather than a comedic attempt at a mediocre one. They went all the way to making a music video theme (to my dismay), but then decided to ruin the song by inserting a jarring sound after almost every Mio line. Just when I feel like I can get into the music, I get jolted back by Yui's voice. If she wasn't croaking and sang properly, it would have been awesome, but her performance really did drag everyone down.
Being perfect at this point isn't unbelievable at all, considering they only practised one song. Even amateurs with a lot of practise can manage to do that. That is worlds away from doing a whole set consistently.
About the Haruhi comment, the inconsistencies don't really add any reality to the performance, considering she practised the 2 songs for only a day (or something like that). She still did awesome despite that.
To counter, none of these four girls are what Haruhi is. Even if she is one with just enough self-doubt inside that she wants the performance to be the best it could be and wondering whether or not she could pull it off (Haruhi's feelings expressed to Kyon at the end of that episode). Haruhi was deeply afraid of letting the other girls down. Given her abilities, if she wanted to be damn near perfect in a few hours, she would be. She was worried whether or not she could, so those tiny slivers of reality creeped into her performance. I could write a lot more in detail, but I'm already toeing the spoiler line, albeit of a well-watched and old series. PM me if you want more details.Quote:
Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
These girls needed to practice often, and one couldn't even play an instrument a few months ago. She just happens to be extraordinary in her own right to make up the lack of time. I expected them to play mediocre, and other than Yui's croaks, it disappointed greatly in that way.
I have no qualms about you wanting them to play mediocre (other than the fact that they didn't need to, since if they had talent and practised hard, one song is not difficult to do well).
What I find odd is why you think the croaking is a positive thing in that aspect. The only reason I find for it be acceptable is the comedy that can be gleaned from the sheer contrast. Liking it since it adds realism because the music video detached the song from reality too much? It is a bit too much of a complication for me.
Lol Mio was so cute changing her chopsticks to her right hand just because Ritsu was making a big deal about her being lefty when they were little.
I thought it was hilarious. It makes the song sound better and funnier, which is the way it should be.Quote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
Wow, if only they could harness the energy from the first 2 minutes of this episode. The shear amount of moe energy would power our planet for years to come.
Cute. Very cute. Perhaps even a bit TOO cute. I still liked this a lot, but the overload of moe leaves me feeling that it'd be better if it was used more sparingly and precisely. It's like they're plastering MOE on every frame.
But it's Christmas, what can you do. Ui is pretty freaking awesome. Yui's hopeless (in a funny way). Really, who makes their sibling peel oranges for them?!
Still, her making a "White Christmas" out of cushion fluff more than redeemed her.
I just hope this was a one-off episode of mucking around, because I don't want to see them just end up at Budokan. I want to see how they actually get there.
Mio in a kimono <3
btw Ui-chan and Sawako-sensei are really cool side-characters..
Sawako going crazy at their Christmas Party was really fun to have around and Ritsu giving Mio that skeleton pop-up was funny as well. As usual, good episode.
It was a good episode with some nice scenes, like those Mio frightening ones, but all in all I think this was less funny than the previous ones. Maybe because this relied on moe alone more, like Bill already said. It can get old ultimately unless they come up with new tricks.
That was moe overload. Still funny, and Ui is just unbelievable when it comes to defending her sister.
I did find it funny that Mugi got upset over the weight gain
Yeah, that was pretty funny. It feels like they're not putting enough effort in to make Mugi "special" as they're doing with the other girls. I say this because all of Mugi's "traits", if you will, have been a bit out-of-the-left-field, kind of just thrown in there.Quote:
Originally Posted by narutosharingan
Mio's shyness works well, Yui's a born-airhead, while Ritsu's playfulness and outspoken self feels completely natural. Mugi always feels a bit off.