Sanae is voiced by Kikuko Inoue, who not only did Belldandy, but also Mizuho-sensei in Onegai Teacher, which is why I loved the "classroom" scene.
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Sanae is voiced by Kikuko Inoue, who not only did Belldandy, but also Mizuho-sensei in Onegai Teacher, which is why I loved the "classroom" scene.
I thought she sounded familiar.
I haven't seen Onegai Teacher yet, but I'll be on the lookout if I get around to it. I would never have picked out that she did Miria from Claymore though.:eek:
I really like how they put in little bits of RPG elements into this anime. The "Sunohara join party" thing from last ep was pretty good, but I really liked the "mastered bewitching everyone you talk to."
The staff pay a lot of attention to detail, which is awesome.
People tackling ghosts are poor hosts:
Episode 6 h264 - SS-Eclipse
Episode 6 xvid - SS-Eclipse
So Ibuki sensei really can't see Fuko... Tomoya's combo count didn't go up either, but maybe it didn't cound because it wasn't a proper stand-off. More like Sunohara vs Anonymous Bear. the fiancee guy didn't seem to happy. I think we'll hear more about it later. Many random funny moments in this episode, as always. New Fuko club's been established, and Tomoya's mastered two more skills.
Many new useful skills are just awaiting to be mastered by a worthy student.
Episode 7 h264 - SS-Eclipse
Episode 7 xvid - SS-Eclipse
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Edit: This series seems to be heading down similar mixed paths of humour and sadness as Kanon was. I am happy it does, of course, because that was something that made Kanon what it was, and while I don't expect this series to reach similar levels, it will surely end up a head taller than most shows out there.
Haven't seen Kanon, but agreeing with the humour/sadness statement. One moment, I was laughing, and the next, it was...sad. I really want Fuko to wake up. Somewhere deep down I think she will, but the scene with Sunohara and Tomoya still worked.
"I like you more than sea slugs" might actually be a very praising compliment.
Sea slugs surely are such lovely creatures worth admiration...
Episode 8 h264 - SS-Eclipse
Episode 8 xvid - SS-Eclipse
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Edit: I really wouldn't want to say this, but I'm starting to feel this Fuko arc is getting somewhat stretched. Of course this seems to be a series of a somewhat slow pace in general, but still. Well, if it ends soon, all is well. It has been quite a remarkable arc in any case, and most certainly quite different to the fare usually present in high-school dramas...
But it unfortunately looks like Fuko won't be subjected to further pranks anymore. Damn her heightened internal alarm level.
It really does look like this arc will finish next episode, or at least Fuko'll finally disappear. I personally really want her to wake up. If not soon, then maybe in the final episode or something. We've also been shown a ranking as to who Fuko was most important to. Unlike Sunohara though, Sanae remembers why she was at the hospital, and her words were bordering heart-wrenching.
Man it's just ike Kanon the way it gets into your emotions and just cuts you apart. Sanae almost had me in tears with her monologue, and I noticed Nagisa got more and more physical with Fuko as the episode went on. The attention to all the little details everywhere really sucks you in and makes you feel what the characters feel, and that's why Key awesome.
As much as I like the things this arc has brought on I too am starting to wish it would wrap up for the simple reason that I want to see more of the other characters. The genius girl is nowhere to be seen and Kyou and Tomoyo are getting only token screen time.
And in later parts, Fuko didn't go into Happy Mode. Guess she's not in the mood to feel happy. I bet you when they wake up next ep, they won't see Fuko anymore. The memory will still be there. Whether Fuko's still around we'll never find out, I guess. It's like the "is there a sound if no one heard it" question. Though, if a star (or should I say starfish?) randomly appears in their hands, then it's Fuko.Quote:
Originally Posted by Yukimura
It was quite an ending to the arc. While I was already thinking it was getting too long and the emotional impact wouldn't be that high, partly due to the length, I have to say now this last episode of the arc was an excellent one and surely shouldn't leave anybody cold. Good old Kanon vibes in that sense. Sad and happy at the same time.
That was quite touching. I was hoping they'd remember her completely, but I guess not. Did she end up passing away in the hospital, or is she still in her coma?
Coma, I'd assume, because they still believe they will see her one day (the real girl, not a ghost. The ghost they have forgotten already).
So this concludes the Fuko arc. Great execution I thought. It was really touching how she could finally meet her sister, and also the night at school. It was a bit weird how Tomoya and Nagisa forgot about the wedding though, and that old teacher did. Maybe it was just their shock from forgetting Fuko, or something like that... I still haven't figured out the significance of the scrap robot in the first three episodes. I thought they had something to do with Fuko, since they stopped showing them when Tomoya and Nagisa finally discovered her and started helping her out, but the words from the robot didn't quite fit into anything.
Next week, we'll have a new arc, Socialising Kotomi.
Fuko also forced the Nagisa x Tomoya relationship a little further by forcing them to call each other by more familiar names. A nice little progression towards what I assume will be our final arc. I much prefer the way Clannad has been going about it over Kanon's isolated approach.
All in all, a very touching first arc. Not nearly as heart-wrenching as previous KEY series arcs, and it leaves you with a warm feeling instead.
I viewed it so that everything that basically was caused by, or began from, Fuko was forgotten. Tomoya and Nagisa knew of the wedding and affected it because they heard of it from Fuko. The old teacher, however, learned it from Tomoya and Nagisa and not Fuko, so he wasn't connected to the ghost. Maybe that's why he didn't forget it.Quote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
I didnt like that story too much. Thought Clannad was your typical romantic anime, but this Fuko-stuff is pure fantasy "oh, i cant see her anymore, even though shes standing right next to me".
Well, to each his own I guess. I never thought anyone would prefer typical romantic anime over Clannad, but the world is huge.
I personally loved the way the episode progressed, especially how at first they made tomoya and nagisa forget, only to give it a happy arc end.
Was Tomoyo with that bastard Sunohara???? She and that cretin were the only students wearing outside clothes, so it kind of implies they went together.