I think that's Murphy's law or some other smart ass guy. My floor jack broke 2 months out of warranty. It's all a scam I tell you.
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so full tilt poker has been down for 1month 10 days now and I have 43k$ on there. Thank you DOJ. it's about 50/50 atm that it will come back it seems, some people think higher. I have the option to try to sell for 0.40$ on the dollar, but would have to sign contracts etc and would likely have to look for a while to find a buyer(but that is the going price). I am not in need of money at all(student loans), savings in bank account. Not sure if I should try to sell or not.
winnings, started with small deposits. real money. well not anymore. now it's like 0.40$/1$. got a bunch transferred off for 0.90$/1 before things looked too bad(they had trouble with payment processors so I had to trade with other players for other sites or moneybookers), but I kept playing two sites and winning on this one/losing on the other which is a bit unlucky.. then 5 days into my thailand vacation the site goes down, perfect start to the summer. now summers over and I'm getting ready for exams and it doesn't look like it will come back up soon... blehhh
Went to a street basketball tournament yesterday. My PSP got stolen there.
Guess I have another reason to buy the new PSVita soon.
Just stopped drinking coffee today after slowly reducing how much I drank. I feel terrible. Headache and lethargy and crankiness. I went from 2 cups each morning for 1.5 years, to 1 cup each morning for a week, to zero today. It's surprising how much withdrawal hurts.
You don't have to go cold turkey you know? You could be even more gentle about it if you started taking some caffeine pills and reduced the amount each day
I was surprised that I didn't feel any withdrawal going from two cups to one cup, so I went to no cups and it hit harder than I expected. I'm going back to one cup a day for another week. Good thing school starts next week when I stop again :rolleyes:
How to become an iOS developer:
1) Upgrade to XCode 4.
2) Be unable to find install for XCode 4 because it's restricted to only licensed developers.
3) Buy a 1yr developer license for $99.
4) Wait 6 hours for authentication code.
5) Wait until Monday because the authentication code doesn't work and tech support is closed on the weekends.
6) Download XCode 4 but realize that it now requires Snow Leopard.
7) Go to an Apple outlet store to purchase Snow Leopard, but be told that outlet stores no longer carry Snow Leopard.
8a) Buy Snow Leopard online, which means waiting up to 5 business days because Apple has to physically ship the install cd to you instead of letting you digitally download it for some reason OR
8b) Break down and borrow a friend's copy of the install CD.
9) FINALLY install XCode 4 after finally upgrading.
10) XCode 4 crashes because your laptop is probably too old.
11) (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
You should upgrade directly to Lion to get the full shitty Apple experience, complete with slow boot times!
I approve of nr. 11
Is "bauss" a recent internet meme? I'm seeing it everywhere among the reddit/imgurl/facebook crowd.
Bauss...ugh. Probably a bastardization of "Boss" from "Like a Boss" that originated from this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NisCkxU544c
Yeah it's pretty obnoxious. Can't wait until it's outmoded and people stop using it.
Uhh what, it didn't "originate" from that video, I've been using that term for like a decade now; something being "boss" is actually slang from the 1950's.
Something being "boss" has been around a while, but something being "bauss" is relatively new.
Now you're reminding me of those names like Destinee and shit. :(
New? Shit's like 2 years old
Didn't know that. I've personally never even heard of something being "boss" until last year. And since the first time I've heard it, I've seen it everywhere, just like other internet memes. If the usage of the word is that old, then its current ubiquity must've been sparked by something more recent.
So our webproxy, IPRISM, suddenly decided to link GOTWOOT to 'Copyright Infringement' and 'Peer to peer' and has blocked it definitely. I can't browse the forums at the office anymore. Fuckers.
As much as I advocate more Gotwoot forum activity, should reading fora really be a priority while you are working?
I'm sure hundreds of millions, if not billions, of dollars are lost due to an increasing decline in worker productivity with the advent of social networking and entertainment websites like Facebook and Youtube.
Alternatively, since mobile networking is becoming more common these days, isn't it better for you to browse Gotwoot via 3G network on your mobile device?
I used to browse the forum while a long query was running, while running some test cases and the system was processing or before the actual day started. I do hate facebook so I don't use it. However the whole fucking building does spent 3 daily hours there and it isn't blocked.
Regarding mobile devices... I refuse to pay a 100 dollar monthly fee.
that's sucks RZ. How did that happen?
If we didn't have the internet to squander our work hours with, we'd find other ways. It's the (North) American way.
Speaking from experience there Ani. I don't know about you but the two weeks vacation and couple days sick leave doesn't really help much, that is assuming you get it. Most people end up bring home work to meet deadlines and if browsing the net while you work to keep oneself from shooting someone that's annoying or just to keep sane, I'm all for it. But people do take it to extremes with the slack.
p.s. I dislike Facebook, just so you know.
Checking the few new posts a silent forum such as Gotwoot might have takes less time than a smoker requires to wander to the smoking place three times during the working hours (assuming you don't attempt to write novel length posts). So, Gotwoot is quite a different case compared to the fricking Facebook addicts.
Websense has blocked Gotwoot from where I work for at least two years. No idea why. I can sympathize RZ.
I don't know if it's due to switching from dedicated phone equipment to some computer software and cheap headsets, but I dislike companies whose phone services have poor voice quality. Today I needed to call one company about to an unclear bill/deal and I lost like every fourth sentence the lady was saying. Fortunately I could get around it by guessing and verifying what she said, but it's still annoying. I don't particularly care about those telemarketers whose words I can't decipher since I'm not going to buy anything from them anyway, but it's a different thing when you are the one making the call.
LIMBO - why is this game so hard???
Don't know the game but from the looks of it, there's.... a LOT going on in it. Think you need 3 Monster drinks just to keep up.
Oh, and BLAST those Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up troll vids on youtube!
I bought an Intel SSD a week ago and diagnostic tests keep coming up with data integrity errors. (it writes random data to the disc and reads it back). Sent it back to warranty, got approved, but the new unit is the same. There's a review on newegg that says someone's been able to change a setting to get rid of these "fake" fail results, but he doesn't give details. So far my brother's PC has ran the test 3 times successfully.I'm not sure if I want to return the drive for a refund, or spend money buying parts to troubleshoot if my board is having issues with it.. I have a weird idea that I'll try tonight, but this sucks. :(.I even got to use the SSD for a day so I know how awesome it is now :S
Things have finally come to a head with that awful girlfriend I have posted about several times in the past.
Without sharing too much, it's become clear to me that she has been sending emails to her ex boyfriend, telling him how much she loves and misses him. He never replies, but she just keeps sending him romantic emails. She is quite clearly hung up on him, and spends her emotional energy on him while ignoring and patronizing me.
This is it. This is what's finally put it over the edge for me. I was weak before but now I can finally do what I need to in order to be happy and rid myself of this terrible relationship.
I have been up since 5 am yesterday, and it is almost 5am again now. I'm about to go to work with no sleep whatsoever. I feel dead and used.
Sorry if that's tmi, Gotwoot. I just feel hurt.
it's for the better
you can go on with your life without having to clean up for the crap she's giving you, and she can continue running her life.
Good job on finally manning up, XanBcoo.
I knew you could do it.
Anyone would do that after the email incident, I'd think.
The question is, if the same sort of situation happened again (but this time Xan didn't discover the backdoor emails, or if they didn't exist), would Xan still be indecisive, or will he use this example as a precedence to make his judgement?
/me hands Xan a tissue a beer and a condom. Go out and relieve some stress.
Sorry to hear that...it is going to be a rough time, but I am sure you will pull through feeling better. Good job making a firm decision.
Ah, today has been really crappy for me as well, but was capped off by the police harassing me, cuffing me, searching me, all (I think) unnecessarily. I was walking from my office to pick up a Zipcar and was stopped by a police officer while crossing the street. He hopped out the car and told me to put my hands on the car. Very calmly, I asked what the problem was and what I had done wrong. He kept telling me to just put my hands on the car and then a second officer came behind me and cuffed me. After going through my pockets and bag, they told me that there was "a black with dreadlocks" that had stolen something from a store somewhere near there or something (the person also apparently had 3 women with him). Then they asked me 3 times where I was coming from, to which I replied "my office", and even suggested that they call there to verify that I had just been there.
Afterward, they let me go, but one cop said to me that "I should use one of the cell phones in have and call them if I see anymore blacks around". I thought it was over after that, but then when I kept walking and had gotten about 2 blocks away, 2 police SUVs surrounded me and 2 cops got out and started questioning me, demanding my ID and asking me where I was going. They then demanded that I go with them, and I refused; as even they admitted that they knew the 1st 2 cops had already searched me. They kept telling me to go with them, and I kept refusing, and then they got a call and drove away.
I understand that they were looking for a "black with dreads", but that cannot have been the only description. Also, I was being cooperative; I don't understand why I had to be cuffed. It was pretty humiliating, as people walking down the street were looking at me like I was some sort of criminal. I don't even know if filing a police complaint would be worth it, since I would have to sign an affidavit and give a statement. :(
Damn, Rockmanj that really sucks. Racial profiling at it's worst I guess. Did you take down their badge numbers and note the precinct they were from to file a complaint because this can be considered police harassment.
It all depends on how you feel about it man, it's going to be a long process and if the system is as slow as it is here you're going to loose a good day of work and even feel more violated.
It would have been good if someone recorded the incident and have it uploaded or sent to a news station or something to expose what has happened because as it is, it's your word against theirs and they don't really give a shit about you.
Hope the day gets better.
btw, I have always wondered, what the hell is "Deigo Quality"
That sucks, Rockmanj, but I'm not sure it is all that unusual. A friend of mine drove a blue truck years ago. One night while he was driving home, the cops randomly pulled him over. They got him out of the car, cuffed him, forced him to lie on the ground (I think it had been raining earlier so it was nice wet pavement), and searched through his car very thoroughly. After about 5 minutes searching the car, they got him up, uncuffed him with out saying anything, and drove off.
Apparently, some other random white guy who also owned a blue truck had robbed a bank or business or something. He found that out the next afternoon reading the local paper.
You getting hassled twice even though they already knew you were searched is what really sucks.
This is "Diego Quality" I can see why they wanted to question me, but it seemed kind of unprofessional since they did not listen to anything I was saying, and I know exactly what precinct it was, since I work at an economic development council that deals with a lot of community issues. I don't know if I will file a complaint, but I did email the district commander and tell him exactly what happened. I did not get any badge numbers, but I remember the name of one of the officers. And the day has been very sucky since I woke up (likely got stood up on a date, forgot my medicine at home, was coerced into agreeing to move into a crappy studio, got into an argument about Korean culture), but thanks.
Yeah that sucks to hear what happened rockmanj, though I'd suggest you not take it personal or think of it as racial profiling. Like Ryllharu mentioned, they identified you by description, not necessarily by race. Police are under a lot of stress and pressure to stop crime and sometimes get overzealous. Plus imagine getting lied to and given the run-around day after day by 99% of the people you deal with ("it's not mine officer, it's my cousin's, I was just holding it for him") and you learn not to trust people at their word. When you suggest they call to confirm your story, it's seen as a stall tactic or like you're messing with them.
Though your post makes my tongue-in-cheek racism/xenophobia about Xan's students seems less fun.
What the heck is that? If they ask where you come from, what's the alternative if they don't believe you? Get a police dog to track your movements back based on odour traces left behind? If they aren't going to believe the answer from the beginning, they shouldn't be bothered if they receive a 100% logical and very easy suggestion.
I live in one of the bigger cities in Finland and I don't believe I've ever seen anybody get cuffed. I'm not even sure I've ever witnessed an arrest. I have only seen the police stop to talk to some chaps in a nonaggressive manner. Getting randomly cuffed when you walk out of your office building sounds like some fricking dystopian science fiction to me.
Well, things are a bit more hectic in Chicago, but law enforcement officers are not supposed to restrain you unless you are deemed a threat to them or yourself. As I was attempting to be cooperative and answer questions, there was really no reason to handcuff me in the middle of the street in front of all those people walking about. I already scare white and Asian women by...well, existing. I am sure that only exacerbated things.
As much as the cuffing seemed unnecessary and demeaning, I think it's a safety precaution as well as a method of intimidation. If they have you cuffed, they can be more at ease and it might keep you safer as well (from overzealous trigger-happy types).
@Kraco: offering to call someone to confirm your story is like trusting personal references on a job application. Of course you will only list people sympathetic and friendly to you so they will back you up, even if they have to lie.
Like Ani said, they're really more afraid of you bolting, or pulling a weapon out of your pocket. It happens. Cops get shot/stabbed/attacked all the time.
It's the same reason you're better off keeping your hands on the wheel once you roll the window down for a traffic stop. Reaching toward your glovebox to grab your registration while they're still in their cruiser will actually put the cop on edge, thinking you grabbed something else. Trust me, they'll come up to the window with their hand on their service arm. You often end up better if the cop stays at ease the entire duration of the traffic stop. You tell them when you're going to do something, "It's in the glovebox, let me get it," and do it slowly. Then they don't have to worry about getting shot.
It's a dangerous job. Treat them with respect and you'll get it back.
Not saying you didn't treat them with respect Rockmanj, but if they thought you were who they were looking for, they weren't about to take any chances. Embarrassing for you, but none of them want to take the risk.
Black with dreadlocks (if im not mistaken this a hair style) isnt much of a description to handcuff someone that you already have with his hands on the car, so under control. Anyway things in your country are different so my point of view is quite biassed.
What I cant understand is why they stoped you a second time if they where informed about your first encounter. And if I were you I wouldnt make any file complain. Usually those things take forever to come to an end and in the end if things get serious you will have to face some angry cop that lives in your city that could know anything he wants about you, and even if most of them are very nice and hard working people a lot tend to like grudges, especially against some racial sectors.
Dude, hands on the car is not "under control". His back would be to them with the car obstructing the view of any officer facing him from the other side. Think how easy it would be for him to pull a gun from his waistband and turn it into a bad situation for the police.
The second time, while bs, is also understandable, since they were still looking for the guy. The 2nd stop might have been to double-check, or to be sure it wasn't a different guy the 2nd time. This kind of policing for the most part isn't what we're used to in the U.S., so it's shocking when we hear about it. But imagine if you were in Mexico or some other country with real corrupt police. Some locals would have found your body in a ditch.
The thing is that: A: I was totally cooperative and passive B: it was clear by what I was wearing that I was not armed and C: restraining someone without probable cause is in violation of the 4th amendment. The 2nd stop made no sense...it felt like some ridiculous show of force. I contacted the district commander (who I have been communicating with about some community issues). Like I said, there was probable cause, but they kind of went about it unprofessionally. And I believe in the case of hands on the car...the officer is usually standing to the side of you, with their hands on their weapons (which both did even when i was cuffed).
"Clear by what you were wearing" and "coming from my office" aren't jiving for me. Were you in a tank top, skin-tight shirt, or was your waist somehow exposed? Otherwise it wouldn't be hard to conceal a weapon.
Detaining (arrest or other longer term) someone without probable cause is unconstitutional, but restraining them is allowed.
Sorry if I'm not helping you to feel better about your shitty experience, but that really is what I'm trying to do. If you step back and realize it was nothing personal, just business, you'll feel better about it. Like Ryllharu said, if you match a description black/white/otherwise, you're going to get the 3rd degree. It's all in the name of crime control and public safety.
No, it's not. And the other cop wouldn't be on the other side of the car. One cop to the side, one behind, so that if they needed to shoot, they wouldn't ever be in each other's line of fire. Especially if his palms were facing outward, the pose is such that you wouldn't make any drastically fast movements that could surprise the cops unless you were Chuck Norris or suffered a seizure.
Well, I admit that having received this sort of training in the army and being faced with possibly lethal threats in everyday work are two entirely different things. If I was a police officer in a crime infested city, I'd probably rather do too much than too little. It's much easier to talk about public relations and the public image from a high position behind a desk than face scumbags every day. Unfortunately it will still degrade the level of cooperation and trust gradually, no matter if people understand the reasoning.
I think if the cops had just sincerely apologized after realizing they made a mistake (it would take less than 5 seconds, literally) then rockmanj would not feel nearly as bad.
Nah, no apology, just the order to "look out for other blacks". I think it would be pretty hard to conceal anything in a short sleeved polo shirt and slacks (ironically, the polo shirt said "Public Allies"). And yea, it probably is better to do too much than too little, but it just seemed a bit excessive when I clearly asked them what I could do to help and what the situation was. This has happened to me before a couple times, and the 1st time (I think i was like 16), they just grabbed me, drug me into some building, frisked me, and literally threw me out the door with no explanation. I suppose this was a little better...
Good riddance! Now go get you a bird who can appreciate you nah sein?
Probably intuitive/obvious, but stay busy the next few days and it will help the pain. Works with all kinds of emotional trauma.
My work has again decided to switch one of my clients to another trainer WITHOUT NOTIFYING ME, making this a total of 14 hours they have SUDDENLY docked from my work week. I cannot comprehend why they didn't even bother to shoot me a warning/alert email either time, and am totally pissed off now that I realize that this work isn't a steady source of income at all.
Not to mention they totally flipped out when I asked for vacation time to go to London in advance, though I frequently worked extra hours (like 8 hours a week worth) for them at a moments notice.
I am 3 seconds away from quitting.
If you don't like your job, you don't quit. You just go in everyday and do it really half-assed. That's the American way - Homer J. [edited]
My bitch: school has started and I'm still in summer vacation mode. Hope I don't fall too far behind before I can snap out of it. I've already dropped 5th semester Japanese Advanced Conversation because I didn't want to devote the time to it.
Maybe your clients demanded to see another trainer and were simply too impatient to await your return.
But if you feel you were victimized, I'd bring it up to your managers and talk to them about it. If you think it won't have an effect, though, I'd just quit altogether and find a new job.
I'd say do a half-assed job while looking for another job, then quit once you've secured the new job. In this economy and job market, it's the only sane thing to do.
My bitch: reading Marx... what a bloated windbag. What's really dumb is that his principles have been debunked, so why bother reading and studying it? Might as well study an Earth-centric solar system.
Flash lights check
Water check
Food reserve check
battery power backup check
Liquor check
Come on Irene.
Thats the reason he is being teached in almost every university in the whole planet. And since 2007 is the most referenced economist that surfaced all those debunked myths to be "not so true". You can always read smith, friedman, locke and their beloved astral entity "invisible hand".
Thank you. I'm trying my best. It's just odd now that it's actually over, all I can do is obsess over how much I want her back, despite the fact that I wasn't happy. I suppose that's perfectly normal. My friends have been amazingly helpful.
I'm consoled by the fact that in a year or so this will seem so trivial.
Reason I am on vacation several states away: Haven't had electricity in 5 days. Trapped by trees for two days. Electricity not expected to be restored in an additional 2-5 days. Have to drive 20 miles to get gasoline...if they're not sold out. Can't get ice...period. Still expected to come into work. Can't run the generator while at work. Have to keep an eye on it or lock it up, otherwise it will be stolen. About $100 of food thrown out. The only bright side was that I had access to a water source (via my small generator).
Decided the best idea was to go on vacation early, 600 miles away from my region that is quickly becoming a hellhole.
All other bitching in this thread written in the last two weeks has been rendered moot. :D
That sucks Ryllharu, enjoy the vacation. I was without power a total of 48 hours give or take an hour or two. Generators were sold out tri-state wide but it wasn't that bad, was out of the house most of the time anyways. Had to throw out food of course because the refrigerator passed on. A few other things broke about $1,000.00 expense not really that bad considering what other people have incurred.
Hope you rest up and enjoy because the clean up after wards isn't going to be pretty.
It's Labor Day weekend, I broke my car key and the only place in town that can cut a new one won't be open until Tuesday.
Seriously, life can go fuck itself.
Learn to hot wire it. Good time to practice.
Hmmmm something to bitch about. Left my wallet at home; no work pass, no cash, no credit, no ID, no nothing, meaning no after work celebration today. It's the first time I did that in a few years.
How do you break a car key? They're pretty solid.
My bitch: watching Iron Chef on Food Network, and knowing I will never get to eat some of the amazing looking/tasting dishes that they make on that show.
Why wouldn't you? Just go to a major city.
You don't have a spare key? How's the keysmith supposed to make you a new one with a spare anyway?
I spent half of my time last year personally grading papers for my students. It was a complete waste of my time and energy because they would just glance at the corrections and throw them away later.
This year I have tried getting the students to grade each others papers honestly, and even that seems to be too difficult for them. Putting aside the fact that we've spent 2 weeks learning numbers and how to say "Hello" (something that should have taken 2 days), the little assholes can't even correct papers well.
I provided them a word bank, stressed that I would count spelling errors as an incorrect answer, and actually went over the correct answers on an overheard directly after the quiz saying "IF IT'S NOT EXACTLY LIKE THIS, IT IS WRONG"!
I still received answers that said "BUNOZ DIAZ" instead of "Buenos días" that were marked correct by other students. I'm spinning my wheels in the mud here.
I blame social media and too much time spent online, so kids are used to saying OMGWTFBBQ instead of "this is as good as bbq". Sorry to make light of your situation, but really these kids should be learning English, not Spanglish.
I'm not allowed to have more than a 10% failing rate among my students.
I have 178 in total, and 6 periods. That's about 3 kids per period.
I even went around the classroom pointing out spelling mistakes that some kids had made, saying "Check your spelling," and they just sat there, slack-jawed, glancing lazily back and forth between "COMO TE LAMO" and the word-bank without realizing anything.
Oh wow, i'd give them all Bs and not give a fuck
What does that even mean, not allowed? What the fuck are you supposed to do if they're just that dumb?
Unfortunately a poor passing rate could also mean he's a bad teacher, or the district will see it that way to make excuses for their poor curriculum and lack of parental involvement. He could be a handy scapegoat.
Unfortunately that's exactly the way the district sees it. It falls under job performance. If you are not performing to the standards that the district has set, corrective action needs to be taken.
That can range from administrative conferences, increased monitoring, being put on a growth-plan, all the way to getting fired.
Student achievement is part of our performance and is something we are held responsible for.
However, there are systems in place to show that the teacher has done all they can. We are required to make parent contacts to failing students every 3 weeks, fill out "intervention documentation", and provide "reteach and retest" opportunities. Once we can prove that a student has not fulfilled their obligations, the responsibility falls on them.
Otherwise it's assumed that there is a flaw in your methods.
I say bring back the paddle.
My bitch: spent the 3 day holiday weekend not doing much at all and I feel like I'm wasting my life.
My bitch: americans using terms like "the 3 day holiday weekend" as if everyone is american.
There was a holiday in your country?
You should try giving out more quizzes once every week. Have a quiz, say, every week and when you grade their quizzes, buy stickers with your own money and give students who score over 80% on the quiz. This small act of achievement has shown to increase productivity with students - even if they are in their high school year.
Or you can incorporate more fun into your classes like that time with the whiteboard. Calling kids to read or write on the whiteboard is something to do as well.
Furthermore, if you're funny, your students will pay attention to you. Just make sure to stay tough so it's both an enjoyable class and mentally-challenging.
As for bitching, I wish people don't litter in the store I work in. I wonder what goes through their heads when they leave, say, an empty coffee cup on a shelf and then walk away.
It's probably, "They'll clean it up. It's their job - they're getting paid to do it."
But that thought is so one-dimensional, it makes me think whether any inherent malicious intent exists. Is it a sign of condescension? Are these people just littering because they have to do the "dirty work" in their own work environments and want to feel good that someone is picking up their trash? Or are people just so damn lazy that they can't ask around for a garbage can to throw away their unwanted possessions?
Other countries have 3 day holiday weekends too. Welcome to a forum hosted and populated with 95% Americans and other countries that have 3 day holiday weekends.
@enkoujin: actually that's not a bad idea... not the stickers, but maybe Xan should reexamine his methods and try a new tact. Maybe he'll have to go "Jon Lovitz in High School High" and talk street to the kids, or be a sonuvabitch asshole type teacher who makes kids scared to fail. Maybe you're treating them too much like adults when they are in fact children. Or maybe you're treating them too much like children when they need to be treated more like young adults.
Do you ever worry that someone at work/school will see what you are posting here about your work and put 2 and 2 together and get you in trouble?
DS mentions an holiday exclusive to the USA
Make claims that 95% of the forum hail from the region
Get called on retarded assumption
lolol but what i was saying didn't have anything to do with nothing
Brool story co
What age group are you teaching Xan? Might want to consider making a wall of shame and a wall for excellence. Might help them become more motivated.
Depends on your teaching approach too, might want to try a rewards system and group system or something.