Not really. Just blood and more blood.
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Not really. Just blood and more blood.
I don't get what is more forbidden than eating humans. Certainly Saya's not feeding on the blood of other demons.. Maybe they're only allowed to hunt them, but not farm them like what Saya's feeding habit can be considered. Or perhaps it's the blood/flesh of shrine-people, since that Elder didn't touch the dad during the entire fight, but devoured Tokizane as soon as he got to the scene.
If the shrine's history records are fake though, chances are the priest and his shrine is also fake.
If she's feeding at night then it doesn't make too much sense for the coffee to contain any more blood. If it cures her headaches which in turn seem to indicate her "awakening", then the coffee more likely contains the drug that keeps her obedient/forgetful.
The hair demon kept asking Saya what it was like to be starving.
It wasn't clear whether or not the tubes going out her back were feeding her blood...or taking it. That scene seemed more like a flashback from when Saya initially "accepted" the bargain, so I'm wondering if they drained her of blood as part of making her docile.
Either way, it isn't the coffee that contains the blood or whatever is sustaining Saya, it is the guimauve. Those have become her "favorite," and she didn't eat those one night when they appeared in her room. I can't remember if that was the same night she fought the hair demon, or one or two fights before that. In contrast, the coffee never fails to cure the "headaches," which are caused by her breaking through the brainwashing, and as they've gotten worse, they have started insisting she have a second cup.
@Rhyll: I could have sworn Saya was "living" at the shrine and fighting the Elder Bairns for some time before she ever ate any of the guimauve. It's possible they could have been using some other means to supplement the blood (or whatever is sustaining her), before introducing it, but I really think it's the coffee. I'm thinking the two are flipped in the roles they play, but the line about the guimauve being red (which, btw, they definitely look pink to me) suggests it has something to do with blood.
She's first given it literally the morning after her second fight (that we see). Granted, she's given the coffee first, but I would guess the brainwashing serum would be more important than feeding her blood at first. Now that we know her memories are being altered, any "history" we hear about is completely suspect. The only things we can trust are what we've actually seen Saya do in the series, and with the twins returning at the end of episode 10, things are even more suspect.
Now we can't even trust the stories her friends relayed the audience by talking to Saya. They were either subject to similar brainwashing, or part of the nefarious "wager" from the beginning. The teacher certainly was aware of the true chain of events. Thinking back, a lot the dialogue with Tokizane feels like he's speaking to her for the first time. She doesn't think so, but she's brainwashed, and was always the one approaching him until after the bug-samurai fight.
Just because her "father" told her she has been hunting Elder Bairns (old ones, whatever) for some time, doesn't mean she actually has been. For all we know, that jizou bodhisattva one she fought in the first episode was the very first one she fought for the "wager" that has been going on.
[Doki] Blood-C - 11 (720p)
About damn time, this episode has been four episodes late in coming.
While I'm glad they finally got around the memory and brainwashing games, it did feel abrupt, and only Kanako-sensei's true motives were ever really hinted at earlier in the series. For the twins and Tokizane, it felt like it came out of nowhere. I certainly did like the evil twins though. It sounds like they were into some really nasty stuff before they got into trouble. Particularly their talk about obtaining a large quantity of spare uniforms and gathering a bunch of girls's pretty obvious from there what they were involved in. Tokizane is probably in trouble with the yakuza or something like that.
I am very interesting what Yuuka was promised for her participation though. She's still loyal to the project, as is the class president. If she was as desperate as the other four are to see this farce end, she would probably have been on their side.
Kanako-sensei ended up being a very [redacted for cross-series spoilers] kind of character. I'm a bit surprised how similar she turned out to be to that other, "Secretly a Researcher, mocked by her peers" character.
This series would have been a lot more successful as a 6 episode OVA. Uncensored violence right from the start, and there wouldn't have been a need for 5 episodes that kept repeating the same stuff over and over and over and over. I can very much see why the four characters became so frustrated.
Parts of the episode did feel forced, like Rhyll mentioned, but some if it made sense. Best way to acquire humans for an experiment is to find ones looking for a way out of trouble. That being said, I wasn't very pleased with it. I was expecting the town and the people and everything to be "built" for her, but I was hoping her "friends" were just delusions she was creating subconsciously either due to the drugs, or from her will to remember the truth. And, like I'm sure someone mentioned before, the teacher being a partner in the experiment.
The cafe owner being the man in her flashbacks was obvious. What he said during one of the flashbacks makes me retract my previous claims toward Rhyll about the blood/drugs. He mentions that he should "give her something to eat", and though we don't see what it is, I'm led to believe it's the introduction of the guimauve. Since this would be before the brainwashing, it would make sense why, when we saw it in episode 2, she wouldn't remember it.
Have we had any information on whether the movie is going to be a continuation or a retelling? Knowing CLAMP, I halfway expect episode 12 to end on a cliffhanger and the movie being what ends everything.
Episode 12 (FINAL)
That was an awesome last episode. It redeemed this show for me. All the parts that I hated, the awkwardness of the situation, Saya's unnatural personality, the lack of depth of the characters, and the random developments in relationships, were actually intentional. It looked like a badly done movie, and that was exactly what it was. The violence in this episode was also a notch above the rest of the series, and that is saying something.
Saya's original personality and voice are fantastic. There needs to be a sequel where she actually has this personality, and hunts the fuck out of that blonde bastard. I only hope that she changes her hairstyle a bit, and that her wounded eye regenerates.
Possible xxxholic spoiler:
If her wish was to remain herself, what did she have to give up? Was it Watanuki that gave her the contracted restriction of being unable to kill humans? Or was it some other entity we don't know about? If it was indeed Watanuki, then Saya was pretty smart in betting that she regains what she just sacrificed if she wins the bet, because her wish made sure she would win. However, she was absurdly foolish in believing that Fumito would actually honor such a promise, assuming she did believe him and not only humored his desire to play a game.
I thought, rather, that her price was her eye. It's ironic too that in order not to change mentally, she had to change physically.
I had an impression that her indifference to humans was around since the The Last Vampire.
Not too sure what to make of the light/katana neither - catching the light = regaining her true self?
You could totally see the delight in those Elder Bairn's actions, even if their expressions weren't human.Quote:
The violence in this episode was also a notch above the rest of the series, and that is saying something.
This last episode was definitely awesome...... Sadly, it took about 8 useless episodes to come to this.
This episode illustrated perfectly why this should have been an OVA from the start. Though the fight between Tadayoshi and Saya was very fluid and well scripted, the animation was definitely lacking. Cut out the 6 useless episodes of cruft, and you've got a really good OVA series with a high budget. They slap on a movie conclusion anyway (I had been hoping it was a summary movie...), so to me, it makes the planning of the series even worse. Half the series was blatant filler.
Regarding Saya and her reward for victory, didn't she always refrain from drinking human blood in the original movie? In fact, I'm not sure she ever drank any blood at all. The series definitely made many references to Saya's 1966 final standoff in the burning gym of the movie. That was the flashback that kept giving her headaches. That reference would lead me to believe that there isn't much of a connection to the primary CLAMP universe (CCS, xxxHolic). I would guess that her promise was more the members of Red Shield than anyone in the CLAMP universe.
In retrospect, I enjoyed the series, but it should never have been stretched to 12 episodes + 1 movie. It was absolutely weaker for it.
9 months for the theatrical conclusion, then who knows how long for a quality fansub version.
I was quite happy with the series. The blatant filler wasn't all that bad; I enjoyed the fights with the "Elder Bairns". The brainwashing was drawn out, of course, but even that I could handle better than Saya's singing in every episode (almost).
Guimauve tastes like human organs, huh.
Looking forward to the Blu-Ray rips. Not only for the uncensored awesomeness, but to watch for the "hints" someone mentioned in an earlier post.
Not "tastes", but has the texture of human organs.
Uncensored Blood-C is gonna be fantastic.
[Anime-Koi] Blood-C: The Last Dark [h264-720p][EA86F404].mkv
[Anime-Koi] Blood-C: The Last Dark [h264-1080p][637FF878].mkv
You know what? I still don't get this show. I do like Saya without her glasses, that's for sure. Her hair was also more streamlined and less "bushy" than I remember from the anime.
It sounds like Fumito did this all for Saya... but we're never told where he even met Saya initially, did we? The whole thing just seems so wtf.